americanized words to know

Post on 30-Jan-2016






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Americanized words to know. Part of Speech Pronunciation Definition Language of origin Sentence that reflects proper usage. faux pas. Part of Speech : Noun Pronunciation : foe – pah - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Americanized words to knowPart of SpeechPronunciationDefinitionLanguage of originSentence that reflects proper usage

faux pas

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: foe – pah

Definition: a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion

Language: French

Sentence: Burping aloud at the seminar was a faux pas I would like to forget!

Déjà vu

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: dey-zhah voo

Definition: Psychology. the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time.

Language: French

Sentence: The new television season had a sense of déjà vu about it—the same old plots and characters with new names.

du jour

Part of Speech: adjective

Pronunciation: du zhur

Definition: as prepared on the particular day; of the kind being served today

Language: French

Sentence: The soup du jour is potato soup.

bon voyage

Part of Speech: interjection

Pronunciation: bon voi-azh

Definition: good journey

Language: French

Sentence: “Bon voyage, my dear.”

Joie de vivre

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: zhwa – duh - veevr

Definition: keen or buoyant enjoyment of life

Language: French

Sentence: Ah, to keep the joie de vivre I felt as a young child swinging through the air!

Savoir faire Part of Speech: noun

Pronunciation: sav– war- fer

Definition: capacity for appropriate action; polished sureness in social behavior

Synonym: tact

Language: French

Sentence: The thief moved around the bejeweled party guests with enough savoir faire to look like he belonged.

alma mater

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: ahl-muh mah-ter

Definition: 1. a school, college, or university at which one has studied and, usually, from which one has graduated. 2. the official anthem of a school, college, or university.

Language: Latin

Sentence: I am learning my alma mater, which will be sung at the pep rally next week!

cum laude

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: coom – loud - ay

Definition: with honor: used in diplomas to grant the lowest of three special honors for grades above the average.

Language: Latin

Sentence: Jerry graduated cum laude; his mother was SO PROUD!

status quo

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: status kwoh

Definition: the existing state or condition.

Language: Latin

Sentence: We don't want to admit more singers to the chorus; we like the status quo.

Femme fatale

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: fem fuh-tal

Definition: an irresistibly attractive woman, esp. one who leads men into difficult, dangerous, or disastrous situations; siren.

Language: French

Sentence: Catwoman was the femme fatale of the Batman series.

prima donna Part of Speech: noun

Pronunciation: pree-muh don-uh

Definition: 1.a first or principal female singer of an opera company.2.a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.

Synonym: diva

Language: Italian

Sentence: That Jenkins girl is a good gymnast, but she certainly is a prima donna.

magnum opus

Part of Speech: noun

Pronunciation: MAG-num OH-puhs

Definition: a great work, esp. the chief work of a writer, composer or artist

Language: from Latin, meaning “great work”

Sentence: Milton’s magnum opus is Paradise Lost.

in absentia

Part of Speech: adverb

Pronunciation: in ab-sen-shuh

Definition: While or although not present; in absence

Language: Latin

Sentence: He was tried and convicted in absentia.

Alpha and omega

Part of Speech: noun

Pronunciation: (ok – you should know this one!)

Definition: the beginning and the end

Language: Greek

Sentence: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last,” meaning that God remains from the beginning to the end of time.

carpe diem

Part of Speech: interjection, adjective

Pronunciation: kahr-pe dee-em

Definition: enjoy the present, as opposed to placing all hope in the future

Language: Latin

Sentence: Just before he jumped, he yelled, “Carpe diem!”

à propos

Adjective - appropriate, to the point: "That's true, but it's not apropos.“

Adverb - at an appropriate time, opportunely: "Fortunately, he arrived apropos.“

Preposition (may or may not be followed by of) - with regard to, speaking of: "Apropos our meeting, I'll be late"; "He told a funny story apropos of the new president.“

Language: French

à la carte   

Part of Speech: adjective or adverb

Pronunciation: a la kart

Definition: "on the menu"

Language: French

Sentence: He decided to order á la carte instead of getting the special.

au gratin 

Part of speech: adjective

Pronunciation: oh grah tan

Definitions:In French, au gratin refers to anything that is grated and put on top of a dishIn English, au gratin means "with cheese.”

Language: French

Sentence: He ordered the potatoes au gratin because he loved the sharp Cheddar cheese on top.

au jus   

Part of speech: adjective

Pronunciation: oh zhoo

Definition: served with the meat's natural juices

Language: French - "in the juice“

Sentence: He ordered the French dip sandwich with au jus for dipping.

bon appétit   

Part of speech: interjection

Pronunciation: baw na-pey-tee

Definition: "Enjoy your meal

Language: French - "good appetite"

Sentence: The chef placed the gourmet dinner on the customer’s table and said, “Bon appétit.”

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