an analysis of student’s speaking fluency and accuracy …

Post on 03-Dec-2021






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YEAR OF 2019/2020

Research Proposal

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree of English

Education Study Program of University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang

By :










A. Background of Research

The learning of English speaking skill is a preference for a lot of

English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL) learners or students.

Students may evaluate their success in language learning based on how well

they have improved in their spoken language ability. Speaking has become

one of the most important language skills that the EFL learners must master.

Despite its importance, speaking has been overlooked in schools and

universities due to different reasons such as emphasis on grammar and

unfavorable teacher-student proportions.

English as an international language has many interrelationships

with various aspects of people’s life such as in their community,

professional business, and education. Moreover, speaking skill is needed to

be able to communicate with international people. Nowadays, lots of

companies require their applicants to be able to have good English skills.

The applicants must possess official certified English tests such as TOEFL,


All of these international standardized tests of English as language

proficiency are designed for non-native English speakers, hence it is


important for EFL learners to learn all of four language skills, especially

speaking skill.

Learning the speaking skill is the most important aspect of learning

a second language or foreign language and success is measured based on

the ability to perform a conversation in the language. There are some

problems for speaking skill that teachers can come across in helping

students to speak in the classroom. These are inhibition, lack of topical

knowledge, low participation, and mother-tongue use (Tuan & Mai, 2015).

Efrizal (2012) Gilakjani (2016) also supports the idea above and expresses

that speaking is a great significance for the people interaction where they

speak everywhere and every day. Speaking is the way of communicating

ideas and massages orally. It is very difficult for learners to answer when

their teachers ask them to tell things in a foreign language because they have

little opinions about what to say, which vocabulary to apply, or how to use

grammar accurately.

EFL/ESL learners should acknowledge about the words and

sentences. They should comprehend how words are formed and divided into

different sounds and how sentences are stressed in certain ways.

Furthermore, they should know when to use them for the right contexts.

Grammatical competence can help students apply and perceive the structure

of English language correctly that leads them to not only their fluency but

their accuracy as well.


Normally, students do not find any difficulties when it comes to

speaking fluently, they can speak English as much as they like without

thinking its mistakes and its accuracy. In learning speaking, accuracy

becomes something important for academic English, because it requires

fluency and accuracy.

Native speakers say what they want without having any problems

because they are familiar with the language, in order to help the EFL

students to improve their speaking skill, teachers may give them something

that make them familiar with English. Speak in English all the time in the

classroom for instance, or something that the students could absorb the

materials easily.

Thus, the researcher views such case at International Language

Program (ILP) has a lot of potentials to be analyzed. As a well-known

English language institution, International Language Program provides a

variety of English programs from young learners to adults. All of those

programs include four important language skills; speaking, listening,

writing, and reading. The research focuses on the speaking skill of General

English students. Moreover, International Language Program (ILP) uses

Cambridge curriculum which they have developed for over forty years,

therefore while conducting this research in ILP the researcher can learn a

lot of things about English language institution and how they develop the

learning process that can suit with Indonesian students. The researcher has

also conducted an interview with the principal of International Language


Program KS. Tubun Branch in Central Jakarta and has found out that so

many students from different levels of General English class have

difficulties on expressing their thoughts or ideas when they attempt to speak.

International Language Program (ILP) was established in 1977, they

pioneered the introduction of world-class English teaching methods in

Indonesia. The first branch of ILP was established at Jl. Ciomas, Kebayoran

Baru – South Jakarta and was the first English institution in Indonesia to

offer native speaker teachers. Since that time their management, teachers,

and staff have worked non-stop to improve and develop their language

programs for all types of students. Hundreds of thousands satisfied students,

as well as national, multinational, and government companies have

benefited from quality of ILP’s programs over the years. (Bambang

Pangestu, President Director of ILP, 2006).

ILP’s General English (GE) program is a carefully structured series

of courses which promote the development of English language skills

through active and communicative learning. Material is specially designed

and graded to suit the needs of students at each level and to maximize

student talking time. Before entering a GE course, students are carefully

placement tested using both an oral and written examination to ensure

correct level placement according to their ability. Assessment is carried out

at regular intervals during the term and each individual student’s progress

is monitored closely by qualified and professional teachers.


General English (GE) class at ILP has 4 different stages and each

stage has 4 levels namely: GE Basic 1-4, the Basic level is the starting point

for adult English learning. At this level, students will be introduced to

English for the daily use needed to communicate with the international

community. Students learn English holistically by integrating language

skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), learning strategies, and

productive thinking skills. GE Intermediate 1-4, at the Intermediate level

students learn English more complexly in very diverse real situations.

Language learning and assignments in the classroom encourage students to

demonstrate English language skills and communicate with the international

community through blogs, podcasts, broadcasts, websites, and others. GE

Advanced 1-4, when starting the Advanced level, students have mastered

and are confident in communicating in everyday English effectively. At this

level they are prepared to use English in the school and work environment

in an English-speaking country. In addition to developing academic skills,

students will also discuss and carry out complex tasks. GE Proficiency 1-4,

The Proficiency level is the highest level in the General English Program.

At this level, students will study English more deeply so that they can be

successful at work or study at universities that use English. International

certification at the end of this program is accepted at various universities

abroad, is recognized in Australian and British visa applications, and is valid

for life.


Based on the explanation above, the researcher tries to analyze the

fluency and the accuracy of all General English students’ speaking skill and

find out the factors affecting their speaking skill.

B. Focus of Research

Based on the background of research, the researcher focuses the

problem only on analyzing the fluency and the accuracy of students’

speaking skill in multilevel of General English class at International

Language Program (Ks. Tubun Branch).

C. Formulation of Research

Based on the background of research and focus of research, the

researcher formulates the problem as follows:

1. How fluent and accurate the students’ speaking skill in multilevel of

general English at the International Language Program are?

2. How important are the fluency and the accuracy that the GE students

must possess?

3. What factors are affecting the GE students’ speaking skill?


D. Objective of Research

After the researcher formulates the problem, the researcher’s

objective is to find out as follow:

1. To find out how fluent and accurate of GE students are in speaking.

2. To find out the importance of fluency and accuracy in GE students’

speaking skill.

3. To analyze the students’ problems when it comes in speaking English

and the factors that are affecting their speaking skill.

E. Significance of Research

The researcher hopes this research will be the basic of English

teacher to determine what materials or structure should be taught to the

students. Also, the benefits of the research are generally divided into two:

1. Theoretically

This research is expected to be useful to support the

previous research and the research may also be reference for

other researchers, especially for speaking skill research.

2. Practically

Practical benefits are the expected benefits of the

research may contribute to the following parties:


a. For the Students

This research may help them to speak more fluently

and accurately.

b. For the Teachers

This research gives information and they are

expected to know how the students comprehend their

knowledge about speaking accuracy and fluency and what

problems usually faced by the EFL students.

c. For the School Institution

This research gives information and helps the school

to improve the quality of learning and teaching process

especially in learning speaking English.

d. For other Researchers

The result of this research can provide theoretical

knowledge and experience of the application of the theory to

a particular unit of analysis. As a result, this research can

provide suggestions on subsequent relevant research studies

in the future. Also, this research is expected to improve the

quality of General English Students’ speaking skill.




A. Theoretical Framework

1. Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the four language skills (reading, writing,

listening, and speaking). Humans are programmed to speak before

they learn to read and write. In any given, human beings spend much

more time interacting orally with language rather than using it in its

written form. Speaking can be formal and informal. Informal

speaking is typically used with family and friends or people that we

know well. Formal speaking occurs in business or academic

situations, or when meeting new people Al-Nahkalah (2016).

According to Tarigan (2018) speaking is the ability to

pronounce articulation sounds or words to express, state or convey

thoughts, ideas, and feelings. It means that speaking is the main tool

of communication that we can share or express the meaning and the

purpose to other people. Articulation sounds (pronunciation and

talking) mean the ability to physically move the tongue, lips, teeth

and jaw to produce sequences of speech sounds, which make up

words and sentences.

Another definition of speaking is explained by Torky (2006)

defined speaking as a two-way process including a true

communication of opinions, information, or emotions. Brown

(2003) supports this idea that speaking is a productive skill that can

be directly and empirically observed those observations are

invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s

listening skill to communicate with others, which necessarily


compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test.

Two-way process is when one person is the sender and she/he

transmits a message to another person, who is the receiver. When

the receiver gets the message, they send back a response,

acknowledging the message or information is received. From those

statements above, the researcher concludes that speaking is an

activity where an individual produce sounds through oral to tell

other people about his or her opinions or ideas.

While Seidlhofer (2011) said that speakers must recognize

culturally and socially patterned streams of discourse that help them

to anticipate the kinds of speech events they are dealing with so

many different people to create meaningful exchanges with others.

They also need to know how to use speech pragmatically and

intercultural so that they are able to respond in appropriate ways and

engage effectively in encounters with speakers across different

cultures, knowledge that has become increasingly important in an

interconnected and globalized world where is a lingua franca (Anna,

& Joseph, 2018). In other words, EFL learners must be aware on the

choices of words that they use when they want to interact with

certain people outside the classroom.

According to Alderson & Bachman (2004) speaking is also

the most difficult language skill to assess reliably. A person’s

speaking ability is usually judged during a face to face interaction in

real time, between an interlocutor and a candidate. From those

statements above the researcher has come to conclusion that if a

person is being incapable in speaking it will probably cause

misunderstandings from exchanging information towards each


From the definitions of speaking explained above, it can be

concluded that speaking is one of four language skills that functions


as a tool to express thoughts, feelings, opinions, emotions, and also

information to other people.

b. Types of Speaking

In the context of speaking teaching there are at least five

different types of speaking that take place in the classroom

according to Brown (2004, p. 271). The five types are as follows:

1) Imitative

At the imitative level, it is probably already clear what

the students are trying to do. At this level, the students are simply

trying to repeat what was said to them in a way that is

understandable and with some adherence to pronunciation as

defined by the teacher. It doesn’t matter if the students

comprehend what they are saying or carrying on a conversation.

The goal is only to reproduce what was said to them. One

common example of this is a “repeat after me” experience in the

classroom. While this is a purely phonetic level of oral

production, a number prosodic, lexical, and grammatical

properties of language may be included in the criterion

performance. According to Pratiwi (2012), “The important thing

in speaking is focusing on pronunciation” (p. 13). Students are

only interested in what is traditionally labelled as

“pronunciation”; no inferences are made about the ESL learners’

ability to understand to convey the meaning or to participate in

the interactive conversation.

2) Intensive

The second type of speaking is frequently employed in

assessment context is the production of short stretches of oral


language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band

of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationship

(such as prosodic elements – intonation, stress, rhythm,

juncture). Intensive speaking involves producing a limit amount

of language in a highly control context. Pratiwi (2012) states that

an example of this would be to read aloud a passage, reading

dialogue with partner in turn, or give a direct response to a

simple question. Competency at this level is shown through

achieving certain grammatical or lexical mastery. This depends

on the teacher’s expectations.

3) Responsive

Responsive is slightly more complex than intensive but

the difference is blurry, to say the least. At this level, the dialog

includes a simple question with a follow-up question or two.

Conversations take place by this point but are simple in content.

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test

comprehension but at somewhat limited level of very short

conversations, standard greetings and small talks, simple

requests and comments, and the like. The stimulus is almost

always a spoken prompt (in order to preserve authenticity), with

perhaps only one or two follow-up questions or retorts.

4) Interactive

The unique feature of intensive speaking is that it is

usually more interpersonal than transactional. By interpersonal

it is meant speaking for maintaining relationships. Transactional

speaking is for sharing information as is common at the

responsive level. The challenge of interpersonal speaking is the

context or pragmatics. The speaker has to keep in mind the use


of slang, humor, ellipsis, etc. when attempting to communicate.

This is much more complex than saying yes or no or giving

directions to the certain locations in a second language. The

different between responsive and interactive speaking is in the

length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes

include multiple exchanges and /or multiple participants.

5) Extensive

Extensive communication is normal some sort of

monolog. Examples include speech, story-telling, presentations,

etc. during which the opportunity for oral interaction from

listeners is either highly limited or ruled out altogether. This

involves a great deal of preparation and is not typically

improvisational communication. It is one thing to survive having

a conversation with someone in a second language. EFL learners

can rely on each other’s body language to make up for

communication challenges. However, with extensive

communication either the students can speak in a

comprehensible way without relying on feedback or they cannot.

In reality, the typical EFL students cannot do this in a convincing


From all of the basic types of speaking above described that

researcher should pay more attention to all expressions, emotions,

ideas, and opinions that the EFL learners or students intend to speak

or to transfer meaning that will be understood by the others. And in

this research, the types of speaking that the researcher uses are

intensive and responsive as the researcher feels that those types of

speaking are suitable and appropriate types in assessing the fluency

and the accuracy of EFL students of International Language

Program (ILP) in Multilevel of General English class.


c. The Purpose of Speaking

As stated by Tarigan (2015) “The main purpose of speaking

is to communicate; to be able to convey thoughts effectively, the

speaker understands the meaning of everything that he or she wants

to express” (p. 16). Mulgrave (1954) says that speaking is also an

instrument that can be used to express to the listener(s) directly

whether the speaker understands or not, is the speaker able to adapt

to the situation when he/she is expressing his/her ideas, thoughts or

opinions, and is the speaker excited or aware about that problem.

There are basically three general purposes of speaking, namely:

1) To inform

To inform means that speaking is used to convey ideas,

thoughts, and any other things to tell to the listener. It is very

common to find a speaker is attempting to arouse inspiration,

willingness, or interest from the listener to do something. Take

a student and a teacher for example, where a teacher gives some

suggestions or advices to his or her student.

2) To entertain

In some occasions speaking is used for something fun

such as telling a funny story or is used to tell happy news to the

listeners. To entertain means that the speaker wants to make the

listeners feel contented or happy. A stand-up comedy for

instance, when he or she tells a funny story it brings smile to

everyone who listens or watches him or her on the stage.

3) To persuade

Speaking is also used to persuade the listeners in order to

follow the speaker’s ideas or thoughts. However, this purpose of

speaking can be sometimes misunderstood by some people that


this type of action is something that people try to prevaricate or

to lie to other people. The example of this purpose is when a

speaker such as a car seller talks to his or her clients about the

car that the clients do not want it and they finally decide to buy

that unwanted car because of the car seller has persuaded them

to buy it with his or her marketing strategies. The attitude of

refusing to turn to accepting from disagreeing to agreeing to

even supporting in full is the proof of speaking can be used to

persuade the listener(s).

Based on the descriptions above it can be concluded that

speaking provides information and to entertain the listener(s) and

also to convince the listener(s) to give and get the information that

the speaker might need it. Occasionally, when people talk and listen

to each other, they are probably driven by a quest for meanings,

however meanings are not always clear and explicit. Most of

students in International Language Program are not aware of the

importance of the accuracy and fluency in speaking as they tend to

ignore the rules of grammar and the context. They also must know

how to answer questions with appropriate answers to what the other

speakers ask them.

d. Difficulties of Speaking

There are some problems for speaking skill that teachers can

come across in helping students to speak in the classroom:

1) Inhibition

Tuan and Mai (2015) stated that “When they want to say

something in the classroom they are sometimes inhibited. They

are worried about making mistakes and fearful of criticism. They

are also ashamed of the other students’ attention towards

themselves (p. 35). Littewood (2007) expressed that a language


classroom can also create inhibitions and comprehension for the


2) Lack of Motivation.

EFL students sometimes do not have strong reasons to

learn English, hence they have lack of motivation to even talk,

and they do not have any reason to express themselves. This is

supported by River (2011) who thinks that learners often have

nothing to say probably because their teachers have selected a

topic that is not appropriate for them or they do have enough

information about it.

3) Low Participation in the Classroom.

In a class with a large number of students, each student

will have very little time for talking because just one students

talk at a time and other students try to hear him/her. Based on

the researcher’s experience as an English teacher, sometimes in

the class, some learners dominate the whole class while others

talk very little or even never speak.

4) L1 (First Language) in the Classroom.

The researcher notices that in the classroom if the

students are full of students who speak the same mother-tongue

it will affect their speaking ability, they always feel it is not

important to speak in English, instead they speak their first

language more often in the classroom. Tuan & Mai (2015) also

have the same opinion about this, they stated that when some

learners share the same mother-tongue, they try to use it in the

speaking class because it is very easy for them to do so. In the

researcher’s experiences there are some reasons why learners

use mother-tongue in speaking classes. The first reason is that

when teachers ask their students to talk about a certain topic they

do not have enough knowledge, and this is where they try to use


their first language. The second reason might come from the

easiness of the first language itself, it is very natural for them to

use it. If the teachers do not urge the students to speak English,

then they will keep using their first language automatically, and

it will become a bad habit.

2. Speaking Fluency

a. Definition of Speaking Fluency

According to Mazouzi (2013), “Learners’ activities should

be designed based on an equivalence between fluency and accuracy

achievement. Both fluency and accuracy are important elements of

communicative approach” (p. 36). Classroom practice can help

learners develop their communicative competence. So they should

know how the language works appropriately.

Hughes (2002) describes fluency as the ability of students or

learners to speak in understandable way in order not to break down

communication because listeners may lose their interest. He also

expressed that fluency is the ability to answer coherently by

connecting the words and phrases, pronouncing the sounds clearly,

and using stress and intonation. The researcher can conclude this

statement by saying that fluency is something that every EFL

student/learners must possess if they want their listener(s)

understand what they are talking about and with no hesitation on

expressing their thoughts through spoken language.

Breiner-Sanders (2000) & Nakano (2001) have decided the

criteria on fluency is speaking in some standardized test such as

ACTFL (American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language) that

speaking fluency consists of (1) the total number of words spoken in

a fixed time, (2) the number of silent pauses of thinking, (3) the

number of repetition of words, phrases or clauses, (4) the number of


repair or reformulation for correction, (5) mean length of utterance.

The criteria are further explained below:

1) The total number of words spoken in a fixed time.

It means that the researcher wants to find out how many

words that the students are able to answer appropriately the

questions in a fixed time, for instance if the researcher asks the

students about their current job, home, studies, or other familiar

topics for three minutes such as “what do you do?” and they will

only answer “lawyer”, this is quite acceptable and

understandable, however if they use the subject and the to be it

can be seen as more fluent in speaking, and the next question

will be about their home, the question such as “can you describe

about your home? And what do you like about it” and they will

only answer “my home is big, it has got five bedrooms, etc”.

From here the researcher can analyze the fluency of their

speaking based on the total number of words they use in fixed


2) The number of silent pauses of thinking

Speaking in first language requires thinking to express

our opinions or ideas, let alone in speaking using foreign

language such as English. Silent pauses are often experienced by

many EFL students in speaking, therefore in this stage the

researcher would like to find out how many times students make

silent pauses in speaking. For example, if the researcher asks the

students such question “do you have a small or big family?”, if

they answer like this “I …umm have ...umm big family?”. The

“umm” sound can indicate the silent pause that they make to

think how to answer the question, but this is still understandable

and considered less fluent.


3) The number of repetition of words, phrases or clauses

It is a common thing that most of people tend to repeat

what they say in order to convey their opinions or ideas, so the

listener can be persuaded. However, repetition of words, phrases

or clauses can indicate dysfluency as they may have different

meaning to different contexts (Ano, 2017). For example, if the

researcher asks these two different questions to the students the

first question; “do you have a big or small family?” and the

second; “can you tell me something about them?”. And they

only answer like this for the first question “I have a big family”

and the second question like this “my family is big and my family

is kind, and they are also nice” etc. then it would only show their

dysfluency in speaking as they tend to use the same words.

4) The number of repair or reformulation for correction

Ano (2017) declares that repair can be a factor in

promoting fluency in speaking in target language. The number

of repair or reformulation for correction means that how many

times the speakers realize their mistakes and try to fix them. For

example, the students answer the researcher’s questions and they

make mistake by not putting “s” for the singular pronoun or the

third person such this one “she go, I mean she goes to

supermarket everyday with me”. “she go” is grammatically

mistaken, and when the students try to fix it by saying “I mean

she goes” that is considered as a repair or reformulation for


5) Mean length of utterance

This measure how long is the length of their speaking

ability in answering the questions. If the questions such as

“describe a film or TV program which has made a strong

impression on you? Is it comedy, horror, or sci-fi or other


genres?”, this type of question requires longer answer than just

answering the “how are you” question. Also, mean length of

utterance can be analyzed in all the questions which the

researcher has asked the students.

b. Type(s) of Speaking Fluency

Speaking skill is not always merely something that the

speaker says automatically or when he/she wants to answer the other

speaker. The first one is oral speaking fluency, it is the ability that

the speakers have when they want to speak with no trouble or

effortless, as a fluent speaker must be able to understand and

respond to others in conversation (Guillot, & Noelle, 1999). And the

second one is speaking can be categorized as an oral reading

fluency; it is sometimes distinguished from oral fluency. Oral

reading fluency refers to the ability to read words accurately and

quickly while using good vocal expression and phrasing. However,

This research only focuses on oral speaking fluency.

c. The Purpose of Speaking Fluency

Nelson (2018) declared that “Speaking English fluently is

the key to open many doors of the world, and it’s a chance that more

and more people are taking every day”. She also stated that

globalization of business, tourism opportunities, and the world

entertainment is only a few of them why learners should speak

English fluently. The number of people who live in this world is also

increasing, however the number of languages spoken dramatically

dropping and English is the language that will survive and people

will use it the most for their communication.

Nelson also mentioned about how popular the American

television shows and movies are, such as Hollywood that they have


a huge impact of English learning as those television shows and

movies have the most English speakers in the world. Countries such

as Germany or China are not known for their celebrities, not like in

America nearly everyone from around the world knows Beyonce or

Brad Pitt or even Spongebob Squarepants. American television

shows or movies are shown in almost every country in the world,

usually with subtitles or dubbed voices attached. Seeing movies and

television shows this way are completely fine, however many things

such as humor or subtle emotions get lost in the translation.

Speaking fluent English means an ability to watch these movies and

television shows while also getting the entire intended experience.

If we know all the lyrics of the songs shown on television, we

perhaps can sing along.

d. Difficulties of Speaking Fluently

In the academic journal titled “A study on student’s English

speaking problem in speaking performance” written by Fitriani,

Apriliaswati, & Wardah, (2015) they express that being a fluent

speaker requires many knowledge towards the language learning

itself and its usage in the real communication. Speaking problems

are some problems that make someone who has lacks of speaking

ability. According to Doris and Jessica (2007) language problems

actually serve as one of the important reasons behind poor academic


Other difficulty that may become a barrier for the students to

become a good English speaker is the psychological problems.

Xinghua (2007) states that psychological problems are those

problems which often interfere your emotional and physical health,

your relationships, work productivity, or life adjustment such as

nervous, lack of self-confident and afraid to speak. These problems

may affect students’ performance in their speaking. Khan (2005)


claims in his research that some of his participants have

psychological problems in speaking. This emphasizes that

psychological problems also affect students’ performance in


3. Speaking Accuracy

a. Definition of Speaking Accuracy

Another problem that most of EFL learners experience in

learning speaking English is its accuracy. Learners should be fluent

in learning a foreign or a second language. Therefore, teachers

should emphasize accuracy in their teaching process. Learners

should pay enough attention to the exactness and the completeness

of language form when focusing such as on grammatical structures,

vocabulary, and pronunciation (Mazouzi, 2013). As someone who

already has this experience, the researcher could not agree more with

this statement. Moreover, according to Thornbury (2005), leaner’s

correct use of grammatical structures requires the length and

complexity of utterances and the well-structured clauses. To gain

accuracy in term of vocabulary means to select appropriate word in

the appropriate contexts. EFL learners sometimes apply similar

words or expressions in various contexts which do not mean similar

things. So they should be able to use words and expressions correctly

in the right contexts. In order to speak English language accurately,

learners should master phonological rules and they should be aware

of the various sounds and their pronunciations.

According to British Council (2017) “accuracy refers to how

correct learners’ use of the language system is, including their use

of grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Accuracy is often

compared to fluency when we talk about a learner’s level of

speaking or writing”. For instance, a learner might be fluent means

that they make their meaning clear, however not accurate or they


make a lot of mistakes. British Council also suggests that in the

classroom, language manipulation activities can help develop

accuracy. These include controlled practice, drills, the study and

application of grammar rules, and activities that help students to

‘notice’ their own mistakes.

Meanwhile, The TEFL Academy (2017) differentiates

between accuracy and fluency. Basically, accuracy is the ability to

produce grammatically and lexically accurate in English sentences.

While fluency is the ability to produce language in coherent,

effortless way.

b. The Purpose(s) of Speaking Accurately

EFL learners tend to feel afraid to speak in English

accurately because they are afraid of being judged by other people.

They have been concerned about certain areas, they think about a

time when they are speaking to other people, and they are concerned

about using the right word. They are not certain if that word is

correct for the situation, and obviously when they are concerned

with the accuracy of what they are saying, that is completely going

to slow down their fluency too, because they stop and think about

using the correct word. Whereas fluency is concerned about the

speed at which you get things across, and they are not as worried

about getting thing perfectly correct. Learners should also know the

stress, intonation, and pitch. All of these elements help learners

speak the English language easily and effectively (Thornbury,

2005). If EFL students/learners are not capable of speaking

accurately they will probably be considered as unprofessional or

amateur. Moreover, the accuracy is extremely needed in official

English tests such as IELTS that require the test takers a highly


accuracy in speaking test, and it may help them higher their score in

the speaking test.

c. Difficulties of Speaking Accurately

Based on the definitions about fluency in spoken language

above, the researcher concludes that the accuracy of speaking can be

influenced by a speaker’s fluent in speaking performance. Also, they

will think that the speed of their speaking will be so much slower if

they overthink about the things that make their speaking accurate,

such as grammar, intonation, stress, pronunciation, etc. so they

annihilate those elements to speak which actually make their

speaking to be inaccurate. Here are some elements that the

researchers have collected in analyzing the difficulties or problem in

speaking accurately, namely:

1) Linguistics problems

Linguistics is a scientific study of language such as the

study of language structure (grammar), words, and phonology.

According to Spolsky & Hult (2008), generally linguistics

comprises the detailed of vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation. Linguistics problems are those problems which

make students speaking ability become inaccurate. There are

some linguistics problems that affect someone in speaking, such

as poor in grammar, lack of vocabulary and pronunciation.

Richards (2008) claims there are some typical learner’s

problems in speaking. Those problems are:

a) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an individual word or a set of words

which have specific meaning. Kamil and Hiebert (2005)

state that enerally, vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings

of words. The words come in at least two forms; oral and


print. Oral vocabulary is the set of words for which we know

the meanings when we speak or read orally. While print

vocabulary consists of those words for which the meaning is

known when we write or read silently. The problems of

vocabularies occur when someone is lack of vocabulary

needed to talk and does not know how combine the

vocabularies into a good sentence. Khan (2005) once again

states that the numbers of students who learn English as a

foreign language have difficulties to use word and

expression to speak. In addition, Doris and Jessica (2007)

also state that in the real communication, nobody paid much

attention to the correct grammar expression, but emphasized

the content and how to reply. Students clearly know what

they are going to say in the first language, but when they

have to switch the language itself into the target language

such as English, they often get confused to combine and use

the proper vocabularies needed.

b) Grammar

Grammar is a study in which sentences are structured

and formatted. If learners do not know the rules of grammar,

they will never be able to communicate using English

effectively. Even the learners appear to have mastered a

particular structure; it is not uncommon to find backsliding

occur with the introduction of new form to the learners’

interlanguage. For example, the learner who has mastered

the third singular person marker on the present tense verb is

likely to over-generalize the rule and apply it to newly

emerging modal verb, thus producing errors such as “she

coulds speak English” or when they overgeneralize the use

of gerund and modals such as “they should making new

music videos” this is incorrect as modals are not followed by


gerunds if they want to use infinitives plus -ing they must put

to be after the modals. These errors may appear when the

students speak since they have not mastered the English


c) Pronunciation

English has become a language which connects

people all over the world. The second or foreign language

learners are also demanded to speak English naturally like

nativespeaker. According to Hinkel (2005: 491) a second

language learner needs to master the individual characteristic

of the sound of a new language. Furthermore, it will be good

for the students to be able to speak naturally like the native-

speaker itself. According to Burns (2003), it is more

important that the English speakers can achieve:

i. Intelligibility (the speaker produces sound patterns

that are recognizable as English).

ii. Comprehensibility (the listener is able to understand

the meaning of what is said by the speaker).

iii. Interpretability (the listener is able to understand the

purpose of what is said by the speaker).

For example, a speaker might say “I accept the

challenge” as in the phonological symbol it would be written

as “ī əkˈsept T͟Hə ˈCHalənj”, however, if the speaker says

that phrase with different stress and pronunciation “ī ikˈsept

T͟Hə ˈCHalənj” this would mean “I except the challenge”

NOT “I accept the challenge”. This is unlikely to be

intelligible because of inaccurate sounds, stress, and

patterns. As a result, a listener would not find the speaker

comprehensible, because the meaning is not available. Clear

communication is essential in communication. The various


features that make up the production of sounds in English


i. Supresegmental features (Burns, 2003): linking,

intonation, and word stress.

ii. Segmental features: phonemes; consonant and vowel


Pronunciation is as important as any other aspects of

foreign language learning like syntax or vocabulary. Correct

pronunciation is very necessary to develop speaking skill.

Pronunciation also has close connections to the other fields

such as listening and even grammar.

B. Relevant Research

In this research, the researcher summarizes the related studies to

prove the originality of the research. The first one is conducted by Dea Aries

Fitriani, Rahayu Apriliaswati, & Wardah (2015) entitled “Study On

Student’s English Speaking Problems in Speaking Performance”. This

study/research focuses on student’s English speaking problems and the aim

of this research is to find out the most dominant problem in speaking

performance faced by the third semester students of English Education

Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura

University, Pontianak in their speaking performance. The research method

used in this research is the descriptive method. The writer uses questionnaire

and video recording as the tools of data collection. The writer used

descriptive study as the research methodology. The population of this

research is the Third Semester Students of English Study Program

Tanjungpura University 2014/2015. Sample of the study is 30 students of

the third semester students who take Speaking for Academic Presentation

Class. Meanwhile, the current research conducted by the researcher focuses

on the fluency and the accuracy of ESL students’ speaking skill in an


English course/institution. Also, in their research/study only show the

importance of speaking fluently not along with the accuracy.

The second study is conducted by Alicruz Rojano Pineda (2017), the

study is entitled as “Enhancing fluency and accuracy in speaking through

oral activities in VoiceThread”. This research describes an action research

project that was conducted at Montessori School in Cartagena, Colombia.

The study aims to influence students` fluency and accuracy in speaking

through the implementation of some oral activities with VoiceThread;

moreover, to describe how it contributes to the enhancement in terms of

vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar and how it promotes the

development of coherent and fluent ideas in speaking. The population of

this research is all the thirteen students of third grade are participating in the

research study at Montessori School. The research method used in this

research is the descriptive method. The writer uses questionnaire and video

recording as the tools of data collection.

The problem(s) of this research is the technology that is being used

to conduct this research may be questionable as the its reliability has not

been proven correct. According to Alicruz Rojano Pineda the VoiceThread

is a web-based platform that enables teachers and students to create and

share dynamic conversations around documents, pictures, diagrams and

videos. Pupils and tutors can have conversations and make comments using

any mix of text, a microphone, a web cam, a telephone, or uploaded audio


The third study is conducted by Baiq Rahmawati Yendra (2018), the

study is entitled as “An Analysis of Students’ Problem in Mastering

Speaking Skill Faced by The First Semester of the Twelfth Grade At SMAN

Kota Bumi Lampung Utara”. This study focuses on the problems that most

of the students at SMAN Kota Bumi Lampung Utara in mastering speaking

skill, this study also chooses the twelfth grade class as sample which

consists 38 students. This research uses qualitative research method. This

study does not describe about the accuracy in speaking, only the problems


that those students face when they attempt to speak. Moreover, this study is

conducted in a formal school. while, the current research conducted by the

researcher focuses on the fluency and the accuracy of EFL students’

speaking skill is conducted in an English course/institution. The researcher

can ensure that based on the explanation of all of those relevant studies that

the current study will be different from all those studies above.




A. The Research Method

In this research, the researcher uses qualitative research. Kothari

(2004) defines “Qualitative research, on the other hand, is concerned with

qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomena relating to or involving quality or

kind. For instance, when we are interested in investigating the reasons for

human behavior (i.e., why people think or do certain things), we quite often

talk of ‘Motivation Research’, an important type of qualitative research.

This type of research aims at discovering the underlying motives and

desires, using in depth interviews for the purpose.” Qualitative research is

also known as naturalistic method for its research is done in natural setting

(Sugiyono, 2017, p. 8).

Based on the explanation about qualitative research above, it has

become clearer that the purpose of the research is to understand EFL

student’s speaking ability. Work processes and their interactions in using

English can only be parsed if the researcher conducts the research with

qualitative method by participating in-depth interviews with the students.

Thus, a clear relationship pattern can be found. In this research, the

researcher has chosen International Language Program (ILP), Jakarta as a

place to be the research and the researcher has chosen the students that are

currently in General English (GE) class as objects to be analyzed. Therefore,

the researcher would like to share with the reader(s) the procedures of this

research, here are the procedures of this research:

First, the researcher proposes three different titles for the mini thesis

or the research that the researcher is going to conduct. Second, the faculty

has chosen two lecturers as his/her supervisors to guide the researcher in

conducting his/her research. Then, the researcher asks permission to the


principal of the English course/institute located in Central Jakarta to conduct

the research. After that, the researcher does the research. After getting the

permission to conduct the research, the researcher who is also the teacher of

the objects, observe what they do in speaking activities, listen to what they

say, and guide them in speaking activities. After the observation, the

researcher conducts an interview with the objects to support the data.

Finally, the researcher analyzes the result the fluency and the accuracy of

the International Language Program (ILP)’s students in speaking skill.

B. Research Place and Time

1. Place

This research will be conducted at ILP Tower, Jl. Ks. Tubun

No.14D, RW.6, Petamburan, Tanah abang, Central Jakarta, Daerah

Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10260, Indonesia. There are some solid reasons

why the researcher has chosen this place and those students to be

analyzed. Firstly, International Language Program (ILP) as an English

course has been over forty years in educating Indonesian students to

learn English, and secondly ILP has developed the official curriculum

from Cambridge, and thirdly and this could be the strongest reason why

the researcher has chosen this place to be his research is because this

English course/institution is his work place where the researcher works

as the English teacher, the researcher also teaches the students for the

General English students that become the objects of the research. Hence,

this is a great opportunity for the researcher to do his research here.

2. Time

The research is conducted from December 2019 until November

2020. The researcher also creates a schedule for this research.


Table 3.1

Research Time Table

No Activities

Months in 2019/2020

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

1 Title


2 Guidance of



Seminar of

the Mini




and Revision

of Seminar






6 Data


7 Data


8 Final Test of

the Research


C. Research Source and Data

The sources of this research are the students who are in the level of

General English (GE) class in International Language Program (ILP)

located in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. While for the data in this research

is divided into primary data and secondary data.

1. Primary Data

Primary data consists the source of data which is obtained by the

data collector directly from the source of the objects (Sugiyono, 2017,

p.104). Therefore, this research will use interview and observation and

questionnaire to get the valid data from the General English (GE)


2. Secondary Data

According to Sugiyono (2017, p.104) declares that secondary

data is source of data that is related to problems that is being researched

indirectly from the objects that are being observed. This data is mostly

available in the place that is being observed by the researcher, such as

documents, pictures, videos, or in this case; the students’ report cards.

For instance, the number of the students’ General (GE) class that is

being observed is officially obtained from the authority of International

Language Program (ILP).

D. Data Collection Technique

Sugiyono (2017) states that “the fundamental methods relied on the

qualitative researcher itself for gathering the information is participating in

the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, and reviewing

documents.” There are three techniques that the researcher uses; they are

observation, interview, and document, the detail of technique as follow:


1. Observation

The researcher is able to learn about the objects of the research’s

behavior and the meaning attached to them that is being learnt through

observation (Marshall in Sugiyono, 2017, p. 226). Sanahfiah Faisal

(1990) defines observations into participant observation, overt and

covert observation, and unstructured observation. Participant

observation is the researcher observes on what pupils do, listen to what

they say, and participates in the objects’ activities (Stainback, 1988).

Overt and covert observation mean that the researcher that conducts the

data collection state frankly to the data collection that he/she is the

conductor of the research. Meanwhile, unstructured observation is an

observation that is not systematically prepared about what will be


Based on the descriptions above, the researcher uses participant

observation. The research is an active participant, and the researcher is

involved in the objects’ speaking activities.

2. Interview

Interview is divided into three types of interview, namely:

structured interview, semi-structured interview, and unstructured

interview (Esterberg, 2002). Structured interviewed is an interview

technique that is used to collect the data, if the data knows exactly what

information that is going to be obtained. While semi-structured

interview is an interview technique that include the category in-depth

interview in conducting the interviews, researchers need to listen

carefully and it is recommended that the researcher should record what

is the participants or the informants explain. And the last interview

technique is unstructured interview, it is the type of interview technique

that the researcher does not use the interview that has been

systematically arranged and completed for the data collecting, hence this


type of interview technique is more like spontaneous reaction of the

researcher to his/her informant or participant, normally in this situation

the participant or the informant will be asked spontaneous questions

(Sugiyono, 2017, p. 233).

Based on the explanations above, the researcher would like to

use structured interview technique, in order to find the clearest result

about the fluency and the accuracy of General English (GE) students’

speaking skill and the researcher wants to make the data as valid as

possible. The interview is going to be full in English, students of

General English are already used in speaking English in daily basis, also

the researcher interviews the teachers that teach the General English

class. Therefore, it will not be a trouble for them and there will not be

misunderstanding to each other as they already understand what the

researcher tends to do. The research of this interview is to answer the

research formulation in chapter I; (1) How fluent and accurate the

students’ speaking skill in multilevel of general English at the

International Language Program are? (2) How important are the fluency

and the accuracy that the GE students must possess? (3) What factors

are affecting the GE students’ speaking skill?

3. Document

According to Sugiyono (2017, p. 240) states that “Documents

are the records of the past events. Documents can be in form of writing,

pictures, videos, or the monumental works of a person”. In this research,

the researcher uses video recording, paper-based interview, and


questionnaires as the documents. Video recording is to not only record

the voice when they speak but to give a real prove that the interview is

being conducted by the researcher.

The researcher will interview the General English students. Paper-

based interview is used by the researcher to ask the participant/informant

the structured questions, and the questionnaires are used to review the

objects’ satisfaction in doing the speaking activities. The researcher has

chosen questions that are similarly to IELTS speaking test questions of

Cambridge University Press which contain three parts; part 1, part 2, and

part 3. Each part has increasing difficulties where part 1 is the easiest part.

The questions are from academic IELTS and according to Cambridge

University Press (in Cambridge English IELTS Academic 12, 2017)

“Academic IELTS is for candidates wishing to study at undergraduate or

postgraduate levels, and for those seeking professional registration.”

Moreover, they explain about the academic test format for speaking test.

The speaking module takes between 11 and 14 minutes. It consists of an

oral interview between the candidate and an examiner. There are three main

parts, namely:

1. Part

The candidate and the examiner introduce themselves and then

the candidate answers general questions about themselves, their

home/family, their job/studies, their interests and a wide range of similar

familiar topic areas. This part lasts between four and five minutes.

2. Part 2

The candidate is given a task card with prompts and is asked to

talk on a particular topic. The candidate has one minute to prepare and

they can make some notes if they wish, before speaking for between one

and two minutes. The examiner then asks one or two rounding-off



3. Part 3

The examiner and the candidate engage in a discussion of more

abstract issues and concepts, which are thematically linked to the topic

prompt in Part 2. The discussion lasts between four and five minutes.

The Speaking module assesses whether candidates can

communicate effectively in English. The assessment takes into account

Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and

Accuracy, and Pronunciation (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

Based on the explanations above, the researcher can conclude that

the questions of the IELTS test are suitable for this type of research.

However, considering the duration time in conducting the interview with

the General English students and the ability of the students itself, it has been

decided by the researcher that the researcher will only take questions from

two parts, they are part 1 and part 2.

E. Research Instrument

In qualitative research instrument (Sugiyono, 2017, p.222) declares

that “The instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human itself.”

This statement is also supported by Kothari (2004), he states that research

can be termed as “an inquiry into the nature of, the reasons for, and the

consequences of any particular set of circumstances, whether these

circumstances are experimentally controlled or recorded just as they occur.

Further, research implies the researcher is interested in more than particular

results; he is interested in the repeatability of the results and in their

extension to more complicated and general situations.”

The qualitative research instruments that the researcher will use to

conduct the research are observation, interview, questionnaire, and

documents and they are listed below in the table 3.2.


Table 3.2

Research Instrument

No Activities Focus

1 Observation

In this stage, the researcher observes the activities of

the objects, pay attention to what they say carefully,

and participate with them in their speaking activities.

2 Interview

In interview, the researcher focuses on the fluency

and the accuracy of the students of General English

(GE). In this phase their speaking skill is being tested

as well. The questions will be divided into two parts,

part 1 and part 2. Part 1 consists of 5 general

questions that will test their fluency in speaking

general topics. And part 2 consists of 5 interrelated

questions. These questions require different types of

tenses and grammar to analyze their accuracy and

fluency in speaking.

3 Documentation

Documentations are in the form of electronical tools

such as videos or photos. Documentation study is a

complement of the use of the observation and

interview method in qualitative research. The

researcher also uses form of questions in

interviewing the students.

4 Questionnaire

General English (GE) students will be given a paper

that contains some questions related to speaking

activities. There will be 10 questions that the

researcher will give to the students. The questions

will be about how far they understand the English

grammar in speaking skill.


In this type of observation, researcher normally involve themselves

with the daily activities of the people that are being observed or utilized as

the source of the research data. While conducting the observations,

researcher should also do what the data source do. The researcher observes

the speaking ability that the students of General English (GE) have, how

they answer question by question by the researcher, and how comprehend

they are about the questions that they answer.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In qualitative research, data is obtained from various sources with

the triangulation technique and it is done continuously until the data is valid

(Sugiyono, 2017, p. 243). Miles and Huberman (1984) support this

statement that the steps in qualitative data analysis is conducted

interactively and continuously until it is done, and the technique is divided

into four steps: (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data display, and

(4) verifying (Sugiyono, 2017, p. 246).

Components of Data Analysis

Figure 3.1

Components of data analysis: Interactive model

(Source: Miles & Huberman, 1984)

Data Collection

Data Reduction

Data Display




1. Data Collection

In qualitative research, the data is collected by conducting

observation, in-depth interview interviews, and documentation or a

combination of the three (triangulation) (Sugiyono, 2017, p. 225).

Wiersma (1986) states that “triangulation is qualitative cross-

validation. It asses the sufficiency of the data according to the

convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data collection


The researcher will conduct a general exploration of the

speaking activities for the Multilevel General English (GE) students

under this research, all that is seen and heard is recorded. Thus, the

researcher will get lots of data and various data.

2. Data Reduction

Reduction means summarizing, choosing the subject matters,

focusing on important data, and looking for theme and pattern

(Sugiyono, 2017, p. 247). Therefore, in this research, the researcher

would ignore the less important data from the research and would focus

on the important data to be described.

In reducing the data, the researcher will focus on the students

who are currently active in General English (GE) class, their speaking

activities, interaction between students to other students and students to

the teacher. The main purpose of qualitative research the findings. The

researcher would summarize the data based on the purpose of this

research. The purpose of this research is to find out the fluency and the

accuracy of General English (GE) students’ speaking skill in

International Language Program (ILP).

3. Data Display

The third step in analyzing the data is data display. In this stage

the researcher displays the data after reducing the data. According to

Sugiyono (2017, p. 249) declares that “By displaying the data, it will


make it easier to understand what is happening, then plan the next

work/research based on what something that has been understood.”

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that data display is

something that we can learn to make the research more organized.

4. Verification

The fourth and the last step in analyzing the dat ain the

qualitative research is verification (Sugiyono, 2017, p. 252). The

researcher tries to verify the data to the authority of the faculty, it is still

temporary and it will be changed if there are no solid proves that support

the data. However, if the proves are proven valid then the conclusion

will be credible.

G. Data Validity

Validity is the accuracy of the data that occur with the objects of the

research that can be reported by the researcher. Valid data is the data that is

“not different” between the researcher’s report and the real data that occur

to the objects of the research (Sugioyono, 2017, p.267). There are two types

of data validity; internal validity and external validity. According to

Sugiyono (2017) internal validity relates to the degree of the research design

accuracy with the result that has been achieved. For example, if the research

is designed to observe the work ethic of the employees, then the data should

be about the work ethic of the employees. The research becomes invalid if

the data is about the motivation of the employees. Data validation must also

go through validity tests that are tested by the expert judgments/professional

judgments, in this case the expert judgments are the lecturers that teach

speaking subject at University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang and the

principal of International Language Program institute, therefore data

validity can be acceptable. External validity is the degree of the accuracy of

the research whether it can be generalized or applied to the population of

the sample where it is taken.


The level of external validity can be very high if the samples of the

research show very representative, and the instrument of the research is

valid and reliable, also the way the research is conducted appropriately then

the external validity is enough. In reliability Stainback (1988) declares that

“reliability is often defined as consistency and stability of the data or

findings. From a positive perspective, reliability typically is considered to

be synonymous with the consistency of data produced by observations made

by different researchers (e.g. interrater reliability), by the same researcher

at different times (e.g. test retest), or by splitting a data set in two parts (splir-

half)” (Sugioyono, 2017, p. 267). Therefore, data reliable and consistent

data is likely valid, even though it is not always valid. For instance, someone

can lie consistently and it is valid, even though it is not.

Objective data is usually valid, even it is always not valid. Sugiyono

(2017) states that objectivity of the data is “interpersonal agreement” among

many people to certain data. For example, there are ninety-nine people agree

that A is not a thief (objective), and there is only one who disagrees this and

says that A is a thief (subjective). The one person out of ninety-nine is

actually correct about A, because all of these ninety-nine people are the

thief’s friends who are thieves as well, hence these people say that A is not

a thief. In qualitative research, to get valid and reliable data, the data is being

tested. Stainback (1988) says that quantitative research is more about the

aspect of the reliability, meanwhile qualitative research is more about the

aspect of the validity (Suguyiono, 2017, p. 268).

In qualitative research, reality is complex, dynamic/changeable,

hence there is no consistency, and unrepeatable as before. Heraclites in

Nasution (1988) declares that “we cannot enter the same river for the

second time” as the water of the river is flowing continuously, time keeps

changing, situations are always different so are the behaviors of the humans

that involve in social environment (Suguyiono, 2017, p. 269). Moreover, the

way of reporting the research is individualistic, it means it is always


different from a person to the other. The researcher can conclude that there

is no stability/consistency or even stability data or findings.

After conducting the process of collecting data and data analysis,

the researcher needs to ensure that the finding result is valid and accurate.

The validity of data in qualitative research includes confirmability

(objectivity), credibility (internal validity), transferability (external

validity), and dependability (reliability), (Sugiyono, 2017, p. 270).

1. Confirmability (Objectivity)

Confirmability test means testing the results of the research

associated with the process that is carried out. Confirmability testing is

nearly the same as the dependability test, the test can be done

simultaneously. According to Sugiyono (2017, p. 277) “confirmability

is related to the objectivity of research hashes. The results of the study

are said to have a high degree of objectivity if the existence of data can

be traced precisely and the research is said to objective if the results of

the study have been agreed upon many people.” If the results of the

research are able to function and the process of the research is carried

out, the research has matched the reliability.

This stage of data validity can be done through the students’

speaking skill, triangulation, re-observation of the records (if needed),

re-checking, seeing the same event in the location of the research as a

form of confirmation.

2. Credibility (Internal Validity)

Internal validity or known as credibility discusses how far the

result of the research can be trusted, to achieve the confidence in

conducting the research; persistent observation, peer debriefing, and

member check. Data validity has three criteria as follows:


a. Triangulation

Triangulation is defined as data collection techniques which is

the combination of various data collection techniques and existing

data sources (Sugiyono, 2017, p. 273). This is also supported by

Wiersma (1986) by stating that “Triangulation is qualitative cross-

validation. It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the

convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data collection

procedure”. The researcher uses participants for observation, in-

depth interview, and documentation for the dame data

simultaneously. Triangulation is divide into three, namely:

1) Source Triangulation.

Triangulation of sources to test the credibility of the data

is done by checking the data obtained from several sources. For

instance, to test the credibility of data about the someone’s

leadership then the collection and the test of the data obtained

must be done to their employees, to their employers, and to their

colleagues that are in the same level. Sugiyono (2017) states that

the data obtained have to be described, categorized, which one

has the same opinion which one has different opinion, and which

is specific from all of those three sources. The data that is already

analyzed by the research, henceforth it can be requested

agreement (member check) with the three resources. In this

research the three resources are the principal, the teacher, and

the colleagues.


Figure 3.2

Triangulation of Data Source

(Source: Sugiyono, 2017)

2) Technical Triangulation

This type of triangulation is to test the data credibility by

checking the same source with different techniques. For

example, the data is obtained from interview, and then it is being

rechecked with observation, documentation or questionnaire. If

these three credibility techniques show inconsistency, then the

research needs to conduct a discussion to the object of the

research or other people in the area of the research is conducted

to ensure that which data is considered valid.

Figure 3.3

Triangulation of Data Technique Collection

(Source: Sugiyono, 2017)














3) Time Triangulation

Time also often affects the credibility. Therefore, in

testing the credibility of the data it can be done by checking the

interviews, observations in different times and situations. In this

research the research is mostly conducted in the afternoon and

the evening as English course’ schedule opens in the afternoon

until evening. However, it is not impossible that the researcher

conducts the interview in the morning as some students in

General English (GE) are also in the morning class.

Figure 3.4

Triangulation of Data Collection Time

(Source: Sugiyono, 2017)

b. Peer checking or member checks.

The activities that the researcher carries out is to gain a high

level of credibility by involving the researcher in the speaking

activities of the participants, the researcher tries to confirm and

clarify the data that will be obtained from the participants (member

checks) or the researcher consults with other teachers who teach

General English class as well to reanalyze the data obtained.

Member checks implementation can be done after one period of data





collection is finished, or after obtaining a finding or conclusion

(Sugiyono, 2017, p. 276)

3. Transferability (external validity)

According to Sugiyono (2017, p. 276) states that

“Transferability in qualitative research is an external validity.

Transferability is established by providing the readers with the real

evidence that the research’s findings can be applicable to other contexts,

situations, and populations.”

The researchers should make excellent reports to read, and they

should provide complete, clear, systematic and trustworthy information.

If the readers get a clear picture of what this research about, then the

results of the research meet the standard of transferability.

4. Dependability (reliability)

A reliable research is the research that can make other

people/researchers repeat or even replicate the research process. In

qualitative research, dependability testing is carried out by using an

audit of the overall research process. Faisal (2017) states that this

procedure can only be done by independent auditor or the research guide

to audit the whole activities of the researcher in conducting the research

(Sugiyono, 2017, p. 277).

Thus, after the researcher conducts the research by using the method

of interviews, observation and documentation, the results of the research

data will be combined so that they complete each other.

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