an introduction to process mining and conformance checking · an introduction to process mining and...

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An Introduction to Process Mining and ConformanceChecking

Thomas Chatain

LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan,

Collaborations with:

Mathilde Boltenhagen, Josep Carmona, Boudewijn van Dongen

June 6, 2019

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Process Mining

Process Mining

Discovery of process models from real process executions

Input: Event Logs Data recorded from process executions, e.g.:

I analyze usage of an e-commerce web site

I analyze medical processes in hospitals

I improve user interface

I detect deviant behavior

Output: Process Models

open andregister









notify andclose



Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Process Mining

I At the interface betweenI Data scienceI Business Process ManagementI Machine learningI Formal models:

models used as representation for data

I Young and very active research domain

I New conference ICPMI 50 submissions. . .


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Many (Industrial) Process Mining Tools

I Celonis

I Disco

I Minit

I ProM

I . . .


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp doctor age cost

5781 make X-ray 23-1-2014:10.30 Dr. Jones 45 70.005541 blood test 23-1-2014:10.18 Dr. Scott 61 40.005833 blood test 23-1-2014:10.27 Dr. Scott 24 40.005781 blood test 23-1-2014:10.49 Dr. Scott 45 40.005781 CT scan 23-1-2014:11.10 Dr. Fox 45 1200.005833 surgery 23-1-2014:12.34 Dr. Scott 24 2300.005781 handle payment 23-1-2014:12.41 Carol Hope 45 0.005541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.57 Dr. Jones 61 140.005541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.08 Dr. Jones 61 140.00

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp

5781 make X-ray 23-1-2014:10.305541 blood test 23-1-2014:10.185833 blood test 23-1-2014:10.275781 blood test 23-1-2014:10.495781 CT scan 23-1-2014:11.105833 surgery 23-1-2014:12.345781 handle payment 23-1-2014:12.415541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.575541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.08

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp

5781 make X-ray 23-1-2014:10.305541 blood test 23-1-2014:10.185833 blood test 23-1-2014:10.275781 blood test 23-1-2014:10.495781 CT scan 23-1-2014:11.105833 surgery 23-1-2014:12.345781 handle payment 23-1-2014:12.415541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.575541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.08

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp

5781 make X-ray 23-1-2014:10.305781 blood test 23-1-2014:10.495781 CT scan 23-1-2014:11.105781 handle payment 23-1-2014:12.415541 blood test 23-1-2014:10.185541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.575541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.085833 blood test 23-1-2014:10.275833 surgery 23-1-2014:12.34

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp

5781 make X-ray 23-1-2014:10.305781 blood test 23-1-2014:10.495781 CT scan 23-1-2014:11.105781 handle payment 23-1-2014:12.415541 blood test 23-1-2014:10.185541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.085541 radiation therapy 23-1-2014:13.575833 blood test 23-1-2014:10.275833 surgery 23-1-2014:12.34

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp

5781 make X-ray5781 blood test5781 CT scan5781 handle payment5541 blood test5541 radiation therapy5541 radiation therapy5833 blood test5833 surgery

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp


1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Event Logs and Data Extraction1

patient activity timestamp


〈X ,B,C ,P〉〈B,R,R〉〈B,S〉

1Acknowledgements to Wil van der Aalst5/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Process Discovery

Automatic construction of a model N from an event log L that represents a partialobservation of a system S.

〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉





Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Process Discovery

Automatic construction of a model N from an event log L that represents a partialobservation of a system S.

〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉





Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Process Discovery

Automatic construction of a model N from an event log L that represents a partialobservation of a system S.

〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉





Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

One Process Discovery Technique: Inductive Mining

Credits: Wil van der Aalst


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Process Discovery: Several Solutions


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Conformance Checking

Define quality criteria to evaluate models:

I N fits L if L ⊆ L(N)

I N is precise if L(N)\L is small

I N generalizes L with respect to S if L(N) contains some unobserved behaviorin L(S)\L

I simplicity. . .


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Conformance Checking: Example


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

fittingfairly precise


fittingvery imprecise


fittingvery precisenot simple

not generalizing


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Conformance Checking: Example


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

fittingfairly precise


fittingvery imprecise


fittingvery precisenot simple

not generalizing


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Conformance Checking: Example


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉 fitting

fairly precisesimple


fittingvery imprecise


fittingvery precisenot simple

not generalizing


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Conformance Checking: Example


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉 fitting

fairly precisesimple


fittingvery imprecise


fittingvery precisenot simple

not generalizing


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Conformance Checking: Example


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉 fitting

fairly precisesimple


fittingvery imprecise


fittingvery precisenot simple

not generalizing10/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Measuring Precision – State of the Art


〈a, b, c , d〉〈a, c , b, e〉〈a, f , g , h〉

〈a, b, i , b, c , d〉

Alignment-based precision metrics [Adriansyah et al.]

I Build a representation AΓ(N,L) of the part of the behaviour of the modelwhich is covered by the log

I Count escaping points in AΓ(N,L)

Drawbacks of alignment-based precision:

I Short sighted: only a step ahead of log behavior is considered

I Non-monotonic: observing a new trace may unveil new imprecisions


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Measuring Precision – State of the Art


〈a, b, c , d〉〈a, c , b, e〉〈a, f , g , h〉

〈a, b, i , b, c , d〉

Alignment-based precision metrics [Adriansyah et al.]

I Build a representation AΓ(N,L) of the part of the behaviour of the modelwhich is covered by the log

I Count escaping points in AΓ(N,L)

Drawbacks of alignment-based precision:

I Short sighted: only a step ahead of log behavior is considered

I Non-monotonic: observing a new trace may unveil new imprecisions


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Measuring Precision – State of the Art


〈a, b, c , d〉〈a, c , b, e〉〈a, f , g , h〉

〈a, b, i , b, c , d〉

Alignment-based precision metrics [Adriansyah et al.]

I Build a representation AΓ(N,L) of the part of the behaviour of the modelwhich is covered by the log

I Count escaping points in AΓ(N,L)

Drawbacks of alignment-based precision:

I Short sighted: only a step ahead of log behavior is considered

I Non-monotonic: observing a new trace may unveil new imprecisions


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Measuring Precision – State of the Art


〈a, b, c , d〉〈a, c , b, e〉〈a, f , g , h〉〈a, b, i , b, c , d〉

Alignment-based precision metrics [Adriansyah et al.]

I Build a representation AΓ(N,L) of the part of the behaviour of the modelwhich is covered by the log

I Count escaping points in AΓ(N,L)

Drawbacks of alignment-based precision:

I Short sighted: only a step ahead of log behavior is considered

I Non-monotonic: observing a new trace may unveil new imprecisions


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Measuring Precision – State of the Art


〈a, b, c , d〉〈a, c , b, e〉〈a, f , g , h〉〈a, b, i , b, c , d〉

Alignment-based precision metrics [Adriansyah et al.]

I Build a representation AΓ(N,L) of the part of the behaviour of the modelwhich is covered by the log

I Count escaping points in AΓ(N,L)

Drawbacks of alignment-based precision:

I Short sighted: only a step ahead of log behavior is considered

I Non-monotonic: observing a new trace may unveil new imprecisions


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation



Given a trace σ and a model N,an alignment is a full run u of N which minimizes its distance to σ.

Example:For trace 〈a, f , c , h〉,best alignment: 〈a, f , g , h〉

Important notion in process mining:

I for computing fitness and precision,

I for detecting deviations,

I for model enhancement techniques.


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation



Given a trace σ and a model N,an alignment is a full run u of N which minimizes its distance to σ.

Example:For trace 〈a, f , c , h〉,best alignment: 〈a, f , g , h〉

Important notion in process mining:

I for computing fitness and precision,

I for detecting deviations,

I for model enhancement techniques.


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation



Given a trace σ and a model N,an alignment is a full run u of N which minimizes its distance to σ.

Example:For trace 〈a, f , c , h〉,best alignment: 〈a, f , g , h〉

Important notion in process mining:

I for computing fitness and precision,

I for detecting deviations,

I for model enhancement techniques.


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments and Precision


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments – Motivation

Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉


In order to measure precision, find the run of N which is most misaligned with thelog L.

Here: 〈A,B,D,E , I 〉


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments – Motivation

Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉


In order to measure precision, find the run of N which is most misaligned with thelog L.

Here: 〈A,B,D,E , I 〉


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

I L ⊂ Σ∗: a log (set of traces) of an observed system

I N: a (labeled) Petri net model (constructed by process discovery)

Definition (Anti-alignment)

An (n,m)-anti-alignment of a model N w.r.t. a log L is a run γ ∈ L(N) such that

I |γ| ≤ n and

I for every σ ∈ L, dist(γ, σ) ≥ m.


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Which distance dist?

Definition (Levenshtein’s edit distance dist(γ, σ))

Number of letter replacements/deletions/insertions needed to edit γ to σ.

I Example: distLevenshtein(〈ababababab〉, 〈bababababa〉) = 2

Definition (Hamming distance)

For two traces γ = γ1 . . . γn and σ = σ1 . . . σn, of same length n, define

dist(γ, σ)def=

∣∣{i ∈ {1 . . . n} | γi 6= σi}∣∣.

Pad when different lengths

I Example: distHamming(〈ababababab〉, 〈bababababa〉) = 10


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments: Example

Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

(5, 3)-anti-alignment 〈A,B,D,E , I 〉


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation



The problem of existence of (n,m)-anti-alignment is NP-complete.(with n and m represented in unary.)


The problem is clearly in NP: checking that a run γ is a (n,m)-anti-alignment fora net N and a log L takes polynomial time.

For NP-hardness, reduction from the problem of reachability of a marking M in asafe acyclic Petri net N, known to be NP-complete a.

aCheng, A., Esparza, J., Palsberg, J.: Complexity results for safe nets. Theor.Comput. Sci. 147(1&2) (1995) 117–136


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments to Measure Precision

I L ⊂ Σ∗: a log (set of traces) of an observed system

I N: a (labeled) Petri net model (constructed by process discovery)

Anti-alignment-based precision metrics

Pn(N, L) = 1− maxn(N, L)



I n: (in the order of) the maximal length for a trace in the log

I maxn(N, L): the largest m for which there exists a (n,m)-anti-alignment

Clearly, maxn(N, L) ∈ [0 . . . n] which implies Pn(N, L) ∈ [0 . . . 1].


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments to Measure Precision – ExerciseSort the models by decreasing precision.

For each model, find the best anti-alignment of length ≤ 7.


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

Anti-alignment 〈A,C ,G ,H,D,F , I 〉P7(N1, L) = 0.857

Anti-alignment〈I , I , I ,A,A,A,A〉P7(N2, L) = 0

No (7, 1)-anti-alignmentP7(N3, L) = 1


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments to Measure Precision – ExerciseSort the models by decreasing precision.For each model, find the best anti-alignment of length ≤ 7.


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

Anti-alignment 〈A,C ,G ,H,D,F , I 〉P7(N1, L) = 0.857

Anti-alignment〈I , I , I ,A,A,A,A〉P7(N2, L) = 0

No (7, 1)-anti-alignmentP7(N3, L) = 1


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments to Measure Precision – ExerciseSort the models by decreasing precision.For each model, find the best anti-alignment of length ≤ 7.


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

Anti-alignment 〈A,C ,G ,H,D,F , I 〉P7(N1, L) = 0.857

Anti-alignment〈I , I , I ,A,A,A,A〉P7(N2, L) = 0

No (7, 1)-anti-alignmentP7(N3, L) = 1


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments to Measure Precision – ExerciseSort the models by decreasing precision.For each model, find the best anti-alignment of length ≤ 7.


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

Anti-alignment 〈A,C ,G ,H,D,F , I 〉P7(N1, L) = 0.857

Anti-alignment〈I , I , I ,A,A,A,A〉P7(N2, L) = 0

No (7, 1)-anti-alignmentP7(N3, L) = 1


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Anti-alignments to Measure Precision – ExerciseSort the models by decreasing precision.For each model, find the best anti-alignment of length ≤ 7.


〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

Anti-alignment 〈A,C ,G ,H,D,F , I 〉P7(N1, L) = 0.857

Anti-alignment〈I , I , I ,A,A,A,A〉P7(N2, L) = 0

No (7, 1)-anti-alignmentP7(N3, L) = 1


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Handling Models with Loops

A model with an executable loop has

I arbitrary long runs

I runs arbitrary far from any finite log

Drop the bound n, but penalize long runs when looking for the optimal.

Pε(N, L)def= 1− sup


dist(γ, L)

(1 + ε)|γ|

with some ε ≥ 0 which is a parameter of this definition.


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉

〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉

〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉

〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)〈A,B,D,E , I 〉 4 3

7 22/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,B,D,E , I 〉

〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,B,D,E , I 〉

〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉 2 5

7 22/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉

〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉 2 5

7 22/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. New ObservationsObserving a new trace which happens to be already a run of the model, can onlyincrease the precision measure.


For every N, L and for every σ ∈ L(N),

Pn(N, L ∪ {σ}) ≥ Pn(N, L)

Hint: every (n,m)-anti-alignment for (N, L ∪ {σ}) is also a (n,m)-anti-alignmentfor (N, L).


Log L:

〈A,C ,D,G ,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,G ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,B,D,E , I 〉〈A,C ,D,H,F , I 〉〈A,C ,H,D,F , I 〉

Best anti-alignment max7(N, L) P7(N, L)〈A,C ,G ,H,D,F , I 〉 1 6

7 22/32

Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Monotonicity w.r.t. Model Language


Given two models N1 and N2, if L(N1) ⊆ L(N2), then N1 is more precise than N2.

L(N1) ⊆ L(N2) =⇒ Pn(N1, L) ≥ Pn(N2, L)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation


Formula Φnm(N, L) states that γ is a (n,m)-anti-alignment:

I γ = λ(t1) . . . λ(tn) ∈ L(N), and

I for every σ ∈ L, dist(γ, σ) ≥ m.

Encoding in SATΦn

m(N, L) is coded using the following Boolean variables:

I τi,t for i = 1 . . . n, t ∈ T means that transition ti = t.

I mi,p for i = 0 . . . n, p ∈ P means that place p is marked in marking Mi (safePetri nets: Boolean variables)

I δi,j,σ to encode the distances dist(γ, σ).

Total size for the SAT encoding of the formula Φnm(N, L):

O(n × |T | ×

(|N|+ m2 × |L|



Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Encoding in SAT (1) γ = λ(t1) . . . λ(tn) ∈ L(N)

I Initial marking: (∧p∈M0




)I One and only one ti for each i :∧n


∨t∈T (τi,t ∧

∧t′∈T ¬τi,t′)

I The transitions are enabled when they fire:∧ni=1

∧t∈T (τi,t =⇒

∧p∈•t mi−1,p)

I Token game (for safe Petri nets):




(τi,t =⇒ mi,p)




(τi,t =⇒ ¬mi,p)



∧p∈P,p 6∈•t,p 6∈t•

(τi,t =⇒ (mi,p ⇐⇒ mi−1,p))


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Encoding in SAT (2) dist(γ, σ) ≥ m

I For Hamming distance: easy

I For Levenshtein’s distance:Use same relations as the classical algorithm:

dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, ε) = idist(ε, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉) = jdist(〈u1, . . . , ui+1〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj+1〉) =

dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉) if ui+1 = vj+1

1 + min(dist(〈u1, . . . , ui+1〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉),dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj+1〉))

if ui+1 6= vj+1

Encoding as SAT formula using variables δi,j,dδi,j,d = true means dist(〈u1 . . . ui 〉, 〈v1 . . . vj〉) ≥ d .

δ0,0,0 ∧∧

d>0 ¬δ0,0,d (1)∧d

∧ni=0 (δi+1,0,d+1 ⇔ δi,0,d) (2)∧


∧nj=0 (δ0,j+1,d+1 ⇔ δ0,j,d) (3)∧


∧i,j s.t. ui+1=vj+1

δi+1,j+1,d ⇔ δi,j,d (4)∧d

∧i,j s.t. ui+1 6=vj+1

δi+1,j+1,d+1 ⇔ (δi+1,j,d ∧ δi,j+1,d) (5)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Encoding in SAT (2) dist(γ, σ) ≥ mI For Hamming distance: easy

I For Levenshtein’s distance:Use same relations as the classical algorithm:

dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, ε) = idist(ε, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉) = jdist(〈u1, . . . , ui+1〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj+1〉) =

dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉) if ui+1 = vj+1

1 + min(dist(〈u1, . . . , ui+1〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉),dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj+1〉))

if ui+1 6= vj+1

Encoding as SAT formula using variables δi,j,dδi,j,d = true means dist(〈u1 . . . ui 〉, 〈v1 . . . vj〉) ≥ d .

δ0,0,0 ∧∧

d>0 ¬δ0,0,d (1)∧d

∧ni=0 (δi+1,0,d+1 ⇔ δi,0,d) (2)∧


∧nj=0 (δ0,j+1,d+1 ⇔ δ0,j,d) (3)∧


∧i,j s.t. ui+1=vj+1

δi+1,j+1,d ⇔ δi,j,d (4)∧d

∧i,j s.t. ui+1 6=vj+1

δi+1,j+1,d+1 ⇔ (δi+1,j,d ∧ δi,j+1,d) (5)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Encoding in SAT (2) dist(γ, σ) ≥ mI For Hamming distance: easy

I For Levenshtein’s distance:Use same relations as the classical algorithm:

dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, ε) = idist(ε, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉) = jdist(〈u1, . . . , ui+1〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj+1〉) =

dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉) if ui+1 = vj+1

1 + min(dist(〈u1, . . . , ui+1〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj〉),dist(〈u1, . . . , ui 〉, 〈v1, . . . , vj+1〉))

if ui+1 6= vj+1

Encoding as SAT formula using variables δi,j,dδi,j,d = true means dist(〈u1 . . . ui 〉, 〈v1 . . . vj〉) ≥ d .

δ0,0,0 ∧∧

d>0 ¬δ0,0,d (1)∧d

∧ni=0 (δi+1,0,d+1 ⇔ δi,0,d) (2)∧


∧nj=0 (δ0,j+1,d+1 ⇔ δ0,j,d) (3)∧


∧i,j s.t. ui+1=vj+1

δi+1,j+1,d ⇔ δi,j,d (4)∧d

∧i,j s.t. ui+1 6=vj+1

δi+1,j+1,d+1 ⇔ (δi+1,j,d ∧ δi,j+1,d) (5)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Experiments: Alignments (showing averages)


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Experiments: Anti-alignments


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Experiments: Anti-alignments (Hamming distance)

benchmark |P| |T | |L| |AL| n m Φnm(N, L) minm(N, L) maxn(N, L)

prAm6 347 363 761 272 41 1 ! 3 39

5 ! 7

21 1 ! 3 19

5 ! 7

1200 363 41 1 ! 4 19

5 ! 8

21 1 ! 4 15

5 ! 8

BankTransfer 121 114 989 101 51 1 ! 8 32

10 ! 17

21 1 ! 8 14

10 ! 17

2000 113 51 1 ! 15 16

10 ! 37

21 1 ! 15 5

10 % 37


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Experiments: Multi-alignments


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation



I Run of the model which maximizes its distance to the observed traces

I New metric for precision in process miningI monotonic w.r.t. new observations


I DarkSider (using SAT encoding)

I Also available in

SAT-based approach for conformance checking

I Very flexible

I Good for prototyping

I Efficiency depends a lot on precise problem and encoding


Introduction Process Discovery Conformance Checking Anti-alignments A Metric for Precision Implementation

Thank you!


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