america in wwii 1941 - 1945. war begins for the us dec 8, 1941 – fdr asked & received from...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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America in WWIIAmerica in WWII

1941 - 1945

War Begins for the US Dec 8, 1941 – FDR asked & received from

Congress a declaration of war against Japan Dec 11, 1941 – Germany & Italy declare war on

US ABC-1 agreement with Britain- get Germany first

– Stop Hitler first & then all the Allies would focus on Japan

– Limited American strength would hold Japan

The Shock of War National unity – including immigrants

– WWII actually speeded the assimilation of immigrants

Japanese – Americans– Mainly on the Pacific Coast– Forced into internment camps for fear of sabotage– Many lost literally everything– Korematsu v. US – upheld gov’t action of camps

• 1988 – gov’t apologized & paid the survivors $20,000

The New Deal Ends

Conservative Congress was elected in 1942– Wiped out the CCC, WPA, & National Youth


Massive military orders ($100+ billion in 1942) helped relieve depression

Production & WWII War Production Board

– Halted production of nonessential items & focused on needed materials for war

Gov’t imposed a national speed limit & gasoline rationing & developed synthetic-rubber plants

Farmers – increased production Office of Price Administration

– Brought inflation under control through regulation – Rationing held down consumption of critical goods

Labor in WWII War Labor Board (WLB)

– Imposed ceilings on wage increases

Labor unions membership grew but resented the wage ceilings – United Mine Workers were

called off the job by John L. Lewis

Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act – June 1943– Authorized the gov’t to seize & operate tied-up

industries– Made strikes against gov’t-operated industry a crime

• Gov’t took coal mine & railroads

Manpower & Womanpower Armed services – enlisted 15 million men &

216,000 women– Women /Noncombat units – WAACS, WAVES,


Key industrial & agricultural workers were exempted from the draft

Draft left many jobs open– 1942 – Mexico sent “braceros” to work in the US– Resulted in Zoot Suit Riots – 1943 in L.A.

• Sailors on leave beat Mexicans

Impact for Women

More than 6 million women took jobs outside the home– Gov’t had to start some 3,000 day-care centers for

“Rosie the Riveter’s” children– Began the revolution in the roles of women– Most women left the workforce after the war– “Baby Boom” Generation occurred after the war

• Tens of millions of babies were born in the decade & a half after 1945

Wartime Migration

Major population boom in War Industries areas– Los Angeles, Detroit, Seattle, & Baton Rouge

FDR accelerated the South’s economic development

1.6 million African Americans moved out of the South to seek jobs in the North & West– Mechanical cotton picker eliminated the South’s need

for cheap labor – Race relations developed over

employment, housing, & segregated facilities

Fair Treatment

A. Philip Randolph – (Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters)

– 1941 - Threatened a march on Washington:• demanded equal opportunities for

blacks in war jobs & the armed forces

FDR responds:– Forbid discrimination in defense industries – Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)

monitored compliance

Blacks were drafted but were still assigned mainly to service branches instead of combat

Minorities “Double V” - victory over the dictators abroad &

over racism at home – Membership in NAACP increased– 1942 – CORE is founded

• Congress for Racial Equality

Native American Exodus– Many left the reservations & moved to cities or

enlisted – 25,000 served

– “code talkers” – Comanches in Europe & Navajos in Japan

• codes were never broken

Holding the Home Front Americans at home suffered little from the war

compared to other countries– Economy was invigorated– Employment was high– Rationing– Office of Scientific Research & Development

• Established a partnership between gov’t & universities

National Debt skyrocketed - $259 billion in 1945

The Rising Sun in the Pacific

Japanese – win quickly or lose slowly– Allied defeats: during the first 6 months, it looked like

the Allied Powers would lose the war

Japanese took:– Guam, Wake Island, Hong Kong, Singapore, Burma,

Dutch East Indies, & the Philippines • Important Burma Road supply route into China from India

was cut

The Philippines US troops led by General Douglas MacArthur

withdrew to Bataan, close to Manila, but eventually surrendered – Bataan Death March – 85 mile forced march of GIs

who were tortured & eventually burned alive – MacArthur was ordered by Washington to leave

secretly for Australia – “I shall return”

Doolittle Raid : US executed a militarily insignificant raid on Japan in April, 1942– Helped US moral

Japan is Pushed Back

Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942)– Entire battle fought with aircraft– Japan prevented from successfully invading New

Guinea & Australia

Battle of Midway (June 4-7, 1942)– Turning point // Admiral Chester W. Nimitz– Allies broke the Japanese code– Japan suffered severe loses– Japan no longer had any hopes of attacking US


Island Hopping

Campaign begins in 1943– Eventually pushed Japanese forces all the way back to

Japan– Sought to neutralize Japanese island strongholds with

air and sea power & then move on– Battle of Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands – Aug 1942 –

Feb 1943)• First Japanese land defeat after 6 months of bitter jungle


The Allied Halting of Hitler

German U-boats sunk 8 million tons of allied supplies (25% of USSR’s)

Germans were as far east as Stalingrad by fall 1942, & as deep as El Alamein, Egypt

Battle of Stalingrad (Sept 1942)– Very important battle – First major NAZI defeat on land– German army in retreat from the east until Berlin is

occupied by the Russians in the spring of 1945– Stalin never forgave the Allies for not opening a 2nd

front earlier, USSR had to bear the brunt of Nazi invasion

North Africa Operation “Torch” – led by

Gen. Eisenhower on Nov 8, 1943– Germans were led by General Erwin Rommel (the

Desert Fox)– Allied troops invaded N. Africa in Algeria & Morocco

Battle of El Alamein – major victory for Allies– Signaled end of Nazi presence in N. Africa

Italy Invasion of Italy commanded by George Patton

– July 10, 1943 – British & US forces land on Sicily; victorious within 1 month

– Mussolini was forced out of power (1943)– October 1943 – Italy declares war on Germany– June 4, 1944 – Allied march into Rome

• First capital city freed from Nazi control

– Other parts of Italy remain under NAZI control until Spring 1945

Tehran Conference

Nov 28 – Dec 1, 1943 First meeting of the “Big Three”

– FDR, Stalin, & Churchill

Agree on an invasion of Western Europe Stalin confirmed Soviet commitment to war

against Japan

D-Day June 6, 1944 – “Operation Overlord”

– Commanded by Eisenhower– 120,000 troops left England & landed at 5 beachheads

at Normandy Coast• 800,000 more men within 3 weeks, 3 million total

Significance: – Established a second front– Troops entered Paris on Aug 25

• By the end of summer, Belgium, France, & Luxembourg liberated

Presidential Campaign 1944

Democrat – FDR & Harry S Truman Republican – Thomas Dewey

– Platform: 12yrs was too long

FDR is elected to a 4th term– Experience played a major role

Last Days of Hitler Pre-invasion bombing

– Berlin & other major cities were hit repeatedly• Especially factories & oil refineries

Allied invasion (Sept 1944) repelled by Germany– Allies arrived on the edge of Germany by mid Sept

Battle of the Bulge – Dec 16, 1944– Germans launched a major offensive on US positions

in Belgium & Luxembourg – General George Patton & his

airborne division stopped Hitler’s last gasp counter-offensive

– By Jan, the Allies were again advancing toward Germany

War in Europe Comes to an End

April 1945– US approach Berlin from west

while Soviets come from east– Hitler committed suicide in an

underground bunker on April 30, 1945– FDR dies of natural causes – April 12, 1945

• Truman steps in

Depth of the Holocaust is uncovered V-E Day “Victory in Europe Day”

– May 7, 1945 – Germany surrendered unconditionally

Japan Dies Hard Feb 1945 – Iwo Jima

– Fighter planes were now close enough to bomb Japan

April – June, 1945 – Okinawa – Fierce fighting which virtually destroyed Japan’s

remaining defenses

Japan still showed no willingness to surrender

Potsdam Conference Held in near Berlin in July 1945 US & Soviet Union warn Japan to surrender or

be destroyed– Tens of thousands leaflets were dropped in Japan

Japan refuses removal of emperor – show some signs that they may surrender if they can

keep their emperor

The 1st Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project – secret plans

to build an atomic bomb– Albert Einstein worked on project

Bomb was tested in New Mexico July 16, 1945 Aug 6, 1945 –Atomic bomb dropped on

Hiroshima – 180,000+ died– Bomb was dropped by the Enola Gay– Japanese still refuse to surrender

The 2nd Atomic Bomb

Aug 9, 1945 – bomb dropped on Nagasaki– 80,000+ died

Japan agreed to surrender under one condition: keep Emperor Hirohito – Allies accepted condition on Aug 14, 1945

Sept 2, 1945 – Official surrender on board the USS Missouri

in Tokyo Bay (MacArthur was there)– V-J Day - “Victory in Japan Day”

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