analysis of film magazines

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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Sandra Amadi – Media Studies

My initial thought of the magazine front cover is that its very bright. The use of the bright colours attract the reader. Im sure if someone saw the magazine on a shelf they would be instantly attracted to it and they're more likely to buy it cause of the bright colours used, Red and Yellow.

The m ain image is of Johnny Depp, mostly notable for starring in Pirate of the Caribbean, the use of this is good because by putting a well known person on the cover will increase sells. The image also relates to the background. Pirates of The Caribbean is filmed in the sea, the image of the sea relates to the main image.

The cover lines on the magazine also make it stand out. Yellow is used for the cover lines to highlight the most important storylines. This is smart because Yellow is a colour that stands out as its so bright.

It could be argued that the intended target audience is everyone, both male and female. The main character is of a man, however its possible that men will relate more to the film then female because of the storyline of the film. Its about adventure. Those from a working class background are most likely to watch the film

The masthead of the magazine is clear and bold. By doing this it already establishes the magazine company. This automatically attracts an audience. The colour scheme used works as the colours compliment each other in a positive way. The bronze colour also hints towards the main film for the magazine. The colour bronze ties in with the name of the film. I think this was done on purpose.

The main image is also bold and stands out from the rest of the magazine. The background colour also makes the image stand out, the use of red against a blue background. The eyes of Iron Man are glowing the same for this hand.

One of the cover lines has been cleverly used to represent the moon in the background picture. The layout of the cover lines are in proportion however one of the taglines seem as if it was just placed there.

The intended target audience for this magazine is likely to be males, boys as this is what there're interested in. A female reading this would go against the grain as she isn't the intended target audience.

The slogans and cover lines shows that the films are of a high status, this is attractive to the reader. The cover lines hint what will be present in the magazine giving the audience something to look forwards to, they pull the audience in.

The layout of the magazine is very basic, not to mention that there is no barcode. This questions the authenticity of the magazine. The colours used are white, black and red which are very basic, this could be because of the films the magazine is trying to promote.

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