analysing the content pages of music magazines

Post on 26-May-2015



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Q Magazine

Task 1: Features of the magazine

• Headings with white text and inside a red block to label the ‘Features, Reviews and Q’s regular articles’ to help make it easier for the audience to find what they’re looking for.

• Subheadings to different articles in bold text and underlined with a red bar.

• Images with page numbers attracting the audience to different artists/ articles that they are likely interested in.

Task 2: Analysis of magazine

The target audience that Q is trying to attract looks to be audience members who enjoy music genre magazines, due to the use of many different images of artists and one of them actually showing that with the use of them holding music props.

Colours used in the magazine consist of only red, white and black, which are simple yet effective due to the colours not damaging the quality of the magazine and give a professional feel to it. The use of each of the colours are also consistent.

Layout focuses on the complimenting the images and them surrounding the middle, while the text being around the sides. This is actually quite effective because the audience will look at the images and probably read the article that looks the most eye catching to them from the images.

The font is the same throughout, even for the titles, showing that Q magazine isn’t trying to focus on attracting the audience through a different font of text, I believe the magazine to be attracting the audience through the images, the bigger the image showing which one they are trying to make eye catching to the audience.


Task 1: Features of the magazine

• The magazine uses themed text which give us an idea of the target audience

• Uses eye catching images, some out of a frame/ not fixed

• Shows what articles the magazine is trying to attract the audience with by using different coloured boxes (black and orange)

• Splits into featured and regular articles.

Task 2 Analysis of magazine

The target audience for this magazine are people who enjoy the heavy metal genre of music, which is shown through the font used as well as some of the images. The magazine being called hammer also gives you this idea due to hammer likely referring to head banging

Colours focus on black, white and orange, in my opinion relates to the theme of the magazine. It gives a sort of leather feeling to the layout and also makes it feel kind of violent.

The font of the magazine relates to the theme heavy metal by using a font that looks like one you would see as a bands logo. The use of this font continuously shows that the magazine is trying to represent the theme as strongly as possible as well as making it appealing to the audience.

The Layout of the magazine is fixed yet cramped with information and images which I think shows the theme of the magazine and the idea that it revolves around metal and sort of makes me think of it also representing a fast pace just like the music would.

Vibe Magazine

Task 1

Task 1: Features of the magazine

• Use of celebrity figure, their occupation hinting the target audience.

• Magazine talks about more than just music, includes articles on fashion

• The way it is presented makes me think that the contents page only features what the magazine want to mainly attract due to the small quantity of shown articles.

Task 2: Analysis of magazine

Target audience of the magazine would be female teenagers between the ages 15-19 due to the use of a celebrity figure, showing them as a role model to the audience. It is around this age that I think it is aimed at because it is more likely expected of teens to read magazines and be interested/ independent in reading the articles around this age gap.

Font of the magazine looks quite formal and neat, showing that Vibe magazine is trying to show themselves to look formal and professional, showing how they want to be seen and how they want to present their articles and genre.

The magazine focuses only on using colours between black and white, likely to compliment the image or give a more professional feel to the magazine by using strict plain colours, giving an idea on how the magazine wants to be seen.

The layout is using the image as a sort of source of activity, everything in the contents page revolves around it. The text used is falling onto the picture of Ciara, like the text is being pulled or the image is being pushed by the text. Ciara’s legs position to make the ‘V’ in Vibe showing that the image is in control by creating the first letter of the magazines name.

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