alibaba one-off experiences business model

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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STRATEGI BERSAING DAN PEMODELAN BISNISDosen Pengajar: Elfrida Viesta Napitupulu

“Alibaba Group Strategic Analysis” One-Off Experience Business Model

Elly Apryani (0751601003)

Erwan Cipto (0741601004)

Vickih T. Putri (0751601014)

Jakarta, 24 January 2017

Alibaba’s Group an online trading community

Evolution of the “China Model”

AliPay’s Escrow Payment

Alibaba business model

Alibaba doesn't directly compete with merchants; works with them and provides a platform for dual profits.

Seeks to innovate and thrive No specialty in one area; create online

ecosystem rather than focus on niche

Alibaba Group has no inventory. Long tail competitors like Amazon buy merchandise and sell these to their customers by using their own infrastructure.

Alibaba’s main focus is to connect buyers with sellers. Momentarily, it mainly relies on bringing together Chinese sellers with buyers around the world. The value of Alibaba lies in the software interface, not in the products.

Alibaba business model

Alibaba business model

Merchants don't pay to sell products instead they pay Alibaba for advertising and other services to allow them to stand out from the crowd

Key Partner

Alimama (advertising and marketing partner) Alipay (Payment System) FedEx, DHL Seller/Retailer

Key Activities

Marketing & Sales Data Management Loan Services

Key Resource

Company/Retailer/ Seller’s brand Online marketplace Customer data

Value Propositions

Access to Global Market Advertising for product to customer Ensure a secure supply and safe payment

Customer Relationships

Self service help center – user guide Community Newsletter VIP event team


Alibaba Apps Website

Customer Segment

B2C, C2C & B2B Advertiser for various group of customers Suppliers/Seller provide product on line and

sell them to global customer

Cost Structure

Infrastruktur teknologi

Revenue Streams Advertising / Iklan Transaction Fee for products

Business Model Canvas : Alibaba

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