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Post on 05-Jul-2020






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AM\1118917EN.docx PE600.933v02-00

EN United in diversity EN

European Parliament 2014-2019

Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection




Draft report

Sabine Verheyen


EU eGovernment action plan 2016-2020


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Amendment 1

Biljana Borzan, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière, Marlene

Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Lucy Anderson, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas EU should encourage the

exchange of best practices and

technologies between Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 2

Carlos Coelho

Motion for a resolution

Recital C a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ca. whereas the digitisation of

government should help to promote better

exercise of citizenship, improved quality

of life for citizens and the social and

economic development of the regions;

Or. pt

Amendment 3

Biljana Borzan, Pina Picierno, Virginie Rozière, Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Christel

Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Recital C a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ca. whereas the transformation to

eGovernment will improve efficiency of

services, enhance citizens understanding

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and involvement in public services;

Or. en

Amendment 4

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière,

Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Recital C b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Cb. whereas eGovernment can

strengthen political participation by

enhancing citizens dialogue with public

authorities and by increasing


Or. en

Amendment 5

Carlos Coelho

Motion for a resolution

Recital C b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Cb. whereas local government has a

crucial role to play since it is closer to


Or. pt

Amendment 6

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Recital D

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the full potential of a

digital public administration can only be

achieved if citizens and businesses can

fully trust the services offered;

D. whereas the marginal benefits of a

digital public administration can be

increased if, after critical appraisal of the

services offered, citizens and businesses

consider them appropriate;

Or. de

Amendment 7

Maria Grapini

Motion for a resolution

Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the full potential of a

digital public administration can only be

achieved if citizens and businesses can

fully trust the services offered;

D. whereas the full potential of a

digital public administration can only be

achieved if citizens and businesses can

fully trust the services offered and if they

are involved and consulted;

Or. ro

Amendment 8

Biljana Borzan, Pina Picierno, Virginie Rozière, Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Christel

Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas the transformation to a

digital government has an important role

in achieving the full potential of the single

market, through reducing administrative

burden on citizens and business by

making interactions with public

administration more convenient and less

costly, and by ensuring efficient and

effective cross-border services;

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Or. en

Amendment 9

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the e-Government

Action Plan 2016-2020 with its dynamic

structure, and calls on the Commission

and the Member States to ensure its rapid

and effective implementation, making

public administrations fit for the future;

1. Takes note of the eGovernment

Action Plan 2016-2020 with its dynamic

structure, but rejects those aspects of it

that tend towards the centralisation of


Or. de

Amendment 10

Edward Czesak

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Welcomes the e-Government

Action Plan 2016-2020 with its dynamic

structure, and calls on the Commission and

the Member States to ensure its rapid and

effective implementation, making public

administrations fit for the future;

1. Welcomes the e-Government

Action Plan 2016-2020 with its dynamic

structure as well as the creation of e-

Government Action Plan Steering Board; calls on the Commission and the Member

States to ensure its rapid and effective

implementation, making public

administrations fit for the future;

Or. en

Amendment 11

Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Calls on the Commission to

identify specific, realistic and measurable

targets for the Action Plan based on

performance indicator, and to monitor

and report on their fulfilment;

Or. en

Amendment 12

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Calls on the Commission as chair

of the "eGovernment Action Plan

Steering Board" to report annually to the

Parliament on the progress that has been

made in implementing the eGovernment

action plan;

Or. en

Amendment 13

Biljana Borzan, Virginie Rozière, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio

Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Reiterates the eGovernment Action

Plan 2011-2015 produced positive results

both on European and Member State


Or. en

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Amendment 14

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1a. Calls on Member States to take up

the suggestions in the eGovernment

Action Plan for enabling young people, in

particular, to deal with administrative

bodies in ways that reflect their

communication habits in other areas of

their lives;

Or. de

Amendment 15

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2022, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open and

efficient, providing personalised, user-

friendly and digital public services to

citizens and businesses by 2022, thereby

reducing costs, barriers and administrative

burdens for citizens and businesses and

thus reaping all the benefits of the digital


Or. de

Amendment 16

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

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Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2022, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2020, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

Or. bg

Amendment 17

Nicola Danti, Patrizia Toia

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2022, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open,

transparent, efficient and inclusive,

providing borderless, personalised, user-

friendly and end-to-end digital public

services to citizens and businesses by 2022,

thereby reducing costs, barriers and

administrative burdens for citizens and

businesses, increasing transparency and

thus reaping all the benefits of the digital


Or. en

Amendment 18

Maria Grapini

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2022, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses, in particular to SMEs, by

2022, thereby reducing costs, barriers and

administrative burdens for citizens and

businesses and thus reaping all the benefits

of the digital revolution;

Or. ro

Amendment 19

Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2022, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

2. Is of the opinion that public

administrations should be open, efficient

and inclusive, providing borderless,

personalised, user-friendly and end-to-end

digital public services to citizens and

businesses by 2022, thereby reducing costs,

barriers and administrative burdens for

citizens and businesses and thus reaping all

the benefits of the digital revolution;

considers however that this should not

lead to excessive redundancies of the

employees in the public administration;

Or. en

Amendment 20

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Supports the intention that future

initiatives should be based on the ‘digital

by default’ principle, and stresses the

importance of the once-only principle,

which will make interaction with public

administrations easier for citizens and

businesses by avoiding unnecessary and

time-consuming multiple administrative


3. Calls for critical consideration to

be given to whether future initiatives

should be based on the ‘digital by default’

principle, which, on the one hand, means

that barriers of distance can be

eliminated, and, on the other, erects new

barriers for those citizens who are

insecure or mistrustful in the digital


Or. de

Amendment 21

Nicola Danti, Patrizia Toia

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Supports the intention that future

initiatives should be based on the ‘digital

by default’ principle, and stresses the

importance of the once-only principle,

which will make interaction with public

administrations easier for citizens and

businesses by avoiding unnecessary and

time-consuming multiple administrative


3. Supports the intention that future

initiatives should be based on the 'digital

by default' principle, and stresses the

importance of the realization of the "once-

only principle", which will make

interaction with public administrations

easier for citizens and businesses by

avoiding unnecessary and time-consuming

multiple administrative processes and

facilitate that information previously

supplied are reused for other applications;

highlights that in fact, according to the

Commission´s studies, the implementation

of the "once only principle" approach at

the EU level is expected to save around €5

billion per year by 2017;

Or. en

Amendment 22

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

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Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3. Supports the intention that future

initiatives should be based on the ‘digital

by default’ principle, and stresses the

importance of the once-only principle,

which will make interaction with public

administrations easier for citizens and

businesses by avoiding unnecessary and

time-consuming multiple administrative


3. Supports the intention that future

initiatives should be based on the ‘digital

by default’ principle, and stresses the

importance of the once-only principle,

which will make interaction with public

administrations easier for citizens and

businesses by avoiding unnecessary and

time-consuming multiple administrative

processes; calls on the Commission to

report to the European Parliament on the

results of the once-only large-scale pilot

for businesses and to launch by end of

2017 a once-only large-scale pilot for


Or. en

Amendment 23

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3a. Calls for a critical review of the

once-only principle: on the one hand, it

facilitates citizens’ and businesses’

interaction with public administrations by

avoiding unnecessary and time-

consuming multiple administrative

processes, while, on the other, it requires

public administrations to be networked,

making it easier for them to take

coordinated action and thus potentially

placing individual citizens in a weaker


Or. de

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Amendment 24

Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an

overview of all relevant information

through one single gateway;

4. Welcomes the initiative of a single

digital gateway that would provide citizens

and businesses with a linked-up and

coherent package of online Single Market

services at both national and EU level,

covering information about EU and

national rules, assistance services and full

online transactionality for the most

important procedures for citizens and

businesses in cross-border situations;

Or. en

Amendment 25

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway;

4. Rejects the idea of a single contact

point which would allow citizens as well as

businesses to obtain an overview of all

relevant information through one single

gateway: the central pooling of

information and of public administrations

implies an intensification of authority

which requires prior political approval

and cannot be introduced through the

back door of digitalisation;

Or. de

Amendment 26

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

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Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway;

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information, obtain

assistance, access problem solving

services and complete procedures through

one single digital gateway, to be launched

in 2017; calls on the Commission as part

of this initiative to ensure that all Member

states provide one single official e-services

portal as a secured gateway to all their

online services and the available EU

interoperable services;

Or. en

Amendment 27

Nicola Danti, Patrizia Toia

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway;

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway; urges the Commission to

ensure a rapid and full implementation of

the Points of Single Contacts and to take

all necessary measures in order to

guarantee their efficient functioning and

their interoperability, unlocking their full

potential and benefits;

Or. en

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Amendment 28

Biljana Borzan, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière, Marlene Mizzi, Maria

Grapini, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway;

4. Welcomes the Commission's

intention to establish a single contact point

which would allow citizens as well as

businesses to obtain an overview of all

relevant information through one single


Or. en

Amendment 29

Carlos Coelho

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway;

4. Welcomes the idea of a single

contact point which would allow citizens

as well as businesses to obtain an overview

of all relevant information through one

single gateway; takes the view that the

exchange of existing best practices in the

various Member States that already use

access portals for citizens should be


Or. pt

Amendment 30

Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4 a (new)

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

4a. Views the single digital gateway as

a great opportunity to implement the

once-only principle in a practical manner;

Or. en

Amendment 31

Maria Grapini

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

4a. Stresses that eGovernment

procedures must be simple, clear and

seamless in order to enable the transition

to digital government;

Or. ro

Amendment 32

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Highlights the importance of

inclusiveness and accessibility of

eGovernment services, and therefore calls

on the Member States to fully implement

and apply the new directive on the

accessibility of websites and mobile

applications of public sector bodies;

5. Highlights the importance of the

accessibility of eGovernment services, and

therefore calls on the Member States to

apply the new directive on the accessibility

of websites and mobile applications of

public sector bodies;

Or. de

Amendment 33

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Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment

5. Highlights the importance of

inclusiveness and accessibility of

eGovernment services, and therefore calls

on the Member States to fully implement

and apply the new directive on the

accessibility of websites and mobile

applications of public sector bodies;

5. Highlights the importance of

inclusiveness and an accessibility-for-all

approach of the eGovernment services,

and therefore calls on the Member States to

fully implement and apply the new

directive on the accessibility of websites

and mobile applications of public sector

bodies for disabled and elderly persons;

Or. en

Amendment 34

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby certain public-sector

information is freely available for use and

reuse within and between public

administrations, and reiterates that sharing

data openly and inclusively would allow

the further development and creation of

new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency;

6. Voices its misgivings about a

possible clash between ‘Open Data’,

whereby certain public-sector information

is freely available for use and reuse within

and between public administrations, and

the principle of data protection; reiterates

that see-through government is about

promoting the transparency of public

administrations’ data only, and not of

citizens’ data;

Or. de

Amendment 35

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby certain public-sector

information is freely available for use and

reuse within and between public

administrations, and reiterates that sharing

data openly and inclusively would allow

the further development and creation of

new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency;

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby public-sector information

is freely available for use and reuse by

third parties, and reiterates that sharing

data openly and inclusively would allow

the further development and creation of

new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency;

Considers that more efforts should be

done to implement coordinated open data

strategies in both European institutions

and Member states including the increase

and faster release of data into the public

domain, better quality of the data, easy

access to data in machine readable

formats and without restriction to its use

and reuse and the possibility for third

party users to make open-data requests;

Or. en

Amendment 36

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby certain public-sector

information is freely available for use and

reuse within and between public

administrations, and reiterates that sharing

data openly and inclusively would allow

the further development and creation of

new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency;

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby certain public-sector

information is freely available for use and

reuse within and between public

administrations, and reiterates that open

and inclusive free flow of data would

allow the further development and creation

of new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency;

Or. en

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Amendment 37

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby certain public-sector

information is freely available for use and

reuse within and between public

administrations, and reiterates that sharing

data openly and inclusively would allow

the further development and creation of

new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency;

6. Stresses the importance of ‘Open

Data’, whereby certain public-sector

information is freely available for use and

reuse within and between public

administrations, and reiterates that sharing

data openly and inclusively would allow

the further development and creation of

new innovative solutions, boosting

efficiency as well as transparency; stresses

that the data held in information systems

must be kept ‘open by default’;

Or. bg

Amendment 38

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

6a. Calls on the Commission to

examine potential benefits and reductions

of costs for the public authorities when

developing eGovernment services across

the EU, from the implementation of

interoperable cloud computing


Or. en

Amendment 39

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

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Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7. Highlights the benefits of

eParticipation and stresses that Member

States should make more use of

eConsultation, eInformation and


7. Highlights the benefits of

eParticipation and stresses that Member

States should make more use of

eConsultation, eInformation and

eDecision-making; stresses that in order to

avoid abuse of the systems, the

eParticipation and especially with regard

to eDecision-making, must be in line with

the Regulation 910/2014 on electronic

identification and trust services for

electronic transactions in the internal

market, to ensure accountability and


Or. en

Amendment 40

Nicola Danti, Patrizia Toia

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7a. Welcomes all the initiatives taken

by all the EU institutions to enhance e-

participation mechanisms at the EU and

Member states level and asks the

Commission to further develop and

promote digital tools, such as the

electronic voting systems and the e-

petitions, which aims at enhancing and

encouraging citizens and businesses

participation in the EU policy-making


Or. en

Amendment 41

Eva Maydell

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Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7a. Points out the fact that only 35%

of government websites inform citizens

about their ability to participate in the

policy-making; calls on the Commission

and the Member States to improve their

means of communication to the public in

this regard, thus creating an environment

of trust and transparency and readiness to

use e-services;

Or. en

Amendment 42

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 7 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

7b. Recalls the role of the Public

Libraries 2020 programme in building

stronger European community, provide

opportunities for life-long learning and

increasing the literacy and skills levels

among which digital skills; Stresses that

overcoming the digital divide in Europe in

terms of digital skills, access to internet,

access to a connected device, etc. is

essential in order to create a favourable

environment for greater eParticipation;

calls on the Commission and Member

States to make better use of already

existing facilities, libraries and post

offices inter alia, in order to provide for

an increased eParticipation;

Or. en

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Amendment 43

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Notes that the use of mobile

devices has increased significantly over the

past five years while only one third of

public websites are mobile-friendly; calls,

therefore, on the Member States to assess

the possibilities of developing mobile

solutions for eGovernment services, and to

ensure their user-friendliness and


8. Notes that the use of mobile

devices has increased significantly over the

past five years while only one third of

public websites are mobile-friendly; calls,

therefore, on the Member States to assess

the possibilities of developing mobile

solutions for eGovernment services, and to

ensure their user-friendliness and

accessibility; stresses that in order to

future-proof the accessibility of the

eGovernment services, public

administration websites and public

administration instruments must be kept

up-to-date with the modern technology

and the ever evolving cyber security


Or. en

Amendment 44

Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8. Notes that the use of mobile

devices has increased significantly over the

past five years while only one third of

public websites are mobile-friendly; calls,

therefore, on the Member States to assess

the possibilities of developing mobile

solutions for eGovernment services, and to

ensure their user-friendliness and


8. Notes that the use of mobile

devices has increased significantly over the

past five years while only one third of

public websites are mobile-friendly; calls,

therefore, on the Member States to assess

the possibilities of developing mobile

solutions for eGovernment services, and to

ensure their user-friendliness and

accessibility for all;

Or. en

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Amendment 45

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière,

Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

8a. Notes the benefits of cloud

computing on eGovernment such as

reducing the cost of ICTs for public


Or. en

Amendment 46

Kaja Kallas, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9. Calls on the Member States to

make greater use of eProcurement when

buying supplies and services or tendering

public works, thus making public spending

more transparent and efficient and leading

to reduced costs and less bureaucracy; calls

on the Commission to continue its work on

eInvoicing standards, eSubmission and


9. Calls on the Member States to use

eProcurement by default when buying

supplies and services or tendering public

works, thus making public spending more

transparent and efficient and leading to

reduced costs and less bureaucracy; Calls

in this regard on the Commission to

facilitate exchange of best practices on

the use of the innovation criteria in public

tenders, in particular by making sure

tenders do not preempt solutions but

rather leave room for tenderers to propose

innovative and open solutions ; calls on

the Commission to continue its work on

eInvoicing standards, eSubmission and


Or. en

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Amendment 47

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

9а. Considers that drawing up

standard procedures for routine

operations is a crucial element in efforts

to reduce corruption and simplify the

work of staff; calls on the Commission to

encourage the use of electronic

identification in public administrations’

internal systems in order to improve

accountability and traceability in respect

of all operations in such systems; calls on

the Commission and Member States to

make the requisite efforts to ensure that

public procurement procedures are

transparent and that information is

available in real time to all participants in


Or. bg

Amendment 48

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that interoperability and

standardisation are among the key

elements for implementing eGovernment

structures, and therefore welcomes the

Commission’s communication entitled

‘European standards for the 21st century’

and its plan to revise the European

Interoperability Framework;

10. Stresses that interoperability is a

key element for implementing

eGovernment structures, and therefore

welcomes the Commission’s

communication entitled ‘European

standards for the 21st century’ and its plan

to revise the European Interoperability


Or. de

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Amendment 49

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Pina Picierno, Virginie Rozière,

Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Lucy Anderson, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez


Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment

10. Stresses that interoperability and

standardisation are among the key elements

for implementing eGovernment structures,

and therefore welcomes the Commission’s

communication entitled ‘European

standards for the 21st century’ and its plan

to revise the European Interoperability


10. Stresses that interoperability and

standardisation are among the key elements

for implementing eGovernment structures,

and therefore welcomes the Commission’s

communication entitled ‘European

standards for the 21st century’ and its plan

to revise the European Interoperability

Framework; stresses that standards must

serve the interests of the society at large

by being inclusive, fair and future proof,

and be developed in an open and

transparent way;

Or. en

Amendment 50

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Draws attention to the urgent need

for continuous support for broadband

expansion, especially in rural areas, since

access to a high-speed broadband

connection is indispensable for using and

benefiting from eGovernment services;

therefore calls on the Commission and the

Member States to continue the adequate

funding of broadband expansion, digital

service infrastructures and cross-border

interaction of public administration after

11. Draws attention to the urgent need

for continuous support for broadband

expansion, especially in rural areas, since

access to a high-speed broadband

connection is indispensable for using and

benefiting from eGovernment services;

therefore calls on the Member States to

review the adequate funding of broadband

expansion and digital service

infrastructures after 2020;

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2020, within the scope of the Connecting

Europe Facility or other suitable EU


Or. de

Amendment 51

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière,

Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Draws attention to the urgent need

for continuous support for broadband

expansion, especially in rural areas, since

access to a high-speed broadband

connection is indispensable for using and

benefiting from eGovernment services;

therefore calls on the Commission and the

Member States to continue the adequate

funding of broadband expansion, digital

service infrastructures and cross-border

interaction of public administration after

2020, within the scope of the Connecting

Europe Facility or other suitable EU


11. Regrets that only 28% of

European households in rural areas had

a fixed fast internet connection in 2015

and that the average coverage in the EU

of 4G, despite being 86% in all of EU is

only 36% in rural areas, and draws

attention to the urgent need for continuous

support for broadband expansion,

especially in rural areas, since access to a

high-speed broadband connection is

indispensable for using and benefiting from

eGovernment services; therefore calls on

the Commission and the Member States to

continue the adequate funding of

broadband expansion, digital service

infrastructures and cross-border interaction

of public administration after 2020, within

the scope of the Connecting Europe

Facility or other suitable EU programmes;

calls in this regard on operators to invest

more in infrastructure to improve

connectivity in rural areas and to ensure

that also rural areas will benefit from very

high-capacity networks in the form of 5G,

since this will be a key building bloc of

our digital society;

Or. en

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Amendment 52

Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11. Draws attention to the urgent need

for continuous support for broadband

expansion, especially in rural areas, since

access to a high-speed broadband

connection is indispensable for using and

benefiting from eGovernment services;

therefore calls on the Commission and the

Member States to continue the adequate

funding of broadband expansion, digital

service infrastructures and cross-border

interaction of public administration after

2020, within the scope of the Connecting

Europe Facility or other suitable EU


11. Draws attention to the urgent need

for continuous support for broadband

expansion, especially in rural areas, since

access to a high-speed broadband

connection is indispensable for using and

benefiting from eGovernment services;

therefore calls on the Commission and the

Member States to continue the adequate

funding of broadband expansion, digital

service infrastructures and cross-border

interaction of public administration after

2020, within the scope of the Connecting

Europe Facility or other suitable EU

programmes, thereby ensuring long-term


Or. en

Amendment 53

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière,

Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

11a. Stressed that digital skills are an

absolute prerequisite to participate in


Or. en

Amendment 54

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

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Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Reiterates the need to improve the

digital skills of administrative staff as well

as of citizens and businesses, by

developing and supporting training

activities at national, regional and local

level in order to minimise the risk of digital


12. Reiterates the need to improve the

digital skills of administrative staff by

developing and supporting training

activities at national, regional and local

level in order to minimise the risk of digital


Or. de

Amendment 55

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière,

Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Lucy Anderson, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez


Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Reiterates the need to improve the

digital skills of administrative staff as well

as of citizens and businesses, by

developing and supporting training

activities at national, regional and local

level in order to minimise the risk of digital


12. Reiterates the need to improve the

digital skills of administrative staff as well

as of all citizens and businesses, by

developing and supporting training

activities at national, regional and local

level in order to minimise the risk of digital

exclusion; stresses the need to tackle and

prevent digital divides between

geographical areas, between people from

different socioeconomic levels, and

between generations;

Or. en

Amendment 56

Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

12. Reiterates the need to improve the

digital skills of administrative staff as well

as of citizens and businesses, by

developing and supporting training

activities at national, regional and local

level in order to minimise the risk of digital


12. Reiterates the need to improve the

digital skills of administrative staff as well

as of citizens and businesses, by

developing and supporting training

activities at national, regional and local

level in order to minimise the risk of digital

exclusion; underlines that education to

digital skills is of particular importance in

the case of elderly persons, who often lack

skills or confidence when using e-


Or. en

Amendment 57

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie

Rozière, Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12a. Calls on the Commission and the

Member States to promote media literacy

and internet literacy for all EU citizens, in

particular vulnerable people, through

initiatives and coordinated action and

investment in the creation of European

networks for the teaching of media


Or. en

Amendment 58

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

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12а. Encourages the Commission and

Member States to develop and adopt an

information system to monitor consumer

behaviour, opinions and preferences and

also to increase levels of use of e-services

by businesses and citizens;

Or. bg

Amendment 59

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière,

Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

12b. Encourages the Member States to

integrate the acquisition of up-to-date

digital skills into school curricula, to

improve the necessary technical

equipment and to promote cooperation

between universities and technical

colleges with the aim of developing

common e-Learning curricula that are,

recognised in the ECTS system; also

stresses the importance of lifelong

learning and the acquisition and

development of digital skills at the


Or. en

Amendment 60

Edward Czesak

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Calls for a dual online and offline

approach, since this is needed to avoid

exclusion, taking into account the current

rate of digital illiteracy and the fact that

13. Stresses the existing need for a

dual online and offline approach where

necessary, since this is needed to avoid

exclusion; emphasizes the current rate of

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more than 22 % of Europeans, especially

elderly people, refuse to use online

services when dealing with public


digital illiteracy and the fact that more than

22 % of Europeans, especially elderly

people, decide not to use online services

when dealing with public administrations,

therefore moving towards

digitized administrations should not

discourage to use services those who wish

to employ traditional procedures;

Or. en

Amendment 61

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie Rozière, Marlene

Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Lucy Anderson, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment

13. Calls for a dual online and offline

approach, since this is needed to avoid

exclusion, taking into account the current

rate of digital illiteracy and the fact that

more than 22 % of Europeans, especially

elderly people, refuse to use online services

when dealing with public administrations;

13. Stresses the need for an inclusive,

dual online and offline approach, since this

is needed to avoid exclusion, taking into

account the current rate of digital illiteracy

and the fact that more than 22 % of

Europeans, especially elderly people,

refuse to use online services when dealing

with public administrations; stresses that

there are multiple reasons for refusal to

use online services, such as unawareness,

lack of skills, lack of trust, and wrong

perception, and that alongside an

inclusive online and offline approach,

these must be tackled to remove barriers

to online participation;

Or. en

Amendment 62

Biljana Borzan, Virginie Rozière, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary constraints, and

that, in particular, regional and local

authorities still have an immense workload

ahead of them in the coming years;

14. Stresses that going digital can

offer cost savings to public authorities,

while understanding that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages often are tackled

in a context of budgetary constraints, and

that, in particular, regional and local

authorities still have an immense workload

ahead of them in the coming years;

Or. en

Amendment 63

Kaja Kallas, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary constraints, and

that, in particular, regional and local

authorities still have an immense

workload ahead of them in the coming


14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary constraints, which

therefore require not only to adopt digital

solutions based on open standards,

thereby reducing maintenance costs and

increasing innovation, but also to promote

public-private partnerships to increase the

take up of digital services and reduce

costs for public administrations;

Or. en

Amendment 64

Lambert van Nistelrooij

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

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14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary constraints, and

that, in particular, regional and local

authorities still have an immense workload

ahead of them in the coming years;

14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary and manpower

constraints, and that, in particular, regional

and local authorities still have an immense

workload ahead of them in the coming


Or. nl

Amendment 65

Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary constraints, and

that, in particular, regional and local

authorities still have an immense workload

ahead of them in the coming years;

14. Is aware that digitalisation and

other challenges stemming from

modernisation packages must be tackled in

a context of budgetary constraints, and

that, in particular, regional and local

authorities still have an immense workload

ahead of them in the coming years;

emphasizes at the same time that

investment in the digitalization will help

to reduce administrative costs in the


Or. en

Amendment 66

Lambert van Nistelrooij

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14a. Calls on the Member States

therefore to involve regional and local

authorities, as far as possible in national

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implementation measures, ensuring that

they are properly consulted and given the

necessary assistance; points out that it is

essential to ensure clarity of national law,

with an emphasis on feasibility and


Or. nl

Amendment 67

Carlos Coelho

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14a. Stresses that the aim of digitising

government and the resulting benefits in

terms of the budget must not exclude

European citizens from accessing basic

services, whether owing to their lack of

digital literacy or their geographical


Or. pt

Amendment 68

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14a. Underlines the importance of

turning eLegislation into a machine-

readable format, such as LegalXML,

which will provide for a better

sustainability and traceability of the legal


Or. en

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Amendment 69

Andreas Schwab

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

14a. Points out that, in considering the

digitalisation of individual administrative

procedures, account must be taken of

objections based on overriding public


Or. de

Amendment 70

Biljana Borzan, Pina Picierno, Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 15 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

15a. Underlines positive impact

eGovernment will have on workers on the

internal market thanks to simplification of

cross boarder acknowledgment of their

professional skills, social rights and social


Or. en

Amendment 71

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16a. Welcomes the different initiatives

of the European Commission to develop

cross-border digital prescriptions, in

particular with regard to interoperability

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and standardisation. Stresses however

that the take up of these solutions is far

too slow given the value and importance

of such services for EU citizens. Calls on

the Commission to ensure that the right

framework is in place to foster trust

between member states and accelerate the

development of cross-border digital

prescriptions, from data protection,

security of data exchanges to the

deployment of necessary digital

infrastructure and services;

Or. en

Amendment 72

Nicola Danti, Patrizia Toia

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

16a. Asks the Commission to further

develop and promote the use of EURES

European Job Mobility portal, through a

closer integration and collaboration

between Public Employment Services

systems and the EURES portal, in order

to facilitate and increase employers and

job seekers´ mobility in the European


Or. en

Amendment 73

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Pina Picierno, Virginie Rozière, Maria Grapini, Christel

Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

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16a. Underlines that eHealth can

significantly improve the quality of life of

citizens by providing more accessible;

cost-effective and efficient healthcare to


Or. en

Amendment 74

Biljana Borzan, Virginie Rozière, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio

Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Considers that for the full

functioning of cross-border eGovernment

services, language barriers need to be

addressed, and suggests that public

administrations, especially in border

regions, should make their information and

services available in the language of their

Member States but also in other European


17. Considers that for the full

functioning of cross-border eGovernment

services, language barriers must be

addressed, and public administrations,

especially in border regions, should make

their information and services available in

the language of their Member States but

also in other relevant European languages;

Or. en

Amendment 75

Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Considers that for the full

functioning of cross-border eGovernment

services, language barriers need to be

addressed, and suggests that public

administrations, especially in border

regions, should make their information and

services available in the language of their

17. Considers that for the full

functioning of cross-border eGovernment

services, language barriers need to be

addressed, and suggests that public

administrations, especially in border

regions, should make their information and

services available in the language of their

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Member States but also in other European


Member States but also in other most

widely used European languages;

Or. en

Amendment 76

Edward Czesak

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment

17. Considers that for the full

functioning of cross-border eGovernment

services, language barriers need to be

addressed, and suggests that public

administrations, especially in border

regions, should make their information and

services available in the language of their

Member States but also in other European


17. Considers that for the full

functioning of cross-border eGovernment

services, language barriers need to be

addressed, and suggests that public

administrations, especially in border

regions, should make their information and

services available in the language of their

Member States but also, if possible, in

another European language;

Or. en

Amendment 77

Maria Grapini

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Highlights the importance of an

exchange of best practices and project

examples between all levels of

administration, both within and between

Member States;

18. Highlights the importance of an

exchange of best practices, examples and

project experience between all levels of

administration, both within and between

Member States;

Or. ro

Amendment 78

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Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18. Highlights the importance of an

exchange of best practices and project

examples between all levels of

administration, both within and between

Member States;

18. Highlights the importance of an

exchange of best practices and project

examples between all levels of

administration, both within and between

Member States; recognizes the fact that

results of the EU-funded Large-Scale

Pilots such as eSENSE, eCODEX and

TOOP, significantly contribute to

enhancing the cross-border services in


Or. en

Amendment 79

Edward Czesak

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 18 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18a. Is of the opinion that a

comprehensive monitoring of e-

Government performance in the Member

States should ensure that the performance

methodology takes national specificities

adequately into account; highlights the

benefits of reliably measured performance

in Member States to policy makers and

public opinion;

Or. en

Amendment 80

Carlos Coelho

Motion for a resolution

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Paragraph 18 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

18a. Stresses that the role of state

employees is crucial for the

implementation, assessment and

operation of public administrations, and

emphasis should be placed on ensuring

that they have the training and skills for

the digital era;

Or. pt

Amendment 81

Eva Maydell

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Points out that interoperability and

open data are not only fundamental in a

cross-border context but are also needed at

the national, regional and local

administrative levels in each Member


19. Recalls that the Regulation

910/2014 on electronic identification and

trust services for electronic transactions

in the internal market provides for a

mutual recognition of electronic

identification, thus fostering the cross-

border dimension of the services; Points

out that interoperability and open data are

not only fundamental in a cross-border

context but are also needed at the national,

regional and local administrative levels in

each Member State;

Or. en

Amendment 82

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Points out that interoperability and 19. Points out that interoperability,

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open data are not only fundamental in a

cross-border context but are also needed at

the national, regional and local

administrative levels in each Member


open standards and open data are not only

fundamental in a cross-border context but

are also needed at the national, regional

and local administrative levels in each

Member State;

Or. en

Amendment 83

Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment

19. Points out that interoperability and

open data are not only fundamental in a

cross-border context but are also needed at

the national, regional and local

administrative levels in each Member


19. Points out that interoperability and

open data are not only fundamental in a

cross-border context but are also needed at

the national, regional and local

administrative levels in each Member

State, while taking also into account the

need for data protection in information


Or. en

Amendment 84

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment

20. Calls on the Commission and the

other EU institutions to set an example in

the area of eGovernment and to offer a

transparent user-friendly gateway for

citizens and businesses;

20. Calls on the Commission and the

other EU institutions to set an example in

the area of eGovernment and to offer a

transparent user-friendly gateway for

citizens and businesses, and end-to-end

digital services, in particular with regard

to application for EU funding and public


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Or. en

Amendment 85

Andreas Schwab

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental, and

underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely in

line with the General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR) and the EU Rules on

Privacy, thereby boosting trust in digital


21. Emphasises that citizens’ trust in

the protection of personal data is

fundamental to securing the success of the

eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, and

underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely in

line with the General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR) and the EU Rules on


Or. de

Amendment 86

Edward Czesak

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental, and

underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely in

line with the General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR) and the EU Rules on

Privacy, thereby boosting trust in digital


21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental for safety and

citizens' trust in digital services, underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely and

fully in line with the General Data

Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the EU

Rules on Privacy;

Or. en

Amendment 87

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

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Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental, and

underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely in

line with the General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR) and the EU Rules on

Privacy, thereby boosting trust in digital


21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental, and

underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely in

line with the relevant national laws, the

General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR) and the EU Rules on Privacy, so

that important civil rights are not


Or. de

Amendment 88

Biljana Borzan, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Pina Picierno, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Virginie

Rozière, Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment

21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental, and

underlines that public administrations

should handle personal data securely in

line with the General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR) and the EU Rules on

Privacy, thereby boosting trust in digital


21. Emphasises that the protection of

personal data is fundamental, and

underlines that public administrations must

handle personal data securely in line with

the General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR) and the EU Rules on Privacy,

thereby boosting trust in digital services;

Or. en

Amendment 89

Igor Šoltes

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 a (new)

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Motion for a resolution Amendment

21a. Emphasises that an e-Health plan

should also be considered in the context

of eGovernment action plan, as this is an

important part of it ; considers that

gathering and transferring of data should

be improved and that cross border data

transfer should be possible if needed in

certain cases, as this will facilitate health

services for all EU citizens;

Or. en

Amendment 90

Marcus Pretzell, Mylène Troszczynski

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment

22. Points out that, at the same time,

data protection legislation should not be

conceived as an obstacle but should,

rather, be seen as a starting-point for the

development of innovative eGovernment

solutions, and therefore stresses the need

for effective guidance on the application of

the GDPR, as well as for a continuous

exchange with stakeholders;

22. Points out that data protection

legislation should be seen as both

delimiting and affording scope for

eGovernment solutions, and therefore

stresses the need for effective guidance on

the application of the GDPR, as well as for

a continuous exchange with stakeholders;

Or. de

Amendment 91

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment

22. Points out that, at the same time,

data protection legislation should not be

22. Points out that, at the same time,

data protection legislation should not be

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conceived as an obstacle but should, rather,

be seen as a starting-point for the

development of innovative eGovernment

solutions, and therefore stresses the need

for effective guidance on the application of

the GDPR, as well as for a continuous

exchange with stakeholders;

conceived as an obstacle but should, rather,

be seen as a starting-point for the

development of innovative eGovernment

solutions, and therefore stresses the need

for effective guidance on the application of

the GDPR, as well as for a continuous

exchange with stakeholders; Stresses in

particular the need for recommendations

by the Commission, within the

implementation framework of the GDPR

and the application of the privacy by

design and by default, and data

minimisation principles, on the

development of decentralised databases

relying on secured, encrypted and

authenticated data exchange between

public administrations, rather than

centralised databases;

Or. en

Amendment 92

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23. Notes that only 15 % of Europeans

declare that they have the sense of

complete control over the use of their

personal data; considers it important to

further explore the principle of data

ownership, and trusts that future measures

can build upon the Commission

communication ‘Building a European data

economy’ and other related proposals;

23. Notes that only 15 % of Europeans

declare that they have the sense of

complete control over the use of their

personal data; considers it important to

further explore the principle of data

ownership and to ensure in the

development of eGovernment services that

citizens remain owners of their personal

data and are able to control who accesses

their data and for which purpose, with

adequate remedies in case of abuses ; trusts that future measures can build upon

the Commission communication ‘Building

a European data economy’ and other

related proposals;

Or. en

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Amendment 93

Biljana Borzan, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Virginie Rozière, Marlene Mizzi, Maria Grapini,

Christel Schaldemose, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23a. Stresses that eGovernment users

have to have full awareness of the usage

of their data in real time;

Or. en

Amendment 94

Biljana Borzan, Nicola Danti, Virginie Rozière, Maria Grapini, Christel Schaldemose,

Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Calls on the Member States to fully

apply the eIDAS Regulation, as

eSignature, eIdentification and

eAuthentification are the underlying

building blocks of cross-border digital

public services;

24. Urges the Member States on fast

and complete implementation of eIDAS

Regulation, as eSignature, eIdentification

and eAuthentification are the underlying

building blocks of cross-border digital

public services;

Or. en

Amendment 95

Sabine Verheyen, Anne Sander

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Calls on the Member States to fully

apply the eIDAS Regulation, as eSignature,

24. Calls on the Member States to fully

apply the eIDAS Regulation, as eSignature,

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eIdentification and eAuthentification are

the underlying building blocks of cross-

border digital public services;

eIdentification and eAuthentification are

the underlying building blocks of cross-

border digital public services; Stresses the

importance of encouraging the uptake of

notified eID schemes under de eIDAS

regulation by citizens, businesses and

public administration;

Or. en

Amendment 96

Kaja Kallas, Dita Charanzová, Jasenko Selimovic

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Calls on the Member States to fully

apply the eIDAS Regulation, as eSignature,

eIdentification and eAuthentification are

the underlying building blocks of cross-

border digital public services;

24. Calls on the Member States to fully

apply the eIDAS Regulation, as eSignature,

eIdentification and eAuthentification are

the underlying building blocks of cross-

border digital public services; stresses in

this respect that the adoption of these key

enablers should be priorities of both the

private and the public sector in the

development of digital services; calls

therefore on the Commission to take

action to facilitate and promote public-

private cooperation in the cross-border

and cross-sector use of digital

identification and signatures;

Or. en

Amendment 97

Andreas Schwab

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24a. Emphasises that measures to

protect public authorities from cyber-

attacks and to enable them to withstand

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such attacks are extremely important and

need to be developed; stresses the need for

a European-level approach in this regard,

particularly given that the once-only

principle, which is a component of the

eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020,

depends on the exchange of citizens’ data

between European administrative bodies;

Or. de

Amendment 98

Maria Grapini

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24a. Stresses the importance of

Commission support for Member States in

order fully to implement the Digital

Signature Regulation (eIDAS) and foster

cooperation between administration and

economic operators;

Or. ro

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