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Ill. (a) Partial Genealogy 01 the 'Ulaiyan Clan, Governors 01 Buraidah

Reputedly, they first took over the govemorship of Buraidah in 1769. (Numbers indicate position in the following list of govemors.)


Zaid ~anah

Banu; Sa'd

'AnfQir ----------------------I

'Adjan Hajan

'AbdlAllah 'Abd jl-'AZiz

3. 'Abd Allah ~uhalmm ___ a_d __________________ -,

I z, 5. 'Abd al-'Aziz 'Abd al-~uhsin


I I I I I 'Abd Allah 'Ali Hujailan Turki 'Abd Allah Hasan

(b) Governors 01 Buraidah

1. ~uhammad Al 'Ali z. 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn ~uhammad Al 'Ulaiyan 3. 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Adwan Al 'Ulaiyan 4. ~uhammad al-Ghanim Al 'Ulaiyan 5. 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn ~uhammad Al 'Ulaiyan 6. 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Ibrahim of ~anfuhah 7. 'Abd Allah ibn Faisal Al Saud 8. ~uhammad ibn Ahmad al-Sudairi 9. Sulaiman al-Rashid Al 'Ulaiyan

10. ~uhanna' al-Salih Aba al-Khail· I I. Hasan ibn ~uhanna' Aba al-Khail lZ. Salim ibn Subhan of Ha'il (appointed by Ibn Rashid)

( ? -18z7/8) (18z7/8-Jan. 1859)

(Jan. 1859-Sept. 1859) (Sept. 1859-Dec. 1859)

(Dec. 1859-1860/61) (1860/61-1861/Z)

(1861/Z-1863) (1863-1863/4)

(1863/4) (1863/4-1875) (1875-1891) (1891- ? )

• For a genealogy ofthe Aba al-Khail family, see Lorimer, Vol. I, Part IH, pocket 15.


IV. (a) Partial Genealogy ofthe Zamil Clan, Governors oJ'Unaizah

For a more complete genealogy of the Al Zamil from Sulaiman (Sulaim) down, see Lorimer, Vol. I, Part In, pocket 16. (Numbers indicate position in the following list of governors.)

I Hamad

I. 'Ab~ Allah

I 4. Sulaiman (Sulaim)

I 5. Yahya

I 11, 13. 'Abd Allah


7. 'Abd Allah I

12. Zamil I

I 8.Ibrahim

I Hamad


(b) Governors of 'Unaizah

I. 'Abd Allah ibn Hamad Al Zamil 2. Yahya ibn 'Ali Al Zamil 3. 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya Al Zamil 4. Sulaiman ibn Yahya Al Zamil 5. Yahya ibn Sulaiman Al Zamil 6. Muhammad ibn Nahid 7. 'Abd Allah ibn Sulaiman Al Zamil 8. Ibrahim ibn Sulaiman Al Zamil 9. Nasir al-Suhaimi

10. Jalwi ibn Turki Al Saud H. 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya Al Zamil 12. Zamil ibn 'Abd Allah Al Zamil 13. 'Abd Allah ibn Yahya Al Zamil (appointed by Ibn Rashid)

3. 'Ab~ Allah

( ? -1768) (1768-1788) (1788- ? )

( ? -1827/8) (1827/8-1841)

(1841) (1841-1845) (1845-1848) (1848-1849) (1849-1854)

(1854-1868/9) (1868/9-1891) (1891- ?


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All words, including al-, Al, ibn, abü, etc., count as separate words for alphabetising purposes; however, these small words are not used as main entries except in place­names and tribai names. Main references are indicated in heavy type. Compound 'family names' formed with 'Abd ... , e.g. 'Abd al-Wahhäb, are under 'Abd, not the following word. Words within parentheses are disregarded in alphabetising.

Abä al-Khail family, 178, 263-264, 271, 272. See also Muhanna' family

Abä al-Khail, l;Iasan walad Muhanna', 264, 267, 276, 277

Abä al-Khail, Muhanna' al-~äliJ:!, 160, 178; assassinated, 264

'Abbäs Pasha, 142, 182, 185, 215 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Ghardaqah, q.v. 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Suwailim, 237 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd al-Rahmän ibn

Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd AIläh ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn Saud, q.v.

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd Alläh Abü Butaiyin, q.v.

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd AlIäh al-Husain al-Nä~iri, q.v. .

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn l;Iamad ibn Nä~ir Ibn Mu'ammar, q.v.

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn l\;.IuJ:!ammad ibn 'Abd AlIäh ibn l;Iasan AI 'Ulaiyän, q.v.

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn Saud, q.v.

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mushäri Ibn 'Aiyäf, q.v.

'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mutlaq al-Mutairi, q.v. 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Saud ibn Fai~al ibn

Turki ibn 'Abd AlIäh ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn Saud, q.v.

'Abd al-Majid (Ottoman sultan), 189,239 'Abd al-Malik ibn l;Iusain ibn MuJ:!am­

mad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhäb, q.v. 'Abd al-MuJ:!sin ibn MuJ:!ammad ÄI

'Ulaiyän, q.v. 'Abd al-Nä~ir, Jamäl, see Nasser, Gamal

Abdul 'Abd al-RaJ:!im, ibn, 92 'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn AJ:!mad ibn MuJ:!am­

mad al-Sudairi, q.v. 'Abd al-Rai:lmän ibn 'Azäz, 198 'Abd al-Rai:lmän ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn

'Abd AIläh ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn Saud, q.v.

'Abd al-Rai:lmän ibn l;Iasan ibn MuJ:!am­mad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhäb, q.v.

'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn l;Iusain ibn MuJ:!am­mad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhäb, q.v.

'Abd al-Rai:lmän ibn Ibrähim, 173, 175, 195

'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn Nämi, 29 'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn Nä~ir, q.v. 'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn 'Ubaikän, 139 'Abd al-Wahhäb, 'Abd al-Latif ibn 'Abd

al-RaJ:!män ibn MuJ:!ammad ibn, 120 n., 160

'Abd al-Wahhäb, 'Abd al-Malik ibn l;Iusain ibn MuJ:!ammad ibn, III

'Abd al-Wahhäb, 'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn l;Iasan ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn, 58, 88, 1 11, 120 n., 204-205; returns from Egypt, 66; epistle, 87

'Abd al-Wahhäb, 'Abd al-RaJ:!män ibn l;Iusain ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn, 65

'Abd al-Wahhäb, l;Iusain ibn l;Iamad ibn l;Iusain ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn, III

'Abd al-Wahhäb, MuJ:!anrmad ibn, 4, 6, 9, 13, 43, 226, 244

'Abd al-Wahhäb, MuJ:!anrmad ibn, family, 24, 139, 162, 176, 203, 208, 274-275

'Abd al-Wahhäb, Sulaimän ibn 'Abd AlIäh ibn MuJ:!anrmad ibn, 20-21

'Abd Alläh (sharif of Yanbu'), Il5 'Abd AIläh Äl FuraiJ:!, 276 'Abd Alläh al-Kharji, 266 'Abd AlIäh al-Wuhaibi, 77 'Abd AIläh branch of ÄI Khalifah, 191 'Abd AlIäh ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Adwän

Äl 'Ulaiyän, q.v. 'Abd AlIäh ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Muham-

mad Äl 'Ulaiyän, q.v. . 'Abd AlIäh ibn 'Abd al-Rahmän Abü

Butaiyin, q.v. . 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Abd al-Rahmän Ibn

Bassäm, q.v. . 'Abd AlIäh ibn Ai:lmad Äl Khalifah, q.v. 'Abd AIIäh ibn 'Ali ibn Rashid, q.v. 'Abd AlIäh ibn Battäl al-Mutairi, q.v. 'Abd AlIäh Ibn Dughaithir, q.v. 'Abd AlIäh ibn Ghänim, q.v. 'A~d,. AI!äh ibn l;Iamad ibn Nä~ir al­

Ä Idhl, q.v. 'Abd AlIäh ibn Ibrähim ibn 'Abd AlIäh

ibn Thunaiyän ibn Ibrähim ibn Thunaiyän ibn S::!ud, q.v.

'Abd AIläh ibn 'Isä ibn Mutlaq al­Mutairi, q.v.

'Abd AlIäh ibn Jabr, 226


'Abd Alläh ibn Mazru', 37 n. 'Abd Alläh ibn MuQ.ammad ibn Saud,

q.v. 'Abd Alläh ibn Mushäri (merchant), 106 'Abd Alläh ibn Sa'd al-Mudäwi, q.v. 'Abd Alläh ibn $äliQ. (author), 35 'Abd Alläh ibn Saud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz

ibn MuQ.ammad ibn Sa,:!d, q.V. 'Abd Alläh ibn Sulaimän Al Zämil, q.V. 'Abd Alläh ibn Thunaiyän ibn Ibrähim

ibn Thunaiyän ibn Saud, q.V. 'Abd Alläh ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn

MuQ.ammad ibn Saud, q.v. 'Abd Alläh Ibn 'Ufai~än, q.V. 'Abd Alläh ibn YaQ.yä ibn Sulaimän ÄI

Zämil, q.V. 'Abdah section (of Shammar), 68 n. Abü 'Arish, 2.7, 73, 183 Abu Dhabi, see Abü Zabi Abü Zabi, 31, 12.9, 130, 141, 187, 195,

197, 199,2.01,2.37,2.45,2.48,273 Abüsh Agha, 53-54, 55 Acre, 72. adab,2.2.3 'Adan, see Aden Aden, 182. Afläj, al-, 5, 83, Il6, 153, 157, 2.IZ, 2.57,

2.75 Ahl al-Taubid, I n. AQ.mad ibn 'AH ibn I;Iusain ibn Mushrif,

174 n. AQ.mad ibn I;Iamüd Abü Mi~mär, 2.7 Al}.mad ibn MuQ.ammad Al KhaHfah,

q.v. AQ.mad ibn MuQ.a.!llillad al-Sudairi, q.v. AQ.mad ibn Sa'id Al Bü Sa'id, q.V. AQ.mad ibn Salmän ibn AQ.mad ÄI

Khalifah, q.v. AQ.mad Khän, al-I;Iäjj, 2.56-2.57 AQ.mad Pasha, 69-'70, 100, 101, 106, 108,

131; reappointed governor of Hejaz, 72.-73

AQ.sä', al-, see I;Iasä, al­'Ä'ic;l ibn Mar'i, 75 'Ä'idhi, 'Abd Alläh ibn I;Iamad ibn

Nä~ir al-, 63 'Ain al-Qutür, 132. 'Ain Najm, 2.55 'Aiyäf, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mushäri Ibn,

154, 156 'Aiyäf family, 137, 138, 139, 154 'Aiyäf, I;Iamad ÄI, 137 'Aiyäf, I;Iasan ibn Mushäri Ibn, 154 Ajä' mountains, 5 'Ajäji, MuQ.ammad ibn Saif al-, 195-197 'Ajlän (governor of al-Riyäc;l), 2.72. 'Ajmän, 42., 79, 80, 199, 2.33 akhü man tä' Alläh, I n. ÄI Bü Sa'id, AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 34 Äl Bü Sa'id, 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn 'Azzän

ibn Qais ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 2.3°, 2.48; captures al-Burairni, 245-247

Äl Bü Sa'id, I;Iamüd ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 1°7, 131, 193, 194,2.01

Äl Bü Sa'id, Ibrähim ibn Qais ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 2.47

Äl Bü Sa'id, Qais ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn _ AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 2.01 Al Bü Sa'id, Sa'id ibn AQ.rnad ibn Sa'id,

34 ÄI Bü Sa'id, Sa'id ibn Sultan ibn AQ.mad

ibn Sa'id, 78, 107, 130-131, 184, 193, 194, 195,2.01; ruler of Masqat, 36,41-42.; offers tribute, 8o; makes treaty with Turki, 81

ÄI Bü Sa'id, Sälim ibn Thuwaini ibn Sa'id ibn Sultän ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 2.34,2.46

ÄI Bü Sa'id, Sultän ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 34-35

ÄI Bü Sa'id, Thuwaini ibn Sa'id ibn Sultän ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 193-195, 2.01-2.02.,230-2.34,2.39

ÄI Bü Sa'id tribe, 34 ÄI Bü Sa'id, Turki ibn Sa'id ibn Sultän

ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id, 2.31, 2.32. Äl Bü Shämis tribe, 193 ÄI Murrah tribe, 2.9, 84-85,136,150,178,

186,2.00,2.06,2.13,2.48,2.55,2.59,2.61 Äl Shämir seetion (of 'Ujmän), 52. n., 76 Albanians, 70, 72., 108 'AH al-BablüH al-Maghribi, abü, q.V. 'AH family, 68 'AH ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn MuQ.amrnad

Äl 'Ulaiyän, q.V. 'All ibn Khalifab ibn Salmän ibn AQ.mad

Al KhaHfah, q.V. 'AH ibn MuQ.ammad Ibn 'Ufai~än, q.V. 'AH ibn Mujaththal, 73, 74, 75 'Ali ibn Rashid, q.V. 'AH, 'isä ibn $äliQ. ibn 'Abd al-MuQ.sin

Ibn, 68-69 'AH, 'Isä ibn 'Ubaid Alläh Ibn, 104,

11fr-111, 117, IZ5 and n. 'AH, MuQ.ammad ÄI, 68 'Äli Pasha, 254 'Ali Ric;lä Pasha, 84, 2.52. 'Ali, $äliQ. ibn 'Abd al-MuQ.sin Ibn, 69,

101-105, 110 'Alkam tribe, 2.6 Alma' tribe, 73-'74 'Amä'ir section (of Banü Khälid), 79, 92.,

94 amän, 47, 55, 61, 161, 2.71 'Amärät tribe (of 'Anazab), 66 America, 168 amir, 2.12. Amjad al-Amjäd, 45 amr bi-al-ma'ruf wa-al-nabY 'an ai­

munkar, al-, II 'Anazab tribai confederation, 30, 57, 66,

76, 83, 91--<)2., 102., 134, 155, 156, 161, 169, 2.06, 2.12., 2.13


INDEX 299 Anglo-Saudi treaty, 236 'ÄIDkah, al-, 188, 197, 198, 253 Arab League, 246 Arab nationalism, 14; absence in nine­

teenth-century Arabia, I I I-I 12 Arab World, 127 Arabia, passim; Ottoman power in, 6-,],

179; Wahhäbi, 121,2°3,2°7,246 Arabian American Oil Company, 187,

253 Arabian horses, 45, 89, 2°9, 214-215,

227,237,241 Arabian Refonnation, see Wabhäbism Arabians, 147; North and South, 33;

linguistic differences, 33; sense of Arabness, II2

Arabiclanguage, I Arabness of Wahhäbis, I 12 'Aramah, al-, 4, 84, 153, 172 'Äric;l, al-, 5, 19, SI, 52, 57, 212, 249, 26o,

268,274 artillery, 2°9, 253 'Arwä, 268 Ashraf al-Asräf, 45 Asia,66 'Asir, 23, 26, 69-']1:, 73, 74, 182-183,

238; expeditions against, 27; Egyptian attacks, 100-101, 131;losttoOttomans, 260

Aslam section (of Shammar), 268 'Aun, Mul;1ammad ibn 'Abd al-Mu'in

ibn, 71, 83, 100, 141, 164, 169, 182; invades Nejd, 179-181

'Ausaji, Mul},ammad ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz al-, 80

'Ausajiyah, al-, 16o, 167 'Aushaziyah, al-, 160. See also 'Ausajiyah,

al-Avril, Adolphe d', 18o, 181 'Awäzim tribe, al-, 29 'Azdakah, ibn, see Ghardaqah, 'Abd al­

'Aziz a1-Azhar, al-, 24, 244 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn

AQ.mad ibn Sa'id Ä1 Bü Sa'id, q.v.

Badü, al-, see Bedouins Baghdäd, 6, 62, 129, 207, 237, 250, 252,

254,255,256,257,259 BaQ,lä',79 BaQ,rain, al-, 7, 30, 38, 48, 78-7'9, 124,

125, 126, 1:35, 140, IS0, 184, 185, 206, 209, 2II, 213, 215, 217, 221, 233, 245, 248, 252, 255, 257, 259, 270; captured by Äl Khalifah, 30; Egyptian de­mands on, 125-128; naval superiority, 127

BaQ,rainis, 152, 248 bait al-mäl, 29 Ba'ithah, 250 Balkans, 252 Banbän, 43, 143, 160,238


Bandar ibn Taläl ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'AU ibn Rashid, q.v.

Banü Bü 'Ali tribe, 106, 231; converted to Wahhäbism, 36; defeats British, 48

Banü Häjir tribe, 29, 124, IS0, 186, 200, 2 13

Banü l;Iusain tribe, 76 Banü Khälid tribe, 29, 43, SI, 67, 75-,]8,

123, 124, 132, 152, 153, 185, 186, 213, 253, 259. See also 'Amä'ir

Banü Mälik tribe, 26 Banü Mughaid tribe, 26, 70, 73, 75, 182,

238 Banü Qitäb tribe, 194 Banü 'Utbah tribe, 30. See also Jalähimah Barakät, 221 Barghash Ibn 'Urai'ir, q.v. Barkä', 232, 247, 248 Barnes, H. E., 233 Barrah, 251 Bärzän (l;Iä'il), 105 Bashir ibn RaQ.mah ibn Jäbir, 78-']9, 85,

187 Basra, 4, 43, 62, 66, 171, 172, 214, 250.

252,253,259,266,276 Bassäm, 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Abd al-Ral},män

Ibn, 163, 265 Bassäm family, 163, 165 Bassäm, Mul},ammad ibn 'Abd al-Ral},-

män Ibn, 163 Bätin, Wädi al-, 4 Bätinah, al-, 31,80, 194, 195,202,232 Battäl ibn Mul;1ammad al-Mutairi, q.v. Bawäri, Mul},ammad ibn 'Abd al-Karim

al-, 145 Bayäc;l, al-, 85 Bedouin troops, 210, 238, 248, 251 Bedouins, 12-13, 19, 57, 76, 137, 145,

161, 168-169, 170-172, 175, 181, 200, 2°3, 206, 227, 230, 254, 256, 26o, 261, 269; fickle, 210; Hejazi, 180; mobility of, 210; taxes on, 211

Bell, Gertrude, 219 Berenice, 221

Bid', al- (modem al-Daul},ah, q.v.), 30, 187, 188

bid'ah, II Biläl ibn Salim al-l;Iarq, q.v. Bi'r 'Ali, 44, 45 Bishah, 71 n. Bishr, 'Uthmän ibn 'Abd Alläh Ibn, 12,

47,56,58,60,70,74,86,88,90,91,97, 101, 1°7, II3, II6, 119, 123, 124, 141, 153, 161, 188, 198, 212,223, 226

Blunt, Lady Anne, 219, 240 Blunt, W. S., 219 BombaY,38,41,46,47,163,214,215,252 Bombay Govemment, 37, 81-82, 126, 190,

192,194,219,247,258 British, 15, 37, 73, 121, 130, 131, 135,

141, 147, 182, 184, 189, 207, 2°9, 210, 232, 245, 252, 262; interests in the


Persian Gulf, 37, 217; shipping under attaek, 37; welcome Ibrähim Pasha, 40; storm Ra's al-Khaimah, 47; suffer a serious reverse, 48; poliey on land, 79; poliey towards Turki, 81; incensed at 'Abd Alläh ibn A1;lmad, 127-128; view of al-Bal;train, 129; contemplate a blockade, 131; deeision to oeeupy Aden, 131; poliey of maintaining al­Bal;train, 187; reaetions to Fail?al's aecession, 192-193; to withdraw from interferenee in Arabia, 192; reverse their standing poliey, 231; repulsed at al-Dammäm, 234; concern over 'Abd Alläh, 247; support for Saud, 235, 257-258. See also England, Great Britain, United Kingdom

British eonsul: killed, 183 Broussa, 253 Bü Sa'id, Al, see ÄI Bü Sa'id Buraidah, 4,5,50,1°9, 110, 117,143,144,

145, x58-x68, 173, 175, 178, 221, 263, 264, 265, 267, 274, 275, 276, 277; animosity with Jabal Shammar, 118; trouble in, 169-170

Buraih section (of Mutair), 169, 213 Buraimi, al-, 32,41, 7cr-8o, 107, II6, 129,

135, 136, 141, 186,231,232,239,251, 254; border dispute, 3 I; strategie 10-cation, 35; Saudi forees appeared in, 35; Fai~al's policies in, 191-2°3; amir as appointee, 2°5; captured by 'Azzän ibn Qais, 246-247

Burekhardt, J. L., 219 Burgan (Burqän) oilfield, 170 Burton, Sir Riehard F., 219 Bushire, 39, 42, 45, 185, 214, 238, 252,

262 Butaiyin, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd Alläh

ibn 'Abd al-Ral;tmän Abü, 165, 252, 268

Butaiyin, 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Abd al­Ral;tmän Abü, 87, 143, 162, 163-164, 167, X78-x79, 208

Cairo, 18, 19, 46, 50, 65, 1°4, 133, 142, 239, 266

Caleutta, 44, 168 eamels, 277; Omani, II6, 181 Campbell, Lt.-Col. Patriek, 125, 126 Cevdet, Ahmed (historian), 133, 183, 184 Ceylon, 214 China, 216 cholera, 57, 90, 168, 183 Christians, 48 c1erical hierarehy, role in politieal change,

96, 99 eoffee, 89, 182, 216 Colvill, Dr. W. H., 220 Companions of the Prophet, 9 Constantinople, 266. See also Istanbul Cox, Sir Perey, 236, 237

Crete, 131 Crinxean War, 183

fiäbi!iyah, 259 Dahnä', al-, 3, 84, 85, 152, 159, 169 1;>alfa'ah, al-, 277 Däm, 154 Damaseus, 6, 23, 222, 266, 270 Danxmäm, al-, 42, 78, 92, 125, 140, 150,

185, 18~ 189, 19°,233,237,253,263; garrison repulses British, 234

1;>ank,35 1;>äri ibn Fuhaid ibn 'Ubaid ibn 'Ali ibn

Rashid, q.V. Därin, 92 n. 1;>armä, see 1;>urmä date palms, see palms dates, 89, 215, 2x6. See also palms Daul;tah, al-, 30, 187, 245, 258. See also

Bid', al-Dausari Abü Nuqtah, q.v. Da'wah al-Mul;zammadiyah, al-, I n. Da'wah al-Najdiyah, al-, I n. Dawäsir tribe, al-, 67, 76, 206, 213, 261.

See also Wädi al-Dawäsir Dawes, Lieutenant E., 220 Dawish, Fai~al ibn Watbän al-, 23, 43,

53, 54, 55, 63, 66, 91; defies Ibrähim Pasha, 23

Dawish family, 92 Dawish, al-l;Iumaidi ibn Fai§al al-, 153,

169 Dawish, Mul;tammad ibn Fai§al al-, 91,

101, II8, 144, 151 deus ex machina, 37 Dhab/.z Ra/.zmah, 39 dhikr, 10 dhimmi,87 Didier, Charles, 180 Dijäni wells, 170 Dilam, al-, 21, 53, 64, 114, 116, II8, 119-

120, 122, 123, 124, 255, 257, 263 Din al-Tau/.zid, I n. Dir'iyah, al-, 4, 6, 16, 19, 29, 37, 42, 43,

SI, 52, 53, 54, 64, 88, 111; destruction of, 24, 5 I; results of Turkish capture, 58

Disbrowe, Colonel, 219, 231, 247 donkeys of al-l;Iasä, 216 Doughty, Charles M., 155, 166, 174, 176,

219,24°,243,25°,258,265 Driault, Edouard, 69 Dubai, 129, 197, 198, 199 Dughaithir, 'Abd Alläh Ibn, 175 Dughaithir, Fahd Ibn, 248, 249 Dughaithir, Sa'd ibn 'Ali Ibn, 137, 139 Dukbän, Jabal, 30 1;>urmä, 18, 25, 54, 61, 62, 137, 143, 167,

249, 256, 257

East Afriea, 216 Eastern l;Iajar, 32, 35

INDEX 3°1 Eastern Province, 28-30, 67, 77, 122,

123, 124, 128, 135, 139-140, 146, 150--151, 2°5, 215, 216, 238, 259, 263, 266; under the Egyptians, 124; lost to üttomans, 252-254

Eastem Question, 121 economic assistance, 227 Eden, George (Earl of Auckland), 130 Edwards, F. F. M., 46 Egypt, 38, 52, 132, 142, 180, 182, 207,

227 Egyptian govemment, 207 Egyptian troops, 42, 50, 72, 1°4, 117, 124,

134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 192; al­Hufüf garrison, 30

Egyptians, 15, 23, 47, 48, 72 and n., 129, 135,147,192; in 'Asir, 27; defeated at al-l;Iilwah, II 3

Egypto-Arabian forces, 113 Empty Quarter, 4 England, 227. See also British, Great

Britain, United Kingdom English sovereign (coin), 214 Ethiopians, 203 Euphrates, 69, 238 Europe, 125, 168, 215 Europeans, 183 exports, 214-215

Fahd al-Suyaifi, q.v. Fahd ibn 'Abd Alläh ($unaitän) ibn

Ibrähim ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;1am­mad ibn Saud, q.v.

Fahd Ibn Dughaithir, q.v. Fahhäd ibn 'Uwaid ibn Rukhaiyi~, 273 Fai~al ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd al-

Ral;1män ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;1ammad ibn Saud (king), q.v.

Fai~al ibn al-l;Iusain (Häshimite), 23 Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn

Mul;1ammad ibn Saud, q.v. Fai~al ibn Watbän al-Dawish, q.v. Faläl;1 Ibn l;Iithlain, q.v. Falstaff, 220 Far', al-, 1°9, III, 146, 157 Farl;1än ibn Khair Alläh, 250, 254 /ariq, 253 n. Fätimah (daughter of Ibrähim Pasha), 44 Fertile Crescent, 8, 15 First World War, 23, 219, 255 France, 37, 121, 131, 132,221 French, overtures to Fai~al, 221 French consul, killed, 183 Fresnel, Fulgence, II2 Fuwairit, 187

Gazetteer 0/ the Persian GulJ, 36 General Treaty of Peace, 48-49 Georgians, 72, 203 Ghabbi, al-, 194 Ghäfiri, 33-34, 37

Ghaidän ibn Jäzi' ibn 'Ali, 52 n. Ghaihab, l;Iamad ibn Yal;1yä ibn, 64, 66,

84, 97, 107, II6 Ghänim, 'Abd Alläh ibn (al-Räfi<;li), 85,

92, 151 Ghannäm, l;Iusain ibn, 20, 223, 244 Ghardaqah, 'Abd al-'Aziz al-, 37 n. Ghät, al-, 62 Ghu<;lai,276 Gibb, H. A. R., 8, 13 Great Britain, 217. See also British,

England, United Kingdom Great Nafüd, 3 Great War, 219 Green Mountain, 32, 79, 202. See also

Jabal al-Akh<;lar, al-Guarmani, Carlo, 215, 219

l;Iabib Pasha (üttoman wäli), 172 Hadah, al-, 70 n. Hadhdhäl, Mash'än Ibn, 66 Hadhdhäl, Zaid ibn Mughailith Ibn, 91 Hädi ibn Midhwad, 85 badith,88 l;Ia<;lramaut, 6 bäfi~ da/tar, 212 l;Iafr al-'Atk, 67 l;Iä'il, 6,101,104-105, IIO, 111, 118, 125,

144, 154, 155, 156, 205, 221, 239, 240, 241, 242, 250, 260, 262, 267, 277; symbolic of Bedouin idea, 68; ruling family, 68; Mul;1ammad Ibn Rashid becomes amir, 243

l;Iä'ir, al-, 53, 54, 57, II8, 136 l;Iajar Mts., see Eastem l;Iajar, Western

l;Iajar l;Iali, 7 I n. l;Iamad AI 'Aiyäf, q.v. l;Iamad family, 53 l;Iamad ibn Mubärak, 125, 137, 145 l;Iamad ibn Yal;1yä ibn Ghaihab, q.v. l;Iamädah (plain), 268 and n., 269 Hamerton, Captain Atkins, 130 l;Iamriyah, al-, 202 l;Iamüd ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn Al;1mad

ibn Sa'id AI Bü Sa'id, q.v. l;Iamüd ibn Mul;1ammad Abü Mismär, 27 l;Iamzah, Sir Fu'äd, 95, 266, 273, 275 l;Ianakiyah, al-, 109, 116, II7 l;Ianbal, Al;1mad ibn, 8 l;Ianbali law, 24, 208 l;Ianbali, Rashid ibn 'Ali al-, II2, 142 l;Ianbalis, 223 l;Ianbalism, 8--9, 10 l;Ianifah, Wädi, 4,5,54,68, II8, 251, 261 Hanseatic League, 150 [farb al-Awwal, al-, 174 [farb al-Thäni, al-, 174 l;Iarb tribe, 66, 133, 206, 213, 264, 267,

269,276 l;Iariq, al-, 16,97, II3, 136, 137. 139, 147.



l;Iannah, 160, 267 l;Iarq, Biläl ibn Salim al-, 140, 151 l;Iarq, Salim ibn Biläl, 37 n. l;Iasä, al-, 7, 24, 28, 42, SI, 75, 77, 92,

123, 135, 140, 151, 157, 177, 197, 200, 212, 215, 216, 232, 239, 245, 247, 249, 254, 255, 258, 259, 271. See also Hufüf, al-

l;Iasan Bey abü Zähir, 57; evacuates Nejd, 61

l;Iasan ibn Mushäri Ibn 'Aiyäf, q.v. l;Iasan ibn Ral;unah, 47 l;Iasan walad Muhanna' Abä al-Khail,

q.v. l;Iasäwis, 124, 216, 259-260 Hastings, Lord, 45-46 l;Iautah, al-, 21, II3, 136, 147, 157, 212,

257 Hazzäni, Sa'd ibn Turki al-, 137 Hazzani, Turki al-, 97, II3, II9, 130 Heart 0/ Arabia, 222 Hejaz, 18, 65, 90,100,131,138, 140, IS0,

165,179,183,2°7; mountains, 3; lost to Sauds, 26; Wahhäbi influence in, 69; Turkcye Bilmez as governor, 72; anti-Wahhäbi expatriates, 180

Hennell, Captain S., 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 141, 182, 194, 195

Herbert, Colonel, 252, 253, 257 Hessians, 138 Highflyer, 232-Z34 l;Iijäz, al-, see Hejaz l;Iilwah, al-, 16, II3, II6, II9 Hinäwi, 33-34, 35 Hindu merchants, 23 l;Iithlain, Falä1;t Ibn, 85, 152-153 l;Iithlain, l;Iizäm Ibn, 249 l;Iithlain, Räkän ibn Falä1;t Ibn, 153, 170-

171,249 l;Iizäm ibn l;Iithlain, q.v. Hodeida, 101, 128, 131, 182, 183 Hofuf, see Huruf, al-Hogarth, D. G., 26, 221, 222, 276 Holy Cities, 23 horses, Arabian, 45, 89, 2°9, 214-215,

227, 237, 241 Huber, Charles, 219, 264, 268, 269 l;Iudaidah, al-, see Hodeida l;Iufnah, al-, 172 Hufüf, al-, 28, 30, 75, 109-110, 123, 124,

130, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 146, 15 1, 152, 153, 171, 186, 188, 2II, 220,221, 238, 248, 250, 254, 259-260; captured by Turki, 76-77, II4, II6; besieged by Saud ibn Fai~al, 248-249; under the Ottomans, 254. See also l;Iasä, al-

l;Iujailän, 27 l;Iujailän family, 50 l;Iulaiwin, 186 l;Iumaidi ibn Fai~al al-Dawish, al-, q.v. l;Iuraimilah, 53, 56, 61, 63, 145, 152,257,


Hurgronje, Snouck, 182 l;Iusain, al- (Prophet's grandson), 6 l;Iusain Bey, 55-56, 122, 123 l;Iusain ibn 'Ali (Häshimite), 26 l;Iusain ibn Ghannäm, q.v. l;Iusain ibn l;Iamad ibn l;Iusain ibn

Mu1;tammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhäb, q.v. l;Iusain, Tähä, 222 l;Iutaim tribe, 67 and n., 91,213

'ibädät, 12 Ibä<;lis, 246, 248 Ibä<;lism, 34,37,245 Ibrähim (Käshif), 57 Ibrähim Agha, 50 Ibrähim al-Mu'äwin, IIO, II3, II4, II5 Ibrähim ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Ibrähim, I 13 Ibrähim Ibn 'Isä, q.v. Ibrähim ibn Qais ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn

A1;tmad ibn Sa'id AI Bü Sa'id, q.v. Ibrähim ibn Sulaimän AI Zämil, q.v. Ibrähim ibn Sulaimän Ibn 'Ufai~än, q.v. Ibrähim Kücyük Pasha, 100, 101, 131;

withdraws from Yemen, 132 Ibrähim Pasha, 7, 16-17, 18, 23, 29, 41,

43-46, SI, 54, 58, 71, 108, 109, III, 123, 127 n., 142, 244; courage, 19; in Nejd, 19-21; evacuates Nejd, 23-26; destroys al-Dir'iyah, 24-25; welcomed by British, 40

'!bri, 32, 35, 107 'Id al-A<;l1;tä, 274 ijmä',9-lo ikhl~, 12 Ikhwän, In., 227 imäm, I I; functions, 203 imports, 216-z17 India, 37, 45, 125, 216 India, Government of, 125, 135, 189, 190,

191, 192, 194. 245, 247; sets Persian Gulf policy, 125

Indian currency. 214 Indian navy, 106 Indian Ocean, 32 Indian subjects of Britain, 231, 233 Indians, 231, 232, 234 'Iqd al-Durar /imä Waqa'a/i Najd, 224 Iran, 216 Iraq, 7, 8, 23, 100, 123, 172, 207, 253,

277; Egyptian presence in, 128 'Irqah, 60, 62, 63, 137 'Isä ibn 'Ali ibn Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn

A1;tmad AI Khalifah, q.v. 'Isä ibn l;Iasan, 83 'Isä ibn Mu1;tammad, 136 'lsä ibn Sälih ibn 'Abd al-Muhsin Ibn

'Ali, q.v. . . 'Isä ibn 'Ubaid Alläh Ibn 'Ali, q.v. 'Isä, Ibrähim Ibn, 167, 168, 169, 174,

176, 178, 179, 223-224, 242, 244, 25 I, 261

'Isä, ~äli1;t ibn, 76 n.


Isläm, 8,14 Ismä'il Bey, Colonel, 72 Ismä'il Bey, General, 108, II4, II5, II7,

II9; invades Nejd, 109-IIO; defeated at al-l;Iilwah, II 3-II4

Istanbul, 19, 1°4, 2°7, 215, 237, 239, 252, 266

Jabal al-Akh<;lar, al-, 32, 202 Jabal al-l;Iisi, 160 Jabal Dukhän, 30 Jabal Shammar, 5, 21, 58, 68-6c), 101-

105, 110-111, 139, 147, 2°5, 2°7, 213, 229, 239, 240, 241, 242, 250, 260; animosity with Buraidah, II8; Mu­I;tammad Ibn Rashid becomes amir, 243

Jabal Tuwaiq, 4, 160,251,268 Jabarti, 'Abd al-Ral;tmän, al-, 244-Jäbir ibn 'Abd Alläh Al $abäl;t, q.v. Jäbir ibn Mul;tammad ibn Khalifah ibn

Salmän ibn Al;tmad Al Khalifah, q.v. Jabr ibn Rashid, q.v. jadidah, 214 n. Ja'far clan (of Shammar), 68 n. jähiliyah, 9, 14 Jahrah, al-, 171, 172 Jaizän, see Jizän Jalähimah section (of 'Utbah), 38 Jaläjil. 52, 58, 60, 62, 97, 223 Jaläjil, Mul;tammad ibn 'Abd Alläh Ibn,

II6, 139, 141, 157, 181 Ja'län, 32, 231 Jalwi ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn

Mul;tammad ibn Saud, q.v. Jamäl 'Abd al-Nä~ir, see Nasser, Gamal

Abdul Janäbah tribe, 231, 234 Janb tribe, 213 janbiyah, 39, 70 Jauf, al-, 156, 240, 241 Jäzän, see Jizän Jeddah, see Jidda Jesuits, 222 Jews, 241 Jidda, 4S, 46, 72, II2, 141, 180, 266;

revolt in, 71; British and French con­suls killed, 183

jihad, II, 170, 175 jinn, 12 Jiräb, 66, 159 Jiwä', al-, 31, 33, 273 Jiz'ah, al-, 250, 257, 260 Jizän,27 Jizi, Wädi al-, 195 Jliiwi, see J alwi Joassmees, see Qawäsim, al-Jones, Captain Felix, 189-190, 226 JoPP, Lieutenant, 135 Jüdah, 249 Judaism, 221 Juddah, see Jidda Jukdär, l;Iusain, 21

Julandi imäms of üman, 34 Juraifah, al-, 160, 277

kaiJiyah, 88 Karbalä', 6, 228, 276 käshiJ,29 Kathir family, 85 Keir, Sir William Grant, 47 Kemball, Arnold B., 189,200, 237, 238;

deters 'Abd Alläh from invasion of Oman, 201

Khiidim al-I;Iaramain al-Sharifain, 7 Khafs Banbän, 153 Khafs Daghrah, II3 Khaibar, 4, 240 Khail, Abä al-, see Abä al-Khail Khairäti family, 27 Khaldün, Ibn, 14 Khälid ibn Saud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn

Mul;tammad ibn Saud, q.v. Khälidi, Nä~ir ibn Jabr al-, 248, 249 Khalifah, 'Abd Alläh ibn Al;tmad Al, 78,

91,92,94,125,126,127,150, 18S, 186, 189; agrees with Imäm Fai~al, 106; reaches agreement with Khürshid, 127

Khalifah, Al;tmad ibn Mul;tammad Ai, captures al-Bal;train, 3 °

Khalifah, Ahmad ibn Salmän ibn Ahmad Al,39 . .

Khalifah, 'Ali ibn Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn Al;tmad Al, 187, 188, 189, 245

Khalifah family, 30, 31, 38, 78, 92, 106, 140, 150-151, 185-191

Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn Al;tmad Äl Khalifah, q.v.

Khalifah, 'Isä ibn 'Ali ibn Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn Al;tmad Al, 226, 245, 248

Khalifah, Jäbir ibn Mul;tammad ibn Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn Al;tmad AI, 245 n.

Khalifah, Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn Al;tmad Äl, 92

Khalifah, Mubärak ibn 'Abd AlIäh ibn Al;tmad Al, 140, 187

Khalifah, Mul;tammad ibn 'Abd AIläh ibn Al;tmad Äl, 189, 190

Khalifah, Mul;tammad ibn Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn Al;tmad Äl, 151, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191,245

Khalifah, Räshid ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Al;tmad Äl, 187

Khalil Pasha, 50, 70 Khalili, Sa'id ibn Khalfän, al-, 246 Khamis Mushait, 71 n. Kharäb, al-, II9 kharäj, 107. See also zakäh, taxes Kharj,al-,4,5,53,S7,61,63,64-6S, 1°9,

IIl, II3, 120, 122, 146, 147, 157, 170, 212, 262, 263, 270, 271, 272, 275

Kharjis, 272 Khashm al-l;laisiyah, 43 Khaur al-'Udaid, 186



Khaur l;Iassän, 30, 31 Khizäm, 259 Khojah Bey, 253 khulti~ dates, 216 Khuraizi clan, 166, 176 khurdah, 214 n. Khürshid Bey, see Khürshid Tähir Pasha Khürshid Tähir Pasha, 50, 71, 101, 102,

1°4, 108, 1I0, 1I5, 1I6, 1I7, 1I8, 122, 127, 128, 136, 137, 142, 198; and Türks;e Bilmez, 72; stays in 'Unaizah, 1I7; captures Fai~al, 1I9-120; pro­consul in Nejd, 121; proclaims Mu­l;tammad 'Ali sovereign of Nejd, 122; policy in Persian Gulf, 123-124; moves in al-Bal;train, 125-128; naval inferiority of, 128; activities in Oman, 130; evacuates Nejd and the Eastem Province, 132-133

Khuwair, al-, 30. See also Khaur l;Iassän Knox, Major S. G., 236 Koran, 9, 10,88, 21I, 223, 267 koranic law, see law, koranic Kuläkh, 71 n. Kusmän, 155. See also Qa~imis Küt (fort of al-Hufüf), 77 and n., 1°9,

259 Kuwait, al-, 30, 83, 124, 136, 140, 170,

171, 172, 185,214,215,220,241, 253, 257, 258, 277, 278; Egyptian presence in, 128; ships, 253

Lailä, 153 Laoust, Henri, 10, 12 larins, 214 law, 10, 12; koranic, 208, 209 Lawrence, T. E., 23, 91, 219 Lebanon, 221 Levant, 132 Liverpool, 47 London, 230,252 Lorimer, J. G., 36, 126, 128, 134, 141,

215, 217, 221, 222, 257, 266 Lu'ay, ibn, 180-181 Lucas, George, 220

Madinah, al-, see Medina Maghribi, abü 'Ali al-Bahlüli al-, 56, 60,

63,64 Mal;tbüb ibn Jauhar, 203 and n., 218, 251,

258 Mal;tmal, al-, 5, 51, 52, 60, 66, 1I4, 160,

170, 238, 249, 275 Mal;tmüd 11 (Ottoman sultan), 7, 72 Mal;tmüd al-Färisi, 77 Mal;tmüd Effendi, 25 Mal;tmüd ibn Mal;tmüd, 70 Maitland, Admiral F., 126, 127 Mäjid Ibn 'Urai'ir, q.v. Majis, 194, 195 majlis, ISS, 243

Majma'ah, al-, 62, 139, 160, 180, 181, 183, 226, 267-268; 'Abd Alläh fails to retake, 268-269

Makkah, see Mecca Maktüm ibn Bati, 197, 198 Maläl;t, al-, 171 mameluke, 71 Manä~ir tribe, al-, 130, IS0, 178, 200,213 Manfül;tah, 21, 43, 60, 61, 63, 65, 83, 94,

1I4, 1I5, 137, 138, 145, 173, 195 Maria Theresa thalers, 17,89 and n., 214 Ma~äni', al-, 1I4 Mash'än Ibn Hadhdhäl, q.v. Masqat, 7, 31,41,79, 82, 106, 126, 127,

184, 193, 194, 199,200-202,207, 21I, 213, 217, 219, 230-235, 239, 245, 246, 247; pays tribute, 36; agrees to tribute, 195

Masqat and Oman, 206 Ma'talä, al-, 238, 248 Mauqaq, 58 Mazäd' tribe, al-, 130 Mecca, 6, 26,45,5°,69,71, 101, 131, 141,

164, 165, 167, 174, 183, 198, 250 Medina, 6, 19,24,25,26,43,44,57,61,

69, 101, 1°9, 133, 183,216,240 Mengin, Felix, 25 Midl;tat Pasha, 250, 254, 255, 256, 257,

258 n.; annexes Eastern Province, 252-254

Midhnab, al-, 43, 158, 160, 163 Mignan, R., 39 Miläl;tah, 71 n. militia, 144, 145, 152, 164, 175, 200, 206,

208-210,256 Minsaf, al-, 172 Mocha, 46,101,182,183; Türks;e Bilmez

in, 73-74 Morea,69 Mosul, 216, 220 Mu'ammar, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn l;Iamad ibn

Nä~ir Ibn, 88 Mu'ammar, Mul;tammad ibn Mushäri

Ibn, 50-54, 55, 56, 59, 63, 270; an Egyptian vassal, 51; recognises Mush­äd Ibn Saud, 52; final appearance, 53

Mu'ammar, Mushäri ibn Mul;tammad ibn Mushäri Ibn, 53-54

Mubärak (Ibn Rashid's standard bearer), 277

Mubärak ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Al;tmad ÄI Khalifah, q.v.

Mubarraz, al-, 28, 249 Mudäwi, 'Abd Alläh ibn Sa'd al-, 151,

159, 185 Mul;tammad (Käshif), 29, 51 Mul;tammad (Prophet), 9, 10, 1I, 226 Mul;tammad 'Abduh, 10 Mul;tammadAgha, 61 Mul;tammad Agha (Georgian), see Türks;e

Bilmez Mul;tammad ÄI 'Ali, q.v.



Mul)ammad al-Ghänim ÄI 'Ulaiyän, q.v.

MuI)ammad ÄI $abäl), q.v. Mul)ammad 'Ali, 7, 19,26,45,46,53,7°,

72, 100, 108, II2, 121, 123, 125, 126, 131,140,147,184,192,228;purposein Nejd, 23; Greek campaign, 71; suc­cesses in Arabia and Syria, 127; ambitions in al-Kuwait and Iraq, 128; eyes Iraq, 129; possible jealousy of Khürshid, 132

MuI)ammad Bey, Colonel, 50 Mul)ammad Effendi, 124-125, 132 Mul)ammad ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz al-'Ausaji,

q.v. Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Karirn al­

Bawäri, q.v. Mul)ammad ibn 'Abd al-Mu'in ibn 'Aun,

q.v. Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rahmän Ibn

Bassäm, q.v. . Mul)ammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhäb, q.v. Mul)ammad ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Al)mad

Äi Khalifah, q.v. MuI)ammad ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn

Rashid, q.v. MuI)ammad ibn 'Abd Alläh Ibn Jaläjil,

q.v. MuI)ammad ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mäni',

234, 235 and n., 236 Mul)ammad ibn 'Abdän, 37 n., 67 MuI)ammad ibn Mmad ibn Mul)ammad

al-Sudairi, q.v. MuI)ammad ibn 'Ä'ic;l ibn Mar'i, 75, 238,

260 MuI)ammad ibn 'Ärnir Abü Nuqtah

al-Rufaidi, q.v. MuI)ammad ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn

'Abd Alläh ibn Mul)ammad ibn Saud, q.v.

Mul)ammad ibn Fai~al ibn Watbän al-Dawish, q.v.

MuI)ammad ibn Ibrähim ibn Saif, 156 MuI)ammad ibn Jäbir al-Tawil, 151 Mul)ammad ibn Khalifah al-Nabhäni,

q.v. Muhammad ibn Khalifah ibn Salmän ibn

Ahmad ÄI Khalifah, q.v. Mul)ammad ibn Muqrin, 145 MuI)ammad ibn Mushäri Ibn Mu'ammar,

q.v. MuI)ammad ibn Nähic;l, 68 Mul)ammad ibn Qarmalah, 153,250 MuI)ammad ibn Saif al-'Ajäji, q.v. Mul)ammad ibn Saud, q.v. MuI)ammad ibn Saud ibn Fai~al ibn

Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn MuI)ammad ibn Saud, q.v.

MuI)ammad Ibn 'Ufai~än, q.v. MuI)ammad Ibn 'Urai'ir, q.v. Mul)ammadi, al-, 119 Muhanna' al-$älil) Abä al-Khail, q.v.

Muhanna' family, 271. See also Abä al-Khail family

Mukhä, al-, see Mocha Mulaidah, al-, 274-277, 278 Munaikh, 60, 62 Muntafiq tribe, al-, 136, 172, 253, 254,

259,276 Murabba', al-, 91 Muraiqib, al-, 92 Murc;lif, a!-, 85 _ Murrah, Al, see Al Murrah tribe Müsä (Käshif), 57 Musai'id, 187 Musaimir, 187 Muscat, see Masqat Mushäri ibn 'Abd al-Rahmän ibn

Mushäri ibn Saud, q.v. . Mushäri ibn Mul)ammad ibn Mushäri

Ibn Mu'ammar, q.v. Mushäri ibn Näsir ibn Mushäri ibn

Saud, q.v. . Mushäri ibn Saud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn

Mul)ammad ibn Saud, q.v. Musil, Alois, 121-122, 267, 276 Muslim state, 203 Mutair tribe, 23, 29, 43,53,66,67,76,83,

91-<)2, 144, 145, IS0, 151, 169, 170, 172, 206, 213, 248, 261, 262, 267, 269, 276

Mutairi, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mutlaq al-, 23 1

Mutairi, 'Abd Alläh ibn Battäl al-, 140, 146, 151; killed, 249

Mutairi, 'Abd Alläh ibn 'isä ibn Mut­laq al-, 29

Mutairi, Battäl ibn Mul)ammad al-, 37 n., 42, 49

Mutairi, Mutlaq ibn Mul)ammad al-, 36, 37 and n.

Mutairi, Sa'd ibn Mutlaq al-, 79, 81, 107, 135, 141, J:29-J:3J:, 132, J:92-J:99, 221

muta~arrif, 253 n. mutawwi', I I

Mut'ib ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn Rashid, q.v.

Mutlaq ibn 'Abd al-RaI)män al-Sul)aimi, q.v.

Mut1aq ibn Mul)ammad al-Mutairi, q.v. Mutlaq ibn $älil), 224 Muwal;-';lidün, I n.

Nabhäni, al- (kings of üman), 34 Nabhäni, MuI)ammad ibn Khalifah, al­

(historian), 191 Näfidh Pasha, 253, 255 Nafüd, al-, 3, 5, IIO, 160, 175, 267. See

also Great Nafüd Nä'if ibn Taläl ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Aii

ibn Rashid, q.v. Na'jän, 64, 118 Najd, see Nejd Najlah, 71 n.



Najrän, 4, 5, 89, 152, 216, 238 Nämiq Pasha (wäli of Baghdäd), 237,

238 Napoleon, 18, 37, 38, 72 Napoleon III, 221 Narrative of a Year's Journey through

Central and Eastern Arabia (I862-63), 221, 222

Nä~ir, 'Abd al-RaJ:unäm ibn, 224, 270, 275 Nä~ir ibn 'Abd al-Ral.tmän al-Su1;taimi,

q.V. Nä~ir ibn Jabr al-Khälidi, 239 Nä~ir Pasha Ibn Sa'dün, q.V. Nä~iri, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd Alläh

al-I;Iusain, al-, 58 Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 127 nationalism, absence in nineteenth-

century Arabia, I I I-I 12 navy, 209-210, 215 Nazwä, 32, 34, 35 Near East, 206 Nejd, 2, 45, 216, 219, 222, 238, 257;

boundaries, 3-4; climate, 4; districts, 5; Ibrähim Pasha in, 18; unsettled conditions, 22; Ibrähim evacuates, 23-26; anarchy in, 50, 56; cleared of Turks, 63-64; cholera in, 90; parti­tioned, 116; Mul).ammad 'Ali orders evacuation, 132; revolt in, 136; final expulsion of Egyptians, 139; free from invasion, 149; famine conditions, 258; under Saud ibn Fai~al, 260; dissen­sion, 266; excellent rains, 272

Nejdi troops, 199, 202 Nejdis, 12, 2°5, 2°9, 259 Nepean, Sir Evan, 42 New Delhi, 252 Niebuhr, C., 219 Ninone, 253 Nizib, 121, 127 n. North Mrican troops, 71, 108 Nu'aim tribe, 130, 178, 193, 195, 199,

200, 246; ascendancy in al-Buraimi, 129

Nuqtah, Dausari Abü, 100, 19..7, 108, 112 Nuqtah, Mul).armnad ibn 'Amir Abü,

al-Rufaidi, 27 Nürah bint 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn

Rashid, q.V. Nüri al-Sha'län, q.v.

Oman, 16,42,48, 80, 122, 135, 136, 141, 191, 193-203, 206, 216, 217, 218, 221, 230-235, 238, 245, 246, 247; peoples, 32-34; coastal communications, 33; Wahhäbi activity, 106-107. See also Trucial Oman

Omani camels, 116 Ottoman, authorities, 65, 237; sultan, 71;

claim to Nejd, 133; govemment, 184; coins, 214; governor, 259. See also Turkish

Ottoman Empire, 6, 121; Saudi relations with, 200-207. See also Turkey

Ottoman troops, 180, 183, 253 Ottomanism, 14 Ottomans, 26, 182, 255, 257; occupy

Eastem Province, 252-254, 260. See also Turks

Palestine, 72 Palgrave, W. G., 66, 168, 2°4, 2°9, 210,

214,219,221-222,230,240,241 Palmerston, Lord, 121, 126, 131, 182 palms, cutting of, 19, 51, 167, 176, 177,

239, 274. See also dates Pasley, Captain, 232-234 pearls, 215-216 Pelly, Colonel Lewis, 2°3, 2°4, 206, 208,

213, 216, 217, 218, 225-228, 229-236, 238, 245, 248, 255, 256, 257, 258 ; visit to Riyadh, 219-221

Perpetual Treaty of Peace, 19°,200 Persia, 42, 187, 218 Persian, ships, 189; coins, 214; pilgrims,


Persian Gulf, 6, 23, 37, 49, 58, 123, 152, 182, 184, 187, 190, 207, 210, 214, 216, 219-220, 230, 245, 252, 254; violence in, 33; British actions in, 46; British interests in, 217

Persians, 34, 152; begin to menace al­Bal).rain, 106

Philby, H. St. J. B., 138, 149. 150, 174, 210, 219, 222, 224, 230, 236, 242, 263, 277

pilgrims, 211 and n., 213, 216, 217; Persian, 241

piracy, 38, 49, 141 Pirate Coast, 31, 40, 42, 48, 80. See also

Trucial Coast, Trucial Oman poetry, 68, 88-89, 155 Porte, see Sublime Porte Portuguese, 34 postal communications, 182 n. Precis of Nejd AjJairs, 247 Prince of Wales, 46

qäbirj darähim, 212 qarjä', 253 n. qärji, 56, 208, 213, 244 Qal).tän tribe, 67, 76, 83, 114, 115, 169,

170. 206, 213, 230, 250, 261, 269 qä'im maqäm, 207, 252, 253 n. Qais ibn 'Azzän ibn Qais ibn Al).mad ibn

Sa'id Äl Bü Sa'id, q.v. qanäh,199 Qar'ä', 276 Qarä'in, al-, 67 Qaraniyah, al-, 212 Qarmätis, 29. 214 qarqar, 89 qa#dah, 222 n. Qa~im, al-, 26, 45, 53, 55, 57,61,64, 68,


INDEX 3°7 83, 109, IIO, II5, 132, 139, :143-:144, 145, 147, 150, 156, 1:57-:168, 179, 180, 181,2°5,2°7,212,226,25°,260, 263-265, 271, 275, 276; formally incor­porated, 68; war with Shammar, 134-135, 154-155; troops, 161, 162, 277

Qäsim Al Thärü, q.v. Qa~imis, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 267,

276. See also Qu~män and Kusmän qaiT,64 Q~r al-Khandaq, 196-197 Qa~r al-$ubärah, 196-197 Q~r al-Sudairi, 203 Qatar, 3o--J:I, 35, 65, 78, 124, 165, 186,

187, 188, 189, 190, 215, 216, 237, 245, 256,258,273; Wahhäbi attacks on, 30; Wahhäbigarrison,248

Qatif, al-, 7, 24, 29, 37, 42, 51, 65, 77, 92, 105, 106, 124, 128, 140, 150, 151, 159, 173, 186, 189, 190, 208, 2II, 212, 214, 215, 216, 218, 232-234, 237, 245, 249, 255, 263; occupied by Ottomans, 254-255

Qawäsim, al-, 33, 37, 38, 44, 45; con-sidered Wahhäbi, 36

Qishm,48 Qifär, III Qufär, see Qif'ar Qunfudhah, al-, 71 n., 73 Qurtubi, al-, 226 Qu~män, 155, 263 and n. See also

Qa~imis Quwai'iyah, al-, 167 Quwärah, al-, 163 Qüz, 71 n.

rabäb,20 Rabi'ah (subsection of Shammar), 68 n. Rabi'ah wa-Rufaidah tribe, 26 RaJ:unah al-Hawili, 33 RaJ:unah ibn Jäbir, 31,38--40,42,88 Räkän ibn Faläl}. Ibn I;Iithlain, q.v. Ra's al-I:Iadd, 31, 32, 35, 217 Ra's al-Khaimah, 31, 33,47-48,80,217 Ra's Musandam, 31 Ra's Tannürah, 187, 253 Rashid, 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn, 68--6c),

97-99, :10:1-:105, 109, 111, 118, 147, 154, 242, 243; flees I:Iä'il, IIO; con­firmed by Khürshid, 132; defeats Qa~imis, 134-135; welcomes back Fai~al, 143-144; writes an ode, 155; death, 156

Rashid, 'Ali ibn, 68 Rashid, Bandar ibn Taläl ibn 'Abd Alläh

ibn 'Ali ibn, 243, 260 Rashid, 1;)äri ibn Fuhaid ibn 'Ubaid ibn

'Ali ibn, 101, IIO, 121, 142, 146, ISS, 156,224,230,272

Rashid family, 7, 68 n., 69, 149; takes over Jabal Shammar, 104-105; gen­ealogy, 293

Räshid ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Al;unad Äl Khalifah, q.V.

Rashid ibn 'Ali al-I:Ianbali, q.v. Rashid ibn I:Iumaid, 79, 8o, 82 Rashid, Jabr ibn, 68 Rashid, Mul;tammad ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn

'Ali ibn, 176, 229, 250, 262, 264, 265, 269; becomes amir, 243; intervention in Saudi affairs, 263; backs al-Majma'ah against Imäm 'Abd Alläh, 267; his govemors in Riyadh, 272-274; be­sieges Riyadh, 274-275; triumphs at al-Mulaidah, 274-277; destroys Riyadh wall, 278

Rashid, Mut'ib ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn, 152, 156

Rashid, Nä'if ibn Taläl ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn. 243

Rashid, Nürah bint 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn, 156

Rashid, Taläl ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'All ibn, 150, 154-156, 163, 164, 167, 169, 173,177,239-242,243

Rashid, Turaifah bint 'Ubaid ibn 'Ali ibn, 271 n.

Rashid, 'Ubaid ibn 'Ali ibn, 101, IIO, III, 134, 144-146, 147, :154-:156, 176, 222, 239-240, 243

Rashidi govemment, 241 Rass, al-, 17, 20, 23, 43, 57, 109, 132 RawJat al-Afkär . ... ,20,223 Rauc;lat al-Rubai'iyah, 167, 172 Rauc;lat Sudair, 178 Ra'üf Pasha, 256, 259 Red Sea, 6,45, 58,73 religious officials, 205 Rijäl al-I:Iijr tribe, 27 Rijäl Alma' tribe, 27 Riyadh, 4, 21, 43, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60,

61, 63, 109, IIl, II4, 122, 133, 134, 137, 139, 144, 145, 167, 177, 190, 191, 193, 197, 2°3, 207, 214, 227, 238, 239, 248,256,260,262,263,265,267,27°; capture of, 7-8; falls to I:Iusain Bey, 55; the new capital, 64; besieged, II4; besieged by ibn Thunaiyän, 136-137; Pelly's visit, 219-221; falls to Ibn Rashid, 270-272; under the Rashids, 272-274; prison, 208

riyäl, 89 and n., 214 Roman Catholicism, 221 Ross, Colonel, 266 Royal Geographical Society, 220 Rub' al-Khäll, al-, 4 Rufaidi, Mul;1ammad ibn 'Ämir Abü

Nuqtah al-, 27 Ruqaiyiqah, al-, 239 RumäQ.,43 Rumah, Wädi al-, 4, 167, 176 RumQ.iyah, al-, 84, 92, 140, 186, 220 Russian, 129 Rustäq, al-, 32, 34, 107, 230, 245


Ruwai<;lah, al-, 251 Ruwalah tribe ('Anazah), 91. See also


~ä', 90 $abäl}. family, 30 $abäl}., Jabir ibn 'Abd Allah Ä1, 83, 128 $abal}., ~ul}.arrunadAI, 278 $abäl}., $abäl}. ibn Jabir Al, 229 $abya, 27 Sa'd al-Tuwaijiri, 162 Sa'd ibn 'Ali Ibn Dughaithir, q.v. Sa'd ibn ~ul}.ammad ibn ~u'aiqil, 80 Sa'd ibn ~utlaq al-~utairi, q.v. Sa'd ibn Saud ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn

'Abd Allah ibn ~ul}.arrunad ibn Saud, q.v.

Sa'd ibn Turki al-Hazzani, q.v. Sadleir, G. F., 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 4()-46,

47,51,7°,227,219; his name, 40 n. Sadlier, see Sadleir Sa'dün, Na~ir Pasha Ibn, 259-260 Sadüs, 53, 54, 145, 220 $al}.m, 232 $aI}.n al-Sha'län, q.v. Sa'id (Khedive), 239 Sa'id ibn Al}.mad ibn Sa'id Al Bü Sa'id,

q.v. Sa'id ibn Khalfan al-Khalili, q.v. Sa'id ibn ~aslat, 70, 73 Sa'id ibn Sultan ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id

AI Bü Sa'id, q.v. Sa'id ibn TaI}.nün, 187-188, 195~0I, 210 Saif ibn Sa'dün, 29 $ä'igh, al-, 137 Sail}. Al l;Iamid, 154 Saihat, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 1°5, 124, 140 Saiyari, Na~ir, al-, 6 I Sajir, 160 Sakha wells, al-, 260 Salamiyah, al-, 65, 122 Saldana, J. A., 122, 247 Saldanha, see Saldana $alil}. ibn 'Abd al-~ul}.sin Ibn 'Ali, q.v. $alil}. ibn 'Isa, q.v. $älil}. ibn Shalhüb, 175 Salim I (Ottoman sultan), 6 Salim ibn Bilal al-l;Iarq, q.v. Salim ibn Subhan, 271 and n., 272-273,

277; captured, 274 Salim ibn Thuwaini ibn Sa'id ibn Sultan

ibn AQ.mad ibn Sa'id Al Bü Sa'id, q.v. Salma mountains, 5 Salt, Henry, 45, 46 Salwah, 186, 200 Sama'il, Wadi, 35 sanjaq, 253 n. Särah bint Al}.mad ibn ~ul}.arrunad al­

Sudairi, q.v. Sarät mountains, al-, 26 Saud, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd al-RaI}.man

ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Allah ibn

~ul}.ammad ibn (king), 8, 26, 1°5, 149, 175, 224, 227, 228, 236, 237, 258, 271, 272,275,277-278; birth, 266

Saud, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn ~ul}.arrunad ibn (imam), 27, 35

Saud, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Saud ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~ul}.am­mad ibn, 253, 257, 272

Saud, 'Abd al-Ral}.män ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~uharrunad ibn, 2°4, 257, 258-260, 262-263, 271, 273,275; imamate, 260; tries to over­throw Ibn Rashid, 274-275; marches towards al-~ulaidah, 277; flees, 277-278

Saud, 'Abd Allah ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~uhammad ibn (imam), 120 n., 123, 142, 1.56, 157, 159, 160, 161, 165, 167, 168, 173, 177, 178, 181, 186, 187, 221, 228, 229, 232-235, 237,243,244,245,25 1,252,253,260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 278; commands father's troops, 168-172; deputed to al-Buraimi, 200-202, 204; represses Saud's revolt, 238-239; prepares and abandons attack on al­Buraimi, 247-248; defeated by Saud in al-l;Iasä and Jüdah, 248-249; flees Riyadh, 249-251; escapes Turks in al-Hufüf, 255-256; flees Riyadh again, 257; relations with British, 257-258; third recognition as imam, 263; final return to Riyadh and death, 272-273

Saud, 'Abd Allah ($unaitän) ibn Ibrähim ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~uharrunad ibn Saud, 120 n., 142 .

Saud, 'Abd Allah ibn Ibrähim ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Thunaiyan ibn Ibrähim ibn Thunaiyan ibn, 266

Saud, 'Abd Allah ibn ~ul}.arrunad ibn, 60 Saud, 'Abd Alläh ibn Saud ibn 'Abd al­

'Aziz ibn ~ul}.ammad ibn (imam), 7, 16,19,25, 108; execution, 20

Saud, 'Abd Allah ibn Thunaiyän ibn Ibrähim ibn Thunaiyan ibn (imam), 1I2, 121, 132,136-140, 191, 192, 198; policies in Oman and Hejaz, 141 ; defeated by Fai~al, 142-146; death, 146-147; family of, 147,266 and n.

Saud, 'Abd Allah ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~uI}.ammad ibn Saud, 181, 239, 241, 255, 257

Saud, Fahd ibn 'Abd Allah ($unaitän) ibn Ibrahim ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~ul}.am­madibn, 257, 258, 259-260, 263

Saud, Fai~al ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd al-Ral}.man ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn ~uI}.arrunad ibn (king), 8, 60, 266

Saud, Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Allah ibn ~ul}.arrunad ibn (imam), 69, 76, 84, 92, 109, 1I6, 136, 141, 173, 177, 198,



204,217,218,225-228, 231, 232, 236, 237, 239, 241; escapes from Egypt, 67--{)8; leams of Turki's murder, 96-97; recognised as imäm, 99; negotiates Jabal Shammar affairs, 101-1°5; agrees with 'Abd Alläh ibn Ahmad Äl Khalifah, 106; feels Egyptian' pressure, 107-108; flees Riyadh, 109; besieges Riyadh, II4-II5; captured by Khür­shid, 1I9-120; escapes from Egypt, 142; regains imämate, 143-147; re­stores control over Eastern Province, 150-153; restores control in south, 153-154; relations with Ibn Rashid, 155-156; battles trouble in al-QaJiim, 157-168; chastises tribes, 168-169; fights revolt in 'Unaizah, 174-178; failure to pay tribute, 179; negotiates with sharif of Mecca, 180-181; tribute paid by, 181-182; withholds payments, 183; claims dependence on üttomans, 184; relations with al-Ba1)rain, 185-191; policies in al-Buraimi and in üman, 191-2°3; relations with British, 217-219; relations with French, 221-222

Saud family, 2, 6, 50, 54, 59, 68, 95, 143, 240, 270, 274, 275; deported to Cairo, 24, 25; genealogy, 292

Saud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mul;lammad ibn Saud (the Great, imäm), q.v.

Saud ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn MuI;lammad ibn Saud (imäm), q.V.

Saud ibn Hadhlül ibn Nä~ir ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Thunaiyän ibn Saud, q.v.

Saud, Jalwi ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn MuI;lammad ibn, 108, 1I6, II7, II8, 142, 144-146, 154, 159, 165; birth and name, 52 n.; appointed amir of al­Qa~im, 164; expelled from 'Unaizah, 166-167

Saud, Khälid ibn Saud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mul;lammad ibn (imäm), 84, 108-112, II3, II4-II5, II6, II8, 121, 123, 125, 139, 140, 142, 145, 147, 180-181, 183, 192, 198; status, 133; inability to maintain peace, 134; policies in the East, 135; tries to stop revolt, 136-137; reign ends, 138

Saud, MuI;lammad ibn (ruler of al­Dir'iyah), 6

Saud, Mul;lammad ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn MuI;lammad ibn, 120 n., 123, 159, 172, 173, 204, 229, 238, 252, 254-255, 256, 257, 262, 267, 270, 272, 274, 277; leads troops against 'Unaizah, 175-177; defeated at Jüdah, 249

Saud, MuI;lammad ibn Saud ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;lam­mad ibn, 268, 270, 271

Saud, Mushäri ibn 'Abd al-Ral;lmän ibn Mushäri ibn, 67, 147; welcomed to Riyadh, 65; revolts, 83-84; murders Turki, 93-95; reign, 96-99

Saud, Mushäri ibn Nä~ir ibn Mushäri ibn, 63

Saud, Mushäri ibn Saud ibn 'Abd al­'Aziz ibn Mul;lammad ibn, 52, 53, 54-55, 59, 60

Saud, Sa'd ibn Saud ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Muhammad ibn,272 .

Saud, Saud ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mul;lam­mad ibn (the Great, imäm), 20, 38, 68, 108, 135, 149, 179, 212, 232, 236

Saud, Saud ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;lammad ibn (imäm) , 159, 2°4, 221, 229-230, 255, 263, 278; appointed amir of al-Kharj, 157; revolts, 238; revolts again, 248-249; becomes imäm, 250-251; re­captures Riyadh, 256-257; death, 261; sons of, 262-263, 265, 270, 272

Saud, Saud ibn Hadhlül ibn Nä~ir ibn Fai~al ibn Nä~ir ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Thunaiyän ibn (historian), 120 n., 224 n .

Saud, Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Fai~al ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;lammad ibn, 255-256

Saud, Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn MuI;lam­mad ibn (inräm), 51-52, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60,61,75, 76, 137, 141, 147, 152, 179, 198, 2°4, 236; flees Riyadh, 55; eon­trols central Nejd, 63; makes Riyadh eapital, 64; emerges as imäm, 65; raids Bedouins, 67; defeats Banü Khälid, 76; epistle, 87; assassinated, 93-95; burial,97

Saud, Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;lammad ibn, 268

Saud, 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn MuI;lammadibn, 55

Saud, Zaid ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mul;lam­rnad ibn, 52

Saudi Arabia, 2, 128, 237, 255, 266; department of ordering good, 1 I

Saudi Arabian-Kuwaiti neutral zone, 170 Sayäsib tribe, al-, 29 Seoto, Dr. Antonio, 18, 44 Semites, 1 Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 91 Shadhä al-Nadd, 224 Shahrän tribe, 27 Shakespear, Captain William, 236 Sha'län, Nüri al-, 91 Sha'län, $a1)n al-, 91 Shammar, Jabal, see Jabal Shammar Shammartribe,68-6g, 102,134, 144, 154,

156, 167, 206, 240, 241, 242, 264, 267, 276; northem tribes, 69; war with al-Qa~im, 134-135, 154-155



Shammari troops. 163.268 Shaqrä', 25, 62, 64, 167, 168, 178, 179,

181,223, 262, 268 Sha'rä', 100, IOI. 105 Sharif Pasha (wäli of Jidda), 184 Shäriqah, al-, 31, 32, 42, 79, 80,129,13°,

132, 135, 196, 197, 198. 199, 201, 246 Sharja, see Shäriqah, al-Sheikh, the, see 'Abd al-Wahhäb, Mu-

l).ammad ibn Shi'ites, 29, 77, 92, 211 n., 215. 241 Shinänah, al-. 132-133, 134, 136 Shiräz, 126 ~ifät, 88 Sinän Agha, 27 Siyäsat al-Shari'ah, 226 slave trade. 89, 183, 216, 218 Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 10 Soviet state, 149 Stannus, Sir Ephraim. 39 Stark, Freya, 219 Strait of Hormuz, 3 I Subai' tribe, 52, 54, 57, 67, 75, 76, 114,

115, 136, 145, 152, 170, 206, 213, 249, 262

$ubail).iyah, al-, 170, 171 Sublime Porte, 7, 23, 24, 121, 123, 133,

138, 179, 180, 185, 189, 207. 215. 256, 266; tribute reeeived from Fai~al, 182. See also Ottoman

Sudair, 5, 25, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 61, 64, 114, 139, 143, 145, 156, 160, 170, 175, 179, 212, 238, 241, 249, 267, 269, 270, 274

Sudairi, 'Abd al-Ral).män ibn Al).mad ibn Mul).ammad al-, 246

Sudairi, Al;1mad (al-Kabir) ibn Mul).am­mad, al-, 62, 118, 124, 140, 151, 153, 163, 186, 187, 188, 200, 201; disgraeed by Khälid, 134; death, 174; govemor of Wahhäbi Oman, 202

Sudairi, Mul).ammad ibn Al;1mad ibn Mul).ammad, al-, 16o, 177, 178, 239, 261

Sudairi, Särah bint Al;1mad ibn Mul).am­mad, al-, 266, 267

Sudairi, Turki ibn Al;1mad ibn Mul).am-mad al-, 202, 231, 232, 239, 246

Suez Canal, 2, 183, 239, 260 Sufi brotherhoods, 8 Sul).aimi, Mutlaq ibn 'Abd al-Ral).män,

al-, 158-159 Sul).aimi. Nä~ir ibn 'Abd al-Ral).män,

al-. 157-159, 163 $ul).är, 32. 35, 1°7, 130, 193, 194, 195.

199, 201, 202, 232, 234 $uhbah tribe, al-, 171. 213 Suhül tribe, al-, 57, 67,76, 145, 170,206,

213,249 Sulaimän al-Rashid Al 'Ulaiyän, q.v. Sulaimän ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Muhammad

ibn 'Abd al-Wahhäb, q.v. .

Sulaimän Ibn 'Ufai~än, q.v. Sulaimän the Magnifieent (Ottoman sul­

tan),7 Sulaiyil, 212, 238 Sultän ibn Al;1mad ibn Sa'id Al Bü

Sa'id, q.V. Sultän ibn $aqr, 79-80,82,129,13°,135,

197, 199. 201 $ulubah, al-, 91 and n. $unaitän, see Saud, 'Abd Alläh ($unai­

tän) Sunna, 9, 10 Sunnis, in Trueial Coast, 33; in Oman,

34 Süq al-'Uqailiyah, 157 $ür, 32, 35,48,230-235 Su'üd, see Saud Suwaid ibn 'Ali (of Jaläjil), S8, 60, 62,

97-98 Suyaifi, Fahd al-, 118 Syria, 7,72, 100, 131,207,277

Tabari, al-, 226 Tä'if, al-, 71, 179 Taimä', 105, 240 Taimiyah, Taqi al-Dm Al;1mad ibn, 9, 226 Taläl ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Ali ibn Rashid,

q.v. Tamim tribe, 163 Tamisier, Mauriee, 112 Tarafiyah, al-, 161 Ta'rikh Mulük Al Saud, 224 Tartars, 19 Tartüshi, al-, 226 Tärüt island, 78, 92, 94, 106, 125 tau(lid, 240 tau(lid al-ulühiyah, 12 tawassul, 9, 10 tawilah, 214 taxes, 202, 206, 211-213. See also zakäh Thädiq, 55, 62, 198 Tharmidä', 43, 52, 55. 56, 57, 58,60,63,

122, 123, 132-133, 137, 262 Thäni, Qäsim Al. 258, 273 Thesiger, Wilfred, 219 Thetis, 4 1

Thomas, Bertram, 219 Thompson, Captain T. P., 48 Thuwaini ibn Sa'id ibn Sultän ibn

Al).mad ibn Sa'id Al Bü Sa'id, q.v. Tiger, 73 Tihämat 'Asir, 26 tobaeco, 11,216 townsmen, 67, 76, 171,200,210,230 Tradition (of the Prophet), 9. See also

Sunna Transjordan, 8 travellers, European, 219 Travels in Arabia Deserta, 174 Trenton, 138 tribal administration, 206 tribes, see Bedouins

INDEX 3II tribute, 80-81, 127, 187, 188, 189, 190,

195, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 206, 2°7, 2II, 231, 241, 246, 252; paid by Fai~al, 181-182

Tripoli (Libya), 22 Trucial Chiefs, 193, 206, 232 Trucial Coast, 31-33, 79, 130, 135. 186,

200,201. See also Trucial Oman Trucial Oman, 141, 190, 192, 198, 200,

215, 217, 270. See also Trucial Coast, Trucial States

Trucial States, 129, 199, 202. See also Trucial Oman

Turaifah bint 'Ubaid ibn 'Ali ibn Rashid, q.v.

Türk<;:e Bilmez, 71-'73, 101 Turkey, 218, 258. See also Ottoman

Empire Turki al-Hazzäni, q.V. Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Fai~al ibn

Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh Ibn M~ammad ibn Saud, q.v.

Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn M~ammad ibn Saud (imäm), q.V.

Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Turki ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn M~ammad ibn Saud, q.V.

Turki ibn AI;unad ibn M~ammad al­Sudairi, q.v.

Turki ibn Sa'id ibn Sultän ibn AI;unad ibn Sa'id Al Bü Sa'id, q.v.

Turkish, 171, 170, 182; cavalrymen, 50; troops, 66, 182, 259; rule, 124; ships, 189; naval units, 253. See also Ottoman

Turks, 6,7, 54, 55, 58, 61,66, 70,7z,73, 108, II5, 132, 147, 182, 183, 218, 220, 237, 249, 250, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 263. See also Ottomans

Turtüshi al-, see Tartüshi, al­Tuwaiq, Jabal, 4, 160, 251, 268

'Ubaid ibn 'Ali ibn Rashid, q.v. 'Ufai~än, 'Abd Alläh Ibn, 31 'Ufai~än, 'Ali ibn M~ammad Ibn, 65 'Ufai~än family, 21 'Ufai~än, Ibrähim ibn Sulaimän Ibn, 30,

35,37 n. 'Ufai~än, Mul;1ammad Ibn, raids al­

l;Iasä, 75 'Ufai~än, Sulaimän Ibn, 30 'Ufaillän, 'Umar ibn M~ammad Ibn, 65,

66, 77, 80, 97, 109, 116, 119 n., 123, 124, 125, 137, 138, 140

'Ujmän tribe, al-, 25, 29, 52 n., 67, 76, 84-85, 132, 136, 145, 150, 152-153, 178, 186, 206, 213, 226, 229, 230, 238, 248, 249, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 272; revolt, 170--172

'Ulaiyän, 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn M~ammad ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn l;Iasan Al, 86, 97, 117. 134, 143, 153, 158, 156-165, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 170, 175; made

governor of Buraidah, 68; dismissed by Faisal, 169; reinstated, 170; killed, 173

'UlaiYäl:!, 'Abd al-Mul;1sin ibn Mul;1am­mad Al, 162, 165

'Ulaiyän, 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Adwän Al, 169

'Ulaiyän, 'Abd Alläh ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn MuI;1ammad Al, 169, 172, 174, 175; imprisonment and death, 173

'Ulaiyän, 'Ali ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Mul;1ammad Al, 169

'Ulaiyän family, 169, 263-264, 267, 271; genealogy, 294

'Ulaiyän, M~ammad al-Ghänim Al, 169, 170, 175

'Ulaiyän, Sulaimän al-Rashid Al, 178, 294

Umaiyads, 209 'Umän, see Oman 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn MuI;1am­

mad ibn Saud, q.v. 'Umar ibn M~ammad Ibn 'Ufaillän,

q.V. Umm itl-'A~äfir, 268 Umm al-Jarnäjim, 67 Umm al-Khashab, 27 Umm al-Qaiwain, 80, 129, 199 Umm Rubai'ah, 43, 85 'Unaizah, 4, 5, 19,43, 53, 54, 56, 57, 61,

64, 1°9, 117, 134, 143, 145, 154-155, 157-168, 173, 179, 181, 208, 239, 244, 250, 264, 267, 274, 275, 277; revolts, 174-178

'Unaizah-Buraidah compact, 160 Unitarianism, see Wahhäbism United Kingdom, 237. See also British,

England, Great Britain United States, 168. 216 'Unwiin al-Majdfi Ta'rikh Najd, 223 'Unwiin al-Sa' d wa-al-Majd fimii Ustu~-

rifa fi Akhbiir al-lfijiiz wa-Najd, 224 'Uqair, al-, 28, 75, 79, 92, 106, 124, 130,

136, 141, 212, 214, 218, 255, 259 'UraiQ, al-, 103 'Urai'ir, Barghash Ibn, 76, 132 'Urai'ir, Bazi' Ibn, 259 'Urai'ir family, SI, 124 'Urai'ir, Mäjid Ibn, 29, 51. 75-'76; in-

vades Nejd, 51 'Urai'ir. M~ammad Ibn, 29, 75-'77 'Uraiq, al-, 186 Ushaiqir, 160 'Utaibah tribe, 84, 141, 165, 173, 206,

213,260,262,267,268,269-27°,275 'Utbah tribe, 38. See also 'Utüb, al-,

Jalähimah, al-'Uthmän Bey (son of Ibrähim Pasha), 24,

44 'Uthman ibn 'Abd Allah Ibn Bishr, q.v. 'Uthmän Pasha (wäli of Jidda), 141 'Utüb tribe, al-, 30, 38. See also Jalähi-

mah, al-


'Uyainah, al-, 4, 9, 43, 50-53

Vayssiere (French engineer), 18 vendetta, 158-159, 243, 263 Vulture, 263

Wabrah, 76, 220 Wädi al-Bätin, 4 Wädi al-Dawäsir, 4, 5, 65 n., 100, 101,

139, 153, 157, 212, 238, 239 Wädi al-Jizi, 195 Wädi al-Rumah, 4, 167, 176 Wädi l;Ianifah, 4, 5, 54, 68, 118,251, 261 Wädi Samä'il, 35 Wafm', al-, 170, 172, 220 Wahbah, l;Iäfi~, 229 Wahhäbi, 224, 278; practice in üman,

107; townsmen, 171; way, 200; poetry, 222; historians, 223-224; state, 229, 261; community, 229, 240; rule, 259; imamate, 266

Wahhäbis, 48, 198, 217, 231, 232, 234, 240,241,247; of 'Asir, 70; Arabness of, 112; at feet of Egyptians, 120; of Nejd,269

Wahhäbism 1-2,6,8-15,23,27,34,59, 67, 79, 86-88, 150, 163, 179, 197, 207, 208,223,224,228,240; the tenn, In.; Arab idea in, 14, 112

Wakrah, al-, 187, 245 waläyah, 253 n. walis, 10 Wallin, G. A., 66, 215, 219, 223, 241,

242 walls, town, 122 Washm, al-, 5, 25, 51, 52, 57, 61, 9°,144,

145, 160, 170, 175, 179, 212, 241, 262, 269,27°,274

waznah,90 Wellsted, J. R., 73, 106 West, military weapons, 15 Western l;Iajar, 32 Westerners, 15 Weygand, M., 69 Whitehall, 121 Whitelock, Lt. H. H., 106, 210 Wilson, Arnold T., 81

Yai)yä (sharif of Mecca), 71 Yai)yä al-$älii), 166, 178 Yai)yä ibn Säri, 66 Yai)yä ibn Sulaimän Äl Zämil, q.v. Yakan, Ai)mad Shukri, 50 Yamämah, al-, 53, 65, 132, 212 Yaman, al-, see Yemen Yanbu' , 24, 45,72, 108, 109 Ya'rubi imams (of üman), 34 Yäsin, Yiisuf, 237 Yatimah, al-, 161-162, 163 Yemen, 6, 7, 101, 182,216; coffee trade,

27,73; Egyptian attacks on, 131

Zabid,73 Zafir tribe, al-, 206, 238, 243, 276 Zafrah, al-, 31, 33, 273 Zähirah, al-, 32, 35, 80 Zai)lah, 221 Zaid ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Mui)ammad ibn

Saud, q.V. Zaid ibn Khalifah, 248 zakäh, 11, 23, 57, 77, 78, 87, 160, 211.

See also taxes, kharäj Zämil, 'Abd Alläh ibn Sulairnän Al, 134,

143, 144, 145, 154 Zämil, 'Abd Alläh ibn Yai)yä ibn Sulai­

man (Sulaim) Äl, 158, 166, 167, 176-177,244

Zämil family, 158, 165, 277; genealogy, 295

Zämil, Yai)yä ibn Sulairnän Äl, 64, 68, 110, 117, 134

Zämil, Zämil ibn 'Abd Alläh ibn Sulai­man Äl, 176, 200, 244-245, 250, 264, 276 and n., 277

Zanzibar, 193, 194, 201 Zawähir tribe, al-, 193, 195, 196 'Zebrani', 71 n. 'Zemin' (?) Agha, 72 Zilfi, al-, 25, 52, 62, 132, 159, 172, 267 Zubair, al-, 62, 171, 172 Zubärah, al-, 30, 3 I Zumaiqah, 119 Zuqm ibn Zämil, 64 Zuwaid, 93, 96, 138, 139; placed in com­

mand of al-Qatif, 105-106 Zwemer, Samuel, 214

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