alcohol abuse uk facts

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Alcohol abuse: UK facts

Do you think drinking is fun?

Alcohol features in almost a third of all UK divorce petitions, which means one or both partner's drinking habits have contributed

to the bust up.

13,000 violent incidents take place outside UK bars, pubs or licensed premises, every

week. Most are alcohol-related.

Recent reports suggest that almost 50% of all British teenagers know how to buy

bootlegged alcohol that has been smuggled into the country.

Up to 65% of all suicides involve alcohol.

In 24% of Child Abuse cases, heavy drinking is a factor

70% of murders are linked with alcohol and 33% of murder victims were drunk at the

time they were killed.

Alcohol related reasons and excuses are responsible for roughly 14 million lost

working days in the UK every year.

Alcohol robs your body of vitamin B complex, a vital group of nutrients,

deficiency of which can cause skin damage, diarrhoea and depression.

Booze is believed to feature as a reason behind 25% of all school exclusions in the


Women may find their reaction to booze is affected by hormone level changes that

occur during the menstrual cycle.

An average 12% of males and 7% of females in the 16-19 age group show signs of

alcohol dependency (source: Office of Population and Census Surveys).

Booze features in almost 40% of all domestic violence incidents in the UK.

Every Christmas in the UK, 10,000 people seek help for alcohol-related problems

Do you still think drinking is fun?

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