alignedreid: surpassing human-level …alignedreid: surpassing human-level performance in person...

Post on 02-Jan-2020






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AlignedReID: Surpassing Human-Level Performance in Person Re-Identification

Xuan Zhang1∗, Hao Luo1,2∗†, Xing Fan1,2†, Weilai Xiang1, Yixiao Sun1, Qiqi Xiao1,Wei Jiang2, Chi Zhang1, Jian Sun1

1Megvii, Inc. (Face++)2Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control, Zhejiang University

{zhangxuan,xiangweilai,sunyixiao,xqq,zhangchi,sunjian}{haoluocsc,xfanplus,jiangwei zju}


In this paper, we propose a novel method called Aligne-dReID that extracts a global feature which is jointly learnedwith local features. Global feature learning benefits greatlyfrom local feature learning, which performs an align-ment/matching by calculating the shortest path between twosets of local features, without requiring extra supervision.After the joint learning, we only keep the global featureto compute the similarities between images. Our methodachieves rank-1 accuracy of 94.4% on Market1501 and97.8% on CUHK03, outperforming state-of-the-art meth-ods by a large margin. We also evaluate human-levelperformance and demonstrate that our method is the firstto surpass human-level performance on Market1501 andCUHK03, two widely used Person ReID datasets.

1. Introduction

Person re-identification (ReID), identifying a person ofinterest at other time or place, is a challenging task in com-puter vision. Its applications range from tracking peopleacross cameras to searching for them in a large gallery, fromgrouping photos in a photo album to visitor analysis in aretail store. Like many visual recognition problems, varia-tions in pose, viewpoints illumination, and occlusion makethis problem non-trivial.

Traditional approaches have focused on low-level fea-tures such as colors, shapes, and local descriptors [9, 11].With the renaissance of deep learning, the convolutionalneural network (CNN) has dominated this field [24, 32, 6,54, 16, 24], by learning features in an end-to-end fashionthrough various metric learning losses such as contrastiveloss [32], triplet loss [18], improved triplet loss [6], quadru-

∗Equal contribution†The work was done when Hao and Xing were interns at MegVii, Inc.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

Figure 1. Challenges in ReID: (a-b) inaccurate detection, (c-d)pose misalignments, (e-f) occlusions, (g-h) very similar appear-ance.

plet loss [3], and triplet hard loss [13].Many CNN-based approaches learn a global feature,

without considering the spatial structure of the person. Thishas a few major drawbacks: 1) inaccurate person detectionboxes might impact feature learning, e.g., Figure 1 (a-b); 2)the pose change or non-rigid body deformation makes themetric learning difficult, e.g., Figure 1 (c-d); 3) occludedparts of the human body might introduce irrelevant contextinto the learned feature, e.g., Figure 1 (e-f); 4) it is non-trivial to emphasis local differences in a global feature, es-pecially when we have to distinguish two people with verysimilar appearances, e.g., Figure 1 (g-h). To explicitly over-come these drawbacks, recent studies have paid attention topart-based, local feature learning. Some works [33, 38, 43]divide the whole body into a few fixed parts, without consid-ering the alignment between parts. However, it still suffersfrom inaccurate detection box, pose variation, and occlu-sion. Other works use pose estimation result for the align-ment [52, 37, 50], which requires additional supervision anda pose estimation step (which is often error-prone).

In this paper, we propose a new approach, called Aligne-dReID, which still learns a global feature, but performs an









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automatic part alignment during the learning, without re-quiring extra supervision or explicit pose estimation. In thelearning stage, we have two branches for learning a globalfeature and local features jointly. In the local branch, wealign local parts by introducing a shortest path loss. In theinference stage, we discard the local branch and only extractthe global feature. We find that only applying the globalfeature is almost as good as combining global and local fea-tures. In other words, the global feature itself, with the aidof local features learning, can greatly address the drawbackswe mentioned above, in our new joint learning framework.In addition, the form of global feature keeps our approachattractive for the deployment of a large ReID system, with-out costly local features matching.

We also adopt a mutual learning approach [49] in themetric learning setting, to allow two models to learn betterrepresentations from each other. Combining AlignedReIDand mutual learning, our system outperforms state-of-the-art systems on Market1501, CUHK03, and CUHK-SYSUby a large margin. To understand how well human per-form in the ReID task, we measure the best human perfor-mance of ten professional annotators on Market1501 andCUHK03. We find that our system with re-ranking [57] hasa higher level of accuracy than the human. To the best ofour knowledge, this is the first report in which machine per-formance exceeds human performance on the ReID task.

2. Related WorkMetric Learning. Deep metric learning methods transformraw images into embedding features, then compute the fea-ture distances as their similarities. Usually, two images ofthe same person are defined as a positive pair, whereas twoimages of different persons are a negative pair. Triplet loss[18] is motivated by the margin enforced between positiveand negative pairs. Selecting suitable samples for the train-ing model through hard mining has been shown to be ef-fective [13, 3, 39]. Combining softmax loss with metriclearning loss to speed up the convergence is also a popularmethod [10].Feature Alignments. Many works learn a global featureto represent an image of a person, ignoring the spatial localinformation of images. Some works consider local informa-tion by dividing images into several parts without an align-ment [33, 38, 43], but these methods suffer from inaccuratedetection boxes, occlusion and pose misalignment.

Recently, aligning local features by pose estimation hasbecome a popular approach. For instance, pose invariantembedding (PIE) aligns pedestrians to a standard pose toreduce the impact of pose [52] variation. A Global-Local-Alignment Descriptor (GLAD) [37] does not directly alignpedestrians, but rather detects key pose points and extractslocal features from corresponding regions. SpindleNet [50]uses a region proposed network (RPN) to generate several

body regions, gradually combining the response maps fromadjacent body regions at different stages. These methods re-quire extra pose annotation and have to deal with the errorsintroduced by pose estimation.Mutual Learning. [49] presents a deep mutual learningstrategy where an ensemble of students learn collabora-tively and teach each other throughout the training process.DarkRank [4] introduces a new type of knowledge-crosssample similarity for model compression and acceleration,achieving state-of-the-art performance. These methods usemutual learning in classification. In this work, we studymutual learning in the metric learning setting.Re-Ranking. After obtaining the image features, most cur-rent works choose the L2 Euclidean distance to compute asimilarity score for a ranking or retrieval task. [35, 57, 1]perform an additional re-ranking to improve ReID accuracy.In particular, [57] proposes a re-ranking method with k-reciprocal encoding, which combines the original distanceand Jaccard distance.

3. Our ApproachIn this section, we present our AlignedReID framework,

as shown in Figure 1.

3.1. AlignedReID

In AlignedReID, we generate a single global feature asthe final output of the input image, and use the L2 dis-tance as the similarity metric. However, the global featureis learned jointly with local features in the learning stage.

For each image, we use a CNN, such as Resnet50 [12],to extract a feature map, which is the output of the last con-volution layer (C×H×W , where C is the channel numberand H ×W is the spatial size, e.g., 2048× 7× 7 in Figure1). A global feature (a C-d vector) is extracted by directlyapplying global pooling on the feature map. For the localfeatures, a horizontal pooling, which is a global pooling inthe horizontal direction, is first applied to extract a local fea-ture for each row, and a 1 × 1 convolution is then appliedto reduce the channel number from C to c. In this way,each local feature (a c-d vector) represents a horizontal partof the image for a person. As a result, a person image isrepresented by a global feature and H local features.

The distance of two person images is the summation oftheir global and local distances. The global distance is sim-ply the L2 distance of the global features. For the localdistance, we dynamically match the local parts from top tobottom to find the alignment of local features with the min-imum total distance. This is based on a simple assumptionthat, for two images of the same person, the local featurefrom one body part of the first image is more similar to thesemantically corresponding body part of the other image.

Given the local features of two images, F ={f1, · · · , fH} and G = {g1, · · · , gH}, we first normalize




local featureN×128×7

global featureN×2048

N imageswarped to 224×224

triplet loss······





local distanceN×N

global distanceN×N



global pooling

horizontal pooling/conv

hard sample mining


Figure 2. The framework of AlignedReID. Both the global branch and the local branch share the same convolution network to extractthe feature map. The global feature is extracted by applying global pooling directly on the feature map. For the local branch, one 1 × 1convolution layer is applied after horizontal pooling, which is a global pooling with a horizontal orientation. Triplet hard loss is applied,which selects triplet samples by hard sample mining according to global distances.

1 2 3 4 5 6 712




Image A Image B









Figure 3. Example of AlignedReID local distance computed byfinding the shortest path. The black arrows show the shortest pathin the corresponding distance matrix on the right. The black linesshow the corresponding alignment between the two images on theleft.

the distance to [0, 1) by an element-wise transformation:

di,j =e||fi−gj ||2 − 1

e||fi−gj ||2 + 1i, j ∈ 1, 2, 3..., H, (1)

where di,j is the distance between the i-th vertical part ofthe first image and the j-th vertical part of the second im-age. A distance matrix D is formed based on these dis-tances, where its (i, j)-element is di,j . We define the localdistance between the two images as the total distance of theshortest path from (1, 1) to (H,H) in the matrix D. Thedistance can be calculated through dynamic programmingas follows:

Si,j =

di,j i = 1, j = 1

Si−1,j + di,j i 6= 1, j = 1

Si,j−1 + di,j i = 1, j 6= 1

min(Si−1,j , Si,j−1) + di,j i 6= 1, j 6= 1,


where Si,j is the total distance of the shortest path whenwalking from (1, 1) to (i, j) in the distance matrix D, and

SH,H is the total distance of the final shortest path (i.e., thelocal distance) between the two images.

As shown in Fig. 3, images A and B are samples ofthe same person. The alignment between the correspondingbody parts, such as part 1 in image A, and part 4 in im-age B, are included in the shortest path. Meanwhile, thereare alignments between non-corresponding parts, such aspart 1 in image A, and part 1 in image B, still includedin the shortest path. These non-corresponding alignmentsare necessary to maintain the order of vertical alignment, aswell as make the corresponding alignments possible. Thenon-corresponding alignment has a large L2 distance, andits gradient is close to zero in Eq.1. Hence, the contribu-tion of such alignments in the shortest path is small. Thetotal distance of the shortest path, i.e., the local distance be-tween two images, is mostly determined by the correspond-ing alignments.

The global and local distance together define the sim-ilarity between two images in the learning stage, and wechose TriHard loss proposed by [13] as the metric learningloss. For each sample, according to the global distances,the most dissimilar one with the same identity and the mostsimilar one with a different identity is chosen, to obtain atriplet. For the triplet, the loss is computed based on boththe global distance and the local distance with different mar-gins. The reason for using the global distance to mine hardsamples is due to two considerations. First, the calculationof the global distance is much faster than that of the localdistance. Second, we observe that there is no significantdifference in mining hard samples using both distances.

Note that in the inference stage, we only use the globalfeatures to compute the similarity of two person images.We make this choice mainly because we unexpectedly ob-served that the global feature itself is also almost as goodas the combined features. This somehow counter-intuitivephenomenon might be caused by two factors: 1) the feature


CNN Network θ1

CNN Network θ2

Classification Probabilities θ1

Classification Probabilities θ2

Batched Feature Distances θ1

Batched Feature Distances θ2

Metric Loss

Metric Loss

Classification Loss

Classification Loss

Metric Mutual Loss

ClassificationMutual Loss

Total Loss

Figure 4. Framework of the mutual learning approach. Two networks with parameters θ1 and θ2 are trained together. Each network hastwo branches: a classification branch and a metric learning branch. The classification branches are trained with classification losses, andlearn each other through classification mutual loss. The metric learning branches are trained with metric losses, which include both globaldistance and local distance. Meanwhile, the metric learning branches learn each other by metric mutual loss.

map jointly learned is better than learning the global fea-ture only, because we have exploited the structure prior ofthe person image in the learning stage; 2) with the aid oflocal feature matching, the global feature can pay more at-tention to the body of the person, rather than over fitting thebackground.

3.2. Mutual Learning for Metric Learning

We apply mutual learning to train models for Aligne-dReID, which can further improve performance. Adistillation-based model usually transfers knowledge froma pre-trained large teacher network to a smaller studentnetwork, such as [4]. In this paper, we train a set ofstudent models simultaneously, transferring knowledge be-tween each other, such as [49]. Differing from [49], whichonly adopts the Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance betweenclassification probabilities, we propose a new mutual learn-ing loss for metric learning.

The framework of our mutual learning approach isshown in Fig. 4. The overall loss function includes the met-ric loss, the metric mutual loss, the classification loss andthe classification mutual loss. The metric loss is decided byboth the global distances and the local distances, while themetric mutual loss is decided only by the global distances.The classification mutual loss is the KL divergence for clas-sification as in [49].

Given a batch of N images, each network extracts theirglobal features and calculates the global distance betweeneach other as an N ×N batch distance matrix, where Mθ1


and Mθ2ij denote the (i, j)-th element in the matrices sepa-

rately. The mutual learning loss is defined as

LM =1





ij )−Mθ2ij ]


+ [Mθ1ij − ZG(Mθ2

ij )]2),


where ZG(·) represents the zero gradient function, whichtreats the variable as constant when calculating gradients,stopping the backpropagation in the learning stage.

By applying the zero gradient function, the second-ordergradients is


∂Mθ1ij ∂M


= 0. (4)

We found that it speeds up the convergence and improvesthe accuracy compared to a mutual loss without the zerogradient function.

4. ExperimentsIn this section, we present our results on three most

widely used ReID datasets: Market1501 [53], CUHK03[14], and CUHK-SYSU [41].

4.1. Datasets

Market1501 contains 32,668 images of 1,501 labeledpersons of six camera views. There are 751 identities inthe training set and 750 identities in the testing set. In theoriginal study on this proposed dataset, the author also usesmAP as the evaluation criteria to test the algorithms.

CUHK03 contains 13,164 images of 1,360 identities.It provides bounding boxes detected from deformable partmodels (DPMs) and manual labeling.


CUHK-SYSU is a large-scale benchmark for a personsearch, containing 18,184 images (99,809 bounding boxes)and 8,432 identities. The training set contains 11,206 im-ages of 5,532 query persons, whereas the test set contains6,978 images of 2,900 persons.

Note that we only train a single model using trainingsamples from all three datasets, as in [40, 50]. We followthe official training and evaluation protocols on Market1501and CUHK-SYSU, and mainly report the mAP and rank-1accuracy. For CUHK03, because we train one single modelfor all benchmarks, it is slightly different from the stan-dard procedure in [14], which splits the dataset randomly20 times, and the gallery for testing has 100 identities eachtime. We only randomly split the dataset once for trainingand testing, and the gallery includes 200 identities. It meansour task might be more difficult than the standard procedure.Similarly, we evaluate our method with rank-1, -5, and -10accuracy on CUHK03.

4.2. Implementation Details

We use Resnet50 and Resnet50-Xception (Resnet-X)pre-trained on ImageNet [28] as the base models. Resnet50-Xception replaces the 3 × 3 filter kernel through the Xcep-tion cell [7], which contains one 3× 3 channel-wise convo-lution layer and one 1 × 1 spatial convolution layer. Eachimage is resized into 224× 224 pixels. The data augmenta-tion includes random horizontal flipping and cropping. Themargins of TriHard loss for both the global and local dis-tances is set to 0.5, and the mini-batch size is set to 160,in which each identity has 4 images. Each epoch includes2000 mini-batches. We use an Adam optimizer with an ini-tial learning rate of 10−3, and shrink this learning rate by afactor of 0.1 at 80 and 160 epochs until achieving conver-gence.

For mutual learning, the weight of classification mutualloss (KL) is set to 0.01, and the weight of metric mutualloss is set to 0.001. The optimizer uses Adam with an ini-tial learning rate of 3 × 10−4, which is reduced to 10−4

and 10−5 at 60 epochs and 120 epochs until convergence isachieved.

Re-ranking is an effective technique for boosting the per-formance of ReID [57]. We follow the method and details in[57]. In all of our experiments, we combined metric learn-ing loss with classification (identification) loss.

4.3. Advantage of AlignedReID

In this section, we analyze the advantage of our Aligne-dReID model.

We first show some typical results of the alignment in Fig5. In FIg 5(a), the detection box of the right person is in-accurate, which results in a serious misalignment of heads.AlignedReID matches the first part of the left image withthe first three parts of the right image in the shortest path.


(c) (d)


Figure 5. The black lines show the alignments of local parts be-tween two persons: the thicker the line is, the greater it contributesto the shortest path. Persons have the same identities in (a-c), whilepersons have different identities in (d).

Fig 5(b) presents another difficult situation where humanbody structure is defective. The left image does not con-tain the parts below the knee. In the alignment, the skirtside of the right image are associated with the skirt parts ofthe left one, while the leg parts of the right image providesmall contribution to the shortest path. Fig 5(c) shows anexample of occlusion, where the lower part of the personsare invisible. The alignment shows that the occlude partscontribute small in the shortest path, hence the other partsare paid more attention in the learning stage. Fig 5(d) showtwo different persons with similar appearances. The shirtlogo of the right person has no similar part in the left per-son, which results in a large shortest path distance (localdistance) between these two images.

We then compare our AlignedReID with two similar net-works: Baseline which has no local feature branch, and GL-Baseline which has local feature branch without alignment.In GL-Baseline, the local loss is the sum of distances of spa-tial corresponding local features. All results are obtained byusing the same network and the same training setting. Theresults are shown in Table 1. Compared to Baseline, GL-Baseline often gets a worse accuracy. Hence, a local branchwithout alignment does not help. Meanwhile, AlignedReIDboosts 3.1% ∼ 7.9% rank-1 accuracy and 3.6% ∼ 10.1%mAP on all datasets. The local feature branch with align-ment helps the network focus on useful image regions anddiscriminates similar person images with subtle differences.


Market1501 CUHK-SYSU CUHK03Base model Methods mAP r = 1 r = 5 mAP r = 1 r = 5 r=1 r=5 r = 10

Resnet50Baseline 64.5 83.8 94.1 88.5 90.9 96.6 83.3 95.8 97.9

GL-Baseline 58.0 80.4 92.0 86.0 88.2 95.6 81.7 95.0 97.2AlignedReID 72.8 89.2 96.0 92.9 94.5 98.0 88.1 97.5 98.8

Resnet50-XBaseline 61.7 83.6 93.3 87.9 90.4 95.8 80.4 94.5 97.1

GL-Baseline 57.1 79.7 92.4 85.9 87.9 95.6 80.7 94.7 97.1AlignedReID 71.8 89.4 95.8 91.3 93.5 97.3 88.3 97.1 98.5

Table 1. Experiment results of AlignedReID. We combine metric learning loss with classification loss in our experiments.

Market1501 CUHK-SYSU CUHK03Loss Base model mAP r = 1 r=5 mAP r = 1 r=5 r = 1 r = 5 r = 10

BaselineResnet50 64.5 83.8 94.1 88.5 90.9 96.6 83.3 95.8 97.9

Resnet50-X 61.7 83.6 93.3 87.9 90.4 95.8 80.4 94.5 97.1

Baseline+MCResnet50 67.8 86.2 94.6 89.8 92.2 97.1 83.8 95.4 97.5

Resnet50-X 68.7 87.3 95.4 89.7 91.8 96.8 84.6 96.2 98.1

Baseline+MMResnet50 66.8 86.3 95.1 90.1 92.2 96.9 83.8 95.6 97.7

Resnet50-X 66.8 86.2 94.6 90.1 92.5 96.8 84.2 95.8 97.8

AlignedReIDResnet50 72.8 89.2 96.0 92.9 94.5 98.0 88.1 97.5 98.8

Resnet50-X 71.8 89.4 95.8 91.3 93.5 97.3 88.3 97.1 98.5

AlignedReID+MCResnet50 70.9 88.6 95.9 91.4 93.2 97.2 87.6 97.0 98.3

Resnet50-X 71.2 88.5 95.8 91.2 93.3 97.4 86.9 96.8 98.4

AlignedReID+MMResnet50 79.3 91.8 97.1 94.4 95.7 98.8 92.4 98.9 99.5

Resnet50-X 79.3 91.2 96.9 94.4 95.8 98.7 92.3 99.6 99.8

Table 2. Results of mutual learning. MC stands for experiments with classification mutual loss. MM stands for experiments with bothclassification mutual loss and metric mutual loss.

We find that if we apply the local distance together withthe global distance in the inference stage, rank-1 accuracyfurther improves approximately 0.3% ∼ 0.5%. However,it is time consuming and not practical when searching in alarge gallery. Hence, we recommend using the global fea-ture only.

4.4. Analysis of Mutual Learning

In the mutual learning experiment, we simultaneouslytrain two AlignedReID models. One model is based onResnet50, and the other is based on Resnet50-Xception.We compare their performances for three cases: with bothmetric mutual loss and classification mutual loss, with onlyclassification mutual loss, and with no mutual loss. We alsoconduct a similar mutual learning experiment as a baseline,where the global features are trained without local features.The results are shown in Table 2.

Both experiments show that the metric mutual learningmethod can further improve performance. With the baselinemutual learning experiment, the classification mutual losssignificantly improves performance on all datasets. How-ever, with the AlignedReID mutual learning experiment,because the models without mutual learning perform wellenough, the classification mutual loss cannot further im-prove performance.

4.5. Comparison with Other Methods

In this subsection, we compare the results of Aligne-dReID with state-of-the-art methods, in Table 3 ∼ 5. Inthe tables, AlignedReID represents our method with mutuallearning, and AlignedReID (RK) is our method with bothmutual learning and re-ranking [57] with k-reciprocal en-coding.

On Market1501, GLAD [37] achieves an 89.9% rank-1 accuracy, and our AlignedReID achieves a 91.8% rank-1accuracy, exceeding it. For mAP, [13] obtains 81.1% owingto the use of re-ranking. With the help of re-ranking, therank-1 accuracy and mAP are further improved to 94.4%and 90.7% in our AlignedReID (RK), outperforming thebest of previous works by 4.5% and 9.6% separately.

On CUHK03, without re-ranking, HydraPlus-Net [20]achieves 91.8% rank-1 accuracy and our AlignedReIDyields 92.4%. Note that our test gallery size is two timeslarge as that used in [20]. Furthermore, our AlignedReID(RK) obtains a 97.8% rank-1 accuracy, exceeding state-of-the-art by 6.0%.

There have not been many studies reported on CUHK-SYSU. With this dataset, AlignedReID achieves 94.4%mAP and 95.8% rank-1 accuracy, which is much higherthan any published results.


Figure 6. Interface of our human performance evaluation system for CUHK03. The left side shows a query image and the right side shows10 images sampled using our deep model.

Table 3. Comparison on Market1501 in single query mode

Methods mAP r=1Temporal [23] 22.3 47.9Learning [47] 35.7 61.0

Gated [32] 39.6 65.9Person [5] 45.5 71.8

Re-ranking [57] 63.6 77.1Pose [52] 56.0 79.3

Scalable [1] 68.8 82.2Improving [16] 64.7 84.3

In [13] 69.1 84.9In (RK)[13] 81.1 86.7Spindle[50] - 76.9Deep[49]∗ 68.8 87.7

DarkRank[4]∗ 74.3 89.8GLAD[37]∗ 73.9 89.9

HydraPlus-Net[20]∗ - 76.9AlignedReID 79.3 91.8

AlignedReID (RK) 90.7 94.4

5. Human Performance in Person ReIDGiven the significant improvement of our approach, we

are curious to find the quality of human performance. Thus,we conduct human performance evaluations on Market1501and CUHK03.

To make the study feasible, for each query image, theannotator does not have to find the same person from theentire gallery set. We ask him or her to pick the answerfrom a much smaller set of selected images.

In CUHK03, for each query image, there is only one im-age for the identical person in the gallery set. The anno-tator looks for the identical person among 10 images se-lected: our ReID model first generates the top10 results inthe gallery set for the query image; if the “ground truth” isnot among the top10 results, we replace the 10th result withthe ground truth.

For Market1501, there may be more than one groundtruth in the gallery set. The annotator needs to pick onefrom 50 images selected as follows: our ReID model gener-

Table 4. Comparison on CUHK03 labeled datasetMethods r=1 r=5 r=10

Person [15] 44.6 - -Learning [47] 62.6 90.0 94.8

Gated [32] 61.8 - -A [34] 57.3 80.1 88.3

Re-ranking [57] 64.0 - -In [13] 75.5 95.2 99.2

Joint [42] 77.5 - -Deep [10]∗ 84.1 - -

Looking [2]∗ 72.4 95.2 95.8Unlabeled [56] 84.6 97.6 98.9

A [55]∗ 83.4 97.1 98.7Spindle[50] 88.5 97.8 98.6

DarkRank[4]∗ 89.7 98.4 99.2GLAD[37]∗ 85.0 97.9 99.1

HydraPlus-Net[20]∗ 91.8 98.4 99.1AlignedReID 92.4 98.9 99.5

AlignedReID (RK) 97.8 99.6 99.8

Table 5. Comparison with existing methods on CUHK-SYSU

Methods mAP r=1End[41] 55.7 62.7

Deep [29]∗ 74.0 76.7Neural [17] 77.9 81.2

AlignedReID 94.4 95.7

ated the top50 results in the gallery set for the query image;if any ground truth is not among them, it would be used toreplace one non-ground truth result with the lowest rank. Inthis way, we make sure that all ground truths are in the 50selected images.

The interface of the human performance evaluation sys-tem is presented in Fig 6. The images are randomly shuf-fled before being displayed to the annotator. The evaluationwebsite will be available soon. Ten professional annotatorsparticipate in the evaluation. Because only one candidate ischosen, we are unable to obtain the mAP of human beings


as a standard evaluation. The rank-1 accuracies are com-puted for each annotator on all datasets. The best accuracyis then used as the human performance, which is shown inTable 6.

On Market1501, human beings achieve a 93.5% rank-1 accuracy, which is better than all state-of-the-art meth-ods. The rank-1 accuracy in our AlignedReID (RK) reaches94.4% rank-1, exceeding the human performance. OnCUHK03, the human performance reaches a 95.7% rank-1accuracy, which is much higher than any known state-of-the-art methods. Our AlignedReID (RK) obtains a 97.8%rank-1 accuracy, surpassing the human performance.

Figure 7 shows some examples, where an annotator se-lected a wrong answer, while the top1 result provided byour method is correct.

Table 6. Results of human performance evaluation. We show theaccuracies of the five annotators who did best in the evaluation.We also show our AlignedReID results with re-ranking.

Market1501 CUHK03Human Rank 1 93.5 95.7Human Rank 2 91.1 91.9Human Rank 3 90.6 91.2Human Rank 4 90.0 91.1Human Rank 5 88.3 90.0

AlignedReID (RK) 94.4 97.8

6. ConclusionIn this paper, we have demonstrated that an implicit

alignment of local features can substantially improve globalfeature learning. This surprising result gives us an impor-tant insight: the end-to-end learning with structure prior ismore powerful than a “blind” end-to-end learning.

Although we show that our methods outperform humansin the Market1501 and CUHK03 datasets, it is still earlyto claim that machines beat humans in general. Figure 8presents a few “big” mistakes which seldom confuses hu-mans. This indicates that the machine still has a lot of roomfor improvement.

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 7. Top: query image. Middle: the result picked by an an-notator. Bottom: top1 result by our method.

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