an america that works for all of us

Post on 12-Jul-2015



News & Politics



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An America

that works for

ALL of us

Do what you want…

Be what you want…

Say what you want…

Working families are being crushed

400 richest have more than 150 million Americans

Over the last 30 years:

wages cut, jobs shipped overseas

Over the last 30 years:

corporate lobbyists paid their way

Liberty, justice and prosperity for all

Working families and the middle class are the engines of the economy.

“Tax Code May Be the Most Progressive Since 1979”

New York Times, 1/4/2103

Sequester = meat axe cuts

Food pantry closed in Murray, Utah closed

Primary health care workers laid off in Saranac Lake, NY

100 children denied Head Start in Bethlehem, PA.

Work study for college students cut at University of North Carolina

Teachers laid off in Hampton Roads, Virginia

Make millionaires and big corporations pay their fair share

Ending tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas- $221 billion

Tiny (.0003%) tax on Wall Street speculation- $353 billion

A 5.6% tax surcharge on millionaires- $453 billion

End tax breaks for oil companies- $25 billion

Put our troops first - reshape the Pentagon budget to meet 21st century needs

Good Jobs for America


Opportunity and security for families


Pave the way for businesses to innovate meet the future


Common sense rules that benefit businesses and communities

The middle class doesn’t prosper by accident

Decisionswe make together

A road map for aspiring citizens

A common sense immigration process

We need to ask the president and members of congress

Whose side are you on?

Good jobs for everyone in America

Protect vital services for our families and communities

Make millionaires and big corporations pay their fair share

Pull the Pentagon pork

A road map for aspiring citizens

Tell Congress:

An America that works for all of us

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