an introduction to progressive achievement tests in mathematics (patmaths) fourth edition

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An introduction to Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics (PATMaths) Fourth Edition. About the tests. PATMaths Fourth Edition: Consists of ten mathematics tests suitable for Years 1 to 10 Can be used to track development of mathematics skills over time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


An introduction to

Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics (PATMaths) Fourth Edition

About the testsPATMaths Fourth Edition:

• Consists of ten mathematics tests suitable for Years 1 to 10• Can be used to track development of mathematics skills over time • Includes multiple-choice items covering number, algebra, geometry,

measurement, statistics and probability• Provides group reports and individual reports showing performance

by item and strand• Provides norm reference data based on an Australian student

sample• Provides detailed information on students’ strengths and

weaknesses to inform teaching and learning.

The ResultsAll tests provide the following information:

• Test score (total of correct responses)• Scale score• Percentile rank• Stanine• Mean and standard deviation of scale and test scores• Diagnostic information to inform teaching.

What does all this mean?

Test Interpretation

Scale Scores

Scale scores enable results on tests of different levels of difficulty to be compared. Scale scores take into consideration both the level of difficulty of the test items and the level of ability of students and are used to measure progress.

For example, a test score of 18 on PATMaths Test 1 is equal to a scale score of 102.5, whereas the same test score on PATMaths Test 2 is equal to a scale score of 110.3. In both cases the standard error of measurement is 3.9.

Test Interpretation

Percentile Ranks

Percentile ranks provide a simple means of indicating the rank order and position of the student’s result in relation to the reference sample.

For example, a student with a percentile rank of 45 has a score that is higher than the score obtained by 45 per cent of the reference group students. A student with a percentile rank of 96 has a score that is higher than the score obtained by 96 per cent of the reference group.

Test Interpretation


Stanines are derived from percentile ranks. Percentile ranks are divided into 9 categories – called stanines (short for ‘standard nine’), and the categories 1 to 9 are used.

Stanines are particularly useful for grouping students. It is recommended that only differences of two or more stanines should be regarded as indicating a real difference in performance.

Stanine Descriptor

9 Very high

8 High

7 Above average

4, 5, 6 Average

3 Below average

2 Low

1 Very low

Relationship between Percentile Ranks and Stanines

The normal distribution curve

Relationship between percentile ranks and stanines

Description of Performance

Stanine Corresponding percentile ranks

Percentage of cases

Number of students in a class of 25

Very high 9 96 and above 4

High 8 89-96 7

Above average 7 77-89 12


6 60-77 17

5 40-60 20

4 23-40 17

Below average 3 11-23 12

Low 2 4-11 7

Very low 1 0-4 4

Interpretation of Scores

Score RangesResults as scale scores. It is also important to pay attention to the error margin, so that small differences in scale scores are not given more importance than they deserve. Error margins tend to be larger for very high and very low scores.

For example, a student with a test score of 30 on PATMaths Test 5 would have a corresponding scale score of 142.2. The error margin for this score is 4.9. We can be confident that the student’s true score would be within the range 137.3 and 147.10. That is, 142.2 plus or minus 4.9.

What to do with the data?

Key pages in the PATMaths Fourth Edition Teacher Manual

Information Page Number

Administration instructions Pages 9–18

Describing test content Pages 1– 6

Sample reports Page 23–28

Test items by level of difficulty by test Page 48

Test items by strand Page 52

Description of scale scores Pages 29–32

Item descriptors and curriculum links Pages 88–108

Definitions for percentiles and stanines Page 68–70

Mean scale scores by year level Page 62

Score conversion tables Pages 77–87

Score key Page 76

Scoring and reporting masters (also on USB or as a download)

Pages 75–108

Some suggestions

• Make analysing the results of the testing a priority – allocating time for teachers to do this process is essential

• Provide professional development for staff in how to interpret the data

• Use the manual information to get the most out of the results.

Further suggestions

• Use stanines to identify students who would benefit from further diagnostic testing

• Use group diagnostic reports to identify the types of questions students have had difficulty with to inform teaching

• Use levels of achievement figures to identify the types of skills students should be working towards

• Use direct instruction approaches to help students develop skills

• Monitor progress during the year – informally and consider use of easier tests and/or an alternative assessment

• Re-test on an annual basis to measure progress and the effectiveness of interventions.

Results used to

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