alphabet book - ·...

Post on 31-Aug-2020






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Alphabet Book

Logan Killam,

Table of contents• A is for archaeology O is for orca • B is for bald eagle P is for planetariums • C is for cranberries Q is for quilting • D is for Denali R is for rainforest • E is for earthquakes S is for Sitka spruce • F is for forget-me-not T is for tundra • G is for glaciers U is for umiak • H is for hooligan V is for volcanoes • I is for Iditarod W is for wolves • J is for Juneau X is for xmas • K is for Klondike Y is for Yukon river • L is for lakes Z is for zoo • M Is for mountains • N is for belching

A is for Archaeology

– There has been a discovery of an cremated 3 year old in a firepit.Also near the Tanana river their were bones of Salmon, ground squirrels, and birds ( proving a settlement of natives.”I feel project archaeology curriculum is very rich and provides opportunities for real of the things I like about project archaeology is that there material is interesting and engaging for students.”

• 5th grade teacher ,Craig, AK

B is for Bald Eagle

• Did you relies that there are over 500 000 Bald eagles in the U.S. alone, so their an endangered species but that wouldn’t be IF they didn’t eat 1 of 3 young in their 1 ton eyries. Did you know that their wingspan is over two meters long. That’s long enough to stretch to ten million meters that's to Paris and back 7 and a ½ times . They only eat fish rodents and sometimes small birds

C is for Cranberries• Did you know that cranberries or lingenberries were discovered in 1662.And in 1996 there were 40

cranberries per person in the world and 1 out of 10 are ocean spray and all of the cranberries in Alaska last year could go from Alaska to Boston to los Angeles 568 times.

D is for Denali

• Hey did you know that that MT McKinley(Denali) is 6144 ft. tall .the first attempt to climb was June 7 1917 by Naomi uemura ,and in 1897 to 1902 Alfred brooks studied it and the temperature is minus 53 that’s cold

E is for Earthquakes

• Surprisingly 92 earthquakes have occurred Alaska,. That’s a lot of damage costs 28 million dollars in total, and the largest magnitude was 7.8 on the richer scale.78000 residents lost 360 dollars of their valuables that'll do some damage to your family heirloom

F is for forget-me-not

• July ,august .and September are the blooming for these 2cm flowers also known as “scorpion grass” also there are 50 species of forget-me-not ranging within white,blue,pink, and cyan their elevation levels range within 700 to2800 ft. in the mountainous region

G is for Glaciers• Prince William sound,Columbia,hubbard,Matanuska,exit,kennicot,spencer,flightsee

ruth,Worthington,childs,and twin sawyers are the 13 glaciers In that you can access by land, sea and air. And Twin sawyers despite its name has seven parts

H is for Hooligan

• “ eulachon !Eulachon” is what certain Alaskan natives in the early summer months they quickly rush to the river and catch the oily “cakefish” because they make really good pastry's and cakes and they have 85 grams. Of protein and 7grms. Of sodium.

I is for Iditarod

• On this day in history(march 3rd 1973) the first official "last Great Race” was held in willow to nelchina.and Alaskan malamutes need 11500 calories a day to run the 1150 mile race in the -51oC temperatures .and 3rd generation musher Mary Shields was the first woman to complete the race she now has a book entitled “sled dog trails”.(I own a copy)

J is for Juneau

• If your driving to Juneau and your wife/husband says” Honey how come were out of roadway.” don’t be surprised because you cant drive to it anyway ,you can either take the ferry or helicopter the rate is 30$ per person per ride

K is for Klondike

• On the way to the Klondike( what wood you do for a Klondike bar) there is a trail (Skagway) there is a 50 foot drop and the road is 2 feet wide 1896 people died on the way to find the gold but only 4000 found gold and half that did were from Seattle

L is for LakesDid you know that there are 4 million lakes in Alaska surprisingly only 3700 ARE named so that leaves 399 626 300 that are NOT named, and lake teshepuk ha she largest run of sockeye salmon in the world and Kenai lake has 90000 migratory birds fly over it every year also tangle lake and bear lake are the same diameter and depth .for seven years until an earthquake hit off the shore of nelchina that decreased the depth of tangle lake by 78!/2 feet making it 293 feet deep

M is For Mountains• There are approximately 30 mountains in Alaskan .Denali,Foraker,St.elias,urangell,

drum ,redoubt,bona,Blackburn ,hunter, llima,Deborah,hayes,marcusbaker,Sanford,isto,spur,Huntington,fairwhether,silverthrone,shishaldin,bear,atna peaks,hubbard,moffit ,Kimball, brooks ,devils paw, alverstone and Jarvis that’s allot

N is For Nelchina

• There are only 59 people in nelchina so theirs approx. 15 students per teacher but the local commute is is 11 mins in this 718 above sea level town AND THE NEIGBORHOOD ZIP CODE IS 99588 AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE HOUSE IS 750 000 DOLLARS IMAGINE THE interior

O is for orca

• The killer whale is nicknamed “toothed” but they don’t fart so ,anyway did you know that the male can weight upto 3600 kg and can live 17 yearsAnd the female can weigh 1400kg and live for 29 years that’s quite the difference

P is for planetarium

• There are approximately 2 planetariums in alaska there is mary drake planetarium in Juneau and the Thomas planetarium in anchorage and they only use handheld telescopes

Q is for Quilting

• The word quilt dates back to 1250 the middle English term was “quilte”based on the old French word cuilte devried from the latin wordculcita for mattress

R is for Rainforest

• Coastal temperate rainforests are rare .they occur only six places outside of alaska .rainforests are old growth and they consist of mainly western hemlock, sitka spruce .mountain hemlock. And Alaskan yellow spruce

s is for Sitka spruce• Picea sithchensis is what your science teacher would say if you were stuidiing the sitka spruce so

somewhere down the road you know what they are

Tis for Tundra

• The tundra is a very cold biome that ranges in areas of Antarctica,Iceland,Greenland.Russia,and of course alaska there are 2300 miles of tundra in alaska alone

U is for Umiak

• The Umiak is a traditional large open boat used for trapping,and whale hunting,and transporting people and matirials the men used kayaks

V is For Volcanoes

• Mt spur is the most erupting volcanoes in Alaska with the largest height of 11070 ft tall the volcanoe last erupted on 17 September 1972 and mt katmai erupts every 37 yrs

W is for wolves

• Wolves are very territorial beasts that feast on on prey such as deer caribou and moose and basuacly anything that has meat sadly humans are on the menu

X is For Xmas

• Xmas also referring to Christmas is the national holiday for alaska so if you are celebration Christmas don’t forget the moose deer and all da meat

Y is for Yukon

• There is no bigger river or deeper river in alaska other than the Yukon river to fish and boat in the Yukon river there are many different fish like trout,bass,salmon,and plenty more

Z is for Zoo

• The zoo in alaska mainly consists of mammels reptiles and birds there hours of operation are 830 to 500 they also have 39 captive eagles see page e is for eagles

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