alice lai, portfolio 2012

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Graphic Design, Marketing


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My goal is to find a challenging and exciting full-time position which allows me to fully leverage the skills I

have developed. I have a strong interest in designing products and experiences which fit seamlessly into a

user’s everyday life. I also have a zest for learning new things.

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CoPilot Live v9 is packed with features for the user on the

go. As the lead interface designer for (touchscreen) laptop

and iPad products, I took charge in redesigning some of

the most heavily used screens with focus on simplifying

the interface, making it easier and delightful to use without

sacrificing functionality. This application is available for North

America, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy.

Skills used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustator, XML, hand-

sketching, rapid ideation, icon design, user interface design.

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One of the prominent features of CoPilot Live v9 includes

the Speed Limit Alert. I was given the opportunity to improve

this feature, making it more user-friendly and easier to read

while driving. When the user is over the speed limit, the

speed box turns red while displaying the speed at which the

user is going. If the user is under the speed limit, the box

turns blue. Below are other screens I had also worked on.

Skills used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustator, XML, hand-

sketching, rapid ideation, icon design, user interface design.

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Speed LimitAlert


Below is a redesign of a CoPilot Live v9 screen with

confusing user interface. On the original design, users were

unaware that when they were selecting a different tab, and

selected ‘Back’, they were selecting and saving a new and

different vehicle preference. Using quick hand sketches,

Photoshop, and XML, I was able to solve this 6-month long

issue in 2 days. Skills used: XML (Notepad C++), Adobe

Photoshop, hand-sketching, rapid ideation.

Original Process work Final

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During the early stages of icon development, I redesigned

the collection of CoPilot Live icons for v9. There were

atleast 300 to be redesigned, and the following is a sample

of the icons created. Skills used: Adobe Illustrator, hand-

sketching, rapid ideation.

Home Address My Places Contact Edit Trip Pick on Map

2D View 3D View Itinerary Safety View Hybrid View Compass

Rotate Map Download Map Switch Maps Free Trial LiveLink Live Search




These icons were designed for a white background.

Map Styles Map Display Speed Limit Demo Playback Speak

Volume GPS Turn Warnings Safety Screen ClearTurn Languages

Speech Units Orientation Licensing About (CoPilot) Restore Default



Find Your Car Send Location Save Current Location Delete Next Stop Photo Nav Send Tracks


Within the Generation-Y market segment are users with

a passionate interest in motorcycles and automotive

racing. At the same time, they are conscious of having

minimal impact on the surrounding environment. This

concept car links the emotional thrill of racing and also

takes measures to achieve environmentally friendly

solutions. As a graphic design intern at General Motors

Corporation, I focused on the image branding for this

concept car, RH-2, and also provided guidance in the

design of the vehicle as needed. Skills used: Market

research, branding research, environmental graphics, Adobe

Photoshop/Illustrator, conceptualization, public presentation.



Samples from a 20-foot graphics presentation board, a movie poster, 1/4 scale concept car.



Presentation mock-up. From left to right: 20-foot graphics presentation board, digital presentation of press kit, 1/4 scale car model, and 4x7-foot templates for team members to showcase their work.


As a member of the Kitchen Design Team for the Solar

Decathlon competition, this mood board was generated

to help set a common theme for the kitchen to be

designed around. Skills used: Graphic & Industrial Design,

conceptualization, research, user study, interdisciplinary

teamwork, sketching, Adobe Illustrator.





Solar house completed in Washington D.C.


A promotional graphic for CoPilot Live v9, used on North

America, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom

Facebook fan pages. Skills used: Adobe Photoshop

Other promotional graphics and mockups

Original size, 1024 x 500 px




)2&1"*-/;#!*)$/B/%&2C#3*$)With focus on attracting new members, I spearheaded

TANG’s first program booklet which describes the

conference in detail, providing answers to many of the most

common questions a new participant may have. This strategy

helped raise the number of members by more than 145%,

from 69 to over 100. This booklet was distributed throughout

NYC, NJ, and the Passport to Taiwan festival in Union Square

in 2011. Skills used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, print

design, branding, logo design, color.

Sample interior pages



)2&1"*-/;#!*)$/B/%&2C#3*$)For TANG’s 2012 Conference, I had once again, spearheaded

the entire booklet project, from setting deadlines for the

Program Directors to submit their content, to the design and

layout of each page, and to sending the file to a print vendor.

All schedules were also translated into Mandarin Chinese.

Skills used: Mandarin Chinese, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe

InDesign, print design, branding, logo design, color,

teamwork, leadership, time management.


Back CoverSample interior pages


One of the biggest areas of TANG that needed improvement

was its website, The current website

presents information in a disorganized manner, userflow

didn’t feel intuitive in many areas, and didn’t reflect the

current and future needs of the rapidly growing organization.

After reworking the information architecture, I created

these wireframe mockups to illustrate what the interface

might look like. Skills used: Adobe Illustrator, rapid ideation,

information architecture, UX, userflow, wireframe



A work still in progress, below are sample screenshots of

the new Skills used: Adobe Photoshop,

Dreamweaver, HMTL, CSS



Homepage page Example Spotlight


.3"#2/8.2CDuring my free time, I enjoy sketching, painting, collecting

sources of design inspiration, and photography.

Colored pencil

Wood rendering in pastel


.3"#2/8.2CIn November of 2010, I started to bake as a hobby, and

soon it became a series of experiments - fusing Industrial

Design and Fine Arts into baking. Below are sample work

done with white chocolate and chocolate. More can be

found at and

namabakery. Skills used: Ideation, sketching, prototyping,

market research, photography, branding.

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Thank you for viewing my portfolio! For inquiries or more information, please don’t hesitate to contact

me at Additional design work may be found at and

photography work at


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