amusement park regulations

Post on 30-May-2015






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Amusement park regulationsin the United States

Consumer Product Safety Commission

(CPSC) Their jurisdiction was limited to mobile amusement parks such as carnivals and local fairs.

They could compile statistics on fixed amusement park accidents but they have no authority to investigate them.

Amusement ride safety in the

United States is regulated

through an assortment of

voluntary standards and federal, state, and local laws.

As of 2008, 24 states had implemented a government inspection and accident investigation program for amusement rides while 6 states

had absolutely no safety regulations established. (CPSC Data, 2008)

When a loved one dies or is seriously injured

on these rides, there is no system in place to ensure that the ride is

investigated, the causes determined, and the

flaws fixed, not just on that ride, but on every

similar ride in every other state.

Roller coasters can carry human beings up to 90 miles an hour.

The number of fatalities per passenger mile on a roller coaster is higher than on passenger trains,

passenger buses, and passenger planes.

The National Amusement Park Ride Safety Act

set standards for rides,

perform routine inspections and investigations,

develop plans to correct defects and,

efficiently collect accident data.

In 1999, Congressman Ed Markey introduced the National Amusement Park Ride Safety Act, proposing that the federal CPSC be given jurisdiction over the amusement park industry.

Support HR 2320

To help support the National Amusement Park Rides Safety Act you can call, write, or email your congress member and urge them to support HR 2320.

Safety First

Dress for safety

Be wary of loose objects

Learn about the ride

Teach children what to do if something unexpected occurs.


“Every other consumer product affecting interstate commerce - a bicycle or a baby carriage, for example - endures CPSC oversight.  […] When a child is injured on a defective bicycle, the CPSC can prevent similar accidents by ensuring that the defect is repaired.  If that same child has an accident on a faulty roller coaster, no CPSC investigation is allowed. But the industry has its loophole, and it is placing its priority on protecting its special-interest privileges, rather than its special duty to ensure the safety of its patrons.  That's just plain wrong.” (National Amusement Park Ride Safety Act, 2005)

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