alexa acampora. “strength training is also called resistance training because it involves...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • Alexa Acampora
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  • Strength training is also called resistance training because it involves strengthening and toning your muscles by contracting them against a resisting force
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  • TWO TYPES OF RESISTANCE TRAINING Isometric Resistance: Involves contracting your muscles against a non-moving object, such as against the floor in a push-up Isotonic strength training: Involves contracting your muscles through a range of motion as in weight lifting
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  • Burn fat during and after weight training exercises For each pound of muscle gained, one can burn 35 to 50 more calories each day A studied performed by Wayne Westcott, found that the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat!
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  • Unlike men, women do not gain significant muscle mass from strength training Women can develop muscle definition Endurance exercises makes you lose both fat and muscle tissuestrength training can help create and sustain curves Women have 10 to 30 times less of the hormones that cause muscle hypertrophy
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  • Cyclists are able to gain strength in order to ride longer with less fatigue. Golfers can increase driving power with strength training With strength training, skiers are able to improve technique.
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  • Research shows that weight training can help prevent bone loss! 55% of people 50 and older have osteoporosis Osteoporosis: a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture, owing to loss of calcium and other mineral components, sometimes resulting in pain, decreased height, and skeletal deformities Osteoporosis: a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture, owing to loss of calcium and other mineral components, sometimes resulting in pain, decreased height, and skeletal deformities
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  • Physical activity helps control weight and can reduce chances of developing conditions that can strain your heart.
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  • Strength training will elevate your level of endorphins! Research suggests that exercise can improve ones physical self- efficacy and physical self- worth
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  • Strength training will elevate your level of endorphins! This can trigger a positive feeling in the body. Regular strength training can help one manage stress better and experience fewer adverse reactions to stressful situations Exercise can be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression
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  • According to American College of Sports Medicine, strength training can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries or even the severity such injury. Resistance training has a positive effect on reducing low back injuries. Musculoskeletal Injuries: An injury or disorder of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves, blood vessels or related soft tissue including a sprain, strain and inflammation, that may be caused or aggravated by work. Musculoskeletal Injuries: An injury or disorder of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves, blood vessels or related soft tissue including a sprain, strain and inflammation, that may be caused or aggravated by work.
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  • The benefits of strength training can be achieved at any age! It is never to late to start
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  • BICEP CURL Grab a light reasonable weight (set of dumbbells or straight bar). Stand with feet shoulder width apart Standup right, knees slightly bent shoulders around and down, keep core tight Hold the weight palms facing up Keep elbows in to your side For dumbbells alternate each hand Aim for 3 sets of 15 repetitions
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  • TRICEPS ROPE PULL DOWN Stand facing the cable machine, shoulder width apart Shoulders back, around and down Grab the rope with both hands (palms should face each other) Set on a light weight, begin to pull down keep elbows in and at your side Go slowly and try to isolate the triceps muscle Aim for 3 sets of 15 repetitions 0gs3EI
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  • SEATED CABLE ROW (there are various grip options for this exercise, the easiest example to learn is close grip) Sit upright, shoulders back, around and down Keep the grip near the middle of your core area Pull in and isolate your back muscles Do not extend so far out that you compromise your posture Aim for 3 sets of 15 repetitions
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  • SOURCES "6 Reasons to Add Strength Training to Your Workout Plan Fitness Center" N.p., 12 June 2009. Web. 04 June 2014.. "Exercise and Depression: Endorphins, Reducing Stress, and More." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 01 June 2014.. Hoffman, Jay. "Resistance Training and Injury Prevention." ACSM CURRENT COMMENT (n.d.): n. pag. ACSM Current Comment. American College of Sports Medicine. Web. 4 June 2014.. Why Women Should Lift Weights. Sports Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 June 2014..

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