an intimate communion. part of our being that is physically and sexually attracted to another...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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An intimate Communion

Part of our being that is physically and sexually attracted to another person; (Eros)

Part of ourselves that responds to our senses – touch taste, smell, sight and sound.

Has both sexual and spiritual aspects

Not just physical sexual intercourse or how we relate to/experience our genitals.

Central to our sense of Self (whole person)

Central to our way of being in the world as male and female persons

Sacred gift from God

As sacred gift, should be experienced in life-affirming, life-building, procreative ways (Trinitarian and Incarnational)

Deeply influences our behaviors and attitudes towards self and others, our bodies and bodies of others

Is therefore spiritual in nature

As embodied-selves and spirits, our sexuality is..

-central to how we experience intimacy and communion on a creaturely and divine level

-therefore emotional, physical, spiritual

-powerfully influences how we interrelate and respond to others

Is fundamentally sexual in nature (cannot be separated from it)

Shapes who we are as human beings in this world;

Is relational (Trinitarian) and deeply influences how we relate to others and the ongoing Creation all around us

Influences and is influenced by our prayer life

Influences and is influenced by our community of faith (friends and family)

Influences and is influenced by the quality of our relationships we create and the life that flows through them

Are not separate and apart Our spirituality is sexual (Incarnational) Our sexuality is spiritual (Trinitarian) Both shape our way of being in this world; Both shape quality of relationships we

have with others and God Both can be viewed as providing insight

and understanding to how we communicate and commune with self, God, and others.

Sexual identity – Our personal understanding of what it means to be masculine or feminine;

Sexual orientation – who we are attracted to;

Sexual behavior – how we express our sexuality in relationships with members of both genders;

Sexual values – what we believe is right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, permitted or not permitted regarding sex and sexuality.

Love relationships, friends, family members

3 stages:

1) Romance: infatuation stage – a person can do no wrong, we put them on the pedestal, can’t see their faults;

2) Disillusionment: reality check stage:

- we get to see for who she or he

really is;

- the very things we were infatuated with become we do not particularly like;

3) Joy stage: if we hang in there, we reach it – we start to love and appreciate a person for who he or she is with both faults and strengths:

- Feeling comfortable- Meaningful conversations- Respect- Give each other room to grow

Intellectual – common values, interests, ability of respect, trust, communicate, …

Emotional – communicating/ expressing feelings

Spiritual – self-awareness, awareness of God’s presence, common beliefs

Physical – sexual intercourse

Sacramental encounter with Christ in each other;

Commitment: through sickness and health;

Deepening of love and intimacy on all levels;

Practical benefit: harder to raise children in single family home.

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