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Post on 06-Jul-2020






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ISSUE NO.24 MARCH 8th, 2018





We have had another very sport-ing week at Al Mamoura with pupils in Years 1–3 involved in activities for UAE Sports Day and the Future Falcons teaching golf in our Sports Hall. As a golf enthusiast myself I would al-ways recommend it to pupils of any age, male or female, as well as adults too!Thank you to those adults who have already purchased the “Dream Boxes” which will be on sale at the beginning and end of the day in our Reception area. These boxes are to be brought back to school, filled with coloured pencils and plain paper, for those children who reside in refugee camps. You may have noticed that in our recent assemblies I have been drawing out 1 Gold card, at the


end of the term those names will be given a special prize. All of our pupils work extremely hard throughout the whole of the school week and we always hope through incentives and positive rewards it will allow them to appreciate all that they do. If it were only possible to hand every child a gold card a week we would most certainly do so.Next Wednesday after school you may have seen informa-tion about “The Singing in the Park” event at Umm Al Emarat Park, we hope that those who have been informed are able to participate. Please bear it in mind that it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to take their child to the park, supervise them and bring them home.

I hope those who attended the Internet Safety and Social Me-dia information meeting today found it useful with the main messages being – talk to your child about the internet and social media, know what they are doing and social media when used positively and responsibly for those old enough, including parents, can be a worthwhile way of communicating.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend.

Mr Michael BlakeyHead of Primary

Mrs Margaret McArthur-ReidHead of Secondary



This month we want you to pro-duce a piece of art inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. Take a look at these examples for some ideas. There are more examples of his work on the website below for inspiration.

Children will earn house points from every entry.10 points per entry and 50 points to winners! Please write what House you are in on the back of your entry.


Children from FS1 – Year 6 can enter by posting their entry in the art competition box in recep-tion and there will be one winner per year group. Please ensure your entry is no bigger than a piece of A4 paper/card with your name and class written clearly on the back. The closing date for entries is the 19th March and the winner will be announced on the 22nd March in the news-letter. Winning entries will be on display in the school and winners will receive a certificate and a prize! Good luck!


Year 3 - Sama Nakhleh



GOLF COMES TO AL MAMOURAThis week years 4 through to 10 took part in some golf taster sessions; provided by HSBC Future Falcons Golf Programme. The Future Fal-con Programme is to encour-age more students in Abu Dhabi to take part in golf.

The students worked on de-veloping their understanding of golf rules, the technique for putting the golf ball into the hole and how to drive the golf ball over a far distance. Teachers and the instructor of the programme seen some excellent golfers and many of our students developing a keen interest in playing golf.

We are looking to build a working relationship with the Future Falcon Golf Pro-gramme, so that we can begin to offer our students greater opportunities to take up sports outside of school. The programme not only provides students with op-portunities to play golf, but also to go to events held in Abu Dhabi, such as the HSBC Championship that is held at The Abu Dhabi Championship course every January. There are many competitions held across Abu Dhabi through-out the year, which would be great experience for our Al Mamoura students. If your child is interested in taking up golf as a sporting hobby, or already shows an interest, please feel free to contact Mr. Davies at:, for further information of where and how your child can be-come involved with the HSBC Future Falcon Programme.






FS1 have had another fabulous week full of fun and fairy tales. This week’s story was Goldilocks and the Three Bears and we loved reading the story with our teachers while pretending we were the characters in the story. We had a wonderful time when we brought our favourite bears to school and had a very special picnic in the shared area. We really enjoyed showing them off to our friends. We talked about why we love our furry pals and why they are special to us. We learned how to sort objects in the story according to their size and how to build a chair or


a bed to fit for our teddy bears. Some of our bears were very small and needed a tiny bed while others were very big. We had great fun making marks, tracing patterns and writing the letters we know in porridge oats. Well done FS1 your teach-ers are super proud of you.

If any families have fairy tale costumes or story books at home that they no longer use or have grown out of, FS1 would love to have them for our class-rooms and shared areas to real-ly enhance this magical topic. As always the FS1 team would like to thank you for your support.



This week FS2 started to learn a new dance in PE for our up-coming show ‘The Lion King’. It was a lot of fun learning all the moves and we are rehearsing as much as we can! In Music we are learning to sing ‘The Lion sleeps tonight’ and ‘The Circle of Life’ in prepara-tion of big show. We can’t wait to show everyone our singing and dancing skills!We have been busy writing about our exciting trip to the zoo last week in Literacy! We have also continued to learn how to sub-tract in Maths, it is very interest-ing!

Thank you for your continued support!

FS2 team.



This week the Caracals went on their class trip to pizza express where they made pizzas togeth-er in The World Trade Centre Mall! All the Year One children are now professional pizza mak-ers and they have the certificate to prove it!This week at school we have begun a new story, “Oliver’s Vegetables”! We are using all the knowledge we have learned from our topic ‘Grow, Grow, Grow’ to use during reading Ol-iver’s Vegetables. We have been putting gout thinking caps on to decide which part of a plant the vegetables Oliver picks come from!


In Maths this week the children are exploring fractions of items and numbers. We have been in-vestigating questions like, which would you rather get, half a piz-za or a quarter of a pizza? Which child has more? Maryam who has 2/4 of the pizza or Saeed who has 1/2? We have also been using our brains to get fractions of numbers! On Wednesday we celebrated UAE sports day where we par-ticipated in activities in the hall and on the AstroTurf field. We had lots of fun being active this week!


With only a short time to go we are getting really excited about Drama workshop week, we have begun learning the songs from The Lion King in preparation!Hakuna Matata and we hope everyone enjoys their weekend!



All of Year 2 have been impress-ing their teachers by working extremely hard this week! In Maths we have been learning about different factions and the difference between even and odd numbers. Some of us have also recapped the names and prop-erties of 2D and 3D shapes. During English we have used the Lion King as a focus to help us prepare for Drama workshop week. We have been very busy using adjectives to help us write exciting character and setting descriptions!


In Science we have thought carefully about what food is healthy for us. Next week we will be using our ideas to pre-pare and make healthy snacks! Next week in Maths we will be focusing on problem solving and number work. Please remember to practice your times tables at home as this will be a great help from problem solving work! During English we will be creat-ing missing posters and news-flashes using the ipads.



Another week done and dusted in Year 3.In Maths we have been explor-ing the currency of the UAE. We have been working hard to recognise the notes and coins that we use in everyday life. We have been creating amounts in a variety of ways using a mixture of notes and coins. Next week we will be continuing with mon-ey and solving more complex problems using a range of coins and notes.


In English, we have been looking at instruction writing. We have been looking at what makes a good set of instructions, writing confidently in the present tense and using a variety of fronted adverbials to improve our writ-ing. We have even been using instructions whilst using Lego in ICT which we have loved. We will be continuing with instructions next week and editing and im-proving them while also includ-ing new Alan Peat sentences – very busy!

In Science we have been looking at nutrition and what we need for a healthy and balanced diet. We have enjoyed looking at the different food groups and sorting them. All the teachers’ favourite foods, like chocolate, are in the fat section. Uh oh!



A great week with lots going on including our class trips to Pizza Express. Well done to all the children who designed and created their own pizzas. They looked and smelled delicious, I’m sure they tasted just as good too. This week in English the chil-dren have planned and began writing their ‘hot write’ to show progress in their narrative writing. Next week they will use their plans to finish their writing including editing and improving to ensure they included all the features of the success criteria.


Due to the trips this week the children have stayed in class-es for math lessons recapping on problem solving strategies. Next week we move onto co-or-dinates and identifying shapes and angles. There has been an improvement with participation in QaD, please continue to en-courage your child to take part. Any problems with logins please contact your child’s teacher. Congratulations to the students who had 100% participation in ‘Question A Day’ last week. We look forward to seeing who joins them next week.

I really enjoyed making pizza. I had

chicken,pepperoni and cheese on mine.

It tasted amazing!It was lots of fun

making it with all of my friends.

The chef was funny and he showed us how to spread the dough out


Mayada Ahmed,Y4 Flamingos.



Only 2 weeks left till Spring Break but we still have a lot to cover.

In Maths this week we are looking at weight and capacity. If possible try to complete some hands on activities at home to put our learning into practice. Next week we will be looking on money and how to write and solve nasty word problems.

In English, we started on a new writing block. This writing block will take us up to Drama Work-shop week. We will be planning and writing a very interesting and exciting story!


In Science we carried out an in-vestigation to find out which ma-terials would be the most suit-able to use as a hot drinks cup. We figured out that we needed to use a material that is a good insulator, and that conductors would not be suitable for this purpose. Next week, we will continue to investigate materials and their properties. Thank you to everyone who has handed in a science project. They all look fantastic!



We have had a very exciting and active week in year 6 this week. Each class has been exploring the Eastern Mangrove by kay-ak. We learnt the importance of looking after the special protect-ed environment and the negative impact that rubbish and plastic bottles can have on nature. We were incredibly lucky and got to see flamingos and even upside down jellyfish! We also got the opportunity to have a golf tester session, where the children had a go at different golf activities and skills. Not only that, a lot of year 6 children have been very helpful in supporting the KS1 UAE Sports day that happened this Wednesday.


In English, we are finishing off our Non-chronological reports and improving them by making edits according to our success criteria. This is a very important part od our writing, as it gives us time to improve and reflect on the things the children have done really well and the areas they need to improve. In Maths, we have been hard at work solv-ing problems using fractions, decimals and percentages.

The children have also received their parts in the drama work-shop week and will be able to give their families a letter to explain what they need to wear and bring for their part in the play





On Sunday, official drawing sheets will be delivered to school for students from Years 5-7 to participate in the Zayed Painting Contest.

These will then be collected on the 12th March.

They will announce the school winner via official email notification followedby a posting on our website and social media platforms.

The winner will then be invited to attend the Grand opening Ceremony on the 31st of March at Palazzo Versace in Dubai.

More details can be found here: or on Instagram @ZayedPaintingContest




FS1 - Khalifa Al Dhaheri - Turtles FS2 - Zainab Rafiq - SeahorsesY1 - Riyanshi Khandelwal - Caracals Y2 - Jeanne-Dre Rathbone - Camels

Y3 - Yazan Oughli - Sandpipers Y4 - Fatima Al Humaidi - OspreysY5 - Juliete Stickells - Butinah Y6 - Jana Al Sheleh - Saadiyat

Y7 - Salma Bannoub - PrimroseY8 - Shamayel AlMehairbi - Jasmine

Y9 - Mariam Hassan - Cardomom


SINGING IN THE SPRINGPlease come along to Umm Al Emarat Park on March 14th from 3.30-4.30pm to join together in song with families from both Al Muna and The Pearl. We will be singing songs from our upcoming show The Lion King. Everyone is welcome!




Al Mamoura students have the opportunity to go and spectate some of the events at the MENA Special Olympics. You will have the opportunity to watch some exciting games such as basketball, table tennis, volleyball and maybe others. If you are in YEARS 5-10 and would like to come along to the ADNEC centre to watch these events you will need to com-plete a simple task using the links below. We want you to upload a photo of yourself playing any sport that will be seen in the Special Olympics, making sure that you include your NAME and CLASS with the photo that you upload. This must be done by 3.00 on Monday 12th March.



Swimming Sunday 11th March – Swim squad @ Repton Fry Campus (facing Gate and Arc Towers). Start time 3.30pm, finish approximately 6pm.

NetballMonday 12th March – U11 Girls A and B Netball end of season league tournaments @ BISAD. Start time 3pm, finish time approximately 6pm.

Wednesday 14th March – U9 Girls Netball end of season tournament @ Zayed Sports City. Start time 3pm, finish time approximately 6pm

Football Monday 12th March – U11A Boys Football end of season tournament @ Brighton College. Start time 3pm, finish time approximately 6pm.

Monday 12th March – U11B Boys Football end of season tournament @ Amity International School. Start time 3pm, finish time approximate-ly 6pm.

Wednesday 14th March – U9 Boys Football end of season tournament @ Al Yasmina Academy. Start time 3pm, finish time approximately 6pm

AthleticsThursday 15th March – Aldar Athletics Competition @ Al Yas-mina Academy. Leaving school Al Mamoura at 9am and returning at 2.30pm.



ARABIC AND ISLAMIC NEWSمسابقة أكادمييّات الّدار لحفظ القرآن الكريم

تّم بعون الله تقييم جميع التاّلميذ الّذين شاركوا

من املعمورة يف مسابقة الّدار لحفظ القرآن

الكريم، وقد ترشّفت املعمورة يوم األحد املايض

باستضافة لجنة من مدريّس أكادمييّات الّدار إلجراء

التّقييامت الّنهائيّة للتاّلميذ الّذين تأّهلوا للمرحلة


سيتم اختيار فائزيْن من كّل مرحلة صّفيّة، وسيتم

إعالم أولياء أمور التاّلميذ الفائزين حال حصولنا

عىل الّنتائج الّنهائيّة. نشكر التاّلميذ وأولياء األمور

عىل جهودهم ونرجو التّوفيق للجميع

الّصّف األّول- اللّغة العربيّة

تعرّف التاّلميذ يف الّصف األّول إىل ”حرف امليم“،

وأبدعوا يف كتابة أشكال الحرف بخّط مرتّب

وجميل، كام أتاح لهم الّدرس قراءة وكتابة

الكلامت الّتي تحتوي عىل حرف امليم بطالقة

وإتقان، ويف نهاية األسبوع تعرّفوا إىل مهارة

الرّتكيب، وقاموا برتكيب كلامت من الحروف

واملقاطع الّتي درسوها، ثّم تحّدوا أنفسهم

بتوظيف الكثري من هذه الكلامت يف جمل من


الّصّف الثّاين - اللّغة العربيّة

تعرّف تالميذ الّصف الثّاين إىل قّصة حرف الّصاد

واستمعوا بإصغاء إىل قّصة ”فصيح وصديقه

البلبل“، كام أبدع التاّلميذ يف متثيل أدوار

الّشخصيّات الواردة يف القّصة، يف جّو ميلؤه

الحامس والّنشاط

الّصّف الثّالث - اللّغة العربيّة

استمتع تالميذ الّصّف الثّالث هذا األسبوع بتعلّم

ظرف الْمكان وظرف الزّمان، وأبدعوا يف التّعبري

عنه بجمل مفيدة من إبداعاتهم، كام نّفذوا

العديد من األنشطة الفرديّة والجامعيّة يف جّو

ميلؤه الّنشاط والحامس

الّصّف الرّابع- الرّتبيّة اإلسالميّة

تعرّف تالميذ الّصّف الرّابع إىل درس ”التّفكري

والبحث العلمي“، وأبدعوا يف مناقشة أدوات

البحث العلمي وخطوات التّفكري العلمي من

خالل العديد من األنشطة املحّفزة املصاحبة


الرّتبيّة اإلسالميّة

استضفنا هذا األسبوع لجّنة من مدريّس أكادمييّات

الّدار لتكملة التّقييامت

الّنهائيّة للتاّلميذ الّذين تأهلّوا للمرحلة قبل

الّنهائيّة، وأوّد أن أخّص بالّشكر

الطّالبات املتميّزات سلمى العزيزي، فاطمة

الخوري، أمينة خان ومهرة

القبييس عىل الجهد املبذول يف حفظ وتالوة آيات

القرآن الكريم

جعله الله يف ميزان حسناتهّن

اللّغة العربيّة الّصّف التّاسع

متّكنت طالبات الّصّف التّاسع من تحقيق العديد

من املهارات اللّغويّة هذا األسبوع من

خالل التّعرّف إىل موضوع »اليوميّات« واستنتجت

الطّالبات عنارص اليوميّات وأبدعن يف كتابة

موضوعات متعّددة عنها

الّدراسات االجتامعيّة الّصف التّاسع

وحدتنا الجديدة هي »تاريخ الوطن العريّب

الحديث واملعارص«، حيث قامت االطاّلع عىل

مقّومات الوحدة بني دول الخليج من خالل

الّنصوص الّتاريخيّة وما بينها من تشابه واختالف

Year One - Islamic Non-Native:Importance of cleanliness in our daily life was our theme this week in Year 1 NN Islamic lesson. Children enjoyed arranging the letters in the correct order to get the key word of the lesson, then they decorated the cards with different examples of cleanliness to form a nice picture for display.

شهادات التّميّز يف املواّد العربيّة

الّصف األّول يوسف الرّشيف

الّصف الثّاين روضة صبيح

الّصف الثّالث مرية املعامري

الّصف الرّابع عمران الرياالت

الّصف الخامس وليد الهاشمي

الّصف الّسادس موزة العتيبة

الّصف السابع مرية الكندي

الّصف الثّامن ودمية املنصوري

الّصف التّاسع شمسة القبييس




Over the last few weeks, Year 7 Primrose students have been working on their assigned core value, respect. This is one of the fundamental principles of our Al Mamoura community. Students have been trying to promote respect across the school and to their peers. Year 7 Primrose girls have also been raising awareness about racism and the impact it has on individuals. During the weeks, Miss Kerr and Miss Richmond have been working with students to gather resources that promote this core value. Some students inter-viewed staff across the school to find out what nationality they were so they could be repre-sented in the Year 7 wall display. Students found out lots of differ-ent information about staff and what country they came from. Students created their own resources such as posters about what respect means to them, why racism is unacceptable and flags that represented all of the different nationalities at Al Mamoura.

SECONDARY NEWSThis week, students in Year 7 Primrose displayed their work in the corridors to showcase their efforts to embody and dissem-inate the core value “Respect”. Miss Kerr and Miss Richmond (Year 7 Primrose’s tutor) praise the students for their individu-al and personalised work.. All students in all year groups are encouraged to view and reflect on how we can show respect at Al Mamoura and contribute to our burgeoning community. We look forward to continuing our work and promoting respect across the school.



HISTORYIn History this week, I have advised Year 7 on how to revise for assessments. This included revision techniques, for example mind mapping and flashcards. In addition, we discussed the use of revision timetables and how to make the most of their time, in order to revise effective-ly. The assessment, which will cover the whole of their Romans topic, will take place on Sunday 11th March. Home learning is to revise for the assessment us-ing at least two revision tech-niques. In preparation for their assessment next week, on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade,

Year 8 recapped key subject knowledge, using retrieval prac-tice. Home learning is to revise for their assessment, which will take place week beginning 11th March.

Year 9 continued studying World War I, with pairs of pupils pre-senting ‘pitches’ on weapons to ‘break the stalemate’. I was very impressed with how they extracted the information and put in into enthusiastic and persuasive speeches, which they presented to the class. Home learning is to revise for the as-sessment on World War I using at least two revision techniques, for example mind maps and flash cards.

Year 10 continued with their Vietnam War topic, recapping information from last week and learning about the tactics of the Vietcong. Home learning is to revise for their assessment on Tuesday 13th March, which will cover the Cold War topic as well as the beginning of the Vietnam War topic. GEOGRAPHYIn Year 7 Geography, the stu-dents completed the final task on the theme ‘Natural World’. As a group, we researched, col-lected, recorded and presented data on what attracts visitors to Victoria Falls. Our assessment

SECONDARY NEWSfocus this week concentrated on AF1 – drawing graphs, AF3 – de-scribing graphs and AF5 – eval-uating an enquiry. Next week, the students will be assessed in class on the skills that they have been developing over term 2. Please check Edmodo for the revision sheet and instructions including the materials that they are expected to have on the day of the exam.

This week, the Year 8 students continued to develop their ex-plaining skills (AF 4: Explain) and they explained how Saha-ran desert animals are adapted to living there. They used the IPads to Research how their chosen animal has adapted to the desert climate and then they produced an annotated sketch (AF1: Draw) of their results. Next week, the students will be assessed in class on the skills that they have been developing over term 2. Please check Ed-modo for the revision sheet and instructions including the ma-terials that they are expected to have on the day of the exam.

The Year 9 students began a new theme in Geography this week called ‘Destructive World’ with a focus on Tornado Alley, USA. The students focused on developing the following skills: AF1 - Drawing a choropleth map, AF3 - describe the distri-bution of tornadoes and AF4 - explain the formation of a tor-nado. Next week, the students will be assessed in class on the skills that they have been devel-oping over term 2. Please check Edmodo for the revision sheet and instructions including the materials that they are expected to have on the day of the exam.

In Geography this week, the Year 10 students compared and contrasted the short and long-term responses and effects of a Natural disaster in both an MEDC and LEDC. In the second lesson, the students studied the causes, consequences and responses to volcanic eruptions in an LEDC and MEDC.

Next week, the students will be assessed in class on the topic of Hazardous Environments. Please check Edmodo for the revision sheet and instructions including the materials that they are expected to have on the day of the exam.

LOOKING TO THE FUTUREThis week, students in Years 9 and 10 welcomed Ms Nana-Korantema Koranteng, an educational consultant with Hale Education Group, the leading independent US admissions consultancy in the UAE.

Ms Koranteng explained the admissions process for US universities to the students. Among the valuable pieces of advice Mrs offered, students were encouraged to think now of their future career path-ways. Ms Koranteng highlight-ed the importance of building their CVs and engaging in a positive and disciplined ap-proach to their studies. Stu-dents are also encouraged to pursue extra-curricular activi-ties to enhance their profile.

“As a student who is considering going to a university in the US, I found the presentation really helpful and eye opening. I feel that it’s good to know, from this point in time, what qualifications are needed for certain universities. I also feel that many students will consider studying in the US after that wonderful presentation.”

Israa, Year 10



Year 7 – This week in comput-ing, students are continuing their spreadsheet assessment. Students have spent time at home researching and collecting data about food and exercise to use in their assessments. They have been using data to analyse which food is healthier, local or fast food. They have also been identifying different exercis-es and knowing which sport is best. With this data, students have been using advanced skills to produce a spreadsheet with suitable formulas, functions and formatting. Home Learning: Complete the spreadsheet literacy challenge on OneNote.

Year 8 students have been com-pleting their Photoshop assess-ment this week in computing. Students have been using their skills developed in previous lessons to complete a range of challenges, such as improving the appearance of an image and merging images together. They have been using different tools within the software such as lasso, adjustments and magic wand tools. Home Learning: Use the online website Pixlr to practise skills in preparation for second half of the assessment.

Year 9 students have been learning about how program-



ming is used in robots. Stu-dents watched a short clip about robotics being used in Dubai for different duties within the community. Students were able to understand that robots are programmed to complete differ-ent tasks. Working in groups, students designed their own robots to assist the community and presented how their product would help to their peers. Home learning: Complete the Python challenge on OneNote.

IGCSE ICT – This week, our ICT students have been completing a pitch presentation about their music festival. Students have designed their presentations using a specific criteria, to ad-vertise their festival. They have used features of the software such as templates, placeholders and master slides. Students will eventually present their pitch presentations to the class and develop their knowledge on spreadsheets. Home Learning: Complete the practical chal-lenge on OneNote.


Students who have been ab-sent or need support with their computing homework have been advised to attend computing club with Miss Richmond. This takes place every Wednesday lunchtime in the secondary computing room. Students are also welcome to complete other homework or use the comput-ers during that time, if they wish to do so. Miss Richmond is able to assist in any technical difficulties that students may face at home when trying to complete homework, students are able to ask subject relat-ed questions during this time. Students should eat their lunch before arriving. If your daugh-ter is interested or would like to know more, please advise her to speak to Miss Richmond.


IGCSE Business – Business studies have been learning about external factors this week. Students have been developing their knowledge on how politi-cal, environmental, technolog-ical and social factors impact businesses in small and large ways. They have been using suitable examples to create a large poster and present their findings to the class. Students have analysed different factors and been able to explain how they would impact a local and international business. Home Learning: Complete the business case study on external factors, in OneNote




Year 7 – Painting their Aborig-inal memorial posts and using the dot technique and dream-time symbols.Year 8 – Angie Lewin inspired collage work of wild flowersYear 9 – Finishing colour wheel work and developing their ideas for their canvas painting de-signs.Year 10 – Mixed media Art in-spired by African Masks.Home learning: All students preparing for Assessment week based on their Art portfolio work:Year 7 – Assessed on Sculpture and EvaluationYear 8 - Angie Lewin Artwork and Artist Analysis pageYear 9 – Canvas design, Colour theory and painting work.Year 10 – Controlled practical piece informed by their mask work.

This week’s Artist of the Week is Aisha in Year 7 for her Koala Aboriginal post.





MATHEMATICSYear 8 Set 1 Term 2 test on 15th March1. Four transformations.2. Similar shapes (work out length, area and volume)3. Work out the percentage change.4. Repeated percentage increase.5. Accurate drawings of triangles using ruler, protractor.6. Construct perpendicular bisector or angle bisector using ruler and com-passes.7. Construct loci of the the points that are equidistant from 2 points.8. Construct a perpendicular line of a straight line from a point.

Year 8 Pi Term 2 test on 15th March1. BIDMAS (or BODMAS) for orders of operations2. Use a protractor to measure angles accurately (acute, obtuse or reflex angles). 3. Evaluate powers or indices 4. Find HCF and LCM 5. Apply LCM in real life problem solv-ing6. Calculations with decimals 7. Use a factor tree to find prime fac-tors of a number, then write that num-ber as a product of it’s prime factors8. Direct proportion – unitary method9. Perimeter of a rectangle10. Angles on a straight line, angles around a point and vertically opposite angles , angle sum in a triangle11. Rounding decimals to a certain decimal places12. Make an accurate drawing of a triangle using SAS and AsA13. Draw an accurate net of a pyramid14. Use of a calculator for squaring, cubing, square rooting and cube root-ing. Apply square and square root in problem solving

Year 7 Set 1 and 2 Term 2 test on 15th March1. Percentage of an amount2. Express shaded area as a fraction3. Convert between fraction, decimal and percentage4. Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers5. Simplify fractions6. Calculate fraction of an amount. 7. Language of probability8. Calculate simple probability9. Calculate experimental probability10. Ratio, dividing an amount by a given ratio11. Express ratio as a fraction or per-centage

SECONDARY NEWSYear 9 Set 2 Term 2 test on 15th March

1. Total surface area of a cuboid.2. Construct a perpendicular line from a point above a straight line and hence measure the distance of the point to the straight line3. Construct an angle bisector using a ruler and compasses, 4. Area of a rectangle5. Corresponding and alternate angles and vertically opposite angles6. Draw a 3D shape on isometric paper7. Write equations for horizontal lines and vertical lines 8. Draw a straight line graph by gener-ating a table of coordinates9. Find the gradient from a given equa-tion y = mx + c10. Read and interpret a distance time graph11. Calculate the midpoint coordinates using two given points12. Converting metric units on weight and length 13. Share a total amount using a given ratio14. Express 2 number as a ratio and simplify it15. Work out the volume of a com-pound 3D cuboids (made of 2 cuboids)16. Pythagoras theorem17. Compare 3 products and find the cheapest option18. Direct proportion

Year 9 Set 1 Revision list. Test on 15th March1. Use a ruler and compasses to con-struct angle bisector, a triangle SSS, loci.2. Construct and solve linear equations involve fractions.3. Solve simultaneous equations4. Solve 2 or more steps inequalities5. Area or circumference of circles and part of a circles6. Pythagoras theorem7. Upper and lower bounds8. Volume and surface area of cylindersYear 10 Mathematics Foundation Term 2 Revision list. Test on 14th March (Length 2 hours)Number Order size of decimals, conversion of fraction decimal and percentagesSimplify fractionsWork out a fraction of a numberSets language (union , intercept)Currency conversionAdd and multiply fractions (including mixed numbers)Share money by a give ratioAlgebraSubstitute into expressions

Write algebraic expression to repre-sent a problemSolve linear equations with unknown on both sides Expand single bracketsSimple inequalitySolve simultaneous equationGeometryConversion of metric unitsInterior angles of a polygonCalculate midpoint of a line segmentAngles on a straight line, around a pointCoordinatesDraw straight lines that are parallel to y axis or x axisArea of compound shapesVolume of cuboidsTransformation (Enlargement and Rotation)Data Read and interpret a pictogramRead and interpret a pie chartSimple probability

Year 10 Mathematics Higher Term 2 Revision list. Test on 14th March (Length 2 hours)Number Direct proportion for calculating ingre-dients Use of calculatorPercentage change and percentage increaseCalculate in standard formLaws of indicesSets theoryAlgebraDraw a straight line graphSolve simultaneous equation algebra-icallyFactorisingExpand double brackets and simplifySolve linear equations involve fractionsChange of subjectSimplify algebraic fractions (involve factorize quadratics expressions)GeometryArea of circle PythagorasCircle theoremCalculate length, area and volume for similar shapesConstruction of angle bisectorSOHCAHTOATransformation (Enlargement and Rotation)Data Estimated mean for group frequency tableCumulative frequency diagramSimple probability




Year 7 continued to look at the language of newspapers, with close analysis of the introduc-tion paragraph. Students then used pictures as a stimulus to write a sensationalised opening paragraph.Home Learning: complete head-line, subheading and opening paragraph to your news story. Dues Monday.

Year 8 continued to focus on Writing to Review with a focus on using formal and informal language. Students also com-mented on Purpose, Audience, Language and Layout (PALL) of a given review.Home Learning: Write an open-ing paragraph for a film review of your choice, using one of the sentence starters looked at in the lesson.

Year 9 annotated the UA Fan-thorpe poem ‘Not My Best Side’ in preparation for next week’s assessment. They paid close attention to the style and tone in which it is written in order to plan their own three-point-per-spective poem.Home Learning: Use the revi-sion sheets to prepare for the written assessment next Mon-day. All revision material is on the Portal and hard-copies are with Miss Abraham-Williams

Year 10 developed their skills in summerising by creating a col-lage on a given article from the Louvre. Students had to work together to summerise and paraphrase the key information about the art work.Home Learning: Use the marked assessments from earlier this term to revise for end of unit assessment next week.

SECONDARY NEWSEnglish 1st Language: I have been really impressed this week with the creative writing sto-ries the Year 10 girls submitted based on an image of a cave. All students presented different texts which were well crafted, imaginative and demonstrated their understanding of the crea-tive narrative. Keep up the good work! They will sit an assess-ment next week (Tuesday, 13th) on Imaginative writing so this homework task was really help-ful and, I hope, has given them extra confidence in this writing style. HomeLearning this weekend is to address any errors in their essay and ensure they revise the ingredients for creative writing – paying particular attention to grammar and punctuation for effect.


Year 7 worked in groups to rehearse their chosen extract from one of the Shakespeare plays we studied this term. Stu-dents will perform their extract next week as their end of unit assessment.Home Learning: Bring a prop and/or item of costume to sup-port your character.

Year 8 looked at Act 3. Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, focusing on the language and cause of the fight between Romeo and Tybalt. They worked in groups of 4 to stage the scene in their own style in preparation for their end of unit assessment next week.Home Learning: Bring a prop or item of costume to next week’s lesson

Year 9 worked in pairs or small groups, rehearsing a chosen scene from ‘The Stones’ in prepartion for their end of unit assessment next week.Home Learning: Bring a prop or item of costume to next week’s lesson to support your charac-ter.

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