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This slide show will explain the type of exams covered in CPRE Examination conducted by REB India . All rights reserved with REB India



CPRE Foundation Level Examination Format Copyright (c) REB India 2011 Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Requirements Engineering Board of India ( REB – India ) is the national board for   India for  Requirements Engineering. REB India is a licensed Certification  Body for IREB (International Requirement Engineering Board) . It is responsible for the “CPRE” certification in India

REB India

In India ,REB INDIA will be responsible for

1. CPRE Foundation level Certification Exam

2. The affiliation program for companies.

3. The affiliation program for training provider

For more details visit Copyright (c) REB India 2011



The exam for the Foundation Level has a theoretical nature and requires knowledge especially in the field of requirements engineering with focus on, but not exclusively for, the specification of software products.

The IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering is a standardized qualification for requirements engineers and business analysts.

The certification is based on a multiple-choice exam covering the freely available syllabus. The Foundation Level exam has no pre-requisites. The education program is offered more than 10 countries

As of October 2011, there were over 7100 IREB Certified Professionals for Requirements Engineering worldwide. Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Requirements engineering as the first step of system development crucially influences the success of the development project.

Syllabus for CPRE is as follow

Professionalism in requirements engineering avoid defects in system analysis and establishes a structured proceeding from project idea to a valuable set of requirements.

The four core disciplines of requirements engineering are: elicitation, documentation, verification and validation management.

1. Introduction and Foundations

2. System and System Context2.1 System, System Context and Boundaries2.2 Determining System and Context Boundaries

CPRE Syllabus : Copyright (c) REB India 2011


3. Requirements Elicitation

3.1 Sources of Requirements3.2 Categorization of Requirements according to the Kano Model3.3 Elicitation Techniques

4. Requirements Documentation

4.1 Structuring Documents4.2 Documentation Style Alternatives4.3 Document Structure4.4 Using Requirements Documents4.5 Quality Criteria for Requirements Documents4.6 Quality Criteria for Requirements4.7 Glossary

5. Documentation of Requirements using Natural Language

5.1 Language Effects5.2 Constructing Requirements using a Template Copyright (c) REB India 2011


6. Model-based Documentation of Requirements

6.1 Models6.2 Goal Models6.3 Use Case Models6.4 Three Modelling Views6.5 Structural Requirements Models6.6 Functional Requirements Models6.7 Behavioural Requirements Models

7. Checking and Reconciling Requirements

7.1 Basics for Checking Requirements7.2 Basics of Reconciling Conflicting Requirements7.3 Checking Requirements Quality7.4 Principles for Checking Requirements7.5 Techniques for Checking Requirements7.6 Techniques for Reconciling Conflicting Requirements Copyright (c) REB India 2011


8. Requirements Management

8.1 Adding Attributes to Requirements8.2 Creating Views of Requirements8.3 Prioritizing Requirements8.4 Tracing Requirements8.5 Requirements Versioning8.6 Managing Change Requests

9. Tool Support

9.1 Types of Tools9.2 Tool Introduction9.3 Tool Evaluation


CPRE Exam Rules The exam consists of 45 multiple choice questions.

You have 75 minutes to answer these questions. (You may end the exam earlier).

Depending on the difficulty, each question yields 1 to 3 points.

The achievable points are given in the header of the question.

To pass the exam you have to score at least 60 percent of the points.

During the exam the use of aids is not allowed (e.g. seminar material, books, telephone).

You are not allowed to leave the room during the exam. Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Types , Evaluations:

1. Single Choice (so-called A questions). They yield 1 – 2 points.

After the presentation of the question, 4 to 5 possible answers will be supplied, of which only one will be correct. The correct answer will be the one to check.


Correctly checked answer: full point valueIncorrectly checked answer: 0 pointsMore than one checked answer: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


A context diagram shows:

O The involved software componentsO The necessary dialogs between the applicationsO The interfaces between the system and its environmentO The needed system capacityO The project effort

The only correct answer: C

Evaluation:answer C: 1 pointall other answers: 0 points

Examples for A questions:

(1 point) Copyright (c) REB India 2011


A use-case diagram does not show:O The rules for using an applicationO The actors of an applicationO The usage of an applicationO The boundary between an application and its environmentO The functionality of an application

(1 point)

The only correct answer: A

Evaluation:answer A: 1 pointall other answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


The Kano model states that basic requirements are difficult to find. Which technique is best suited for eliciting basic requirements?

(1 point)O InterviewO QuestionnaireO Observation of actual workO Low-fidelity prototypingO Brainstorming

The only correct answer: C

Evaluation:answer C: 1 pointall other answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011 Copyright (c) REB India 2011


2 . Multiple Choice (so-called P questions). They also yield 1 to 2 points,

After the presentation of the question, a number of possible answers will be supplied, of which 2 to more (n) can be correct.


for each correctly checked answer within the limit n: 1/n times the full points

for each incorrectly checked answer within the limit n: deduction of 1/n times the full pointsless than n answers checked: without consequencemore than n answers checked: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011



answer C: 1 point answer F: 1 point

all other answers: –1 point

more than two answers: 0 points

Examples for P questions:

Which two of the following phrases define the term „Requirements“ according to the IEEE standard?

The difference between the current and the target situation

A procedure for fulfilling a requirement

A property that a system must have

A problem that has been identified

A wish that has been expressed by a stakeholder

A capability the a product must have

(2 points)

Correct answers: C, F Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Which three aspects must first be considered when choosing suitable requirements gathering techniques? (3 points)

Availability of the stakeholders

Age of the people involved

Available means of communication

Project deadlines and budget

Use of tools

Area in which the system is to be used

Correct answers: A, C, D


answer A: 1 point

answer C: 1 point

answer D: 1 point

all other answers: –1 point

more than three answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


points and penalty points are totalized and evaluate to 0 points minimum, negative points will not be assigned:

»» three correct answers: 3 points

»» two correct answers: 2 points

»» one correct answer: 1 point

»» two correct answers, one incorrect answer: 2 – 1 = 1 point

»» one correct answer, two incorrect answer: 1 – 2 = –1 => 0 points!

»» only incorrect answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Which two arguments represent a good reason for the use of questionnaires when gathering requirements: (2 points)

Large number of participants is possible

Statistically relevant statements about requirements are possible

Gives information about the participants‘ understanding

Often indicates level of enthusiasm

Correct answers: A, B


answer A: 1 point

answer B: 1 point

all other answers: –1 point

more than two answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


points and penalty points are totalized and evaluate to 0 points minmum,negative points will not be assigned:

two correct answers: 2 points

»» one correct answer: 1 point

»» one correct answer, one incorrect answer: 1 – 1 = 0 points

»» only incorrect answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


True / False Questions (so-called K questions). They yield 2 to 3 points,

After the presentation of the question, n statements will be supplied, each with two checkboxes for „true“ and „false“ or “applicable” and “not applicable” or „suitable“ and „unsuitable“ etc.

You need to mark each statement as „true“ (“applicable”, „suitable“) or as „false“ (“not applicable”, „unsuitable“).

Statements with no check mark will be deemed unanswered.


each correctly checked statement:1/n times the full points

each incorrectly checked statement: deduction of 1/n times the full points less than n answers checked: without conesequence

The points for correct choices and the deduction for incorrect choices are totaled per question. If the total for a question results in a negative figure the question will be evaluated with 0 points! Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Examples for K questions:

Which statements are true for sources of requirements and which are false? (2 points) Sources of requirements...

True False

... can be found only within the enterprise

... are exclusively the stakeholders

... may be other IT systems

... may be standards and norms

Correct answers: false, false, true, trueEvaluation:each correctly checked answer: 0.5 points

each incorrectly checked answer: –0.5 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


»» all answers checked correctly: 2 points»» three answers checked correctly: 1.5 points»» two answers checked correctly: 1 point»» one answer checked correctly: 0.5 points

»» three answers checked correctly, one answer checked incorrectly: 1.5 – 0.5 = 1 point

»» two answers checked correctly, two answers checked incorrectly: 1 – 1 = 0 points

»» one answer checked correctly, three answers checked incorrectly: 0.5 – 1.5 = –1 => 0 points

»» only incorrectly checked answers: 0 points

points and penalty points are totalized and evaluate to 0 points minimum,negative points will not be assigned: Copyright (c) REB India 2011


An enterprise produces parts for the automobile industry. The executive board has decided that the firm’s product catalog shall be available on the Web, allowing direct electronic ordering via Web. An important large customer was pushing the idea. The firm has accordingly launched a development project. The requirements specification has just been released, and the project leader decides to have the specification reviewed in a technical review. As experts she names four co-workers from the testing department, who did not participate in the production of the specification.

Evaluate the decisions and choices of the project leader by marking each of them as suitable or unsuitable.

(2 points)suitable unsuitable

The moment for the review is well chosen.

A document review is a suitable testing procedure for the current situation.

In addition to the document review, she plans to construct and test a user-interface prototype.

Her decision not to include representatives of the large customer for the review makes sense at this point in the project.

Her choice of experts (four testers who did not participate in the creation of the requirements specification and nobody else) is well taken. Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Correct answers: suitable, suitable, suitable, unsuitable, unsuitableEvaluation:

each correctly ckecked answer: 0.4 points

each incorrectly ckecked answer: –0.4 points

points and penalty points are totalized and evaluate to 0 points minimum,negative points will not be assigned:

»» all answers checked correctly: 2 points

»» four answers checked correctly: 1.6 points

»» three answers checked correctly: 1.2 points

»» two answers checked correctly: 0.8 points

»» one answer checked correctly: 0.4 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


»» four answers checked correctly, one answer checked incorrectly: 1.6 – 0.4 = 1.2 points

»» three answers checked correctly, two answers checked incorrectly:1.2 – 0.8 = 0.4 points

»» two answers checked correctly, three answers checked incorrectly:0.8 – 1.2 = –0.4 => 0 points

»» one answer checked correctly, four answers checked incorrectly:0.4 – 1.6 = –1.2 => 0 points

»» only incorrectly checked answers: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Additional information to requirements is managed with the help of attributes.One example for additional information consists of a unique identification.Which of the following phrases about the aim of a unique identification aretrue, which are false?

True Flase A unique identification…

allows an estimate of the total size of the specification.

provides an unambiguous basis for communication.

allows references to other requirements.

provides comprehension of references to other development artifacts.

Correct answers: false, true, true, true


each correctly ckecked answer: 0.5 points

each incorrectly ckecked answer: –0.5 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


all answers checked correctly: 2 points

»» three answers checked correctly: 1.5 points

»» two answers checked correctly: 1 point

»» one answer checked correctly: 0.5 points

»» three answers checked correctly, one answer checked incorrectly: 1.5 – 0.5 = 1 point

»» two answers checked correctly, two answers checked incorrectly: 1 – 1 = 0 points

»» one answer checked correctly, three answers checked incorrectly: 0.5 – 1.5 = –1 => 0 points

»» only incorrectly checked answers: 0 points

points and penalty points are totalized and evaluate to 0 points minimum, negative points will not be assigned: Copyright (c) REB India 2011


Type of Question

Possible Answers

Total Marks Evaluation

A 1 1 to 2 Correct Answer : 1 to 2

Wrong Answer = 0

P 2 to more (n)

1 to 2

Correct Answer:1/n times the fullPoints

Incorrect Answer: deduction of1/n times the full points

less than n answers checked: without consequence

more than n answers checked: 0 points Copyright (c) REB India 2011


K Mark each statement as „true“ (“applicable”, „suitable“) or as „false“(“not applicable”, „unsuitable“).

2 to 3 points,each correctly checked statement:1/n times the full points

each incorrectly checked statement: deduction of 1/n times the full points

less than n answers checked: without conesequence

The points for correct choices and the deduction for incorrect choices aretotalled per question. If the total for a question results in a negative figurethe question will be evaluated with 0 points

Type of Question

Possible Answers

Total Marks Evaluation Copyright (c) REB India 2011


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For Exam:


Contact Person: VishwajeetContact No:


Contact Person: Abhijith Contact No: 9845326621

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