analysis of 3 magazine front covers

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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Analysis of 3 magazine front

covers( ancillary texts )

MastheadThe masthead has been positioned at the top of the page, this is the stereotypical place for almost every magazine front cover, because of this the readers eyes are drawn to it instantly. The font is striking and infrequent, this connotes unpredictability and chaos which are common conventions of the horror genre. The magazine name ‘FANGORIA’ can be separated into two words FAN and GORE, this could indicate the film that is being promoted is targeted at viewers who are FANS of GORY films. The bright white colour that has been chosen for the masthead could be challenging the typical horror conventions because white is commonly associated with innocence and purity which do not comply with the horror genre, however the fact that white is such a transparent colour means it could be foreshadowing that everything is not as it seems and there’s no where to hide. A hint of red has been used on the bottom of the letters ‘F’ and ‘A’, the white top and red bottom and overall shape of these two letters look like fangs, which are largely related to the horror genre and it’s also a play on the word ‘FAN’.

BarcodeBarcodes are present on the majority of magazine covers and FANGORIA has followed this convention by having it positioned on the left hand side.

Main ImageThis magazine has followed the conventional tradition of the main image being placed in the centre of the page with all other text working around it. So many aspects of the actual image itself relate to the horror genre. The character that has been used is from the film Insidious. Readers are immediately drawn to the blacked out eyes, this sends shivers down the spine and gives off an uncomfortable feeling. Other chilling features of the image include the sinister smile and untidy hair, both these conventions lead the reader to believe the character is unhinged and disturbed, this heavily relates to the horror genre. It’s noticeable that the image is only visible by the single candlelight located underneath her face, this adds an unnerving feel to the magazine cover, because it leads the reader to believe she only wants her face to be seen. The monochrome and greyscale colour of the image follows the dull and gloomy conventions of horror. The main image is the first thing a reader will see so it has be sure to make an impact and be memorable. It’s clear that by just seeing the image that this magazine will be centred around horror. The image speaks to the audience before the text.

DateDisplaying the date the magazine has been issued is important because the reader knows they have the correct addition. The date is located in the top right hand corner.

Colour SchemeColour symbolism is one of the most significant ways that a magazine cover can connect with its audience. The colour scheme has centred around the three most common colours related to the horror genre, red, white and black. They all tie in with eachother. The red connotes violence, risk and fierceness. The black represents mystery, death and the unknown, and the white signifies sophistication and complexity. It’s unusual for their to be a fourth evident colour but in this case there is a yellow shade present. The brightness of the yellow stands out against the black background and catches the readers eye straightaway.

Anchorage TextThe anchorage text ties in with the main image and in this case it is revealing the name of the film that the character is from. This issue of FANGORIA is promoting the film Insidious. It has complied with the colour scheme, the letters ‘S’ and ‘I’ are in red, this is distinctive to this issue and reiterates the idea that red represents endangerment and brutality. The font is fairly simple and ordinary, this is quite controversial when representing the horror genre.

Issue NumberThe issue number is present in the top left hand corner. They are important for the readers benefit, because they will know whether they have missed an issue or not.

SkylineSkylines are always positioned at the top of the page, above the masthead. This magazine has followed that convention. This skyline features six words, three countries and three words that are related to the horror genre. Including Italy, America and Germany in their skyline appeals to a larger audience who may believe their country has a part to play in the making of this magazine. This gives off a feeling of importance. Choosing the words horror, terror and gore reiterate the fact this is a horror magazine. The three exclamation marks that have been used at the end of the words horror, terror and gore add emphasis to the severity of the frightful feeling they are trying to get across to the reader. The uniqueness of the yellow keeps the reader interested and is quite brash against the harshness of the dark background. Website AddressHaving a website address present on a magazine cover isn't compulsory but it’s a brilliant way of allowing the reader to access a product through a form of social media, this creates good publicity and grows the popularity of your magazine. In this issue the website address is present directly underneath the barcode. It is rather small and doesn’t grab the readers attention, it may be missed if the reader isn't observant.

Cover LinesThe cover lines are present down the left and right hand sides of the cover. These are important factors of any magazine cover because they reveal the inner content of the magazine to the reader. The cover line which reads ‘BLOOD FOR DRACULA’ has cleverly been represented in a red colour, red symbolises blood and gore which relate entirely to the cover line itself. The cover line present on the other side which says ‘SCREAM 4’ links in with the last secondary image, and is a very popular horror film.

PuffA small puff has been used to advertise the free poster gift inside the magazine. These appeal massively to the readers because they get a free gift just from buying the magazine. This can be found on the left hand side underneath the sell lines. Behind the text and circle shape there appears to be additional shapes which resemble a blood splash, this connects with the horror genre.

Secondary ImagesThe four smaller images at the bottom of the page are extracts from iconic films, they are presented like a film reel which adds realism to the cover. They are all from the same genre so the focus has been kept on horror.

Main ImageThe main image is the largest and most eye-catching convention of this magazine cover. The image is of famous superhero Hell boy. As a reader you’re instantly drawn to his heated facial expression and fierce looking eyes. He is looking directly into the consumers eyes, this instantly forms a connection to the character and magazine. His brash body language symbolises his inner feelings. A clenched fist indicates build up anger and aggression, this is an intimidating aspect of the image that in turn makes the audience feel unsettled and overwhelmed. The size in Hell boys hands differ dramatically, this could represent the amount of power and authority he holds. It appears he is much stronger down one side of his body, this could suggest he is hiding his other powers from the world, this makes his character unique and captivating. It seems rather controversial for him to be wearing rosary beads as they symbolise religion and faith, and he is almost representing hell and evil. With faith comes heaven and good spirits which contrasts with the characters name, hell boy. Hell boys deep red colour suggests endangerment and brutality which are important codes and conventions of the horror genre.

PriceThe price can be found above the ‘M’ in the masthead, this is a very common convention of a magazine cover because know how much money they are expected to pay.

MastheadThis issue of EMPIRE has a remarkable masthead, the design links in with the horror genre extremely well. The theme has been changed to tie in with the film that is being advertised. The dominant use of fire and flames is a very strong representation of hell which connects with the film name. The ‘ M’, ‘P’ and ‘I’ aren't fully visible, some of each letter has been covered by the main image, but because this an extremely popular magazine the audience know it. This magazine has a very confident title name, empire’s are known for being large and important, this could be a representation of this magazines success.

Colour SchemeIt’s a common convention for a magazine to have a black background, this allows all other prominent features to stand out and grab the readers attention, they appear more severe and courageous. The overwhelming use of red connotes themes of violence and strength, which have common links to the horror genre. Colour schemes are significant because they give an indication of what the magazine is promoting and the theme it follows.

BarcodeThe barcode can be found on the left hand side near the bottom of the page, these are present in almost all magazines and beneficial to the buyer.

Cover LinesThe cover lines play a huge role in the promotion of any magazine, they summarise the inside articles and allow the reader to gather a clearer understanding about it’s contents before purchase. The cover lines are located down the left hand side and in this issue of EMPIRE they’re advertising other films of a similar genre.

PuffIn this addition of EMPIRE the puff which is displayed above Hell boy’s right shoulder is advertising other films. Due to the content of what is being promoted it seems this magazine is targeted at the older audience. It’s stating that inside the magazine you can see a recommendation of what EMPIRE believes are the 40 films that will get you sex.

Anchorage TextThe anchorage text basically puts the picture into words, it’s advertising the name of the film. White is an innocent colour so it seems bizarre for it to be the prominent colour of a film featuring the world hell, this is challenging the common codes and conventions of the horror genre. The font comes across as very formal an classy, this could be deemed unusual because of the genre that’s being advertised, you would expect an irregular and edgy type of font.

MastheadThis masthead is easily identifiable due to its enormous lettering and intense yellow font. It has been written in block capitals, this is a very common convention in many magazines, by doing this they can ensure that the audience will remember their product. The name of the magazine itself can be split into two words, ‘PARA’ which could be an abbreviation for the word paranormal, which is a renowned aspect of the horror genre and ‘CINEMA’, by including the word cinema it reiterates the fact this is a film magazine and it will be showcasing other films. The colour they have used is quite a sickly shade of yellow, this is an unfamiliar colour to represent a horror film, however yellow can symbolise ill health and it’s clear from the main image that something unhealthy has happened to the young girl. Although this isn't the only text on the cover that is in a bright yellow font, this is certainly the piece of text that catches the eye of the reader instantly. The font itself is very clear, every magazine likes to have it’s own trademark and an aspect that makes them memorable, this font is rather unique and can be associated with this magazine.

Date & Issue NumberThese two conventions are important for the reader, as they need to know when the magazine is being issued and which addition they are buying.

TaglineThe tagline has been positioned in the conventional place, directly underneath the masthead. It’s purpose is to give the audience a vague impression of what the magazine is all about. In this case it’s promoting the magazine it’s stating that if you love a film with a genre then this is the magazine for you. This makes the audience feel the magazine is thinking of them and their needs.

Cover LinesCover lines are crucial aspects of every magazine, they give very clear indications of what can be expected inside the magazine. One cover line that stands out to me is ‘THE WOMEN’S ISSUE’ this show’s that they’re catering to the needs of women and appeals to the female gender. Another important cover line is ‘THE EXORCIST’ this is the title name of the film that links to the main image and relates profoundly to the horror genre.

Target AudienceI have noticed that within the smaller yellow text that surrounds the coverlines there are a few words that are not appropriate for the younger readers such as, ‘rape’ and ‘pissed off’ this creates a clear divide in readers and leads me to believe this is targeted at the older generations.

Main ImageThis magazine has a very interesting image. The character is Regan from the film, The Exorcist, the film itself is one of the most well-known films of the horror genre, the character of Regan is recognisable all around the world and to potential buyers she has been the child face of horror for decades. It’s common for the main image to be a photograph and the main leading character, however this particular picture looks like it has been drawn with oil pastels. They have managed to catch the sinister look in her eyes and create a rather chilling form of direct address which in turn entices the readers to buy this issue of ‘PARACINEMA’. It’s a very uncomfortable image due to her overall appearance and disturbing smile, but what makes this picture even more unnerving is the fact she is just a child, although it is traditional for children to be the victims in horror films, it still provokes a feeling of empathy and concern. Without looking too deep into this magazine it’s evident that it will be centred around the genre of horror and that all inside articles will be about horror films, this becomes clear the moment the consumers lock eyes on the main image.

BarcodeThe barcode is something that is apparent on almost every magazine cover and is vital for the consumer when purchasing.

Thank you!

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