amaralina star - qgog constellation star_2014... · amaralina star is a 6th generation drillship...

Post on 21-Jun-2018






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Amaralina Star is a 6th generation drillship constructed in Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard, in South Korea. The rig follows the Samsung 10000 Double Hull design and is equipped with high-tech devices that ensuresa maximum uptime and safer operations while minimizing emissions, discharge and human interface. Amaralina Star can drill wells up to 40,000 ft. in water depth up to 10,000 ft.


GenerAlname: Amaralina StarFlag: PanamaYear Built: 2011Builder: Samsung Heavy Industries, South KoreaDesign: Samsung 10000 Double HullClassification: ABS

MAIn DIMenSIonSlength: 218 mBreadth: 42 mDepth: 19 m

DeSIGn oPerATInG ConDITIonSMaximum Water Depth: 10,000 ft.Minimum Water Depth: 240 ft.Drilling Depth Capacity: 40,000 ft.

MAxIMuM oPerATInG / envIronMenTAl ConDITIonSnormal DrillingDraft: 40 ft.Displacement: 90,661 m tonsvariable deck load: 20,000 m tonsWind Speed (one-min. avg.): 50 knotsWave Height (maximum): 35 ft.Current Speed: 1.2 knots

STATIon KeePInGDP 3 x 3,000 meters Thrusters (6units): Kawasaki - Model KST-2-320 lF/Au, Max. output 4500 kW, 3800 mm 4 fixed blade propellerAnchor: 15 ton Kumhwa Cast Steel co.Anchor chain: 11’x 385 m Dai Han Anchor Chain Co emergency Towing Chain: 76 mm x 8.17 m rolls-royce Anchor Winlass Cu 111 u3 H - 59.7 ton nominal load.

CrAneSFour nov oC3932KCe Knuckle Boom Cranes, 85 ton x 18 Dongnam Marine provision Crane, 10 ton x 23.5 m.

DerrICKnov Derrick, Double v door, 1,000 s. ton main static Hook load and 350 s. ton. offline.

DrIll Floor80´x 95´capacity of simultaneous 1,000 s. ton hookload plus 1200 m.ton set-back capacity.setback/hookload capacity

Moon Pool41 ft. x 84 ft.

DrIllInG equIPMenTMain Derrick: rotary Table: nov rST605 1000 s.tonTop Drive: nov HPS-03 2AC KT rD Drawworks: nov SSGD-1000-5750-55-82-10.5Drilling line: Diam. 2”electric Motors Drawworks: 05 Baylor CM628TuT 1350 HP Motorselectric Magnetic Brake: Crown Mouting Compensator: nov - Stroke 25ft, 1500kipsriser Tensioner: rucker – nov, 8 unit, 200,000 lbsGuide Tensioner: rucker – Shaffer, 4 unit, 16,000 lbs each Auxiliary Derrick:False rotary Table: nov rST605-F 1000 s.tonHoisting Winch nov WInCH-90t-2 Powered Mouse Hole 15 ton, 15”x 95 ft.Hydra Tong nov MPT 200 - pipe range 3 1/2”to 9 3 /4, 140 kn.m torque.Mud Pumps: 04 nov Triplex Mud Pump - Model 14-220, 2200 HPShale Shakers: Brandt vSM 300 Desander novDesilter novBaseplate Trolley 700 t nov

BloWouT PrevenTerS (Trimmed for H2S Service)Shaffer BoP,18 3/4”x15K, two triple nxT ram body, uPPer body with upper and lower shear ram for 6 5/8”DP and 10 3/4”casing, middle super shear/blind casing ram for 13 5/8”; two single 18 3/4” annular 10k, one on lMrP and other on lower stack; vx/vT/vGx connectors H4: 2 well head conectors 18 3/4” 15k and 16 3/4”10K, and one riser Conecctor, 18 3/4”High Angle release

MArIne rISer SYSTeM 12 nov f t-H Type riser, 90 ’ Slick Joints (main tube: 21” oD x 15 /16”; choke and kill 6 .5” oD x 4 .5” ID 15.000 psi ; booster line: 5” oD x 4” ID 7500 psi )84 nov ft-H Type riser, 90’ with buoyancy (main tube: 21” oD x 7/8”; choke and kill 6.5” oD x 4.5” ID 15.000 psi; booster line: 5” oD x 4” ID 7500 psi)15 nov ft-H Type riser, 90’ with buoyancy (main tube: 21” oD x 15/16”; choke and kill 6.5” oD x 4.5” ID 15.000 psi; booster line: 5” oD x 4” ID 7500 psi)Flex-joints: flex joints: 02 oil states 18 3/4”(one on diverter and other o lMrP) running tools: 02 hydraulic riser running tools shaffer Class H + test caps; 01 spider(with 4 support digs)+ 01 gimbal for rotary table 60.5”, 01 diverter running toll2 Telescopic joints nov Type “FT” 64 ft. strokerunning tools: 2 Shaffer Class “H” Type riser running tools, 1 riser Spiderft-H with 4 support dogs for 60.5” rotary Table Handling.

eleCTrIC SYSTeMS AnD DIeSel MoTorSDiesel Motors : ST x engine - 06 units - Model 14v32 /4 0, 7,000 K W / 720 rpmMain Generator: ABB - 06, Model AMG 0900xu10 lSe, 8500 KvA, 1100 vac-60 Hz,

rIG STorAGe CAPACITIeSupper Decks:Pipe racks 835 lbs. /sq. ft. (9200 sq.ft.)riser Storage 4100 m.ton (6620 sq.ft.)Well Test Area 8200 lbs. /sq.ft. (2906 sq.ft.)Main Deck:lay Down Area 2457 lbs. /sq.ft. (3,875 sq.ft.). Sunken Deck Area 3072 lbs. /sq.ft. (2 x 1,500 sq.ft.). Weight Material & Cement:Bulk 29,664 cu. ft. (bent. Bar. Cem.)Sack 6,000 sacksliquids:Drilling Mud 6629 bbls.reserve Tanks 6428 bbls.Slug Tank 597 bbls.Sand Trap 298 bbls.Trip Tank 60 bbls.Brine Tank 6415 bbls.Fuel oil 7157 m3

Drill Water 2878 m3

Potable Water 1285 m3

SPeCIAl FeATureSrov owned by Subsea 7;Helideck 22.2 m x 22.2 m with octogonal shape for S-61 and S-92;Derrick elevator; Dual activity with auxiliar derrick and hang off table at moon pool

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