albertrough draft

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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The Truth..

Albert einstein was born in 1879

In 1889, the Einstein family moved to Munich, where

Albert at the age of six was sent to a Catholic elementary


I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element.

I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details -Albert Einstein

"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.“

-Albert Einstein

Einstein was and will always be an exceptional scientist, When I first read about him when I was younger I felt a sigh of relief Knowing I wasn’t the only one that had felt this way about God.

This quote is

one of my favorites, it makes perfect sense to

me on his beliefs

and helps me

explain mine

At a young age I began to go to church with my family for years. I

had for a long time believed in God. It wasn't until the age of 13

my mind started to wonder like Albert Einstein's mind did when

he was young….

I started to ponder on God and who created him, What god looks like and how do we know he's a man, or if he's even human. How could he have

created woman from a rib of a man, why was man created first? And my biggest question was why

did it take so long for him to choose Jesus to preach about Christianity and the ways we should

live our life's.

During one of my many trips to church I had asked the

pastor the same very questions which he had told me

he would have to get back to me at later time...

Conveniently for him this time never came

I then took it upon myself to stop going to church, if I'm

going to learn about “all mighty god” from a man who

knows not even the basics what was the point; and to this

day after researching these very questions I cant seem to

find an answer….

I think after all the years of going to church I have learned enough to know that believing in something is a

good thing but I choose to spend my time on more things that can be explained by science. After my

findings on Albert's beliefs in religion it has put me more at ease to talk freely about it because he was a very

well known scientist.

Its not that I think its wrong for people to believe in God, I don’t.. it makes people better citizens because they follow certain paths, and makes

people not afraid to die. But just as Albert Einstein explains it.. we all must believe in something to get through life. I on other hand will just go through

life one day at a time…

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