alternative splicing and adhesion properties of...

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Kimberly NcCuaig e

Department of Medicine, Division of

Experimental Medicine,

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

April 1992

A thesis submitted t0 the Faculty of Graduate Studies and

Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Master of Science.



Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor Illarker userl

clinically to assess post-operative recurrences of ln'east,

lung and colon cancers. The CEA gene famiIy, which j s part of

the immunoglobulin superfamily, is composed of several

proteins crossreative with anti-CEA antibodies.

Carcinoembryonic antigen appears ta function

development of the gastro-intestinal tract as weIl

in the

in tumor

formation; it is capable of mediating ceII-cell adhesion in

vitro which is consistent with its putative role of

maintaining tissue architecture in vivo. CEA gene fami Iy

members have also been identified in various tissues of the

mouse. Two of the mouse proteins, mmCGMla and mmCGMlb, have

been characterized. By sequence homology, rnrnCGMla and rnrnCGMlb

are the mouse homologues of human biliary glycoprotein and o[

rat hepatocyte ecto-ATPase. Both of the mouse CEA relaterl

proteins function as adhesion molecules when expressed on the

cell surface of transfectant cells; however, mmCGMld, unlike

mmCGMlb, mediates cellular aggregation irrespect ive of calcIum

concentration or temperature. Sequence comparison of rrunCGMla 1

mmCGMlb, and other cDNAs isolated by polymerase chain react ion

techniques, demonstrates that there are at least eight

possible transcripts encoding CEA-related proteins and that

these transcripts are aIl produced by alternative spI icinq of

one precursor messenger RNA.



L'antigène carcino-embryonnaire (ACE) est un marqueur de

tumeur employé en clinique pour évaluer les récurrences

postopératoires de cancer du sein, du poumon, et du côlon. La

fami Ile des gènes reliés à l'ACE, incluse dans Id superfamille

des immunoglobulines, code pour plusieurs protéines réagissant

avec des ant1corps dirigés contre l'ACE. L'antigène carcino­

embryonnaire semble participer au développement du système

digestif ainsi qu'à la formation de tumeurs. Il sert

cl' intermédiaire lors d'adhésion intercellulaire in vitro,

réflétant bien son rôle présumé dans le maintien de

l'organisation tissulaire. Des membres de la famille de l'ACE

ont aussi été identifiés dans divers tissus chez ld souris.

Deux de ces


protéines, rnmCGMla et mrnCGMlb, ont été

L'ana]yse de leur séquence fait d'elles les

homologues murins de la glycoprotéine biliaire humaine et de

l'ecto-ATPdse d' hepatocyte de rat. Elles agissent toutes deux

comme molécules d'adhesion lorsqu'exprimées à la surface de

celluJ es transfectantes, mais rnrnCGMla contrairement à mmCGMlb,

le fait indépendamment de la température d'incubation et de la

concent rat ion de calcium. La comparaison des séquences de

IlunCGMla, nunCGMlb, et d'autres ADN complémentaires isolés,

d~montre qu'au moins huit transcrits peuvent coder pour des

protéines reliées à l'ACE et que ces transcrits résultent tous

d'épissage alternatif d'un seul ARN messager précurseur.


ABSTRACT (English)

RESUME (french)







Identification of CEA

Turnor Markers

Role of CEA in Cancer and Metastélsis

CEA SulJgroup Proteins

Pregnancy-Specific Glycoproteins

Gene Cluster Organization

Transcripts of the CEA Subgroup

protein Structure of CEA Subgroup Members

Cell Adhesion Molecules


Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule

Carcinoembryonic Antigen

Mouse Homologues of Human CEA Family Member s

Functional Analysis of Murine CEA





l l

1 l 1









1 1






, 1



Abst ract 37

Int roduct ion 38


Characterlzation of the cDNA clones and

Comparison with other CEA Gene family members 40

Expression of mouse mmCGMla transcripts 43

Expression of the rnrnCGMla protein 45

mmCGM1a as a cell adhesion molecule 46

Discussion 48

Mat erials and Methods

Cell culture and transfections

Isolation of murine CEA cDNA clones

Reverse transcription and polymerase chain

ampl i fication

DNA sequence determination and analyses

\)P-labelled probes

RNA preparation and Northern analyses

Protein purification and generation of


Western analyses



Aggregation assays

















Legend to Figures

Fig.1 Restriction map and topology of nunl'UMlcl 74

Fig.2 Hornology of mmCGMla and nunCGMlb wi th

rat ecto ATPase and Human BGP

Fig.3 Expression of rnrnCGMla transcripts

in rnurine tissues

Fig.4 protein Expression

Fig.5 Adhesion Assays



Structure and Alternative Splicing

Adhesion Molecule

Role in Turnor Formation

Homologues in the Rat

Blastocyst Implantation

Signal Transduction

Calmodulin Binding Protein

Virus Receptor





'/ b


'/ H

































first halE of first inteInal Ig domain

second internal half 19 domain

second half of first internal 19 domain

biliary glycoprotein


cell adhesion molecule

complementary DNA

carcinoembryonic antigen gene family member

carcinoembryonic antigen

chronic myeloid leukemia

deoxyribonucleic acid

epidermal growth factor

fibroblast growth factor


insulin-like growth factor



mouse hepatitis virus


myosin light chain kinase

Mus musculus CEA gene family member

messengér RNA


pnnspGcific crossreacting antigen












neural cell adhesion molecule


post. coitum

polymerase chain reaction

phosphoprotein of molecular weight 120 kDa

pregnancy-specific glycoproteln

ribonucleic acid

small nuclear ribonucleotide particles

tumor specifie antigen

untranslated sequence




l would like ta acknawledge the following people for

thclr contrIbutions to my Master' s thesis: my supervisor Dr.

NIcol e BeauchemIn for her advice and technical help, as weIl

as [or preparation of the manuscript for publication and

(;n t ica l readlng of this thesis, Claire Turbide for technical

help wlth Western analyses, her contributions to the paper, as

well dS her help ln translat ing the abstract to French, Dr.

Mark Featherstone and Dr. Ron Baldassare for a cri tical

reading of this thesis.

l would also like to thank The Cancer Research Society

dnd 'J'he Medical Research Counci l of Canada for their support.



Chapter 2 of this dissertdt iO!1 was tmbmi l t- ('d fOI

publ;catlon July 19, 1991, and following sorne InlnOr rpvlsiom"

was accepted and published in Cell Growth and Dlffen--'nt"iat 10n,

vol. 3 , 165-174, March 1992. A note was added III proof to

acknowledge that, after the submission of this ['aper 1 tlH' cDNA

sequence of the mouse hepatitis VLLUS receptor l'Vas publ i [;lwd

(G.S. Dveksler et al., J. Viral., 65: 6881-6891, 1991). 'NilS

sequence is identical to that of the coding region of mmCC;M la.

Both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions are di f [ercmt f rom

those of the mmCGMla cDNA. However, the 3 ' unt l'dns lated

regions of both the hepatitis virus receptor and the mmCCMlb

are identical up to the first polyadenylat ion l:om;ennUf)

sequence, therefore reinforcing the statement thdt dl terndt ive·

splicing and alternate usage of pOlyadenylation signaIs

generate many transcripts from a single gene.

The submission of this paper wouid not have been posslblp

on my own. RNA isolation from mouse tissues, the pur j EiCd t j on

and preparation of the polyclonal antibody uned tu eVr..Iludt(!

the production of mrnCGMla protein by trdnsfectant c(~lln 1 t h(~

immunof luorescence assays 1 and the immunoprec ipi la t ion

experiments were done by Claire Turbide. The construct- ion of

the mouse colon cDNA library wh; ch was screened 1 and the

original screening using a human CEA cDNA prohe, was done hy

Nicole Beauchemin. The other work presented in Un 0 pdper was



done hy myself. These experiments include the purification of

partial cDNA clones, reconstruction of a cDNA encoding the

full length mmCGMla protein, Northern blot analyses, PCR

analyses, sequencing, transfection of the rrunCGMla cDNA into

NIH 3T3 cells, evaluation of transfectant clones by Northern

and Wester~ analyses, anè the adhesion assays. The cioning

dnd sequencing of other alternatively spliced cDNAs from mouse

colon RNA, uSlng PCR techniques, as described in the

discussion, was aiso done on my own.




Identification of CHA:

Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) was originally described

by Gold and Freedman in 1965 as a glycoprotein specific for

malignant turnors of endodermally derived tissues (Gold and

Freedman, .1965). The isolation of CEA was based on the theory

that turnor cells bear specifie antigens (TSAs) not found on

normal cells. An extract of hurnan tumor was inj ected into

animaIs with the assumption that the resuiting antiserum would

contain antibodies against tumor specifie antigens as weIl as

against normal hurnan tissue. The antibodies raised against

normal tissue could then be titrated out leaving an antiserum

recognizing tumor specifie antigens only.

Tumor Markers:

Turnor markers can potentially be used in screening for

cancer, either in the initial diagnosis and prognosis, or in

the assessment of the effectiveness of therapy (Gold and

Shuster, 1981). Many tl.lmor cells secrete substances into the

circulation which may reflect the state of the tumor, either

quantitatively or qualitatively.

In most cases, cancers are sufficiently differentiated to

permit the identification of the tissue of origin by routinE:'

microscopie sections. However, frequently tumor cells are

( poorly differentiated, and establishing the origin of a


metastasis becomes difficult. Since tumors wi th the same

origin often express the same tumor markers, these antigens

are useful in cellular identification by rddio-inununodssay

techniques (Shuster et al., 1980). An aeeurate morphologie

diagnosis is important due to the development of specifie

radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic protocols used for

particular cancers.

Tumor markers may be normal tissue constituents

inappropriately expressed, or may be tumor speeiflc antigens

which are never expressed at any time on normal cells (Shuster

et al., 1980). Tumor markers of the first type ean be

subdivided into groups (Robbins et al., 1984):

1) Products normally produced by plasma celis or

endocrine glands are expressed at elevated leveis. Examples

are: human chorionic gonadotropin in choriocarcinomas,

hydatidiform mole, seminoma, teratocarcinoma of the testis,

and ovarian carcinoma; human placental lactogen in

trophorlastic neoplasms, and calcitonin in thyroid medullary


2) Ectopie production of hormones by tumors of

nonendocrine origin (paraneoplastic syndromes). For examp le,

the production of erythropoietin by renal cell carClnomas.

3) Change in production of enzymes such as acid

phosphatase in prostatic carcinoma and galactosyltransferase

II in nancreatic, gastric, and breast carcinomas.

4) Production of oncofetal antigens. These are proteins


normally expressed during embryonic or fetal development but

not present in adult tissues. Examples are: Carcinoembryonic

Antigen in colonie, pancreatic, bronchogenic, gastric, and

breast carcinomas, Alfa-fetoprotein in hepatocellular

carcinoma and germ cell tumors, and pancreatic oncofetal

antigen in pancreatic, bronchogenic, and gastric carcinomas.

Since all of these mo1ecules are norrnal1y expressed at

one time in the host, no immune response can be generated

against them. The hast is, however, capable of mounting an

anti-tumor immune response, indicating the presence of

specifie tumor antigens not seen prevl0us1y by the hest

(Shuster et al., 1980).

The second type of turnor rnarkers elicit an immune

response since they are foreign to the hosto Viral antigens

and proteins generated by gene rearrangements belong to this

class of tumor marker. These antigens ref1ect the

individua1ity of each tumor; each chemica1 carcinogen-induced

tumor expresses its own unique TSAs, while aIl tumors induced

by the same virus share the same TSAs. Detection of an

antiturnor immune response, in either case is useful in

diagnosing and managing patients with malignancy without

isolating the specifie turnor antigens (Shuster et al., 1980).

The possibility of using turnor markers in precise

localization and destruction of maligna.nt cells is under

investigation. Radiolabelling antibodies against tumor

mdrkers would specifically identify cancer cells, a110wing

1 4

localizat ion of primary and metastat ic tumors wi t Il

radioscanning techniques (Goldenberg et al., 1978). Also, if

antibodies of sufficient affinity and specificity were

developed, coupling them to antitumor agents would bring the

therapeutic agent directly to the site of action, sparing

normal tissues from destruction.

Role of CHA in Cancer and Netastasis:

At first, the usefulness of CEA as a tumor marker for

colon cancer looked promising. However, CEA or CEA-like

proteins have been detected in many tissues and in body fluids

of patients with other tumor types or without malignant

disease (Neville and Caurence 1974). It became apparent that

if CEA was to be used as a tumor marker, purificatlon and

characterization of these cross-reacting proteins was


Since then, evidence that CEA exists ln normal colon

tissue has been reported (Fritsche and Mach, 1978). However,

CEA mRNA levels are 6-10 times higher in colon carcinomas, and

corresponding protein levels are 2-100 times higher (Boucher

et al., 1989). No correlation exists between these mRNA and

protein levels. Gene rearrangement or amplification is not

evident, however, demethylation may be cl factor (Tran et al.,

1988; Boucher et al., 1989). These observations implicate

regulatory control of transcription as weIl as post­

transcriptional mechanisms.


The seriaI CEA concentration in sera of cancer patients

(gastro-intestinal, breast, and lung cancer) has proven useful

in monitoring post-operative recurrences (Gold and Shuster

1981). AIso, patients exhibiting serum CEA levels exceeding

5 ng/ml preoperatively, have a poorer prognosis than those

having lower levels (Wanebo et al., 1978). Recently, Jessup

and Thomas (Jessup et al., 1988) have shown that 81% of

carcinomas expressing high levels of CEA were tumorigenic in

nude mice compared to 54 % of carcinomas expressing low levels.

Since 80% of patients who die of colorectal carcinomas

bear li ver metastases (Willis, 1973), the role of CEA in

metastasis was examined. CEA may be involved in several steps

of metastasis including the detachment of cells from the

primar.y tumor mass, the survival of tumor cells in the

circulation, and the implantation and invasion into secondary

sites. Redistribution of CEA on the cell surface, leads ta a

loss of polarity of tumor cells, and disrupts the regular

organization of colon tissue. This change in tissue

archi tecture affects intercell ular contacts, allowing tumor

cells to dissociate and disseminate intravascularly (Benchimol

et al., 1989). Once in the circulation, CEA may inhibit host

defense mechanisms by directly inhibiting lymphocyte function

or by lnducing lmmunosuppressi ve factors (Medoff et al., 1988;

Hakim, 1984). After entering the circulation, malignant cells

arres t in a capi llary bed or organ, implant, and invade

through the basement membrane into the parenchyma of the


organ. The presence of CEA enhances the attdchment of

circulating cells, allowing them to implant. CEA injected

intravenously into nude mice causes both Kupffer cells and

hepatocytes to display CEA on their cell surface, resulting in

increased colony formation of a poorly metastatic colorectal

carcinoma ceilline in the liver (Hostetter et al. 1990).

Interestingly, this cellular attachment can be competitively

inhibited by a short peptide derived from a region of CEA

which has homology with protease sequences (Thomas et al.,

1991) . This homology suggests that an endogenous CEA

proteolytic activity may act to facilitate invasion.

CHA Subgroup Glycoproteins:

The CEA gene family can be divided into two subgroups.

The CEA subgroup genes encode CEA and its classical

crossreacting antigens, while the second gene subgroup

contains the pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSG) (Barnett

and Zimmermann, 1990). Two major crossreacting proteins in

the CEA subgroup have been identified through cross-reactivity

with anti-CEA antibodies. Non-specifie ~ross-reacting Antigen

(NCA) was first described in normal lung and spleen by von

Kleist et al. in 1972. ThIs protein was named NCA because lt

was found to be neither organ nor tumor specifie. Norrna 1

colon tissue, granulocytes, as weIl as breast carcinoffids dnd

leukocytes of CML patients, also conta in NCA (Cournoyer et

al., 1988).


A second cross-reactive protein identified was bilia1Y

glycoprotein (BGP). Its isolation was based on the

observation that a large number of patients with non­

carcinomatous biliary obstruction had false positive CEA serum

tests (Moore et al., 1972). Svenberg, using polyclonal anti­

CEA antibodies, purified a CEA-like protein, BGP1, from normal

hepatic bile (Svenberg, 1976). He also discovered that bile

from patients with an obstruction did not contain BGP1, but

had instead, two other proteins that he named BGPII and BGPIII

(Svenberg, 1976). BGP is also expressed in colon,

granulocytes, leukocytes, and in many tumor types such as

colon, breast, pancreas, gastric, hepatic and bladder

carcinomas (Hinoda et al., 1990; Kuroki et al., 1991a and

1991b) .

pregnancy-Specific Glycoproteins:

The second subgroup of the CEA gene family, the PSGs,

were ini tially labelled pregnancy-specific because they could

only be identified in pregnant women. The initial isolation

of PSG from placenta led investigators to believe it

const ituted a single protein. However, further analyses

revealed a number of related proteins differing in molecular

weight, electrophoretic mobility, and antigenicity (Sorensen,

1984) . However, these proteins possess common antigenic

determinants. Placental syncytiotrophoblasts constitute the

major production sites of PSGs (Bischof, 1984) .


Extraplacental production has been noted ln the testis,

intestine, uterus, submanèibular gland, fetal l ivt=>l" ,

hematopoeitic cells and bone marrow (Khan et al., 1989; Khall

and Harrunarstrom, 1989 and 1990; zinunermann et al., 1989;

Borjigin et al., 1990; Shupert et al., 1990; Tease and Chan,

unpublished data; Zoubir et al, 1990; Bischof, 1984).

Normal, non-pregnant women produce PSGs ln very low

levels. The PSG serum levels are greatly lncreased before

implantation and progressively rlse throughout pre~nancy

(Bischof, 1984). Lower than normal levels of PSGs correlate

with increased risk of abortion (Ho et al.,

possibility of ectopie pregnancy (Bischof,

proteins are also important in identifying

1988), and thp.

1984). These

f et al syndromes

such as Meckel's syndrome (Heikinheimo et al., 1982), Down's

syndrome (Bartels and Lindrnann, 1988), and fetal alcohoJ

syndrome (Heikinheimo et al., 1987), as weIl as in ident ifYlng

gestational trophoblastic tumors (Takayama et al., 1987) and

breast cancer (Bischof et al., 1984).

Gene Cluster Organization:

In humans, approximately 20 genes coding for CEA family

members are clustered on the long arm of chromosome 19, trom

19q13.1 to 19q13.3 (Zimmermann et al., 1988; Schonk et al.,

1990). Nine genes belong to the CEA subgroup and 13 genes to

the PSG subgroup. The CEA genes are in a tandem array,

separated by 12 kb (Thompson et al., 1990; Leslie et al.,


1990), while the PSG genes are more closely linked, being

separated by only 6 kb. The order of the genes on the

chromosome is CGM7, CGM2, CEA, NCA, and CGM1 closest to the

centroml're, BGP, CGM6, and CGM8 in the middle, and the PSG

c1uster closest to the telomere (Thompson et al., 1991).

C10ning and sequencing of the upstream regions of CEA, NCA

(Schrewe et al., 1990; Willcocks and Craig, 1990), and two

PSG (Watanabe and Chou, 1988; Thompson et al., 1990) subgroup

members, reveals the absence of 'rATA or CMT-box consensus

sequences. Transcriptional regulation must occur through

other elements not yet identified. The close linkage of the

PSG cluster may indicate coordinated expression through use of

common regulatory elements (Thompson et al., 1990; Leslie et

al., 1990). Relative position on the chromosome may also be

elemental in regulating CEA and NCA genes, since they are

almost always co-expressed (Cournoyer et al., 1988; Sato et

al., 1988: Boucher et al., 1989).

Transcripts of the CHA subgroup:

Complementary DNAs (cDNAs) for CEA, NCA, and BGP1 have

been isolated and sequenced (Beauchemin et al., 1987;

Neumaier et al., 1988: Oikawa et al., 1987; Barnett et al.,

1988; Tawaragi et al., 1988: Hinoda et al., 1988: Barnett

et al., 1989). A high degree of sequence homology exists

bptween the cDNAs. NCA lS 90% homologous to CEA at the

nucleotide level (Neumaier et al., 1988; Tawagari et al.,

1 10

1988), while BGP shows 80% homology respectively, in lts fn-st

two domains (Barnett et al., 1988; Hinoda et al., 1988). The

domain structure of these rnRNAs suggests that this gene fùmily

evolved from a common gene ancestor, shared with neurcll Cl'll

adhesion molecule and (lj!S-glycoprotein (Thompson et- al.,

1987) .

The domain structure of the transcripts encoding t'EA

family members is the following: a reglon encoding a 34 amHlO

acid hydrophobie leader sequence, a region encoding an N­

terminal domain resembling an immunoglobulin varIable domain,

and a seri es of repeating units whose prctein sequenc:e

suggests a C2-type irnmunoglobulin structure. The CEA cDNA

contains three internaI repeating domains (Beauchemin et al.,

187; Oikawa et al., 1987; Zimmermann et al., 1987) whi le

that of NCA possesses only one (Neumaler et al., 19B7 ;

Tawaragi et al., 1988). BGP rnRNA encodes one complete C2-typ('~

domain followed by a BGP-specific region exhibiting

chacteristics of only half of a C2-type unit (Barnett et al.,

1988; Hinoda et al., 1988).

Although the coding regions for CEA and NCA are highly

conserved, there are differences ln the 3' untranslated

regions of the mature rnRNAs (Zimmermann et al., 1988). The

transcripts encoding BGP, however, show no significanl

homology to either CEA or NCA untranslated regions (Barnett et­

;'lI., 1988). Since the greatest divergence between CEA, NCA,

and BGP rnRNAs lies in the 3' untranslated sequence, thesé



regions were used as specifie probes to identify the

corresponding trar.scripts. Northern blot analyses on RNA from

various tissues demonstrated that each family member presented

cl unique expression pattern and was encoded by distinct

transcripts. CEA was represented by a 3.0 kb and a 3.5 kb

mRNA (Cournoyer et al., 1988; z imme rmann et al., 1988),

di f fering only in the length of the 3' UT, and the use of

dlfferent polyadenylation sites. Using NCA as a probe, only

a 2.6 kb rnRNA was evident (Cournoyer et al., 1988 i Zimmermann

et al., 1988). 'rhe BGP 3 'U'!' probe identified a number of

transcripts (1.8, 2.2, 3.7, and 3.9 kb) (Barnett et al.,

1989) . Analyses of several BGP cDNA clones and of the BGP

gene, demonstrated that several different rnRNAs were produced

by alternative splicing of a precursor rnRNA (Barnett et al.,

1989) .

Prote in Structure of CEA Subgroup Hembers:

The protein structure of CEA family members classifies

them as part of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily (Paxton et

al., 1987; Williams and Barclay, 1988). Proteins of the

immunoglobulin superfamily share the inununoglobulin

C'omposed of 90-100 amino acids arranged in a sandwich of two

sheets of antiparallel fS-strands, usually stabilized by a

disulfide bond at its centre (Williams annd Barclay, 1988).

The N-terminal domain of CEA, NCA, or BGP, exhibits an

iImnunoglobulin domain structure lacking the intrachain


disulfide bridge, but the formation of a salt bridge replacing

the disulfide bridge has been postulated (Thompson et clI.,

1989) . The internaI repeating units contain the necessary

conserved cysteine residues for disulfide bridge formation as

weIl as conserved motifs found in the Ig C2 type domains

(Williams and Barclay, 1988).

CEA, NCA, and BGP are highJy glycosylated proteins

(greater than 40% by weight) existing on the cell surface but

differing however, in their modes of attachment. CEA and NCA

are processed at the carboxyl terminus and linked by a

glycophospholipid moiety to the cell membrane (Takami et al. 1

1988; Hefta et al., 1988; Kolbinger et al., 1989). BGP is

anchored to the cell through a hydrophobic, putatlve

transmembrane domain. BGP is also unique in that it lS the

only family member expressing a cytoplasmic domain (Hi noda et

al., 1988; Barnett et al., 1989).

Cell Adhesion Molecules:

The amine acid sequence of CEA bears the most resemblance

to various mernbers of the immunoglobulin superfamily. TIns

large gene family includes immunoglobulin molecules, T cell

receptors 1 growth factor receptors, and intercellular adhesion

molecules such as N-CAM, T -CAM1, l -CAM2 1 and CD4 (Wi 1] iams and

Barclay, 1988; Springer, 1990). These molecules are aIl

involved, in sorne way, in cellular recognition. Since CEA is

expressed in large amounts by the cells of the déveloping


colon (Benchimol et al., 1989), an adhesion role during

embryogenesis has been hypothesized.

An important property of cells during morphogenesis, is

their ability to recognize identical cell types when mixed

with other cell types (Townes and Holtfreter, 1955). This

selectivity is due to specifie homophilic and heterophilic

adhesion molecules present on the cell surface. Two classes

of cellular adhesion molecules have been weIl characterized in

deve1opment: the immunoglobulin superfamily of which NCAM is

the most studied (Cunningham et al., 1987), and the cadherins

(Takeichi, 1988).


The cadherins can be further di vided into subclasses,

including E-, N-, and p-cadhrrin (Yoshida and Takeichi, 1982;

Hatta et al., 1985; Hat ta and Takeichi, 1986; Nose and

Takeichi, 1986; Shirayoshi et al., 1986). Many more

cadherin-like molecules have been eharacterized across a range

of animal speeies. The fat tumor suppressor gene in

Drosophila encodes a cadherin-like protein containing 34

tandem cadherin domains (Mahoney et al., 1991).

Cadherins mediate homophilic, ealcium-dependent cellular

adhesion (Yoshida and Takeiehi, 1982 i Yoshida-Noro et al.,

1984). This adhesion mechanism is very specifie; E-eadherin

only binds to cells expressing E-cadherin, and the strength of

adhesion is directly proportional to the amount of E-cadherin


expressed on the cell surface (Takeichi et al., 1981). Most

tissue types contain at least one type of cadherin, with

multiple cadherin subclasses co-expressed in varying

combinations. As weIl, the pattern of expression within d

cell layer can change throughout development (Takeichi, 1988).

The organization of distinct cell layers is dependent on the

differential expression of cadherin subclasses during

morphogenesis (Damjanov et al., 1986; Vestweber et al.,

1987). 'l'wo well-studied processes, where different cell

groups originating from one cell layer exhibi t dist inct

patterns of cadherin expression when separating from each

other, are lens vesicle formation and development of the

neural tube (Takeichi, 1988).

Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule:

Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (N-CAM) also plays a role

in neural development, mediating neuron-neuron and certain

neuron-muscle adhesions. Three different forms of N-CAM have

been cloned, and the encoderl. proteins can exist in two

glycosylation states (Cunningham et al., 1987). The proteins

with high carbohydrate content (N-CAM-H) are present during

development. A gradual decrease in sialic acid content occun.>

in the conversion to the adult form of N-CAM (N-CAM-L) i

however, N-CAM-L has also been detected in the early stages Ol

embryonic development (Rutishauser and .Jessel, 1988). In

early nervous system development, N-CAM-L could contribute to



the stability of neural epithelium during neurulation

(Rutishauser and Jessel, 1988). As development progresses,

decreased adhesiveness could facilitate cell migration and

axonal extension. Once the celis have reached their final

destination, re-expression of N-CAM-L stabilizes the position

and connections of fully differentiated neurons (Rutishauser

anù Jessel, 1988)

carcinoembry~nic Antigen:

Because many colon carcinoma cell lines grow as

aggregates (Rutzky et al. 1 1984), a cell adhesion function was

postulated for CEA. Human colon adenocarcinoma cells

expresslng high or low levels of CEA on the cell surface as

weIl as rodent cells transfected with CEA cDNA, were submitted

to aggregation assays (Benchimol et al., 1989). Celis with

CEA on their surface formed calcium-independent, homotypic

aggregates and the formation of such aggregates could be

specifically inhibited with anti-CEA antibodies. The extent

of aggregation was directly proportional to the CEA expression

level. Other CEA family members have been shown to function

as adhesion moleculesj however, BGP (Rojas et at., 1990),

unlike CEA and NCA (Benchimol et al., 1989; Oikawa et al.,

1989), requires calcium and physiologicai temperatures for its

adhesion function.




Nouse Homologues of Human CHA pami ly Nembers:

Further studies of the function(s) of CEA in development

as well as in tumor formation and metastasis, required animal

models. Animal models would allow approaches such as

transgenesis, controlled carcinogenesis, and in situ

assessment of expression during development. CEA-related

proteins had been detected in chemically-induced colonic

adenocarcinomas, embryonic tissue, and normal adult tissue in

rats (Abeyounis and Milgrom, 1976) Proteins cross-reactive

with anti-CEA antibodies had a] 50 been identified in the lung

and spleen of Macaca monkeys (Engvall et al., 1976) 1 as weIl

as in blood samples from other primates (Haagensen et al.,

1982) .

Murine CEA-like proteins, with a molecular weight of 120

kDa, were identified uSlng polyclonal anti-human CEA

antibodies (Beauchemin et al., 1989). A homologue of human

CEA family members was isolated from a mouse colon cDNA

library, using as a probe for screening, a restliction

fragment of the human CEA cDNA encoding the N-terminal domain.

The mouse N-terminai domain sequence showed 72.6% homology to

the N-terminai domain of human CEA, while the first internaI

repeating domain was 79.4% homologous (Beauchemin et al.,

1989) .

The spatial and temporal expression of murine CEA family

memben during mouse development, was examined us ing both

Northern blot analyses and in situ hybridization (Huang et


al., 1990). Mouse CEA probes detected transcripts in mouse

fetuses from 11.5 days ta 17.5 days post coitum (p.c.).

Northern analyses of RNA isolated from fetal intestine and

from colon of newborn pups, detected transcripts at 16.5 days

post coitum and continuing into adulthood. In order to more

accurately define the embryonic tissues expressing CEA family

members, in situ hybridization on sections of fetuses 10.5-

18.5 days p. c. and of newborn pups was performed. Many

tissues of the developing embryos and fetuses contained

transcripts encoding CEA family members; these tissues

included meninges, cartilage and bone, blood vessel walls,

placenta, dermis, muscle layers of the stomach and intestine,

and bronchioles.

Although the mouse CEA gene family members demonstrate a

striking homology to human CEA family members at the amine

acid level, their patterns of expression during development

are quite different. Human CEA is expressed in epithelial

tissues derived from the endoderm (von Kleist et al., 1986;

Nap et al., 1988); however, mouse CEA is found in tissues

derived from mesenchymal cells (Huang et al., 1990).

Developmental expression patterns of homologous genes are

usually well conserved between species. Therefore, the

different CEA expression patterns observed in mouse and in

humdns may indicate that these homologous proteins have

adopted different functions in different species. This

discrepancy may also result from the fact that several CEA

1 18

family members exist in mouse and ln ITtan èlnd these fdnlily

members may crossreact.

Pregnancy Specific-like family members have also been

identified in rat and in mouse. Unique to these proteins is

the expression of repeating Ig variable-like N-domains (3-5

copies) followed by one IgC-like region (Thompson et al.,

~989; Rebstock et al., 1990). Assignment to lhe PSG subgroup

is based on expression pattern alone; they are expressed in

the placenta and are directly secreted (Thompson et al.,

1989) .

Functional Analysis of Murine CBA:

As demonstrated by Northern blot analyses, many mouse CEA

gene family members exist (Beauchemin et al., 1989). One of

these family members, rnrnCGM2, possessing an N-terminal domain

and an A2 domain as well as putative transmembrane and short

cytoplasmic domains, has recently been characterized (Turbide

et al., 1991). Upon transfection of the cDNA into an LTA

mouse fibroblast cell line, these cells acquired the ability

to form aggregates in the presence of calcium at physiologic:al


In the same screening of the mouse colon cDNA li brary

which produced the full coding sequence of rnrnCGM2, a partial

cDNA clone of mmCGM1 was isolated. Chapter 2 of this

dissertation describes the isolation of a full length cDNA for

mmCGMl and the assessment of mmCGM1 protein as an


lntercellular adhesion molecule. As well, evidence that

mmCGMl is generated by alternative splicing of one gene is


l 20


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This rnanuscript was prepared for publication. McCuaig, R., Turbide, C., and Beauchemin, N. Cell Growth and Differentiation vol. 3, 165-174.



Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a human tumor marker and the

prototype of a large family of irnmunoglobulin-like proteins.

We have been developing a mouse modei for this large protein

family and have cloned a complementary DNA for a mouse CEA

gene family member (rnmCGM1a). Two transcripts expressed in

several different adult mouse tissues hybridize to this cDNA,

a 1.8 kb and a 4.6 kb mRNA. Sequences of many related cDNA

clones indicate that they are most likely encoded by a single

gene which undergoes alternative splicing. The protein encoded

by the rnmCGM1a cDNA shares 69% of the amino acid residues in

the N-terminal domain with a rat liver ecto-ATPase and with

the human biliary glycoprotein. Mouse fibroblast transfectant

ceoiis expressing the mmCGM1a protein on their cell surface

exhibit calcium- and temperature-independent adhesion in vitro

which can be specifically inhibited by an antibody raised

against a CEA-related 120 kD proteine



Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA1) is a heavily glycosylated

protein used clinically as a tumor marker to detect

recurrences of many types of tumors (1,2). This 180 kD

glycoprotein belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily (3,4)

and is the prototype of the large CEA family of proteins (5).

Following the cloning of CEA (6-9), many other related

proteins have been cloned: the CEA-related group (CEA, NCA,

BGP, CGM1, CGM6, CGM7) and the pregnancy-specific group (PSG1-

Il) (for references, see 10). AlI of these human proteins

display a similar structure where the N-terminal domain

resembles a variable immunoglobulin domain and the internaI

repeating domains are C2-set Ig domains (11). These proteins

are, however, different in their cell membrane attachment

mechanism and in their expreSSlon pattern. Biliary

glycoprotein (BGP) bears a transmembrane domain and a long or

short intracytoplasmic tail (12,13) while CEA, NCA and CGM6

are at tached to the cell membrane by a glycophospholipid

anchor (14-17) . The pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSG) are

generally secreted (18). Most CEA-related family members are

expressed at the apical membrane of Epithelial cells of many

IThe abbreviations used are: CEA, carcinoembryonic antigeni NCA, normal cross-reacting antigen; BGP, biliary glycoprotein; CGM, CEA gene family member; PSG, pregnancy-specific glycoproteini Ig, immunoglobulin; TCA, trichloroacetic acid; EDTA, ethyJenediaminetetraacetic acid; EGTA, ethylene­bis(oxyethylenenitrilo)-tetraacetic acid; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; MOPS, morpholinopropanesulfonic acid.

1 l


normal tissues and tumour cells (1) while the pregnancy­

specific-like proteins are usually found in placenta (19),

testis (20) and choriocarcinomas (18).

The functions of these family members have been

investigated. CEA, NCA and BGP are cell adhesion molecules as

demonstrated by in vitro aggregation assays (21-23)i CEA Inùy

also play a role in intestinal tissue organization during

development (21). Both CEA and NCA have also been shown to

recognize Escherichia coli extracted from human gut or trachecl

(24) • PSG has been postulated to function as an

immunomodulator during pregnancy (25).

In order to develop a mouse model for the human CEA gene

family, we first constructed and screened a mouse colon cDNA

library using a human CEA cDNA restriction fragment. Several

clones were isolated from this cDNA librarYi a partial

sequence of mmCGM1 (Mus musculus CEA gene family member) has

previously been reported (26). A second cDNA clone (~nCGM2)

has recently been characterized as a cell adheslon molecule

(27). We now wish to report on the full length ~nCGMl cDNAi

we also present evidence that these mouse CEA gene famjly

members are splice variants of the same gene and that they

share tissue specificity as weIl as function, although rnrnCGM1,

unlike mmCGM2, encodes a protein that behaves as a calcium-

and temperature-independent cell adhesion molecule. In order

to comply with the adopted nomenclature for these gene family

members (10), we shall henceforth refer to mmCGMl as mmCGM1Q

( 40

and mmCGM2 (27) as mrnCGMlQ.


Characterization of the cDNA Clones and Comparison with Other

CHA Gene Family Hembers:

A first screening of the mouse colon cDNA library

produced 92 positive clones, the majority of which enclosed

inserts of either 1.42 (mrnCGMla) or 1.31 kb (mmCGM1b).

Initial nucleotide sequence analyses indicated that clone 46

was composed of an incomplete N-terminal domain, followed by

C2-set immunoglobulin domains (11). This cDNA clone also

enclosed a transmembrane and a cytoplasmic domain followed by

306 bp of 3' untranslated region (Fig.lA). To obtain the 5'

end of this cDNA clone, the same library was rescreened with

two probes: a 5' EcoRl-Sstl and a 3' Accl-EcoRl restriction

fragments of the clone 46. Several cDNA inserts were

analyzed, one of which (clone 23) contained an identical

nucleotide sequence overlapping the partial N-terminal

sequence of clone 46. Clone 23 also contained a 5'

untranslated region (104 bp), a putative leader sequence (102

bp) and the complete mrnCGMla N-terminal domain homologous to

mmCGMlb. In addition, clone 23 contained an A2 domain, a

t ransmembrane and a cytoplasrnic domain as weIl as a 3'

untranslated region identical to that of mmCGMlb (27) but

extended this 3' untranslated region by 200 bp and terminated

with a polyadenine tail. A full length mrnCGMla cDNA (Fig. lA)

1 41

was reconstructed by combining the EcoRl-BamHl of clone 23

with the BarnHl-EcoRl portion of clone 46. To ascertaln that

such a full length clone existed in the mRNA population,

reverse transcript ion of colon RNA

chain amplification (peR) of the

followed by polymerase

first strand cDNA WdS

performed using oligonucleotides within the N-terminal and A2

domains, as described in Materials and Methods. 'l'Wo PCR

fragments were obtained and sequenced: one band exhibi ted

identical nucleotide sequence to the N-terminal, Al, 81 and A2

domains of the reconstructed mmCGM1a while the second band

represented the sp1icing of tht: N-terminal to the A2 domain

and was identical to cDNA clone 23, confirming that both RNA

species are expressed in mouse adult colon.

The protein sequence encoded by rrunCGMla and the

structural features common to CEA gene family members are

shown in Fig. 1Bi this protein exhibits a 34 amino aei.d region

corresponding to a signal sequence as defined by von Heijne

(28). The mature protein contains a 108 amino acid N-terminaJ

domain with characteri stics of an immunogiobul in variable

region (11). This domain supports three N-I inked

glycosylation sites, two of whieh are eornmonly found in aIl

CEA gene famiIy members of all species studied so far (huma.n,

rat and mouse). It is thought that a salt bridge can forrn

using the charged residues (GREIl} and (KDMGV} of the N­

terminal domain (29). The N-terminal domain is followed by

three C2-set irnmunoglobulin domains (Al, B1, A2) (11)


exhibiting two cysteine residues per domain (identified ~n

Fig. lB) which are postulated to form intrachain disulphide

bonds. Contrary to the human BGP protein, a third cysteine

thought to be invol ved in dimer formation (13) is absent from

the A2 domain. A short 10 amine acid linker region (Li in

Fig. lA) hooks these immunoglobulin domains to a transmembrane

domain and a 10 amine acid putative intracytoplasmic tail rich

in serines and glycines. A stop codon is found at nucleotide

1478. Sixteen N-linked glycosylation consensus sequences are

spread throughout the N-terminal and C2 -set inununoglobulin

domains. The predicted molecular weight of the mature protein

(before post-translational modifications) is estimated to be

46.5 kD.

We have compdred the mmCGM1a DNA and protein sequences

with those of mouse mmCGM1b, rat hepatocyte ecto-ATPase (30)

and human biliary glycoprotein (BGP, 12,13) (Fig. 2). The

signal sequences of mmCGM1a and mmCGM1b display only two

conservative replacements. The first thirty-seven residues of

the N-terminal domains of these two clones are identical while

significant substitutions characterize the core of this N

domain. The Al and B1 domains found in rnmCGM1a are absent and

possibly spliced out of rnrnCGMlb (indicated by dashes in Fig.

2). The mouse cDNAs share 85% of their DNA sequences in the

signal sequence and N-terminal domain (87% at protein level)

while the rat ecto-ATPase is 75% homologous (69% at protein

level) to rnmCGM1a and the human BGP is 69% homologous (69% at

'f , 43

protein level). The internaI repeat structures (Al, BI, A2)

of the mouse, rat and human cDNAs share 99%, 86% and 73% of

their bases (98%, 87% and 73% of their amIno acids)

respectively. Three nucleotide changes leading to three amino

acid substitutions are seen in the mouse A2 domains of rnrnCGMld

and mmCGMlb. The linker region as weIl as the transmembrdne

and putative intracytoplasmic domains of the two mouse ('Innes

are identical. However, the 3' untranslated regions are

radically different.

Bxpression of Nouse mmCGMla Transcripts:

Hybridization with a probe consisting of clone 46 (Fig.

lA) revealed several transcripts which react or crossreact

with this probe in many tissues, as can be seen in Fig. 3A.

A predominant transcript measured as 4.6 kb was the most.

abundant in colon, uterus, kidney and liver (Fig. 3A) as weIl

as in gallbladder and small intestine (data not shown).

Underexposure of the autoradiogram demonstrated that the same

discrete transcripts seen in uterus were also expressed in

colon where transcript expression was most abundant. Several

other less abundant transcripts were apparent ; n colon,

uterus, li ver, ovary and placenta. Crossre,3ct i vit y wi th the

mouse probe was also observed with human colon carcinoma RNA

(L8180) where four transcripts were detected. As noticed

previously (27), upon Northern analyses, many mouse tissues


did not express any detectable transcripts: brain, pancreas,

heart, lung, bladder, testes, spleen and breast (data not

shown) as weIl as fibroblasts (LTA) (Fig. 3A). Equal loading

of the samples was assessed by rehybridization with a fS-actin

probe (Fig. 3B).

Assignment of a specifie transcript to mmCGMla was done

using either restriction fragments or oligonucleotides. The

104 bp 5' untranslated region (EcoRl-Ddel) detected only a 4.6

kb mRNA (Fig. 3C, panel A) while a longer EcoRl-BamHl

restriction fragment containing the same 5' untranslated

region, the signal sequence and two thirds of the N-terminal

domain detected both a 1. 8 and 4.6 kb rnRNA (Fig. 3C, panel B).

A 19-mer oligonucleotide corresponding to the 5' end of clone

46 was also used as a probe as its sequence was different from

that of the corresponding oligonucleotide in mmCGM1b: at low

stringency (Fig. 3C, panel Cl, this oligonucleotide recognized

a 1.8, a 4.1 and a 4.6 kb transcript. However, raising the

stringency of the washes retained only the 4.6 kb signal (data

not shawn). A 60 bp Accl-EcoRl restriction fragment at the 3'

terminus (Fig. 3C, panel D) or an Sspl-EcoRl probe including

the transmembrane and short intracytoplasmic domain as weIl as

the specifie 3' untranslated region (data not shown) detected

only the 4.6 kb transcript. Therefore, two main transcripts

respond to hybridization with specifie mmCGMla probes: a 1.8

kb and a 4.6 kb rnRNA.

i 45

Expression of the mmCGNla protein:

The rnrnCGM1a cDNA was inserted in the sense and a~tisense

orientation into the p91023B vector (31) where transcription

of the cDNA is insured by the adenovirus major Idte' promoter.

These contructs were coprecipitated with the pSV2neo plasrnid

into a mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line (NIH3T3). Several

sense and antisense transfectant cell clones were selected and

evaluated for their production of a mmCGMla CEA-related


'l'wo antibodies were used: a polyclonal anti-hurndn CEA

antibody raised against purified human CEA extracted from

liver metastases of primary colonie adenocarcinomas and d

polyclonaJ antibody raised aga:i nst a p120 CEA-related protein

purified from mouse colon as described in Materials and

Methods. The purified mouse p120 protein used as antigen did

not react with antibodies raised against other cell adhesion

molecules known to be present in mouse colon, such as E­

Cadherin (results not shown) (32). As (~an be seen in Fig. 4A,

both mouse colon membrane proteins (lanes 1, 7 and 12) and the

purified p120 protein (lane 2) contained proteins

immunoprecipitated by either the anti-hurnan CEA antibody

(lanes 1, 2, 12) or the anti-mouse p120 antibody (lane 7).

The affinity of the anti-hurnan CEA antibody for the p120

protein is less, however, than that of the anti -mouse p120

antibody as can be seen in the immunoblots. Sense-dri ven

transfectant cells S6 and 511 express a 110-120 kD protein




that is recognized by both antibodies (lanes 4, 5 and 9, 1D),

while antisense-driven transfectant cells A4 or normal rabbit

serum did not express this protein (lanes 3 and 8, 6 and 11) .

This result demonstrates that the sense-driven transfectant

cell s, contrary to the antisense-dri ven transfectant or

parental cells, are expressing a new protein on this cellular

background which corresponds to the glycosylated forro of the

mmCGM1a protein product.

S11 sense transfectant cells grown to 90% confluency were

incubated in the presence of the anti-mouse p120 antibody and

then reacted with a fluorescein-conjugated secondary antibody.

The CEA-related protein produced by these cells was expressed

at the cell surface as can be judged in Fig. 4B. Reaction of

either parental cells with the same antibody or Sll cells with

pre-immune serum did not show any significant fluorescent

signal (data not shown).

mmCGMla as a Cell Adhesion Molecule:

Since many of the human CEA gene family members function

in vitro (21-23, 27, 33-35) and in vivo (21, 35) as cell

adhesion molecules, we wished to assess the adhesion

properties of the mmCGM1a transfectant cells. Por this

purpose, parental NIH3T3 cells, sense and antisense-driven

transfectant cells were submitted to in vitro aggregation

assays. When either parental or antisense-driven transfectant

cells were incubated in any conditions (in complete medium or

saI ine, at physiological or cold temperatures) little or no

1 47

formation of cell clumps was observed (Fig. 5A, 8, C).

However, when sense S6 or SIl t:r ansfectant cells were

incubated in complete medium, cells formed clurnps even after

a time interval of 30 min (Fig. 5A) and proceeded to aggregate

during a 2 h period at which time 60% of the cells were found

in aggregates of 5-6 cells each. The adhesion of these cells

is specifically due to the presence of the rnrnCGMla protein dt

the cell surface since aggregation assays done in the presence

of Fab fragments of an antibody recogni zing this protein (Fig.

4A) did not reveal any significant formation of cell clumps

(Fig. 5A). When complete medium was substituted by d saI ine

solution containing or lacking Ca 2 +, no difference was seen in

the kinetics of aggregation (Fig. 5B) Incubation of sense

transfectant cells in the presence of EGTA demonstrated

similar aggregation (data not shown). The temperature of the

assay was shifted from 37°C to 4°C with only slight

modi fications to the aggregation kinetics (Fig. 5C) when

compared to aggregation at 37°C (Fig. SA) or to aggregation of

rnrnCGMlb at 4°C (Fig. 58 in ref. 27). We conclude that the

rnrnCGMla protein confers Ca 2+- and temperature-independent cell

adhesion properties onto the parental cells.




The present paper describes the characterization.

expression and adhesJ.on function of the first major mouse CEA­

related cDNA to be cloned (26). The mmCGMla cDNA encodes a 34

amine acid signal sequence ~hat is followed by a 108 amine

acid N-terminal domain. ..s domain, by comparison to the

mmCGMlb N-terminal domain, is the one that most distinguishes

these two coding regions since 87% of the residues are

conserved versus 99% of amino acids in the C2-set (A2) domain.

In fact, two features differentiate these two N-terminal

domains: 1. mmCGMla contains an extra N-linked glycosylation

consensus sequence. 2. many amino acid substitutions are not

well conserved (i.e. K~A, F~Q, M~K, Q~P, Y~H) indicating that,

if these residues bear any functional significance, they would

impri.nt on these two proteins a different structure and

possibly a different function. This hypothesis is presently

being evaluated.

Furthermore, we now present strong evidence that many of

the mouse CEA-related gene family members are produced

through alternative splicing of one gene. cDNA clone 23. used

in the reconstruction of the hybrid mmCGMla clone, displayed

the N1-terminal domain which is different from the N2-terminal

domain encoded by mmCGM1b. However, clone 23 encoded in its

downstream region identical A2 , transmembrane and

intracytoplasmic domains and the same 3' untranslated region


as nunCGM1b, but did not contain the

immunoglobulin domains found in clone 46.


Al and Bl C2-set

These results hdve

also been confirmed by performing reverse transcription dnd

PCR amplification with NI and N2 -terminal oligonucleotides (K.

McCuaig, manuscript in preparation). The genomic structure of

aIl CEA/PSG family members, whether human or rodent,

encompasses the 5' untranslated region and a half-leader as

exon 1 and another half-Ieader associated with an N-terminal

domain as exon 2 (36, 37). The structures of the many mouse

BGP-like cDNA clones, however, indicate that the mouse Bgp

gene would thus encode two N-terminal domains which are

aiternatively spliced to either the Al domain (as mmCGMla) or

to the A2 domain (as clone 23). Alternative splicing has been

reported to occur in the human BGP gene (12, 13) but this

splicing involves addition or removai of the A2 domain or

inclusion of a short 60 bp exon to produce a long

intracytoplasmic tail. Recent characterization of three new

human BGP splice variants has aiso shown that exons otherwise

represented by intron sequences are spliced to the Bl domain

to produce proteins with a hydrophilic structure (38).

However, only one N-terminal domain has so far been found for

human BGP (12, 13, 38).

We have aiso isolated and sequenced a great number of

cDNA clones which indicate that variability of CEA-related

gene transcripts and proteins is observed in the mouse and

that this variability is ensured through both al ternati ve

:r \


splicing and differential usage of polyadenylation signaIs

(manuscript in preparation). The functional significance of

this diversity is presently being evaluated.

The number of transcripts detected in colon, uterus and

liver aiso provides proof of the existence of a large family

of related prot.eins ln the mouse. When clone 46 was used as

a probe, it detected at least four transcripts cloned from the

human colon carcinoma cell line (see Fig. 3A) i. e. a 1.8 kb

transcript known as human BGP (12,13), a 2.6 kb transcript

known to be human NCA (39-42), two transcripts of 3.4 and 3.9

kb winch are human CEA transcripts using different

polyadenylation signaIs (6, 7, 43). In mouse placenta, three

distinct transcripts are foundi this tissue is known to

express many of the pregnancy-specific-like transcripts (36,

37). In fact, in a collaborative effort with Dr. Wolfgang

zimmermann (Freiburg, Germany) to decipher the extent of the

rodent family, we have determined that the 2.65 kb transcript

in placenta corresponds to rnrnCGM5, a mouse pregnancy-speci fic-

like product.

We have assigned a size of 4.6 kb to the major transcript

found in colon using ribosomal RNA as markers. We had

previously determined, in a different buffer system, the size

of this transcript as being 3.8 kb (26). However, by

comparison with the documented size of the human CEA larger

sized transcript (3.9 kb), the major mouse transcript would be

approximately 4.0 kb. 'rhe rnrnCGM1a cDNA sequence is 1.786 kb.

l 51

Primer extension analyses (data not shown) have determilled

that there is at most an additional 120 bp of DNA at the 5'

terminus of this clone. We have also found using the RACE­

Polymerase Chain Reaction technique (44) on first strand cDNA

that there exists a much longer 3' untranslated region at the

3' terminus. This complete cDNA would account for the 4.6 kb

(4.0 kb) transcript. This assignment is reinforced by the

hybridization of the Accl-EcoRl restriction fragment of the

mmCGMla cDNA (Fig. 3B, panel D): because there is no sequence

homology between the 3' untranslated regions of mmCGMla and

mmCGMlb, this probe is undoubtedly the most specifie for this

particular mmCGMla cDNA. On the other hand, Northern analyses

using fragments corresponding to a long intracytoplasmic tail

or a 3' untranslated region found beyond that of mmCGMlb (data

not shown) also indicate that at least three other transcripts

co-migrate wi th the major 4.0 kb transcript in colon. The 1.8

kb transcript detected in Fig. 3B most probably represents

mRNAs where the Al and B1 domains are spliced out or where

alternatively, differential polyadenylation signaIs are used

in the extended 3 ' untranslated region. Obviously, more

cloning is required to understand the complexity of this mouse

CEA-related gene family.

The pl20 protein, likely corresponding ta mmCGMla, is

localized at the cell surface after transfection of the

mmCGM1a sense-driven cDNA. Since human CEA, NCA, BGP and

mouse mmCGMlb function in aggregation assays as cell adhesion


molecules, we wished to assess whether the rrrrnCGMla protein

would also sel f -adhere in a hornotypic fashion. Our resul ts

establish that the mmCGMla protein functions as an adhesion

molecule in vitro and that inhibition of this interaction

occurs in the presence of a polyclonal antibody specifically

recognizin3 this proteine However, this interaction does not

require physiological temperatures or the presence of the

divalent cation Ca2+ as was the case with romCGMlb (27). The

mmCGMlb protein was expressed on a different cellular

background (L-cells) which may account for this discrepancy.

Contrary to what has been demonstrated with the cadherins,

another major adhesion family which strickly depends on

calcium for the interactions of its members (45), the calcium­

dependency of this mouse CEA-related farnily member does not

require the presence of a long intracytoplasmic tail. As

mentioned above, the N-terminal domain confers the major amino

acid sequence di f ferences between the two cloned mouse family

members. In human CEA and NCA homophilic and heterophilic

interactions, this domain is thought to be of significant

importance (46). The mmCGMla protein behaves like the cell­

CAM 105 protein which has been shown by Aurivillius et al.

(47) to be the rat equivalent of the human BGP, and, by

inference, of the mouse CEA-related gene family members. The

cell-CAM 105 protein has been well characterized as a Ca2+­

independent cell adhesion molecule involved in the aggregation

of rat hepatocytes (35). Similar]y, the expression of mmCGMla

1 53

transcripts i s consistent wi th that of a cell adhesion role III

vivo (48). Experiments are presently under way to verify

these hypotheses.


Cell culture and trans fect ions : Cells of the human colonie

adenocarcinoma line LS-180 (49) 1 a line of L-strain mouse

fibroblasts (LTA) and a mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line

(NIH3T3) were grown at 37°C in monolayer cultures in (X-MEM

medium (GIBCO) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum

(GIBCO) and 2 mM glutamine. rnrnCGMla-producing transfectant

cells were obtained by calcium phosphate-mediâted

coprecipitation (50) into 5xl0 5 NIH3T3 cells of 5 J..Ig of the

rnrnCGM1a cDNA inserted in either the sense or antisense

orientation of the p91023B expression vector (31) 1 âlong with

o .5 Jlg of the dominant selectable marker pSV2Neo (51), and 10

Jlg of mouse carrier genomic DNA . Transfectant clones were

selected with medium containing 500 J..lg/ml of active geneticin

(G418, Gibco) and evaluated for production of mmCGM1a mRNA and

protein by Northern and Western analyses.

Isolation of murine CEA cDNA clones: cDNA was synthesi zed as

previously described (6, 27). To isolate the 5' end of the

rnrnCGM1a cDNA clone, the library was rescreened using an EcoHl­

Sst1 and dn Acc1-EcoR1 restriction fragment of clone 46. A

full coding cDNA was reconstructed by ligating over lapping


fragments at the BamHl site.

Reverse Transcription and Polymerase Chain Amplification:

Reverse transcription was performed using AMV reverse

transcriptase (Pharmacia) and 10 ~g of total mouse colon RNA

as template (44). The oligonucleotide primer used in this

reaction was a (dT) 17 adaptor with three restriction sites

(GACTCGAGTCGACGGTACCCTJ7 ). The reaction was incubated for 2

hrs at 37 Ù C in 50 mM TrisCI pH 8.3 (at 42°C), 8 mM MgCI 2 , 30 mM

KCI, 10 mM DTT, 20 U RNasin (Promega) and 1. 25 mM of each

deoxynucleotide (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP). The reverse

transcription product was desalted and purified from excess

dNTPs using a Centricon-100 microconcentrator (Amersham). One

tenth of the eluted DNA was used for PCR amplification. The

primers used for amplification were located in the N-terminal

domain of mmCGMla (nt 430-448) (CCAAATGATCACCATGMG) and in

the A2 domain (nt 1240-1273:antisense)


oligonucleotide was previously shown to be specific to the Nl­

terminal domain versus the N2-terminal domain. The reaction

was incubated in 20 mM TrisCI pH 8.8 (at 24°C), 10 mM KCI, 2

mM MgS04 , la mM ammonium sulphate. 0.1% Triton X-IOO, 0.1 ~g

BSA, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 40 pmoles of each primer using Vent R

DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs). The peR products were

agaln desalted on Centricon-100 microconcentrators and

submi t ted to sequencing using 5' labelled oligonucleotides

(52) •

1 55

DNA eequence determination and analyses: Mouse mmCGMl a cDNA

restriction fragments were subcloned into unique sites of the

BlueScript SK+ plasmid (Stratagene). 'l'Wo J.lg of plc1smi d DNA

were denatured by a 10 min incubation ln 0.2 N NdOH followed

by neutralization with 0.3 N Na-acetate pH 5.2 dnd eUlc1nol

precipitation. 30 ng uf either T7 or T3 promoter primers were

annealed to the DNA to sequence both st rands by the dideoxy

chain termination method (53) using T7 DNA polym~rdse

(Pharmacia). Sequences were analyzed using the DNAsis, Prosis

(Pharmacia) and Devereux (54) programs.

32P-labelled probes: Restriction fragments used as

hybridization probes for Northern analyses were ext racted (rom

0.8% low mel ting point agarose gels and labelled wi th (1- 1)[>­

dATP (Arnersham or NEN Dupont) using the random primer

technique (55). The fS-actin probe used is cl 1.5 kb Pst l

fragment of chicken fS-actin (56). Oligonucleotjdes were

synthesized on a Pharmacia synthesizer, purified and 5' end­

labelled using y'j/P-ATP (Amersham) and T4 polynucleot ide kirldSû

(Boehringer-Mannheim) .

RNA preparation and Horthern analyses: RNA was prepdred from

CD-l mice as previously described (27). Total RNA WdS

electrophoresed ln 1.5% agarose gels contc1inlng 1.1 M

formaldehyde, 10 mM MOPS buffer, pH 7.4, and 1 mM EDTA,

stained with acridine orange and transferred te Hybond-N

membranes (Amersham). Hybridization with cDNA restrlctio[l

fragments was performed for 18 h at 42°C in 5X SSPE (lX SSPE


is 0.18 M NaCI, 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.7), lX

Denhardt' s solution, 50% formaTilide, 150 ~g/ml heat-denatured

salmon testis DNA, 2 mM SO(ÜUll1 ph0~phc:te, 0.1% SDS, and 10%

dextran sulphate with 1.0x106 cpmiml of the 32P-labelled

probes. The filters were washed at a final stringency of O.lX

SSC and 0.1% SDS at 65°C. Alternatively, for hybridization

with oligonucleotides, the gels were transferred to GeneScreen

plus ~embranes (NEN Dupont) and hybridized at 42°C for 18 h in

5X SSPE, 10X Denhardt's solution, 7% SDS, 10% dextran

sulphate, 100 J.1g/ml of carrier tRNA and 2X10 6 cpm/ml ot 32p_

labelled oligonucleotide (39). The filters were washed to a

final stringency of 0.1 SSC and 0.1% SDS at either 20°C or

50°C. 18S rRNA (1.86 kb) and 28S rRNA (4.71kb) were used as


Protein purification and generation of antibodies: Sixt Y

remale CD-l mice (retired breeders, approximately 40 9

supplied by Charles River) were sacrificed by cervical

dislocation. Colons were collected on ice in PBS (10 mM sodium

phosphate pH 7.4, 154 mM NaCl) containing protease inhibitors

(aprotinin 2 Ilg/ml, leupeptin 5 Jlg/ml and pepstatin 0.4 Jlg/ml;

Sigma and Boehringer Mannheim). The tissue was coarsely cut

up with scissors, then swollen in ten times its weight of 1 mM

Znel; for 10 min at 20°C followed by 10 min on ice. It was

then disrupted by 5 X 3ü-second bursts of a Polytron

homogenizer (Brinkmann) set at 60% maximum intensity,

interspersed by 30 s cooling periods on ice. The homogenate

1 57

was centrifuged at 1000g for 5 mIn and the pellets were

reextracted twice in the same conditions. Superndrants were

po01ed and centrifuged at 31, OOOg for 1 h. The membrane

pellets were pooled, wdshed with 50 mM TrisCl pH 7.4,

centrifuged at 31,000g for 30 min and the proteins were

solubilized in 10% Lubrol PX (Sigma) by stirring on lce for 30

min. Undissolved material was removed by d 30 min

centrifugation at 31, OOOg and the supernatants were stored

fro?;en at -80°C.

Protein extracts from ten colon membrane preparat ions

(equivalent to 600 mice) were pooled and assayed for protein

concentration according to Peterson (57). The 400 ml solution

containing 800 mg of proteins was acidi f ied to pH 3.0 by

addition of concentrated HCl and swirled dt 20°C for 3 mIn

with 32 ml of Polybuffer exchanger 94 gel (Pharmdcia)

previously equilibrated to pH 3.0 with Polybuffer 74

(dilution 1:8), 1 mM CaCl 2 and 0.1% Lubrol dccording to Lln

and Fain (58). The gel pellets were pooled, washed 5 times

with the equilibrating solution (approx. 1 1), then with 50 mM

TrisCl pH 7.4 containing 0.1% Lubrol untII the pH of the

supernatant reached 7.3 (approximately 500 ml of buf fer). The

proteins were eluted fram the polybuffer exchanger colurnn (1

cm x 50 cm) at 20°C with a 0 ta 0.65 M linear gradient of NaCl

in the equilibrating solution at 14 ml/ho The mouse p120 CEA­

related protein was localized by Western analyses of each

fifth fraction with a rabbit anti-hurnan CEA antibody (:.;ee


below). Positive fractions were pooled, TCA-precipitated as

described below and resolved by SDS-PAGE on a 5-15%

SDS-acrylamide gel. The band migrating at 120 kD was revealed

in the Coomassie blue-stained gel, excised and electroeluted

for 5 h. The eluate was collected, dialysed against H20 for

24 h at 4°C and finally lyophilized. 'l'he protein powder was

suspended in sterile H/O. Aliquots of 150 ~g were mixed with

150 ~ l of RIBI ad] UVdnt (containing TDM: trehalose dimycolate,

MPL: monophosphoryl lipl.d A, and CWS: cell wall skeleton, from

Cedar Lane) and injected into the popliteal lymph nodes of

rabbits. The rabbits were boosted at two week intervals with

75 ~g of the p120 preparation in Freund' s incomplete adjuvant.

Western analyses: Diluted protein samples were precipitated

with 0.2% Lubrol and 12% TCA on ice for 30 min and centrifuged

at 12,OOOg for 15 min at 4°C. The pellets were washed twice

with ice cold acetone, dried in a SpeedVac evaporator and

boiled in SDS-PAGE Laemmli sample buffer for 10 min. The

proteins were resoIv8J by electrophoresis in 5 to 15%

SDS-acrylamide gels (59), transferred to a ni trocellulose

membrane according to Towbin (60) and then probed with a

rabbit anti-human CEA antibody (MCC: generously provided by

Dr. A. Fuks, McGill Cancer Centre) at a 1/100 dilution or with

d rabbit antl.-mouse p120 antibody at a 1/1000 dilution (serum

231). The purified p120 protein was aiso probed by Western

analysis with an anti-E-c;ldherin antibody (DECMA, Sigma).

Alternatively, transfectant cells were grown in a

1 59

monolayer to confluency, washed twice with PBS and lysed by

sonication in PBS with protease inhibitors at 4°C. After

determination of total protein concentration (57), aliquot 5 of

300 fig of proteins were precipitated in 0.05% Triton X-IOO and

12% TCA and resolved as above. Specifie glycoproteins were

visualized by inununoelectroblotting (60) using the rabbit­

anti-mouse p120 antibody at a 1/1000 dilution (serum 231).

Alkaline phosphatase-conjugated secondary antibodies were

used. Fab fragments of the anti-mouse p120 antibody were

prepared by digestion with papain using an ImmunoSelect kit

from Gibco-BRL. These Fab fragments had the same specificity

as complete antibodies as judged by Western analyses.

zmmunoprecipitation: Proteins were immunoprecipitated for 18

h at 4° C to ensure aIl desired proteins precipitate, with

either 90 fig of an IgG fraction of a rabbit anti-human CEA

antibody or alternatively with a rabbit anci-mouse pJ20

antibody (serum 231). After gel electrophoresis and

immunoblotting, the membranes were processed for Western

analyses. The immunoprecipitated proteins were revealed by

reaction with l2SI-labelled protein A and exposure to Kodak

XAR film for 18 h.

zmmunofluorescence: Transfectant cells or parental NIH3T3

cells were lifted in a PBS-citrate solution without trypsin

and washed twice 1n PBS solution. Cell suspensions were

incubated for 1 h on ice with either immune serum (serum 231),

purified IgG from the same serum or pre-immune serum at


dilutions of 1/200 or 500 and washed four times with a PBS

solution. Cell pellets collected after centrifugation were

resuspended in 50 ~l of a 1:10 dilution (6.4 ~g/sample) of

dichlorotriazinylaminofluorescein (DTAF) -conjugated goat anti­

rabbit IgG (Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories, Mississauga)

and the suspensions were gently mixed in the dark for 1 h.

After three washes in a PBS solution, the cell pellets were

resuspended in 20 ~l of a glycerol-PBS (9:1) solution and

observed with a Leitz Orthoplan flu~rescence microscope.

Aggregation assays: Parental, transfectant sense (86 and 811)

and antisense (A3 and A4) cell lines were grown ta confluency

and harvested by a light trypsin treatment (0.12%) in

phosphate-buffered saline lacking Mg Î+ and Ca2

+ and containing

15 mM sodium citrate. Suspensions at a concentration of 2x10 6

cells/ml were rendered single cells by three passes through a

27-gauge needle and then stirred at 100 rpm at 37°C. Samples

were taken over a 2 h incubation period and the percentage of

total cells remaining as single cells was measured using a

hemocytometer (21). The cells were suspended in 3 ml of

ei ther (X-MEM (Ca21 concentration, 2 mM) containing 0.8% fetal

bovine serum and 10 I1g/ml DNaseI, or Puck' s saline (21)

containing 0.8% of fetal bovine serum and 10 ~g/ml of DNaseI

with or without 10 mM Ca2+ added. Human CEA transfectant cell

clone 17-16 was used as a control in these experiments (21).

To test for p120 aggregation specificity, inhibition of

adhesion was performed with cell suspensions of mmCGM1a sense


and antisense-driyen transfectants resuspended dt 4xlO~

cells/ml in (X-MEM containing 0.5 mg/ml of Fab fragments of the

rabbit anti-mouse p120 antibody described aboye. The

suspensions were mixed at 4°C for 10 min, diluted to 2xlO"

eells/ml with a-MEM containing 0.8% of FBS and 10 J..lg/ml of

DNaseI and aggregation kinetics were measured as aboye. Each

aggregation asssay in aIl conditions was repeated a minimum of

three times.


The authors wish to thank Drs. A. Herscovics dnd A. Fuks

for critical reading of the manuscript. We are also greatly

indebted to Dr. Abe Fuks for his kind gi ft of the Mec

antibody, Dr. C.P. Stanners for the human CEA transfectant

cell clone and Dr. André Veill~tte for the NIH3T3 cells. This

research is supported by the Medical Research Council of

Canada and the Cancer Research Society Ine. K.M. is a

recipient of a studentship from the Cancer Research Society

Ine. and the Medical Research Council of Canada. N.B. is a

Seholar from the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec.



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FIG. 1 Restriction Map and Topology of mmCGMla.

A: Restriction analyses: S'UT: 5' untranslated region, L:

leader, N: N-terminal domain, Al, Bl, A2: C2-type

immunoglobulin domain, Li: linker, TM: transmembrane domain,

CytS: p'ltative short-tail intracytoplasmic domain, 3'UT:

3'untranslated region.

B: DNA and predicted protein sequen~es of mmCGMla. Underlined

residues: N-linked consensus glycosylation sequences. C' :

cysteine residues thought to form intrachain disulphide bonds.

protein domains are separated by arrowheads placed above the

DNA sequence. This sequence has been deposited with GeneBank

and has received the accession nurnber X15351.

FIG.2: Homology of mmCGlIla and mmCGlIlb with rat ecto ATPase

and human BGP.

The amine dcids are represented using the one-letter code.

Dots indicate identical residues. Dashes indicate absence of

sequence or insert ions to maximize alignment. Underlined

residues are N-linked glycosylation consensus sequences. The

first set represents the leader (L) sequence. The next two

sets are the N-terminal (H) domain. The next five sets are

the Al, 81 and A2 domains. The last two sets are the

transmenmrane (TM) and intracytoplasmic (Cyt) domains.

1 75

FIG. 3 Expression of mmCGM1~-related transcripts in murine


A: Hybridization with the clone 46 probe: 20 J..1g of tot al RNA

was separated on a formaldehyde-agarose gel as descibed in

Materials and Methods, trans ferred to Hybond-N membranes dnd

hybridized at 42°C in a 50% forn\1.mide solution with l X 10"

cpm/mlof 32P-labelled clone 46 insert. The filter was washed

at 65°C in a 0.1 SSC + 0.1 % SDS solution and exposed ta Kodak

XAR film.

B: Hybridization with a 8-actin probe: The filter used above

was rehybridized at 42°C in a solution containing 50%

formamide with a 32P-labelled chicken g-actin probe and washed

at 65°C in a solution of 0.1 SSC + 0.1% SDS.

C: Hybridization with several restriction fragments or an

oligonucleotide: 10 Jlg of colon RNA was separated on

formaldehyde-agarose gels as described ln Materials dnd

Methods and transferred to either Hybond N membrdnes (panels

A, B, D) or GeneScreen Plus membranes (panel C). These

Northern s t:rips were hybridi zed us ing candi t ions clescrihed.

panel A: an EcoRl-Dde1 fragment represent ing the 5' UT, panel

B: an EcoRl-BamHl fragment representing the 5' UT, the leader

sequence (L) and 2/3 of the N-terminal domain (N), panel C: a

19-mer oligonucleotide with little cross-reactivity with

mmCGMlb and ,-allel D: a 60 bp Acc1-EcoR1 fragment specifie to

the 3' UT. These blots were washed in a 0.1 SSC ~ 0 .1% SOS

solution at either 20°C (panel Cl, 42°C (panels A and D) or


FIG. ,,: protein Bxpression

A: Immunoprecipitation and Western Analyses: 300 J.lg of mouse

colon membrane proteins, 3 J.lg of purified p120 mouse colon

protein or 300 J.lg of proteins from transfectant cell lyzates

were irnmunoprecipi tated with ei ther a rabbi t anti -human CEA

antibody (lanes 1-5, 12), a normal rabbit serum (lanes 6 and

11) or a rabbit anti-rnouse p120 antibody (lanes 7-10). The

proteins were separated on a SDS-PAGE and irnmunoelectroblotted

as described in Materials and Methods. The membrane was

probed with an anti-rnouse p120 antibody and the proteins

revealed by incubation with 125r-labelled protein A as

described in Materials and Methods. Lanes 1, 6, 7, 11, 12:

Inouse colon membrane proteins. Lane 2: purified mouse colon

p120 protein. Lanes 3 and 8:




Lanes 4 and 9 :

Lanes 5 and 10:

A4 transfectant cell lyzate

86 transfectant cell !yzate

S11 transfectant cel! !yzate

B: Immunofluorescence: 511 sense transfectant cells were

lifted from a dish with a PBS-citrate solution. The cells

were first incubated with a rabbit anti-mouse p120 antibody at

a 1/500 dilution, then with 6.4 Jlg of DTAF-conjugated goat

dnti-rabbit IgG (see Materials and Methods) and cytospun

(Cytospin 2, Shandon) at 500 rpm for 5 min. The cells were

1 77

analysed for fluorescence using a Leitz Orthoplan fluorescenc~

microscope. Arrowheads indicate presence of p120 protein dt

cell surface. Magnification X 630.

FIG. 5: Adhesion Assays

A: 2 X 10 6 transfectant cells bedring the nunCGMld cDNA in tilt")

sense (S11) or the antisense (A4) orientation were resuspenct(~d

in (l-MEM medium containing 0.8% fetai bovine serum ëmd

incubated at 37°C with spinning for 2 hrs. Al iquots were

retrieved at time intervals and single cells were counted.

Alternatively, 511 sense transfectant cells were inC'ubated

with 0.5 mg/ml of Fab fragments of the p120 antibouy (+Pab).

B: 2 X 106 cells of the cell lines described in b: werp

resuspended in Puck' s saI ine in the absence (Sll-Ca2+) or

presence (A4, Sll + 10 mMCa2+) of 10 mM Cal' and incubdted dt

37°C for 2 hrs.

C: 2 X 10 6 of either the S11 and the A4 rnrnCGMla t rdns fectclnt

celis or the human CEA tranfectant celis (CEA) were incubated

in (l-MEM medium containing 0.8% fetal bovine serum at 4°C for

2 hrs.

Results are expressed as the number of single cells remainin9

divided by the total number of cells.

f ,

Figure 1:



mmCGM1. ' --' ! , , 1 j il Il

) 1 .. = = .. Eu ~ üi a aa. ~~ :f t! ~~ !Il

done 46

clone 23

u~~~~mm~~~~~~~~~~~m~rn 1 Il [ l


L~N 173 CTT TTA Gee Tet TG& AGC eCT Get Act ACT GeT GAA GTt ACe ATT GAG GCT GTG CCG CCC 24 l lAS " S , A T T A E v T 1 E A Y P ,

m~~WGAA~~~mmmmm~~~~rn~mGGA 4. Q v. A [ D Il Il V l l l V Hill PLA l G


mru~w~m~m~~~~m~~~~mmm~ e4'" SIIIILL..lliQAYSGA E Il YS


~Al mm~WGAA~mruwACTCAIi~~m~mw~~~m mllT DEIIY •• TQATVAF HYH'I

mru~wœ~mACA~~~ru~~m~w~~ru~ 144 l l t( , IL-L..l S L..L..S Il , V EGO D S v

m~mACCm~ru~~~ruw~m~mru~~~~ 164 S l T , D S y T D , D " l " Y l Il SR"

m~~~mruGAA~~~mAAlirum~~w~~mACT 184 G [ S l S [ , D • L K L S E G L.L..l l T

7U TTA CTC MT GTC ACIi AIiIi AAT ~ ACA Ga ccc TAT GTIi TGT GAA ACC CGIi MT CCA GTG 204 l l LL-I A L.Il.-l G , Y V C: E T A Il f' v

~B1 m~~~w~~rurn.m~mmmm~~ACCrum 224 5 V L..L....l 0 , F S Lili 1 Y li 'DT , 1

mm~m~wmmmwruGGGru~m~ru~mwGCA 244 1 S , 5 D 1 Y !. " , CS" L Il L 5 C. H A

m~~~rum~CAIi~m~rnm~~AAlimw~ru~ 264 A Sil' , A Q y f Il LIli E Il , " A S S

mCM~mmmœ~mACTACTw~_""ACCruACCmrnm 284Q E Lf 1 'IL..L...1T~liT YT,CiFY

~A2 m3~wrum~~m~~Act~mAAli~m~mrn~ru 304 " " 5 V T , l S • T T v It L..L.-I v lEP


ü u <

112 3

172 ZJ

232 43

292 63

352 83

412 103

412 123

532 143

S92 163

652 183

712 203

712 2Z3

8JZ 243

892 21i3

1152 ZI3

la12 303

la72 323

1073 liTIi ACT CAli ccc TTC CTC CM liTt ACe ~ ACt ~ liTt III. GAA eTA ~ TCT GTG ACt 1132 lZ4 y T Q , F L Q v T lL..L...1 v Il E L D S V T 343

1U3 CTIi ACe Tee TTIi TCG AAT ~ ATT Ga '" IN. ATC ~ TGIi CTC TTt AAT AGe CAG AGT 1192 lU l T " l SilO l'A " 1 Q Il L F " S Q S 363

1191 CTT CAli eTC ACA GAIi ~ ATG ~ CTt ttc ~ ~ ~ ~ ATC ru ~ ATA ~ ceT 1252 364lQlTEAIITLSQL...IL..iI LAlO' 3e3

~m~AliliGAAW~~~mCAlimGAAmrum~m_mAlili 384 1 l A [ DA' [ y Q $. E 1 S " PYS y R

.... L. 1313 AIiIi AIiC AM: TCA ATC MG CTG GAt ATA ATA m ~ CCA ACA CM GGA Gee CTC TCA GAT 404 R S " S 1 II: L D 1 1 F D P T q G & l S 0 .,TM ~~~rn~~mmmGarnm~GGG~~rnm~~rn 424 li Il 1 A li 1 CV l , , V A li Y ALI A 10 L

_~ .vt 1433 ~ TAT TTC eTC TAT Tce AIlIi AAIi TCT Gee GIiA TCT liQ( Tet TTC TGA CM CTe Tee TAA 444 A Y Fl YSRItS"SCSF·

1312 403

1372 423

1432 443

1492 458

1493 CM GGA TCT CAC CAT ~ GeC TT; "" Act m GAA CTA T'T ~ CM AGT TG& ceT TGA 1552





l Figure 2:









81 hBGP










MELASAHLHKGQVPWGGLLLTASLLASWSPA'l"l'A • ••••.•••••••.. v ••..•••••••••. P ••• • ••••• R. u .. 1 •• R ••••••••• T'YH •• L ••• • CHL •• P •• RVR ••• Q ••••••••• HF .HL ••••

EVTlEAVPPQVAEDNHVLLLVHNLPLALGAFAWYKGJa:'l:AIDKEIARFVPNSNH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • PVSTNA. .. VIIQ • TGT..a.X Q •. VD •••• H.V.EKS •••• A •••• QEFQV.Y •••• T.LHP.S •••• YIRSD~ QL.T.SM.FH ••• GKE ••••••••• QQ.PGYS •••• BRVDGHRQ.VGYAIGTQQ

IICGQAYSGREIIYSH.G.SLLFQMITMlmMGVY'1'LDMTDENYRRTQATVRFHVH %'1' •• P.H •••• TV ............ l.RV. V •• T •••• lE ••••• F ••• 2 ..• 0 ••.• SK •• P .••••• T ............ F •• ~.ERA ••• SVF.QQFHPI.TS.O.R.Y ATP.I-.H •••• T •• P.Jw. •• l.~QL%.F •• LQVIICSDLVHEE .. GQ ••• y


.A.O •• ~G~ •• M •• EPF ••• M.EP •• --~S ••••••••••••••. VTF .•• ~ PELP •• S. SS~ •••• DDA.Ar •• EPE.--<JD'rr ••• WI • Ima,.PVSP •• Q •• N . .&-A..L


• ••••• R. T .K. Y. E •• 1. ••• ATF 4..1..4' •• H .DV ••••• 1.. V ••• P ••••• Q •••• ~. • ••• S ••• .A.L.I. ••• B •• IQ ..... A~ ... VT • ....Jl:%. ......... T ....... T • YR ... A.a..a.!i •••


• • D •••••••••••••• I.QT ••••••• S~ • ..a...a..L ••• 11. ••• ~ ............. ".A...I-L" F Y ••••••••• S •••• GTFQQ.T •••••• ~V~.S ••• HA~ ••• C~ ••• T.I.T

E---PVTQPFLQ~SV'1'LTCLSHDlGAHIQWLFHSQSLQLTERMTLSQHHSI Q--- ........ s .... "aI...I.I." ............................................................... ...LJP-.L ..

• ---••••• SI. l .............. G •••••• P .K. T. VSVR ••••••••••• D •••••• O~ .LSPV.AK.QlKASK •• TGDK.S.~.ST •• T.ISIR.P.KN ••• PSS ••• K •• G~

LRI~PIKREDAGEYQCEISHPVSVRRSHSlKLDII FDPTQG--GLSD •••••••••••.••.•••••••.• K •••..••••• • ••••••••••• D •••••••••• P • l • HP •••• v . P ••••• HS ••• E SIH-.V •••••• T.W •• VF •• I.~P.M.NVH YHALPQEN ••• P

GAIAGIVIGVVAGVALIACLAYPLY · ....................... . • •••••••• - •••••••• A •••••• •••••••••••• L ••• V •••• C .• H




Figure 3:



- 28S •

- 18S


1 B

1 ( •• "


Figure 3:

S'UT L mmCGM1. : f----t 1




28S­ .. 18 S-

N Al 1 1 ,...

I,... 0 Eu c cau Ï co<!

C *


- .

91 A2 LiTM CytS 3'UT ri

1 1 ri

.... ........ ,... .... c- CT C'_ u (JI

~ ~/E u

Cf) <{


C 0

1 f f ••



kO 200-

Figure 4:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

116 --'_ .• •

97 -

67 -


Figure 5:



100 A4 A4


ffl ao

.... ~

W u 70 70 w 60 .... Sl1 Cl Z üi Sil 60 60

;ft .(;a2• 40 CEA 50 .'0mMCaZ, 50


20 40 ~

0 JO 60 90 120 0 J) 60 90 1<0 30 60 90 120





Structure and Alternative Splicing:

When the existence of mouse analogs of hurnan CEA was

first reported in 1989, cDNAs encoding four different members

of the murine CEA family were identified (Beauchemin et al.,

1989) . This dissertation describes mainly the

characterization and function of mmCGMla. The previous

chapter reports two findings; first, that the mmCGMla mRNA is

generated by alternative splicing of one gene, and second,

that transfectant cells expressing mmCGM1a protein on their

cell surface exhibit calcium- and temperature-independent

adhesion in vitro (McCuaig et al., 1992).

The regulation of gene expression is often accomplished

by controlling the initintion of transcription, and therefore,

the abundance of transcripts present in a cella This

initiation involves cis-acting elements and trans-acting

factors which may activate or down-regulate transcription.

Post-transcriptional control mechanisms may also regulate the

level of protein product produced from one gene. One way to

!::"8yulate the amount of active protein produced, is to generate

proteins with similar or diverse functions by alternative

splicing of a single precursor mRNA.

Every mature rnRNA is generated by removing introns and

splicing together exons of a precursor rnRNA. In sorne pre-

1 79

mRNAs, the splicing pattern is constitutive while in others,

it is regulated. However, aIl splicing is performed by the

spliceosome, a multisubunit cornplex containing smdll nuclear

ribonucleotide particles (snRNPs) (Maniatls and Reed, 1987;

Sharp, 1987; Guthrie, 1991). U2AF is one of the early

binding factors in spliceosorne assembly and appear"s t 0 bind to

the introns of constitutively spliced sites more efficiently

than to those of regulated splice sites. Binding affinity is

higher with increased pyrimidine content and increélsing

polypyrimidine tract length. The relative binding affinities

of U2AF offers an explanation for the mechanism of splicing

regulation (Mullen et al., 1991; Smith et al., 1989).

There are several active genes identified where

alternative splicing of the primary transcript regulates the

activity of the protein product. For example, one splice

variant of erbAa is modified in the carboxy-terminal domain,

therefore preventing ligand binding (Koeing et al. 1 1989).

The different isoforms of erbAn exhibit a tissue-speci f ic

distribution and therefore different tissues have different

responsiveness to thyroid hormone. Fibroblast growth factor

(FGF) receptors may also exhibit differential splicing of the

prirnary transcript. There are four different FGF receptors

(FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3, and FGFR4) encoded by four distinct

genes. Recently, a second splice variant of FGFR1 has been

isolated; it is expressed mainly in the skin and has a fifty

fold lower affinity for basic FGF (Werner et al. 1 1992).




In other systems, alternative splicing may remove part of

the activation domain, rendering them incapable of activation.

For example, mTFE3, a transcriptional activator that binds to

the enhancer of the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene, can exist

in either a Jong form or a truncated, inactive form. The

relative amounts of these two mRNAs varies in different

tissues, allowing regulation of transcription factor activity

(Roman et al., 1991). Another example is the cyclic AMP­

responsive element modulator (CREM) which plays a role ln

mammalian spermatogenesis. In premeiotic germ cells, CREM is

expressed at low amounts in the antagonist form, lacking the

acti vating domain. Subsequently, in later stages of

spermatogenesis, alternative splicing generates an activator

form, CREMr (Foulkes et al., 1992).

Human biliary glycoprotein also undergoes extensive

alternative splicing (Barnet t et al., 1989); however, the

functional significance of this remains unknown. To date,

there have been at least eleven different splice variants

identlfied at the cDNA level (Barnett, personal

communication). The mmCGM proteins, by sequence homology, are

the mouse homologs of human BGP. The gene encoding mouse CEA

related family members exhibits alternative splicing patterns

similar to those seen for human BGP.

Through the screening of a mouse colon cDNA library, many

different transcripts were isolated dnd sequenced. Sequence

comparisons revealed llunCGMla-like transcripts with certain

Figure A:

L N1 A1a B1a A2a lITMCyt • ..

rnn-CGM1a 1 m·8*:œ§X§X«§}W Il • L N1 A1a 81a A2a li TM Cyt

rnn-CGM1d 1 t§.j«$$}§$$§8§!§$-@ Il

L N1 A2a UTM~yt

rnn-CGM1d iJ$$$--;,i§=t;:;2;g.:.:&g@ "

• L N1 A2a UTM cyr

rnrrC3M1g rra&Y:§§$§$!.$$2·m Il

L N2 A2b UTMCyt rnrrCGM1b 1 '~~:%%~~%~:%~~%%%~~~~%1~' Il •

L N2 A1b B1b A2b UTMCyt

rnrrCGM1e 1 I"""",,,.~,,,,,,,,,,.,,l Il •

L N2 A1b B1b A2b UTM cyr

mmCGM1f 1 1""""""""""",1 Il

L N2 A2b UTM Cyt

rnrrCGM1h f"""""""""",.,,;,j Il

* indicates one base pair change




domains included or deleted. Sorne cDNAs were missing the

entire region encoàing t.he Al and B1 internal domains.

Transcripts containing an extra 60 base pairs after the region

coding for the transrnembrane domain were also identified.

This insertion into the mRNA results in a reading frame shift

during t ranslat ion, extending the cytoplasmic domain from 10

amino acids to 73 amino acids. As weIl, nunCGMla transcripts

possessing the 3' untranslated sequence of mmCGMlb (another

family member which has been previously reported) were

isolated. Data generated from our group and from Kay Holmes'

group suggest that there are, in fact, two different 5'

untranslated regions and two different 3' untranslated regions

possible for t.he nunCGMla transcripts, where the second 3'UT

i solated contains three di f ferent pOlyadenylation si tes.

In arder to cOllfirm the expression of these different

splice variants in mouse colon, analyses were performed using

polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. A first strand

cDNA was synthesized by reverse transcription of total mouse

colon RNA. The reaction was initiated elther with a primer in

the 3'UT reported for mmCGM1b or with a poly-dT adaptor.

AmpliflC"ation of specifie cDNAs was achieved in a thermocycler

using VENT" polymerase (a heat stable DNA polymerase which is

less error-prone than the Taq DNA polymerase, Neuner et al.,

1990) and different pair combinat ions of oligonucleotides

specifie to different domains of the rnrnCGM1a or the mmCGMlb

cDNA . The amplified products were cloned and sequenced,

1 8:2

revealing transcripts with eight different codlng sequences;

four encoded the N-terminal domain sequence of nm1CGMla (N 1)

and its corresponding Ala, Bla, and A2a domdins, while th\;'

other four encoded the N-terminai domain sequence of nunCGM 1 b

(N2, which is 87% homologous to N1) and i ts correspondi nq

internaI domains (A1b, Blb, and A2b, which are 99% homolgous

to Ala, B1a, and A2b, respectively). The longest mdture mRNA

species (mmCGM1d or mmCGMlf) encode an N-terminal, Al, B1, dmi

A2 domains, a transmembrane, and a 73 amine acid cytopldsmiC'

domaine Other splice variants (mmCGMlg or mmCGMlh), have the

Al and B1 coding reg~ons spliced out. The transcriptn

designated mmCGM1a and mmCGHle have 60 bp deleted, result ing

in a mRNA encoding a 10 ami no acid cytoplasmic domaine The

minimum coding sequences (mmCGM1b and mmCGMlc) have the

regions encoding the Al and B1 domains as weIL as 60 bp uf t hf~

cytoplasmic domain removed. These cDNAs are represented in

Figure A. As weIL as alternatively spliced transcripts with

different coding regions, the 3' untranslated regions may he

different, thus affecting mRNA stabliity (Wilson and Treisman,

1988). PCR analyses by Ray Holmes' group demonstrated thêÜ

the longest 3' untranslated region is more abundant in the

liver while in the colon the shortest 3' untranslated sequence

is more prominent (Deiffenbach, personal communication).

The relevance of this alternative splicing and usage of

different polyadenylation sites is unknown; however, we dre

presently investigating if the relative amounts of eé1ch


species are tissue-specifie by RNAse proter:tion and by PCR

dna lyses. Tissue-specifici ty or

would suggest that each proteln

developmental regulation

product generated by

alternatlvely spliced rnRNAs has a different function necessary

in a spatially OI" temporally controlled fashion.

Adhesion Molecule:

Olle function for human BGP and the mouse CEA-related

EdITuly members has been elucidated. BGP, mrnCGMla, and

mmCGMlb, when expressed on the cell surface of transfectant

cells, mediated the formation of cell aggregates. BGP (Rojas

et al., 1990) and mmCGM1b (Turbide et al., 1991), however,

required calcium and physiological temperatures to function as

adhesl0n molecules while rnrr .. :GMla did not \4 '~r:uaig et al.,

1992). As prp.viously described, rnrnCGM1a and rnrnCGM1b possess

different N-terminal domains sharing 87% homology, and

rrunCGMla, unl ike rnrnCGMl b, expresses the Al and B1 domains. The

region conferring calcium dependency may lie in one of these

domains. This calcium dependency may also be an effect of the

cellular background or of the amount of protein expressed on

the cell surface; both rnrnCGMla and mmCGMlb were transfected

into mouse fibroblasts (rnrnCGMla into NIH/3T3, rnmCGMlb into LTA

cells) dnd recent data on human BGP adhesion properLies

suggests that high BGP expression on the cell surface of

transfectant cells abolishes the calcium dependency of

ddhesion (M. Rojas, unpublished data) .


Role in Tumor Formaticn:

Specifie cell adhesion governs morphogenesis in embryonu'

development and maintains tissue integri ty ln adult hoo<1.

Altered recognition and adhesion properties of cells mdy also

be important in varioùs disease processes such as i nVdS ion clnt!

metastasis of cancer cells. The adhesion molecule E-cadherln

has been shown to behave as an invasion suppressor. Tumor

cells expressing high levels of E-cadherin are less metastdt le

than those with low expression (Frixen et al., 199 ~) .

Transfecting E-cadherin into highly invasive eplthel id 1 t umOl

cell lines decreased invasiveness; however, the InvdsivenesG

could be restored by Lreatment with anti-E-cadherin dntibodl.efj

(Vleminckx et al., 1991). CEA expression lS also altered in

tumors, but unlike E-cadherin, the higher the eXpreS:ë-31orl, the'

more tumorigenic the tumor is (Jessup et al., 1988).

Malignant tumors ir1 mice also have al tered level s of CEA­

like family members. Normal adult mouse colon produces large

quantities of CEA-like proteins; however, compdring the

expression of rnrnCGM transcripts in pr imary colon t umor fj to

that in adj acent normal mucosa, showed decreased express] on HI

tumors (N. Beauchemin, unpublished data). Furthermor~,

Northern analyses on tumor cell lines revealed thdt four mour;e

colon carcinoma cell lines (CT26B, CT36B, CT51G, dnd C'r51P)

had no detectable CEA-like transcripts and a mouse rer;td 1

tumor cell line, CMT93, expressed a 4.0 kb transcrlpt dt 10-20

times lower levels than normal colon (N. Beauchemin,



unpubllshed data). In mouse mammary tumors, the opposite

pattern occurs. Normal mouse mammary tissue does not express

CEA related family members, however, chemically-induced or

rnurine mammary tumor virus-induced mammary tumors express high

levels of these transcripts (Robbins et al., 1991). The

s 19ni f icance of the change in expression of CEA-related family

members during turnor formation is nol known. In colon

cdrclnomas, lts change in expression pattern is suggestive of

é.l tumor suppressor role, while in mammary tumors, mmCGM

prott~ins appear to dct in tumor formation. An explanation

for this discrepancy may reside in the tissue of origin;

mmCGM protel.ns may have different functions in different

t issue types. As weIl, the manner in which the tumors were

induced may be important; tumor markers are specifie to

di Eferent cell types as weIl as to the virus or chemical used

ta induce tumor formation (Shuster et al., 1980).

Homologues in The Rat:

Other functions hypothesized for the mouse CEA related

fdmi ly members are based on observations found in the rat.

Identlcal proteins which have been independently isolated as

ppJ20 (Rees-Jones et al., 1985), HA4 (Hubbard et al., 1985),

('e11-Cell Adhesion Molecule 105 (Cell-CAM 105) (Ocklind and

Obrink, 1982), or rat hepatocyte ecto-ATPase (Lin and

Guidotti, 1989), are the rat homologues of human BGP and of

mousE' CEA gene fami ly members. The purification of each of

j 8t,

these proteins was achieved by exploit ing a function tn

ident; fy a protein. They wel. e lc1ter found ta be ident iCd 1

proteins by comparing expression pat terns, protel.n dE'<)raclat lOt1

patterns, antibody crossreacti vit y , and/or amino dcid or DNA

sequence (Margolis et al., 1988 and 1990; Lin et al., 1991).

The mouse CEA gene family memLers were isoJated uSlng d

!:everse stategy i a cDNA library was screened wi th cl probp

from the coding sequence of human CEA. Once cONAs wer p

isolated, the corresponding proteins were expr0ssed in tissue

culture permitting large scale production of the proteln of

interest, and allowing possible funct ions to be assiqned. The

rat homologues gave sorne indication of the factors to be


The first function to be assigned to mmCGM protei r1f;

represents that of an adhesion function which is in accorddnce

with the described function of the rat proteins. Cell-CAM 105

was originally purified from rat hepatocytes by looking for d

protein which neutralized the inhibition of ceU aggregdt ion

caused by multispecific antlbodies directed against the cel]

surface (Ocklind and Obrink, 1982). By then incorpordtinq

ceU-CAM 105 into liposomes, these liposomes could bind to

hepatocytes in suspension independent of calcium ions (Obri nk

et al., 1988).

Tc greater understand the functional slgnificance of j tr;

adhesion properties, the tissue dis tribut l.on and cell u] ar

locations of cell-CAM 105 were examined (Odin and Ohrink,

.> , 87

1987; Odin et al., 1988). It is expressed late in

development and does not reach the level seen in mature liver

until three weeks after birth (Odin et al., 1986) In

regenerating li ver, a transient decrease in the amount of

Cell-CAM 105 occurs (Odin and Obrink, 1986) and l.n rat

hepatocellular carcinornas, it is absent or significantly

chemically modified (Hixson and McEntire, 1989). Since cell-

CAM 105 is expressed at high levels only in normal adult rat

liver, it appears to play a role in the maintenance of tissue

architecture. In development, liver regeneration, or

hepatocellular carcinornas where cell-CAM 105 protein is

decreased or not expressed, the hepatocytes are not as tightly

bound to each other, allowing changes in the tissue

architecture to occur.

Cell-CAM 105 appears to function in the regeneration of

rat liver, however this protein is also expressed on a variety

of other tissue types such as the bile canaliculi of the

liver, epithelia of the stomach, t.he small intestine, the

large intestine, the tubules of the kidney, vessel endothelia,

plat.elets, and granulocytes (Odin and Obrin~, 1987; Odin et

al., 1988). The apparent molecular weight of the protein

varies dmong different tissues, however, it is not completely

known whether this is a result of alternative splicing or of

differentidl glycosylation. It was also noted that ceJI-CAM

105 was mainly expressed on epithelial structures but showed

varying cell surface distribution. It can be present in cell-

1 88

cell borders between adjacent cells, on the membranes of

densely packed microvilli, or ln intracellular sites,

depending on the tissue and cell-type (Odin et dl., 1988).

This variation between tissues suggests that Cell-CAM 105 Indy

function in a different manner in different tissues with SOIne

involvement of membrane-membrane binding in each case. For

example, ce11-CAM 105 on platelets could be involved in

platelet aggregationi unactivated platelets contdin eell-CAM

105 intracellularly, however, when indueed to aggregate in

vi tro, it becomes heavily exposed on the surface (Odin et al.,

1988) .

The mouse CEA-related proteins are also expressed in a

variety of tissues, including colon, placenta, uterus, ovary,

kidney, gall bladder, small intestine, and li ver in adult miee

(McCuaig et al., 1992) 1 and meninges, eart i lage and bone 1

blood vesse! walls, placenta, dermis, muscle layers of the

stomach and intestine, and bronchioles in mouse embryos (Huang

et al., 1990). Northern blot analysis dernonstrated that

expression of the major 1.8, 4.1, and 4.6 kb transcripts was

most abudant in the colon. It could also be noted thàt a

number of other transcripts were present 1 sorne being tissue

specifie. The major transcripts seen in al! of the expressing

tissues may have a universal role, while the tissue-specifie

transcripts may have unique functions.



Blastocyst Implantation:

Another functional hypothe3is to be investigated in rats

is the involvement of cell-CAM 105 in early stage blastocyst

implantation. The expression of cell-CAM 105 at the apical

surface of rat uterine epithelium is controlled by ovarian

steroid hormones (Svalander et al., 1987). At the tirne of

blastocyst implantation, cell-CAM 105 is absent in the lurninal

epithelial cells but present in the glandular epithelial cells

of the uterus. Pre-implantation blastocysts exhibit a

transient expression on the trophectoderrn (Svalander et al.,

1987). At the time of implantation, a polarity with respect

to staining for Cell-CAM 105 occurs. It is lost or rnasked

from the surface of the mural tropnoblast cells which are the

first to adhere to the uterine luminal epitheliurn during the

onset of implantation and invasion of the uterine stroma. The

downregulation of cell-CAM 105 in both the luminal epithelium

of the uterus and in the trophectoderm of the blastocyst may

be linked to the acquisition of trophoblast invasiveness

(Svalander et al., 1987). Mouse CEA-related transcripts are

expressed in the uterus but whether or not this has an ef fect

on blastocyst implantation has yet to be examined.

Signal Transduction:

Phosphorylation is an important mechanism in protein

function regulation. The addition of phosphate may serve to

either up-regulate or down-regulate the activity of a protein;


------ - --------------


for sorne proteins, the phosphoprotein 1S the act ive form,

while for others, it is the inactive form. There are two

types of protein kinases; those that phosphorylate substrates

on serine or threonine and those that phosphorylat e on

tyrosine residues.

Human BGP (Afar et al., 1992) as weIl as the rat pp120

(Rees-Jones and Taylor, 1985) have been found to be

phosphorylated on intracellular tyrosine residues. The

protein which phosphorylates human BGP has not yet been

identified; however, pp120 is an endogenous substrate for the

insulin receptor (Rees-Jones and Taylor, 1985). Stimulating

H-35 hepatoma cells with insulin showed a ten fold increase ln

insulin receptor phosphorylat~on and a two fold incredse ln

phosphorylation of pp120; however, stimulation with epidermal

growth factor (EGF) or with insulin-like growth factor (lGF)

had no effect (perctti et al., 1987). In a cell free system,



where the corresponding

epidermal growth factor,

receptors are present,

and insulin-llke growth

factor 1 stimulate the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues of

pp120 (Phillips et al., 1987; Fanciulli et al., 1989). The

receptors for these factors have an endogenous tyrosine kinase

activity which acts on other cellular proteins and results in

activation of a signal transduction cascade. Once the signal

has reached the nucleus, the cell can respond appropriately.

Although phosphorylation assays have not yet been done on

the mouse CEA-like proteins, the splice variants with 73 amine


acid cytoplasmic domains contain two tyrosines which may be

substrates for tyrosine kinases, as weIl as a consensus

sequence for cAMP dependent serine phosphorylation. Because

of the homology between the mouse CGM proteins and the rat

cell-CAM 105, it is postulated that sorne of the rnrnCCGM

proteins are endogenous substates of the insulin receptor

tyrosine kinase, or of other growth factor receptors. To

examine this postulation further, cells expressing the

respective receptors will be transfected with cDNAs encoding

mmCGM proteins. These cells will then be stimulated with

either insulin, EGF, or IGF, and the change in phosphorylation

status of the mmCGM proteins will be determined.

Recent studies provide evidence of an ectoprotein kinase

activity on the surface of several types of cells, including

neutrophils (Skubitz et al., 1991; Dusenbery et al., 1988).

The role of this ectoprotein kinase activity in cell function

is unknown; however, the identification and characterization

of its physiologie substrates should aid in the understanding

of the role of this activity. A 180 kDa phosphoprotein on the

surface of human neutrophils which is one of the maJor

endogenous substrates for the ectoprotein kinase has been

isolated (Skubitz et al., 1992). In resting cells there is

only a small amount of the 180 kDa protein on the cell surface

This surface expression is augmented by stimulation by the

chemotactic peptide FMLP, the calcium ionophore A23187, and

12 -o-tetrade-conoyl-phorbol-13 -acetate. Since this protein is




cross-reactive with human CEA, NCA, and BGP, it hels been

postulated to be a 180 kDa form of the clelssical NCA on human



status of the

as well as evaluating the phosphorylat ion

cytoplasmic domain of mouse CEA-related

proteins, phosphorylation on the external doma:n should aiso

be stu,:1ied. The addition of a phosphate group to tyrosine

residues in the extracellular domain of the protein mdy affect

the stren~th of adhesion mediated by these molecules. It is

the protein backbone and not the carbohydrate residues which

is responsible for the adhesion properties of CEA gene-family

members (Zhou, personnal communication); however, the effect

of phosphorylation on intracellular or extracellular domains

is not known.

Calmodulin Binding protein:

Recently it has been

calmodulin binding protein

function of calmodulin

shown that Cell-CAM 105

(Obrink et al., 1988).

is to recognize changes

is a



intercellular concentration of the second messenger, Ca1t, and

to transmit this information to proteins inside the cell.

Calmodulin binds calcium, and as a result, undergoes

conformational changes which increase its affinity for target

proteins by two or more orders of magnitude (Cohen and Klee,

1988) . Calmodulin confers Ca2'-dependence to a variety of

intercellular processes, incl uding energy and biosynthet ic


metabolism, cell motility, exocytosis, and skeletal assembly,

by directly interacting wi th specific proteins. Rabbit

skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) calmodulin­

binding domain has been studied to determine the essential

residues for calmodulin binding. Calmodulin binding domains

have the following features: clusters of basic residues,

clusters of hydrophobic residues adjacent to the basic

residues, and the ability to form a-helices. These features

are aIl contained within sequences of less than 25 residues

(Cohen and Klee, 1988).

The ability of calmodulin to bind to the intracellular

domains of the mouse CEA-related proteins will be assessed.

A variety of approaches will be taken. First,

immunoprecipitating with an anti-mouse CEA-related protein

antibody on transfected cells, and determining what proteins

co-precipitatei second, running colon extracts over a

calmodulin-agarose column and assessing whether or not mouse

CEA-l ike proteins bind i third, attaching mouse CEA-like

proteins to a column matrix and then running a variety of

proteins through the columns, determining which ones are


The intracellular domain of the mouse CEA related

proteins bearing short intracytoplasmic tails will most likely

not interact with any cytoplasmic proteinsi the cytoplasmic

domain is very short, only 10 amino acids, and calmodulin

binding domains this short have yet to be identified. The

1 94

amine acid sequence of the cytoplasmic domain of the 10ng­

tailed proteins does not show any striking homology to

calmodulin binding domains, however, the structure dnd not the

absolute sequence is important for calmodulin binding.

virus Receptor:

A wide variety of proteins belong to the immunog1obulin

superfamily. They are expressed on many different cell types

and perform diverse functions although they are aIl involved

to sorne extent in cell recognition. Immunoglobulins make up

a large portion of the proteins expressed on cell surfaces,

allowing them to be exploited as virus receptors. In humans,

the envelope protein of HIV binds to the CD4 molecule (Maddon

et al., 1986), rhinovirus binds to lCAM-1, and polivirus uses

another immunoglobulin as a receptor (Mendelsohn et dl., 1989;

Greve et al., 1989, Staunton et al., 1989).

Virus receptors have also been identified in other

species. Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) , a coronavirus, is often

used to study viral infections in vivo (Wege et al., 1982)

since coronaviruses are also common pathogens among humans

causing respiratory il] ness. One MHV-resistant strain of

mouse (SJL/J) does not possess the virus receptor identified

as a 110-120 kDa glycoprotein on the plasma membranes of

hepatoeytes and intestinal epithelial cells of MHV-susceptible

BALB/e mice (Williams et al., 1990). Injecting resistant mice

with a tissue extract from susceptible mice induced the


recipients to synthesize antibodies against the MHV receptor.

These antibodies were used to purify the receptor protein

(Williams et al., 1991), and allow the cDNA encoding it to be

cloned. By sequence homoJogy, the MHV receptor was identified

as the mmcm-Ha protein presently described (Dveksler et al.,

1991). To determine the domain(s) important for bindi~g of

MHV to its receptor, many of the splice variants described

here have been sent to Dr. Kay Holmes and the ability of these

molecules to confer susceptibility to viral infection on

transfectant hurnan and hamster cells will be examined. To

date, no specifie domain has been found to be essential for


Resistant SJL/J mice, by Western analysis, do not produce

intact mmCGM1a protein. They do, however, produce a protein

of different molecular weight which crossreacts with an anti-

human CEA antibody (Williams et al., 1990). Phenotypically,

this mouse strain appears to be normal up to adulthood; at

this point, they then develop tumors. Perhaps these rnice give

sorne indication of the importance of mouse CEA-like proteins

in the maintenance of tissue architecture. The related

prat ein expressed in SJL/ J mice is enough to allow development

to proceed normally, however, it is unable to rnaintain the

tissue architecture throughout adulthood.

By genomic analysis and by RNAse protection assays,

further studies will be done to identify the mutation in the

mmCGMl locus. By determining which CEA crossreactive protein

1 96

is expressed in SJL/J rnice, perhaps we can assign different

functions to the different proteins generated by alternative

splicing; sorne rnay play an important role in development 1

whiJe others have a tumor suppressor role.


Several CEA-related proteins have been identified in the

mouse. The transcripts encoding these different proteins are

generated by alternative splicing of one precursor messenger

RNA. The tissue distribution and temporal regulation of these

different farnily members will have to be established in order

to understand the significance of this extensive alternative


There are many possible functions for these proteins

which will have to be investigated, as described above. One

function which has already been established is that of an

adhesion molecule. The expression pat tern during mouse

development as well as the change in expression upon tumor

formation supports the hypothesis that mouse CEA-related

proteins mediate cell adhesion in vivo. However, the fact

that at least eight different related proteins exist in the

mouse, allows speculation that there is more than one function

for these proteins. Further functional studies on the mouse

CEA-related proteins, as weIl as regulatory studies on the

gene encoding them are in progress.



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