alistair d n edwards clickbait

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Motivation 'Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.' John Wanamaker, (attributed)


Alistair D N EdwardsClickbait Warning There is going to be live surfing of clickbait websites and some people might find some of the content distasteful Motivation 'Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.' John Wanamaker, (attributed) Motivation What is the point of a website that no one visits? Most blogs? Motivation Some sites rely on advertising for funding they have content adverts are peripheral Some sites are designed mainly as vehicles for advertising Still need content to attract visitors But how to attract them? Clickbait Motivation Can we learn anything useful regarding web design from the techniques used in clickbait? Clickbait Bait which catches the (potential) visitors attention piques their curiosity Not new yellow press not necessarily true newspaper billboards Newspaper headlines Theres a surprise Billboards Never give away the dnouement Murder trial: the verdict Billboards Clickbait Twitter Facebook News 33 graphs Whats next? #12 is Seriously Disturbing Even on legitimate news sites Clickbait sites Upworthy Buzzfeed Clickhole a parody but the ads are genuine Types of clickbait Sex Get rich quick Health concerns Quizzes Celebrities and, of course, kittens, and other cute animals Sex 15 of Hottest Women on the Internet Get rich quick Sex and money Health concerns 8 Early Warning Signs Of Diabetes You Shouldn't Ignore Quizzes How posh was your school? Celebrities Not always in the best light Kittens, and other cute animals 15+ Dogs That Look Like Teddy Bears Content A lot of it is harvested from the web free legal with regard to copyright? Free But must require a lot of labour Content harvesters Clickbait site authors Twitters who tweet and Things cut in half Does it work? Evidently Does it work? Has anyone ever clicked on a link on a clickbait site? Further clickbait? and again? Does it work? Has anyone ever clicked on an ad on a clickbait site? Accidently Deliberately Has anyone bought anything as a result? Motivation Clickbait exists Those who generate it seem to use some techniques Which they do not publicize Which has not been studied to any depth Do legitimate site designers have anything to learn? Student project?

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