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Email: I

Press Release No: AGC/SF0821

DATE: 08/21/2017

On the AGC Working Relationship in/with SCACUF and the Recent Attacks on the

Address of the Commander-in-Chief of the AGC by SCACUF South Africa and on

Southern Cameroons Broadcasting Corporation (SCBC)

In the last week, the AGC has received questions from some members of the public on whether

the AGC is a constituent member of SCACUF and is still working with SCACUF. Today, the

AGC leadership has also received a significant number of concerns from members of the public

on a Press Release from SCACUF South Africa dated August 17, 2017, and recently on

commentaries by Mr. Sama Raymond on SCBC on August 20, 2017, that attacked the public

address made on Monday, August 14, 2017, by the Commander-in-Chief of the AGC, Comrade

Cho Ayaba. The one statement of interest delivered in less than fifteen seconds in an over

twenty-five minutes address relates to Comrade Cho Ayaba specifically asking Ambazonia

Missions that if it be possible, let the strongholds of La Republique du Cameroun that serve as

their hiding place and locations for plotting the continuous abductions and killings of our people

anywhere in the world, and abducting Ambazonians arriving at Airports in Douala and Yaoundé

with impunity, while deceiving the international community that all is well in our homeland, be

pulled down. We believe that these two issues are interrelated and we have determined it

necessary to provide official information and clarification from the AGC to the Ambazonian


On the Relationship between AGC and SCACUF

1. SCACUF Constituent Membership

The AGC is a founding member of SCACUF amongst six other movements. The AGC approved

the creation of SCACUF with the conviction that unity is necessary, even in our diversity, to

prosecute the case for our freedom both in the homeland and in the international community. The

AGC was and remains party to this unity, conscious that ideologies and methodologies of the

different constituent movements and the Ambazonia people at large on the attainment of our

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independence will always differ because human beings, even as identical twins, are by their

nature different. However, through consensus building, a true and solid unity platform in our

diversity can be achieved and sustained with our common focus being an end to the occupation

of our homeland once and for all by La Republique du Cameroun and her acolytes who seek our

destruction and extinction. The AGC embraced SCACUF fully aware that with this diversity,

uniformity in all things will be an illusion because it will require the silencing of dissent, the

refusal to listen to the views of others, and a dictatorship that would easily cause the constituent

movements to depart the unity platform.

Nevertheless, through an agreed upon functional framework, trust (likely to be built with time),

avoidance of insincere political schemes, and consensus building as the history of other freedom

fighting organizations with different constituent autonomous entities, such as the African

National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in

Palestine, the European Union, the African Union and the United Nations, we will work together

for the common good. In this regard, the AGC remains committed to a truly solid unity platform

that will stand the test of time for our independence.

2. Building a Solid Unity Platform

The AGC is an abbreviation standing for “Ambazonia Governing Council”. It was not formed as

such after SCACUF created a Governing Council at its Third Conclave a few weeks ago; it has

rather always existed as such from its creation. It was formed over five years ago by founders

with membership in the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC), Southern Cameroons

Youth League (SCYL), and Southern Cameroons Liberation Army (SCLA). These members

assessed why the Ambazonia independence had not come to fruition after many years. They

decided that a comprehensive methodology involving targeted diplomacy, community

mobilization and self-defense in a unity platform in which they could function irrespective of

their individual movement affiliations was necessary to complete the work that will intensify the

Ambazonia freedom cause in all fronts. As such, they have built the AGC over the years into a

well-structured organization with revolutionary institutions of governance mindful of the

enormous task before it.

The experiences of these members of the different movements showed beyond reasonable doubt

that in the absence of a clear and agreed upon working framework reflected in a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) between the movements and the unity platform, and in the absence of

regulatory terms of reference of the platform itself that guide and check its actors and operations,

the platform eventually collapses in the short, medium or long term. History has shown that

where an agreement that defines the roles and responsibilities of each party with respect to the

collaborative effort of our independence project is lacking, the unity platform becomes


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There have been multiple unity platforms and governments formed in this struggle in the past,

but they have either ended up leading to the creation of multiple other groups or the governments

have ended up collapsing because of lack of clear terms of reference such as MOUs and

regulatory frameworks consented to by the parties. The Memoranda of Understanding ratified by

the different constituent entities provide a foundation for eventually establishing the statutes of

the unity platform and its activities. The creation of SCNC and later SCYL from SCARM, and

the fate of the interim governments that were created by our respectable and renowned Prof.

Carlson Anyangwe, that formed by the great brains of our revolution such as Fon Gorji Dinka,

and that once led by a great soldier of this revolution, Dr. Ebenezer Akwanga, are cases in point.

With these considerations, the AGC in response to previous works in SCACUF, prepared and

submitted a Memorandum of Understanding to the Secretariat of SCACUF on June 1, 2017. This

MOU has since then never been brought up on a SCACUF agenda for discussion and ratification.

To ensure AGC’s full involvement and participation in SCACUF, Section 1.4 of this MOU, for

example, purports that “The AGC shall assign representatives, and SCACUF shall accept at least

one assignee of the AGC in each standing committee, including the Secretariat of SCACUF.

Whenever any bodies of SCACUF are setup with representation from other movements, AGC

shall be equally represented in the bodies…” This is representative participation necessary for

consensus building to cement and solidify our unity platform. Furthermore, nowhere in that

MOU does the AGC suggest that the helm of SCACUF shall be reserved to the Commander-in-

Chief of the AGC, Comrade Cho Ayaba. This is because the AGC believes and knows that it is

the duty of the constituent movements that created SCACUF, to convene in a free and fair,

honest and transparent process to choose their leader. The Ambazonia Governing Council (AGC)

still awaiting when SCACUF will bring up the MOU for discussion with the AGC and


3. Recent Action

The AGC is aware that one of the reasons that caused MoRISC Global under the leadership of

Comrade Boh Herbert to depart SCACUF was the non-ratification of the MOU that MoRISC

Global submitted to SCACUF. The AGC is aware that just as no one is being paid in the AGC

for the work being done for the freedom of our homeland, no one is being remunerated in

SCACUF too, except otherwise. Therefore, certain ordinary delays can be expected. Conscious

that the neglect of MOUs can lead to such progressive destruction of our unity, the AGC after

waiting for more than two months without receiving any feedback from the SCACUF

Secretariat, and after observing procedural issues that could tear us apart such as the exchanges

between Mr. Tassang Wilfred and Mr. Milan Atam after the Third Conclave, including therein

the revelation from Mr. Milan of a “connivance” plot before the conclave to destroy AGC, the

AGC has rather again taken the first step to engage SCACUF Leadership and to resolve the

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issues of operations in SCACUF that keep arising because of the absence of a regulatory

framework on which actors or officials in SCACUF function.

Thus, on August 6, 2017, AGC wrote to Mr. Sisiku Julius Ayuk, Chairman of the SCACUF

Governing Council, pointing out the issues that are/were hampering unity and destroying the

platform, and asking for two things to be done swiftly to lay a solid unity foundation, build and

cement working relationships, and resolve the issues: (1) a meeting of the leaders that created

SCACUF be convened to examine and resolve the prevailing issues, and consequently fortify the

commitment of constituent movements to the unity platform; and (2) the MOU submitted by the

AGC to SCACUF, intended to establish a clear framework of working relations in and with

SCACUF so as to avoid conflicts in future be brought up for discussion and ratification.

It is our understanding that SCACUF has set up a committee led by the tireless freedom fighter,

Dr. Nfor Ngalla Nfor, to examine these issues. We are not yet aware whether there is a working

timeline for this Committee. We look forward to timely and fruitful work from it, and discussion

and ratification of the MOU, so that all constituent movements can then proceed with working

together to establish a clear consensual regulatory framework for SCACUF. We expect that for

the Ambazonia people to hold each movement to account tomorrow, each movement should

ratify the agreed upon regulatory terms of reference, and all officials should respect them. In the

absence of these things, the unity platform will remain at the whims and caprices of a few

individuals who will manipulate others and the public in ways that will crumble the platform in

future, create a significant problem for the struggle as it intensifies, and be a waste of time that

would have otherwise been devoted to other things that could have moved the revolution in the

favor of Ambazonians.

Attack on the Commander-in-Chief of the AGC’s Address by SCACUF South Africa and


We observed, although not totally dismayed, that SCACUF South Africa on August 17, 2017,

followed by a program by Mr. Sama Raymond in South Africa on SCBC on August 20, 2017,

launched attacks on the Commander-in-Chief of the AGC, Comrade Cho Ayaba, for calling on

the BlockbyBlock forces at his command to bring down structures that serve as hiding places and

venues of plotting the murdering of Ambazonians at home and abroad, and the plundering of our

land by the Yaoundé colonial regime and her acolytes. The AGC worldwide wants to state

unequivocally that it stands by the words of its Council leader. We want to reiterate that we are

not afraid of anyone, not when it comes to defeating La Republique du Cameroun and chasing

her out of our homeland. If our people cannot have peace in the homeland, La Republique du

Cameroun will have no peace abroad. We are not afraid to go to jail for our freedom; Nelson

Mandela, a South African, was in it for twenty-seven years as a freedom fighter, was labelled a

terrorist for bringing down structural strongholds of apartheid after the ANC formed a military

wing, and was later given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. We are not afraid to do same unto

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death, if death be the price we must pay for the freedom of the generation to come after us.

Centers of evil do not stand before freedom fighters and they get into sweet talking and

sympathy with their rapist and killer.

Is it not hypocrisy for anyone to claim he or she is asking those in the homeland to take down

structures of the occupier while the same persons abroad are afraid to even utter words of

toughness or do the same things they are asking those at home to do, simply because they want

to secure their lives of comfort abroad while those at home are in bunkers and dungeons of

Yaoundé? Is it not hypocrisy that while great soldiers of the revolution such as Mr. Chris Anu of

the Cameroon Journal have put out multiple audio recordings calling for the burning of tankers

that the occupier uses to transport our resources, makes money from them, and then uses the

money to purchase ammunition to kill our people on the streets, and these same frights filled

men have never attacked Mr. Anu, yet they waste hours attacking Comrade Ayaba? Is it not

hypocrisy that the same people who claim they tell our friends and families to hold on to the

battle and fight hard for freedom at home were nowhere near the “house of evil” in South Africa

when some brave Ambazonians were on the phone asking for resistance directives from

Comrade Ayaba to tear down the gates, and successfully chased the abductors of our people


Fellow brothers, we understand you said those words might put the diplomatic gains you have

made at risk. Perhaps, you can send the names of the countries and institutions to us with whom

you have sealed the diplomatic victories, if they exist, and we will reach out to them and accept

responsibility for our utterances in a bid to safeguard those diplomatic gains that we really need

for our independence. To also safeguard your comfort, please, refer any officers that come

knocking at your doors to us and we will take responsibility for our toughness to free our

homeland. We also wish to assure you that we respect your free speech whether expressed on

paper or on TV; it is the beauty of the Ambazonia we seek to build, even if at this time it puts a

dent on the unity we purport to be custodians of.

Dear Sirs, the revolution requires brave men with tough minds that can look at evil and not be

intimidated. If those few words already make you afraid, we can only give you one advice

conscious that the days ahead will not be a walk in the park: Fasten your seatbelts!!


Edward Che – AGC SA

Deputy Chief of Communications

Ambazonia Governing Council (AGC)

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