alan c. monheit - rutgers university · alan c. monheit and jessica p. vistnes. 1997. health...

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May 2019


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DEGREES Ph.D. in Economics, Graduate School, City University of New York, September, 1975 M.A. in Economics, Queens College, City University of New York, 1971 B.A. in Economics with Honors, Queens College, City University of New York, 1968

CURRENT POSITION & AFFILIATIONS Professor of Health Economics (with tenure), Department of Health Systems and Policy, Rutgers University School of Public Health

Research Professor, Center for State Health Policy, Rutgers University, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research Research Associate, Health Economics, National Bureau of Economic Research Editorial Board Member & past Editor, Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care

Organization, Provision, and Financing Elected member, National Academy of Social Insurance Fellow, Employee Benefits Research Institute

SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs (July 1, 2010 – September 1, 2017) Chair, Department of Health Systems and Policy (March 30, 2015 – June 30, 2018)

OTHER RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC POSITIONS 1995 – 2001 Director, Division of Social and Economic Research, Center for Cost and

Financing Studies, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 1991 – 1995 Senior Research Manager, Division of Medical Expenditure Studies,

Center for General Health Services Intramural Research, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 1983 – 1991 Senior Economist, National Health Care Expenditure Survey, Division of Intramural Research, National Center for Health Services Research

1978 – 1983 Public Health Service Research Fellowship, Hospital Cost and Utilization Project, Division of Intramural Research, National Center for Health Services Research.

1977 – 1978 Research Associate in Health Economics, Health Services Research

Section, Boston University School of Medicine 1976 – 1977 Research Associate in Health Economics, Program on Public Policy for Quality Health Care, Boston University Health Policy Institute.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


HONORS AND AWARDS New Jersey Health Foundation Annual Research Award, 2016. Ranked 60th of top 100

health economists for period 1969 – 2010; Who’s Who in America, since 2007; Elected member, National Academy of Social Insurance, 2002 to present; Fellow, Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2002 to present; Founding Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, International Health Economics Association; Member, Scientific Advisory

Committee, 4th World Congress, International Health Economics Association, 2003; Named to Senior Biomedical Research Service, US Department of Health and Human Services, December, 2000; AHRQ Award for Outstanding Group Effort for Informing American Health Care Policy, 1999; Finalist, Arrow Award for Best Published Health

Economics Paper, 1994; AHCPR Administrator's Award of Merit, 1994; First recipient, AHCPR Administrator's Award for Health Services Research, 1993; AHCPR Administrator's Award of Merit, 1993; Certificate of Appreciation, Health Planning Commission, Montgomery County, Maryland, February, 1988; Secretary's

Commendation, Task Force on Acute Catastrophic Health Insurance, February 1987; Assistant Secretary for Health, Special Recognition Award for NHCES staff, June 8, l984. Graduate Assistantship, Ph.D. program in Economics, Graduate Center, CUNY; Graduate Assistantship, Masters Program in Economics, Queens College; Undergraduate

Honors in Economics, Queens College.


Books Alan C. Monheit and Joel C. Cantor (eds.). State Health Insurance Market Reform: Toward Inclusive and Sustainable Health Insurance Markets. London: Routledge Press International Health Economics Series. October 2004.

Alan C. Monheit, Renate Wilson, and Ross Arnett (eds). Informing American Health Care Policy: The Dynamics of Medical Expenditure and Insurance Surveys: 1977-1996. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999.

Articles and Reports Alan C. Monheit and Irina Grafova. 2018. “Education and Family Health Care

Spending.” Southern Economic Journal 85(1): 71-92. Alan C. Monheit, Irina B. Grafova, and Rizie Kumar. 2018. “How Does Family Health Care Use Respond to Economic Shocks? Realized and Anticipated Effects.” Review of

Economics of the Household. DOI 10.1007/s11150-018-9438-9. Published first online November 3rd. Irina B. Grafova, Alan C. Monheit, and Rizie Kumar. 2018. “How Do Changes in

Income, Employment, and Health Insurance Affect Family Mental Health Spending?” Review of Economics of the Household. Published first online November 7.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Irina B. Grafova and Alan C. Monheit. "How Does Actual Unemployment and the Perceived Risk of Joblessness Affect Smoking Behavior? Gender and Intra-family

Effects." Review of Economics of the Household. Published online May 20, 2017. Joel C. Cantor and Alan C. Monheit. 2016. “Reform of the Individual Insurance Market in New Jersey: Lessons for the Affordable Care Act.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy

and Law 41(4): 781-802. Alan C. Monheit, Joel C. Cantor, and Derek DeLia. 2015. “Drawing Plausible Inferences about the Impact of State Dependent Coverage Expansions.” Health Services Research

50(3): 631-636. Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Vistnes. 2015. “Does Public Health Insurance for Children Improve Single Mothers’ Health Care Use?” Journal of Family and Economic Issues

36(4): 581-592 Alan C. Monheit and Joel C. Cantor. 2012. “Insurance Exchanges.” Jennie Kronfield, Wendy Parmet, and Mark Zezza (eds.) SAGE Debates on Health Care. Thousand Oaks,

CA: SAGE Publications. Joel C. Cantor, Alan C. Monheit, Derek DeLia, and Kristen Lloyd. 2012. “Early Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage of Young Adults.” Health

Services Research 47(5) October: 1773-1790. Joel C. Cantor, Dina Belloff, Alan C. Monheit, Derek DeLia, and Margaret Koller. 2012. “Expanding Dependent Coverage for Young Adults: Lessons from State Initiatives.”

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 37(1): 99-128. Jessica P. Vistnes and Alan C. Monheit. 2011. “Health Insurance Status of Low-Wage Workers: The Role of Workplace Composition and Marital Status.” Medical Care

Research and Review 68(5) October: 607-623. Alan C. Monheit, Joel C. Cantor, Derek DeLia, and Dina Belloff. 2011. “How Have State Policies to Expand Dependent Coverage Affected the Health Insurance Status of Young

Adults?” Health Services Research 46 (1), Part II (February): 251-267. Thomas C. Buchmueller and Alan C. Monheit. 2009. “Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Promise of Health Insurance Reform.” Inquiry 46(2) Summer:187-

202. Alan C. Monheit, Jessica P. Vistnes, and Jeannette Rogowski. 2009. “Overweight in Adolescents: Implications for Health Expenditures.” Economics and Human Biology 7

(1) March: 55-63.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Alan C. Monheit and Jessica P. Vistnes. 2008. “Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Preferences for Coverage, Worker Sorting, and Insurance Take-Up.” Inquiry 45(2) Summer: 153-167.

Alan C. Monheit. 2008. “Health Care Insurance.” In V. Parrillo (ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Sage Publishers.

Joel C. Cantor, Alan C. Monheit, Susan Brownlee, and Carl Schneider. 2007. “The Adequacy of Household Survey Data for Evaluating the Non-Group Health Insurance Market.” Health Services Research 42(4) August: 1739-1757.

Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Vistnes. 2005. “The Demand for Dependent Health Insurance: How Important is the Cost of Family Coverage?” Journal of Health Economics 24(6) November: 1108-1131.

Alan C. Monheit, Joel C. Cantor, Margaret Koller and Kimberly Fox. 2004. “Community Rating and Sustainable Individual Health Insurance Markets: Trends in the New Jersey Individual Health Coverage Program.” Health Affairs 23 (4) July/August: 167-175.

Alan C. Monheit and Barbara Schone. 2004. “How Has Small Group Market Reform Affected Employee Health Insurance Status?” Journal of Public Economics 88: 237-254. Alan C. Monheit and Joel C. Cantor. 2004. “Introduction.” In Alan C. Monheit and Joel

C. Cantor (eds.). State Health Insurance Market Reform: Toward Inclusive and Sustainable Health Insurance Markets. London: Routledge Press International Health Economics Series: 1-17.

Alan C. Monheit. 2003. “Persistence in Health Expenditures: Prevalence and Consequences.” Medical Care 41 (7) July Supplement: III-53 - III-64. Alan C. Monheit, Jessica Vistnes, and Samuel Zuvekas. 2001. Stability and Change in

Health Insurance Status: New Estimates from the 1996 MEPS. Research Findings 18. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health care Research and Quality. MEPS Research Findings No. 18. AHRQ Publication No. 02-0006.

Marc L. Berk and Alan C. Monheit. 2001. “The Concentration of Health Expenditures Revisited.” Health Affairs 20 (2) March/April: 9-18.

Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Primoff Vistnes, and John M. Eisenberg. 2001. “Moving to

Medicare: Trends in the Health Insurance Status of Near-Elderly Workers, 1987 to 1996.” Health Affairs 20 (2) March/April: 204-213.

Alan C. Monheit and Thomas M. Selden.2000. "Cross-Subsidization in the Market for

Employment-Related Health Insurance." Health Economics 9 December 2000: 699-714.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Primoff Vistnes. 2000. “Race/Ethnicity and Health Insurance Status: 1987-1996,” Medical Care Research and Review 57 (Supplement 1): 11-35.

Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Primoff Vistnes. 1999. “Health Insurance Availability at the Workplace: How Important are Worker Preferences?” Journal of Human Resources 34, 4 Fall: 770-785.

Alan C. Monheit, “Health Insurance, Employment, and the Labor Market,”1999. In A.C. Monheit, R. Wilson, and R. Arnett (eds.) Informing American Health Care Policy: The Dynamics of Medical Expenditure and Insurance Surveys: 1977-1996 (San Francisco:

Jossey-Bass): 95-122. Alan C. Monheit, Barbara Schone, and Amy K. Taylor. 1999 “Health Insurance Coverage in Two-Worker Households: Determinants of Double Coverage.” Inquiry, 36, 1

Spring: 12-29.

Robin Weinick and Alan C. Monheit 1999. “Children’s Health Insurance and Family Structure, 1977-1996.” Medical Care Research and Review, Vol. 56, No. 1 (March): 55-

73. Alan C. Monheit and Jessica P. Vistnes. 1997. Health Insurance Status Workers and their Families, 1996. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1997.

MEPS Research Findings No. 2, AHCPR Pub. No. 97-0065. September. Jessica Vistnes and Alan C. Monheit. 1997. Health Insurance Status of the Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and

Research; 1997. MEPS Research Findings No. 1, AHCPR Pub. No. 97-0030. September. Alan C. Monheit, Len M. Nichols, and Thomas M. Selden. 1995/96. "How are Net Health Insurance Benefits Distributed in the Market for Employment-Related Coverage?"

Inquiry 32 (4 ) Winter 1995/96: 379-391. Joel W. Cohen, Alan C. Monheit, et al. "The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: A National Health Information Resource," Inquiry 33 (4) Winter: 373-389.

Alan C. Monheit. 1996. "Comment on Gruber, 'The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits." Health Economics Analysis Letter 5 (1) December: 2-5. (Kenneth Arrow Award Commentary).

Alan C. Monheit and Philip F. Cooper. 1994. "Health Insurance and Job Mobility: Theory and Evidence." Industrial and Labor Relations Review 48 (1) October: 68-85.

Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Primoff Vistnes. 1994. "Implicit Pooling of Employees from Large and Small Firms." Health Affairs. Spring (I): 301-314.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Alan C. Monheit. 1994. "Underinsured Americans: A Review" Annual Review of Public Health 15: 461-485.

Philip F. Cooper and Alan C. Monheit. 1993."Does Employment-Related Health Insurance Inhibit Job Mobility?" Inquiry 30 (4) Winter: 400-416. Alan C. Monheit and P. Holly Harvey 1993. “Sources of Health Insurance for the Self

Employed: Does Differential Taxation Make a Difference?" Inquiry 30 (3) Fall: 293-305. Marc L. Berk and Alan C. Monheit. 1992. "The Concentration of Health Care

Expenditures: An Update." Health Affairs 11, No. 4 (Winter): 145-149 Eugene M. Lewit and Alan C. Monheit. 1992. "Expenditures on Children's Health Care." The Future of Children 2 (2) Fall: 95-114.

Alan C. Monheit and Peter J. Cunningham. 1992. "Children without Health Insurance." The Future of Children 2 (2) Fall:154-170

Doris Lefkowitz and Alan C. Monheit. 1991. Health Insurance, Use of Health Services, and Health Care Expenditures. NMES Research Findings 12 (December). Peter J. Cunningham and Alan C. Monheit. 1990. "Insuring the Children: A Decade of

Change." Health Affairs 9 (4) Winter: 76-90. Alan C. Monheit. 1990. "Returns on U.S. Health Care Expenditures." Journal of Medical Practice Management. 6 (1) August: 7-13.

Alan C. Monheit and Pamela Farley Short. 1989. "Mandating Health Care Coverage for Working Americans." Health Affairs 8 (4) Winter: 22-38.

Ayah E. Johnson, Steven B. Cohen, and Alan C. Monheit. 1989. "Imputing Hourly Wages in the National Medical Expenditure Survey." Proceedings, Amer. Stat. Assn. Pamela Farley Short, Alan C. Monheit, and Karen Bearuregard. 1989. A Profile of

Uninsured Americans. (DHHS Pub.No.(PHS) 89-343). National Medical Expenditure Survey, NCHSR, September. Alan C. Monheit and Claudia L. Schur. 1989. Health Insurance Coverage of Retired

Persons. (DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 89-344). National Medical Expenditure Survey Research Findings 2, National Center for Health Services Research, Rockville, MD: Public Health Service (September).

Alan C. Monheit and Claudia L. Schur. 1988. “The Dynamics of Health Insurance Loss: A Tale of Two Cohorts." Inquiry 25 (3) Fall: 315-327

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Pamela Farley Short, Joel C. Cantor, and Alan C. Monheit. 1988/89. “The Dynamics of Medicaid Enrollment." Inquiry. 25 (4) Winter: 504-516.

Curt D. Mueller and Alan C. Monheit. 1988. "Insurance Coverage and the Demand for Dental Care: Results for Non-aged White Adults." Journal of Health Economics 7 (March): 59-72.

Marc L. Berk, Alan C. Monheit, Michael M. Hagan. 1988. "How the U.S. Spent Its Health Care Dollar,1929-1980-Implications for Public Policy." Health Affairs 7(4) 46-60. Pamela Farley Short and Alan C. Monheit. 1989. “Employers and Medicare as Partners in

Financing Health Care for the Elderly." in M. Pauly and W. Kissick (eds.) Lessons from the First Twenty Years of Medicare: Implications for Public and Private Sector Policy . Philadelphia, PA.: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Alan C. Monheit, Marc L. Berk, Michael M. Hagan, Pamela Farley. 1985. "The Employed Uninsured and the Role of Public Policy." Inquiry (Winter): 348-364. Pamela Farley and Alan C. Monheit. 1985. "Selectivity in the Demand for Health

Insurance and Health Care." in Scheffler, R.M. and Rossiter, L.F. (eds.) Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research (Greenwich, CT. JAI Press) pp. 231-248. Mark C. Hornbook and Alan C. Monheit. 1985. "The Contribution of Case Mix Severity

to the Hospital Cost-Output Relationship." Inquiry 22 (Fall). Alan C. Monheit, Michael M. Hagan, Marc L. Berk and Gail R. Wilensky. 1985. "Health Insurance for the Unemployed: Is Federal Legislation Needed?" Health Affairs 3 (1)

Spring. Alan C. Monheit and Mark L. Berk, "Critiquing a Critique." 1984. (Rejoinder to S. Berki on unemployment and health insurance coverage). Hospitals. 58 (7) April 1: 110.

Jon R. Gabel and Alan C. Monheit. 1983. "Will Competition Plans Change Insurer-Provider Behavior?" Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly/Health and Society. 61 (4) Fall: 614-640.

Alan C. Monheit. 1982."Occupational Licensure and the Utilization of Nursing Labor: An Economic Analysis," in Scheffler, R. and L. Resister (eds) Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research 3 (Greenwich, CT. JAI Press): pp.117-142.

Marsha G. Goldfarb, Mark C. Hornbrook, Joyce V. Kelly, and Alan C. Monheit. 1980. "Health Care Expenditures" in Health: United States: 1980 National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, DHHS. December: 101-


Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Paul M. Gertman, Alan C. Monheit, et al. 1979. "Utilization Review in the United States: Results from a 1976-1977 National Survey of Hospitals." Medical Care (Supplement) l. 17 (8). August.

Alan C. Monheit. 1978. "Issues in the Allocation of Resources to Health Technology," in R. Egdahl and P. Gertman (eds.)Health Care Technology and Quality of Care. Germantown, MD. Aspen Press, pp. 53-70.

Alan C. Monheit. 1977. "Economic Implications of Employer-Provided Health Care," in R. Egdahl and D. Walsh (eds).Background Papers on Industry's Changing Role in Health Care Delivery. New York. Springer-Verlag, pp. 180-191.

Alan C. Monheit. 1977. "Benefit-Cost Aspects of Continuing Medical Education," in R. Egdahl and P. Gertman (eds.) Quality Health Care: The Role of Continuing Medical Education. Germantown, MD. Aspen Press, pp. 109-129.

Paul M. Gertman, Alan C. Monheit, et al. 1981. "Utilization Review in the United States: Results of a 1976 National Survey of Hospitals." Physician and Financial Incentive: Health Care Financing Proceedings. Gabel, J. et al. (eds) HCFA,1981: 121-24.

PAPERS IN Progress

Irina Grafova and Alan C. Monheit. “Income Losses and Discretionary Health Care

Spending: Findings for Single-Mother Families.” Alan C. Monheit and Irina Grafova. “How do Economic Shocks Affect Family Health Care Spending Burdens?”


Alan C. Monheit and Jasmine Rizzo. 2006. Mandated Health Insurance Benefits: A

Review of the Literature. Center for State Health Policy, Rutgers University. Alan C. Monheit, Joel C. Cantor, and Piu Banerjee. 2005. Assessing Policy Options in the Non-group Insurance Market: Simulation of the Impact of Modified Community Rating in

the New Jersey Individual Health Coverage Program. Center for State Health Policy, Rutgers University, March.

Alan C. Monheit. 2005. Assessment of Affordability of Health Insurance: Application to

New Jersey. Center for State Health Policy, Rutgers University. Alan C. Monheit. 2003. Verifying Lack of Health Insurance in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: An Assessment. Final Report, Agency for Healthcare Research and


Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit



“Thoughts on Health Insurance Expansions and the Value of Coverage.” Inquiry 44

(Summer 2007): 133-136. “Education Policy is Health Policy.” Inquiry 44 (Fall 2007).

“Ideology, Politics, and Health Care Reform.” Inquiry 44 (Winter 2007/08). “The Rehabilitation of Health Insurance Mandates.” Inquiry 45 (Spring 2008)

“Medical Indebtedness, Financial Insecurity, and Health – Time for a Government Bailout?” Inquiry 45 (Summer 2008). “Using Health Insurance Premiums to Change Health Behaviors.” Inquiry 45 (Fall 2008).

“Some Unanswered Questions on the Road to Health Care Reform.” Inquiry 45 (Winter 2008).

“Health Reform Thaw in the Winter of Our Discontent.” Inquiry 46 (Spring 2009). “Reality Bites Health Reform.” Inquiry 46 (Summer 2009).

“Speaking Truth to Power.” Inquiry 46 (Fall 2009). “Demise of the Public Option: Down for the Count but not Out?” Inquiry 46 (Winter 2009/2010).

“Will What Happened in Massachusetts Stay in Massachusetts?” Inquiry 47 (Spring 2010).

“Now for the Really Hard Part: Implementing Health Reform.” Inquiry 47 (Summer 2010). “Can Reform’s Prevention Incentives Help to Bend the Cost Curve?” Inquiry 47 (Fall

2010). “The Free Lunch Society.” Inquiry 47 (Winter 2010).

“Of Private and Public Safety Nets.” Inquiry 48 (Spring 2011). “Ryan’s Hope or Folly?” Inquiry 48 (Summer 2011).

“ Running on Empty” Inquiry 48 (Fall 2011). “A CLASS-Less Act.” Inquiry 48 (Winter 2011).

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


“Good News and Not-So-Good News.” Inquiry 49 (Spring 2012).

“There We Go Again!” Inquiry 49 (Summer 2012). “The Lost Decade and Our Moral Compass.” Inquiry 49 (Fall 2012).

“Let’s Take the ‘Pols’” Out of Policy-Related Research.” Inquiry 49 (Winter 2012). “A Matter of Trust.” Inquiry 50 (Spring 2013).

“Continuity and Change.” Inquiry 50 (Fall 2013).

NBER and Other Working Papers

Joel C. Cantor and Alan C. Monheit. “Reform of the Individual Insurance Market in New Jersey: Lessons for the Affordable Care Act.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy,and Law. (under review)

Alan C. Monheit, Irina Grafova, Rizie Kumar “How Does Family Health Care Use Respond to Economic Shocks? Realized and Anticipated Effects” NBER Working Paper #20348.

Joel C. Cantor, Alan C. Monheit, Derek DeLia, and Kristen Lloyd. “The Role of Federal and State Dependent Coverage Eligibility Policies on the Health Insurance Status of Young Adults” NBER Working Paper #18254).

Thomas C. Buchmueller and Alan C. Monheit. “Employer-Sponsored Insurance and the Promise of Health Insurance Reform.” Commissioned paper, Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #14839. Published in Inquiry Summer 2009.

Alan C. Monheit and Jessica Primoff Vistnes. “Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Preferences for Coverage, Worker Sorting, and Insurance Take Up”. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #12429. Accepted for publication in Inquiry.

Alan C. Monheit, Jessica Vistnes, and Jeannette Rogowski. “Overweight in Adolescents: Implications for Health Expenditures.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #13488. Accepted for publication by Economics and Human Biology.

REFEREE Review of Economics of the Household; The Gerontologist: Social Sciences; Health Economics, Policy, and Law, Journal of Policy Analysis & Management; Journal of

Health Economics, Inquiry, Journal of Labor Research, Health Affairs, Health Economics, Health Services Research, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law; Demography, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Family and Economic Issues,

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Contemporary Economic Problems, Health Economics Letters, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Medical Decision Making, Review of Economics and Statistics, Pediatrics, Medical Care, Journal

of Risk and Insurance, Current Medical Research & Opinion, Milbank Quarterly, Policy Sciences, Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Economics, Social Science and Medicine, Social Science Quarterly, Public Health Reports, Journal of Rural Health, Journal of Adolescent Health, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of the

American Medical Association, Journal of Women’s Health, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics.


Urban Institute Press: Review of Health Policy and the Uninsured, Catherine G. McLaughlin (ed.) 2004.

Russell Sage Foundation: Review of Reinsuring Health by Katherine Swartz, 2006. Book Review: The Encyclopedia of Health Services Research, Ross Mullner (ed.): Sage Press, 2010. Inquiry (Fall 2010).

Reviewer, National Academy of Social Insurance – John Heinz award for best dissertation in social insurance. 2011.


Presentations and organized sessions

“Education and Family Health Care Spending.” Festschrift in Honor of Michael Grossman. May 3, 2018. National Bureau of Economic Research. “How Does Family Health Care Spending Respond to Economic Shocks: Realized and

Anticipated Effects.” Health Economics Colloquium, Department of Economics Alumni Day,

Graduate Center, City University of New York. April 20, 2018.

“How Does Family Health Care Spending Respond to Economic Shocks .” International

Health Economics Association Meetings, Session on Family Health Production: Responses to

Economic and Health Shocks, July 10, 2017, Boston MA.

Invited lecture. “The US Health Care Delivery System: Challenges and Policy Responses.” Lecture to Chinese state administrators from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Department. Rutgers Centers for Global

Advancement and International Affairs - China Office, New Brunswick, NJ. November 1,


Invited presentation. “How Does Family Health Care Use Respond to Economic Shocks? Realized & Anticipated Effects.” Department of Economics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 28, 2017.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Invited presentation. “Behavioral Economics & Health Insurance.” Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Center, University of New Mexico, , Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 28,

2017. “How Do Economic Shocks Affect Family Mental Health Spending?” Alan C. Monheit, Irina Grafova, and Rizie Kumar. Poster presentation, 6th Biennial Conference of the

American Society of Health Economists, University of Pennsylvania, June 13, 2016. “International Differences in Health Care Systems: Some Observations.” Presentation to the American Medical Student Association Health Policy Committee, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, March 4, 2015.

“Health Insurance and Behavioral Economics.” Presented at the Economics of Choice: A Health Insurance Rate Review Forum. Rutgers University Center for State Health Policy, September 19, 2014.

“How Does Family Health Care Use Respond to Economic Shocks? Evidence from the Great Depression”(with Irina Grafova and Rizie Kumar). Presented at the 5th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, University of Southern

California, June 23, 2014. Invited panelist “The ACA: A Radical Approach to Improving Equity and Efficiency in US Health Care?" in roundtable discussion, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act and Its Critiques: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Ph.D. program in Economics Alumni Day, Graduate Center, City University of New York. May 15, 2014.

“Expanding Dependent Coverage for Young Adults: Impact of State and Federal

Policies. Invited seminar, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, November 14, 2013.

“The US Health Insurance System: Evolution, Present Structure, & Future Directions.”

Presented at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Physician’s Business Elective Lecture Series. April 3, 2013.

“The Affordable Care Act: An Update.” Presented at the UMDNJ Public Health Seminar

Series, March 14, 2013

“The Role of Federal and State Dependent Coverage Eligibility Policies on the Health Insurance Status of Young Adults.” Health Economics Research Organization session on

Early Effects of the Affordable Care Act, Annual meeting of the American Economic Association/Allied Social Science Associations, January 5, 2013, San Diego, CA.

Invited Panelist, “Affordable Care Act: Impact & Implications.” New Jersey Public

Health Association Annual Conference. December 11, 2012.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


“Early Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage of Young Adults.” Presented at the 4th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 12, 2012.

Faculty advisor and moderator, Lifetime Health Care Companies Boards of Directors Spring Conference, “Provider and Employer Responses to the Affordable Care Act.” Welch Allyn Lodge, Skaneateles, N.Y. April 26, 2012.

Invited panelist, “The Future of Health Care Reform: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the 2012 Presidential Election” Rutgers University chapter of the New Jersey Public Health Association. March 26, 2012.

“Expanding Health Insurance While Containing Costs: The Challenge of Health Reform.” Presented at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Health Policy Awareness Initiative. December 7, 2011.

“Does Public Health Insurance for Children Increase Single Mothers’ Use of Health Services?” Presented at the 8th World Congress on Health Economics, Toronto, Canada. July 11, 2011.

Keynote address “Health Reform is the Law of the Land: Implications and Challenges.” New Jersey Public Health Association Annual Meeting, December 2, 2010.

“Health Reform is the Law of the Land: Now What?” presented at the UMDNJ Public Health Seminar Series, October 6, 2010. Panelist, “Meet the Editors,” Annual Meeting of AcademyHealth, Boston MA, June 27,


“Does Public Health Insurance for Children Improve Parents’ Use of Health Care Services?”(co-authored with Jessica Vistnes). 3rd Biennial Conference of the American

Society of Health Economists, Cornell University, June 22, 2010.

Panelist on Health Care Reform, The 2010 Annual Health Law Symposium, Rutgers University School of Law – Camden, N.J. March 25,2010.

“State Policies to Expand Dependent Coverage and the Health Insurance Status of Young Adults,” Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, February 18, 2010.

“Anticipating Health Reform” presented at the UMDNJ Public Health Seminar Series, March 4, 2009.

Presenter and moderator, Presidential Debate on Health Care Reform (between State Senators Bill Baroni & Lorretta Weinberg), Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, October 14, 2008.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Panelist, Health Care Reform and the 2008 Presidential Elections: A Cross-Academic Forum. Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University,

October 10, 2008.

“Overweight in Adolescents: Implications for Health Expenditures (co-authored with Jessica Vistnes and Jeannette Rogowski). Presented at the International Health

Economics Association biennial meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 9, 2007. “From Supply to Demand: The Uninsured and the Value of Health Insurance.” Invited presentation, Harvard School of Public Health Symposium, Strategies for Reaching the

Uninsured, Boston, MA, October 20, 2006. “Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Preferences for Coverage, Worker Sorting, and Insurance Take Up.” Invited seminar, Lister Hill Center for Health Policy, University of

Alabama, Birmingham, October 11, 2006. “Overweight in Adolescents: Implications for Health Expenditures (co-authored with Jessica Vistnes and Jeannette Rogowski). Presented at the Inaugural Meeting of the

American Society of Health Economists, Madison, Wisconsin, June 6, 2006.

Chair, sessions on Adverse Selection, Health Insurance and the Labor Market, and Take Up of Employment-Related Health Insurance, 5th World Congress, International Health

Economics Association, Barcelona, Spain, July 11-13, 2005. “Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Understanding the Role of Preferences for Coverage.” (co-authored with Jessica Vistnes). Presented at the 5th World Congress,

International Health Economics Association, Barcelona, Spain, July 13, 2005. “Assessing Policy Options in the New Jersey Individual Health Coverage Program: Application of a Simulation Model.’ Presented at the Annual Research Meeting of

AcadamyHealth, Boston, MA, June 27, 2005.

“Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Understanding the Role of Preferences for Coverage.” (co-authored with Jessica Vistnes). Economic Research Initiative on the

Uninsured, Research Conference on Consumer Preferences and Health Plan Choice, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan, July18-20, 2003. “Persistence in Health Expenditures in the Short Run: Prevalence and Consequences.”

Presented at the annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, New York, August 14, 2002. “The Demand for Dependent Coverage: How Important is the Marginal Cost of Family

Coverage?” 3rd Meeting of the International Health Economics Association, York, England, July 24th, 2001.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Invited panelist, ADeveloping Child Health Services Researchers.” Annual Meeting of

Children’s Health Services Research, June 27, 2000, Los Angeles, CA. “The Concentration of Health Care Expenditures Revisited.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research, June 25, 2000, Los Angeles, CA.

Invited Speaker, “Race/Ethnicity and Health Insurance Status: 1987 and 1996.” Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Conference on Race, Ethnicity, and Medical Care: Improving Access in a Diverse Society, October 14, 1999, Washington D.C.

Invited panelist, “Border Crossings: Piercing the Boundary Between Private and Public Coverage.” Annual Meetings of the Association for Health Services Research, Chicago, June 29, 1999.

Session Organizer and Chair, “Assuring Access to Health Care Coverage: Private Choices and Public Mandates.” 2nd World Conference on Health Economics, International Health Economics Association, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 6-9, 1999.

“How Has Small Group Market Reform Affected Employee Health Insurance

Coverage?” International Health Economics Association Meetings, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 6-9, 1999; Annual meeting of the American Economic Association

(Health Economics Research Organization session), January 4, 1999. “How Has Small Group Market Reform Affected Employee Health Insurance Coverage? Annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Baltimore MD., November 10,

1998. Invited speaker, Uninsured Americans and their Access to Health Care.Annual meeting of the Center for Clinical Quality Evaluation, Tysons Corner, Virginia, October 16,

1997. Invited speaker, What Do We Do About the Uninsured? Options for States, session on Effects of Not Having Coverage. AHCPR User Liaison Program, Charlottesville VA,

9/15-17, 1997. "Health Insurance at the Workplace: How Important are Worker Preferences? Results for Single Workers". Paper presented at the American Economic Association Meetings, New

Orleans, Louisiana, January 4, 1997. (with Jessica Vistnes). Invited panelist, American Sociological Association Thematic Session on "Social Change and Health Care: Corporations and the Workplace." Presented discussion on "Benefits

and Costs of Employment-Related Health Insurance." August 18, 1996. "Health Insurance at the Workplace: How Important are Worker Preferences?" (with Jessica Vistnes). Presented at Georgetown University Health Policy Center, Dec. 12,


Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Invited commentary for 1995 Kenneth Arrow Award on "The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits" by Jonathan Gruber, American Public Health Association Meetings,

San Diego CA., October 31, 1995. Presided over Health Economics Session, "Problems of Health Insurance and Consumers," American Public Health Association Meetings, San Diego, CA, Oct. 30,

1995. Invited panelist, "Translating Empirical Research to the Health Care Policy Community," American Statistical Association, San Francisco, California, August 12, 1993.

"Health Insurance and Job Mobility: Theory and Evidence." Presented at a conference on Health Insurance and Labor Markets, Cornell University, June 7-8, 1993.

Children's Health Insurance Coverage and Use of Health Services: 1977 and 1987." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, November 1992, Washington, D.C.

"Does Employment-Related Health Insurance Inhibit Job Mobility?" Presented at Health Economics session, Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, November, 1992, Washington, D.C.

Chairperson and session organizer, Counting Uninsured and Underinsured Americans, Annual Meetings of the Association for Health Services Research, June 18, 1990. The Economics of Health Insurance Offerings by Small Firms." American Public Health

Association Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, October 1989. Papers on "Mandating Employer-Provided Health Insurance"and "Health Insurance Coverage of Retirees," American Public Public Health Association Meetings, Boston,

MA, Nov. 1989. Invited speaker, "Understanding the Gaps in the Insurance Marketplace.", The George Washington National Health Policy Forum. July 21, 1988.

"The Dynamics of Health Insurance Loss: A Tale of Two Cohorts." The American Public Health Association Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 20, 1987.

"The Demand for Ambulatory Physicians Services: An Hedonic Approach." Health Economics Seminar, Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, February 13, 1986. with Curt Mueller.

"The Demand for Ambulatory Physician's Services: An Hedonic Approach." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, December 30, 1985 (With Curt Mueller).

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Arranged session "Assessing the Rule of Public Policy Towards Health Insurance Coverage," for American Public Health Association Meetings, November, l985. Presided over session and presented paper, "What have We Learned from Survey Data on the

Uninsured?" Co-author of "Selectivity and the Demand for Health Insurance and Health Care," (with Pamela J. Farley) presented at a Conference on Biased Selection in Health Care Markets,

April 11-12, l985, Berkeley, California. Health Insurance and the Demand for Dental Care." Presented at the American Economic Association Meetings, December 30, l984. (Session on The Effects of Health

Insurance on the Demand for Health Insurance on the Demand for Health Services). with Curt D. Muller. The Employed Uninsured and the Role of Public Policy." Presented at the American

Public Health Association Meetings,Anahiem California, November 1984. (Session on The Uninsured and Underinsured: Facts and Social Responsibilities. "Unemployment, Health Insurance, and Medical Care Utilization” Presented at a session,

"Facing Double Jeopardy -- Health Insurance and the Unemployed."American Public Health Association, Dallas Texas, November, 1983. "Redistributive Effects of Hospital Reimbursement: Do Private/Charge Paying Patients

Subsidize the Care of Public/Cost Paying Patients?" December 29, 1981. Annual meetings of the American Economic Association, Washington, D.C. Service Intensity and Duration of Care: Resource Use in Surgery." Presented at

Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1980, Washington, D.C. "Case Mix and Costs in Proprietary and Voluntary Hospitals." Presented at American Public Health Association Meetings, October 22, 1980, Detroit, Michigan.

Participant, Health Care Financing Administration Conference on Research Results from Physician Reimbursement Studies, February 21-22, 1978.

Participant, Conference on Industry and Health Care Delivery, Boston University Health Policy Institute, June 3-4, 1977. Participant, Conference on Health Care Technology and Quality of Care, Boston

University Health Policy Institute, November 19-20, 1976.


Session on the Effects of the ACA on Financial Security and Economic Wellbeing. Papers by Korenman et al. “Accounting for the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Poverty” and Miller et al. “Health Care and the Financial Wellbeing of Low-Income

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Families.” Russell Sage Foundation/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Meeting on the Social and Political Effects of the Affordable Care Act. December 8, 2017.

“The Effects of the ACA Medicaid Expansions on Labor Supply” by Robert Kaestner, Bowen Garrett, Anuj Gangopadhyay, and Caitlyn R. Fleming. 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, University of Pennsylvania, June 13, 2016.

“Part-time Workers’ Access to 2014 Coverage Expansions” by Jessica Vistnes and Terceira Berdahl. 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, University of Pennsylvania, June 13, 2016.

“The Affordable Care Act and HPV Vaccine Take- Up” by Sandra Decker and Brandy Lipton. 5th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, University of Southern California, June 23, 2014.

“The Cadillac Tax: Targeting ‘Luxury’ in a High-Cost World” by Edward Miller and Jessica Vistnes. 5th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, University of Southern California, June 23, 2014.

“Why are Health Insurance Premiums so Much Higher for Public Employers Compared to Private Employers?” by Thomas Buchmueller and Alice Zawacki. 4th Biennial Conference of the American Association of Health Economists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 12, 2012.

“Health Shocks, Labor Supply, and Health Insurance Transitions among Married Women: The Influence of Employer Provision of Health Insurance” by Cathy Bradley, David Neumark, and Meryl Motika. 3rd Biennial Conference of the American Society of

Health Economists, Cornell University, June 21, 2010. “The Demand for Preventive and Restorative Dental Services” by Chad Meyerhoefer, Samuel Zuvekas, and Richard Manski. 3rd Biennial Conference of the American Society

of Health Economists, Cornell University, June 22, 2010.

“Does NIH Research Contribute to Pharmaceutical Innovation?” by Andrew A. Toole. Robert Campbell Pharmaceutical Seminar, Blanche and Irwin Lerner Center for

Pharmaceutical Studies, Rutgers University Business School. October 14, 2009. “Does Health Insurance Make you Fat?” by Jay Bhattacharya, M. Kate Bundorf, Noemi Pace, Neeraj Sood. LSU / NBER conference on Economic Aspects of Obesity. Louisiana

State University, November 11, 2008.

“Employer Health Insurance Mandates and the Risk of Unemployment” by Katherine Baicker and Helen Levy. 2nd Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health

Economists, Duke University, June 24, 2008.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


“Health Insurance, Pensions, and Paid Leave: Access to Health Insurance at Small Firms in a Broader Benefits Context” by Jean Abraham, Thomas DeLiere, and Anne Beeson Royalty. 2nd Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, Duke

University, June 23, 2008.

“Wealth, Assets, and the Affordability of Health Insurance” by Didem Bernard, Jessica Banthin, and William Encinosa. Annual Research Conference, Economic Research

Initiative on the Uninsured, University of Michigan and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Ann Arbor Michigan, June 29, 2007. Session on “The Value of Health Insurance in Different Health States: Policy

Implications.” Discussed papers by John Nyman and Nathan Barleen (“The Effect of Private Health on Health Care Purchases and Health in Brazil”), Catagay Koc (“Disease Status and Health-Specific Moral Hazard Effects”), and Dahlia Remler and Kamiar Khajavi (“Fairness to All Parties: Resolving Utilization Review Disputes under ERISA

with the Contingent Claim Contract Model”). Inaugural Meeting of the American Society of Health Economists, Madison, Wisconsin, June 6, 2006.

“Selection into Prenatal Inputs: Implications for Estimating Child Health Production

Functions” by Nancy Reichman, Hope Corman, and Dhaval Dave. Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Boston, MA. January 7, 2006. “Explaining Differences in Insurance Coverage by Race, Ethnicity, and Immigrant

Status,” by Timothy Waidman, Bowen Garrett, and Jack Hadley. Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured, Vulnerable Populations Research Conference, October 22, 2004, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

“The Joint Dynamics of Employment and Health Insurance” by Hans Kuttner and Catherine McLaughlin. Conference on Health Policy and the Underserved, Joint Center for Poverty Research, May 8-9 2003.

“Why are so Many Latinos Uninsured?” by Jack Hadley, Len M. Nichols and James Reschovsky. Session on Health Insurance and the Economy, American Economic Association Annual Meetings, January 5, 2003.

“Is Health Insurance Affordable for the Uninsured?” by M. Kate Bundorf and Mark V. Pauly, American Economic Association Meetings, Atlanta, Ga. January 5, 2002. “Counting and Characterizing the Uninsured,” by Pamela Farley Short, University of

Michigan/Robert Wood Johnson Agenda Setting Meeting on the Uninsured, July 9-10, 2001, Ann Arbor, Michigan “Health Insurance Reforms: What Have We Learned So Far?” Annual Meeting of the

Association for Public Policy and Management, November 4, 1999, Washington DC.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


“Combating adverse selection in multiple choice health insurance plans” by David Cutler. 2nd World Conference on Health Economics, International Health Economics Association, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

"Retiree Health Benefits and the Decision toRetire Early: Evidence from the HRS," by Jeannette Rogowsky and Lynn Karoly. American Public Health Association Meetings, New York City, November 18, 1996.

“The Impact of Child Health and Family Inputson Child Cognitive Development" by Hope Corman, Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, 1995. "Proposals for National Health Insurance,"Session at the 1992 Annual Meetings of the

American Economic Association, New Orleans, January 1992.


Invited panelist, New Jersey Spotlight panel, ACA Repeal & Replace: New Jersey’s Response, March 24, 2017.

External reviewer, State Health Access Reform Evaluation (SHARE), Robert Wood

Johnson Foundation, June 2016.

External reviewer, Policy-Relevant Insurance Studies, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 2015 & March 2016.

Member, Medicaid High Utilizer Advisory Panel, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy, 2014/15.

Member, Expert Panel on the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and Health Reform, AHRQ, June 6, 2011. Evaluator, Proposal for a Doctor of Philosophy Program in Health Policy and

Management on the Indianapolis Campus, Indian University School of Medicine, IUPUI, March 2010.

Proposal Reviewer, Vulnerable Populations, Economic Research Initiative on the

Uninsured, University of Michigan & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Fall 2003.

Member, Technical Advisory Panel, HCFO Small Grant Program Using Community Tracking Data, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Alpha Center 1998 - 2000.

Member, Technical Advisory Panel, Kaiser Foundation Panel Survey of Families and Health Care. May 1995 to 1998.

President Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform: Member, Working Group on Health Care Coverage for Working Families. Spring 1993.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Proposal reviewer for Alpha Center, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Care Financing and Organization Initiatives, 1991-1992.

Proposal reviewer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1991-92. Invited speaker, National Forum on Artists' Health Insurance, American Council for the Arts, New York City, October 1991.

Testimony on characteristics of the uninsured and effects of an employer mandate, State of Florida, Task Force on Private Sector Health Care Initiatives, September 1990.

Testimony on workable definition of medical indigency, Subcommittee on Health Statistics for Minority and Other Special Populations of the National Commission on Vital and Health Statistics, June 5, 1990.

Member, Health Care Financing Study Work Group, Health Care Financing Administration study on policy options for the uninsured, June 1989 to January 1990. Panel member, discussion of policy initiatives on behalf of the uninsured population,

Commission on Health Care Policy and Financing, State of Maryland, May 18, 1989.

Technical Advisory Panel, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Health Care for the Uninsured Program, 1988-1993.

Health Insurance Association of America. Study of Health Insurance Coverage of Small Employers, Spring 1989.

Member, Task Force on Medically Indigent Population, Montgomery County, MD. May, 1987 to January 1988. Congressional Research Service. Advised CRS on issues and data needs for study of

uninsured population. December 1987. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: evaluation of estimates of the uninsured, 1986 National Access Survey. Summer 1987.

Member, Task Force on Medically Indigent Population, Montgomery County, MD. May, 1987 to January 1988.

Congressional Research Service. Advised CRS on issues and data needs for study of uninsured population. December 1987. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: evaluation of estimates of the uninsured, 1986

National Access Survey. Summer 1987.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Health Insurance Association of America. Advised HIAA on Kennedy health insurance mandate and on HIAA employer health insurance survey. Summer 1987.

Panel Member, Medical Indigency in Appalachia, Appalachian Regional Commission, December, 1986. Secretary's Task Force on Acute Catastrophic Health Insurance, April-July, 1986.

Panel member, Seminar on Health Care for the Unemployed, Environmental Matters Committee, Maryland House of Delegates, June 28, 1983.

Panel member, Study of the Uninsured and Health Insurance Markets, ASPE/Health, April, 1983. Institute of Medicine-Cost Effectiveness of Quality Assurance, Assessing Quality in

Health Care: An Evaluation, July 1976.


Current Support: R01HS024053-01Economic Shocks and Family Health Security. Monheit PI, Grafova co-PI. Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality. Proposed dates: 6/01/2015 to 5/31/2018. $625,300.

Approved contract Cantor (PI), Monheit (Co-Investigator), Department of Banking & Insurance “Monitoring the Impact of Health Reform on the NJ Individual Health Coverage Market.” Oct. 1, 2014 to September 30 2015. (No cost extenstion)

Grant # 7616 Cantor (PI) Monheit (Co-Investigator) 1/15/2014 – 7/15/2015 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Analysis of Enrollment Changes in New Jersey Individual Health Coverage Program. This project will evaluate enrollment changes on

individual in New Jersey’s individual health coverage market in response to provisions contained in the Affordable Care Act. (No cost extension)

Past Support:

Principal Investigator, Contract with Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield to serve as editor of Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing . April 2007 to March 2014. Contract amount: In excess of $50,000 per year.

Co-Principal Investigator: Evaluation of State and Federal Young Adult Dependent Coverage Expansion Policies. State Health Access Reform Evaluation (SHARE2)/RobertWood Johnson Foundation (11/01/10 – 10/31/11): Award to Rutgers Center for State Health Policy (Joel Cantor, Sc.D. Principal Investigator): $250,000.

Co-Principal Investigator: Evaluation of Extending Dependent Coverage to Young Adults, State Health Access Reform Evaluation (SHARE)/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


(5/1/08 – 4/30/10): Awarded to Rutgers Center for State Health Policy (Joel Cantor, Sc.D., Prinicipal Investigator): $359,567.

Principal Investigator: Health Insurance Enrollment Decisions: Understanding the Role of Preferences for Coverage. Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. July 2002 – March 2005. $47,309. Principal Investigator: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Contract with Center for

Financing, Access, and Cost Trends, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (5/1/01 -4/31/04) & (5/1 04) – 5/1/05). Approx. $19,500. Co-Principal Investigator: Sustaining Individual Health Insurance Markets under

Community Rating and Open Enrollment. Rutgers University Joel Cantor, Sc.D. PI Center for State Health Policy, Rutgers University. (1/01/02-12/31/02) from Commonwealth Fund (4/01/02-3/31/03) from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Approx. $100,000.

Co-Principal Investigator: New Jersey State Planning Grant of Study Issues Related to Health Insurance Coverage (7/1/02 - 6/30/03) awarded to NJ Department of Human Services; Joel Cantor, Sc.D.(Principal Investigator), Center for State Health Policy,

Rutgers University. Approx. $949,000.


Undergraduate, MPH Fieldwork, and Other Projects

Vic Tandon, “Mandated Health Insurance Benefits: Separating Rhetoric from Reality.” Senior Honors Thesis. Rutgers University. Spring 2005.

Todd Billet, “Consequences of Health Insurance Loss: Are There Differences by Race/Ethnicity?” Fieldwork project for Masters Degree in Public Health. Spring 2006.

Neil Parikh, “Determinants of Inpatient Hospital Mortality in New Jersey.” Fieldwork project for Masters Degree in Public Health. Fall 2006. Minkyoung Yoo. “Private Health Insurance and Risk Protection: Changes in Out-of-

Pocket Medical Spending, 1996 & 2003.” Second-year Ph.D. student paper, Department of Economics, Rutgers University, Summer 2007. Shivani Chopra. “Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Use of Preventive Health Care.”

Fieldwork project for Masters Degree in Public Health, Summer 2007. Shamim Ahmed, fieldwork supervisor: “Will the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Exchanges “Crowd Out” Employer-Sponsored Insurance? Evidence from Massachusetts

and Implications for New Jersey.” Spring 2012.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Laura Shaffer, fieldwork supervisor: “Mental Health Status and the Great Recession.” Spring/Summer 2012.

Richard Arilotta, fieldwork supervisor: “Physician Knowledge of Hospital-Related Expenditures.” 2013/14. Jeffrey Frimpter, fieldwork preceptor: “Firearm-Related Morbidity, Mortality and

Healthcare Utilization: A Differential State Policy Analysis.” 2013/14. Alison Murtha, fieldwork supervisor: “Determining the effect of Enroll America on Health Insurance Enrollment Success in Federally Funded Marketplaces.” 2014.

Raymond Elliot Smego, fieldwork supervisor: “Enroll America’s Event Impact on the Uninsured Population of Middlesex County New Jersey. 2014.

Jonathan Lee, fieldwork supervisor “Are Handgun Death Rates Responsive to Firearm Laws: A Preliminary Study.” May 2016. Shane Walsh, fieldwork supervisor: “Analysis of Coverage, Spending, Utilization, and

Reported Health Status for Young Adults with Behavioral Health Conditions Following The Affordable Care Act’s Young Adult Coverage Expansion.” May 2018. Doctoral Dissertation Supervision and Committees

Outside reader for doctoral dissertation by Alejandro Arrieta, Department of Economics, Rutgers University, “Measuring Overtreatment: A Structural Model to Estimate the Impact of Non-Clinical Factors on Healthcare Utilization.” July 2008.

Chair, dissertation committee, Todd Honeycutt: “The Effect of the Americans with Disabilities Act on the Health Coverage and Post-Secondary Education of People with Disabilities.” Completed Spring 2010. Recipient of Stuart Cook Award for best SPH dissertation.

Chair, dissertation committee, Yi-Sheng Chao: “Medicare Expenditure Growth and its Health Returns Across Cohorts.” Proposal defended July 2012.

Chair, Doctoral Committee Minkyoung Yoo, Department of Economics, Rutgers University. Dissertation, “Three Essays on Health Care Spending” defense June 29, 2012. Dissertation committee member, Mary Hrywna, “The Role of Marketing Practices and

Tobacco Control Initiative on Smokeless Tobacco Sales” defended December 2018. Dissertation committee member, Girishanthy Krishnarajah “Rotavirus Disease: Quantification of the Disease and its Impact due to Vaccination using Electronic Claims

Databases.” Department of Epidemiology, Rutgers University School of Public Health.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Chair, dissertation committee, Sylvia Twersky: “Mixed Status Immigrant Families and State Laws Unintended Consequences for the Social Safety Net.” Completed May 2018. Recipient of Stuart Cook Award for best SPH dissertation.

Co-chair, dissertation committee, Susan Joseph: “Understanding Barriers in Early Stage Breast Cancer Treatment.” June 28, 2018.

Chair, dissertation committee, John Martin: “Performance Improvement in Medical Care: Do Mandated Reporting Requirements Work.” Completed January 2019. Outside reader, Carol Barnett Davis: An Examination of Household Health Spending and

Medical-Financial Experience Circa Enactment of the Affordable Care Act 2010, School of Public Policy, George Mason University, April 23, 2019. Faculty advisor, Carrisa Greco practicum, New Jersey School Health Profiles, Spring


PROMOTION & TENURE REVIEWS AND OTHER ACADEMIC SERVICE Richard Kronick, University of California, San Diego (promotion to associate professor)

Timothy McBride, University of Missouri, St. Louis (promotion to full professor) Thomas Buchmueller, University of California, Irvine (promotion to full professor) Thomas Buchmueller, University of Michigan (new appointment: tenured full professor) Richard Hirth, University of Michigan (promotion to full professor)

Heather Bednarek, Saint Louis University (promotion to associate professor) Liliana Pezzin, Medical College of Wisconsin (promotion to full professor) William Gallo, Hunter College of CUNY (promotion to Professor with tenure). Chad Meyerhoefer, Lehigh University (promotion to associate professor with tenure).

Anne Beeson Royalty, Indiana University / Perdue University (promotion to full professor) Helen Levy, University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research (promotion to associate research professor).

David Becker, School of Public Health, University of Alabama – Birmingham (promotion to associate professor with tenure). Kathleen Thiede Call, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota (promotion to full professor with tenure).

Peter J. Cunningham, Department of Healthcare Policy and Research, Virginia Commonwealth University (recommendation of tenure). Helen Levy, University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research (promotion to Research Professor).

Ezra Golberstein, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota (promotion to associate professor with tenure). Shadi Saleh, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut (promotion to full professor)

Ari Mwachofi, Department of Public Health, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University (recommendation of tenure).

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


Jean Abraham, Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota (promotion to tenured professor).

Mitch Mokhtari, promotion to full professor with tenure, Department of Family Science in the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland. David van der Goes, promotion to associate professor with tenure, Department of

Economics, University of New Mexico. Co-chair (with Frank Thompson) reading committee for Sujoy Chakravarty, promotion to associate professor, Center for State Health Policy, Institute for Health, February 2019.

Reviewer, National Academy of Social Insurance. For the John Heinz Dissertation Award designating the best doctoral dissertation in the field of social insurance.


Chair, Health Economist Search Committee, Institute for Health.

Member, RBHS Faculty Award Committee, 2018. Member, Search Committee for Dean, School of Public Health, 2016. Member, RBHS Working Group on Graduate Education 2015-16 Member, Search Committee for Dean, School of Public Health, 2014

Member, Search Committee, Director, Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics, School of Public Health & School of Pharmacy, 2013. Member, Social Science Area Committee, Rutgers University, Graduate School, New Brunswick: April 16, 2013 for two year period.

Member, Rutgers Graduate School Nominating Committee, 2013/14. Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, School of Public Health. Since July 2010. Graduate Program Director, Public Health, 2010 - 2017.

Member, School of Public Health Executive Council, 2009 - 2017. Chair, School of Public Health Appointments and Promotions Committee, Since February 2009

Chair, School of Public Health Doctoral Committee.

Chair, Internal Review to Assess the Performance of UMDNJ/SPH’s Office of Research & Sponsored Programs: Winter 2009/Spring 2010. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee to Address Funding Support from the Tobacco Industry: Spring 2006.


Economic Scholars Brief Amici Curiae, State of Texas v. United States in objection to

decision by Texas district court judge to declare the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.

Curriculum Vitae – Alan C. Monheit


“Open Letter to Presidential Candidates from America’s Top Economists,” sponsored by the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, March 2016.

Economic Scholars Brief Amici Curiae, Sebelius vs King, US Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit, in support of the Affordable Care Act’s federal health insurance exchanges subsidies, March 21, 2014.

Economic Scholars Brief Amici Curiae, Sebelius vs. State of Florida et al., in support of the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, Supreme Court of the United States, June 28, 2012.

Economic Scholars Brief Amici Curiae, Kinder et al. v. Geithner et al., US Court of Appeals, Eight Circuit, in support of the Affordable Care Act’s individual health insurance mandate, August 19, 2011.

Bi-partisan Economic Scholars Brief Amici Curiae in support of California et al. vs Unites States of America (Texas district court decision declaring that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is not severable from the ACA and thus, the entire ACA must be struck down).

MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Economic Association American Society of Health Economists

International Health Economics Association

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