‘life’s journey: helping your daughter write her story’ · consultation sessions...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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‘Life’s Journey: Helping your daughter write her story’

Consultation Sessions

• self-initiated sessions with teachers

• teachers availability – book early!


• selected students whom the teachers think will benefit from the sessions

Stretch Programme

• begins in Term 3

• hone their skills

• time management

What your daughter experiences in school

2-minute Quiet Time

• daily routine in school – set priorities of the day; stay calm and be focused

Reading Period (Tuesday & Thursday)

• Short articles to help them to know about contemporary issues

Realistic Goal Setting + Charting the process to reach their goals

• SMART goals – small steps to success

• Making informed education & career decisions


• Quiz yourself, make mind maps, make notes etc

What your daughter experiences in school

Good attendance in school

Keep abreast of the homework

• building blocks

• scaffold their learning

• ask questions to address their gaps

Supporting your daughter in school

Nutrition and Food intake

• breakfast at the start of the day is a good habit to have

• water

• small meals

Healthy sleep

• adequate and quality sleep

• electronic devices


• a family activity?

• stretching and moving around

Supporting your daughter in school

Cognitive Biases


Attribution errors

A single characteristic

Overshadowsall other


The kind of issues seen in Upper Secondary students

(Motivation Issues) Disparity between

perceived expectations and performance

Transition Issues

Relational issues: peers and family

Self-esteem/self-worth issues

Problem Areas

What contributes to academic success?


Traits: Conscientiousness


e.g.: self-control

Rimfield, K., Dale, P.S., Kovas, Y., Plomin, R., (2016); True Grit and Genetics: Predicting Academic Achievement

from Personality; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(3), 780 -789

Make time to support your daughter

Model a growth mindset

Help her focus on her strengths Help her maintain a healthyperspective despite setbacks

Help her develop a sense of purpose that keeps her anchored to her goal

Empower her to voice ideas and act on her chosen pathway

Encourage self-control but do not demand it

Help her with selective focus to develop cognitive reasoning

How do we help?

Balance is key

Working in a smart manner versus working hard

Seeking help versus waiting for help to be given

Pressuriseoneself with impossible deadlines

The Yerkes-Dodson Law


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/HebbianYerkesDodson.JPG ,

retrieved on 23 February 2017

• Executive Functions


May cause cravings, thereby leading to unhealthy habits

Disrupts focus and concentration, which may result in tension

headachesSource: The Straits Times (2013); URL: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/lack-of-sleep-is-


•Planning and Organising

Building congruence

Is learning to let go

• Of fears

• Of rigid beliefs

Is taking the time to be still

• To pace yourself

• To re-charge and renew

Is re-gaining focus

• By building awareness

• By letting go of distractions

Helping her write her story….and making it her bestseller

Learning Zone Performance Zone

Have a growth mindset –the goal is to improve


Deliberate practice Concentrate on what we have mastered

Use feedback to hone skills;

mistakes are expected

Minimise mistakes

Get guidance from a skilled coach

Perform flawlessly but stay within what you

knowBrinceno, E., (2016); How to get better at the things you care about; TEDx Manhattan Beach; URL: https://www.ted.com/talks/eduardo_briceno_how_to_get_better_at_the_things_you_care_about accessed 20 February 2018

DJ Samy Irssak (2016); URL:


ce=univ&ved=0ahUKEwiKw5bOjZnRAhXBOI8KHU9wCgQQsAQIGA#imgrc=XM9Gp7batLgZCM%3A, retrieved on


Your aspirations

Her dreams

Your daughter – always a flower in your eyes

Your observant eyesYour attentionYour unwavering support

You are the window to her future

Be Present

Be Proud

Let’s work together to realise her dreams

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