“an integrated structure organized around a unifying center”

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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What is a Mandala?

A Mandala is…

A Mandala is…•“An integrated structure organized around a unifying


A Mandala is…•“An integrated structure organized around a unifying


It means “circle”.

A Mandala is…•“An integrated structure organ

It means “circle”.

The “circle with a center” pattern is the basic structure of


Where do we find Mandalas?

Mandalas in Nature

Mandalas in NatureOn our planet, living things are made of cells and each cell has a nucleus – all display circles with centers.

Mandalas in NatureOn our planet, living things are made of cells and each cell has a nucleus – all display circles with centers. Our Earth is part of the solar system. The Earth is a Mandala.

Mandalas in NatureOn our planet, living things are made of cells and each cell has a nucleus – all display circles with centers. Our Earth is part of the solar system. The Earth is a Mandala. The rings found in tree trunks are Mandalas.

Mandalas in Art & Culture

Mandalas in Art & CultureHildegard von Bingen, a Christian nun in the 12th century, created beautiful Mandalas to express her beliefs.

Mandalas in Art & CultureHildegard von Bingen, a Christian nun in the 12th century, created beautiful Mandalas to express her beliefs.In the Americas, Indians created medicine wheels and sand Mandalas.

Sample Mandalas

1703 Jonnathan Monsalve United States of America [US]

  Peace in Christ   I believe all peace comes in Jesus. He is the one that holds life together. So I drew a white cross to show the holiness that Jesus had and a calm light blue circle around Him to show that in Him you find peace and rest. He also has the golden yellow aurora to show perfection. There was brown thorns coming out to show His power and authority. It was all put in a box with four different bright colors to show joy and unity the Christ brings. Around the square there was shattered glass in red and purple to show destruction and hate. But around it, in orange and yellow, to show that God's power is great enough to control even that. Every thing out side of it is dark because of the death that life has with out Christ.

Sample Mandalas

1749 Paullet SymesUnited States of America [US]

  Its All About Me!!!   My mandala describe me all the way. I would like to go to FSU for college, and i would like to become a A.K.A. I love church its my passion, and i also am a loving person

Sample Mandalas

560 A T MannUnited States of America [US]

  North Rose Chartres Cathedral  

North Rose Window of Chartres Cathedral.Leaded stained glass window in Chartres Cathedral built in 1145 A.D. This rose window displays the principles of Christianity through images of the Virgin held by her Mother, surrounded by Doves of Spirit, Kings of Israel and Twelve Prophets. The mysteries of the Church are transmitted by the images, colours and geometrical relationships to both the simple and the wise.

Sample Mandalas 377 gina

DeFrancesco-WardUnited States of America [US]

  Matthew's Mandala   Another beautiful

creation by a student from Ms.Sulzman's 5th grade art classes at Sallie Jones Elementary!"

Sample Mandalas 382 Gina

DeFrancesco-WardUnited States of America [US]

  Lizzie's Mandala   Another mandala

created by a student from Ms. Sulzman's 5th grade art classes at Sallie Jones Elementary!

How to make a Mandala

How to make a Mandala


2nd circle should have a radius of 1 inch smaller than the big circle.

Your First and Last name go in the outer ring.

How to make a Mandala


3rd circle should have a radius that is 3 inches smaller than the large circle.

Create a design for the 2nd ring.

How to make a Mandala


4th circle should have a radius that is 3 ½ inches smaller than the large circle.

Write your family member names here.

How to make a Mandala

.The inside ring should contain 3 objects that tells something about you.

How to make a Mandala


Use colored pencils to color your designs and objects.

Use pencil to write your name and your family members name. Print only. Letters should be the size of the ring.When you are done outline everything in thin black sharpie.

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