algernon vocabulary 2. 1. emanate context: isn’t it amazing, the non-stop stream of lies that...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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1. Emanate

Context: Isn’t it amazing, the non-stop stream of lies that emanate from the lips of thieving criminals. What does it mean What gives it away?

Definition: come forth

2. Derision

Context: The ridiculous comment met with immediate derision across the internet. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: ridicule

3. Gesticulations

Context: The acting, however, is far too fake and sometimes the poses and gesticulations of the actors are quite absurd. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: energetic gestures

4. Incentive

Context: Getting a good grade is the only incentive a student should need for trying their hardest on any assignment. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: a reason to do something; motivation

5. Vehemently

Context: My dad vehemently shook his head as I tried to stop myself out loud in church. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: forcefully

6. Audacity

Context: My boyfriend had the audacity to tell me that my outfit made me look fat! What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: boldness

7. Skimpy

Context: My dad said that my skirt was too skimpy to wear in public. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: less than enough

8. Grudging

Context: The teams have no shared history in common and, therefore, no grudging respect for each other either. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: reluctant; unwilling

9. Gaunt

Context: The starving child’s gaunt face haunted my dreams. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: Very thin and boney

10. Rummaged

Context: I rummaged through the dirty laundry trying to find my favorite shirt. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: searched through the contents of a box, a drawer, and so on

11. Savoring

Context: I was savoring every last bite of my nice, juicy steak. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: enjoying with great delight

12. Wary

Context: My mother was wary of my new boyfriend because he was six years older than me. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: cautious

13. Benign

Context: the tumor was benign and would not harm me. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: kindly

14. Paranoia

Context: The boy’s constant paranoia caused him to have no friends because he would trust no one. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: mental disorder that causes people to feel unreasonable distrust and suspicion

15. Cavorting

Context: Only a few minutes before, the kids were seen cavorting in the swimming pool. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: leaping about

16. Oblivious

Context: The girl was oblivious to the laughter all around her as she walked happily down the hall with toilet paper stuck to her shoe. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: unaware

17. Acute

Context: Superman’s acute sense of hearing allowed him to hear cries of help from anywhere around the world. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: sharp

18. Vexed

Context: The girl was vexed by the scary movie that haunted her dreams. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: distrubed

19. Sagacity

Context: The sagacity of the President was so great that no one would dare to question his decisions. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: intelligence and good judgment

20. Refrained

Context: The teacher refrained from yelling at the students by silently counting to ten in her head before speaking. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: held back

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