al- shoala 2012 shoala -december … · h.e. shaikh abdulla bin rashid al-khalifa, governor of the...

Post on 16-Aug-2020






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In the presence of the Board of Direc-tors, Management Staff and members of Trade Union, the Company’s annual party was held on 25th November to honour 52 long ser-vice employees, 22 Outstanding Work-ers and 62 Reward & Incentive Scheme honourees.In his speech Dr. Shaikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Khali-fa, Chief Executive, congratulated the Chairman and mem-bers of the Board and all employees for the company’s 32 years anniversary. He also reviewed the Company’s ac-complishments over the past 32 years and praised the role of the Board of Directors in achieving these ac-complishments.

On behalf of the employees, Chairman of the Company’s Trade Union Committee, Juma Ali Al BinKhalil, thanked the management for their recognition of long service employees, diligent workers and Incentive Scheme honourees.


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In response to an initative by Her Royal Highness Princess Shaikha Sabeeka bint Ebrahim Al- Khalifa, Chairwoman of the Supreme Council for Women, to celebrate the achievements of Bahraini women on 1st December each year, the Company held a special function for all female employees. The event was attended by members of management and by the Chairman of the Banagas employees’ Trade Union.The Company’s Chief Executive, Dr. Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa, addressed the audience and, on behalf of Management, congratulated all female employees and praised the role of women in Bahrain’s development. In particular, Dr. Shaikh Mohammed emphasized the importance of Bahraini female employees in improving productivity, which he described as “highly appreciated by Management”.The Employees’ Trade Union Chairman Juma Albinkhalil also congratulated the female employees and highlighted their role as partners in the development process.On behalf of the female employees, Hajer Ghali, expressed her thanks to HRH Princess Shaikha Sabeeka for her gracious initiative and the Management of Banagas for creating an equal opportunity environment. She hoped that female employees will receive even further support from Management to assume leading positions within the Company. All the ladies were then invited to lunch and presented with gifts.


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SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT (SHE) WEEKH.E. Shaikh Abdulla bin Rashid Al-Khalifa, Governor of the Southern Governorate, inaugurated the Company’s Safety, Health & Environment Week, organized from 11th to 15th December. The Governor was welcomed by Chief Executive Dr. Shaikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa ,Management staff and Trade Union members.During his visit to the Company, the Governor paid a visit to the Safety Health and Environment Week exhibition stand manned by employees from the Company’s Operations, Maintenance and Fire & Safety departments. Representative from Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health, Civil Defense Directorate, Electricity & Water Authority, Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife, BDF Hospital, Al Areen Wildlife Park and Reserve, Mechanical Contracting & Services Company (MCSC), Ahmed Mansoor Al- Aa`li, Ramsis and R.B. Hilton provided advice on SHE issues and helpful tips.Shaikh Abdulla praised the Management for the excellent operational performance of the Company. He also expressed his admiration for the comprehensive training and development programmes which has ensured nationals occupy senior positions throughout the Company.At the end of his visit, H.E. Shaikh Abdulla bin Rashid Al-Khalifa, congratulated all employees for having worked over 7 million hours since May 2002 without a lost time accident and for having received multiple safety awards from the Gas Processors Association and the National Safety Council of the U.S. He wished Banagas employees every success for the future.

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Banagas participated in the World Petroleum Congress which was held in the State of Qatar during the period 4th through 8th December 2011. Banagas shared Bahrain’s pavilion with the Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO), Gulf Petrochemical Industries (GPIC), and Skaugen Gulf Petchem Carriers Ltd.Bahrain’s delegation to this major global event was headed by His Excellency Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Energy. He was accompanied by senior officials of the Ministry of Energy and operating companies.Dr. Mirza received the Qatari Minister of Energy and Industry, Mohammed Saleh Al Sada, and the UAE’s Minister of Energy, HE Mohammed Al-Hamli, at the Kingdom of Bahrain pavilion. The visitors were briefed on the products that Bahraini companies manufacture and export to world markets. They were also briefed on the operational and safety standards followed by the companies, as well as the environmental projects undertaken by Bahraini companies.On the conclusion of their tour, both visiting ministers expressed their satisfaction with what they had seen praising the high standards of the Bahraini manufacturing companies and the achievements and regional and international awards won by Banagas. They praised the Bahraini workforce and their experience in operating major industrial projects. They also commended the excellent role which Banagas plays to enhance revenue and further accelerate the development and economic process in the Kingdom of Bahrain.Dr. Abdul Hussain Mirza praised the cooperation among the Bahraini companies and their counterparts in the GCC, which undoubtedly contributes to promoting closer industrial cooperation. He also expressed his admiration for the high standard of organization of the event, which “reflects the experience and potential of Qatar to hostsuch specialized gatherings”. Hosted by the State of Qatar for the first time in the MiddleEast, the World Petroleum Congress was attended by some 5,000 people representing leading decision makers in the oil and gas sector.The 20th World Petroleum Congress was held under the patronage of His Highness the Amir of Qatar, Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who graciously inaugurated the event in Doha under the theme “Energy Solutions for All”.A large number of international oil and gas companies major suppliers and manufacturers also participated in the accompanying exhibition in which state-of-the-art oil and gas technologies were displayed.


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Under the patronage of H.E. Dr.Juma Bin Ahmed Al Kaabi, Minister of Municipalities and Urban Planning, Banagas took part in the 1st Bahrain International Waste Management Forum & Exhibition held from 14th-15th November at the Gulf International Convention Center.During the visit of H.E. Dr.Juma Bin Ahmed Al Kaabi to the Company’s stand, he was welcomed by ِ Ahmed Majid, Deputy General Manager Administration and Finance, who briefed him on Banagas’s achievements.H.E. Dr.Juma Bin Ahmed Al Kaabi, praised Banagas achievements both locally & internationally. Banagas participated alongside Bapco & GPIC under the umbrella of the National Oil & Gas Authority.


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BANAGAS SUPPORTS THE ACTIVITIES OF THE BAHRAINI SOCIETY FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENTBanagas has contributed financial support to the 6thConference on the role of civil society organizations in the prevention of disability in the Gulf. The event was held under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Hassan Abdulla Fakhro, Minister of Industry and Commerce, Chairman of the Bahraini Society for Child Development. The two-day conference (30 November to 1 December 2011) was attended by more than 150 researchers and specialists representing various sectors in the prevention of disability.At the conclusion of the conference, the sponsoring companies were recognized. Banagas was awarded a trophy which was received by Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Kaabi, Manager Special Projects and Public Relations.Banagas’s donation to the conference is part of the Company’s longstanding commitment to supporting such specialized conferences in Bahrain. It is also in line with BANAGAS’s policy of social responsibility towards the community.

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Energy Optimization in the Gas Processing Industry ´ƒ`°Vƒe ∫ƒ`M á°SOÉ°ùdG

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Banagas contributed to the very successful 6th Specialized Technical Session on “Energy Optimization in the Gas Processing Industry” held by the Gas Processors Association (GPA) in Kuwait on 30th November, where a number of technical papers were presented to an

audience of over 100. A number of Company employees attended this session.


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Led by General Manager Production, Abdulla Hashim, management safety tour was made to Compressor Station 1 during the last shutdown. Awareness of the need to follow all Safety, Health & Environment requirements was communicated to employees and contractors on site.


As part of Safety, Health & Environment Week activities, a walking day was held on 1st December, attended by the Chief Executive, Manage-ment Staff and large number of employees. This activity was organized to encourage company employees to walk on a daily basis to protect their health and play an im-portant role in their lives.


ISSUE NO.4 . 25th Year,December, 2011

Prepared by: Public Relations - P.O. Box : 29099 - Riffa - Kingdom of Bahrain - Tel : 1775 6222 - Fax : 1775 6991

Under the patronage of His Majesty, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Ministry of Education held its annual “First Bahrain” ceremony on December 22nd at the Bahrain National Stadium. The Company made a significant contribution to the success of this event. The Minister of Education praised therole of the National Oil and Gas Authority and the Company for their efforts in supporting this national event.


Under the patronage of His Majesty, King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa, the Ministry of Labour held its annual awards ceremony to honour diligent workers in the public and private sectors. Banagas employee, Dr.Ahmed Ali Al Kaabi, Manager – Special Projects and Public Relations, was honoured as one of the diligent workers and received an award from H.E. Mr. Jameel Bin Mohammed Humaidan, Minister of Labour.


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