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American International Group, Inc.

Financial Supplement

Revised Historical AIG Life and Retirement Segment Results

1Q 2011 – 4Q 2012

This report should be read in conjunction with AIG’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All financial information in this document is unaudited.

American International Group, Inc. Revised Historical Quarterly Financial Supplement

Contact: Liz Werner

Investor Relations


Table of Contents . ... Page(s)

AIG Life and Retirement Operating Segment Changes ........................................... 1

Reclassifications .......................................................................................................... 2

Schematic of Revised Segment Structure .................................................................. 3

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information .......................... 4

Non-GAAP Financial Measures ................................................................................. 5

Consolidated Statement of Segment Operations ................................................... 6-7

AIG Life and Retirement

Operating Statistics ................................................................................................ 8-9


Total Retail Operating Statistics ..................................................................... 10-11

Life Insurance and A&H Operating Statistics ............................................ 12-13

Life Insurance and A&H Reserves .................................................................. 14

Fixed Annuities Operating Statistics ........................................................... 15-16

Fixed Annuities Spread Information and Reserves ..................................... 17-18

Retirement Income Solutions Operating Statistics ...................................... 19-20

Retirement Income Solutions Spread Information and Reserves ................ 21-22


Total Institutional Operating Statistics .......................................................... 23-24

Group Retirement Operating Statistics ....................................................... 25-26

Group Retirement Spread Information and Reserves ................................ 27-28

Institutional Markets Operating Statistics................................................... 29-30

Institutional Markets Reserves ........................................................................ 31

Notes .......................................................................................................................... 32

This Historical Results Financial Supplement presents revised quarterly results in the format that AIG will use to present its 2013 First Quarter Financial Supplement,

which will include additional supplemental disclosures that are not included in this

Historical Results Financial Supplement. The revisions reflected in this Historical

Results Financial Supplement and described below had no effect on AIG Life and

Retirement operating income and pre-tax income or AIG’s consolidated pre-tax

income and net income:

AIG Life and Retirement Operating Segment Changes

In order to align financial reporting with changes made during 2013 to the manner in

which AIG’s chief operating decision makers review the businesses to assess

performance and make decisions about resources to be allocated, AIG Life and Retirement now presents its results in two operating segments – Retail and

Institutional. These changes are further described on page 1. Prior to the first quarter

of 2013, AIG Life and Retirement presented its results in the Life Insurance and Retirement Services operating segments. Prior periods have been revised to conform

to the current period presentation.


AIG Life and Retirement and Consolidated results were also revised to reflect the reclassification of certain fee income and expenses, which increased total revenues

and total expenses by the same amounts. These changes are further described on page 2.

American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement Operating Segment Changes

In 2012, AIG Life and Retirement announced several key organizational structure and management changes intended to better serve the organization’s distribution

partners and customers. Key aspects of the new structure are distinct product divisions, shared annuity and life operations platforms and a unified all-channel

distribution organization with access to all AIG Life and Retirement products.

During the first quarter of 2013, AIG Life and Retirement fully implemented reporting changes to reflect its new structure and now presents its results in the following

two operating segments:

Retail: product lines include life insurance and accident and health (A&H), fixed annuities, retirement income solutions including variable and indexed annuities,

brokerage services and retail mutual funds.

Institutional: product lines include group retirement, group benefits and institutional markets. The institutional markets product line consists of stable value wrap

products, structured settlement and terminal funding annuities, private placement variable life and annuities, guaranteed investment contracts, and corporate and

bank-owned life insurance.

Invested assets are maintained in segregated portfolios for each of the product lines comprising our Retail and Institutional operating segments. Our fundamental

investment strategy is to maintain primarily a diversified, high quality portfolio of fixed maturity securities and, as is practicable, to match established duration targets

based on characteristics of the underlying liabilities. Invested assets in excess of liabilities are allocated to product lines based on an internal capital model.

All prior periods presented have been revised to reflect the new structure.

Insurance operations are conducted through American General Life Insurance Company, The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, and The United States Life

Insurance Company in the City of New York.

Selected operating statistics are provided for life insurance and A&H, fixed annuities, retirement income solutions, group retirement, and institutional markets. Operating

statistics are not separately presented for brokerage services and retail mutual funds included in the Retail operating segment and group benefits included in the

Institutional operating segment.


American International Group, Inc.


Consolidated results and AIG Life and Retirement results on an historical basis were revised to reflect the reclassification of certain items described below, which increased total revenues

and total expenses by the same amount and had no effect on AIG’s consolidated pre-tax income and net income or AIG Life and Retirement operating income and pre-tax income.

Advisory fee income, and the related commissions and advisory fee expenses of AIG’s Life and Retirement broker dealer business, are being presented on a gross basis within Other

income and Other expenses. Previously, these amounts were included on a net basis within Policy fees on AIG’s Consolidated Statement of Operations and AIG Life and Retirement

results. In addition, revenues and expenses related to certain payout annuities primarily with life contingent features have been reclassified in the Consolidated Statement of Operations to

conform to the first quarter 2013 presentation. The effect on AIG’s Consolidated Statement of Operations before and after the reclassifications follows.

Full Year 2012 Full Year 2011

As Previously Increase As Previously Increase

(in millions) Reported (Decrease) As Revised Reported (Decrease) As Revised

Statement of Operations:

Premiums $ 38,011 $ 36 $ 38,047 $ 38,990 $ 36 $ 39,026

Policy fees 2,791 (442) 2,349 2,705 (396) 2,309

Other income 3,582 1,284 4,866 2,661 1,208 3,869

Total revenues 44,384 878 45,262 44,356 848 45,204

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 31,977 59 32,036 33,450 73 33,523

Interest credited to policyholder account balances 4,362 (22) 4,340 4,467 (35) 4,432

Other expenses 2,721 841 3,562 2,470 810 3,280

Total expenses $ 39,060 $ 878 $ 39,938 $ 40,387 $ 848 $ 41,235


The chart below shows the AIG Life and Retirement products under the previous operating segments and their mapping to the new operating segments.




BusinessesLife Insurance

and A&HFixed Annuities

Retirement Income

SolutionsGroup Retirement Institutional Markets

ProductsTerm Insurance

Universal Life

A&H Products

Fixed Annuity

Immediate Annuity

Variable Annuity

Indexed Annuity

Retail Mutual Funds

Brokerage Services

Fixed Annuity

Variable Annuity

Mutual Funds

Structured Settlements

Terminal Funding Annuity



Stable Value Wraps

Group Benefits

American General Western National

Sun America

Retirement Markets VALIC Other

Term Insurance

Universal Life

A&H Products

Fixed Annuity Variable Annuity Fixed Annuity

Variable Annuity

Mutual Funds


Retail Mutual Funds

Brokerage Services

Fixed Annuity

Immediate Annuity

Variable Annuity

Indexed AnnuityIndexed Annuity

Structured Settlements

Terminal Funding Annuity



Stable Value Wraps

Structured Settlements Structured Settlements

Group Benefits




Life Insurance

Definitions: Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs), Corporate-Owned Life Insurance (COLI), Bank-Owned Life Insurance (BOLI), Private Placement Variable Life and Annuities (PPVUL & PPVA).

Retirement Services


AIG Life and Retirement






Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This Historical Results Financial Supplement may include, and officers and representatives of American International Group, Inc. (AIG) may from time to time make, projections, goals,

assumptions and statements that may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These projections, goals, assumptions and

statements are not historical facts but instead represent only AIG’s belief regarding future events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside AIG’s control. These

projections, goals, assumptions and statements include statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as “believe,” “anticipate,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “view,” “target” or

“estimate.” These projections, goals, assumptions and statements may address, among other things: the monetization of AIG’s interests in International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC), including

whether AIG’s proposed sale of up to 90 percent of ILFC will be completed and if completed, the timing and final terms of such sale; AIG’s exposures to subprime mortgages, monoline insurers, the

residential and commercial real estate markets, state and municipal bond issuers and sovereign bond issuers; AIG’s exposure to European governments and European financial institutions; AIG’s

strategy for risk management; AIG’s generation of deployable capital; AIG’s return on equity and earnings per share long-term aspirational goals; AIG’s strategies to grow net investment income,

efficiently manage capital and reduce expenses; AIG’s strategies for customer retention, growth, product development, market position, financial results and reserves; and the revenues and combined

ratios of AIG’s subsidiaries.

It is possible that AIG’s actual results and financial condition will differ, possibly materially, from the results and financial condition indicated in these projections, goals, assumptions and

statements. Factors that could cause AIG’s actual results to differ, possibly materially, from those in the specific projections, goals, assumptions and statements include:

changes in market conditions;

the occurrence of catastrophic events, both natural and man-made;

significant legal proceedings;

the timing and applicable requirements of any new regulatory framework to which AIG is subject as a savings and loan holding company, and if such a determination is made, as

a systemically important financial institution;

concentrations in AIG’s investment portfolios;

actions by credit rating agencies;

judgments concerning casualty insurance underwriting and insurance liabilities;

judgments concerning the recognition of deferred tax assets;

judgments concerning deferred policy acquisition costs (DAC) recoverability; and

such other factors as are discussed in Part II, Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and in Part I, Item 1A. Risk

Factors in AIG’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012.

AIG is not under any obligation (and expressly disclaims any obligation) to update or alter any projections, goals, assumptions or other statements, whether written or oral, that may be

made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Throughout this financial supplement, we use the following operating performance measures because we believe they enhance understanding of the underlying profitability of continuing

operations and trends of AIG and our business segments. We believe they also allow for more meaningful comparison with our insurance competitors. When such measures are disclosed,

reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measure are provided.

Operating income (loss) is derived by excluding the following items from net income (loss): legal settlements related to legacy crisis matters, changes in fair values of fixed maturity

securities designated to hedge living benefits liabilities, net realized capital (gains) losses, and changes in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA, and SIA related to net realized capital (gains) losses. We

believe that Operating income (loss) is useful because excluding these volatile items permits investors to better assess the operating performance of the underlying business by highlighting the results

from ongoing operations.

Although the investment of premiums to generate investment income (or loss) and realized capital gains or losses are integral parts of both life and general insurance operations, the

determination to realize capital gains or losses is independent of the insurance underwriting process. Moreover, under applicable GAAP accounting requirements, losses can be recorded as the result

of other-than-temporary impairments in value without actual realization. In sum, investment income and realized capital gains or losses for any particular period are not indicative of underlying

business performance for such period.

AIG Life and Retirement premiums and deposits is a non-GAAP measure which includes life insurance premiums, deposits on annuity contracts and mutual funds. We use this measure

because it is a standard measure of performance used in the insurance industry and thus allows for meaningful comparisons with our insurance competitors.

Additionally, in some cases, revenues and rates of performance are shown exclusive of partnership income, other enhancements to income, and changes in foreign exchange rates. In all such

instances, we believe that excluding these items permits investors to better assess the operating performance of each of our underlying businesses by highlighting the results from ongoing operations

and the underlying profitability of our businesses.


American International Group, Inc.

Consolidated Statement of Segment Operations

(in millions, except per share data)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

AIG Property Casualty Net premiums written $ 8,820 $ 9,095 $ 8,712 $ 7,809 $ 34,436

Net premiums earned 8,688 8,820 8,752 8,613 34,873 Claims and claims adjustment expenses incurred 5,909 6,079 6,252 7,545 25,785

Acquisition expense 1,757 1,733 1,709 1,737 6,936

General operating expense 1,202 1,225 1,232 1,493 5,152

Underwriting loss (180) (217) (441) (2,162) (3,000)

Net investment income 1,223 1,153 1,227 1,217 4,820

Operating income (loss) 1,043 936 786 (945) 1,820

Net realized capital gains (losses) (135) 23 161 (51) (2)

Legal settlements - - - 17 17

Other income (loss) 2 2 2 (4) 2

Pre-tax income (loss) 910 961 949 (983) 1,837

AIG Life and Retirement

Premiums 614 632 584 634 2,464

Policy fees 584 567 580 618 2,349

Net investment income 2,885 2,521 2,597 2,715 10,718

Advisory fee and other income 304 312 319 358 1,293

Total revenues 4,387 4,032 4,080 4,325 16,824

Benefits and expenses 3,076 3,099 3,254 3,235 12,664

Operating income 1,311 933 826 1,090 4,160

Legal settlements - - - 154 154

Changes in fair value of fixed income securities designated to hedge living benefit liabilities,

net of interest expense (19) 70 (3) (11) 37

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) 36 (552) (604) (81) (1,201)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (466) 326 670 100 630

Pre-tax income 862 777 889 1,252 3,780

Other operations, operating income 2,328 682 854 260 4,124

Other operations pre-tax income (loss) before net realized capital gains (losses) 2,319 (55) 844 290 3,398

Other operations, net realized capital gains (losses) 417 (61) 47 98 501

Consolidation and elimination adjustments (42) 47 (171) (28) (194)

Income from continuing operations before income tax expense (benefit) 4,466 1,669 2,558 629 9,322

Income tax expense (benefit) * 1,081 (491) 734 246 1,570

Income from continuing operations 3,385 2,160 1,824 383 7,752

Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax 64 179 37 (4,332) (4,052)

Net income (loss) 3,449 2,339 1,861 (3,949) 3,700


Net income from continuing operations attributable to noncontrolling interests:

Noncontrolling nonvoting, callable, junior and senior preferred interests 208 - - - 208

Other 33 7 5 9 54

Total net income from continuing operations attributable to noncontrolling interests 241 7 5 9 262

Total net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 241 7 5 9 262

Net income (loss) attributable to AIG $ 3,208 $ 2,332 $ 1,856 $ (3,958) $ 3,438

Effective tax rates:

Income from continuing operations 24.2% (29.4)% 28.7% 39.1% 16.8%

* Reflects deferred tax asset valuation allowance release of $0.3 billion, $1.3 billion, $0.2 billion and $0.1 billion in 1Q12, 2Q12, 3Q12 and 4Q12, respectively.


American International Group, Inc.

Consolidated Statement of Segment Operations

(in millions, except per share data)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

AIG Property Casualty

Net premiums written $ 9,166 $ 9,167 $ 8,659 $ 7,848 $ 34,840

Net premiums earned 8,651 9,033 9,043 8,962 35,689

Claims and claims adjustment expenses incurred 7,756 6,680 6,838 6,675 27,949

Acquisition expense 1,536 1,606 1,665 1,657 6,464 General operating expense 962 1,106 1,072 1,266 4,406

Underwriting loss (1,603) (359) (532) (636) (3,130)

Net investment income 1,179 1,142 1,024 1,003 4,348

Operating income (loss) (424) 783 492 367 1,218

Net realized capital gains 50 43 60 454 607

Other loss - - (1) (4) (5)

Pre-tax income (loss) (374) 826 551 817 1,820

AIG Life and Retirement

Premiums 629 669 601 650 2,549

Policy fees 582 578 560 589 2,309 Net investment income 2,754 2,461 2,295 2,372 9,882

Advisory fee and other income 305 321 302 489 1,417

Total revenues 4,270 4,029 3,758 4,100 16,157

Benefits and expenses 3,099 3,306 3,287 3,188 12,880

Operating income 1,171 723 471 912 3,277

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related

to net realized capital gains (losses) 16 (48) (163) (132) (327)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (220) 91 38 97 6

Pre-tax income 967 766 346 877 2,956

Other operations, operating income (loss) 1,824 135 (4,235) 502 (1,774)

Other operations pre-tax income (loss) before net realized capital gains (losses) (1,562) 112 (4,244) 979 (4,715)

Other operations, net realized capital gains (losses) (435) (25) 299 173 12

Consolidation and elimination adjustments (24) 32 110 (75) 43

Income (loss) from continuing operations before income tax benefit (1,428) 1,711 (2,938) 2,771 116

Income tax benefit * (222) (301) (164) (18,737) (19,424)

Income (loss) from continuing operations (1,206) 2,012 (2,774) 21,508 19,540

Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax 2,707 41 (1,052) 94 1,790

Net income (loss) 1,501 2,053 (3,826) 21,602 21,330


Net income from continuing operations attributable to noncontrolling interests: Noncontrolling nonvoting, callable, junior and senior preferred interests 252 141 145 96 634

Other (55) 64 19 26 54

Total net income from continuing operations attributable to noncontrolling interests 197 205 164 122 688

Net income from discontinued operations attributable to noncontrolling interests 7 12 - 1 20

Total net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 204 217 164 123 708

Net income (loss) attributable to AIG $ 1,297 $ 1,836 $ (3,990) $ 21,479 $ 20,622

Effective tax rates:

Income (loss) from continuing operations 15.5% (17.6)% 5.6% NM NM

* Reflects deferred tax asset valuation allowance release of $19.3 billion in 4Q11.


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement

Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 5,560 $ 5,434 $ 4,785 $ 5,215 $ 20,994


Premiums $ 614 $ 632 $ 584 $ 634 $ 2,464

Policy fees 584 567 580 618 2,349 Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 2,631 2,361 2,342 2,316 9,650

Alternative investments 282 170 170 332 954 Call and tender income 12 20 72 42 146

Other (3) 19 41 84 99 243 Investment expenses (59) (71) (71) (74) (275)

Total net investment income 2,885 2,521 2,597 2,715 10,718

Advisory fee and other income 304 312 319 358 1,293

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 4,387 4,032 4,080 4,325 16,824

Benefits and expenses: Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 1,087 1,093 1,124 1,288 4,592

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 1,062 1,054 1,189 1,035 4,340

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 205 229 202 176 812 Non deferrable commissions 117 121 108 117 463

General operating expenses (6) 408 397 423 387 1,615

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 197 205 208 232 842

Total benefits and expenses 3,076 3,099 3,254 3,235 12,664 Operating income 1,311 933 826 1,090 4,160

Adjustments to arrive at pre-tax income:

Legal settlements (7) - - - 154 154

Changes in fair value of securities designated to hedge living benefit liabilities, net of interest expense (19) 70 (3) (11) 37 Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) 36 (552) (604) (81) (1,201)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (466) 326 670 100 630

Pre-tax income $ 862 $ 777 $ 889 $ 1,252 $ 3,780

Investment yield:

Base (8) 5.50% 5.50% 5.38% 5.33% 5.43%

Alternative investments (9) 0.28% 0.07% 0.07% 0.44% 0.21% Other enhancements (10) 0.73% 0.14% 0.41% 0.32% 0.40%

Total 6.51% 5.71% 5.86% 6.09% 6.04%

Assets under management: General account $ 191,662 $ 196,195 $ 200,249 $ 203,736 $ 203,736

Separate accounts 56,019 54,260 56,729 57,326 57,326

Group retirement and retail mutual funds 17,292 17,299 18,501 18,972 18,972 Stable value wraps (11) - - - 10,353 10,353

Total assets under management $ 264,973 $ 267,754 $ 275,479 $ 290,387 $ 290,387

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement

Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 6,358 $ 6,274 $ 5,878 $ 5,882 $ 24,392


Premiums $ 629 $ 669 $ 601 $ 650 $ 2,549 Policy fees 582 578 560 589 2,309

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 2,325 2,099 2,247 2,372 9,043

Alternative investments 413 309 89 31 842

Call and tender income 34 97 67 24 222

Other (3) 41 13 (46) 12 20 Investment expenses (59) (57) (62) (67) (245)

Total net investment income 2,754 2,461 2,295 2,372 9,882

Advisory fee and other income (12) 305 321 302 489 1,417

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 4,270 4,029 3,758 4,100 16,157 Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 1,041 1,227 1,209 1,210 4,687

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 1,089 1,107 1,137 1,099 4,432 Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 235 240 243 148 866

Non deferrable commissions 132 134 138 138 542

General operating expenses 400 381 356 405 1,542 Commissions and advisory fee expenses 202 217 204 188 811

Total benefits and expenses 3,099 3,306 3,287 3,188 12,880

Operating income 1,171 723 471 912 3,277

Adjustments to arrive at pre-tax income:

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) 16 (48) (163) (132) (327) Net realized capital gains (losses) (220) 91 38 97 6

Pre-tax income $ 967 $ 766 $ 346 $ 877 $ 2,956

Investment yield:

Base (8) 5.04% 5.41% 5.49% 5.44% 5.34%

Alternative investments (9) 0.62% 0.39% (0.11)% (0.24)% 0.17%

Other enhancements (10) 0.70% (0.16)% (0.17)% 0.13% 0.12%

Total 6.36% 5.64% 5.21% 5.33% 5.63%

Assets under management:

General account $ 181,795 $ 182,915 $ 188,236 $ 189,804 $ 189,804 Separate accounts 56,464 56,098 48,107 51,383 51,383

Group retirement and retail mutual funds 15,683 15,856 14,281 15,737 15,737

Total assets under management $ 253,942 $ 254,869 $ 250,624 $ 256,924 $ 256,924

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 3,363 $ 3,329 $ 2,819 $ 3,001 $ 12,512


Premiums $ 390 $ 411 $ 373 $ 350 $ 1,524

Policy fees 463 453 458 495 1,869

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 1,571 1,406 1,401 1,367 5,745

Alternative investments 112 70 67 121 370

Call and tender income 9 4 46 28 87

Other (3) 13 21 54 84 172

Investment expenses (34) (41) (44) (43) (162)

Total net investment income 1,671 1,460 1,524 1,557 6,212

Advisory fee and other income 279 286 290 328 1,183

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 2,803 2,610 2,645 2,730 10,788

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 652 665 697 777 2,791

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 651 651 643 609 2,554

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 178 198 181 170 727

Non deferrable commissions 66 73 61 72 272

General operating expenses (6) 299 286 311 275 1,171

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 196 202 204 229 831

Total benefits and expenses 2,042 2,075 2,097 2,132 8,346

Operating income 761 535 548 598 2,442

Adjustments to arrive at pre-tax income:

Legal settlements (7) - - - 106 106

Changes in fair value of securities designated to hedge living benefit liabilities, net of interest expense (19) 70 (3) (11) 37

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) 127 (85) (119) 20 (57)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (385) (179) 105 (1) (460)

Pre-tax income $ 484 $ 341 $ 531 $ 712 $ 2,068

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 4,332 $ 4,235 $ 3,587 $ 3,581 $ 15,735


Premiums $ 386 $ 403 $ 376 $ 381 $ 1,546

Policy fees 457 452 430 467 1,806

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 1,357 1,247 1,326 1,400 5,330

Alternative investments 164 130 42 12 348

Call and tender income 20 46 39 14 119

Other (3) 25 9 (30) 3 7

Investment expenses (35) (32) (37) (38) (142)

Total net investment income 1,531 1,400 1,340 1,391 5,662

Advisory fee and other income (12) 278 295 277 372 1,222

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 2,652 2,550 2,423 2,611 10,236

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 592 750 748 696 2,786

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 650 677 700 668 2,695

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 181 215 207 130 733

Non deferrable commissions 66 66 66 65 263

General operating expenses 301 274 266 282 1,123

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 197 213 199 183 792

Total benefits and expenses 1,987 2,195 2,186 2,024 8,392

Operating income 665 355 237 587 1,844

Adjustments to arrive at pre-tax income (loss):

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) 16 (41) (156) (124) (305)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (125) 66 (168) 70 (157)

Pre-tax income (loss) $ 556 $ 380 $ (87) $ 533 $ 1,382

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Life Insurance and A&H Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 839 $ 857 $ 827 $ 858 $ 3,381


Premiums $ 363 $ 375 $ 354 $ 331 $ 1,423

Policy fees 332 323 316 353 1,324

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 528 477 489 476 1,970

Alternative investments 22 29 20 32 103

Call and tender income 4 6 10 3 23

Other (3) - 4 11 22 37

Investment expenses (15) (18) (14) (17) (64)

Total net investment income 539 498 516 516 2,069

Advisory fee and other income - - - 1 1

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 1,234 1,196 1,186 1,201 4,817

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 622 564 644 685 2,515

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 122 125 118 120 485

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 93 86 87 112 378

Non deferrable commissions 30 35 24 30 119

General operating expenses (6) 154 162 178 166 660

Total benefits and expenses 1,021 972 1,051 1,113 4,157

Operating income $ 213 $ 224 $ 135 $ 88 $ 660

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Life Insurance and A&H Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 852 $ 871 $ 828 $ 867 $ 3,418


Premiums $ 366 $ 372 $ 356 $ 344 $ 1,438

Policy fees 333 323 309 343 1,308

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 467 433 445 473 1,818

Alternative investments 37 35 22 12 106

Call and tender income 4 21 10 - 35

Other (3) 15 5 (3) 6 23

Investment expenses (15) (13) (13) (14) (55)

Total net investment income 508 481 461 477 1,927

Advisory fee and other income (12) - - - 40 40

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 1,207 1,176 1,126 1,204 4,713

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 561 663 573 641 2,438

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 122 132 123 128 505

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 84 80 84 97 345

Non deferrable commissions 31 33 33 33 130

General operating expenses 173 148 138 154 613

Total benefits and expenses 971 1,056 951 1,053 4,031

Operating income $ 236 $ 120 $ 175 $ 151 $ 682

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Life Insurance and A&H Reserves - Revised Historical 2012 and 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 25,945 $ 26,075 $ 26,143 $ 26,338 $ 25,945

Premiums and deposits 839 857 827 858 3,381

Surrenders and withdrawals (216) (189) (177) (202) (784)

Death, and other contract benefits (130) (140) (135) (185) (590)

Subtotal 493 528 515 471 2,007

Cost of funds 122 125 118 120 485

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees (99) (177) (52) (197) (525)

Other reserve changes (386) (408) (386) (253) (1,433)

Balance at end of period 26,075 26,143 26,338 26,479 26,479

Reinsurance ceded (1,139) (1,130) (1,120) (1,137) (1,137)

Total insurance reserves $ 24,936 $ 25,013 $ 25,218 $ 25,342 $ 25,342

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 25,641 $ 25,734 $ 25,816 $ 25,819 $ 25,641

Premiums and deposits 852 871 828 867 3,418

Surrenders and withdrawals (182) (195) (175) (256) (808)

Death, and other contract benefits (94) (112) (111) (119) (436)

Subtotal 576 564 542 492 2,174

Cost of funds 122 132 123 128 505

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees (132) (164) (258) (111) (665)

Other reserve changes (473) (450) (404) (383) (1,710)

Balance at end of period 25,734 25,816 25,819 25,945 25,945

Reinsurance ceded (1,138) (1,139) (1,134) (1,151) (1,151)

Total insurance reserves $ 24,596 $ 24,677 $ 24,685 $ 24,794 $ 24,794

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Fixed Annuities Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 613 $ 491 $ 192 $ 265 $ 1,561


Premiums $ 28 $ 36 $ 18 $ 19 $ 101

Policy fees 8 8 7 10 33

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 978 859 841 811 3,489

Alternative investments 77 34 34 66 211

Call and tender income 3 (2) 35 25 61

Other (3) 11 17 37 59 124

Investment expenses (17) (22) (29) (23) (91)

Total net investment income 1,052 886 918 938 3,794

Advisory fee and other income - - - 1 1

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 1,088 930 943 968 3,929

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 65 74 58 58 255

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 507 494 498 463 1,962

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 89 77 85 44 295

Non deferrable commissions 8 4 7 6 25

General operating expenses 39 30 35 (1) 103

Total benefits and expenses 708 679 683 570 2,640 Operating income $ 380 $ 251 $ 260 $ 398 $ 1,289

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Fixed Annuities Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 2,246 $ 2,131 $ 1,380 $ 1,161 $ 6,918


Premiums $ 20 $ 30 $ 19 $ 37 $ 106

Policy fees 7 11 6 8 32

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 838 763 830 867 3,298

Alternative investments 118 85 17 - 220

Call and tender income 16 23 24 14 77

Other (3) 9 3 (29) (4) (21)

Investment expenses (20) (17) (22) (20) (79)

Total net investment income 961 857 820 857 3,495

Advisory fee and other income (12) - - - 70 70

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 988 898 845 972 3,703

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 52 73 59 79 263

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 502 515 527 514 2,058

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 77 100 84 46 307

Non deferrable commissions 9 8 5 8 30

General operating expenses 34 33 32 33 132

Total benefits and expenses 674 729 707 680 2,790

Operating income $ 314 $ 169 $ 138 $ 292 $ 913

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Fixed Annuities Spread Information and Reserves - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Net investment spreads:

Base (8) 5.26% 5.31% 5.12% 5.12% 5.20%

Alternative investments (9) 0.25% 0.04% 0.04% 0.23% 0.15%

Other enhancements (10) 0.73% (0.03)% 0.39% 0.39% 0.37%

Total yield 6.24% 5.32% 5.55% 5.74% 5.72%

Cost of funds (a) 3.13% 3.13% 3.15% 3.14% 3.14%

Net spread rate, as reported 3.11% 2.19% 2.40% 2.60% 2.58%

Base net investment spread (b) 2.13% 2.18% 1.97% 1.98% 2.06%

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 61,404 $ 61,027 $ 60,494 $ 59,821 $ 61,404

Premiums and deposits 613 491 192 265 1,561

Surrenders and withdrawals (967) (953) (847) (1,032) (3,799)

Death, and other contract benefits (635) (683) (621) (655) (2,594)

Subtotal (989) (1,145) (1,276) (1,422) (4,832)

Cost of funds (a) 466 458 460 452 1,836

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 41 84 27 83 235

Other reserve changes (including loss recognition) 105 70 116 44 335

Balance at end of period 61,027 60,494 59,821 58,978 58,978

Reserves related to unrealized investment appreciation 369 407 442 456 456

Reinsurance ceded (389) (386) (372) (372) (372)

Total insurance reserves $ 61,007 $ 60,515 $ 59,891 $ 59,062 $ 59,062

(a) Excludes the amortization of sales inducement assets.

(b) Excludes impact of alternative investments and other enhancements.

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Fixed Annuities Spread Information and Reserves - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Net investment spreads:

Base (8) 4.68% 5.14% 5.30% 5.24% 5.09%

Alternative investments (9) 0.51% 0.34% (0.11)% (0.20)% 0.14%

Other enhancements (10) 0.77% (0.32)% (0.34)% 0.05% 0.03%

Total yield 5.96% 5.16% 4.85% 5.09% 5.26%

Cost of funds (a) 3.32% 3.27% 3.31% 3.28% 3.30%

Net spread rate, as reported 2.64% 1.89% 1.54% 1.81% 1.96%

Base net investment spread (b) 1.36% 1.87% 1.99% 1.96% 1.79%

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 58,283 $ 59,630 $ 60,707 $ 61,162 $ 58,283

Premiums and deposits 2,246 2,131 1,380 1,161 6,918

Surrenders and withdrawals (914) (996) (908) (966) (3,784)

Death, and other contract benefits (556) (620) (552) (538) (2,266)

Subtotal 776 515 (80) (343) 868

Cost of funds (a) 473 477 490 486 1,926

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 79 73 52 51 255

Other reserve changes (including loss recognition) 19 12 (7) 48 72

Balance at end of period 59,630 60,707 61,162 61,404 61,404

Reserves related to unrealized investment appreciation - - 309 360 360

Reinsurance ceded (392) (390) (389) (388) (388)

Total insurance reserves $ 59,238 $ 60,317 $ 61,082 $ 61,376 $ 61,376

(a) Excludes the amortization of sales inducement assets.

(b) Excludes impact of alternative investments and other enhancements.

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Retirement Income Solutions Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 1,162 $ 1,361 $ 1,060 $ 1,263 $ 4,846


Policy fees $ 118 $ 118 $ 129 $ 132 $ 497

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 66 69 72 79 286

Alternative investments 11 8 13 22 54

Call and tender income 2 - 1 - 3

Other (3) 1 - 5 3 9

Investment expenses (2) (1) (1) (3) (7)

Total net investment income 78 76 90 101 345

Advisory fee and other income 32 32 33 34 131

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 228 226 252 267 973 Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (13) (35) 27 (5) 34 21

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 21 32 27 26 106

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs (4) 35 9 13 53

Non deferrable commissions 28 34 30 36 128

General operating expenses 50 46 45 48 189

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 2 2 2 1 7

Total benefits and expenses 62 176 108 158 504 Operating income $ 166 $ 50 $ 144 $ 109 $ 469

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Retirement Income Solutions Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 824 $ 904 $ 857 $ 889 $ 3,474


Policy fees $ 112 $ 115 $ 111 $ 111 $ 449

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 51 51 52 60 214

Alternative investments 10 10 2 - 22

Call and tender income - 2 5 - 7

Other (3) - 1 1 1 3

Investment expenses - (2) (2) (4) (8)

Total net investment income 61 62 58 57 238

Advisory fee and other income (12) 31 32 30 36 129

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 204 209 199 204 816

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (13) (23) 14 117 (24) 84

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 26 29 50 26 131

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 20 35 39 (13) 81

Non deferrable commissions 26 25 28 24 103

General operating expenses 47 50 42 46 185

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 1 2 2 1 6

Total benefits and expenses 97 155 278 60 590

Operating income (loss) $ 107 $ 54 $ (79) $ 144 $ 226

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Retirement Income Solutions Spread Information and Reserves - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Net investment spreads:

Base (8) 5.03% 5.04% 5.09% 5.15% 5.08%

Alternative investments (9) 0.45% 0.03% 0.29% 0.67% 0.37%

Other enhancements (10) 0.56% 0.08% 0.50% 0.22% 0.33%

Total yield 6.04% 5.15% 5.88% 6.04% 5.78%

Cost of funds (a) 2.63% 2.51% 2.42% 2.24% 2.44%

Net spread rate, as reported 3.41% 2.64% 3.46% 3.80% 3.34%

Base net investment spread (b) 2.40% 2.53% 2.67% 2.91% 2.64%

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 26,826 $ 29,031 $ 29,008 $ 30,428 $ 26,826

Premiums and deposits 1,162 1,361 1,060 1,263 4,846

Surrenders and withdrawals (809) (693) (716) (762) (2,980)

Death, and other contract benefits (128) (123) (119) (141) (511)

Subtotal 225 545 225 360 1,355

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 1,967 (594) 1,168 246 2,787

Cost of funds (a) 24 26 26 26 102

Other reserve changes (11) - 1 11 1

Balance at end of period 29,031 29,008 30,428 31,071 31,071

Reinsurance ceded (7) (6) (5) (5) (5)

Total insurance reserves $ 29,024 $ 29,002 $ 30,423 $ 31,066 $ 31,066

(a) Excludes the amortization of sales inducement assets.

(b) Excludes impact of alternative investments and other enhancements.

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Retail

Retirement Income Solutions Spread Information and Reserves - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Net investment spreads:

Base (8) 5.06% 5.41% 4.94% 4.84% 5.05%

Alternative investments (9) 1.02% 0.68% (0.67)% (0.30)% 0.12%

Other enhancements (10) 0.26% (0.12)% 0.45% 0.20% 0.20%

Total yield 6.34% 5.97% 4.72% 4.74% 5.37%

Cost of funds (a) 3.10% 2.84% 2.91% 2.70% 2.88%

Net spread rate, as reported 3.24% 3.13% 1.81% 2.04% 2.49%

Base net investment spread (b) 1.96% 2.57% 2.03% 2.14% 2.17%

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 27,527 $ 28,272 $ 28,087 $ 25,604 $ 27,527

Premiums and deposits 824 904 857 889 3,474

Surrenders and withdrawals (878) (878) (738) (693) (3,187)

Death, and other contract benefits (118) (128) (131) (124) (501)

Subtotal (172) (102) (12) 72 (214)

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 897 (92) (2,505) 1,131 (569)

Cost of funds (a) 23 23 24 25 95

Other reserve changes (3) (14) 10 (6) (13)

Balance at end of period 28,272 28,087 25,604 26,826 26,826

Reinsurance ceded (8) (7) (13) (12) (12)

Total insurance reserves $ 28,264 $ 28,080 $ 25,591 $ 26,814 $ 26,814

(a) Excludes the amortization of sales inducement assets.

(b) Excludes impact of alternative investments and other enhancements.

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 2,197 $ 2,105 $ 1,966 $ 2,214 $ 8,482


Premiums $ 224 $ 221 $ 211 $ 284 $ 940

Policy fees 121 114 122 123 480

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 1,060 955 941 949 3,905

Alternative investments 170 100 103 211 584

Call and tender income 3 16 26 14 59

Other (3) 6 20 30 15 71

Investment expenses (25) (30) (27) (31) (113)

Total net investment income 1,214 1,061 1,073 1,158 4,506

Advisory fee and other income 25 26 29 30 110

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 1,584 1,422 1,435 1,595 6,036

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 435 428 427 511 1,801

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 411 403 546 426 1,786

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 27 31 21 6 85

Non deferrable commissions 51 48 47 45 191

General operating expenses 109 111 112 112 444

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 1 3 4 3 11

Total benefits and expenses 1,034 1,024 1,157 1,103 4,318 Operating income 550 398 278 492 1,718

Adjustments to arrive at pre-tax income:

Legal settlements (7) - - - 48 48

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) (91) (467) (485) (101) (1,144)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (81) 505 565 101 1,090

Pre-tax income $ 378 $ 436 $ 358 $ 540 $ 1,712

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 2,026 $ 2,039 $ 2,291 $ 2,301 $ 8,657


Premiums $ 243 $ 266 $ 225 $ 269 $ 1,003

Policy fees 125 126 130 122 503

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 968 852 921 972 3,713

Alternative investments 249 179 47 19 494

Call and tender income 14 51 28 10 103

Other (3) 16 4 (16) 9 13

Investment expenses (24) (25) (25) (29) (103)

Total net investment income 1,223 1,061 955 981 4,220

Advisory fee and other income (12) 27 26 25 117 195

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 1,618 1,479 1,335 1,489 5,921

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred (4) 449 477 461 514 1,901

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 439 430 437 431 1,737

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 54 25 36 18 133

Non deferrable commissions 66 68 72 73 279

General operating expenses 99 107 90 123 419

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 5 4 5 5 19

Total benefits and expenses 1,112 1,111 1,101 1,164 4,488

Operating income 506 368 234 325 1,433

Adjustments to arrive at pre-tax income:

Change in benefit reserves and DAC, VOBA and SIA related to net realized capital gains (losses) - (7) (7) (8) (22)

Net realized capital gains (losses) (95) 25 206 27 163

Pre-tax income $ 411 $ 386 $ 433 $ 344 $ 1,574

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Group Retirement Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 1,844 $ 1,738 $ 1,623 $ 1,823 $ 7,028


Premiums $ 5 $ 5 $ 5 $ 4 $ 19

Policy fees 86 86 90 93 355

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 566 527 512 515 2,120

Alternative investments 67 38 37 77 219

Call and tender income 4 12 5 11 32

Other (3) 6 10 15 5 36

Investment expenses (10) (11) (13) (14) (48)

Total net investment income 633 576 556 594 2,359

Advisory fee and other income (12) 25 26 29 30 110

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 749 693 680 721 2,843

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 16 15 12 12 55

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 295 297 298 299 1,189

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 22 25 15 4 66

Non deferrable commissions 18 17 16 17 68

General operating expenses 72 71 70 78 291

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 1 3 4 3 11

Total benefits and expenses 424 428 415 413 1,680 Operating income $ 325 $ 265 $ 265 $ 308 $ 1,163

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Group Retirement Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 1,702 $ 1,705 $ 1,982 $ 1,923 $ 7,312


Premiums $ 4 $ 3 $ 5 $ 4 $ 16

Policy fees 85 88 93 82 348

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 488 456 486 516 1,946

Alternative investments 111 76 8 11 206

Call and tender income 11 37 13 4 65

Other (3) 2 (1) (16) - (15)

Investment expenses (10) (11) (11) (11) (43)

Total net investment income 602 557 480 520 2,159

Advisory fee and other income (12) 27 26 25 76 154

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 718 674 603 682 2,677

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 12 15 25 10 62

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 303 304 312 309 1,228

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 50 21 34 14 119

Non deferrable commissions 26 24 25 28 103

General operating expenses 55 59 57 70 241

Commissions and advisory fee expenses 5 4 5 5 19

Total benefits and expenses 451 427 458 436 1,772

Operating income $ 267 $ 247 $ 145 $ 246 $ 905

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Group Retirement Spread Information and Reserves - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Net investment spreads:

Base (8) 5.19% 5.23% 5.01% 4.95% 5.09%

Alternative investments (9) 0.34% 0.05% 0.08% 0.45% 0.23%

Other enhancements (10) 0.59% 0.24% 0.25% 0.19% 0.32%

Total yield 6.12% 5.52% 5.34% 5.59% 5.64%

Cost of funds (a) 3.28% 3.27% 3.26% 3.26% 3.27%

Net spread rate, as reported 2.84% 2.25% 2.08% 2.33% 2.37%

Base net investment spread (b) 1.91% 1.96% 1.75% 1.69% 1.82%

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period $ 69,676 $ 73,829 $ 73,058 $ 75,321 $ 69,676

Premiums and deposits 1,844 1,738 1,623 1,823 7,028

Surrenders and withdrawals (1,515) (1,401) (1,478) (1,931) (6,325)

Death, and other contract benefits (102) (99) (93) (107) (401)

Subtotal 227 238 52 (215) 302

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 3,614 (1,321) 1,899 641 4,833

Cost of funds (a) 295 297 298 299 1,189

Other reserve changes 17 15 14 16 62

Total insurance reserves $ 73,829 $ 73,058 $ 75,321 $ 76,062 $ 76,062

(a) Excludes the amortization of sales inducement assets.

(b) Excludes the impact of alternative investments and other enhancements.

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Group Retirement Spread Information and Reserves - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Net investment spreads:

Base (8) 4.68% 5.14% 5.22% 5.25% 5.07%

Alternative investments (9) 0.82% 0.47% (0.21)% (0.20)% 0.22%

Other enhancements (10) 0.64% 0.05% (0.24)% 0.07% 0.13%

Total yield 6.14% 5.66% 4.77% 5.12% 5.42%

Cost of funds (a) 3.54% 3.57% 3.61% 3.51% 3.56%

Net spread rate, as reported 2.60% 2.09% 1.16% 1.61% 1.86%

Base net investment spread (b) 1.14% 1.57% 1.61% 1.74% 1.51%

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period $ 68,133 $ 70,332 $ 70,899 $ 66,421 $ 68,133

Premiums and deposits 1,702 1,705 1,982 1,923 7,312

Surrenders and withdrawals (1,503) (1,448) (1,448) (1,454) (5,853)

Death, and other contract benefits (83) (90) (86) (112) (371)

Subtotal 116 167 448 357 1,088

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 1,766 76 (5,256) 2,573 (841)

Cost of funds (a) 303 304 312 309 1,228

Other reserve changes 14 20 18 16 68

Total insurance reserves $ 70,332 $ 70,899 $ 66,421 $ 69,676 $ 69,676

(a) Excludes the amortization of sales inducement assets.

(b) Excludes the impact of alternative investments and other enhancements.

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Institutional Markets Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2012 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 181 $ 194 $ 178 $ 221 $ 774


Premiums $ 98 $ 100 $ 96 $ 164 $ 458

Policy fees 29 23 26 24 102

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 470 409 410 415 1,704

Alternative investments 102 62 64 133 361

Call and tender income (1) 4 20 3 26

Other (3) - 9 15 8 32

Investment expenses (13) (17) (12) (15) (57)

Total net investment income 558 467 497 544 2,066

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 685 590 619 732 2,626 Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 337 339 336 420 1,432

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 109 100 241 121 571

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 1 2 2 (2) 3

Non deferrable commissions 11 10 11 7 39

General operating expenses 14 16 16 10 56

Total benefits and expenses 472 467 606 556 2,101

Operating income $ 213 $ 123 $ 13 $ 176 $ 525

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Institutional Markets Operating Statistics - Revised Historical 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Premiums and deposits (1) $ 162 $ 163 $ 135 $ 199 $ 659


Premiums $ 101 $ 117 $ 72 $ 112 $ 402

Policy fees 29 26 26 28 109

Net investment income:

Interest and dividends (2) 441 361 399 418 1,619

Alternative investments 136 103 38 6 283

Call and tender income 3 12 15 6 36

Other (3) 12 4 - 9 25

Investment expenses (12) (12) (13) (16) (53)

Total net investment income 580 468 439 423 1,910

Advisory fee and other income (12) - - - 37 37

Total revenues excluding net realized capital gains (losses) 710 611 537 600 2,458

Benefits and expenses:

Policyholder benefits and claims incurred 335 346 323 361 1,365

Interest credited to policyholder account balances (5) 130 120 119 115 484

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs 2 2 1 2 7

Non deferrable commissions 11 9 11 9 40

General operating expenses 11 14 (2) 13 36

Total benefits and expenses 489 491 452 500 1,932

Operating income $ 221 $ 120 $ 85 $ 100 $ 526

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement - Institutional

Institutional Markets Reserves- Revised Historical 2012 and 2011 Results

(dollars in millions)

Quarterly Full Year

1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 2012

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 31,378 $ 30,736 $ 31,275 $ 32,028 $ 31,378

Premiums and deposits 181 194 178 221 774

Surrenders and withdrawals (924) (52) (25) (127) (1,128)

Death, and other contract benefits (366) (325) (360) (333) (1,384)

Subtotal (1,109) (183) (207) (239) (1,738)

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 300 153 213 210 876

Cost of funds 109 100 241 121 571

Other reserve changes (including loss recognition) 58 469 506 122 1,155

Balance at end of period 30,736 31,275 32,028 32,242 32,242

Reserves related to unrealized investment appreciation 1,895 1,958 2,364 2,359 2,359

Reinsurance ceded (15) (8) (11) (9) (9)

Total insurance reserves $ 32,616 $ 33,225 $ 34,381 $ 34,592 $ 34,592

Quarterly Full Year

1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 2011

Reserve rollforward:

Balance at beginning of period, gross $ 32,752 $ 32,232 $ 31,407 $ 31,278 $ 32,752

Premiums and deposits 162 163 135 199 659

Surrenders and withdrawals (836) (1,070) (27) (82) (2,015)

Death, and other contract benefits (331) (328) (345) (331) (1,335)

Subtotal (1,005) (1,235) (237) (214) (2,691)

Change in fair value of the underlying assets, net of fees 314 244 (57) 121 622

Cost of funds 130 120 118 120 488

Other reserve changes (including loss recognition) 41 46 47 73 207

Balance at end of period 32,232 31,407 31,278 31,378 31,378

Reserves related to unrealized investment appreciation - - 1,298 1,938 1,938

Reinsurance ceded (15) (15) (15) (14) (14)

Total insurance reserves $ 32,217 $ 31,392 $ 32,561 $ 33,302 $ 33,302

See Accompanying Notes on Page 32


American International Group, Inc.

AIG Life and Retirement


(1) Premiums and deposits is a non-GAAP measure. Premiums and deposits consist of life insurance premiums, deposits on annuity contracts and mutual funds.

(2) Interest and dividends include gains (losses) related to AIG’s retained interest in Maiden Lane II LLC (ML II). Substantially all of the assets of ML II were sold by the

Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) in the first quarter of 2012 and no additional income was recorded from ML II subsequent to that time. The gains included were

$246 million in both the three months ended March 31, 2012 and the twelve months ended December 31, 2012. The gains (losses) included in the three months ended March

31, 2011, June 30, 2011, September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2011, and the twelve months ended December 31, 2011, were $251 million $(176) million, $(43) million, $10

million and $42 million, respectively.

(3) Other investment income for the three months ended September 30, 2012 and March 31, 2012 includes $11 million and $5 million, respectively, of losses related to equity-

method investments in trusts that hold leased commercial aircraft. The three months ended December 31, 2011, September 30, 2011 and June 30, 2011, include $35 million,

$97 million and $31 million, respectively, of losses related to equity-method investments in trusts that hold leased commercial aircraft. The twelve months ended December

31, 2012 and 2011 include $16 million and $163 million, respectively, of losses related to equity-method investments in trusts that hold leased commercial aircraft.

(4) The three months ended December 31, 2012, September 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011, and the twelve months ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, include charges of $55

million, $2 million, $105 million, $57 million and $202 million, respectively, to increase IBNR related to multi-state examinations relating to the handling of unclaimed

property and the use of the Social Security Death Master File (SSDMF) to identify death claims that have not been submitted to AIG in the normal course of business.

(5) Interest credited to policyholder account balances includes amortization of sales inducement assets. The three months ended September 30, 2012 includes a charge to interest

credited expense of $110 million as a result of a comprehensive review of reserves of the GIC portfolio.

(6) The three months ended September 30, 2012 includes a charge of $20 million from the consolidation of AIG Life and Retirement’s life operations and administrative systems

and an $11 million regulatory assessment related to the handling of unclaimed property and the use of the SSDMF to identify death claims that have not been submitted to

AIG Life and Retirement in the normal course of business.

(7) Reflects litigation settlement income recorded in the three months ended December 31, 2012 from settlements with three financial institutions who participated in the creation,

offering and sale of RMBS as to which AIG and its subsidiaries suffered losses either for their own accounts or in connection with their participation in AIG’s securities

lending program.

(8) Includes the investment return other than alternative investment or yield enhancement activities. Quarterly results are annualized.

(9) Includes incremental effect to base yield of investments in hedge funds, private equity funds and affordable housing partnerships. Quarterly results are annualized.

(10) Includes incremental effect to base yield of gains on ML II and income from calls and prepayment fees. Quarterly results are annualized.

(11) Includes the notional value of stable value wraps novated with Global Capital Markets and rewritten as group annuity contracts at AIG Life and Retirement.

(12) Advisory fees and other income for the three months ended December 31, 2011 includes revenue of $202 million recorded pursuant to a net legal settlement.

(13) Policyholder benefits and claims incurred is negative in the three months ended March 31, 2012, September 30, 2012, March 31, 2011 and December 31, 2011 due to

reductions in SOP 03-01 reserves (primarily guaranteed minimum death benefits) resulting from positive equity markets.


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