analysis of catfish and the bottle men homesick

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Analysis of Catfish and the Bottle men- Homesick

The narrative structure of this music video is non linear, performance based (with shots of the artists backstage), Disjunctive with no real introduction and ending (closure). In the same way as this video I think it will be easier if I create something with a similar narrative, as trying to include a storyline may result in my video looking more amateur than it should. This would be due to the lack of professional equipment as well as actors.

Narrative Structure

This band are a far more well known/successful group than the previous artist I analysed, therefore the difference in location is clear. Here the predominant locations are live performances that the band have played at, backstage in various cities as well as shots of some of the individuals form the group, just going about every day things. I would struggle to create a similar video in the sense that I don’t have access to a stage and an audience as vast as theirs, however the performance could be shot in the Dance studio at College with equipment from the music department. Other shots like the ones away form the gigs, could easily be achieved by shooting in the music practice rooms at college.


There is a large array of props used in this video. Most of which in include equipment from their live gigs, such as amps, instruments, radio equipment form managers etc. The sheer amount of this equipment would be hard to replicate in my video, however I could achieve this on a much smaller scale (making reference to location) The artists clothing is another important factor I should consider when creating my music video. In order to successfully represent the indie/pop genre the performers must look the part. In this video, all the performers are wearing similar style clothes (all black/in fashion) These items of clothing enable the audience to quickly identify the genre and therefore whether they want to carry on listening.


In this video, there is clearly more than 200 shots. The reason for this is that the music video consists of many stills and edited them all together creating an almost photo album effect. Personally I like this idea. I understand that I will have to spend a lot of time taking stills however, not many music videos use this technique and it may make my work stand out. In conjunction to this I could use some video clips of the band playing together, looking more directly at the cameras to keep their attention and prevent them becoming bored. Furthermore, there is a vintage/monochrome effect that has been placed, in post editing, over the shots. I also like this idea as it creates a more nostalgic tone, much like a photo album. This works nicely with the use of stills. At the end of the video the effect makes it look like the end of a video reel, burning out (another technique I like).

Shots and Editing

In my group we have 2 guitar players, making it easier to use attributes of a real band, however it would be difficult to find musicians who would want to be recorded. Therefore I doubt I will include as many performers in my video, as there are in this professional one. To add to this, I would not be able to get enough people to create an effective gig environment, so again, everything would have to be done on a much smaller scale.



There are no real representations, or issues with representations within the video itself however, there are some representations of females with in the lyrics. The mention that “she hates her work but loves to flirt” this could be implying that women tend to complain yet love attention, specifically in this video with other males that she shouldn’t be flirting with.Another representation could be in context to the genre and the performers. It is clear that this youthful, all male indie/pop/rock band meet some of the generic forms and conventions of the indie genre. They are represented in a dark (shown by clothes and post editing filter), yet boisterous/childish way.


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