analysing different types of production briefs

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Declan Tyldesley

Final Major Project

Analysing Different Types of Production Briefs (Task 1)

Within the creative media industries there are multiple different ways in which clients can approach a specific production company if they want product making. In addition, clients tend to approach production companies with particular briefs which can allow the company’(s) to work more efficiently while creating a product. For example, they could use these briefs; contractual, negotiated, formal, informal, commission, tender, co-operative or competition. Furthermore, within this aspect of my assignment I am going to discuss each individual brief with the usage of some comparisons and examples.

Contractual Brief

A contractual brief is a legal document, which is created between an employee and a particular client. This brief also sketches the duties and processes which are required by the company from their client. This brief on the other hand states the expectations of the client, the prices they agree on and the payment terms. In addition, it is also very important that the media company follows the guidelines and do everything what the client states within the brief. They need to do this because if the company does not they could face specific legal actions. In contrast, there are also multiplicities of advantages and disadvantages when using this type of brief. For example, a contractual brief is an advantage for the media company as they’ll know exactly what they have to do to meet the needs of the client as the brief will be very detailed and go into specific which are not negotiated. However, disadvantage of this production brief is that if the media company produce the product to their standards and not to the client’s standards set within the brief the company could face legal action and this could give the company a bad reputation for not completing briefs to the correct standard. Also in definition, the word ‘contractual’ states that something is agreed in contract. Additionally, in comparison to the commission brief, I believe that the contractual brief will be able offer a much more effective and sustainable work space for everyone due to multiple different reasons. For example, one of the reasons is that within the contractual brief the production company doesn’t have to create research so it can be overseen by the commissioner. With this brief the client will put their full trust in the production company so they can create their own research without it being overseen however, what they produce would still have to stick to the guidelines on the contract. In addition, due to this fact I therefore thoroughly believe that the contractual brief will be able to work effectively despite the fact, that both briefs state that the client communicates with one individual production company as opposed to several. However, the commission brief on the other hand offers forms of negotiation whereas; the contractual brief does not as the client tends to include every aspect of information which they need in order to complete their product. In conclusion, in my opinion I thoroughly believe each production brief has its advantages and disadvantages which are able to speed up or slow down the production phases whether it the; research, pre-production, production or post-production phase. For example, a project which I could outline under this form of contract is a short film, as a client might ask me as a freelancer to make a short film for them so they can submit it to a film festival.


Furthermore, in reference to the communication aspect for a contractual brief I thoroughly believe that it isn’t the best for multiple different reasons. In addition, I believe this because when the contract is distributed off to a particular production company it includes every aspect of information which they need in order to make the product therefore; is very little need of forms of negotiation. Another aspect which lowers matters of negotiation is that there is only one company working on the project so there will be little forms of disagreement on particular aspects. As there are very little forms of negotiation, this can sometimes be a disadvantage because if they don’t manage to negotiate with the client on certain occasions there could be a little chance of them getting some aspects wrong as they didn’t meet the guidelines. However, as there are very little forms of communication the production company will be able work more efficiently as they won’t be disturbed by any forms of unnecessary negotiation which will disrupt the production phases.

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Time Management

Additionally, in reference to the second aspect which is time management; I believe that this will have to be executed and configured thoroughly as the production company at hand for the client will have a substantially strict deadline. In addition, the production company will more than likely configure their own deadlines for each individual production phase. For example, some ways in which a production company can manage their time under the contractual brief is with an effective and simple production schedule and dairy. If the production company were to execute this, I believe that they’ll be able to keep up with everything what they’re doing and what they have left to do. In conclusion, I also think if they execute these particular two aspects they’ll have a much smaller chance of not matching some of the guidelines stated by the client within the contract.

Technical Skills

In contrast, if a production company was to make a thriller short film for a client under a contractual brief they would use particular technical skills which would appeal and adhere to their target audience as well as the thriller film genre conventions. For example, during the production phase they would tend to use fast and slow cinematography movements which will either display an intense and thrilling scene or an emotional scene. In terms, of camera ranges production companies who make thriller films tend to use CUS’s and LAS’s as this particular range can display a character’s emotions and feelings thoroughly. Also producers will also use LAS as this particular shot is able to show a character as being incredibly dominant and powerful over the other character. In addition, the production company will also use specific technical skills within the post-production phase. For example, I thoroughly believe that the production company will use quick cuts and edit the scenes to be much darker as they would want particular events to be much more intense to make it sell and perform much better within the industry. Also in terms of technical skills I will also use Adobe After Effects and Premier so I can effectively edit my title sequence to a professional standard due to past experience. In conclusion, I thoroughly believe if a production company distributes the short film to the client with all these technical skills they will be substantially happy as it would more than likely perform and sell way within the creative media industries.

Career Progression

Fourthly, in reference to career progression I thoroughly believe if the production company which the client put their trust in did a great job on the media product they would have a large career progression as their company will be complemented heavily. Due to these facts, this particular production company will more than likely be offered a job by the client again as they were substantially impressed with the product they submitted to them as it met all of their guidelines stated on the contract.

Negotiated Brief

A negotiated brief is when both the client and the company negotiate until they come to a specified agreement upon the brief of the project. In order to do this the client and company will submit their final ideas so they can come to a final agreement. In the end, it is also substantially important that the company agree on the brief or it will more than likely cause unescapable problems in the future phases. Also during the multiple negotiations, the brief can then be changed in order to suite everyone who takes part within the production phases. In order to do this, they might have to change the appearance of the product by changing its contexts while at the same time keeping it to the guidelines stated within the brief. In addition, this type of brief is predominantly brought up if the co-operative briefs given to the media companies that are competing have any issues about the brief or this can be brought up if they want anything to clear up with the client. Furthermore, an advantage of this particular brief is the fact that certain aspects can be negotiated therefore; the project is more open to suggestions from multiple viewpoints which could make the final product more successful within film festivals for example. However, a disadvantage of this particular brief is that negotiating a brief can sometimes waste substantially if unnecessary issues are issues are brought up. The one who will

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decide if anything is unnecessary is the client as they might believe that an issue stated doesn’t need to be tackled. Also in definition, the word ‘negotiate’ states obtain or bring about discussion. Furthermore, in comparison to the co-operative brief I can see that they both hold similarities as well as advantages and disadvantages which make them better in their own way. For example, with both of these briefs I noticed that they both hold forms of negotiation therefore; allowing people to input ideas on to the product or speak face to face with the client at hand. However, the co-operative brief on the other hand negotiates with multiple production companies therefore; making the negotiated meeting a bit more complicated as others may have problems with working with a particular company. Due to this fact, I think the negotiable aspects in the negotiated briefs are much more effective as they are able speak directly towards the client. As opposed, within the co-operative brief on the other hand they are able to merge different ideas which will be able to possibly make the final product much better. To conclude, as stated above you should now be able to see that you can’t really tear each brief apart as they all share particular advantages and disadvantages which allows them to work effectively and efficiently, while maintaining a professional standard. For example, a media product which I could outline under this form of brief is a television advertisement.


Furthermore, in reference to the communication aspect; I believe that it is very thorough within this form of brief as there is a substantial amount of negotiation. Therefore, this on the other hand, affects and disrupts some of the other three aspects. In addition, there is quite a heavy amount of negotiation or communication because within this brief the client and production company trade a lot of different ideas which could ultimately make the final product much better. Despite this fact, as there is a substantial amount of communication it can sometimes be unnecessary therefore; it will waste a substantial amount of time which they could be using to produce the product for the client who is constantly negotiating with the production company. In conclusion, I believe that the communication within this aspect can be used effectively at all times if all the negotiations and meetings that are held are necessary to both the client and production company.

Time Management

In addition, I thoroughly believe this particular aspect will be quite hard to control effectively within a negotiated brief for multiple different reasons. For example, the time management within this specific brief can be fairly confusing because once certain aspects are negotiated they might have to add on a lot more tasks and guidelines which they now have to encode into their final product which they will distribute to the client. In evidence, if the client would want to change the ending for example the production company will then have to rearrange a few aspects on their schedule so they don’t forget to make crucial and particular changes to the product. In addition, I thoroughly believe these facts stated could affect the time management aspect as some forms of negotiation made between the client and company could be unnecessary therefore; substantially wasting some of the company’s time on a day when they could have scheduled to film the product. To conclude, I therefore, believe the time management aspect under this brief can very difficult to control as there is a lot of negotiation.

Technical Skills

Additionally, as stated within my contractual aspect of this task, the production company and client in this case will predominantly and generally use technical skills which adhere and appeal to the genre conventions as well as their demographic target audience. For example, if the client and production company decided to make a television advertising promoting a new car by Audi they will more than likely use a lot of wide angle shots followed by long shots and mid shots as they would want their demographic target audience to see the car in full detail so they can then decide whether or not to buy this car or gossip about it so if eventually reaches the right demographic with money (C1, B and A). In addition, in terms of editing techniques they might prominently show a consistent tracking shot which thoroughly displays the particular car driving down a road to show how smooth and elegant the car is. They may then also move onto show a CUS and PS of the car’s interior so their demographic persons’ will know if the like the interior.

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In conclusion, I thoroughly believe if the production company and client work together effectively and apply these technical skills they should be able to sell the clients at a substantial speed towards their demographics.

Career Progression

Finally, in terms of career progression I believe if the client is impressed with the production company’s production and communication skills they will definitely consider working with them again. Also as the production company were complimented on their final product other clients will therefore; be intrigued to work alongside this company as they might want something of theirs advertising as well on a television format. Due to these factors, if the company continues to gain success and compliments their company and careers will progress substantially. Also when they become more successful they will then be able to take a step-up from television advertising into film.

Formal Brief

A formal production brief prominently lays down all of the rules and regulations for the company to follow. The client tends to send this information via a contract as they want to tell the company exactly what to do. Also by using a formal contract if the company does not follow all the rules they could face legal action as they signed and agreed to the contract. In addition, the contract will only tell the company what they need to do in terms of the project. Furthermore, this particular brief is also very similar as opposed to the contractual brief these briefs are similar because both the client and company must come to a final agreement before they move forward into the production phases. The contract sent to the company also might not cover all legal actions and if it does not this will be very risk towards the company. Formal production briefs can also be very time efficient as they can be told to a larger group of people which is very useful when creating substantially large productions. An advantage of the formal brief is that they are very easy to read therefore, it helps the client understand the various different aspects of the contract. Also by making the contract easy to read they’ll be able to get the job done at a substantial speed while maintaining a professional standard. Another advantage of this brief is that the contract can never be changed which implies that the companies will not have to read about any new ideas but just the ones stated on the contract. By sticking to this contract it also means that the companies will be able to work more professionally. However, as the contract cannot be changed it therefore, means that the company will not be able to buy any more products or resources for the project because of how fixed and formal the contract is. If they wanted to buy products, they would have to do it themselves therefore, making it more expensive for the company overall. In definition, the word ‘formal’ states done in accordance with convention or etiquette. In contrast, in comparison to the contractual brief, they are actually very similar as they both lay down every aspect of information on a contract so they know exactly what to follow. However, the formal brief contract will only give them detail of the project whereas; the contractual brief contract will tell them about every aspect of information to allow the company to feel trusted and wanted by the client at hand. Due to these particular facts, I thoroughly believe that the formal brief is more efficient as this form of contract gets straight to the point so the company doesn’t have to be worried about anything else except their final product which they will distribute towards the client. In conclusion, once again I thoroughly believe that each individual brief has their advantages and disadvantages which will ultimately make their final product much better. Also a media product which I could outline is a radio advertisement for Key 103 if I got the opportunity.


Furthermore, as comparison to the contractual brief the communication aspect within this brief is very similar as the client at hand once again distributes a contract out to a specific production company. However, I believe this brief uses a bit more communication as the client and production company have to come to a final agreement before they move ahead towards the production phases. Therefore, before they start producing the product the client and production company must negotiate heavily on what they are both capable of within that particular department. In addition, the contract under this form of brief may not cover all legal actions and the contract will also predominantly focus on what the production has to do for them and nothing else as they don’t want them debating multiple different aspects. Due to these facts, I substantially believe that the communication under this particular brief is very thorough because I

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would guess that there is at least a full days of negotiating and they must get nothing wrong as that may be the last meeting. Also, the form of brief is also very strict as the company are set a strict budget and if they want to buy something that goes out the budget they must contribute towards the piece of equipment as it states that within the contract. Once again, due to this fact there will be a lack of communication if the subject-matter surrounded this. To conclude, I still thoroughly believe that the communication within this aspect is much better than the communication on the contractual brief for multiple different reasons because the production companies can work more efficiently under this formal form of brief.

Time Management

Secondly, in terms of tine management, as I stated above this form of brief is extremely strict therefore, due to this fact the production company will have to get certain aspects completed within a certain time frame. In addition, as stated before to ensure they meet these particular deadlines set by the client the production company should consider making both a production schedule and dairy so they know what to complete each week and then they can comment on the end of the week stating how they think they did. This is a good idea because by the end of it all when they distribute the client they will then be able to look back and review how they think they did throughout the entire production phases. In addition, on the schedule they should also consider what tasks will take longer than others because by doing this they will be able to save enough time to complete certain tasks within the three production phases. I also believe that the work under this form of brief is very efficient as they don’t have a lot negotiating to do between themselves and the client so once they know what content and guidelines to include on the final product they can then crack on and get the product distributed on time. In conclusion, I do thoroughly believe that the two-time management aspects which I stated can make a production company work more efficiently due to my past experience using these two aspects.

Technical Skills

Additionally, in reference to the technical skills as stated above I once again believe that the production company will apply technical skills which appeal to their demographic target audience as well as adhere to particular genre conventions. For example, if this particular production company was to make a radio advertisement and jingle for their client they would apply technical skills which appeal to their radio stations demographic target audience. If the client was Key 103 for example, the production company will select certain happily intensified voices which will keep their target audience entertained throughout the entire radio show. In addition, if a production company was Marvel and they wanted to promote their latest film Captain America: Civil War (Russo, Russo, 2016) as Key 103 attracts an aspect of their target audience. Also within this advertisement they would include aspects which follow the guidelines stated by the client. For example, they might take a quote from the film which defines the genre therefore; adhering to the Action/Superhero genre conventions. To conclude, I thoroughly believe if the production company use all of these technical skills the client will be substantially impressed with the final product they submitted.

Career Progression

Finally, in terms of career progression, as stated two times above if the production company substantially impress the client which they are working for they will have a much more substantial chance of working for them again as well as other clients within the creative media industries. Due to this fact, their particular production company should be able to gross to a higher standard within the industries as they continue to impress their clients.

Informal Brief

In contrast, an informal production brief is something that has to be done together with the client. For this brief they’d have to set it out in a meeting form so they can other almost every single aspect about the project at hand. As opposed to the formal brief the informal brief doesn’t include any contracts or documents, but the brief must still adhere towards the company so they are able to move forwards towards the production phases without a contract. By

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negotiating the brief in a form of a negotiated brief they’ll be able to choose filming dates at any point therefore, making the production at lot less complicated for everybody. An advantage about an informal brief is that it sets and creates a very nice environment for everybody including the company and the client. Also the meetings within the informal briefings are very quick therefore, they are able to save a lot of time efficiently. Like many other production briefs with this one you can also change particular ideas throughout which may make it easier for the client and the company involved. Also by changing ideas it might make the final product much more successful within film festivals. Furthermore, a disadvantage of this specific brief is that some aspects may be forgotten as everything is said within a meeting therefore, it is not placed on a document for everyone to remember. Another disadvantage of this particular brief is that everything looks very unprofessional as they just go and meet a client with no form of contract or document. Also a major disadvantage is that the company might not be payed as there is not written document stating their payment date. In definition, the word ‘informal’ states denoting the grammatical structures and vocabulary. For example, a media product which I could outline under this form of brief is a documentary.


Furthermore, the communication within under an informal brief is fairly detailed and thorough but it is also very unprofessional as the client and production company have a very informal meeting and within this meeting they will go over all of the guidelines which the company need to follow so they can distribute their product to the client. In addition, as the communication under this form of brief is very informal it therefore; creates a steady environment for everyone to work in therefore; due to these facts the product might turn out better than expected. Also the meetings under this form of brief are also very quick and efficient therefore; with this aspect the production company will also be able to work effectively with the client. In addition, a crucial aspect which the client and company will need to negotiate is how much they get payed as sometime under this form of brief they can be payed late as not form of contract is distributed towards the production company. In conclusion, I thoroughly believe that the communication aspect under this form of brief is very quick and efficient therefore; giving the production company enough time to finalise the client’s thoroughly detailed product.

Time Management

Additionally, as stated above three times in a row, the production company who was chose to create a particular product for the client can manage their time effectively with a production schedule and dairy. These specific two aspects will allow the company to see what they have to complete within each individual week. In addition, before making the schedule the production company will also have to look at which tasks will take the longest to complete as by doing this they will be able to give a particular task a bit more time than others so they can professionally complete that task to apply to the final product. However, this brief can also be fairly difficult to manage time within as like many other briefs with this one the client and production company are allowed to change their ideas even if they are in three different production phases. Due to this fact, the client might decide that they want to include another aspect in their media product therefore; after this the production company will have to add another task onto the schedule so they can keep up to date with all the changes and book another filming date. To conclude, I once again thoroughly believe if the production company uses these two-time management aspects effectively they should be able to manage their time effectively so now tasks are left behind. In order, to ensure this the production company must also update their schedule on a weekly basis so they can find out what and what they didn’t complete.

Technical Skills

In contrast, if a particular production company was set to create a documentary for their client at the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) they would apply certain technical skills which appeal to their broad demographic target audience and adhere to the documentary conventions. For example, within this particular documentary the company might decide to use a voiceover as this is very conventional within documentaries as the voiceover mainly describes why a certain event is taking place. In evidence, within most documentaries the voiceovers tend to describe evolution and how certain animals and creatures have adapted to their everyday environmental state. The production company

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might also decide to include an interview with an expert who has a very thorough knowledge on what they are describing within the documentary. In addition, it is also very conventional for a production company to include stills or moving shots of real footage as they really want to evidence what is happening on planet Earth. They might also decide to use a text style technical skill which may display the date or time for example, they might film within the summer therefore; proving the waters in the ocean will be warm which will drive animals such as sharks away from these waters and into colder ones as they are cold-blooded. Another great use of a technical skill is when they use non-diegetic sounds which adhere to the type of documentary. For example, if the documentary was focusing on sharks such as the Mako, Bull, Great White and Hammerhead they will tend to use non-diegetic sounds of the ocean or sharks swimming they might also use dark types of music so they can make the documentary slightly more intense. Due to these facts, I therefore, thoroughly believe if the production company apply all of these technical skills they should be able to appeal to the BBC’s target audience as well as substantially impress their client who is expecting a thoroughly detail, surveillance documentary in reference to the Uses & Gratifications theory.

Career Progression

Finally, in reference to career progression, I believe if the production company use thorough communication, time management and technical skills they should be able to progress their careers substantially as the client will be impressed with their final documentary product. In addition, in the unlikely of event of not being offered work again other clients will be intrigued to work with them because if they saw the documentary and were impressed they will definitely get in contact so the production company can make a media product for them.

Commission Brief

A commission brief is when a substantially large production company hires a separate independent company to make a particular product for them. With this particular brief the independent company will formulate their own research, proposals and ideas. However, once they have done this it is then over seen or analysed by the commissioner from the larger company to see if their aspects meet the companies’ guidelines stated within the contract. In addition, as this brief was commissioned the profits would have been split between all of the company’s involved including the independent media production company. Also the large production company will also give the independent company a production budget so they are able to conduct and produce everything they need to. In contrast, the commission brief is also not fully negotiated between the company and the client however; it is negotiated between the two media companies so the independent company is able to create the product the company needs at a professional standard. Furthermore, an advantage of this brief is that the independent company gets paid and they may also receive a percentage of the profit that is generated by the product once it has been distributed to the correct buyer or consumer. Also in order to guarantee profit they will distribute it to a consumer with the right demographical target audience. Despite these advantages, a disadvantage might be that the large company will develop a form of greed therefore; they will more than likely not pay the independent production company the correct amount of money. This on the other hand, creates an unfair advantage therefore, the small company might complain until they won’t be able to work for the corporation again in the future. In definition, the word commission states an instruction, command or role given to a person or group. Additionally, as opposed to the informal believe that this brief (commission) is able to work much more efficiently for multiple different reasons. Furthermore, with this particular brief a production =company will hire an independent company to make the product for them whereas; the informal brief allows the production company to work horizontally alongside the client therefore; there is much more negotiation. Due to this fact, I believe that the independent production company working to this form of brief will be able to work more efficiently as they do not have to communicate with a client. Despite this fact, within the informal brief they are eligible to trade and share ideas so they are able to make their final product much better. To conclude, due to these facts, stated I therefore believe that either of these briefs will be able to create a substantially professional final product. For example, a media product which I could create under the commission brief is a mystery short film as under this brief we will both be able to trade ideas at an effective speed therefore; as an end result I should be able to create a thorough and detailed mystery film.

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Furthermore, with this particular production brief the communication aspect in my opinion is quite simple as a large production company hires an independent production company to make a specific product for them. Due to this fact, the independent production company will formulate their own research which they will use to make their final product much better. However, when they formulate all of the research they must then distribute it to the production company so it can be overseen by the commissioner. In addition, once the research has been overseen he will then negotiate with the independent production company so they know exactly what to change in terms of the product they were going to create. In contrast, by doing this the independent production company will then be able to follow all of the guidelines which were predominantly stated by the client. Due to all of these contributing fact, I therefore believe the communication aspect under this specific form of brief needs to be very thorough because the smaller company needs to know exactly what they are doing so they can follow the guidelines stated by the client and as stated above in order to ensure this the research and ideas for the product will be overseen by the commissioner. In addition, I also believe the communication under this form of brief can be slightly corrupt because if the larger production company make more money than expected they might develop a sense of greed therefore, intriguing them not to pay the smaller company the amount they deserve. In conclusion, I thoroughly believe the communication aspect under this form of brief is very thorough as they need and want the smaller and independent production company to get every single aspect right.

Time Management

In contrast, in reference to the time management aspect I believe the independent and large production company will be able to manage their time effectively with two different productivity aspects. The two different aspects are a production schedule and dairy with these two efficient methods both companies will be able to schedule how much time they have to complete the media product and what they have to do each week in order to distribute the product at a professional standard. As opposed, the large and independent production company will also have to update their production schedule each week so they have a thorough knowledge on what they have completed and what they have not. Also a situation which might occur is; if the independent production company already created a schedule and it was then overseen by the commissioner in a negative manor the company will then have to go back and add more tasks on to their schedule therefore; they will more than likely have a longer finishing date. In addition, with the dairy on the other hand, with this they’ll be able to comment on how well they did each week therefore; telling them if they need to work harder to complete all of the tasks stated by the commissioner. In conclusion, I thoroughly believe if both of the production companies use these two-time management techniques they should be able to distribute their final product to the client on time at a professional standard.

Technical Skills

Additionally, in reference to the technical skills as stated before I thoroughly believe that the independent production company will apply particular technical skills which will appeal to their demographic target audience, as well as adhere to specific conventions. For example, if the independent production company were set to make a mystery short film for the larger production company so they could use it in a film festival. In addition, some technical skills which they will apply to this short film may be certain cinematography ranges such as ECUS’s as they might really want to display a substantial amount of fear which we can see in the character’s eyes. They also tend to use heavily paced non-diegetic music so they can appeal to their target audience, these sounds are also pushed as at this moment in time the film director might choose to use fast cinematography movements so we get this feeling of someone being chased by a ghost or hidden figure. The independent production company will also apply a certain narrative development within the text for example; most mystery films these days tend to follow a detective who is trying to uncover a villain’s secret. In evidence, a film which followed this structure was; Solace (Poyart, 2015). Finally, another technical skill which the company will apply is an iconography technique as within thriller films they tend to use elliptical elements which leave the audience profiles in question, and if they are successful they would have effectively used the enigma code. To conclude, I once again thoroughly believe if the production company apply all of these technical skills the larger

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production company will be substantially impressed with the product however, they might develop high senses of greed.

Career Progression

In addition, in terms of career progression, I believe if the independent production company work hard and produce a great final product they will more than likely be hired to work again by the larger company if they were impressed with the final product they produced. Also in contrast, I also believe that the larger production company’s’ careers will progress as they would have submitted a professional and effective mystery film into the film festival which could have won and if it did they will more than likely have the opportunity to work for bigger clients in the future. To conclude, once again if the product was to win the festival they could develop forms of greed due to the amount they got paid.

Tender Brief

In order to conduct a tender production, brief a client will create an advertisement stating what media product they want created for them. Once the client has distributed this advertisement it will then be picked up by a production company who will then initiate a brief, budget, and a proposal which will then be pitched towards the client so they have a chance of securing a form of work. Despite this fact, there will be multiple pitches which are shown to the client so the chances of getting the job are very small. In addition, once all of the pitches have been pitched to the client, the client will then select the most impressive proposal which also adheres to the guidelines stated within the advertisement conducted by the client. Finally, once they have selected one of the proposals they will then contact the production company offer them the job so they can then move forward to the production phases. Furthermore, an advantage of this particular brief is that the client will be able to look at multiple different proposals from different production perspectives, so from this they’ll be able to select the best possible proposal. Another advantage is that the employer will become much more competitive as they will be really thirsty for this well payed job offered by the client. In contrast, despite all of these advantages if a production company was turned down it would set them back substantially as it is quite difficult to find work in present day. Therefore, when going in for a job like this a company needs to expect failure as there are multiple different competitors fighting for the job. This brief could also be a waste of money as they would have spent it on resources to help them with their proposal for example they might have spent money on research. Furthermore, in comparison to the commission brief I believe that each brief will be able to work at an effective speed. For example, within the commission the client will just go straight ahead and hire a production company which they have trust in whereas; a client who chose to use the tender brief will send off an advertisement to multiple production companies saying that they have to conduct and complete a pitch to the client which will hopefully get them the job. In addition, due to this fact, I think the commission brief will be more efficient but I do believe that a client using the tender brief will come out with a better final product as they viewed multiple production company ideas. However, a similarity which they both hold is that they all have to follow particular guidelines stated on the contracts or the product will not be taken by the client as it doesn’t meet their specific and professional needs. To conclude, at the end of this I now thoroughly believe that each of these two briefs have certain advantages and disadvantages which generally make them special in some way towards the client. For example, a product which I could outline under this form of brief is Manchester photography depending on what the client advertises on their website or on social media such as Facebook.


Furthermore, with this particular production brief in my opinion there is a substantial lack of communication as it is very brief, professional and detailed. In evidence, I think there is a lack of communication because the time when the production company really communicates or negotiates with the client is when they go to pitch their idea towards the client which follows the guidelines of their advertisement. However, the production company will also have to communicate with their staff as in order to pitch to the client they had to initiate the brief then come up with a budget and proposal for their idea. In addition, if the production was successful with their pitch the company and client will

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then have a meeting so they can go over their proposal in a lot more detail so the client know what they are dealing with. In addition, once they have finished the meeting the production company will then be able to move forward into the production phases so they can then distribute the final media product to the client. Also once they initiate within the production phases their will have to be a lot of thorough communication within the company so they can ensure that they get every single aspect right in terms of the tender brief. To conclude, I thoroughly believe if the company communicates efficiently and professionally with their staff they should be able to produce a professional and effective final media product.

Time Management

Additionally, as stated before multiple times a production company will be able to effectively manage their time with two effective and simple methods which are a production schedule and dairy. For example, with the production schedule the production company and I will have to update it on a week to week basis to ensure that no tasks at all are left behind. In addition, I thoroughly believe if the production company includes every detailed aspect onto their pitch and final media product the client will be substantially impressed as they met all of the guidelines stated on the brief. In addition, in terms of time management I would once again have to schedule when I would go to Manchester and photograph popular buildings for example. As I might have to photograph on more than one occasion I will also have to consider aspects such as travel costs etc. In addition, before I consider all of these different aspects I will firstly have to consider the deadline set by the client because if I don’t then I will be unable to pitch my idea or take my images in Manchester City Centre. In conclusion, I thoroughly believe if I and other production companies use these two-time management techniques they will more than likely meet the deadline set by the client while also not leaving any tasks behind.

Technical Skills

In contrast, as stated multiple times before I thoroughly believe that the production company who is producing a particular product for their client will use technical skills which appeal to their demographic target audience and also adhere to specific film conventions. In addition, referring back to my outlined project if I was to go to Manchester and take photographs I suppose I would visit certain areas which are known and unknown to the people who live outside of Manchester so they on the other hand can be drawn towards visiting. When taking photographs, I will also shoot JPEG’s so I can effectively edit them when I move into the post-production phase. I also should possibly consider shooting in camera RAW so I can edit the photos over and over again and with camera RAW there is also much less exposure to light so the images also might come out looking better than the JPEG’s. However, due to these facts the photographs which I take will also come out with much higher data therefore; they might be harder to transfer over to my computer also with this; the computer will work much at a slower speed therefore; I will need to consider how long the post-production phase will take. However, a disadvantage which I might have is that my DSLR camera is exposed to light therefore; within few of my photographs digital noise or chromatic abjuration may occur which will make my images much weaker in terms of promotion. Furthermore, once I have shot all of my photographs I will then return and start post-production on a software called Photoshop as I will have to edit and create all of my images as well as my call sheets, when I will evidence how many photographs I took and which ones I am going to edit. To conclude, I thoroughly believe if I and production companies avoid and use all of these technical skills the images should be able to promote Manchester at an effective speed.

Career Progression

Finally, in terms of career progression I believe if I substantially impress my client with my landscape and portrait images portraying Manchester as a happy and safe environmental place my career as a freelancer would progress into various different clients who might want me to take photographs for them. Due to these facts, I therefore thoroughly believe if this continued I will be able to take the next step-up in photography maybe progressing into travel so I can visit countries such as Peru or Nigeria.

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Co-operative Brief

Furthermore, a co-operative brief is when two or several production companies’ work together for the client at hand, all of these companies will also work to a brief which was conducted by the client as they will want a specific media product created for them. In addition, once the companies have received the brief of the client they are then able to move onto the production phases as they would have gathered all of the information they needed. Also if there is a disagreement between the two production companies’ it will then be negotiated so the client can resolve all of the problems so they can then move along with the production phases. Also with this particular production brief the client also tends to give the production companies a certain deadline which they have to meet or they will lose the opportunity of working with the client ever again. In addition, an advantage about this brief is that a variety of ideas are generated as multiple people are working on a project therefore; with this opportunity they will be able to use them in a beneficial way to make their final product for the client substantially better. However, as a lot of people are working together a disadvantage might be that they don’t all get along therefore; the companies morale’s will drop possibly resulting in a bad affect towards the product. In my opinion, I believe it will result in conflict if particular group member disagrees with someone’s idea which could make the product much worse when they distribute it to the client as it may not match their guidelines due to the substantial amount of ideas. In addition, in comparison to the competition brief I believe that the competition brief is able to work more effectively. For example, within the co-operative brief several production companies work together whereas; within the competition brief several production companies compete against each other so they can be offered the job or future work. I think the competition brief, can work more effectively because within that brief one company vertically operates every and each aspect so they can finish their product to place in the competition; whereas within this brief several companies must horizontally work while correspondingly work to finalize their product for the client. To conclude, on the other hand I do believe that if several companies work together it will take longer to produce but I thoroughly believe that they will come out with a better final product as they have all worked together and submitted ideas. For example, I believe that most film productions are dealt with under this form of contract as Hollywood blockbuster tend to like several production companies supporting them throughout all of the production phases including advertising, promotion and distribution.


Additionally, under this particular form of brief I thoroughly believe that the communication is actually quite complex and complicated as there are multiple production companies working on one media project. Due to this fact, all of the production companies will have to come together and negotiate what they all want to include in some aspect of the media product. However, the production companies on the other hand are not allowed to change the product fully as all of them must work to a brief set by the client. Also as most of these briefs tend to create large and fully detailed feature films there always has to be a brief and thorough communication to ensure that everyone arrives on time so they can crack on with filming as soon as possible. In addition, if there is also a disagreement between either of the production companies involved within the production phases the client will call a meeting so whoever involved can confront and then sort everything out so there is no more disruption at all within the production phases. To conclude, I believe if all of the production companies communicate effectively they should be able to make an effective and professional full feature film possibly due to the amount of funding and actors etc.

Time Management

Furthermore, when producing a full feature film for a client, time management is an essential aspect for more than one different reason. For example, the production companies knowledgeably need to ensure that they will distribute their final media product towards the client at hand on time (before the deadline) because if they don’t the companies responsible will generally get negative comments therefore; decreasing their career progression in the future. Due to this fact, production companies can effectively manage their time with two different time management methods which are a production schedule and dairy. Although these two aspects might take away a bit of their time each week it will generally help them in the long run as they’ll be able to state which tasks they need to complete within a specific week. These two methods also ensure that the production companies don’t leave any aspect of the final product which was

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meant to be included behind therefore; with this advantage they should essentially be able to apply all of the guidelines stated on the brief which don’t offend certain demographics. In addition, as the production companies can input new ideas and it is then confirmed the companies will then have to go back and make adjustments to their schedule so they can stay on track and include everyone’s contribution to the final media product. In conclusion, I believe if the production companies use these time management skills their client at hand should be substantially impressed.

Technical Skills

In contrast, in reference to the technical skills, if the production company were planning on creating a large superhero blockbuster they would use particular technical skills which will more than likely appeal to their broad demographic target audience as well as adhere to the superhero/action film conventions. In addition, for example, the production companies might decide to use a lot of fast paced cinematography during an action sequence, this on the other hand would work effectively because it matches the style if mise en scene therefore; it will appeal to their target audience at an effective and substantial speed. In reference, to the type of footage near enough all of the Hollywood films shoot in High 4K Definition which is sometimes followed by an extra camera to make the film three dimensional. They also shoot with camera RAW footage so they can edit it over and over again and also with this form of footage and cameras there is much smaller chance of exposure to light therefore; making the film look more dark and intense adhering to the films codes and conventions. Furthermore, within post-production it is generally quite hard to find out what they use, but on the other hand they will probably use high end editing software so they can create fictional characters as an example. Whereas; if it was me producing a project like this as I am a freelancer I will have to use the two different software types Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier. To conclude, I thoroughly believe if the production companies apply all of these technical their client will be substantially impressed as it predominantly appeals to their intended demographic target audience.

Career Progression

Finally, in reference to career progression, I believe if the production company displays professional amounts of skills throughout the entire body of work they will more than likely all or individually hired by the client as they were very impressed with the final media product they submitted. In addition, as I am only a small freelancer within the creative media industries I seriously doubt at this stage I will be hired under this form of brief, but I confidently believe if I continue to submit industry standard work my career will soon progress into working under this form of brief with multiple other production companies.

Competition Brief

This particular production brief is predominantly conducted when a client distributes a brief which includes certain legal and ethical issues for all of the production companies who choose to participate with in this competition. However, in order to participate they must conduct a specific media product which follows the guidelines on the brief so it is eligible to complete. Therefore, it is known that multiple corporations place their talent, outlining their ethos on the big screen to possibly win. In addition, a competition brief can also be referred to as a free competition as some film festivals for example allow companies to submit their products for free. Furthermore, this brief is also very similar in reference to a tender brief because with a tender brief production companies can submit their proposal for free and they also all compete to be offered the job or win a particular prize therefore, they share multiple similarities. Also another similar aspect is that they are all given a set brief which they must stick to in order to compete or be offered the job. Despite these facts, with the competition brief some film producers like to go against certain guidelines and ethical issues as they want to gain a specific audience response whether it be a preferred, negotiated or oppositional (reception theory). In addition, by the end of the competition when all companies have finished their product before the deadline the client will then select a winner based on multiple different aspects such as; the characters, settings and narrative. Furthermore, an advantage of this brief for the client is that they only have to pay one production company who came first in the competition. Due to this fact, the companies will also thrive at a sufficient pace so they

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a much more substantial chance of winning the competition and the prize. Another advantage is that the production company who won might be turned to for future work due to the impressive product which they create for the client’s competition brief. In contrast, a disadvantage of this brief is that it could be a waste of time and resources for the production company if they do not win the competition. Also very similar towards the tender brief again if a production company loses the competition they might feel lost to compete or participate again as they were so let down by the competition they lost which was conducted by the client. For example, an example of a competition brief is a film festival within the UK that is free to enter therefore; I believe this could help me substantially as a freelancer.


Furthermore, under this particular form of brief, the communication or negotiation is very lacking between the client and production company, this is because the client distributed a brief which includes all of the of the guidelines which the production companies that complete need to follow in order to complete within the competition. In addition, due to these facts, as I am a freelancer I will need to thoroughly communicate with everyone that will be involved with my short film project for the film festival. For example, I will need to communicate with people I could hire filming equipment off which I could use to substantially appeal to my target audience and adhere to the film conventions. I will also need to start talking to specific actors and actresses which I think will portray my characters in the correct manor. Due to these factors, I will also have to arrange particular filming dates and times because if I need to film a sunset moment I will have to check weather forecasts and also when my actors and camera crew are free so we can film at an effective speed within the correct time gap. To conclude, I thoroughly believe if I communicate with my crew effectively I should be able to create a professional final media product.

Time Management

Additionally, in reference to the time management aspect I will also use the two-time management skills which I have stated multiple times above which are a production schedule and dairy. I will also advise these two aspects to multiple different production companies working under this form of brief as with these two-time managements they should be able to effectively manage their time therefore; allowing them to meet the deadline set by the client. In addition, with these particular time management skills I will also have to update them both weekly so I can almost ensure that I don’t leave any task aspects behind. As stated before I will also have to schedule particular filming dates so I can also collect all of the film footage I need in order to complete my short film which I will submit towards a film festival competition. Furthermore, my main insurance with my time management skills is to make sure I meet the deadline set by the client because if I do not meet the deadline I will be unable to submit my work therefore; losing the opportunity of possibly winning and it also would have been a waste of time, effort and money as I lost the opportunity to compete. To conclude, I believe if I was to stick to my time management skills I should have no problem with submitting my film on time.

Technical Skills

In contrast, as stated multiple times before I thoroughly believe that I will apply particular technical skills which appeal to my demographic target audience and adhere to certain film conventions such as the thriller film genre. In addition, if I was to submit a thriller short film into a UK film festival I will more than likely use fast cinematography movements which substantially appeal to my target audience. I will also probably follow a stereotypical classic English drama/thriller film which is set in quite a rural area. However, by using this particular technical skill I will also have to be careful that it doesn’t offend certain demographic profiles heavily despite this, within the 21 st century film producers tend to look for a certain audience response off a film therefore, I might try and follow this same skill. In addition, I will also look into the opportunity of shooting my film with higher end cameras so the film is in much better quality which might appeal to a certain audience. Also within most thriller films these days they tend to use CUS’s which portray characters’ emotions effectively therefore; within my short film I will once again execute this technical skill. Due to these facts, in order to give my film a better chance of winning the film festival I will take to particular editing software’s which I can colour correct my footage on to make my film more intense and dark which will adhere

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to the thriller film genre conventions. In conclusion, I thoroughly believe if I was to effectively apply all of these simple but effective technical skills to my media product, it will have a much better chance or opportunity of placing high within the film festival.

Career Progression

Finally, in reference to career progression, I believe as a freelancer if I impress certain clients or actors who have visited the film festival, I should have a great career progression as I managed to impress multiple different people who may have large media connections within the creative media industries. In addition, due to these factors I therefore believe a competition brief is a way to get a foot in the industry because if my film performs well I will take one step closer to achieving my career aspiration which is a film producer and screenwriter.

Examples of Different Types of Production Briefs

Furthermore, for the next aspect of this assignment I am going to explain three different examples of production briefs therefore; by the end of this aspect I should be able to know how each brief is advertised and executed thoroughly by the clients and production companies as well as freelancers. In addition, please look below to view all three of my examples of production briefs which I have displayed.

Competition Brief Example

Additionally, a client who operates under a competition brief is Barnes Film Festival. In addition, their film festival is also taking place between September 2nd and 4th 2016. This festival on the other hand is not like many as the festival will showcase young filmmaking talent from schools, colleges and universities across the entire United Kingdom. Due to these facts, only filmmakers under the age of 25 are able to submit their films. Also under the festival they are split into different age categories so the film festival is fair for everyone that is competing. Everyone who is also willing to compete will need to pay ten pounds so their film can be shown on screen and also have a chance of winning. In contrast, the client Barnes Film Festival is also a non-profit organization and all of the money, will go to Barnes Community Association so it can then be distributed amongst a number of local charities. This particular client is also sponsored by Olympic Studios and Sennheiser and both of these sponsorships actually surround the audio and sound aspects of cinema. In addition, the non-profit client is also partnered with, BFI Film Forever, WWT London Wetland Centre, Film Debate, Soundcheque, and Barnes Film Academy. Also the winners of the film festival will be screened at BFI in London. The client also offers prizes of high value film equipment, sound equipment, editing software, and much more. As opposed, the ages are split into three different categories which are ages; twelve and under, thirteen to seventeen and eighteen to twenty-five. For example, as I am a freelancer within the 18 to 25 category I have to either submit a short film, animation or documentary. On the other hand, the competition will also be judged within the three different categories which are a short film, animation and documentary. They also expect the media product to be around 5 to 25 minutes’ in length, and it can also follow any genre. There must also be an environmental message encoded within your film, any music or sound effects must have a relevant license for use. Every actor must also have an understanding of the purpose of the film, and they must also give the director of the film their full consent so the film can be screened in the film festival. All filming roles must also be on the form, and there must also be a director stated on the form. Finally, if I had any financial support or sponsorship this must also be stated on the form. Also, in reference to the deadline (timescale) which the media product needs to be submitted is the 31 st of July, 2016. In order to enter the competition, the freelancers will also have to submit their film via the internet so they can follow a few simple steps.

In contrast, with all of these different media products being submitted, the client expectantly would also want each individual media product to meet an intended demographic target audience. However, on their film festival website they do not state that they want to meet any specific target audience. Despite this fact, I would guess that they’ll want them to meet the needs of the demographics in London as that is where it is hosted. In addition, as they also allow their contenders to follow any form of genre for example within their short film, they would more than likely also

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expect them to meet the needs of their intended target audience. For example, if I was to submit a thriller short film which stars a young, paranoid and lost teenage boy I would expect my film to meet the needs of the lower social class profiles as they might be able to relate with that particular character therefore, making them realize the true matters of life. Due to this fact, my film would have therefore, encoded a strong, powerful and slightly environmental semiotic message within the text. In reference, to the fifth point I suppose that the Barnes Film Festival would want the people competing to specifically show a particular ethical issue as the film festival itself wants to change the way people look at things so they can start to get involved and make this world a better place. For example, a film which was submitted to this festival in 2014 but also wasn’t competing was a film named Virunga (Einsiedel, 2014) and within this film they clearly state a lot of legal and ethical issues which might offend certain demographics, as they showed the truth on what was happening in countries like to this to both the public and wildlife. In addition, I also think the director screened this film here for pleasure as he wanted to give the freelancers an insight to what they could achieve. Due to these contributing factors, the film producers on the other hand wanted to gain a particular audience response (reception theory) so they can visually show the demographical public within London how easy and peaceful their lives are in comparison to the ones who live in Gomo which seems to be very corrupt city. Finally, under this form of brief and the guidelines stated by the client I am restricted from quite a few aspects therefore, I have to work with specific constraints. For example, some constraints which I have to work with are the length of the media product as well as the format. I have to work within these because the client stated the media product has to have a length between 5 to 20 minutes and I also have to work with a particular format as the client also stated within the guidelines that I had to encode an environmental message within my film. To conclude, I thoroughly believe that this example has given me a better knowledge on the competition brief therefore, now I will be able to confidently submit a film to a festival as I know how and why to follow the guidelines stated by the client.

Formal Brief Example

A client who decided to operate under this form of brief was the Salford Royal NHS Foundation. In addition, this particular company aims to be the safest organization within the NHS; they aim to do this by providing safe, clean and personal care to every individual patient. They are also an integrated provider of hospital, community and primary care services as well as including particular higher education services. They have a team of 6,000 members of staff which provide local services to the City of Salford and specialist services to Greater Manchester and beyond. They also have an excellent track record; which has the highest consistent rating for service quality; it also has one of the highest sets of patient and staff satisfaction scores. The hospital site has also been majorly developed and it now has a new main entrance which opened in June, 2011 in the new Hope building. They have now also installed a new video wall in the main entrance and it plays key messages on a loop of seven days a week. The key messages state; make sure you get the right treatment at the right place by following this guide, it will help you identify when you carry out self-care, when you visit professional health services like your local pharmacy, the first three parts will individually promote each category and part D will promote what is ‘for hospital and not for hospital’. Furthermore, the client also requires a high quality four-part film which has encoded a semiotic message which will help promote the key messages from the Right Treatment Right Place campaign. In addition, within the four different parts of the film they must state the; self-care, health professionals, accident and emergency and also content which is for hospital and what not for hospital so people don’t get confused. For example, an aspect which they could include in their four-part film is a banner which is displayed outside the NHS which dictates ‘For Hospital and Not for Hospital’. Due to these facts, I therefore believe that if they include this aspect it will substantially appeal towards their demographical target audience. The client also states that the media product will be played on the video wall within the main entrance of Hope Hospital; it will also be played on a loop, with no sound. In reference, to the final deadline for this media product, the members who were chosen to create the product had to distribute the product by the 8 th of June, 2012 and anything submitted after will not be considered for use.

In contrast, as many other clients the Royal NHS Foundation Trust expect the production company which they put their trust into, to meet the needs and expectations of a particular demographical target audience. In addition, as the NHS Foundation Trust takes care of hundreds of patients a day therefore, I believe they would want to meet the needs of every single demographic profile which visits the Salford Royal Hospital (Hope building). However, in order to do this,

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they will need to apply particular technical skills which appeal to a variety of demographic target audience profiles. For example, in order to meet their demographical target audience’s needs they will need to make the surgical information provided a lot easier to understand because if all of it was in terminology the audience will lose interest. In reference to the colours the NHS the production company needs to use colours within the NHS palette. In addition, the main NHS colours are blue and white therefore; due to this fact the production company will have to use these as the formal brief is generally very strict. Furthermore, from my research I can tell that there are no legal and ethical issues stated which the production company needs to avoid in order to, distribute their media product towards the Royal NHS Foundation Trust. In addition, despite this fact, I would suppose that the NHS would not want the production company to offend particular audience profiles or else they will file complaints and become disinterested within the four-part film which is played at the main entrance. Also with this particular form of brief I or the production company will have to work with specific constraints regarding the budget, the length of the product and the format. For example, if I was to create this product for the NHS I would have to create a graphic animation which follows the guidelines stated by the client. I would also have to meet the deadline which was set on the 8 th of June, 2012. To conclude, I believe if I follow all of these constraints and guidelines I would be able to produce and create a thorough media product for the Royal NHS Foundation Trust.

Negotiated Brief Example

Furthermore, a client who once again decided to operate under this particular brief was the Salford NHS Foundation Trust. This company aims to be the safest organization in the NHS by providing safe, clean, and personal care to every patient which visits the Salford Royal Hospital for treatment. They are also an integrated provider of hospital, community and primary care services as well as including particular higher education services. They have a team of 6,000 members of staff which provide local services to the City of Salford and specialist services to Greater Manchester and beyond. They also have an excellent track record; which has the highest consistent rating for service quality; it also has one of the highest sets of patient and staff satisfaction scores. The hospital site has also been majorly developed and it now has a new main entrance which opened in June, 2011 in the new Hope building. They have now also installed a new video wall in the main entrance and it plays key messages on a loop of seven days a week. Also required support time with the client will need to be agreed in advance (before the production phases). In addition, the client expects the production company to create and deliver a high quality one-piece film which has to connote that the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust are proud to be in Salford. The film must also influence other social class demographics to view Salford in a different light as it is not portrayed as the best placed in the world. The company also state that they are proud to have a new modern building, which is a new civic building therefore, they want the production company to show the public that there is so much to see in Salford. The inspiration of the film should also be taken travel and tourism advertisements which promote Ireland and Yorkshire. In addition, they also state that the photography has been commissioned and they want to see this photography within the treatment of the film. However, the treatment also states that all recommendations will be considered but the trust photography will need to be encoded. The film should also be vibrant and exciting and most definitely not dull slide show with some beauty spots displayed. This film will also play on the video wall within the main entrance of the hospital (Hope building), the film will also be played on a loop with no audio. It is also anticipated that the film will be 90 to 120 seconds long therefore; within this short amount of time the production company will need to captivate the audience. In addition, the deadline for the product was the Friday the 8 th of June, 2012 therefore; any films submitted after this date will not be considered.

In contrast, as always this particular client will also intend to reach a specific demographic target audience. I believe, that the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust would want to reach demographics within and outside of Salford as they want the film to portray Salford as a very bright and happy place. Therefore, if the media product is successful and a demographic outside of Salford watched this video I thoroughly believe that they will be intrigued to visit certain aspects within Salford. In addition, the client will also expect the film to appeal to the majority of patients which visit the Salford Royal Hospital within the Hope building. Furthermore, within the high quality film which will be delivered towards their client will also have avoid specific and certain legal and ethical issues. For example, I thoroughly believe that the client will not want the film which was submitted to offend any demographic social class profiles who live in

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Salford or outside of Salford because if their film offends specific demographics they will not be captivated or intrigued by the film which is on a loop in the Hope hospital building. In addition, an aspect which the production company could use to help themselves is the key messages which were stated on the brief distributed by the client. The key messages which were stated by the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust were; Salford NHS Foundation Trust is proud to be in Salford and did you know all these places are in Salford (state and display key landmarks). By doing this they should be able to captivate and intrigue their demographics into visiting certain key marks within Salford. Also as a freelancer, if I was to create this product I will have to work within specific regulatory constraints. For example, I will definitely have to work within the time managements aspect effectively as I would have only been set a total amount of three months to complete and deliver the media product. I will also have to work under the length of product aspect as the client stated that the product has to be around 90 to 120 seconds long therefore; I believe if my product isn’t within this time boundary it will not be displayed on a loop within the Hope building as it is too long or short. In addition, I will also have to work under the format constraint. In my opinion, I think I will use a digital film format to play on a loop as I think I could effectively display some to key landmarks within Salford. I also intend to encode particular forms of colour’s which relate to the NHS palette therefore; allowing people to notice that this was a product submitted by the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.

In my overall conclusion, I thoroughly believe that these particular three examples have given me a more thorough understanding on how clients communicate with production companies through forms of different briefs. This on the other hand, has therefore given me the preparation to what to expect when I am offered a job by a client. Due to this fact, I will now be able to work more efficiently and effectively with my client so I can produce a professional and high quality final media product.

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