amphitheater public schools · web viewpages 250 - 254 did the silk road run north or south of the...

Post on 15-Feb-2021






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The Reunification of China

Pages 250 - 254

1. Did the Silk Road run north or south of the Himalayas? What was the reason for this?

2. How might the Silk Road have facilitated the spread of ideas and trade?

3. What strategic advantages did the location of the new capital give to the Song? 

4. Why was the Tang dynasty well-situated to encourage economic development and trade with the West and Japan?

5. What is an empire?

6. What is a dynasty?

7. What led to the downfall of the Sui Dynasty?

8. Complete the timeline of the Chinese Dynasties:

500 C.E. 1300 C.E.

The Mongols

Impressions of The Mongols, Mongolia, and Genghis Khan



1. Do the image and quotations support your initial impressions of the Mongols?

2. Has the information presented here changed your ideas about the Mongols?

Use Pages 255-259 for the following questions.

3. How did the Mongol’s create the world’s largest land empire? What effect did the Mongol invasion of the Arab Empire have on Islamic Civilization?

Guided viewing questions (see slides for videos):

1. What event in Genghis khan’s childhood shaped his ruthless behavior?

2. Genghis khan was a fierce warrior and also a wise leader. What did he offer nomadic tribes in exchange for their loyalty?

3. What were the most valuable spoils Genghis khan gained from Beijing?

1. Why were the Mongol rulers successful in ruling China?

2. Who was Marco Polo?

3. Why do you think Marco Polo's descriptions of the wonders of China seemed unbelievable to many Europeans?

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