an exploration of graphing software program selection and … exploration of graphing... · an...

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An Exploration of Graphing Software Program Selection and Relative Proficiency

Among Undergraduate Biology Students

A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the

requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

in General Biology


Elizabeth Lynn Ferguson

Committee in charge:

Dr. April Maskiewicz, Chair

Dr. Dianne Anderson

Dr. Lori Carter




Elizabeth Lynn Ferguson, 2014

All rights reserved


The thesis of Elizabeth Lynn Ferguson is approved, and it is acceptable in

quality and form for publication:





Point Loma Nazarene University



Table of Contents

Signature Page ................................................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... iv

List of Figures and Tables ...................................................................................................v

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... vi

Abstract of the Thesis ...................................................................................................... vii

Introduction .........................................................................................................................1

Theoretical Perspective .......................................................................................................4

Literature Review ................................................................................................................5

Graphing Difficulties ..............................................................................................7

Graphing Tools .....................................................................................................10

Methodology .....................................................................................................................12

Research Design ....................................................................................................13

Setting & Participants ...........................................................................................14

Tutorial & Graphing Task Module Organization .................................................15

Data Collection .....................................................................................................17

Data Analysis ........................................................................................................17

Results ...............................................................................................................................19

Discussion .........................................................................................................................41

Conclusions ........................................................................................................................50

References ..........................................................................................................................55

Appendix A: Sophomore and junior undergraduate biology student subject questionnaire


Appendix B: Datasets used for Session 1: Simple Graphing Exercises in Excel

and SigmaPlot ...................................................................................................................65

Appendix C: Datasets used for Session 2: Complex Graphing Exercises in Excel

and SigmaPlot ...................................................................................................................67

Appendix D: Tasks and datasets for Session 3: Final Graph Tasks .................................69

Appendix E: Interview questions for participants ............................................................72


List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1. Teaching experiment model. ............................................................................. 14

Figure 2. Comparison of correct graph (2A) versus Junior 3’s pair of incorrect graphs (2B

and 2C) for Task 4. ........................................................................................................... 30

Figure 3. Junior 3’s correct (3A) and incorrect (3B) final graph products for Task 6. ..... 33

Figure 4. Comparison of correct graph (4A) compared with the incorrect graph (4B)

created by Sophomores 5 and 6 for Task 4, Sophomore 5 and Sophomore 6. ................. 35

Figure 5. Sophomore 6’s correct scatterplot in the two dataset task (Task 5). ................. 36

Figure 6. Comparison of a correct graph (6A) versus an incorrect graph (6B) created by

five students for Task 2. .................................................................................................... 37

Figure 7. Comparison of correct graph (7A) as compared to an incorrect graph created in

Excel (7B) and SigmaPlot (7C) for Task 6. ...................................................................... 39

Figure 8. Range of percentage of correct steps from screenshot coding demonstrating a

greater range of variability in students’ performance using Excel versus SigmaPlot. ..... 44

Table 1 Codes used to identify the steps taken by students in generating each graph. .... 19

Table 2 Students’ self-identified comfort level with graphing software and software

preference for simple and complex graphs. ...................................................................... 21

Table 3 StepShot results by graph task. ............................................................................ 26

Table 4 Summary of state of “correctness” of final graph products organized by task,

software and type of graph. ............................................................................................... 28

Table 5 Screenshot coding and final graph results for Junior 3. ....................................... 32

Table 6 Screenshot coding and final graph results for Sophomore 6. .............................. 36

Table 7 Screenshot coding and final graph results for Sophomores 1 and 4 who generated

the incorrect graphs in Figure 7. ....................................................................................... 40



I would like to express my appreciation for the guidance and support of my committee

members, Dr. April Maskiewicz, Dr. Dianne Anderson, and Dr. Lori Carter. In

particular, I am profoundly grateful to my committee chair, Dr. Maskiewicz for the

tireless efforts, edits, creativity, and engagement through the learning process of this

master thesis, without which this effort might not have come to fruition. I would also like

to thank the participants for their willingness to share their extended time and attention

throughout the entirety of this research project. I am very grateful to my family and

friends, who have supported me throughout entire process with their patience and

reinforcement. Finally, I am eternally appreciative for the love, encouragement and

hardworking inspiration provided by my dear husband, James.


Abstract of the Thesis

An Exploration of Graphing Software Program Selection and Relative Proficiency

Among Undergraduate Biology Students


Elizabeth Lynn Ferguson

Master of Science in General Biology

Point Loma Nazarene University, 2014

Dr. April Maskiewicz, Chair

Although the use of technology in biological career paths is increasing globally, studies

indicate that United States undergraduate biology students are not prepared for this

technologically advanced workforce. One potential element of this issue is that students

may not have adequate training with technology-based tools as it applies to

undergraduate biology curriculum. To address this problem, my exploratory study

examines student proficiency for graphing with Excel, and aptitude for an industry

standard graphing program, SigmaPlot 12.0. Student preference was included in this

study to gauge their overt and underlying perspectives of each software program. Four

Junior and six Sophomore students participated in a teaching experiment that consisted of

simple and complex graphing instruction using both Microsoft Excel and SigmaPlot 12.0.

At the close of the teaching experiment, students created graphs using the program of

their choice, and then participated in an interview. Interview results indicate a preference


for Excel with simple graphing tasks and SigmaPlot 12.0 for more complex graphing

tasks; yet, 80% of students indicated that Excel is burdensome. Analysis of the steps

students took to generate each graph in their final session showed an overall lower

proficiency level with Excel versus SigmaPlot for five out of six tasks. Analysis of

students’ graph products also suggest that biology students overwhelmingly find Excel-

based graphing challenging, and use of alternate software found in the biology industry is

recommended for addressing this issue in educational settings.



The science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) workforce in the United

States is profoundly dependent on the success of the country's undergraduate students.

However, issues of undergraduate skill level, student retention, and the inability of recent

graduates to address complex interdisciplinary problems in their careers has caused

widespread concern that undergraduate biology students are unprepared to meet the needs

of a growing industry (National Research Council, 1996; National Research Council,

2003). Undergraduate reform in STEM programs launched in the late 1990's focused

initially on the inability of students to solve ill-defined problems inherent in research and

deficits in group communication and teamwork skills (Department of Education, 2000;

National Research Council, 1996; National Research Council, 2003). In addition to

finding college graduates who were entering the workforce unprepared, the National

Research Council (1996) identified problems with retaining students in science and

technology undergraduate programs. Approximately half of the population entering

college with an interest in pursuing a STEM career dropped out of programs after an

introductory class (Seymour & Hewitt, 1994). Studies found that these problems were

attributable to course structure, which focused on rote memorization instead of the

process of science through hands-on experiences and problem-driven critical thinking

(Lindwall & Ivarsson, 2004; National Research Council, 1996). The problems identified

during the turn of the century including unprepared graduates and a lack of STEM

student retention worried industry leaders that the U.S. could potentially lose its foothold

in an internationally emergent research-based commerce (Department of Education,



A decade later, the problems with STEM undergraduates remain (Johnstone,

2012; Labov, Reid & Yamamoto, 2010; Woodin, Carter & Fletcher, 2010), only now the

stakes are higher. Global high-technology industries comprise a large percentage of the

top producing workforce sectors, including communications equipment, semiconductors,

pharmaceuticals, scientific instruments, and aerospace engineering (Singer, Nielsen &

Schweingruber, 2012). Within biology, the same problems of inadequately trained

undergraduates and decreased retention of potential future scientists exists (Goldey,

Abercrombie, Ivy, Kusher, Moeller, Rayner, Smith & Spivey, 2012; Wood, 2009;

Woodin et al., 2010). The report by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and

Technology found that fewer than 40 percent of students who enter college intending to

major in a STEM field complete college with a STEM degree (President’s Council of

Advisors on Science and Technology, 2012). Discipline-based education research

(DBER) in science, particularly biology, indicates that undergraduate students are not

provided with opportunities to practice technological skills. This research also finds

students are in further need of experience with authentic, complex problems like those

they would encounter in the workplace (American Association for the Advancement of

Science, 2011; Hoskinson, Caballero, & Knight, 2013). In order to prepare biology

undergraduates for the current workforce, colleges and universities need to further

develop programs to incorporate modern industry techniques, tools and interdisciplinary

methods (Labov et al., 2010; Woodin et al., 2010).

Technology continues to play an increasing role across all STEM disciplines, and

undergraduate biology education should reflect that shift. Several universities and

colleges across the nation have made efforts to incorporate more hands-on laboratory


approaches and team-based exercises in their curricula (Goldstein & Flynn, 2011; Gross,

2004). Despite these changes, computer-based programs have played a limited, if not

absent, role in undergraduate biology education reform. The scientific industry

increasingly touts the use of technology in product development and research through

news and scientific publications. The addition of modern, interdisciplinary methods to

the duties required of many biological jobs suggests the importance of incorporating

computer-based activities within undergraduate education curricula. In order to assess

the effect of incorporating technology in biology programs, more research investigating

relevant tools, programs and activities should be conducted.


The purpose of this research was to evaluate undergraduate biology students’

understanding of, perspective towards and aptitude with computer-based graphing. This

study assessed the proficiency levels of each student after they were guided through

graphing modules with both Microsoft Excel and SigmaPlot 12, and compared and

contrasted student performance for each type of graphing task. It also determined if

students were more likely to choose a professional computer-based program, such as

SigmaPlot, in place of a spreadsheet-centric graphing program, such as Excel, when

guided through activities with each type of software. I hypothesized that if students are

presented with a professional computer program that provides them with a powerful

means of graphing their ideas in an efficient manner, it would stand to reason that they

would choose to use SigmaPlot over Excel. Students’ preference for a computer-based

tool that is used in biology careers would suggest they are able to easily understand and

use this tool prior to induction to the workforce. Additionally, providing students with an


easier method to graph data allows beginning students to learn graphing practices quickly

and to focus on the graph interpretation rather than steps for creation.

Theoretical Perspective

Scientists exist within an interdependent community that exhibits social practices,

has in-depth knowledge of specific scientific content, and employs unique linguistics

practices. This type of social environment often necessitates that new members first

participate peripherally in community practices before succeeding at immersion within

the society (Lave & Wegner, 1991). The situated learning perspective is rooted in the

theory of contextualized learning, which suggests that meaningful learning is only

accomplished in the prevailing environmental or social context within which an

individual exists. Enculturation into practice, including the use of tools, social dialect

and authentic activities is crucial to providing an environment that immerses students in

the procedures and methodologies encountered in a scientific setting. This learning

perspective, derived from Lev Vygotsky’s (1979) early thoughts of social and cultural

influence on learning, was first clearly identified by Lave and Wegner in 1991, who

suggested that student learning wasn’t singularly accomplished in the learner’s head, but

as a function of a social process. Similarly, Brown, Collins and Duguid (1989) describe

situated learning by introducing the concept of a “cognitive apprenticeship,” in which

students are enculturated into genuine practices similar to a craft apprenticeship. Due to

the nature of the scientific community, using methods outlined by the situated learning

perspective provides an effective means for educating undergraduate science students.

Tools play a pivotal role in situated learning, and consist of any culture-specific

objects that are either physical (i.e. hammer to a carpenter) or mental (i.e. models or


heuristics). As students regularly use a tool, they learn to both understand the function of

that tool and develop an implicit understanding of the “world” in which it is used (Brown

et al., 1989). However, tools within a “world” also evolve over time, making it critical

for students to be aware of contemporary physical and mental devices used within their

field of practice. Allan Collins (Jones, 1990) suggested that computer-based situated

learning enlists many of the characteristics desired of a “cognitive apprenticeship.”

Examples of the characteristics employed by a “cognitive apprenticeship” include

modeling and explaining (wherein a process is demonstrated to explain a concept), and

exploration (wherein students are able to test different hypotheses and methods). Collins

states that “the computer allows us to create environments that mimic situations in the

real world that we cannot otherwise realize in a classroom (or home).” Undergraduate

biology students may thus benefit extensively from regular use of modern and complex

tools such as industry software. Through awareness of these current and relevant tools,

students are better prepared to develop an identity as a member of a community, which is

just as critical as becoming knowledgeably skillful in that community (Lave, 1993).

Literature Review

The inclusion of technology within STEM education was initially instituted in the

late 1970’s and successively gained traction within K-12, undergraduate and graduate

curricula during the early to late 1990’s (Nemirovsky, Tierney & Wright, 1998;

Summerlin & Gardner, 1973; Thornton, 1987; Weller, 1996). The Microcomputer-Based

Laboratory Project (MLP) was an early example of the success of technology integration

within science education. Using a microcomputer to collect, store, process, graph and

analyze data collected from sensors, MLP demonstrated a variety of concepts to science


students in an engaging manner. Research established that the introduction of real-time

graphing equipment into K-12 classrooms advanced students’ graphing skills (Brasell,

1987; Jackson, Edwards, & Berger, 1993; Linn, Layman & Nachmias, 1987; Mokros &

Tinker, 1987). Research conducted by Mokros & Tinker indicated that microcomputer-

based labs are successful because “they provide a genuine scientific experience and

[they] eliminate the drudgery of graph production.” To date, this engaging effect of

technology applies to many of the popularly used computer-based tools such as videos, 3-

D graphical representations, animations and simulated labs (Smetana & Bell, 2012).

While many colleges and universities made strides towards reforming programs to

better prepare students for workforce participation, these efforts seem to have “stalled”

over the past decade, and have not effectively met the needs of technology-based science

industries (Johnstone, 2012; Labov, Singer, George, Schweingruber & Hilton, 2009).

However, among the continual propositions of a need for undergraduate science,

engineering and math program reform, there are several success stories that exemplify the

incorporation of technology and context specific tasks within curricula. Several

motivated reform educators implemented learner-centered, inquiry-based techniques in

their curricula, the results of which indicate successful learning among undergraduates

(Derting & Ebert-May, 2010; Dori & Sasson, 2008; Goldstein & Flynn, 2011; Gross,

2004; Plass, Milne, Homer, Schwartz, Hayward, Jordan, Verkuilen, Florrie, Wang &

Barrientos, 2012; Smetana & Bell, 2012). Successful curricular revisions incorporate

critical thinking and collaborative work with tasks such as hands-on activities, case

studies and computer-based visual representations and simulations. Drawing direction

from the National Research Council’s (1996) suggestion for increasing experiences in


quantitative and analytical methods, several undergraduate programs adapted laboratory

curricula to include more hands-on, professionally relevant technological skills. These

efforts succeeded in providing students with biology specific experiences that allow them

to understand authentic complex problems, better preparing them for workforce entry

(Gross, 2000; Hoskinson et al., 2013; Labov et al., 2009; National Research Council,

1996; Shubert, Ceraj & Riley, 2009). The success of these endeavors provides

inspiration and guidance for increasing the technological skills of biology undergraduate

students. However, critical computer-based data analysis activities (such as graphing)

using industry-based software are not commonly encountered in biological undergraduate

program reform and should be discussed with respect to their significance in curriculum.

Two aspects of this topic identified in the literature include graphing difficulties and

documentation of previously used tools; these topics are discussed below as they provide

further context for the objective of this research.

Graphing Difficulties

Biological data is often voluminous and complex in nature, and graphs are an

effective tool used to facilitate data representation. Graphing allows scientists to

effectively communicate trends and anomalies in their data to a larger audience.

Although data manipulation is a key skill for biologists, it can be a challenging task even

for a professional scientist. Research shows that both scientists and students can

misinterpret graphs by incorrectly using salient graph features to answer a question rather

than incorporating all potentially relevant data (Roth & Bowen, 2001). However, the

problems of interpretation by professional scientists are exclusive to graphs that do not

exist within the context of their specific discipline (Bowen, Roth & McGinn, 1999;


Kozma, 2003). These studies also show that professional experience (i.e. enculturation

within the field) through real world scenarios assists with the scientists’ ability to

interpret graphs from their own field.

Students’ difficulties with graph comprehension, production and interpretation are

well documented across all grade levels by science education researchers (Åberg‐

Bengtsson & Ottsson, 2006; Bransford, Brown & Cocking, 2000; Friel, Curcio & Bright,

2001). Studies show that issues with fluency and analytical problems are major

challenges for students. Fluency, or an individual’s ability to accomplish a task quickly

and with expertise, is often lacking in student graphing practices. Instilling graphing

fluency in all biology students is critical for providing them the confidence to carry out

problem-based tasks which they are likely to encounter in research or workplace settings

(Airey & Linder, 2008; Carlson, 1999; Ebenezer, Kaya & Ebenezer, 2011). Analytically,

students often see graphs as static images that represent a literal picture of a situation as

opposed to an abstraction of quantitative data (Glazer, 2011). Perhaps as a result of this

conceptualization of graphs, students tend to analyze a graph by focusing on extreme data

points as opposed to incorporating all data in their interpretation. Additionally, students

have difficulty identifying the independent and dependent variables, as well as the slope

and y-intercept (Bowen et al., 1999; Hattikudur, Prather, Asquith, Alibali, Knuth &

Nathan, 2012; Picone, Rhode, Hyatt & Parshall, 2007). Assigning meaning to the graphs,

identifying trends, and interpreting interactions between the variables are additional

analytical tasks that students find complicated (Kozma, 2003; Picone et al., 2007; Speth,

Momsen, Moyerbrailean, Ebert-May, Long, Wyse & Linton, 2010).


In spite of the intent and rigorous coursework of many undergraduate biology

courses, students often struggle with interpretation and comprehension of abstract graphs

used in various scientific disciplines (e.g. population ecology). Studies show that while

students are exposed to graphs through lecture, discussion and testing, they are often

unable to develop proficient graph construction and interpretation skills for several

reasons (Glazer, 2011; Guthrie, Weber & Kimmerly, 1993; Singer et al., 2012). The

linguistic resources (i.e. familiarity with topical terminology and practice in discussing

graphs) available to scientists are often unavailable to students due to their lack of

authentic scientific experiences. This inexperience results in both an inability to

understand terminology assigned to a graph (within a caption or axis label) and a failure

to consistently describe and discuss graphs with peers or instructors (Bowen et al., 1999).

Undergraduate students often tend to be unfamiliar with unique symbols or

representations used in discipline specific graphs, and are unable to proficiently interpret

symbol meaning (Aberg-Bengtsson & Ottosson, 2006; Kozma, 2003; Roth & Bowen,

2001). Additionally, accurate graph interpretation involves fluency, or experience in

graphing data, which is often difficult to acquire without recitation (Bowen, et al., 1999).

The combination of these problems elicits a challenge for some undergraduate biology

students to obtain proficient graphing skills. Research suggests that undergraduate

science programs could benefit from extensive technology-based exercises that provide

skills required to solve real world problems, as is often done in industry training (Martin,



Graphing Tools

Computer-based software and technology applications are increasingly

represented in science education as tools for improving statistical analysis and graphing

skills (Aberg-Bengtsson, 2006; Barton, 1997; Bransford et al., 2000; Goldey et al., 2012;

Hudnut, 2007; Jackson et al., 1993; Lindwall & Ivarsson, 2004). Graph construction is

typically performed in one of three ways: by plotting values manually, through the use of

spreadsheet-centric software such as Microsoft Excel, or through the use of statistics and

graphical software. Of the computer-based methods used to teach graphing practices,

spreadsheet-centric software is most commonly used in undergraduate science program

curricula (Baker & Sugden, 2007; Serra & Godoy, 2011). The 1993 release of Microsoft

Excel incorporated Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and allowed users to write

macros for repetitive tasks, which resulted in its widespread use internationally.

However, there are limitations to the capabilities of spreadsheet-centric programs such as

Microsoft Excel. Examples include Excel’s inability to easily generate certain types of

graphs (e.g. box-and-whisker plots require extensive steps), complicated software design

that leads to operator errors, and the inability to construct graphs from two-variable

equations (Abramovich, Nikitina & Romanenko, 2010; Baker, 2004; Lim, 2004).

Abramovich et al. recommends that spreadsheets be used jointly with graphing specific

software to facilitate the construction of complex graphs.

Several studies related to concept learning in physics, mathematics and

computational biology have identified the benefits of using dynamic software such as

GeoGebra (Hohenwarter, 2007) and the statistical program R (Eglen, 2009; Peterlin,

2010). Although the use of software for the provision of authentic experiences in data


manipulation is becoming more common in the fields of physics and mathematics, the

efficacy of graphical software with respect to providing undergraduate biology students

with a meaningful skill has not been evaluated. One potentially promising program for

use with biology students is SigmaPlot 12.0, a technical graphing and data analysis

software package commonly used in the biology industry. This package offers the

capacity to easily integrate spreadsheets from Excel while providing the user with a

seamless interface that removes the “drudgery” of graphing complex datasets.

Experience with industry standard graphing tools may aide undergraduate biology

students in practicing the skills required of them in a research environment. Additionally,

incorporation of practice with these tools including an emphasis on their industry

applications during introductory biology courses may help alleviate high STEM attrition

rates. In response to the call for undergraduate biology program reform, Hoy (2004)

suggested that commercial software that marries a dynamic visual approach with

graphical capabilities should be regularly implemented in biology education. His

sentiment reflects the notion that students are more apt to be engaged in scientific

processes when a user-friendly, technologically advanced program is made available to

them. The National Research Council (Singer et al., 2012) recognizes and suggests the

need for science education research that assesses the effectiveness of technology-based

educational techniques in undergraduate science education. Therefore, for this research

project, I compared two computer-based methods for graphing—the spreadsheet-centric

program Excel and the technical graphing software SigmaPlot 12.0—to explore students’

perceptions of the impacts afforded by the different tools, as well as assess their

proficiencies with each tool. My research questions are:


What level of proficiency do the students attain for graphing complex datasets when

guided through a short-term graphing course using each software package: Microsoft

Excel and SigmaPlot 12.0?

When graphing simple to complex datasets, which software package do sophomore and

junior undergraduate biology students choose to use and why? How does their choice

relate to their proficiency with each program?


Software Used in Study

This exploratory study compared and contrasted undergraduate biology students’

use of and preferences for two computer-based graphing programs. The two programs

used in this study were Microsoft Excel and SigmaPlot 12.0. Microsoft Excel is a

spreadsheet-based application that features functionality such as statistical calculations,

graphing tools, pivot tables and macro programming (i.e. a saved sequence of commands

that can be recalled). SigmaPlot 12.0 is a software package designed specifically for

scientific graphing and data analysis. Data analysis features in SigmaPlot include basic

statistics to advanced mathematical calculations, and its graphing capabilities include an

interactive Graph Wizard, a wide range of 2-D and 3-D options for representation and

modeling of data, and publication quality outputs. SigmaPlot is compatible with

Microsoft Office, which allows Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to be easily imported.

Although both programs contain graphing functionality, Excel is primarily designed as a

spreadsheet and data manipulation tool, whereas SigmaPlot was primarily designed as a

graphing and data analysis tool.


Research Design

To answer the research questions posed by this study, a mixed-model teaching

experiment methodology was used (Figure 1). Teaching experiments emerged in

mathematics education in 1970 as an effective method of understanding the learning and

reasoning exhibited by students (Steffe & Thompson, 2000; Von Glasersfeld, 1991). In a

teaching experiment, the researcher also acts as the teacher with an objective of

understanding the concepts and operations held by students. For my research, the

teaching experiment included a pre-intervention qualitative questionnaire, two teaching

interventions focused on simple and complex graph creation in Excel and SigmaPlot, a

graphing task session with quantitative evaluation of student steps for each task, and a

subsequent qualitative interview. The quantitative method of assessing student capability

with each program through evaluation of steps taken for Excel and SigmaPlot was

intended to supplement information collected in the qualitative stage of analysis

(including final graph products and interview responses). The interventions in this study

were necessary to provide students with a baseline experience in graphing with the less

commonly encountered software package (SigmaPlot), as none of the students had

previously used this program. Collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative

data provided a comprehensive understanding of student preference and proficiencies for

the software programs Excel and SigmaPlot.


Figure 1. Teaching experiment model.

Setting and Participants

This research was conducted on the Point Loma Nazarene University campus in

October 2013. It was conducted in accordance with Point Loma Nazarene University’s

Institutional Review Board’s guidelines. Each participant was asked to provide their own

laptop computer; several additional laptops were provided for those who did not have a

compatible PC (required by SigmaPlot 12). Software trial versions were installed for

SigmaPlot 12 and StepShot, the program used to record each students steps. Individuals

were pre-selected using a questionnaire that evaluated their background experience with

both programs, and their level of exposure to computers (Appendix A). To accommodate

student schedules and encourage participation for the three week duration of this study,

each session occurred in the early evening (e.g. start time between 4 -5 p.m.), and student

were provided with two dates and times for each session. Sessions were between 75 and

90 minutes in duration, and varied due to the amount of time required for students to

complete the practice exercises and set of graphing tasks in the final session. All students

were provided monetary compensation for their time at each session.

Sophomore and junior undergraduate biology students with self-identified

moderate to high comfort levels for learning new software were recruited in compliance


with IRB regulations for adult participants. Students who were comfortable with

computers was desirable because they were less likely to be discouraged during the

interventions, and more apt to participate in all three sessions. Sophomore and junior

students were preferred because they have different levels of experience and familiarity

with graphing, and with the program Excel. Second year students were expected to have

less experience with Excel and graphs, whereas third year students were expected to be

more confident with Excel and graphs. Ten biology program students were selected to

participate in one of two teaching experiments that accommodated their schedule. The

students were presented the same guided exercises in each session, resulting in two

“Session 1: Basic Graphs” periods in the first week, two “Session 2: Complex Graphs”

periods in the second week, and two “Session 3: Final Graph Tasks” periods in the third

subsequent week. The participants included six Sophomore students and four Junior

students, each of which participated in all three sessions.

Tutorial and Graphing Task Module Organization

Data used in this teaching experiment were derived from a 35-year data series of

physical measurements obtained from the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

( The datasets were formatted and condensed prior to conducting the

tutorials in order to enable the students to focus on graphing instead of data manipulation.

For graphing tasks in Session 3, data from the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

was combined with data generated based on research previously conducted on

environmental change in the Colorado Rocky Mountain and long term morphological and

abundance fluctuations in the yellow-bellied marmot (Ozgul, Childs, Oli, Armitage,

Blumstein, Olson, Tuljapurka & Coulson, 2010).


After the instructor (E. Ferguson) demonstrated both simple and complex graphs

using both programs, students were allotted time to try the graphing exercise on their own

using similar data (Appendices B – D). In session 1, exercises were conducted in Excel

and SigmaPlot 12 alternatively, whereas in session 2 all exercises were conducted first in

Excel and subsequently in SigmaPlot 12 as the group preferred to do all activities in one

program at a time. Session 1 included exercises for creating histograms and simple line

graphs (one line graph using a singular dataset, and a second using two datasets of the

same unit of measurement on the y-axis) (Appendix B, Tables B1 & B2). Session 2

included more complex graphing exercises such as box plots, scatter plots and line graphs

with two units of measurement (and thus two y-axes)( Appendix C, Tables C1 & C2).

During session 1 and session 2, students were allowed to request help or ask questions

regarding how to generate graphs in both programs. In session 3, no guidance was

provided on to how to generate graphs and all students were required to work

independently using the program of their choice (Appendix D, Table D1-D3). Six

graphing tasks were presented to students in session 3, each of which explicitly defined

the type of graph that was to be completed (Appendix D, Table D1). An earlier pilot

study demonstrated that when provided with the option for selecting the type of graph to

use, students often selected basic, more familiar graphs. Controlling the type of graph to

use in response to each task allowed students to focus on the program they prefer for the

specific graphing technique and ensured that they attempted to create some of the more

complex graphs (e.g. boxplots). Task 6 for Excel required some basic formatting of the

data as did Task 3 for SigmaPlot; this was intentionally done to provide a "fair" scenario

for use in either program.


Data Collection

Three types of data were collected during this study: qualitative interview

responses, screenshots to use in quantitative coding analysis during the final session, and

the final graph products produced in response to each of six tasks in session 3. To

identify student program preference, at the end of the third session each student was

asked which program they preferred to use for simple and complex graphing tasks, as

well as weaknesses and strengths of each program (Appendix E). To obtain information

about the process by which students progressed through the graph tasks, a screenshot

recording program called StepShot ( was used for the duration of the

third session. This software recorded screenshots or "steps" which provided important

information about how proficient students were in creating each type of graph. Finally,

data was collected in the form of graph products which were saved in each program upon

completion of the third session.

Data Analysis

The data analysis for this study consisted of summarizing software preferences,

qualitatively evaluating interview responses, coding screenshot "steps" used to

quantitatively evaluate proficiency, and assessing final graph products. Program

preference was calculated as a percentage of the group, as well as by undergraduate grade

level. To qualitatively assess student preference, one-on-one interviews were conducted

to further evaluate student likes and dislikes relating to each of the programs (Appendix

E). Student responses to interview questions were recorded and compared to their

Session 3 program choice. Interviews also provided the opportunity for other relevant

factors to emerge during transcription and analysis.


Coding of StepShot data. Screenshots collected using StepShot were analyzed to

determine students’ software proficiency as they generated six different graphs during the

third session (see Appendix D for the six graphing tasks). At the end of session 3, the

StepShot file was saved and screenshots were exported to a Microsoft (MS) Word

document; each step (or screenshot taken when the student clicked the mouse button)

relating to the creation of a graph was assigned a code. Relevant steps included menu

selection, graph type selection and settings selections, data selection, and completion

steps (e.g. ‘Finish’ button). If a student re-did a step or series of steps related to the graph

production, these were also included and identified as either ‘reasonable’ if they had

made an error and were correcting it, ‘correct’ if they were starting over and taking the

correct steps again, or ‘unknown’ if the objective behind the steps was unclear. Any

other type of step unrelated to the creation of a graph, such as saving files, clicking on

different windows, scrolling up and down in the spreadsheet etc., was excluded from

coding. Extensive hesitations, wherein a student simply clicked the mouse button

multiple times, were also excluded from coding. Students were not required to label axes

in graphs nor provide a title for the graph as the objective of the task was to assess if the

fundamental data manipulation was conducted correctly. Thus formatting steps were not

included in the assessment. MS Word documents created from StepShot were generally

very large (300-350 pages) and would repeatedly crash during coding, so were saved

frequently. Sophomore 5’s StepShot files were unable to be exported to MS Word due to

the large file size, resulting in coding for only 9 (four Sophomore and four Junior)

StepShot sessions. Table 1 provides a brief description of the codes used.


Table 1

Codes used to identify the steps taken by students in generating each graph.

Code Description


Correct: This step is clearly correct in the process of the graphing task; since

graphs may be created more than one way, it includes any correct step in the

process; if a correct step was made after an error it was still considered correct.


Reasonable: This is a logical step that may not have been ideal, but is

understandable given the graphing task; it is a step that is not efficient for

creating the graph, but is understandable based on the nature of the software.


Error: This is an incorrect step. In this case there is no logical reason for this

step; an error is also assigned if the user selected the wrong data to graph.


Unknown: This step is not identifiable as correct or incorrect, but is possibly

due to the student performing a task or operation that is unrelated to the graph

(e.g. pauses).


Technology Issues Influencing Results

Several technological issues relating to computer performance and operating

system compatibility occurred in the first two sessions, and were primarily corrected for

the third session. However, major software compatibility problems were encountered

during all three sessions related to operating requirements for SigmaPlot. The trial

version of SigmaPlot is required to be run as an administrator, and due to limitations of

recording as an administrator with StepShot, problems relating to the opening of

SigmaPlot as well as final graph display issues were encountered. After session 1, I used

an alternate Window’s based recording program called “Problem Step Recorder” but


could not continue to use it as provided insufficient data for analysis. Although I

attempted to resolve the StepShot problem after session 2, students still encountered the

SigmaPlot graph display, resulting in students either prematurely resigning their attempt

at a graph using SigmaPlot or producing a corrupt final graph product. Despite errors in

the final graph product of some students, StepShot tracked all steps students took to

generate a graph in SigmaPlot, thereby providing information about their proficiency.

Software problems are important to consider during interpretation of results.

General Findings

Subsequent to the final session, all students provided responses to interview

questions about (a) their comfort level with graphing software, (b) their software

preference for simple graphs, and (c) their software preference for complex graphs (Table

2). Students self-identified their comfort level with graphing software use on a scale of 1

to 10. Most students self-identified their level of comfort with using software as a 6 or 7.

Amongst Junior biology students, 100% preferred Excel for simple graph tasks whereas

50% preferred Excel for complex graphs. Of the six sophomore students, 66% preferred

Excel for simple graph tasks and 33% preferred SigmaPlot. For complex graphs, the

reverse was observed with 66% selecting SigmaPlot and 33% selecting Excel.


Table 2

Students’ self-identified comfort level with graphing software and software preference

for simple and complex graphs.



Grade Level &


Comfort Level

Rating for


Software (1-10)

Simple Graph




Complex Graph


Program Selection


Junior 1





Junior 2





Junior 3





Junior 4





Sophomore 1





Sophomore 2





Sophomore 3





Sophomore 4





Sophomore 5





Sophomore 6




Interviews consisted of a series of questions including student’s course of study,

software preference, weaknesses and strengths of each program, and if they would use

the same software in their professional career. Students indicated that their preference for

Excel was based on their familiarity with the program, its graphic layout and ease of data

selection. Their familiarity with the program is the most commonly identified reason for

selecting Excel. Yet, students also commonly indicated that SigmaPlot offered a more

seamless and straightforward interface, and with additional experience they might select

SigmaPlot. With respect to weaknesses for each software, students indicated that Excel

is difficult to “figure out” or remember the numerous steps required to create complex


graphs, while SigmaPlot requires the data to be formatted in a separate program (e.g.

Excel) prior to being imported.

Several interesting responses were uncovered during the interviews that provide

conflicting information regarding students’ perception of software. In this example,

Sophomore 2 is a pre-med Biology student who identified his comfort level as a 10 with

graphing software and indicated that he strongly preferred Excel for simple and complex

graphing tasks:

Instructor: ….so if you have pre-med data, like [data from] clinical trials, I’m assuming

you would stick with the same program choice?

Sophomore 2: I would choose SigmaPlot

Instructor: Oh you would?

Sophomore 2: Well, I would try the SigmaPlot because I know that like our teachers talk

about it a lot for our medical journals.

Instructor: Oh, ok. What specifically do they say?

Sophomore 2: Well, they just talk about how they use mass amounts of data to throw in,

instead of like small ones like we are manipulating. So if it was me I would try Excel,

but I know that I have to get myself more familiar with Sigma cause we’re gonna start

doing like journals and stuff. So I would choose Excel just for me.

Sophomore 2 clearly prefers Excel but has indicated in his response he would select

SigmaPlot over Excel due to its use in professional settings for larger datasets and in

medical publications. This provides evidence that students are sometimes aware of


software needs within the scientific community, and recognize the need for learning these

programs for future use in their careers.

In another example, Junior 1, a Bio-Chemistry major, selected Excel when asked

about using graphing software in a professional career, but then revealed a preference for

a more straightforward program:

Junior 1: I would probably stick with Excel. I actually just had a…it was for vertebrate

physiology, but I had a lab and we had to do a statistical analysis, um, things I haven’t

done, and someone else showed me another program, that’s just on the computers here

that was super easy, so I actually just used that, instead of Excel.

Instructor: Oh cool, what’s the name of it?

Junior 1: It’s like IBM…I don’t know, I forget what it’s called. But it’s on the

computers in the lab. We had to do an ANOVA test? Do you know [what that is]? I’ve

never heard of it before, but on that one, you just put [the data] in, and it just does it all

for you. And with Excel, it’s like, it would take hours.

Instructor: Did you try it in Excel and this other IBM program?

Junior 1: I had no idea where to start with Excel, and that, so I was just like trying to get

help from my friend on this other one, and he just showed me it was real quick and easy.

In this example, Junior 1 points out that Excel can be complicated and time consuming

when attempting to use some of its data analysis applications. Although this does not

specifically relate to graphing data, it does indicate that this participant is aware that

alternate software programs can sometimes perform better for certain applications. These


responses indicate that biology students, while comfortable with Excel, experience

limitations and complexities when using some of Excel’s applications.

Although several students alluded to the benefits of SigmaPlot, Sophomore 3, a

Bio-Chemistry Major, strongly indicated his preference for this software:

Instructor: What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of SigmaPlot?

Sophomore 3: I’d say SigmaPlot, as far as strengths, uh, just all around [an] awesome

program. That was my first time using it; I, I’m stoked on it, it’s a great program. Very

easy to use. Everything, as far as making graphs, it’s all exactly the same, you just chose

out of that little box and stuff, and having everything in one place is really convenient, so

I would say that’s a major strength. And a weakness? I would say formatting [the data],

so other than that, I didn’t really see a whole lot [of negatives].

Sophomore 3 clearly preferred SigmaPlot despite his previous undergraduate history

using Excel.

The interviews provided a unique opportunity to obtain information regarding the

students’ perception of each software program. The verbal software preference indicated

by each student can be compared to their interview responses to gauge their underlying

opinions of each program. All students indicating a preference for Excel with either

basic or complex graphing tasks (80% of the students) also provided inconsistent

responses about their selection. They primarily indicated that given more time with

SigmaPlot, they might prefer this software, particularly for more complex graphing tasks.

These inconsistencies were represented in student responses about the strengths and


weaknesses of each program, or in their responses to which program they would use in

their own field. Only the responses of Sophomore 3 (who preferred SigmaPlot) solely

indicated a strong preference for one program over the other; no student responded with

consistent responses relating to their preference for Excel. Interview questions provided

information regarding the student underlying perspectives about the use of these software


Screenshot Coding

The results of the coding provided information about the students’ program

selection to perform (or attempt to perform) each graphing task, in addition to student

proficiency with each of the graphing tasks. During session 3, five out of nine recorded

sessions revealed that students attempted at least one graph in both programs, whereas the

remaining four students only used Excel for the graphing tasks. Codes for each graph

were tallied, and the number of correct steps and total steps were used to calculate the

total percentage of correct steps taken. Percentage of correct steps is used as a proxy for

evaluating the level of proficiency for each graphing task by software program; higher

percentage scores indicate a higher level of proficiency while lower scores indicate low

proficiency. The minimum, maximum and average percentages correct were calculated

for each task for both Excel and SigmaPlot (Table 3). Across all tasks in Excel, students

collectively had an average of 59.7% correct steps, whereas in SigmaPlot had an average

of 67.9% correct steps. For Excel, students performed best on line graph Task 1 (69.6%

correct steps) and Task 2 (65.6% correct steps), as well as the scatterplot using two

datasets Task 5 (67.0% correct steps). Students did not perform as well in Excel with the

single dataset scatterplot Task 4 (56.8% correct steps) and the histogram Task 6 (59%


correct steps). Students performed lowest on the box plots in Task 3 (40% correct steps).

For SigmaPlot, the sample size is smaller than Excel because only five of the nine

students selected SigmaPlot to attempt graphs, one of which only attempted to use

SigmaPlot for one graphing task. For SigmaPlot, students performed the best on line

graph Task 1 (78.7% correct steps) and the single dataset scatterplot Task 4 (86.7 %

correct steps), although it should be noted that only one and two students contributed to

these percentages respectively. Students performed relatively well for line graph Task 2

and the box plot Task 3 (63.5% correct steps for each task). The histogram Task 6

resulted in the lowest performance scores (47.1% correct steps).

Table 3

StepShot results by graph task.

Excel SigmaPlot



















Task 1 33.3% 69.6% 100.0% 68.4%* 78.7%* 84.2%*

Task 2 33.3% 65.6% 96.7% 46.5% 63.5% 75.0%

Task 3 13.5% 40.5% 64.1% 25.7% 63.5% 89.7%

Task 4 20.6% 56.8% 95.5% 83.3%* 86.7%* 90.0%*

Task 5 6.8% 67.0% 95.7% N/A N/A N/A

Task 6 0.0% 59.0% 96.9% 23.8% 47.1% 78.9%

*sample size ≤2

Final Graph Products

Overall Results: The final graphs completed by students for each of the graphing

tasks contributed to the results in several ways. The use of a recording program allowed

for the final graph products to be identified even if it was not saved in the students’ files.

The evaluation of the final graphs for each task is based on its accuracy and completion


and is represented as a percentage in Table 4. Many students attempted several graphing

tasks in both Excel and SigmaPlot, so sample size and percentages are broken out by

program as well as by task. Table 4 indicates whether a graph is “Correct,” “Mostly

Correct” (only a few formatting errors), “Partially Correct” (approximately half of the

elements of the graph are correct), “Incorrect” or if there is “No Graph” (wherein the

final product was deleted and/or not recorded by StepShot). As previously mentioned,

problems with the integration of the trial version of SigmaPlot with the recording

program resulted in graph display errors, which often caused the students to revise the

graph even when it should have been displayed correctly. For these instances, if a

student made a series of steps that should have resulted in a correct graph, but

encountered graph display errors, then these graphs were considered a “correct” final

product (with a note that the graph “would have been correct” during review).


Table 4

Summary of state of “correctness” of final graph products organized by task, software and type of graph.

Software & Task Type of Graph














No Graph

Excel - Task 1 Line graph, single y-axis 9 100%

SigmaPlot - Task 1 Line graph, single y-axis 3 100%

Excel - Task 2 Line graph, two y-axes 9 44% 44% 11%

SigmaPlot - Task 2 Line graph, two y-axes 3 33% 67%

Excel - Task 3 Boxplot 9 11% 33% 33% 22%

SigmaPlot - Task 3 Boxplot 4 25% 25% 50%

Excel - Task 4 Single dataset scatterplot 9 44% 11% 11% 33%

SigmaPlot - Task 4 Single dataset scatterplot 2* 100%*

Excel - Task 5 Two datasets scatterplot 9 56% 22% 22%

SigmaPlot - Task 5 Two datasets scatterplot 1* 100%*

Excel - Task 6 Frequency distribution 7 71% 29%

SigmaPlot - Task 6 Frequency distribution 3 33% 67% * indicates a low sample size


The final completed graphs contributed information regarding the students’

proficiency in creating simple and complex graphs. Overall, students performed well

(100% Correct) for Task 1 in both Excel and SigmaPlot. They also performed well

(100% correct) for Task 4 and 5 in SigmaPlot, but the sample size contributing to the

performance on these two tasks for SigmaPlot was very low. For graphing Task 2,

students performed slightly better using SigmaPlot than Excel (see Table 4). Students

had difficulty with Task 3 in both programs and collectively performed worst on this task

as compared to all other tasks. Of the two scatterplot tasks and only comparing for Excel

(SigmaPlot users for this task were in the minority), students performed better with Task

5, which contained two datasets, than with Task 4, which only contained one dataset.

Students performed better with Task 6 in Excel versus SigmaPlot. Although students

were provided with instructions stating what type of graph to use and what datasets to

use, students still encountered many problems with these graphing tasks. Tasks that

students struggled with the most are identifiable in Table 4 as those that contained

percentages in “Partially Correct,” “Incorrect,” or “No Graph” categories.

In the section below, I provide a few examples of individual student’s challenges

and successes with the graphing tasks.

Example 1: Inconsistencies Across Proficiency Level, Program Use and

Program Selection. Although some students preferred Excel and also indicated a high

level of comfort with graphing software in general, their final graph product in

conjunction with their percentage correct scores per task indicated low levels of

proficiency in Excel. For example, when asked in Task 4 to construct a singular

scatterplot of YB (yellow bellied) Marmot Count and Maximum temperature, Junior 3


created two separate graphs. Figure 2 contrasts an example of a correct graph created by

another student (Figure 2A) to the incorrect paired graphs Junior 3 created (Figure 2B &


Figure 2. Comparison of correct graph (2A) versus Junior 3’s pair of incorrect graphs (2B

and 2C) for Task 4.







-40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0

Task 4 - Graph #1

maxtemp (°C)












0.00 500.00 1000.00 1500.00






Marmot Count

Task 4 - Correct




Junior 3 indicated a comfort level of 7 for using software programs for graphing

purposes, and preferred Excel for both simple and complex graphing tasks. Table 5

provides a summary of this student’s proficiency overall by task and program; Junior 3

seemed to struggle with graphing tasks 3, 4 and 5 based on the number of erroneous and

repeated steps taken to create the graphs. In my notes during the analysis of Junior 3’s

graphing task, I wrote:

"There was a lot of back and forth between Excel & SigmaPlot –which resulted in an

incorrect graph in excel; Junior 3 was very confused as to how to make this graph

and repeatedly selected the wrong data to graph; Junior 3 returned to try this graph

again after completing other graph tasks, and repeatedly made the same mistakes and

was getting errors from choosing incompatible data”

Interestingly, despite the indicated preference, Junior 3 attempted to use SigmaPlot for

two of the six graphing tasks, which resulted in the correct creation of the frequency

distribution graph, a task that many struggled with. My notes for her graphing

proficiency with Task 6 in SigmaPlot indicated she knew exactly what steps to take for

creating the graph in this program, and accomplished it with a minimal number of steps

(Table 5). Even more interesting is that prior to graphing Task 6 in SigmaPlot, she also

unsuccessfully attempted to create the frequency distribution in Excel (Figure 3).


Table 5

Screenshot coding and final graph results for Junior 3.

Software Task

# of



# of



# of



# of



Total #






Final Graph


SigmaPlot Task 1 26 4 3 5 38 68.4% Correct

Excel Task 1 26 0 0 0 26 100.0% Correct

Excel Task 2 18 13 7 16 54 33.3% No Graph

Excel Task 3 75 66 57 125 323 23.2% Incorrect

SigmaPlot Task 3 18 27 6 19 70 25.7% No Graph

Excel Task 4 40 11 12 11 74 54.1% Incorrect

Excel Task 5 66 28 8 9 111 59.5% Mostly Correct

Excel Task 6 6 0 3 9 18 33.3% Incorrect

SigmaPlot Task 6 15 2 0 2 19 78.9% Correct


Figure 3. Junior 3’s correct (3A) and incorrect (3B) final graph products for Task 6.

Example 2: Time on the X-axis. The results of this study identified several

difficulties that students had with graphing tasks including difficulties with scatterplots,

difficulties graphing data with two different y axes, and difficulties with boxplot and

frequency distribution graphs. Several of these graphs were found to be difficult using

either program, although the majority of these results were obtained from Excel-based

graphing as that is the program most students selected (and used based on programs with




administrator issues mentioned in the beginning). Despite clear instructions on which

data to plot and the type of graph to use, student unexpectedly attempted to plot each

dataset against time. Figure 4 exemplifies the problem Sophomore 5 and Sophomore 6

had with creating a scatterplot in Task 4. In this example, the students each decided to

generate the incorrect graph shown in 4B as opposed to the correct scatterplot graph in

4A. Sophomore 6 had varying degrees of proficiency as indicated in Table 6 while

Sophomore 5’s proficiency scores via StepShot were unavailable due to an inability to

extract the data. Interestingly, Sophomore 6’s graphs for Task 5, which required the

graphing of two datasets in a scatterplot, yielded a correct response (Figure 5).


Figure 4. Comparison of correct graph (4A) compared with the incorrect graph (4B)

created by Sophomores 5 and 6 for Task 4.









0.00 500.00 1000.00 1500.00






Marmot Count

Task #4

YB MarmotCount

Linear (YBMarmotCount)
















1975 1985 1995 2005




re (



s D






t C




Task #4





Table 6

Screenshot coding and final graph results for Sophomore 6.

Software Task

# of



# of



# of



# of



Total #






Final Graph


Excel Task 1 27 3 3 6 39 69.2% Correct

Excel Task 2 29 2 3 9 43 67.4% Correct

Excel Task 3 56 11 6 19 92 60.9% Partially Correct

Excel Task 4 26 15 30 55 126 20.6% Incorrect

Excel Task 5 30 1 6 4 41 73.2% Correct

Excel Task 6 35 1 2 8 46 76.1% Correct

Figure 5. Sophomore 6’s correct scatterplot in the two dataset task (Task 5).









0 1000 2000 3000



t (g


Yearly Marmot Count

Task #5 Avg.Yearling Wt

Avg.Juvenile Wt

Linear (Avg.YearlingWt)


Example 3: Two y-axes. Another problem students seemed to exhibit is graphing

two datasets that contain different values of measurement (i.e. different y axes). Students

regularly neglected to add the second y-axis in Excel in order to represent a different unit

of measurement including Junior 1, Junior 2, Junior 3 (no final graph actually produced

for this student in either program), Sophomore 2 and Sophomore 4 (Figure 6). Each

student had varying levels of proficiency. Figure 6A depicts an accurate graph for Task 2

while Figure 6B represents the common graph for students listed above.

Figure 6. Comparison of a correct graph (6A) versus an incorrect graph (6B) created by

five students for Task 2.






































Time (Year)

Task 2 meltwater(mm)



































lt W


r (m



w P





Task 2





Example 4: Frequency Distributions. An additional final graphing problem

existed for students attempting Task 6, the frequency distribution task. This particular

graphing issue was mentioned in Junior 3’s ability to create an accurate graph for Task 6

using SigmaPlot but not Excel. Several other students (using either software program)

also ran into issues with this graphing task. In Figure 7, a correct graph is presented

(Figure 7A), in comparison to an incorrect graph created in Excel by Sophomore 1 and

an incorrect graph created in SigmaPlot by Sophomore 4 (Figure 7B & Figure 7C,

respectively). Table 7 provides a summary of these two students' proficiency with

graphing tasks; Sophomore 1 had the lowest scores of all 9 students and a high number

of total steps, and Sophomore 4 did well with some Excel tasks.


Figure 7. Comparison of correct graph (7A) as compared to an incorrect graph created in

Excel (7B) and SigmaPlot (7C) for Task 6.
































Task 6

Avg. AdultWt. (g)








Average Adult Weight (g)

Task 6




Table 7

Screenshot coding and final graph results for Sophomores 1 and 4 who generated the incorrect graphs in Figure 7.


Software Task

# of



# of



# of



# of



Total #






Final Graph


Excel Task 1 42 17 15 25 99 42.4% Correct

Excel Task 2 53 16 22 67 158 33.5% Correct

SigmaPlot Task 2 20 17 5 1 43 46.5% Mostly Correct

Excel Task 3 18 30 35 50 133 13.5% Partially Correct

Excel Task 4 26 5 5 19 55 47.3% Correct

Excel Task 5 3 10 4 27 44 6.8% Incorrect

Excel Task 6 0 17 9 11 37 0.0% Incorrect


Excel Task 1 27 0 0 0 27 100.0% Correct

Excel Task 2 34 0 0 13 47 72.3% Partially Correct

Excel Task 3 33 8 42 46 129 25.6% Incorrect

SigmaPlot Task 3 260 0 5 25 290 89.7% No Graph

Excel Task 4 30 0 5 16 51 58.8% Correct

Excel Task 5 40 7 2 1 50 80.0% Mostly Correct

SigmaPlot Task 6 22 24 5 6 57 38.6% Incorrect


However, despite the incorrect graph product for Task 6 (Figure 7C), I observed the

following when analyzing Sophomore 4's production of this graph using SigmaPlot:

"Sophomore 4 had the right idea but did not do a histogram, instead did a bar chart

so couldn't get the graph right. Sophomore 4 played around with this for a while

after finishing but then gave up and saved it"

Sophomore 4 made many of the correct steps for creating the graph for Task 6 but did not

select the correct type of graph which prevented her from creating a correct final graph

product. Sophomore 4 also tried to use SigmaPlot with Task 3 (BoxPlot) which she

could not complete correctly in Excel. She made all the correct steps in SigmaPlot as

well, but forgot that the data had to be formatted prior to graphing. Sophomore 4 thus

acted consistently with her preference for SigmaPlot for more complex graphs.


This research was intended to (a) assess the level of proficiency gained by

students after being guided through graphing exercises in Excel and SigmaPlot, (b)

determine the participants’ preference of software programs, and (c) evaluate each

student’s level of proficiency in relation to their program selection. The results were

partially inconclusive, but revealed some unexpected discrepancies and insightful

indications of the students’ true abilities with graphing data. The combined methods used

for attaining information relating to the students’ perceptions, capabilities and underlying

viewpoints about these software programs was necessary for presenting a comprehensive

response to each of my thesis questions. It was through the collective assessment of


student program preference, recorded steps taken during graph creation in each program,

and exploratory interview questions that my questions were addressed.

Through the course of this research, it became clear that my initial research

question needed to be slightly refined. The training sessions were intended to provide the

students with an opportunity to spend an equal amount of time performing graphing tasks

with both Excel and SigmaPlot. However, due to the explicit difference in all students'

experience with these two programs—all had experience with Excel and none had

experience with SigmaPlot—the study results were affected by an unevenly weighted

level of experience. All students started the study with a certain level of proficiency with

Excel which enabled them to build upon the ability they already possessed, not develop a

proficiency level from the exercises. I also expected Junior students to have a greater

proficiency level with Excel than Sophomore students due to the extra year of instruction

wherein they were likely to have spent more time with this program. Thus, in this

discussion, the content tends to reflect how proficient students already were in Excel

versus how proficient they become in SigmaPlot given the guided exercises, instead of

how proficient they become with both programs due to the two intervention sessions.

Research Question A: Student Proficiency

Student’s proficiency level was determined based on an analysis of the StepShot

data, where both the percentage of correct steps taken by students and the state of their

final graph products was examined. Although the “total number of steps taken” was used

as a metric for evaluating the proficiency of the students for each graphing task, the total

steps required for graphs in Excel versus SigmaPlot were inherently incomparable due to

differences in the program functionality and infrastructure. SigmaPlot requires fewer


steps for graph creation due to the underlying algorithms that allow for columns to be

selected in comparison to cells of data in Excel. Therefore, the number of correct steps

students performed in each program was converted to percentages to provide comparable

results, and was one of the primary factors in evaluating proficiency level.

As indicated in Table 3, the minimum, average, and maximum percentage correct

steps were calculated for each graphing task amongst all students. Percentage of correct

steps was calculated by comparing the correct steps to the total number of steps

(consisting of "correct", "incorrect", "reasonable", or "unknown" steps). A lower average

percentage of correct steps indicated a greater number of incorrect, reasonable, or

unknown steps in their repertoire of decisions regarding graph production. Although the

average percentage of correct steps taken for graphs created in Excel and SigmaPlot were

similar, students creating graphs in SigmaPlot performed slightly better on two of the six

tasks. The minimum and maximum percentage of correct steps by students also provides

information relating to proficiency because a lower minimum percentage of correct steps

indicates students have a great amount of difficulty remembering the steps for creating a

graph, whereas a high percentage indicates a clear understanding of the steps required

within a program for completing a graph. Considering students' previous experience with

Excel, it would stand to reason that they would have a lower minimum percentage of

correct steps when attempting SigmaPlot graphs versus Excel graphs. However, for 5 out

of 6 graphing tasks (the remaining task provided no SigmaPlot results for comparison as

there was an error with the recording of the student who created this graph correctly

using SigmaPlot), students attempting graphs in Excel had a lower minimum percentage

of correct steps versus SigmaPlot. Additionally, they produced a maximum percentage of


correct steps using SigmaPlot that was relatively comparable to Excel across all graphing

tasks. These results suggest students were more efficient with SigmaPlot overall, which

was not anticipated given their training and familiarity with Excel throughout their school

careers (Figure 8). Although the lower sample size of students attempting graphs in

SigmaPlot impacts the interpretation of these results, for those students who attempted

graphs in SigmaPlot, this comparison suggests efficiency (and thus proficiency) may be

slightly higher for students graphing in SigmaPlot versus Excel.

Figure 8. Range of percentage of correct steps from screenshot coding demonstrating a

greater range of variability in students’ performance using Excel versus SigmaPlot.

In reviewing the results from StepShot for all graphing tasks attempted using

Excel, several details start to become apparent relating to students' proficiency level with

this new program. As mentioned, the minimum and maximum percentage of correct

steps for Excel showed a wide range of variability in the abilities of students using this

program. In looking at the group as a whole, if students had an overall higher level of

proficiency in Excel, I would expect to see less variability amongst students (e.g.

minimum and maximum percentage of correct steps values would be expected to be

closer to the average percentage of correct steps values for each task). This is expected


because I assumed that students knew the steps required to create a graph in Excel, and

thus should have a larger number of correct steps. Additionally, given the limited

experience students had with SigmaPlot, I expected that the average percentage of correct

steps in Excel would be better than the percentage of correct steps using SigmaPlot. I

also expected to see a slightly higher average percentage of correct steps values for the

more basic graphs such as the line graphs in Task 1 and Task 2. However, the results

show that students do not have an equal distribution of proficiency for the creation of

simple and complex graphs in Excel, and that their overall proficiency level is less than

expected given their experience with Excel prior to this teaching experiment.

The final graph products provide another clue relating to the proficiency level of

students for Excel and SigmaPlot. As indicated in Table 4, the final graphs produced by

all students were evaluated to determine if they were correct, mostly correct, partially

correct, incorrect or missing. These results enhanced the findings in Table 3 regarding

the percentage of correct steps taken to generate a graph. I expected that despite the

percentage of correct steps taken in Excel, students would ultimately produce a correct,

completed graph; this was not typically the case. To further assess proficiency, I

compared several of the graphing task results from Table 4 with the results in Table 3.

For example, Task 1 resulted in 100% correct graph product for students using either

SigmaPlot or Excel, but this is accompanied by differences in the average percentage of

correct steps as students exhibited 69.6% average correct steps in Excel and 78.7%

correct steps in SigmaPlot. The lower percentages of correct steps in Excel indicates that

students had a higher quantity of incorrect, reasonable, or unknown steps in comparison

with those students producing the graph in SigmaPlot. Table 4 further suggests that


many of the graphs attempted by students, despite the trial and error relating to

generating a graph, did not result in correct graphs. This data reveals that students’

proficiency with Excel is less than expected considering their preference and experience

with Excel-based graphing. Research in graphing capabilities indicates that students have

difficulty developing proficient graph construction skills (Glazer, 2011; Singer et al.,

2012). Fluency, or accomplishing a task quickly and with expertise, is also noted as

lacking in undergraduate biology students despite its importance in the workplace (Airey

& Linder, 2008; Ebenezer et al., 2011). My research indicates a lack of fluency among

most students for graphing in Excel, however, there's also evidence of a competitive

proficiency level in SigmaPlot even given a short experience with the program.

Research Question B: Student Program Preference

Regarding program preference, Excel was selected as the software program

choice amongst many of the students, particularly with simple graphing tasks; however

interview responses ultimately indicated conflicting viewpoints. One clearly evident

trend was the stronger preference for Excel amongst Junior students as compared to

Sophomore students. Junior students overwhelmingly indicated Excel as their preferred

graphing software program of choice for both simple and complex graphing tasks.

Sophomore students were almost equally split in preferences between Excel and

SigmaPlot for simple graphing tasks, but predominantly preferred SigmaPlot for complex

graphing tasks. This preference may be a result of Junior level students being privy to an

additional year of course instruction wherein Excel is the only graphing software program

used. Additionally, many students provided responses to interview questions that


conflicted and were inconsistent with their program choice. As mentioned in the results,

these inconsistencies were represented in the majority of the participants (80%).

Research Question C: Student’s level of proficiency in relation to their program


I also found inconsistency in software program choice and proficiency, which is

best exemplified in Junior 3. This student indicated a strong preference for Excel, but

still decided to use SigmaPlot (in addition to Excel) for three of the six graphing tasks.

Her percentage of correct steps for all tasks aside from Task 1 in Excel and SigmaPlot

and Task 6 in SigmaPlot were very low. In comparing Tasks 1 and 6 in each program,

she completed correct graphs in both programs for Task 1, but only completed the correct

graph in SigmaPlot for Task 6 (Excel for Task 6 was incorrect). This suggests that her

proficiency with SigmaPlot was slightly greater than for Excel, despite her clear choice of

Excel for program preference. Considering familiarity with Excel is one of the reigning

lines of justification for the selection of this program, students’ preference for Excel is

not unexpected. Perhaps what is unexpected is the Junior and Sophomore students’ level

of proficiency of graphing within Excel as indicated in the previous section. I expected

that students would have a higher level of proficiency with the software program they

were more familiar with, but this was not the case.

When reviewing the participant responses about these software programs we can

glean several overall impressions of both SigmaPlot and Excel. SigmaPlot was perceived

as offering a more seamless and intuitive interface for graphing purposes, but was

predominantly unfamiliar, and gave the impression that there was more formatting of

data required prior to graphing. Excel provided students with a familiar platform


containing attractive layout features and the ability to manually manipulate and select

data, but was found to be burdensome with respect to the steps required for graphing that

data. Student familiarity with Excel should have enabled them, particularly the more

experienced students, to be relatively proficient with the graphing in Excel. But as this

study shows, there is clearly less of an aptitude amongst most students for this program.

Despite the endeavors of all students to complete each of the graphing tasks in Excel in

an efficient manner, the results indicate (based on the percentage of correct steps and

state of final graph products) that they collectively struggled to attain this objective.

Their interview responses can be used as an indication of a common problem; one of

Excel’s biggest weaknesses is “figuring out” the steps to create the graph, as many

students informed me. This suggests that Excel is heavily burdensome when used for

tasks other than data manipulation. However, we must keep in mind that Excel is first

and foremost a spreadsheet-centric program designed for storing, organizing and

manipulating data. Its capabilities for these purposes have revolutionized many finance

and scientific industries, and ancillary capabilities such as graphing and statistical

analysis are naturally valuable features for any user. The problem arises from the origin

– Excel is predominantly designed for data storage and though subsequent version

modifications and developments have increased the capabilities of this software program,

the steps required to obtain analytical and graph results remain complicated and

cumbersome. These challenges are not newly identified as various researchers have

indicated the deficiencies of Excel for graphing data (Abramovich et al., 2010; Baker,

2004; Lim, 2004).


Other Interesting Findings

During the course of this study, several interesting results emerged that were not

directly related to my research questions. The final graph products provided information

about graphing errors encountered by this group of students. Students experienced

several problems regarding the appropriate physical display of data within two

dimensional graphs as well as how datasets can be compared to one another. For instance

in Example 1, Junior 3 was asked to create a scatterplot using two datasets and instead

graphed each dataset separately, each with respect to time (year) for Task 4. Sophomore

5 and 6 (Example 2) also chose to graph two datasets with respect to time (year) for Task

4, but this time within one graph. In a subsequent scatterplot graph, Sophomore 6

accurately graphed a second scatterplot using both datasets for Task 5. The propensity to

graph data along a timescale was also exhibited in Task 6 for Junior 3 using Excel, for

Sophomore 1 using Excel and for Sophomore 4 using SigmaPlot. These graphical errors

represent a tendency for students to graph data with respect to time, despite the nature of

the requested graph. These results align with previous research (Bowen et al., 1999), and

reveal a fundamental issue that students have with graphing data. This penchant to graph

time on the x-axis could be due to the frequency of time oriented graphs occurring in

news reports and other media.

Several complex graph tasks prompted unexpected errors in students' products.

The Task 6 examples in my results demonstrated students’ difficulty in conceptualizing a

frequency distribution. For this task, students incorrectly graphed all data points along

the x-axis, which they did not seem to perceive as problematic because these incorrect

graphs were kept as their final products. Another problem students encountered was in


graphing data with two different types of measurement using the same y-axis in Task 2.

Junior 1, Junior 2, Junior 3, Sophomore 2 and Sophomore 4 all made this same error. It

is possible that units of measure in the same graph are difficult to perceive conceptually.

Errors were exhibited from both Junior and Sophomore students, so this error may not be

related to experience level. These students all varied with respect to proficiency levels,

which could indicate that their conceptions are based on an overarching perspective on

how data is represented graphically.


Implications for Undergraduate Biology Courses

The results from this study suggest that students are in need of more extensive

training with Excel throughout their undergraduate biology careers to enable them to

develop fluency with this skill. Furthermore, students may benefit from being exposed to

different graphing programs, such as SigmaPlot, so that they may focus their efforts on

graph interpretation rather than construction. The observed results for SigmaPlot in this

study suggest that use of this software program for graphing exercises may be a

beneficial addition to undergraduate biology courses. Responses from the student with

the highest proficiency levels (Sophomore 2) and conviction in his preference for Excel

revealed that SigmaPlot is still deemed a necessary component for growth in a career

following graduation. This suggests that students may be aware of more powerful

graphing programs that are available and ultimately necessary to learn as they progress

towards their career. Junior 1 also provided an insightful perspective on the overall

complexity of performing some analytical tasks in Excel. His description of an alternate

program used in place of Excel for conducting an ANOVA statistical analysis provides a


related example of how Excel can be complicated and burdensome. His comment

specifically indicates that Excel would take too much time to learn the steps versus an

alternate program; this suggests that students may be bogged down by the complexities of

obtaining a result in Excel, such that it prevents them from focusing on the analysis

results. Although this example does not refer to graphing, it does contribute to the

common perspective that Excel can be difficult to navigate and execute for some tasks.

Computer-based programs and technology that streamline the process of data

manipulation and analysis should be incorporated into undergraduate biology programs

such that students are provided with tools that enhance their learning of concepts and

allow for better retention of graphing and analysis processes.


Several limitations were encountered during this exploratory research that should

be considered when interpreting these results. Initially and importantly, technological

issues were encountered that impacted the use of SigmaPlot in this study. Operating

system compatibility was and will remain a problem with SigmaPlot; at the time of this

study, SigmaPlot was only available for Windows operating systems. This compatibility

problem is important to consider if future use of the software in courses or research is

considered. Additionally, administrator privileges required for the use of the trial version

of SigmaPlot in conjunction with the StepShot recording program resulted in problems

with SigmaPlot operation and display properties. This ultimately resulted in some

students opting out of the use of SigmaPlot for their session 3 graphing tasks (as observed

through initial StepShot step recordings). Recordings made during sessions 1 and 2

allowed for some problems to be counteracted, but did not result in a complete resolution


to these problems. Careful consideration of these issues should be made prior to

conducting future research with StepShot or the trial version of SigmaPlot (the licensed

version is recommended as it resulted in no errors).

Sample size was another problem encountered in this study and should be noted

when interpreting results. Ten students attended all three sessions, and of these ten

students, six were Sophomores and four were Juniors in various undergraduate biology

programs at Point Loma Nazarene University. Although a larger sample size of students,

even distribution of grade levels and sampling from various universities and colleges is

typically desired, this was an exploratory study and thus limited by the nature of the data

collected. These results are considered qualitative and are intended to provide

information to support future, extensive research. In addition to the smaller sample size,

only four students selected SigmaPlot for use in their session 3 graphing tasks. This is

directly relates to the problems described above, and should be noted when interpreting

results from this study.

Future Research

Future research is required to provide a more comprehensive assessment of

student proficiency using SigmaPlot, Excel, and various other graphing programs. As

previously mentioned, the sample size of students using SigmaPlot was smaller than

desired, and technology issues complicated results further. This exploratory study is

intended to provide the basis for the evident need for more research in the area of

graphing program use and proficiency. Although SigmaPlot was used in this study,

testing and research of alternate graphing software programs is recommended to obtain

data that identifies the best performing program.


Though Excel is a widely used software program that has infiltrated the core of

most undergraduate biology programs within the United States, this study provides

preliminary evidence that it falls short of enabling students to graph data correctly and

retain the knowledge required to reproduce graphs. If students exhaust their effort on

repeatedly re-learning the steps required to reproduce a graph or analysis task within a

program, they are less likely to refine or invest energy in interpreting the results of their

product. This ultimately leads to a problem that is two-fold for the work force: students

are unable to successfully retain the capabilities for tasks required of their post-

baccalaureate job, and are less experienced with developing an accurate representation of

their results (Johnstone, 2012; Labov et al., 2010; Woodin et al., 2010). By providing

students with an alternative, less burdensome method for graphing data during the

undergraduate stage of education, they are both able to focus their efforts on correct

interpretation of biological data, and able to retain information about the correct type of

graph to use as opposed to how to create a specific graph.

Use of more intuitive software programs such as SigmaPlot found in the scientific

industry setting can support this objective and expose students to appropriate tools for use

in their careers. Ultimately this goal relates to the need of science and technology

industries, and the need for the United States to be competitive in an internationally

growing market (National Science Board, 2012). Providing students with the best tools

available to analyze scientific data not only enables them to excel in post-graduate work,

but also provides a feasible, application-based experience for beginning students that

might influence them to continue in science undergraduate programs of study.

Technology has permeated many advanced scientific disciplines through the use of


computer-based software. To better prepare students in undergraduate biology programs

with the instruments required of them in their careers, incorporation of these instruments

within an academic environment is essential.



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Appendix A: Sophomore and junior undergraduate biology student subject


Please answer the following on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being “Strongly agree” and 1 being

“Disagree.” Answer N/A if you are unsure or if the question does not apply to you.

1. I am comfortable navigating computers.

2. I enjoy learning new software programs.

3. I am able to follow along with guided exercises for software programs I am unfamiliar


4. I am familiar with basic data graphing methods (i.e. line graphs, histograms)

5. I have taken at least one course that included graphing biological data.

6. I have used Excel for biological graphing exercises.

7. I have used SigmaPlot for biological graphing exercises.

8. I can provide a laptop computer for my use in this research study, have Microsoft Excel

available on my laptop, and am willing to install trial versions of two programs.


Appendix B. Datasets used for Session 1: Simple Graphing Exercises in Excel and


Table B1

Segment of data for use in session one with Excel simple graph method tutorial; data are

selections from the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory ( long term

data series. Participants will use data for generating line graphs and

histograms/frequency distributions in Microsoft Excel.


y year










(°C) year







1/1/2006 2006 1 1 -7.5 -0.5 2006 9.4 0.54

1/2/2006 2006 1 2 -13.0 -1.5 2007 10.3 0.56

1/3/2006 2006 1 3 -8.5 0.5 2008 8.1 0.60

1/4/2006 2006 1 4 -13.5 -4.0 2009 8.6 0.55

1/5/2006 2006 1 5 -12.0 -4.5 2010 6.7 0.64

1/6/2006 2006 1 6 -15.0 3.0

1/7/2006 2006 1 7 -12.0 3.5

1/8/2006 2006 1 8 -9.5 -2.5

1/9/2006 2006 1 9 -17.0 -7.0

1/10/2006 2006 1 10 -20.0 -7.0

1/11/2006 2006 1 11 -16.5 -0.5

1/12/2006 2006 1 12 -14.5 -6.0

1/13/2006 2006 1 13 -19.0 -5.0

1/14/2006 2006 1 14 -13.0 1.0

1/15/2006 2006 1 15 -10.0 -3.5

1/16/2006 2006 1 16 -14.5 -7.0

1/17/2006 2006 1 17 -14.0 -2.0

1/18/2006 2006 1 18 -7.0 -1.0

1/19/2006 2006 1 19 -8.5 -4.5

1/20/2006 2006 1 20 -19.0 -8.5

1/21/2006 2006 1 21 -22.5 -10.0

1/22/2006 2006 1 22 -21.5 -8.5

1/23/2006 2006 1 23 -24.0 -7.5


Table B2

Segment of data for use in session one with SigmaPlot 12.0 simple graph method tutorial;

data are selections from the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory ( long

term data series. Participants will use data for generating line graphs and

histograms/frequency distributions in SigmaPlot.

dd/mm/yyyy year month day






(cm) year



pack (cm)



1/1/1995 1995 1 1 410 93 1995 82 4.41

1/2/1995 1995 1 2 410 91 1996 76 4.12

1/3/1995 1995 1 3 411 91 1997 78 4.28

1/4/1995 1995 1 4 415 94 1998 53 3.00

1/5/1995 1995 1 5 433 109 1999 46 2.84

1/6/1995 1995 1 6 443 112

1/7/1995 1995 1 7 467 129

1/8/1995 1995 1 8 482 132

1/9/1995 1995 1 9 484 127

1/10/1995 1995 1 10 484 122

1/11/1995 1995 1 11 500 134

1/12/1995 1995 1 12 515 138

1/13/1995 1995 1 13 522 138

1/14/1995 1995 1 14 523 132

1/15/1995 1995 1 15 523 127

1/16/1995 1995 1 16 535 130

1/17/1995 1995 1 17 537 127

1/18/1995 1995 1 18 538 126

1/19/1995 1995 1 19 539 124

1/20/1995 1995 1 20 539 122

1/21/1995 1995 1 21 539 121

1/22/1995 1995 1 22 539 120

1/23/1995 1995 1 23 539 120


Appendix C. Datasets used for Session 2: Complex Graphing Exercises in Excel and SigmaPlot

Table C1

Segment of data for use in session two with Excel complex graph method tutorial; data are selections from the Rocky Mountain

Biological Laboratory ( long term data series. Participants will use data for generating complex line graphs, scatter

plots and box and whisker plots in Microsoft Excel. Data for the years 2000 and 2009 box and whisker plot activity purposefully left

blank to demonstrate data preparation needs.

dd/mm/yyyy year month day















(cm) 1980 1990

11/1/1980 1980 11 1 -9.0 7.0 0.00 121 28 Max 8.0 6.5

11/2/1980 1980 11 2 -11.0 5.5 0.00 121 27 3rd Quartile 4.5 2

11/3/1980 1980 11 3 -8.5 5.0 0.00 121 25 Median 1.0 -2.0

11/4/1980 1980 11 4 -6.0 4.0 0.00 121 24 1st Quartile -1.5 -8.5

11/5/1980 1980 11 5 -8.0 8.0 0.00 121 20 Min -8.0 -20.5

11/6/1980 1980 11 6 -8.0 6.5 0.00 121 17

11/7/1980 1980 11 7 -4.5 7.0 0.00 121 14

11/8/1980 1980 11 8 -4.5 5.0 0.00 121 10

11/9/1980 1980 11 9 -4.5 7.0 0.00 121 8

11/10/1980 1980 11 10 -7.5 8.0 0.00 121 5

11/11/1980 1980 11 11 -8.5 7.0 0.00 121 4

11/12/1980 1980 11 12 -4.0 5.0 0.00 121 3

11/13/1980 1980 11 13 -5.0 -1.0 16.26 144 20

11/14/1980 1980 11 14 -9.0 -3.0 2.29 149 21

11/15/1980 1980 11 15 -21.5 -4.0 0.00 149 20


Table 2C

Segment of data for use in session two with SigmaPlot 12.0 complex graph method tutorial; data are selections from the Rocky

Mountain Biological Laboratory ( long term data series. Participants will use data for generating complex line graphs,

scatter plots and box and whisker plots in SigmaPlot.

dd/mm/yyyy year month day




max temp



water (in)

melt water



pack (cm)



6/9/2007 2007 6 9 0.0 21.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/10/2007 2007 6 10 1.0 23.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/11/2007 2007 6 11 3.0 21.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/12/2007 2007 6 12 6.0 13.0 0.00 0.00 0 17.78

6/13/2007 2007 6 13 2.0 19.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/14/2007 2007 6 14 1.5 23.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/15/2007 2007 6 15 3.5 25.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/16/2007 2007 6 16 4.0 25.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/17/2007 2007 6 17 4.5 24.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/18/2007 2007 6 18 4.5 21.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/19/2007 2007 6 19 1.5 24.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/20/2007 2007 6 20 4.0 25.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/21/2007 2007 6 21 3.5 25.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/22/2007 2007 6 22 4.5 22.5 0.00 0.00 0 2.29

6/23/2007 2007 6 23 3.0 26.0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/24/2007 2007 6 24 4.0 26.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/25/2007 2007 6 25 3.5 25.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/26/2007 2007 6 26 3.5 25.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

6/27/2007 2007 6 27 5.0 26.5 0.00 0.00 0 0.00


Appendix D. Tasks and datasets for Session 3: Final Graph Tasks

Table D1

List of tasks for participants to address using graph methods in the program of their

choice, Excel or SigmaPlot. Tasks specifically delineate the graphs that should be used

to address each task to eliminate variability in user selection of graph type.

Task # Use the following tasks to address the research question: Has the Yellow-Bellied

Marmot maintained consistent population characteristics in its indigenous Rocky

Mountain habitat over a 30 year observation period? Has the Rocky Mountain

habitat been environmentally consistent over 30 years?

1 Task: How has environmental conditions changed over the 30 year period? Graph

the minimum and maximum temperatures from 1978 to 2010 using a line graph

with time on the x axis and the same y axis.

2 Task: Is there a difference in the amount of snow pack over time and how does this

relate to melt water in inches? Graph both datasets using a line graph with time on

the x axis and two different Y axes.

3 Task: Has the population of Yellow-bellied Marmots remained consistent over 30

year period, an how does their populations vary during the year? Create box and

whisker plots for YB Marmot Count for each year, with year on the X axis and count

on the Y axis. (If you decide to use Excel, there are data for every few years, so you

can just graph what's available)

4 Task: How does the Yellow-bellied Marmot population vary with maximum

temperature from 1978 to 2008. Graph YB Marmot Count and Max Temp using a

scatter plot. Add a trendline.

5 Task: Do the same trends in adult weight and abundance occur with juveniles and

yearlings? Graph both the Avg. Yearling Wt. (g) and Avg. Juvenile Wt. (g) datasets

with YB Marmot Count on the x axis using a scatter plot. Add trendlines for both


6 Task: What is the distribution of seasonal Yellow-Bellied Marmot average adult

weight in two year intervals from 1990 to 2008? Create a histogram/frequency

distribution of Avg. Adult weights (g). Break up the weights into 5-6 different

ranges/number of bins.


Table D2

Subset of the Rocky Mountain Biology Laboratory to be used for session 3 graphing exercises in response to tasks list. Spreadsheet is

condensed to include only one day per year of physical data, and information on yellow-bellied marmot count was generated based on

research in this region (

year month day







new snow


melt water


melt water








1978 1 1 -27.0 -11.0 0 0.00 0.00 109 1.00

1978 2 1 -20.0 -7.0 0 0.00 0.00 133 0.00

1978 3 1 -9.0 -6.0 45 1.15 29.21 226 0.00

1978 4 1 -6.0 -3.0 10 0.23 5.84 179 2.00

1978 5 1 -8.5 0.0 3 0.03 0.76 137 2.00

1978 6 1 -4.5 10.5 0 0.00 0.00 18 26.00

1978 7 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 35.00

1978 8 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 78.00

1978 9 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 56.00

1978 10 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 43.00

1978 11 1 -5.0 5.0 0 0.00 0.00 0 5.00

1978 12 1 -7.5 -6.0 44 1.01 25.65 71 3.00

1979 1 1 -31.0 -24.5 0 0.00 0.00 121 1.00

1979 2 1 -15.5 -13.0 32 1.02 25.91 206 0.00

1979 3 1 -12.5 -3.5 0 0.00 0.00 196 0.00

1979 4 1 -19.0 -5.5 5 0.10 2.54 216 2.00

1979 5 1 -3.5 2.0 8 0.15 3.81 130 17.00

1979 6 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 36.00

1979 7 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 85.00


Table D3

Subset of the Rocky Mountain Biology Laboratory to be used for session 3 graphing

exercises in response to tasks list. All data relating to yellow-bellied marmot count were

generated based on research using the physical data from this region


Year Season

YB Marmot



Juvenile Wt.



Yearling Wt.



Adult Wt.


1990 Winter 1 N/A N/A 2741.3

1990 Spring 184 112.34 1237.64 2956.24

1990 Summer 316 159.67 1384.34 3014.51

1990 Fall 39 234.11 1411.97 3164.78

1992 Winter 1 N/A N/A 2845.32

1992 Spring 49 110.34 1334.61 3070.21

1992 Summer 208 143.64 1437.11 3096.11

1992 Fall 13 217.64 1427.33 2963.21

1994 Winter 1 N/A N/A 2649.37

1994 Spring 30 96.37 1137.33 2744.34

1994 Summer 136 128.33 1219.34 2864.37

1994 Fall 8 194.67 1264.33 2947.33

1996 Winter 1 N/A N/A 2799.31

1996 Spring 99 106.24 1269.16 2944.75

1996 Summer 268 134.65 1396.34 3097.65

1996 Fall 29 201.34 1400.94 3104.25

1998 Winter 1 N/A N/A 2843.63

1998 Spring 77 101.34 1264.38 2994.1

1998 Summer 333 141.67 1459.69 3124.61

1998 Fall 21 196.37 1564.03 3154.25

2000 Winter 0 N/A N/A 2674.19

2000 Spring 88 96.88 1108.72 2789.91

2000 Summer 124 138.64 1200.69 2978.12


Appendix E. Interview questions for participants

1. Which program do you prefer to use for basic graph methods, Excel or SigmaPlot, and


2. Which program do you prefer to use for advanced graphing methods, Excel or SigmaPlot,

and why?

3. What do you think are the strengths and advantages of Excel? What are its deficits?

What do you think are the strengths and advantages of Sigmaplot? What are its deficits?

4. You were given one example of biological and environmental data but this might not

represent the type of data you would encounter in your specific biological discipline. If

you were graphing data specific to the biological subject you would like to pursue in your

career, would you anticipate using one program over the other? If so which program

would you prefer to use and why?

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