an evening to remember friday 18 september 2015...2 friday 18 september 2015 an evening to remember...

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Parish of Kilmore Newsletter October 2015 June 2015

An evening to Remember

Friday 18 September 2015



Today is a historic day for the Parish of Kilmore as we gather to officially open and solemnly bless our new Parish Pastoral Centre. I am grateful to the many people who have made this occasion possible: the Facilities Group who initiated the project, the Parish Pastoral Council for its abiding interest and support and, above all, the Parish Finance Committee who carefully awarded the contract and meticulously monitored the development of the building from its initiation to its conclusion, as well as their support in the various fundraising measures, particularly the generosity of one member, whose large donation made it possible to receive approval from the Diocese for the project to proceed. My hope is that this beautiful venue will be a place of welcome to all where various Christian congregations can come together in mutual companionship and understanding, a place where the old and the young of our parish will be renewed in each other’s company and grow in respect for the delicate eco-system which we inhabit, a place for growing and a place for sharing, a place for music and a place for laughter, a place for prayer and a place for mutual respect and compassion. Above all, may this beautiful ambience be a place for awakening a new reverence for life and a joyful celebration of all that is life-giving. Oliver V Brennan Parish Priest


Friday 18 September 2015

An Evening to Remember

So our new pastoral centre is a reality. No longer a dream, nor just idle speculation, but a fine beautifully conceived and constructed proud reality. It stands as a testament in stone to the parishioners of Kilmore who researched widely, made tentative proposals, reviewed and refined them, before engaging professional design and construction teams and are contributing so generously to the fund-raising strategy.

If any seal of approval were needed for this project, it was fully evident in the large and enthusiastic attendance at the opening ceremony.

As to the Celebration, it will mean something to each individual and to certain groups in particular. The contribution of the Children’s Liturgy group, Thomas Courtney, James and Molly Harvey, Erin Murphy, Brea and Pearse Donachy, Caitlin and Emily Murray, Jude Williams, Eve Furphy, Ellie McQuaid, Aidan, Lucy and Mariana Gallagher and Colleen McCann, – joined for the evening by “temporary” Mullavilly members Eve and Orla Finlay, Moya, Sinead, Joanna, Catherine, Helen, Fiona and Rachel McGrane – is

deservedly memorable for freshness, sweetness of harmony and orderly enthusiasm. Thanks to their Leaders, Sian Corr, Marie Williams and Linda Harvey who prepared them for the evening.

We will recall with affection our welcome to Archbishop Eamon and the significance of our Catholic heritage as we watched, in prayerful reflection, as he sprinkled the walls in blessing. The harmonious rendering of traditional music, performed so sensitively by Portmor Comhaltas Group members, Phelim and Ronan McAtarsney and Jack and Alice Gallagher, enhanced the sense of the sacred.

We will remember the wisdom and sensitivity of Father Oliver, reflected in his appropriately selected and compiled Order of Service, of which the technical work and preparation was undertaken by Sheila McAneaney.

Thank You Sheila, for your very able and dedicated input and to those, widely representative of our parish, who delivered Scripture readings and prayers of intercession as follows:


Liturgy of the Word: Jeremiah 29:11 Kevin McGlinchey, and the First Letter of St Peter 2:4 Fidelma McGrane; the Gospel Matthew 12:5, 1-12 was proclaimed and the Homily delivered by Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland: Archbishop Eamon Martin. The prayers of Intercession were led by: Sheila McGrane, Rev Ken Robinson, Comghall Morgan, Rev David Somerville, Jack Gallagher, Gemma McCourt, Olivia Hamill and Charles Lamb. The reflection, Workers not Master Builders, was delivered by Alison McCullagh.

The range of invitations issued embraced neighbouring Christian congregations and their Pastors and also elected and other civic figure and members of the business community. Present from Church of Ireland Congregations were: Rev David Somerville, Richhill, Rev Rosie Diffin, Kilmore and Dobbin and Rev David Hilliard, Grange, Diamond, together with: Rev Ken Robinson, Battlehill Methodist Congregation and Charlie Lamb and Ian Chapman, Richhill Society of Friends Meeting. Elected and other civic representatives were also present and warmly welcomed.

As on many other occasions of celebration in Stonebridge, perhaps the most memorable contribution was that of Stonebridge Folk Group. Members Barry Knox, Brigid McGlinchey, Bronagh McCann, Mairead Prunty, Maria Murray, Patricia Murray and Leader, Catherine Donnelly, merit our grateful appreciation. Their contribution will long be remembered, not least for Catherine’s composition On This Day which was specially composed for the occasion and was sung as the conclusion to the ceremony.

While not all Priests, native to the parish or who have ministered in the parish, were available to celebrate with us, one who was with us, Father John Connolly, was among the most welcome of all the visitors. He was greeted enthusiastically and warmly welcomed.

We received a very heart-warming message of support from Father John Gates who regretfully, had a prior engagement. We were joined also by Father Michael Woods PP Tandragee, one of our sister St John Paul II Pastoral Area parishes.

Members of the Parish Pastoral Council were present in full strength with Chair Patrick McCann, performing the duties of joint host with Father Oliver, and delivering a resumé of the various strands of the Centre project, and expressing thanks to its benefactors.


Following the conclusion of the Blessing ceremony, guests made full use of the occasion to meet, greet and mingle and enjoy the excellent finger food buffet provided by Knox Family Catering Services. The food was very much enjoyed and subject to remarks of the highest appreciation. A special delight was the excellent commemorative cake eagerly shared by all.

And so these wonderful memories become part of our heritage especially for the upcoming generations who will use their hope and creativity to make the Pastoral Centre a place worthy of Father Oliver’s aspiration that it should become;

A place for growing and a place for sharing, a place for music and a place for laughter, a place for prayer and a place for mutual respect and compassion.


Reflection read at the Closing of the Blessing Ceremony

We are Workers not Master Builders

It helps now and then, to step back and take the long view. The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said. No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness No programme accomplishes the Church’s mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything. This is what we are about. We plant seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will require further development. We provide yeast that produces effects beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realising that. This enables us to do something, and do it very well, It may be incomplete, but it’s beginning and a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders; ministers not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our Own.

These words are reputed to have been drafted as a prayer by Bishop Kenu Untener on the Anniversary of the martyred Archbishop Romero

Closing address by Patrick McCann Chair Kilmore Parish

Pastoral Council

On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council, I would like to thank Archbishop Martin for gracing us with his presence this evening.

I would also like to thank all the visiting clergy, from other Churches, along with their friends, for joining us. Your presence is a true symbol of the deep friendship that has developed between our communities in recent years - we are delighted to have you here. I want to thank the representatives from the various political parties for coming along, and also the representatives from the local Council in Armagh, especially those who were closely associated with our successful grant application. Many thanks to the Council, your help, and financial support are much appreciated. Tonight’s celebration marks a truly momentous milestone in the history of Kilmore Parish, representing the realisation of a long-held aspiration for a new Parish Centre in Stonebridge. It is an honour and privilege for me personally as the Chairman of our Parish Pastoral Council, to be given the opportunity to publically congratulate and thank everyone who has played their part in this project.


I would like to thank Kevin McClelland, his Architects and design team along with GEDA Construction and all their sub- contractors, for delivering this beautiful building that now sits so proudly alongside our Church. The best compliment that I can pay to all involved, is to repeat the comment which I have heard many times recently, from those who have seen the New Hall for the very first time “Sure, wouldn’t you think it has always been here”. Kevin, I know you will appreciate the significance of those words.

The people that I have just mentioned have largely been involved with the physical construction of the building, but I can assure everyone here tonight that this project only became a possibility, after many years of deliberation, endless meetings and discussions…and that was even before we got the go-ahead from Fr. Toner, our Parish Priest at-that-time.

I would like to commend and thank his successor Fr Oliver Brennan, our current Parish Priest, for his outstanding leadership and unfailing support throughout the project, along with the members of the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish facilities group and the Parish finance committee, who have collectively put in uncountable hours of sheer hard work to ensure that their vision would become a reality. They can all be rightly proud of what has been achieved. I would also like to thank the Church of Ireland at Seagoe, the Church of Ireland in Mullabrack and our sister parish, St John’s in Portadown, for allowing numerous visits to their halls, and for sharing with us their valued experiences.

I am also aware there are many others, too numerous to mention individually, who have helped us along our journey. To all of them, we express our deepest gratitude. Tonight, is obviously all about the present and the future, however, at this time of great significance in our history, I would like to take a moment to remember, and acknowledge the generosity and undoubted sacrifices of previous generations of Parishioners, who have passed on before us.

This vibrant parish that we proudly live in to-day has evolved over many centuries. Indeed, at a function in this Parish many years ago, the late Monsignor Thomas O ‘Fee prior to his elevation to Archbishop and Cardinal, told us that the first written document on Kilmore Parish, dated in the Eighth century, recorded a lease for land to build a church, near where Stonebridge Church is currently sited. So, we have been building for a long time now, and it is very humbling when we consider the wonderful legacy that our forebears have left to us, that we can now proudly add, this most magnificent building to our history - a building that will undoubtedly enrich the lives of not only the present generation, but generations to come.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone who has participated in this evening’s ceremony, with a special mention to the children for their beautiful rendition’s, which I’m sure you will all agree were a bit special. Well done to all involved.

And finally, last but not least, can I thank in advance the Knox family along with their team, who will be providing us with refreshments this evening, after the formalities have been concluded.


Kilmore Ever Youthful – Programme for Sept 2015 – June 2016

Group will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Sept is an exception as it will be on 3rd Wed).

Time – This year we plan to meet at 11am where possible to suit folks collecting grandchildren from school. Venue – Mullavilly Community Hall to start this year, we will then investigate moving alternate meetings to New Parish Centre in Stonebridge. Additional sessions this year will be Armchair Exercises on Thursdays at 11 am from 8th October for 6 sessions. Flower Arranging on Thursdays at 11am in May/June Short Course on Using your iPad will be arranged when ABC Community Network move into their new building beside car park William Street Portadown (further details in Parish Bulletin) Programme October/November armchair exercises will commence each Thursday at 11am beginning 8th October for six weeks. Folks not interested in doing exercises can join Anna for Knit, Natter and a cup of tea Admission £3 per session. Wednesday 14th October 11am Recycling & Food Waste with David Philips, of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council Admission £3.

Wednesday 11th November at 7.30pm Oriental Cookery /Healthy Options with Sonya Mulligan. All ages welcome to join us. Admission £3. Wednesday 16th December 2pm this time – Christmas Floral Arrangements with Susan McGrath, followed by Afternoon Tea. Venue Grace Hall Waringstown. Cost will depend on numbers attending. Wednesday 13th January 2016 – Traditional Skills, Craft Workshop using rush/willow/straw with Straw Craft Ireland. Commence 11am to 1 pm Lunch 1.30 to 3.30 again cost depends on number attending. Wednesday 10th February at 11am Motivational Speaker – Veronica McCann – Lifestyle Choices for over 55s Admission £3. Wednesday 9th March Traditional Music Session, Group to agree time for this session i.e. 2pm or maybe evening time with supper? Plus demonstration of Set Dancing. Wednesday 13h April at 11am Beauty and Make Up for over 50's Admission £3. May/June 11am to 1pm Thursdays Flower Arranging Classes Admission £3. May 11th am Another Sing-along with Marjorie Cassells Admission £3. Wednesday 8th June at 11am – Make up your own Hanging Baskets, admission £3.


Kilmore Parish Annual Day Out Our Annual Parish Outing took place on Saturday 13th June this year to Co Kildare. We were delighted to welcome 46 Parishioners and friends to join us on what turned out to be one of those rare days of beautiful sunshine and to have Father Brennan accompany us for the first time. Our first stop was Newbridge Visitors Centre in Newbridge where we were given a very warm welcome by their Concierge Ann, followed by an early lunch served in their award winning restaurant. Then it was time for some serious shopping, a visit to their museum of style and to hear the history of Newbridge silver. Our next stop was the Kildare Outlet Village where the ladies spent a few hours browsing the designer stores while the men enjoyed a good old chin wag basking in the sun over many cups of coffee. The highlight of the Tour was our visit to Maynooth College in the afternoon. We were privileged to have Father Brennan give us a guided tour and impart his wealth of experience in the history of this magnificent building. Having trained there as a priest Father Brennan then lectured in the College from 1991 - 1999.

The architecture and woodcarvings within the chapel was a sight to behold and the chapel is regarded as one of the most beautiful in Europe. The College was built in 1521 but was closed during the Protestant Reformation, it reopened in 1795 when the penal laws were relaxed. The College now has full University status teaching both lay and clerical students. We were very reluctant to leave this oasis of peace but we had a meal booked in the Monasterboice Inn on the way home so we headed Northbound. The Monasterboice Inn has to be commended for their welcome and wonderful meal, it was a fitting end to another very successful Parish Outing. My thanks to Sheila, Raemon and Father Brennan for their help in organising the day and to all who attended for their continuing support of the Parish Outing. Maureen McRory

There has been a positive response to the system for sending a text message to inform parishioners of parish news. To participate please text the family name and ONE mobile number to: 07935245138


Year of Consecrated Life

Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa McCrory

 (21 January 1893 – 21 January 1984) 

Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated, beginning the first Sunday of advent 2014 and ending February 2 2016. The year of consecrated life was marked in a very special way in St Brigid’s Church Brocagh on October 24 2014.

Archbishop Eamon Martin performed the unveiling of a new shrine, honouring Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa McCrory. Born in 1893, she was baptised in St Brigid’s and lived the first 7 years of her life in the parish. She is foundress of the Carmelite Sisters for the aged and infirm. Father Mario Espostio, Vice Postulator writes; In a solidarity of prayer we continue to promote the Cause and Charism of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, O Carm., believing that the witness of the holiness of her life, all that she believed and modelled, remains relevant and inspirational as the Church and society deal with so many issues relevant to the dignity of the human person, the protection of life in all its stages and the values of family life.

There were many facets to the life of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, yet she remained always focussed on the Lord. Most particularly, she was a religious having lived from the age of 19 to her

death at 91 years as a sister, a consecrated person in the Church, a witness to the Kingdom of God.

The Baptismal font bearing a plaque with the date of Mother Angeline’s Baptism and a Shrine with her portrait were blessed during the celebration of the Mass. Children from Brocagh Primary School participated in the celebration. A full night of music, song and entertainment followed. Sister Therese Eileen and Sister Mary of Jesus, represented the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm. Members of the Ulster History Circle unveiled a commemorative Blue Plaque on outside wall of St Brigid’s.

Venerable mother Angeline McCrory Prayer for a special


Almighty and eternal Father, we thank you for the inspiration you gave to your daughter, Mother Mary Angeline Teresa, to establish the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, and to provide loving care for countless elderly men and women with compassion and a respect for their dignity and a regard for life in all its stages. In particular, moved by her example of prayerful trust in your mercy, we ask you through her intercession for this special intention… If it be your gracious will, grant that the virtues of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa may be recognised and provide a lasting example for your people. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen



President Sheila Morgan 3885 2487 Secretary Eileen Smyth 3834 6025

November: Month of the Holy Souls and Advent Pledges

Many people choose to give up alcohol for the month of November and offer the sacrifice for the Holy Souls. A temporary Pledge is also recommended for people choosing an alcohol free advent in preparation for the Gift of Christmas. Please see our notice boards or ask a member of Kilmore Pioneer Council for information.

Extract from Homily given by Archbishop Eamon Martin: Pioneer Pilgrimage at Knock Sunday 20 July 2015

…Recently I met a man in his mid-forties who told me that a few months ago he took the Pioneer pledge on behalf of his son who is alcoholic. He said “I want my son to know I am with him in his struggle and he’s not on his own”. He went on to tell me that he used to enjoy a drink himself: “For me” he said, “this is just a little sacrifice for God; but for my son it’s a life or death issue”.

I thought: What a wonderful way this man has chosen to put his faith into practice – to make a personal sacrifice which gives glory to God, which offers a powerful witness to others, and at the same time asks God’s grace and help for someone else in their struggle with addiction. Today, my brothers and sisters in the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart, I want to affirm the heroic self-sacrifice and offering that you

and thousands of others in the Association have been making for almost one hundred and twenty years.

When Father James Cullen founded your Association back in 1898, he wanted you to be ‘pioneers’ in the sense of going out and leading the way from the slavery of addiction towards the freedom of sobriety. Father Cullen wanted the Association to be rooted in devotion to the Sacred Heart, because he knew that it is only through the unconditional love and mercy of the Heart of Jesus that we can be truly set free from selfishness and anything that is imprisoning us…



Katie Leigh Corrigan Niamh Maginnis

Aidan Currie Charlotte Nicola McKeever

Max Wylie-Murray Kaden Thomas Thompson

Flinn Dessie Murphy Matas Virvicius Vytis Virvicius


Congratulations to; Catrina McKeever and Ciaran Devlin Anna McCusker and Niall Donnelly

Anneka McNeill and Brendan McLoughlin Rachel Clarke and Connor Doran

Tracey Leonard and Michael Kelly Nicola Murray and Dean McGarry

Frances O’Hanlon and Eamon Cassidy

BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE Father of all Mercy lead them safely

home to be with you in heaven forever Christopher Nixon

Frank Morgan Father Jackie Finn

Mary McGrane


Martin Hughes

St Oliver Plunkett’s welcomed these 22 boys and girls to Primary One in September.

First Days at School in St Oliver Plunkett’s

New School Council at St Oliver Plunkett’s

New Building Celebrations

We would like to invite everyone in the Parish along to our celebration to mark the opening of our new premises. This will take place in the first weekend in November. Further details will be in the bulletin and parish website.

We hope as many people as possible will be able to come and have a look at our wonderful new facilities.

Back to School 2015

We are pleased to have everyone back and settled in for another year of pre-school and out of schools. Pre-school is open every day from 9am-1.45pm. Children can attend pre-school from their third birthday.

The After Schools Club runs every day from 2pm-5.30pm. Children from Primary one upwards can stay for all or part of this time.

For further information please contact Briege on 028 3889 1775 or email

Updated Parish Website

The new Parish web site is frequently updated, so please check it for the latest Parish news. We welcome news connected to the Parish. Information can be sent to


Ballyhegan Summer Scheme 2015

What a wonderful three days we had! Glorious sunshine, great fun but – alas, over all too quickly for another year. The excellent leadership shown by teenage assistants Eadoin Hamill, Conal Mc Keever, Sarah McCann, Kathleen Courtney, Molly McDermott, James McCann, Conor McGlinchey, Emmett Hamill, Conor Morgan, Bronagh McGrane, Amy Fay, Ciara McGrane and the not so teenage, Barry Murphy, made this a wonderful experience for the 65 participants that attended. Out thanks to Ronan McWilliams and our very own Claire Murphy who took the Hurling - many budding stars emerging! To Catherine McCormack and her able assistant, Shannon, who supplied us with popcorn and candy floss: Many thanks - we wish her well in her new venture. The funds from the Summer scheme have been donated to playgroup Ballyhegan (£250) and to Fr Oliver Brennan (£100) for the new hall fund. Our thanks to Patrick McCann, Simply Fruit, for the treats supplied all week and at other times, also to Brendan Oliver,

Armagh, for supplying fruit to our scheme and the after school sports club in St Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School during the year. Our thanks to communications officer Michael Lee and Jarlath McCann, who placed the photos on the website and provided the Club Notes Press Release. Many laps were completed in the hot sunshine and we succeeded in getting from Ballyhegan to Cork- maybe we will make it back next year to the club! Finally our thanks to the field and ground staff and hall committee for having the field and hall in such fine shape for us to take the scheme on this week and to everyone who accommodated and assisted.

Club Treasurer Gerard Morgan presents a cheque for £350, as part of the proceeds from the 2015 Park n Stride event, to Margaret Coleman, Chairperson Craigavon Marie Curie fundraising committee. Thanks to all for supporting the event, especially The Famous Grouse for their continued and generous support.

Next News Letter Please send material for inclusion in the next Newsletter to: or, Parochial House 114 Battlehill Road Richhill BT61 8QJ before 15.11.15


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