all about me

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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ALL ABOUT MEBy: Jonathan

My Childhood

My name is Jonathan I’m 12 years old My birthday is July 13,1998 I was born in Brownsville, Texas

My Favorite Sports

My favorite sport is basketball because its easy to shoot, dunk, and easy to do layups.

And my second favorite sport is football because you can throw the ball or you can be a receiver or you can kick the filed goal to win the game.

And my last sport is Soccer because it is kind of hard to shoot the ball because if its winding its ganna curve were the win is going and it takes long to make a goal that’s why I prefer soccer last because it looks kind of boring.

My favorite movies

The Expendables Legendary The Marine 1 and 2 The unstoppable Due Date The other Guys Day and Knight Killers

Favorite places or cities you’ve visited

San Antonio Las Vegas Arizona Austin Houston New Mexico Orlando Miami Jacksonville New Orleans Oklahoma Colorado Salt Lake City El Paso Dallas

Things I don’t like about school

A lot of Homework Leaving late Do a lot of assignments Read

Things you do for fun

Play Basketball Play football Play soccer Play video games play kick ball Play baseball

Favorite Colors

Red Blue Green Yellow Black White Brown Gold Silver

Things I like about School

Talk with your friends in class Watch the teacher letting us talk Let us draw Play basketball for 50 minutes

About your family

My brother is 19 and he works in telephonrance and he goes to college in UTB.

My other brother is 16 and he goes to porter High school and he helps my grandma clean in a place were they work and when they are done my grandma and brother cleans the place.

My little sister is 5 and she is kind of nice and mean to me and she goes to Sharp.

My mom is 36 and she works in the EMS and when ever there is and accident they know and they call the ambulance to go help and they help all the department like police, ambulance, and firefighters.

My dad is the same age as my mom and he works in Valley Baptist Medical Center and he does surgery to people and he work in home health but they have not call him to go and check the blood pressure.

Your favorite things to do when not at school.

Go with my dad Watch TV Play video games Text my friends Use the computer Play outside Go to sleep Play catch

Your Best Friend.

Nicholas Damian Jesus Alex Mario David

Your Favorite Actors.

Will Ferrell Brad Pit Dave Batista John Cena Tom Cruise

Favorite quotes

• What's up with dat• Really… Really• Who Dat

Favorite show

Sponge Bob Square Pants Dragon Ball Z Good Luck Charlie Wrestling Drake and Josh

Your favorite games

Smack down vs. raw 2011 NBA 2K11 Madden 11 NBA live 2011 NBA 2K10

The End

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