alden e aran foreign policy analysis

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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This exciting new book aims to reinvigorate the conversation betweenforeign policy analysis and international relations. It opens up thediscussion, situating existing debates in foreign policy in relationto contemporary concerns in international relations, and provides aconcise and accessible account of key areas in foreign policy analysisthat are often ignored.

Focusing on how the process of foreign policy decision making affectsthe conduct of states in the international system, and analysing therelationship between policy, agency and actors, the work examines:

· Foreign policy decision making

· Foreign policy and bureaucracies

· Domestic sources of foreign policy

•Foreign policy and the state

• foreign policy and globalization

· Foreign policy and change

This work builds on and expands the theoretical canvas of foreign policyanalysis, shaping its ongoing dialogue with international relations andoffering an important introduction to the field. It is essential reading for allstudents of foreign policy and international relations.

Chris Alden is a Reader in International Relations at the LondonSchool of Economics and Political Science.

Amnon Aran is a Lecturer in the Department of International Politicsat City University London.

• ISBN 978-0-415-42799-9




This exciting new book aims to reinvigorate the conversation betweenforeign policy analysis and international relations. It opens up thediscussion, situating existing debates in foreign policy in relation tocontemporary concerns in international relations, and provides a con-cise and accessible account of key areas in foreign policy analysis thatare often ignored.

Focusing on how the process of foreign policy decision makingaffects the conduct of states in the international system, and analysingthe relationship between policy, agency and actors, the work examines:

• Foreign policy decision making• Foreign policy and bureaucracies• Domestic sources of foreign policy• Foreign policy arid the state• Foreign policy and globalization• Foreign policy and change

This work builds on and expands the theoretical canvas of foreignpolicy analysis, shaping its ongoing dialogue with international rela-tions and offering an important introduction to the field. It is essentialreading for all students of foreign policy and international relations.

Chris Alden is a Reader in International Relations at the LondonSchool of Economics and Political Science.

Amnon Aran is a Lecturer in the Department of International Politicsat City University London.


Foreign Policy AnalysisNew approaches

Chris Alden and Amnon Aran

i~~~o~1~:n~~~upLONDON AND NEW YORK


First published 2012by Routledge2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN

Simultaneously published in the USA and Canadaby Routledge711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017

Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group,(In informa business

2012 Chris Alden and Amnon Aran

The right of Chris Alden and Arnnon Aran to be identified asauthors of this work has been asserted by them in accordancewith the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988.

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British Library Catuloguing ill Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library 0/ Congress Cataloging ill Publication DataAlden, Chris.Foreign policy analysis: new approaches I Chris Alden andArnnon Aran.

p. ern.Includes bibliographical references and index.I. International relations.T. Aran, Amnon. II. Title.JZ1242.A45201137.7.I-dc22 2011016295

ISBN: 978·0-415·42798·2 (hbk)ISBN: 978·0-415-42799·9 (pbk)ISBN: 978·0·203·64099·9 (ebk)Typeset in Timesby Cenveo publisher services


A cknowledgements VI

Lisl of acronyms VII

Foreign policy analysis - an overview

2 Foreign policy decision making 14

) Bureaucracies and foreign policy 31

The domestic sources of foreign policy 46

5 Foreign policy analysis and the state 62

I 6 Foreign policy, globalization and the study of foreign78policy analysis

i7 Foreign policy and change 92

Conclusion: new directions in foreign policy analysis 110

Notes 121Bibliography 142Index 157



We would like to thank the following people for their support andassistance with this book. To Craig Fowlie and Nicola Parkin ofRoutledge who provided us with the necessary time to complete thisprojecL. Cynthia Little has done a wonderful job of copy editing ourbook, Professor Margot Light and Christopher Hill, and the lateProfessor Fred Halliday, who provided inspiration for this book atdifferent limes and in different ways, deserve our sincere gratitude.Professor Kim Hutchings of the Department of International Relationsat LSE and Professor Maxi Schoeman of the Department of PoliticalSciences, University of Pretoria, supported Chris Alden's sabbaticaland made the completion of the manuscript possible. To FilippoDionigi for being an excellent research assistant.

Finally our respective families - Kato, Rachel. Jonathan andAmelia, Shani, Yoav and Assaf - for all their love, care and support.

African National CongressBritish Broadcasting Corporationbureaucratic politics modelCold WarDepartment of Foreign AffairsEuropean Unionforeign policy analysisglobalization theoryhistorical sociologyideology, economic, military, politicalInternational Monetary Fundinternational relationsmultinational corporationNorth Atlantic Treaty Organizationnon-governmental organizationstandard operating proceduretransnational actorUnited KingdomUnited NationsUnited StatesWeberian historical sociologyWorld War II




Foreign policy analysis1 an•overview


Foreign policy analysis (FPA) is the study of the conduct and practiceof relations between different actors, primarily states, in the interna-tional system. Diplomacy, intelligence, trade negotiations and culturalexchanges all form part of the substance of foreign policy betweeninternational actors. At the heart of the field is an investigation intodecision making, the individual decision makers, processes and condi-tions that affect foreign policy and the outcomes of these decisions.By adopting this approach, FPA is necessarily concerned not only withthe actors involved in the state's formal decision-making apparatus, butalso with the variety of sub-national sources of influence upon stateforeign policy. Moreover, in seeking to provide a fuller explanationfor foreign policy choice, scholars have had to take account of theboundaries between the state's internal or domestic environment andthe external environment.

FPA developed as a separate area of enquiry within the disciplineof international relations (lR), due both to its initially exclusivefocus on the actual conduct of inter-state relations and to its norma-tive impulse. While IR scholars understood their role as being tointerpret the broad features of the international system, FPA specialistssaw their mandate as being a concentration on actual state conductand the sources of decisions. The FPA focus on the foreign policyprocess as opposed to foreign policy outcomes, is predicated on thebelief that closer scrutiny of the actors, their motivations, the structuresof decision making and the broader context within which foreignpolicy choices are formulated would provide greater analytical pur-chase. Moreover, scholars working within FPA saw their task as nor-mative, that is to say, as aimed at improving foreign policy decisionmaking to enable states to achieve better outcomes and, in some

••••••••••••••• tural ~l' (the constraints imposed by _tfiernternatiol~al system) and• •J ~Ull1an agency (therole of. ii1dl~i9~al_ cho!ce in shaping the interna-

l: tional system) when analysing foreign policy decisions and decision-• f making environments. However, the FPA focus on the process of• foreign policy formulation, the role of decision makers and the natuI:e

of foreign policy choice has tended to produce a stronger emphasis• on agency than is found in IR (at least until the advent of the 'con-• structivism turn' in the 1990s). Thu , early analyses of foreign policy

• decision. makin~ recognized from the outset the centrality ~fsubJectlvefactors 111 shaping and mterpretrng events, actors and foreign policy

• choices. Writing in 1962, Richard Snyder and colleagues pointed out• that 'i~foi:'n:at!on- is selectively perceived ~nd evaluated i.n terI!ls of the

decision maker's frame of reference. Choices are made 111 the basis of• preferences which 'are' in part ~ituationally and in part biographically• determined. '3 ln~e~d, as the. c~apters in this book show, in. many'

respects, FPA anticipates key insights and concerns associated WIth the• reflexivist or constructivist tradition."• FPA has much in common with other policy-oriented fields that .seek

to employ scientific means to understand phenomena. Debate within• FPA over the utility of different methodological approaches, including• rational choice, human psychology and organizational studies, has• encouraged the development of a diversity of material and outlooks

on foreign policy. This apparently eclectic borrowing from other fields,• at least as seen by other IR scholars, in fact reflects this intellectual• proximity to the changing currents of thinkin~ within the various• domains of the policy sciences.> At the same time, there remains a

2 Foreign policy analysis - an ol'erl'iell'

instances, even to enhance the possibility of peaceful relations betweenstates.

In the context of David Singer's well-known schema of lR, in grap-pling with world politics, one necessarily focuses on studying the phe-nomena at the international system level, the tate (or national) level,or the individual level. I FPA has traditionally emphasized the state andindividual levels as the key areas for understanding the nature of theinternational system. At the same time, as the rise in the number anddensity of transnational actors (TN As) has transformed the interna-tional system, making interconnectivity outside of traditional state-to-state conduct more likely, FPA has had to expand its own outlook toaccount for an increasingly diverse range of non-state actors, such asglobal environmental activists or multinational corporations (MNCs).

An underlying theme within the study of FPA is the 'structure-agency' debate." As in other branches of the social sciences, FPAscholars are divided as to the de ree of influence to accord JO struc-

Foreign policy analysis - an overview 3

significant strand of FPA which, like diplomatic studies, owes a greatdebt to historical method. Accounting for the role of history in shapingforeign polic - be it the identity of a particular nation-state, confiict-lng-definitions of a se.~~lfic~fo'rei n olicLl~.§ue or _tJIei£_u,~ (andmisuseriS analogous .in foreign olicy decision makiM., - isa rich areaOfStiidy in FPA. --'-Set"within this context our book aims to revisit the key questionmotivating foreign policy analysts, that is, how the process of foreignpolicy decision making affects the conduct of states in the internationalsystem and the relationship between agency, actors and foreign policy,which is crucial for a reinvigoration of the conversation between FPAand IR, Our book seeks to open up this discussion by situating existingdebates in FPA in relation to contemporary concerns in IR and pro-viding an account of areas that for the most part in FPA have beenstudiously ignored. What follows is a brief summary of some of the keytheoretical approaches and innovations that have featured in FPA asscholars have attempted to address the questions of who makes foreignpolicy, how is it made and what influences the process. We refer to thisbody of literature as Classical FPA. We explore the main features ofClassical FPA and identify three areas that have been overlooked byscholars. For instance, in FPA there is no theory of the state, nomeaningful incorporation of the systemic changes provoked by globa-lization and no comprehensive accounting for change in foreign policy.This is followed by a brief elaboration on these shortcomings throughOur presentation of three critiques of FPA.

Realism: the state, national interest and foreign policy

The roots of FPA lie in its reaction to the dominance of realism and itsdepiction of the state and its interactions with other states, whetherthrough direct bilateral relations or through multilateral institutionssuch as the United Nations (UN), and a general dissatisfaction withrealism's ability to provide credible explanations of foreign policyoutcomes. In keeping with the realist paradigm, the state is seen as aunitary and rational actor, rendering it unnecessary to analyse the roleof the discrete components of government (either the executive or thelegislature) in order to assess state foreign policy. In this context, a key.concept in the traditional realist canon is 'national interest'. Althougha much-disputed term, national interest remains a central preoccupa-tion of foreign policy decision makers and a reference point for realistscholars seeking to interpret state action. t!.£tns Morgenthau definesnational interest as synonymous with power and, therefore, both the' - - .--- ----- --- -


4 Foreign policy analysis - an ollerllielt'

proper object of a state's forei n policy and the best IE.e?sure oUtscapacity to ac-hieve its -aims.6 -

. - i?hat ~o~stitl;tes-' national interest, how it is determined and ulti-mately implemented are crucial to understanding the choices andresponses pursued by states in international affairs. Realists assert thatthe character of the international system, that is, its fundamentallyanarchic nature, is the most important guide to interpreting foreignpolicy. The pursuit of security and the efforts to enhance materialwealth place states in competition with other states; limiting the scopefor cooperation to a series of selective, self-interested strategies. Inthis setting, the centrality of power - especially manifested as militarypower - is seen to be the key determinant of a state's ability to sustaina successful foreign policy. Geographic position, material resources anddemography are other important components of this equation.

Realists believe that all states' foreign policies conform to these basicparameters and that scholars above all need to investigate the influ-ences of the structure of the international system and the relativepower of states in order to understand the outcomes of foreign policydecisions. Calculation of national interest is self-evident; it can bearrived at rationally through careful analysis of the material conditionsof states as well as the particulars of a given foreign policy dilemmaconfronting states.

Scholars such as Richard Snyder and his colleagues, frustrated bythe facile rendering of international events in established IR circles,issued a call to move beyond this systemic orientation and 'open theblack box' of foreign policy decision making. Rather than producing anormative critique of realism (something that later would becomecommonplace in academia), Snyder, Rosenau and others were intentprimarily on finding an improved methodological approach to asses-sing interactions between states.' And, while in creating the field ofFPA these scholars accepted key tenets of realism such as the centralityof the state in JR, they also set in motion a series of investigativestrands that ultimately would contribute to an expansion of theknowledge and understanding about the relationship between foreignpolicy and IR.

Behaviourism and rationalism

The original studies by FPA scholars in the 1950s and 1960s posedsome explicit challenges to the realist assumptions in ascendancy in thefield of IR at that time. Instead of examining the outcomes of foreignpolicy decisions, behaviourists sought to understand the process of

Foreign policy analysis - an ollel'vieH' 5

foreign policy decision making. In particular, scholars such as ~,?e:·tJervis, Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout investigated the role _of ~heindividtlaldeci'siol1 maker and the accompanying influences on foreignpolicy choiCe. They -belie~ed that shining a sp?tllght .on the. decisionmaker would allow them to unpack the key vanables linked directly tostudies of human agency which contribute to foreign policy decisionmaking. . . , . ,

This 'behaviourist' approach WIth Its focus on the minds of mencame at a time when those working on decision making in the policysciences were increasingly enamoured with the notion of applying a setof fixed rules to understand the process and outcomes of decisionmaking. The methodology, which came to be known as rational choicetheory, amongst other things posited a unified decision-making body inthe form of the state, as well as a belief that the pursuit of self-interestguided all decision makers. Since rational choice strongly ad~1ered. tosome of the key ideas of realism, it was relatively easy for rationalismand realism to find common cause in their assessment of the world ofinternational politics.

The emphasis on individual decision makers in FPA led scholarsto~~ chol~g~ca! ~,!1~cognitive factors as explanatory sourcesof foreign policy choi.ce. For instance, Jervis asserts that the psycholo-giciIchsposition o-f -a leader, the cognitive limits imposed by th~ sh.eervolume of information available to decision makers and the inclinationto opt for what are clearly second-best policy options, all contribute toimperfect foreign policy outcomes. For Kenneth Boulding, it is the setof beliefs, biases and stereotypes, which he char icterizes as the 'image'held by decision makers, that play the most important role in shapingforeign policy decisions. In addition, other scholars point out thatthe decision-making process itself is subject to the vagaries of groupdynamics while the constraints imposed by crises introduce furtherdistortions to foreign policy choice."

The result was a comprehensive critique by FPA scholars of many ofthe key findings related to foreign policy in the realist and emergingrationalist perspectives. At the same time, while the policy sciencescontinued to move towards elaborating rationa I choice theory, thoseFPA scholars working in the rationalist tradition sought to find a wayto reconcile their insights into the effects of psychology and cognitionon foreign policy decision making, with some account of rationaldecision making .. This effort characterises foreign policy making as afar less organized, consistent and rational process than depicted by therealists. Psychology constrains rationality; human divisions and dis-agreements challenge the notion that the state is .a unitary actor.


6 Foreign policy analysis - an overvielv

Equally significant was the introduction of what could be called a'proto-constructivist' strand within FPA, which asserted the sub-jectivity of the decision maker and, concurrently, the notion thatforeign policy was the product of mutually constitutive processes (hatinvolved individuals, societies and the construction of an 'other'.Chapter 2 explores this literature more fully.

Bureaucratic politics and foreign policy~.--f.Q£1~_<?.nthe individual decision maker, despite the insights it p~o-duced, was seen by some FPA scholar to be excessively narrow. Evenwithin states, the conflicting outlooks and demands of foreign- policybureaucracies, such as the ministries of trade and of defence, clearlyinfluence foreign policy decisions in ways that reflect the primacy ofparochial concerns over considerations of national interest. While theexecutive decision maker was clearly a key component of the foreignpolicy decision-making process, it had to be recognized that any deci-sions made took place within the context of institutions specificallycharged with interpreting and implementing foreign and security policyfor the state. The role and contribution of specialized ministries,departments and agencies - supplemented by ad hoc working groupstasked with a particular foreign policy mandate - needed to beaccounted for in FPA.

Drawing on organizational theory and sociology, scholars sought tocapture the manner in which institutional motivations and proceduresimpacted upon the foreign policy process. For Graham Allison,Morton Halperin and others, an analysis of foreign policy decisionmaking had to start with these bureaucracies and the various factorsthat caused them to play what, in their view, was the determiningrole in' shaping foreign policy outcomes. Their approach emphasizedthe inter lay between [eaders, Qureaucmti£ _a£!.or:;, ..2r>aniz~~0.pnalculture and, to an extent, political factors outside the formal apparatusof the _state.9 - -

Broader in reach than the behaviourists' single focus on the indivi-dual decision maker, advocates of the bureaucratic politics approachto FPA began a process of investigation into sources of influenceover foreign policy that went beyond the actors directly involved in theformal decision-making apparatus. This search opened the way forconsideration of the role of societal factors, such as interest groups, ininfluencing public opinion, all of which ultimately contributed to aradical rethinking of the importance of the state it elf in IR. Chapter 3provides a more complete overview of this literature.

Foreign policy analysis - an overvielv 7

Domestic structures and foreign policyIn moving away from a focus on the individual decisi n maker andthe state bureaucracy, FPA scholars. began to show an interest in thedomestic, societal sources of foreign policy. This interest produced arich literature which we describe as the domestic structure approach.One of its strands deals With the effects of the material attributes of acountry, such as size, location, agricultural and industrial potential,demographic projections, etc., on foreign policy.'? A second categorydevelops a more sophisticated notion of the domestic structure.Thomas Risse-Kappen and Haral Muller's work, for instance, deals'with the nature of the political institutions (the state), with the basicfeatures of the society, and with the institutional and organisationalarrangements linking slate and socisty and channelling societaldemands into the olitic s stem'. I t The debate onthe emergence ofdemocratic 'p~ theory is an interesting illustration of how FPA usedthe domestic structure approach to explain foreign policy. Advocates ofdemocratic peace theory argue that democracies inherently produce amore peaceful foreign policy, at least as far as relations with otherdemocratic states are concerned. An intriguing debate followed thisassertion, probing the degree to which the nature of the polity canaccount for the conduct of foreign policy.'? Chapter 4 explores thiliterature.

Pluralism: linkage politics and foreign policyWhile the previous three approaches ought to understand FPAthrough recourse to the structure of the international system, thedecision-making process within states and the societal sources offoreign policy, there is a fourth luralist, interpretation of foreignpolicy. Pluralists do not 6eiieve thaLs.tat.e,~-·a:re. th~Y-d!gj}lficantactors-in l~tionaL!lQlitics. They maintain that, at least fro~ the'I~f70s (bl~t' perhaps even earlier), the increased linkages between avariety of state, sub-state and non-state actors have eroded the tradi-tional pri.macy of the state in foreign policy. Indeed, one of the centralfeatures of the globalizing world is the possibility that MNCs couldexercise de facto foreign policy based on their financial resow:'ces, orthat non-governmental organizations (@Os) wie power throughtheir ability to mobilize votes. For pluralists, crucial for an under-standing of foreign policy outcomes is analysis of the influences derivedfrom domestic and transnational sources - not necessarily tied to thestate. The pluralist approach portrays the transnational environment--------- -


8 Foreign policy analysis - an overview

as an unstructured, mixed actor environment. It is unstructured. inso far as it is 'entirely actor generated' and 'it is difficult to distin-guish the intentional from the incidental' Y It is a mixed actor envt-ronment to the extent that state and non-state actors either coexistor compete. This pluralist environment of complex interdependencyeffectively diminishes the scope of state action in foreign pollcymakinz to that of management of a diversity of forces within thedomestic sphere including government, and outside the boundaries ofthe state. 14

Robert Putnam's 'two-level game' attempts to capture the challengeimp--;sed by complex interdependency on foreign policy decisionmakers. Writing in the rationalist tradition, he suggests that thedecision-making process involves both a domestic arena where one setof rules and interests governs, and an international arena, where a dif-ferent set of rules and interests prevail. Balancing the logic anddemands of the two arenas, which often are in conflict, forms t!1e cen-tral dilemma of foreign policy making as seen by pluralists.

1) Other

scholars such as Joe Hagan, incorporate particular features of thedomestic structure in the form of regimes and autonomous politicalactors (e.g. factions, parties, institutions) into the decision-makingrubric." The pluralist literature captures well the trends that haveshaped' the external environment in which foreign policy oper.ates. Italso examines many of the issues in the vast literature on glo.bahzatlO~.For example, scholars suc:b as Hill argue that the p)ul"G)hstliterature ISbetter equipped thai; tl;e literature on globali~ation to explore .theimplications of issues ofconcern to each for foreign policy. 'V!eexplorethis proposition in Chapter 6, which examines th~ retationship betweenforeign policy and globalization and the imphcatlons It might have forthe study of FPA.

Three critiques of 'Classical' FP A: bringing in the state,globalization and changeThis brief overview of the field of FPA shows that there are many dif-ferent ways of understanding the conduct and signific.ance of states andsub-state and non-state actors in foreign policy making. Though thereis no consensus amongst these approaches, each is seen to contribute toa fuller picture of how states and, ultimately, the international system,work. Indeed, FPA illumines much that is obscure 111 IR (a short-coming somewhat grudgingly acknowledged b~ recent develop~entssuch as neo-classical realism). While IR emphaSIzes the role and 1I1f1u..ence of structural constraints on the international system, FPA focuses

Foreign policy analysis - an overview 9

on the inherent possibilities of human agency and sub-national actorsto affect and even change the international system. .t

These features of Classical FPA have preoccupied foreign policyanalysts for decades, providing a foundation for a steady accretionofknowledge, primarily through an elaboration of the established litera-ture and detailed case studies, all of which is contributing to a matur-ing research agenda. At the same time, we would contend that thereare oversights and areas that are neglected in Classical FPA, which ishampering development of the field. As already mentioned, theseinclude the fact that there is no theory of the state in FPA, no mean-ingful incorporation of the systemic changes brought by globalizationand no accounting for change in foreign policy.

FPA and the state

In highlighting the importance of such elements as human agency andsub-national actors, FPA has significantly enhanced our understandingof foreign policy making and its implementation. However, this analy-tical achievement comes at a conceptual price. In focusing on anunpacking of the realist black box, FPA failed to lcvelop its ownconception of the state with the result that the state is reduced tonothing more than the various actors responsible D r foreign policymaking. For example, early studies focus on the individual and de factoequate the state with the decision makers, thus rendering the state as nomore than the sum of its individual (human) parts. Tn the bureaucraticpolitics approach,· the state is little more than an arena in whichcompeting fiefdoms engage in their inward-looking games. The state isultimately no more than the sum of its bureaucratic units. From thisperspective, foreign policy is either formulated by chance, or is capturedunpredictably by different bureaucratic elements at different times. I?

The domestic structure approach would seem more useful for con-ceptualizing the state, however, it does not provide a conceptualization·of what the state is. Rather, as the 'debate on democratic peace theoryand foreign policy forcefully shows, the state is equated with the polity.Conseq uently, it is treated more as an arena (not an actor) in which thesocial and political values of a given polity are manifested in its foreignpolicy. Finally, in pluralist formulations and Putnam's two-level gamethe principal role of the state is to mediate between the pressures fromthe domestic and the external spheres. These pressures arise from thesocio-political activity in the domestic and transnational spheres,the inter ..state activity occurring within the international realm and theprincipal motivations of the central executive. Hence, in contrast to



10 Foreign. policy analysis - an overviCl1'

earlier approaches, the state is rooted simultaneously in the domesticand the external spheres. In this respect, the pluralist approach andPutnam's metaphor of a two-level game are more useful than methodsthat accommodate the activities of actors in either the domestic or theinternational sphere. However, capturing the dual anchoring of statein the domestic and external spheres does not amount to a conceptionof the state. In this formulation the state is no more than the sum ofthe pressures exerted by external and domestic forces, derived from theactivities that occur across the domestic-statist-transnational axis.The lack of a conceptualization of the state in FPA's key middle-rangetheories produced conceptual, ontological and epistemological tensionswithin FPA. These tensions are explored and addressed in Chapter 5.

FPA and globalizationFPA's notion of the state (or lack thereof) is not the only conceptualtask we tackle in this book. Since the 1980s, a stimulating and chargeddebate on globalization has been taking place in the social sciences,including IR. In their work, Global Transformations (1999), Held et a!.bring together the vast literature on globalization, laying the founda-tions for Globalization Theory (GT) and provide the tools forexamining empirically the globalization of multiple activities: frompolitics and organized violence, to finance, trade, production andmigration, culture and environmental degradation. IS Held et a1.'sappraisal of the hyperglobalist, global-sceptic and transformationalisttheses defined the contours of the first great debate on globalization,placing the transformationalist thesis at the forefront of what emergedas GT.19 Two broad assumptions unite the huge literature comprisingGT. First, that globalization is producing a fundamental shift in thespatio-temporal constitution of human societies. Second, that this shiftis so profound that, in retrospect, it has revealed a basic lacuna in theclassical, territorially grounded tradition of social theory, promotingthe development of a new post-classical social theory in which thecategories of space and time assume a central, explanatory role.2o

Since publication of Global Transformations, another great debateon globalization has emerged, much of it centring on the direction thatGT should take. Authors, such as Rosenberg, argue that GT is funda-mentally flawed." hence, the way forward is to perform a post-mortem, to expose its 'follies' and draw lessons from these follies.Others acknowledge that tbe debate on globalization has generateda useful and insightful body of literature, but are resistant to attemptsto turn it into a 'theory'." This reluctance to theorize, and Rosenberg's

Foreign policy analysis - an overview II

dismissal of CT, are rejected by Scholte, Albert, Robertson and byHeld and colleagues' ongoing work. Nevertheless, all these authorsconcede that GT faces a real challenge: how to develop beyond the

I b I· . 23formulations generated by the first great debate on g 0 a rzation.

In similar vein, we try to address what would appear to be asignificant lacuna in GT and FPA. An e~a~ination of some of ~hebest-known works and forums on globallzatlOn reveals that foreignpolicy is virtually excluded from GT.24 Similarly, scholars.of FPA h~veexcluded GT from their matrix. For instance, the studies by Smithet al. and Hudson on the state of the art in FPA completely ignoreglobalization and GT,25 while Hill argues that existing tran.sna:ionalformulations in FPA are better equipped than GT to examine Issuesthat are of common concern to these literatures." Webber and Smith,on the other hand embrace the notion of globalization and explore its

, . .. 27implications for FPA, but do not consider the reverse pOSlh?n '.

This mutual exclusion in our view is somewhat problematic since therelationship between foreign policy and globalization might havesignificant implications for the subject matter of JR. Thus, the gapin contemporary TR theory, framed by the mutual conceptual neglectof FPA and GT would seem significant. Chapter 6 explores ways tobridge this gap and how we might conceptualize foreign policy in thecontext of globalization, to try to establish how and to what extentFPA can contribute to the study of foreign policy in the contextof globalization, and to understand the relationship between thesetwo aspects.

FPA and changeFinally, alongside the failure adequately to theorize the state and toaccount for the forces of globalization, foreign policy change has beenrather ignored by classical FPA scholars. Similar to IR, which failed toaccount for the rapid series of events that precipitated the ending ofthe Cold War (CW) in 1989, FPA says little about the sources a.ndconditions giving rise to significant alterations in a state's forelg~policy. This is despite seminal foreign policy moments, su<;:?as. NIxon sdramatic diplomatic turn to the People's Republic of China 1111972,and the systematic reorientation of post-Soviet states towards the ~est,when foreign policy change was a significant feature of the fabnc ofinternational politics. . .

Understanding and .ir~tegr~.;0~nge'._int~ anal~se~ ?f forelg~~ policy requires accountmg for Its Imp~1I1 rel~t~on to m.dlvldual deci-I sion makers, institutions and structures of decision making as well as


12 Foreign policy analysis - an oVerl'ielV

i" the wider socio-political and external context within which suchII change occurs. ~. Welch's Painful Choices: A Theory of ForeignPolicy 9;!ie (2005) is one of the few efforts to tackle this subject.Welch tnes to capture some of the diverse sources of foreign policychange by focusing on cognitive and motivational psychology, insightfrom organizational theory and, most successfully, by employing pro-spect theory. In the latter, foreign policy change is linked to decisionmakers' fears that continuing with the status quo will generate evermore painful los es.28

However, there is clearly much more scope for asse sing the roleof change in foreign policy. Drawing on other relevant sources, JI}~ I.!t-erature"'p'rovj.~L~insights into the part pl~yed. py per.~9n-a~t~_in. fa.cilitatil1gJgrel n olic -clloic.\:.§. th~~~m~~~ce change.29 If weexamine the topic from a different angle, institutional sources of resis-tance to change may be tied to the levels of bureaucratic embeddednessin the decision-making process through role socialization, proceduralscripts and cultural rationales, but there is little discussion in FPA ofprocesses such as institutional learning and its impact on foreign policychoice. 3D Michael Barnett's analysisof how skilful 'political entrepre-neurs' are able to re-Irarne identity issues within a specific institutionalcontext so as to embark on dramatic foreign policy shifts, providesa theoretically eclectic treatment of foreign policy change which reas-serts the role of agency." Finally, against the backdrop of a 'wave ofdemocratization' that has been sweeping across all regions of the worldsince 1974, a fruitful avenue for assessing foreign policy change is therelationship between regime type and socio-political changes in con-junction with broader systemic factors. Alison Stanger, building on thework of transitologists, such as Juan Linz and Samuel Huntington,suggests that it is the nature of democratic transitions - whetherelite-led reformist regimes, revolutionary regimes or power-sharingarrangements - that shape the underlying approach adopted by apost-authoritarian regime to foreign policy questions.P How FPAmight more fully account for change is explored in Chapter 7.

Conclusion: FP A and the study of IRFPA has constantly engaged with the broader debates in the disciplineof IR, from challenges to realism's key concepts, to introducing IR tonew literatures, to employing a new type of methodology - that of amiddle-range theory. We believe that if FPA is to maintain its status asan innovative sub-strand of IR, it is essential that it engages with thediscipline. As we develop our three critiques of FPA, we will highlight

Foreign policy analysis - an overvielv 13

new oints of intersection between FPA and IR theory. Two str.ands .ofIR aP ear particularly useful for the development of. an ong?mg dia-

PPb FPA and broader IR theory: historical sociology oflogue etween . losely withinternational relations, and constructi~ism. Engagmg m~re .c d .the broader debate in the social SCIences on globahz~tlon an hIts. I' tions for Tk would also seem pertment. Finally, FPA asImp ica I I' . I" hi 1 epotential points of intersection with neo-classlcal reansm, w I~~ wexplore in later chapters. Through this effort, w: hope to be a e .tobuild on and expand the theoretical canvas of FPA and to shape Itsongoing dialogue with JR. .


2 Foreign policy decision making


The forei~n policy decision-making process is a major focus of FPAscholarsh~p seek~ng to unlock and explain the complexities of state~onduct 111.the I11tern~tional. system. In this regard, rationality and~ts application to foreign policy decision making is one of the mostI11fl~~ntlal approaches to understanding contemporary internationalpolitics, Denved from public choice theory (which itself emerged outof the fi~lds of economics and policy sciences), rational choice scholarsh.ave actl~ely sought to utilize a well-established methodology of deci-sion ~akl11~ to enhance and assess foreign policy decision making.Applying this approach to the task of modelling the complex environ-ment of foreign p.ohcy. decision making has, nonetheless, posed new~hallen~es for rationalists. I The result has been the development ofll1nOv~tlOns 111mo?elling c!10ice in areas as diverse as nuclear strategyand trade negotianons, which have become influential in academic andforeign policy making circles.

The use of rationalist approaches to analyse foreign policy decisionm~k1l1g, at the same time, has inspired considerable commentary andcntlcl~m. Indeed, the formative work of FPA has been devoted toassessing the weaknesses of this school of thought and its links torealist ass~1l:1ptions.2 This critique of rationalist accounts of foreignpolicy decision makl11g. IS root.ed as much in its inability to accuratelycapture the actual foreign policy process as in the problems posed bysome of Its foundational assumptions. Culling from studies of politicalpsychology and cogmtive theory, FPA scholars have focused on thecentr.ahty of the mind of the decision maker, its powerful effect on theframing of particular foreign policy issues and the consequent impact~ll the formulation and selection of policy options. The ubsequentresearch conducted into the role of perceptual factors and cognitive

Foreign policy decision making 15

shortcomings highlights the many distortions integral to the decision-making process, challenging the very possibility of achieving rationalityin foreign policy.

Yet there remains within much of FPA a desire to retain adherenceto a broadly rationalist description of foreign policy decision making.Notions such as 'bounded rationality', which seek to account for thedistorting effects of partial information and narrowing perceptions, aresuggestive of the continuing relevance of rational choice theory - albeitsomewhat reconstituted in light of criticisms - to any accounts of thedecision-making process. James Rosenau's clarion call to identify vari-ables and rigorous methodologies to better organize the study offoreign policy - which led to the ill-fated comparative foreign policyresearch programme - while embracing much. of the critique ofrationalism in setting out his FPA 'pre-theories' nonetheless seeks toframe the research agenda squarely within the realm of positivism.'The 'pull of rationalism' as a method, however attenuated to accountfor critiques, remains an' important dimension of FPA. The result isthat contemporary scholars have developed new methodologicalapproaches to foreign policy decision making which are explicitlyaimed at reconciling the contingencies of rationality with the insightsderived from its various critics.

Rationality and foreign policy decision makingRealists believe that all states' foreign policies co. form to basicparameters set by the anarchic international system and that above allscholars need to investigate the influences of the structure of the inter-national system and the relative power of states in order to understandthe outcomes of foreign policy decisions. Calculations of nationalinterest are self-evident and can be arrived at rationally through acareful analysis of the material conditions of states as well as the par-.ticulars of a given foreign policy dilemma confronting states. Theclassical realism formulation of balance of power provides a crude, buteffective, tool for ana lysing state action in international affairs.

Rational choice theory (sometimes called public choice theory) asapplied to international affairs has sought to introduce a more rigor-ous, methodologically sound approach that could use the basic lawsof choice to assess the process and outcome of foreign policy decisionmaking. From this perspective, the maximization of utility by actors -in this case, states - is the ultimate aim of foreign policy decisionmakers. By maximization of utility, we mean that a state fir t identifiesand prioritizes foreign policy goals; it then i lentifie and eJects fr 111


16 Foreign policy decision making

the means available to it which fulfil its aims with the least cost. Thiscost-benefit analysis involves trade-offs between different possibleforeign policy positions and, ultimately, produces a theory of foreignpolicy choice that reflects a calculus of self-interest. In this regard, thefocus of this approach traditionally is on policy outcomes and thereforeassumes a relatively undifferentiated decision-making body for foreignpolicy (a 'unitary actor') rather than one composed of different deci-sion makers.

However, some raticnati t scholars have recogniz d that an a se s-ment of national interest - defined as enhancing security and wealthmaximization (or, to use the public choice jargon, 'preferenceformation') - is crucial to determining the actual foreign policy choice.Their consideration of the sources for foreign policy preferences sug-gests that it is the nature of the international system and accompanyingstructural parity between states produced by sovereignty, rather thanany particular domestic feature in a given state, that remains the mostsignificant determinant of choice. As all states reside within the sameinternational setting in which the conditions of anarchy tend to struc-ture the 'rules of the game' in a similar fashion for all states, coming toan interpretation of action and reaction should not be out of reach forforeign policy analysts.

Operationalising the core assumptions in rational decision making,especially those of motivation (self-interest) and a single decisionmaker (unitary actor), can produce some compelling explanations ofthe process and choices pursued in foreign policy. This general depic-tion of rationality is best captured perhaps through the application ofgame theory to foreign policy decision making. Here scholars haveisolated particular dilemmas in foreign policy and sought to framethem within a matrix of choice that illuminates the dilemmas facingdecision makers.

Game theory is a structured approach which in its original formposits a relatively simple matrix of participants and issues that allowsmathematically derived interpretations of decision making. For gametheorists, the respective rules of different types of games frame thepossibilities of choice undertaken by the participants and the accom-panying strategies employed to achieve best possible outcomes. Forinstance, cooperative and non-cooperative forms of the game producestrategies that range from 'zero-sum' wins by one participant over theother to trade-offs that secure 'win-sets', that is outcomes in whichboth parties are able to claim satisfactory - if often sub-optimal -outcomes. Snyder and Diesing employ game theory to develop anunderstanding of the conduct of states during international crises,

Foreign policy decision making 17

coming up with nine possible negotiating 'games' framed by differentcrisis situations: 'Hero', 'Leader', 'Prisoner's Dilemma', 'Chicken','Deadlock', 'Called Bluff', 'Bully', 'Big Bully' and 'Protector'." Thecentral contention in this approach is that it is the structure of thecrisis that determines .the type of bargaining strategies and eventualoutcomes that take place between two parties. Powell shifts the focus tothe nature of the negotiation itself during international crises, positingthat there is a 'risklreturn' trade-off operating during internationalcrises that is tied to power as well as information asymmetries.?Drawing on 'game theory' approaches, three useful examples of thisform of rationalism put to the task of understanding foreign policydecision making can be applied in the areas of nuclear strategy, inter-national trade and democratic peace theory.

Thomas Schelling's work on game theory and its application tonuclear strategy elaborates upon the classic prisoner's dilemma schema.Schelling uses the format of strategic bargaining with imperfect infor-mation in a non-cooperative game to adduce the conduct of partici-pants facing decisions in a nuclear arms race.? His insight is to analysehow deterrence, that is, the promulgation of an arms build-up and aconcomitant agreement not to mobilize (,first strike' in nuclear par-lance), operates as an imperfect restraint on a state's move towardsconflict. The incremental use of strategies of escalation to producebehaviour change in an aggressive opponent, or 'brinkmanship', isadvocated by Schelling as a way of establishing and maintaining thecredibility of the deterrent. A 'balance of terror' is the predicted foreign

. policy outcome in this approach and, indeed, served as the core nucleardoctrine for the United States (US) for a number of-years.

In the area of international diplomacy, Robert Putnam attempts toexplain the contrary outcomes found in trade policy negotiations."Putnam asserts that the best way to understand the behaviour offoreign policy decision makers is to recognize that they are in factoperating in two separate environments, each with a distinctive set oflogics that structure choice accordingly. Leaders naturally attendto domestic concerns in developing their position on a given issue.The fact that the international environment is a 'self-help system' con-ditioned by anarchy while the domestic environment function inaccordance with a recognized authority structure and accompanyingrules, means that foreign policy decision maker have to operate in twooverlapping - and potentially conflicting - games simultaneously.For Putnam, a win-set is only achieved when the outcome reflects theshared interests of all the relevant actors and is in tunc withthe imperatives of the domestic environment.


18 Foreign policy decision making

Finally, Levy and Razin's study of democratic peace theory providesa compelling interpretation of the role that information plays in opensocieties, which allows for them to devise bargaining strategies thatproduce both cooperation and mutually beneficial outcomes. Accord-ing to Levy and Razin, it is the flow of information - a by-product ofdemocratic societies - that better enables democratic decision makersto calculate potential gains and losses and thereby to come to anamicable resolution to any dispute." By contrast, it is the uncertaintiesfounded in information asymmetries in the interactions betweena m 1,)l'lltl\;J and non-oemeoratfo states that are the determining factorin explaining the statistical tendency towards foreign policies of conflictbetween them.

What is notable about the utilization of game theory in foreignpolicy decision making is the degree to which it tacitly relies upon theperceptions of decision makers in structuring the context of negotia-tions and the process that accompanies them. The lack of explicitrecognition by rational choice theorists of the implications that thiscrucial perceptual factor has on key claims of rationality of the entireprocess opens up a line of criticism which FPA scholars such as RobertJervis were to pursue with great vigour.?

With respect to the last two applications of game theory to foreignpolicy, outlined above, it is interesting that they involve greater atten-tion to and integration of the domestic environment and, consequently,a richer description of the decision-making process. At the same time,however, as inputs from the domestic environment are integratedinto the decision matrix the complexity of sources of influence uponthe foreign policy decision-making process is increasingly evident.Rationalists operating in this tradition acknowledge that domesticconstraints and the disparity between the underlying governing logic ofthe international and domestic systems exert a determining impactupon foreign policy decisions.'? This fundamental condition helpsexplain the variety of foreign policy choices and outcomes which, onthe surface, appear at odds with rationalist depictions of foreign policy.Indeed, the putative pressure from domestic sources is even said to beexploited by leaders to extract concessions during negotiations withforeign actors. I I

More generally, as can be seen from this presentation of the ration-alist perspective on foreign policy - and notwithstanding the naggingproblems associated with individual perceptions and the complexityimplied by giving greater weight to domestic factors - developingforeign policy goals and implementing them involves a relativelystraightforward assessment of the situation and other actors' potential

Foreign policy decision making 19

actions based on their status and material endowment within theinternational system. Optimal outcomes, albeit within the f~'ameworkof available choices, are both the goal and the guide for fo:elgn po.h~ychoice. Good foreign policy is achievable and, presumably, IS a realisticsource for ordering the international system through some form ofbalancing or trade-off mechanism.

Challenging rational decision making: the role of psychology,cognition and personality

Foreign policy is the product of human agency, that is, ind~viduals inleadership positions identifying foreign policy issues, n:akl11g ~udg~-ments about them and then acting upon that information. It IS thisfundamental insight, at the heart of the behaviourist critique ofrationality in decision making, which instigated a con~entrated studyof the impact of individual psychology on foreign policy. Underlyingthis behaviourist approach was the recognition that individual leadersof states exercise a seminal influence over the foreign policy process bydint of their experience, outlook and limitations and, therefore, ",,:ereworthy of special attention. Among the diversity of ps.ychologlcalfactors said to playa role in shaping foreign policy are the influence ofindividual perceptions, human cognition, a leader's personality and thedynamics of group decision making. ...

For proponents of the psychological approach, foreign ~o"cy. deci-sion makers operate in a highly complex world and their decisions.carry significant risks. These include linguistic-cultural barriers, stereo-types, high volumes of, yet incomplete, information. Hence, t.hroughprocesses of perception and cognition, decision makersdevelop Images,subjective assessments of the larger operational context, which whe~taken together constitute a 'definition of the situation. These defi.l11-tions are always a distortion of reality since the purpose of perceptionis to simplify and order the extern~l environment: Policy ma.kers ca~therefore never be completely rational IJ1 applying the rationalistsimperative of maximization of utility towards any decisions.

A critique of rational decision making

Harold and Margaret Sprout introduced one of the most defining cri-tiques of the rational approach to foreign policy. They examined theenvironment within which foreign policy decisions are taken, distin-guishing between the 'operational environment' - which they .posit asobjective reality - and the 'psychological environment' - which tbey


20 Foreign policy decision making

hold to be subjective and under the influence of a myriad of perceptualbiases and cognitive stimuli.'? Foreign policy decision makers takedecisions on the basis of their psychological environment, relying uponperceptions as a guide, rather than any cold weighing of objective facts.Harold and Margaret Sprout believed that the accompanying gapbetween the 'operational environment' and the 'psychological environ-ment' within which decision makers act introduced significant distor-tions into foreign policy making with important implications forforeign policy as a whole. This division which they set out provedto be a defining feature of the emerging critique of rationalist accountsof decision making, opening up an examination of the impact thatpsychological and cognitive factors have on the minds of decisionmakers.

Richard Snyder and colleagues took this insight further, pointing outthat it was inaccurate to ascribe decision making to the autonomousunitary entity known as the state.'? In their view, the 'black box offoreign policy decision making' needed to be opened up so thatone could both recognize the actual complexity underlying decisions(which includes individual biases and bureaucratic processes) anddevelop a better analy is of foreign policy itself. The result was a focuson the actors, processes and ultimately the structures of foreign policydecision making within the state as sources of explanation for foreignpolicy. A key contribution made by Snyder was to emphasize the'definition of the situation' by foreign policy makers.!" What thisnotion sought to capture was the centrality of decision makers - andwith it their subjective biases - in defining, assessing and interpretingforeign policy events. Human agency, with all its foibles, was in thisway reasserted to be at the core of international politics. 15

For these critics of rationality, foreign policy decision makers donot act in a purely rational manner that conforms to the coreassumptions of realism and public choice theory. At best, foreignpolicy decision makers could be said to operate within the frameworkof the information available to them and make decisions on thatlimited basis. Moreover, decision makers are subject also to otherinfluences, such as their perceptions, pre-existing beliefs or prejudicesand cognitive limitations on handling information, which introducefurther distortions to the process. Much of the substance of this lattercritique against rationality as a source of foreign policy decisionmaking was made by the behaviourists in their work on individualdecision makers. Critics of rationality believe that attempts at rationalforeign policy decision making are misguided and even potentiallydangerous for states.

Foreign policy decision making 21

The role of perception

In dividing the setting of foreign policy decision making between the'operational' and 'psychological' environments, Harold and MargaretSprout opened up the possibility of FPA scholars investigating theinterior lives of individual foreign policy makers. Psychology, especiallythe work on perception and cognition, became a critical resourcefor understanding these dynamics inherent in the decision makingconducted by individuals. Underlying this approach is cognitive psy-chology's general insights on human behaviour which suggest humanbeings prefer simplicity to complexity, seek consistency over ambiguity,are poor estimators of probability and are loss averse. 16 These funda-mental attributes play a critical role in shaping the foreign policydecision-making process.

Robert Jervis produced one of the most influential studies in thisarea on the role of 'misperception' in foreign policy decisions, which hesays stems from the fact that leaders make foreign policy based upontheir perceptions rather than the actual 'operational environment'. Hisstudies demonstrate that individual leaders draw upon a personalizedunderstanding of history in their efforts to both interpret internationalevents and devise appropriate responses to them.'? These interpreta-tions are rooted in a relatively stable set of beliefs which, when coupledwith the cognitive drive for consistency, produce a deliberate (if unin-tended) reinforcing of the leader's evolving foreign policy prescriptionand the underlying beliefs upon which they are based. IS For KennethBoulding, this suggests that foreign policy decisions are largely theproduct of the 'images' that individual leaders have of other countriesor leaders and, therefore, are based upon stereotypes, biases and othersubjective sources that interfere with their ability to conduct rationalforeign policy.'? All these scholars see leadership as bringing its parti-cular experience and outlook, perhaps shaped by individual and socie-tal prejudices or media imagery, to the foreign policy process and thusintroducing distortions in 'the definition of the situation'.

Within the realm of foreign policy decision making itself, theapparent symmetry between two potential choices posited by rational-ism is subject to underlying psychological biases. The recognition bypsychologists that human beings are loss averse, that is; they givegreater weight to actions that potentially could stave off loss in rela-tion to actions that might produce gain, provides insight into theconsistency with which decision makers pursue 'preservationist'outcomes - producing sub-optimal choices - within game theory.While this relative weighting of the fear of loss compared to gain is


22 Foreign policy decision making

accounted for to some extent by rational choice scholars, the broaderpoint is that it suggests that perceptual factors have a primordialhold on the mechanism of choice. Concurrently, there is well-foundedempirical evidence that while decision makers persistently ascribepurposeful rationality to the decisions of other actors, they allowfor a host of externalities as sources of influence over their owndecision-making processes. This belief or 'fundamental attributionerror' leads to a pattern of under-estimation of the constraints affecting'opponents' in relation to oneself and contributes to distortions inforeign policy decision making.P

The role of cognition

Another dimension of the psychological approach that affects foreignpolicy is cognition. Cognition, the process by which humans selectand process information from the world around them, introducesimportant problems to the decision-making process. For instance, thesheer volume of possible information that could significantly impactupon a particular foreign policy and the patent inability of an indivi-dual to recognise on process it successfully is a well-known problem.Indeed, the limits that cognition - when coupled to the role orperception - imposes on a rational account of foreign policy are suchthat it is difficult to describe these decisions as anything but the pro-duct of an incomplete (and therefore unsatisfactory) process.

Cognitive consistency is a crucial concept for FPA cholars workingon decision-making dynamics. The impulse to seek out and reinforcethe existing beliefs of decision makers is a fundamental cognitive drivefor human beings. Jervis's investigation of 'cognitive consistency' pointsout that foreign policy makers habitually screen out the disruptiveeffects by finding a logical way of incorporating them into the rationalefor a given foreign policy choice." Building upon these insights, otherbehaviourist scholars have highlighted the distortions to rationalforeign policy imposed by the search for cognitive consistency by indi-vidual leaders. Leon Festinger's concept of 'cognitive dissonance', thatis, the effort by which a decision maker deliberately excludes new orcontradictory information, in order to maintain his/her existing imageor cognitive map, is one example of rhis.22 Rosati's work on 'schematheory', however, suggests that these accounts of cognitive consistencyare too rigid." Cognitive theorists assume that individual decisionmakers are fixated on maintaining a well-integrated belief system andthat this is both resistant to change as well as serving as a singularsource for foreign policy choice. Schema theory posits a much more

Foreign policy decision making 23

fragmented depiction of beliefs, which are said to be unde.rstood. betteras isolated repositories of knowledge, allowing for the .I~conslste.ncythat characterizes their application to foreign policy deCISIOnmaking.The role of learning in foreign policy, including the drive to use historyas a basis for decision making, is an expression of this dynamic process(see Chapter 7 for further details). . .

Given the desire to produce a predictive science of foreign policywithin FPA, attempts have been made to put these insights into a work-able framework which captures a leader's beliefs in a systemic way.According to Alexander George, the international environment is fil-tered by decision makers through their own 'operational code', is,a set of rules and perceptions that have previously been establishedwithin their minds and which are used to assess new situations anddevelop policy responses to thern.?" Robert Axelrod s~lggest~ that thisinterrelationship between individual leaders and thel~' envll:onment~can best be explained through the development of a cogrutive mapthat combines perception, prejudice and an understanding of 'histo-rical lessons' and applies these to the ta k of decision making." Hisresearch findings suggest, moreover, that foreign policy maker~ tendtowards those policy choices that involve the fewest tradc-offs, notnecessarily the 'best' or 'optimal' policies that the rational choicetheorists would have us believe, but the ones that involve the path ofleast resistance. Indeed, some characterize this sub-optimal decisionmaking as 'satisficing', that is, the decision maker's impulse to choosea policy option that addresses the immediate pressures and concerns

f a zi 1'?6rather than weighing the merits or a given po ICy.-

The role of personality

In addition to perception and cognition, FPA scholars have tried toassess the impact of a leader's personality on foreign policy. They notethat different leaders bring their own biases to office and - this is most'evident in the removal of one leader and the installation of another -can exercise dramatically different influences over their countries'foreign policies. For example, scholars point to John F. Kel1l~edy'sinexperience and youth compared to Nikita Khrushchev, as a factorthat played into the latter's decision to deploy Soviet missiles in. Cubain 1962.27 Ironically, in another mark of the force of personality enforeign policy, General Charles de Gaulle cited Kennedy's willingnessto tolerate the hostile Castro regime within striking distance of the USin the aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis as a key causal factor in hisdecision to pull France out of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty

••• 24 Foreign policy decision making

Organization) and embark on an independent French nuclear weaponsprogramme." De Gaulle reasoned that if Kennedy would not use forceagainst an obvious military threat to the US population then theAmerican president would not be willing to support the use of UStroops in defence of French interests. Finally, Tony Blair's commitmentto the 2003 Iraq invasion has been tied by some scholars to his'messianic' personality." Psychological profiling of leaders, ana lysingthe origins of their patterns of behaviour as a clue to their possibleactions, has become an important preoccupation for FPA scholars.'?All these individualistic and deeply personal elements are said to affectleadership and ultimately foreign policy outcomes.

In their study of personality, Irving Janis and Leon Mann introducea 'motivational' model of foreign policy decision making that empha-sizes the fact that leaders are emotional beings seeking to resolveinternal decisional conflict." The role of emotions is most pronouncedin a crisis and at this point stress intervenes, causing a lack of ability toabstract and tolerate ambiguity and an increased tendency towardsaggressive behaviour. Tunnel vision, fixation on single solutions to theexclusion of all others, may also ensue under these trying circum-stances as leaders struggle to manage the complexity of decisions.FAccording to some scholars, those leaders who are more highly moti-vated by the pursuit of power have a propensity for confrontationalforeign policy, while those inclined towards greater interpersonal trustdisplay more conciliatory forms of foreign policy. 33

Another manifestation of personality in foreign policy is the par-ticular leadership style adopted by the key foreign policy actor.According to Orbovich and Molnar, four different cognitive leadershipstyles are possible, from systemic (rationalist, cost-benefit calcula-tion), speculative (context-oriented), judicial (task-oriented) to intuitive(relies on non-rational approach, 'hunches'j.l" Management of thedecision-making process in foreign policy, be it seeking emotionalreinforcement from an advisory group or using the group to affirmthe leader's decision through forced consensus, is a reflection of theemotional disposition of the foreign policy decision maker.P

All these psychological factors are brought directly to bear on tileforeizn policy decision maker's assessment of the relative risk of aparticular choice. Prospect theory suggests that when foreign policydecision makers perceive their setting to be one of gain they becomerisk averse, seeking to hold on to their attainments. Conversely, whenforeign policy decision makers perceive themselves to be operating in asetting of loss they become risk takers, gambling on achieving gainsthrough the pursuit of high-risk actions. " These situational (or


Foreign policy decision making 25

'domain') settings provide a context in which the rationality of thedecision-making process is maintained in procedural terms, but isfatally compromised by subjective assessments of the situation faced bythe foreign policy decision maker.

The role of the group

The same human psychological and cognitive limitations whichchallenge the rational actor model of decision making apply also togroups. Group decision-making structures, which are put in place inorder to broaden the information base, provide alt rnative sourcesof analysis and experience - in other words to combat some of theperceptual misconceptions and cognitive shortcomings that arise inindividual decision making - and introduce a new set of problems.Janis's investigation of foreign policy making by groups concludes thatthey suffer from 'group think', that is to say individuals tend to seek tomaintain consensus when operating in a group even at the expense ofpromoting their own particular (and possibly more sensible) perspectiveon an issue under discussion.'? Through this process of concurrencyseeking behaviour by group members, the objectively best (or 'optimal')decision to a given foreign policy dilemma can become diluted or evenabandoned as individuals strive to come lip with a common groupposition on how to address a specific foreign policy challenge.

Considerable scholarship has been devoted to ameliorating the wor teffects of group think, including restructuring groups periodically andreviewing decisions under consideration. George proposes a number ofmeasures to combat this tendency, including the imposition of a devil'sadvocate to question pending decisions and rotation of leaders withinsmaller groups, but the fact remains that under circumstances wheretime is an issue, such as is the case in foreign policy crises, the impulsetowards seeking consensus for sub-optimal policy positions is strong."Other scholars have sought to go 'beyond group think' and re-examine

. the phenomenon in light of new data and insights. Stern and Sundelius,for instance, suggest that a key case examined by Janis, that of the Bayof Pigs fiasco, is better explained by 'new group syndrome' and anabsence of assertive leadership than the pathologies associated withgroup think.'?

Critiques of the foreign policy decision-making approach

The psychological approach in many respects is a devastating one forproponents of rationality in foreign policy. Nevertheless its limitations




26 Foreign policy decision making

as an interpretive tool in FPA have become evident to many workingin the discipline. Holsti, for example, ultimately seeks to downplay thesignificance of psychological factors in foreign policy by stressing theimportance of the operational environment as determining foreignpolicy independent of the psychological environment. He says foreignpolicy cannot be usefully explained if one does not take into accountseveral levels of analysis in addition to the individual level (whereconsiderations of perception, cognition and personality do matter),namely bureaucratic constraints, domestic influences and the externalenvironmenr." Moreover, the stock of images, perceptions and ideol-ogy identified by FPA scholars are not the products of individuals, butrather emerge out of society (they are 'socially constructed') andtherefore it is not especially relevant to focus on individuals alone. Itwould be more meaningful to focus on the social context within whichthey operate.

Also, the importance of personality in foreign policy is discountedby some scholars. Steve Smith's study of the Iran hostage crisis sug-gests that personality is not as significant as the actual role assumedby individuals holding positions of authority."! We explore this issuefurther in Chapter 3. Others point to the difficulty of measuring thedegree or input or psychological factors on foreign policy outcomes -can one really ascribe the decision of Charles de Gaulle to pull Franceout of Algeria, to formative events in his background, and, if so, whywere they any more important than the social, economic and securityreasons for taking action? Overall, personality - as well as perceptionand cognition - can usefully contribute to explain aspects of the pro-cess of choice in foreign policy, but cannot serve as the sole or over-arching explanation.

Psychological approaches in FPA provide a window on decisionmaking that enriches our understanding of the myriad of possibleinfluences on the foreign policy choices made by leaders. In manyways, it could be argued that the work of FPA scholars on perceptionand cognition anticipate the insights provided by constructivists work-ing in IR theory a generation later." There are distinctive differences,for instance, the focus on the individual construction of reality in FPAcontrasts with the collective construction of reality which features inconstructivism, reflecting their differing emphases on the role of struc-ture and agency. Debates within constructivism centre around the roleof social norms versus discourses as key processes in formulating inter-subjective meanings which have implications for the focus of researchin FPA. With respect to the former, the concept of 'strategic socialrationality' as applied by norms entrepreneurs conforms more readily

Foreign policy decision making 27

to the broader framework of rationality adopted by FPA, especially asreformulated through ideas such as 'bounded rationality'. At the sametime the commitment to positivism inherent in the formative divisionbetween the 'objective' and 'subjective' environments of foreign pol.icydecision making, produces a barrier to FPA scholars fully embracingconstructivist notions of 'inter-subjectivity'.

Elucidating the limitations of the decision-making formulation fr?ma different angle, scholars have emphasized the neglect of foreignpolicy implementation as an area of study in F~A.43 Revisiting Ch~l:lesLindblom's celebrated critique of the rationalist depiction of deCISIOnmaking by scholars of public administration provid~s furth~r insightinto the relationship between foreign policy formulation and Its unple-mentation. He points out that empirical studies demonstrate thatdecisions are not, as rationalists would have it, made in a linear top-down fashion but rather through a 'root and branch' approach.t" Whatthis suggests is that the implementing agents themselves - distant fromthe policy makers in spatial, emotional and ~ften a ~eographic aswell _ exercise considerable sway over foreign policy. They attnbutemeaning to foreign policy and through their responsibility for imple-mentation they affect the manner in which these foreign policy direc-tives are actually operationalized. In so doing, implementing agentshave a direct impact on foreign policy, feeding back into the process,thereby affecting the perceptions and choices of top-level foreign policymakers. This feedback process is generally seen to be an imperfect oneby participants and carries with it the possibilitie3 of exacerbating thedistorting impact of psychology and cognition. The c: ;:ision-makingliterature in FPA has not developed a sufficient understanding of theinterpretive and operational impact implementing agencies hav~ onforeign policy. This calls for a kind of 'sub-altern' form of analys~s offoreign policy decision making rooted in unpack~ng the. rel~tlvelyunexplored motives, methods and actions of foreign Po~ICY imple-menting agents rather than the perpetual focus on the policy makers.In our view this would do much to enhance the analytical purchase ofdecision-making theory.

Reconciling rational and non-rational approaches: boundedrationality, cybernetics and poliheuristics

Efforts to rehabilitate rationality as a source for foreign policy decisionmaking have resulted in a number of innovative approache.s thatattempt to incorporate the insights and criticisms levelled against It.Herbert Simon's work (although he is not an IR scholar, but an


28 Foreign policy decision making

economist) suggests that while decision makers cannot achieve purerationality, they nonetheless conduct themselves along the lines of'procedural' rationality when faced with a particular policy dilemma.Foreign policy makers, therefore, operate within the framework ofwhat Simon calls 'bounded rationality', that is, they act rationallywithin the context of partial information and other limitations placedon decisions."

John Steinbruner, responding to the general critique on rationality,the problematic of group decision making and the issues raised by thebureaucratic politics model, introduced what he called a cyberneticprocessing approach to foreign policy. He posits that there are threeparadigms in decision making - analytical (or rational), cybernetic andcognitive - and that an integration of the last two more accuratelycaptures the actual process of decision making and the foibles of indi-vidual and group actors."

Alex Mintz proposed another way of reconciling the critique againstrationality in foreign policy decision making while maintaining muchof the substance of rational choice approaches.F Mintz proposed the'poliheuristic method', declaring that foreign policy decision makingis best understood as a two-stage process. In the first step the non-rational elements governing decision making hold, in particular con-siderations of what is politically possible by the leader of the state, andthe menu of policy options is developed on that basis. These are 'non-compensatory' choices, that is to say, selection is not subject to trade-off in terms of the calculation of utility (costs versus benefits) as thedomain in which decisions are considered is situated firmly withinthe realm of the decision maker's domestic environment. Once coursesof action that are not politically palatable or attainable, such as Sllr-.rendering sovereign territory in response to a foreign ultimatum, arediscarded, the second step of decision making occurs. In this stage,policy options are introduced and selected in a rational manner thatconforms to the rules of public choice theory, namely that foreignpolicy decisions are driven primarily by a search for the maximizationof utility within a particular framework.

The strength of Mintz's approach is that it attempts to account forthe variations in outcomes through integration of the impact of nOI1-rational factors 011 that process and a systemic and parsimoniousapproach to handling the multifaceted features of foreign policy deci-sion making. At the same time, poliheuristic theory leaves open issuessuch as the nature and impact of a given decision-me king structure,which essentially is depicted by Mintz as unitary, on choice, as well asmore conventional concerns associated with rational choice theory

Foreign policy decision making 29

around preference formation as given or 'exogenous'. Moreover, it isdifficult to claim that the singular focus on 'political survivability' atthe first stage of decision making adequately addresses the concernsraised by some of rationality'S most trenchant critique': rather poli-heuristic theory seems to dismiss matters such as cognition and psy-chological factors in favour of this mono-clausal depiction of thesources of agency. One could take the position that domestic politics isthe core non-rational concern that is paramount for all decision makersand, since it involves the leader's perceptions of threat, can serve as aproxy for the impact of cognition on the process, but scholars workingin this area do not assert this: in fact, some have sought to expand thenumber of non-compensatory dimensions." And, finally, while poli-heuristic theory is predicated on assessing risk - political risk in itsmost explicit form in stage one of the decision-making process - itnonetheless does not account for differing frames of reference fordecision making and their impact on risk assessment as outlined above,in prospect theory. Despite these concerns, poliheuristic theory repre-sents a compelling attempt to revive and expand the role of modifiedforms of rational choice in formulating a theo.y of foreign policydecision making.

ConclusionWhat is clear from the above analysis is that a purely rational accountof foreign policy decision making cannot hold up against the variouscriticisms, whether psychological or empirical in content. At the sametime, the durability of rationality as a means of analysing foreignpolicy continues and, in part, reflects the willingness of FPA scholarsto accept the basic tenets of criticism, but also their reluctance toabandon the methodology of public choice. This commitment toretaining features of rationality, albeit somewhat reduced in scope andambition, is integral to FPA's focus on developing a predictive under-standing of the decision-making process. .

It should be pointed out that the influence of rationality is morewidespread than in the realm of FPA theory debates alone. Rationalanalyses of foreign policy underlie much of our average interpretation ofinternational events and we are making assumptions about the unitarynature of decision makers when we talk, for example, about 'Frenchforeign policy' without accounting for different influences on decisionmaking within governments. Thus, while criticisms of rationality remainboth powerful and valid, its assumptions till play an important partin much of our day-to-day understanding of foreign policy.


30 Foreign policy decision making

As this chapter shows, the relationship between the decision I~a~e:'~the state and the structure of the international system IScomplex an :can be argued that the utility of such concepts as mlsperceptlon he

. \" d end as much on t reexplaining different types of foreign po ep d d I tcharacteristics of the state, the issue being address~ . an t re ints.of olicy being formulated, as on the . leader's cog\11tlv~ constrain s.Sin~e arguably, all foreign policy decIsIOns are the product of th.eforei 'n otic institutions within which declSlons are tak.en,. ISb~ e,,71'lfl~\III1: n ft1f \:Iro'IQenin~ the ro~us to, inclu~,e Il~Stl,t~t~on~11~rocedures and bureaucracies. In keeping ~lth. t 11S I\1S1g1 ~ .

~haPter 3 we examine the impact of these orgal1lZatlOns on the foreign

policy process.

3 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

IntroductionChapter 2 looked at different approaches to examining foreign policydecision making. These approaches directly challenge the realistassumption that foreign policy is a rational process, producing out-comes that correspond neatly to the ini tial preference-orderings ofstates. Another core assumption of realism that the state is a rational,unitary actor, was challenged in the early 1960s. A growing literaturehas examined how state bureaucracies impact on foreign policy, high-lighting the fragmented and often institutionally driven nature of for-eign policy making and implementation. Chapter 3 examines thisliterature with the aim of exploring its implications for the making andimplementation of foreign policy. In our view other works on FPA,similar to our own, which try to account for and advance the field of·FPA, have not captured this debate in its entirety. I They focus mainlyon Allison's work and the initial critiques it generated while over-looking more recent refinements and proposals for new directions forwork 011 bureaucracies and foreign policy. Thus, we think an up-to-dateaccount is useful to enable development of the interest in FPA of theconnection between bureaucracies and foreign policy.

Developing a theory of bureaucratic politicsIn the early 1960s a group of scholars - e.g. Neustadt, Huntington,Crozier, Schilling and his colleagues - became interested in the impactof bureaucracies on foreign policy. This literature, harbinger ofbureaucratic politics theory, provides empirical insights into how' theadministrative structures' of government affect foreign policy. Thefindings are somewhat controversial in arguing that the stances adop-ted derive not only from the merits of the proposed foreign policy, but



32 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

also from the foreign policy makers' positions in their respective gov-ernment bureaucracies. Different institutional settings mean officialsand politicians viewed foreign policy issues through different prismsresulting in distinctly different views.' This evolving body of literaturehas converged around a central proposition: decision-making processesdetermine the content of foreign policy. Accordingly, political leader-ship is portrayed in terms of the ability to persuade and to achieveconsensus among policy makers. From this vantage point foreignpolicy reflects 'the necessities of the conditions in which it is forged -what is required to obtain agreement - [as much] as it does the meritsof thatpolicy":'

In the 1970s, another group of scholars developed these empiricalinsights into a theory. This group was committed to the developmentof IR, and the study of foreign policy in particular, into what Kuhnterms 'normal science - the activity of articulating theory, determiningsignificant facts, and matching facts with theory'." The contours of thisdebate are defined in Graham A11ison's seminal work on the Cubanmissile crisis, The Essence of Decision-Making. A11ison challenges whathe refers to as the rational policy model, which 'attempts to under-stand happenings as the more or less purposive acts of unified nationalgovernments'v Allison and his fo11owers argue that although in manyinstances the rational policy model may be useful, it neglects the roleof bureaucracy in determining foreign policy.'' A11ison proposed twoalternative models to address this intellectual lacuna: the organiza-tional process model, or Model II, and the bureaucratic politics model(BPM), or Model III. However, the explanatory power of Model IIproved to be limited, particularly in relation to foreign policy changeand innovation. In addition, critics claimed that it was not clearwhether Model III was separate from or merely an extension ofModel IJ.? Eventua11y, the organizational politics model was collapsedinto the BPM, 'relegating the organizational process to the status of"constraints" within the bureaucratic model paradigm'.


The BPM explains foreign policy in terms of a conglomerate oflarge, bureaucratic organizations and political actors. The former arerelevant to foreign policy on two counts. First, they generate outputsthat structure the situations in which policy makers take decisions.These outputs include: the information bureaucracies provide to gov-ernments; the foreign policy alternatives presented for government tochoose from; and the standard operating procedures (SOPs) whichshape how foreign policy decisions ultimately are implemented."Second, bureaucracies tend to develop common attitudes and sharedimages, These conventional attitudes and images playa role in framing

lJu/,eaucracles ana joreign jJUtll-Y J..>

how a particular foreign policy issue or event is perceived by foreignpolicy makers. Bureaucracies often will employ the prism of theircommon attitudes and shared images to study the implications of aforeign policy event for policy making. For example, when consideringa security issue, the Treasury tends to focus on the budgetary implica-tions, the Department of Defence on the repercussions for nationalsecurity, while the Foreign Office most likely focuses on the diplomaticand international political ramifications.lo

Bureaucracies also derive influence over foreign policy from theirpositions in the power-sharing structure comprising state and govern-ment, in which these large organizations and political actors. haveindividual interests. These interests include enhancing the bureaucraticinfluence in the domestic political arena, augmenting their resources,furthering their ability to fulfil their stated missions and maintainingmorale among their personnel. I I Those interests, which reflect theorganizational health and position of a given bureaucracy within gov-ernment, often may not coincide with the 'national interest'. In fact,because each bureaucracy manipulates foreign policy in the directionthat corresponds to its particular interests, bureaucratic considerationsmay override the national interest.'? Allison and Halperin explain thatthe BPM tries to capture this complex dynamic, demonstrating thatforeign policy is messier than the rational policy model would concede:

[The] bureaucratic model sees no unitary actor but rather manyactors as players - players who focus not on a single strategic issuebut on many diverse intra-national problems as well. Playerschoose in terms of no consistent set of strategic objectives butrather according to various conceptions of national security, orga-nizational, domestic, and personal interests. Players make govern-mental decision not by a single rational choice, but by pulling andhauling. I]

The approach outlined by the 'BPM not only seeks to explain theforeign policy of individual states, it has implications also for therelations between states. Whilst the rational policy model accounts forthe interaction between states in terms of a 'competition between twopurposive individuals' the BPM explanation 'focuses primarily on thepolitical processes internal to each state' .14 Accordingly, foreign policyactions matter only to the extent that. they influence the domesticstruggles within nationally bounded decision-making apparatuses.In this view, foreign policy is depicted as the unintended result of a


34 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

bargaining process involving the principal participants. IS The impor-tant question, then, is not why did this state do X, as realist logicwould imply, but rather why did X happen?"

Initial critiquesThe powerful theoretical and analytical purchase of the BPM hasgenerated a rich empirical research agenda: from foreign policy crisesand weapons acquisitions, through alliance politics and arms control,to US military in Vietnam.'? At the same time, the BPM has provokedfierce criticism. IS Stephen Krasner, for instance, brands the BPM asmisleading in so far as it obscures the power of the president in themaking and implementation of foreign policy in the US. Krasner alsoargues that the BPM is dangerous because it implies that bureaucracieshave taken over the foreign policy making apparatus. In line with thislogic, unaccounted-for bureaucracies rather than the elected officials areresponsible for the actions of government. By extension, the notion ofresponsible decision makers is rendered meaningless. Moreover, hold-ing elected officials to account for their actions via elections or, whenthe case arises, the judiciary, is futile. Herein lies the danger of theBPM: it undermines the assumptions of democratic politics. Finally,argues Krasner, the BPM offers leaders an excuse for their failure andan opportunity for scholars to account for those failures.

On these grounds Krasner vehemently objects to the BPM. Heinsists that politicians, in particular the US president, can make choicesand value judgements and control the bureaucracies at their disposal,particularly in the foreign policy realm. After all, the president choosesmost of the key players and sets many of the rules. Moreover, theseplayers will often have shared mindsets and images that will dominateforeign policy making. Therefore, they should be held accountable fortheir actions. 19 The analytical framework underpinning BPM has alsobeen criticized. Art, for instance, argues that the BPM makes broadclaims about the impact of organizations and the domestic strugglebetween the principal players. However, the model does not specifyunder what circumstances, and in relation to which issue areas, willorganizations and domestic struggles have the greatest impact on for-eign policy formulation and its implementation. Similarly, the BPMdoes not account accurately for how and to what extent bureaucraciesduring the process of implementation will subvert the government'sforeign policy intent.P

There are also some methodological concerns. Freedman argues, forexample, that Allison's distinction between the rational policy model

Bureaucracies and foreign policy 35

and the BPM is informed by a false dichotomy' between logic andpolitics. This leads the BPM model to identify alternative, mutua~lyexclusive routes to policy, 'recognized by whether 0 not actual dIS-agreement is observed'. Freedman argues that through t.hi~ prism, ~heBPM and the rational policy model are no longer distinct foreignpolicy models. Rather, they are situated at the extreme ends of onecontinuum. One extreme captures those instances when governmentsapproach a given foreign policy issue from a position of agreement,involving investigation of issues where the rational choice model isparticularly appropriate. The other end of the spectrum captures con-texts best examined through the lens of BPM and involves situationswhere disagreement underpins government's formulation and imple-mentation of a given foreign policy issue. However, the BPM is regar-ded as being the more deficient of the two since it tends to empioy avery narrow concept of the political aspect of foreign policy wherepolitics is reduced to an intrusion by the parochial preoccupations,ambitions and suspicions of the people responsible for making foreignpolicy and their bureaucracies.

The BPM methodology is also criticized for its over-reliance on the'game' metaphor. The game metaphor has significant explanatorypurchase for depicting the present, providing a detailed picture of themix of motivations, assumptions, talents intricacies, plans and acci-dents that constitute foreign policy. However. the analytical gainsaccrued from focusing on bureaucratic infighting are undercut by theBPM's lack of attention to non-bureaucratic foreign policy determi-nants: from cognitive factors, values, and the type of state in whichbureaucrats operate (democratic/authoritarian), through the impact ofinterest groups and congress, to the public" This critique underscoresthat taking account of the effect of non-bureaucratic factors on foreignpolicy makes the relative impact of bureaucracies seem less significantthan is assumed by the BPM.

The politics/logic false dichotomy, the game metaphor problem, theomission of non-bureaucratic foreign policy detenr.inants are not theonly critiques of the BPM methodology. There is also a preoccupationwith the problems associated with how the BPM employs the theoriesof the firm to the analysis of government decision making, and twoissues in particular. First, the goals of financial actors - e.g. profit,sales, production - are different from the ends pursued by bureau-cracies in the foreign policy realm. Second, it is easier to measurethe success or failure of firms (based on profit or I ss) than to evalu-ate foreign policy. This questions the extent to which the assump-tions underpinning the theories of the firm can be applied to


36 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

bureaucracies involved in the formulation and implementation offoreign policy.?

Refining the theory of bureaucratic politicsThe charged debate promoted by the BPM has led to productive dis-cussions on how to address its deficiencies without completely losingits essence. As already noted in reference to Krasner's work, critiqueschallenge the BPM understanding of the relationship in governmentorganizations between human agency and bureaucratic impact. Speci-fically, the account provided by the BPM assigns too much power tothe impact of bureaucracies on individual actions. Through the prismof BPM individuals emerge merely as puppets whose actions anddecisions derive from the vested interests of their burea ucracies andSOPs. In other words, the individual becomes the personification of thebureaucracy, its vested interests and its SOPs. Hollis and Smith sub-stantially improve on the rather mechanistic view of individuals madesubordinate to the logic of their bureaucracies+' Their account is pre-dicated on the idea that individuals have a role in bureaucracy, basedon the expectations and accountability deriving from their jobs, theirduties, spheres of authority and responsibilities.

The role of individuals is not consistent. At times bureaucrats andpoliticians are required to perform the dual role of office holder andwho they are as individuals. For example, when Tony Blair discussedthe possibility of the UK invading Iraq he was not involved solely asprime minister: he was simultaneously a self-confessed churchgoer anda morally concerned human being.?" This suggests a potential conflictbetween his role as prime minister and his role as an individual.Bureaucrats and politicians generally judge themselves and are judgedby others, according to how they perform as office holders rather thanon the basis of their private integrity. Arguably, therefore, the roleof office holder supersedes, though does not nullify, the role of theindividual.

These roles, as well as being inconsistent, are also not static. Assituations develop, the expectations of a given office holder maychange, affecting the role being assumed. Such change occurs despitethe bureaucratic determinants - for example, the organization's vestedinterest and SOP - remaining constant. Finally, an office holder's rolesare not reducible to the individual position within the bureaucracybecause, in part at least, this role define the relationships with other'role players, holding office in other bureaucracie . These 'external'role players will condemn individual office holders who fail to meet

Bureaucracies and foreign policy 37

their expectations and, correspondingly, will applaud them when theydo. In exhibiting inconsistency, fluidity and dependence on the actionsof external actors, roles 'are not reducible to the individual's positionderiving from the SOP of the bureaucracy and its interests. Rolespossess a relative autonomy from the influence exerted by bureaucraticelements. Hence, they are crucial for defining what policy makers canand cannot do in their job roles. Chapter 7, which discusses foreignpolicy and change, examines this issue in further detail.

Hollis and Smith were not alone in questioning the BPM's depictionof the relationship between human agency and bureaucratic impact. Asnoted earlier, the BPM holds that the impact of bureaucracies 'is sostrong as to oblige the head of the executive to bargain with membersof his/her own administration. Critique of this aspect of the BPMraises the obvious question of why bargaining should be necessarysince the head of the executive appoints the top officials, has tbe powerto dismiss them and has substantial formal authority, especially onforeign affairs, to order subordinates to perform what he/she wants.25

In this light it would seem not a foregone conclusion that the headof the executive is required to bargain with subordinates. It is arguablethat proponents of the BPM are interested in understanding the degreeto which the head of the executive is required to bargain. Muchdepends on the extent to which these subordinates can muster supportfrom outside the executive (parliament/congress) to support a view thatmay differ from that of the head of the executive. The greater the sup-port that can be mustered outside the executive the more fiercely thehead of the executive will have to bargain to get hi. /her view imple-mented, and vice versa. Nevertheless, the degree to which the headof the executive is obliged to bargain does not derive solely fromthe level of external support that subordinates receive from outsidethe executive, It depends also on whether key players within anadministration/government, whose views diverge from those of thehead of the executive, can form a unified opposition to counter thehead of the executive's view. A strong coalition that supported the headof the executive would probably be able to resist d.issent, even if sup-ported by elements outside the executive.

Another factor influencing the degree to which the head of theexecutive will be required to bargain i information asymmetry withsubordinates. Ostensibly, the greater the asymmetry in favour of thsubordinates the more the head of the executive will be required tobargain, and vice. versa.26 However, there are measures that the head ofthe executive can take to mitigate the effects created by informationasymmetries. For instance, heads of state often will employ a wide




38 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

communication network, beyond the state apparatus, that alertsthem to potential problems and provides essential informationon them. This information renders the head of the executive betterplaced than the BPM would suggest to deal with information asY:n-metries vis-a-vis subordinates. In addition, the head of the executiveusually (though not always) has the time and opportunity to studythe topics deemed to be important and to reduce information asym-metry with subordinates. A third factor related to the need to bargain,is how the hierarchy within govemment bureaucracies affects politicsand decision making. The design of bureaucracies thrusts someissues to the surface while marginalizing others. Since decision makersinevitably are more concerned about certain issues, the hierarch.icalconfiguration within a bureaucracy is crucial in terms of the abilityof the actors to set agendas and determine whether or not the head ofthe executive needs to bargain. For example, a prime minister maynot bring an issue to the vote unless certain of enough support for itto pass."

Work on the 'role' of foreign policy and 'bargaining' enhances ourunderstanding of the relationship between human agency and bureau-cracies within executive decision-making units. Further advances in thedebate on the BPM have enhanced our understanding of the relation-ship between the executive and bureaucracies. Rosati's work is extre-mely useful for exploring this issue.28 He argues that the first phase ofthe debate on BPM was unhelpful in focusing on whether the executiveor the bureaucracy has greater influence over foreign policy. A moreuseful approach is to recognize that different circumstances mean thatdifferent actors exert varying degrees of influence on foreign policy.The executive is expected to be most heavily involved when the foreignpolicy issue is most critical for the national interest. Ascertaining theimportance of a foreign policy issue in part is a rational process invol-ving prioritization and goal setting. However, it is not wholly rationalbecause it depends also and significantly on the context or the foreignpolicy. By context we mean the level of prior planning required toreach a decision, the time available for deliberation and choice, andthe values informing the decision makers' evaluation of foreign policyissues. Thus, the impact of the executive is expected to be experiencedmost strongly in a crisis situation - involving surprise, short timeand perception of a high level of threat.29 The bureaucracy, in itsturn will dominate in the context of moderately important foreignpolicy issues where the executive's influence is expected to be low.Finally, if a foreign policy issue is seen as low priority, we shouldexpect local dominance, with low level of executive and bureaucratic

Bureaucracies and foreign policy 39

involvement overall. In these circumstances, individual bureaucrats willbe more visible than the bureaucracy.

Each of these scenarios - executive dominance, bureaucratic influ-ence, local dominance - constitutes a decision-making structure.Because governments are required to deal simultaneously with amultiplicity of foreign policy issues, no one decision-making structurewill prevail at any given moment. Rather, all three decision-makingstructures will operate simultaneously, with)ne most dominant(although not totally eclipsing the other twO).30 This formulationaddresses some of the critiques raised earlier with reference to Art'swork. In particular, his concern that the BPM is not sufficiently specificabout when and under what circumstances the influence of organiza-tions in foreign policy will prevail.

New directionsWith the benefit of hindsight scholars can not only refine particularaspects of the debate on BPM - for example, human agency vs. theimpact of bureaucracy, the relationship between the executive and statebureaucracies. Students of bureaucratic politics can also assess howAllison and colleagues' work fares in terms of the empirical work itspawned and theoretical developments in the field. Inthis connection,Hammond and Bendor's re-evaluation of Allison's theoretical frame-work is insightful. These authors scrutinize the rational policy model,Modell, arguing that, in important respects, Allison's depiction of therational policy model is unclear. For example, the model should bemore explicit about whether it assumes that actors pursue one or anumber of foreign policy goals simultaneously. In fact, Hammond andBender argue forcefully that it should be assumed that any actor wouldopt for the latter and that rational action theory would label actorspursuing only one goal monomaniacal and treat them as irrational.However, Allison's formulation is equivocal on this issue. Another areawhere Allison's rational policy model is vague is whether decisionmaking occurs within one or multiple timefrarnes. This issue is crucialbecause if it is assumed that foreign policy making occurs within onetimefrarne, then the inference is that a given state considers its actionsin terms of its short-term effects. However, if this a umption i relaxedto allow foreign policy making to be considered as an activity thatoccurs within multiple timefrarnes, then the inference is that the actionof a given state is considered in terms of its long-term effects. Long-term effects could include a country's reputation for firmness, lorresolve, support of allies and compliance with agreements,



40 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

Hammond and Bendor, in addition to accusing Allison of lack ofclarity about whether actors pursue one or multiple goals, and aboutthe timeframe within which foreign policy occurs, critique Allison foroverlooking certain issues crucial for constructing the rational policymodel. For instance, they accuse him of not addressing the problemposed by uncertainty for rational decision making. When Allison'swork was first published the issue of uncertainty had already beendealt with extensively by IR theory, especially within the realist tradi-tion. Its palpable implications for foreign policy mean that the issue ofuncertainty is pertinent for Allison's conception of rational policy. Forinstance, during the Cuban missile crisis uncertainty about the weatherconditions influenced the military's decisions related to the feasibilityof a surgical attack. More importantly, uncertainty within the USadministration about the Soviet's motives produced competing expla-nations about why the missiles had been sited in Cuba in the firstplace. On these three issues - of not specifying whether actors pursuea single or multiple goals, whether foreign policy occurs within one ormultiple rimelrames, and uncertainty - Hammond and Bendor renderAllison's rational policy model 100 simp/e. They argue persuasivelythat Allison constructed a straw man using the model to vindicate hisalternative account of the Cuban missile crisis. Their critique raises amethodological and analytical bar that contemporary theory ofbureaucratic politics is required to clear before it can claim greaterexplanatory purchase than the rational policy model."

Contemporary critiques criticize Allison's depiction of the rationalpolicy model and also scrutinize the assumptions underpinningAllison's formulations of Models II and 111, the organizational andbureaucratic models. David Welch's work, based on cross-nationalcomparisons, a review of the empirical work generated by BPM andmeticulous reading of Allison's work, provides an important contribu-tion.32 Welch argues that the evidence generated by the vast body ofempirical research using Allison's models is too equivocal to corrobo-rate the key hypotheses underpinning Model 11. These arc that existingorganizational routines limit the range of available options in a givensituation, resist change, determine the course of implementation andsystematically induce instrumental irrationalities in state behaviour.In fact research shows that ultimately diJlerell{ effects are generated bybureaucratic routines in foreign policy decision making and imple-mentation and, therefore, cannot constitute a useful analytical categoryfor theory. Similarly, there is no firm evidence from empirical researchthat vindicates the key assumptions underpinning Model 111 - thatplayers' .preferences, perceptions and influence correlate with their

Bureaucracies and foreign policy 41

bureaucratic positions; foreign policy is the result of pull and pushamong the players. Given these ambivalences, argues Welch, the BPMcan no longer aspire to be a theory of foreign policy.

Welch's argument seems plausible because for the BPM to becomea theory of foreign policy would require bureaucratic politics beingtreated as an independent variable. In reality, however, for a number ofreasons, the impact of bureaucratic politics on foreign policy varies.Earlier we noted, with reference to Rosati's work, that the particularissue has a strong impact on whether bureaucrats or the executive hasthe greater influence on foreign policy. Other factors also matter. Forexample, the more the bureaucrats are able to enlist ministers at cabi-net level to support their turf battles, the greater will bethe impact ofbureaucratic politics on policy making. In other instances, politiciansenlist the bureaucrats to promote their interests. In this case the impactof bureaucratic politics will vary, reflecting political rivalries, the poli-tical climate and the shifting balance of power within governrnent.PIn light of the varying impact of bureaucratic politics, treating thisanalytical category as an independent variable would seem veryproblematic. Instead, the BPM should be exploited more modestly toprovide a conceptual lens to examine the intra-governmental level.From this perspective, although the BPM will not develop into anormal science, the model's relevance for empirical research will likelyendure. In particular, the BPM would seem useful. to elucidate theconstraints imposed by intra-governmental dynamics on rational for-eign policy making including: intra-governmental communicationfailures; the difficulty faced by modern leaders in trying to control andmonitor the bureaucratic apparatus; the constraints promoted by howorganizations process and store information.

Rosenthal and 't Hart reinforce Welch's argument that the strengthof the BPM lies not in its development as a scientific model, but ratherin the conceptual and analytical framework it provides for empiricalresearch on the impact of bureaucratic politics on foreign policy. Theyargue also that bureaucratic politics should adhere 'to a 'restrainedBPM, defining bureaucratic politics as competitive and conflictual inter-action between public agencies (or parts thereof) within the executivebranch of government'. The authors challenge the claim made bysome scholars, such as Freedman, that the scope of the BPM should bebroadened to cover how bureaucratic politics play out in governmentas a whole. Rosenthal and 't Hart argue that this would reduce theexplanatory purchase of the BPM. This reduction is evident in relationto a number of issues where, were the wh Ie of government to be theunit of analysis, the BPM would not be adequate. For instance, it could


42 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

not account for the relationships between politicians and bureaucraticelites and the nature and limits of bureaucratic power"

So far we have explored the attempts of authors working within thepositivist framework to rework the BPM. Another approach to revisitBPM is employing a critical constructivist approach, such as that ofWeldes who seeks to reformulate the key concepts underpinning themodel. This reformulation is based on three critical constructivistanalytical commitments: '1) what we understand as "reality" is sociallyconstructed and hence contestable, 2) constructions of reality bothenact and reify relations of power, 3) an expressly critical con-structivism requires that dominant constructions be denaturalizedP''Informed by these assumptions Weldes reworks three of the BPM'spivotal concepts: interests, power and rationality. Allison's positivistconception of the BPM noted earlier is challenged by bureaucraticinterests not being perceived in material terms, for example, nationalsecurity interests, organizational interests, domestic interest andpersonal interests. Rather, bureaucratic interests are deemed to besocially constructed, meaning that they arc 'produced, reproduced, andtransformed through the discursive practices of actors' .36

Correspondingly, interests do not ftow from the material 'reality'defining a given situation. Rather, they emerge out of the representa-tions that for actors define the situations and events they face. Theserepresentations are significant in so far as they form the basis for thesocial world of bureaucratic politics. In contrast to the positivi tapproaches of Allison and his followers, critical constructivists seethe social world not merely as a realm for strategically pursuingpredetermined bureaucratic interests, but as constitutive of interests.Correspondingly, a critical constructivist approach is concerned notonly with uncovering what interests bureaucracies pursue but, moreimportantly, with the discursive and representational practices thatrender these interests valuable in the first place.

Power is another key concept that critical constructivists seek to'denaturalize'. Power is central to the BPM because the model is basedon the assumption that politics is a 'marketplace', involving pushingand hauling. 1n discussing the literature on BPM we note that power isunderstood in terms or the material resources with which individualsand bureaucracies equip themselves, to engage with cach other indecision making and implementation, for example, bureaucratic posi-tion, money, information, prestige. For critical constructivists, however,power does not derive from these material resources, but lies inthe discourse and representational practices of policy making. Thesediscursive-representational practices are significant in determining

Bureaucracies and foreign policy 43

'who counts as an expert on a particular policy problem and so whoseinput, including that of various bureaucracies and in?ividual. burea~-cratic actors are heard and valued' .37 For example, 111a policy envi-ronment defined by a militaristic discourse, the army will be privileg~dover, say, the foreign ministry in determining how a state manages Itsforeign affairs, even though the foreign ministry might have the gr~~terprofessional expertise in this area." Thus, for critical construc~lvlstsreconceptualizing the notion of power in BPM is important ~or 1I1ve~-tigating empirically how institutional and discursive practices ulti-mately privilege some actors over others. .

The emphasis placed by critical constructivists on discourse pro-motes critiques of the notion of rationality in relation to the BPM.Although Allison and his followers aimed to present the three mode:s ~rational organizational and bureaucratic -- as distinct, they all exhibitwhat Keohane terms a rationalist approach to decision making.'?Through this prism rationality involves taking a decision relative to agiven situation in order to 'maximize' or. 'satisfice' goals.t" Criticalconstructivists, however, reject the a sumpuon that the Importance ofrationality lies in its representation of the choices that act~rs make andsituations offer. Instead, we should recognize that at any given momentactors can choose among multiple reasons. Reasoning entails the pro-duction of meaning not merely through individual action, but throughintersubjective interaction. From this vantage point the significance .ofactors' behaviour is expressed not by their choices, but by their depic-tions which define the particular representations of the social world,its interests and' policy problems. Choices, critical constructivistsargue, flow from these representations beca use they give meaning tothe particular situation at hand. Stemming from tl115reworking of thenotion of rationality is a number of analytical tasks. One Involveidentifying characteristic modes of discourse and representation andexplaining why some persist across disparate situations and events.Another analytical undertaking is to ascertain how particular modes ofdiscourse and representation, institutions and individuals, are mutuallyreinforcing whilst others are marginalized. In this way, a ~ritical COl:-

structivist approach depicts the discursive and representat~onal COn?l-lions that shape choice, rather than analysis of the individual hoiccthat is offered by the positivist approach to the BPM.

ConclusionThis chapter set out to examine the vibrant debate on BPM andexplore the implications for foreign policy. Allison's work and that of


44 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

his followers is crucial in terms of its recognition of the important.roleof bureaucracies in shaping foreign policy making and implementation.The thought-provoking assumptions in their early work promptedequally rich critiques. Allison's BPM was criticized for overstating theimpact of bureaucracy over human agency. It was criticized for notbeing sufficiently analytically accurate about how and under what cir-cumstances the impact of the bureaucracy prevails over other elementsin government. The methodology of the BPM has been questioned too,especially with reference to the politics/logic dichotomy, the use of thegame metaphor and the omission of non-bureaucratic foreign policydeterminants. Questions have been raised about the feasibility ofapplying theories of the firm to the BPM. It is clear that some of thesecritiques have been addressed. for example, Hollis and Smith's noii onof the role of foreign policy provides a more nuanced portrayal of'the relationship between human agency and the bureaucratic impera-tive. Specifically, in showing that foreign policy roles are not static, areinconsistent and possess a relative autonomy from the bureaucracy,Hollis and Smith theoretically account for the leeway allowed to poli-ticians to employ human agency within a bureaucratic structure. Simi-larly, Bendor and Hammond's work reinforces the claim that thereis room for human agency within bureaucracy, by exposing the factorsdetermining how and to what extent the head of the executive is

'"obliged to bargain.At the same time, the debate on BPM can be challenged, for example,

in relation to its explanatory purchase compared to realism. We haveexplored the argument that, with the benefit of hindsight, Allison'srational policy model appears too simplistic. Indeed, before BPM canbe seen as a real alternative to realism it must be seen to propose amore sophisticated rational policy model than that put forward byAllison. Bendor and Hammond's work is a good first step but moreneeds to be done. Another unresolved issue is whether the BPM coulddevelop into normal science. Given the limitations highlighted byWelch's work, we would argue that it is unlikely that the BPM canconfound the realists on their own positivist home ground. A muchmore productive route would be for BPM to adhere more closely tothe general orientation of FPA, namely, by providing middle-rangetheories for empirical research. In this vein we believe that the BPMshould be writ large, that is, that the unit of analysis should be thewhole government rather than the executive. Understanding the impactof bureaucracies would seem impossible without their being placed inthe context of the state in which they operate. We return to this issuein Chapter 5. Finally, radical constructivism opens new avenues for

Bureaucracies and foreign policy 45

the BPM. Weldes's proposal to uncover how discursive and repre-sentational practices privilege certain interests and sources of poweris an interesting avenue to pursue. Coupled with his idea aboutusing the same technique to unveil how rationalities are constructedreveals the possible intersections between BPM and constructivismand also that constructivism and FPA more generally have the poten-tial to cross-fertilize each other.


4 The domestic sources offoreign policy




The adage 'politics stops at the water's edge' captures the tradition offoreign policy being an area where domestic political factionalism issublimated to the interests of national security. This realist perspectiveon foreign policy and the communitarian pull of nationalism obscuresboth the complexity of decision making and the centrality of domesticfactors in shaping the aims and outcomes of that process. Time-honoured questions such as who makes foreign policy and in whoseinterests, highlight the difficulty of ascribing simplistic, realist-tingedinterpretations of foreign policy.

The problems inherent in defining what constitutes the 'nationalinterest' inspired closer examination of the sources or foreign policydecision making and the nature of the process itself and extensiveinvestigation of the individual decision maker and the role of bureau-cratic influences in the formulation and implementation of foreignpolicy. This work, in turn, raises questions about how those elementsoutside the f~rmal state structures of foreign policy decision making,but still within the sovereign confines of the state - societal actorsinterests and values that reside in the domestic setting - are actuallyaccounted for and integrated into the foreign policy process.

Qomestic influences outside the formal state structures - lobb ists,.t~e media, c1~ss factors, -constifu!iC!llal restricti~I;-- are -c1~arly sig-nifi~an; and. 111 some ca~es central to the making of _state foreignpolicy. For instance, societal actors, such as interest groups, activelyengage the relevant state political actors in order to influence the for-eign policy process in line with their concerns. At the same time thefO:I:1al and informal rules of political conduct within a given state arecritical for shaping the manner in which this influence i exercised andthe degree to which it is effective. Also, the overarching societal

The domestic sources of foreign policy 47

structure and its relationship to the state, that is, the role of elites andeven class factors, can play a determining part in the orientation,access and particular forms that foreign policy assumes.

Reflecting this complex mosaic, within FPA there are three ba icapproaches to understanding the impact of domestic factors on stateforeign policy. Each is rooted in a different account of state-societyrelations and, therefore, reflects the assumptions and interests of thatparticular depiction of those relations. One approach sees the principalsC!l:r~..?! domestic influ:nce il~ the actual structural fo!m ·Q.e. institu- :jtions and regimes) of Ib§ state. A,~ecSll1d approach sees foreign policy ~making as 9~ing driven nature of ~he economic system within L -:',concurrently, in the interests of a narrow elite that tradi- •.-....ti~uy"j:J£b~ cted in ':Vhat it "'perceives to be the national interest. A.third approach sees foreign policy as the product of a competitive "I2.I.uralist environment as expressed by the interplay between interest&;:9u.[l_poII.tics-and state decision makers and structures. In Chapter 4,we focus on the enduring -importance of the domestic setting in shapingforeign policy. In particular, we analyse the three accounts referred toabove and examine efforts to model foreign policy decision making atthe domestic level. Finally, the neglected role of political parties inforeign policy making process is discussed.

The enduring salience of the domestic

An understanding of the relationship between foreign policy, the stateand. the domestic environment necessarily requires an investigation ofthe nature of the state and society as a prerequisite to a discussionof how the e actors can affect the foreign policy process. Concurrently,there needs to be some recognition that what constitutes the domesticenvironment and its array of actors and interests, is to a large extent,an artifice which can be permeated by 'outside' fo·ces.----1 v' ,'d..>:• ..:.I. \,

While elsewhere in the book we discuss the-role of the state - and its' .notable absence from the FPA literature - it is in scholarly work on the "domestic environment that we find a more explicit commitment toestablished theoretical positions that reflect upon the nature of thestate and its relationship to society. What these various approaches inFPA have in common is a belief that foreign policy is something thatis produced and legitimized by the state apparatus, even if its sourcesreside within the domestic sphere. Based on this, domestic actorsactively seek to capture the policy debate on foreign policy through avariety of means - from the dispensing of financial largesse to politicalmobilization strategies - and orient the policy choices made by the state



48 The domestic sources of foreign policy

towards their particular interests. Even those structuralist accountswhich resist ascribing any autonomy of thc state from societal and inparticular class interests - concede that factionalism within elite groupsproduces competition over foreign policy. Exactly how this process issaid to occur is part of what differentiates the various approaches tothe state.

Moreover what we are characterizing as the 'domestic environment'is itself an object of contestation. It is arguable "that societies,· even"';ithin recent memory, mirrored the relative isolation which accom-panies ubjection to the spatial confines of sovereign territorialboundaries to a greater degree than do contemporary societie . Therewere also temporal barriers between communities, a product of theslow methods of transport and communication over geographicdistances throughout most of human history. These circumstancesre-enforced the particularist character of different societies giving riseto notions of cultural specificity and associated practices. These beliefshave gained currency with the rising tide of !~b.'!1iz{ltion and informmuch of the discourse on t5'j5I~r sucnas sta!~decJ~ne, tl1Lbomo-genization of culture and the rise of global civil society (see Chapter 6on globalization for more detail}?

At the same time, however, the historical record demonstrates thatpowerful ideas moved frequently in conjunction, for example, with thegrowing pace of international trade in earlier epochs such as in Europein the sixteenth century. For instance, the reformist tract that pavedthe way to Protestantism enjoyed a surprisingly robust circulationbetween city states and the patchwork of duchies, principalities andkingdoms that formed Europe's regional political system at that time.More recently, the phenomenal absorption of cellular phone technol-ogy by African societies - the world's poorest, saddled with abysmalinfrastructures and as a result among the most isolated societies in theworld - demonstrates that these seemingly adverse condition need notbe an insurmountable barrier. Perhaps it is a failure on our part, giddyfrom the near instantaneous forms of global communication, to ima-gine and recognize the possibilities inherent in slower forms of infor-mation sharing, and the hunger for knowledge and communicationamong peoples separated only by geography.

This bundling of domestic and international concerns, captured by


the .unfortunate term 'inter-mesne', te~ds to make foreign p~licy issuessubject to influence both external and internal to the tern tonal state tovarying degrees. As far back as the 1970s, Peter Gourevitch recognizedthe possibilities o'fe'Xterilal influ~!'!f~_C2yer the ~hap~_and tenor ofdomestic debates -. especially but not exclusively in relation to foreign

The domestic sources of foreign policy 49

policy issues.' He suggested that Waltz's 'second image', that is, thestate Icvcl of analysis, is the 'reverse' or the conventional depiction inwhich influence flows only outward, from the domestic setting to theexternal environment. Mansbach, Ferguson and Lampert use theanalogy of a cobweb to describe the international system and to cap-ture the structural implication of this insight, depicting a process/ofconstant interaction between state and non-state actors." In the face.ofideas and pressures from abroad permeating state borders oupledwith an ever-expanding web of international norms, rule andregimes designed to regulate state conduct in particular spheres. thecapacity of foreign policy decision makers to construct their policyformulations and actions with sole reference to domestic forces, se 111S

ever more remote.Nevertheless, despite the prevailing rapid circulation of ideas,

pressures and material goods characteristic of the contemporary globalsetting, there are some defining features of the international politicalsystem that allow for reference to the enduring saliency and indeedcentrali ty of the domestic environment in the foreign policy process.Fundamental among these is the legal status accorded to the idea ofsovereignty, which, of course, gives to the state primacy over a fixedterritory and its population. Recognition of the rights of.governmentswithin states to exercise this' authority .S!ven with the emergence of adiscourse on the 'responsibility to protect', anq the inability of societiesto have alternative means of expressing their political aspirations otherthan through sovereignty, is a powerful, defining characteristic of theinternational system. The fact of citizenship is an acknowledgement ofthe 'constraints on individual action. Moreover, the legal structures ofstates, which provide formal status to corporative entities ranging frombusinesses to NGOs, define the parameters to their conduct.? Theestablishment of tax havens in island states, the movement of multi-nationals from one state to another in search or the most beneficial taxand labour conditions, and the utilization of territory to accommodatepolitical refugees are all signs that states and the domestic conditionswithin them are crucial sites of relatively autonomous, political(and economic) activity, which should be considered with the utmostseriousness. This is given concrete expression through everything fromcorporate taxes, the possibility of lawsuits and the degree of media free-dom that is specific to the particular domestic setting of a given state ..

Socio-cultural influences - reflected for example by governing prac-tices in different states - introduce local variation into what otherwisemight be relative homogeneity within regions." The adoption of wes-tern ideas of sovereignty, for instance, has not been holesale, but




50 The domestic sources of foreign policy _~,c, . -.1 '.

rather has been a process mediated by local elites and aligned to theirneeds established institutions and foundational ideas. Thi process-which Amitav Acharya characterizes as 'norm localization' - givesprimacy to domestic actors, institutions and settings in assessing thesalience of 'foreign' ideas in relation to prevailing local circumstances.'This reassertion of the domestic in the trajectory of the norm cycleis not only a cogent explanation for the partial adaptation or evenrejection of externally sourced ideas, for example, in relation towomen's rights by 'non-western' societies, but also reminds us thatlocal societal factors exercise a determining influence over ideationalmatters. 8

Finally, the indisputable position of the foreign policy decisionmakers within this complex setting at the centre of a sovereign-basedsystem of authority, derives its substantive legitimacy from the domes-tic society, which is reified in legal terms by the international system.While these policy decision makers may seek sometimes to boost theirstanding and prestige by appealing to international actors, ultimatelyand crucially their authority is dependent upon domestic sources.

The domestic structures approach: constitutional structuresand political regimesFor many FPA scholars, the most significant source of foreign policy isthe domestic structure of the nature of the state olitical institutions,the features of society and the institutiOl~1 ar~~B.~~1l~s··linki;1utateand society and charlnellirig societal demands into the political system.£atzen'stein, Krasner, Risse-Kappen and others provide detaileddescriptions of the relative strengths and weakness governing relationsbetween differing state structures and society?

According to Risse-Kappen, for instance, the importance of the statestructure resides in the fact that it is the crucial site of foreign policydecision making and, mediated through constitutional arrangements, isthe area where state and society 'negotiate' the country's internationalrelations.'? Here, within the particular constitutional framework ofthe state, domestic institutions and interest groups operate, devisingcoalition-building strategies that ultimately demonstrate the effective-ness of domestic influences over foreign policy. The rules of politicalparticipation influence formal politics and the conduct or politicalparties in relation to international is ues. Traditionally, the executivehas the authority to formulate and implement foreign policy, endowedby the constitution or convention; th Jegislature and other insti-tutions have limited powers of judicial review and b,~I~get~Ty.control.

, '

The domestic sources of foreign policy 51

The number of points of access between societal groups and decisionmakers determines the degree to which there is public input to staleforeign policy. For example, France has very few access points to theexecutive and is 'state-dominated' because the public plays only a lim-ited role in foreign policy making; in the US there are multiple accesspoints to the executive, foreign policy is 'society-dominated' and thepublic has many opportunities to influence it.!'

Another aspect of the domestic structure that influences foreignpolicy is the political regime type. Authoritarian regimes with no elec-toral mandate from their populations and historicall have used foreignissues to distract from domestic difficulties. George Kennan's 'X tele-gram' and subsequent articulation of America's 'containment policy'towards the Soviet Union was predicated on just such an analysis ofthe roots of Soviet foreign policy.'? From this perspective, democratic(or 'pluralist') regimes tend to pursue fewer foreign ?olicy 'adventures'that are out of step with the interests of their society. However,research shows that lack of access to information and other bureau-cratic obstacles constructed by authoritarian states may also exist indemocratic states and restrict public involvement in foreign policydecision making.':' The differences between these two types of regimesin this respect are sometimes small.

In the context of regime-oriented considerations of the domesticorigins of foreign policy there is the 'democratic peace debate', whichderives from Kant's 'perpetual peace' theory and his model of aninternational order which only 'republican' states are allowed to join.Michael Doyle replacing the term 'republican' with 'liberal', pointsto statistical analyses that support the fact that stable constitutionalliberal democracies do not engage in wars with one another.!" Hisrationale. is, first, that a 'cultural-normative' interpretation suggeststhat stable democracies resolve conflict through negotiation and bar-gaining and, therefore, favour these same approaches in foreign policy,especially towards other democratic regimes. However, in the contextof non-democratic regimes, democratic leaders cast off their inhibitionsin relation to conflict. Concurrently, a 'structural-institutional' inter-pretation suggests that democratic regimes are founded on 'a systemof checks and balances that effectively slow decision making whileemphasizing the public agreement with foreign policy decisions inrelation to the declaration of war, all of which serves as an internaldeterrent to promulgating war between democracies. Although theempirical basis for 'democratic peace theory is open to contestationon several grounds, there i general acceptance that the data broadlysupport this proposition.'?


52 The domestic sources ojforeign policy

The notion of 'middle owers' introduces another variant into therelationsl~ip bet;~~politicairegin~e ~nd foreign policy behaviour.Cooper, Higgot and Nossal propose that ideational and material attri-butes combine to contribute to a self-conscious assertion of nationalrole - echoing some of the work on role theory - that produces dis-tinctive foreign policy conduct in high-income but 'middle ranked

\ states such as Canada and Australia' .16 Middle power foreign policies\ are usually multilateralist, bridge-building and c6ilcerneowtfl1 the

promotiOi1O iiorins. Some scliolars include-developiilg cOlii1tries,-such .a;Mala-"Sia a! Africa, 'illthe gro'lip 0' m@d!fPO~I=~~~tes, 17

T IS approach to identifyin'g micfarepowers IS rooted in the prevailingpower hierarchies of states (and avoids trying to develop objectivematerial indicators for their ran kings), and relies on domestic percep-tions of capacity in relation both to other states and to the particularsector (such as trade) or foreign policy issue under consideration,

Scholarship on political regimes within different geographic regionshas moved away from analyses of the impact of regimes on foreignpolicy, to emphasize the regional systemic patterns and local parti-culars of history and society in shaping foreign policy conduct. Forinstance, Africanists studying foreign policy who seek to integrate theirwork into the established typologies of African political regimes, forexample, neo-patrimonial to settler oligarchies believe that these haveexerci ed a determining influence over the structures of foreign policydecision making and implementation, 18 In studies of the foreign policy ofMiddle Eastern states the predominance of authoritarian states backedby security services has been noted.'? In Southeast A ia, the convergenceof elite interests and cultural specificities has produced a regional foreignpolicy style which some academics and practitioners characterize as the'ASEA:\ (Association of South East Asian :\ations) way' ,20

In orne way. ihi trend echoes earlier thinking in FPA related tothe diagnosi of 'nation-type' and national attribute theory as a mean-of eye oping a ~ ill rehe sive predi tive analysis of for ign policybel 3 'io r.~l Ho ve er. . .e the corr rative FP,:"" reject. there s yetis no rene val of the effort to system tize these pani ularist feat resin 3 rigor - Y J:-.:. \T1 ., j ,

- ----.- '...... , ~ - .•. - .": "" :.. ~.::::.:.--:.-

The domestic sources of foreign policy 53

conduct through its emphasis on the specificities of local factors as away of interpreting regional state behaviour., Laura Neack's attempt tolink state type to foreign policy conduct, which includes a focus ~~ thecategory of 'middle powers', is an example of such an approach.

The 'structuralist' approach: economic systems andsocial classAmonz structuralist writings in the Marxist tradition, we can find theroots ~f foreizn policy and, more particularly, the motivation forexploitative policies, such as imperialism and colonialism, in the natureof the capitalist economic system. According to Karl Marx, .althoughthe state may be nothing more than a committee representll1g bour-geois interests, it performs a critical function in, ordering the i~ter~stsof capital in relation to labour and markets.f ' ThIS ll~strumentahst viewdenies the existence of state autonomy in real terms, but suggests thatstate legitimacy is dependent on the population having <'I. perception. ofits autonomy." TheJiteratme is dominated .b.y._Qe g:LOI~_th .._elauv.eautonomy of the state from the elites, but those scholars lI1 this tradi-tionagreethatai1arrow social class uses its control over the economyto ensure that foreign policy conforms to its interests.

For structuralists, the crucial divisions between the hierarchy of thestates fitted within the international political economy are the mostimportant guide to foreign policy conduct. A centre-periphery rela-tionship, based upon the economic exploitation of non- and semi-industrialized states of the 'Third World: (or the south), produces aforeign policy oriented towards maintaining this relationship betweenthe industrialized core and the countries of the periphery, Bruce Moonexamines how the 'peripheral state' is driven by the need for domesticlegitimacy - .?_ol~tel:£Q.2Y international recognition ~_fllong'id t~ep.ursuit of economic or developmental aimsY Capturing the state IS

crucial for domestic actors to enhance their accumulation of resourc .Robert Cox and Hein Marais, among others, suggest that in thedeveioplrlgCountnesthere is a transnational capitalist class, whichshares the norms and value of the leading capitalist countries, fosteredby leading international institutions such as the World Bank.28 Theselocal elites actively subvert local considerations in fa our of their capi-talist interests and, in so doing, perpetuate the exploitative relationof economic dominance. This explains the foreign policy orientati ntowards western interests, in matters such as trade liberalization, byotherwise impoverished states, whose domestic industries and agri-cultural ector suffer from open market access.


54 The domestic sources offoreign policy

Finally, there is a strand in the literature on class and elite foreignpolicy theory that describes foreign policy as conducted by and for theelite within society. Skidmore and Hudson characterize this approachas the ' Q~@L910 ' .l!!Q_g~l,in whicl!...p2.~.eEis concentrated in ~~l~_h.a":"l~of a social minority which QrQd@e~ a drive for a more cohesi~e _~~eand a relatively stable domestic environment. As a result, political lea-ders can emerge only through alliance to one of a few dominant socialblocs whose well-articulated interests are reflected in the foreign policyimplemented.j? The breakdown of this cohesion, for example, in thecase of the Philippines under the Marcos regime and Nigeria underGeneral Suni Abacha, can provoke political crisis that can lead to thebroadening of political participation in an effort to re-legitimize thepolitical system. Christopher Clapham holds that the overarchingimperative of state survival compels African elites to use foreign policyas an instrument to obtain economic resources and political legitimacyfrom the external environment.I"

The relationship between the institutions of foreign policy makingand the interests of the dominant economic and social forces in societyhas been studied in depth. The nineteenth-century English observer,John Bright, noted that the members of the diplomatic corps essen-tially were drawn from the elite and he suggested that 'foreign policy isa gigantic system of outdoor relief for the aristocracy'. 31 In the mid-twentieth century, the American political scientist Charles Wright Millsidentified a 'power elite', composed of corporate leaders, politiciansand military commanders, as the driving force behind foreign (andnational) policy? The ability of these groups to construe parochialconcerns as 'national interest' and, thus, dictate foreign policy, is tiedto their capacity to maintain an overarching social cohesion thatallows them to continue to mobilize society through ideological andeconomic appeals.

The pluralist approach: sub-state societal actors and interests

Pluralism. is perhaps the most widely acknowledgec~. ~p~r~~ch . toassessinz the' role and impact of domestic factors 011. foreign. policy.c . _ . .Pluralism includes the myriad of sub-state and non-state actors within

• the doniestic arena and their efforts to exert infl.uence over state insti-tutions and decision-making processes. In this depiction of the state, itsautonomy is assumed (as in the classic Weberian approach), butimplies also a more explicitly atomized and competitive depiction ofstate-society relations. The general preponderance of domestic overinternational concerns, from this perspective, is a function of the


The domestic sources of'foreign policy 55

variety of societal interest groups and the cross-cutting cleavagesamong them.P Because foreign policy issues affect the material inter-ests of different societal groups differently, these groups compete andmobilize for influence over political decision making. The focus in thepluralist approach is primarily on electoral democracies and the roleof sub-state and non-state actors, principally interest groups, publicopinion and the media, in shaping the foreign policy choices of deci-sion makers.

Interest groups are distinguished by their sources of support and the:nature interests. They offer either political mobilization forelectoral support or financial mobilization for electoral support (orboth), to governments and political parties, in exchange for theirbacking for foreign policy positions. A key variable in this exchange isthe degree to which interest groups are able to mobilize and presenttheir positions, at least in ideological terms, as responsive to collective(or national) concerns. The number of techniques used to achieve theseaims has grown in line with new telecommunications/communicationtechnologies and the growth of new media. Interest groups canbe categorized roughly as lobby groups, single-issue movements,constituency-based groups (e.g. ethnic minority voters) and specialinterest groups (e.g. representatives of a particular industryj.I"Research into interest groups' influence on foreign policy focusesmainly on the economic and political aspects, for example, the impactof particular business lobbies on a state's commercal policies or therole of ethnic lobbies in promoting their respective concerns. Securityissues, from this perspective, are a matter of national interestand, . therefore, domestic factionalism is set aside. David Skidmorechallenges this view, demonstrating that the rise of foreign and securitylobbies, ranging from defence industry groups to non-governmental'peace' organizations, such as the American Friends Committee(Quakers), are a .clear indicative that society does hold distinctive andsometimes deeply contradictory views on security matters-"

Public opinion is a broad term that encompasses the mass, attentivepublic and various interest groups and lobby groups. Public opinionsets the parameters to foreign policy decisions and can be seen as a'background' restraint on foreign policy making and implementation.The concept of public opinion is problematic since it requires definitionof who is the public and involves debate on the methodologies adoptedto promote the public's viewpoints. Christopher Hill, in his study of .British public opinion on foreign policy, characterizes public opinionas 'the Loch Ness monster', something frequently spoken about, butnever seen.l"


56 The domestic sources of foreign policy

The classical Almond-Lippman view holds that public opinionshould have no role or influence over foreign policy and it is largelyindifferent to and ignorant of foreign policy issues. Subscribers to thisconsensus believe that the public's attitudes are mercurial and incon-sistent and therefore a poor - and even dangerous - source of foreignpolicy making. For these reasons, they argue persuasively for a gov-erning elite to manage foreign policy." Shapiro and Page disagree,demonstrating in their study of US foreign policy during the CW, thatpublic opinion was not only consistent - as shown by numerous studiesof democracies - but quite 'rational' in its assessment of internationalevents." James Rosenau studies public opinion based on a pyramidwhere the peak is the elite (the government, the legislature and themedia); the second level is the attentive public (intellectuals and busi-ness); and the third level is the general public (who are indifferentj"Several scholars suggest that only a section of public opinion, perhapsbetween 5 and 20 per cent, is interested in and attentive to foreignpolicy. Public interest seems to depend upon the issue (also known as'issue saliency'). Routine issues related to diplomacy are not high onthe agenda of public concerns, but economic and trade issues andquestions related to war and peace arouse the public interest."

It is clear that a discussion of public opinion without a concomitanttheory of the media will be incomplete. The media play a crucial, ifcontroversial, role in the foreign policy process, in acting as a bridgefor the passage of information between the public, the state and theinternational arena. The media's influence on foreign policy can beconsidered in our view from three perspectives: agenda setting, infor-mation clearing house and government propaganda tool. The mediaas an agenda setter is exemplified in the role or William RandolphHearst, an American newspaper mogul, whose bellicose editorials andreportage promoted American military action in the late nineteenthcentury. A contemporary example is the so-called 'CNN cflcci', or thedegree to which media spotlight on a particular issue forces the state totake action."! Research into government responses to portrayals ofhumanitarian crises indicates that while the media can play an impor-tant role in shaping foreign policy at the height of a crisis, its influencewanes as the crisis - or coverage of it - declines.

The media as a 'clearing house' is predicated upon an implicit senseof its in titutional neutrality. Editorial policy is not as much a functionof ideological perspectives, e tablishcd interests or personal biases, butrather an ordering of information that conforms to the wants andneeds of the citizenry. Market factors and consumer conduct, therefore,are the main drivers of media action and impose a logic on the

The domestic sources of foreign policy 57

particular sector that defies efforts to give it overt direction. The f~ctthat disaster and sex promote sales of newspapers and other media,means that these' sorts of stories will be prioritized in order to increasecirculation.

The media as a government propaganda tool certainly holds forclo ed-;-iuthoritarian states that seek to manage the flow of informa-tion to their citizens in the interests of regime security. The morecontroversial position is that democratic polities deliberately engage inmanipulating the public in order to steer foreign policy in directionsthat suit elite interests. Noam Chomsky characterizes the process ofopinion formation in democracies as 'manufactured consent', in whichthe state and the media elites shape citizens' outlooks to conform totheir particular interests in order to gain support for the pursuit of aspecific foreign policy agenda.F Following this insight, several studiessuggest that it is only when elite opinion within a state is divided overforeign policy that the media can exert influence over public opinion.For example, the UK media and the public outcry against the Blairgovernment's participation in the last Iraq war reflected divisionswithin the foreign policy establishment over this policy,

Having an input into the media is a priorityfor democratic statesseeking the approval of the public for a particular course of action.Following the Vietnam War, the US government tried tc influence themedia, which was seen as being an independent actor capable ofundermining the government's foreign policy objectives. The influenceexerted included the introduction of new approaches to managingmedia (daily briefings, controlled leaks, spin and 'embedded journal-ists'). State-funded media, such as the UK British Broadcasting Cor-poration (BBC), present a somewhat different set of problems for ademocratic state since they raise the issue of a balance between inde-pendence and control of the media agenda. Another source of infor-marion on international uflairs is non-state actors whose mandate is toshape public opinion on foreign policy issues. These include 'thinktanks', such as the numerous (nearly 300 in 20 II) strategic studiescentres across the world, philanthropic foundations, such as theCarnegie Endowment for International P ace, and semi-state actorssuch as political party foundations, for example, Germany's FriedrichEbert Foundation and the US National Endowment for Dernocracy.+'MNCs use their funding of non-state actors to support perspecti esthat corre pond with their interests. Advocacy groups, such as envir-onmentalists or human rights activists, try to mobilize public support(and in so doing influence government action) through media am-paigns designed to raise awareness of their is ues and concerns.



58 The domestic sources of foreign policy

Finally, new media, especially computer-enabled media, have pro-vided non-state actors and individuals with numerous platforms, suchas 'blog' sites and social networks, to connect people and provideinformation. There is a dizzying array of alternative narratives andstories, sometimes available in 'real time', which make it very difficultfor governments to keep abreast of events and enables the 'spinning'of public opinion. The extraordinary efforts exerted by authoritarianstates to control the Internet (e.g. in Cuba, Iran and China) are testa-ment to the fear that these instruments induce, and the outbreak ofrevolution in North Africa in 2011 served to confirm this fear. Thelonger-term implications for governance that accompany the fragmen-tation of national media into narrower interest-based constituenciesthat are market or interest driven, and the implications for opinionformation on foreign policy have yet to be thoroughly explored.

Modelling foreign policy decision making in thedomestic environmentThe inherent complexity involved in interpreting foreign policy for-mulation and choice has inspired different approaches to modellingthis process. These approaches mirror the classic £h~e Ie s of analysisin FPA focusing on the role of the individual leader, the mace of stateinstitutions and the influ~lce of s stem factors, in th-eir assessmentof foreign policy decision making in the domestic environment. JoeHagan and Julia Kaarbo having written about the competitive roleplayed by political actors within government structures in their effortsto understand the dynamics of foreign policy choice; Robert Putnam,Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye have developed approaches to foreignpolicy which seek to account for the complexity and interplay betweenthe dome tic and external forces.

Hagan revisits the role of leaders in democratic governments as thefocal points of foreign policy decision making.t" He holds that a lea-der's primary concern is political survival in office, and that all policychoices ultimately are set against the backdrop of this sine qua 11011.

The task of the leader becomes one of creating and maintaining coali-tions of support for the respective foreign policy agendas through acentral concern over ways of managing opposition to that agenda fromwithin the governing party or from the formal opposition party. Haganposits that this is achieved through the application of one of threestrategies, accommodation, insulation or mobilization. In the caseof accommodation, the leader bargains with the opponents to the for-eign policy agenda to win support for a compromise foreign policy.

The domestic sources offoreign policy 59

Insulation involves deflecting attention away from the foreign policy issuein question thus freeing the 'political space' for the leader's preferredforeign policy action. A mobilization strategy is pursued to win supportfor a foreign policy position by persuading opponents of the policy.

Kaarbo delves into the actual governing structures and examinesthe role of bureaucracies - especially of minority dissenters to the pre-vailing policy choices - in the foreign policy process. According toKaarbo, the ability of these bureaucratic minorities to influence foreignpolicy is based on their familiarity with and consequent facility atmanipulating the decision-making procedures and information withingoverning structures." Their minority standing, due to the fact thatthey are directly subordinate within a particular bureaucratic institu-tion (a vertical minority) or because they are part of a weaker bureau-cratic institution among more prominent bureaucratic institutions(a horizontal minority), helps to determine the specific strategicapproach adopted to promote their position.

Pluralist studies of foreign policy recognize the impact of a diversityof actors, salient international institutions and a changing environmenton foreign policy decision making. This growing complexity posessignificant challenges to the more conventional explanations offoreign policy conduct in FPA. in attempting to address this, tv!.~lrtinRochester identifies four problems facing foreign policy makers;;,g;ged in classic pursuits of national interest in the context of thepluralist 'cobweb' paradigm: sati fying different i.~1tere~tgroups affec- t-ted unequally by foreign policy;--sub-national actors with cross-cuttingaffiTi~ti..ollsand interests; controlling-tire conduct .of MNCs with theirQwn'"specific interests; and satisfying both the domestic and a foreignconsti tuencies"'IrrChapter 2 we discussed how Robert Putnam responded to this

last challenge by devising an approach based on the two-level gamewhich refle ts the two environments of decision making."? Putnam'sapproach to modelling foreign policy decision making - whichfocuses on trade issues, but was seen by FPA scholars as having widerapplicability - aims to integrate and understand the different (andsometimes rival) dynamics involved in a given foreign policy choice.According to Putnam, decision makers have to operate within twocompeting frameworks with different rules and different operationallogics - the external environment which is anarchic, and the domesticenvironment which operates under recognized rules - in order toachieve a 'win-set' (a policy that satisfies all requisite interests). Theweighing of options, the classic 'guns versus butter' problem (securityversus wealth creation) in the decision on a specific foreign policy


60 The domestic sources of foreign policy

matter is made more complex by the different sets of rules governingthese two environments. Putnam's influential approach is informed bygame theory and captures the dynamic attempts of decision makers toaddress local constituencies and external forces simultaneously.

Finally, Keohane and Nye proposed a model of foreign policy deci-sion making which echoes the very complexity it seeks to explain.'Complex inter-dependency' allows the state to retain a measure ofagency in assessing and mobilizing state and sub-state actors, NGOsand international in titutions for its own ends." The increasing rele-vance of international institutions is reflected in the fact that interna-tional institutions are seen as the prime arena for action (thoughimplicitly the UN i recognized as an autonomous international actor).Keohane and Nye's portrayal of the foreign policy process as inter-linked through a variety of networks, actors and interests anticipateskey features of the globalization literature, although unlike Held andothers, they hold fast to neo-realist assumptions about the centrality ofthe state, the continuing relevance of the domestic environment andits role in defining motivations for action.

Political parties - the neglected element

These approaches to framing and interpreting foreign policy decisionmaking within the domestic context provide some insights into thiscomplex process. At the same time, with the exception of Hagan, theymostly neglect the part played by political parries in this process. Inmany respects, political parties can be seen as the key site for a numberof activities attributed in FPA to domestic sources of foreign policy.These include the simultaneous role of political parties as agendasetters in foreign policy, through ideological discourses reflecting theirdistinctive political orientation (e.g. rightist or leftist), as agenda fol-lowers in foreign policy, and through their position as interest aggrega-tors derived from the support they court from within domestic society.

Closer examination of political parties and foreign policy revealsthat many of the determining points in the formulation of ideologicalorientation and particular policy choices (which sometimes appeardirectly contradictory to this orientation) of a state's foreign policy areproducts of the decisions and inputs at the political party level, andnot formal government. Moreover, by focusing on political parties andforeign policy it is possible to move away from the normative tendencytowards concentrating on democratic forms of governance andimbuing them with special attributes to examining dispassionately howsingle-party regimes, for example, the Communist Party of China,


The domestic sources of foreign policy 61

operate in ways that mimic these key functions .•Political arties utilire'their international networks in way's that complement, upplement oreven ~tradic-tth~-formaLdiplo~atic, b1late~al state apparatus. Duringtlie CW, for example, the West German political parties and theirfoundations maintained links that cut across the diplomatic necessityto recognize East Germany"? The international departments of socia-list, social democratic, liberal and communist parties all, to varyingdegrees, exercise a form of 'foreign policy', which is at once deeplyideological, highly political and resoundingly statist in its underlyingambitions. Although a lack of party disci line and the po e,Lo( lobbieshave ~d th O~t ·~rPofi~Lcal part~s in the US, it would bea mistake to ignore the important organizing functions they p rformwithin the political system.

Marrying the insights from scholarship on domestic structure to howdifferent political regimes configure political participation i a criticalfollow-up to the incorporation of political parties into foreign policydecision making. 1t would provide a richer account of the arena ofpolitical action and provide some clarity for our understanding of' thedynamics of interest-based politics and their impact or, foreign policychoice. The 'shadow politics' of influence peddling, often only dredgedup in the wake of political scandal, could give new meaning to ourunderstanding of the competitive world of pluralist politics.


The approaches discussed above - a domestic structures rendering, aclassical structuralist account and the pluralist approach - are impor-tant elements in the 'conversation' on the significance, role and influ-ence of the domestic environment in foreign policy. We explored theintersection between domestic influences and regional locations. Thedifficulty inherent in incorporating some of these insights regardingabstract notions, such as public opinion, into a working model of'foreign policy decision making, somewhat limit their interpretive value.

However, through Hagan's portrayal of leadership in foreign policyand Putnam's 'two-level game', we can see how decision makers mightmanage the competing pressures and concerns in developing state for-eign policy. We have shown that the domestic environment is a crucialand constraining factor in foreign policy and puts limits on what ispossible in national foreign policy. Nonetheless, it is clear that con-temporary foreign policy is not focused only on the externalizationof domestic politics, but is part of a complex interchange across thedomestic-foreign state frontier.


5 Foreign policy analysis andthe state


As already noted, for many years IR was dominated by the realistconcept of .the state, which perceives the state as a unitary, rationalac~or pursUIng a supreme national interest (survival) within an anar-~hlc international environment. Some have branded this notion,natlOnal-terntonal totality' since conceptually the state comprises thecountry as a ~hol,el and all that is. within it: territory, government,people, ~nd society. Throughout this book, different strands of FPAreJ~ct this realist conception. The literature on the impact of p ycho-logical factors ch~llenges the rationality ascribed by realism to thestat~, and the notion of bur~aucratic politics problematizes the per-cepuon of the tate as a unitary actor. Research on the impact or?omes,tlc players and transnational actors (TNAs) also questions theIJ1Sulall~y affo~'ded b~ realists t~ t~~ state and its foreign policy.Although ~orelgn ?ol~cy analysts cntiques underline the conceptualand analytical limitations of realism, FPA creates other problems: itunp~cks the st~te to the point that the concept of the state disappears.

A[guabl~, this creates three .tensions, Epistemologically, middle-rangeFPA theones, although lacking an explicit conceptualization of thestate~ draw on a. range of tacit assumptions about what the state actu-ally IS.These dnve the .thinking of foreign policy analysts in ways not overtly recognizable, Ontologically, because the state is con-sidered to be n.o more than an extension of the elements within middle-ran~e theory It becomes difficult, if not impossible, to account forforeign policy as a. distinc~ site of action. Finally, a significant con-ceptual and .analyttc~l tension w~thin FPA arises because in studyingthe formulation .and Implementation of foreign policy, FPA recognizesthat the state enjoys a degree of autonomy from the society it rules andexternal actors. However, since the concept of state is not explicit in

FPA and the stale 63

FPA, this autonomy cannot be discussed in either conceptual or ana-

lytical terms,This chapter aims to resolve the aforementioned tensions by d.rawing

on the rich debate between IR and historical sociology (HS). Since Itslaunch in the mid-1980s, this debate has contributed to the develop-ment of several strands of IR theory." although it has been overlookedby FPA.3 In our view, this is a missed intellectual opportunity; sinceHS has advanced debate over the state in IR, it should be applied tothe problem of the state in FPA. This would mean, first, conceptuallyand analytically reconciling FPA and conceptions of the state withinHS and, second, exploring the implications of this analytical and con-ceptual reconciliation, for key notions in FPA. Third, i~would e~1abl~aconceptual sketching of ideal-state types that would reflect the diversityof states in the contemporary international system. We propose threesuch ideal types: the institutional state, the quasi-state and the clus-tered state. These classifications, which do not fully capture all statesin the contemporary international system, should be seen as a pre-liminary to further refinements of these concepts.

The institutional statePrior to the mid-1980s IR was dominated by three competing theore-tical conceptions of the state: realism, which emphasized the primacyof the state in determining IR; pluralism, which highlighted the rolesof non-state actors through the notion of inlcrdepcndencc;4 and globalsystem theory, which saw state behaviour as derived from theexigencies imposed by socio-economic or politico-military structures.'By the mid-1980s, none of these approaches prevailed or had proved tobe more incisive than the others." This impasse in IR contrasted witha revival of debate on the state in sociology. A first wave of neo-Weberian historical sociology (WHS), represented by the work ofSkocpol, Tilly and Giddens, developed an 'institutionalized conception'of the state." The pertinence of this conception for IR was its contrastto the realist conception of the state. Instead of the state being con-ceived of in terms of a territorial totality, it wi;s seen as 'a set ofadministrative, policing and military organisations headed, and moreor less well coordinated, by an executive authority'." In this formula-tion the state is an 'actual organisation' possessing relative autonomyand the capacity to act in the internal and external spheres. Therelative autonomy of the state in either context derives from itsunique positioning to deal with the exigencies imposed by internationalsecurity competition, the ongoing need to extract finance. for example,


64 FPA and the state

via taxation, to fund its endeavours, and its capacity for surveillance.States use surveillance of civil society in order to both pacify it andmobilize its resources. The state-civil society relationship is one ofcompetition in which the state has relative autonomy?

The path-breaking work by Tilly, Skocpol and Giddens was followedby an equally impressive second wave of neo-WHS writings. Mann,perhaps more than any other of these scholars, produced work thatmost pertains to the debate on the state in IR.IO Mann defines the stateas 'I) a differentiated set of institutions and personnel embodyingcentrality; 2) in the .cn c that political relations radiate to and froma centre to cover; 3) a territorially demarcated area, over which itexercises and; 4) some degree of authoritative, binding rule-making,backed up by some organised physical force' .11

Before examining the differences between the first and the secondwaves of neo-WHS writing, it is helpful to explore the common groundin neo- WHS conceptions of the state, and their implications for FPA.Mann, in line with the first wave of neo-WHS writing, sees the stateas a separate institutional entity, simultaneously rooted in the domes-tic and external environments, with the capacity to act and with rela-tive autonomy. The notion of the state's embeddedness in the internaland external spheres fits with the depiction in FPA of foreign policy asa boundary activity: an activity that occurs at the interface between thedomestic and the external spheres. Also, portraying the state as anorganization, and an organization that can act, implies that it plays acentral part in determining foreign policy, but also is separate fromother defining factors. In contrast to the state's portrayal in realism, itis at the centre of the analysis, but does not eclipse other foreign policydeterminan ts.

Having examined the assumptions common to the first and secondwaves of neo- WHS conceptions of the state, we need to look at thepropositions that distinguish them, This exercise is aimed at establish-ing how the second wave of WHS, embodied in Man~'s work, advancesour understanding of the institutional state and has helped to refinesome key concepts of FPA. Mann in contrast to Tilly, Giddens andSkocpol, does not see the political relations between state and societyin terms only of coercion/competition. Mann's definition emphasizesthat political relations radiate from civil society to the stare, and fromthe state outwards.'? Accordingly, Mann distinguishes between twoforms of power, Despotic power, which 'refers to the distributive powerof state elites over civil society, and derives from the range of actionsthat state elites can undertake without routine negotiation with civilsociety groups'T' Infrastructural power, which is the 'institutional

FPA and the state 65

capacity of a central state, despotic or not, to penetrate its ter.ritoriesand logistically implement decisions' .14 lnfrastr.uctural po~el.·, 111 c.on-trast to despotic power, is a two-way street: It enables civil societyparties to permeate the state, .

The notion that political relations radiate to and from the state, andthe corollary that states can possess despotic and infras~ructural power,is significant for the FPA conceptualization of the relationship bet,:eenstate, society and foreign policy. We noted in Chapter 4 t~at societalFPA approaches perceive the state as pervaded by multiple actorsoperating in the domestic sphere. IS Liberals, in their turn, see tl:e stateas embodying society's demands and values through formally Institu-tionalized arrangements: constitutions, elections, legislative frame-works, etc. Marxists emphasize economic systems an.d class. Ma~n'swork furnishes FPA with a fourth way to conceptualize state-societyrelations, hinging on the idea that the coercive and extractive nature ofthe state, and its surveillance capacity, affords it a relative autonomyfrom domestic societal forces. Thus, the state will only partially reflectthe needs and values of its society. Similarly, the relative autonomyof the state imposes limits on the degree to which societal ~ctors canmake an impact. The task of FPA is to evaluate how the Impact ofsocietal actors and the effect of their values and demands affect foreignpolicy, but also broaden the canvas, FPA also needs to assess howforeign policy making and its implementation reflect a balance amongpromoting society's needs and values, being subject to pressure fromsocietal actors, and possessing relative autonomy. . .

Mann's definition' is distinguished also by its reference to the Insti-tutions and personnel comprising the state. This represents a d.epa~·turefrom conventional Weberian wisdom that the modern state IS differ-entiated institutionally from society, In Mann's account, the state doesnot merely follow a formaUinstrumental rationality that is distinct fr?~the substantive or value rationality found in the private sphere of civilsociety. Rather, social and personal. influences, for exampl~, identities,norms, psychological profiles, percolate through theI~tate via t~e bure-aucrats and statesmen and stateswomen 111 charge. The notion thatthe impacts of individual factors affect the stat~ provides, ~. refinementto the work of FPA on the effect of psychological, cognitrve, bureau-cratic and identity factors, Within FPA the effect of these factors isexamined in isolation from the institutional landscape of the state, Forthis reason, foreign policy accounts emerge as no more than the sumof the individual or bureaucratic parts. Through the prism of Mann'swork, however, the impact of individual/bureaucratic foreign policyfactors is set against the particular institutional landscape of the state,


66 FPA and {he stale

In our view, this provides a more balanced, more analytically nuancedunderstanding of how individuals and bureaucracies, operating withinthe context of the state, affect foreign policy. As noted in Chapters 2and 3, FPA largely ignores the distinctive state context in which deci-sion making and bureaucratic politics take place.

Finally, in Mann's definition, the state exercises some degree ofcontrol (though not monopoly) over authoritative, binding rulemaking, backed by an organized physical force. On the assumptionthat there is no monopoly over the use of organized physical force, thissuggests that the stare relies on other sources of power to exercise itsauthority and make binding rules. Mann, therefore, examines thedevelopment of states through the ideology, economic, military, poli-tical (IEMP) model 'so called for its four central dimensions: ideologi-cal, economic, military and political power relations';'? In the !EMPmodel the state is not reduced to any single power source; rather, thesesources of power are present simultaneously in society and have amutually constitutive relationship with the state. The degree to whicheach power source dominates at any given time depends on the condi-tions underpinning the particular historical juncture." This led Mannto develop his theory of the polymorphous state 'wherein the statecrystallizes in multiple contexts - domestic or international, ideologi-cal, economic, military and political'. 19 His account perceives the stateas 'messier' than in the first wave of WHS thinking, and much moreso than realism would concede. It foregrounds the middle-range theo-retical and methodological FPA approach within a conceptual frame-work that emphasizes the contingent and context-specific nature offoreign policy making and its implementation.

The quasi-state

Analytical reconciliation of the institutional debate and some key FPAconcepts helps resolve some of the tensions identified earlier in thischapter. The institutional conception of the state is informed by aWeberian epistemology of the state, making clear the foreign policyanalyst's assumptions about the state. In ontological terms the state isidentified as a separate actor. Thu , the state's foreign policy is notreduced to the sum of its individual or bureaucratic parts. Neither isthe state's foreign policy merely a product of the pressures imposed byexternal structures. In fact, we have shown that an institutional under-standing of the state accounts, conceptually and analytically, for thestate's relative autonomy. Since foreign policy is acknowledged to be a keyactivity of the state, then by inference, we can identify, in conceptual and

FPA and the state 67

analytical terms, the source of foreign policy ".What is .ofinterest however is whether all states conform to the institutional depic-tion of 'the stateand, if not, what other types of state can we identifyfrom the HS literature, and what are their implications for FPA?

This section explores these issues in the context of what RobertJackson identifies as quasi-states." The notion of quasi-states refers, inparticular, to the states in the 'global south', represented ?y the co.lo-nial territories in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and the Canbbean. Likeindependent countries, quasi-states possess 'juridical statehood: legalrecognition as sovereign states from international organizations andmajor powers'." However, in many cases the institutions endow.ingterritorial statehood, for example, the coercive apparatus, the politicalinstitutions, the money-extracting mechanisms, surveillance capacity,are fragmented and incomplete. While quasi-states may enjoy equallegal sovereignty, they lack the institutions able to constrain .andoutlast the individuals occupying their offices.F They can be describedas partially accomplished states, or quasi-states. A corollary of partialinstitutional statehood is that the states affected depend, to a greaterextent than the institutional concept of state would concede, on therules, norms and institutions underpinning contemporary internationalsociety." The contemporary society that emerged after World War 1I(WWII), and which began to replace the international order unde~-pinning European colonization, provided crucial support to quasi-states. We can begin to explore this through an examination of norms.Contemporary international society assumes tacitly. that 'quasi-states'should enjoy the formal privileges of membership associated with statesovereignty, notwithstanding their limited material statehoo~. ~'I:isinstils in contemporary international society the norm that the judicial(if not real) sovereignty of quasi-states should be preserved. Of course,as demonstrated forcefully by several cases of foreign interventions/invasions, this does not always prevent external powers from inter-fering physically, for example, in Cuba (1961), Czechoslovakia (1968),Grenada (1983), Panama (1989), Afghanistan (1979, 2001) and Iraq(2003). Nonetheless, preservation of judicial sovereignty onstitutes akey normative tenet of contemporary international society. As Jacksonexplains, sovereignty 'remains a legal barrier to foreign interference inthe jurisdiction of states. The basic norm of the United Nations (UN)Charter (Article 2) enshrines the principle of equal sovereignty andits corollary, the doctrine of non-intervention'v'" Judicial sovereigntyalso distinguishes contemporary from erstwhile international societieswhere judicial sovereignty wa not afforded to state di playing partialmaterial statehood."


68 FPA and the state

This normative shift is related strongly to another underpinning ofcontemporary international society: the rise of self-determination as atenet of the 'new sovereignty regime'i " This is the second theme weexamine in the context of how contemporary international societysupports quasi-states, Clapham argues that the new sovereignty regime'required the articulation of new conceptions of nationalism andself determination, in which the "nation" was equated with the inha-bitants of any territory created by European colonialism' ,27 As self-determination rose to become a key normative tenet of contemporaryinternational society, so the ruling elites of quasi-states were endowedwith greater legitimacy to predicate their rule on an ideology of inter-nal state consolidation, This ideology proved to be a powerful tool tojustify the often authoritarian rules employed to control newly estab-lished quasi-states, and was useful 1'01' delegitimizing, although noteliminating, external intervention." Thus, although subject to foreigninterference, the ruling elites in quasi-states escaped the prolongedcolonization imposed on their predecessors, Moreover, in situationswhere quasi-states' material statehood virtually imploded - forexample, during civil strife in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Burma, Chadand Angola - judicial sovereignty and the normative consensus onthe right of self-determination were the remaining elements of state-hood that prevented these imploded quasi-states from being totallyextinguished,

At the same time, a measure of agency on the part of regimeswithin quasi-states is required to fully capture the enduring patho-logies that shape this form 0[' sovereignty, As Jean-Francois Buyartnotes with respect to the African political elite, their remarkable abilityto mobilize the material resources of the international communityto $,'1'\'(' their own domestic power struggles - through recourse toideology, humanitarianism and conventional economic and politicalneeds of foreigners - has been a consistent theme across Africa'shistory." These patterns and practices can be seen across time,from the dramatic shifts in ideological direction performed byvarious Ethiopian regimes and Angolan liberation movementsduring the CW, to the instrumentalizing of humanitarian crises bygovernments in Mozambique and opposition in the DemocraticRepublic of Congo in more recent years, Moreover, the argumentthat local political elites deliberately undermine constitutional states -that the 'chaos' and administrative malfunctions are instrumentallypro luced by them to ensure their grip on power and control - ispre ented forcefully in Chabel and Daloz's analysis of the Africansta te, 30

F'PA and the slate 69

The support given by contemporary inten?ati,onal.,soc,iety to quasi-states through judicial sovereignty, instltutlOna.lz,atlOn o,f self-determination and delegitimization of prolonged foreign do~matlOn,is complemented by its endowment of devel?pment entltl,ements,Quasi-states have demanded (and received) ~sslstance from interna-tional society to develop economically, Tim assistance has ta~envarious forms, for example, aid flows, ~echn:cal aSSistance, ?ebt ~ehef,humanitarian relief and refugee aid, ThIS assIstance and the rents thatquasi-states are able to extract from international trade, fO~'m a s~b-stantial part of the funds that these states use to finance their (partIal)

, ' ' 31bureaucracies and state mstltutlOns, ,

We examine the implications of notions of the quasI-state ~nd its,relationship with contemporary international society for c~nceptlol,1S otFPA first by exploring how the external enVlron1l1ent IS conceived.FPA'sees it in terms of the constraints it imposes on state~, As men-tioned earlier in reference to Elman's, Webber's ,and SI:llth:s work,neo-realist and dependency formulations respectively highlight theexigencies imposed by politico-military and socio-econ?mlc mter~a-tiona I structures,32 Pluralists underscore the complexities ~f foreignpolicy conducted in a mixed-state and non-state act?r environment.Common to all these depictions is that they cou~terpOlse th~ state andthe external environment, the latter usually depicted as ominous. Thenotion of the quasi-state underlines that a different type of, relation-ship can develop between the state and the external envlronme~t.In this relationship quasi-states are supported by and entwined WIthcontemporary inten1ational society, Indeed, it is di!rlcult to see h~~quasi-stat .s can exist without the equal status af1or?~d by ~l~dICldlsovereignty through international law; without the polltIcallegltllnacyendowed by the right to self-determination; and the material supportgranted by development entitlement over the yea:'s, , '

Furthermore, the quasi-state has important implications for howFPA conceives of the relationship between state, society al:d foreignpolicy, The previous section on the institutional state highlighted theliberal and societal approaches in FPA, We argued tha,t the nouon ofthe institutional state requires that we pay more attention to the rela-tive autonomy of the state, The notion of the qua~i-state, ,howe~er,shifts the focus, As the institutional statehood of qU,asl~stat~s I~ partial,they lack the kind of domestic structures underpmnmg l~stttutIonalstates, This should prompt a shift in FPA from an exam!natlon of h?w[ormal domestic structures affect foreign policy, to the effects on forel~npolicy of informal domestic arrangement, such as those that ,ex I t inquasi-states, By domestic structures, we mean 'the normative and




70 FPA and the state

organizational arrangements which form the "state", structure society,and link the two together'. 33

Finally, the notion of the quasi-state has implications for how weconceive the foreign policy tools that states can exploit. FPA hasrecognized and accounted for a multiplicity of foreign policy toolsstates have at their disposal: the use of military force, economic anddiplomatic sanctions, diplomacy, soft power, etc." However, by dintof their partial material statehood, quasi-states' access to conventionalforeign policy tools is limited or denied. At the same time, the securityand development entitlements endowed by the institutional, normativeand legal frameworks underpinning contemporary internationalsociety, grant access to different types of foreign policy tools. The scopeof this chapter does not allow a discussion of how different states mani-pulate these resources and under what circumstances. However, webelieve this would be a particularly fruitful avenue for FPA research.

The clustered state

This section explores the concept of the clustered state which derivesfrom the work of historical sociologists on the implications of thepolitical and military processes underpinning the so-called west sincethe onset of the CW35 The thrust of our argument hinges on a dis-tinction between the intra-systemic and inter-systemic dynamics of theCw. Inter-systemic dynamics refers to the conflict between the USand the former USSR (and their corresponding blocs). lntra-systemicdynamics is the internal dynamics underpinning the west.36 Thewest initially included North America, Western Europe, Japan andAustralia. However, as the CW developed, the concept of the westextended to include parts of Latin America, the Middle East, Asia andAfrica. In referring to intra-systemic dynamics we are including thepolitical, economic, military and legal design underpinning the com-plex institutional framework of the west that emerged during the Cw.This institutional framework includes political-military organizations(e.g. NATO), economic bodies (e.g. the International Monetary Fund(TMF), the World Bank), and a developing structure of global legaland enforcement institutions (such as international criminal tribunals).The institutional framework is complemented and buttre sed by asystem of bilateral and multilareral state alliances'?

The significance for this chapter of the institutional consolidation ofthe \\'eSI lit's in th statehood changes it entailed. \\"e have discussedhow the institutional concepti n f the Stale rests on the tacitassumption that states are territorially ounded enriries. politically and

FPA and the stare 71

militarily separate from each other, with each exerting a monopoly orat least some degree of control over the means of violence. However,the emergence of the west's institutional framework challenges theseassumptions. It means that states voluntarily, though partially, pooltheir sovereignty and use of political force - at lea~t in the externalsphere - within a raft of established international politically integratedinstitutions.-" This makes it more difficult to perceive states accordingto the institutional conception, namely, as discrete national units withclearly demarcated and mutually exclusive 'borders of violence'. Byborders of violence we mean that borders are not just administrativedivisions, but also lines along which violence could erupt.:'?

Laffey and Barkawi argue convincingly that the gradual pooling ofauthority and use of political force into a large number of interna-tional, politically integrated institutions, has eliminated borders ofviolence in the west, rendering it a zone of peace.?? In this sense, thewest can be perceived as politically integrated - so much so, that Shawand others consider consolidation of the west's institutional frameworkto herald the emergence of a new, albeit embryonic, global state."! Thisclaim appears flawed, however, particularly since it is based on Mann'sinstitutional definition of the state. Recall that a central tenet ofMann's conceptualization is that state 'bind' territories by exertingdespotic or infrastructural power. Those proposing the notion of aglobal state provide neither an empirical nor a theoretical explanationof how the 'western' institutional entity binds 'its' territory. We wouldsuggest, therefore, that the notion of 'clustered state' better reflects thepooling of sovereignty and use of the means of violence in the institu-tional framework underpinning the west.

The notion of clustered state has three important implications forFPA. First, it implies a different type of (ate- society relations thanthose discussed above. It is precisely because sovereignty and controlover the means of violence are voluntarily pooled by states that it iseasier for social relations to operate across national borders. Thisresults in linkage politics - a recurrent seq uence of behaviour that ori-ginates in one state and is reacted to by another - potentially becominga more salient factor for determining foreign policyf? There can bethree categories of linkage politics: 1) reactive linkages, which occurwhen events in one society lead to spontaneous reactions in another,unprompted by governments; 2) emulative linkages, which emergewhen an event in one society is quickly imitated by the citizens 'inanother; and 3) penetrative linkages, which occur when there is adeliberate attempt on the part of some elements in one society to enter,influence and, on occasion, manipulate another.P Thus, within


\,, .\




72 FPA and (he SIC/Ie

clustered states, both the domestic societal elements and the networkstranscending the state boundaries they may create, matter.

The linkage politics effect has implications for how the externalenvironment is conceived. So far we have discussed the external envi-ronment in terms of either the exigencies it imposes or the supportiveeffects it can generate, on which quasi-states depend. In both casesthe external environment emerges as a structure, but in the clusteredstate the external environment is conceptualized differently. Since statesHI'. pt rtinlly fl9 1 , [\!1i I1fO)' xi t at multiple sites and involvesnumerous players: societal actors, governments, and a plethora ofglobal and international institutions. The notion of the external envi-ronment involving multiple levels of agency has implications also forhow FPA accounts for the foreign policy tools used by clustered states.The political and military pooling of clustered states makes them moreprone than quasi- and institutional states to employ foreign policytools' multilaterally. This employment might take the form of jointmilitary operations, for example, the 1990-91 Gulf War, and the war inAfghanistan since 2001, but it applies also to measures taken to shapethe economic environments these states operate under, for example,steps taken to curb the global recession since 2008. Foreign policy inrelation to the environment is another good example of clustered statesemploying foreign policy tools multilaterally. Successful foreign policy,under these circumstances, is oriented towards an ability to presentaims in language that speaks to the normative values that informclustered states and, therefore, can form the basis for collective action.The Bush administration's marked failure in this respect in early 2003set the stage for the subsequent divisive foreign policy within the west.

Institutional, quasi- and clustered states: analyticalimplications for foreign policyHaving examined the notions of institutional, quasi- and clusteredstates we next explore some of the analytical implications of theseconceptions for FPA, in order to identify links between these typesof states and foreign policy. We do this under three themes: availableforeign policy tools; source of state autonomy in the context of foreign ~policy; and inputs from the external environment.

Foreign policy tools

In terms of the foreign policy tools available to states there aremarked differences between institutional, quasi- and clustered states.

FPA and the slate 73

Institutional states are the closest state form to what Weber andfollowers discuss as the modern state. Correspondingly, for foreignpolicy implementation, institutional states rely primarily on theforeign policy tools that accompanied the rise of the modern state:modern diplomacy, embodied by the institution of ambassador; exer-tion of military force by modern armies; economic instruments toconsolidate inter-state relations or impose sanctions; balancing powerand its dynamics vi.a systems of alliances. States in the Middle Eaststate system since the end of WWII are a good example of institutionalstates and their employment of modern foreign policy tools. At thetime of writing the region is engulfed in a string of popular uprisingswhose outcomes might change the nature of the state in the MiddleEast and the foreign policy tools used. However, since the end ofcolonialism in the late 1950s and early 1960s, until very recent times,the Middle Eastern state system exemplifies our argument about theconnection between the institutional modern state and the type offoreign policy expected to be employed.f"

As already mentioned, quasi-states have very different capabilities.Their partial or even non-existent state apparatuses do not endowthe material capabilities enjoyed by institutional states to shape theirforeign policy environments. The foreign policy tools available toquasi-states often derive from the strong links forged by the regimewith international society, frequently the guarantor of their existence,as well as their ability to mobilize networks of support from elementsin global civil society. For instance, the governing regimes in quasi-states work within international agencies (e.g. the UN, World Bank,lMF) to promote their interests and also may engage with the multi-plicity of NGOs working with their countries; their relationships withthese latter can vary from shared complicity of purpose to friction andopposition. NGOs may work to promote their agendas, for example,through the .'drop the debt' campaign in 2000 on behalf of Africancountries. They may argue for diplomatic support for embattled.regimes, for example, conservative NGOs in Britain and the US in thecontext of apartheid in South Africa, maintaining that 'constructiveengagement' would be a less violent route to political change thansupporting the armed struggle promoted by left-leaning NGOS.


other times, however, NGOs can be strongly critical of the policies ofthese states, especially in the area of human rights and service deliveryto the poor. The dominant roles of foreign NGOs in many social ser-vices sectors during the extended national emergency in Mozambiquefrom the mid-1980s into the 1990s was criticized by elements ingovernment and by some foreign activists.46 Although it is clear that




74 FPA and the state

in many humanitarian disasters the state's capacity to provide for thelocal population is extremely limited if not non-existent - there isnonetheless a self-serving character to some foreign relief organizationswhich seems (somewhat perversely) to thrive on state weakness."

Clustered states, which exhibit elements of institutional states, butare more enmeshed in international and global structures, combineconventional use of modern foreign policy tools with a strong disposi-tion towards rnultilateralism. Precisely because these states have volun-tarily, although partially, pooled their sovereignty and authority inregional and sometimes global political frameworks, they are moreinclined than modern states to engage in multilateral foreign policy.This is manifest in how they cooperate with other states on a varietyof issues, in their frequent use of the myriad of global institutionsto pursue their goals, and in their adherence to international law.Notwithstanding the tensions experienced by the European Union (EU),it is a prime example of the disposition of clustered states towards amultilateral foreign policy in the context of working with global insti-tutions and heeding international law.

The relative (llIt01l0111Y of the state

As already mentioned, the institutional state derives its autonomy fromits unique positioning to deal with the exigencies imposed by interna-tional security competition, its monopoly over the means of violence,its ability to conduct surveillance of its citizens, and its extractiveapparatus, for example, system of taxation. It can be expected thatforeign policy decision making and implementation will reflect theserelatively autonomous dimensions of the state. The role played bythe coercive apparatus - military and internal security services - is thechief embodiment of the autonomy of the state. The state exhibitsautonomy from external and internal elements and, also, in the contextof foreign policy, a relative autonomy from government. This relativeautonomy generates tensions that are manifested in diverse ways, frominnocuous leaks from 'state' or 'government' officials, to the mostextreme case of government overthrow by the state in a militaryCOUp.48Thus, in the institutional state, foreign policy makers arerequired to manage the tensions generated by domestic societal sour-ces, the state's relative autonomy and inputs from the external envi-ronment. We return to this theme later in this chapter.

While institutional states have a sophisticated state apparatus,including near monopoly over the means of violence, the stale appa-ratus of quasi-states is partial at best. Thus, within the quasi-state the

FPA and the state 75

state's relative autonomy is related to regimes rather than whole states,which has an effect on foreign policy; their autonomy does not neces-sarily derive from the coercive means of violence and extraction.Extraction is derived not from a formal taxation system - the admini-strative apparatus to conduct this being too institutionally robust andcomplex - but rather through simpler rent-seeking conduct aimed pri-marily at foreigners and their corporate interests. Thus, the relativeautonomy of quasi-states derives primarily from the regime's accessto international society, the guarantor of the quasi-state. Access to aidand trade rents, and security guarantees from international societyallow the regime, via its foreign policy, to increase its relative auto-nomy from societal forces. Hence, the dependence of the quasi-state onthe external environment for maintaining its relative autonomy is morepronounced than in the case of an institutional state. Its foreign policydoes not reflect a balance between response to societal pressure, exter-nal inputs and its relative autonomy; more likely, the linkage betweenthe regime's relative autonomy and its dependence on access to exter-nal resources will override societal pressure. This lengthening distancebetween the quasi-state and society can be seen, for instance, in theaggressive imposition or harsh structural adjustment programmes uponpopulations by regimes in quasi-states whose primary source of legiti-macy is derived externally, from the IMF, or the willingness to hostforeign military forces to serve the regime's interests. Moreover, refle-cting regime disengagement from local society, foreign policy becomesdevoted essentially to managing these relations with external actorswith little or no regard for the consequences on society as a whole.

The relative autonomy of clustered states is different again, in that itis conditioned by their embedding in international and global politicalinstitutions. However, unlike quasi-slates, which are dependent onthese political frameworks, clustered states and international/globalinstitutions are in a mutually constitutive relationship. Thus, althoughthe quasi-state is less independent of external influences than the insti-tutional state, it is able to manipulate a position in the external envi-ronment that enhances its autonomy in relation to societal actors.Examples include the coordinated anti-terrorist legislation followingthe 9/11 attacks on the US, measures to prevent money laundering andthe limits imposed on immigration, all means through which clusteredstates have enhanced relative autonomy through embeddedness ininternational/global political frameworks. Foreign policy is designed toboth enhance the relative autonomy of the state from societal actorsand shape the external environment such that it e~1hances this relativeautonomy of the state.


76 FPA and the state

The external environment

Differences in foreign policy tools and the relative autonomy ofthe state have implications for how, analytically, we conceptualize theexternal environment of clustered, institutional and quasi-states. Wehave discussed above that clustered states exhibit a mutually consti-tutive relationship with the external environment. This has importantimplications for how FPA conceives of the relationship between theforeign policy of clustered states and the scope and nature of theexternal environment. We explore this question in depth in Chapter 6,which looks at foreign policy and globalization. Tn the meantime,suffice to say that we conceive the foreign policy of clustered states andthe external environment as mutually constitutive.

This does not apply to the institutional state. In the effort to main-tain territorial sovereignty the institutional state is exposed mainly tothe inputs generated by the external environment, and will play aninsignificant role in shaping that environment. In other words, thenational interest of the institutional state, however imperfectly defined,is shaped in the arena of the external environment, which, in turn isused by foreign policy to achieve specific goals. The institutional stateresponds to the inputs generated by socio-economic and military-political international structures, and the plurality of non-state actorsand forces operating in the system."? Finally, the quasi-state's foreignpolicy is aimed neither at changing the external environment nor at itsown specific environment. The aim of quasi-state foreign policy is touphold the supportive role of the external environment in maintainingin place this quasi-state status and survival of the regime.


This chapter examined the epistemological, ontological, conceptualand analytical tensions generated by the lack of a conception of statein FPA. We addressed these tensions by reconciling the I-IS literatureon the state, and FPA. We identified three state types: institutional,quasi- and clustered. We developed these different conceptions of stateand examined their implications for FPA based on the degree to whichthey possess material statehood, that is, the institutions comprisingstates and the extent to which they have authority over binding rulemaking and political force. The discussion demonstrates that explicitconceptions of state have significant implications for key understand-ings in FPA. The sections in this chapter explored the implicationsof different conceptions of the state for FPA and how state- society

FPA and the state 77

relations impact on foreign policy. We looked at their impact onconceptualizations of the external environment and suggested newways for rethinking how FPA understands why states exploit theirforeign policy tools. We believe that the discussion in this chapterresolves some of the tensions inherent in FPA based on poorly articu-lated conceptions of the state. We hope that our argument extends theconceptual and analytical canvas and allows FPA to account moreaccurately for why different types of states pursue different foreignpolicies.


6 Foreign policy, globalizationand the study of foreignpolicy analysis


Altbough the term 'globalization' has been in academic use since the1970s, no serious attem pts were made to theorize it until the late1980s. These attempts developed into a stimulating debate, comprisingwhat Held et aI., in their influential work Global Transfonnations,term globalization theory (GT). I Examination of what we deem tobe the best-known works, and most popular forums on globalizationreveals that foreign policy? - the sum of the external relations under-taken by an independent actor (usually a state) as part of internationalrelations - is virtually excluded from GT. 3 Similarly, as discussed inthe introduction to this book, students of FPA usually exclude GTfrom its matrix. In our view, the mutual exclusion of FPA and GT isproblematic. Foreign policy is seen usually as the quintessential'boundary' activity, at the interface between the domestic and theexternal spheres. While these spheres have never been completelyseparate, the boundary between them seems to have become moreporous as a result of globalization - a ntultidimensional contestedprocess that involves an increasing embedding of political, military,economic, social and cultural activities in politically unified (quasi)global spheres of activity.

There are numerous manifestations of this trend. For example, sincethe end of WWIJ, states have become gradually more embedded in aplethora of multilateral, global political institutions and military orca-nizations; 'national' economies increasingly are implanted into globalecononuc arenas such as trade and finance; and the information tech-nology revolution has made it very difficult for states to control infor-mation. This embedding has been forcefully illustrated in thecontroversy surrounding the dissemination of hundreds and thousandsof classified diplomatic cables on the WikiLeaks website.

Foreign policy, globalization and FP A 79

Throughout this book we have emphasized that foreign policy is anactivity that has relative autonomy, deriving from the roles of thedecision makers, bureaucratic politics or the state itself. Arguably, asan activity situated on the cusp between the domestic and externalenvironments, foreign policy will have a formative effect on theactivities occurring across the domestic-international-global nexus.In this context, the gap in contemporary IR theory, framed by' themutual theoretical and conceptual neglect of FPA and GT, is clearlysignificant.

The aim of this chapter isnot to try to close this gap, but to achievethe more modest aim of deriving from GT a conceptualization of thepossible role/s that foreign policy plays in the context of globalization.In our view, this would seem an essential first step towards facilitatinga broader debate that brings together GT and FPA. It is to be hopedthat such an encounter could lead the adherents to both bodies of lit-erature reworking some key concepts in light of what we would suggestis the mutually constitutive impact of globalization and foreign policy.For example, within FPA the literature on decision making andbureaucratic politics assumes, if unwittingly, that the state is a boundedentity. Whilst globalization does not entail an unravelling of the statefrom above it does suggest, as we shall see, that states are pooling theirsovereignty and authority to a greater degree than before. This meansthat decision making and bureaucratic politics are not merely locatedat the level of" the national executive, but in some cases are embeddedwithin global political frameworks. Referring to the classificationsidentified in Chapter 5, we would suggest that quasi- and clusteredstates are more exposed to this dynamic than are institutional states.A thorough examination of these implications is beyond the scope ofthis chapter, but we hope that our conception of the role/s of foreignpolicy in the context of globalization constitutes a concrete contribu-tion towards a debate that will engage with these issues.

The first great debate on globalization: implicationsfor foreign policy

Hyperglobatists vs. global sceptics

This section explores how the key approaches in GT - hyperglobalist,global-sceptic and transfonnationalist theses - conceptualize the causes,timeframe and impact on the state of globalization." This discu sion isgeared towards ascertaining how and to what extent the e theses mightaccount for foreign policy in conditions of globalization.


80 Foreign policy, globalization and FPA

We begin by examining the hyperglobalist thesis. This school ofthought emerged within a scenario of two processes that seemed tosweep' the world in the late 1980s and early 1990s: the revolution ininformation technologies, and the triumph of capitalism and a liberaldemocracy over rival political-economic models, for example, Fascismand Communism.P According to the hyperglobalist thesis, the emer-gence of a single global market, above all other factors, propels globa-lization. Correspondingly, globalization is conceived of as 'a new era inwhich peoples everywhere are increasingly subject to the disciplines ofthe global market place'i?

From this vantage point globalization is seen as having a significantimpact on the state. John Gray, for instance, contends that as a resultof globalization 'nation-states find themselves in an unfamiliar envir-onment in which the behaviour of global market forces is decreasinglypredictable or controllable'." This, he argues, reduces the leverage ofsovereign nation-states. Other hyperglobalists, such as Kenichi Ohmae,hold even more extreme convictions that 'economic globalization isconstructing new forms of social organization that are supplanting, orthat will eventually supplant, traditional nation-state as the primaryeconomic and political units of world society'."

J3y inference, the assertions made by the hypcrgloba list thesisregarding the nature and scope of globalization, its causes and itsimpact on the state, have dramatic implications for foreign policy.Foreign policy, a quintessentially political activity, is rendered extin-guished by technology and the emerging single market global economy.Thus FPA with its emphasis on the relative autonomy of foreignpolicy, is rendered incompatible with the hyperglobalist thesis, whichwould appear to reinforce the mutual exclusivity of FPA and GT.

The controversial arguments of the hyperglobalist thesis generated awave of critical writings. One of the most forceful critiques came fromwhat came to be known as the global-sceptic thesis.'! The global-scepticthesis sets out to critique a key hyperglobalist argument that thepost-CW world heralded a new epoch in human history driven by thelogic of a single market global economy and the information tech-nology revolution. To this end, global sceptics compare economic datafrom the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, for example, labourmobility across the globe, convergence of the world economy around asingle currency and freedom of trade. Based on this comparisonthey conclude that the late twentieth century does not repre ent a fun-damentally new era in the globalization of the economy. Theycontend that, in some respects, the late nineteenth-century worldeconomy was more globalized than the later twentieth-century

foreign policy, globalization and FPA 81

economy and that the former represented a new epoch in terms of theeffects generated by new technologies; the inventions of the telegraph,the steamboat and steam trains in the late nineteenth century areidentified as having generated similar if not greater social, economicand political effects to those produced by the IT revolution.

If globalization does not, as the hyperglobalists argue, represent anew era, then what does it reflect? Global sceptics contend thatthe hyperglobalist depiction of globalization is a myth designed toadvance the institutionalization of the neo-liberal economic project. 10

They argue that this has resulted in the discourse surrounding global-ization being framed by the assumption that the process has inevi-table consequences, which states ignore at their peril. Global scepticsare especially critical of the hyperglobalist argument that the logicof the global single market is dictating the winners and losersamong states.

What are the implications of an alternative sceptic account forinternational politics - and particularly foreign policy? Global scepticsargue that what hyperglobalists call globalization is in fact an intensi-fied phase in the internationalization of the world's powerful statesand their economies. Internationalization, like globalization, refersto a growing interdependence bctwc ')1 states, but internationalizationassumes states continue to be discrete national units with clearlydemarcated and mutually exclusive border of violence. 1 1 Borders ofviolence means that borders are not merely administrative divisions,but boundaries across which conflict may emerge. Through this prismthe state is conceived as entirely otherwise than in retreat. It is states,particularly the most powerful states, that define the scope and natureof globalization, rather than vice versa. In fact, the sceptics argue thatcontemporary internationalization reflects the political distribution ofpower among stronger and weaker states.

Conceptualizing the post-CW era as a form of internationalizationrather than globalization entails a different notion of foreign policythan the hyperglobalist thesis. In. contrast. to the hyperglobali taccount, foreign policy is not extinguished by the uncontrolled eco-nomic-technological forces driving globalization. Instead, by dint of itbeing a key state activity, foreign policy is at the heart of an essentiallystate-driven process of internationalization. Within this frameworkFPA would playa central role in explaining how foreign policy makingand its implementation affect contemporary internationalization.

At first glance this idea might seem compelling. However, the global-sceptic account exhibits a number of weaknesses that would seem toundermine its core argument. First, the contention that in term of the




82 Foreign policy, globalization and FPA

global economy and technological innovation the late nineteenth andlate twentieth centuries are fundamentally similar, is predicated onan extreme Eurocentric view. For the global south, these periods arenot comparable. In the late nineteenth century much of the globalsouth was under European domination. However, since the end of theCW countries comprising the global south, for example, India, havebecome formidable players in the world economy and internationalpolitics. Thus, the claim that for countries in the global south the latenineteenth and twentieth centuries represent a somewhat similar situa-tion is completely flawed.

Second, the global-sceptic account would seem to understate thedegree to which the transnational environment surrounding states hasbecome denser and more complex. The scope and nature of non-stateactors - from NGOs and MNCs, to terrorist groups, diasporas andthe environment, to global markets - presents to states an unprece-dentedly dense and complex environment. 12 The global-sceptic account,however, underestimates this shift, providing an inaccurate concep-tion of globalization, its causes and the possible implications lorforeign policy. It does not seem useful, therefore, for FPA to adoptglobal-sceptic propositions as the basis for an examination of foreignpolicy in conditions of globalization/intcrnationalization. Adoptinga sceptic position could result in FPA, similar to the global-scepticaccount, adopting an essentially Eurocentric view ancl understatingrecent changes in the transnational environment.

The transformationalist thesis: towards a third way?

The views within the global-sceptic thesis have prompted students ofglobalization to revisit the debate, resulting in a third strand focusedon the first great debate in globalization: the transformationalist thesis.The transformationalist thesis critically scrutinizes thc debate between.the hyperglobalists and global sceptics on globalization, its causes andimpact. As we mentioned in the introduction to this book, b~ the endof the 1990s this scrutiny had defined the contours of the first greatdebate on globalization and placed the transformationalist t.llesis at theforefront of what emerged as GT.13 There are three claims under-pinning the transformationalist account which are pertinent to thediscussion here. We examine each in turn to clarify their implicationsfor the activity of foreign policy in conditions of globalization.

The transformationalist thesis challenges the view that globali-zation is an economics-driven process and proposes in tead that it isdriven by a fundamental shift in the spatio-temporal constitution

Foreign policy, globalization and FPA 83

of human societies. For example, Held et al. define globalization as 'aprocess (or set of processes) which embodies a transformation in thespatial organisation of social relations and transactions - assessed interms of their extensity, intensity, velocity and impact - generatingtranscontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, inter-action and the exercise of power"!" Scholte, in turn, perceives globali-zation as 'deterritorialization', or the growth of 'supraterritorial'relations among people. IS Scholte emphasizes that globalization'refers to a far-reaching change in the nature; of social space'.16As noted earlier with reference to Rosenberg's work, tran formation-alists argue that the shift in the organization of tim and spacehas been so profound that it has revealed a retrospecti-.e and basiclacuna in the classical, territorially grounded tradition of ocial theory,which requires a new, post-classical social theory to be developed,in which the categories of space and time assume central, explanatoryroles. I?

Based on this spatio-temporal conception or globalization and itscau es, the transformationalist thesis provides an account of the impactof globalization on the state. Transformationalisrs stress the changesprompted by globalization, but recognize the state's capacity to adaptin the face of these changes and do not foresee a disappearance ofthe state from the various global arenas in which it operates. Theyemphasize also that, although not entirely controlled, globalizationis strongly politicized and is state regulated;" Transforrnationalistsprefer to discuss the trends generated by globalization in terms of atransformation of the 'state such that 'its powers, roles' and functionsare rearticulated, reconstituted and re-embedded at the intersection ofglobalizing and regionalizing networks and systems'."? Thus, they donot support the imminent demise of the state suggested by the hyper-globalists. Nor do they accept the global-sceptic view that the role ofstates in the global arena has remained essentially unchanged. Rather,the transformationalist thesis suggests .that, in reorganizing time andspace, globalization is redefining the territorial basis underpinningthe political order of the sovereign nation-state, and its correspon-ding Westphalian international order, compelling states to transformand adapt. 20

Although the transformationalist account of the impact of globali-zation on the state is more nuanced than the hyperglobalist and global-sceptic theses, it does not help to explain foreign policy in conditionsof globalization. The' problem lies in the fact that similar to thehyperglobalist thesis the transformationalist approach conceives of thestate as external and counter-positioned to contemporary


84 Foreign policy, globalization and FPA

globalization. Also, foreign policy, as a key state acuvity and as amajor embodiment of the state in the global arena, is rendered externaland counterpoised to globalization. Furthermore, the ontological pri-macy that the transformationalist thesis attributes to time and spacerenders foreign policy subordinated in some essential way to the logicprescribed by the spatio-temporal processes driving globalization. Inontological terms, this formulation is problematic: it implies that mostgovernment political action not aimed at harnessing globalization isdoomed to fail. It suggests also that traditional foreign policy, whichtends to assume the primacy of the political, is ubsumcd by spatio-temporal processes and is barely relevant. Hence, the transformation-alist thesis is somewhat fatalistic about the prospects lor the politicalmanagement of globalization and underestimates the degree of choiceopen to governments." It follows from this that, viewed throughthe transformationalist prism, foreign policy and the study of FPAhave virtually no role in the debate over globalization.

This perception is reinforced by how the transformationalist thesisconceives of the relationship between globalization anc, internationalpolitics - understood as the interactions among state actors, acrossstate boundaries, that have a specific political content and character.ThL: tr<lllsf(1rm;ltion.dist thesis converges around the asxurupt ion that,at some historical junctures, most notably the late nineteenth century,globalization and international politics were mutually constitutive. Forins.tance, Held et a!. argue that 'the rapidly developing empires ofBritain and of other European states were the most powerful agents ofglobalization'." However, the transformationalist thesis suggests thatinternational politics and globalization after the age of empire areat odds because the economic and spatio-temporal transformationsgenerated by globalization corrode the contemporary territorial-basedinternational ystern of states. Thus, Ro enau argues that global-izanon 'allows peoples, information, norms, practices, and institutions,to move about oblivious to or despite boundarics'i+' The trans-'formationalisrs argue further that contemporary 'non-territorialglob~lization generates a transformation that is replacing the West-phalian international order with a multi-layered system of globalgovernance 111 which sub-state, inter-state, supra-state and privategovern~nce bodies operate simultaneously, beyond the confines ofstates'i-:' In t!lese accounts, international politics (after the age ofempire), predicated on the territorially based international systemof states. IS subsumed by non-territorial globalization. Foreign policy.a consurunve element within international politics, is perceived insimilar terms.

Foreign policy, globalization and FP A 85

A mutually constitutive thesis of globalization: implicationsfor foreign policy

So far, the first great debate on globalization does not seem to con-tribute to the conceptualization of the possible role/s of foreign policyin the context of globalization. The hyperglobalist thesis implies that l

foreign policy is extinguished by economic and technological forces.'The transformationalist thesis suggests that the state - and by exten-sion foreign policy - is compelled to change according to the logicprescribed by a radical transformation in the organization of time andspace. If globalization were (0 be understood as gcneratir g these typesof conditions, it would be conceived as rendering foreign policy insig-nificant, leaving little room for FPA to contribute to our understandingof global processes.

We reject this suggestion. In the remainder of this chapter werehearse an argument that should constitute a fourth thesis of globali-zation: the mutually constitutive thesis. This thesis builds on the bodyof knowledge drawn on in Chapter 5 to develop the notion of thecI ustered state." Based on a three-pronged critique of the hyperglob-alist and transformationalist theses, we argue that this literatureconstitutes the foundation for a mutually constitutive thesis of globali-zation. We explain this thesis with the aim or deriving the possiblerole/s or-foreign policy in the context of globalization.

A first critique is that the transformationalist and hyperglobalisttheses attribute ontological primacy to spatio-temporal and to eco-nomic elements respectively, in conceptualizing globalization and itscauses. In contrast, a neo-Weberian view or the mutually constitutivethesis is' not concerned with establishing ontological primacy, but con-siders globalization as a multi-centric, multidimensional and dialecticalprocess constituted by political and military factors alongside otherelements - economic, technological, ecological, social, etc. A neo-Weberian ontology, by denying primacy to anyone element, allowsforeign policy to be conceived as one among several constituents ofglobalizariorr"

A second criticism concerns the conceptualization of the relationshipbetween globalization and the state. Hyperglobalists see globalizationrendering the state increasingly irrelevant whilst transforrnationali tstake the more moderate view that globalization compels states totransform. Thus, the hyperglobalist and transformationalist thesesconverge around the assumption that the state is external and counter-positioned to contemporary globalization. This conceptualization isrejected by the mutually constitutive thesis. Shaw, for instance, argues


86 Foreign policy, globalization and FP A

that 'globalization does not undermine the state but includes thetransformation of state forms. It is both predicated on and producessuch transformations';" This claim encapsulates the perception ofglobalization-state relations in the mutually constitutive thesis ofglobalization. It considers that globalization is both predicated on andproduces transformations within the state, in a relationship that rendersthe two mutually constitutive.P

This conceptualization i pertinent to our discussion Lecause mostaccounts of foreign policy recognize that it is driven centrally by thestate.i? Correspondingly, if the relationship between globalization andthe state is mutually constitutive, then foreign policy and globalizationare also mutually constitutive. As an embodiment of state activity,foreign policy can be conceived as a key site of states' political actionswhil t responding to the challenges and opportunities presented byglobalization. Israel and Egypt offer interesting examples of how statesmight make use of foreign policy in the context of globalization. Bothstates carried out a dramatic shift in their traditional foreign policy,partly with the aim of using the shift to embed their countries' nationaleconomies in global spheres of activities. In the case of Egypt, thedecision to sign and maintain its 1979 peace agreement with Israel,ending three decades or hostility and live wars, was inextricably linkedto the aim of opening up Egypt's economy through the infitah reforms.Since then, Egypt's economy has relied more than in the past on for-eign sources of income, for instance, US and foreign aid, tourism andgrowing levels 0(' foreign direct investment. Israel's decision to engagein the Oslo Process with the Palestine Liberation Organization, alterthree decades of mutual negation, exhibits a similar logic. Initiating thepeace process was inextricably linked with embedding the Israeli econ-omy in global spheres of activity, particularly in creating the politicalconditions that allowed Israeli companies to penetrate emergingmarkets in Asia."

The third critique within the mutually constitutive approach of thehyperglobalist and transformationalist theses relates to their con-ceptualization of the relationship between international politics andglobalization. As noted above, the hyperglobalist and transformation-alist theses concede that during the age of empire, globalization andinternational politics were mutually constitutive. However, the adventof non-territorial globalization counter-positions these elements. Themutually constitutive thesis of globalization proposes a different way tounderstand the interrelationship between globalization and interna-tional politics. Namely, since the age of empire." to the CW, to theglobal war on terror,32 international politics has had a dialectical effect

Foreign policy, globalization and FPA 87

of contributing simultaneously to globalization and fragmentation.Since the hyperglobalist and transformationalist theses focus on thefragmenting effects generated by international politics, we would high-light their constitutive role in globalization and the place of foreignpolicy in this process. We focus on the CW, because therein lie thesources of contemporary globalization and within it the formative roleof foreign policy.

Tn Chapter 5 we suggested that the intra-systemic dynamics under-pinning the CW gave birth to a political, military, economic and legalinstitutional framework that underpins the west. This institutionalagglomeration constitutes what we term a global cluster. States com- .prising the grouping are described as clustered tates. The emergence ofthe global cluster and the political-military forces driving this processare at the heart of our account of how international politics andglobalization are mutually constitutive, especially in terms of explain-ing the shift from internationalization to globalization.

As already described, internationalization presumes that while socialrelations expand states remain discrete national units within clearlydemarcated and mutually exclusive borders of violence. In !'[Iese terms,the notion of internationalization espouses the effects gci.erated bythe expansion of social relations to the global scale duri g the con-solidation of European empires. This period, as already noted, wit-nessed an expansion in social relations such that hyperglobalists andtran formationalists consider it the starting point of contemporary,non-territorial globalization.

The mutually constitutive thesis 0(' globalization emphasizespolitical-militarist processes and challenges the view that the age ofempire was a form of non-territorial globalization. As Mann andothers observe, the process of imperial consolidation was accompaniedby the naturalization of civil societies into nation-states, 'caged by statesovereignty and boundaries'. Correspondingly, an inter-imperialorder emerged in which each European nation-state empire was itselfa world order exhibiting its own authority structure, trade regime,dominant language and culture.P Thus, the hyperglobalists and trans-formationalists might argue that during the consolidation of empires,social relations might have become global. However, as 'caged','border-power-containing', .iation-state-empire forms, operating withinan inter-imp .rial order, states remained discrete, bordered nationalunits. This means that the expansion of social relations during the ageof empire could not have been more than internationalization.

For globalization to emerge a change in the political structure ofsocial relations was required. Such a shift entails erosion of the


88 Foreign policy, globalization aud FPA

national discreteness of states separated by the demarcated andmutually exclusive borders of violence that characterized the nation-state-empire form and its corresponding international order. Thegradual replacement of the inter-state imperial order by the globalcluster generated that eroding effect. The emergence of this institu-tional framework prompted states voluntarily - if partially - topool their sovereignty and use political force, at least in the externalsphere, to form a raft of international political and military institu-tions. This worked to eliminate the borders of violence between statesand prompted a pooling and coordination of authority and the use ofpolitical force in a range of international institutions. So much so, thatstate engaged in what Ikenberry and Deudney refer to as 'securityco-binding' or an 'attempt to tie one another down by locking eachother into institutions that mutually constrain one another'." In theprocess of this erosion of state boundaries, states were 'uncaged' (toparaphra e Mann), and driven to reducing the 'statization' of theireconomies, societies and cultures.

As a result of the changing international political structure, theexpansion of social relations to a global scale through the activities ofprivate, sub-state and supra-state entities, was taking place within analtered international political context. The previous borders of violencebetween component states were eliminated, a raft of internationalpolitically integrated institutions was established, and an interlockinggeopolitical and economic context bound a core group of' capitalistliberal-democratic states. Under these conditions, and unlike the periodof imperial consolidation, the expansion or social relations was notconditioned by a politically fragmented, international political frame-work. Instead, social relations expanded within a politically unifiedsphere generated by the global cluster of states. The term 'unifiedpolitical sphere' does not suggest that this realm was free of politicalpressure. For instance, the fact that a plurality of states comprised this.sphere generated some frictions. Differences in the west over the USwar with Vietnam and its involvement in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war aretwo examples.

However, the global cluster is generally regarded as being politicallyunified given the pooling of sovereignty, the elimination of borders ofviolence and the instatement of a global layer of international institu-tions. It is against this political-military backdrop that the key finding ofthe transformationalist thesis - that the extensity, intensity and impactof globalizaiton increased since the end of WWII - needs to be under-stood. This expansion of social relations within an altered politicalspace created the conditions for the rise of contemporary globalization.

Foreign policy, globalization and FPA 89

Within this view, the rise of contemporary globalization takes on adifferent character to that depicted by the hyperglobalist and transfer-rnationalist theses. Spatio-ternporal and economic-technological pro-cesses are not the key driving forces of the rise of contemporaryglobalization. It is the politico-military processes underpinning theemergence of the global cluster that lie at the heart of contempo-rary processes of globalization. In this account the significance offoreign policy is its contribution to defining the interface betweeninternational politics and globalization. A core group of- liberal, capi-talist and democratic states lies at the heart of the global cluster. AsMann and others argue, these states were united in term of theirglobal interests, and similar in terms of their capitalist and nation-statestructures, and their trade and investment with each other dominatedthe world economy, all of which created a broad consensual foundationfor negotiations over international arrangernents"

Under the pretext of modernization and development and, later,promotion of democracy, western state used foreign policy to produceand sustain liberal spaces." Liberal space meant expanding economicand to a lesser extent political liberalism, with the purpose of creatingdemocratic subjects, and institutions to administer them. In this respectforeign policy convergence within the core of the global cluster, aroundmaintaining political-military pooling and expansion or liberal spaces,provided the necessary political-military conditions to sustain theglobal cluster and the resultant rise of contemporary globalization.By the same logic, contemporary globulization reinforces the foreignpolicy. stance of political-military integration within the we t and theexpansion of liberal spaces.


This chapter examined globalization theory in terms of the rolels offoreign policy in the context of globalization. The key theses compris-ing the first great debate on globalization are unhelpful. The assump-tion in the global-sceptic account tha.LQQn.temporary globalizationis merely an advanced form of internationalization suffers from aEurocentric bias and also understates the density anaGomplexity ofthe global environment in the first decade of the twenty-first century.The hyperglobalist and transformationalist theses of globalization aresimilarly not helpful. They render foreign policy respectively as insig-nificant or subordinated to the economic-technological and spario-temporal forces they identify as underpinning globalization. Foreignpolicy, essentially a political activity, is rendered insignificant. Since it


90 Foreign policy, globalization and FP A

affords almost no significance to foreign policy in the context of glo-balization GT in its current form leaves little room for FPA to con-tribute to 'our understanding of global processes and the rolels foreignpolicy might play in them. . .

Our proposed mutually constitutive thesis of globalization, on theother hand, opens a new agenda for foreign policy, globalization andthe study of FPA. We do not conceive economic-technological orspatio-ternporal forces as key factors prompting the rise of global.iza-tion. In fact, our approach i predicated on the assumption that It IS

unhelpful to assign ontological primacy to anyone factor. Instead, weemployed a neo-Weberian ontology, stressing the plurality of factorsconstituting globalization. Through this prism, we conceive of thecauses and impact of globalization somewhat differently from howthe hyperglobalists and transformationalists envisage this phenomenon.Globalization, the state, and by extension foreign policy, are notcounter-positioned. Rather, there is mutually constitutive relationshipbetween globalization, the state and foreign policy. In addition, theexpansion of social relations alone does not account for the rise ofcontemporary globalization and its impact. Rather, it is the CO/1Ver-gence between the expansion of social relations - economic, culturaltechnological - and the consolidation of a politically unified globalcluster during the CW that gives rise to contemporary globalizationand its impact. In other words the expansion of social relations has tobe accompanied by a change in the political structure of social rela-tions for globalization to emerge.

From this vantage point, foreign policy appears to have two form-ative roles in the context of globalization. First, it constitutes a key sitefor political action tates might use to seize the opportunities and meetthe challenges posed by globalization. Second, as a formative activityof international politics it shapes the interface between internationalpolitics and globalization. We have shown that the core liberal statescomprising the global cluster pursued a coherent and consistent foreignpolicy stance that proved crucial in creating the conditions sustainingthe global cluster and enabling the rise of contemporary globalizationand its liberal-capitalist imprint. Admittedly, an examination of howforeign policy impacted on globalization in the context of the globalwar on terror might show that it generated a rather different effect.Nevertheless, we hope we have conveyed that ignoring foreign policyresults in partial accounts of how globalization and internationalpolitics interact.

In placing foreign policy at the core of the production and repro-duction of contemporary globalization, the mutually constitutive thesis

Foreign polic y, globalization and FPA 91

of globalization has key implications for FPA. Through this prism,globalization emerges as a process that involves a much greater degreeof human agency than the alternative theses of globalization wouldacknowledge. With human agency afforded a greater role in globaliza-tion, employing FPA and its insights on the processes of decisionmaking would enhance our understanding of the causes and impactof globalization.

The mutually constitutive thesis of globalization also has a con-ceptual implication for FPA. Several notions in FPA - from decisionmaking, through bureaucratic politics, to notions of the externalenvironment - are informed (if implicitly) by the assumption that thestate is a bounded entity. Of course, as Chapters 4 and 5 show, FPAsees the boundary between the domestic and external environments asporous, but the state is conceived of as a bounded actor, which as thischapter has demonstrated, is far from the case. The elimination ofborders of vioience within the global cluster, the pooling of sovereigntyand authority, and the creation of a global layer of state institutions,suggests that states affected by globalization are becoming increasinglyembedded in global spheres of activities. Arguab'y, this constitutes acontext different from that obtaining when the core areas of FPAinvestigation were formulated during the CW Therefore, FPA shouldreconsider some of its key conceptions and adapt them to an environ-ment affected by the conditions of globalization. Lastly, FPA has muchto contribute to the empirical study of foreign policy in the context ofglobalization as articulated by the mutual constitutivi thesis. Thisresearch agenda could include such themes as the impact of globaliza-tion on the foreign policy of particular states, how states use foreignpolicy as a political site of action to capture the opportunities and seizethe challenges globalization presents, and the role of foreign policy inshaping the scope and nature of globalization.


7 Foreign policy and change


Change is a neglected aspect of the study of foreign policy. Similar tothe field of JR, which famously was not able to account for the rapidevents that precipitated the ending of the CW in 1989, FPA tells uslittle about the Sources and conditions that give rise to significantalteration to state foreign policy. This shortcoming is highlighted byCharles Hermann in his call for a greater intezrarion of 'chance and

• 0 _ b

dynamics in theories of foreign policy', t and despite a few theo'rehcaldevelopments since then, this statement, by and large, still holds. Thisfailure to incorporate change into FPA is important and, amongstother things, undermines the disciplinary claims that FPA enablesdeeper interpretation of international politics through its focus on theforeign policy process.

. The relatively static depiction of foreign policy in much FPA in part

)is a reflection of the field's primary concern for decision making '~IS

"process. The state and its foreign policy institutions are seen by aca-demics essentially as given and timeless, subject to no more thanincremental change. The only areas of FPA scholarship that, at leastnotionally, recognize that these conditions do not always hold arethose concerned with the impact of crisis conditions on foreign policydecision making. These works tend to assume (notwithstanding USSecretary of Defense Robert McNamara's comments that all foreignpolicy is crisis management), however, that with the reversion to 'nor-malcy', ~'tablish~d procedures and their concomitant srru tures reas-sert their places in the foreign policy process." In related fields, suchas political scien e and international political economy, which addressaspects or foreign poky change, foreign policy is not necessarily s 'en0)' tho se outside IR as bing tied to FPA while FPA practitioners arenot aware of the work on foreign policy change outside their narrow

Foreign policy and change 93

disciplinary ambit. Recognizing and integrating the insights derivedfrom these various sources is crucial for a fuller understanding of theprocess of change and its impact on foreign policy.

There have been several definitions proposed for the notionof change in relation to foreign policy. In general, foreign olicychange comprises two main ty es of change: ta-cti~al a~d' strategic.Tactical change in state fOreJgn policy - '~i1at H~~1ndeScribes asadjustment an-d- !:.,}m«-chaQ~,. - constitutes shifts within' theestablished framework of policies that focus mostly on methods andinstruments~ Strategic ;h'ange -oescribed 'bYHenr.ann as problem/goalancni1Tefnational orientation - involves more fundamental shifts in,,~'-~~lic~ b~se9 'ona' re-examination of foreign policy goals ;nd~he~~!1~:s position in. the international system} Examination of theplace of change in foreign policy can be achieved by analysing thechange and its impact at the levels of the individual, of state institu-tiQn. d of the politicar-regime, whichshed light on differ;t;'spectsof the process. The role of agency, usually embodied in an individualactor, is a common thread in all these accounts. At the same time,these approaches have some limitations that call for consideration ofconstructivism as a source for understanding the meaning and rocessof foreign policy change. '-------"---,- - -- .'-

The individual and change in foreign policy

JAn explicit focus on the role of the individual and change in foreignpolicy. is quite novel. David Welch's work, Painful Choices: A Theoryof Foreign Policy Change (2005), is one of the few efforts to broach thistopic systematically. Welch tries to understand the diverse sources offoreign policy change by examining a set of approaches ranging fromcognitive and motivational psychology to organizational theory andprospect theory. Underpinning the broad perspective ado ted byWelch is the belief that chang in forei n olicy is not common ~11dwhen it does oCQur, is in direct relati~ t~" the~cisio; ~;kers:perceptions of loss." In- o tllerwords, change is-most likely-to occu-;-insituatIOns whereToreign policy decision maker- are fearful that con-

.•.I/i tinuing with the prevailing approach will likely come at a considerable~I cost. Welch says that:

1\ foreign policy is most likely to change dramatically when leadersexpect the status quo to generate continued painful los .es, States

)will not alter their behaviour simply to try to realize ome mar-ginal gain. The clearest signals of an impending' change are


94 Foreign policy and change

desperation, stridency and distress. The choice for change willoften carry with it a risk of even greater loss - a risk of loss sogreat that, in many cases, no rational actor would accept it5

Taking this statement as his point of departure, Welch reasserts theroles of the individual and of psychological factors in the decision-making process that is at the centre of an analysis of the sources andimpacts of change on foreign policy. Ij~ suggest~ that. this jll?proa~hsidesteps the necessity to understand the s~m~tural_i!:!1 edill~~..!~tsin1 osed by Hates, regimes and-norms~on il}.9iviQ.Ufl!~jn gjsmissill.g allstate behaviour as the product ofhu;11an decisions.? His assertion ofhuman agency as the single object of an analysis, that the internationalsystem is essentially static and that the study of international politicsneeds only to develop a generalized theory of change to capture therequisite characteristics of international politics, in many L~§ ects il)~)Qnarrow. The emphasis on individual agency and irlsulITcicl1t recognition

, oft11e' structural autonomy that institutions and normative practices1/'I assume - irrespective of their being generated and staffed by humanI beings -limits the interpretative power of what otherwise is an impor-~ tant corrective to the FPA literature.

Linking Welch's insights to the work of role theory on the foreignpolicy orientations of leaders suggests that the PQssibilj"t.\~~_.~£...foreign policy change reside in the particular personality !raits of cer-- -- .. 7tain leadership types when confronted by challenging circumstances.Although these types of leaders are subject to structural constraints atboth the domestic and regional or systemic levels, the le.idership role iscentral to the determination of a state's foreign policy. For instance, an'expansionist' foreign policy orientation could likely respond better tothe prospects of loss through the pursuit of a radical reorientation offoreign policy than a 'mediator-integrator' oriented strategy. Charis-matic leaders (although this trait does not feature explicitly in roletheory) are able to mobilize societies to support a range of otherwisecontroversial and costly foreign and domestic policy objectives." JohnF. Kennedy's assertions that Americans would 'pay any price, bear anyburden' in the pur uit of an activist foreign policy of containment ofcommunism around the globe was echoed in Fidel Castro's commit-ment of Cuba's support of various revolutionary movements in LatinAmerica and Africa.

However, there is clearly further scope for assessing the role of changein foreign policy. Drawing on relevant scholarly ources.jn tile [itera-t~lre <.?n'I~rni.llg:_tllere are insights il1!0 the part that individualleader~play I!1 facilitating the foreign policy choices that embrace. change.'

Foreign policy and change 95

Inspired by the evident part played by Mikhail Gorbachev in instigat-ing major change in the Soviet Union's foreign and domestic policies,scholars have sought to assess the degree to which decision makersengage in learning, and the extent to which they integrate what theyhave learned into their strategic thinking and acuon in relation toforeign policy. In line with the work on social learning in psychology,learning is a substantive departure from a previous position, or adap-tation, or a tactical shift in foreign policy conduct: much of the debatein this literature focuses on these distinctions. 10 This account privilegessharp, dramatic changes in foreign policy while downplaying the pos-sibilities of gradual change, over an extended period, which may resultin equally fundamental shifts in foreign policyThekind.of incremental socialization that is_ res~ntl . ,ltrating

Chin 's.[Qreigu...-PQlicy, for example, is not W-~llcailllIIed b conyen-tiona I approaches to learning. According to W<!!! J~i, China's foreignp-licyJl~ ul1aergone lncrelnental change, !_hrough a series.~Uour stepsaccoml2lishcd over a period of severa! ye~~'~:adoption of a new defini-tion of security, an orientation to multilateralism rather than bilateral-_ .. - -. - - .!_the impact of economic development and chan~es tQ...~,lte.Y.alues.The summative effect of this cautious and deliberative process is aChinese grand strategy for the twenty-first century. In this contex~,a focus on leade[shi~~~~ !l1_aina~ent,_~fXoreig..npoTicy·change-ratherthan politica'! regG' (or, in th~~ of <;:;l!i~~~a oliticllRarty) andchangll1g ll1stitutional racQces,~Tl)J:!.sk:~_the source of chr.ngeand theJ2!ocess_.b which it occur~. Moreover, it is clear that the divisionbetween learning and· adaptation obscures the active interplay betweenpolicy formulation and implementation, which produces a continuousfeedback loop ill the actual practice of foreign policy. 12 The gradualisttransformation of European foreign policies produced the MaastrichtTreaty and the establishment of the European External Action Service(both instigated by choices made at the top, but strongly embeddedvia the functionalist integration approach adopted by the earliestinstitutional manifestations of the Europe; n Union), are examplesof institutional forms or foreign policy change.1J

One dimension of learning in foreign policy that has received scho-larly attention is the use of history by decision makers. Accordingto Y'lll£. v 'ye~:ggerger, fQreign P.Q.!.iI;..dec: iOJ} maker are 'intuitive~~ who tlJIn to his] ry to l1]ana e cOillP:exit .ideniifypolicy alternatives.!" Historical analogies are employed as framingdevlcesfo-I1e p decision makers identify the foreign policy situationsthey face - the proverbial 'definition of the ituation' - and possiblepolicy solutions.'> While some presentations of foreign policy analogie


96 Foreign policy and change

from history are designed primarily to mobilize the public - the mostfrequent being the 'Munich analogy' applied by western leade:-sto support aggressive foreign policy action against non-democraticstates - it would be a substantial mjsinterpretation to understand allsuch applications of history as merely instrul11cnta,list. Yoon FoongKhong argues persuasively that foreign policy de~ls,on m~kers resortto historical analogies to fulfil a number of cognitive functions as wellas to help them define situations, assess the political stakes and suggestpossible elutions. Hi torical analogies have also been used to evaluatepol\, 'J r~~ r\PiIQ l~ 'In lilY h. als Qf [,f '~l ~otloutll~r,lU', ·vnlllJ.'l m rul~W~,I y flH9 r~r \ll~(;; WMI )ng~"r~Ci \1I)1III \,hHlj; ri, lj

A leader's search for foreign policy options that simultaneously pro-vide insights into international events and the possibilities for theirpositive resolution can set a new course, for state foreign policy. Fromthis perspective, history does much of ·the 'hard work' involved in theforeign policy decision-making process by providing a reservoir ofmeaningful experience that facilitates the interpretation of interna-tional politics and from which plausible policy options can be con-structed, while concurrently managing risk for the decision makersand providing an emotional crutch in situations of deep politicaluncertainty.

State institutions, domestic structures and foreign policy changeThe important part played by state institutions in the foreign policyprocess - whether the formulation, interpretation or implementation ofpolicy - has been acknowledged in the chapters in this book. Th~..Qliesof bureaucratic politics emphasize the ..agencY_Q().\a\s; ins(itlltio'!i.i!l. tl efQjej'gl;-p~licy decision-making- process; other theory is exploited toexami~;t·he·iilfli.ieiice of state institutions on foreign policy through theimplementation of foreign policy aims.'? However, the seminal workon state institutions - Uison's bureaucratic politics - strongly ..suggeststhat there are structural obstacles to change that are embedded withinthe routines and processes _adopted by organizations. This assessmentof foreign policy institutions, while appropriate for a number ?f casesand settings, is too one-dimensional. In the broader context of foreignpolicy change, state institutions can be the 9~!l!al s.o_L.!.!:c.e~.9r.~11.iillge_in.foreign policy and sites for competition over new policy Ideasadvocating change and their attendant new strategies.

Domestic structures can provide clues to the possibilities of changeand the obstacles to change within a given polity. The distribution ofauthority. between state and society working through the operational

Foreign policy and change 97

constraints of domestic institutions and politics, is an important partof assessing not only when foreign policy changes, but the process of

',.,.change itself.18 For H~i, forei&':l olicy restr.m;lliring is as, depen~nt. upon t!!.e~.egree to. which t_heyate. is involved and 'penetrated' .by thee~ernal ~.!~il9l111]ent, as it. is UPOI}thp person of the leadership andthe nature __oLthe policy-making process.'? Holsti's inclusive approachto foreign policy change anticipates many of the insights that are thebasis of neo-classical realism. ;l

An integrative account of state institutions, domestic structures andf r lgn pellcy chan c draws on the literature on norm cycles andldentlty politics in relation to foreign policy change. Barnett's analysisof how skilful 'policy entrepreneurs' are able to re-frame identity issueswithin a specific institutional context in order to embark on dramaticforeign policy shifts, provides a theoretically eclectic treatment of for-eign policy change which reasserts the role of agency.-? It is the policyentrepreneur's ability to recognize opportunities created by crises andsystemic developments that serve to discredit exisung foreign policyapproaches and open up space for new ideas, a reorientation of goalsor a reconsideration of methods. Blavoukos and Bourantonis point outthat it is not inevitable that crises induce the jettisoning of 'orthodox'foreign policy and its replacement with radical new approaches. Policyentrepreneurs are motivated by a willingness to accept that significantgains may not be immediately realized and it is their capacity to workwithin the constraints of prevailing domestic parameters to achievethese aims that distinguishes them.?!

Joe Hagan's investigation into the strategies adopted by leadersto 'retain power - for example, mobilization, insulation andaccommodation - within the competitive environment of domesticpoli tics demonstrates how the nature of the domestic structure and theposition of political actors within that structure, exercises a determin-ing significant impact on the responsiveness of governments to thesesystemic-level drivers of foreign policy change.F In _some_.~ses, E'2!ic

IIentrepreneurs can alter the institutional constraints to"Cllan~_p_osed 9Ydomestic structures~d consolidate J.!1~proposed foreign policy chan-ges,' by means of national referendums or constitutional reforms.

.• From a different angle, he' -sOliices ·of resistance to change withinstate institutions may be related to the level of bureaucratic ernbedd-edness in the decision-making process, through the roles played bysocialization, procedural scripts and cultural rationales.P JudithKaarbo's work delineates the conditions under which bureaucraticminorities are able to resist change, for instance, by mobilizing proce-dural rules and practices to delay or distort the original intentions of


• j·)I'••tttt

98 Foreign policy and change

particular policies which they see as being in some way against theirinterests."

One example of bureaucratic resistance to foreign policy change wa,sthe deliberate thwarting of French President Francois Mitterrand scommitment to dissolve the Ministry of Cooperation, seen by manyacademic and political observers as a reservoir of paternalist colonialpractices and networks that damaged French national int~rests.~5Mitterrand the leader of the Socialist Party, was elected president 1111981, swept into office partly as a result of the scandal surrounding theclose links of his predecessor with a reviled African dictator, the self-styled Emperor Bokassa. His attempts to the Ministry ofCooperation were unsuccessful. Despite the appoll1tment o~ a recog-nized critic to lead the Ministry of Cooperation, the ability of theministry'S bureaucrats to resist institutional change and, concU1:rently,to mobilize African support to oppose these fundamental alterallOl:s ~othe structure of Franco-African relations and also support from withinMitterrand's political circles, the process was doomed. Significantinstitutional change took another 30 years.

Under some circumstances, state institutions can serve as sites forboth competing ideas on foreign policy and direct confrontationbetween competing domestic political actors. An excellent example ofthis was the experience of the incoming ~Jrican. NationaL ~o~gress(ANC) .~o_v~r£!!!!..e~!.J.rl..Qo.~H!P.arJ:~idSouth ..-:Vrica .. ~he majon ty ofthe bureaucrats in the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) hadbeen appointed by the National Party - the party that had promul-gated apartheid - which meant that the i~litia_l/esid,ual ~~SISt~lI!~~oinpl~~nt'.!lg ANC P.21..!f:tl?.r~s_91ptJQ.n_s_.w~s-,q~Yljdble. This WdS.

despite the fact that there had been significant contact In al~vallce. 01the forming of a government of national unity in April 1994 includinga conference, which provided an opportunity for joint-framing of post-apartheid foreign policy and produced a remarkable degree of con-vergence of views on a range of international topics.

One of the areas where there were differences, however, was recog-nition of previous important ANC allies during the armed struggle,

, namely Cuba, Libya and the_yeogle's Republic of China ....ANC~ appointees to the DFA, while better connected to President NelsonI Mandela, leader of the ANC, were struggling to acclimatize themselvesto government bureaucratic procedures and, in the context of a g~v-crnrnent of national unity, were obliged to work alongside aparthel~-era bureaucrats. The latter had a distinct, advanta e 1!l..Lrms. of theirfamiliarity with established procedures, and were able to manipulate itto block foreign policy initiatives from above. For instance, the top

• r) >,' \ _) <--" Ur, tv "," v- •.A DO~)..._J!.Y ) ). . Foreign policy and change 99

National ~arty-apPointed civil servant within the DFA was in favourotretaining'ties \vif11The Republic of China or Taiwan, a~d reportedlyused his seniorposition to blOCKdiscuSSion at higher levels withingo::er~lm~!V.2f .a·nY_positions advocating it s;""~tc!~.ior~~9gnition Qf thePeople's Republic of China. - -il iViauals are not the only foreign policy actors that can learn from

history: foreign policy institutions also actively engage in learning,through the self-conscious establishment of 'lessons learned' unitswithin state ministries of foreign affairs and defence ministries, and theUN Department of Peacekeeping Operations. The core of the militaryciences is founded on an institutionalized form of learning fromhistory through a curriculum involving constant review (and refighting)of historical military events and practices. In this context, the role ofmilitary academies and leaders drawn from that tradition deservegreater scholarly attention. These institutions' incrementalist responsesto perceptions of threat - through curriculum development, trainingprogrammes or other learning outcomes - demonstrate a measure ofcommitment to incorporating change within the confines of organiza-tional structures."

'Epistemic communities', the network of knowledge-based expertswho share a common outlook, methodology and set of normativecommitments, are linked to institutionally based foreign policychange.P The ability of these communities to manage the highly tech-nical requirements of a particular subject area - for example, nucleararmaments and programmes - provides them with a potentially highlevel. of influence over key foreign policy decisions. As was demonstra-ted in debates over the expansion of arms programmes in the US andEurope in the 1980s, and in the build-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003,these experts can have a significant impact on foreign policy choice.I?

In this respect, institutional theory can be usefully applied to FPA,since it provides a depiction of the relationship between politicalbehaviour and institutional impact and the structuring of foreignpolicy choice. 3D An in-depth examination of institutional theory andaccompanying debates is beyond the scope of this chapter, but the'principal-agent' debate is particularly interesting for FPA because ofits insights on state conduct and international institutions. Principal-agent theory points to the limits of the principals' interests and influ-ence over an implementing agent based on the former's informationand preferences.>' The scholarship on the U and regional organiza-tions such as the EO, suggest that these international institutionsaccrete increasing levels of autonomy from the very principals _states - that established and 'people' them and that these institutional


100 Foreign policy and change

'agents' use an array of instruments ranging from legal, normative toprocedural rules to affect foreign policy decision making and outcomesof principals.32 The tension between the interests and preferences ofthese two categories of foreign policy actors form the basis of the bar-gaining and negotiation that accompany foreign policy formulation inmultilateral organizations and, as such, produce discernable impactson foreign policy. Change in the conduct of foreign policy based onthe structural impediments imposed by international institutions isone obvious effect (and is reminiscent of the bureaucratic politics per-spective), but it can also induce normative change in a particluar state'sforeign policy through the pressure to subscribe to collective values inrelation, for instance, to coloniali m, democracy or human right.

Political regimes and foreign policy change

Another approach to understanding foreign policy change is to exam-ine it through the prism of political regimes. While studies of foreignpolicy realignment in response to systemic pressures to change suggestthe saliency or domestic structures as a key determinant 0[' regimeresponsiveness to such influences, the onset of structural regime changewithin a given country is a more obvious condition for foreign policychange. This formative shift from authoritarianism to democracy .intro-Q.Id.<?~sne~ actors, ideologies anCi~titutional imperatives.into the policyprocess. These factors contribute to a re-examination or the core valuesof a state's foreign policy and, under certain circumstances, can pro-duce new foreign policy orientations and outcomes. Understandingforeign policy change, from this perspective, involves examination ofthe relationships between regime type and socio-political changes inconjunction with broader systemic factors. --

,I Thl: foreign policy of_transitional st.'Ues that is to say states movingI i f~?m authoritarianism to.~t::~Q~ra~y, bas received relatively littlef, attention from scholars in FPA. This is in spite of the fact that thei+wave of democratization that swept the globe in the latter half ofthe twentieth century, and over 40 countries experiencing the transitionto democracy since the 1970s. Furthermore, with the collapse of theSoviet Union and Yugoslavia, a dozen new states - some of which arenominally democratic - emerged alongside states such as East Timorand Eritrea. evertheless, the foreign policy of transitional statesarguably is one of the most interesting phenomena to study in terms ofits insights into many of the theoretical concerns of the discipline andthe character or th contemporary international system, as well as itsvaried empirical content. In particular, the study of the foreign policy


Foreign policy and change 101

of transitional states brin s illtg sharp.focus the agency. ansLstr].lcturePUl..hkm,Jpe dynamic between state and non-state actors in th~2:ntyxtof chan e an.9..?...E..ll~ltx,the §9_ciaJILcgnstructed nature ....of .~~~r~g;Iltyand the international system.A-~atlonalist -accou~t of foreign policy and transitional statesconsciously builds upon the comparative politics tradition and, inthat sense, represents a break with the domestic orientation of thisapproach. The central questions that proponents of this tradition seekto answer in studying the foreign policy of transitional states are whendo transitional governments pursue certain foreign policies over others,and why. To investigate these concerns, rationalist scholars employclassical insights derived from pluralist politics which focus on domes-tic structure and the relationship between interest groups and the state,as well as mechanisms of influence in policy making.

Samuel Huntington and Juan Linz, amongst the first scholarsto tackle this topic, propose a typology of regimes as a guide to theforeign policy of transitional states.P First, transformation (incumbentcaretaker) led from above; second, replacement (revol utionary provi-sional) in which the ancien regime is ousted completely by a revolu-tionary government, albeit with an explicit mandate to usher indemocratic change; and third, transplacernent (power-sharing interimgovernment). Huntington and Linz suggest that each of these transi-tional governments faces a dilemma regarding the previous author-itarian government's foreign policy, specifically:

• how and when to demonstrate change;• 'how and when to ensure continuity;• how to retain or build legitimacy.

At the ileart of this dilemma is the issue of to which constituency thegovernment is. beholden and/or should address in defining and makingforeign policy choices. Huntington and Linz see these choices in starkterms, with transitional governments needing to balance their rela-tionship with the international community with the need to addressand secure a relationship with their domestic constituencies. Compli-cating the picture is the fact that the respective actors are not uniformin shape or outlook, with the international community dividedamong competing states, and the domestic environment characterizedby factionalism.

Allison Stanger, building on this approach, focuses on regime type asthe key determinant for understanding foreign policy choice by transi-tional governments. She says that the character of each of the three


102 Foreign policy and change

regime types described by Huntington and Linz provides the under-lying motivation for their foreign policy." For example, because anincumbent caretaker regime is fundamentally contiguous to the formerauthoritarian government, it approaches foreign policy from the per-specti ve of a search for outcomes that will be the least disrupti~eand de-legitimizing to the interim governing arrangements. Thus, thisregime's foreign policy is characterized by continuity with .the pc~sl.A revolutionary-provisiontil regime seeks to promulgate a G reign policythat demonstrates a clean break with the previous government. Thus,its foreign policy is characterized by change from the past. Finally,a power-sharing interim government, which is composed of a balance ofold and new elites and is influenced to a greater degree than the twoprevious regimes by external forces, makes its foreign policy choicesaround the particular circumstance posed by these dilemmas forthis balance. Thus :I power-sharing interim government's foreign policyis characterized by contingency.

Paulo Gorjao takes a different tack and explicitly introduces the roleof domestic politics into his study of foreign policy and transitions.'>He expresses dissatisfaction with the focus on regimes, pointing outthat this approach only partially answers the questions as to why andwhen certain foreign policies are adopted by transitional governments.He looks to domestic structure and, in particular, the role of corporate(or institutional representation of collective interests) entities, such asthe military or the Roman Catholic Church, and charismatic indivi-duals, to shape selection of and promote their respective interests onforeign policy issues. His position is that in turbulent times of transi-tion, these entities are better able to articulate and influence decisionmakers who otherwise might lack the requisite information or the senseof certainty needed to make difficult decisions. Furthermore, the con-ditions of transition facilitate more fluid access to elites and allowfor greater influence over foreign policy formulation by determineddomestic actors.

Additional research into states in transition to democracy suggeststhat they are more likely than consolidated democracies to pursueaggressive foreign policies. Mansfield and Snyder examine the conductof transitional states over a 200-year period and conclude that demo-cratizing states are subject to formative nationalism and, given theunstable conditions that accompany the instalment of new regimes andthe uncertainties surrounding boundaries of territory and citizenship,engage actively in belligerent foreign policy approaches that reflectthese transitional tensions." Indeed, as the cases of Serbia and Croatiain the 1990s vividly demonstrate, the maxim that democracies never

Foreign policy and change 103

fight one another does not hold for states in transition or for newlyformed democracies.F

All these attempts to conceptualize and understand the foreignpolicy of transitional states, admirable though they may be in recog-nizing and accounting for foreign policy change, nonetheless sufferfrom the same basic shortcomings. The weakness of the rationalistapproach to which they subscribe is rooted in the underlying assump-tions that inform its ontology and, consequently: impact upon its par-ticular epistemology. To wit, the state is held to be a priori, which is tosay that there is no sense of it being the product of social forces andhistorical circumstances. Another aspect of the rationalist approachwhich is problematic is the fact that it does not account for inter-subjectivity in terms of institutions and the processes that they rep-resent and impart. A third problem is that the role of ideas is notclearly understood or articulated in relation to actors and institutions.To paraphrase one scholar, not only do ideas not float freely, they aredeeply embedded in historically conditioned structures and contexts.Although rationalists do introduce the notion of identity through theneo-liberal ontology - norms, values, etc. - the manner in which theydo so is not wholly convincing. Goldstein and Keohane, whose workon the role of ideas in IR paved the way for a rationalist reading of thisdimension, do little more than treat identity as a new variable notpreviously accounted for.38

Scholars of the revolutionary state, whose fOCLlS necessarily involvesupheaval and change, have sought to explain the impact of thiscondition on foreign policy and the international system.l? For FredHaliiday, the pa radox of established interpretations of the foreignpolicy of the revolutionary state rests with the contrasting accountsof its position on internationalism and nationalism. Halliday maintainsthat 'Revolutionary states conduct foreign policy within the spacedefined by two constraints - the impulsion to promote conflict andrevolutionary change abroad, and the necessity of preserving and con-solidating the revolutionary state at horne'."?

On the one hand, the revolutionary state promulgates idealist foreignpolicies reflecting the underlying values of revolutionary solidarity,These run in parallel with - and are at times indistinguishable from _nationalist concerns. Nationalism can be a genuine expression of therevolutionary elites' outlook, as in revolutionary France's deeplynationalist foreign policy or Mao's Sino-centric vision of internationalpolitics. In other cases this nationalist impul e is more crudely instru-mental, expressing the need to gain legitimacy from the domestic con-stituency, especially in the face of the mounting costs of 'adventurism'



104 Foreign policy and change

in foreign policy. The decision in 1976 of the then newly ensconced lib-eration movement in Mozambique, Frelimo, to sever all ties with white-ruled Rhodesia - an act of international solidarity with that country'sliberation movements - came at tremendous economic cost andincreased the alienation of the peasantry and local elites in adjoiningcentral provinces, paving the way for counter-revolutionary forces toenter Mozambique."! Other factors curbing revolutionary-orientedforeign policies are tbe putative socializing effects of the internationalsystem, especially in the area of international finance, critical for newlyestablished regimes intent on improving their domestic economies andcitizens' livelihoods, and which shore up regime legitimacy."

Quasi-states and cluster states and foreign policy change

The aforementioned depictions of the political regimes and their rela-tionship to foreign policy of states in transition is grounded in ration-alism which, with its emphasis on procedural rules and reductionistmotivations, tends even in this volatile context to give <I relatively staticpicture of the state and decision making. One or our central conicn-tions in this book is that FPA lacks an explicit theory of the state and,in an effort to address this deficiency, we have proposed the notion orthe quasi-state and the cluster state as more appropriate contemporaryunits for analysis of foreign policy.

The quasi-state, as described in Chapter 5, is a formal structurewhose very institutional resilience is severely compromised by the con-tingencies of everything from administrative incapacity to deliberatepolitical exigencies by local elites. These factors ensure the mutabilityof the quasi-state to elite and societal pressures or the demands ofinternational legitimacy. The contingent character of the quasi-statemakes it especially able to avoid the development of any of the insti-tutional density that would accrue through adherence to recognizedroutines and transparent practices. Its openness to' being re-inscribedwith a changing set of rules and rationales by local elites means that itis particularly influenced by domestic forces and, at least in so far aslocal elites are able to recognize and respond to them, internationalsystemic forces. The foreign policy implications of regime survival arean adaptive approach to those international issues tied to core ques-tions of legitimacy, such as a strong commitment to the maintenanceof the sovereignty principle, but paradoxically an inability to fulfil anyof the substantive sources of legitimacy.

The cluster state is also structurally fitted to respond to change butin its case, the sensitivity to systemic sources of change is not a product

Foreign policy and change 105

of the shallowness of state institutions but rather their tensile strength.Tied to a myriad of international epistemic networks, globalized pro-duction chains and offshore platforms, dependent upon the globalmarket to source vital materials and sell its products, simultaneouslyoperating within regional bodies and sectorally defined groupings ofstates, the cluster state is wholly embedded in the globalization process.The cluster state is deliberately porous in its structures, reflecting anacute sensitivity to systemic change, and is as such adaptive and inno-vative in its foreign policy. Indeed, change is encoded into its DNAand, like a shark that needs to constantly move in order to breathe, anyossifying of institutions or a breakdown of the consensus over itscommitment to embrace globalization holds the potential for crisis.

Towards a constructivist approach to foreign POlicy change

An examination of foreign policy change through the three prisms ofthe individual, state institutions and political regimes, provides someor the foundational pillars required for (he development of a theory offoreign policy change. However, the artifice of these divisions, which ispremised on atomized individuals and abstracted notions such as thestate, in an effort to isolate critical variables within a positivist frame-work, imposes restrictions on their usefulness for FPA scholars. In thisregard, constructivism, with its focus on mutually constituted identities,social practices and institutions, is in many ways more readily adaptedto integrating change into its approach to international politics thanother schools of' thought in IR.. This is seen most clearly in our examination of foreign policy changein transitional states, which highlights constructivist insights intoforeign policy as being integral to national identity construction at thesame' time as allowing for a range of contingencies to impact upon theprocess and foreign policy outcomes of the transition. Employingconstructivism provides a means to account for the interplay betweenideas, agents and stru~tures, _all of which are in a condition of flux andact as soun;es of influence on foreign policy.-. TO' b;~pecific, 'in 'the context of transitions, the poi ts of access topolicy makers within domestic structures effectively widen as consensuson procedures starts to be questioned or breaks down altogether.Foreign policy bureaucratic influence invariably is much reducedduring transitions - although, at times, contingencies and idiosyncraticfactors, as Gorjao suggests, can elevate and temporarily exaggerate aninstitution - while charismatic leadership plays a critical role in settingforeign policy agendas.P In such a volatile context, it is our view that


106 Foreign policy and change

ideas hold sway to an unprecedented degree, as institutions areungrounded (authoritarian structures from the previous regime) oruntested (incoming regime), with the result that it is principles thatmatter and become the critical currency of political dialogue. Thedegree to which individuals (charismatic leaders) and political partiesare able to clothe themselves in these ideas/principles becomes themeasure of success within an uncertain domestic and internationalconstituency. Foreign policy issues and positions are considered inthese terms, with little reference to materialist (power/capability) con-cerns or the implications of the norms, structures and legal frameworkof state action within the international system. Indeed, since the tran-sitions by nature are based upon narrow elites often detached from thesocieties and the established structures of governance that they purportto represent, the scope for contingency is greater than might otherwisebe the case. For example, a personality can assume heightened influ-ence over the process based on his or her proximity to power or, ina power vacuum, because of a fluid domestic situation or uncertaintyin the international sphere.

Within a post-transitional or consolidating government, however, theprocess of change is lowed or even abandoned as a touchstone oflcgitim.rcy. ROLl(iIlL~Sbegin 10 replace ad hoc decisions rooted in char-ismatic decision making as bureaucracies come to be the primary actorinterfacing with the international legal system/multilateralism. Patternsof state-societal interaction are established through new constitutionalstructures, building upon the bargaining and compromise that char-acterized the negotiation period. The access points to power are for-malized and informal networks are routinized, making the societalinfluences over foreign policy less subject to ideas-based contingenciesor factors such as personal charisma.

Based on the insights of so-called 'thick' constructivists, the place offoreign policy change becomes more consequential (even primordial),than the above reading of constructivism. In this regard, DavidCampbell's work deepens our understanding of foreign policy andchange. Campbell sees the paramount task of foreign policy to be thecpnstruencn ofTdenlity th!~oughJormative nationalism manifested, illthe very act of foreignpolicy."-_. .- - -' ..


all states are marked by an inherent tension between the variousdomains that need to be aligned for an 'imagined community'to come into being - such as territoriality and the many axes ofidentity - and the demand that such an alignment is a response to(rather than constitutive of) a prior and stable identity ... The

\ - ~ \ '- ~·c)'·.".J"· '\J- ~_ ~}" Foreign policy and change 107\ t" .c cf -LP -.f V

I constant articu ~tion of danger through foreign policy is thus not a

I threat to a state's identity or existence: it is its condition of possi-'J' bility.45I .

However, because Campbell's insights are derived from a lengthy studyof US foreign policy during the CW, they are hidebound by the pecu-liarities of a superpower in the context of a bipolar internationalsystem and a stable domestic environment. This exampl.e d~es not f~llyexploit the analytical possibilities presented by investigatmg a Widerpool of states, in particular, those involved in the processes of forma-tion and transition. In these latter cases, the self-con cious use offoreign policy as a tool for nation-building and identity formation ispatently evident, as is the necessity for interacting with the prevailinginternational power structures. His example more clearly illustrates theway that an examination of change in foreign policy exposes thefoundational features of the international system.

Building on this perspective with respect to the foreign policy oftransitional states, the act of making foreign policy becomes the pro-cess engaged in by the post-transitional state of socializing its actorsaround discourses of power within the international system, andestablishing the material limits to and foundations of state-based action(i.e. foreign policy) within the international system. In addition, in thecourse of the transition process, the primordial questions of identityand citizenship are addressed, for example, What is the idea ofthe state? and What are the boundaries of the state and citizenship?Foreign policy i crucial for answering these questions and resolvingthe tenuousness of the initial response (or contrary responses fromdifferent groups within society) to an articulation of national identitybased on. hard materialist experience. The promulgation of foreignpolicy is what makes states; what defined South Africa's post-apartheidforeign policy fits within the broad framework of this understanding ofthe role of foreign policy in transitiona.l stat~~.~outh. ,~J!~~'Sfo.r:,ei.gnp~pres~ s the_d.!-I~Li.!!lJ?jllses- unilateralist I ealist foreign pohcyand socialization to established practices and discourses of power -of the transformative agenda of a newly installed non-state actor.t"Unilateralism under ~pdela _sought to challenge e~tablishe? i~terna-! tional_norms on s9y.~~ig!1J:Y_,Tai~_an) ~d )1~t?1~1nghts ( ~I~diIndonesia), emerging out of the new-social identity in post-apartheid~South Africa, throug~ a ser~es o~ c~ntroversial foreign policy st,ances.·,Mbeki's 'embedded liberal idealism represented both a compromise•with-The established international liberal order by adopting its eco-\ nomic policy prescriptions and, concurrently, a recognition that the

ry\\\. ',5' ~,,'(0, . ""\-e,


108 Foreign policy and change

possibilities of introducing new norms into the international andregional system would be more likely through active engagementin international and regional institutions. (South Africa's role in

. promulgating the New Partnership for Africa's Development andI the formation of the African Union along lines that conformed to\ Pretoria's interests are the best expressions of this.)

Furthermore, .,tile notion 9r~_'p..!·0~i!!lity of the .r9_~~ig~P?licy_?i atransitional state' and its relationship. tQ the social construction ofnational identity Ls especially __~viqent in ..the.South African case. 'SouthAfrican-ness' emerged out of the turmoil of racially divisive politics,international isolation and revolutionary fervour, derived through theexperience of formulating and implementing a new foreign policy forthe post-apartheid state. The ANC's dual experience as a liberationmovement and a civil rights campaign profoundly shaped the concernsof the Mandela government, while under Mbeki the 'two worlds' ana-lysis of domestic politics, which reflected the economic divisionsbetween blacks and whites, provided the impetus for South Africa'sAfrica policy and its 'developing south' orientation. For Mandela,making human rights the 'centrepiece' of post-apartheid foreign policywas a deliberate attempt to imbue the country's new foreign policywith the defining experience of black South Africans under apartheid,that is, denial of their basic human rights. For Mbeki, the enduringeconomic inequalities experienced by the majority of black SouthAfricans reflected the inequalities between the countries in the devel-oping south, especially in Africa, and the countries in the indus-trialized north. His foreign policy orientation towards Africa and thesouth was a conscious evocation of this fundamental experience as wellas an echo of the solidarity politics of the revolutionary period. It isin this way, echoing the links made by Campbell between theconstant reproduction of foreign policy and the formative shaping andre-assertion of national identity, that foreign policy can be seen ascrucial to the nation building process.

ConclusionThis examination of the under-researched phenomenon of change in19Z.!.Sl! QQtic{),,,pj'oy'desboth al~f 'til~~~i~ting contributionsto the FPA literature on that topic and an integration of the work onpolitical regimes, transitions and revolutions, which has a strong bear-ing on the topic, but has remained outside the purview of classicalFPA. These bodies of literature may be used by FPA to examine ana-lytically what to expect in terms of foreign policy when states go

Foreign policy and change 109

through change. Our reflections on what foreign policy change mightentail for clustered and quasi-Slates suggests how student of FPAmight be able to link the conceptual and analytical strands of the lit-erature on change we examined. The cobbling together of this materialgives a better sense than the established and limited FPA work wouldsuggest of the place of change in the conduct of individuals and theshaping of decision-making processes, and beyond that, of the struc-tural implications of change and its impact on foreign policy. Finally,we have put forward a set of propositions based on constructivismand foreign policy which we believe provides a more cogent inter-pretation of the relationship and also underlines the consequentialnature of foreign policy in the formative concerns of national identityconstruction.



8 ConclusionNew directions in foreign policyanalysis

A key rationale behind this book has been our desire to provide thebasis for a contemporary critical assessment of FPA, which engageswith developments within IR. This has involved a re-examination ofpremises that have been at the centre of FPA and for the most partremained largely unquestioned. In our view, one of the most con-sequential oversights is the absence of a theory of the state in FPA,with the corollary of FPA's primary focus on decision making and thespecific epistemological emphases it has given to that process. This inturn has been exacerbated by FPA scholars' failure to adequatelyengage with critical intellectual developments in IR over the last twodecades. This is strongly reflected in the exclusion of the debate onglobalization from FPA and the inadequate engagement with con-structivism, with special reference to foreign policy change. In the sec-tions that follow, we offer for consideration some critical observationsand analyses of the central challenges facing FPA flowing from ourassessments of the field today as well as possible areas for futuredevelopment.

FP A and decision making

Foreign policy decision making has been and remains at the core of the'FPA project' and its enduring contribution to IR. The tilting effectgenerated by the 'decision-making turn' (as one might call it retro-spectively) on realism and its grip on the study of IR are mainstreamednow within the discipline. On closer examination, however, the seminalcontribution of FPA on decision making and the continued focus onthat aspect of the foreign policy process strikes one as flawed andimbalanced. Foreign policy decision-making theory is predicated on asystems approach. It assumes that there is a feedback 'cop of infor-mation from the 'external environment' to policy makers, allowing for

Conclusion: nelV directions in FPA III

readjustment and innovation. Yet th~ decision-making al?proa_c~ stillsuffers from some significant shortcoming. Decisions are depicted as suige,'Zi!is, oUtside of history and its cycles, without reference to previousdecisiQPs nor the accompaJ?Ji~~Jnterpre.talions. by ?eci~ion m~k~r~.One expression of this is the dilemma facing rationalists 111 explainingthe formation of preferences which are uncritically assigned motivationprimacy but are notoriously difficult to square with empirical studies ofactual decisions and the perspectives of those involved. As we saw inChapter 2, the inconvenient truth of misperception, bias and otherequivalent 'pathologies' that formed the critique of foreign policydecision making in FPA nonetheless could not bring scholars to wres-tle themselves away from the underlying systems theory framework.As such the decision-making formulation retains an unrecognizedcommitment to this rationalist model and its narrow application to thedecision-making unit, which continues to hold an impact on analysesof the decision-making process. Beyond these issues, the role of foreignpolicy implementation as a neglected component of the foreign policyequation too remains barely examined especially with respect to vari-eties of actors, their articulation of the boundaries of foreign policywithin the confines of the states and how the foreign policy decisionmaking process operates under these circumstances. Agents on theground, their parochial interpretation of national foreign policy direc-tives and the form these take when translated into local actions is afeature of the feedback loop that arguably is as consequential a part ofthe decision making as the original formulation. Studies of other typesof sub-national foreign policy actors such as provinces remain few andfar between as well, rendering the capacity of FPA to provide aninterpretation of the globalizing international system far less credible.Furthermore, it contributes to a perception that FPA is unable to graspand integrate globalization and account for its attendant impact on thecontemporary international politics. By elucidating the pertinence ofrecent debates in IR to FPA the remainder of the chapter seeks tobroaden the narrow focus FPA has placed on the decision .making unit.

FP A and broader debates in IR

Globalization theory

Since its inception FPA has engaged with several literatures, for exam-ple, public choice theory, political psychology, cognitive theory. Withinthe discipline of JR, FPA has been part of an ongoing dialogue withrealism and, more recently, has developed links with constructivism.

•••• In our three critiques of classical FPA new bodies of literature h.aveemerged as pertinent to the study of foreign policy. This. theoretical

• eclecticism has been a constant feature of FPA scholarship over the• years. To our mind it is one of the strengths of its analytical approach

and should continue to be encouraged. In this context Chapter 6 sug-• gests a potential link between FPA and globalization theory, based• upon FPA engaging with what we have termed the mutually c01:-

•stitutive thesis of globalization. This thesis is useful in FPA because Itstrikes a balance between the causal roles it ascribes to military-

• political forces and economic-social-technological forces in its c~n-• ception of globalization, its origins and its impact. Corre~pondll1g with

thi view we identified the rise of contemporary globalization during• the cw. in this period there was an expansion of social relations to .the• global scale, accompanied by a cbange in the in~ernatlOnal political

structure of social relations. From this vantage point, the intersecuon• between FPA and globalization theory is seen as mutually beneficial.• Employing FPA in the study of globalization enhances our under-• standing of the process in a number of ways. We h~ve .expressed the

view that foreign policy is not extinguished by globalizatl~n. In fact, It• would appear that in a more interconnected world, but still divided b.y• \~ political borders, foreign policy remains one of the key sites for poli-

.~ tical action that is available to states. Thus, one of the contributions of• .~ FPA to enhancing our understa.nding of globalization is t.o explain ho~• --.1 and to what extent foreign policy IS used by states to. seize the OPPOI-

I< tunities and to meet the challenges imposed by globalization.• (.\ Another added value of FPA is its ability to elucidate the way that• - ~ foreign policy impacts on the interface between international ~oliti~s

\ and globalization. We have argued in Chapter 6 that the relationship• 0 between international politics and globalization i dialectic, sirnulta-• 'j neously producing globalizing and fragmenting effects. However, as the• i example of the CW suggests, at certain historical junctures globaliza-

) tion and international politics can be mutually constitutive. FPA, With• ,_'* it~n oCforeign p.oli~Y..J!~~d2 Illd~l!)!.activity, on the cus.p• between thc domestic and external. spheres, IS Ideally I laced to explore

, this dialectic relationship further.• ·vJ Finally, the central role ascribed to foreign policy of shaping tl:e• ;::. processes of globalization affords a greater place for human agency 111

the desizn of zlobalizarion than globalization theory would concede.• Chapter"'6 sho:s that the liberal, capitalist and democratic imprint of• contemporary globalization is linked to the design of the global cluster.• This insight suggest that globalization is less accidental and out of

control than the transformarionalist and hyperglobalist theses would••

112 Conclusion: nelV directions in FPA

Conclusion: new directions in FP A 113

suggest. Indeed the 'return of the state' in the aftermath of the globalfinancial crisis of 2008-9, both in terms of its effective nationalizationof the ailing financial sectors in the industrialized north and the mer-cantilist conduct of emerging powers within the international system,is an indication of the limited and contingent nature of these theore-tical approaches. It also means that the imperfections that FPA identi-fies in the process of decision making and implementation - cognitivebiases, group thinking and bureaucratic politics .- mry playa role inthe production and reproduction of globalization. The FPA literatureon these issues of decision making would inform further d velopmentof this research agenda.

An encounter between FPA and the mutually constitutive thesiswould contribute not only to our understanding of the role foreignpolicy plays in globalization, but would have implications for the con-cepts we use to explain foreign policy decision making and imple-mentation in these conditions. Although FPA challenges some of thekey premises in realism, it endorses (if unwittingly) cne key assump-tion: that the state is a territorially bounded entity. In the context ofthe insights from the mutually constitutive thesis, this assumptionmight need to be revisited although FPA concedes ·that the boun-dary between the domestic and the external environments is porous .However, this alone is not sufficient to capture the changing conditionsof statehood in the context of globalization. Thus, if as we have argueda concurrent set of changes - the elimination of borders of violence,the pooling of sovereignty and authority, and the creation of a globalstate layer of institutions - is underway, then this will have implicationsfor the core concepts of FPA. More specifically, decision making,bureaucratic politics, the societal and statist determinants of foreignpolicy must become more embedded in global networks than isallowed for in the contemporary frameworks employed by FPA. Byengaging with the mutually constitutive thesis of globalization FPAscholars should be better placed to examine the implications of globa-lization Cor the key concepts employed ill FPA.

Historical sociology

Chapter 5 examined three tensions generated by the lack within FPAof a conception of the state. The result is threefold. First, foreign policyanalysts draw on a set of assumptions about rates without explicitlyrecognizing them. This drives the thinking of the foreign policy analystin ways that are not overtly recognized. Second, foreign polic is r n-dered a mere extension of foreign policy determinant - individual,


114 Conclusion: nelv directions in FPA

bureaucratic, societal or external - making it difficult if not impossibleto account for foreign policy as a distinct site of action. Third, sinceFPA includes investigation of foreign policy this is a recognition thatthe latter is relatively autonomous of society and of external forces,but in the absence of a conception of the state FPA is not able toaccount for that autonomy.

Chapter 5 addresses these epistemological, ontological and con-ceptual tensions by analytically reconciling FPA and historical sociol-ogy, with reference to the literature on the state. From this literaturewe derived conceptions of the institutional state, the quasi-state andthe clustered state, definitions that are based on the level of materialstatehood exhibited by each type. Chapter 5 shows that using theseconceptions of the state has concrete implications for the assumptionsinforming FPA in relation to the use of foreign policy tools, the sourceof state autonomy and the relationship between the state and theexternal environment, allowing us to address the three tensions identi-fied above. Chapter 7 offered reflections on how these state types andforeign policy change might be connected.

Yet in our view, the analytical reconciliation between historicalsociology and FPA can make a contribution that goes beyond addrcs-sing the tensions identified above. Empirically, as Halliday's workon the Middle East referred to in Chapter 5 shows, this encounter hasmuch to offer. For example, it is able to capture long-term changesaffecting foreign policy, and the interlinkages between the threelevels of analysis underpinning international politics. This operation-alizes one of the key criticisms of FPA of the realist tradition in IR,that foreign policy decision making, implementation and, therefore,outcomes, are not shaped only by inter-state relations, but are definedby the dynamics among multiple levels of activity - domestic, state,international, global.

Another research direction relates to the methodological opportu-nities that derive from an analytical reconciliation between FPA andhistorical sociology. Although FPA challenges realism on many levels,its early accounts too easily accepted the realist approach of IR as anormal science. As noted earlier more recent approaches favour main-taining FPA as a middle-range theory and in this context we believehistorical sociology has much to offer in terms of providing FPA with asound ontological grounding. In Chapter 6 we demonstrate the utilityof a neo-Weberian ontology for determining, conceptually and analy-tically, the roles that foreign policy might play in the context ofglobalization. In not seeking to establish ontological primacy, a neo-Weberian approach is suited to FPA in light of the latter's emphasis on

Conclusion: 1/('\\' directions ill FPA 115

elucidating other complex causal relationships. For example, whetherregional positioning generates a particular foreign policy; the extentto which socio-economic/military-political structures generate impactspropelling a particular foreign policy. In examining these questionswe are not advocating a return to geo-politics, dependency theories orapplying variants of neo-realism to FPA. Instead, we are calling forcomparative analytical-historical studies exploring these issues, with theaim of highlighting the conditions under which we might expect recur-rences in foreign policy decision making, implementation and behaviour.

A third contribution concerns the US bias within FPA. As we saw inChapters 2 and 3 the modelling of foreign policy decision making byFPA scholars, its core insights and key principles are derivative of theUS foreign policy system and experience. These have been, admittedly,applied out to a variety of non-US cases over the years - and withgreater frequency today than a decade ago. However, the categoriesand epistemoiogical tools employed to study 'non-US' or 'non-Western' foreign policy remain bounded by these origins. Korany'scritical commentary on the absence of any serio JS effort to assessforeign policy decision making in the 'Third World' in its own termshas left FPA scholars ill the position of too often misapplying theseculturally specific approaches to the task of interpreting decisionmaking in distant settings with the expected (failed) outcomes. I Inproposing a tripartite state typology - institutional, clustered andquasi - we provide FPA with an opening to locale decision-makingstructures within contexts that do not derive from the structure under-pinning the state in the case of the US.

Finally, in our view, an analytical reconciliation between FPA andhistorical s ciology would require a more serious consideration ofhistoricity in FPA. We do not refer here to the use of history or ofreference to history, in which respects FPA is well versed. Rather, werefer to the tendency FPA shares with other approaches in IR toassume the texture of IR to be timeless. However, historical sociolo-gists studying IR, especially Little and Buzan, provide evidence thatthe texture of IR is anything but timeless. International societies dochange. Norms are contingent and reinterpreted by state and non-stateactors over time. Foreign policy decision making is a process thatevolves and responds to changing conditions within the halls of policyand the wider society. FPA should recognize as formative these condi-tions of change affecting the mutually constitutive relationship betweenforeign policy and international politics.' We hope that in opening upthe possibility of an encounter between FPA and historical sociology,we are promoting further developments in this direction.


116 Conclusion: nelV directions in FPA


Our efforts to critically examine FPA and some of its underlying fea-tures not only highlight the constructed characteristics of sovereigntybut the very process of formulating (and ultimately implementing) astate's foreign policy, Constructivism, still in the main overlooked byfPA scholar, 3 provide a coherent set of insights and analyses ofpractice which cohere well with core interests of FPA scholarship.Indeed, as aleady mentioned in Chapter 7, some of the primal insightsand critiques of fPA reflected a constructivist impulse decades beforeconstructivism itself was formally introduced as an innovative chal-lenge to the prevailing realist paradigm.

This is most evident in our examination of foreign policy andtransitional states where ideational factors translated into foreignpolicy prescriptions and come into direct contact with the structuraldimensions of the international system. A logic of appropriateness isclearly the driving force in the shaping foreign policy choice by transi-tional states. The dynamic interaction that follows between the post-authoritarian foreign policy and the norms, regimes and institutionsthat undergird the international system establishes parameters withinwhich the transitional state can act. They challenge underlyingassumptions, provide alternative sources (and socially more consonantforms) of legitimacy, and introduce new meaning to norms, rules andinstitutions that govern the international system.

But constructivism can be more readily brought into other aspectsof FPA. For instance, Chapter 3 pointed to Wcldes's constructivistcritique of the theory of bureaucratic politics. Revisiting the I3PMfrom a critical constructivist vantage point, Weldes's work provides apowerful challenge of the key notions underlying ~Ot1 and his fol-lowers' work: interests ower rationalit. nother case in point is theliterature on 'Iearni'ng' in foreign policy. It is focu ed on the policymakers at the top but it is evident that a closer reading of foreigripolicy implementation would undoubtedly highlight the degree towhich such learning takes place at other levels within the structures offoreign policy making. Moreover, the interaction between states andnon-state actors in devising or altering regimes - be they in the contextof climate change, security or elsewhere - would benefit from aconstructivist interpretation of foreign policy which captures the chan-ging yet decisive role of the state in this proce s. This would,as underscored in our work on globalization and foreign policy, con-tribute to a better recognition of the agency involved in the globaliza-tion process.

Conclusion: new directions in FPA 117

At the same lime, it is important to keep in mind and interrogatesome 'hidden' assumptions featured in constructivist accounts ofchange which have an impact of our understanding of foreign policy.Underlying much of constructivism's focus on norms are abiding lib-eral notions of progress and modernity and their purported inevitableif not seamless march into the future. Historical sociology's reading ofstate formation tells us that the institutional forms that emerge in thewake of - and concurrent with - great societal and economic changediffer not only in relation to the societies involved but contingencies ofall sorts produce varied outcomes. foreign policy change, linked inti-mately of course to the same forces, exhibits the same diversity ofexperiences and outcomes and any assumptions which are predicatedon expectations of ideologically convergent foreign policies by statesundergoing consequential change are misguided at best. from the riseof illiberal democracies to the rapid spread of the Salafist ideologythrough the internet, evidence of disturbing counters-trends to tele-ological readings of the present (and future) abound. As Wang Jisiwarns us with respect to China's gradualist development of a grandstrategy, 'these developments are unfolding haltingly a11.1are by nomeans irreversible'."

Neo-classical rea/ism

Of all the theoretical developments emerging from j'l< in the lastdecade, perhaps the most surprising is the revitalization of realism inthe form of what its proponents call neo-classical realism, Crucial tothe formulation of this novel branch of realism is a deliberate embra-cing of aspects of unit-level analysis - bringing its proponents directlyinto the. realm of 'foreign policy', the very area which Waltz con-sciously steered away from in his influential structuralist rendering ofrealism. Neoclassical realism's integration of 'intervening variables'such as the role of perception, the role of leadership and domesticstructures found within particular state actors as an explanatory sourcefor diversity of outcomes in international politics brings these threecrucial FPA insights into the realist theoretical paradigm. By directlyfolding in ideas that had always implicitly tied to notions of perceptionsuch as states' concerns with relative power and perceptions of threat,neo-classical realists are able to account for the subjective under-standings of events and differing foreign policy choices that routinelycharacterized state action. The inclusion of leader hip as a crucialvariable in mobilizing the material re ources in a given state reassertsthe agency of individual and the place f contingencies in state acti n.





118 Conclusion: new directions in FPA

And, recognizing the diversity of domestic institutional structures andtheir concomitant impact on formative foreign policy capacity andactual implementation captures in elementary form the means bywhich structural dimensions at the unit-level come into play in shapingstate action.

Not all the innovations currently presented by neo-classical realistsar.d others in IR, however, draw out in full the implications of someof the work in FPA. For instance going beyond the mere recognition ofdomestic structure as significant by neo-classical realists to a moredeveloped understanding of the actual relationship between politicalregime type and its institutional manifestations with respect to civil-military tics would open up a more nuanced sense of the sources ofthreat perception and its consequences for state conduct. Perceptionsof risk adversity in foreign policy on the part of a given regime could,one imagines, be more strongly correlated to the nature of civil-militaryties than the current ideologically bounded (and flawed) considerationof the consequences of regime type in producing systemic-level peace.Continuing to develop neo-classical realism' interest ii. the role ofleadership in relation to societal forces, without detouring too muchinto decision-making processes, could be strengthened by examiningthe work on public opinion, the media and foreign policy. Revisitingthe work on hierarchies of state power - in particular the existing lit-erature on middle powers which anticipates many of NCR's insightsin linking perceptions of power and identity, leadership/Iollowership,and resource mobilisation to foreign policy - would enrich anapproach that still devotes too much of its focus to 'great powers.'Though neo-cla sical -realists remain wedded to the internationalsystem as an unassailable independent variable, the scope tor develop-ing greater theoretical depth through careful 'borrowing' from FPAwithout sacrificing this principle is wide.

From 'normal science' to empirics?

Throughout the book FPA has been shown to straddle two keymethodological approache . On the one hand, and especially in theearly years, FPA aimed at beating realism on its positivist homeground. In Chapter 2 we show how a behaviouri t approach andcognition theory were used to develop a workable framework thatcaptured the beliefs of a leader in a systemic way with the aim ofproducing predictions about foreign policy decision making. Thesewere subsequentl folded into a broader comparative foreign policyproject that attempted to devise a generalizable theory through the

Conclusion: new directions in FPA 119

application of quantitative techniques. Chapter 3 describes how Allisonand colleagues tried to develop the BPM into a normal science andChapter 7 notes the attempts to link state type, region and foreignpolicy change.

Recent approaches in FPA question the utility of these attempts andhave challenged the route of FPA as a normal science. A number of theaccounts explored in this book, from Minz's poliheuristic approach todecision making, to Welch's revisionist take on bureaucratic politics,to work linking foreign policy change to state type set a more modestagenda for FPA: that of devising a conceptual and analytical frame-work that provides the tools for foreign policy analysts to study theempirical phenomena related to foreign policy. These approaches rein-force FPA's orientation as a middle-range theory. This allows FPA touncover a diversity of elements that constitute foreign policy and toaccount for them in conceptual and analytical terms within the middleground between IR as normal science and research driven purelyby ernpirics.

Our intervention, calling for FPA to explore the themes of change,globalization and the state, reinforces this view. We have not sought todevelop parsimonious accounts that will provide FPA with the tools topredict foreign policy outcomes in the context or change, globalizationand how the autonomy of the state flows to foreign policy. Rather, ourschema encourages FPA scholars to use our proposed formulation asa roadrnap providing conceptual and analytical framework to explorethese three themes. Hence, our tripartite conception of the state -clustered, institutionalist, quasi - to study the impact of the state onforeign policy. In a similar vein we have suggested the utility ofemploying a neo- Weberian ontology to study the role of foreign policyin the context of globalization.

Positioning FPA as a middle-range theory, of course, exacts a pricefrom FPA in terms of its ability to make general claims about thenature of foreign policy (and through that, international politics).However, in our view, this limitation is justified because of the analy-tical clarity it confers to the role played by what we call axial factors inforeign policy. Axial factors are an ontological part of foreign policy.They act like a wheel axle to propel foreign policy in different direc-tions. Certain of the elements explored in this book quarry as axialfactors - decision makers, bureaucracies, societal actors, the state. Inits orientation as a middle-range theory, FPA seems well placed toexamine the interlinkages between the axial elements of foreign policydecision making, foreign policy implementation, and foreign policybehaviour in a cross national context. In the end, scholars studying


120 Conclusion: nelv directions in FPA

foreign policy have the benefit of a rich tradition that provides a solidfoundation for achieving a better understanding of internationalpolitics. Informed by the cross-fertilization we have proposed withother debates in IR, suggested in this book, we hope that we havepresented new avenues and directions that FPA might pursue inits ongoing endeavour to account for the complex subject matter offoreign policy.


1 Foreign policy analysis - an overview

1 1. David Singer, 'The level-of-analysis problem in international relations',World Politics, 1961, vol. 14, no. I, pp. 77-92.

2 For a discussion in the context of FPA see Walter Carlsnaes, 'The agency-structure problem in foreign policy analysis', International Studies Quar-terly, 1992, vol. 36. no. 3, pp. 245-70.

3 Richard Snyder, Henry W. Bruck and Burton Sapin, 'Decision making asan approach to the study of international politics', in Richard Snyder,Henry W. Bruck and Burton Sapin (eds) Foreign Policy Decision Making:An Approach 10 International Politics, New York: Free Press/Macmillan,1962, p. 177. For instance see section on motivation, perception and framesof reference in Snyder et aI., op. cit., pp. 136-60.

4 David Patrick Houghton, 'Reinvigorating the study of foreign policy deci-sion making: Toward a constructivist approach', Foreign Policy Analysis,2007, vol. 3, no. I, pp. 24-45.

5 The emphasis on borrowing from other fields featured in the seminal workon- FPA by Snyder et al., op. cit. p. 27: 'Thus tar, we have not effectivelylinked Area Studies, Comparative Government, Public Administration,Political Theory, and Political Parties, to say nothing of History, Philosophyand the Social Sciences, to (the study of) International Politics'.

6 See Hans Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations, New York: Knopf 1948.7 See Snyder et aI., op. cit.; James Rosenau, 'Pre-theories and theories of

foreign policy', in Robert B. Farrell (ed.) Approaches ill Comparative andInternational Polirics, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1966;For an updating of the argument, see also James Rosenau, 'A pre-theoryrevisited: World politics in an era of cascading interdependence', Interna-tional Studies Quarterly, 1984, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 245-305.

8 Kenneth Boulding, The Image: Knowledge in Lite and Society, Ann Arbor,/ M I: Arbor Paperbacks, 1956.9 raham T. Allison and Morton H. Halperin, 'Bureaucratic politics: A para-

digm and some policy implications', World Politics, 1972, vol. 24, pp. 40-79.10 See, e.g., Lloyd Jensen, Explaining Foreign Policy, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

Prentice Hall, 1982, pp. 199-231.11 Haral Muller and Thomas Risse-Kappen, 'From the outside in and from

the inside out', in David Skidmore and Valerie M. Hudson, The Limits of


122 Noles

State 1I1/1U1I1/1lly,Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 19~3, p. D. See also Chris-topher Hill, 'What is left of the domestic?' in Michi Ebata (ed.), COII/WIII-ing the Political ill International Relations, London: Macmillan, 2000,pp 159-65 especially. .

12 Roy E. Jones, Principles of Foreign Policy - The Civil State in /IS WorldSeII ing, Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1979, pp. 88-104. Muller and Risse-Kappen, op. cit., pp. 38-47. See also Miroslav Ninic, Democracy and For-eign Policy: The Fallacy of Political Realism, New York: .Columbla UI1l-versity Press, 1992; Christopher Hill, The Changing Politics oj ForeignPolicy, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003, pp. 235 0; Thomas Risse-Kappen,'Democratic peace - warlike democracies? A social construcuvist Inter-pretation of the liberal argument', European JOll1'l101oflnternational Rela-tions, 1995, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 491-517; Randolf 1. Rummel, 'Democraciesare less warlike than other regimes', European Journal of InternationalRelations, 1995, vol. I, no. 4, pp. 649-64; Bruce M. Russet, Grasping theDemocratic Peace: Principles fur (/ POSI-Cold IVaI' World, Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press, 1993.

13 Hill, The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy. p. 193.. .14 The literature on the external environment as a pluralist environment has

focused on TNAs and developed in two stages. For the first transnationaldebate see, amongst others, Edward L. Morse, 'Modernization and thetransformation of foreign policies: Modernization, interdependence andexternalization', World PoIiIics, 1970, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 371-92; Joseph and Robert O. Keohane (eds) Transnational Relations and World

Politics, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1970; SamuelHuntington, 'Transnational organizations in world politics', Worldfolilic.\',1973, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 333-68; Richard W. Mansbach, Yale H. Fergusonand Donald E. Lampert, The Web of World Politics: NOII-Su1Ie Actors IIIthe Global System, London: Prentice Hall, 1976. For a good summary ofthe transition from the first to the second waves of the literature on TNAssee Thomas Risse-Kappen (ed.) Bringing Transnational Relations Back III:Non-Slate Actors, Domestic Structures, and lntemational lnstitutions.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995; Daphner Josselin andWilliam Wallace (eds) Non-S({1Ie Actors in World Po lilies, london:Palgrave 2001, especially pp. 12-13; Hill, The Changing Po lilies of ForeignPolicy especially chapter on Transnational formulations. .

I5 Robert Putnam, 'Diplomacy and domestic politics: The logic of two-levelgames', International Organization, 1988, vol. 42,. no: 3, pp. 427-60.'Putnam's concept of two-level games has been applied m several studies.See, amongst others Howard. P. Lehman and Jennifer L.. Mckoy, 'Thedynamics of the two-level bargaining game: The 1988 Brazilian debt nego-tiations' World Politics, 1992, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 600-44; Keisuke Iieda,'When and how do domestic constraints matter? Two-level games withuncertainty', Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1993, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 403-26;Peter B. Evans, Harold K. Jacobson and Robert D. Putnam (eds) Double-Edged Diplomacy, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. Putnam'saccount also inspired broader theoretical works on the connection betweenthe domestic and international see James A. Caporaso, 'Across the greatdivide: Integrating comparative and international politics', luternationalStudy Quarterly, 1997, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 563-91.

Noles 123

16 Joe Hagan, 'Domestic political explanations in the analysis of foreignpolicy', in Laura Neack, Jeanne Hey and Patrick Haney (eds) Foreign Po/i~)'Analysis: Continuity and Change ill its Second Generation, Englewood liffs,NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995, p. 117. .

17 Hill, The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy, p. 87.18 David Held, Anthony G. McGrew, David Goldblat and Jonathan Perra ton,

Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Culture, Cambridge: PolityPress, 1999.

19 On the significance of Held et al.'s work in the context of GT ee Joseph S.Nye and Robert O. Keohane, 'Globalization: What's new? What's not?(And so what")' Foreign Policy, 2000, vol. 118, no. I, p. 119. Othertransformationalist works include Anthony Giddens, The Consequencesof Mo dern ity, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991: Anthony Giddens, RIIIl-oll'a)' World, London: Profile Books, 1999; James N. Rosenau, A longthe Domestic-Foreign Frontier: Exploring GOI'l'1'I1(ln('ein a TurbulentWorld, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997: Jan Aart Scholt ,Globalization: A Critical Introduction, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,2005.

20 For the tenets of GT see Justin Rosenberg, 'Globalisation theory: A postmortem', InternationalPolitics, 2005, vol. 42, no. I, p. 4.

21 Rosenberg, 'Globalisation theory: A post mortem', p. 2.22 See Anna Leander, "'Globalisation theory": Feeble. and hijacked',

International Po lit iced Sociology, 2009, vol. 3, pp. 109-12.23 Albert, e.g. argues that GT's fortunes lie in Luhmanian theorizing. See

Mathias Albert, '''Globalisation theory" Yesterday's fad or more lively thanever'!', International Political Sociology, 2007, vol. 2, pp, 165-Ei Robertsonsees theorizing around global consciousness and connectivity s prorni ungavenues for GT. Roland Robertson, 'Differentiational reductionism and themissing link in Albert's approach to globalisation theory', InternationalPolitical Sociology, 2009, vol. 3, pp. 119-22; David Held and AnthonyMcGrew, Globalisation Th"oI'Y: Approaches and Controversies, Cambridge:Polity Press, 2007.

24 An examination of the index entries in the following works reveals theabsence of 'foreign policy'. See, e.g., Held et al., op. cit., Global Trans/or-mations.. David Held and Anthony McGrew (eels) The Global Transfonna-tions Reader, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003; Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization:A Critical Introduction, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005; Jan AartScholie and Ronald Robertson, Encyclopedia 0/ Globalisation, New York:Routledge, 2007. See also recent forums on GT in International Politics,vol, 42, no. 3, 2005, pp. 364-99 and International Political Sociology,vol. 31, no. 1,2009, pp. 109-28. .

25 E.g. Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield and Tim Dunne, Foreign Policy: Theo-ries, Actors, Cases, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008; Valerie M.Hudson, Foreign Policy Analysis: Classic and Contemporary Theory,Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

26 Hill, The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy, pp. 189-93.27 Mark Webber and Michael Smith (eds) Foreign Policy in' a Transformed

World, Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2002.28 David Welch, Painful Choices: A Theory of Foreign Policy Change;

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005.


l24 Notes

29 See, e.g., the work on Gorbechev, such as Janice Stein, 'Political lea:,ning bydoing: Gorbachev as uncommitted thinker and motivated learner , Inter-national Organization, 1994, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 1.55-83.. ,.

30 Brian Ripley, 'Cognition, culture and bureaucratic politics .111Laura Neack,Jeanne Hey and Patrick Haney (eds) Foreign Policy Analysis: Con I 1/1 IItty andChange in its Second Generation, Englewood. ClItfs, .NJ: Prentice Hall; 1995.

31 Michael Barnett, 'Culture, strategy and foreign policy change: Israel s loadto Oslo', European Journal of International Rcl{/{IOI/s, 1999, vol. 5. no. I,

W5~6. , . M'I32 Alison Stanger, 'Democratization and the international system, 111 I es

Kahler (ed.) Liberalization and Foreign Policy, New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1997.

Notes 1256 Schelling, op. cit.; see also Kathleen Archibald (ed.) Strategic interactionand Conflict, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966.

7 Robert Putnam, op. cit.8 Gilat Levy and Ronny Razin, 'It takes two: An explanation for the demo-

cratic peace', Journal of tlu: European Economic ASSOciation, 2004, vol. 2,no. 2, pp. 1-29.

9 Robert Jervis, Perception and MisperceptiOIl in International Politics,Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976. See also Robert Jervis,'Hypotheses on misperception', World Politics, 1968, vol. 20, no. 3,pp. 454-79.

10 Peter Katzenstein, 'International relations and domestic structures: Foreigneconomic policies of advanced industrial states', International Organization,1976, vol. 30, no. I, pp. 1-45.

I I Ahmer Tarar, 'International bargaining with two-sided domestic con-straints', Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2001, vol. 45; no. 3, pp. 320-2;see also Tsebelis, op. cit.

12 Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout, op. cit.13 Snyder et aI., op. ci t.14 Snyder et al.. op. cit., p. 65.15 Valeria Hudson, 'Foreign policy analysis: Actor-specific theory and the

ground of international relation " Foreign Policy Analysis, 2005, vol. I,no.l,p.30.

16 Janice G. Stein, 'Foreign policy decision making: Rational, psychologicaland neurological models', in Steven Smith, Amelia Hadfield and TimothyDunne (eds) Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases, Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 2008, pp. 104-9.

17 Robert Jervis, op. cit., pp. 2 I7-79.18 Ole Holsti, 'Foreign policy formation viewed cognitively', in Robert

Axelrod (ed.) Stl'l/('(/lr(' of Decisian, The Cognitive Mups 0/ Political Elites,Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976; Ole Hoisti, 'The beliefsystem and national images: A case study', Journal 0/ Conflict Resolution,1962, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 244-52.

19 Kenneth Boulding, 'National images and international systems' Journal 0/Conflict Resolution, 1959, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. J 20-3\.

20 Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor, Social Cognition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984, pp. 72-99.

21 Robert Jervis, op. cit., pp. 117-19.22 Leon Festingel~ cited in Christopher Hill, The Chllngillg Politics 0/ Foreigll

Policy, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003, p. 114.23 Jerel Rosati, 'A cognitive guide to the study of foreign policy', in Laura

Neack, Jeanne Hey and Patrick Haney (eds), op. cit., pp, 63-4.24 Alexander George, 'The "Operational Code": A neglected. approach to

the study or political leaders and decision-making', lnternational StudiesQuarterly, J 969, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 190-222.

25 Robert Axelrod, op. cit.26 Herbert Simon, cited in Christopher Hill, The Changing Politic)' 0/ Foreign

Policy, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003, p. 103.27 For a discussion on this point see Richard Ned LboII', 'The Cuban missile

crisis: Reading the lessons correctly', Political Studies Quarterly, vol. 98,no. 3, 1983, pp. 431-58.

2 Foreign policy decision making

Margot Light, 'Foreign policy analysis', in A.J.R. Groom and Marg~,tLight (eds) Contemporary International Relations: A Guide to Theory ,London: Pinter, 1994, pp. 93-108; L~ura Neack, Jeann,e Hey and PatnckHaney, 'Generational change 111foreign policy analysis', 111~aura Neack,Jeanne Hey and Patrick Haney (eds) Foreign Policy Analysis: Continuityand Change in its Second Generation, Englewood ClIffs,. NJ: Prentice Hall.1995 5-8 A selection of the literature embracing the rationalist

,pp. . TI S h II' TIapproach to foreign policy includes works such as c: 111g, IeStrategy 01 Conflict, Cambndge, MA: Harvard ,:!nlvel~~ty P~ess, .1.96~,Leon Sigal 'The rational policy model and the Formosa su "ItS CIISIS,

'. I 14 2 1")1-56' RobertInternational Studies Quarterly, 1970, vo . , no .. ' pp. ~ , ,Putnam 'Diplomacy and domestic politics: The logic of.t\\")-Ievel games,Il1lematfonal Organization, 1988, vol. 42; George TsebelIs,. Nested G:"II(,S:Rational Choice ill Comparative Politics, Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1990; Peter Evans, Harold Jacobson and Robert Plltl~alll (;ds)Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Burgaining 1111£1t: ()1II~.\fI(,I,~/I.-tics, Berkeley: University of California Pres', 1993; Helen Milner, Interests.Institutions and Information: Domestic Politics and International Relations,Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997. .

2 See formative texts such as Richard Snyder, H.W. Bruck and Burton Sap111,Foreign Policy Decision-Making: All Approach to the Study of Illrel'lla:lOllalPolitics, New York: Macmillan, 1962; and Harold Sprout and Mal gal et.Sprout, Man-Milieu Relationship Hypotheses ill the COllte;"t oj lnterna-tiona! Politics, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 19)6. ., .

3 James Rosenau, 'Pre-theories and theories and foreign policy',.. 111R.B. Farrell (ed.) Approaches 10 Comparative and lnternutional Politics,Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1966; Rosenau offers a tre.n-chant critique of this seminal article in later years; see James Rosenau, ~pre-theory revisited: World politics in an era of cascading Interdependence,International Studies Quarterly, 1984, vol. 38, pp. 245-305. .. .

4 Gary Snyder and Paul Diesing, Confiict AIIIOllg Nations: Bargaining, De(,l~sion Making and System Structure ill International Crises, Princeton, NJ.Princeton University Press, 1977.

5 Robert Powell, Nuclear Deterrence Theory, New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1990.


126 Notes

28 Barton Bernstein, 'The Cuban missile crisis: Trading the Jupiters inTurkey?' Political Science Quarterly, 1980, vol. 95, no. I, pp. 97-125.

29 Stephen Dyson, 'Personality and foreign policy: Tony Blair's Iraq decision',Foreign Policy Analysis, 2006, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 289-306.

30 See, for .example, Graham Shepard, 'Personality effects on American for-eign policy, 1969-84: A second test of interpersonal generalization theory', I, pp. 91-123.

31 Irving Jams and Leon Mann, Decision Making, New York: Free Press1977. '

32 Jonathan .Renshon and Stanley Renshon, 'Theory and practice of foreignpolicy declslo.n making', Political Psychology, 2008, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 509-36.

33 David G. Winter, 'Personality and foreign policy: Historical overview ofresearch', in Eric Singer and Valerie Hudson (eds) Political Psychology andForeign Policy, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1992, p. 79.

34 Cynthia ?rbovich and Richard Molnar, 'Modeling foreign policy advisorypi ocesses , In Eric Singer and Valerie Hudson (eds) Political P.IYc/lUlugyand Foreign Policy, Boulder, CO: We Iview, 19512, p. 202.

35 Jonathan Renshon and Stanley Renshon, op. cit.36 Yuen Foong Khong, 'Neoconservatism and the domestic source of

American foreign policy: The role of ideas in Operation Iraqi Freedom', inSmith et aI., op. cit., pp. 261-2.

37 Irving Janis, Groupthink: PIYc/l!J/ogiCliI Studic« o]' Policv Decisions atu]Fiascos, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifllin, 1982. .

38 Alexander George, 'The case for multiple advocacy in making foreignpolicy', American Political Science Review, 1972, vol. 66, no.3, pp. 731-85.

39 Paul. 't Hart, Eric Stern and and Bengt Sundelius Beyond Groupthink:Political CrouP. Dynanucs and Foreign Policy-making, Ann Arbor, M l:University of Michigan Press, 1997.

40 Ole Holsii, 'The operational code approach to the study of political leaders:John Foster Dulles' philo ophical and instrumental beliefs', CanadianJournal 0/ Political Science, 1970, vol. 3, no. I, p. 27.

41 Martin Hollis and Steve Smith, 'Roles and rea .ons in foreign policy deci-sion making', British Journal 0/ Political Science, 1986, vol. 16, no. 3,pp. 269-86.

42 David Houghton, 'Reinvigorating the study of foreign policy decisionmaking: Towards a constructivist approach', Foreign Policy Analysis, 2007,vol. 3, vol. 1, pp. 24-45.

43 Elisabeita Brighi and Christopher Hill, 'Implementation and behaviour',1I1Smith et aI., op. cit., pp. 117-36. .

44 Charles E. Lindblom, 'The science of muddling through', Public Adminis-tration Review, 1959, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 79-88.

45 Herbert Simon, cited in Christopher Hill, op. cit., p. I.46 John Steinbruner, TIle Cybernetic Theory 0/ Decision, Princeton, NJ:

Princeton University Press, 1974.47 Alex Mintz (ed.). lntegrating Cognitive and Rational Theories 0/ Foreign

Polrcy: The Polilieuristir Theory 0/ Decision, Cambridge: CarnbridneUniversity Press 2004, p. 3. "

48 Jonathan Keller and Yi Edward Yang, 'Leadership style, decision contextand the poliheuristic theory of decision-making: An experimental analysis',Journal 0/ Conflict Resolution, 2008, vol. 52 no. 5, pp. 687-8.

Notes 1273 Bureaucracies and foreign policy

See e.g. Christopher Hill, The Changing Politics 0/ Foreign Policy, Basing-stoke: Palgrave, 2003, pp. 85-96; Graham T. Allison, 'The Cuban missilecrisis' in Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield and Tim Dunne (eds) ForeignPolicy: Theories, Actors, Cases, Oxford: Oxford University Press, :W08.

2 Richard E. Neustadt, Presidential Power: The Politics 0/ Leadership,New York: Wiley, 1960; Samuel P. Huntington, The Common Defense:Strategic Programs in National Defense, New York: Columbia UniversityPress, 1961; Roller W. Schilling, Paul Y. Hammond and, Glenn HeraldSnyder, Strategy, Politics, and Defense Budgets, New York: ColumbiaUniversity, Institute of War and Peace Studies, 1962; Michael Crozier,The Bureaucratic Phenomenon, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,1964.

3 Robert 1. Art, 'Bureaucratic politics and American foreign policy: A cri-tique', Policy SCiences, 1973, no. 4, pp. 468-9.

4 Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure 0/ Scientific Revolutions. University ofChicago Press, 1962, p. 34. On Kuhn's notion of a normal science and itsrelevance to Allison's work see Miriam Steiner, 'The elusive essence ofdecision: A critical comparison of Allison's and Snyder'S decision-makingapproaches', Intenuuional Studies Quarterly; 1977, vol. 21,110.2, pp. 389-422.

5 Graluun T. Allison, 'Conceptual models and the ubau rni .sile crisis',American Political Science Review, 1969, vol. 63, no. 3, p. 690.

6 Graham T. Allison and Morton H. Halperin, 'Bureaucratic politics: Aparadigm and some policy implications', World Politics, 1972, vol. 24,pp. 40-79.

7 On the limited explanatory power of the organizational model for explain-ing foreign policy change and innovation see Lawrence Freedman, 'Logic,politics and foreign policy processes: A critique of the bureaucratic politicsmodel'. International Affairs, 1976, vol. 52, no. 3, p. 435: Dan Caldwell,'Buren ucratic foreign policy-making', American Behavioral Scientist, 1977,vol. 21. no. I, p. 92.

8 David A. Welch, 'The organizational process and bureaucratic politicsparadigms: retrospect and prospect', International Security, 1992, vol. 17,no. 2, p. 119-146.

9 Allison, op. cit., pp. 698-700.10 Allison and Halperin, op. cit., p. 56; Art, op. cit., pp. 472-4.II Allison, op. cit. pp. 708-12; Morton H. Halperin, 'Why bureaucrats play

games'!' Foreign Policy, 1971, no. 2, pp. 70-90.12 Freedman, op. cit., p. 437. .13 Allison and Halperin, op. cit., p. 43.14 Allison and Halperin, op. cit., p. 56.15 Art, op. cit., p. 474.16 Steiner, op. cit., p. 402.17 For a detailed list of these studies see Caldwell, op. cit., p. 102.18 For a good overview of the e critiques see Steve Smith, 'Allison and the

Cuban missile crisis: A review of the bureaucratic mode of foreign policydecision-making'; Milicnnium, 1980, vol. 9, no. I, pp. 21-40.


128 NOles

19 Stephen D. Krasner, 'Are bureaucracies important (or Allison Wonder-land)', Foreign Policy, 1972, no. 7, pp. 159-79; Art echoes Krasner's claimthat the power of the president is understated; Art, op. cit., p. 475.

20 Art, op. cit., pp. 473-90.21 Freedman, op. cii., pp. 437-41; Caldwell, op. cit., p. 97.22 Caldwell, op. cit., p. 95.23 For a critique of the BPM through the notion or 'role' se Martin Hollis

and Steve Smith, 'Roles and reasons in foreign policy decision making',British Journal of Political Science, 1986, vol. 16, pp. 269-86.

24 Stephen Benedict Dyson, 'Personality and foreign policy: Tony Blair's Iraqdecisions', Foreign Policy Analysis, 2006, 1986, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 289-306.

25 Jonathan Bendor and Thomas H. Hammond, 'Rethinking Allison'smodels', American Political Science Review, 1992, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 314-16.

26 Bendor and Hammond, op. cit., p. 315.27 Bendor and Hammond, op. cit., p. 317.28 Jerel A. Rosati, 'Developing a systemic decision-making framework:

Bureaucratic politics in perspective', World Politics. 1981, vol. 33, no. 2,pp. 234-52.

29 Ro ati, op. cit., pp. 248-9.30 Rosati, op. cit., p. 247.31 Bendor and Hammond, op. cii., pp. 304-6.32 David Welch, 'The organizational process and bureaucratic politics para-

digms: Retrospect and prospect', International Security, 1992, vol. 17, no. 2,especially pp. 119-46.

33 Paul 't Hart and Uriel Rosenthal, 'Reappraising bureaucratic politics',Mershon International Studies Review, 1998, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 236-7.

34 't Hart and Roenthal, op. cit., pp. 234-5.35 Jutta Weldes, 'Bureaucratic politics: A critical constructivist assessment',

Mershon International Studies Review, 1998, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 217; JuuaWeldes, Constructing National Interests: The United Simes uid the CubanMissile Crisis, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.

36 Weldes, 'Bureaucratic politics', p. 218.37 Weldes, 'Bureaucratic politics', p. 221.38 Israel is a case in point. For research on the impact of the military on

Israeli foreign policy in this context see Oren Barak and Gabriel Sheffer,'Israel's security network: An exploration of a new approach', InternationalJournal 0/ Middle East Studies, 2006, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 235-61; Yorarn .Peri, Generals ill the Cabinet Room: How the Military Shapes israeli Policy,Washington, DC: The United States Institute for Peace, 2006.

39 Robert O. Keohane, 'International insitutions: two approaches', lnterna-tiona! Studies Quarterly, 1988, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 379-96.

40 Weldes, 'Bureaucratic politics', p. 222.

4 The domestic sources of foreign policy

There is a vast literature on domestic influences and foreign policy. E.g.see James Rosenau (ed.) Domestic Sources 0/ Foreign Policy New York:Free Press, 1967; Peter Katzenstein, 'International relations and domesticstructures: Foreign economic policies of advanced industrial states', Inter-national Organization, 1976, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-45; Peter Gourevjtch ' he-

NOles 129


~econd image reversed: The international sources of domestic polit.ics',.-------- 'Ti1rrfr/uaiona Organization, 1978, vol. 32, pp. 881-~12; Thomas ~Isse-

Kappen, 'Public opinion, domestic structure and foreign policy 11l liberaldemocracies' World Politics, 1991, vol. 43, pp. 491-517; Joe Hagan,Political O;posilion and Foreign Policy ill Comparative PerspeCli:'e,Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1993; Laura Neack, 'Linking state type Withforeign policy behaviour', in Laura Neack, Jeanne Hey, Patri k Haney(eds) Foreign Policy Analysis: Continuity and Change ill its Second Genera-lion, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995; Randolf. Rummel,'Democracies are less warlike than other regimes', European Journal 0/International Relations, 1995, vol. I, no. 4, pp. 457-79; Maurice East,'National attributes and foreign policy', in Maurice East, Stephen Salmoreand Charles Hermann (eds) Why Nations Act: Theoretical Perspectives forComparative Foreign Policy, Beverly Hills,. CA: Sag,:, 1978; Bar?araSalmore and Stephen Salmore, 'Political regimes and foreign policy, InMaurice East, Stephen Salmore and Charles Hermann (eds) 'Vhy NationsAct: Theoretical Perspectives/or Comparative Foreign Policy, Beverly Hills,CA: Sage, 1978.

2 See Mary Kaldor, 'The idea of civil society', International Affairs, 2003,vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 583-93.

3 Peter Gourevitch op. cit.4 Richard Mansbach, Yale Ferguson and Donald Lampert, The Web 0/

World Politics: Nonstate AClors in the Global System, Englewood Cliffs'NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976.

5 For two interesting works on the connection between sovereignty and theissues discussed above see Chris Brown, Sovereignty, Righ ,: and Justice,Cambridge: Polity, 2002; Stephen Krasner, Sovereignty: Organized Hypoc-risy, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999. .

6 Barry Buzan and Ole Weaver, Regions and Powers: Tile Structure oj Inter-national Security, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, .!003.

7 Amitav Acharya, 'How ideas spread? Whose ideas matter - norm localiza-tion and institutional change in Asian regionalism', International Organi-::(J{iOIl,2004, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 239-75.

8 See the works of Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore.9 See Peter Katzenstein, op. cit.; Peter Gourevitch, op. cit.; Benjamin Cohen,

'The political economy of international trade'. International Organization,1990, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 261-81; Thomas Risse-Kappen, op. cit.

10 Thomas Risse-Kappen, op. cit.II Thomas Risse-Kappen, op. cit. .12' On Kennan's notion of containment and its significance for US foreign

policy see, inter alia, John L. Gaddis, Strategies 0/ Containment: A CriticalAppraisal 0/ American National Security Policy during tile Cold War.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005; Henry Kissinger, DIplomacy,New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994, esp. pp. 446-550; Charles Gati andRichard H. Ullman, 'Interview with George F. Kennan', Foreign Policy,1972, no. 7, pp. 5-21; Charles Gati, 'What containment meant, Foreign,Policy, 1972, no. 7, pp. 22-40. .

13 This is most strongly manifested in the lack of influence upon security ser-vices, classified material and other unaccountable governn-ent branches. See


130 NOlesFred Halliday, Rethinking international Relations, Basingstoke: Macmillan,1994, p. 84. .

14 M ichael Doyle, ' Liberalism and world politics', American Political Scienc«Review, 1986, vol. 80, pp. IJ 51-69.

J 5 Miroslav Ninic, Democracy and Foreign Policy: The Fallacy of PoliticalRealism, New York: Columbia University Press, 1992; Chnstopher Hill,The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003,pp. :235-40; Thomas Risse-Kappen, op. cit.; Randolph 1. Rummel,. 'Demo-cracies are less warlike than other regimes', European Journal oj Interna-tiona! Relations, 1995, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 649-64; Bruce M. Russet, Graspingthe Democratic Peace: Principles for a Post-Cold War World, Princeton,NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993.

16 Andrew Cooper, Richard Higgott and Kim Nossal, Relocating MiddlePowers: Australia and Canada in a Changing World Order, Vancouver, BeUniversity of British Columbia Press, 1993. .

7 onna Lee and James Hamill, 'A middle power paradox? South African~1~cfiplomacy-in fie pOst-apaI:thel . era', International Relations, 2001, vol. 15,

no. 4, pp. 33-59' Jonathan Ping, MIddle Power Stagecraft: Indonesia,Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific, Gower, UK: Ashgate Publishers 2005. .

18 Stephen Wright (ed.) African Foreign Policies, Boulder, CO: WestviewPress, 1999; Gilbert M. Khadiagala and Terrence Lyons (eds) AfricanForeign Policies: Power and Process, Boulder, CO: LynneRienner, 2001. .

19 Two good surveys are Raymond Hinnebusch and Anoushiravan Ehtesharni(eds) The Foreign Policy of Middle East States. London: Lynne Rienner2002; Carl L. Brown (cd.) Diplomacy ill the Middle East: The lnternationu!Relations of Regional atul Outside Powers, London: I.B. Tauris, 2004.

20 See work by Jurgen Haacke on ASEAN, including Jurgen Haacke andNoel Morada (eds) Cooperative Security ill the Asia-Pacific: The ASEANRegional Forum, Oxford: Routledge, 2010; Michael Leifer, Dictionary of theModem Politics of Southeast Asia, Oxford: Routledge, 1995.

21 The key works are Maurice East, op. cit.; Maurice East and CharlesHermann, 'Do nation-types account [or foreign policy behaviour?' in JamesRosenau (ed.) Comparing Foreign Policy: Theories, Findings and Methods,New York: John Wiley, 1974; Barbara Salmore and Stephen Salmore,op. cit.

22 E.g. Randolf Rummel, National Attributes (///(I Behavior, Beverley Hills,CA: Sage, 1979.

23 Stephen Krasner, 'Approaches to the state: Alternative conceptions and'historical dynamics', Comparative Politics, 1984, vol. 16, pp. 223-46.

24 Laura Neack, op. cit,25 Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, London: Penguin, 1967, especially

chapter I.26 Bruce Moon, 'The state in foreign and domestic policy', in Laura Neack,

Jeanne Hey and Patrick Haney (eels) Foreign Policy Analysis: Continuityand Change ill its Second Generation, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,1995, pp. 192-9.

27 Bruce Moon, ibid.28 Robert W. Cox, Production, Power and World Order, Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1987; Hein Marais, South Africa: The Limitsto Change, London: Zed, 2001.

Notes 131

29 David Skidmore and Valerie Hudson (eds) The Limits of State Autonomy:Society Groups and Foreign Policy Formulation, Boulder, CO: Westview,1993, pp 10--11. .

30 Christopher Clapham, Africa and the International System: The Politics ojState Survival, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 199 , p. 4.

31 Cited in Michael Clarke, 'Politicians and diplomats', Parliamentary Affairs,1978, vol. 31, no. I, p. 96.

32 Charles Wright Mills, The Power Elite, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1956.

33 David Skidmore and Valerie Hudson, op. cit., pp. 9-10.34 The FPA literature on interest groups includes general theoretical works

and specific empirical studies though much of it focuses on the US case,e.g. B. Hughes, The Domestic Context of American Foreign Policy, SanFrancisco, CA: W. Freeman, 1978; Richard 1. Payne and Eddie Ganaway,'The influence of black Americans on US policy towards Southern Africa',African Affairs, 1980, vol. 79, pp. 567-85; Robert Putnam, 'Diplomacy anddomestic politics: The logic of the two-level games', international Organi-zation, 1988, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 427-60; Charles Kegley, The DomesticSources of American Foreign Policy, New York: St Martins Press, 1987;Benjamin Cohen, op. cit.; John Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, Theisrael Lobby, London: Penguin, 2007.

35 David Skidmore, 'The potitics of national security policy: Interest groups,coalitions and the SALT II debate', in David Skidmore and ValerieHudson, op. cit., pp. 205-32.

36 Christopher Hill, 'Public opinion and British foreign policy', Millennium,1981, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 2.

37 Gabriel Almond, The American People and Foreign Policy, New York:Praeger, 1950.

38 Robert Y Shapiro and Benjamin 1. Page, 'Foreign policy and the rationalpublic', Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 211-47;Thomas W. Graham, 'The pattern and importance of public knowledgein the nuclear age', Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988, vol. 32, no. 2,pp.319-34.

39 James Rosenau, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, New York: RandomHouse,. 1961; see also Ole Holsti, 'Public opinion and foreign policy',lnternational Studies Quarterly, 1992, vol. 36, pp. 439-66.

40 Douglas Foyle, 'Public opinion and foreign policy: Elite beliefs as amediating variable', International Studies Quarterly, 1997, vol. 41, no. 1,pp. 141-70.

41 'Piers Robinson, 'Theorizing the influence of media on world politics',European Journal of Communication, 2001, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 523-44.

42 Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent: The Poli-tical Economy of the Mass Media, New York: Pantheon, 1988.

43 Diane Stone, 'Think tanks - beyond nation states', in Diane Stone andAndrew Denham (eds) Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and thePolitics of ideas, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.

44 Joe Hagan, op. cit.45 Juliet Kaarbo, Power politics in foreign policy: The influence of bureau-

cratic minorities', European Journal of international Relations, 1998, vol. 4,no.l, pp. 67-97.



132 Notes

46 Marlin Rochester, 'The paradigm debate in international relations andits implications lor foreign policy making: Toward a redefinition ortile "national intcrcst'", Wcslcm Political QUI/rlerll', I <J7H, vol. :11. IlO. I,p. 56.

47 Robert Putnam, op. cit.48 Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, Power and Interdependence: World Poli-

tics in Transition, Boston: Little Brown, 1977.49 See Michael Pinto-Duchinsky, 'Foreign political aid: The German party

foundations and their US counterparts', International Affairs, 1991, vol. 67,no. I, pp. 33-63.

5 Foreign policy analysis and the state

Fred Halliday, Rethinking International Relations, Basingstoke: Macmillan,1994, p. 78.

2 Debate on HS and lR began with the work or Fred Halliday, 'State andsociety in international relations: A second agenda', Millennium, 1987,vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 215-30, Anthony Jarvis, 'Societies, states and geopolitics:Challenges from historical sociology', Review of International Studies, 1989,vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 281-93 and Michael Banks and Martin Shaw (eds) Stateand Society in International Relations, London: Harvester, 1991. A .livelydiscussion in the Review of International Political Economy launched thesecond debate on HS and IR. See the following exchange: John M.Hobson, 'Debate: The "second wave" of Weberian historical sociology -The historical sociology of the state and the state of historical sociology ininternational relations', Review of International Political Economy, 1998,vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 284-320, Martin Shaw, 'The historical sociology of thefuture', Review of International Political Economy, 1998, vol. 5, no. 2,pp. 321-6, Sandra Halperin, 'Shadowboxing: Weberian historical sociologyvs. state-centric international relations theory', Review of IntcrnutionalPolitical Economy, 1998, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 327-39, Hendrik Spruyt, 'His-torical sociology and systems theory in international relations', Review ofInternational Political Economy, 1998, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 340-53, John M.Hobson, 'For a "second wave" of Weberian historical sociology in interna-tional relations: A reply to Halperin', Review of International PoliticalEconomy, 1998, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 354-61. For more recent explorations ofthe cross-fertilization between HS and IR, see John M. Hobson andStephen Hobden (eds) Historical Sociology and International Relations,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002; George Lawson, 'The pro-mise of historical sociology in international relations', Iuternational StudiesReview, 2006, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 397-423.

3 For a notable exception see Fred Halliday, The Middle East in IutcrnationalRelations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 41-75.

4 A classical account is Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Power andInterdependence, New York: Longman, 200 I.

5 For a dependency theory approach to FPA see Mark Webber and MichaelSmith (eds) Foreign Policy ill a Transformed World, Essex: Prentice Hall,2002, p. 23. For an interesting debate about applying nee-realism to FPAsee Colin Elman, 'Horses for courses: Why not neorealist theories offoreign policy?', Security Studies, 1996, vol. 6, no. I, pp. 7-53, Kenneth

NOles 133

Waltz, 'International politics is not foreign policy', Security Studies. 1996,vel. 6, no. I, pp. 54 -57, and Colin Elman, 'Cause, ellcct, and consistency:1\ response to Kenneth Waltz', Security Sttulics. 1996, vol. 6, no. I,pp. 58-63.

6 Halliday, Rethinking International Relations, pp. 76-8. .7 Anthony Giddens, The Nation-State and Violence, London: Polity, 1985;Theda Skocpol, Slates and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysisof France, Russia, and China, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1979.

8 Skocpol, op. cit., p. 29.9 See Halliday, The Middle East ill international Relations, p. 46.10 For a succinct exploration of the contribution of Mann's work to lR, see

George Lawson et. aI., 'The work of Michael Mann', Millennium, 2005,vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 476-552 (multiple contributors).

II Michael Mann, The Sources of Social Power: The Rise of Classes andNation-States, 1760-/914, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993,p.55.

12 John M. Hobson, The State and International Relations, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2000.

13 Mann, op. cit., p. 59.14 Ibid.15 E.g. David Skidmore and Valerie Hudson (eds) The Limits of State AULO-

nomy: Societal Groups and Foreign Policy Formulation, Boulder, CO:Westview Press, 1993.

16 Hobson, The SIC/Ie and International Relations, p. 20 l.17 George Lawson, 'A conversation with Michael Mann', Millennium, 2005,

vol. 34, no. 2, p. 480.18 Ibid; Hobson, The State and International Relations, p. 20 I.19 Hobson, 'Eurocentrism' and neoliberalism in the "Fall of Mann": Will the

real Mann please stand up?' Millennium, 2005, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 518-19.20 Robert H. Jackson, Quasi-Slates: Sovereignty, tntemational Relations and

the Third World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 21-2.21 Christopher Clapham, 'Sovereignty and the third world state', Political

Studies, 1999, vol. 47, p. 522.22 Jackson, op. cit., pp. 21-2.23 An international society exists 'when a group of states, conscious of certain

common interests and common values, form a society in the sense that theyconceive themselves to be bound by a common set of rules in their relationswith one another, and share in the working of common institutions', seeHeadly Bull, The Anarchical International Society: A Study of Order illWorld Politics, London: Macmillan, 1977, p. 13.

24 Robert Jackson, 'Sovereignty in world politics: A glance at the conceptualand historical landscape', Political Studies, 1999, vol. 47, p. 431.

25 Jackson, Quasi-States, pp. 23-6. .26 Several scholars have examined the evolution of the sovereignty regime

from a historical perspective. See Jackson, Quasi-States, pp. 32-50; RobertJackson, 'Sovereignty in world politics'; George Sorenson, 'Sovereignty:Change and continuity in a fundamental institution', Political S~udies,1999, vol. 47, pp. 590-604. Our account of the rise of self-determination 111


134 NOlesthe new sovereignty regime is derived from Clapham's 'Sovereignty and thethird world state'.

27 Clapham, 'Sovereignty and the third world state', p. 522.28 Clapham, 'Sovereignty and the third world state", pp. 522-6.. .,29 Jean Francois Bayart, 'Africa in the world: A history of extraversion,

African Affairs, 2000, vol. 99, pp. 217-67.30 Patrick Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz, Africa Works: The Political Instru-

mentality of Disorder, London: Zed, 1999.31 Jackson, Quasi-Slates, pp. 40-5.32 See In 5 for references.33 We draw on Thomas Risse-Kappen, Bringing Transnational Relations Back

In, Cambridge: Cambridge University, Press, 1995, p. 6.34 See for instance Gordon A. Craig and Alexander L. George (eds) Force

ane] Statecraft:' Diplomatic Problems of Our Time, Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, J 995; Daniel W. Drezner, The Sanctions Paradox: Eco-nomic Statecraft and International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge UnI-versity Press, 1999; Geof W. Berridge, Diplomacy: Theory and Practice.Basingstoke: Palgrave, Macmillan, 2005; Joseph S. Nye, Soft Power: TheMeans to Success ill World Politics, New York: Public Affairs, 2006.

35 This account draws on a growing literature emphasizing the politico-military origins of changes in contemporary statehood. See, inter alia, TarekBarkawi, Globaiization and War, Lanham, M 0: Rowman & Liulefield, 2006,pp. I-59; Ian Clark, Globalization and FmgmenlCltioll: international Rela-tions in the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford Univer uy Press, 1997; IanClark Globalization and International Relations Theory, Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 1999; Martin Shaw, 'The state of globalization: Towards atheory of state transformation', Review of International Political Economy,1997, vol. 4 no. 3, pp. 497-513; Martin Shaw, Theory of the Global State:Globalization as an Unfinished Revolution, Cambridge: Cambndge Uni-versity Press, 200 I; Michael Mann, 'Has globalization ended the rise andrise of the nation-state?', Review of Internationul Political Economy. 1997,,\,1 '~lh' ' !\' 4"1; ,)(: \li,'!1:1 '1 \·(:mll. ' ,j"b:lli7:1ti,)11 :l11d September II'..\, II LII «.,: II. ~\ )t, \\'1. I~ 1,:,\,,\. '.l. Pl'. 51 '':.

3b For an account of the CW as a contlict between two social systems see FredHalliday, The Making 0/ the Second Cold War, London: Verso, 1986. Forthe distinction between intra and inter-system dynamics see Clark, Globa-lization and Fragmentation, pp. 121-40.

37 Our line of argument draws on earlier works locating the origins of con-temporary globalization in the intra-systemic dynamics of the Cw. SeeMichael Mann, 'As the twentieth century ages', Nell' Left Review, 1995,vol. 21 no. 4 (Nov.-Dec.), pp. 104-24; Shaw, Theory ofthe Global State; Shaw,'The state of globalization'; Clark, Globalization and International RelationsTheory; Ian Clark, Globalization and Fragmentation, pp. 121-40; DanielDeudney and G. John Ikenberry, 'The nature and sources of liberal interna-tional order', Review ofImernational Studies, 1999, vol. 25, pp. 179-96.

38 Of course, the political institutionalization of the west faced significantchallenges. The US war with Vietnam, Washington's reluctance over WestGermany's ostpolitik, and the 'uni-lateral withdrawal' of the US from theexchange systems are a few examples. In addition, states and 'their' ownsocieties experienced tensions, e.g. the student mobilization in France in

Notes 135

1968, which further challenges the idea of a politically unified space. Themost recent and consequential issue is the Iraq war, which inspired a divi-sive foreign policy split between the Anglo-American alliance and much ofwestern Europe, echoing the post-Cw gap said by Robert Kagan to beemerging. However, despite periodic tensions, the overall political institu-tionalization of the 'west' has prevailed. For Kagan's account see RobertKagan, Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order,London: Atlantic, 2003.

39 For the notion of states as 'bordered power containers' see Shaw, 'The stateof globalization', pp. 499-500, 506-9.

40 Tarak Barkawi and Mark Laffey, 'The imperial peace: Democracy, forceand globalization', European Journal of International Relations, 1999,vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 403-34.

41 Shaw, Theory of the Global State, p. 244; Morten Ougaard and RichardHiggott, Towards Global Polity: Future Trends and Prospects, London:Routledge, 2002.

42 Christopher Hill, The Changing Politics 0/ Foreign Policy, Basingstoke:Palgrave, 2003, p. 209.

43 Hill, op. cit., pp. 210-14.44 There is a wide literature that suggests that the Middle East might be con-

ceived in terms of an institutional state. See, e.g., Halliday, The Middle Eastin International Relations, pp. 42-71; Roger Owen, State, Power and Poli-tics in the Making 0/ the Modern Middle East, London: Routledge, 2004;Nazih N. Ayubi, Overstating the Arab State: Politics and Society in theMiddle East, London: I.B Tauris, 1995, esp. parts 3 and 4.

45 See e.g. Scott Thomas, The Diplomacy of Liberation: The Foreign Relationsof the ANC since 1960, London: Tauris Academic, 1995.

46 See e.g. Joe Hanlon, Mozambique: Who Calls the Shots? London: JamesCurrey, 1991.

47 Alex de Waal, Famine Crimes: Politics and the Disaster Relief Industry inAfrica, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997.

48· On this point see Halliday, Rethinking International Relations, p. 82 .49 For how foreign policy is affected by politico-military structures see the

following exchange: Colin Elman, op. cit.; Kenneth Waltz, 'Internationalpolitics is not foreign policy', Security Studies, 1996, vol. 6, no. I, pp. 54-7;Colin Elman, 'Cause, effect, and consistency: A response to KennethWaltz', Security Studies, 1996, vol. 6, no. I, pp. '58-63. The impact ofsooio-econornic structures has been discussed mainly within dependencytheory. For a discussion of dependency theory in the context of FPA, seeMark Webber and Michael Smith, op. cit., p. 23.

6 Foreign policy, globalization and the study of foreign policy analysis

David Held, Anthony G. McGrew, David Goldblat and Jonathan Perra ton,Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Culture, Cambridge: PolityPress, 1999.

2 For this definition see Christopher Hill, The Changing Politics of foreignPolicy, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003, p. 3.

3 An examination of the index entries in several works reveals that foreignpolicy does not appear, e.g. Held et aI., op. cit., David Held and Anthony


136 NOles

McGrew (eds) The Global Transformations Reader, Cambridge: PolityPress, 2003; Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction,London: Palgrave, 2003; Jan Aart Scholle and Ronald Robertson, Ency-clopedia of Globalization, New York: Routledge, 2007. See also recentforums on GT in International Politics, 2005, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 364-99, andInternational Political Sociology, 2009, vol. 31, no. I, pp. 109-28.

4 For a classification of GT in these approaches see Held et aI., op. cit.,pp. 1-29. We focus on the state because foreign policy is usually deemed akey state activity. Thus, the impacts of globalization on the state might beseen as similarly influencing foreign policy.

5 Two good examples representing and enhancing this perception areThomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the GlobalizedWorld in the 21st Century, London: Allen Lane, 2005; Francis Fukuyama,The End of History and the Last Man, London: Penguin, 1993.

6 Held et al., op. cit., p. 2.7 John Gray, False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism, London:

Granta Books, 1998, p. 70.8 Held et al., op. cit., p. 3.9 The key global-sceptic text is Paul Hirst and Graham Thompson, Globali-

zation in Question, Cambridge: Polity, 2009.10 Hirst and Thompson, op. cit., pp. 6-7.II For this notion of internationalization see Anthony McGrew, 'Globali-

zation and global politics' in John Baylis and Steve Smith (eds) TheGlobalization of World Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005,p.24.

12 Held et al. substantiate this claim empirically in their ground-breakingGlobal Transformations. Also on this point see Jan Aart Scholte, 'Prematureobituaries: A response to Justin Rosenberg', 11I1(,l'IIation(/1Politics, 2005,vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 390-9. For an overview of the challenges and oppor-tunities non-state actors create in world politics see William Wallaceand Daphne Josselin (eds) Non-State Actors in World Politics, London:Palgrave, 2002.

13 On the significance of Held et al.'s op. cit., work in the context of GT seeJoseph S. Nye and Robert O. Keohane, 'Globalization: What's new? What'snot? (And so what?)', Foreign Policy, 2000, vol. I 18, no. I, pp. 104-20; forthe main proponents of the transformationalist thesis see Anthony Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991; AnthonyGiddens, Runaway World, London: Profile Books, 1999; James N. Rosenau, .Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1997; Jan A. Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction.

14 Held et aI., op. cit., p. 16.15 Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction, p. 46.16 Ibid.17 Ju tin Rosenberg, 'Globalisation theory: a post mortem', IIIterncuional

Politics, 2005, vol. 42, no. 3, p. 2.18 Held et aI., op. cit., p. 437.19 Held et aI., op. cit., p. 440.20 Ibid. In similar vein, Scholte argues that globalization has 'reconstructed

the state'. Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction, pp. 192-214.21 We draw partly on the argument in Hill, op. cit., pp. 190-1.

Notes 137

22 Held et al., op. cit., p. 41.23 James N. Rosenau, op. cit., p. 52.24 Held et aI., op. cit., p. 43; Rosenau, op. cit., pp. 81-2; Scho te, Globaliza-

tion: A Critical Introduction, p. 46.25 We draw on the literature presented in the previous chapter. See Chapter 5,

note 35.26 On the ontological primacy GT attributes to spatio-ternporal and economic

element at the expense of other factors, specifically military and political,see Tarek Barkawi 'Connection and constitution: Locating war and culturein globalization stu'dies', Globalizations, 2004, vol. I, no. 2, pp. 155-70; MartinShaw, 'The state of globalization: Towards a theory of state transforma-tion', Review of International Political Economy, vol. 4, no. 3, 1997, p. ?09.;Michael Mann, 'Has globalization ended the rise and nse of the nation-state?', Review of International Political Economy, vol. 4, no. 3, 1997, p. 493.

27 Shaw, 'The state of globalization', p. 498.28 See also Ian Clark, Globalization and Internationa, Relations Theory,

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 52; Mann, op. cit., p. 474.29 Examples included in Brian White, 'Ana lysing foreign policy problems

and approaches', in Michael Clarke and Brian White (eds) UnderstandingForeign Policy, Cheltenham': Edward Elgar, 1989, p. 3; Walter Carlsnaes,Ideology and Foreign Policy: Problems of Comparative Conceptualization,Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986, p. 70.

30 On Egypt see Raymond Hinnebusch, 'The foreign policy of Egypt', . inRaymond Hinnebusch and Anoushiravan Ehtesharni (eds) The ForeignPolicies 0/ Middle East States, London: Lynne Rienner, 2002; on Israel sec.Amnon Aran, Israel's Foreign Policy towards the PLO: The Impact ojGlobalization, Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2009.

31 For a recent account linking empire-consolidation and globalizationsee Tarek Barkawi, Globalization and War, Lanham, MD: Rowman &Littlefield, 2006, pp. 27-90.

32 On globalization in the context of the global war on terror see, RobertKeohane, 'The globalization of informal violence, theories of world politics,and the liberalism of fear', in Robert O. Keohane (ed.) Power and Govern-ance in a Partially Globalized World, London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 272-84.

33 There is an immense literature that accounts for the consolidation ofnation-state empires and the international order they generated in themanner described above. See, e.g., Michael Mann, The Sources of SocialPower: The Rise 0/ Classes and Nation-States, 1760-1914, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1993, p.. 504; Phillip Bobit, The Shield ofAchilles, New York: Anchor Books, 2003, pp, 144-205; Martin Shaw,Theory of the Global State: Globalization as an Unfinished Revolution,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 200 I, p. 104. .

34 Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry, 'The nature and sources of liberalinternational order', Review 0/ lnternational Studies, 1999, vol. 25, p. 182.

35 Michael, Mann, 'As the twentieth century ages', Nell' Left Review, 1995.vol. 214 (Nov.-Dec.), pp. 104-24. .

36 On the role of foreign policy in the construction of liberal spaces see Tara kBarkawi and Mark Laffey, 'The imperial peace: Democr: c force andglobalization', European Journal 0/ lnternational Relations, 1999, vol. 5,no. 4 (esp. pp. 419-23). .


138 Noles

7 Foreign policy and changeCharles Hermann acknowledged that the ending of the CW brought abouta focus on incorporating change in the FPA agenda. Charles Hermann,'Epilogue: Reflections on foreign policy theory building', in Laura Neack,Jeanne Hey and Patrick Haney (eds) Foreign Policy Analysis: Continuityand Change in its Second Generation, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,1995, p. 255. This is despite there being at least one earlier study of theimpact of major system change on foreign policy alignments, K.J. Holsti,Why Nations Realign: Foreign Policy Restructuring ill a POSI-War World,London: Allen and Unwin, 1982. See also Jerel Rosati, Joe Hagan andMartin Sampson (eds) Foreign Policy Restructuring, Columbia: Universityof South Carolina, 1994.

2 Margaret Hermann, 'Indicators of stress in policyrnakers during foreigno.:;\:p-olicy crises', Polil~cal Psychology, 1979, vol. I, no. I, p. I. .

Ak/]/Charies Herm,ann, Changing course: When governments choose to redirect~ - foreign policy , ltnemational Studies Quarterly, 1990, vol. 34, no. J, pp. 5-6.

4 See David Welch, Painful Choices: A Theory of Foreign Policy Change,Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005.

5 David Welch, op. cit., p. 8.6 David Welch, op. cit., p. 22.7 Charles Herrnman, Margaret Hermann and Joe Hagan, 'How decision

units shape foreign policy behavior', in Charles Hermann, Charles Kegleyand James Rosenau (eds) New Directions in the Study of Foreign Policy,London: Allen & Unwin, 1987.

8 Daniel Byman and Kenneth M. Pollack, 'Let us now praise great men:Bringing the state man back in', International Security, 2C,)I, vol. 25, I~O. 4,pp. 107-46.

9 See, e.g., the work on Gorbechev, such as Janice Stein, 'Political learning bydoing: Gorbachcv as uncommitted thinker and motivated learner', 11111'1'-

national Organization, 1994, vol. 48, no. 2. pp. I55-t!:l; for a contrastingdepiction, see Jeffrey Checkel, 'Ideas, institutions and the Gorbachev lor-eign policy revolution', World Politics, 1993, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 271-300.

10 Jack Levy, 'Learning and foreign policy: Sweeping a conceptual minefield', 2, pp. 279-312; Janice Stein,op. cit.

II Wang Jisi, 'China's search for a grand strategy: A rising power finds itsway', Foreign Affairs, 20 II, vol. 90, no. 2, pp, 74-7.

12 See Gregory Chin and Rarnesh Thakur, 'Will China change the rules ofglobal order?' Washington Quarterly, 2010, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 119-38;Alastair Johnston, 'Is China a status quo power?' International Security,2003, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 5-56.

13 For an overview of the topic, see Karen Smith, European Union ForeignPolicy ill a Changing World. Cambridge: Polity, 2008.

14 Yaacov Vertzberger, 'Foreign policy decision-makers as practical intuitivehistorians: Applied history and its shortcomings', lntcruauonal StudiesQuarterly, 1986, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 223-47.

15 Yuen Foong Khong, Analogies at War: Korea. Munich. Diem Bien Pliu and theVietnam Decisions of 1965, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992.

16 Yuen Foong Khong, op. cit., pp. 20-1.

Notes 139

17 Elisabetta Brighi and Christopher Hill, 'Implementation and behaviour',in Steve Smith, Amanda Hatfield and Tim Dunne (eds) Foreign Policy:Theories. Actors. Cases, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 117-36.

18 David Skidmore, 'The politics of national security policy: Interest groups,coalitions and the SALT 11 debates', in David Skidmore and ValerieHudson (eds) The Limits of State Autonomy: Societal Groups and ForeignPolicy Formulation, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1993.

19 K.J. Holsti, op. cit.20 Michael Barnett, 'Culture, strategy and foreign policy change: Israel's road

to Oslo', European Journal of International Relations, 1999, vol. 5, no. 1,pp. 5-36.

21 Sypros Blavokos and Dimitris Bourantonis, 'Accounting for foreign policychange: The role of policy entrepreneurs', paper presented at SOIR Pan-European Conference on IR, September, 20 IO.

22 Joe Hagan, 'Domestic political explanations in the analysis of foreignpolicy', in Laura Neack, Jeanne Hey and Patrick' Haney (eds) ForeignPolicy Analysis: Continuity and Change in its Second Generation,Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995, p. 138.

23 Brian Ripley, 'Cognition, culture and bureaucratic politics' in Neack et al.,op. cit., pp. 91-4.

24 Juliet Kaarbo, 'Power politics in foreign policy: The influence of bureau-cratic minorities', European Journal of International Relations, 1998, vol. 4,no. I, pp. 67-99.

25 Andreas Mehler, 'Eternal plight: France in search of a new Africa policy',Spiegel Online International, 4 November 2008,,546796,00.html, accessed 5 April 2011.

26 Chris Alden, 'From liberation movement to political party: ANC foreignpolicy in transition', South African Journal of International Affairs, 1993,vol. I, no. I, pp. 80-95.

27 See, e.g., Stephen Germs, 'The army as a learning organization',, Army War College, Carlisle, P;\, 2002; Davis Bobrow, Adap-live Politics, Social Learning and Military Institutions, Springfield, VA:National Technical Information Service, 1970; John Shy, 'The Americanmilitary experience: History and learning', Journai of Interdisciplinary His-lor)'; 1971, vol. I, no. 2, pp. 205-28.

28 Peter Haas, 'Introduction: Episternic communities and international policycoordination', International Organization, 1992, vol. 46, no. I, pp. 1-35.

29 Yuen Foong Khong, 'Neoconservatism and the domestic sources ofAmerican foreign policy: The role .of ideas in Operation Iraqi Freedom'in Smith et al., op. cit., 2008.

30 B. Guy Peters, Institutional Theory in Political Science: The 'Nell' IIISlilU-tionalism', 2nd edn, London: Continuum, 2005.

31 George Downs and David Rocke, 'Conflict, agency am] gambling for res-urrection: The principal-agent problem goes to war', American Jut/I'II{/I ofPolitical Science, 1994, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 362.

32 See, e.g., Ian Johnston, 'The role of the U Secretary General: The powerof persuasion based on law', Global 4,pp. 441-59; Terrence Chapman and Dan Reiter, 'The United NationsSecurity Council and the rally round the nag effect', Journal of ConflictResolution, 2004, vol. 48, pp. 886-909; Imelda Maher, Stijn Billiet and



140 NOles Noles 141

Dermot Hodson, 'The principal-agent approach to EU studies: Apply lib-erally but handle with care', Comparative European Politics, 2009, vol. 7,no. 4, pp. 409-13; Michael Lipson, 'Between Iraq and a hard place: UNarms inspections and the politics of Security Council Resolution 1441',paper presented at Midwest Political Science Association, 20 April, 2006.

33 Samuel Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the LateTwentieth Century, Norman: Oklahoma University Press, 1991; Juan Linz'Transitions to democracy', Washington Quarterly, 1990, vol. 13, no. 3,pp. 133-42; Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan, Problems of Transition andConsolidation, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

34 Alison Stanger, 'Democratization and the international system', in MilesKahler (ed.) Liberalization and Foreign Policy, New York: ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1997.

35 Paulo Gorjao, 'Regime change and foreign policy: Portugal, Indone ia andthe self-determination of East Timor', Democratization, 2002, vol. 9, no. 4,pp. 142-58.

36 Edward Mansfield and Jack Snyder, 'Democratisation and war', ForeignAffairs, 1995, May/June, pp. 79-97; Edward Mansfield and Jack Snyder,Electing to Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go To War, Cambridge,MA: MIT Press, 2005.

37 Valerie Philip Gagnon, 'Ethnic nationalism and international conflict: Thecase of Serbia', International Security, 1993/94, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 130-66.

38 Judith Goldstein and Robert Keohane (eds) Ideas and Foreign Policy:Beliefs, Institutions and Political Change, Ithaca, NY: Cornell UniversityPress, 1993.

39 Fred Halliday, Revolution and World Politics: The Rise and Fall of theSixth Great Power, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 1999; David Armstrong, Revo-lution and World Order: The Revolutionary State in International Society,Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.

40 Halliday, op. cit., p. 156.41 Chris Alden, Mozambique and the Construction ofthe N('I\' African State.

Basingstoke: Palgrave, 200 I, p. 7.42 Miles Kahler, 'Conclusion: Liberalization as foreign policy determinant

and goal', in Miles Kahler (ed.) Liberalization and Foreign PolicyNew York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

43 Paulo Gorjao, op. cit.44 See David Campbell, Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and

the Politics 0/ Identity, Minneapolis: University or Minnesota, 1992.45 David Campbell, op. cit., pp. 11-12.46 Chris Alden and Garth Ie Pere, SOiI/h Africa's Post-Apartheid Foreign

Policy - From Reconciliation to Revival? Adelphi Paper 362, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2003.

2 Barry Buzan and Richard Little, International Systems in World History.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

3 The works by David Houghton and Jeff Checkel being the principalexceptions.

4 Wang Jisi, 'China's search for a grand strategy: A rising power finds itsway', Foreign Affairs, 2011, vol. 90, no. 2, p. 76.

8 Conclusion: new directions in foreign policy analysis

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Abacha, Sani 54accommcda tion leadershi p

strategies 58-9, 97Achurya, Amitav 50advocacy groups 57Africa, political regimes of 52,

54,68African National Congress (ANC)

98, 108Albert, Mathias IIAllison, Graham T. 6, 32-4, 39-40,

42-4, 96, 116Almond, Gabriel 56Arab-Israeli war (1973) 88Art, Robert 1. 34, 39'ASEAN way' 52 .authoritarian regimes 51-2, 58,

100, 102Axelrod, Robert 23

balance or power 15,41balance of terror 17bargaining strategies 17-18Barkawi, Tarek 71Barnett, Michael 12, 97Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) 25Bayart, Jean Francois 68BBC see British Broadcasting

Corporationbehaviourism 4-6, 19-20, 118Bendor, Jonathan 39-40, 44bilateralism 3, 61, 71, 96'black box' of foreign policy

decision-making 4, 9, 20Blair, Tony 24, 36, 57

Blavokos, Sypros 97'border of violence' 71, 81, 87-8,91, 113

Boulding, Kenneth 5, 21'bounded rationality' concept

15,26-7Bounuuonis, Dimitris 97Bright, John 54brinkmanship 17British Broadcasting Corporation

(BBC) 57bureaucracies: actors in 6, 43; and

executive function 6, 37-9, 41,44; and foreign Iolicy 6, 12, 31-6,38,40-1,43-4,59,65,96; andhuman agency 36-9, 44; andthe national interest 33;politicians' role in 41-2;resistance to change in 12, 97-8;standard operating proceduresof32,36-7

bureaucratic politics model(BPM) 6, 31-4, 36-45, 96,116, 118; criticisms of 34-5,37,44

Bush, George W. 72Buzan, Barry 52, 115,

Campbell, David 106-8Castro, Fidel 23Chabel, Patrick 68change: ani foreign policy 3, 11-12,

92-5,97-100, 103, 105-9;resistance to 12, 22, 97-8; typesof 93


160 Index

theses of 79-84, 86-7, 90,Ill; mutually constitutive thesisuf 85-9, 91; transformationalisttheses of 79, 82-4, 86-7,89-90, 1 11

Goldstein, Judi th 103Gorbachev, Mikhail 95Gorjao, Paulo 102, 105Gourevitch, Peter 48-9Gray, John 80group decision making 25, 28'group think' concept 25'guns versus butter' problem 59-60

Hagan, Joe 8, 58, 60-1, 97Halliday, Fred 103, 114Halperin, Morton H. 6, 33Hammond, Thomas H. 39-40, 44r'Hart, Paul41Hearst, William Randolph 56Held, David 10-11, 60, 78, 83-4Hermann, Charles 92-3Higgott, Richard 52Hill, Christopher 8, 55historical sociology 63-7, 113-16Hollis, Martin. 36, 44Holsti, K.J. 97Holsti, Ole 25-6Hudson, Valerie M. 11,54human agency 2; and bureaucracy

38-9, 44; and foreign policy 5,19-20; and globalization 91;and international politics 20

Huntington, Samuel P. 12, 31,101-2

ideology, economic, military,political (IEMP) model 66

Ikenberry, G. John 88imperfect policy outcomes 5'imperfect restraint' concept 17information: asymmetries of 37-8;

available volumes of 5, 19;perception and evaluation of 2

infrastructural power 64-5institutional states 63-6, 113;

and the external environment 76;and foreign policy 63-6, 72-4;relative autonomy of 74-5

institutional theory 99

insulation leader hip strategies58-9, 97

interest groups 50, 55'inter-mesne' affairs 48international crises 16-17, 25, 34,

56, 68, 97international environment 17international institution 53, 60.

70, 99international political economy 53international politics 49; and

foreign policy analysis 92. 105;and globalization 84, 86 -7. 91:and human agency 20

International Relations (IR)theory 2; and change 92; andforeign policy 1-4, 8, J 2-13, 32,79,92,110,115; and globalization11, 78; and historical sociology63; and conceptions of the state63-4; and realism 114

internationalization 81-2, 87-9Internet resources, control of 58Iran hostage crisis (1979-81) 26Iraq invasion (2003) 24, 36, 57,99Israel-Egypt peace treaty (1979) 86

Jackson, Robert H. 67Janis, Irving 24-5Jervis, Robert 5, 18, 21-2Jisi, Wang 95, 116judicial sovereignty 67-9

Kaarbo, Juliet 58-9, 97Kant, Immanuel 51Katzenstein, Peter 50Kennan, George 51Kennedy, John F. 23Keohane, Robert 43, 58, 60, 103Khong, Yuen Foong 96Khrushchev, Nikita 23Korany, Bahgat 115Krasner, Stephen 34, 36, 50, 52Kuhn, Thomas S. 32

Laney, Mark 71Lampert, Donald 49leaders and leadership 21-4;

influence on foreign policydecision making 19, 23-6, 58;

interrelationship with theenvironment 23; and personality19, 23-6; power retentionstrategies of 97; psychologicaldisposition of 5; role of 117

Levy, Gilat 18Lindblom, Charles E. 27Linz, Juan 12,101--2Lippman, Walter 56lillie, Richard 115loss aversion 21, 93

Maastricht Treaty (1992) 95Mandela, Nelson 98, 107-8Mann, Leon 24Mann, Michael 64-6, 71, 87, 89Mansbach, Richard 49Mansfield, Edward 102Marais, Hein 53Marcos, Ferdinand 54Marx, Karl 53Marxism 65material resources 4, 117material tatehood 67-8, 70,

76, 113Mbeki, Thabo 107-8media influence on foreign policy

55-8, 118Middle East states 73'middle powers' 52-3middle-range theories 10, 12.

62, 118-19military power 4; and

globalization 78; pooling of 72Mill, C. Wright 54Mintz, Alex 28, 118Mitten-and, Francois 98mobilization leadership strategies

58-9, 97Molnar, Richard 24Moon, Bruce 53Morgenthau, Hans 3-4motivational psychology 24, 93Mozambique 68, 73, 104Muller, Haral 7multilateralism 3, 52, 74, 78multinational corporations (MNCs)

2, 7, 57'Munich analogy' 96mutually constitutive processes 6

Index 161

nation-states 80, 87national interest: and bureaucracy

33; and foreign policy 3-4, 6;and preference formation 16; andrationalism 16; and realism 3;and security issues 55

'national-territorial totality'concept 62

NATO see North Atlantic TreatyOrganization

Neack, Laura 53neo-classical realism 13,97, 117-18Neustadt, Richard E. 31new media 58NGOs see non-governmental

organizationsNigeria 54Nixon, Richard IInon-compensatory choices 28-9non-governmental organizations

(NGOs) 7, 60, 73non-intervention doctrine 67non-state actors 2, 7-8, 54; funding

by multinational corporations 57;and globalization 82; influenceon foreign policy 55, 57; andnew media 58; state actors'interaction with 49 .

'norm localization' concept 50North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO) 23Nossal, Kim 52nuclear strategy 17Nye, Joseph S. 58, 60

Ohmae, Kenichi 80Orbovich, Cynthia 24organizational theory 6, 32, 40, 93Oslo Process 86

Page, Benjamin l. 56Palestine Liberation Organization

(PLO) 86perception 19,21-2'peripheral states' concept 53'perpetual peace' theory 51philanthropic foundations 57Philippines 54pluralism: and bureaucratic

politics model 32-3; and

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