akola municipal corporation · अअअअअअअअअअ अअअ अअअ....

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Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



e - TENDER NOTICE NO. 18 FOR 2018-19

NAME OF SCHEME : Akola Water Supply Scheme (Under Amrut Abhiyan.) Tq. & Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting,

commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.


(Tender Documents, Conditions, From B-1.)

Office of the, Commissioner


Ta. Akola Dist . Akola



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola

Name of Scheme : Akola Water Supply Scheme (Under Amrut

Abhiyan.) Tq. & Dist. Akola

Name of Work: Designing, Providing, erecting,

commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.


Sr. No.

Description Page No.

From To

1. Press Tender Notice

2. Detailed Tender Notice

3. General Conditions of Contract

4. Special Conditions of Contract

5. Instructions to Tenderer

6. Acquaintance with Site Conditions and Work Conditions

7. General Specifications

8. Various Annexures (Annexure -1,2,&3)

9. Undertaking for Guarantee (Annexure-4)

10. Declaration By Contractor (Annexure-5)

11. Collaboration Agreement (Annexure-6)

12. Joint Venture Agreement (Annexure-7)

13. Bar Chart (Annexure-8)

14. Affidavit for Black Listing- Form- 10 (Annexure-9)

15. Form B-1 & Conditions of contract


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola

e-Tender Notice No. 18 for 2018-2019 (Press)

Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola invites e-Tender for the work of Augmentation to Akola Water Supply Scheme (UNDER AMRUT ABHIYAN) Phase I, Tq. Akola, Dist. Akola for Scada & Automation work, replacement of WTP valves & V.T. pump etc. in the State of Maharashtra, valued at Rs.7,76,64,078/- Please visit website www.mahatender.gov.in for detailed information.

Executive Engineer Akola Municipal

Corporation Akola

Commissioner Akola Municipal

Corporation Akola

Mayor Akola Municipal

Corporation Akola


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअ, अअअअअ

अ- अअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअ. 18 अअ 2018-19


अअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअ (अअअअ अअअअअअ) अअ.

अअअअअ अअअअअअ- अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअ व

अअअअअअअचे काम अ अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअ

अ अअअअ.अअ. अअअ अअअअअअअ, अअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअ

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अअ.7,76,64,078/- अअअअ अअ अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ

अअअअअ www.mahatender.gov.in अअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ.

अअअअअअ -

अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअअ


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अअअअअ अअअअअ.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola


Online percentage rate basis Tender in B-1 Form in two envelopes system are invited for the

following works from the Contractors or Manufacturers or authorized dealers or sys-

tem integrators having experience in automation or SCADA and have Experience of successful installation and commissioning of automation in Water supply scheme or Sewerage Scheme with automation of Pumping machinery operations & Water Treatment Plant or Sewage Treatment Plant operations and water quality monitoring and having Collaboration or Joint Venture with contractors registered with MJP in class A (Elect./Mech.) or registered in CIDCO/MIDC OR ANY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT IN INDIA in Electrical/ Mechanical in equivalent class of MJP for mechanical works by the Commis-sioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola on the Government of Maharashtra e-Tendering Portal : https://mahatenders.gov.in

Note : In order to participate in e-tendering process, it is mandatory for new

contractors (first time users of this website) to complete the Online

Registration Process for the e-Tendering website. For guidelines, kindly

refer to Bidders Manual Kit documents provided on the website

NAME OF SCHEME : Akola Water Supply Scheme (Under Amrut Abhiyan.) Tq. & Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of

SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.

ESTIMATED TENDER COST : Rs. 7,76,64,078/-

a) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : Rs. 3,90,000/-

(0.50% of the cost put to tender)

b) DOWNLOADING COST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS :- Rs.3360/- (Non-refundable).

1. CLASS OF CONTRACTOR : Contractors or Manufacturers or authorized dealers

or system integrators having experience in automation or SCADA and have Experience of successful installation and commissioning of automation in Wa-ter supply scheme or Sewerage Scheme with automation of Pumping machin-ery operations & Water Treatment Plant or Sewage Treatment Plant operations and water quality monitoring and having Collaboration or Joint Venture with contractors registered with MJP in class A (Elect./Mech.) or registered in CIDCO/MIDC OR ANY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT IN INDIA in Electrical/ Mechanical in

equivalent class of MJP for mechanical works.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Tender fee and EMD shall be paid by

1. SBI Net Banking or

2. Other Bank Internet Bank MOPS.

For any assistance please contact help desk. Details are available online.

The online payment procedure can be seen on

https://mahatenders.gov.in → Announcement → online payment procedure.

Online payment requires 48 hours in Bank working days for clearance and

hence, payment should have been made accordingly.

The EMD will be retained in the pooling account and will be refunded to the unqualified

/ unsuccessful bidders after award of tender to the successful lowest bidder. The

EMD of successful bidder will be ultimately refunded or will be adjusted against the

security deposit after selection of the successful bidder at the time of execution of

the contract. In case, the Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola

decided to forfeit / adjust the EMD amount of the bidder, the EMD amount in such

cases shall be credited to the bank account of the Akola Municipal Corporation,

Akola. The mandate for EMD refunds / forfeit / adjustment against security deposit

shall trigger from e-tender application of NIC portal.”

NOTE - The bidder should make the payment well in advance so as to ensure that

the payment reaches to Bank 4 (four) days before date and time for submission of



• 4% of the Estimated cost or Accepted Tender cost whichever is higher

Initial Security Deposit.

2% of estimated cost or accepted tender cost whichever is higher in the

form of Fixed Receipt OR Bank Guarantee from Nationalized / Scheduled

Bank in the name of the Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation,

Akola, for initial minimum period of 12 months (time limit) and shall be

extended suitably if the work is not completed within the time limit.

• Deductions through R.A. Bills.

Balance 2% amount will be recovered through each running bill at 5% of

the gross amount of R.A. Bill to the extent that total required security

deposit is to be recovered.

• Additional Security Deposit.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

If the accepted offer of the contract is below 10% of the cost put to

tender, the additional security deposit shall be furnished by the agency as

below before issue of work order. This security deposit is in addition to

initial Security Deposit.

• If offer is up to 10% below - Nil

• If offer is more than 10% and

Up to 15% below - 2%

• If offer is more than 15% below - 4%

The initial Security Deposit and additional security deposit may be in the

form of Fixed deposit receipt OR Bank Guarantee by a Nationalized/Scheduled

Bank in the name of “the Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola and

shall be for a minimum period of 12 months (time limit) and shall be extended

suitably if the work is not completed within the time limit. The tenderer shall

have to furnish this security deposit with initial security deposit.


The contractor shall bear the revenue stamp duty on total security deposit of the

agreement and Additional Security Deposit (payable as per tender condition), as

per the Indian Stamp Duty (1985) (latest revision) provision applicable during

contract period.

4. Performance Security:-

If the tenderer has quoted the offer below cost put to the tender, the tenderer shall have to submit Performance Security Deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized or Scheduled bank in favour of the "The Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola"

The bidder who quoted his offer below the estimated rate, then he should submit Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee within 10 days after opening envelope no. 2 in office of Commissioner, AMC, Akola and inform to concern Executive Engineer, otherwise the EMD will be forfeit.

The amount of the performance Bank Guarantee shall be calculated by the tenderer in following manner.

If the tenderer has quoted below cost put to tender the performance Security Deposit shall be paid additionally as mentioned below.

Rate Quoted to estimated rate Performance Security Deposit

If offer is upto 1% below No performance security is required

If the offer submitted is be-low schedule ‘B’ rates by more than 1% but less than 10% of

1% of Estimated cost put to tender


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

the estimated cost put to tender

If below by more than 10% of the estimated cost put to tender

1% of the estimated cost put to tender plus an amount equal to the percentage by which the offer is below 10% of the estimated cost put to tender. (e.g. if the offer is 15.31% be-low, the performance security will be 1%+ (15.31-10)= 6.31% of the estimated cost put to tender.

The performance BG shall be valid upto three months from the date of submission of tender.

The performance Bank Guarantee shall be extended and valid upon defect liability of work for lowest bidder to whom work is allotted.

After opening the Envelope No. 1, if it is found that the tenderer is not qualified for opening of Envelope No. 2, then his performance Bank Guarantee shall be returned within 7 working days. Performance security shall be returned within 7 working days from the date of opening of Envelope No. 2 for all the bidders except lowest two bidders. Performance security shall be returned to second lowest bidder within three days after work order is given.

Bank Guarantee shall bear MICR and IFSC code.

In case it is found that the Documents / Bank Guarantee submitted by the tenderer are false or misleading his earnest money shall be forfeited. Also the registration of the tenderer shall be suspended for the period of 1 year. Additionally legal action may be initiated against the tenderer.

Refund of Performance Security

The amount of the performance security shall be refunded as per the GR No.

Government of Maharashtra Public Works Department Mantralaya, Mumbai No. BDG/

2016/ PK.2/ Buldg-2/ Dt.12.02.2016 within 3 months after defect liability period.

Non submission of Additional Security Deposit and Performance Security or

Performance Security submission of less amount of the Additional Security Deposit shall

be liable to summarily rejection of this tender.


12 (Twelve Months) calendar months, including Monsoon but excluding Comprehensive Operation & maintenance period of 72 months for SCADA & Automation work. Original time limit of 12 monthes will be counted from the date of issue of the work order. The work shall be executed as per time slots given in Clause 2 of B-1 agreement.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Seq No

AKLMC Stage Vendor Stage Start Date & Time Expiry Date & Time

1 Release of tender - 08.03.19 – 10.00 08.03.19 – 22.00

2 - Tender Download 08.03.19 – 22.01 02.04.19 – 16.00

3 - Bid Preparation 08.03.19 – 22.01 02.04.19 – 16.00

4 Superhash Generation & Bid Lock

- 02.04.19 – 16.01 02.04.19 – 18.00

5 - Control Transfer of Bid 02.04.19 – 18.01 04.04.19 – 16.00

6 Envelope 1 Opening - 04.04.19 – 16.01 04.04.19 – 18.00

7 Envelope 2 Opening - 08.04.19 – 16.01 08.04.19 – 18.00


• Contractors or Manufacturers or authorized dealers or system in-

tegrators having experience in automation or SCADA and have Experi-

ence of successful installation and commissioning of automation in Wa-

ter supply scheme or Sewerage Scheme with automation of Pumping

machinery operations & Water Treatment Plant or Sewage Treatment

Plant operations and water quality monitoring and having Collaboration

or Joint Venture with contractors registered with MJP in class A

(Elect./Mech.) or registered in CIDCO/MIDC OR ANY GOVERNMENT DEPART-

MENT IN INDIA in Electrical/ Mechanical in equivalent class of MJP for me-

chanical works. Bidder need to submit online copy of registration regarding

Manufacturers or authorized dealers or system integrators for automation or

contractor registration.

• The agency / firm / contractor shall have experience of successful com-

pletion and commissioning of the works listed below with any Govt./Semi

Govt./ Corporation or equivalent organization. The experience of each

work should be under single contract.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Work No.

Name of Sub Work

Qualification Criteria

1 Automation/SCADA Bidder shall be Contractor or

manufacturer or authorized dealer or

system integrator having experience in automation or SCADA and shall have experience of successful installation and commissioning of automation in Water Supply Scheme/ Sewage Scheme with automation at Head Works/ pumping Station, Pumping machinery operations, Water Treatment Plant/ Sewage Treatment Plant and Water quality monitoring and operations (in Single or Multiple different Contract.)

Mechanical works

2 Pure Water Pumping Machinery and all other works in Subwork No.02 &03

V.T. Type (250 BHP Each x 1 No. = 250 BHP Total installed capacity.)

Experience required

i) Individual 125 BHP installed capacity in a Single contract.

ii) Total 125 BHP capacity in a Single


• For Mechanical Works Collaboration or Joint Venture shall be done with con-tractors registered with MJP in class A (Elect./Mech.) or registered in CIDCO/MIDC OR ANY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT IN INDIA in Electrical/ Mechan-

ical in equivalent class of MJP as per Annexures 6 or 7.

• The bidder shall submit online, required experience certificate. The cer-tificate of experience shall have to be issued by the officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer and countersigned by the city/ Hydraulic/ Superintend-ing Engineer or equivalent officer or head of Govt./Semi Govt./Corporation or Councils. Except Automation work, the certificate issued by Individuals/ Private organization will not be considered.

• In case LT installation The certificate of experience shall have to be issued by the officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent officer or Head of Govt/Semi Govt./, Corporation or councils.

• For the work of Automation experience certificate issued by private or-

ganization can be considered if supported by company registration certificate,

TAN, GST, PAN and contact details.

• In case of unregistered contractors/reputed system integrators/ Manu-

facturers/ Automation agencies/ Authorized dealers, they have to sub-

mit bank solvency certificate of value of not less than 25% of cost put

to tender issued by Nationalized Bank.

• The bidder shall have to produce valid Electrical Contractor license is-

sued by competent authority of GOVT. of Maharashtra, in the name of system

integrator or collaboration contractor or joint venture partner.

• The firm shall have valid GST registration .


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

• The firm shall have valid PAN No. with Three Years Income Tax Clearance

Certificate upto 2018.

• Non Blacklisting Affidavit on Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper in the form of AFFI-DAVIT as per Annexure-9 (Form-10) duly signed by the contractor.

All the documents pertaining to pre-qualification criteria shall be submitted

separately online in Envelop No.1 (Technical Bid)


• Collaboration :-

The contractor who is willing to participate in tender process, and if he is

not having experience of particular sub-work, then he is allowed to have

collaboration with other agency or contractor registered with Maharashtra

Jeevan Pradhikaran or any government department in India in appropriate

class or any contractor (in case of automation) in appropriate class and having

experience of the particular sub-work as specified in pre-qualification

criteria. Contractor with whom above collaboration is done shall be

responsible for successful completion of the works. However it will be the

responsibility of the principal contractor to get the work done.

In no case value of work to be done by the collaborator with whom collab-

oration is made, should exceed the value of work to be done by the Princi-

pal Contractor.

The collaborating firm can have collaboration with only one principal con-tractor.

The Principal Contractors shall be ultimately responsible for comple-

tion of entire work.

• Moreover with whom collaboration is made will only be binding to carry

out the work to the effect of principal contractor & should submit an

agreement on Rs. 100/- stamp paper as per prescribed form (Annexure -

6) duly Notarized at the time of pre-qualification of bidder.

• Joint Venture :-

The contractor who is interested to have blank tender form and if he

do not have necessary experience of one sub-work then he is allowed

to have joint venture with another agency having the experience of

that particular sub-work.

If there is joint venture, same shall be in appropriate format as per

Annexure -7 and it shall be clearly mentioned in the agreement that

both the contractor will be jointly and severally responsible for the

successful completion of works included in the tender with all test and

trials for full tender period. It is necessary to enclose the registration

certificates of joint venture firm with the Registrar of the Partnership

Firm or the receipt of payment made to Registrar of the Partnership

Firm on account of fees toward joint venture firm with condition of


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

submitting registration certificate before issue of work order. Then

only prequalification application will be considered. In the case of

joint venture, the contractor having higher class of registration will

only be considered.

The maximum no. of participants in JV shall be two (02) including lead

Bidder. Technical Criteria should meet by either of JV partner.

In case of work erection of High Tension Installations, main contractor

may have joint venture with the registered Mechanical/ Pumping

Machinery contractor. Manufacturer representative shall be present

during the erection.


• Rs. 3360 /- per set (including 12% G S T ).

• Blank Tender documents will not be sold by this office. Interested contractors

have to download tender documents from the website.

• Cost of blank tender form shall not be accepted in the form of cash or

cheque. The cost of the tender documents will not be refunded under any



The blank tender forms will have to be downloaded, from the website

http://mahatenders.gov.in as per online schedule.


Pre-Tender conference is open to all prospective tenderers and will be held

on __/_/2019 at -_______ Hrs. hours in the office of the Commissioner,

Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola, in presence of the Superintending

Engineer (Mech), M.J.P., Nagpur wherein the prospective tenderers will have

opportunity to obtain clarifications regarding the work and the tender


The prospective tenderers are free to ask for any additional information or

clarification either in writing or orally and the reply to the same will be given

in writing and this clarification referred to as common set of conditions, shall

also be common and applicable to all tenderers. The minutes of this meeting

along with the letters of tenderers will form the part and parcel of the

tender documents. Bidder need to submit online signed copy of pre bid

minutes in a technical bid.


120 ys from the date opening of tender.


_____/_____/2019 up to 17:00 Hrs.

14. DATE & TIME OF ONLINE OPENING OF TENDER _____/____/2019 at 12:00 in the office of the Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Bids must be accompanied with:

a) Scanned copy of all documents, certificates specified in Pre-qualification

Criteria in Point No.7.

b) Scanned copy of duly signed declaration of contractor in prescribed format

filled in agency’s letter head attached with the tender. (Annexure-5)

c) Scanned copy of minutes of Pre-bid meeting duly signed by Contractor.

d) Scanned copy of Joint Venture/Collaboration in prescribed format.

e) Scanned copy of duly signed undertaking or guarantee in prescribed format

filled in agency’s letter head attached with the tender (Annexure-4)

Bid shall be treated as invalid if scanned copies as mentioned above are not submitted online along with the bid. The guidelines, “to download the tender document and online submission of bids procedure of tender opening” can be downloaded from website “http://mahatenders.gov.in”.

15.1 The two envelopes No. 1 & 2 shall be digitally sealed and signed and submitted online as per the online tender schedule.

15.2 The date and time for online submission of envelopes shall strictly apply in all cases. The tenderers should ensure that their tender is prepared online before the expiry of the scheduled date and time and then submitted online before the expiry of the scheduled date and time. Offers not submitted online will not be entertained.

15.3 If for any reason, any interested bidder fails to complete any of online stages during the complete tender cycle, department shall not be responsible and any grievance regarding that shall not be entertained.

16. OPENING OF TENDER The tenders will be opened on the date specified in the tender notice or on the date intimated to prospective bidders, in the presence of the intending bidders or their authorized representative to whom they may choose to remain present along with the copy of the original documents submitted for Pre Qualification. Following procedure will be adopted for opening of the tender.

Envelope No. I (Technical Bid)

First of all, Envelope No. 1 of the tenderer will be opened online through e-

Tendering procedure to verify its contents as per requirements. Scanned

copies of following documents shall be in Envelope No. 1.

a) Scanned copy of all documents, certificates specified in Pre-qualification Cri-

teria in Point No.7.

b) Scanned copy of duly signed declaration of contractor in prescribed format

filled in agency’s letter head attached with the tender. (Annexure-5).

c) Scanned copy of minutes of Pre-bid meeting duly signed by Contractor.

d) Scanned copy of Joint Venture (Annexure-7) /Collaboration (Annexure-6) in

prescribed format.

e) Scanned copy of duly signed undertaking or guarantee in prescribed format

filled in agency’s letter head attached with the tender (Annexure-4)

If the various documents contained in this Envelope do not meet the

requirements as stated above, a note will be recorded accordingly by the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

tender opening authority and the envelope No. II of such tenderers will not

be considered for further action and the same will be rejected. Also tender

will be liable for rejection if bidder mention his commercial offer anywhere

in envelop No.1.

Envelope No. II (Commercial Bid)

1) This envelope shall be opened online through e-Tendering procedure after opening of envelope No. 1 only, if the contents of Envelope No. 1 are found to be acceptable to the AMC & MJP. The tendered rate shall then be read out by the tender opening authority.

2) “If Bidder’s offer is above or below the estimated cost, the reasons support-ing the above or below offer along with necessary documents should also be uploaded dur- ing the submission of tender in Envelope No.2 (Financial Bid).

If Bidder Quoted rate at par, the reason given in the Cover Details (Finance) is write as “ Rate Quoted as per Estimated rate hence reason not specified. ”

As Per MJP Circular No. 168 dated 16 September 2015.


a) Right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof is reserved by the competent authority, whose decision will be final and le-gally binding on all the tenderer.

b) Tender with stipulations for settlement of a dispute by reference to Arbi-tration will not be entertained.

18. Goods & Services Tax (G.S.T.)

1)The rates to be quoted by the contractor must be inclusive of all other rel-evant taxes except GST. No extra Payment on this account will be made to

the contractor.

a) Bidder shall quote his rate excluding GST.

b) GST shall be paid on the amount of bill of the work done as per pre-vailing guidelines rate of GST during the period of work done as appli-cable.

c) The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of the labour welfare cess and other taxes (other than GST) that the con-tractor will have to pay for the performance of his contract. The em-ployer will perform such duties in regard to the deduction of such taxes at sources as per applicable law.

2)a) The bidder shall quote his rate considering the provisions counted under GST act 2017.

b) Amount of GST 2% i.e CGST & SGST each 1% will be deducted at source (T.D.S.) from 01-10-2018.


Commssioner Akola Municipal

Corporation, Akola


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation Name of Scheme : Akola Water Supply Scheme (AMRUT) Phase I, Tq. Akola, Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.

GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 In the contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated.

a) “UDD “means Urban development department b) “AMRUT” means Atal mission for rejuvenation and urban transformation c) "The Contract" means the agreement entered into between the owner and the contractor

as recorded in the contract form signed by the parties, includes all attachments and appendices there to and all documents incorporated by references therein. Contract is the deed of contract together with all its original accompaniments and those later incorporated in it by internal consent.

d) "The Contract Price" means the price payable to the contractor under the contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.

e) "The Goods" means all of the equipments, machinery and/or other materials which the contractor is required to supply to the owner under the contract.

f) "Services" means services ancillary to the contract such as transportation and insurance and any other incidental services, such as Provision of Technical Assistance, Trial Runs, Commissioning, Training to staff and other such obligations of the contractor covered under the contract.

g) "The Owner" means, the Commissioner Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola, the person, for the time being holding that Office and also his successors and shall include any Engineer authorized by him.

h) The "Contractor" means successful tenderer, that is the tenderer, who’s tender has been accepted and who has been authorized to proceed with Contractor No. of correction Commissioner the work.

i) "The Pradhikaran” shall mean the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, a Pradhikaran constituted under the Pradhikaran Ordinance issued on 10.03.1997.

j) “ M.C” means ………Municipal Corporation k) "M. J. P." means, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. l) "The Chief Engineer M.J.P. " shall mean Chief Engineer M.J.P., the person, for the time

being holding that Office and also his successors and shall include any Engineer authorized by him.

m) "The Superintending Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Akola Circle, Akola" means the Engineer, so designated by the Pradhikaran or any other Engineer who is for the time being entrusted with his functions, duties and powers and so notified.

n) "Tender" means the proposal of the contractor submitted in prescribed form setting-forth the prices for the goods to be supplied and other related services to be rendered and setting forth his acceptance of the terms and obligations of the conditions of contract and specifications.

o) "Contract Time" means period specified in the document for the entire execution of contracted works and other services to be rendered commencing from the date of notification of award including monsoon period.

p) "Month" means calendar month. q) "Site" means location at which the contractor will have to execute the contracted work. r) "The Engineer or Engineer-in-charge" shall mean the City Engineer /Hydraulic Engineer

/ water supply Engineer authorized by the Municipal /Corporation . s) PMC means Project Management consultant appointed by the Akola Municipal



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

2. The contractor shall erect temporary sheds for storage for material supplied by

Corporation and brought by him on site. Also at each construction site contractor shall have separate storage space for cement and other material.

3. All the water retaining structures shall be designed in M25 and constructed in M30. 4. Contractor shall take trial pits and trial bores at site at his own cost to ascertain the

bearing capacity of the strata and accordingly submit the designs. 5. Contractor shall submit designs and drawings for each and every work &

component. Pumping machinery and its layout, all allied electrical and mechanical equipments as directed by Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner. This designs and drawings shall be got checked from the Superintending Engineer (M), M.J.P. Nagpur.

After award of contract, successful contractor shall prepare detailed system architecture showing details of all instruments with their salient details like range, capacities, operating conditions, accuracy, type, enclosure with degree of protection, class etc. The technical data sheets of PLCs, RTUs, Flow transmitters, level transmitters, pressure transmitter, turbidity, pH and chlorine sensors, chlorinators, automatic flow control valves, desktops, VSAT terminals, GSM models, broadband connection etc. This system architecture shall be got approved from any Government Engineering college /NIT.

6. The contractor shall maintain the record of these materials in the prescribed proforma

and registers as directed by the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner. The sample of prescribed proforma is attached herewith. These registers shall be signed by both contractors and representative of Engineer-in-Charge. These registers shall be made available for inspection, verification for the department as and when required. These registers shall be in the custody of department and shall be maintained by the department.

7. Contractor shall take photographs and videos of all sub-works during construction and submit two copies in hard and soft along with final bill.

8. Contractor shall prepare record drawings of all sub-works as per execution in details by using Auto Cad programme; as directed by Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner. He should submit 3 Nos. C.D. (R.W) along with three hard copies during the submission of final bill. Final bill will not be passed unless and until this is submitted. No extra payment will be made for submission of CDs.

9. Contractor shall maintain register for dewatering having details such as BHP of pumps, start and stop of dewatering pumps, Fuel consumed etc.

10. The material i.e. cement, steel, sand, metal, bricks, alum pipes valves etc. brought on the work site shall be accompanied with the necessary company/manufacturing firm’s test certificate. In addition these materials shall be tested as per frequency prescribed by the department and the cost of such testing shall be borne by the contractor. If the test results are satisfactory, then and then only the material shall be allowed to be used on the work. If the test results are not as per standards, these materials shall be immediately removed from the work site at contractor’s cost. In case of cement, if so requested by the contractor in writing, material will be allowed to be used before receipt of test results but this will be entirely at the risk and cost of the contractor.

11. All the formwork used for construction shall be of steel or with lining of steel. Wooden shutters may be allowed at the discretion of the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner for minor works.

12. Contractor shall have Cube Testing machine on site. Test cubes shall be tested in front of Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner or his representative and a register for it shall also be maintained.

13. RCC designer appointed by the Contractor shall visit and inspect the work at various stages of construction and comply with the query of the department without any extra cost.


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The term contract hereinafter used means and includes the notice for invitation of tender, schedule ‘A’ i.e. schedule for departmental supply of materials, schedule ‘B’ i.e. schedule of items to be executed under this contract, general conditions, schedule of obligatory requirements, general and detailed specifications all appendices drawing and any other documents attached to the blank tender form issued to the contractor firm. These are subject to any alterations and modifications carried out and agreed to before the contract is finally decided and accepted by the Commissioner. The term contract and firms means the agency entering into contract with the Commissioner. The Akola MC, an urban local body of Government of Maharashtra, has proposed to execute the following work under sanctioned scheme “Aug. to Under Ground Sewerage Scheme for Akola City Tq. Akola Dist. Akola (Under Amrut Abhiyan) This tender includes- i. Designing, Providing, installing, Commissioning & Testing of electrically driven

Submersible Non-clog sewage Pumps with allied electromechanical equipments on Wet Well at 30 MLD STP, Shiloda.

ii. Designing, Providing, installing, Commissioning & Testing of SCADA & Automation for Pumping Machinery at Wet Well at 30 MLD STP, Shiloda.


In respect of the work on contractors own design, the contractor shall quote for the indigenous equipment only. Foreign exchange and import license required by the contractor if any shall have to be arranged by the contractor independently. Department shall not take any responsibility in this regards. Delay in getting any materials shall not be entertained for extension of time limit of the contract.

16. ACQUITANCE WITH WORKS AND SITE CONDITIONS: The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the scope of work, location and alignment of various components under this tender, site conditions, the general conditions, the specifications, drawing availability of material required etc. and has fully acquainted himself regarding all aspects of works, if he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of the tender papers. He shall set forth the particulars of the tender to the notice of Executive Engineer, M.J.P/ Commissioner, before submission of tender and get the doubts cleared. Once the tender is submitted duly filled, he shall be supposed to have accepted the conditions and specifications full and interpretation of the conditions be entirely at the discretion of the competent authority of the department.


All obstructions such as electric cables, telephone line, water and sewer mains, manholes, natural drainage, culverts, storm water drains etc. corning in the way shall be carefully looked after against any damages which otherwise will have to be made good by the contractor at his own cost. Any work of removing, repairing or remaking etc will be carried out by the contractor without any extra claims for the same in contractor with the respective departments.


As far as possible the contractor shall be allowed to use the Municipal Land without any charge, in possession of concern MJP/MC for stacking his materials, stores, erection of temporary structures, sheds etc with prior written permission of Executive Engineer,


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M.J.P/ Commissioner.. The location of the temporary structures to be erected shall be got approved from the Executive Engineer MJP/Commissioner and all the products obtained after cutting the same shall be stacked at suitable place as directed by Engineer in charge. All concern MJP/MC land occupied by the contractor for temporary use shall be handed over back in good conditions to the entire satisfactions of the concern MJP/MC. as and when demanded by him. Any damage or alterations made in the area shall be made good by the contractor. If the departmental land is not available the contractor has to make his own arrangements of land on hire or otherwise at his own cost.


The contractor shall at his own expenses make all necessary provisions for land, housing grains, water supply and sanitary arrangements etc for employees and shall pay direct to the authorized concerned all rents, taxes and other charges. The contractor shall also comply with all requirements of health department in regard to maintenance of anti-epidemic conditions.


The Executive Engineer, M.J.P/ Commissioner. shall have the right to execute the works, not included in this contract, but within the premises occupied by the contractor for the purpose of this contract, through any other agency.


The wording of items in Schedule 'B' shall be taken as guidelines for general provisions and coverage under the item. The detailed specifications for relevant items shall be as per detailed specifications enclosed and as per P.W.D. Hand Book, Standard Specifications, Relevant and latest editions of IS.Code. The other standard, wherever quoted, shall be applicable. If the standard specifications fall short for the items quoted in the Schedule of this contract, reference shall be made to the latest Indian Standard Specifications, IRC codes. If any of the items of the contract do not fall in reference quoted above, the decision and specification as directed by the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner shall be final. It is presumed that the Contractor has gone carefully through the standard specification (Vol. I & II, 1981 edition) and the Schedule of rate of the Division, and has also studied site conditions before arriving at rates quoted by him. The special provisions and detailed specification of wording of any item shall gain precedence over the corresponding contrary provisions (if any) in the standard specification given without reproduction the details in contract. Decision of Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge/Commissioner shall be final in case of interpretation of specifications.


The contractor shall make his own arrangements at his own cost for water required for construction and hydraulic testing as well as for labour camp. The Akola Municipal Corporation does not take any responsibility for supply of water to contractor for construction or testing purposes during the entire work. If water is supplied by Municipal Corporation, Contractor shall take connection at his cost and provide water meter on it. Water charges shall be paid by contractor as per prevailing water rates to Municipal Corporation regularly every month. Power supply from MSEDCL if required for construction of work as well as for labour camp will have to be arranged by the contractor at his cost. MC does not take guarantee for continuous power supply at site.



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The contractor shall himself carry out the line out of works in the presence of the representative of the MJP/ Corporation and the contractor shall be responsible for accuracy of it. He shall employ a qualified Engineer for this purpose as well as for supervision of works.


The contractor shall furnish within before the date of work order a progress schedule indicating the date of starting, quarterly progress expected to be achieved and anticipated date of completion of each major item of the work. The schedule should be capable of achievement towards completion of whole work in the stipulated time. Contractor will have to submit work implementation schedule (PERT / CPM Chart) before awarding of work.

i. The Contractor shall submit his own programme as per time limit stipulated in the tender, in the form of Bar Chart which should give details of milestones of physical stages of each sub work. Simultaneously with the execution of the Contract Agreement, the Contractor shall submit to The Engineer his item-wise monthly programme, which shall be nothing but detailing of the programme,

ii. The programme shall also state the milestones of part commissioning and part completion of the sub-work included in the tender. The programme shall also provide the information as to required approvals to drawings, samples, materials, equipments and their time of submissions to the MJP/ Corporation. The progress shall be submitted by the Contractor visa-a-vis programme every month. The works team of the Contractor shall be so motivated to know the balance work at the end of each week and the rate required in the balance period to complete the work and therefore, shall endeavor to complete the task assigned for each week timely. In case, where the updated and revised schedule is required, the same shall be submitted to the owner for approval. If deviation exceeds 10% in scheduled programme, competent authority has right to reject the tender of successful tenderer. In the event of contractor failing to execute the work as per scheduled programme submitted by him or in the event of unreasonable delay in the part of contractor, he shall be liable to as compensation an amount at the fixed rate subject to maximum amounting to 10% of the tender cost.


The Engineer in charge should consider it necessary to satisfy himself to the quality of work, the contractor shall at any time during continuance of the contract period produce sample of work done or if necessary pull down a responsible part of the work enough for such inspection and testing as the Engineer in charge may direct. The contractor shall make good the same at his cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge without extra cost.


Any marginal and minor changes as may be found necessary by the Engineer in charge during execution shall have to be carried out by the contractor without extra cost.


The successful tenderer should get the labour insurance done, on account of risk involved within a month from the date of work order, failing which 2% amount will be withheld from the R. A. bills of the work and it will not be refunded till labour insurance is done and a documentary evidence to this effect is produced by the contractor. The successful contractor tenderer should purchase insurance policy identifying the Commissioner therein.


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28. ARBITRATION In case any dispute arises out during execution of works, no arbitrator shall be appointed for redressal of the dispute. In this regard, decision of the Member Secretary, , MJP Mumbai shall be final and remain binding on both parties.


29.1 The contract documents are complementary and what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. Any work that may be reasonably inferred from the drawings or specifications as being required to produce the intended result shall be provided by the contractor whether or not it is specifically called for, in Schedule- 'B'. The contractor shall furnish and pay for all labour, supervision, materials, equipment, transportation, construction, equipment and machinery tools, appliances, water, fuel, power, energy, light, heat, utilities, telephone, storage, protections, safety provisions, and all other facilities like service, incidentals, approaches to site etc any nature whatsoever necessary for the satisfactory and acceptable execution, testing and completion of the work in accordance with the contract documents, ready for use and operation by the owner. The cost of all these arrangements shall be deemed to be included in the contract offer and no separate payment shall be admissible thereof.

29.2 Interpretations

Written clarifications or interpretations necessary for the proper execution or progress of the work, in the form of drawings or otherwise, will be issued with reasonable promptness by the Engineer and in accordance with any schedule agreed upon.

29.3 Drawings

Figured dimensions on drawings shall govern over scaled dimensions and detailed drawings shall govern over general drawings. The Contractor shall submit six sets of drawings according to the design.

29.4 Signed Drawings

Signed drawings alone shall not be deemed to be in order for work unless it is entered in the agreement or schedule or drawings under proper attestation of the Contractor and the Engineer or unless it has been sent to the contractor by the Engineer with a covering letter confirming that the drawing is an authority for work in the contract.

29.5 Technical Words

Work, materials or equipment described in words which so applied have a wellknown trade or technical meaning shall be deemed to refer to such recognized meanings.


30.1 Line out of the Work

30.2 Surveys and Measurements

The contractor shall carefully preserve all surveys as also setting out stakes, reference points, bench marks and monuments. If any stakes, points or benches be removed or destroyed by any act of the contractor or his employees, they may be reset at the contractor’s expense. The contractor shall supply without charge the requisite number of persons with the means and materials necessary for the purpose of working survey, setting out works, and counting, weighing and assisting in the measurement or examination at any time and from time to time of the work or materials.


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30.3 Contractor's Verification

The Contractor will establish at the work site a substantial B.M. and connect it to a permanent B.M. available in the area with known value. The contractor will then carry out necessary surveys and leveling, covering his work, in verification of the survey data on the working drawings furnished by the Engineer and he will be responsible for establishing the correct lines and levels and verification of the lines and level furnished on the working drawings. If any error has occurred in the work due to non-observance of this clause, the contractor will be responsible for the error and bear the cost of corrective work.

30.4 Site Office

The Contractor shall construct at his cost a semi-permanent nature site office with minimum of 20 Sq.m area and shall be provided with minimum two tables, two almaries, Six Nos of chairs. The office and the furniture shall be provided and maintained by the contractor throughout the contract period at his cost. The use of the site offices shall be adequate size to accommodate the inspecting Engineers of MJP/IRMA/any other inspection committee/agency appointed by the Government of India/Maharashtra/Collector/Municipal Administration to discuss and review progress of work. No extra payment will be made on this account. The site office shall be provided at all the conspicuous structures to be constructed/components to be executed.


31.1 Security Deposit

The security deposit shall be returned to the contractor without any

interest when the contractor ceases to be under any obligation under the

contract. This shall be read with Clause No.1 and 20 of B-1 Form for Security Deposit

and Defect Liability Clause respectively. 31.2 Loss or Damage Indemnity Bond The contractor shall be responsible during the progress as well as maintenance for any liability imposed by law for any damage to the work or any part thereof or to any of the materials or other things used in performing the work or for injury to any person or persons or for any property damaged in or outside the work limit. The contractor shall indemnify and hold the owner and the Engineer harmless against any and all liability, claims, loss or injury, including costs, expenses, and attorney's fees incurred in the defense of same, arising from any allegation, whether groundless or not, of damage or injury to any person or property resulting from the performance of the work or from any material used in the work or from any condition of the work or work site, or from any cause whatsoever during the progress and maintenance of the work.


The contractor shall have experienced technical qualified general supervisor for the work, who is capable of managing and guiding the work and also capable of understanding the instructions given to him by the Engineer in charge from time to time and shall be responsible to carry them out promptly. The contractor shall have during working hours, supervisor of sufficient training and experience to supervise the various items and operations of the work. Further, the Engineer in charge may notice, desire contractor high ranking member to be present on any specified date, the contractor shall comply with such directions Contractor's Supervision The contractor shall supervise and direct the works efficiently and with his best skill and attention. He


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shall be solely responsible for means, methods, techniques, procedures and sequences of construction. The contractor shall coordinate all parts of the work and shall be responsible to see that the finished work complies fully with the contract documents, and such instructions and variation orders as the Engineer may issue during the progress of the works.

32.2 Agent

The Contractor shall keep on the work at all times during its progress a competent resident agent preferably a qualified and experienced Engineer, capable of managing and guiding the work and understanding the specifications and contract conditions. For this purpose the contractor shall communicate to the Department, name, qualification and experience of such Engineer to be appointed for execution of this work. The agent appointed by the contractor shall not be replaced without ten (10) days written notice to the Engineer except under extra-ordinary circumstances. The agent shall be the Contractor's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of the contractor. All communications, instructions and directions given to the agent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor by the Engineer not otherwise required to be in writing will be given or confirmed in writing upon request of the Contractor. or in work-order book


The Contractor shall not commence operations on land allotted for work without prior approval of the Engineer. If these lands are not adequate the Contractor may have to make his own arrangements for additional lands required for his use. The contractor shall not demolish, remove or alter any of the structures, trees or other facilities on the site without prior approval of the Engineer. All the area of Contractor's operations shall be cleared before returning them to the Engineer.


No part of the work or new and existing structures, scaffolding, shoring, sheeting, construction machinery and equipment, or other permanent and temporary facilities shall be loaded more than its capacity. The Contractor shall bear the cost of correcting damage caused by loading or abnormal stresses or pressures.


The Contractor shall comply with the laws, ordinances, regulations, codes, orders, other governing the transportation, storage and use of explosives, shall exercise extreme care not to endanger life or property and shall be responsible for all injury or damage resulting from the use of explosives for or on the work.


The Contractor shall compare the requirements of the various manufacturer's instructions with requirements of the contract documents, shall promptly notify to the Engineer in writing of any difference between such requirements and shall not proceed with any of the works affected by such difference shall until an interpretation or clarification is issued pursuant to article. The contractor shall bear all costs for any error in the work resulting from his failure to the various requirements and notify the owner of any such difference.


The contractor shall take all precautions and furnish and maintain protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to other persons who may be affected thereby. All the works and


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all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein whether in storage or on the site, under the care, custody or control of the contractor or any of his sub-contractors and other improvements and property at the site or where work is to be performed including building, tools and plants, pole lines, fences, guard rails, guide posts, culvert and works markers, sign structures, conduits, pipelines and improvements within or adjacent to streets, right-of-way, or easements, except those items required to be removed by the Contractor in the contract documents. The Contractors protection shall include all the safety precautions and other necessary forms of protection, and the notification of the owners of utilities and adjacent property. The contractor shall protect adjoining site against structural, decorative and other damages that could be caused by the execution of works and make good at his cost any such damages that could be caused by the execution of works and make good at his cost any such damages.


Before commencing any excavations, the Contractor shall investigate, determine the actual locations, and protect the indicated utilities and structures, shall determine the existence, position and ownership of other utilities and substructures in the site or before the work is performed by communication with such property owners, search of records, or otherwise and shall protect all such utilities and substructures.

38.1 Restoration and Repair

Except for those improvements and facilities required to be permanently removed by the contractor, the contractor shall make satisfactory and acceptable arrangements with the appropriate owners, and shall repair, restore all improvements, structures, private and public roads, property, utilities and facilities disturbed, disconnected, or damaged as a result or consequence of his work or the operations of those for whom he is responsible or liable, including that caused by trespass of any of them, with or without his knowledge or consent, or by the transporting of workmen, material or equipment to or from the site.


The contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the works any unfit person or anyone not skilled and experienced in the assigned task. The Contractor shall in respect of labour employed by him comply with or cause to be complied with the provisions of various labour law and rules and regulations as applicable to them in regard to all matters provided therein and shall indemnify the owner in respect of all claims that may be made against the owner for non-compliance thereof by the Contractor. In the event of the contractor committing a default or breach of any provisions of labour laws and rules and regulations, the Contractor shall without prejudice to any other liability under the acts pay the owner a sum as decided by the engineer.

39.1 Work during Night or On Sundays and Holidays

Unless otherwise provided, none of the permanent works shall be carried out during night, Sunday or authorized holidays without permission in writing. However, when work is unavoidable or necessary for the safety of life, priority of works, the Contractor shall take necessary action immediately and intimate the Engineer accordingly.

39.2 Workmanship

The quality of workmanship produced by skilled knowledgeable and experienced workmen, machines and artisans shall be excellent. Particular attention shall be given to the strength appearance and finish of exposed work.


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All materials and equipment incorporated in the work shall be new. Materials and equipment not covered by detailed requirements in the contract documents shall be of the best commercial quality suitable for the purpose intended and approved by the owner prior to use in the work.

40.1 Optional Materials

Only one brand, kind or make of material or equipment shall be used for each specific purpose through-out the works, notwithstanding that similar material or equipment of two or more manufacturers or proprietary items may be specified for the same purpose


The contractor shall bear all extra expenses resulting from providing or using approved substitutions or equals where they affect the adjoining or related work, including the expenses of required engineering, redesigning, drafting and permits where necessary, whether the Engineer's approval is given after receipt of tenders.

42. LAWS AND REGULATIONS 43. Governing Law

The contract documents shall be governed by the laws and by-laws of India, the State of Maharashtra and the local bodies in this region.

44. Resolving the disputes:

In case of disputes, between a Contractor and M.C./MJP, the decision of the Commissioner /Chief Engineer shall be final and binding. In case of any further dispute, the decision of Secretary UDD-2 / Member Secretary MJP or any other person appointed by the Secretary UDD-2 will be final.


The contractor shall help in recording the precise location of all piping, conduits, ducts cables and like work that is buried, embedded in concrete or masonry, or concealed in wood or metal frame walls and structures at the time such work is installed and prior to concealment. Should the contractor cover such buried or work before such recording takes place, he shall uncover the unrecorded work to the extent required by the Engineer and shall satisfactorily restore and reconstruct the removed work with no change in the contract price or the contract time.


Contractor's Responsibility for Safety The contractor shall be solely responsible notwithstanding any stipulations by owner or Engineer for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programmes, in connection with the work and shall comply with all laws, ordinance, code rules regulations and lawful orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damages, injury or loss during the entire contract period including non-working hours. On the occurrence of an accident arising out of the works which result in death or which is so serious as to be likely to result in death, the contractor shall within one hour of such accident intimate in writing to the Engineer the facts stating clearly and with sufficient details the circumstances of such accidents and subsequent action taken by him. All other accidents on the works involving injuries to the persons or property other than that of the contractor shall be promptly reported to the Engineer clearly and with sufficient details the facts of such accidents and the action taken by the contractor. In all


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cases, the contractor shall indemnify the Engineer against all losses or damages, resulting directly from the contractor's failure to report in the manner aforesaid. This includes the penalties or fines, if any payable by the owner as a consequence of failure to give notice under Workmen's Compensation Act or otherwise to conform to the provisions of the said Act in regard to such accidents. In the event of an accident in respect of which compensation may become payable by the contractor, such sum of money as may, in the opinion of the Engineer, be sufficient to meet such liability will be kept in deposit. On the receipt of award from the Labour Commissioner in regard to the quantum of compensation, the difference in the amount will be adjusted. It is obligatory that the contractor shall take an all Risk Insurance Policy for the works and keep it in force throughout the work period.


The contractor shall provide and maintain barricades, guards, guard rails, temporary bridges and walkways, watchmen, headlights and danger signals illuminated from sunset to sunrise and all other necessary appliances and safeguards to protect the work, life, property, the public, excavations, equipment and materials. Barricades shall be substantial construction and shall be painted such as to increase their visibility at night. For any accident arising out of the neglect of above instructions, the contractor shall be bound to bear the expenses of defense of every suit, action or other legal proceedings, at law, that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay all damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings to any such person or which may with the consent of the contractor be paid in compromising any claim by any such person.


The Engineer shall have the authority to enforce compliance with the contract documents. On all questions relating to quantities, the acceptability of materials, equipment, or works, the adequacy of the performance of the work and the interpretation of the drawings and specifications, the decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding and shall be precedent to any payment under the contract agreement unless otherwise provided in the contract documents. The Engineer shall have the authority to stop the work or any part thereof as may be necessary to ensure the proper execution of the work, disapprove or reject the works which is defective, to require the uncovering and inspection or testing of the works to require re-examination of the works, to issue interpretations and clarifications, to order changes or alterations in the works, and other authority as provided elsewhere in the contract documents. The Engineer shall not be liable for the results of any ruling, interpretation or decision rendered, or request, demand, instruction, or order issued by him in good faith. The contractor shall promptly comply with requests, demands, instructions and order from the Engineer. The whole of the works shall be under the directions of the Engineer, whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties to the contract, on all questions relating to the construction and meaning of plans, working drawings, sections and specifications connected with the work. The Engineer shall have the power and authority from time to time and at all times make an issue such further instructions and directions as may appear to him necessary or proper for the guidance of the contractor and the good and sufficient execution of the works according to the terms of specifications and the contractor shall receive, execute, obey and be bound by the same according to the true intent and meaning thereof; fully and effectually. Engineer may order any of the works contemplated thereby to be omitted, with or without the substitution of any other works in lieu thereof, or may order any works or any portion of works executed or partially executed, to be removed, changed or altered and if needful, may order that other works shall be substituted instead thereof and the difference of expenses occasioned by any such diminution or alteration so ordered and directed shall be deducted from or added to the amount of this contract.


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The duties of the representative of the Engineer are to check, inspect and continuously supervise the work and to test any materials to be used or workmanship employed in connection with the works. He shall furnish the drawings and information to the contractor, approve the contractor's drawings subject to post-facto approval and signature of the Engineer-in-Charge, recommend and approve the interim certificates and taking over certificates after thorough checking and inspection and recommend extra work required and extension of time. Approval for or acceptance of any work or material or failure to disapprove any work or material by the representative of the Engineer shall not prejudice the power of the Engineer thereafter to disapprove such work of material and to order removal or modification thereof. If the contractor shall be dissatisfied with any decision of the representative of the Engineer, he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the Engineer, who shall thereupon confirm, reserve or vary such decision only in genuine cases. The representative of the Engineer shall be liable to inform the Engineer about the daily progress and compare it with the programme. He shall also inform the contractor immediately about the log or lead in the progress than the programme.


For period specified in the Clause 20 of B.1 form for the defect liability period for the individual type of work from the date of issuance of the completion certificate in accordance with Condition "Final Inspection and Acceptance" mentioned herein after, contractor shall remain liable for any of the works or parts thereof or equipment and fittings supplied which in the opinion of the Engineer fail to comply with the requirements of the contract or are in any way unsatisfactory or defective except fair wear and tear. The process of the assembly commissioning of all sections of pipe lines, tested hydraulically in patches, will involve some additional measures such as shaft of suitable height, fixing of air valves at more number of places on the alignment and all such measures shall be done by the contractor. To the intent that the works and each part thereof shall at or as soon practicable after the expiry of the above period be taken over by the Engineer in the condition required by the contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the contractor shall finish the work (if any) outstanding at the date of completion as soon as may be practicable after such date and shall execute all such work of repair, amendment, reconstruction, rectification and making good of defects imperfections, shrinkages or other faults as may during the period of maintenance or after its expiry be required of the contractor in writing by the Engineer as a result of an inspection made by or on behalf of the Engineer prior to the expiry of the period. The contractor at his own expenses shall carry out all such work if the necessity thereof shall in the opinion of the Engineer and due to the use of materials or to neglect or failure on the part of the contractor to comply with any obligation expressed or implied on the contractors pat under the contract. If the contractor fails to do any such work as entitled to carry out such work in which the contractor should have carried out at the contractor's own cost, the Engineer shall be entitled to recover from the contractor the cost thereof or may deduct the same from the moneys that become due to the contractor. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if the contractor remains in default, one calendar month after the Engineer has given written instructions in writing, the Security Deposit shall become payable to the MJP/ Commissioner who will deduct the cost plus overhead expenses of such works as have been necessary to rectify the contractor's default and the balance, if any, shall be disbursed. The Contractor shall submit the operation and maintenance manual for the fruitful operation of the works. The Contractor will have a liberty to visit the operating works during the defect liability period and satisfy himself about the on-going operations in case he do not visit and a defect is observed then the Engineer's opinion shall be final and binding as to the application of defect liability.


The Engineer may refuse to approve to any payment, or because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment previously approved and paid to such extent as may be necessary in the


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opinion of the Engineer to protect him from loss because (a). The work is defective, (b) Third party claims have been filed or there is reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims, (c) of the Contractor's failure to make payment properly to subcontractors or for labour, materials or equipment, (d) of damage to another Contractor, or to the property of other caused by the Contractor, (e) of reasonable doubt that the work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the contract price, (f) of reasonable indication that the work will not be completed within the contract time, (g) of the Contractor's neglect or unsatisfactory prosecution of the work including failure to clean up. Once the provisions of law that enables or require the Engineer to withhold such payments are removed, payment will be made for amounts withheld because of them to the extent the contractor is entitled to payment.


Upon written notice from the contractor, that the entire work required by the contract documents is complete and that all submittals required by him are made, and after the Contractor has delivered the bonds, certificates of inspection, guarantees, warranties, releases and other documents, as required by the contract documents or by law, the Engineer will make a final inspection, and he will notify the Contractor in writing of any particulars in which this inspection reveals that the work is defective, and will also notify the Contractor in writing of any deficiencies in the submittals and the document required from him. The Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as are necessary to remedy all defects or deficiencies. After the Contractor has completed any such corrections to the satisfaction of the owner, the Engineer will issue a written completion certificate of the work and file any notice and completion required by law or otherwise.


The Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the work in accordance with the contract documents is and shall be absolute. Neither the observation during construction and final inspection of the work by the Engineer, nor any payment to the Contractor under the Contract documents, nor any use or occupancy of the work or any part thereof by the Engineer, nor any act of acceptance by the defective work by the Engineer shall constitute acceptance of work not in accordance with the contract documents.


During the course of contract period the deduction of Income Tax/Work Contract Tax or any other Central/State or local tax required to be deducted at source, will be made as per prevailing rules from the contractors bills and will be remitted to the concerned Departments. Certificate for such deductions will be issued by the Executive Engineer/Commissioner.


The Engineer shall except or otherwise stated therein, determine by measurement the value in accordance with the contract of works done in accordance therewith. All items having a financial value shall be entered in a measurement book, level book etc. as prescribed by the Engineer so that a complete record is obtained of all work performed under the contract. The Engineer OR his authorized representative shall take measurements jointly with the Contractor or his authorized representative. Before taking measurement of any work the Engineer or the person deputed by him for the purpose shall give reasonable notice to the contractor. If the contractor fails to attend or send an authorized representative for measurement after such notice or fails to countersign or record the objection within a week from the date of measurement, then in any such event measurements will be taken by the Engineer, or by the person deputed by him


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shall be taken to be correct measurements of the works and shall be binding on the contractor. There shall be absolutely no doubt regarding the measurements and hence the contractor shall first arrange the exact branding of the alignment length on site, and mark distinctly. All hidden measurements shall be measured by steel tape, on the exact section as marked previously and depth by the regular staff generally at an average interval of 30 m or suitable interval decided by Engineer-in-Charge. In case of difference of opinion in the measured quantity and the payable quantity of any particular measurements, the contractor must know the departmental practices developed as per the manuals and standard specifications. Normally only excavation will not be measured. When the pipes and specials are laid in position, then only the excavation and other items will be measured. The Contractor shall, without any extra charge, provide assistance with every appliance and other things necessary for measurements, such as leveling instruments (Auto setting), tapes, staffs, camera, paints, brushes and required labour. Measurements shall be signed and dated by both the parties each day (for taking measurement) on the site on completion of measurements. The Contractor shall take up still colour photographs at intervals during the execution of works so that a history of development of the works is maintained. The dated photographs, in two copies, shall be submitted to the Engineer-incharge every time. No extra cost will be paid for this. This generation of record shall provide the used methodology of working and highlight the quality of material and workmanship. The cost of the said work shall be borne by the Contractor. It shall be the property of the Municipal Corporation. and shall not be used for campaigning, advertising without permission of the Corporation.


Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in person to the individual or member of the firm or to an Engineer of the contractor for whom it was intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. The notice on the Fax Message/ E-Mail shall be deemed to have been duly served. The address given in the contractor's tender on which all notices, letters and other communications to the contractor shall be mailed or delivered, except that said address may be changed by the Contractor by notifying the owner in writing. This shall not preclude the service of any notice, letter or other communication upon the Contractor personally.


The owner shall have the right, upon written notice to the Contractor, to take possession or occupancy of, and use any completed or partially completed portions of the work, notwithstanding that the time for completing the entire work or such portions may not have expired but such taking possession or occupancy and use shall not deemed to waive of any requirement of the contract documents or a waiver or acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the contract documents.


The contractor shall at all times during the work keep the site and premises, adjoining property and public property free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris resulting from the works, and at the completion of the work shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the site and premises as well as all tools, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials, and shall leave the site and premises, clean, tidy and ready for occupancy by the owner. The Contractor shall restore to their original condition those portions of the site not designated for alteration by the contract documents paved ways, parking areas and roadways disturbed by the construction shall be redone by filing the excavation, if any, by sand compacted material and bringing it to its original shape as directed and approved by the Engineer.


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No waste material shall be buried or disposed off on the owner's property unless so approved in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge. Before the Contractor applies for final inspection and acceptance of the work, all items of work shall be complete, ready to operate, and in a clean condition as determined by the Engineer.


If the Contractor fails to satisfactorily clean up or if a dispute arises between the Contractor or in several Contractors as to their responsibility for cleaning up, the Engineer may clean up and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor for his failure, or to the several contractors as the Engineer shall determine to be just.


All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity and structures or other remains or things of geological or archaeological interest discovered on the site shall be deemed to be the property of the owner and the Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or any other person from removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal acquaint the Engineer of such discovery and carry out at the expenses of the Engineer's order as to the disposal of the same.


If demanded by Municipal Authorities, the contractor will have to produce to the satisfaction of the accepting authority a valid and current license issued in his favor under the provision of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, before starting the work, otherwise the Contractor shall have to face the further consequences. The contractor shall have to comply with the Apprentices Act 1961, and the rules and orders issued there under from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be breach of contract and the Superintending Engineer, may in his discretion, cancel the contract, the Contractor shall also be liable, for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation of the provisions of this act, by him. Salient features of some major labour laws/ Acts applicable to establishment engaged will be as below. a. Workman compensation Act 1923. b. Payment of Gratuity Act 1972. c. Employees PF and miscellaneous provisions Act 1952. d. Maternity Benefit Act 1951. e. Contract Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act 1970. f. Minimum Wages Act 1948. g. Payment of Wages Act 1936. h. Equal Remuneration Act 1979. i. Payment of Bonus Act 1965. j. Industrial Disputes Act 1947. k. Industrial Employment (Standing orders) Act 1946. l. Trade Union Act 1926. m. Child labour act 1926. n. Inter state Migrant Workmen's (Regulation of Employment and Conditioned of

Services) Act 1979. o. The Building and other construction works (Regulation of employment and

conditions of Services Act 1946 and the cess Act of 1996). p. Factories Act 1948.

All the relevant law and act will be applicable for this work. 62. STATUTORY INCREASE IN DUTIES, TAXES ETC.

All the taxes and duties levied by the Central Govt., State Govt and by Local Bodies at


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the prevailing rates applicable on the date of receipt of tender, considering this contractor should quote his offer. Any increase in tax rates till completion of work shall be fully borne by the Contractor and shall not be reimbursed to him on any account.


All material & equipment, irrespective whether specified or not, shall be tested at manufacturer’s works laboratory and the Test Certificate thereof shall be furnished. The test shall be witnessed by the Engineer-in-charge as well as the third party designated by the Pradhikaran/ Corporation


All machinery required for erection/execution purposes such as cranes, trucks, etc. shall be arranged by the Contractor. Department shall not take any responsibility for providing such machinery even on rental basis. No concreting shall be permitted unless centering and reinforcement is approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.


A well bound work order book shall be maintained on site and it shall be the property of MJP/Corporation and the Contractor/ his agent shall promptly sign orders given therein by the Engineer in charge of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran /Commissioner. officials or his superior officer, in token of having received them and comply them. This will be a permanent record The compliance shall be reported by the contractor to the Engineer in good time so that it can be checked. The blank work order book with machine numbered pages will be provided by the MJP /Corporation free of charge for this purpose. The Contractor will be allowed to copy out the instruction therein from time to time. He will not record any remarks in the order book but may take up the matter recorded therein.


The tender drawings and specifications, shall be considered as explanatory, of each other and together shall form the technical requirements and stipulations of tender documents. Detailed drawings shall have preference over small scale drawings. Similarly, detailed specifications shall have preference over general specifications. Should any discrepancy arise as to the meaning, intent or interpretation of any specification or drawing the decision of the Engineer- in-charge shall be final and binding on the Contractor.


Price variation is not applicable to this tender. 68. NO INTEREST ON DUES

No interest shall be payable by the Pradhikaran /Corporation on amounts, due to contractors pending final settlement of claim. Further, no interest shall be payable by Corporation on any amount/payment.

69. Any recovery advised by the MJP shall be recovered from any bill or money retained from this contract. All the recoveries either outstanding or dues under the contract or incidental there to as determined may be, stand recoverable. Secured Advance will be granted as per provisions made in MPW Manual and MPW Account Code.


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70. Mobilization Advance will not be granted.

71. The tenderer is entitled to avail exemption from central excise tax, to all items of machinery, including instruments, apparatus and appliances, auxiliary equipment and their components/parts required for setting up a water treatment plants intended to treat water to make it fit for consumption of humans or animals. Central excise duty will also be exempted on pipes of sizes 100 mm and above required for obtaining untreated (raw) water from its source to the plant and for supplying the treated (potable drinking) water to the storage place from which it would be further supplied for consumption of humans or animals. The concession would be subject to the certification by the Collector/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner of the District in which the water treatment plant is to be set-up. To avail exemption on duty the tenderer himself shall pursue the matter with different Government Departments. Any co-operation in this regard will be extended to the tenderer. The tenderer shall quote his offer taking into account above exemption which he may avail.

72. INSPECTION AND TESTING All equipments, irrespective, whether specified or not, shall be tested at manufacturer’s

works laboratory and test certificates for all equipments shall be furnished. Tests shall be witnessed by the Engineer as and where specified.

The items e.g. pipe works which are fabricated at site, shall be tested for pressures stipulated in detailed specifications.

Cost for all such tests including all incidental expenses shall be borne by the contractor and cost for all such tests shall be deemed to have been included in the tendered rates. However, where the tests are to be carried out in presence of the Engineer, tour expenses of the inspecting office shall be borne by the department.

However, the equipments shall have to be tested for requirements as specified and field test results shall be the deciding factor, wherever specified.

73. FACTORY TEST AND FEE The contractor shall organize inspection and testing at manufacturer’s works (Factory

test) for following equipments as specified in specifications and relevant IS. The tests shall be witnessed jointly by the Engineer or his authorized representative and an Engineer from organizations approved by Department for third party inspection for the Electrical and Mechanical equipments and assembly stated below. i. For all SCADA items ii. Submersible non clog pumps iii. Knife gate valves iv. Electric Valve Actuators v. Reflux valves vi. Kinetic Air valves vii. Main Control Panel board viii. Auto transformer starter ix. APFC Panel x. Starter panel for motorized Actuators xi. XLPE Cable (Including cable for taking supply from main STP Panel) xii. HOT Crane and items which needs TPI as per latest MJP Norms.

74. SITE TESTS Site test shall be witnessed by Superintending Engineer (Mech.) & Executive Engineer

(Mech.) along with AMC representative.

i. Performance test of pumping machinery in sub work no.1 ii. Performance test of SCADA and Automation System in sub work no.2

Above Performance tests will be carried, in presence Superintending Engineer (Mech.) ,


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Executive Engineer (Mech.) & Executive Engineer (Civil.) & Engineer of AMC at site, after completion of work in all respect and satisfactory running of 3 Months.

FEES PAYABLE TO THIRD PARTY INSPECTION All fees payable to organization for third party inspection and testing (factory and site)

shall be borne by the contractor, Date for such inspection will be fixed by the contractor in consulting with Superintending Engineer (Mech.) , Executive Engineer (Mech.).

The third party testing does not relieve the contractor of his liability for satisfactory performance of equipments and in such case the defective equipments shall have to be replaced by the contractor without any extra cost.

Any provision in B-1 form which is in contravention of above stipulation shall be null and void.

75. QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPEMENTS All materials of construction shall be best quality conforming to relevant Indian

Standards. All mechanical, Electrical and other equipments shall be of make specified as acceptable make, best quality and of ISI mark only, where available and acceptable, These shall be got approved from the Superintending Engineer (Mech.) , Executive Engineer (Mech.).before erection and use. Any provision in B-1 form which is in contravention of this stipulation shall be null and void.

76. CHANGE IN SITE ALIGNMENT OR ORIENTATION OR MODIFICATION No compensation shall be paid on account of change in site, alignment or orientation of

the proposed work. The department reserves the right to modify the layout, design and any part thereof, if considered necessary. No extra claim will be entertain for strata pertains to foundation in substation area.

77. ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY Electric power supply required by the contractor for the purpose of execution of

Automation & SCADA work shall have to be arranged by himself at his cost and department shall not take any guarantee in this respect, except giving recommendatory letter. However, if possible, MJP may supply power for erection at rate prevailing to MSEDCL for which the contractor will have to make arrangement to tap and transmit the power from LT panel and provide 3 phases LT energy meter. However, MJP does not assume any responsibility if power cannot be supplied. Required power for the purpose of trail run of the Automation & SCADA work would be arranged free of cost by the department.


It should be clearly noted, that the tenderer has to strictly comply with the conditions and

specification laid down in the tender and no variation or deviations are permissible. The basic principles mentioned in the specification and conditions of the tender shall be retained. On no account variation in conditions and specification shall be carried out.

79. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION All electrical installations shall be carried out as per the provision of India Electricity Act,

Indian Electricity Rules, Instructions & requirement of Statuary authorities i.e. Electrical Inspector and MSEDCL. Necessary test reports shall be given by the contractor.

The layout of HT sub-station and other electrical installations is indicative only. It will be responsibility of the contractor to design the layout as per applicable rules, regulations, instructions and requirements of I.E. Rules, I.E. Acts and statutory authorities. However, electrical and physical clearances and fencing height shall not be less than as per shown in tender drawings of the department.


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80. FORCE MAJEURE The contractor shall not be held responsible for delay or failure to perform the contract

only in case of force majeure as stated below. i. Acts of public enemy, Acts of govt., fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine re-

strictions. ii. Lockouts and strikes in factories manufacturing the pump, motors, transformer

and HT breakers. In case force majeure condition prevails for a period exceeding 30 days. The contractor

shall take procurement action of alternative acceptable make on priority. The MJP will not bear any cost due to cancellation of previous order. Maximum extension for any or all force majeure conditions will not exceed two months for completion of work. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to keep the MJP informed about these development and action taken.

Except the force majeure conditions stipulated above, no there conditions shall be considered as force majeure conditions.

In the event of force majeure conditions stipulated above suitable extension only shall be granted on production of required proof. The contractor getting extension under such circumstances will however, not be entitled for any compensation including price variation / escalation due to such extensions.

81. ACCIDENTS ON THE WORK The contractor shall be fully responsible for any accident that may occur to the labour on

his work on duty and report the same to the Engineer-in-charge and concerned Govt., Authority and shall pay all necessary compensation as per rules, failing which it would be paid by the department and the same shall be recovered from the contractor with interest.

82. WORK SCHEDULE Schedule of works comprising supply, erection, testing & commissioning as below shall

be completed as per following time table.

1. Submission of all drawings / design, wiring, diagrams etc.

30 days from the date of work order

2. Supply of all equipments and Materials in sub work No. 1,2 &3

4 months from the date of work order

3. Erection work in sub work No. 1 , 2 &3 including commissioning and testing

After receipt of equipments within 4 months including commissioning

Keeping in view of above schedule the contractor should prepare bar chart within a month from the issue of work order.

The contractor should submit updated bar chart within 1 month along with copies of order acceptance from the manufactures with commitments for delivery of equipments. Any cost figures in copies of order acceptance may be erased.

RATES INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES AND ADUTIES, OCTROI ETC All the taxes and duties such as S.T. / G.S.T. excise duty turn over tax etc. on works

contract, levied by the State and Central Govt. and local bodies shall be fully borne by the contractor and shall not be reimbursed to him on any account. The tender rates quoted by the contractor for the items shall be taken as inclusive of all such taxes and duties. Tax concessions / exemption form will not be issued by the MJP.


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Trial run period shall be 3 months at free of cost, during which the plant will be

operated individually or combined, and defect / deficiency fault shall be rectified. On completion of trial run, comprehensive operation & maintenance of all equipments shall be taken up. comprehensive operation & maintenance period shall be of 6 years at free of cost after complete of commissioning & trial period. During trial run and commissioning, the contractor shall be responsible to employ all required qualified, skilled and unskilled personnel full time to operate, maintain and repair the equipments including replacement of equipment & spare parts etc. without any extra cost.

The performance test of Pumping Machinery & AUTOMATION & SCADA SYSTEM shall be conducted after 3 months of trial run and commissioning as specified in field performance test. Performance test certificate shall be recorded by team of two officers of MJP not below the rank of Executive Engineer and officers of AMC.

84. GUARANTEE PERIOD AND FINAL CERTIFICATE Guarantee period shall be of 6 Years from the date of issue of final certificate by

the Engineer-in-charge. Any provisions regarding period in B-1 form in contravention of 6 Years, guarantee period stipulated above shall be Null and void. Final certificate shall be issued only after all works are completed in accordance with contract agreement, commissioned, site is cleared and specified performance during field test is obtained. Final certificate will be issued only for the entire works and not for the part works. Guarantee covers all replacement of defective items free of charge. During the guarantee period any failure or defects, attributable to manufacturers design, shall be expeditiously attended by the contractor free of charge. If such attendance is unduly delayed the Engineer-in-charge shall rectify the failure / defects at the risk and cost of the contractor.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation Name of Scheme : Akola Water Supply Scheme (AMRUT) Phase I, Tq. Akola, Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1) Payment against Excess quantities of various items.

Before making payment of excess quantities as per rules, the concerned Executive

Engineer/ Engineer in charge of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran /Corporation shall get

himself satisfied regarding genuineness of the claim and he should also exercise a

compulsory check of minimum 10 % of measurements for a particular item.

Responsibility of informing the excess quantities as per Schedule ‘B’ of the tender for

approval of Competent authority of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran /Corporation and

also for correctness of claim to be submitted in future shall rest with Junior Engineer, a

auditor and divisional Accountant also. While submitting the proposal for approval,

concerned authorities should consider the exact position of the revised estimates, if

necessary due to this excess. For executing any quantity, the excess over the quantity

specified in the tender, the contractor should be authorized by the Executive

Engineer/Engineer in charge of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Corporation in writing.

While asking the contractor to execute such excess quantity, the concerned Executive

Engineer/Engineer in charge of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran /Corporation should

inform the Contractor in writing specifically that the payment in excess of quantities

specified in the tender will be made after following concerned prescribed rules.

2) General

The quoted rate shall be total rate for the completed item of work as per the specification, and shall be inclusive of all incidental charges such as lifts, leads for materials, water for construction etc. The rates for excavation are inclusive of the edge of the excavation pit beyond foundation. The tenderer must obtain on his own responsibility and his own expenses all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making a tender and entering into a contract and must consider and satisfy himself with all local conditions, sites and quarries means of accesses, the nature of rock, material to be met with in all execution and all materials pertaining to work. Specifications of item stipulated for other sub works shall be made applicable, where relevant.

3) Outline of works

The work will be on the lines of plans attached to the tender documents. The plans are however, liable to change and strata as shown there is approximate. The item of work and their approximate quantities are given in schedule ‘B’ of the tender. The quantities are approximate and are liable to vary on plus or minus side.

4) Unit

The rates quoted for each item are for units mentioned in Schedule ‘B’ against each item.


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5) Site conditions

1. It shall be presumed that the Contractor has satisfied himself as to the nature of the works, general and local conditions, particularly on those bearings on transport handling, storage of materials, availability of labour, weather conditions and has estimated the cost and quoted his rates accordingly Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation will bear no responsibility for lack of such acquaintance with site conditions and consequences thereof.

2. Set of tender documents and conditions ( up to a maximum of three sets) at the discretion of the Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation will be supplied to the contractor after acceptance of tender.

6) Extras, Omissions and Discrepancies.

1. In all the cases of the omissions, doubts or discrepancies in the dimension inthe drawing and items of works, reference shall be made to the Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation , whose elucidation and elaboration shall be considered final.

7) Supply of material by the contractor. 7.1 The contractor should supply all the material mentioned in Schedule “B”. This shall be

conforming to relevant IS & approved MJP vendors.. All types of pipes, valve and specials will be accepted only after due third party inspection and satisfactory inspection by the third party inspection agencies appointed by the MJP. (List of third party inspection agencies appointed is periodically circulated by the MJP central office). The charges for the same shall be borne by the contractor.

7.2 Other material such as cement, tor steel etc. shall be conforming to relevant ISS testing charges for cement, steel shall be borne by the contractor. Ultra Tech cement (Ultra tech) shall be preferably be used for water retaining structures.

7.3 In case of item of supply of pipes, valves, specials etc., 60% amount of supplied item will be paid to the contractor on receipt of material (after satisfactory third party inspection), 25% amount will be released after lowering, laying, jointing and remaining 15% amount will be released after satisfactory hydraulic testing.

7.4 The contractor shall provide, at the site of work, satisfactory storage for not less than one month’s average consumption of works and shall keep the cement of storage and utilization of cement in the order of its arrival at the stores and the contractor shall maintain satisfactory records, which would at any time show the dates of receipt and proposed utilization of cement lying in the storage.

7.5 The Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation shall at all the times have access to the stores and sites, method of storage, records and securities provided by the contractor. The contractor shall comply with instruction that will be given by Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation , in this behalf.

7.6 The contractor shall further at all times satisfy the Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation on demand any production of books, of submissions of returns in Performa as directed, other proofs, that, the cement supplied is being used for the purpose for which it is supplied and available to the Executive Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Engineer in charge of Corporation .


If at any stage of work, it is found that the execution of work is not as per the programme given in the Bar Chart, a fine shall be imposed on the contractor as mentioned in the agreement form.


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In case of any disputes raised between contractor and Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge during the course of contract regarding work, there shall be no provision for the appointment of an Arbitrator. The decision of the Member secretary MJP /secretary UDD2/Any other person appointed by secretary UDD2 shall be held as valid and final. If the contractor files a case in appropriate court, the action of withdrawing the work and allotting it to any other agency shall be deemed to be continued as per the practice in vogue in the larger interest of implementation of work in time and as per original time schedule.


Strata for excavation are shown approximate based on trial pits and theContractor shall have no right to claim extra if there is variations in the strata. The contractor will also have no claim if extra excavation is required to be done due to boulders and the Contractor will have to make such extra excavation good by filling the same by C.C. 1:3:6 (M-100) or by plum concrete with 60% plum in C.C.1:3:6 maximum


No claims shall be paid on account of reasonable change in site, alignment or orientation of the proposed work, within the work site marked on plan attached to the tender as the circumstances may call for.


All tools, instruments and machinery and all other materials (not included in the Material Schedule 'A') shall be acquired by the Contractor. It is, however, open to the Engineer to lend or supply to the Contractor implements, machinery or other service not covered by the tender document which he can be and may consider desirable. For such tools, instruments, machinery and service provided, the Contractor will have to sign an agreement and pay Security Deposit and rental charges as may be fixed by the Engineer.


All excavated stuff shall be MJP /Corporation’s property and shall be disposed off at lead and lift by the Contractor in a manner as directed by the Engineer.


During the course of excavation and laying of the pipe line utmost care of existing main, electrical and telephone cables and private water connections/sewage connections shall be taken. Any damage to existing main electrical and telephone cable and private water/ sewage connection, etc, occurs during the course of execution, same shall be restored at the cost of the contractor. In case the repairs are done by owner, the cost of such repair will be recovered from the contractor. Rates for all type of materials are inclusive of GST and all taxes levied by Central Government, State Government or local bodies. Rates for supply of specials and valves are inclusive of excise duty (Central), GST, Third party inspection charges, storage charges, overhead charges and transportation of materials up to site and stacking. Rates mentioned in the tender are inclusive of all Central Govt, State Govt. and Local taxes, duties and cess etc.

15. Though the contractor is required to do refilling before hydraulic testing toavoid traffic hurdle, no payment for refilling of the trenches of pipe line shall be payable till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given. Re-excavation required if any during testing shall be done by contractor at his own cost.


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16. The works of cross connections to existing lines are to be arranged in such a way as no major shutdowns are required to be taken and work should be completed within minimum period of time, without interrupting the major water supply in the area.

17. Activity in Bar chart and network diagram (CPM / PERT) shall be modified regularly in

case any activity could not be done in time due to some extra ordinary reason. The same modified Bar Chart/Network diagram should be submitted for approval of Engineer-in-Charge or competent authority of Corporation, who will give approval after consultation with MJP.

18. Work shall be executed in stages as mentioned Government Resolution issued by the

Urban Development department on dated 16.05.2016 19. INCENTIVE BONUS

As an encouragement to the early completion of the project an incentive bonus will be payable to the contractor. If contractor completes the work before scheduled time limit, he will be paid incentive bonus at the rate of 0.5% of the initial contract value or revised contract value whichever is less for every one month of early completion ahead of the original completion period or revised completion period whichever is less. Maximum incentive payable shall not be more than 3% of the original value or revised value whichever is less. This incentive scheme shall not apply if extension to the original completion period is required irrespective of on whose account (Owner or Contractor’s account). Period less than a month will not reckoned for the incentive bonus calculations.

20. All the bills in R A bill format shall be submitted to the MJP by the contractor. The bills

will be checked and scrutinized by MJP and will be submitted to the ULB i.e. AMC for Recording, Passing and Payment by the ULB.

21. The bills vetted and submitted by the PMC will be normally cleared and payment will be released within a period of 15 days from the receipt of such vetted bills by the ULB or executing agency as the case may be. Such payment will be subject to availability of funds with the ULB or executing agency.

22. Extension of time limit will be granted by Commissioner after obtaining approval/consent of competent authority of MJP/Municipal Corporation.

23. The layout of pumping machinery with allied equipments shall be prepared and

submitted to civil authority. So that area/space of pump house,opening for pumps, panel, substation etc. can be finalized.

24 The collaboration with product manufacturer is compulsory during the errection

of pumping machinery. The collaboration agreement shall be submitted after work order along with design and drawings.

25. The representative of the manufacturer shall remain present till commissioning.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation

Name of Scheme : Akola Water Supply Scheme (AMRUT) Phase I, Tq. Akola, Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.



The Owner will award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest evaluated bid, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. The tender will be awarded after bid evaluation report approved by the appropriate competent authority.

2. ACCEPTANCE OF THE TENDER 2.1 The acceptance of the tender rests with the appropriate competent authority. The right to

reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof is reserved by appropriate competent authority. . The tenderer whose tender is accepted will have to enter into regular agreement in the type and form prescribed in the tender and abides by all the rules embodied therein, cost of agreement etc. should also be borne by the tenderer.

2.2 No corrections, additions or alterations in the tender document shall be made. No special stipulations in the tender document shall be permitted.

2.3 The tender shall be liable to be rejected outright if while submitting the same. i) The Tender is not submitted on E-tendering portal specified in the Tender Notice. ii) The Tenderer proposes any conditions and alterations in the obligatory conditions of

the tender. iii) Any of the pages of the tender is removed/replaced or spoiled badly. iv) If the offer in words and in figures is not filled in appropriate place of B.1 Form. v) If the specified Earnest Money in specified form is not paid. vi) Any erasures are made in the tender documents. vii) The tenderer or in case of firm or company authorized person does not sign the

tender documents in the place provided for the purpose, in B.1 Tender form. 2.4 If the tendering contractors are a firm or company, they shall in their forwarding letter

should mention the names of all the partners of the firm or the company as the case may be and the names of the partners who hold the power of attorney authorizing him to conduct transactions on behalf of the Company/Firm.

2.5 Rules and conditions of the contract are subject to amendment till the time of acceptance of tender.

2.6 The notes and conditions stipulated in this notice will form a part of the agreement.


At the same time as the Owner notifies the successful Bidder that the bid has been accepted, the Owner will send the Bidder an acceptance letter informing the Bidder, the further necessary line of action including signing of contract etc.


The tenderer is expected to visit the site before quoting the tender and get himself acquainted with the site conditions and site requirements. The contracting firm shall study the site and general conditions in respect of approaches, labour, water supply, climate, quarries and the data included in the tender papers and get verified from the actual inspection of site etc. before submitting the tender. In case of any doubt about any item or data included in the tender or otherwise, it shall be got clarified by applying in


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

writing to the tender inviting authority at least 3 days before the date of pretender conference. Once the tender is submitted, it shall be concluded with all the details required for completing the work as per tender conditions and specifications. Responsibility of Departmental staff will be nominal and limited to extending all possible help in solving local problems for obtaining permission, obtaining power supply etc.


The existing public roads that are near the site of work are shown in Drawing accompanying the Tender documents. The contactor may conduct and maintains additional roads as required at his own expenses.


a) The contractor shall provide an adequate supply of pure and wholesome water for

the use of labourers on works and in camps. b) The contractor shall construct trenches, semi permanent latrines for the use of

labourers , Separate latrine shall be provided for men and women. c) The contractor shall construct sufficient number of huts on a suitable plot of land for

use of the labourers according to the following specifications. i) Hut of Bamboos and Grass may be constructed. ii) A good site not liable to submergence shall be selected on high ground remote

from jungle but well provided with trees shall be chosen wherever it is available. The neighborhood of land, jungle s trees or woods should be particularly avoided . Camp should not be established close to large cutting of earth work.

iii) The lines of huts shall have open space of at least 10 meters between rows. When a good natural site is not available in this case. Particular attention should be given to the drainage.

iv) There should be no overcrowding , floor space at the rate of 3 sqm. (30 sq.ft) per head shall be provided . Care should be taken to see that the huts are kept clean and in good order.

v) The contractor must find his own land and if he wants Govt. land he should apply for it. Assessment for it if demanded will be payable by contractor. However the department does not bind itself for making available the required land.

d) The contractor shall construct a sufficient number of bathing places. Washing places should also be provided for the purpose of washing clothes.

e) The contractor shall make sufficient arrangement for draining away the surface and sullage water as well as water from the bathing and washing places and shall dispose of this waste water in such a way as not to cause any nuisance.

f) The contractor shall engage a medical officer with a traveling dispensary for a camp containing 500 or more persons, If there is no Govt. Or other private dispensary situated within 8 kilometers from the camp. In case of emergency the contractor shall arrange at his cost free transport for quick medical help to his sick workers.

g) The contractor shall provide the necessary staff for erecting the satisfactory

conservancy and cleanliness of the camp to the satisfaction of the Engineer In-Charge. At least one sweeper per 200 persons should be engaged.

h) The Assistant Director of Public Health shall be consulted before opening a labour camp and his instructions on matters such as Water Supply, sanitary, convenience for the camp site accommodation and food supply be followed by the contractor etc.

i) The contractor shall make arrangement for all antimalarials measures to be provided for the labours employed on the work. The anti measures shall be as directed by Assistant Director of public health.

j) In addition to above all provisions of the relevant labour Act pertaining to basic amenities to be provided to the labourer shall be applicable which will be arranged by the contractor.


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7. MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 For providing electric wiring or water ling etc. Recesses shall be provided if necessary

through walls, slabs, beams, etc. and later-on refilled it who out any extra cost. 7.2 In case it becomes necessary for the due fulfillment of contractor for the contractor to

occupy land outside the department, limits the contractor will have to make his own arrangements with the land owners and pay such rents if any, which are payable as mutually/agreed between them.

7.3 The contractor shall duly comply with provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961 (III of 1961) and the rules and order made there under from time to time under the said rules and on this failure or neglect to do so he shall subject to all the liabilities and penalties provided by the said Act and Said Rules.

7.4 It is presumed that the contractor has gone carefully through the standard specification (Vol I and II 1981 edition) and the schedule of rates of the Division, and studies of site condition before arriving at rates quoted by him. The special provisions and detailed specification of wording of any item shall gain precedence over the corresponding contrary provisions (if any) in the standard specification given without reproducing the details in contract. Decision of Engineer in charge shall be final in case of interpretation of specification.

7.5 If the standard specifications fall short for the items quoted in the schedule of this contract, reference shall be made to the latest Indian standard specifications, I.R.C. code, if any of the item of this contract do not fill in reference quoted above the decision and specification as directed by the Engineer-In –Charge. Shall be final.

7.6 The stacking and storage of building materials at site shall be in such a manner as to prevent deterioration or inclusion of foreign material and to ensure the preservation of the quality. Properties and fitness of the work. Suitable precautions shall be taken by contractor to protect the materials against atmospheric action, fire and other hazards. The materials likely to be carried away by wind shall be stored, in suitable stores or with suitable barricades and where there is likelihood of subsidence of soil, heavy ,materials shall be stored on paved platforms. Suitable separation barricades and enclosure as directed shall be provided to separate materials brought by contractor and material issued by Govt. To contractor under Schedule- A. Same applies for the materials obtained from different source of supply.


All work and material before taken over by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Municipal Corporation will be entire responsibility of the contractor for guarding, maintaining and making good, any damage of any magnitude. Interim payments made for such work will not alter this position. The handing over by the contractor and taking over by the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge or Commissioner or his authorized agent will be always in writing, copies of which will go to the Executive Engineer, signed by authorized representative of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Municipal Corporation and the contractor. It is however understood that before taking over of such work Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Municipal Corporation will not put the system into its regular use, casual or incidental one, except as specifically mentioned elsewhere in this contract or mutually agreed to.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation

Name of Scheme : Akola Water Supply Scheme (AMRUT) Phase I, Tq. Akola, Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.


1. The Contractor shall study the site conditions, general conditions and data included in

the tender papers and get it verified from actual inspection of the site etc. before submitting the tender. In case of doubts about any items or data included in this tender or otherwise, it shall be got clarified by applying in writing to the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge /Commissioner, 15 days in advance before date of submission of the tender. Once the tender is submitted, it shall be considered that the Contractor has verified and made himself conversant with all the details as required for quoting the rates and completing the work as per tender conditions and specifications.

2. Contractor shall not sell or otherwise dispose off or remove except for the purpose of this contract, the rubble, stone metal, sand or other material which may be obtained from any excavation made for the purpose of the contract. All such materials shall be MJP/Corporation's property and shall be disposed off in the manner and at place as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Contractor may with the permission of the Engineer-in-charge in writing and when directed by him, use any of the materials free of cost.

3. Other unforeseen items to be done in the course of work will have to be done by the Contractor as per specifications in P.W.D. Hand book volume I and II and will be paid at mutually agreed rates, ISS and standard practice in vogue. Extra charge of claims in respect of extra work shall not be allowed unless the work to which they relate are in the spirit and meaning of the specifications or unless such works are ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-charge and claimed for in the specified manner before the work is taken in hand.

MATERIALS: 4. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining rubble, khandki, headers,

metal, sand, murum etc. from MJP/Corporation or private quarry. Applications of the Contractor for reasonable area of Government land required for this purpose can be recommended to Revenue Authorities without any guarantee of making the land for quarry available. All the materials involved in the construction shall be of best quality and specifications and shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge before use. If necessary, materials shall be got tested from the Laboratory at his cost. Samples requiring approval shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-charge in good time before the use of each material. The samples shall be properly marked to show the name of the materials place.

5. The Contractor shall provide all labour, skilled as well as unskilled, pages, lime, strings, site-rails (wooden as well as Steel etc.) as and when required as per approved design and make available such other materials for surveying, lining out, setting out, checking of work, taking measurements, testing of hydraulic and other structures, without any payment by the MJP/Corporation to him. He will also provide proper approach and access to all his works and stores without any extra cost over tendered rates for the items to be inspected.

6. Rates quoted include clearance of site (prior to commencement of work and its closure) in all respects and hold good for work under all conditions of sites, moisture, weather etc.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

7. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will result in the Pradhikaran/Corporation's doing the needful at the risk and cost of the contractor. These conditions are for all items and as such no extra payment shall be made for observing these conditions.

8. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for quarrying of rubble, stone, murum, sand, lime, metal etc.

9. Overburden in a quarry will have to be removed by the contractor at his own cost. 10. Unless a separate item is provided in Schedule 'B' minor dewatering of foundations in

excavation and during the construction of foundation Masonry if required shall be done by the Contractor without claiming extra cost.

11. Masonry shall be kept wet for at least 15 days and concrete work shall be kept wet for at least 21 days commencing from the date of its final laying in position. In case during execution curing is found inadequate it will be carried out by MJP/Corporation’s and the cost thereof shall be recovered from the contractor. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for getting water at site at his own cost.

12. The proportions of cement concrete specified in the Schedule ‘B’ are nominal and are

only an indication of approximate proportion of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate which may have to be altered suitably at site to obtain the desired strength and workability. However quantity of cement shall not be less than the one specified below.

NOMINAL MIX: 1:11/2:1 (M-300) 9.00 bags/one cum of cement concrete 1:1:5: 3 (M-200) 7.90 bags/one cum of cement concrete 1:2:4 (M-150) 6.30 bags/one cum of cement concrete 1:3:6 (M-100) 4.40 bags/one cum of cement concrete 1:4:8 (M-80) 3.40 bags/one cum of cement concrete In case of major items of concrete for R.C.C. works, the Contractor shall prepare test blocks as per I.S. specifications for testing its tensile and compressive strength at his own cost. These block will be tested in any of the Government Test Laboratories at the cost of the Contractor. The number of test blocks, frequency etc. shall be directed by Engineer-In-Charge.


The Contractor shall take all precautions against damage by floods and from accidents. No compensation will be allowed to the contractor for his plant, material and work etc. Lost or damaged by floods or from other causes. The Contractor shall be liable to make good any part of material which is in charge of the Contractor and which is lost or damaged by floods or from any other cause. If the work executed is damaged, trenches filled due to any reason, Contractor shall have to make it good at his cost only.


In case of the EIRL the Contractor shall supply Rate Analysis based on labour and material in case he is called upon to do so.


The Contractor has to make his own arrangements at his cost for water required for construction, testing, filling, structures, etc. either from local bodies or from elsewhere, by paying the charges directly and arranging tankers etc. as per necessity. No claim for extra payment on account of non-availability of water nearby, or extra lead for bringing water shall be entertained. All required piping arrangements and pumping if required for water shall be made by the Contractor at his cost. If Contractor fails to pay the water charges to local bodies or private parties these shall be recovered by the


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MJP/Corporation from his bills. In case MJP/Corporation 's water supply is available, a connection at a suitable place may be sanctioned but all further arrangements of pumping if required, piping etc. shall be done by the Contractor at his cost, and water charges in such a case, shall be paid by the Contractor at the rates as decided by the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge /Commissioner, which shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Whenever Schedule ‘B’ provides for any dewatering item, payment shall be admissible under that item, but apart from that item no extra claims for dewatering required for executing various tender items, and for executing such items in wet condition shall be entertained as all these expenses are deemed to be included in the dewatering item.


Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the tender item, the tendered rate for all items in tender shall cover all lifts and leads encountered for the executions of the work as directed.

17. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the tender or a separate item is provided in

Schedule 'B', all the sides of excavated trenches after the work is completed or in progress are to be filled by the Contractor to the original ground level from excavated stuff at no extra cost to the Pradhikaran/Corporation,

18. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in tender items, the net dimensions of RCC or

CC members actually cast are only admissible for payment under RCC or Plain CC items. No increase in dimensions due to plastering or finishing shall be admissible for payment under RCC or plain CC items.

19. No claims for any desilting of trenches, foundation etc. filled due to floods, untimely

rains, or any other reasons whatsoever shall be entertained and Contractor shall have to do this desilting operation together with dewatering operations entirely at his cost.

20. Electricity supply required for construction of work/labour camp, etc. shall be arranged

by the contractor at his own cost.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .


1) All the materials used in the work shall be of best quality and the material rejected shall

be removed from the site by the contractor within 36 hours in the presence of the Engi-

neer in charge at his own cost.

2) All other rules regarding workmen compensations etc will be binding on the contractor.

Unwanted persons shall be dispensed with if called upon by the Engineer in charge.

3) Other unforeseen items to be executed in course of work will have to be done by the

contractor as per specifications, in P.W.D. Hand book volume I and II (Latest Edition) I.S.

code of practice and as per standard specifications book of latest edition.

4) The contractor shall be responsible and liable to pay for the damages caused by him to

public property etc.

5) All T. and P. machinery shall be provided by the contractor. Non availability of the same

shall not be an excuse for application for extension of time limit.

6) Water of good quality for labour, construction, washing and such other purposes shall be

provided by the contractor without any claim for extra cost.

7) Materials belonging to contractor if not removed from site of works after completion of

the work within a period of 15 days shall be taken over by Maharashtra Jeevan

Pradhikaran department at contractors risk and cost and then shall be auctioned at the

contractor’s risk and cost. The amount so recover shall be credited to contractor’s

account after recovery of any dues or over payments etc.

8) The final bill and deposits will not be paid unless the site is cleared off all rubbish

materials and contractor’s stores etc from the site of the work.

9) The contractor will have to pay the royalties and municipal taxes, if charged by the

Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. The same will not be refunded.

10) Specifications given for relevant nature and type of work, for any particular item of the

tender shall also be applicable to the other item of work when similar work is repeated or

carried out in part or full although the item numbers may not have been mentioned

especially against the particular specifications.

11) The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permission from Government local


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

bodies, private party for storing, stacking of materials required for execution of work.

12) Necessary sign board, danger flags, red lamps shall be provided by the contractor to

avoid accidents. Necessary guarding will also have to be provided.

13) Before entering any land, the contractor shall make independent enquiry regarding

ownership of land. Any action regarding trespassing will be at the risk of contractor.

14) Materials remaining unsold or unserviceable as per discretion of the Executive Engineer

shall be confiscated destroyed or disposed off without any compensation to the

contractor, who will be responsible for all legal disputes at his own cost and

consequences without reference to the department.

15) In case of legal disputes for materials brought and stores at site without permission of

the Executive Engineer, the contractor will be responsible for all legal disputes at his

own cost and consequences without reference to the department.


The work shall be carried out as per practices and procedures laid down in P.W.D. Hand

book Volume - I & II Latest Edition and Public Works Department’s standard

specifications (Latest Publication of Government of Maharashtra) with amendments from

time to time and as per I. S. applicable for respective items of works, as directed by the

Engineer in charge.


No electric power supply shall be entered by the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran

during construction and testing of various structures under different sub-works. The

contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for the same at is cost. During trial

period of the plant, power supply shall be made available by the department. The firm

should inform within one month from the date of receipt of work order, the total electrical

load required for successful operation of the treatment plant. This electrical load shall

also include lighting load for inside and outside light points etc. attached to the buildings

in proper as well as premises of the plant.


The tenderer shall acquaint himself for results of S.B.C. by taking actual trial pits on site

and refilling them afterwards at his cost. The foundation depth shall be considered as

minimum 3.00 m below G.L. for the construction of BPT, MBR & E.S.R.. The bearing

capacities of the actual strata met with the foundation levels shall wherever be required

got tested from reputed institution, at contractor’s cost and in the presence of Engineer-

in-charge. Detailed design shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor and got

approved from the department after actual confirmation of S.B.C.


All the water retaining and carrying structures will have to be tested for their water

tightness by filling them with water up to their designed F.S.L. Similarly the pipe line will

have to be tested hydraulically. Structures will be considered water tight when the

reductions in filled up level is not more than 6 mm in 48 hours with outer surface dry. As

regards pipe line, they should hold pressure as directed by Engineer in charge without

reduction for thirty minutes. The contractor will have to give all such hydraulic tests by


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

making his own arrangements for water supply, filling and disposing off water after the

test. He shall repeat this test if necessary until the above results are achieved and

certified by the Engineer-in-charge without any claim for extra cost. The contractor shall

carry out the rectification of the structures or pipe lines to achieve the above tests at his

own cost. The structures and pipe lines shall be kept filled with water upto F.S.L. after

the above test are over at his own cost.


The sub works included in the schedule of works for BPT MBR WTP & ESR on Lump

sum basis.

The various items of the sub work are to fit in perfectly in the whole system physically,

hydraulically, architecturally and mechanically.


All materials obtained from any excavation carried out under this contract will be the

property of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran and the contractor shall not have any claim

on it. It will not be used by the contractor for any other purpose than the legitimate use

on the work itself. Stuff still remaining surplus shall be spreaded over the different site of

work or disposed off as directed by the Engineer in charge without extra cost.



For Lump sum job works the contractor shall submit complete detailed designs and

drawings within one month from the date of issue of work order for approval If the

department to the same. Piecemeal submission of designs and drawings shall not be

permitted to commence the actual work at site unless detailed structural designs and

working drawing are approved by the department. If called upon, the contractor shall

also submit within reasonable time relevant books and other literature which have been

referred to by him in working out the design for civil, mechanical or electrical works

involved in the construction. Such books and literature will be returned to him. Reason of

secrecy in regard to details of designs, materials, equipments etc shall not be placed by

the contractor in the name of ‘TRADE SECRET’ for not furnishing the requisite details

called for the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. The design get approved from Govt.

Engineering College structurel consultants approved inlisted in MJP shall be subjected

to modifications if found necessary and such modification shall not violet the contract.

The contractor shall be responsible for the correctness and soundness of the designs

submitted by him. The structures shall be as per recognized engineering practices and if

any provisions, are found inadequate or faulty, necessary modifications will have to be

carried out by him at any stage up to the expiry of guarantee period and no extra

payment will be made on the account.

Six copies of all the approved designs and drawings should be furnished by the

contractor to the department free of cost.


The contractor shall make field arrangements for testing of all materials for

cement concrete i.e. slumps test, compression test etc. The concrete cube moulds 3

Nos. of 15 x 15 x 15 cm size shall be kept during concreting operation. Three cubes

shall be prepared from at site during concreting to be used in work for compression test,

for each concreting to be used in work for compression test, for each concreting of the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

structures. One cube shall be tested for test at 7 days age and two at 28 days in

Regional Testing Laboratory at Govt. Polytechnic/Engineering college / Vishveshvarayya

National Institute of Technology, Nagpur or at any approved laboratory, by Engineer –In-


responsibility of the testing of materials will be borne by the contractor.

Mixing of concrete shall be done with Concrete Mixers.

a) The contractor will make his own arrangement for receiving all materials, tools,

etc. required for the work.

b) No extra charges for the carriages of water will be allowed.

c) The rates for all items are inclusive of all charges such as carting, lifting etc. No

extra payment for any lead and lifts will be paid for any item.

d) The contractor should not be subleted without written permission of the


e) The conditions in the tender notice will be binding on the contractor and the

Tender Notice will form a part of agreement.

f) The material required for carrying out the work for which the tender is offered

shall be brought by the tenderer.


Full payment shall be made when 75% of the result are equal and above the specified

strength and the remaining 25% of the result are above 75% of specified strength.

Cases failing outside the above limit shall be examined by the Engineer-In-Change on

merits in each case.

1) The charges for preliminary design of concrete mix shall be entirely borne by the

contractor .

2) For grades of concrete M-20 and above where cement is to be used by weighment, the

cost of extra cement required to make up under weight bags shall be borne by the


3) For the item of concrete and other items in the agreement where cement is not to be

used by weighment the cement bags are received from the manufacturer shall be

assumed to contain cement of 50 kg. net weight. The work shall carried out as per this

method of reckoning.

25) ZINC COATING – Zinc Coating is proposed for all New M S Structures i.e. Girders,

base frames for pumping machinery,over head crane, New M S Structures for sub

station and other iron works with prior approval of Engineer Incharge.

26) RUBBER PACKING - To avoid breakdown maintenance it is recommended to use

the asbestoz packing instead of regular packing.


To ensure that the equipment and service under scope of this contract whether

manufactured or performed within the contractor's works or at his sub-contractor's

premises or at the owner's site or at any other place of work are in accordance with the

specifications, the contractors shall adopt suitable quality assurance programme to

control activities at all points, necessary. such programme shall be outlined by the

contractor and shall be finally accepted by the engineer after discusson before the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

award of contract, and such agreed programme shall form part of the contract.


After completion of wiring, cabling furnished under separate specifications and laid and

terminated by the owner, the contractor shall check out the operation of all control

systems for the equipments furnished and installed under these specifications and



The performance guarantee for the equipments under the scope of the contract are

detailed separately in the technical specifications. These guarantee hall supplement the

general performance guarantee provisions covered under general terms and conditions.


The SCADA and Automation system shall then be on trial operation during which period

all necessary adjustments shall be made while operating, over the full load ranging the

plant to be made ready for performance and guarantee test.

The duration of trial operation of the complete equipment shall be

one month The trial operation shall be considered successful, provided

that each item of the equipment can operate continuously at the specific

operating characteristics, for the period of trial operation.

For the period of trial operation, the time of operation with any load shall be counted.

Minor interruptions not exceeding four (4) hours at a time, caused during the continuous

operation shall not affect the total duration of trial operation. However, if in the opinion of

the engineer, the interruption is long, the trial operation shall be prolonged for the period

of interruption.

A trial operation report comprising of observations and recordings of various Parameters

to be measured in respect of the above trial operation shall be prepared by the

contractor. This report, besides recording the details of the various observations during

trial run shall also include the dates of start and finish of the operation and shall be

signed by the representative of both the parties. The report shall have sheets, recording

all the details of interruptions occurred, adjustments made and any minor repairs done

during the trial operation. Based on the observation, necessary modifications repairs to

the plant shall be carried out by contractor to the full satisfaction of the engineer to

enable the latter to accord permission to carry out performance and guarantee test on

the plan'. However for defects which do not endanger the safe operation of the

equipment shall be considered as reasons for withholding the aforesaid permission.

The commissioning and operation period generally will be one month, unless otherwise

specifically specified. During the commissioning and operation period, the contractor

shall depute his personnel full time to operate, maintain and repair the equipment the

personnel so deputed shall maintain log books and other records as directed by the


During this period, the owner shall make only electricity and water available to the

contractor, all other consumable materials (lubricants and other requirements) shall be

provided by the contractor at his cost. During commissions period the owner's personnel

who shall continuously work with contractor personnel, shall be adequately trained by

the contractor's personnel to the full responsibility of operating maintaining, repairing etc.

the equipment and plant.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


In no circumstance will the contractor interfere with fuses and electrical equipment

belonging to owner or other contractors.

Before the contractor connects any electrical appliances to any plug or

socket belonging to the other contractor or owner, he shall :-

a. Satisfy the engineer that the appliance is in good working condition.

b. Inform the engineer of the maximum current rating, voltage and phases of the


c. Obtain permission of the engineer detailing the sockets to which the appliances may be


The engineer will not grant permission to connect until he is satisfied that:

a. The appliance is in good condition and is fitted with a suitable plug.

b. The appliance is fitted with suitable cable having two earth conductors, one of which

shall be an earthed metal sheath surrounding the cores.

No electric cable in use by the contractor / owner will be disturbed without prior

permission. No weight of any description will be imposed on any such cable and no

ladder or similar equipment will rest against or be attached to it.

No work will be carried out on any live equipment. The equipment must be made safe by

the engineer and permit work issued before any work is carried out. The contractor shall

employ the necessary number of qualified, full time electricians to maintain his

temporary electrical installation.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Annexures 1 to 3


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



(To be supported with certificate signed by concerned Superintending Engineer/City Engineer) in

case Col. 8 shows the cost of completed work as more than 80%)

Sr. No.

Name of Works

Name of Division


Accept ed

Tender Cost.

Cost of supply of ma-terial / pipe

Balanc e cost ( 4-5)

Cost of work

completed as on

(Excluding supply of material/


Proportion of Col.7 to

Col.6 %

Reason for de-lay (if any) for completion of balance work.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




Sr.No Name of


No. of unit Name of Make Capacity Age and




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




(Security for Performance)

In consideration of the Commissioner (hereinafter called “Akola Municipal

Corporation” (AMC), Akola having agreed to exempt hereafter called “The said contractor”)

from the demand, under the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated (hereafter called “the

said Agreement”) made between the AMC, Akola and the said contractor for the Security

Deposit for the due fulfillment by the said contractor of the terms and conditions contained in

the said Agreement, on production of the Bank Guarantee for Rs (In

words Rs ) we, (hereinafter referred to as

“the Bank” at the request of the said contractor do hereby undertake to pay to the AMC,

Akola an amount not exceeding the above said amount of Guarantee against any loss or

damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the AMC, Akola by reason of any

breach by the said contractor or any of the terms or conditions.

2. We, do hereby undertake to

pay the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demur, in hereby on a

demand from the AMC, Akola stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or

damage caused to or would be to or suffered by the AMC, Akola by reason of breach of the

said contractor of any of the terms or condition contained in the said agreement or any reason

of the contractor’s failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the

Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this

Guarantee. However, our liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not

exceeding the above said amount Guarantee.

3. WE undertake to pay to the AMC, Akola any money so demanded not withstanding any

dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court

or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability

for payment there under and the contractor shall have no claim against us for making such



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

4. We further agree

that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that

would be taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continued to be en-

forceable till all the dues of the AMC, Akola under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been

fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged till AMC, Akola certified that the terms and condi-

tions of the said Agreement have been duly and properly carried out by the said contractor and

accordingly discharges this guarantee unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on

us in writing on or before we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.

5. We further agree

with the AMC, Akola that the AMC, Akola shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and

without affecting in any manner our obligations here under to vary any of the terms and condi-

tions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contractor from time to

time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the

AMC, Akola against the said contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions

relating to the said Agreement, and we shall not be relieved from any liability by reason of any

such variation, or extension being granted to the said contractor, or for any forbearance act or

omission on the part of the AMC, Akola any indulgence by the AMC, Akola to the said contractor

or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law to sureties would, but for this

provisions, have effect of so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank

or of the Contractor.

7. We, lastly undertake not revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previ-

ous consent of the AMC, Akola in writing.

Dated the day of 2018-19


(Indicate the name of the Bank)

Note: However, these forms will be as per the current practices of MJP/….MC and Banks.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Undertaking for Guarantee



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



I/We Guarantee that :

1 I/We will replace repair and adjust free of all charges to the employer any part of the

work which fails to comply with the Specifications or amendment to such specifications

as refereed to in our specifications attached to tender, fair were and tear except until

the completion and for a period mentioned under clause 20 from the date or comple-

tion of contract.

2 All the work will be reliable.

3 All the work will be of a type which has been proved in service to be suitable for the

duty required by the specifications and will be manufactured and tested in accordance

with the appropriate standard specifications approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

4 I/We accept the abide by the clause relating to quality and guarantee of work.



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola


NAME OF SCHEME : Akola Water Supply Scheme. (Under Amrut Abhiyan)




I hereby declare that I have made myself thoroughly conversant with the local

conditions regarding all materials such as stones, murum, sand, availability of water etc. and

labour on which I have based my rates for this work. The specifications and requirements of

lead for this work have been carefully studied and understood by me before submitting the

tender. I undertake to use only the best materials, to be approved by the Commissioner

Municipal Corporation, Akola /Engineer in charge of the work or his duly authorized

representative, before starting the work and also to abide by his decision.

I hereby undertake to pay the labours engaged on the work as per Minimum

Wages Act 1984 applicable to the zone concerned.



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



This agreement made at (Place) this day (date, month

and year) between M/s. (Name of the

bidder, who intends to collaborate and its registered office address) here-in-after referred as

(Principal contractor) which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or contrary

to the meaning there of be deemed to mean and includes its successors in business and

permitted assigns of the ONE PART and M/s ------------------------------------------------------

-------(name of the collaborator and its registered address) here-in-after referred as

(Collaborator) which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or contrary to the

meaning there of be deemed to mean and includes its successors in business and permitted

assigns of the OTHER PART.


1) The Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola has floated a tender for the

work -------------------------------------------------------------- Ta.---------------Dist -------------

(Principal contractor) --------------------------------------------------------registered with

Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran in class A (Mech/Elect.) or MIDC/MCGM/ CIDCO/ANY

GOVT. in equivalent Class of MJP is a well established contractor engaged in the activities of

execution of water supply projects.

1. (Collaborator) -----------------------------------Registered with Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikran

in class A (Mech/Elect.) or MIDC/MCGM/ CIDCO/ANY GOVT. in equivalent class of

MJP is well established contractor having the experience of work mentioned in para 4.

1. The principal contractor desires to collaborate with the collaborator for execution of

following works, as he don’t have sufficient experience of this particular work included in

tender as mentioned in para 1 above.

Sr.No. Name of work :- Designing, Providing, Erecting, Testing and Commissioning of SCADA and Auotomation, Re-placement of Valves & V.T. Pump at W.T.P. for ----------------- Water Supply Scheme. Tal. ----------- Dist ---------


Total :-

(Note :- It is obligatory to furnish above information otherwise collaboration agreement will not

be considered).


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

1. The Parties hereto have come together to set up a collaboration in order to quote for the

tender mention in para 1 above and on award of the tender to jointly execute the work

as mentioned in para 4 above as well as to guarantee it’s perfect execution utilizing the

technical experience. The principal contractor involved in this collaboration, directly or in-

directly will hold fully responsible towards AMC, Akola to look after the execution of the

said work as per the terms and conditions and specifications mentioned in tender.



1) In consideration of the mutual understanding, trust and confidence each of the parties

in other, they have mutually agreed to form a collaboration to submit the tender and if

the tender is accepted by the AMC, Akola then carry on the business as a collaboration in

respect of development and execution of the said work in accordance with the terms and

conditions that may be imposed or agreed by and between the Commissioner, Akola

Municipal Corporation, Akola and the Principal contractor hereto.

2) The collaborator shall be responsible for completion of works for which the collaboration is

made, however the principal contractor shall be ultimately responsible and liable for

completion of entire works in accordance with the terms and conditions on which the

award to execute the work is made by AMC, Akola under the said tender.

3) In the event of any dispute or difference or misunderstanding arises between both of

them in course of execution of the work after the award of the work to the Principal

contractor by AMC, Akola, the same shall be referred to Commissioner, AMC, Akola and

his decision in this respect shall be final and binding on both the parties.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties hereunto have set and subscribed there

respective hands and seals the day, month and year first above written.



(Name of First Party) (Name of Second Party)





Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




This agreement of joint venture made and entered into at on this day of

…………………………. by and between.

1. PARTY NO.1:-

2. PARTY NO.2:-

1. Name of joint venture firm

Period of Joint Venture is valid upto .


In this deed the following words and expressions shall have the meaning set out below

The joint venture (J.V.) shall mean (Party No.1)

and (Party No.2)

Collectivity acting in collaboration for the purpose of this agreement.

"Appex Co-ordination Body (ACB) shall mean the body comprising the managing

director of (Party No.1) and managing director of

(Party No.2) - as the two partners of the Joint Venture.

New firm will be (Name of joint venture firm)


"The Employer" shall mean the Commissioner, Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The 'work' shall mean





"The contract" shall mean the contract emerged into or to be entered into between the joint

venture and the employer for the work.

JOINT VENTURE Whereas Parties hereto declare that they agree and undertake to form a joint venture for the

purpose of applying for pre-qualification for tender and if pre-qualified to execute the work, as

an integrated joint venture. The J.V. shall be called as " Name of joint

venture firm ".

The parties are not, under this agreement entering into any permanent partnership or joint

venture to tender for undertake any contract other than the subject work.

WITNESS Whereas the Commissioner, AMC, Akola hereinafter referred as the Commissioner, have

invited pre-qualification for the work





Whereas "as Name of joint venture firm wish to apply for pre-

qualification for tender and if pre-qualified to execute the work if awarded as per the terms for

the bid documents contract.

Now Therefore This Deed of Partnership Witnesses As Follow :-

1. That these recitals are and shall be deemed to have been part and parcel of the present

Agreement of joint venture.

2. That this Agreement shall come into force from the date of this Agreement i.e.________day

of ……………………...

3. That the operation of this agreement for joint venture firm concerns and is confined to this

work only.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

4. That the name of the joint venture firm shall be " Name of joint venture

firm .

5. That " Name of joint venture firm " shall jointly

execute the work according to all terms and conditions as stated in the relevant instruc-

tion contained in the bid document contract as integrated joint venture styled.

6. That this agreement for J.V. shall regulate the relations between the parties and shall include

without being limited to them the following condition.

a. " Name of joint

venture firm " shall

be the lead company in charge of the joint venture, for all intents and purpose.

b. The parties here to shall be jointly and severally liable to employer for all act, deeds and

things pertaining to the contract.

c. That the managing director of the lead partner of the joint venture shall be the manager of

the joint venture firm and shall have the power to control and manage the affairs of the

joint venture.

d. That on behalf of the " Name of joint venture

firm, the manager " shall have the

authority to incur liabilities, receive instructions and payments, sign and execute the

contract for and on the joint venture. All payment and under the contract shall be made into

the joint venture's bank account.

a. One bank account shall be opened in the name of J.V. to be operated by the individual signa-

tory as mutually decided by the representatives of joint venture partners.

b. That each partners of the J.V. agrees and undertakes to place at the disposal of the joint ven-

ture the benefit of its individual experience, technical knowledge and skill and shall in all re-

spects bear its share of the responsibilities including the provision of information, advice and

other assistance required in connection with the work. The share and the participation of

the all the partner in the joint venture shall broadly be as follows.

Name of partner Percentage of shares

1. Party No.1

2. Party No.2

a. And all rights, interests, liabilities, obligations, work experience and risks (and all net profit

or net losses) arising out of the contract shall be shared or born by the parties in proportion


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

to these share. Each of the parties shall furnish its proportionate share in any bounds, guaran-

tees, sureties required for the work as well as its proportionate share in any working capital

and other financial requirements, all in accordance with the decisions of the ACB.

b. Any loan/advances shall be shared by the Party No.1 and Party

No.2 at the ratio of

& respectively.

c. All funds, finance or working capital required for carrying out and executing the works or con-

tract shall be procured and utilized by the parties as mutually agreed by them.

Site management :-

A project manager appointed by ACB will manage the execution of the work on the site.

The project manager shall be authorized to represent the joint venture on site, in respect of

matters arising out of or under the contract.

a. The Name of joint venture

firm shall be

jointly and severally responsible and liable towards the employer for the execution of the

contract condition.

b. The joint venture deed shall be registered with the Registrar of partnership firms, Govt. of


c. This joint venture agreement shall not be dissolved till the completion of defect liability peri-

od as stipulated in the tender document condition of works.

d. This joint venture agreement is deemed to be null and void in case the joint venture firm is

not qualified by the employer or unsuccessful in the award of work.

e. That question relating to validity and interpretation on this deed shall be governed by the

laws of India. Any disputes in interpretation of any conditions mentioned herein shall be re-

ferred to the commissioner, AMC, Akola and his decision in this respect shall be final and

binding to both the parties. Neither the obligation of each party hereto performs the con-

tract nor the execution of the work shall stop during the course of this arbitration processing

or as a result there of.

f. That no party to the J.V. has the right to assign any benefits, obligations or liability under the

agreement to any third party without obtaining the written consent of the other partner

and employer.

g. Bank account in the name of the joint venture firm may be opened with any scheduled or na-

tionalized bank and the representatives of the J.V. partner are authorized to operate upon in-


h. That both the parties to the J.V. shall be responsible to maintain or cause to maintain proper

books of accounts in respect of the business of the joint venture firm and the same shall be

closed as at the end of the every financial year.

i. That the financial year of the firm shall be the year ended on the 31st March of every year.

j. That upon closure of the books of account balance sheet and profit and loss account as to

that state of affairs of the firms as the end of the financial year and as to the profit or loss


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

made or incurred by the firm of the year ended of that day, respectively shall be prepared

and the same shall be subject to audit by a chartered accountant.


All matters pertaining or to commencing from this joint venture agreement involving the

employer shall be subject to jurisdiction of high court of judicature at Mumbai/Nagpur.


All correspondence and notice to the joint venture shall be sent to the following address.




(Name of First Party) (Name of Second Party)





Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Bar Chart (Annexure-8)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner





Name Of Subwork Month

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1










15 16 17 18 19 20 2









Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Affidavit for Black Listing

Form- 10 (Annexure-9)

Contracting agency shall be given Affidavit regarding black listing on Rs.100/-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Court Fee Stamp Paper as per Annexure-9 Form-10 enclosed with this failing which

contract will not be awarded.


FORM – 10

AFFIDAVIT for Black Listing

1. We certify that in regard to matter other than security and integrity of the country, we have not been convicted by a Court of Law or indicated or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which would cast a doubt on our ability to undertaken the consultancy for the project or which relates to a grave offence that outranges the moral sense of the community.

2. We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integ-rity of the country, we have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a Court of Law for any offence commit-ted by us or by any of our Associates.

3. We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pend-ing either against us or against our Associates or against our CEO or any Director / Manager / Employees

4. We hereby irrevocable valve any right or remedy which we may have at any stage at law or howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the AMC in connection with the selection of con-sultant or in connection with the Selection Process itself in respect of the above mentioned project.

5. We do solemnly state that our Company Secant consultants Private Lim-ited is not black listed by any Central Govt. / State Govt. and its organiza-tion / public under takings etc.

I --------------------------------------------- Solemnly state on oath that the contents in

this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner






Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

DEPARTMENT Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola


NAME OF SCHEME : Akola Water Supply Scheme (Under Amrut Abhiyan.) Tq. & Dist. Akola

NAME OF WORK : Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.


1. All works proposed to be executed by contractor shall be notified in a form

of invitation to tender pasted on a Board hung up in the office of the

Commissioner and signed by the Commissioner.

This form will state the works to be carried out as well as the date of

submitting and opening tenders and the time allowed for carrying out the

work, also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the tender

and the amount of the security deposit to be deposited by the successful

tenderer and the percentage, if any to be deducted from bills. It will also

state whether a refund of quarry fees, royalties and ground rents will be

granted. Copies of the specifications, designs and drawings and estimated

rates, schedule rates and any other documents required in connection with

the work which will be signed by the Commissioner for the propose of

identification shall also be open for Inspection by contractors at the office

of the Commissioner during office hours.

Where the works are proposed to be executed by the contractor according

to the specifications recommended and approved by a competent authority

on behalf of the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran/Corporation, such

specification with designs drawings shall form part of the accepted tender.

2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed

separately by each partner thereof, and in the event of the absence of any

partner, it shall be signed on his behalf by a person holding a power – of -

attorney authorizing him to do so.The contractor shall pay along with the

tender the sum, of (Rs. 3,90,000) (Rs. Three lac ninety thousand

only) as and by way of earnest money. The EMD shall be paid by SBI Net

Banking or other bank intranet bank MOPS. The said amount of earnest

money shall not carry any interest whatsoever.

ii)In the event of his tender being accepted, to the provision of sub-

clause(iii), below,

a) the said amount of earnest money shall be appropriated

towards the amount of security deposit payable by him under conditions of

General conditions of contract.

i) If, after, submitting the tender, the contractor withdraws his offer or


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

modifies the same, or if after the acceptance of his Tender, the contractor

fails or neglects to furnish the balance security deposit without prejudice to

any other right and powers of the Corporation hereunder, or in law,

Corporation shall be entitled to forfeit the full amount of the earnest money

deposited by him.

ii) In the event of his Tender not being accepted, the amount of earnest

money deposited by the contractor shall, unless it is prior thereto forfeited

under the provision of sub-clause (iii) above, be refunded to him on his

passing receipt therefore.

3. Receipts for payments made on account of any work, when executed by a

firm should also be signed by all the partners except where the contractors

are described in their tender as a firm. In which case the receipt shall be

signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners or by some other

person have authority to give effectual receipts of the firm.

4. Any person who submits tender shall fill up the usual printed form stating at

what percentage above or below the rates specified in Schedule - B

(memorandum showing items of work to be carried out) he is willing to

undertake the work. Only one rate or such percentage on all the Estimated

rates/ Schedule rates shall be named. Tenders which propose any alteration

in the work specified in the said form of invitation of tender, or in the time

allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain separate percentage

over estimated rates / schedule rates for different sub work or item, or

which any other conditions of any sort which are not filled with the

percentage as the space provided for the purpose and not signed at proper

place in the printed B-1 Tender Form will be liable to rejection. No printed

form of tender shall include a tender for more than one work. But, if

contractors who wish to tender for more works, shall submit a separate

tender for each work. Tenders shall have the name and the number of work

to which they refer, written outside the envelopes.

5. The competent authority shall open tenders in the presence of any intending

contractors who have submitted tenders or their representatives who may

be present at the time, and he will enter the amount of the several tenders

in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of a tender

being accepted, the contractor shall for the purpose of identification, sign

copies of the specifications and other documents mentioned in Rule 1. In the

events of a tender being rejected, the Commissioner shall arrange /

authorized to refund the amount of the earnest money deposited to the

tenderer, on his giving a receipt for the return of the money.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

6. Competent authority is the final authority to reject all or any of the tenders.

7. No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a contractor in

regard to any matter relating to this tender or the contract shall be valid

and binding on Corporation unless it is signed by the Commissioner.

8. The memorandum of the work to be tendered for and the schedule of

materials to be supplied by the Corporation (herein before and after called

as …MJP/MC ) and their rates shall be filled in and completed by the office

of the Commissioner before the tender form is issued. If a form issued to an

intending Tender has not been so filled in and completed, he shall request

the said office to have this done before he completes and delivers his


9. All work shall be measured net by standard measure and according to the

rules and customs of the PWD/MJP and without reference to any local


10. Under no circumstances shall any; contractor be entitled to claim enhanced

rates for items in this contract.

11. Every registered contractor should produce along with his tender certificate

of registration, as approved contractor in the appropriate class and renewal

of such registration with date of expiry.

12. Corrections and additions should be initialed.

13. The measurements of work will be taken according to the usual methods in

use in the PWD/MJP and no proposals to adopt alternative methods will be

accepted. The Engineer's decision as to what is the usual method in use will

be final.

14. A tendering contractor shall furnish a declaration along with the tender

showing all works for which he has already entered into contract, and the

value of work that remains to be executed in each caseon the date of

submitting the tender. Such certificate shall be in the proforma attached in

the tender documents.

15. In view of the difficult position regarding the availability of foreign exchange

no foreign exchange would be released by the corporation/council for the

purchase of plant and machinery or any other purpose for the execution of

the work contracted for.

16. The contractor will have to construct shed, for storing controlled and

valuable material issued to him under Schedule “A” of the agreement or

brought him on work site, at work site having double locking arrangement.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The materials will be taken for use in the presence of the department

person. No. materials will be allowed to be removed from the site of works

without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

17. The tenderer will have to produce to the satisfaction of the accepting

authority a valid and current license issued in his favour under the provision

of Contractor Labour Regulation and Abolition Act. 1973 before starting

work, failing withacceptance of the tender will be liable for withdrawal and

Earnest money / Security Deposit will be forfeited to the Corporation.

18. The contractor shall comply with the provision of the Apprentices Act. 1961

and the rules and orders issued there under from time to time. The contract

shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any

violation by him of the provisions of the Act.

19. In this tender 3 sub-works are included .As per Government resolutionthe

work will be taken up in three phases. The work order will be

issuedaccordingly by fixing time limit. Contractor has to complete the work

withinstipulated time for each phase. If he fails, action as per clause 2 will

beinitiated against the contractor.




As per clause 6 of B-1 form, extension of time limit will be governed. If

contractor fails to apply for extension of time limit as per clause 6 to keep

the tender alive, MJP and Municipal Corporation will grant the extension

considering the progress of work and in the light of clause 2.

As per Government Resolution Price Variation Clause is not applicable to


The tender Rates are inclusive of all taxes such as VAT, Service Tax, Cess,

and General Tax etc. Contractor shall be deemed to have examined the work

and site conditions including labour, the general and special conditions,

specifications and drawings and shall be deemed to have visited the work

site and to have fully informed himself regarding the local conditions and

carried out his own investigations to arrive at rates quoted in the tender.

There shall be no corrections or overwriting and if any that shall be dully

initialed by Contractor himself.

Note: The Commercial Offer must be filled online using individual’s

digital certificate. (An online form will be provided for this during online

bid preparation stage).

. I / We hereby, tender for the execution for the ……………. Municipal

Corporation (hereinbefore and hereinafter referred to as ….MJP/MC) for the

work specified

in the underwritten memorandum within the time specified in such



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

at------------------------------------------------ (------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------) in figures as well as in words

percent below/above the estimated rates entered in schedule ‘B’

memorandum showing items of work to be carried out and in accordance

with all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings, and instructions

in writing referred to in Rule hereof and in clause 12 of the annexed

conditions of the contract and agree that what materials for the work are

provided by the Corporation such materials are at the rates to be paid for

them shall be as provided in schedule “A” here to.


a) General description : Akola W.S.S.

(Under Amrut Abhiyan)

Tal.Akola, Dist. Akola

Designing, Providing, erecting,

commissioning & testing of SCADA

and Automation Work,

Replacement of Valves and V.T.

Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water

Supply Scheme with allied works.

a) if several sub works are

included they should be

detailed in a separate list

b) Estimated Cost. Rs. 7,76,64,078/-

c) Earnest Money. Rs.3,90,000/- c) The amount of earnest

money to be deposited shall

be in accordance with the

provision of paras 206 and

207 of the M.P.W. Manual.

d) Security Deposit.

Total 4% of estimated cost put to tender or accepted

tender cost whichever is higher

i) Initial Security Deposit

2% of estimated cost put to tender or accepted tender

cost whichever is higher shall be in form of FDR from any

Nationalized / Scheduled Bank or Bank Guarantee

d) This deposit shall, be in

accordance with paras 213

and 214 of the M.P.W.


ii) Balance 2% amount of Security deposit, will be recovered


each Running Bill at The rate of 5% of the gross amount of

running billtill the required total amount of Security Deposit

is recovered


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

e) Percentage, if any, to be deducted from bills so as to make

up the total amount required as security deposit by the

time, half the work as measured by the cost is done.

5% (Five) Percent

e) This percentage where no

security deposit is taken,

will vary from 5 % to 10 %

according to the

requirement of case where

security deposit is taken see

note to clause 1 this

conditions of contractor.

f) Additional Security Deposit.

If the tender is proposed to be accepted at the rates quoted

less than estimated cost put to tender security deposit over

and above 4% in (d) at the below rate shall have to be paid

by Tender.

i) For offer upto 10% below 2% Intial + 2% through R.A.Bill.

ii) For 10% to 15% below 4% Intial + 2% through R.A.Bill.

iii) For offer more than 6%Intial + 2% through R.A.Bill.

15% below

Additional security is to be paid by the successful bidder

initially only in addition to 2% original Security Deposit.

(Security Deposit shall be based on estimated cost put to

tenderor tendered cost whichever is higher)

g)Time allowed for the work from date of written order to


12 (Twelve Months) calendar months, including Monsoon but excluding Comprehensive Operation & maintenance period of 72 months for SCADA & Automation work. Original time limit of 12 months will be counted from the date of issue of the work order. The work shall be executed as per time slots given in Clause 2 of B-1 agreement.

I/We agree that the offer shall remain open for acceptance for

a minimum period of 120 days from the date fixed for opening

for the same and thereafter until it is withdrawn by me/ us

notice in writing duly addressed to the authority opening the

tenders and sent by registered post A.D. or otherwise

delivered at the office of such authority. Term deposit Receipt

No./Demand draft No. dated and date in respect of the sum

of `…………….( in wards `…………………………………………………………)

is herewith forwrded. The amount of earnest money shall not

bear interest and shall be liable to be forfeited to the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Corporation should I/We fail to (i) abide by the stipulation to

keep the offer open for the period mentioned above of (ii) sign

and complete the contract documents as required by the

Engineer and furnish the security deposit as specified in item.

(d) of the memorandum contained in paragraph (1) above

within the time limit laid down in clause (1) of the annexed

General Conditions of contract, the amount of earnest money

may be adjusted towards the security deposit or refunded to

me/us in writing unless the same or any part thereof has been

forfeited as aforesaid.

I/We have secured exemption from payment of earnest money

after executing the necessary bond in favour of the

Pradhikaran/MunicapalCouncil/Corporation a true copy of

which is enclosed herewith should any occasion for forfeiture

of earnest money for this work arise due to failure on my/our

part to abide by the stipulations to keep the offer open for the

period mentioned above or to sign and complete the contract

documents and furnish to security deposit as specified in item

(d) of the Memorandum contained in paragraph (1) above

within the time limit laid down in clause (i) of the annexed

General Conditions of contract, the amount payable by me/us

at the option of the Engineer, be recovered out of the amount

deposited in lump sum for securing exemption in so far as the

same may be extend in terms of the said bond and in the

event of the deficiency out of any other moneys which are due

to payable to me/us by the Corporation under any other

contract or transaction of any nature whatsoever or otherwise.

Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and

fulfill all the terms and provisions of the conditions of

contract annexed hereto so far as applicable and in default thereof to

forfeit and pay Corporation the sum of money mentioned in the said

conditions. Term Deposit Receipt No. ……. Dated from

The Bank………… at in respect of sum of Rs.

…………… ………………………………………. Is herewith forwarded representing

the earnest money (a) the full value which is to be absolutely forfeited

to the Corporation should I/We not deposit in the full amount of

security deposit specified in the above memorandum in Accordance

with (d) of clause (i) of the tender for works shall be refunded.

Strike out (a) such security

deposit is to be taken.

Contractor Signature of the contractor before submission of tender.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Address date of 2019

Witness Signature of witness to contractor’s signature.

The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and one behalf of the Akola Municipal Corporation

Dated _________

Commissioner Akola Municipal Corporation,



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




(Modification as per the GR PWD NO. CAT-1087/ CR- 94/Bldg-2, dated 14.6.1989) \

Clause 1 : The person / person whose tender may be accepted

(hereinafter called the Contractor, which expression shall unless

excluded by or repugnant to the context include his heirs, executors,

administrators and assigns) shall (A) within ten days (which may be

extended by the Commissioner concerned upto 15 days if the

Commissioner thinks fit to do so) of the receipt by him of the

notification of the acceptance of his tender deposit with the

Engineer in-charge in Cash or Government securities endorsed to the

Engineer in charge (if deposited for more than 12 months) of sum

sufficient which will make up the full security deposit specified in

the tender or (B) (permit Corporation at the time of making any

payment to him for work done under the contract to deduct such

sum as will amount to 4% of all moneys so payable; such deductions

to be held by Corporation/Council by way of security deposit).

Provided always that in the event of the Contractor depositing a

Security Deposit


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

lumpsum by way of security deposit as contemplated at (A) above,

then and in such case, if the sum so deposited shall not to 4% of the

total estimated cost of work or tendered cost whichever is higher, it

shall be lawful for Corporation at the time of making any payment to

the contractor for work done under the contract to make-up the full

amount of Four (4) percent by deducting a sufficient sum from every

such payment as last aforesaid until the full amount to the security

deposit is made up. All compensation or other sums of moneys

payable the contractor to Corporation under the terms of his

contract may be deducted from or paid by the sale of sufficient part

of his security deposit or from the interest arising there from, or

from any sums which may become due by Corporation to the

contractor under any other contract or transaction on any account

whatsoever and in the event of his security deposit being reduced by

reason of any such deduction or sale as aforesaid, the contractor

shall, within ten days thereafter, make good in cash or Government

securities endorsed as aforesaid or Bank Guarantee issued by bank

for any sum or sums which may have been deducted from or raised

by sale of his security deposited or any part thereof. The Security

deposit referred to, when paid in cash may, at the cost of the

depositor, be converted into interest bearing securities provided that

the depositor has expressly desired this in writing.

If the amount of the security deposit to be paid in a lump sum within

the period specified at (A) above is not paid the tender/contract

already accepted shall be considered as cancelled and legal steps

taken against the Contractor for recovery of the amounts. The

amount of security deposit lodged by Contractor shall be refunded

along with the payment of the final bill, if the date upto, which the

Contractor has agreed to maintain the work in good order, is over. If

such date is not over only 90% amount of the security deposit shall

be refunded along with the payment of the final bill. The amount of

security deposit retained by Corporation shall be released after

expiry of period upto, which the Contractor has agreed to maintain

the work in good order, is over. In the event of Contractor failing or

neglecting to complete rectification work within the period upto,

which the Contractor has agreed to maintain the work in good order

then subject to provisions of Clause 17 and 20 hereof, the amount of

security deposit retained by Corporation shall be adjusted towards

the excess cost incurred by the Corporation on rectification work.

Clause 2 : The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in

the agreement shall be strictly observed by the Contractor and shall

be reckoned from the date on which the order to commence work is




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

given to the Contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated

period of the contract be proceeded with, all due diligence (time

being deemed to be essence of the contract on the part of the

Contractor) and the Contractor shall pay as compensation an amount

equal to one percent or such smaller amount as the Commissioner

(whose decision in writing shall be final ) may decide of the amount

of the estimated cost of the whole work as shown by the tender for

everyday that the work remains uncommenced or unfinished after

the proper dates. And further to ensure good progress during

execution of the work, the Contractor shall be bound in all cases in

which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month to

complete, for complete minimum quantum of work as compared to

accepted tender cost as stated below.

¼ of the work in ¼ of the time.

½ of the work in ½ of the time.

3/4 of the work in ¾ of the time.

Full work in 12 months including monsoon but excluding

comprehensive operation and maintenance period.

Note: The quantity of the work to be done within a particular time to

be specified above shall be fixed by an Officer competent to

accept the contracts after taking into consideration the

circumstances of each case .and insert in the blank space kept

for the purpose

In the event of the contractor failing to comply with these conditions

he shall be liable to pay as compensation an amount equal to one

percent or such smaller amount as Commissioner (whose decision in

writing shall be final) may decide of the said estimated cost of the

whole work for everyday that the due quantity of work remains

incomplete provided always that the total amount of compensation

to be paid under the provisions of this clause shall not exceed 10% of

the estimated cost of the work as shown in the tender.

Commissioner should be the final authority in this respect,

irrespective of the fact that tender is accepted by State level

technical Committee. However Commissioner /Chief officer shall

seek the consent of the MJP and/or approval of the State level

technical committee.

Clause 3: If any clause in which under any clause of this contract the

Contractor shall have rendered himself liable to pay compensation

amounting to the whole of his security deposit (whether paid in one

sum or deducted by installment) or in the case of abandonment of

Action when whole of

security deposit is



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

the work owing to serious illness or death of the Contractor or any

other cause, the Engineer in charge on behalf of the Corporation

shall have power to adopt any of the following courses, as he may

deem best suited to the interest of the Corporation

a) To rescind the contract (for which rescission notice in writing to

the Contractor under the hands of Engineer in-charge shall be

conclusive evidence) and in that case the security deposit of the

Contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal

of the Corporation

b) To carry out the work or any part of the work departmentally

debiting the Contractor with the cost of the work, expenditure

incurred on tools, plant and charges on additional supervisory staff

including the cost of work-charged establishment employed for

getting unexecuted part of the work completed and crediting him

with the value of the work done departmentally in all respects in

the same manner and at the same rates as if it has been carried

out by the Contractor under the terms of his contract. The

certificate of the Engineer in-charge as to the cost and other allied

expenses so incurred and as to the value of the work so done

departmentally shall be final and conclusive against the


c) The order that work of the Contractor be measured up and take

such part thereof as shall be unexecuted out of his hands and to

give it to another contractor to complete in which case all

expenses incurred on advertisement for fixing a new contracting

agency, additional supervisory staff including the cost of work-

charged establishment and the cost of the work executed by the

new contract agency will be debited to other contractors and the

value of the work done or executed through the new contractor

shall be credited to the Contractor in all respects and in the same

manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the

Contractor under the terms of his contract. The certificate of the

Engineer in-charge as to all the costs of the work and other

expenses incurred as aforesaid for getting the unexecuted Work

done by the new contractor and as to the value of the work so

done shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor.

In case the contractor shall be rescinded under clause (a) above,

the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or to be paid, any

sum for any work therefore actually performed by him under this

contract unless and until the Commissioner shall have certified in

writing the performance of such work and the amount payable to


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

him in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the

amount so certified. In the event of either the courses referred to

in clause (b) or (c) being adopted and the cost of the work

executed departmentally or through a new contractor and other

allied expenses exceeding the value of such work credited to the

contractors, the amount of excess shall be deducted from any

money due to the contractor by Corporation under the contract or

otherwise however or from his security deposit or the sale

proceeds thereof provided however that the contractor shall have

to claim against Corporation event if the certified value of the

work done departmentally or through a new contractor exceeds

the certified cost of such work and allied expenses, provided

always that whichever of the three courses mentioned in clauses

(a), (b) and (c) is adopted by the Corporation, the contractor shall

have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by

reason of not having purchased or procured any materials, or

entered into any engagements, or made any advance on account of

or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of

the contract. The extra cost involved in the completion of the

balance work carried out through the other contractor under

Amount of 3 (c) shall be recoverable from the contractor over and

above the compensation levied under Clause 2 and the Security

Deposit shall be apportioned against the total recoveries for this

purpose also.

Clause 4 : If the progress of the any particular portion of the work

is unsatisfactory, the Corporation shall not withstanding that the

general progress of the work is in accordance with the condition

mentioned in clause 2 be entitled to take action under clause

3(b) after giving the contractor 10 days notice in writing. The

contractor will have no claim for compensation, for any loss

sustained by him owing to such action.

Action when the

progress of any

particular portion of

the work is


Clause 5 : In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon

Corporation by Clause 3 and 4 hereof shall have become

exercisable and the same shall not have been exercised the non

exercise thereof shall not constitute waiving of any of the

conditions hereof the such powers shall not withstanding be

exercisable in the event of any future case of default by the

contractor for under any clauses hereof he is declared liable to

pay compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit

and the liability of the contractor for past and future

compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the

Contractor liable to

pay compensation if

action not taken under

clause 3 and 4.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Corporation taking action under Sub-Clause (a) or (c) of clause 3,

he may, if he so desires, take possession of all or any tools and

plants, materials and stores, in or upon the work or the site

thereof or belonging to the contractor, or procured by him and

intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part

thereof paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract

rates or in the case of contract rates not being applicable at

current market rates to be certified by the Corporation whose

certificate thereof shall be final. In the alternative the

Corporation may after giving notice in writing to the contractor or

his clerk of the work, foreman or other authorized agent require

him to remove such tools, plant, materials or stores from the

premises within a time to do specified in such notice, and in the

event of the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition,

the Corporation may remove them at the contractor’s expense or

sell them by auction or private sale on account of the contractor

and at his risk in all respects, and the certificate of the

Corporation as to the expenses of any such removal and the

amount of the proceeds and expense of any such shall be final and

conclusive against the contractor

Clause 6 : If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time

for completion of work on the ground of his having been

unavoidably hindered in its execution or on any other ground, he

shall apply in writing to the Corporation before the expiration of

the period stipulated in the tender on before the expiration of

30days from the date on which he was hindered as aforesaid or on

which the cause for asking extension occurred, whichever is earlier

and the Corporation or in the opinion of Commissioner and Chief

Officer, MJP, as the case may be, if in his opinion, there were

reasonable grounds for granting the extension, grant such

extension as he think necessary or proper. The decision of the MJP

and Corporation in this matter shall be final.

Extension of time

Clause 7 : On the completion of the work the contractor shall be

furnished with a certificate by the MJP and Corporation

(hereinafter and hereinbefore called the Engineer-in-charge) of

such completion but neither such certificate shall be given nor

shall the work be considered to be complete until the contractor

shall have removed from the premises on which the work shall

have been executed, all scaffolding surplus materials and rubbish

, tools, plants and equipments and shall have cleaned off the dirt

from all woodwork, doors, windows, walls, floor or other parts of

any building in or upon which the work has been executed or of

which he may have had possession for the purpose of executing

Final Certificate.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

the work nor until the work shall have been measured by the

Engineer-in-charge or where the measurements have been taken

by his subordinate until they have received approval of the

Engineer-in-charge the said measurements being binding and

conclusive against the contractor, if the contractor shall fail to

comply with the requirements of this clause as to the removal of

scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish and cleaning off the dirt

on or before the date fixed for the completion of the work, the

Engineer-in-charge may at the expense of the contractor, remove

and rubbish and dispose off the same as the thinks fit and clean off

such dirt as aforesaid and the contractor shall forthwith pay the

amount of all expenses so incurred but shall have no claim in

respect of any such scaffolding tools and plants equipments or

surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum actually realized

by the sale thereof.

Clause 8 : No payment shall be made for any work estimated to

cost less than Rupees one thousand till the whole of work shall

have been completed and a certificate of completion given. But in

the case of works estimated to cost more than Rupees one

thousand the contractor shall on submitting a monthly bill

therefore be entitled to receive payment proportionate to the part

of the work then approved recommended by the Engineer-in-

charge, whose certificate of such recommended and passing of the

sum of payable shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.

All such intermediate payments shall be regarded as payment by

way of advance against the final payments only and not as

payments for work actually done and completed and shall not

preclude the Engineer-in-charge for requiring any bad. unsound,

imperfect or unskillful work to be removed or taken away and

reconstructed or re erected nor shall any such payment be

considered as an admission of the due performance of the contract

or any part thereof in any respect or the occurring of any claim

nor shall it conclude determine or affect in any other way the

powers of the Engineer-in-charge as to the final settlement and

adjustment of the accounts or otherwise or is any other way very

or affect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the

contractor within one month of the date fixed for the completion

of the work otherwise the Engineer-in-charge’s certificate of the

measurements and of the total amount payable for the work shall

be final and binding on all parties.



certificate to be

regarded as advance.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Clause 9: The rates for several items of works estimated to cost

more than ` 1000/- agreed to within, shall be valid only when the

item concerned is accepted as having been completed fully in

accordance with the sanctioned specification. In cases where the

items of are work not accepted as so completed by the Engineer-

in-charge may make payment on account of such items at such

reduced rates as he may consider reasonable in the preparation of

final or on account bills.

Payment at reduced

rates on account of

items of work not

accepted as

completed, to be at

the discretion of the


Clause 10 : A bill shall be submitted by the contractor in each

month on or before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-charge for

all work executed in the previous month and the Engineer-in-

charge shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurements

for the purpose of having the same verified and the claim, so far

as it is admissible shall be adjusted and paid if possible within ten

days from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor does not

submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-

charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in

the presence of the contractor or his duly authorized agent whose

counter signature to the measurement list shall be sufficient

warrant and the Engineer-in-charge may prepare a bill from such

list which shall be binding on the contractor in all respects

Bills to be submitted


Clause 11 : The contractor shall submit all bills on the printed

forms to be had on application at the office of the Engineer-in-

charge. The charges to be made in the bills shall always be

entered at the rates specified in the tender or in the case of any

extra work ordered in pursuance of these conditions and not

mentioned or provided for in the tender at the rates hereinafter

provided for such work

Bills to be on printed


Clause 12 : If the specification or estimate of the work provides

for the use of any special description of materials to be supplied

from the store of the Corporation or if it is required that the

contractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-

in-charge (such material and stores and the prices to be charged

therefore as hereinafter mentioned being so far as practicable for

the convenience of the contractor but not so as in any way to

control the meaning or effect of this contract specified in the

schedule or memorandum hereto annexed) the contractor shall be

supplied with such materials and stores as may be required from

time to time to be used by him for the purposes of the contract

only and value of the full quantity of the materials and stores so

supplied shall be set off or deducted from any sums then due, or

thereafter to become due to the contractor under the contract or

otherwise or from the security deposit or the proceeds of sale

Stores supplied by MJP


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

thereof if the security deposit is held in Government Securities,

the same or a sufficient portion thereof shall in that case be sold

for the purpose. All materials supplied to the contractor shall

remain the absolute property of Corporation and shall not be

removed from the site of the work and shall at all times be open

to inspection by the Engineer-in-charge. Any such materials issued

at cost but remained unused and in perfectly good condition at

the time of completion or termination of the contract shall be

returned to the Corporation, store if the Engineer-in-charge so

required by a notice in writing given under his hand, but the

contractor shall not be entitled to return any such material

supplied to him as aforesaid but remaining unused by him or for

any wastage in or, damage to any such materials. The contractor

shall, however return all unused material at the time of

completion, which was issued to him free of cost by the Engineer

in charge and which has remained surplus with the contractor

after accounting for the actual utilization of such material from

the total quantity that was issued by the Engineer in charge. Cost

of any material issued free of cost by the engineer and which has

remained surplus with the Engineer from the contractor as

mentioned in Schedule – ‘A’

Clause 12 (A) : All stores of materials such as cement, steel etc.

supplied to the contractor by Corporation should be kept by the

contractor in a separate store near the work site under lock and

key and will be accessible for inspection by the

MJP/Corporation/Council or his agent at all the times.

Storage of controlled


Clause 13 : The contractor shall execute the whole and every part

of the work in the most substantial and workman like manner and

both as regards materials and every other respect in strict order

accordance. The contractor shall also conform exactly fully and

faithfully to the designs, drawings and instructions in writing

relating to the work signed by the Engineer-in-charge and lodged

in his office and to which the contractor shall be entitled to have

access for the purpose of inspection at such office or on the site of

the work, during office hours. The contractor will be entitled to

receive one sets of contract drawing and working drawings as well

as one certified copy of the accepted tender along with the work

order free of cost. Further, copies of the contract drawings and

working drawings if requires by him shall supplied at the rate of `

2000/- per set of contract drawings and ` 100/- per working

drawing except where otherwise specified.

Works to be executed

in accordance with



Clause 14 : The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any Alteration in


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

alterations in or additions to the original specifications, drawing,

design and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or

contracts, advisable during the progress of the work and the

contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with

any instructions in this connection which may be given to him in

writing signed by the Engineer-in-charge and such alterations shall

not invalidate the contract and any additional work which the

contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified

as part of the work shall be carried out by the Contractor on the

same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main

work and at the same rates as are specified in the tender for the

main work. And if the additional and altered work includes any

class of work for which no rate is specified in this contract, then

such class of work shall be carried out at the rates entered in the

Schedule of Rates of the Division with due consideration for leads

and lifts involved for materials and labour or at the rates mutually

agreed upon between the Engineer-in-charge and the contractor,

whichever are lower However, if the Engineer-in-charge is not

empowered by Corporation to approve the rates of such additional

or altered work then as far as possible he shall obtain prior

approval to the changes and to the rates payable for such changes

from competent authority of Corporation not entered in before

ordering the Contractor to take up the alternation/ additional

work. If the additional or altered work for which no rate is in the

schedule or rates of the Division, is ordered to be carried out

before the rates are agreed upon then the contractor shall within

seven days of the date of receipt by him of the order to carry out

the work, inform the Engineer-in-charge of the rate which it is his

intention to charge for such class of work, and if the Engineer-in-

charge does not agree to this rate he shall by notice in writing be

at liberty to cancel his order carry out such class of work and

arrange to carry out in such manner as he may consider advisable

provided always that if the contractor shall commence the work or

incur any expenditure in regard thereto before the rates shall have

been determined as lastly hereinbefore mentioned then in such

case he shall only be entitled to be paid in respect of the work or

incur any expenditure in regard there to before the rates shall

have been determined as lastly hereinbefore mentioned then in

such case he shall only be entitled to be paid in respect of the

work carried out or expenditure incurred by him prior to the date

of the determination of the rate as aforesaid according to such

rate or rates as shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-charge. In the

event of a dispute the decision of the Chief Engineer and

Commissioner will be final.

specifications & designs

not to invalidate


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Where, however, the work is to be executed according to the

designs, drawings and specifications recommended by the

contractor and accepted by the competent authority the

alterations above referred to shall be within the scope of such

designs, drawings and specifications appended to the tender. The

time limit for the completion of the work shall be extended in the

proportion that the increase in its cost occasioned by alterations

or additions bears to the cost of the original contract work and the

certificate of the Engineer-in-charge as to such proportion shall be


Extension of time in

consequences additions

or alterations

Clause 15 :

i) If at any time after the execution of the contract documents the

engineer shall for any reason what so ever (other than default on

the of the contractor for which the Corporation is entitled to

rescind the contract) desires that the whole or any part of the

work specified in the tender should be suspended for any period of

that the whole or part of the work should not be carried at all, he

shall give to the contractor a notice in writing of such desire and

upon the receipt of such notice the contractor shall forthwith

suspend or stop the work wholly or in part as required after having

due regard to the appropriate stage at which the work should be

stopped or suspended so as not to cause any damage or injury to

the work or any part of it could be or could have been safely

stopped or suspended shall be final and conclusive against the

Contractor. The Contractor shall have no claim to any payment or

compensation whatsoever by reason of or in pursuance of any

notice as aforesaid on account of any suspension, stoppage or

curtailment except to the extent specified hereinafter.

No claim to any

payment or

compensation for

alteration in or

restriction of Work

except specified in this


ii) Where the total suspension of work ordered as aforesaid

continued for a continuous period exceeding 90 days the

contractor shall be at liberty to withdraw from the contractual,

obligations under the contract so for as it pertains to the

unexecuted part of the work by giving a 10days prior notice in

writing to the Engineer within 30days of the expiry of the said

period of 90 days of such intention and requiring the Engineer to

record the final measurements of the work already done and to

pay final bill. Upon giving such notice the Contractor shall be

deemed to have been discharged from his obligation to complete

the remaining unexecuted work under his contract. On receipt of

such notice the Engineer shall proceed to complete the

measurement and make such payment as may be finally due to

the Contractor within a period of 90 days from the receipt of such


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

notice in respect of the work already done by the Contractor.

Such payment shall not in any manner prejudice the right of the

Contractor to any further compensation under the remaining

provisions of this clause.

iii) Where the Engineer in-charge requires the Contractor to suspend

the work for a period in excess of 30 days at any time or 60 days

in the aggregate, the contractor shall be entitled to apply to the

Engineer within 30 days of the resumption of work after such

suspension for payment of compensation to the extent of

peculiarly loss suffered by him in respect of working machinery

rendered idle on the site or on the account of his having had to

pay the salary or wages to labour engaged by him during the said

period of suspension, provided always that the Contractor shall

not be entitled to any claim in respect of any such working

machinery ,salary or wages for the first 30 days whether

consecutive or in the aggregate of any suspension whatsoever

occasioned by unsatisfactory work or other default on his part.

The decision of the Engineer- in -charge in this regard shall be

final and conclusive against the Contractor.

iv) In the event of

a) any total stoppage of work on notice from the Engineer under

sub-clause (1) in that behalf.

b) Withdrawal by the Contractor from the contractual obligation to

complete the remaining un-executed work under sub-clause (2)

on account of continued suspension of work for a period

exceeding 90 days.

c) Curtailment in the quantity of item or items originally tendered

on account of any alteration, omission or substitutions in the

specifications, drawings, designs or instructions under Clause 14

where such curtailment exceeds 25% in quantity and the value of

the quantity curtailed beyond 25% at the rates for the item

specified in the tender is more than ` 5,000/-

It shall be open to the Contractor within 90 days from the service of

i) the notice of stoppage of work or

ii) the notice of withdrawal from the contractual obligations under

the contract on account of the continued suspension of work or

iii) notice under Clause 14(i) resulting in such curtailment

to produce to the Engineer satisfactory documentary evidence

that he had purchased or agreed to purchase material for use in

the contracted work before receipt by him of the notice of

stoppage, suspension or curtailment and required the Corporation

to take over on payment such material at the rates determined


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

by the Engineer, provided, however, that such rates shall in no

case exceed the rates at which the same was acquired by the

Contractor. The Corporation shall thereafter take over the

material so offered, provided the quantities offered are not in

excess of the requirements of the unexecuted work as specified

in the accepted tender and are of quality and specifications

approved by the Engineer

Clause 15 A : The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim any

compensation from MJP for the loss suffered by him on account of

delay by Corporation in the supply of materials entered in Schedule

‘A’ where such delay is caused by.

i) Difficulties relating to the supply of railway wagons.

ii) Force majeure.

iii) Act of God.

iv)Act of enemies of the State or any other reasonable cause beyond

the control of MJP/Corporation.

No. claim to

compensation on

account of loss due to

delay in supply of

material by MJP.

In the case of such delay in the supply of materials,MJP/

Corporation/Council shall grant such extension of time for the

completion of the works as shall appear to the Corporation to be

reasonable in accordance with the circumstances of the case. The

decision of the MJP and Corporation as to the extension of time shall

be accepted as final by the Contractor.

Clause 16 : Under no circumstances whatsoever shall the Contractor

be entitled to any compensation from Corporation on any account

unless the Contractor shall have submitted claim in writing to the

Engineer-in-charge within one month of the case of such claim


Time limit for

unforeseen claims.

Clause 17 : If at any time before the security deposit or any part of

thereof is refunded to the Contractor it shall appear to the Engineer-

in-charge or his subordinate –in-charge of the work that any work has

been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship or

with materials of inferior quality, or that any materials or articles

provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or quality

is inferior to that contracted for, or are otherwise not in accordance

with the contract, it shall be lawful for the Engineer-in-charge to

intimate this fact in writing to the Contractor and then

notwithstanding the fact that the work, materials or articles

complained of may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid

for, the Contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify, or remove and

reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part, as the case may

require or if so required shall remove the materials or articles at his

Action and

compensation payable

in case of bad work.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

own charge and cost and in the event of his failing to do so within a

period to be specified by the Engineer-in-charge in the written

intimation aforesaid, the Contractor shall be liable to pay

compensation at the rate of one percent on the amount of the

estimate for everyday not exceeding 10 days during which the failure

so continues and in the event of any such failure the Engineer-in-

charge may rectify or remove and re execute the work or remove and

replace the materials or articles complained of as the case may be at

the risk and expense in all respects of the Contractor. Should the

Engineer in charge consider that any such inferior work or materials as

prescribed above may be accepted or made use of, it shall be within

his discretion to accept the same reduced rates as he may fix


Clause 18 : All work under or in course of execution or executed in

pursuance of the contract shall at all times be open to inspection and

supervision of the Engineer-in-charge and his subordinates and the

Contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours, and at all

other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the

Engineer-in-charge and his subordinates to visit the works shall have

been given to the Contractor, either himself be present to receive

orders and instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in

writing present for that purpose. Orders given to the Contractor’s duly

authorized agent shall be considered to have the same force and

effect as if they had been given to the Contractor himself.

Work to be open to


Contractor or

responsible agent to be


Clause 19 : The Contractor shall give not less than five days’ notice in

writing to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in-charge of the

work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of

measurement any work in order that the same may be measured and

correct dimensions thereof taken before the same is so covered up or

placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not cover up or

place beyond the reach of measurement any work without the

consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in-

charge of the work, and if any work shall be covered up or placed

beyond the reach of measurement, without such notice having been

given or consent obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the

Contractor’s expense, and in default thereof no payment or allowance

shall be made for such work or for the materials with which the same

was executed.

Notice to be given

before work is covered


Clause 20 : If during the period as listed below, from the date of

completion as certified by the Engineer-in-charge pursuant to Clause

7 of the Contract or for the period as mentioned below after

commissioning the work whichever is earlier in the opinion of the

Contractor liable for

damage done and for



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Engineer in-charge, the said work is defective in any manner

whatsoever the contractor, shall forthwith on receipt of notice in that

behalf from the MJP and Corporation, duly commence execution and

completely carry out at his cost in every respect all the work that may

be necessary for rectifying and setting right the defects specified

therein including dismantling and reconstruction of unsafe portion

strictly in accordance with and in the manner prescribed and under

the supervision of the MJP and Corporation. In the event of the

Contractor failing or neglecting to commence execution of the said

rectification work within the period prescribed therefore in the said

notice and/ or to complete the same as aforesaid as required by the

same notice, the Corporation may get the same executed and carried

out departmentally or by any other agency at the risk, on account and

at the cost of the Contractor. The Contractor shall forthwith on

demand pay to the Corporation the amount of such costs, charges and

expenses sustained or incurred by the Corporation of which the

certification of the Corporation shall be final and binding on the

Contractor, Such costs, charges and expenses shall be deemed to be

arrears of land revenue and in the event of the Contractor failing or

neglecting to pay the same no demand as aforesaid without prejudice

to any other rights and remedies of the Corporation, the same may be

recovered from the Contractor as arrears of land revenue. The

Corporation, shall also be entitled to deduct the same from any

amount which may then be payable or which may thereafter become

payable by the Corporation to the contractor either in respect of the

said work or any other work whatsoever or from the amount of

security deposit retained by the Corporation. During defect liability

period, the work of daily maintenance and general repairs and

expenses thereon would be out of scope of the tender. However, if

any defects in the sub work or in the material are found, the same

will be rectified by the Contractor at his cost and will be binding on

him, failing to which legal action would be taken as per tender

clauses. Ten percent amount will be withheld from security deposit

depending upon the nature of work, till the defect liability period

is over.

1. Pumping Machinery and all allied equipments in Sub work No.2


- Five Years

a) Pumping machinery and other allied mechanical,

electrical installation (including valve in the

treatment plant )

b) SCADA and Automation Six Years


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

2. WTP/ESR/GSR/BPT, Sump and Pump House, Balancing Tank Etc.

head works, approach bridge

a) Based on Contractor’s own design. Five Year.

b) Based on Departmental design. Five Years

c) Special repairs to ESR/ GSR/ BPT Five Years

d) Ordinary repairs to ESR/GSR/BPT Sump and Pump House, etc. Five Years

3. Pipe Lines.

i) Pumping Mains, Gravity Mains, Leading Mains including all the


Five Years

ii) Distribution system, laterals, branch sewers of sewerage system,


Five Years

iii) Repairs to pipe lines under the works at (a) and (b) above. Five Years

The instructions contained in the Government of Maharashtra (Public

Works Department)Resolution dated 14th June, 1989 shall henceforth

be applicable to all the works for which defect liability periods have

been specified as above

Clause 21 : The Contractor shall supply at his own cost all material

(except such special materials, if any, as may in accordance with the

contract be supplied from the Corporation stores), plant, tools,

appliances, implements, ladders, tackles, scaffolding and temporary

works requisite or proper execution of the work, in the original,

altered or substituted from the whether included in the

specification or other documents forming part of the contract of

referred to in these conditions or not and which may be necessary

for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of

the Engineer in charge as to any matter as to which under these

conditions he is entitled to as satisfied or which he is entitled to

require together with the carriage therefore to and from the work

Contractor to supply

plant, ladders,

scaffoldings, etc.

The Contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite

number of persons with the means and materials necessary for the

purpose of setting out works and counting, weighing and assisting in

the measurement or examination at any time and from time to time

of the work or the materials, Failing which the same may be

provided by the Engineer-in-charge at the expense of the Contractor

and expenses may be deducted from any money due to the

Contractor under the contract or from his security deposit or the

proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient portion thereof. The

Contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights required to

protect the public from accident and shall also be bound to bear the

And is liable for

damages arising from

non-provisions of lights,

fencing, etc


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

expenses of defense of every suit, action or other legal proceedings

that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to

neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages and costs

which may be awarded in any such suit action or other legal

proceedings that may be brought by any person for injury sustained

owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages

and costs which may be awarded in any such suit action or

proceedings to any such person, or which may with consent of the

Contractor be paid for compromising any claim by any such person.

List of machinery in contractors possession and which he proposes to

use on the work should be submitted along with the tender.

Clause 21 A : The Contractor shall provide suitable scaffolds and

working platforms, gangways and stairways and shall comply with

the following regulations in connection herewith.

a) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all works

that cannot be safely done from a ladder or by other means.

b) A scaffolds shall not be constructed, taken down or substantially

allowed except

i) Under the supervision of a competent and responsible person,


ii) As far as possible by competent workers possessing adequate

experience in this kind of work.

c) All scaffolds and appliances connected herewith and ladders shall.

i) be of sound material

ii) Be of adequate strength having regard to the loads and

strains to which they will be subjected, and

iii) Be maintained in proper condition.

d Scaffolds shall be so constructed that no part thereof can be displaced in consequence

of normal use.

e Scaffolds shall not be over – loaded and so far as practicable the load in consequenceof

normal use

f Before installing lifting gear on scaffolds special precautions shall be taken to ensure

the strength and stability of the scaffolds.

g Scaffolds shall be periodically inspected by a competent person.

h Before allowing a scaffold to be used by his workmen the Contractor shall whether the

scaffold has been erected by his workmen or not, take steps to ensure that it complies

fully with the regulations herein specified.

i Working platform, gangway, stairways shall:-

1) be so constructed that no part thereof can sag unduly or unequally.

2)be so constructed and maintained, having regard to the prevailing conditions as to


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

reduce as far as practicable risks of persons tripping or slipping, and

3) kept free from any unnecessary obstruction.

j) In the case of working platform, gangways, working places and

stairways at a height exceeding 2 meters ( to be specified).

a) every working platform, gangways shall be closely boarded unless

other adequate measures are taken to ensure safety,

b) every working platform, gangway shall have adequate width, and

c) every working platform, gangway, working place and stairway shall

be provided with railing/ barricading

k) Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform

shall except for the time and to the extent required to allow the

excess of persons or the transport or shifting of material be

provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or


l)When persons are employed on a roof where there is a danger of

falling from the height exceeding 3 meters ( to be specified)

suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent the fall of persons

or material

m) Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent persons being

struck by articles, which might fall from scaffolds or other working


n) Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms

and other working places.

Liability of contractors

forany damage done in

or outside the work


o)The Contractor will have to make payments to laborers as per

Minimum Wages Act.

Clause 21 B : The Contractor shall comply with the following

regulations as regards the Hoisting appliances to be used by him.

a) Hoisting machines and tackles, including their attachments,

anchorages and supports shall.

i) be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate

strength and free from patent defect, and

ii) be kept in good repairs and in good working order.

b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of

suspension shall be of suitable quality and adequate strength and

free from patent defect.

Employment of female

labor work on Sunday

c) Hoisting machines and shackles shall be examined and adequately

tested after erection on the site and before use and be re-

examined in position at intervals to be prescribed by the


d) Every chain, ring, hook, shackle, swivel and pulley block used in


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

hoisting or lowering materials or as means of suspension shall be

periodically examined.

e) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly


f) No person who is below the age of 18 years shall be in control of

any hoisting machine, including any scaffold, which gives signals to

the operator.

g) In case of every machine and every chain, ring, hook, Shackle,

swivel and pulley block used in hoisting or lowering or as a means

of suspension, the safe working load shall be ascertained by

adequate means.

h) Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to in proceeding

regulation shall be plainly marked with the safe working load

i) In case of hoisting machine having a variable safe working load,

each safe working load and the conditions under which it is

applicable shall be clearly indicated.

j) No part of any hoisting machine or any gear referred to in

regulation (g) above shall be loaded beyond the safe working load

except for the purpose of testing.

k) Motors, gearing, transmissions, electric wiring and other

dangerous parts of hoisting appliances shall be provided with

efficient safeguards.

l) Hoisting appliances shall be provided with such means, which will

reduce to minimum, and the risks of the accidental descend of


m) Adequate precaution shall be taken to reduce to a minimum the

risk of any part of suspended load becoming accidentally displaced

Clause 22 : The Contractor shall not set fire to any standing jungle,

trees, brushwood or grass without a written permission from the

Corporation. When such permission is given and also in all cases

when destroying, cut or dug up trees, brushwood, grass, etc. by fire,

the Contractor shall take necessary measures to prevent such fire

spreading to or otherwise damaging surrounding property. The

Contractor shall make his own arrangements for drinking water for

the labor employed by him.

Measures for

prevention of fire.

Clause 23 : Compensation for all damages done intentionally or

unintentionally by Contractor’s labour whether in or beyond the

limits of the Corporation property including any damage caused by

the spreading of fire mentioned Clause 22 shall be estimated by the

Engineer-in-charge or such other officer as he may appoint and the

estimate of the Engineer-in-charge subject to the decision of the

Commissioner on appeal shall be final and the Contractor shall be

Liability of Contractor

for any damage done in

or outside work area.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

bound to pay the amount of the assessed compensation on demand,

failing which the same will be recovered from the Contractor as

damage in the manner prescribed in Clause 1 or deducted by the

Engineer-in-charge from any sums that may be due or become due

from Corporation to Contractor under this contract or otherwise.

The Contractor shall bear the expenses of defending any action or

other legal proceedings that may be brought by any person for injury

sustained by him owing to neglect of precautions to prevent the

spread of fire and he shall pay any damages and cost that may be

awarded by the court in consequence.

Clause 24 : The employment of female laborers on works in

neighborhood of soldiers barracks should be avoided as far as


Employment of female


Clause 25 : No work shall be done on Sunday without the sanction in

writing of the Engineer-in-charge.

Work on Sunday.

Clause 26 : The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without the

written approval of the Engineer-in-charge, and if the Contractor

shall assign or sublet his contract or attempt to do so, or become

insolvent or commence any proceedings to get himself adjudicated

and insolvent or make any composition with his creditors or attempt

so to do so or if bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward of

advantage, pecuniary or otherwise shall either directly or indirectly

be given, promised or offered by the Contractor or any of his

servants or agents to any public officer or person in the employment

of Corporation in any relating to his office or employment or if any

such officer or person shall become in any way directly or indirectly

interested in the contract, the Engineer-in-charge may thereupon by

notice in writing rescind the contract, and the security deposit of the

Contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the

disposal of Corporation and the same consequences shall ensure as if

the contract had been rescinded under Clause 3 hereof and in

addition the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid

for any work thereof actually performed under the contract.

Work not to be sublet..

Contract may be

rescinded and security

deposit forfeited for

subletting it without

approval or for bribing

a Public Officer or if

Contractor becomes


Clause 27 : All sums payable by a Contractor by way of

compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered as a

reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of Corporation

without reference to the actual loss or damage sustained, and

whether any damage has or has not been sustained

Sum payable by way of

compensation to be

considered as

reasonable without

reference to actual loss


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Clause 28 : In the case of tender by partners, any change in the

constitution of a firm shall be forthwith notified by the Contractor to

the Engineer-in-charge for his information.

Changes in the

constitution of the firm

to be notified.

Clause 29 : All works to be executed under the contract shall be

executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all

respects of the Executive Engineer (Mech), MJP and Commissioner,

for the time being, who shall be entitled to direct at what point or

points and in what manner they are to be commenced and from time

to time carried out.

Directions and control

of the Engineer in


Clause 30.1 : Except where otherwise specified in the contract and

subject to the powers delegated to him by Corporation under the

code, rules then in force, the decision of the Commissioner for the

time being shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties of the

contract, upon all questions relating to the meaning of the

specifications, designs, drawings and instruction hereinbefore

mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship, or materials used

on the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing

whatsoever, in any way arising out of or relating to the contract,

designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders, or

these conditions, or otherwise concerning the works, or the

execution, or failure to execute the same, whether arising during the

progress of work, or after the completion or abandonment thereof.

Directions and control

of the Engineer in

charge .

Clause 30.2 : The Contractor may within thirty days of receipt by

him of any order passed by the Chief Engineer/Commissioner as

aforesaid appeal against it to the Chief Engineer MJP with the

contract work or project provided that.

a) The accepted value of the contract exceeds ` 10 lakhs(`. Ten


b) Amount of claim is not less than ` 1.00 lakh (` One Lakh).

Clause 30: If the contractor is not satisfied with the order passed by

the Chief Engineer/Commissioner as aforesaid, the contractor may,

within thirty days of receipt by him of any such order, appeal against

it to the Member Secretary, MJP who if convinced that prima facie,

the contractors, claim rejected by Chief Engineer/Commissioner is

not frivolous and that there is some substance in the claim of the

contractor as would merit a detailed examination in the claim of the

contractor and decision by Secretary Urban development department

for suitable decision. The decision of the MS MJP shall be final and

binding on the contractor and the Engineer-in-charge.

Clause 31 : Deleted


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Clause 32 : When the estimate on which a tender is made includes

lump sums in respect of parts of the work, the Contractor shall be

entitled to payment in respect of the items of work involved or the

part of the work in question at the same rates as are payable under

this contract for each item, or if the part of the work in question is

not in the opinion of the engineer-in-charge capable of

measurement, the Engineer-in-charge may at his discretion pay the

lump sum amount entered in the estimate and the certificate in

writing of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive

against the Contractor with regard to any sum or sums payable to

him under the provisions of this clause.

Lump sums in estimates

Clause 33 : In the case of any class of work for which there is no

such specification as is mentioned in Rule I of Form B-1, such work

shall be carried out in accordance with the Divisional specifications

and in the event of there being no Divisional specifications, the work

shall be carried out in all respect in accordance with all instructions

and requirements of the Engineer-in-charge.

Action where no


Clause 34 : The expression ‘Work’ or ‘Works’ where used in these

conditions, shall unless there be something in the subject or context

repugnant to such construction, be constructed to mean the work or

works contracted to be executed under or in virtue of the contract,

whether temporary or permanent and whether original, altered,

substituted or additional.

Definition of work

Clause 35 : The percentage referred to in the tender shall be

deducted from/ added to the gross amount of the bill before

deducting the value of any stock issued.


percentage whether

applied to net or gross

amount of bill.

Clause 36 : All quarry fees, royalties, octroi duties and ground rent

for stacking materials, if any should be paid by Contractor, which will

not be entitled to a refund of such charges from the Corporation.

(Please see special clause for royalty).

Quarry fees and


Clause 37 : The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay any

compensation to his workmen payable under the Workmen’s

Compensation Act., 1923 (VIII of 1923), (hereinafter called the said

Act) for injuries caused to the workmen. If such compensation is

payable/ paid by the Corporation as principal under sub-section (1)

of Section 12 of the said Act on behalf of the Contractor, it shall be

recoverable by the Corporation from the Contractor under the sub-

section (2) of the said section. Such compensation shall be recovered

in the manner laid down in Clause 1 above.

Compensation under


Compensation Act.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Clause 37 A : The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay

the expenses of providing medical aid to any workman who may

suffer a bodily injury as a result of an accident. If such expenses are

incurred by Corporation, the same shall be recoverable from the

Contractor forthwith and be deducted without prejudice to any other

remedy of the Corporation from any amount due or that may become

due to the Contractor.

Clause 37 B : The Contractor shall provide all necessary personal

safety equipment and first aid apparatus available for the use of the

persons employed on the site and shall maintain the same in

condition suitable for immediate use at any time and shall comply

with the following regulations in connection herewith.

a) The workers shall be required to use the equipments so provided

by the Contractor and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to

ensure proper use of the equipment by those concerned

b) When work is carried on in proximity to any place where there is a

risk of drowning, all necessary equipment shall be provided and

kept ready for use and all necessary steps shall be taken for the

prompt rescue of any person in danger.

c) Adequate provision shall be made for prompt first-aid treatment

of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work.

Clause 37 C : The Contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of ‘The Apprentices Act, 1961’ (III of 1961), the rules made thereunder and the orders that may be issued from time to time under the said Act and the said Rules and on his failure or neglect to do so he shall be subjected to all the liabilities and penalties provided by said Act and said Rules.

Clause 38 : I) Quantities in respect of the several items shown in the tender are approximate and no revision in the tendered rate shall be permitted in respect of any of the items so long as subject to any special provision contained in the specifications prescribing a different percentage of permissible variation in the quantity of the item does not exceed the tender quantity to more than 25% and so long as the value of the excess quantity beyond this limit at the rate of the item specified in the tender, is not more than ` 5,000/- (Whichever is more)

Quantities put to tender

are approximate.

Excess quantity beyond

quantity put to tender

will be governed as per


ii) the Contractor shall, if ordered in writing by the Engineer so to do, also carry out any quantities in excess of the limit mentioned above in sub –clause (1) hereof on the same conditions and in accordance with the specifications in the tender and the rates


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

a) derived from the rates entered in Current Schedule of Rates and in the absence of such rates

b) At the rates prevailing in the market. The said rates being increased or decreased as the case may be by the percentage which the total tendered amount upon the schedule of rates applicable to the year in which the tender were accepted

For the purpose of operation of this clause ,this cost shall be worked out from the DSR prevailing at the time of inviting of tender.

iii) This clause is not applicable to extra items.

iv) Claims arising out of reduction in the tendered quantity of any item beyond 25% will be governed by the provision of Clause 15 only when the amount of such reduction beyond 25% at the rate of the item specified in the tender is more than ` 5,000/- This reduction is exclusively the reduction in Clause Nos. 14 & 15 of the work and site conditions.

v) There is no change in the rate if the excess is less than or equal to 25%. Also there is no change in the rate if the quantity of work done is more than 25% of the tendered quantity, but the value of the excess work at the tendered rates does not exceed ` 5,000/-

vi) The quantities to be paid at the tendered rates shall include,

a) tendered quantity plus 25% excess of tendered quantity or the excess quantity of the value of ` 5,000/- at tendered rate whichever is more

Clause 38 A : The Corporation shall see that claim towards excess quantity under this clause 38 is submitted to higher authority immediately on its cropping up. The Corporation while making such payment shall see that the total expenditure shall not exceed sanctioned cost of the scheme. If the proposal of Clause 38 is submitted to competent authority for payment then interim 50% payment will be released as under

Interim payment for

excess quantity

a) At accepted tender rate or current schedule rate whichever is less subject to condition that total expenditure on the tender shall not exceed sanctioned cost of the scheme

Clause 38-B : If the rate entered in to schedule B for the work of excavation of pipeline is a combined rate for different strata then the rate entered in Schedule-B will be applicable for quantity 25% in addition to the quantity mentioned in schedule-B of all items of excavation for pipe line trenches and for excess over 25% of Schedule-B quantity ,the rate payable to the contractor shall be worked out from the CSR by considering following percentage of excavation in different strata irrespective of actual strata met at the site for the increased quantity.

Payment for average

rate of excavation

1) Excavation in all types of soils,. Sand, gravel and soft murum with


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

lead up to 50 meter and lift as involved. Including dewatering, shoring and strutting etc. excluding refilling etc. 70 % of average rate for lift 0.00 to 1.50 meter and_0.00 % for lift 1.50.

2) Excavation in hard murum and boulders with lead up to 50 m and

lead and lift as involved including dewatering, shoring and strutting etc. excluding refilling etc. 10% of average rate for lift 0.00 meter to 1.5 mtr.

3) Excavation in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry with lead upto 50 m and lift as involved, including dewatering, shoring and strutting, excluding refilling etc. 10 % of average rate for lift 0.00 to 1.5 mtr.

4) Excavation in hard rock and concrete road by chiseling wedging line drilling by mechanical means or by all means other than blasting with lead upto 50m and lift as involved, including dewatering, shoring and strutting etc. excluding refilling __10__% of average rate for lift 0.00 to 1.50 m.

(Note-Sheet is attached separately)

Clause 39 : The Contractor shall employ any famine, convict or other labour of a particular kind or class if ordered in writing to do so by the Engineer-in-charge.

Employment of famine

labour, etc

Clause 40: No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in the starting of the work on account of acquisition of land or, in the case of clearance works, on account of any delay in accordance to sanction of estimates.

Claim for compensation

for delay in starting the


Clause 41: No compensation shall be allowed for any delays in the execution of the work on account of water standing in borrow pits or compartments. The rates are inclusive for hard or cracked soil, execution in mud, sub-soil, water standing in borrow pits and no claim for an extra rate shall be entertained unless otherwise expressly specified.

Claims for compensation

for delay in execution of

the work.

Clause 42 : The Contractor shall not enter upon or commence any portion of work except with written authority and instructions of the Engineer-in-charge of his subordinate in charge of the work. Failing such authority the Contractor shall have no claim to ask for measurements of or payment for work.

Entering upon or

commencing any portion

of work

Clause 43 :

i) No Contractor shall employ any person who is under the age of 18


ii) No Contractor shall employ donkeys or other animals with

breaching of string or thin rope. The breaching must be at least


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

three inches wide and should be of tape (Nawar).

iii) No animal suffering from sores, lameness or emaciation or

which is immature shall be employed on the work.

iv) The Engineer-in-charge or his agent is authorized to remove

from the work, any person or animal found working which does

not satisfy these conditions and no responsibility shall be

accepted by the Corporation for any delay caused in the

completion of the work by such removal.

Minimum age of persons


the employment of

donkeys and other

animals and the payment

of fair wages.

v) The Contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages to the

workmen employed by him in the contract undertaken by him,

In the event of the dispute arising between the Contractor and

his workmen on the grounds that the wages paid are not fair

and reasonable, the dispute shall be referred without delay to

the Engineer in charge who shall decide the same. The decision

of the Executive engineer shall be conclusive and binding on the

Contractor but such decision shall not in any way affect the

conditions in the contract regarding the payment to be made by

the Corporation at the sanctioned tender rates.

vi) Contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to the

workers. Similar amenities shall be provided to the workers

engaged on large work in urban areas

vii) Contractor to take precautions against accidents which taken

place on account of labour using loose garments while working

near machinery.

Clause 44: Payment to Contractors shall be made by cheque

drawn on Commissioner account provided the amount exceeds `

1000/- Amounts not exceeding 1000/- will be paid in cash.

Method of payment

Clause 45: Any Contractor who does not accept these conditions

shall not be allowed to tender for work.

Acceptance of conditions

compulsory before

tendering for work.

Clause 46 : If Government declares a site of scarcity or famine to

exist in any village situated within 16 Kms of the work, the

Contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work, as are

suitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to him by the

Engineer in of Municipal corporation, or by any person to whom

the corporation may have delegated this duty in writing to be in

need on relief and shall be bound to pay to such person wages not

Employment of scarcity



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

below the minimum wages which Government may have fixed in

this behalf. Any disputes which may arise in connection with the

implementation of this clause shall be decided by the Engineer in

charge whose decision shall be final and binding on the


Clause 47: The price quoted by the Contractor shall not in any

case exceed the control price, if any, fixed by Government or

reasonable price which is permissible for him to charge a private

purchaser for the same class and description, the control price or

the price permissible under the provisions of Hoarding and

Profiteering Preventing Ordinance, 1948 as amended from time to

time. If the price quoted exceeds the controlled price or the price

permissible under Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention

Ordinance, the Contractor will specifically mention this fact in his

tender along with the reasons for quoting such higher prices. The

purchaser at his discretion will in such case exercise the right of

revising the price at any stage so as to conform to the controlled

price as permissible under the Hoarding and Profiteering

Prevention Ordinance. This discretion will be exercised without

prejudice to any other action that may be taken against the


Price not to exceed

controlled price fixed by


Clause 47 A : The tender rates are inclusive of all taxes, rates,

cess and are also inclusive of the livable tax in respect of sale by

transfer of property in goods involved in the execution of work

contract under the provision of Rule 58 of Maharashtra Value

added Tax ACT 2005 for the purpose of levy of tax

The rates to be quoted by the contractor must be inclusive of all

taxes including VAT. No extra payment on this account will be

made to the contractor

Rate inclusive ofall taxes

Clause 48 : In case of materials that may remain surplus with the

Contractor from those issued, the date of ascertainment of the

materials being surplus will be taken as the date of sale for the

purpose of Sales Tax and the Sales Tax will be recovered on such


Sale tax on surplus


Clause 50 : The Contractor shall employ at least 80 percent of the

total number of unskilled labour to be employed by him on the

said work from out of the persons ordinarily residing in the district

in which site of the said work is located. Provided, however, that

if required number of unskilled labour from that district is not

available, the Contractor shall in the first instance employ such

number of persons as is available and thereafter may with the

Employment of local



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

previous permission in writing of the Engineer-in-charge of the

said work obtain the rest of the requirement of unskilled labour

from outside of district.

Clause 51 : The Contractor shall pay the labourers – skilled and

unskilled according to the wages prescribed by Minimum Wages

Act applicable to the area in which the work of the Contractor is

located. The Contractor shall comply with the provision of the

Apprentices Act, 1961 and the Rules and Orders issued there

under from time to time.. The Contractor shall be liable for any

pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of

the provisions of the Act. The Contractor shall pay the labourers –

skilled and unskilled- according to wages prescribed by Minimum

Wages Act applicable to the area in which the work lies.

Wages to be paid to the

skilled and unskilled

labours employed by


Clause 52 : All amounts whatsoever which the Contractor is liable

to pay to the Corporation in connection with the execution of the

work including the amount payable in respect of

i)materials and/ or stores supplied/ issued hereunder by the

Corporation/Council to the Contractor,

ii) hire charges in respect of heavy plant, machinery and

equipment given on hire by the Corporation to the Contractor for

execution by him of the work and/ or for which advances have

been given by the Corporation to the Contractor shall be deemed

to be arrears of the land revenue and Corporation without

prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Corporation

recover the same from the contractor as a arrears of land revenue

Clause 53 : The Contractor shall duly comply with all the

provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,

1970 (37 of 1970) and the Maharashtra Contract Labour

(Regulation and Abolition) Rules 1971 as amended from time to

time and all other relevant statutes and statutory provisions

concerning payment of wages particularly to workmen employed

by the contractor and working on the site of the work. In

particular and contractor shall pay wages to each worker

employed by him on the site of the work at the rates prescribed

under the Maharashtra Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)

Rules 1971. If the contractor fails or neglect to pay wages at the

said rates or makes short payment and the

MJP/Corporation/Council makes such payment of wages in full or

part thereof less paid by the contractor, as the case may be, the

amount so paid by the Corporation to such workers shall be


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

deemed to be debt payable by the Contractor and the Corporation

shall be entitled to recover the same as such from the contractor

or deduct same from the amount payable by the Corporation to

the contractor hereunder or from any other amounts payable to

him by the Corporation.

Clause 54 : Where the work are required to work near Machine

and are liable to accident they should not be allowed to wear

loose clothes like Dhoti, Jhabba etc.

Clause 55 : The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the

Apprentices Act, 1961 and the Rules and Orders issued there

under from time to time

Clause 56 : In view of the difficult position regarding the

availability of the Foreign exchange, no foreign exchange, will be

released by the Department for the purchase of the Plant and

Machinery required for the execution for the work concerned


Clause 58 (A) : Conditions of Malaria Eradication. Anti-Malaria and other

health measures.

a) The anti malaria and the health measures shall be as directed

by the Joint Director (Malaria and Filarial) of Health Service,


b) Contractor shall see that most autogenic conditions are not

created so as to keep vector population to minimum level

c) Contractor shall carry out anti malaria measures in the area as

per guidelines prescribed under National Malaria Eradication

Programme and as directed by the Joint Director ( M & F) of

Health Services, Pune

d) In case of default in carrying out prescribed anti malaria

measures resulting in increase in malaria incidence contractor

shall be liable to pay to Government the amount spent by

Government on anti malaria measures to control the situation

in addition to fine.

e) Relations with Public Authorities.

The contractor shall make sufficient arrangements for draining

away the sullage water as well as water coming from the

bathing and washing places and shall dispose of this water in

such a way as not to cause, any nuisance. He shall also keep the

premises clean by employing sufficient number of sweepers.

The contractor shall comply with all rules, regulations, bye-laws


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

and directions given from time to time by any local or public

authority in connection with this work and shall pay fees or

charge which are leviable on him without any extra cost to


Clause 58 (B) : The successful contractor will have to enter into

agreement in form specified by Corporation on a stamp of

required amount as per rules in force. The stamp charges shall be

borne by the contractor

Clause 59 :.Deleted

Clause 60 : The contractor shall provide and maintain

barricades, guards, guard rails, temporary bridges and

walkways, watchmen, headlights and danger signals illuminated

from sunset to sunrise and all other necessary appliances and

safeguards to protect the work, life, property, the public

excavations, equipment and materials. Barricades shall be

substantial construction and shall be painted such as to increase

their visibility at night. For any accident arising out of the

neglect of above instructions, the contractor shall be bound to

bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other legal

proceedings, at law, that may be brought by any person for

injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and

to pay all damages and costs which may be awarded in any such

suit, action or proceedings to any such person or which may

with the consent of the contractor be paid in compromising any

claim by any such person.


Clause 61 : The contractor shall take out necessary insurance

policy /policies so as to provide adequate insurance cover for

execution of the awarded work from the Director of insurance

Maharashtra State Mumbai. However if contractor desire to

effect insurance with local office of any insurance company

same should be under the Co-insurance-come- servicing

arrangement approved by the director of insurance if the policy

taken out by the contractor is not Co – Insurance basis(GIF- 60%

and insurance company -40%) the same will not be accepted and

the amount of the premium calculated by director of insurance

will be recovered directly from the amount payable to the

contactors for the executed contract work.

1 Loss of or damage to the Civil and Mechanical and Electrical


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

equipments supplied/installed including the materials such as

pipes, valves, specials etc. brought on site

Loss of or damage to contractor’s equipments including his


Loss of or damage to property (except the works, Plant material

and Equipment) in connection with the contractor, and :

Personal injury or death due to vehicles of the contractor and or

due to any accident that may arise at or around the site to the

Contractor personnel or to the Corporation staff or to any other

person not connected with Corporation /Contractor



Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the

Contractor to the Engineer for the Engineer’s approval before

the date of actual starting of work. All such insurance shall

provide for compensation to be payable in the types of

proportions of currencies required to rectify the loss or damage




If the contractor did not produce any of the policies and

certificates required the Engineer may effect the Insurance for

which the contractor should have produced the policies

certificates and recover the premium it has paid from payment

otherwise due to the contractor or, if no payments due to

payment of the premiums shall be of debt due.



Alternations to the terms of an insurance shall not be made

without the approval of the Engineer



The minimum insurance cover for loss damages to physical

property, injury and death shall be 10% of the contract cost per

occurrence with number of occurrences as 3(Three). After each

occurrence the contractor shall pay additional premium

necessary so as to keep the insurance police valid always till the

defect liability period is over



No payment will be released to the contractor until the

insurance coverage with the Govt. Insurance fund, Maharashtra

State is provided and unless the proof of insurance coverage is

produced by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Clause 62:During execution of work excavation is required to be

carried out for various sub-works for which royalty is required is

to be paid by the contractor.

During execution of work and till completion if point of royalty

is raised by collector office it will be sole responsibility of the

contractor to pay royalty charges/compensation if any to

concern. Until the certificate from the collector office

regarding royalty charges is not submitted by the contractor,

final bill and security deposit for such work will not be payable

to the contractor.


Municipal Corporation, Akola


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


NAME OF SCHEME:- Akola Water Supply Scheme (under

Amrut Abhiyan) Ta. & Dist . Akola

NAME OF WORK:- Designing, Providing, erecting,

commissioning & testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .


(General Scope of Work, Schedule- A & B, Detailed Specifications of all Subworks etc.)

Office of The Commissioner,




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Akola Municipal Corporation


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.


Sr. No.

Description Page No.

From To

1. General Scope of Work

2. General Specifications

3. Schedule –A

4. Abstract of cost of various Sub works included in Schedule -B

5. Schedule –B (Subwork 1,2 & 3)

6. Detailed Specifications of SCADA And Automation Work included in Sub Work No.1

7. Detailed Specification of Replacement of Valves at 65 & 25 MLD WTP included in Sub Work No.2

8. Detailed Specification of Replacement of V.T. Pump. at 65 MLD WTP included in Sub Work No.3

9. Details of Valves,ESR and electrical load etc of scheme

10. Schedule of Third Party Inspection

11. Schedule of Acceptable Makes with List of Approved Makes for SCADA and Automation Work


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

General Scope of Work


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .

-:General Scope of Work:-

General Scope of Work under this contract is as below:-

Sub Work No.1:-

Estimate For Designing, Providing, Erecting, Commissioning And Testing of

SCADA And Automation of Existing 65 MLD And 25 MLD WTP At Mahan and Pure

Water Machinary At Both WTP At Mahan. Including ESR Management System,

Comprehenshive operation & maitenance in Akola city.

Sub Work No.2:-

Estimate for Providing & fixing glandless Sluice Valves, Actuators, Reflux valve,

M.S. Specials & other Misc. Work etc. at exixing 65 & 25 MLD W.T.P. Including

Dismentaling of Existing Valves etc.@ Mahan.

Sub Work No. 3:-

Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of W.L.V.T. pump set &

Replacement of Valves at 65 MLD WTP with allied works at Mahan


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .


2) All the materials used in the work shall be of best quality and the material rejected shall

be removed from the site by the contractor within 36 hours in the presence of the Engi-

neer in charge at his own cost.

2) All other rules regarding workmen compensations etc will be binding on the contractor.

Unwanted persons shall be dispensed with if called upon by the Engineer in charge.

3) Other unforeseen items to be executed in course of work will have to be done by the

contractor as per specifications, in P.W.D. Hand book volume I and II (Latest Edition)

I.S. code of practice and as per standard specifications book of latest edition.

4) The contractor shall be responsible and liable to pay for the damages caused by him to

public property etc.

5) All T. and P. machinery shall be provided by the contractor. Non availability of the same

shall not be an excuse for application for extension of time limit.

6) Water of good quality for labour, construction, washing and such other purposes shall be

provided by the contractor without any claim for extra cost.

7) Materials belonging to contractor if not removed from site of works after completion of

the work within a period of 15 days shall be taken over by Maharashtra Jeevan

Pradhikaran department at contractors risk and cost and then shall be auctioned at the

contractor’s risk and cost. The amount so recover shall be credited to contractor’s

account after recovery of any dues or over payments etc.

8) The final bill and deposits will not be paid unless the site is cleared off all rubbish

materials and contractor’s stores etc from the site of the work.

9) The contractor will have to pay the royalties and municipal taxes, if charged by the

Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. The same will not be refunded.

10) Specifications given for relevant nature and type of work, for any particular item of the

tender shall also be applicable to the other item of work when similar work is repeated or

carried out in part or full although the item numbers may not have been mentioned

especially against the particular specifications.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

11) The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permission from Government local

bodies, private party for storing, stacking of materials required for execution of work.

12) Necessary sign board, danger flags, red lamps shall be provided by the contractor to

avoid accidents. Necessary guarding will also have to be provided.

13) Before entering any land, the contractor shall make independent enquiry regarding

ownership of land. Any action regarding trespassing will be at the risk of contractor.

14) Materials remaining unsold or unserviceable as per discretion of the Executive Engineer

shall be confiscated destroyed or disposed off without any compensation to the

contractor, who will be responsible for all legal disputes at his own cost and

consequences without reference to the department.

15) In case of legal disputes for materials brought and stores at site without permission of

the Executive Engineer, the contractor will be responsible for all legal disputes at his

own cost and consequences without reference to the department.


The work shall be carried out as per practices and procedures laid down in P.W.D. Hand

book Volume - I & II Latest Edition and Public Works Department’s standard

specifications (Latest Publication of Government of Maharashtra) with amendments

from time to time and as per I. S. applicable for respective items of works, as directed by

the Engineer in charge.


No electric power supply shall be entered by the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran

during construction and testing of various structures under different sub-works. The

contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for the same at is cost. During trial

period of the plant, power supply shall be made available by the department. The firm

should inform within one month from the date of receipt of work order, the total electrical

load required for successful operation of the treatment plant. This electrical load shall

also include lighting load for inside and outside light points etc. attached to the buildings

in proper as well as premises of the plant.


The tenderer shall acquaint himself for results of S.B.C. by taking actual trial pits on site

and refilling them afterwards at his cost. The foundation depth shall be considered as

minimum 3.00 m below G.L. for the construction of BPT, MBR & E.S.R.. The bearing

capacities of the actual strata met with the foundation levels shall wherever be required

got tested from reputed institution, at contractor’s cost and in the presence of Engineer-

in-charge. Detailed design shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor and got

approved from the department after actual confirmation of S.B.C.


All the water retaining and carrying structures will have to be tested for their water

tightness by filling them with water up to their designed F.S.L. Similarly the pipe line will

have to be tested hydraulically. Structures will be considered water tight when the

reductions in filled up level is not more than 6 mm in 48 hours with outer surface dry. As


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

regards pipe line, they should hold pressure as directed by Engineer in charge without

reduction for thirty minutes. The contractor will have to give all such hydraulic tests by

making his own arrangements for water supply, filling and disposing off water after the

test. He shall repeat this test if necessary until the above results are achieved and

certified by the Engineer-in-charge without any claim for extra cost. The contractor shall

carry out the rectification of the structures or pipe lines to achieve the above tests at his

own cost. The structures and pipe lines shall be kept filled with water upto F.S.L. after

the above test are over at his own cost.


The sub works included in the schedule of works for BPT MBR WTP & ESR on Lump

sum basis.

The various items of the sub work are to fit in perfectly in the whole system physically,

hydraulically, architecturally and mechanically.


All materials obtained from any excavation carried out under this contract will be the

property of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran and the contractor shall not have any

claim on it. It will not be used by the contractor for any other purpose than the legitimate

use on the work itself. Stuff still remaining surplus shall be spreaded over the different

site of work or disposed off as directed by the Engineer in charge without extra cost.



For Lump sum job works the contractor shall submit complete detailed designs and

drawings within one month from the date of issue of work order for approval If the

department to the same. Piecemeal submission of designs and drawings shall not be

permitted to commence the actual work at site unless detailed structural designs and

working drawing are approved by the department. If called upon, the contractor shall

also submit within reasonable time relevant books and other literature which have been

referred to by him in working out the design for civil, mechanical or electrical works

involved in the construction. Such books and literature will be returned to him. Reason

of secrecy in regard to details of designs, materials, equipments etc shall not be placed

by the contractor in the name of ‘TRADE SECRET’ for not furnishing the requisite

details called for the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. The design get approved from

Govt. Engineering College structurel consultants approved inlisted in MJP shall be

subjected to modifications if found necessary and such modification shall not violet the

contract. The contractor shall be responsible for the correctness and soundness of the

designs submitted by him. The structures shall be as per recognized engineering

practices and if any provisions, are found inadequate or faulty, necessary modifications

will have to be carried out by him at any stage up to the expiry of guarantee period and

no extra payment will be made on the account.

Six copies of all the approved designs and drawings should be furnished by the

contractor to the department free of cost.


The contractor shall make field arrangements for testing of all materials for

cement concrete i.e. slumps test, compression test etc. The concrete cube moulds 3


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Nos. of 15 x 15 x 15 cm size shall be kept during concreting operation. Three cubes

shall be prepared from at site during concreting to be used in work for compression test,

for each concreting to be used in work for compression test, for each concreting of the

structures. One cube shall be tested for test at 7 days age and two at 28 days in

Regional Testing Laboratory at Govt. Polytechnic/Engineering college / Vishveshvarayya

National Institute of Technology, Nagpur or at any approved laboratory, by Engineer –In-


entire responsibility of the testing of materials will be borne by the contractor.

Mixing of concrete shall be done with Concrete Mixers.

a) The contractor will make his own arrangement for receiving all materials, tools,

etc. required for the work.

b) No extra charges for the carriages of water will be allowed.

c) The rates for all items are inclusive of all charges such as carting, lifting etc. No

extra payment for any lead and lifts will be paid for any item.

d) The contractor should not be subleted without written permission of the


e) The conditions in the tender notice will be binding on the contractor and the

Tender Notice will form a part of agreement.

f) The material required for carrying out the work for which the tender is offered

shall be brought by the tenderer.


Full payment shall be made when 75% of the result are equal and above the specified

strength and the remaining 25% of the result are above 75% of specified strength.

Cases failing outside the above limit shall be examined by the Engineer-In-Change on

merits in each case.

1) The charges for preliminary design of concrete mix shall be entirely borne by the

contractor .

2) For grades of concrete M-20 and above where cement is to be used by weighment, the

cost of extra cement required to make up under weight bags shall be borne by the


3) For the item of concrete and other items in the agreement where cement is not to be

used by weighment the cement bags are received from the manufacturer shall be

assumed to contain cement of 50 kg. net weight. The work shall carried out as per this

method of reckoning.

25) ZINC COATING – Zinc Coating is proposed for all New M S Structures i.e. Girders,

base frames for pumping machinery,over head crane, New M S Structures for sub

station and other iron works with prior approval of Engineer Incharge.

26) RUBBER PACKING - To avoid breakdown maintenance it is recommended to use

the asbestoz packing instead of regular packing.


To ensure that the equipment and service under scope of this contract whether

manufactured or performed within the contractor's works or at his sub-contractor's


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

premises or at the owner's site or at any other place of work are in accordance with the

specifications, the contractors shall adopt suitable quality assurance programme to

control activities at all points, necessary. such programme shall be outlined by the

contractor and shall be finally accepted by the engineer after discusson before the

award of contract, and such agreed programme shall form part of the contract.


After completion of wiring, cabling furnished under separate specifications and laid and

terminated by the owner, the contractor shall check out the operation of all control

systems for the equipments furnished and installed under these specifications and



The performance guarantee for the equipments under the scope of the contract are

detailed separately in the technical specifications. These guarantee hall supplement the

general performance guarantee provisions covered under general terms and conditions.


The SCADA and Automation system shall then be on trial operation during which period

all necessary adjustments shall be made while operating, over the full load ranging the

plant to be made ready for performance and guarantee test.

The duration of trial operation of the complete equipment shall be

one month The trial operation shall be considered successful, provided

that each item of the equipment can operate continuously at the specific

operating characteristics, for the period of trial operation.

For the period of trial operation, the time of operation with any load shall be counted.

Minor interruptions not exceeding four (4) hours at a time, caused during the continuous

operation shall not affect the total duration of trial operation. However, if in the opinion

of the engineer, the interruption is long, the trial operation shall be prolonged for the

period of interruption.

A trial operation report comprising of observations and recordings of various Parameters

to be measured in respect of the above trial operation shall be prepared by the

contractor. This report, besides recording the details of the various observations during

trial run shall also include the dates of start and finish of the operation and shall be

signed by the representative of both the parties. The report shall have sheets, recording

all the details of interruptions occurred, adjustments made and any minor repairs done

during the trial operation. Based on the observation, necessary modifications repairs to

the plant shall be carried out by contractor to the full satisfaction of the engineer to

enable the latter to accord permission to carry out performance and guarantee test on

the plan'. However for defects which do not endanger the safe operation of the

equipment shall be considered as reasons for withholding the aforesaid permission.

The commissioning and operation period generally will be one month, unless otherwise

specifically specified. During the commissioning and operation period, the contractor

shall depute his personnel full time to operate, maintain and repair the equipment the

personnel so deputed shall maintain log books and other records as directed by the


During this period, the owner shall make only electricity and water available to the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

contractor, all other consumable materials (lubricants and other requirements) shall be

provided by the contractor at his cost. During commissions period the owner's personnel

who shall continuously work with contractor personnel, shall be adequately trained by

the contractor's personnel to the full responsibility of operating maintaining, repairing

etc. the equipment and plant.


In no circumstance will the contractor interfere with fuses and electrical equipment

belonging to owner or other contractors.

Before the contractor connects any electrical appliances to any plug or

socket belonging to the other contractor or owner, he shall :-

a. Satisfy the engineer that the appliance is in good working condition.

b. Inform the engineer of the maximum current rating, voltage and phases of the


c. Obtain permission of the engineer detailing the sockets to which the appliances may be


The engineer will not grant permission to connect until he is satisfied that:

a. The appliance is in good condition and is fitted with a suitable plug.

b. The appliance is fitted with suitable cable having two earth conductors, one of which

shall be an earthed metal sheath surrounding the cores.

No electric cable in use by the contractor / owner will be disturbed without prior

permission. No weight of any description will be imposed on any such cable and no

ladder or similar equipment will rest against or be attached to it.

No work will be carried out on any live equipment. The equipment must be made safe by

the engineer and permit work issued before any work is carried out. The contractor shall

employ the necessary number of qualified, full time electricians to maintain his

temporary electrical installation.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .


Statement showing the material to be supplied from the store for the work contracted to be executed and preliminary and ancillary works and the rate at which they are to be charged.

Sr. No.

Particulars of Material Approx. Quantity &


Rate at which the material

will be charged for

Place of delivery

1 2 3 4 5



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .


1. Other materials except as shown in Schedule ‘A’ required for the work shall be procured

and supplied by the contractor at his cost. In such cases the test certificate for their

quality shall have to be produced by the contractor.

2. Material shall be available for delivery on any working day from 11.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M.

with at least week’s intimation in advance.

3. The contractor shall maintain proper account of consumption of all material supplied to

him by the department as per Schedule ‘A’ in the register which may be if required,

modified as prescribed by …..Muncipal Corporation/Council and shall submit the extract

of the same monthly to the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge. The Executive

Engineer/Engineer in charge shall reserve the right to stop further issue of material to

the contractor, if monthly account of the previously issued material is not submitted by

the contractor. He shall be fully responsible for the consequence arising out of this.

The contractor shall responsible for proper handling and safe custody of material issued

to him by Municipal Corporation/Council, for use on the work and shall return to

Government all surplus material after completion of work, if and as ordered by the

Executive Engineer vide Clause 12 of B.1 Form. The cost of damages or unserviceable

material as would be fixed by the Engineer-in-charge shall be recovered from the

contractor. The material, which is not found, accounted properly after considering

reasonable percentage of wastage shall be charged at panel rates or determined by the


4. The contractor shall at his own cost make arrangement for storing cement brought by

him by constructing a pakka shed and platform, etc. with double locking arrangements.

Any damage to the cement due to inadequate provision of store theft, etc. will to the

account of the contractor.

5. If there is delay in supplying the materials due to reasons outside the control of the

Department or due to the materials being out of stock, no claim for compensation will be

considered on the ground of delay in the supply of materials.

6. All the materials mentioned in Schedule ‘A’ required for the work shall be obtained from

the Department’s store only where otherwise provided. The material obtained from other


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

sources shall not be allowed to be used except under written permission of the

Engineer-in-charge and after producing necessary test certificate.

7. The contractor shall inspect the material thoroughly before taking delivery of the same

and shall take the delivery in good and sound condition and sign the unstamped receipt

in token of receipt. Damages to the material noticed afterwards will be to the account of

the contractor.

8. Quantities in Schedule ‘A’ are approximate and shall vary according to actual and

bonafied use.

9. All the materials remaining unused after the completion of the work are to be returned to

Municipal Corporation/Council at their store at the cost of the contractor and the credit if

due will be given as per rules enforce.

10. Once the materials are issued to the contractor at the ….MC’s store, he shall remove

the same immediately to his stores, failing which rent as decided by Engineer-in-charge

shall be recovered from the contractor.

11. The contractor shall submit account of all the materials issued to him previously before

demand for any fresh materials is made. Materials that cannot be accounted for shall be

recovered from him at the rates decided by the Executive Engineer/Engineer in charge.

12. The contractor will have to provide the manufacturer test report from Government

Laboratory regarding steel to be provided by the contractor.

13. If the contractor fails to return the balance materials with the firm, the same shall be

recovered at two times the issue rate or at the prevailing market rate, whichever is


14. C.I. flanged and S/s specials required other than that not available with the department

for the work will be supplied by contractor as per necessity of the work.

15. The contractor shall be responsible for safety of materials (even if it is laid in ground) till

satisfactory Hydraulic Test is completed and work is finally handed over to the ….MC.

16. If the material supplied to the contractor at the place other than mentioned in Schedule

‘A’, the transport charges will be paid as per prevailing DSR for the shortest between

stipulated place of delivery and actual place of delivery. In addition Octroi on such a

material, if paid by the contractor, same shall be reimbursed to the contractor on

production of proof of payment of such charges to Municipal Corporation/Council.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




Abstract of Mechanical Cost included in this contract

Sr. No.

Name of Sub Work Total Net Cost


Sub Work No. 1:-

Estimate For Designing, Providing, Erecting, Com-

missioning And Testing of SCADA And Automation

of Existing 65 MLD And 25 MLD WTP At Mahan and

Pure Water Machinary At Both WTP At Mahan. In-

cluding ESR Management System in Akola city.

:- Rs. 56126688.00


Sub Work No. 2:-

Estimate for Providing & fixing glandless Sluice

Valves, Actuators, Reflux valve, M.S. Specials &

other Misc. Work etc. at exixing 65 & 25 MLD W.T.P.

Including Dismentaling of Existing Valves etc.@ Ma-


:- Rs. 16259720.00


Sub Work No. 3:-

Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of

W.L.V.T. pump set & Replacement of Valves at 65

MLD WTP with allied works at Mahan

:- Rs. 5277670.00

Total Nett Rs. 77664078.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




-: Sub Work No.I :-

-: Scada & Automation work of Existing 65 & 25 MLD WTP, Pure Water Pumping Machinery at both WTP including ESR Managment System in Akola City:-

-: SCHEDULE - "B" :-

Memorandum showing the approximate quantity of this sub work to be executed & cost there of.

(Estimated Cost put to tender Rs. 5,61,26,688/-)

Quantity Item of Work

Rate in fig-ures

Rate in words Unit Amount


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Designing, providing, erecting, testing and commission-ing of SCADA & Automation system for Raw water pumping machinery at Head works, WTP, Pure water pumping machinery including all required Hardwares, Softwares, Access fee for VSAT & GSM/GPRS , Six years comprehensive operation & Maintainance includ-ing man power required for satisfactory operation of whole water supply scheme as given below.The opera-tion methodology and operation philosophy with de-tailed technical specification shall form an integral part of this schedule "B". The contractor shall design the entire system exactly to cope up the requirement as per Operation Methodology , Operation Philosophy and de-tailed technical specifications . The contractor is re-quired to visit the site of work and prepare the detailed design & planning of the complete automation scheme with all required technical details. The complete de-signs & drawings shall be got approved from SE (Mech) MJP Nagpur prior execution.The instru-ments/equipments required for SCADA AUTOMATION WORK shall be as per list of acceptable makes en-closed with detailed specifications. All major compo-nents like PLC panels, Automatic control Valves, Tur-bidity meter, PH sensor, Ultrasonic level sensors, Pres-sure sensors, flow meters etc. shall be got inspected from the third party inspection agency approved by MJP. The central and secondary SCADA software re-quired shall be installed with lifetime license without any need for renewal. System Architecture & General Cal-culations of IOs are enclosed as Annexures. 11721341.00

Rupees One Crore Seventeen Lakh(s) Twenty One Thousand Three Hundred Forty One Only Job 11721341.00




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.1: Open channel type ultrasonic flowmeter with FIT :-

Designing supplying installing, commissioning & testing Open channel type ultrasonic flowmeter. Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with following technical pa-rameters at Raw water pump house and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications (QTY- 1 No.)

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4" LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure-IP 68

ItemNo.2 : PH analyser :-

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & test-ing of pH analyser as per IUPAC ( International Union for Pure & Applied Chemistry)at A.F. and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (one for raw water) (QTY- 1 No.) Range 0 -14 pH Accuracy : Better than 0.1% of full scale , Supply Voltage - 24V dc, Output - 4-20 mA As per IEC 61000-6-2 & IEC 61000-6-3


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.3 : Turbidity meter /analyser :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 scat-tering light method at A.F. and inferfacing with PLC panel Turbidity meter shall compreses of 3 components i.e. sensors, single distributor and transmitter with indi-cator, Transmitter convertts the single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement Including TPI & MJP in-spection as per detailed specifications. (one for raw water + one for settled water) (QTY-2Nos.)

Overall Range 0-2000 NTU

Measuring Range 0.02 to 500 NTU

Accuracy +/- 0.02 NTU

Supply voltage 230 V ac

Output 4-20 mA

ItemNo.4 : PLC based alum dosing :-

Designing, supplying installing, commissioning & test-ing of PLC based alum mixing / PAC dosing monitor-ing system at Flash mixture delivered of raw water mix-ing channel by applying suitable mechanism to control the available turbidity in desired limit.this system in-cludes level switches for tank etc Including TPI & MJP inspection. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.5 : Ultrasonic Level Transmitter (For 8 Filter Bed and 16 sections) :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked at each filter bed having two sections with following technical parameters interfacing with PLC panel includ-ing mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 16 Nos.)

Medium - Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4.20 mA

Power supply 24 VDC ext.

Display - 4" LED

Accuracy -+/- 0.25% of full scale or better

Temp- With inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure - IP 65

ItemNo.6 : Power Analyzer :-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of Power Analyzer interfacing to PLC panel with modbus communication port as per IEC 62053 & in the prescribed format with all necessary CT's, MCB's,Signal cables,Relays etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifica-tions. (One common on Main Panel) (QTY- 1 No.)

Item No.7:PLC Panel with HMI for filter Bed:-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & test-ing of PLC Panel with HMI including PLC with CPU & Power supply unit, power supply cable, Interfacing cards,interfacing cables, wireless modules with 25 % extra quantity of all accessories including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (One for each filter bed) (QTY- 8 Nos.)

ItemNo.8 : Master PLC Panel :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Master PLC based control monitoring and com-munication panel as per IEC 61131 at pure water sump suitable for monitoring and control of pure water pumps. Pressure transmitters, level transmitter, PH Transmitter, Turbidity Transmiter, Power analyser for all pumps installed including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 set with fully reduntant system)

ItemNo.9 : Control cables. :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 2cx1.5 Sq.mm twisted shielded copper amoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall, in GI tray or in ground suitable for sup-plied D.C. voltage Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)


Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing OF CAT 6 as per ISO/IEC 11801 std. cable for networking on wall, in GI tray or in ground required for Ethernet communication Including TPI & MJP Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)


ItemNo.11 (a):6 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable:-

Designing ,supplying, installing ,commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 6 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.11 (b) : 4 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 4 Core 1.5 Sq.mm cop-per armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection etc as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.11(c):9 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable:-

Designing ,supplying, installing ,commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 9 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.12: 10 C x 1.5 Sq.mm Cable :-

Designing ,supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 10 Core x 1.5Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.13 (a): Cable Trays :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Bending cutting perforated GI tray 200x20mm x3 mm thick for laying of cable as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.13 (b): Cable Trays :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Bending cutting perforated GI tray 150x20mm x3 mm thick for laying of cable as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.14 : Pressure Transmitter for Blower and wash water pumps:-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of pressure transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at Blower and wash water pump delivery and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement Including TPI & MJP inspec-tion as per detailed specifications. (one common for blowers + one common for W.W. pumps) (QTY - 2Nos.)

Medium- Water

Pressure 0-10 Kg/Cm2

Output 4.20 MA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display- 4" LED

Accuracy .+/-0.1% of full scale or better

Temp- suitable for Ambient temp

Enclosure- IP 67

Mounting - In line

ItemNo.15 : ULT for wash water tank:-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Ultrasonic level transmitter for wash water tank fill-ing from pure water channel sump. Designing, supply-ing, installing commissioning & testing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with following rtechnical parameters and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement. with TPI & MJP Inspection etc. as per detailed specifications. (QTY-1 No)

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-Large LCD

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure-IP 65

ItemNo.16 : Priming Arrangment for W.W. pumps:-

Desidning,supplying,installing,commissioning & testing with complete priming arrangements for centrifugal pumps as applicable & as required shall be done with interface with PLC panels & further to SCADA system as per detailed specifications. (QTY- Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.17 : Surveillance System:-

Desiging, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of CCTV IR water proof camera suitable for upto 100ft.with IR Dome camera,control key board, DVR, Hard Disk, cables, UPT transreceivers etc.complete as per detailed specifications. (QTY-4 Nos)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.18 : Flash Mixer & Clariflocculator. :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with operation of flash mixer and clariflocculator mechanism starter, cables etc for above to be inter-faced with SCADA system Including TPI & MJP in-spection as per detailed specifications. (one for flash mixer + one for end carriage + 2 for flocculator) (QTY-4 Nos)

ItemNo.19 : Fully automatic gas chlorination sys-tem :-

Providing, erecting commissioning and giving test and trial including one year supervision of the system in day shift and one year free maintenance of fully automatic gas chlorination system confirmation to all applicable NEC and compressed Gas Association recommenda-tion and comprising following.

*Automatic Vacuum operated Chlorinator unit of ca-pacity as mentioned below with Actuator rota meter ,injector ,vacuum tubing special PVC piping for chlorine solution and satiable booster pump 1W+1S with GI pip-ing valves fitting etc

*Automatic switover type Vacuum regulators 2 nos in-stalled on tonners with satiable mounting and showing tonner status indication as stand by ,empty and in use.

*Automatic control panel of satiable capacity wall mounted industrial tupe with voltmeter ,ammeter .starter MCB indicating lamps having automatic opera-tion.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

*Microprocessor based Multi functional controller with digital and graphical display.

*Online residual Chlorine Analyser without need of rea-gent utilizing unique internally buffered senser .

*Gas leak & temperature detection two channel meas-uring system designed for gas and temperature moni-toring in up to two rooms with necessary wiring and bat-tery backup cum voltage stabilizer system of satiable capacity with batteries.

*Preventing maintenance kit for injector Rotameter and vaccum regulator .

10 kg /hr (500 PPD) (One set for 65 MLD WTP) with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY-1 Set)

ItemNo.20: Ultrasonic flow meter for outlet of 65 MLD W.T.P. :-

Providing, erecting, testing and comissioning of Ultra-sonic Insertion fixed type flow meter with all Manda-tory Accessories as per Mech CSR and optional Ac-cessories

such as Panel cabinet, necessary cables for pres-sure , flow etc., OPC software, sensor/ transmitter, cables, conduit pipe (PVC/HDPE), necessary civil work etc. with complete accessories as per mech CSR i.e. all Mandatory and optional accessories etc. working condition & specifications etc with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifica-tions.(QTY- 1 No.)



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing of wireless interface of clarifloculator controls with the main PLC system. The system should be seamless-ly controlled with the PLC and be provided with suitable IO’s and interfaced with the SCADA system for unin-turrrepted monitoring and control of the equipmnet. Provision of suitable power in form of Solar Power with battery backup to power ON the system if required. as per detailed specifications. (one for flowmeter + one for clarifloculator) (QTY- 2 Nos.)

ItemNo.22: M.S. Pipe and specials :-

Providing & fixing M.S. pipe and specials for flow me-ter and for any other purpose as per detailed specifi-cations. (QTY-1500 kg)

PART B ----

B) EXISTING PURE WATER PUMP HOUSE AT 65 MLD WTP (250 H.P. V.T. pumps- 5 Nos.) (3 working + 2 standbye) (Q- 900000 LPH, Head- 53 Meter) :-


Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with fol-lowing technical parameters at pure water pump house and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting ar-rangement etc with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtrs


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4" LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure-IP 65 weatherproof. Mounting-Top/ above FSL of Tank


Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of pressure transmitter CE Marked with following technical parameter at pure water pump house and in-terfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrange-ment etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (One for each pump and one common on manifold) (QTY- 6 Nos.)

Medium- Water

Range 0.20 Kg/cm2

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4" LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.5% of full scale or better.

Temp. suitable for Ambient temp.

Enclosure-IP 67

Mounting - In line

ItemNo.3: PH Meter/ analyser. :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of PH Transmitter as per IUPAC (International union for pure & Applied Chemistry ) at AF and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per de-tailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Range : 0.14

pH Accuracy: Betrter than 0.1% of full scale

Supply voltage ; 24V dc,

Output 4.20 mA

As per IEC 61000-5-2 &IEC 61000-5-3

ItemNo.4 : Turbidity meter /analyser :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 scat-tering light method at A.F. and inferfacing with PLC panel Turbidity meter shall compreses of 3 components i.e. sensors, single distributor and transmitter with indi-cator, Transmitter convertts the single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Overall Range 0-100 NTU

Measuring Range 0.02 NTU

Accuracy +/- 0.02 NTU

Supply voltage 230 V ac

Output 4-20 mA

ItemNo.5: Residual Chlorine Analyzer :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Design, Supply, Installation,Testing of Residual chlorine analyser / meter must have automatic sensor cleaning facility at pure water sump and Interfacing with PLC panel. Residual Chlorine meter shall comprises of 3 components i.e. sensors,flow through assembly and transmitter with indicator and gives 2 outputs one to Local display & other to PLC including Mounting ar-rangement. Overall Range : 0-8 mg/l (ppm) Accuracy : 2% of full scale Supply Voltage : 230 V ac Output : 4‐20 mA Membrane free sensor of 2 gold plated electrodes for long term stability and reference electrode (ag/Agcl) must be provided to avoid maintenance. IP 65 Nema 4 housing protection class required etc. Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Membrane free sensor of 2 gold plated electrodes for long term stability and reference electrode (ag/Agcl) must be provided to avoid maintenance. IP 65 Nema 4 housing protection class required etc. Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications.(QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.6: Power Analyzer :-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of Power Analyzer interfacing to PLC panel with modbus communication port as per IEC 62053 & in the prescribed format with all necessary CT's, MCB's,Signal cables,Relays etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifica-tions. (One for each pump starter+ One on common main panel.) (QTY- 6 Nos.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.7: PLC Panel for Pumping Maachinery :-

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & test-ing of PLC Panel including PLC with CPU & Power supply unit, power supply cable, Interfacing cards, inter-facing cables, wireless modules with 25 % extra quanti-ty of all accessories etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.8: PLC Based control monitoring and com-munication software. :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of PLC based control monitoring and communica-tion software as per IEC 51131 at Pure water sump suitable for monitoring and control of pure water pump pressure. Transmitters, level Transmitter, PH, Transmit-ter, Turbidity, Transmitter, residual chlorine analyser, for all pumps installed as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.9: Surveillance System. :-

Desiging,supplying,installing,commissioning & testing of CCTV IR water proof camera suitable for upto 100ft.with IR Dome camera,control key board,DVR,Hard Disk,cables,UPT transreceivers etc.complete as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 2 Nos.)




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.1: Open channel type ultrasonic flowmeter with FIT :-

Designing supplying installing, commissioning & testing Open channel type ultrasonic flowmeter. Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at Raw water pump house and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection (QTY- 1 No.)

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4" LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure-IP 68


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.2 : PH analyser :-

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & testing of pH analyser as per IUPAC ( International Union for Pure & Applied Chemistry)at A.F. and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (one for raw water) (QTY- 1 No.) Range 0 -14 pH Accuracy : Better than 0.1% of full scale , Supply Voltage - 24V dc, Output - 4-20 mA As per IEC 61000-6-2 & IEC 61000-6-3

ItemNo.3 : Turbidity meter /analyser :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 scat-tering light method at A.F. and inferfacing with PLC panel Turbidity meter shall compreses of 3 components i.e. sensors, single distributor and transmitter with indi-cator, Transmitter convertts the single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement Including TPI & MJP in-spection as per detailed specifications. (one for raw water + one for settled water) (QTY- 2 Nos.)

Overall Range 0-2000 NTU

Measuring Range 0.02 to 500 NTU

Accuracy +/- 0.02 NTU

Supply voltage 230 V ac


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Output 4-20 mA

ItemNo.4 : PLC based alum dosing :-

Designing, supplying installing, commissioning & test-ing of PLC based alum mixing / PAC dosing monitor-ing system at Flash mixture delivered of raw water mix-ing channel by applying suitable mechanism to control the available turbidity in desired limit.this system in-cludes level switches for tank etc Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.5 : Ultrasonic Level Transmitter (For 4 Filter Bed and 8 sections) :-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked at each filter bed having two sections with following technical parameters interfacing with PLC panel includ-ing mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 8 Nos.)

Medium - Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4.20 mA

Power supply 24 VDC ext.

Display - 4" LED

Accuracy -+/- 0.25% of full scale or better

Temp- With inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure - IP 65


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.6 : Power Analyzer :-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of Power Analyzer interfacing to PLC panel with modbus communication port as per IEC 62053 & in the prescribed format with all necessary CT's, MCB's,Signal cables,Relays etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifica-tions. (One common on Main Panel) (QTY- 1 No.)

Item No.7:PLC Panel with HMI for filter Bed:-

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & test-ing of PLC Panel with HMI including PLC with CPU & Power supply unit, power supply cable, Interfacing cards,interfacing cables, wireless modules with 25 % extra quantity of all accessories including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (One for each filter bed) (QTY- 4 Nos.)

ItemNo.8 : Master PLC Panel :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Master PLC based control monitoring and com-munication panel as per IEC 61131 at pure water sump suitable for monitoring and control of pure water pumps. Pressure transmitters, level transmitter, PH Transmitter, Turbidity Transmiter, Power analyser for all pumps installed including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 set. with fully redundant system)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.9 : Control cables. :-

Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 2cx1.5 Sq.mm twisted shielded copper amoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall, in GI tray or in ground suitable for sup-plied D.C. voltage Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)


Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing OF CAT 6 as per ISO/IEC 11801 std. cable for networking on wall, in GI tray or in ground required for Ethernet communication Including TPI & MJP Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)


ItemNo.11 (a):6 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable:-

Designing ,supplying, installing ,commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 6 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.11 (b) : 4 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 4 Core 1.5 Sq.mm cop-per armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.11(c):9 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable:-

Designing ,supplying, installing ,commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 9 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.12: 10 C x 1.5 Sq.mm Cable :-

Designing ,supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing with Terminating & interfacing 10 Core x 1.5Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.13 (a): Cable Trays :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Bending cutting perforated GI tray 200x20mm x3 mm thick for laying of cable as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.13 (b): Cable Trays :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Bending cutting perforated GI tray 150x20mm x3 mm thick for laying of cable as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY- 1 Lot as per site requirement)

ItemNo.14 : Pressure Transmitter for Blower and wash water pumps:-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of pressure transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at Blower and wash water pump delivery and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement Including TPI & MJP inspec-tion as per detailed specifications. (one common for blowers + one common for W.W. pumps) (QTY- 2 Nos.)

Medium- Water

Pressure 0-10 Kg/Cm2

Output 4.20 MA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display- 4" LED

Accuracy .+/-0.1% of full scale or better

Temp- suitable for Ambient temp

Enclosure- IP 67

Mounting - In line


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.15 : ULT for wash water tank:-

Ultrasonic level transmitter for wash water tank fill-ing from pure water channel sump. Designing, supply-ing, installing commissioning & testing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with following rtechnical parameters and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement. with TPI & MJP Inspection etc. as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-Large LCD

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure-IP 65

ItemNo.16 : Priming Arrangment for W.W. pumps:-

Desidning,supplying,installing,commissioning & testing with complete priming arrangements for centrifugal pumps as applicable & as required shall be done with interface with PLC panels & further to SCADA system as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Job as per site requirement)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.17 : Surveillance System:-

Desiging, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of CCTV IR water proof camera suitable for upto 100ft.with IR Dome camera,control key board, DVR, Hard Disk, cables, UPT transreceivers etc.complete as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 4 Nos.)

ItemNo.18 : Flash Mixer & Clariflocculator. :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with operation of flash mixer and clariflocculator mechanism starter, cables etc for above to be inter-faced with SCADA system Including TPI & MJP in-spection as per detailed specifications. (one for flash mixer + one for end carriage + 2 for flaculetor) (QTY- 4 Nos.)

ItemNo.19 : Fully automatic gas chlorination sys-tem :-

Providing, erecting commissioning and giving test and trial including one year supervision of the system in day shift and one year free maintenance of fully automatic gas chlorination system confirmation to all applicable NEC and compressed Gas Association recommenda-tion and comprising following.

*Automatic Vacuum operated Chlorinator unit of ca-pacity as mentioned below with Actuator rota meter ,injector ,vacuum tubing special PVC piping for chlorine solution and satiable booster pump 1W+1S with GI pip-ing valves fitting etc


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

*Automatic switover type Vacuum regulators 2 nos in-stalled on tonners with satiable mounting and showing tonner status indication as stand by ,empty and in use.

*Automatic control panel of satiable capacity wall mounted industrial tupe with voltmeter ,ammeter .starter MCB indicating lamps having automatic opera-tion.

*Microprocessor based Multi functional controller with digital and graphical display.

*Online residual Chlorine Analyser without need of rea-gent utilizing unique internally buffered senser .

*Gas leak & temperature detection two channel meas-uring system designed for gas and temperature moni-toring in up to two rooms with necessary wiring and bat-tery backup cum voltage stabilizer system of satiable capacity with batteries.

*Preventing maintenance kit for injector Rotameter and vaccum regulator .

10 kg /hr (500 PPD) (One set for 25 MLD WTP) with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY- 1 set)

ItemNo.20: Ultrasonic flow meter for outlet of 65 MLD W.T.P. :-

Providing, erecting, testing and comissioning of Ultra-sonic Insertion fixed type flow meter with all Manda-tory Accessories as per Mech CSR and optional Ac-cessories


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

such as Panel cabinet, necessary cables for pres-sure , flow etc., OPC software, sensor/ transmitter, cables, conduit pipe (PVC/HDPE), necessary civil work etc. with complete accessories as per mech CSR i.e. all Mandatory and optional accessories etc. working condition & specifications etc with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifica-tions.(QTY- 1 No.)


Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing of wireless interface of clarifloculator controls with the main PLC system. The system should be seamless-ly controlled with the PLC and be provided with suitable IO’s and interfaced with the SCADA system for unin-turrrepted monitoring and control of the equipmnet. Provision of suitable power in form of Solar Power with battery backup to power ON the system if required. as per detailed specifications. (one for flowmeter + one for clarifloculator) (QTY- 2 Nos.)

ItemNo.22: M.S. Pipe and specials :-

Providing & fixing M.S. pipe and specials for flow me-ter and for any other purpose as per detailed specifi-cations. (QTY -1500 kg)


D) EXISTING PURE WATER PUMP HOUSE AT 25 MLD W.T.P. :- (215 H.P. C.F. pumps 3 sets) (1 work-ing + 2 standbye) Q-760000 LPH, H-47 M


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with fol-lowing technical parameters at pure water pump house and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting ar-rangement etc with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifications.(QTY- 1 No.)

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtrs

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4" LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation

Enclosure-IP 65 weatherproof. Mounting-Top/ above FSL of Tank


Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of pressure transmitter CE Marked with following technical parameter at pure water pump house and in-terfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrange-ment etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (One for each pump and one common on manifold)

house and interfacing with PLC panel including mount-ing arrangement etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (One for each pump and one common on manifold) (QTY- 4 Nos.)

Medium- Water

Range 0.20 Kg/cm2


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4" LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.5% of full scale or better.

Temp. suitable for Ambient temp.

Enclosure-IP 67

Mounting - In line

ItemNo.3: PH Meter/ analyser. :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of PH Transmitter as per IUPAC (International union for pure & Applied Chemistry ) at AF and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per de-tailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Range : 0.14

pH Accuracy: Betrter than 0.1% of full scale

Supply voltage ; 24V dc,

Output 4.20 mA

As per IEC 61000-5-2 &IEC 61000-5-3

ItemNo.4 : Turbidity meter /analyser :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 scat-tering light method at A.F. and inferfacing with PLC panel Turbidity meter shall compreses of 3 components i.e. sensors, single distributor and transmitter with indi-cator, Transmitter convertts the single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement etc complete Including TPI & MJP inspection as per de-tailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

Overall Range 0-100 NTU

Measuring Range 0.02 NTU

Accuracy +/- 0.02 NTU

Supply voltage 230 V ac

Output 4-20 mA


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.5: Residual Chlorine Analyzer :-

Design, Supply, Installation,Testing of Residual chlorine analyser / meter must have automatic sensor cleaning facility at pure water sump and Interfacing with PLC panel. Residual Chlorine meter shall comprises of 3 components i.e. sensors,flow through assembly and transmitter with indicator and gives 2 outputs one to Local display & other to PLC including Mounting ar-rangement. Overall Range : 0-8 mg/l (ppm) Accuracy : 2% of full scale Supply Voltage : 230 V ac Output : 4‐20 mA Membrane free sensor of 2 gold plated electrodes for long term stability and reference electrode (ag/Agcl) must be provided to avoid maintenance. IP 65 Nema 4 housing protection class required etc. Including TPI & MJP inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.6: Power Analyzer :-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing of Power Analyzer interfacing to PLC panel with modbus communication port as per IEC 62053 & in the prescribed format with all necessary CT's, MCB's,Signal cables,Relays etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifica-tions. (One for each pump starter+ One on common main panel.) (QTY- 4 Nos.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.7: PLC Panel :-

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & test-ing of PLC Panel including PLC with CPU & Power supply unit, power supply cable, Interfacing cards, inter-facing cables, wireless modules with 25 % extra quanti-ty of all accessories etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.8: PLC Based control monitoring and com-munication software. :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of PLC based control monitoring and communica-tion software as per IEC 51131 at Pure water sump suitable for monitoring and control of pure water pump pressure. Transmitters, level Transmitter, PH, Transmit-ter, Turbidity, Transmitter, residual chlorine analyser, for all pumps installed etc. as per detailed specifica-tions. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.9: Surveillance System. :-

Desiging,supplying,installing,commissioning & testing of CCTV IR water proof camera suitable for upto 100ft.with IR Dome camera,control key board,DVR,Hard Disk,cables,UPT transreceivers etc.complete as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 2 Nos.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & test-ing of Terminating & interfacing software design to PLC and commissioning of SCADA Software with re-quired hard tags plus 25% extra & lifetime license and development version with required tags with 25% unu-tilized spare tags etc. as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 Set)

ItemNo.2: Developing / Programing Charges :-

Developing/programming charges to install the soft-ware as per logic defined by the department as per detailed specifications. (QTY -1 Job)

ItemNo.3: Centralised Historian Server:-

Supply, Installation, Testing, Terminating & Interfacing Centralised SCADA Server with Historian Facility. Server grade PC with Window 7 or latest operating sys-tem & software development cost etc. complete in-cluding MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.4: Secondary Computer Station :-

Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & test-ing, Terminating & interfacing of Secondary Computer Station etc. complete including MJP and TPI In-spection as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 1 No.)

ItemNo.5: LCD Monitor :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of 46" LCD monitor at conference Room for display of total water system (Online) as per detailed specifi-cations. (QTY- 2 Nos.)

ItemNo.6: Laptop :-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Laptop with programming software run time version alongwith required cables and communications devices for PLC and SCADA programming (Web based.) as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 2 Nos.)

ItemNo.7: Split Airconditioner :-

Designing,supplying,erecting and testing of split type room Airconditioning unit 2.5 TR 5 star capacity 250V, 50 cycles, A.C. supply having 1 No of air han-dling unit hi-wall mounting type complete at position as per specification no. AP-AC/SAC as per detailed specifications. (QTY- 3 Nos.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


F] ESR Management system:-

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Following equipments with satisfactory test and trial etc. (Existing ESR - 13 Nos + Proposed ESR 8 Nos.+ under construction ESR near railway station by AMC - 1 No. = Total 22 Nos.)

22 Nos

Item No1.:- Ultrasonic level Sensor/Meter with TPI & MJP inspection with mounting arrangement as per detailed specifications:-


Rupees Forty Three Thousand Fourteen Only Each 946308.00

Medium- Water

Range 0-5 mtr

Output 4-20 mA

Power supply 24 V DC ext.

Display-4 " LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full scale or better.

Temp. with inbuilt temp compensation.

Enclosure-IP 65 (one for each ESR)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No. 02 .Pressure transmitter for installation on upstream side of flowmeter.

22 Nos

Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & test-ing of pressure transmitter CE markd with following technical parameters at Raw Water Pump House and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement with MJP and TPI inspection as per detailed specifications (one for each ESR) Output 4-20 mA Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4" LED Accuracy - +/- 0.1 % of full scale or better Enclosure- IP 67


Rupees Thirty Two Thousand

Six Hundred Fifty One Only Each 718322.00


22 Nos

Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Photovoltaic solar panel with its charger,MS stand for mounting solar panel so as to have max-imum exposure of sunlight for desired location & maintenance free battery with 3 days battery back-up with MJP and TPI inspection as per detailed specifications (one for each ESR)


Rupees Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred Forty

Two Only Each 403524.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.4: ESR Management Systems (RMS):-

Automatic Flow Control Valve

Designing,Supplying,Installing,Commissioning and testing of

Flow Control valve for inlet with flow measuring,flow control-

ling,pressure monitaring and web based isolating valve with

solar panel,Antenna with cable etc for In let Flow controls

Valves As per Detailed Specification with following compo-

nent. i) An inlet flow control valve Automatically operated with

Remote SCADA CONTROL at variable flow rate as per

SCADA Command. ii) GSM/ GPRS based,Modem with DATA

transmiter and PLC panel.This PLC panel shall be common for

inlet & outlet automatic flow control valves with required IO +

20% extra IO's. iii) To read & transmit the pressure transmitter

data reading &ultrasonic level transmitter data readings & ultra-

sonic flowmeter data reading to central & local PLC system &

SCADA to give instantaneous and cumulative flow meter read-

ing,pressure transmitter reading & level transmiiter readings and

flow control from 0 to 100 % in steps of 1% from central

SCADA as per set points/ as per requirement.Also automatic

valve OPEN/ CLOSE operation from remote location must be

possible through central SCADA or local station as per re-

quirement & Local command. An inlet flow control valve pilot

solenoid operated designed for IP72 with fixed flow rate and

compatible & controlled through Central SCADA station. At

least one of each diameter Automatic Flow Control Valve with

ultrasonic flow transmitters, pressure transmitters, ultrasonic

level transmitters with PLC controller, GSM Modem, Solar

Powerpack shall be got tested from CWPRS, Pune prior supply

and 10% quantity shall be tested at NABL Lab in presence of

MJP approved TPI agency and MJP Officer as decided by Su-

perintending Engineer (Mech), MJP, Nagpur and test certificate

of the same shall be submitted.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Material of Construction for valve

• Valve Body, Cover CS ASTM A216 Gr WCB/ DI

• Seat Ring – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Disc Retainer – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Stem – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Stem Nut – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Guide Bushings – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Diaphragm – Neoprene with nylon reinforcement

• Fasteners – High tensile steel

• Pilot Tubing : Stainless steel

• Needle Valve : Stainless steel

• Pipe connectors: Brass / SS / Zinc plated MS

a)For Inlet

12 Nos 300 mm

307451.00 Rupees Three Lakh(s) Seven Thousand Four Hundred Fifty

One Only Each 3689412.00

4 Nos 350 mm

391029.00 Rupees Three Lakh(s) Ninety One Thousand

Twenty Nine Only Each 1564116.00

6 Nos 400 mm

509457.00 Rupees Five Lakh(s) Nine

Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Seven Only Each 3056742.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

b) For Outlet

Designing, Supplying, Installing, Commissioning & test-ing of Flow Control Valve / Pressure reducing valve / Altitude Valve for outlet with ON-OFF from central SCADA station as per design requirement with local ON-OFF facility and monitoring on web of ESR with required cable of suitable sizes and length of all types,required cable trays,cable enclosing pipes (Blue MDPE pipe), etc. complete including TPI and MJP Inspection.

Material of Construction for valve

• Valve Body, Cover CS ASTM A216 Gr WCB/ DI

• Seat Ring – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Disc Retainer – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Stem – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Stem Nut – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Guide Bushings – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Diaphragm – Neoprene with nylon reinforcement

• Fasteners – High tensile steel

• Pilot Tubing : Stainless steel

• Needle Valve : Stainless steel

• Pipe connectors: Brass / SS / Zinc plated MS


Nos 300 mm

212451.00 Rupees Two Lakh(s) Twelve Thousand Four Hundred Fifty

One Only Each 2336961.00


Nos 350 mm

296029.00 Rupees Two

Lakh(s) Ninety Six Thousand Twenty

Nine Only Each 2072203.00


Nos 400 mm

392643.00 Rupees Three Lakh(s) Ninety Two Thousand

Six Hundred Forty Three Only Each 5104359.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

c)Ultrasonic flowmeter with battery back at in-let of ESR

Providing,installing testing and commissioning of in linebattery operated ultrasonic bulk type water me-ters ISO4064 with built in data logger and GSM/GPRS modem fortransfer of data communica-tion to remote central computeras per working on following conditions andspecifications.The meter shall be suitable for 50oC andprovided with IP 68 protection class with completeimmersion of water.The meter shall have battery life ofmin.10 years should be able to de-tect the reverse flowvolume and tampering.The accura-cy of the meter shall be+/- 1 % of measured value in-cluding 36 months guaranteeetc complete including working conditions and specifications, callibrations testing and inspection, manufacturer's guarentee ,certificate & training, O & M towards flowmeter and accesories and general terms and conditions as per mech CSR.( With Simcard and its charges,valid for 36months) including MJP & TPI inspection.

12 Nos 300 mm 152830.00

Rupees One Lakh(s) Fifty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty




4 Nos 350 mm 214000.00

Rupees Two Lakh(s) Fourteen Thousand Only



6 Nos 400 mm 203500.00

Rupees Two Lakh(s) Three Thousand Five Hundred Only




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

14 Nos d) Construction of Room 3x3x3 mtr at each ESR as per detailed specifications.

197093.00 Rupees One Lakh(s) Ninety

Seven Thousand Ninety Three Only



1320 kg e) Enclosure for PT, Solenoid valve & Flowmeter display at each ESR

51.16 Rupees Fifty One And Paise Six-

teen Only



1650 kg f) Nut Bolts (1.25 mtr long 25 mm dia) 71 Rupees Seventy One Only



g) Mechanical Joints

46 Nos 300 mm 4574.00 Rupees Four Thousand Five

Hundred Seventy Four Only



22 Nos 350 mm 6752.00 Rupees Six Thousand Seven

Hundred Fifty Two Only



38 Nos 400 mm 8813.00 Rupees Eight Thousand Eight

Hundred Thirteen Only



Item No.5 : MS pipes & specials :-

30000 Kg

Providing, lowering, laying, jointing and testing double flanged M.S. Pipes (Barrel) and specials for fixing of above valves & for any other purpose or fabricating Hump after flowmeter as per standard specifications and approved size & layout of flowmeter as per de-tailed specifications.

66 Rupees Sixty Six

Only Kg 1980000.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No.6: Dismentling Joints for inlet & outlet of ESR:-

Providing, erecting , commissioning and testing of M.S. Dismantling joint at inlet and outlet of ESR as per requirement and Department's approved drawing and specifications, including machining and rubber rings and suitable for 16 kg/cm2 working pressure with re-quired flanges of suitable size with nut bolts etc com-plete. The joint should have through long bolts so that during normal working pressure there should be no slid-ing movement of sliding flanges. L.O.F. ( length over flange ) should not be less than 75% of dia. as per de-tailed specifications.


Nos 300 mm 14170

Rupees Fourteen Thousand One

Hundred Seventy Only Each 325910.00


Nos 350 mm 19290

Rupees Nineteen Thousand Two Hundred Ninety

Only Each 212190.00


Nos 400 mm 24159

Rupees Twenty Four Thousand

One Hundred Fif-ty Nine Only Each 459021.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No.7:- B.B. Masonary Chamber for inlet and outlet valves and flowmeters:-

53 Nos

Providing and constructing B.B. masonary chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 prportion PCC bedding, exclud-ing excavation, B.B. mesonary in CM1:5 proportion precast 12 MM thick cement plaster in CM 1:4 propor-tion on both side with providing and fixing C.I. manhole frame and cover in RCC 1:2:4 proportion 15 mm thick slab ,etc complete as directed by Engineer -in Charge as per detailed specifications. note:- wall thickness :- 0.23 m for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M [Size 1.5 x 1.5 m internal size & depth upto 1.5m with 53 cm dia. C.I. manhole frame and cover of 90 kg fixed in R.C.C. slab with locking arrangement etc. as per detailed specifications. 25639

Rupees Twenty Five Thousand

Six Hundred Thir-ty Nine Only Each 1358867.00

ItemNo.8:SIM card :-

22 Nos

Designing,supplying,installing, testing SIM card in field data Transmitter based on GSM/ GPRS system for du-plex communication with central server as per de-tailed specifications. (one for each remote terminal unit) (Market rate confirmed)

500 Rupees Five

Hundred Only Each 11000.00

PART- F TOTAL RS. 31787720.00

TOTAL OF PART -A TO F Rs. 43509061.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

PART G -----

ItemNo.1: Comprehenshive operation & maitenance :-

COMPREHENSIVE O & M - Operation and Maintenance Charges of the whole water supply scheme on SCADA and generation of daily report of water quality parameters and electrical parameters with specific consumption in kWh/ml . The report shall be mailed daily to the head quarters for mon-itoring purpose.In this work following Staff shall be deployed for smooth & efficient day to day operation of the entire SCADA control & monitoring system, through out the entire contract period. Total 15 persons with one four Wheeler & 2 Nos two Wheeler shall be available all the time during the contract period. All persons shall be provided with mobile smart phones. All Labour, Materials, Spares required for effi-cient & day to day operation & maintenence of the entire SCADA control & monitoring system for the complete con-tract period i.e. one year initial & 5 years subsequently i.e. total 6 years. All the Networking, SCADA, Licences, Com-munication charges, Sim card etc. required for the entire op-eration period of the contract i.e. 6 years are included under the scope of this work only. 1) A team leader - 1 person during office hours at Central SCADA station. 2) The SCADA operators- 3 person (One person in each shift - 3 shifts per day)at 65MLD WTP and Pure water pumping station for operation of pimping staion through SCADA 3) The SCADA operator - 3 person (1 persons in each shift - 3 shifts per day) at 25MLD WTP and pure water pumping station for operation of WTP & P/W pumping station. 4) SCADA/ Instrumentation Technician- 4 persons(2 per-sons in each shift, 2 shifts per day with 2 motor cycles for ESR / MBR management system to weekly checkup at each ESRs, cleaning of solar panel, checking the control system, battery, attending the faults if any, immediately.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

following Staff shall be deployed for smooth & efficient day to day operation of the entire SCADA control & monitoring sys-tem, through out the entire contract period. Total 15 persons with one four Wheeler & 2 Nos two Wheeler shall be availa-ble all the time during the contract period. All persons shall be provided with mobile smart phones. All Labour, Materials, Spares required for efficient & day to day operation & maintenence of the entire SCADA control & monitoring sys-tem for the complete contract period i.e. one year initial & 5 years subsequently i.e. total 6 years. All the Networking, SCADA, Licences, Communication charges, Sim card etc. required for the entire operation period of the contract i.e. 6 years are included under the scope of this work only. 1) A team leader - 1 person during office hours at Central SCADA station.2) The SCADA operators- 3 person (One person in each shift - 3 shifts per day)at 65MLD WTP and Pure water pumping station for operation of pimping staion through SCADA3) The SCADA operator - 3 person (1 persons in each shift - 3 shifts per day) at 25MLD WTP and pure water pumping station for operation of WTP & P/W pumping sta-tion.4) SCADA/ Instrumentation Technician- 4 persons(2 persons in each shift, 2 shifts per day with 2 motor cycles for ESR / MBR management system to weekly checkup at each ESRs, cleaning of solar panel, checking the control system, battery, attending the faults if any, immediately.

1 Job a. During First Year 0 Rupees Nil Job 0.00

1 Job b. During Second Year 3% of total cost of executed work 1305272

Rupees Thirteen Lakh(s) Five

Thousand Two Hundred Seventy

Two Only Job 1305272.00

1 Job c. During Third Year 5% of total cost of executed work 2175453

Rupees Twenty One Lakh(s) Sev-enty Five Thou-sand Four Hun-dred Fifty Three

Only Job 2175453.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

1 Job d. During Fourth Year 7% of total cost of executed work 3045634

Rupees Thirty Lakh(s) Forty Five

Thousand Six Hundred Thirty

Four Only Job 3045634.00

1 Job e. During Fifth Year 7% of total cost of executed work 3045634

Rupees Thirty Lakh(s) Forty Five

Thousand Six Hundred Thirty

Four Only Job 3045634.00

1 Job f. During Sixth Year 7% of total cost of executed work 3045634

Rupees Thirty Lakh(s) Forty Five

Thousand Six Hundred Thirty

Four Only Job 3045634.00

PART- G TOTAL RS. 12617627.00

Total of above all Parts i.e. A To G - Rs. 56126688.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



-: Sub Work No. 1:-


1) Quantity of each item included in Schedule 'B' is the estimated quantity and shall form the basic for comparision of the tender offers. However quantity of each and every item shall be provided as per actual requirement at site which may be more or less than the estimated quantity. The payment will be made to contractor for actual quantity provided & installed at site as per tendered rates subject to other payment conditions. 2) All structural steel/ iron work included in this contract are required as per site condition should provided with Zinc coanting / Galvanization

3) Defective Liability / Gurantee :- For complete work and all components and installation - Six year from the date of satisfactory commissioning.

4) The terms of payment appliable for this work be as under :- (A) 60% payment on receipt of material at site in good condition and after furnishing required test certificates / reports. (B) 25% after satisfactory installaion of work. (C) 15% balance after satisfactory commissioning, testing and trial of complete work and all equipments after 1 year. Note:- Contractor shall submit detailed breakup of payment for job & item covered under part A, B, C, D & E. under subwork-1. This breakup will be scrutinized on the basis of MJP’s mech CSR & will be approved by S.E.(M), Nagpur & this will be binding on contractor. Note 1 :- It is responsibility of contractor do not hamper water supply of scheme during exeution of work under this contract. In short water supply of scheme should not be disturbed during execution of new work included in this contract. Step by step installation should be carried out to prevent disturb in water supply of scheme as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge (Mech.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Special Note:- 1) As Mentioned in part G of schedule 'B', guarantee and compressive operation and maintained period is for 6 years i.e. 72 months from the date of satisfactory commissioning of complete work. For this purpose, it is binding on the contractor to give undertaking on Rs. 500/- stamp paper duly Notarized immediately after satisfactory commissioning of complete work, without which no payment after 80% will be made to contractor. If contractor failed to give service & not rectified the fault within 48 hours of above period then penalty @ Rs. 5000/- day will be charged extra and will be recovered from bill of this work or from any bill of another work in anywhere in M.J.P., including required repair cost. Also the registration of the contractor with M.J.P. will be terminated. 2) Security deposit of agreement will be released after completion of guarantee, compressive operation and maintained period of 6 years


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




-: Sub Work No.II :-

-: SCHEDULE - "B" :-

Memorandum showing the approximate quantity of this sub work to be executed & cost there of.

(Estimated Cost put to tender Rs. 1,62,59,720/-)

Quantity Item of Work

Rate in figures

Rate in words Unit Amount


Glandless sluice valves-PN-1.00 :-

Providing, erecting, testing and commissioning of C.I. glandless sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 10 kg/cm2 (PN 1 rating) with non rising spindle, hand wheel, cap etc. and manufac-tured as per I.S. 2906/14846 Valve shall be suitable for opera-tion with valve actuator etc. as per detailed specifications as below. :-

A) For 65 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

1 No i) 1000 mm size at inlet of WTP with MJP & TPI inspection (for inlet of 65 MLD W.T.P.) 276814

Rupees Two Lakh(s) Seventy Six Thousand Eight Hundred

Fourteen Only Each 276814.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

8 Nos ii) 450 mm dia. filter drain with TPI & MJP inspection :- 105373

Rupees One Lakh(s) Five Thousand Three Hundred

Seventy Three Only Each 842984.00

40 Nos iii) 350 mm size with TPI & MJP inspection :- (For filter beds - 32 nos + for settle water channel inlet - 8 Nos) 66269

Rupees Sixty Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Nine Only Each 2650760.00

2 Nos

vi) 300 mm size:- (clarifier drain) 50252

Rupees Fifty Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Two Only Each 100504.00

20 Nos

v) 150 mm size :- (16 Nos for filter bed air wash and 2 Nos for air blower and 2 Nos for W.W. pump delivery)

15813 Rupees Fifteen Thousand

Eight Hundred Thirteen Only Each 316260.00

16 Nos

vi) Modification in existing sluice valve :- Necessary modification work in existing sluice valve installed at filter beds of 65 MLD W.T.P. with required parts such as Spindle, Yoke, Mounting base etc to operate existing sluice valve with valve actuator for operation with SCADA and Automation sys-tem including all material, labour, loading unloading, transporta-tion charges etc complete of size 350 mm dia with TPI and MJP inspection etc complete as per detailed specifications.

23000 Rupees Twenty Three Thou-

sand Only Each 368000.00

B) For 25 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

1 No

i) 700 mm size at inlet of WTP with TPI and MJP inspection (for inlet of 25 MLD W.T.P.)


Rupees Two Lakh(s) Thirty Seven Thousand Eight Hun-

dred Forty Only Each 237840.00

ii) 400 mm size wit TPI and MJP inspection :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

4 Nos (for filter drain) 91068 Rupees Ninety One Thousand

Sixty Eight Only Each 364272.00

iii) 350 mm size with TPI and MJP inspection:-

4 Nos (for settel water channel inlet) 69223

Rupees Sixty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Three

Only Each 276892.00

iv) 125/150 mm size :-

10 Nos

(8 Nos for filter beds and 2 Nos for W.W. pump delivery)

13039 Rupees Thirteen Thousand

Thirty Nine Only Each 130390.00

v) 100 mm size :-

2 Nos

(For air blower delivery)

10434 Rupees Ten Thousand Four

Hundred Thirty Four Only Each 20868.00

vi) modification in existing sluice valve :- Necessary modification work in existing sluice valve installed at filter beds, clarifier drain etc. of 25 MLD W.T.P. with re-quired parts such as Spindle, Yoke, Mounting base etc to oper-ate existing sluice valve with valve actuator for operation with SCADA and Automation system including all material, labour, loading unloading, transportation charges etc complete of size as below with TPI and MJP inspection as per detailed specifica-tion etc complete size as below:-

16 Nos a) 300 mm dia.

20000 Rupees Twenty Thousand On-

ly Each 320000.00

4 Nos

b) 250 mm dia.

18000 Rupees Eighteen Thousand

Only Each 72000.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ITEM NO 2 :-

Valve Actuator for above Glandless sluice valves :-

Providing, erecting electric Valve actuators totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP-67, protec-tion class suitable for installation in any position without lubrica-tion, leakage or other operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and hand wheel for emergency manual operation which will automatically dis-engage on restoration of power to mo-tor and with 10 watt single phase space heater and contineous local mechanical position indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and with two torque and four limit switch-es with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squi-rell cage induction motor working on 440 Volts +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC of intermittent duty rating S-2, insulation class "F" and temp rise restricted to class "B" with IP - 67 protection class suita-ble for DOL starting and with three thermostat and 30 % over loAs margin. The torque rating of reduction gear box shall be atleast 1.5 times max. torque required for opening and closing of valve with integral starter for ON & Off operation with TPI and MJP inspection etc. as per detailed specifications.

Electric Valve Actuator for non rising spindle type sluice valve, PN 1 & PN 1.6 rating. For Valve Size (With integral starter) with T.P.I and MJP inspection as below :-

1 No

i) 1000 mm dia


Rupees One Lakh(s) Thirty One Thousand Two Hundred

Thirty Three Only Each 131233.00

1 No

ii) 700 mm dia


Rupees One Lakh(s) Ten Thousand Two Hundred Nine-

ty Three Only Each 110293.00

8 Nos

iii) 450 mm dia


Rupees Eighty Three Thou-sand Seven Hundred Twenty

Five Only Each 669800.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

4 Nos

iv) 400 mm dia

84402 Rupees Eighty Four Thousand

Four Hundred Two Only Each 337608.00

60 Nos

v) 350 mm dia


Rupees Seventy Eight Thou-sand Six Hundred Twenty

Seven Only Each 4717620.00

15 Nos

vi) 300 mm dia


Rupees Seventy Six Thou-sand Seven Hundred Twenty

Seven Only Each 1150905.00

4 Nos

vii) 250 mm dia

75664 Rupees Seventy Five Thousand

Six Hundred Sixty Four Only Each 302656.00

20 Nos

viii) 150 mm dia


Rupees Sixty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Nine

Only Each 1315780.00

10 Nos

ix) 125/150 mm dia

64516 Rupees Sixty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixteen Only Each 645160.00

2 Nos

viii) 100 mm dia

65038 Rupees Sixty Five Thousand

Thirty Eight Only Each 130076.00

ITEM NO 3 :-

R.D.O.L. Starter :-

123 Nos

Supplying and erecting RDOL starter upto 7.5 H.P. to operate squir-rel cage induction motor working on 380- 440 Volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz with no volt coil and over load element with necessary material and connected to supply, etc complete. Starter with original sheet steel encloser for valve actuators with suitable capacity isoletor MCB and other required accessaries as per detailed specifications. For local operation.

1472 Rupees One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Two Only Each 181056.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ITEM NO 4 :-

FASD Starter :-

2 Nos

Supplying & erecting 10 to 12.50 H.P. FASD Starter for valve actua-tors of 1000 & 700 mm sluice valve with original enclosure with suitable capacity isoletor MCB and other required accessaries etc. as per detailed specifications.

5660 Rupees Five Thousand Six

Hundred Sixty Only Each 11320.00

ITEM NO 5 :-

Armoured cable :-

1000 Rmt

providing, laying, jointing and testing 3 core 2.5 sq mm copper ar-moured PVC cable for valve actuators of both W.T.P. including MJP and TPI Inspection as per detailed specifications.

133 Rupees One Hundred Thirty

Three Only Rmt 133000.00

ITEM NO. 6 :-

Dismantling of valves :-

1 Job

Complete dismantling of existing sluice valves of 65 MLD & 25 MLD WTP etc. as per detailed specifications of size as be-low:-

25000 Rupees Twenty Five Thou-

sand Only Job 25000.00

Butterfly valve 1000 mm dia - 1 No

Sluice valve 700 mm dia - 1 No

Sluice valve 450 mm dia - 8 Nos

Sluice valve 400 mm dia - 4 Nos

Sluice valve 350 mm dia - 44 Nos

Sluice valve 300 mm dia - 2 Nos

Sluice valve 150 mm dia - 20 Nos

Sluice valve 125/150 mm dia - 10 Nos

Sluice valve 100 mm dia - 2 Nos


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ITEM NO.7 : MS pipes & specials :-

5000 Kg

Providing, lowering, laying, jointing and testing double flanged M.S. Pipes (Barrel) and specials for fixing of above valves & for any other purpose and approved size etc as per detailed speci-fications

66 Rupees Sixty Six Only Kg 330000.00

ITEM NO. 8 :-

Earthing :-

4 Nos

Providing and fixing of plate type earthling 60x60x0.60 cm earth plate, funnel, brick masonry block, C.I. cover etc. as per detailed specifications

5366 Rupees Five Thousand Three

Hundred Sixty Six Only Each 21464.00

(2 for 65 MLD WTP + 2 for 25 MLD WTP)

ITEM NO. 9:-

G.I. Strip for Earthing :-

200 Kg

Providing & erecting G.I. strip of size50 x 6 mm for earthing at both MLD WTP etc.as per detailed specifications

201 Rupees Two Hundred One

Only Kg 40200.00

ITEM NO. 10 :-

RCC/PCC work :-

5 Cum

Providing RCC/PCC supports for pipes, valves and for any other purpose in all types strata, form work, curing, plastering etc. in M-150 as per detailed specifications

5793 Rupees Five Thousand Seven

Hundred Ninety Three Only Cum 28965.00

Total Rs. 16259720.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




-: Sub Work No. 2 ;-


Special Note 1 :- Existing sluice valves at 65 & 25 MLD WTP are new and of Jupiter Make glandless type. If decided by AMC, Akola the same valve shall be utilized for SCADA and Auotomation purpose. Therefore it is not binding on AMC to purchase all valves included in schedule 'B' of this sub work. AMC reserved right to purchase or to delete any type of valve included in schedule 'B'. But it is binding on contractor to make necessary arrangement and modification in existing valves for operation with valve actuator which are included in this sub work. No extra payment on this account will be made to contractor. Special Note 2 :- It is responsibility of contractor do not happered water supply of scheme during exeution of work under this contract. In short water supply of scheme should not be disturbed during execution of new work included in this contract. Step by step installation should be carried out to prevent disturb in water supply of scheme as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge (Mech.)

Special Note 3:- All structural steel/ iron work included in this contract are required as per site condition should provided with Zinc coanting / Galvanization

General Notes:- 1) Quantity of each item included in Schedule 'B' is the estimated quantity and shall form the basic for comparision of the tender offers. However quantity of each and every item shall be provided as per actual requirement at site which may be more or less than the estimated quantity. The payment will be made to contractor for actual quantity provided & installed at site as per tendered rates subject to other payment conditions. 2) Defective Liability / Gurantee :- Valves, Actuators and other allied mechanical / electrical components and installation - five years from the date of satisfactory commissioning.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

3) The terms of payment appliable for this work be as under :- (A) 60% payment on receipt of material at site in good condition and after furnishing required test certificates / reprots. (B) 25% after satisfactory erection. (C) 15% balance after satisfactory testing and trial of all equipments carried out and recorded as per specifications after 1 year. Note:- Contractor shall submit detailed breakup of payment for job & item covered under part A, B, C, D & E. under subwork-1. This breakup will be scrutinized on the basis of MJP’s mech CSR & will be approved by S.E.(M), Nagpur & this will be binding on contractor.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



NAME OF WORK :- Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of W.L.V.T. pump set & Replacement of Valves at 65 MLD WTP with allied works at Mahan

-: Sub Work No.III :-

-: SCHEDULE - "B" :-

Memorandum showing the approximate quantity of this sub work to be executed & cost there of.

(Estimated Cost put to tender Rs. 52,77,670/-)

Quantity Item of Work

Rate in figures

Rate in words Unit Amount

Item No.01 :- W.L.V.T. Pump Kirloskar Make Only :-

1 Set

Providing, installing, commissioning & testing of water lubricated V.T. Pump set of Kirloskar make/ Model- BHR 42-30 Deg, Single stage as per latest IS/ ISO having Hydrophobic coat-ing as mentioned in detailed specifications of VT pump, 1470 RPM, capable of discharging 900000 LPH against total head of 53 meter including bowl assembly, 6 meter column as-sembly, base frame, sole plate, discharge head, pressure gauge etc complete including third party & MJP inspection etc. as per detailed specifications.


Rupees Sixteen Lakh(s) Sixty Six Thousand Eight Hundred

Only Set 1666800.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No.02 :- V.H.S. Motor of 250 HP SPDP :-

1 No

Providing, erecting & giving test & trial of VHS motor of 250 HP with MJP & TPI inspection etc. as per detailed specifica-tions. 602120

Rupees Six Lakh(s) Two Thousand One Hundred

Twenty Only Each 602120.00

1 No

Item No. 3:-ATS Starter 250HP :-Providing, erecting & testing of Air break ATS starter, Suitable for 250 HP motor with MJP & TPI inspection etc. as per detailed specifications.


Rupees Three Lakh(s) Forty One Thousand Seven Hun-

dred Seventy Six Only Each 341776.00

Item No.4 : MS pipes & specials :-

1000 kg

Providing, lowering, laying, jointing and testing double flanged M.S. Pipes (Barrel) and specials for fixing of valves & for any other purpose of approved size and of suitable thickness etc. as per detailed specifications.

66 Rupees Sixty Six Only Kg 66000.00

100 Rmt

Item No.05 :- Cable work :- a)Providing, erecting & testing of XLPE Armoured cable 3.5 core 400 sq.mm for panel to starter and starter to motor etc. as per detailed specifications. 1735

Rupees One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Five Only Rmt 173500.00

b)Providing, laying, jointing and testing Control Cables 1.5 sq mm copper armoured PVC cable

200 Rmt 3 core 96 Rupees Ninety Six Only Rmt 19200.00

200 Rmt

6 core 153 Rupees One Hundred Fifty

Three Only Rmt 30600.00

c)Providing, laying, jointing and testing Control Cables 2.5 sq mm copper armoured PVC cable

200 Rmt

3 core 129 Rupees One Hundred Twenty

Nine Only Rmt 25800.00

200 Rmt

6 core 220 Rupees Two Hundred Twenty

Only Rmt 44000.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

200 Rmt

10 core 325 Rupees Three Hundred Twen-

ty Five Only Rmt 65000.00

2 Cum

Item No.06:- C.C. Foundation :- Providing and laying C.C. foundation in M-150 for pump sup-ports or any other purpose etc. as per detailed specifications.

3769 Rupees Three Thousand Sev-en Hundred Sixty Nine Only Cum 7538.00

Item No.07 :- Removing work of existing pump:-

1 Set

a) Removing of existing V.T. pump 250 H.P. and other all pump componenets as directed and as per detailed specifica-tion.


Rupees Eight Thousand Sev-en Hundred Seventy Four On-

ly Set 8774.00

1 Job

b) Removing of existing 250 H.P. VHS Motor etc. as per de-tailed specifications.

1855 Rupees One Thousand Eight

Hundred Fifty Five Only Job 1855.00

1 No

c) Removing of existing 250 H.P. ATS Starter etc. as per de-tailed specifications.

1530 Rupees One Thousand Five

Hundred Thirty Only Job 1530.00

Item No. 08:- Glandless sluice valves :-

Providing, erecting, testing and commissioning of C.I. glandless sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 10 kg/cm2 (PN 1 rating) with non rising spindle, hand wheel, cap etc. and manu-factured as per I.S. 2906/14846. Valve shall be suitable for operation with valve actuator for SCADA and Automation purpose etc. etc. as per detailed specifications of size as below. :-

A) For 65 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

6 Nos

350 mm size with TPI & MJP inspection :- (6 Nos for V.T. pumps)


Rupees Sixty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Three

Only Each 415338.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

B) For 25 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

300 mm size :-

3 Nos (3 Nos. for C.F. pump)

50252 Rupees Fifty Thousand Two

Hundred Fifty Two Only Each 150756.00

Item No.09:- Valve Actuator for above Glandless sluice valves :-

Providing, erecting electric Valve actuators totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP-67, pro-tection class suitable for installation in any position without lu-brication, leakage or other operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and hand wheel for emergency manual operation which will automatically dis-engage on restoration of power to motor and with 10 watt single phase space heater and contineous local mechanical position indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and with two torque and four limit switches with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirell cage induction motor working on 440 Volts +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC of intermittent duty rating S-2, insula-tion class "F" and temp rise restricted to class "B" with IP - 67 protection class suitable for DOL starting and with three thermo-stat and 30 % over loAs margin. The torque rating of reduction gear box shall be atleast 1.5 times max. torque required for opening and closing of valve with integral starter for ON & OFF operation with TPI and MJP inspection etc.

6 Nos

i) 350 mm dia

82402 Rupees Eighty Two Thousand

Four Hundred Two Only Each 494412.00

3 Nos

ii) 300 mm dia

80402 Rupees Eighty Thousand Four

Hundred Two Only Each 241206.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No. 10:- Butterfly valve 350 mm dia. with TPI & MJP in-spection :-

6 Nos

Providing, errecting & testing of 350 mm dia. PN-1 rating Butter-fly valve with byepass arrangment double flanged shourt body pattern having body, disc and end cover in graded cast iron to I.S. - 210 Gr. CF 200 confirming in to I.S. 13095-1991 with syn-thetic rubber faced ring secured on disc by retaining ring with stainless steel screw stub shaft of S.S. riding in teflon bearing etc complete including painting with TPI & MJP inspection etc. as per detailed specification. (one valve on delivery of each 250 H.P. V.T. pump outside pump house)

49456 Rupees Forty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Six Only Each 296736.00

Item No.11:- D.O.L. Starter :-

3 Nos

Supplying and erecting DOL starter upto 7.5 H.P. to operate squirrel cage induction motor working on 380- 440 Volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz with no volt coil and over load element with necessary ma-terial and connected to supply, etc complete. Starter with original sheet steel encloser for valve actuators of 25 MLD WTP etc. as per detialed specifications.

1472 Rupees One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Two Only Each 4416.00

Item No.12 :- Armoured cable :-

250 Rmt

providing, laying, jointing and testing 3 core 2.5 sq mm copper armoured PVC cable for valve actuators etc. as per detialed specifications.

129 Rupees One Hundred Twenty

Nine Only Rmt 32250.00

Item No.13:-Dismantling of valves :-

Complete dismantling of existing sluice valves of 65 MLD & 25 MLD WTP as below as per detialed specifications. :-

6 Nos

a) Sluice valve 350 mm dia of V.T. Pump

2045 Rupees Two Thousand Forty

Five Only Each 12270.00

3 Nos

b) Sluice valve 300 mm dia of C.F. Pump

1659 Rupees One Thousand Six

Hundred Fifty Nine Only Each 4977.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No.14:- Reflux valves :-

Providing , erecting and testing of C.I. double flanged reflux valve (Non return valve) PN 1 rating with bye pass arrange-ment etc. as per detialed specifications as below.

6 Nos

i) 350 mm with TPI and MJP inspection


Rupees Seventy One Thou-sand One Hundred Twenty

Five Only Each 426750.00

(For 6 Nos V.T. pump at 65 MLD WTP)

3 Nos

ii) 300 mm


Rupees Forty One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Two

Only Each 125916.00

(For 3 Nos C.F. pump at 25 MLD WTP)

5 Nos

Item No.15 LED fitting:- Supplying & erecting LED street light fitting suitable for mini-mum 48 watt. lamp, including lamp, class IP 65 and above, housing of pressure dia. cast aluminium alloy and heat sink ex-truded aluminium etc in WTP building etc. as per detailed spec-ifications.

3630 Rupees Three Thousand Six

Hundred Thirty Only Each 18150.00

Total Rs. 5277670.00


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



-: Sub Work No. 3 :-


1) Quantity of each item included in Schedule 'B' of this sub work is the estimated quantity and shall form the basic for comparision of the tender offers. However quantity of each and every item shall be provided as per actual requirement at site which may be more or less than the estimated quantity. The payment will be made to contractor for actual quantity provided & installed at site as per tendered rates subject to other payment conditions.

2) All structural steel/ iron work included in this contract are required as per site condition should provided with Zinc coanting / Galvanization 3) Defective Liability / Gurantee :- Pumping machinery and other allied mechanical / electrical components and installation - five years from the date of satisfactory commissioning. 4) The terms of payment appliable for this sub work be as under :- (A) 60% payment on receipt of material at site in good condition and after furnishing required test certificates / reprots. (B) 25% after satisfactory erection of pumping machinery and all allied equipments. (C) 15% balance after satisfactory performance test / field test of pumping machinery and other equipment carried out and recorded as per specifications after 1 year . Note:- Contractor shall submit detailed breakup of payment for job & item covered under part A, B, C, D & E. under subwork-1. This breakup will be scrutinized on the basis of MJP’s mech CSR & will be approved by S.E.(M), Nagpur & this will be binding on contractor. Special Note 1 :- It is responsibility of contractor do not happered water supply of scheme during execution of work under this contract. In short water supply of scheme should not be disturbed during execution of new work included in this contract. Step by step installation should be carried out to prevent disturb in water supply of scheme as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge (Mech.)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .


DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT WORK :- 1. Existing 65 & 25 MLD W.T.P. and pure water pumping machinery at both W.T.P. at

Mahan and 22 Nos. of ESR of distribution network of Akola W.S.S. is planned to operate through SCADA and Automation system included in this contract.

The existing 65 & 25 M.L.D. W.T.P. and Pump House is situated near Mahan Village. At present Three C.F. coupled sets of 215 H.P. (1 working + 2 standbye) are in working condition to lift pure water from W.T.P. pure water sump at 25 MLD WTP at Mahan. And 5 Nos. V.T. pumps of 250 H.P. ( 3 working + 2 standbye) are in working condition to lift pure water from 65 MLD WTP pure water sump.

2. Also for distribution of water 13 Nos. ESR are in working condition and 8 Nos. ESR are

proposed in another separate contract & 1 ESR under construction and will be completed shortly.

3. Also it is proposed to remove one 250 HP V.T. pump at 65 MLD WTP. and it is proposed to install one new 250 H.P.V.T. pump after removal of existing V.T. pump.

4 Important Note:- Existing all V.T.Pumps are of Kirloskar make.Therfore it is proposed to provide

and install V.T. pump of Kirloskar make only having same/similar technical specifications under this contract.Considering this fact, V.T. pump of another make will not be accepted. Hence it is responsibility of contractor to provide and install only Kirloskar make pump having all specifications mentioned in detailed specifications of V.T. pump.

5. It is also proposed to replace existing sluice valves of both WTP and inlet and outlet

valves of existing / proposed ESR for SCADA & Automation system. LOCATION OF WORK :-

The 65 & 25 MLD WTP of Akola W.S.S. with pure water pump house accommodating above pumps is situated near Mahan Village at a distance of approx 32 to 35 Km from Akola city on Akola to Mangrulpir road and connected with approachable road. CLIMATIC CONDITION :-

Above both places falls in the zone of scanty rainfall and, therefore, it generally faces scarcity condition often. The contractor may provide necessary store shed near each pump house by clearing the site at his cost and risk, if necessary.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


At present, at both W.T.P. electric supply is available on site. Therefore contractor will

have to make his own temporary arrangements for power required for erection or lighting purpose at site.


The Contract shall include designing, manufacturing, testing at works (If applicable)

packing and transportation, providing delivery at site, unloading, storing, complete erection, setting to work, commissioning, testing and rectification of defects during trials, of the items mentioned in Schedule “B” of sub work No. 1,2 & 3.

It is the intent of the specifications that when completed, the system shall be suitable in every respect for the service intended and the contractor shall at no extra cost supply all the material and do all the work which may be reasonably implied as being incidental to the work. Note:- All structural steel/ Iron Woks included in this contract or required as per site condition should be provided with Zinc coating/ Galvanization.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works .



Designing, Supplying, Installing, Testing & Commissioning of complete Automation / SCADA system of Akola water supply scheme including 65 MLD & 25 MLD W.T.P., Pure Water Pumping Station at both W.T.P., ESR’s level monitoring system with 6 years comprehensive annual operation & maintenance contract.

The overall objective of the automation is to reduce human intervention, reduce man power requirement, increase efficiency and increase managerial control with ease.

This work includes complete designing, supplying, installing, testing & commissioning of SCADA, to monitor automatically the required flow from raw water inlet valve at both W.T.P. premises, up to outlet of every ESR. This includes flow monitoring of raw water at inlet of W.T.P., pure water of & WTP, including pure water pumping station at WTP and various ESRs (each inlet & outlet). It is responsibility of contractor to design the SCADA for complete scheme from intake to outlet of each ESR considering all items mentioned in schedule "B". It is binding on contractor, if any changes & modification required as per site condition then same shall be carried out with no extra cost. The entire SCADA/ Atomized operation system should be self sufficient to lift and deliver required water in desired quantity and at equitable manner to all ESR as per demand, without manual operation. It should be able to maintain required pressure at any point of transmission system. It should allow the air management, valve controls, pump operations, backwash, treatment, chlorination etc. automatically. The system should be robust and tamper proof and should maintain and build database of all inflows and outflows at every lifting and delivery points. The details of item wise specifications and requirements are as follows. The overall objective of the automation is to reduce human intervention, reduce manpower requirement, increase efficiency and increase managerial control with ease. This work includes complete designing, supplying, installing, testing & commissioning of SCADA, to monitor automatically the required flow from raw water at inlet of both W.T.P. up to outlet of every ESR. This includes flow monitoring of raw water at intake, pure water& WTP including pure water pumping station at both WTP and various ESRs (each inlet & outlet). It is responsibility of contractor to design the SCADA for complete scheme from intake to outlet of each ESR considering all items mentioned in BOQ. It is binding on contractor, if any changes & modification required as per site condition, then same shall be carried out with no extra cost. The entire SCADA/ Atomized operation system should be self sufficient to deliver required water in desired quality and at equitable manner as per demand. It should allow the air management, valve controls, pump operations, backwash, treatment, chlorination etc. automatically. The system should be robust and tamper proof and should maintain and build database of all inflows and outflows at every lifting and delivery points. The details of item wise specifications and requirements are as follows.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The details of complete automation system / SCADA, make of equipments / sensors /

software etc. shall be submitted to the Superintending Engineer (Mech), M.J.P. Nagpur &

shall be got approved before actual execution of work.

SCOPE OF WORK :- The scope of work includes Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Automation system for 65 & 25 MLD WTP, Pure water pumping machinery at both W.T.P., ESRs including instrumentation, control valve, PLC, SCADA, Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Civil Works with six years comprehensive operation & maintenance at following places as directed by Engineer-in-charge

• Flow Meters - Ultrasonic flow meter • Automatic Control Valves at inlet and Outlets of ESR’s with level sensor, pres-

sure sensor, flow sensor for measurement of flow rate & totalized flow Ultrasonic level sensors for filter beds of both existing WTP, pure water

sump & back wash tank of both WTP, Pure water sump at both W.T.P. & all ESR in Akola City.

• Smart Pressure Transmitters for Pure water pumps, Back wash pumps , Blowers of existing both WTP –.

• Power Analysers for back wash pumps, Blowers of both WTP and Pure water pumps at both W.T.P. i.e. 65 MLD & 25 MLD.

• Energy Monitoring System interfacing to PLC Panel as per Schedule B for WTP, & pure water pumping machinery at both 65 & 25 MLD W.T.P.

• PLC based control and communication software as per IEC 61131as per Sched-ule B for WTP, & pure water pumping machinery at both W.T.P.

• PLC based Control PAC dosing / Clarifocculator system for both WTP • Quality Monitoring Instruments for both WTP • PLC Panel for collection and transmission of field data with solar panel with Bat-

tery back up . • Power cables, Communication cables & Signal cables with Cable trays. • SCADA Software runtime and development version for perpectual licence • Developing/programming & installing SCADA software • Interfacing to Centralised Computer Station • 46" LCD monitor at Conference Room for display of total water system (Online) • Laptop with programming software run time version along with required cables

and communication devices for PLC and SCADA programming Important

• The contractor shall study the actual manual operation of the complete water supply scheme. And following documents in standard format shall be submitted for approval before starting execution.

• Process and instrument Diagram. (P&I) • Process Description document (PDD) • Instrument Index sheet • Specification Sheet in ISA format. • Control strategy • Architecture

Note:- All structural steel/ Iron Woks included in this contract or required as per site condition should be provided with Zinc coating/ Galvanization.

The installation of following equipments shall be done under the guidance & supervision of

representative of Manufacturer.

1) Flow meters

2) Field Data Transmitters (Programmable Microcontroller with Modem)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

3) Ultrasonic level sensor

4) Pressure sensors

5) Automatic flow Control Valves (Inlet & outlet)

6) Computers/Servers

7) Solar Panel with Battery

The guarantee period starts from date of commissioning of the complete system. The defect liability period for the Flow meters, Automatic flow Control Valves, Ultasonic Level Transmitters/sensors, pressure sensors, multifunction meters, PLC, SCADA software, pH/Turbidity/Chlorine Analyzers, Field data transmitters with Solar Panel with Battery & Data Communication System, etc. will be counted from the date of Trial Run of entire scheme. During this period all wear and tear to Flow meters, Automatic flow Control Valves, Ultasonic Level sensors, pressure sensors, multifunction meters, PLC, SCADA software, pH/Turbidity/Chlorine Analyzers, Field data transmitters with Solar Panel with Battery & Data Communication System is to be borne by the Contractor, considering this offer may be quoted.

1.0 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 Equivalency of Standards and Codes

Wherever reference is made in the contract to specific standards and codes to be met by the goods and materials to be furnished, and work performed or tested, the provisions of the latest current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless otherwise stated in the contract. Where such standards and codes are national, or relate to a particular country or region, other authoritative standards that ensure an equal or higher quality than the standards and codes specified will be acceptable subject to the Engineer's prior review and written approval. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed alternative standards must be fully described in writing by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the contractor desires the Engineer's approval. In the event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure equal or higher quality, the contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the documents.

Standard and Codes

Generally the specifications for supply, implementation and support of the product and services shall be governed by relevant Indian Standard (IS) issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) & CPHEEO manual on Water Supply, IEC. In the absence of ISS the British Standards (BS) or American Standards (AS) shall be followed. In all the cases the later issue/ version/ amendment shall apply. Where no ISS or alternatives are available, the specification suggested by the employer from other standard shall be adopted. The relevant international standards for software development deployment and maintenance shall be incorporated to the system and produced to the engineer for reference. The employer shall clear the doubts and give final decisions based on the request of the contractor. The decision intimated in writing shall be binding on the contractor. Only SI system shall be followed. A conversion utility as required by the engineer shall also be provided.

1.2 Sign Board

The Contractor shall provide a sign board at the site of the works of approved size and design which provides (i) the name of the project (ii) the names and addresses of the Employer, the Contractor and the Consultant; (iii) the name and short description of the project, (iv) the amount of the Contract Price; and (v) the starting and completion dates.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

1.3 Protection of Utilities

The Contractor is required to carefully examine the location of the Works and their alignments and to make special enquiry's with all authorities concerning all utility lines such as water, sewers, gas pipe, telephone (underground and/or overhead) lines, electric cable (underground and/or overhead) lines, etc.; and to determine and verify to his own satisfaction the character, sizes, position and lengths of such utilities from authentic records. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the protection and/or facilitating relocation of such utilities as may be required, and shall not make any claim for extra work or extra time that may be required to protect or facilitate relocating such utilities. If any major shifting or realignment of water, sewers, gas pipes, electric and telephone lines is necessary due to their interference with the proposed Works, the same may be done by the Employer. The cost of such relocation will be borne by the Employer.

In case the alignment of the pipeline crosses the high tension electrical transmission lines belonging to the MSDCL or other authorities, the Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to see that the work is carried out with care and safety, without disturbing such transmission lines. The Contractor will be responsible to carry out all construction activities in such reaches in consultation with the owners of such facilities. However, satisfactory completion of the entire work will be the responsibility of the Contractor.

1.4 Functions required at each Pumping Station of both W.T.P.:

Pumps shall stop when the water level in the inlet sump/ reservoir is reached below min-imum set water level.

When the water level reaches to maximum, system shall give alarm.

The pump(s) shall stop when the water level in the destination sump/ reservoir reaches to Maximum.

When the pressure level in delivery pipe near pump house reduces below set limit, the pump shall stop and the delivery valve of the particular pump shall close.

When the power shuts down (Pump-off), the pump delivery valve has to be closed.

When the power is restored, application software and RTU shall start the pump on the basis of duty pump selected and mode of operation viz. Auto/ Semi-Auto/ Manual and the signal shall be sent to the MCS.

If the power is restored within 30 minutes, the standby pump has to start and if the power is stored after 30 minutes, the duty pump shall start duly opening the relative valves. When ‘set duty hours’ of the pump running are over then during next power cut and res-toration stand-by pump will become duty pump and that running as stand-by.

Electrical parameters, like voltage, current, power factor, Frequency, Energy consump-tion etc., for each pump shall be monitored using Load Manager (Electrical Parameter Monitoring System) and if any of the parameter crosses set min or max limits alarm shall be generated.

All other safety devices like level sensor, pressure sensor, installed in the pumping sta-tion shall be interfaced with PLC/RTU and Min & Max limits for each parameter shall be set. Any parameter crossing the set limits, there shall be an alarm.

Any other functions as desired by the Engineer in charge of the plant to make it more easy for day-to-day operation and not involving any price implications shall be included in the system.

Information / data for various parameters at pre-defined interval (say 15 minutes) shall be recorded at each location along with trends and alarms data. Generation of local Re-ports, Trends & Alarm shall be provided.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Functions required at both WATER TREATMENT PLANT (65 MLD & 25 MLD)

Sludge out let valve shall open and the clarifier bridge shall start working as soon as the sludge thickness in the sludge pit increases above desired level.

The flocculators shall work when there is flow and shall stop as soon as the flow in the raw water channel stops.

The filter inlet valve and filtered water outset valve shall be open and back wash inlet and outlet valve shall be closed. Backwash inlet and out let valves shall open for 10 – 15 minutes. Before opening of backwash valves, filter inlet and outlet valves shall close and vice-versa. The time between the opening of filter inlet and outlet valve should be such that the level of water over the filter bed is to the desired level.

Head loss due to clogging of the filter bed(s) shall be measured using ultrasonic level sensor and automatic cleaning of such clogged filter bed shall be initiated by PLC/ RTU and SCADA software. Only one filter bed shall be taken for backwashing at a time.

Monitoring of water quality parameters is one of the tasks at treatment plants. Chemical dosing shall be controlled by the PLC /RTU on the basis of water quality parameters monitored pre or post dosing.

Any other functions as desired by the Engineer in charge of the plant to make it more easy for day-to-day operation and not involving any price implications shall be included in the system.

Information / data for various parameters at pre-defined interval (say 15 minutes) shall be recorded at each location along with trends and alarms data. Generation of local Re-ports, Trends & Alarm shall be provided.

Functions required at ESR locations:

Monitoring of water level in the reservoir (for each compartment in case of multi-compartment GLSRS) using ultrasonic water level sensors;

Controlling inlet and outlet valve(s) locally as per pre-fed schedule and based on the wa-ter level in the reservoir using solar operated DC actuators.

Any other functions as desired by the Engineer in charge of the plant to make it more easy for day-to-day operation and not involving any price implications shall be included in the system.

Information / data for various parameters at pre-defined interval (say 15 minutes) shall be recorded at each location along with trends and alarms data.

Data / information shall be transmitted to MCS periodically as defined in the system over GSM/GPRS data communication network;

Receive the control commands received from MCS and accordingly perform the valve operation.

Any other functions as desired by the Engineer in charge of the plant to make it more easy for day-to-day operation and not involving any price implications shall be included in the system.

Information / data for various parameters at pre-defined interval (say 15 minutes) shall be recorded at each location along with trends and alarms data.

Functions at Master Control Station (MCS):

MCS is to be programmed and designed to receive all the data and information from var-ious stations specified. This has to be designed for expandable up to additional 50 sta-tions.


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MCS shall receive the data from all Major Pumping Stations, treatment plants and Master Balancing Reservoirs (MBR) directly over VHF wireless data communication network by adding additional radios in the communication network.

Data from ESRs, GLSRs and CMPTs shall be received over GSM/GPRS network through MBR stations.

The MCS shall be able to view the data received on layer wise for any stations selected to view the performance of each station and control.

Any other functions as desired by the Engineer in charge of the plant to make it more easy for day-to-day operation and not involving any price implications shall be included in the system.

Information / data for various parameters at pre-defined interval (say 15 minutes) shall be recorded at each location along with trends and alarms data.

4.0 General Technical specifications

4.1 Design Criteria

1. System shall be designed, manufactured, installed and tested to ensure the high standards of operational reliability and suitable for continuous operation.

2. All electronic components shall be adequately rated and circuits shall be designed so that change of component characteristics shall not affect plant/ pump operation.

3. All equipment shall be new, of proven design, reputed make and shall be suitable for continuous operation.

4. Unless otherwise specified, all instruments shall be tropical zed. The outdoor equipments shall be designed to withstand tropical rain. Wherever necessary space heaters, dust and water proof cabinets shall be provided. Instruments offered shall be complete with all the necessary mounting accessories.

5. Electronic instruments shall utilize solid-state electronic components, integrated circuits, micro controllers etc., and shall be of proven design.

6. Unless otherwise specified, the normal working range of all indicating instruments shall be between 30% and 80% of the full-scale range.

7. The instruments shall be designed to permit maximum interchange-ability of parts and ease of access during inspection and maintenance.

8. The field instruments i.e. the instruments mounted outside the control panel shall be mounted at a convenient height of approximately 1.2 m above grade platform.

9. The instruments shall be designed to work at the ambient conditions of temperature, humidity and chlorine contamination that may prevail. The instruments shall be given enough protection against corrosion.

10. All field instruments and cabinets/ panel mounted instruments shall have tag-plates/ name-plates permanently attached to them.

11. The performance of all instruments shall be unaffected for the 10% variation in supply

voltage and 5% variation in frequency simultaneously.


For uniformity of appearance all panels shall have a common appearance and color. Adequate size shall be provided to accommodate all the necessary equipment. In order to reduce the holding of the spares to a minimum, the instruments and,


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electrical, control and instrumentation equipment and components of similar type and purpose, used throughout the works shall be of the same manufacturer and type / series. All ventilation grills provided to the control panel shall be provided with fly screens to prevent the entry of insects.

4.2.2 Glossary

The following abbreviations have been used in this document:

(a) MBR - Master Balancing Reservoir

(b) AC - Alternating Current

(c) DC - Direct Current

(d) I & C - Instrumentation and Control

(e) A - Ampere

(f) mA - Mille-ampere

(g) V - volt

(h) Hz - Hertz (cycles per second)

(i) MCB - Miniature Circuit Breaker

(j) CP - Control panel

(k) UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

(l) RTU - Remote Terminal Unit

(m) I / O - Input/ Output

(n) OIU - Operator Interface Unit

(o) LAN - Local Area Network

(p) PC - personal computer

(q) MCS - Master Control Station

(r) ppm - Parts Per Million

(s) HLR - High Level Reservoir

(t) CSR - Central Storage Reservoir

(u) VHF - Very High Frequency

(v) UHF - Ultra High Frequency

(w) RTU - Remote Terminal Unit

(x) PLC - Programmable Logic Controller

(y) IPS - Intermediate Pumping Station

(z) BPS - Booster Pumping Station


The design criteria to be applied to instrumentation systems shall be as follows:

(a) All instruments shall be suitable for continuous operation

(b) All transmitting instruments shall have a 4-20 mA linear output

(c) All digital outputs shall be volt free


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(d) All instruments shall be designed for the ambient conditions of temperature (43oC) and humidity (Average level – 800M MSL)

(e) All wetted parts of instruments sensors shall be non-corrosive and suitable for use with potable water containing residual chlorine of maximum 5 ppm.

(f) All displays shall be of the digital type with no moving parts utilizing back-lit liquid crystal diode technology

(g) Instrumentation shall utilize solid state electronic technology and avoid the use of any moving parts wherever practicable

(h) Instruments shall resume operation automatically on application of power follow-ing a power failure


230V/ 415V AC, 50 Hz feeders shall be made available for power supply to instrumentation & control equipment. UPS shall be provided as a back-up power supply for complete instrumentation & control, SCADA and VSAT AND GSM/GPRS Data Communication System. The required DC voltages for these systems shall be derived from the UPS supply by providing necessary converters.



The automation system proposed shall be with Integrated Water Distribution Management system to monitor and operate supply of water from the source up to the ESR’s in Akola city (13 existing + 8 proposed)Area. The Integrated Water Distribution Management System (IWDMS) is aimed at designing and implementing an engineering and management solution for continuous Water Supply System based on the state of the art software and hardware technologies. An Operation Control System (OCS) consists of a set of equipment, activities and processes allowing all the information on the operation of a water supply system to be obtained and analyzed by transmission of the system data to an operational centre. Based on these data, operational, routine or emergency decisions regarding the different components of the system, from intake to distribution network, are made and actions taken accordingly. The OCS facilitates integrated operation of the scheme; The OCS includes a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, providing steady receipt of information. The functions of the OCS are to: • Coordinate routine and emergency operation of the integrated supply system.

• Inform the water production centres of the flows required in each as well as their re-

spective schedules, taking into consideration and demand aspects.

• Coordinate with the production centres the reduction of flows due to maintenance or

emergency measures, such that they do not affect the water supply.

• Obtain all the pertinent data on the behaviour of the conveyance network and stor-

age reservoirs.

• Allow fast operational decision-making in order to provide answers at any given

moment regarding system requirements.

• Save power and water.

• Maintain general data on system operation.


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Implementation of an OCS in a water supply system entails a division between production, conveyance and supply through pressure zones. Thus, production determines the conveyance system and/or main network, and the pressure zones, as it done in present project. According to this scheme, the data inflows and outflows are defined from and to Central Control Room (CCR). It is very important to take in account the administrative and operation organization of management of each one of the components of the water supply system, because the main strategic concept proposed by TAHAL that based on many years of experience to see SCADA system as instrument of management. Central Control Room (CCR) or SCADA room is proposed to be located near Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Apart from central control room, Local control rooms with RTU containing PLC and HMI are proposed at following locations to control the operations of that particular station/plant.

65 MLD WTP (existing)

25 MLD WTP (existing)

ESR (existing 13 Nos and proposed 8 Nos) in Municipal Corporation Area of

Akola city.

o 8 Nos. Proposed ESR’s

o 13 Nos. Existing ESR

o 1 No under construction ESR near railway station by AMC

Data from Raw Water Inlet valve, WTP, Clear Water Pumping Stations (CWPS), MBR, GSR and Elevated Service Reservoirs (ESR’S) shall be transmitted to Control room at Water Treatment Plant (WTP) via wireless GPRS communication for monitoring. A GPRS gateway shall be provided at Central Control Room to handle the signals from various locations (RWPH, MBR’s, and ESR’s). From WTP, entire data shall be transferred for monitoring to Remote stations through GPRS communication. The operation and control of Pumps at Raw water Pumping Station, Clear water pumping station at WTP Sump, and entire Water treatment plant .The backwashing of filters shall be controlled through a PLC / SCADA system. The back washing of WTP shall be controlled through PLC/SCADA. The RWPH, WTP, CWPH and ESR’s are designed to operate in automatic mode of operation at all given times. In the event of failure of the same, the facility is provided to operate available reserve, if it was planned the availability to operate each of systems or all plant in Manual mode available always. The hydraulic protections such as level, flow and pressure are incorporated in the design to ensure that the plant is operated in a safe condition at all times and to ensure maximum uptime. The Local Manual Controls are provided adjacent to the units to facilitate ease of day to day operation and maintenance.


The SCADA System comprises six (6) zones, which are:

Raw Water Inlet valve at inlet of both W.T.P. in W.T.P. premises



Pure Water Pumping Station at 65 MLD W.T.P. ( 3 Working + 2 Standby



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Pure Water Pumping Station at 25 MLD W.T.P. ( 1 Working + 2 Standby


ESR – 22 Nos.( 13 Nos. Existing & 8 Nos. Proposed + 1 under costruction)

All these zones are controlled from Central Control Room (CCR). The tables and drawings showing the various zones and ESR’s are attached herewith. To cover all the project facilities with SCADA, the following types of PLC are proposed:

Raw Water Inlet valve

Water Treatment Plant.

Pure Water Pumping Station

Elevated Service Reservoir (ESR’s)


The proposed SCADA system is hierarchical that can be best described by four functional areas:

Operation Control Center (OCC) or Central Control Room (CCR)

Communications System

Local (Remote Stations) Control (PLC, GPRS)

Instrumentation and Process Automation

The above triangular structure is typical for many SCADA systems and has been adopted for proposed project. To ease the reading the technical proposal is following this division and order as much as possible. The SCADA shall be of the distributed type, confirmed by the control levels. In the Scope of Works associated with the SCADA, these generally do not include level 0 (this is part of Control Circuits of MCC) of the equipment own, as for example: valve’s actuator). Each level’s function is described in general form as follows:

i. Level Zero: Direct operation and supervision in each particular equipment.

ii. Level One: Local operation and supervision of groups of equipment by means of boards

with instrumentation, controls, indication and other tools for safe process operation. In

this level two control modes are possible:


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a. LOCAL MANUAL: The operator will have the handling of the equipment, and the

control from higher levels will be disabled.

b. LOCAL AUTOMATIC: If available, the control will be made by the control elements

of the equipment. The control from higher levels is disabled.

The control from higher levels will be informed about this operation mode and will not have.

iii. Level Two: This refers to the set of automation that controls all the operations of a sta-

tion. It monitors all the equipment, is capable of executing locally- or remotely-requested

general station operation orders, and can produce operation reports as detailed as re-


Control level 2 will be the first level of basic control for the equipment, either of each one in individual or of a limited set of equipment. Some level 2 equipment will have their own microprocessor- based control and others will be integrated to a PLC-based local control, therefore a commutation system shall be available for selecting the desired control mode. the possibility of controlling it. There shall be three control modes in level two: Manual local

Automatic local

Remote: The control is made from higher levels, it is the normal operation mode

In the "Local Manual" control mode the operator will have the handling of the equipment and the control from higher levels is disabled. In the "Local Automatic" control mode the equipment microprocessors and the local control equipment will have the control, aided by the local programs that will perform all the operation functions. In this mode the control from the higher levels remains disabled. In the "Remote" control mode, control is given to the higher levels. This mode will be the normal control mode for the system operation, while the local control remains disabled, except for the protections, which will have priority for stopping the equipment or for holding them during the waiting or start up periods. All level two equipment communicate with those of level three by means of the communications network.

iv. Level Three: This corresponds to the SCADA where the operators will have all the

information from the system and will distribute operation commands to the various

sites. Monitoring and operation reports for each site will be available.

A database for system operation analysis shall be constructed. Practically this refers to the Control Center. This level will comprise the set of application programs that from the mentioned operational control and information system, will automatically define operation commands for each site that requires them based on the information collected in the historical archives and based on the operation data pre-established by statistical behavior patterns of the system


The control of diverse elements of the system such as pumping will be made in two ways : Local and Remote. The LOCAL way of operation is detailed further ahead in the section referring to PLC, where as the REMOTE way is handled from Control Centre Room. The decision on which way will the equipment operate is based on a precedence order and it will be taken in the site by means of a control switch (LOCAL/REMOTE). The REMOTE operation to be executed by the Control Centre will be REMOTE/AUTOMATIC or REMOTE/MANUAL. AUTOMATIC operation refers to the way


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of operation pre-programmed according to the criteria established for each site in individual, and the operation. MANUAL will be performed under the command and supervision of the system operator, according to the effective instructions for normal or emergency operation, which is practically a forced way, executed directly by the operator. Proposed system shall have 1No. work station at each location having latest PC with at least21” LED Monitor. PCs shall be loaded with licensed software Controller packages. ( To be provided for large Projects only)


Each one of these installations shall have a local control panel or PLC Local Control Panel shall be housed with a PLC Controller for Local Operations. Local PLC Controller shall work in coordination with Main System in fully auto mode. However, in event of requirement of Local Operation local PLC Controller shall be fully capable of handling all local operations independently. Manual or automatic control of different pumping or valve units; each RTU will be equipped with a REMOTE/LOCAL control switch. The state of this switch will be transmitted to the Control Center, and it will be presented in the corresponding screens. In the REMOTE mode the handling of all the equipment will be executed from the Control Center, according to previous details. In case of loss of communication, the equipment will continue operating or maintaining the state according to the last updated command. In LOCAL mode the equipment will be operated by means of the PLC according to the information available in the site, automatically. The Control Center will not be able to send command to operate the equipment in this mode, while it shall still be normally receiving the information. Also, the possibility exists of programming a clock that allows the operation during 24 hours. Additionally each PLC will be equipped with an amount of control switches equal to the same number of devices (pumps, valves, etc.) to be controlled. This switch will have three positions: AUTOMATIC/O/MANUAL. The state of this switch will be transmitted to the Control Center and displayed in the corresponding screens. The switch will allow choosing, for each pumping or valve unit, its operation mode, according to the decision of the operation personnel in the PLC site. In the AUTOMATIC mode the equipment will be controlled by means of the PLC according to the state of the control switch REMOTE/LOCAL. In the "O" mode the equipment will stop and it will not allow any operation. The MANUAL mode will disconnect the PLC equipment and it will be handled in conventional manual form. In this way the PLC will not have any possibility of taking part in the operation of the equipment, not even in the activation of the hydraulic protections, but if it will continue with the data collection and its transmission to the Control Center for its processing and normal presentation. Local control Panel (LCP) or PLC with following facilities: Selector switch for Local/Off/Remote for LCP. to choose the mode of operation of


Auto mode is selected all the pumps/valves/gates etc. can be operated from the


START/STOP push buttons for corresponding Pump

SCADA receive the following feedback from the LCP: RUN and combined TRIP feedback for corresponding Pump

Local/Off/Remote feedback for corresponding Pump

Emergency Stop feedback for corresponding Pump.

Auto/Off/Manual soft switch shall be provided at SCADA.


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Start Permissive for different Modes: In Remote Manual /Auto Modes the Logic shall execute only when the following conditions are met: The water level is not out of the operating range Duty Mode has to be selected in


Respective mode is available (Remote mode, Non Failure of mains power supply)

for operation.

Respective on – off discharge valves (if any) are available (Remote mode & Non

Failure of mains power supply for operation.

No trips are generated by protection

Stop Permissive for different Modes; The drives shall trip under the following abnormal conditions to ensure safe operation and protection of Pumps: Tank/Sump level out of range.

Respective drive is not available

Any trip alarm generated.

Pumps & Motorized valve/gate operation; Local Mode: When Local/Remote selector switch in pumps & valve/gate is in Local Mode, each pumps & valve/gate can be operated through Push Button (PB) provided in at LCP or PMCC/MCC valve/gate actuator panel. Remote Mode: When Local/Remote selector switch in pumps &valve/gate is in Remote Mode, each pumps & valve/gate can be operated through RTU and /or SCADA in Control room. Auto Mode: When the selector switch is in Auto mode, each pumps & valve/gate shall operate automatically based on the Control sequence logic built in the PLC or SCADA in Control room Manual Mode: The operator in the Control Room can select Manual mode from SCADA for enabling Manual operation from SCADA. In this mode all the pumps & valves/gate can be operated individually.

Signal Interface to PLC Drives: The following signals are hardwired between PLC and MCC/Soft Starter Panel Drive Run feedback

Drive Trip feedback

Drive in Local/Off/ Remote Mode status

Drive Start/Stop Command

Drive Emergency Stop feedback

Motorized Valves/Gates: The actuators for electrically operated Gates have their own inbuilt display board and local control logic in built with the Actuators. The following controls are provided: Each actuator has the following facilities for local operation: Lockable Selector switch for LOCAL / OFF / REMOTE.

OPEN / STOP / CLOSE push buttons

Lamp indication for Fully OPEN position / Fully CLOSED position


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Lamps for Fault indication including HIGH Torque and other Fault indications as

per manufacturer requirement in the Display Board.

Lamps for status indication of Actuator towards Open Position, Actuator towards

Close position, Actuator in Local mode, Actuator in Remote mode and other status

as per manufacturer requirement in the Display Board.

PLC receives the following feedback from the actuators: Collective fault indication for Actuator including the High Torque Fault

LOCAL / OFF / REMOTE position feedback

Valve/ Gate Fully open / fully closed position feedback.

Position indicating transmitter shall be available along with each control valve actu-

ator for position control based on desired set points.

OPERATION AND CONTROL PHILOSOPHY: This section describes the general Operation and Control Philosophy of the following:

Raw Water Inlet valves at both W.T.P..

65 & 25 MLD Water Treatment Plant.

Pure Water Pumping Station at both W.T.P..



Operation of Raw water inlet valves to WTP should be controlled based on the WTP Pure Water Tank water levels. Raw water at both W.T.P. received from Katepurna Dam by gravity mains and then flows to both WTP aeration fountain again by pipeline by gravity. The Raw water inlet will be monitored by insertion type flow meter provided before Aeration fountain in the WTP premises. Web based arrangement shall have to be provided on incoming 1000 mm & 700 mm dia. pipeline. Raw water inlet valve shall have a PLC, GPRS gateway, Vsat and Field instruments etc. for facilitating transmitting the data of inflow of raw water to the Central control centre. If the WTP CWR water level reaches the pre-set high level, a soft alarm shall be raised at the SCADA for alerting the operator. If the level continues to rise and reaches the pre-set High High Level, again a soft alarm shall be raised at the SCADA and also transmitted to the CCR.

In condition when the treatment process is interrupted (WTP is out of order), the raw water in-let sluice vale (in the premises of WTP) will be stopped through SCADA.

When the water level in the Clear water reservoir of the WTP is above the pre-set High High

level and continue to rise and in case the water level in the tank will reach overflow level, the raw water inlet sluice/butterfly valve ( in the premises of WTP) will be closed. It will open automatically when the water level in the tank will drop to the pre-set level. The local PLC will communicate with the overall system via SCADA to control the raw water inlet butterfly valve.

PLC shall continuously register the opening status of Sluice/Butterfly valve and display the same in PLC Screen. OPERATION AND CONTROL PHILOSOPHY OF BOTH WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND CWPS: The treatment plant consists of the following units:

Inlet chamber and Parshall Flume

Flash Mixing Section


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Clariflocculation System

Filtration System

Wash water tank & Wash water pumps

Air wash arrangement & Blowers

Filter backwash water recovery tank- & pumps (2W+2S)

Chemical Building (Coagulant & Polymer dosing system)

Chlorine Disinfection System

Clear Water Contact tank

Auxiliary/Drain System.

Control Process Assumptions

The control process philosophy will be based on the following assumptions:

The objective of the control system is to ensure proper operation of the water treat-

ment plant including its treatment components such as rapid mixing, coagulation and

flocculation, settling, filtration and water disinfection, with proper control of chemical

addition, e.g. chlorine gas, lime and Coagulant .

The central control system will be situated in the local electric room adjacent to the

filtration system and will gather all process information from the field instrumentation

in order to control the process and to prepare reports.

Since the reports are an integral part of the control system all data acquisition must

identify and tackle problems of erroneous data.

Alarms and warning will be shown with blinking local light and sound. Alarms will

remain active as long as the site conditions prevail. When conditions revert to nor-

mal operation, the alarm returns to its normal condition.

INLET CHAMBER AND PARSHALL FLUME: The inlet chamber of the plant consists of electrically actuated gate valve to be closed in case of emergency.

An online Turbidity and pH Analyzers shall be provided at the inlet to measure the

Turbidity and pH of the raw water coming from RWPS. The raw water shall be de-

livered for sampling to the Plant laboratory by means of sampling pumps.

Control system shall continuously monitor Inlet flow, turbidity, pH,

PARSHALL FLUME: A Parshall flume arrangement is provided for flow measurement of aerated & Coagulant dosed raw water. The Parshall flume acts as a velocity control device so that the raw water passes through without turbulence. The ultrasonic insertion type flow meter provided at inlet pipe to Aeration fountain shall measure the average raw water flow. The raw water flows further by gravity to the Flash Mixing System for further treatment. FLASH MIXING SYSTEM: The Flash Mixing System shall comprise a tank with flash mixer at the tank. Coagulant dosed at the inlet of the treatment plant mixes with the raw water at the flash mixing tank and passes to the Clarifies for further treatment.


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Status (run/trip/local-off-remote) of the flash mixers shall be indicated at SCADA. G Value of Flash Mixer shall be calculated and indicated at SCADA In case the mixers is out of order SCADA will generate Alarm and send SMS. CLARIFLOCCULATOR: Clarifiers are designed for the removal of readily settle-able solids and suspended particles and therefore, reduce the suspended particles content. The purpose of the clarifiers is to remove a substantial portion of the organic solids from the raw water, with a resulting decrease in the organic and suspended materials loadings of the filter units. Clarifiers is constructed as circular concrete structures. Clariflocculator is a combination of flocculator and clarifier fabricated to attain economic and speedy construction. It shall have two concentric tanks where inner tank serves as a flocculation basin and the outer tank serves as a clarifier. Clariflocculators generally are used to perform the chemical primary treatment of effluents. The monitoring to be made in clariflocculator shall be for;

Turbidity at the common outlet channel of clarifiers

Instrumentation considered for clariflocculator shall be;

Turbidity Transmitter online at the common outlet channel of clarifiers

Motorised valve at sludge removal/drain Loss of rotation switches for the scraper


Control system shall continuously monitor turbidity and based on turbidity or time,

motorized valve shall be operated for sludge removal process. Rotation of the

scraper bridge and the flocculation mixers should be controlled.


The operator has to put the selector switch in auto mode

The opening and closing of drain valve shall depend on the turbidity factor/Time

base as turbidity transmitter is provided at plant inlet, the time setting can be adjust-

ed from SCADA for opening and closing of valve during seasonal changes.


Start Stop control shall be provided on SCADA in order to switch On or Off the clari-

fier Bridge Motor and also Open/close feedbacks shall be shown on SCADA.

Open/Close control shall be provided on SCADA in order to open and close the

sludge drain valves and also open close feedbacks shall be shown on SCADA.

The sludge valves operation should be interlocked with the sludge level in the

Sludge balancing tank.

Status (run/trip/local-off-remote) of all motors shall be indicated at SCADA HMI. G Value of Flocculators shall be calculated and indicated at SCADA OPERATION FROM LOCAL CONTROL PANEL:

Auto/Manual selection will be provided on HMI screen in such way manual mode is

selected all the pumps/valves/gates etc. can be operated from the HMI screen indi-

vidual. Auto mode is selected all the pumps/valves/gates etc. can be operated from


Individual Start/Stop push buttons shall be provided on local panel to operate Sludge

drain valves.


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Indication lamps shall be provided on local panel which shall give Open, Close, Trip

indications for all motor actuated sludge drain valves.

Turbidity deviation or malfunction of any part of the unit should generate Alarm

FILTRATION SYSTEM: The gravity filtration system comprises the following main

Inlet channel with weirs and inlet gates.

8 Nos for 65 MLD and 4 Nos for 25 MLD W.T.P. gravity sand filters

Backwash water tank

Air scour system

Valves with actuators for inlet & outlet of filters, clf drain valve, back wash pumps &

Blowers .


Local filter control consoles (HMI)

SCADA connections

The filtration system containing eight rapid gravity sand filters contained in one block. A gravity filter consists essentially of an open-topped concrete tank. Tank is designed to drain at the bottom, and partly filled with the filtering medium (clean sand). Clarified water is admitted to the space above the filter media and flows downward under the action of gravity. Purification takes place during this downward passage, and treated water is discharged. Filter tank is provided with a level Transmitter to control the water level. Operation of the filter is provided by menace of the following Control valves: Automatic Valves/ Gates:

Name Purpose

Filter Influent Allows incoming water into filter

Filter Effluent Allows treated water out of filter

Backwash Water in Allows clean backwash water into filter

Direct Filter to Drain Allows first filtered water out to drain

Backwash Air Allows backwash air into filter

FILTER CONTROL SYSTEM: The filter operation is a complex phenomenon for making the system automated. The filtration plant is going to work for the different flow conditions from 0 MLD to 65 & 25 MLD + 20% of WTP . The operation at the same time also envisages constant rate filtration. The filters are also required to operate between the preset high and low levels of water over the sand bed. All these conditions will have to be suitably taken into considerations for automation of filter operation. In case there is signal from partial flume measuring device that no raw water is available to the plant or the water level in the filter box is at lower preset value, then this shall trigger the close of filter outlet valve/valves. The sand filter gets exhausted over a period of time while filtering the settled water. It then needs back washing to remove the clogging and make it freshly available for the process. The rate of exhaustion is measured in terms of pressure differential across the filter. It is expected that the filter will work at the constant rate of filtration and in turn develop the pressure differential.


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The owner desires to automate the filter back washing operation. A back washing operation is carried out as described below. If the pressure differential across the filter reaches a preset value of say 1.8-m, than the filter is taken out of filtration process for back washing. Prior to starting the back washing, it has to be confirmed that power supply is healthy and the over head wash water has sufficient water level. The inlet butterfly valve to the filter is closed and the water over the filter is allowed to get through the filtration process. Once the water recedes to preset level, the filter outlet valve is closed and the drain valve is opened. The blower is switched on and operated for preset time. The air supply valve is opened no sooner than the blower is switched on. After air washing the filter sand for preset time, the air inlet valve to the filter is closed and simultaneously the blower is switched off. Consequently the wash water inlet valve to the filter is opened and water wash is started. The water wash is provided after the preset time is over, the wash waster inlet valve is closed. In order to ensure that the back wash water gets drained fully a time lag based on the actual experience / requirement needs to be incorporated for the drain valve „ to start getting closed, the drain valve is closed. The inlet valve to the filter is opened and water is taken for filtration. Simultaneously the filter outlet valve is gradually opened from its closed position to a fully open position in a preset time. Simultaneously the filtration rate-controlling valve has to operate itself in such a fashion, that the filter out flow rate is reached to the designed value in preset time. With this filter back wash operation is completed and the filter gets commissioned once again. The pressure differential across the filter at this point of time has to be below a preset value of say 0.25-m. In case it is more than this that a error needs to flashed. Sooner the filter back wash is over the wash water pump shall be switched on and the wash water tank shall be filled to the full supply level. In case no water is available for filling the wash water tank at the source then this activity is differed. The filtered water passes over the rectangular notch meant for measuring output flow of the filter. This measurement is calibrated based on the level of the water over the notch. The level-measuring instrument along with the transfer of data in real time to the computer is expected, to know the flow rate. Turbidity and pH of the filtered water is also measured using an online turbidity and pH analyzer provided at the inlet of clear water sump. Post chlorine shall also be dosed at the inlet of the clear water sump. Each filter shall be operated in auto mode from the SCADA HMI located at control room and Local control panel (HMI) provided for each filter located at Filter House. In case of failure of auto mode, the filter operation shall be done through Manual push button mode.



The filtration system operating mode of each filter is determined by the filter system mode selection located on the local filter system main control panel (HMI). The system mode can be either AUTO, Out of Service or MANUAL, each filter condition will be indicated on the HMI. Manual Mode

If the filter is switched to MANUAL mode, automatic backwashing will not occur and the operator must activate the local valves and pumps and blower switches local to the equipment. Alarm indications are active while the system is in MANUAL mode. As the interlocks and actions to alarms are not active, the operator must be aware of potential problems that can occur during manual backwash. If the system is conducting a backwash when in AUTO mode and the operator switches to MANUAL mode, the backwash is abandoned immediately. The backwashing and blower stop and the valves return to their filtration position. All valves in Manual Mode to be actuated from the HMI at the upper filtering gallery or locally near the valve location.


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HMI should also contain buttons for Backwash valve actuation and Blower operation so, that all backwash and valve operation in Manual Mode could be done from local HMI of each filter. Auto Mode The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) controls the backwash cycle. The system performs backwash automatically based on the scheduling parameters set up within the HMI mimic pages. OFF or Out of Service If a Filter is selected to Off or "out of service" via the selector switch on the Filter Operation Box (HMI) a white light on the HMI will display that the filter is out of service. "Out of service". When selected to “Out of Service” the PLC automatically closes all filter valves, except the direct filter to drain valve), which remains open to drain the filter troughs, until the water level is minimum + XX minutes. To put a filter back into service the Auto/Off/manual selector switch must be selected to Auto. While in the "out of service" mode, the filter is bypassed by the PLC, when an automatic backwash sequence is requested. The "out of service" mode should not be relied upon during maintenance periods (such as having to enter the filter) and manual isolation of the filter from the rest of the system must also be done. This is required primarily in case the PLC fails. The filter will default to filtration mode, opening the influent and effluent valves. Sequencer

As mentioned previously, in AUTO mode the PLC controls the backwash sequence cycles step by step. Operator-Initiated Operation

Instead of utilizing the filter backwash schedule on the HMI, a backwash can be manually initiated by pressing the "Start Backwash" button on the HMI. Once this button is pressed, the chosen sequence begins as long as all per missives and interlocks are met. Individual Filter Manual and Automatic Mode

Each filter has a manual or automatic operation. There is a selector switch on the HMI adjacent to each filter which allows the operator to select “Auto operation” or “Manual operation”. The selected filter mode is indicated on the HMI. When the mode is changed from automatic to manual, a red light is activated on the HMI to notify plant personnel that these filters will no longer backwash automatically. Automatic The normal mode of operation is automatic, controlled by the PLC. A filter in ‘Automatic’ operates with no adjustments by the operator. Manual

Individual filters in MANUAL mode will no longer backwash based on the inputted schedules, but will continue to filter water. Once put into this operation, the operator can open and close valves on that filter by selecting the valve selector switch to local operation and using the open and close push buttons on the valves. The operator must be aware that other filters in AUTO mode can still backwash while the filter valves are being manipulated. The push buttons for valve operation to be on the HMI.


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Blower/backwash water valve Manual and Automatic Mode

Similar to the filters, each blower and backwash water valve have a manual/off/automatic selector switch. When the switch is selected to “Auto” the PLC program will control the equipment, if the selector switch is selected to “Manual” the equipment will be started or stopped by the stop/start control station. If the selected mode is “Manual” this is indicated on local stop/start control panel. When the mode is changed from AUTO to MANUAL, the equipment item in MANUAL mode will not be used in automatic backwashes. Plant personnel can start and stop individual blower and the backwash valve in MANUAL mode while leaving the rest of the system in full AUTO mode. Automatic

The normal mode of operation is automatic, controlled by the PLC. A blower/pump in AUTO mode operates automatically during backwashes in accordance to the pre-set sequence. Manual

In MANUAL mode a particular blower will not be used in automatic backwashes. The PBs can be used to start/stop the equipment in MANUAL mode. When in “Manual” automatic interlocks are not active, to start and stop these items of equipment and prevent them from operating while the valves are in the incorrect position, the operator should ensure that all the necessary valve are in the correct position. The overall operation strategy will adhere to the following sequence: Operation start-up

The flow meter confirms that water is supplied to the works.

All actuated valves on the filters are put into AUTO mode.

The chlorine gas system is turned on and available.

The lime system is turned on and available.

The Coagulant system is turned on and available.

Operation shutdown

No Raw water flowing into the works.

The lime system is stopped.

The Coagulant system is stopped.

The chlorine gas system is stopped.

In case the Lime dosing system is stopped by the Operator, the Plant shut down should be confirmed, otherwise the Plant will continue operation. In case there is a failure in dosing operation the Plant should be stopped. Filter Operation:

Normal Filtration Mode Valve Positions: OPEN – Influent and filtered water valves CLOSED – Backwash water direct filter to drain, and backwash air valves (M1.x5) Out of Service Mode Valve Positions: OPEN – direct filter to drain (by water level and time). CLOSED – Influent, effluent, backwash water and backwash air valves.


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Under normal operation, the influent water passes through the media, gravel and under drain, and enters the filter central drainage channel. The filtered water then flows from the channel through the effluent valve (open during filtration mode) and continues downstream to the clear water tank. Filter Water Level Measurement

Each filter contains a continuous level sensor measuring the distance starting from the media. During filtration mode, if the water level reaches an operator adjustable level, set on the HMI, above the media elevation, a HIGH FILTER # WATER LEVEL occurs. Available is an enable/disable high level BW PB on the filter mimic screen on the HMI. If enabled, a backwash will automatically occur on that filter after an inputted delay time (60 to 1,800 seconds) or when the water level is raised to the pre-set value. If disabled, the PLC will not initiate an automatic backwash. The operator should review the situation to see what action, if any, is necessary. The high level alarm is bypassed during a backwash event but is available while an individual filter is in MANUAL mode. The alarm is inactive for an out-of-service filter. “Filter High Level” will be displayed on the HMI mimic. As filtration proceeds, the voids in the upper layers of the media are the first to accumulate solids. Because the same volume of flow is being forced through a smaller passageway, the water velocity increases. This increased velocity drives the solids deeper into the media bed, allowing for depth-retention of solids and longer filter runs between backwashes. Normal backwash frequencies occur often enough to maintain a properly working system. The main indication that a filter backwash must be conducted is when the head loss (corresponding to the liquid level in the filter) reaches the maximum acceptable level (as determined by the high level alarm point).Before backwash to start all interlocks and relevant units conditions to be met.Pushbuttons and Indications – Individual Filter Each filter has a Filter Operation Box (HMI) which changesit’s operating, shown below are the PBs and indications available on the individual filter: Valve operation from the HMI to be resorted.


Switch Description


i) When Auto is selected backwashing will operate automatically pro-

vided all the valves, blowers and backwash pumps are also select-

ed to Auto.

ii) When Off is selected the filter is “Out of Service” or off.

iii) When Manual is selected all automatic operations are stopped.

Pushbuttons Description

Start Backwash

Each time this PB is pressed and the filter is selected to Auto, the

individual filter will commence an automatic backwash, provided

none of the other filters are being backwashed. If there is a back-

wash already happening within another filter then the PLC will put

the filter which has had the start backwash push button pressed into

the highest position in the queue and will be washed once the other

backwash has stopped.

Indications Description

Filtration in

Progress Indicates that the filter is in automatic operation

Filter Washing Indicates the filter is being washed


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Manual Indicates if the individual filter is in manual mode.


Failed Indicates that a backwash sequence has failed

Out of Service Indicates that the filter has been switched to Off and is out of service

General Backwashing Operation

Filter backwashing is performed by pumping air and water up through the filter bottom. The backwash water and air rates used in the filters are 36 m/h water and 36 m/h air per square meter of filter surface area. This produces a vigorous scrubbing action that removes captured material and flushes it upward from within the filter bed into the backwash trough. Backwashing of filters will be in three steps as follows:

First Step (air) – Air scouring for approximately four minutes, adjustable at the HMI

by the operator between 0-10 minutes

Second Step - Surface wash Backwashing with linear velocity, for about 3 minutes

maximum, again the time duration is adjustable by the operator between 0-10

minutes, 36 m/h.

Third Step – direct filter to drain for a preset period of time set by the operator at the

HMI for the range of 0-15 minutes.

Valve Operation

When the individual filter is in AUTO mode, the PLC automatically controls the valve positions, as shown in the table below. If during a backwash any of the valves are signaled to open or close, and the corresponding limit switch does not indicate that this has occurred, an alarm will sound. The table below describes how a fault affects the backwash and the action that occurs. Note: Abandoning a backwash will return all filter valves to their filtration position and an alarm will occur. After a pre-set period, adjustable at the HMI by the operator between 0-60 minutes, the influent valve of the filter will open.

Step # Valve Fault Backwash Action

1 Influent (close)

Abandon BW - If the BW were continued, influent would flow

together with the used backwash water. To minimize this extra

flow, the BW is abandoned

2 Effluent (close)

Abandon BW - If the valve fails to close at the start of BW,

most of the backwash water, if not all, will not flow up through

the filter and backwash will be ineffective

3 Filter to drain


Alarm – If the valve fails to open. Use to drain the water before

air scouring. Can continue BW

4 Filter to drain


Abandon BW - If the valve fails to close, most of the backwash

water, if not all, will not flow up through the filter and backwash

will be ineffective

5 Air scour (open)

Abandon BW - If the valve fails to open at the start of BW, the

backwash air blower will not start. Backwash is not effective

without the blower, so it is abandoned


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6 Air scour (close) Alarm - If the valve fails to close after air scouring, the back-

wash air blower will not start for the next backwash filter

7 Backwash water Abandon BW - If the valve fails to open at the start of BW, the

backwash will be abandoned

Air Blowers

Two (2) positive displacement backwash air blowers (1+1) are available for operation. Each blower is equipped with an inlet filter, inlet and discharge silencers, and pressure indication. Ambient air is drawn through an inlet filter. Filtered air is drawn through an inlet multi-chamber absorption silencer. Blower Operation

A Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switch will exist for each blower. When an individual filter is in AUTO mode the backwash blowers are controlled by the PLC. The blowers are interlocked so as not to allow both blowers to operate simultaneously. A blower will not start unless at least one filter backwash air valve is opened first. The PLC automatically alternates the blowers to run after each successive start. Manual/Auto

Each blower can be selected for manual or automatic operation. While an individual filter system is in AUTO mode and the blower is in AUTO mode, the PLC automatically starts and stops the blowers. While the blower is in MANUAL mode, the blower can be started/ stopped using the associated PBs on the local stop/start control station (backwash air valve interlocks are active during this operation). Individual blowers in MANUAL mode are not selected for automatic backwashes. An alarm will sound when one blower is in MANUAL mode or out of operation. If the blower is started and fault stops, a BACKWASH AIR BLOWER # FAULT alarm will occur. This can occur due to an overload condition, a no-running signal, or a low discharge pressure condition. The same backup procedure is followed as when a low pressure condition occurs. If both blowers fault, the backwash is abandoned and a BACKWASH ABANDONED alarm occurs. Backwash Pump Station

Clear water from the clear water tank will be supplied to the Overhead wash water tank (with two compartments) by back wash water pumps (1+1). An electromagnetic flow meter and pressure transmitter shall be provided at the discharge header of back wash water pumps. In case water in the overhead tank is below max. Level, the backwash pump will start pumping. In case of low level in the clear water tank the backwash pumps will not operate. Overhead backwash water Tank

Water required for backwash of the filters will be stored in Overhead wash water tank containing two compartments. Both the compartments of the Backwash water tank, receiving water from the clear water tank, shall be provided with an Ultrasonic Level transmitter for the tanks water level indication and control. In case of backwash water overhead tank high level, an alarm shall be generated at control room to alert the operator and if the level of the backwash water tank still rises to – high high level, back wash water pump shall be tripped. In case water level in both compartments of the tank is below the pre-set level,


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backwash of the filters will be on hold in automatic mode and abandoned in manual mode. The discharge line to the filters will be equipped by flow transmitters. The filter backwash could start in manual or auto mode in case all backwash requirements specified are met and the relevant filter valve is open. In case of low (high) pressure, low flow the Control system will generate Alarm.

CHEMICAL BUILDING: Chemical Building is provided to handle the following dosing systems of chemicals:

Coagulant Dosing system and other associated equipment.

Polymer Dosing system and other associated equipment.

Lime dosing system

Coagulant preparation cum dosing system

Coagulant Dosing system and other associated equipment consists two numbers of Coagulant solution and preparation cum dosing tanks. Each Coagulant solution preparation tank shall be provided with an Agitator for proper mixing of Coagulant. & level switch shall be provided at the Coagulant solution and preparation tank to control the tank level and for the purpose of Coagulant solution dosing pump operation. A Coagulant solution dosing Pumps shall pump to dosing point Again a set of Coagulant dosing pumps pump Coagulant to single common dosing point located at the inlet of the WTP near to Parshall flume channel. The Coagulant dosing tank level and dosing pumps operation shall be controlled by level switch provided at the dosing tank.

Coagulant Preparation

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in function

(no solution ) 1

Tank is not in function – outlet is closed

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer in


Chemical prepa-



Manually open "service water" valve at local

open/close push button station.

If the water level is not changing or low flow –



Manually stop "service water" valve (When wa-

ter reaches high level.

If water level reaches level HH, overflow –

overflow alarm

Note: During the coagulant preparation phase (when

the mixer is functioning), a worker will add powder to

the tank


Chemical preparation and agitation phase (XXX

min) (initial value 10 min) the mixer is manually

started and stopped.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Ready to function 5

Manually open outlet valve at the local

open/close push button station.

Start Coagulant dosing pump according to PLC


Water level reach min. level – check availability

solution in the tank - if not (prepare Coagulant


If water level reaches low level, inhibit pumps

from running and manually close outlet valve asso-

ciated with that tank.

Coagulant dosing tank is HH, the dosing pump

is stopped

Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the Coagulant dosing pumps could operate at the time. - The pumps could not start until:

At least one preparation Tank is ready. - At least one of the dosing tanks is ready with coagulant solution

Coagulant dosing

Coagulant addition from the Coagulant solution dosing tanks will commence immediately after the raw water flow indication from the transmitter, and the water level in the chemical tank is above minimum. The pump stroke will be adjusted manually to give a uniform amount of coagulant solution as a function of the flow measurement. The pumps will stop and start according to the flow measurement, when restarted the amount of dosing will have to be checked manually according to the raw water flow entering the water treatment plant.

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in


(no solu-

tion )


Tank is not in function

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer in





The coagulant level is above the minimum

If water level reaches level HH, overflow – overflow


3 In case all interlocks and permissions met, dosing

is started by one pump

Ready to

function 4

Manually open outlet valve at the local open/close

push button station.

Start coagulant dosing pump according to PLC op-


Water level reach min. level – check availability so-

lution in the tank - if not (prepare coagulant alarm)

If water level reaches low level, inhibit pumps from

running and manually close outlet valve associated with

that tank.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

coagulant dosing tank is HH, the transfer pump is


Coagulant – PAC solution Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the coagulant dosing pumps could operate at the time. -The pumps could not start until: - At least one preparation Tank is ready. - WTP in flow is zero. Lime preparation and dosing system Lime Dosing system and other associated equipment consists two number of lime solution and preparation tanks. Each lime solution preparation tank shall be provided with an Agitator for proper mixing. level switch shall be provided at the lime solution and preparation tank to control the tank level and for the purpose of lime solution transfer pump operation. Lime solution transfer Pumps (1+1) shall pump to lime solution/dosing tank. Again lime dosing pumps pump lime to single common dosing point located at the inlet of the WTP or to the inlet to the clear water tank. The lime dosing tank level and dosing pumps operation shall be controlled by level switch provided at the lime dosing tank. Lime preparation

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in function

(no solution )

1 Tank is not in function – outlet is closed

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer

in function



2 Manually open "service water" valve at local

open/close push button station.

If the water level is not changing or low flow

– alarm

3 Manually stop "service water" valve (When

water reaches high level.

If water level reaches level HH, overflow –

overflow alarm

Note: During the lime preparation phase (when the

mixer is functioning), a worker will add powder to

the tank

4 Chemical preparation and agitation phase

(XXX min) (initial value 10 min) the mixer is man-

ually started and stopped.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Ready to func-


5 Manually open outlet valve at the local

open/close push button station.

Start lime transfer pump according to PLC


Water level reach min. level – check availa-

bility solution in the tank - if not (prepare lime


If water level reaches low level, inhibit

pumps from running and manually close outlet

valve associated with that tank.

Lime dosing tank is HH, the transfer pump is


Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the lime transfer pump could operate at the time. -The pumps could not start until: At least one preparation Tank is ready. - At least one of the dosing tanks is ready to receive lime solution Lime dosing Lime addition from the lime solution dosing tanks will commence immediately after the raw water flow indication from the transmitter, when the water level in the chemical tank is above minimum. The pump stroke will be adjusted manually to give a uniform amount of lime solution as a function of the flow measurement. The pumps will stop and start according to the flow measurement, when restarted the amount of dosing will have to be checked manually according to the flow entering the water treatment plant.

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in function

(no solution ) 1

Tank is not in function

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer

in function

Chemical prepa-



The lime level is above the minimum

If water level reaches level HH, overflow –

overflow alarm

3 In case all interlocks and permissions met,

dosing is started by one pump

Ready to func-

tion 4

Manually open outlet valve at the local

open/close push button station.

Start transfer pump according to PLC op-


Water level reach min. level – check availa-

bility solution in the tank - if not (prepare lime


If water level reaches low level, inhibit pumps

from running and manually close outlet valve as-

sociated with that tank.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Lime dosing tank is HH, the transfer pump is


Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the lime dosing pumps could operate at the time. -The pumps could not start until: At least one preparation Tank is ready. - WTP inflow is zero. CHLORINE BUILDING / CHLORINE DISINFECTION SYSTEM: A Chlorination Building shall be provided to house all chlorination equipment including Chlorine Tonners, Chlorinators, Ejectors and all other associated equipment. Chlorine shall be used as disinfectant. Chlorine shall be drawn as a gas from toner sand metered under vacuum, mixed with water in ejectors and transferred to the points of application at the inlet to the clear water tank. Liquid chlorine shall be drawn from tonner and the Chlorine gas shall be delivered to the chlorinators through a gas grid. Liquid chlorine withdrawal system is complete in all respect including connector valves, tubing’s and liquid chlorine traps. The tonner storage area shall also be provided adjacent to the chlorinator room in the chlorination building. Chlorine leak detectors, one in the Chlorinator room and two in the Chlorine Tonner area are provided to raise an alarm in case of Chlorine gas leak. Chlorine gas dosing will be set and adjusted manually in relation to the residual WTP inflow Chlorine online measurement at the WTP outlet. Motivation water for the chlorination system will be supplied by two pumps (1+1) connected to the clear water reservoir. The discharge line will be equipped with flow and pressure transmitters. The motivation pumps operation will be interlocked with the inlet flow reading. In case WTP has no inflow the motivation pumps will stop operation, but could be brought into action manually. In case the motivation water flow or pressure is out of the pre-set range SCADA will generate Alarm. AUTOMATION AND SCADA AT PURE WATER SUMP AND PUMPING MACHINERY AT WTP Sump at both WTP, will receive Purified water by gravity from existing WTP . Details of Pumps installed on existing pure water sump of 65 MLD W.T.P.

Sr. No

Pumping to Type HP standby Working Discharge In LPH

Head In Mtr.

1 W.T.P. Sump to B.P.T.

V.T. 250 2 3 900000 53

Details of Pumps installed on existing pure water sump of 25 MLD W.T.P.

Sr. No

Pumping to Type HP standby Working Discharge In LPH

Head In Mtr.

1 W.T.P. Sump to ESR's at Akola city

C.F. coupled

215 2 1 760000 47

The level in the pure water sump shall be continuously monitored by the level sensors provided in the pure water sump. for operation of pure Water inlet, mm dia. Butterfly


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valve with actuator shall be provided on the inlet pipeline. The operator shall be able to adjust/open/close inlet Butterfly valve from pump house and also from the SCADA Control Room. Operation will also depend on residual chlorine concentration in the pure water sump. In case the parameters will be out of the pre-set limits SCADA will generate Alarm and the pumping will be interrupted. In case of pure water sump low level an alarm shall be generated to alert operator at control room and when it reaches to low level automatically all pure water pumps to MBR/ villages shall be tripped automatically. In case the water level of the clear water sump is above the High level SCADA will generate Alarm and the pure water inlet will be stopped. Entire inlet valve shall be operated in auto mode from the SCADA located at control room and Local control panel located at sump. In case of failure of auto mode Inlet pure water Valve shall be operated in Manual mode with all protections in place. OPERATION AND CONTROL PHILOSOPHY OF PURE WATER PUMPING STATION: PWPS and operation of pure water pumps should be controlled based on the WTP Clear Water Tank water levels. The pure water pumping station consists of a sump well erected in the reservoir. Water level in the reservoir depends on seasonal fluctuations. Water level in the sump well shall be continuously monitored for pump protection purposes by the level sensors.


Switch ON START Push Button. Following sequence shall take place, with the suitable delay timers for respective operations. Confirm Sluice Valve on delivery side is fully closed, if confirmed go to b) Other wise first give command to the actuator motor to close the sluice valve completely. Start actuator motor to open the sluice valve. Simultaneously give command to the electrically operated solenoid valve at air vent connection of pump, to open. Give command to main motor starter to start the pumpset. Allow sufficient time as required for opening the sluice valve completely. Give command to Automatic Power Factor Controller Relay Panel to switch on required bank of capacitors. Monitor the delivery head pressure and display it on the screen continuously. Close the air vent solenoid valve. Monitor all the electrical parameters of the main motor like Average Voltage, Average Current, Active Power KW, Reactive Power KVA, Intentions Power Factor etc. by gathering respective information from the sensors like CTs, PTs etc. directly or by computation and display all of them on a suitable LCD window. Monitor all mechanical parameters of the pumpset like pressure, discharge, run time counter, total lifetime counter, bearing temperature and status display etc. by gathering respective information from the respective sensors of pressure gauge, flow meter, thermocouples/ RTDs etc. directly or by computation and display all of them on a suitable LCD window. There shall be sufficient battery backup for the timer counter so that even if the pumpset is switched off, it shall take care of the lifetime counter and it shall read in continuance when the pumpset is switched on next time. b) Stopping the Pumpset

Switching OFF operation, Push down the OFF Push Button. Following sequence shall take place. Give command to actuator motor of sluice valve to close. Confirm sluice valve is completely closed.


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Give command to APFC Panel to switch of the banks of capacitors one by one. Give command to switch off the main motor. If needed switch off the LCDs. c) Emergency stopping of pumpset

Simply push down the Emergency Push Button. In addition to above following monitoring of components on hourly basis is required and to be logged and stored. Necessary reports shall be generated and printed and filed on daily basis. 1. 33 KV incoming side

a. Voltage (V)

b. Current (I)

c. Kwh

d. Kvah

e. Rkvh

f. P.f.

2. 33/0.415 KV 1500 KVA Transformer 1 and 2

a. Winding Temp.

b. Oil Temp.

c. Bucholz Relay condition

3. 0.415 KV In-comer 1 & 2 (incomer A.C.B. – 3000 AMP) in 65 MLD W.T.P.

a. Voltage

b. Current

c. Frequency

d. Kwh

e. Kvah

f. Rkvah

g. P.F.

h. Breaker on/off/trip position

4. 0.415 KV main LT panel at 65 MLD & 25 MLD W.T.P.

a. Current

b. Kwh

c. Motor bearing NDE temp.

d. Motor bearing DE Temp.

e. Pump bush bearing Temp.

f. ON/OFF/Trip position

5. Pressure Sensor on Inlet Manifold to measure positive head on Pumps

6. Valve actuators

a. Valve open/close position

7. Manifold pressure sensor reading

8. Raw water flow meter reading

9. Efficiency of Pumps

Under routine working conditions three out of five pumps will be in operation at 65 MLD W.T.P & one out of three pumps at 25 MLD W.T.P. For each pump rotation will be automatically initiated to insure equal working record. The pumps shall normally run in Remote AUTO mode. In case the water level in the sump well is below the pre-set minimum level the pumps could not be started. In automatic mode pumps are starting and stopped after a pre-set delay. In case,the water level in the sump well is below the pre-set level, the pumps will be stopped. This could be a rare event in case the intake suction pipes are clogged.


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If the pure water level reaches the pre-set high level, a soft alarm shall be raised at the SCADA for alerting the operator. If the level continues to rise and reaches the pre-set High High Level, again a soft alarm shall be raised at the SCADA and also transmitted to the CCR. If the pump continues to operate in MANUAL mode and the level in the reservoir reaches pre-set low level, a soft alarm shall be raised at the HMI for alerting the operator. If the level continues to drop further, a soft alarm shall be raised at pre-set low low level and all the working pumps shall be tripped at this level. The pumps shall also trip on Low Low or High High Pressure feedback from the Pressure Transmitter in the pumping main to WTP. Apart from the level and pressure protection, the Pumps shall also trip under the following conditions to ensure safe operation and Protection of Pumps:

Discharge valve open feedback not available, within the specified time after the

start of the pumps.

The flow meter reading is out of pre-set range.

Low Low Level Switch Feedback (Hard wired control)

Pressure is out of pre- set range (Min, Max)

Reverse Rotation Protection (Hard Wired control)

Check valve remain closed (Pressure switch)

In case all local conditions are met, Control of the pure water Pumping station will be related to the status of the Water treatment Plant and to the water level in the Treated water Reservoir.

PLC shall continuously register the running time of each pump and display the same reading in hours in PLC Screen. A pre-determined high limit of running hours shall be attributed to each pump and when running-hour count crosses this limit, an alarm shall be prompted at the PLC to alert the operator and the pump sequence will be changed automatically. This sequence shall be continuously rotated to achieve equal running time of all the pumps. In view of any running pump getting tripped due to overload, the next pump shall automatically take over in AUTO mode. Control room proposed at pure water sump shall have a PLC, Operator work Station, Ethernet switch, GPRS gateway, and Field instruments etc, for facilitating automatic operation of the pumping station. However provision shall be made to operate manually as and when required. AUTOMATION AND SCADA FOR RESERVIOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Water distribution lines in water supply scheme consists of number of Elevated Service Reservoire (ESR). These ESR may be located at different levels, some may be at higher levels and some may be at lower level. Under such circumstances it is often seen that distribution of pure water will be different in different zones. Lower zones will get water with more pressure and flow, where as higher zones will face shortage of water with low pressure. Remote Controlled ESR management system is the only solution to avoid above mentioned difficulties. This is a most modern and versatile concept of automation in distribution system of water supply scheme. This unit works remotely on timer or remote switch which will operate from central computer over GSM based network. The unit requires very less amount of electrical power and can be easily made available from Solar Power. Since opening and closing is entirely automatic, timing of water supply to consumers never changes. Also this Remote Controlled Water Delivery Unit has arrangement to control flow rate of water, hence it is possible to have equal distribution of water through out water supply scheme. Remote Controlled ESR management system has arrangement of measuring volume of water flow (Cubic meter) and can be added . Looking at these important features of Remote Controlled Water Delivery Unit, aim of rendering maximum satisfaction to consumers is expected.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Equal distribution of water through out water supply scheme.

Automatic OPEN and CLOSURE of valve at desired set time through timer.

Remote and Automatic OPEN and CLOSURE of valve from central computer with

GSM network.

No need of man power.

Works on Solar power.

Provision of measuring water quantity being delivered.(i.e. flow meter)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Detailed Specifications of SCADA And Automation Work included

in Sub Work No.1


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

.:-Specifications for SCADA and Automation Work included in Part A to Part D in Schedule B:-

.-:Common Specifications for Subwork No.1- Part A and Part C of existing, 65MLD

and 25 MLD WTP at Mahan included in Schedule B:-

Part A and Part C:- A) EXISTING WATER TREATMENT PLANT 65 MLD and 25 MLD AT MAHAN :- Item No.01 Open channel type ultrasonic flowmeter with FIT :- This job includes, design, Supply, Installation, Testing & calibration of open chanel type ultrasonic flow Transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at Raw Water channel and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement.

Open channel type ultrasonic flow Transmitter with FIT

Providing, erecting and commissioning and testing of open channel type ultrasonic flow meter with FIT at aeration fountain at 65 MLD & 25 MLD existing Water treatment plant. Ultrasonic level transmitter shall be CE marked with following technical parameters for raw water and interface to PLC panel. Open channel flow meter include monitoring type ( continuous or totalized ), viscosity and fluid purity An open channel flow meter can display information at the meter, or transmit or transmit it electronically to a remote location. Additional specification to consider are minimum and maximum flow rate for open channel flow meter, the ability to measure flow of Raw Water. Open channel flow meters must be able to handle variation in volumetric flow data unless density (and sometimes also viscosity) is constant. When the viscosity (volumetric flow) of incompressible liquid is measured, the presence of suspended bubbles will cause error, therefore air and gas must be removed before the fluid reaches the meter. Erection of water meters must be done in the presence & guidance of manufacturer’s representative. Medium – Raw water.

Range – 0- 5 meters.

Output – 4 - 20 mA.

Power supply – 24 V DC ext.

Display – Backlit 4” LED

Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of full Scale or better.

Temp. – With inbuilt temp compensation.

Encloser – IP68,

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender docu-

ments or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur.

TPI and MJP Inspection:- As per schedule of “scope of inspection” attached with tender



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No.02 pH Analyzer:- This job includes ,designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & testing of pH analyser as per IUPAC ( International Union for Pure & Applied Chemistry)at A.F. and Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement etc Including TPI & MJP inspection. (one for raw water) Range 0 -14 pH Accuracy : Better than 0.1% of full scale , Supply Voltage - 24V dc, Output - 4-20 mA As per IEC 61000-6-2 & IEC 61000-6-3. pH measurement system shall include pH sensor with integral cable, pH transmitter with Monochromatic liquid crystal display(LCD) & sensor mounting arrangement. The measurement system shall have automatic buffer recognition feature. The analyzer shall recognize the value of the buffer being measured and perform a self stabilization check. Integral temperature sensor shall automatically compensate the change in pH due to change in temperature. Solid state/micro processor based system with system accuracy of 0.1% pH shall have auto

zero check, manual zero and span calibration facility. Range of measurement should be for 0-

14pH The measurement system shall have integral indicator, automatic ultrasonic cleaner OR

spray jet cleaner. Only auto cleaning is acceptable. Housing for electrode and analyser shall be

IP68. Output shall be HART signal of 4-20 mA DC linear.

pH sensor shall be mounted on a sensor holder which shall be supported on wall/pipe/column

near process. The Transmitter/Analyzer shall be mounted near the process on wall or pipe.

Sensor shall be electrically interfaced with Transmitter/Analyzer.

Accessories shall include preamplifier, screened junction box for electrode. In high purity water

applications (specific conductivity below 50 micro-mhos/cm) the cell housings specifically

designed for high purity water shall be used. pH electrodes shall compliance with IS-6804-





pH sensor

1 Principle

Helical path reference Glass Electrode with dirt

repellent PTFE diaphragm / Contacting

conductivity/Potentiometric without deviating

other specifications

2 Applicable Standard pH electrodes shall conform to IS-6804-1972

3 Application

Measuring and Reference Electrode

combined together in flow through type

assembly for following applications


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

1. Water channel from Raw water intake well to

Flash mixture

2. Clarifier to filter channel Pure water Sump

4 Material of Measuring &

reference electrode

The flow through assembly shall be

(Polypropylene flow chambers,

Toughened sensitive pH glass, stainless

steel, Silicon

5 Mounting arrangement 1” NPT M

6 Electrode housing Non destructible chemically resistant enclosure

7 Ingres Protection class IP 68

8 Temperature comp. Required, integral with sensor, -10 to 100 Deg.C.

9 Temperature sensor NTC / Pt100

10 Integral Cable Required, upto transmitter location

11 Measured range 0-14 PH

12 Maximum Pressure 6 Kg/cm^2

13 Resolution 0.01pH, Temp 0.1°C

14 Linearity Average 95 %


Additional Certifications (if

applicable/not mandatory) FM, ATEX, CSA

pH transmitter

16 Type

Electronic(microprocessor Based indicating type

with adjustable range facility

17 Material

Die-cast Aluminium


18 Electromagnetic compatibility

Interference emission and immunity acc. to EN

61326: 1997 / A1: 1998

19 Display LC display, two lines with status indicator

20 Protection class of housing IP 67

21 Monitor output 4-20m Amp DC isolated output for PLC

22 Power supply 240V AC, 50Hz

23 Mounting

Pipe Mounted Wall mounting/Flush mounting


24 Diagnostic feature Required


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

25 Accuracy/Repeatability ±0.03 pH/±0.02PH

26 Resolution

±0.01pH or


27 Stability

0.02 pH



28 Reponse time

5 seconds to

reach 100 %

29 Input filter 1 to 999 Seconds

Annunciation contacts for monitors:

Number : 2_SPDT ‘Hi’ & ‘Lo’ ‘Hi’ and ‘Lo’ Type :


Action Micro switch Rating :.,240 V AC, 0.5

Amp./24V DC 5A


(Bidder has to select based on other


ii) Co-axial cables as required

iii) Electrode holders & supports & mounting

arrangement in SS

iv) Alarm settings and indications on monitor

v) RFI/EMI shielded, weather and corrosion

proof casing

vi) Other accessories as per site requirement

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of pH analyzer is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

Item No.03 Turbidity Meter/Analyzer:- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 scattering light method at A.F. and inferfacing with PLC panel Turbidity meter shall compreses of 3 components i.e. sensors, single distributor and transmitter with indicator, Transmitter convertts the single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement Including TPI & MJP inspection.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

(one for raw water + one for settled water) 1.0 General Requirement

The scope of this work includes sizing, design, supply, erection and commissioning of

Turbidity Transmitter/Analyzer.

Transmitter/Analyzer design: Sizing & selection of transmitter based on process data,

process requirement, general requirement and specification below.

Erection of Transmitter/Analyzer: Erection includes mounting of sensors, erection of

sensor support, mounting of Transmitter/Analyzer support and rack, Laying of electrical

cable from PLC to Transmitter/Analyzer, mounting of junction box, glanding, termination

and interfacing of Transmitter/Analyzer with control system.

Commissioning: Commissioning of Transmitter/Analyzer includes, calibration

checking, loop checking, testing of Transmitter/Analyzer from PLC and open / closed

loop checking from sub control system & main control system.

1.0 Turbidity measurement

The turbidity Analyzer shall be a complete system consisting of sensor, analyzer, flow

chamber/ dabbler, and interconnecting cable. The analyzer shall accept input from either

one or two sensors.

The sensor shall be constructed of

a. Corrosion-resistant Delran with glass lamp and detector windows Glass OR


c. Optical fibre OR

d. Stainless steel with chromium-dioxide coating and scratch resistant sapphire lenses in a

highly polished stainless steel sensor face.

The life of the Incandescent lamp and LED life (ISO-compliant sensor) shall be at least

five years. The sensor shall include advanced diagnostics, which can continuously

measure the lamp intensity and automatically adjust the lamp output tin view of

maintaining the correct lamp intensity. The sensor shall automatically correct the lamp

drifting and aging of the sensor and allow for longer sensor operation with reduced

calibration requirements.

Normally the sensors shall be mounted on open channel OR in the reservoir, however in

case necessary the measuring chamber constructed of ABS and Delran along with

bubble removing facility shall be provided. The sensor shall accept a sample stream

below 50 Deg.C temperature and upto 6 Kg/cm^2 pressure. The analyzer shall display

fault and warning messages like lamp/LED failure, weak strength of lamp and sensor

failure. The Transmitter/Analyzers shall have 4-20 mA outputs superimposed on HART


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

protocol. Two number of relay outputs to be provided. The alarms shall be fully

programmable for high & low outputs. Transmitter shall be capable to program to

convert the measured turbidity into a total suspended solids (TSS) reading.




Turbidity Sensor

1 Measurement range

0 - 2000 NTU The measuring shall be confirmed during

detail engineering

Glass, EPDM, Optical fibre/ Stainless

steel with chromium-dioxide coating and

scratch resistant sapphire lenses in a highly

polished stainless steel sensor face.

2 Material

Nephelometric measuring principle 90° NIR scattered


3 Principle

according to EN 27027, Optical nephelometer (side

scatter), Single beam scattered light

4 Max Process temperature 50°C

5 Max Process pressure 6 bar

6 Temperature sensor Integrated NTC temperature sensor

7 Connection Fixed cable connection

8 Ingress protection IP68

9 Additional Certifications Calibration certification

10 Resolution 0.01 NTU

11 Accuracy 0 - 2000 NTU: ± 2% of reading

12 Range: 0 to 2000 NTU (nominal)

13 Response time Less than1 second

14 Application 1. Raw water

2. Clarifier to bed filter channel

The flow through assembly shall be (Polypropylene flow


15 Approvals CSA Gen. Purpose


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Turbidity Transmitter

16 Type Electronic(microprocessor based) indicating type with

adjustable range facility.

17 Material Die-cast Aluminium /ABS PC Fr /Polycarbonate

18 Electromagnetic


Interference emission and interference immunity as per

EN 61326: 1997 / A1: 1998

19 Display LC display, two lines, with status indicators user settable

measuring menus ; red display for alarms

20 Protection class of field

housing IP 67/68, NEMA 4X

21 Measuring Range To suit sensor range

21 Measuring parameter

Standard transmitter which shall be capable to accept

multi parameter input ( same unit should be capable

accepting input from any of the sensor for of


23 Monitor output 4-20mA DC output on HART to PLC

24 Current output resolution <5uA

25 Power supply 240V AC, +/- 15%, 50/60 Hz

26 Cable entry 1/2" NPT

27 No. of measuring

channels Maximum 2 channel

28 Mounting Pipe Mounted / Wall mounting/Flush panel mounting

29 Diagnostic feature Required

30 Accuracy/Repeatability Better than + 5 microgram /litre of full scale

31 Resolution Manufacturers Standard

32 Sensitivity 0.1 ppm.

33 Response time 6 seconds to reach 100 %

34 Input filter 1 to 999 Seconds

Annunciation contacts for


Number : 2 SPDT ‘Hi’ and ‘Lo’

Type : Snap action micro switch

Rating Rating : : 5 amp., 240V AC, 0.2 Amp. 220V DC

Accessories i) Automatic temperature compensation with fast

response integral temperature sensors in the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

range -10 to100 Deg. C

ii) ii) Co-axial cables as required

iii) Electrode holders & supports & mounting ar-

rangement in SS

iv) iv) Alarm settings and indications on monitor v)

RFI/EMI shielded, weather and corrosion proof


v) vi) Other accessories as per site requirement

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of turbidity meter/ analyzer is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

Item No.04 PLC based alum dosing:- This job includes, Designing, supplying installing, commissioning & testing of PLC based alum mixing / PAC dosing monitoring system at Flash mixture delivered of raw water mixing channel by applying suitable mechanism to control the available turbidity in desired limit.this system includes level switches for tank etc Including TPI & MJP inspection.

Alum / PAC Dosing System

CHEMICAL BUILDING: Chemical Building is provided to handle the following dosing systems of chemicals:

Coagulant Dosing system and other associated equipment.

Polymer Dosing system and other associated equipment.

Lime dosing system

Coagulant preparation cum dosing system Coagulant Dosing system and other associated equipment consists two numbers of Coagulant solution and preparation cum dosing tanks. Each Coagulant solution preparation tank shall be provided with an Agitator for proper mixing of Coagulant. & level switch shall be provided at the Coagulant solution and preparation tank to control the tank level and for the purpose of Coagulant solution dosing pump operation. A Coagulant solution dosing Pumps shall pump to dosing point Again a set of Coagulant dosing pumps pump Coagulant to single common dosing point located at the inlet of the WTP near to Parshall flume channel. The Coagulant dosing tank level and dosing pumps operation shall be controlled by level switch provided at the dosing tank. Coagulant Preparation

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in function

(no solution ) 1

Tank is not in function – outlet is closed

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer in



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Chemical prepa-



Manually open "service water" valve at local

open/close push button station.

If the water level is not changing or low flow –



Manually stop "service water" valve (When wa-

ter reaches high level.

If water level reaches level HH, overflow –

overflow alarm

Note: During the coagulant preparation phase (when

the mixer is functioning), a worker will add powder to

the tank


Chemical preparation and agitation phase (XXX

min) (initial value 10 min) the mixer is manually

started and stopped.

Ready to function 5

Manually open outlet valve at the local

open/close push button station.

Start Coagulant dosing pump according to PLC


Water level reach min. level – check availability

solution in the tank - if not (prepare Coagulant


If water level reaches low level, inhibit pumps

from running and manually close outlet valve asso-

ciated with that tank.

Coagulant dosing tank is HH, the dosing pump

is stopped

Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the Coagulant dosing pumps could operate at the time. - The pumps could not start until:

At least one preparation Tank is ready. - At least one of the dosing tanks is ready with coagulant solution

Coagulant dosing Coagulant addition from the Coagulant solution dosing tanks will commence immediately after the raw water flow indication from the transmitter, and the water level in the chemical tank is above minimum. The pump stroke will be adjusted manually to give a uniform amount of coagulant solution as a function of the flow measurement. The pumps will stop and start according to the flow measurement, when restarted the amount of dosing will have to be checked manually according to the raw water flow entering the water treatment plant.

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in


(no solu-

tion )


Tank is not in function

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer in



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




The coagulant level is above the minimum

If water level reaches level HH, overflow – overflow


3 In case all interlocks and permissions met, dosing

is started by one pump

Ready to

function 4

Manually open outlet valve at the local open/close

push button station.

Start coagulant dosing pump according to PLC op-


Water level reach min. level – check availability so-

lution in the tank - if not (prepare coagulant alarm)

If water level reaches low level, inhibit pumps from

running and manually close outlet valve associated with

that tank.

coagulant dosing tank is HH, the transfer pump is


Coagulant – PAC solution Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the coagulant dosing pumps could operate at the time. -The pumps could not start until: - At least one preparation Tank is ready. - WTP in flow is zero. Lime preparation and dosing system Lime Dosing system and other associated equipment consists two number of lime solution and preparation tanks. Each lime solution preparation tank shall be provided with an Agitator for proper mixing. level switch shall be provided at the lime solution and preparation tank to control the tank level and for the purpose of lime solution transfer pump operation. Lime solution transfer Pumps (1+1) shall pump to lime solution/dosing tank. Again lime dosing pumps pump lime to single common dosing point located at the inlet of the WTP or to the inlet to the clear water tank. The lime dosing tank level and dosing pumps operation shall be controlled by level switch provided at the lime dosing tank.

Lime preparation

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in function

(no solution )

1 Tank is not in function – outlet is closed

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer

in function



2 Manually open "service water" valve at local

open/close push button station.

If the water level is not changing or low flow

– alarm

3 Manually stop "service water" valve (When

water reaches high level.

If water level reaches level HH, overflow –

overflow alarm

Note: During the lime preparation phase (when the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

mixer is functioning), a worker will add powder to

the tank

4 Chemical preparation and agitation phase

(XXX min) (initial value 10 min) the mixer is man-

ually started and stopped.

Ready to func-


5 Manually open outlet valve at the local

open/close push button station.

Start lime transfer pump according to PLC


Water level reach min. level – check availa-

bility solution in the tank - if not (prepare lime


If water level reaches low level, inhibit

pumps from running and manually close outlet

valve associated with that tank.

Lime dosing tank is HH, the transfer pump is


Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the lime transfer pump could operate at the time. -The pumps could not start until: At least one preparation Tank is ready. - At least one of the dosing tanks is ready to receive lime solution Lime dosing Lime addition from the lime solution dosing tanks will commence immediately after the raw water flow indication from the transmitter, when the water level in the chemical tank is above minimum. The pump stroke will be adjusted manually to give a uniform amount of lime solution as a function of the flow measurement. The pumps will stop and start according to the flow measurement, when restarted the amount of dosing will have to be checked manually according to the flow entering the water treatment plant.

Activity Step Mechanical Action

Not in function

(no solution ) 1

Tank is not in function

Minimum water level (L) in place and mixer

in function

Chemical prepa-



The lime level is above the minimum

If water level reaches level HH, overflow –

overflow alarm

3 In case all interlocks and permissions met,

dosing is started by one pump

Ready to func-

tion 4

Manually open outlet valve at the local

open/close push button station.

Start transfer pump according to PLC op-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Water level reach min. level – check availa-

bility solution in the tank - if not (prepare lime


If water level reaches low level, inhibit pumps

from running and manually close outlet valve as-

sociated with that tank.

Lime dosing tank is HH, the transfer pump is


Interlocks, permissive and Alarms. Only one of the lime dosing pumps could operate at the time. -The pumps could not start until: At least one preparation Tank is ready. - WTP inflow is zero.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of PLC based alum dosing is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.5 : Ultrasonic Level Transmitter (For 8 Filter Bed and 16 sections) :- This job includes, designing,Supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked at each filter bed with following technical parameters Interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement Range- 0 - 5 mtrs Output-4-20 mA Power supply - 24V DC ext. Display - 4" LED Accuracy - +/- 0.25% of Full Scale or better Enclosure- IP 65 COMMON TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

1.0 General Requirement

The scope of this work includes design, sizing, supply, erection and commissioning of ultrasonic transmitters.

Transmitter design:-Transmitter design, Sizing & selection is based on process data, process requirement, general requirement and specification as mentioned below.

Erection of transmitter: Erection includes mounting of process isolation valve, erection of impulse piping, mounting of transmitter support and rack, laying of electrical cable from PLC to transmitter, mounting of junction box, glanding, termination and interfacing of transmitter with control system. Commissioning: Commissioning of transmitter includes, calibration checking, loop checking, testing of transmitter from PLC and open / closed loop checking from sub control system & main control system. Ultrasonic type level transmitters shall be provided with 4-20 mA DC output. All necessary amplifiers, Zener isolations, signal distribution & associated electronics / hardware / housing / mounting accessories shall have to be provided. The transmitters shall be able


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

to drive at least 600 ohms load. The power supply to the transmitters shall be derived from the control system. Accuracy of the transmitters shall be 0.2 % of calibrated span (minimum). Transmitter housing shall be Weather proof as per IP-67 with durable corrosion resistant coating. Ultrasonic level transmitters, consisting of a transducer, a display / transmitter unit, and manufacturer's cable, shall be provided as specified below. Stainless steel tags for ultrasonic level transmitters shall be provided as specified. The transmitter shall have built in temperature compensation, digital level indicator and any other item required to complete the level measuring system. The level measuring system shall be suitable for mounting on the top of the Water trench, pump sump pit, water channel and Filter bed as required The level sensor material shall be non-corrosive. Contractor shall arrange for the installation of the level transmitter on top location at suitable location. Accuracy of the level transmitter shall not deteriorate even if suspended solids are present in the service fluid. Level transmitter shall be suitable for field mounting in safe area. Transmitter output shall be isolated and shall be suitable for transmitting over long distance.

2.0 Transducer Required Features

Ultrasonic level transducers and manufacturer's cable assembly shall be provided with at least the features specified below:

Measuring Principle Ultrasonic, time-to-flight / Pulse Time of flight

Range As indicated on the data sheet

Level Resolution Better than 1 mm

Beam angle 6 Degrees

Process connection Suitable for the Reservoir

Cable As indicated on the datasheet

Temperature compensation Full, automatic

Mounting As indicated on the datasheet

Nominal frequency range Manufacturer’s Standard suitable for the application

Operating conditions - 40 to + 950C or As indicated on the datasheet

Max Pressure 4 Kg / cm^2(g)

Range Liquids 0 to 25 m Refer process data

Sensor materials corrosion resistant PVDF wetted material

Principle Pulse Time of flight

Agency listings UL listed or FM approved

3.0 Display/Transmitter Unit Required Features

Display / transmitter units shall be furnished for use with the transducers specified above and shall include at least the features specified below. At least two programming key pads shall be included per project unless directed otherwise:


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Display Yes-External Display Required, 4/5 line LCD display. Menu

guided operation

Configuration Using Keypad on display OR suitable field configuration tool

Memory Parameters held in non volatile memory

Display Location Local / Sensor mounted

Temperature compensation Automatic , built in transmitter


4 to 20 mA analog, two wire, linear with process

engineering units. One Form C SPDT relay contacts, 5

amperes at 250 volts ac, non-inductive

Output Variables Level, Distance, Volume, Open Channel Flow

Supply voltage 24 VDC, loop powered

Accuracy 0.2% full scale measuring distance OR 4mm (+/- 2 mm)

which-ever is better

Radio Frequency

Interference (RFI)effect &



Less than 0.1 percent of span for frequencies 27 to 1,000

MHz and field intensity of 30 V/m Interference emission to

EN 61326;Equipment class B, Interference immunity to EN

61326;Appendix A (Industrial)

Voltage transient immunity Up to 1000 volts common mode and 500 volts normal mode

with output shift less than1.0 percent

Surge suppression

On board transmitter compartment. Compatible with HART

or Foundation Field bus communications as applicable.

Compliant with IEEE C62.41 Cat. B and IEEE C37.90.1.

Housing & Ingress

Protection Aluminium, rated NEMA 6P (IP68)

Operating conditions -20 to +500C

Agency listings UL listed and FM approved

Hazardous area

classification Safe Area

4.0 Typical data sheet for transmitter


1 Tag Number During detail engineering

2 Service Raw / Dam water

3 Location At the Jack well pump floor above

pump suction pit

4 Quantity As per BOM

5 Mounting A special arrangement of SS

structure to be fabricated &


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

mounted to install the

USLT on River. Flange structure to

be fabricated to install the USLT on

pump pit

6 Area classification NA

7 Certification Required

8 Enclosure IP 65

9 Pipe Line number Vendor to confirm during detail




10 Fluid Raw / Dam water

11 Fluid State Liquid

12 Operating Pressure Atmospheric

13 Operating Temperature 50 Deg C

14 Operating specific

gravity Suitable for water

15 Operating Viscosity Suitable for water

16 Min./ Max Pressure Atmospheric

17 Design Pressure Vendor Standard

18 Design Temperature 75 Deg C

TRANSMITTER 19 Application

1) Dam water level measurement

before trash rack & after trash rack

and 2) Raw water sump pit level


20 Type Ultrasonic


21 Principle time-to-flight / Pulse Time of flight

22 Housing Aluminium

23 Paint Epoxy or polyurethane- coated

24 Protection IP 68 NEMA 6P (IP68)

25 Power Supply 24 V DC

26 Output Loop powered at 750 Ω 4-20 mA, 2

wire linear with process (HART)

27 Level Resolution Better than 1 mm

28 Transmitter Location Local/Sensor mounted

29 Process Flanges and

Mounting arrangement Mtl Wet-side

30 Material SS 316 Corrosion resistant PVDF

wetted material


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

31 Body Material & Bolt &

accessories Material

SS 316

32 Beam Angle 6 Degree

33 Instrument Span

Vendor to size the transmitter

based on process data & submit for


34 Calibration Range Vendor to confirm

35 Alternate Range NA

36 Process connection Manufacturer’s standard

37 Electrical Connection Manufacturer’s standard

38 Accuracy

± 0.2% of span, 0.2% full scale

measuring distance OR 4 mm (+/-

2 mm) which ever is better

39 Allowable Temp. Later* DISPLAY

40 Display 4/5 line LCD


41 Display Scale


External Display ,Menu guided

operation Match Calibration

42 Hydrostatic Certificate to be provided

43 Testing Memory

Parameters held in non volatile


44 Mounting Brackets 50 mm Pipe mounting

45 Lightning Protection YES Required



46 Communication Type HART

47 Communication with: PLC –SCADA

48 Configuration from: Factory

49 Internal Diagnostics Required


50 Approved Manufacturer Emerson/ABB/E&H/Siemens/Baner

51 Model Vendor to confirm

52 Purchase Spec Datasheet is a part of Specification

53 Serial Number During detail engineering


Display Type 4” LCD Display

Input Supply : 24 VDC

Out Put : 4-20 mA.

Range: : 0 to 30 m

Accuracy : < 0.03%


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Power, Linearity, Repeatability : 0.01 ft (+ 3mm)

Resolution : 1 mm

Power : Sleep mode 7.6 mA typical

Active (measuring) 12 mA typical

Ambient Temperature : 45 Degree C

Relative Humidity : 0 to 100 % Non condensing

Acceptable Makes:- Endress +Hauser, RL Technologies pvt ltd or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of each Ultrasonic level transmitter is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.6 : Power Analyzer :- This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Power Analyzer interfacing to PLC panel with modbus communication port as per IEC 62053 & in the prescribed format with all necessary CT's, MCB's,Signal cables,Relays etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection. (One common on Main Panel)

General Requirement

The scope of this work includes sizing,design,supply,erection and

commissioning of Energy meters,communication cable and software.

Power Analyser design: Design & selection of Power Analyser shall be based on electrical consumption, mounting arrangement, interface requirement with control system, general requirement and specifications below.

Erection of Power Analyser :Erection includes mounting of energy meterson existing switchgear panel, wiring from CT and PT to energy meter. Laying of

communication cable from energy meter to communicationswitch es mounted in PLC based control panel.Mounting of junction box, glanding,termination and interfacing go fenergy meter with controlsystem.

Commissioning: Commissioning of Power Analyser includes, calibration

checking, loop checking, testing of energy meter locally from switchgear panel,

remotely from PLC based SCADA system and from Historian station.

System description:-

Energy Audit shall be part of automation of water treatment plant. To

accomplish this requirement Digital Power Analyser shall be mounted onfollowing switchgear panel,Incomer and outgoing breakers,PCC,MCC.

Raw water system–For each pump feeder ,Incomer feeder ,transformer feeder pure water system–For each pump feeder, Incomer feed-er,transformerfeeder

Filtersystem–Incomerfeeder Blower – For each blowerfeeder Backwash water system–For each pump feeder Recycle water system-For each pump feeder Power Analyser falls under particular master PLC based control systemsection shall be interfaced on Ring topology /Daisy chain network with ach other and this net work finally shall be interfaced with that particular master PLC.All the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

electrical parameters available in the Power Analyser shall be made available in the associated master PLC and SCADA.

These parameters shall be further made available in Historian server for data base management, Alarm management and Energy Audit. Contractor shall

design, supply, develop and program energy management software in the historian server. Contractor shall develop the commercial analysis of energy audit and represent it in the graphical, tabular and widget form for management reference.

Technical specifications:

Power Analyser shall have following minimum specifications but not limited to:

a. Selectable forsystem,1Ph,3Ph 3 W and3 Ph 4W.(The Input CT and PT shall be ratio programmable)

b. 21st Harmonics of voltages and currents (selectivity)

c. Import and Export Energy measurement

d. THD factors for currents and voltages e. Measurement of power network parameters in balanced & unbalanced systems

f. Configured watt-hour meter for the selected harmonic

g. Backlit LCD 4.5 ” screen,mono chromatic with backlight h. Ingress protection : IP 65 i. Digital transmission to the master system through the RS-485 interface (MOD-


j. Inbuilt Real Time Clock (RTC) k. Configurable analog, alarm and pulse outputs (energy) l. A programmable current outputshall be 4 to 20 mA, programmable relayout

put, potential free contacts,load capacity 250V~/0.5 m. Output : 1 Analog, 1 Relays,1OC, RS485 Modbus n. Accuracy Classshall be : 0.2 for Voltage and current, 0.5 for power,energy &

Phase Angle o. Universal Auxiliary Power supply , power consumption shall be not morethan 7

Volt Ampere

p. Temperature withstand shall be 55 Deg.C.and Relative Humiditywithstand

capacity shall be 95%

q. The transmission boud rate shall be 38.4 Kbits/second.

Data sheet of the Power Analyser :

List of parameters to be measured and their Ranges

Sr. No.

Measured value

Display range

Measuring range




Current L1, L2 & L3

0 to 60 KA

To be confirmed by Contractor



Voltage phase

0 to 1.1 MV

To be confirmed by Contractor



Voltage line

1.0 to 1.9 MV

To be confirmed by Contractor



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47 to 63 HZ

To be confirmed

by Contractor



Active power

(-)9999 MW to 9999 MW

To be confirmed

by Contractor



Reactive power

(-)9999 Mvar to 9999 Mvar

To be confirmed by Contractor



Apparent power

0 VA to 9999 MVA

To be confirmed by Contractor



Power factor

(-)1.0 to 1.0

To be confirmed

by Contractor



Tangent of phase angle

(-)1.2 to 1.2

To be confirmed by Contractor



Cosine of phase angle

(-)1.0 to 1.0

To be confirmed by Contractor



Phase angle

(-)180 to 180

To be confirmed by Contractor



Imported active en-ergy

0 to 99999999.99 KWH

To be confirmed

by Contractor



Exported active en-ergy

0 to 99999999.99 KWH

To be confirmed

by Contractor



Reactive inductive energy

0 to 99999999.99 Kvarh

To be confirmed by Contractor



Reactive capacitive energy

0 to 99999999.99 Kvarh

To be confirmed by Contractor


List of output parameters and their properties

1 Analog output Programmable current output in terms of 4-20 mA, Pro-grammable relay output,potential free contacts,load capac-ity shall be 250 VAC/0.5 Amp

2 Pulse output for Active or Reactive energy



Retransmitted output

All the above listed parameters shall be made available on RS-232/RS-485/ modbus communication invie of interfac-ing the energy meters with PLC based SCADA system


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Note: Contractor shall provide memory mapping of all the electrical parameters

those are listed above in view of available these parameters in PLC based

SCADA and further to Historian for various analysis purpose.

Power Analyser communication cable:

Contractor shall design,size,supply,erect,and terminate the communication cable between energy meters to form thering / daisy chain network and from net work to PLC.

Cable specifications are as below:-

Sr. No.

Description Particulars

1 Characteristics Impedance(Ohm) 64.000 Nom.

2 Inductance (μH/ft) 0.200 Nom.

3 Conductor to Conductor Capacitance 24.000 Nom.

4 Conductor to Other Conductor & Shield Capacitance (pF/ft)


5 Nominal Conductor DC Re-

sistance DCR @ 20oC

(Ohm/1000 ft)


6 Max. Operating Voltage – UL Voltage 300 V RMS (UL AWM Style 2092)

7 Max. Recommended Current 2.9 Amps per conductor @ 25º C

Software requirement:-

Energy management software shall be provided which will be loaded in the

Historian server and further programmed to develop the energy audit for

commercial analysis. The software shall be from reputed make. The

specification and make of the software shall be approved by consultant / owner.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of each Power analyzer is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

Item No.7:-PLC Panel with HMI for filter Bed:- This job includes, Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & testing of PLC Panel with HMI including PLC with CPU & Power supply unit, power supply cable, Interfacing cards,interfacing cables, wireless modules with 25 % extra quantity of all accessories including MJP and TPI Inspection. (One for each filter bed) Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of each PLC panel with HMI for filter bed is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.


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ItemNo.8 : Master PLC Panel :- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Master PLC based control monitoring and communication panel as per IEC 61131 at pure water sump suitable for monitoring and control of pure water pumps. Pressure transmitters, level transmitter, PH Transmitter, Turbidity Transmiter, Power analyser for all pumps installed including MJP and TPI Inspection with fully redundant system. Master PLC Panel

1. It shall be a proven, intelligent PLC having local memory, processor, power supply unit & communication cards. The main processor shall employ a minimum of 32 bit or higher word length for CPU processing. The PLC memory shall take care of the I/O count re-quirement including serial points.

2. The supplied PLCs shall be microprocessor based, programmable and with erasable ROM / RAM Memory. Each of the PLCs shall have its own processor, memory, power supply unit & communication processor and I/O cards complete in all respects. All PLCs shall be modular & from the same model product line with identical capacities.

3. All field instrumentation signalling from Field Instruments shall be cabled up- to the re-spective Hardware panels.

4. The PLC hardware shall have following basic features.

5. PLC shall be programmable in a structured programming language for ease of pro-gramming and ease of de-bugging.

a. The I/O cards shall not be combined for the functionalities i.e. each card shall be used to perform its own functionality with respect analog inputs, digital inputs, digital outputs.

b. The PLC’s shall have a dual processor. The changeover in case of a dual processor shall be bump less and should be fail-safe. Redundancy should be provided for complete processor subsystem including CPU memory and power supply

c. The PLC should be completely unaffected by a momentary loss of Power of the or-der of 20 milliseconds.

d. The PLC’s shall be configured such that failure of an individual module shall not af-fect the integrity of the unit as a whole.

e. The high performance PLC must be designed to log the parameters with time stamping.

f. The parameter logging interval can be set locally remotely from the central control station. The logged data can then be downloaded to the central station PC.

g. LED indication on the front panel shall be provided for the indication of the present mode of operation and for alarm status along with its simultaneous display on the MCS.

h. The PLC shall be battery backed-up so as to maintain time stamping during power failure of the monitored Field Instruments parameters which can be used in further analysis

i. The PLC shall be designed to have communication compatibility for wire/ wireless mode viz. for Radio, GSM / GPRS, VSAT or wired mode viz. OFC and serial to transmit data and receive commands remotely. A total of 3 communication ports shall be required in the SURVELLIANCE Hardware considering:

Port 1: Host port for 3rd party communication

Port 2: Remote communication

Port 3: For acquisition of stored data through local hand held terminal


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j. Above ports exclude the HMI panel to be provided on the PLC fascia.

PLC at each location shall be interfaced with communication equipment through RS232 /RS 485 serial bus/ industrial Ethernet using standardized communication protocol.

The complete PLCs shall be supplied with all its components including the cabinets.

All the supplied PLCs shall be with same make & model no., differing only in number of PLC I / O cards. PLC Minimum Specifications: The PLC shall comply with following in addition to the other requirements.

1 Power Supply Input 230V AC (170-270VAC), 50 Hz

Output As required by Processor & IO modules

2 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Type Microprocessor based Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 32 bit Ethernet or higher

Memory Minimum Program – 512 Kb (spare 50% after commissioning)

Minimum Data – 2 GB (capable of holding 3 year station data)

Clock Battery backed RTC with max. 1 minute drip per year

Display Colour touch-screen HMI 10” minimum with Ethernet interface mounted on front panel.

ADC 16 bit minimum

Watch-dog to reset CPU in any abnormal function

Peripheral Communication

Using standard I/O Bus

Time Synchronization

Should accept external GPS Clock Pulse

Self Diagnostics Required

3 I/O Modules Type Rack mount plug-in with base

I/O Count As per station requirement plus 25% spare to each type duly wired up to terminal board.

Analog Module 8 CH (Max.) 16 bit, with LED indicator, Max load 500 Ω, cross talk attenuation,

Digital Module 16 CH (Max), opto- isolated,

Communication Module

ADN with Ethernet & Serial connectivity using MODBUS or any


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other standard communication protocol

4 Relay Boards All Digital outputs in the PLC will drive Relays 24V DC 2 C/O and field signals routed through relay contacts

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of Master PLC panel is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material. Item No.9 Control cables:- This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 2cx1.5 Sq.mm twisted shielded copper amoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall, in GI tray or in ground suitable for supplied D.C. voltage Including TPI & MJP inspection. Design criteria

a. Power and control cable shall be suitable for installation in a tropical monsoon area having a hot humid climate. The reference ambient temperature to be con-sidered for the purpose of this specification is 50 Deg C.

b. The de-rating factor for various conditions of installation including the following shall be considered while choosing the conductor size and calculations shall be submitted for Owner’s approval:

i. Maximum ambient air temperature.

ii. Maximum ground temperature iii. Depth of laying wherever applicable

iv. Grouping of cables

c. The maximum continuous conductor temperature and the maximum allowable conductor temperature during short circuit are to be taken as 70 deg C and 160

deg C respectively in case of PVC insulated cables and 90 deg C and 250 deg C respectively in case of XLPE insulated cables.

d. The cables shall be capable of continuous satisfactory operation under a power

supply system frequency variation of (±) 5%, voltage variation of (±) 10% and

combined frequency and voltage variation of 10% (absolute sum).

e. The cables shall in general comply with the requirements of the latest revision of IS-1554 (Part – I) for the LT PVC power and control cables or the relevant IEC Inter-national Standard unless otherwise specified in this specification. The design, manufacture, installation, testing and performance of the cables, shall comply with the latest revisions of IS/ IEC/ NEMA/ ASTM Standard and the most stringent conditions specified in these specification shall be applicable.


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General technical requirements

a. Type of cable:-

The cable shall be multi-core/ single core (XLPE), PVC and any polymeric/ elastomeric insulation type as specified.

b. Conductor:-

The cable conductor shall be made from standard copper to form compact conductor having a resistance within the limits specified. All the cables of required size and above shall have sector shape conductors. The minimum no. of strands in conductor shall be 7 (seven) except as otherwise specified. Power cables shall be of stranded Copper conductor with required size minimum and the control cables shall be stranded copper (electrolytic) conductor with a minimum size of 1.5 mm.

c. Conductor Shield The conductor having a semi-conducting screen shall ensure perfectly smooth profile and avoid stress concentration. The conductor screen shall be extruded in the same operation as the insulation, the semi-conducting polymer shall be cross linked for XLPE cables.

d. Insulation

The insulation of the cable shall be extruded type and shall be designed and manufactured for the specified system voltage. The manufacturing process shall ensure that insulation shall be free from voids. The insulation shall withstand mechanical and thermal stresses under steady state and transient operating conditions. The extrusion method should give a very smooth interface between semi conducting screen and insulation. The insulation of the cables shall be of high standard quality. The minimum volume resistivity of the PVC insulation of all the

PVC insulated cables shall be 1x1014 ohm-cm at 27 deg C and 1x1011 ohm-cm at 70 deg C.

e. Insulation shield

In XLPE cables, to confine electrical field to the insulation, a non-magnetic semi conducting shield shall be put over the insulation. The insulation shield shall be extruded in the same operation as the conductor shield and the insulation by triple extrusion/process. The XLPE cable insulation shield shall be strippable. Metallic screening for all type of power, control and special cables shall be provided.

f. Inner Sheath

The sheath shall be suitable to withstand the site conditions and the desired temperature. It shall be of adequate thickness and applied by a continuous process to produce a sheath of consistent quality free from all defects. PVC sheath shall be extruded.

g. Armour

Hard drawn Aluminium wire armouring / galvanized steel tape/ wire armouring shall be used for single core and multi-core cable respectively. The hard drawn

aluminium wire for armour shall be of H4 grade, as per IS-8130 (having tensile strength above 150 N/mm) The diameter of the aluminium wire shall be as per the table for the dimensions of the galvanized steel wire armour given in the relevant standard.

h. Serving/ outer sheath

Extruded PVC serving as per IS: 5831 or as specified otherwise shall be applied over the armouring with suitable additives to prevent attach by rodent

and termites. All serving must be given anti-termite treatment.


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Codes and standards

All cables to be supplied shall conform to the latest revisions of IS or any other international standards acceptable to Owner. Some of the Indian Standards/ IEC considered relevant to the cables are given below:

Sr. No.

Standard Description


IS:1554 (Part-I) PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables for work-ing voltage up to and including 1100 V.


IS:1554 (Part-II) PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables for working volt-

age from 3.3kV up to and including 11kV.

3 IS:3961 Recommended current ratings for cables.

4 IS:8130 Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexi-ble cords.

5 IS:5831 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables.

6 IS:2982 Copper conductor in insulated cables and cords.

7 IS:3975 Mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armouring ca-bles



Specification for low frequency wirers and cables

with PVC insulation and PVC Sheath.

9 IS:6380 Spec. of elastomeric insulation of sheath of electric cables.

10 IS:434(I and II) Specification for rubber insulation cables



The methods for insulations and sheaths of electric cables and cords (elastomeric and thermoplastic compounds).

12 IEC:230 Impulse tests on cables and their accessories.

13 IEC:60 High voltage test techniques.



Calculations of the continuous current

rating of cables (100% load factor).



Nominal cross-sectional area and composition of

conductor of insulated cables.


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Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltages from 1.00 kV upto 30 kV.



Thermoplastic insulated wires and cables for transmission

and distribution of electrical energy.



Standard for type test for class IE electric cables, filled splices and connections for nuclear power generation stations

19 IEC: 332-1 Test on electric cables under fire conditions.



Standard test method for density of smoke from

burning/decomposition of plastics.

21 ASTM-D-2863 Test for determination of Oxygen Index.

22 IEC-754-I Test method for acid gas generation.

23 IEC-331 Fire resisting characteristics of electric cables.

Constructional requirements

Cable shall have suitable filters laid up with the conductors to provide a sub-stantially circular cross section before the sheath is applied. Fillers shall be suit-able for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulat-ing material. All materials shall be new, unused and of finest quality. Workman-ship shall be neat, clean and of highest grade.

a. 415V system power cables - The cable shall be 1.1kV, grade, heavy duty,

stranded aluminium conductor, PVC Type-A Insulated galvanized steel wire/strip armoured, flame retardant low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC type ST1 outer sheathed.

b. Control cables - The cable shall be 1.1kV grade, heavy duty, stranded copper conductor, PVC Type-A insulated, galvanized steel wire / strip armoured, flame retardant low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC of Type-ST1 outer sheathed.

Identification of cores

The insulated cores of LT power cables shall be identified by color code. The

control cables shall have identification by means of printing of numbers of its

cores at intervals not more than 75 mm. At least 20% cores shall be kept as

spares in the multi-core control cables.

Arrangement of cables

As far as feasible, separate cables shall be provided for circuits of different plant and auxiliaries, for circuits of different voltages, and for circuit used separately. Power, control and instrumentation circuit shall invariably be taken through different routes, which shall not be laid together on the same cable trays.

Drums lengths

Drum lengths of the cables shall be so chosen that straight through joints are

eliminated. However, the drum lengths shall not be less than the following


i) 415 Volt, 1.1kV grade power cables 500 M ii) 1.1kV grade control and instrumentation cables 1000M


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Installation of cables and earthing system

The GI/Al cable trays, and accessories, supports, conduits, cable glands, lugs, ferrules, tags, clamps and other accessories for installation of cables in cable trays, trenches etc. earthing system network/earth mat including

interconnections at necessary area of plant shall be provided.

Note:- All structural steel/ Iron Woks required for cable installation and cable tray included in this contract or required as per site condition should be provided with Zinc coating/ Galvanization.

Design and Constructional Features a. Inter Plant Cabling:

Interplant cabling for main routes shall be laid along overhead trestles /duct banks. However, from tap-offs, same can be through shallow trenches. In case of Duct banks, pull-pits shall be filled with sand and provided with a RCC covering. Directly buried cables, if essential, shall not have concentration of more than 4 cables in one route.

b. Cable entry: Shall be decided during detail engineering c. Trenches: PCC flooring of built up trenches shall be sloped for effective drainage

with sump pits and sump pumps. Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of control cable is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.


This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing OF CAT 6 as per ISO/IEC 11801 std. cable for networking on wall, in GI tray or in ground required for Ethernet communication Including TPI & MJP Inspection. 1. SCOPE This specification is based on the specifications of UL 444, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B,ISO/IEC 11801,UL 1685(CM) and covers the requirements for Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cables of 100 Ω,Cat6 (U/UTP 6+) for Wideband Technology. Applicable cable size and type: 4 pairs, PVC sheath, CM Grade. 2.1.1 CONDUCTORS Each conductor shall be solid bare copper wire, circular in cross-section, uniform in quality and free from defects. The diameter of each conductor shall be AWG 23 (Nom O.D.0.54 +/- 0.005). 2.1.2 INSULATION Each conductor shall be insulated with solid high density Polyethylene (HDPE). It shall be applied uniformly around the conductor with a minimum concentricity of 90%. The nominal insulation diameter shall be 0.98mm±0.03mm and the specific maximum diameter shall be 1.22mm. If the concentricity of the conductor can be tested on the manufacturing process before completing the product, it could be omitted in the test. 2.1.3 PAIRS Two insulated conductors, designated "A" and "B" shall be uniformly twisted together to form a pair. The insulation shall be coloured and striped longitudinally, as per Table 1.


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The stripe colouring shall not be removable by normal stripping and wiring operations. 2.1.4 CABLE CORE ASSEMBLY Two insulated conductors shall be twisted into a pair. Four twisted pairs shall be assembled into a cable core. The cross-shaped filler shall be inserted between pairs for sufficient isolations of pairs to improve crosstalk characteristics. Rip cord forms part of the cable construction. 2.1.5 SHEATH The material shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements of UL 444. The sheath shall be applied over the cable assembly by an extrusion tubing technique, being close fitting, but not adhering to the insulation, and readily removable for installation termination. The sheath shall have a minimum wall thickness of 0.50mm and nominal 0.55mm. The acceptable maximum cable diameter shall be 6.4mm. The sheath colours are given in Table 2. 2.1.6 SHEATH MARKING The cable shall be marked on the sheath to designate the transmission performance and others. The marking shall be printed through the outer sheath clearly. The specific legend requirements are given in Table 3. 2.2 PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE 2.2.1 SHEATH The unaged tensile strength and elongation, measured in accordance with clause 7.8 of UL 444 shall be minimum 13.5MPa and 150%, respectively. The heat-aged tensile strength and elongation, measured in accordance with clause 7.8 of UL 444 shall be minimum 12.5MP and 125%, respectively. 2.2.2 CABLE COLD BEND All cables shall meet the requirements of clause 7.10 of UL 444. Cold bend (20deg +/-2deg x 4h): 8 x Cable O.D. , no visible cracks. Page 4 of 5 Document ID: 130520_CAT6PLUS_UTP_Specification_Ver4_Z_Cust 2.2.3 FLAME REQUIREMENT A cable marked CM shall comply with the vertical-tray flame test specified in UL 1685 or IEC 60332-3. 2.2.4 CROSS-SHAPED FILLER Cross-shaped filler (separator) complies with ROHS requirements. O.D. 4.5mm, thickness 0.45mm

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur.

Third party and MJP Inspection of communication cable is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

Item No. 11 Signal Cables:- ItemNo.11 (a):6 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable:- This job includes, Designing ,supplying, installing ,commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 6 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Third party and MJP Inspection of Signal cable is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.11 (b) : 4 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable :- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 4 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of Signal cable is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.11(c):9 Core x1.5 Sq.mm Cable:- This job includes, Designing ,supplying, installing ,commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 9 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of Signal cable is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.12: 10 C x 1.5 Sq.mm Cable :- This job includes, Designing ,supplying, installing, commissioning & testing with Terminating & interfacing 10 Core x 1.5Sq.mm copper armoured conductor as per IS 694 on wall in GI tray or in ground Including TPI & MJP inspection.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or as approved by SE (M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of Signal cable is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO. and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.13 (a & b): Cable Trays :- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with Bending cutting perforated GI tray 200x20mm x3 mm thick and 150x20mm x3 mm thickfor laying of cable.

a. GI Cable trays shall be ladder/ perforated type as specified complete with match-

ing fittings (like brackets, elbows, bends, reducers, tees, crosses, etc.) accessories

(like side coupler plates, etc. and hardware (like bolts, nuts, washers, GI strap,

hook etc.) as required. Cable tray shall be ladder type for power and control cables

and perforated for instrumentation cables.

b. Cable trays, fittings and accessories shall be fabricated out of rolled mild steel

sheets free from flaws such as laminations, rolling marks, pitting etc. These (in-

cluding hardware) shall be hot dip galvanized as per relevant IS.

c. Cable trays shall have standard width of 80mm, 200 mm, 300 mm and 600 mm and

standard lengths of 2.5 metre. Minimum thickness of mild steel sheets used for fab-


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rication of cable trays and fittings shall be 2 mm. The thickness of side coupler

plates shall be minimum 3 mm.

d. Cable troughs shall be required for branching out few cables from main cable route. These shall be U-shaped, fabricated of mild steel sheets of minimum thick-ness 2 mm and shall be hot dip galvanized as per relevant IS. Troughs shall be standard width of 50 mm and 75 mm with depth of 25 mm.

e. The size of the cable tray (80mm to 600mm width) depends on the size of the ca-bles and routing of the trays. Bidder has to decide based on site visit. The tray load-ing should not be more than 70% of tray capacity , none of cable will be laid over

the cable. The cable cost includes cost of tray and no separate payment will be made for cable tray.

Support system for cable trays

d. Cable tray support system shall be pre-fabricated.

e. Support system for cable trays shall essentially comprise of the two components i.e. main support channel and cantilever arms. The main support channel shall be of

two types:

Having provision of supporting cable trays on one side and Having provision of supporting cable trays on both sides.

In general, the support system shall be as follows :

i. Cable supporting steel work for cable racks / cables shall comprise of various

channel sections, cantilever arms, various brackets, clamps, floor plates, all hard wares such as lock washers, hexagon nuts, hexagon head bolt, support hooks, stud nuts, hexagon head screw, channel nut, channel nut with springs, fixing studs, etc. duly zinc coating/ Galvanization.

ii. The system shall be designed such that it allows easy assembly at site by using bolting. All cable supporting steel work, hard wares fittings and accessories shall

be prefabricated factory galvanized. iii. The main support and cantilever arms shall be fixed at site using necessary

brackets, clamps, fittings, bolts, nuts and other hardware etc. to form various ar-rangements required to support the cable trays. Welding of the components shall not be allowed. However, welding of the bracket (to which the main sup-port channel is bolted) to the overhead beams, structural steel, insert plates or

reinforcement bars will be permitted. Any cutting or welding of the galvanized surface shall be brushed and red lead primer, oil primer and aluminium paint shall be applied.

iv. All steel components, accessories, fittings and hardware shall be hot dip galva-

nized after completing welding, cutting, drilling and other machining operation.

v. The main support channel and cantilever arms shall be fabricated out of mini-mum 2.5 thick rolled steel sheet conforming to IS.

vi. Cantilever arms of 300 mm, 600 mm and 750 mm in length are required. The arm portion shall be suitable for assembling the complete arm assembly on to component constructed of standard channel section. The back plate shall allow sufficient clearance for fixing bolt to be tightened with tray in position.

Note:- All structural steel/ Iron Woks required for cable installation and cable tray or for any other purpose included in this contract or required as per site condition should be provided with Zinc coating/ Galvanization. Junction boxes

f. Junction Boxes with IP:55 degree of protection, shall comprise of a case with


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hinged door constructed from cold rolled sheet steel of minimum thickness 2 mm. Top of the boxes shall be arranged to slope towards rear of the box. Gland plate shall be 3 mm thick sheet steel with neoprene/synthetic rubber gaskets. All junc-tion boxes shall be of adequate strength and rigidity, hot dip galvanized as per rele-

vant IS, and suitable for mounting on wall, columns, structures etc. The boxes shall include brackets, bolts, nuts, screws M8 earthing stud etc. required for installation

g. Terminal blocks shall be 650 volts grade, rated for 10 Amps and in one piece moulding. It shall be complete with insulating barriers, Clip-on type terminals and identification strips. Marking on terminal strip shall correspond to the terminal numbering on wiring diagrams. It shall be Elmex type CSLT-1 with insulating mate-rial of Melamine conforming to ESI Standard 12.1 or equivalent. Terminal block shall be suitable for terminating 2 wires of 2.5mm on both sides arranged to facili-tate easy termination

Terminations and straight through joints 1.1 kV grade straight through joints shall be of proven design. A suitable care to be taken during joint and termination.

Cable glands

Cable shall be terminated using double compression type cable glands. Cable glands shall conform to BS:6121 and be of robust construction capable of clamping cable and cable armour (for armoured cables) firmly without injury to insulation. Cable glands shall be made of heavy duty brass machine finished and nickel chrome plated. Thickness of plating shall not be less than 10 micron. All

washers and hardware shall also be made of brass with nickel chrome plating Rubber components shall be of neoprene and of tested quality. Necessary cable dimensions shall be furnished to the successful Contractor.

Cable lugs/ ferrules

Cable lugs for power cables shall be Aluminium solder less crimping type

conforming to IS:8309 suitable for aluminium compacted conductor cables. Cable lugs and ferrules for control cables shall be tinned copper conforming to IS:8309. The cable lugs for control cables shall be provided with insulating sleeve and shall suit the type of terminals provided on the equipments.

Cable clamps and straps

The cable clamps required to clamp multi core cables on vertical run shall be made up of Aluminium strip of 25x3 mm size. For clamping the multi core cables, self-locking, de-interlocking type nylon clamps/ straps shall be used. The clamps/ straps shall have sufficient strength and shall not get affected by direct exposure to

sun rays and outdoor environment


Cable tray and support system installation

a. Cables shall run in cable trays mounted horizontally or vertically on cable tray support system which in turn shall be supported from floor, ceiling, overhead structures, trestles, pipe racks, trenches or other building structures. All cable trays shall be in vertical configuration in boiler and ESP areas.

b. Horizontally running cable trays shall be clamped by bolting to cantilever arms and

vertically running cable trays shall be bolted to main support channel by suitable bracket/ clamps on both top and bottom side rails at an interval of 2000 mm. For


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vertical cable risers/shafts cable trays shall be supported at an interval of 1000mm. Fixing of cable trays to cantilever arms or main support channel by weld-ing shall not be accepted.

c. The cantilever arms shall be positioned on the main support channel with a mini-

mum vertical spacing of 300 mm unless otherwise indicated in the relevant tray lay-out drawings

d. All cable way sections shall have identification, designations as per cable way layout drawings and painted/ stencilled at each end of cable way and where there is a branch connection to another cable way. Minimum height of letter shall be not less than 75 mm. For long lengths of trays, the identification shall be painted at

every 10 meter. Risers shall additionally be painted/ stencilled with identification numbers at every floor.

e. In certain cases it may be necessary to site fabricate portions of trays, supports and other non standard bends where the normal prefabricated trays, supports and accessories may not be suitable. In such cases the Contractor shall fabricate at site suitable sections of trays, supports and accessories to make the installation

complete for the specific purpose after obtaining Project Manager's prior approval, which shall be neat in appearance and shall match with the prefabricated sections in the dimensions. They shall be applied with one coat of red lead primer, one coat of oil primer followed by two finishing coats of aluminium paint.

Conduits/ Pipes/ Ducts installation

f. All openings in the floor/ roof/ wall/ cable tunnel/ cable trenches made for conduit installation shall be sealed and made water proof. GI pull wire of adequate size shall be laid in all conduits before installation. Metallic conduit runs at termination shall have two lock nuts wherever required for junction boxes etc.

g. Conduit runs/sleeves shall be provided with PVC bushings having round edge at

each end. All conduits/ pipes shall have their ends closed by caps until cables are pulled. After cables are pulled, the ends of conduits/ pipes shall be sealed with Glass-wool/ Cement Mortar/ Putty to prevent entrance of moisture and foreign ma-terial.

h. Exposed conduit/ pipe shall be adequately supported by racks, clamps, straps or by other approved means. Conduits / pipe support shall be installed square and

true to line and grade with an average spacing between the supports as given be-low, unless specified otherwise.

The typical conduit sizes shall be per below table:

Sr. No. Particular Description


Conduit/ pipe size (dia)


2 Up to 40 mm 1.0 m

3 50 mm 2.0 m

4 65-85 mm 2.5 m

5 100 mm 3 m

Junction boxes installation

Junction boxes shall be mounted at a height of 1200mm above floor level or as specified in the drawings or as decided by Project Manager and shall be


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adequately supported/mounted on masonry wall by means of anchor fasteners/ expandable bolts or shall be mounted on an angle, plate or other structural supports fixed to floor, wall, ceiling or equipment foundations.

Cable installation

i. Cable installation shall be carried out as per IS:1255 and other applicable

standards. Cable drums shall be unloaded, handled and stored in an approved manner on hard and well drained surface so that they may not sink. In no case shall be drum be stored flat i.e. with flange horizontal. Rolling of drums shall be avoided as far as possible. For short distances, the drums may be rolled pro-

vided they are rolled slowly and in proper direction as marked on the drum. In absence of any indication, the drums may be rolled in the same direction as it was rolled during taking up the cables. For un-reeling the cable, the drum shall be mounted on suitable jacks or on cable wheels and shall be rolled slowly so that cable comes out over the drum and not from below. All possible care shall be taken during unreeling and laying to avoid damage due to twist, kink or sharp

bends. Cable ends shall be provided with sealed plastic caps to prevent dam-age and ingress of moisture.

j. While laying cable, ground rollers shall be used at every 2 metre interval to avoid cable touching ground. The cables shall be pushed over the rollers by a gang of people positioned in between the rollers. Cables shall not be pulled from the end without having intermediate pushing arrangements. Pulling tension shall not

exceed the values recommended by cable manufacturer. Selection of cable drums for each run shall be so planned so as to avoid using straight through joints. Care should be taken while laying the cables so as to avoid damage to ca-bles.

k. Cables shall be laid on cable trays strictly in line with cable schedule furnished. l. Power and control cables shall be laid on separate tiers. The laying of different

voltage grade cables shall be on different tiers according to the voltage grade of the cables. In horizontal tray stacks, 415 V power cables (1.1kV) shall be laid on top most tier and cables of subsequent lower voltage grades/control cables on lower tiers of trays. Single core cable in trefoil formation shall be laid with a dis-tance of four times the diameter of cable between trefoil center lines and

clamped at every two metre. All multi-core cables shall be laid in touching for-mation. Power and control cables shall be secured fixed to trays/ support with self locking type nylon cable straps with de-interlocking facilities. For horizontal trays arrangements, multi-core power cables and control cables shall be se-cured at every five meter interval. For vertical tray arrangement, individual multi-core power cables and control cables shall be secured at every one meter by

nylon cable strap. After completion of cable laying work in the particular vertical tray, all the control cables shall be tied to trays/ supports by aluminium strips at every five meter interval and at every bend.

m. Bending radii for cables shall be as per manufacturer’s recommendations and IS:1255.

n. Where cables cross roads/rail tracks, the cables shall be laid in hume pipe/ PVC pipe.

o. Joints for less than 250 Meters run of cable shall not be permitted. p. Control cable termination inside equipment enclosure shall have sufficient lengths

so that shifting of termination in terminal blocks can be done without requiring any


q. The installation work shall be carried out in a neat workman like manner and ar-

eas of work shall be cleaned of all scraps, water, etc. after the completion of

work in each area every day. RCC/ Steel trench covers shall be replaced after

the installation work in a particular area is completed or when further work is not

likely to be taken up for some time.


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r. Separation - At least 300mm clearance shall be provided between :

- HT power and LT power cables,

- LT power and LT control/ instrumentation cables, s. Segregation

Segregation means physical isolation to prevent fire jumping.

All cables associated with the unit shall be segregated from cables of other units.

Cable routes for one set of auxiliaries of same unit shall be segregated from the other set.

m. Minimum number of spare cores required to be left for interconnection in con-

trol cables shall be as follows :

Sr. No.

No. of cores in cable No. of spare cores

1 2C, 3C NIL

2 5C 1

3 7C-10C 2

4 14C and above 3

n. Cable fire sealing Wherever the cables pass through walls/ floors, fire proof cable penetration seals rated for two hours shall be provided. This shall be by suitable block system using individual blocks with suitable framework or by silicon RTV foaming system. In case foaming system is offered, damming board, if used,

shall not be considered for fire rating criteria. Any of the system offered shall be of proven type as per BS:476 (Part- 20) or equivalent standard.

o. Directly buried cables - Cable trenches shall be constructed for directly buried cables. Construction of cable trench for cables shall include excavation, preparation of sieved sand bedding, riddled soil cover, supply and installation of brick or concrete protec-tive covers, back filling and compacting, supply and installation of route markers

and joint markers. Laying of cables and providing protective covering shall be as per IS:1255. - RCC cable route and RCC joint markers shall be provided wherever required. The voltage grade of the higher voltage cables in route shall be engraved on the marker. Location of underground cable joints shall be indicated with cable marker with an additional inscription “Cable Joint”. The marker shall project 150

mm above ground and shall be spaced at an interval of 30 meters and at every change in direction. They shall be located on both sides of road crossings and drain crossings. Top of cable marker/joint marker shall be sloped to avoid ac-cumulation of water/dust on marker.

p. Cable tags shall be provided on all cables at each end (just before entering the equipment (enclosure), on both sides of a wall or floor crossing, on each duct/ conduit entry, and at every 20 meters in cable tray/trench runs. Cable tags shall al-so be provided inside the switchgear, motor control centres, control and relay pan-els etc. where a number of cables enter together through a gland plate. Cable tag shall be of rectangular shape for power cables and control cables. Cable tag shall be of 2 mm thick Aluminium with number punched on it and securely attached to the cable by not less than two turns of 20 SWG GI wire conforming to IS:280. Al-


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ternatively, cable tags made of nylon, cable marking ties of ‘TY-CAB’ or equivalent type with cable number heat stamped on the cable tags may also be provided.

q. While crossing the floors, un-armoured cables shall be protected in conduits up

to a height of 500 mm from floor level if not laid in tray.

Cable terminations and connections

t. The termination and connection of cables shall be done strictly in accordance with

cable termination kit manufacturer instructions, drawings etc. Cable jointer shall be qualified to carryout satisfactory cable jointing/ termination.

u. Work shall include all clamps, fittings etc. and clamping, fitting, fixing, plumbing, soldering, drilling, cutting, taping, preparation of cable end, crimping of lug, insulat-ed sleeves over control cable lugs, heat shrinking (where applicable), connecting to cable terminal, shorting and grounding as required to complete the job.

v. The equipment will be generally provided with undrilled gland plates for cables/ conduit entry. The Contractor shall be responsible for punching of gland plates, painting and touching up. Holes shall not be made by gas cutting. The holes shall be true in shape. All cable entry points shall be sealed and made vermin and dust proof. Unused openings shall be effectively sealed by 2mm thick aluminium sheets.

w. Control cable cores entering control panel/ switchgear/ MCCs etc. Shall be neatly bunched, clamped and tied with self locking type nylon cable ties with de interlock-ing facility to keep them in position.

x. The panels where a larger number of cables are to be terminated and cable identifi-

cation may be difficult, each core ferrule shall include the complete cable number

as per the drawings. The ferrules shall be indelible interlocking type and shall fit

tightly on cores. Spare cores shall have similarly ferrules with a suffix letter ‘S’

along with cable numbers and coiled up after end sealing.

y. All cable terminations shall be appropriately tightened to ensure secure and reliable connections.

ItemNo.14 : Pressure Transmitter for Blower and wash water pumps:- This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & testing of pressure transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at Blower and wash water pump delivery and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement Including TPI & MJP inspection. (one common for blowers + one common for W.W. pumps)


1.0 General Requirement

The scope of this work includes design, sizing, supply, erection and commissioning of ultrasonic transmitters. The pressure transmitters are to be installed on the individual delivery of Pumps one each & one transmitter on common manifold of pipe line

Transmitter design:- Transmitter design, Sizing & selection is based on process data, process requirement, general requirement and specification as mentioned below.

Erection of transmitter: Erection includes mounting with mounting structure and process isolation valve, erection of impulse piping, mounting of transmitter support and rack, laying of electrical cable from PLC to transmitter, mounting of junction box, glanding, termination


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and interfacing of transmitter with control system. Commissioning: Commissioning of transmitter includes, calibration checking, loop checking, testing of transmitter from PLC and open / closed loop checking from sub control system & main control system. The pressure Transmitter shall be Micro-processor based 2 wire transmitters & shall have an impressed output signal of 4 - 20 mA corresponding to zero to full range input. A two-wire transmitter shall be used with accuracy of +/- 0.1 % or better of span. Transmitter shall have external zero and span adjustment with self-diagnostics feature. Transmitter shall have temperature sensor for process compensation. The transmitters shall be of the SMART-type with HART protocol. The transmitter shall be indicating type & shall have LCD display of Min 4” with engineering units. Turn Turndown Ratio of all the transmitter shall be 100:1 for pressure transmitters and 50:1 for very low pressure applications. Load impedance shall be 600 ohm (min). The repeatability shall be within a range of 0.1% of full span. Over Pressure of the transmitter shall be 150% or more of the Maximum Range of the pressure transmitter or maximum working pressure of equipment / pipe line.

The output signal of transmitter must be independent of the burden of the transmitter output circuit including cable resistance over a wide range. All transmitters shall be suitable for field installation and shall have strong, moisture and dust proof cases of Aluminium housing with epoxy coating suitable for IP 67 or equivalent degree of protection or better to be envisaged. All wetted parts of the transmitters shall be SS316 or special material for corrosive applications. Accessories like snubbers for pump discharge applications and chemical diaphragm of 10 m PVC covered SS armoured capillary for remote services shall be considered. Diaphragm seals shall be of the flanged type, suitable for the same conditions as those for the transmitter. The material selection shall be according to the requirements of the fluids to be measured. The seal shall be provided with a flushing connection. Transmitter shall be provided with Mounting bracket, mounting stand & nameplate. Material of accessories shall be SS or better. Process connection shall be -1/2”NPT (F). 2 valve manifold to be considered for absolute pressure, 3 valve manifold for gauge pressure and 5 valve manifold to be considered for DP / level / flow measurements. Mounting bracket, mounting stand & name plate to be envisaged. The material of accessories shall be SS or better. Transmitter shall be capable of driving an output Impedance of 600 ohms at 24 VDC, shall be generally powered from the control system I/O cards and provided with integrated digital display in percentage and engineering units. The removal of connected devices must not open the transmitter output circuit or cause malfunction of this circuit. In the case of failure and return of the supply voltage within a measuring circuit, no false signals endangering the system shall be issued. All transmitters shall be individually fused.

2.0 Detailed Technical Specifications

Sr. No. Features Minimum requirement for electronic transmitter

1 Type of transmitter Loop powered Microprocessor based 2 wire type,

SMART, HART protocol compatible.

2 Sensor type Capacitance


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3 Material Measuring Capsule - AISI 316 SS or better;

Body – CS / Stainless Steel as per fluid application.

4 Ambient Temp. 0 - 50 Deg. C

5 Accuracy ± 0.1% of span

6 Output signal range 4-20 mA DC (Analog), Linear, along with superimposed

digital signal (based on HART protocol)

7 Range About 1.5 times normal value (min.)

8 Turn down ratio 100:1 for High pressure & 50:1 for Low pressure

9 Repeatability ± 0.05% of span or better

10 Stability ± 0.1% of calibrated span for 6 months up to 70 Kg/cm²

and ± 0.25% for range more than 70 Kg/cm²

11 Sensitivity 0.05% of span or better

12 Zero and span drift ± 0.015% per deg C at Max Span and 0.11% per deg. C

at min. span.

13 Load impedance 500 ohm (min.)

14 Body / Element Rating 1.5 times the maximum span / Full static Pressure on

one side with other side venting for DPT.

15 Housing & Enclosure


Weather proof as per IP- 67 with durable corrosion

resistant coating. Die cast aluminium

16 Over pressure 150% of max. operating pressure

17 Connection (Electrical) Plug and socket type

18 Process connection 1/2 inch NPT/BSP will be accepted

19 Instrument Valve

Manifold 2-Valve for PT / 5-Valve for DPT (Stainless Steel)

20 Output Indicator LCD type.

21 Span and Zero


Continuous, tamper proof, non-interacting remote as

well as local manual from instrument with zero

suppression and calibration facility.

22 Accessories

a. Diaphragm seal, pulsation dampers, siphon

etc As required by service & operating condi-


b. Two valve manifold for absolute pressure transmitters

Three valve transmitters & Five valve manifold for DP


23 Mounting Bracket Required

24 Diagnostic Self indicating feature


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25 Power Supply 24V DC ± 10%

26 Adjustment/


Total five (5) no. of handheld calibrators shall be


27 Response time Suitable to meet closed loop control reaction time

specified else where

28 Make Emerson / ABB / E&H /Siemens/Banner/ Yokogawa

Acceptable Makes:- Endress +Hauser, RL Technologies pvt ltd or approved by SE(M),Nagpur Third party and MJP Inspection of each Pressure transmitter is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.15 : ULT for wash water tank:- This job includes, Ultrasonic level transmitter for wash water tank filling from pure water channel sump. Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked with following rtechnical parameters and interfacing with PLC panel including mounting arrangement. with TPI & MJP Inspection etc.


1.0 General Requirement

The scope of this work includes design, sizing, supply, erection and commissioning of ultrasonic transmitters.

Transmitter design:-Transmitter design, Sizing & selection is based on process data, process requirement, general requirement and specification as mentioned below.

Erection of transmitter: Erection includes mounting of process isolation valve, erection of impulse piping, mounting of transmitter support and rack, laying of electrical cable from PLC to transmitter, mounting of junction box, glanding, termination and interfacing of transmitter with control system. Commissioning: Commissioning of transmitter includes, calibration checking, loop checking, testing of transmitter from PLC and open / closed loop checking from sub control system & main control system. Ultrasonic type level transmitters shall be provided with 4-20 mA DC output. All necessary amplifiers, Zener isolations, signal distribution & associated electronics / hardware / housing / mounting accessories shall have to be provided. The transmitters shall be able to drive at least 600 ohms load. The power supply to the transmitters shall be derived from the control system. Accuracy of the transmitters shall be 0.2 % of calibrated span (minimum). Transmitter housing shall be Weather proof as per IP-67 with durable corrosion resistant coating. Ultrasonic level transmitters, consisting of a transducer, a display / transmitter unit, and manufacturer's cable, shall be provided as specified below. Stainless steel tags for


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ultrasonic level transmitters shall be provided as specified. The transmitter shall have built in temperature compensation, digital level indicator and any other item required to complete the level measuring system. The level measuring system shall be suitable for mounting on the top of the Water trench, pump sump pit, water channel and Filter bed as required The level sensor material shall be non-corrosive. Contractor shall arrange for the installation of the level transmitter on top location at suitable location. Accuracy of the level transmitter shall not deteriorate even if suspended solids are present in the service fluid. Level transmitter shall be suitable for field mounting in safe area. Transmitter output shall be isolated and shall be suitable for transmitting over long distance.

2.0 Transducer Required Features

Ultrasonic level transducers and manufacturer's cable assembly shall be provided with at least the features specified below:

Measuring Principle Ultrasonic, time-to-flight / Pulse Time of flight

Range As indicated on the data sheet

Level Resolution Better than 1 mm

Beam angle 6 Degrees

Process connection Suitable for the Reservoir

Cable As indicated on the datasheet

Temperature compensation Full, automatic

Mounting As indicated on the datasheet

Nominal frequency range Manufacturer’s Standard suitable for the application

Operating conditions - 40 to + 950C or As indicated on the datasheet

Max Pressure 4 Kg / cm^2(g)

Range Liquids 0 to 25 m Refer process data

Sensor materials corrosion resistant PVDF wetted material

Principle Pulse Time of flight

Agency listings UL listed or FM approved

3.0 Display/Transmitter Unit Required Features

Display / transmitter units shall be furnished for use with the transducers specified above and shall include at least the features specified below. At least two programming key pads shall be included per project unless directed otherwise:

Display Yes-External Display Required, 4/5 line LCD display. Menu

guided operation

Configuration Using Keypad on display OR suitable field configuration tool

Memory Parameters held in non volatile memory

Display Location Local / Sensor mounted

Temperature compensation Automatic , built in transmitter


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4 to 20 mA analog, two wire, linear with process

engineering units. One Form C SPDT relay contacts, 5

amperes at 250 volts ac, non-inductive

Output Variables Level, Distance, Volume, Open Channel Flow

Supply voltage 24 VDC, loop powered

Accuracy 0.2% full scale measuring distance OR 4mm (+/- 2 mm)

which-ever is better

Radio Frequency

Interference (RFI)effect &



Less than 0.1 percent of span for frequencies 27 to 1,000

MHz and field intensity of 30 V/m Interference emission to

EN 61326;Equipment class B, Interference immunity to EN

61326;Appendix A (Industrial)

Voltage transient immunity Up to 1000 volts common mode and 500 volts normal mode

with output shift less than1.0 percent

Surge suppression

On board transmitter compartment. Compatible with HART

or Foundation Field bus communications as applicable.

Compliant with IEEE C62.41 Cat. B and IEEE C37.90.1.

Housing & Ingress

Protection Aluminium, rated NEMA 6P (IP68)

Operating conditions -20 to +500C

Agency listings UL listed and FM approved

Hazardous area

classification Safe Area

4.0 Typical data sheet for transmitter


1 Tag Number During detail engineering

2 Service Raw / Dam water

3 Location At the Jack well pump floor above

pump suction pit

4 Quantity As per BOM

5 Mounting

A special arrangement of SS

structure to be fabricated &

mounted to install the

USLT on River. Flange structure to

be fabricated to install the USLT on

pump pit

6 Area classification NA

7 Certification Required


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8 Enclosure IP 65

9 Pipe Line number Vendor to confirm during detail




10 Fluid Raw / Dam water

11 Fluid State Liquid

12 Operating Pressure Atmospheric

13 Operating Temperature 50 Deg C

14 Operating specific

gravity Suitable for water

15 Operating Viscosity Suitable for water

16 Min./ Max Pressure Atmospheric

17 Design Pressure Vendor Standard

18 Design Temperature 75 Deg C

TRANSMITTER 19 Application

1) Dam water level measurement

before trash rack & after trash rack

and 2) Raw water sump pit level


20 Type Ultrasonic


21 Principle time-to-flight / Pulse Time of flight

22 Housing Aluminium

23 Paint Epoxy or polyurethane- coated

24 Protection IP 68 NEMA 6P (IP68)

25 Power Supply 24 V DC

26 Output Loop powered at 750 Ω 4-20 mA, 2

wire linear with process (HART)

27 Level Resolution Better than 1 mm

28 Transmitter Location Local/Sensor mounted

29 Process Flanges and

Mounting arrangement Mtl Wet-side

30 Material SS 316 Corrosion resistant PVDF

wetted material

31 Body Material & Bolt &

accessories Material

SS 316

32 Beam Angle 6 Degree

33 Instrument Span

Vendor to size the transmitter

based on process data & submit for



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34 Calibration Range Vendor to confirm

35 Alternate Range NA

36 Process connection Manufacturer’s standard

37 Electrical Connection Manufacturer’s standard

38 Accuracy

± 0.2% of span, 0.2% full scale

measuring distance OR 4 mm (+/-

2 mm) which ever is better

39 Allowable Temp. Later* DISPLAY

40 Display 4/5 line LCD


41 Display Scale


External Display ,Menu guided

operation Match Calibration

42 Hydrostatic Certificate to be provided

43 Testing Memory

Parameters held in non volatile


44 Mounting Brackets 50 mm Pipe mounting

45 Lightning Protection YES Required



46 Communication Type HART

47 Communication with: PLC –SCADA

48 Configuration from: Factory

49 Internal Diagnostics Required


50 Approved Manufacturer Emerson/ABB/E&H/Siemens/Baner

51 Model Vendor to confirm

52 Purchase Spec Datasheet is a part of Specification

53 Serial Number During detail engineering


Display Type 4” LCD Display

Input Supply : 24 VDC

Out Put : 4-20 mA.

Range: : 0 to 30 m

Accuracy : < 0.03%

Power, Linearity, Repeatability : 0.01 ft (+ 3mm)

Resolution : 1 mm

Power : Sleep mode 7.6 mA typical

Active (measuring) 12 mA typical

Ambient Temperature : 45 Degree C

Relative Humidity : 0 to 100 % Non condensing

Acceptable Makes:- Endress +Hauser, RL Technologies pvt ltd or as approved by SE(M),


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of each Ultrasonic level transmitter is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material. Item No.16 Priming Arrangement for W.W.pumps:- This job includes, Designing,supplying,installing,commissioning & testing with complete priming arrangements for centrifugal pumps as applicable & as required shall be done with interface with PLC panels & further to SCADA system. PLC based priming arrangement for priming of Centrifugal Monoblock/ Coupled Pumps with

Vacuum Pumps shall be designed and operated by the contractor in such a manner that it shall

synchronize with the operation of Main Centrifugal Monoblock/ Coupled Pumps as enlisted in

Item No – SA1.4/1.5 and as per site situation and instructions of Engineer-In charge.

ItemNo.17 : Surveillance System:-

This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of CCTV IR water

proof camera suitable for upto 100ft.with IR Dome camera,control key board, DVR, Hard Disk,

cables, UPT transreceivers etc. complete.

1. Introduction: 1.1. Surveillance CCTV system is required to ensure effective surveillance of an area as well as

create a tamperproof record for post event analysis. The System shall provide an online display of video images on TFT monitors/Video Wall/Large plasma monitors located in Central as well as Local control rooms.

1.2. System should facilitate viewing of live and recorded images and controlling of all cameras by the authorized users present in the LAN. 1.3. System should provide inter-operability of hardware, OS, software, networking, printing,

database connectivity, reporting, and communication protocols. System expansion should be possible through off-the-shelf available hardware.

1.4. Equipment with better specifications shall be accepted. 2. General Specifications: 2.1. Proposed CCTV system shall be an open standard based integrated system with IP net-

work centric functional and management architecture aimed at providing high-speed manual /automatic operation for best performance.

2.2. System shall use video signals from various types of indoor/outdoor CCD colour cameras

installed at different locations, process them for viewing on workstations / monitors at Central Control Room/local control rooms and simultaneously record all the cameras af-ter compression using MPEG 4 or better standard. Joystick or Mouse-Keyboard control-lers shall be used for Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and other functions of desired cameras.

2.3. System shall have combination of Digital CCD Colour video Cameras with individual IP

address, analog CCD Colour Video Cameras with Fixed or P/T/Z Lens, encoders / de-coders, Network Video recorders (NVR/CAMERA SERVER), Network attached storage (NAS) / Raid backup device for recording, Application software, Colour Video Monitors, Keyboards with Joystick controllers / Mouse-Keyboard, software based Video Matrix Switcher, workstation for System Administration / Management / Maintenance etc.

2.5. Video Recorder shall offer both video stream management and video


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stream storage management. Recording frame rate & resolution in respect of individual channel shall be programmable. 2.6. System should ensure that once recorded, the video can not be altered, ensuring the audit trail is intact for evidential purposes.

2.7. System shall provide sufficient storage of all the camera recordings for a period of 30 days or more @ 25 FPS, at 4 CIF or better quality using necessary compression techniques for all cameras (extended capacity of cameras i.e. present capacity+25 %).

2.8. System shall use a combination of IP enabled cameras & analog CCD cameras with exter-

nal encoder. The video shall be compressed using MPEG-4 or better standard and streamed over the IP network.

2.9. Encoders shall digitize analog video, compress the digital video using various compression algorithms (MPEG - 4 or better standard), and transmit the compressed digital vid-

eo over packet-based IP network. Encoders shall have less than 200 ms of latency and shall support dual stream – MPEG 4.

2.10. The recording resolution and frame rate for each camera shall be user programmable. 2.11. The Area under surveillance shall be monitored and controlled from Central/Local Control

Room(s) through Joystick controllers. 2.12. Surveillance CCTV System shall operate on 230 V, 50 Hz single -phase power supply.

Power for all the equipment will be conditioned using on-line UPS with minimum 30 minutes or more back up. If any equipment operates on any voltage other than the supply voltage and supply frequency, necessary conversion/correction device for supply shall be supplied along with the equipment.

2.14. All the indoor cameras & control equipment shall be suitable for operation at ambient temp.

450 C. 3. System requirements:

3.1 Camera with external encoder or IP Camera shall be used for image capture. 3.2 Indoor cameras shall be either with fixed focal length lens or with Pan/Tilt & Zoom lens as per site requirement. All outdoor Cameras shall be Day/Night camer-


3.3 Housing of cameras meant for indoor use shall be of IP 42 rating whereas outdoor camera housing shall be of IP 66 or better rating. These must be integrated by the camera manufacturer.

3.4 System must provide built-in facility of watermarking or Digital certificate to ensure

tamperproof recording so that these can be used as evidence at a later date, if so desired. The recording shall support audit trail feature.

3.5 All camera recordings shall have Camera ID & location/area of recording as well as

date/time stamp. Camera ID, Location/Area of recording & date/time shall be programmable by the system administrator with User ID & Password.

3.6 Facility of camera recording in real-time mode (25 FPS)/15/12.5/10 or lower FPS as

well as in any desired combination must be available in the system.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

3.7 Facility of Camera recording in CIF, 2CIF, 4 CIF as well as in any combination i.e. Any camera can be recorded in any quality – Selective or Group of cameras must be available in the system.

3.8 System to have facility of additional camera installation beyond the originally planned

capacity. 3.9 In order to optimize the memory, while recording, video shall be compressed using

MPEG-4 or better standard and streamed over the IP network. Once on the network, video can be viewed on a Control room workstation or on analog monitor using a hardware decoder (MPEG-4/compatible standard Receiver) and shall be recorded on NVR

3.10 System shall be triplex i.e. it should provide facility of Viewing, Recording &

Replay Simultaneously. 3.11 The offered system shall have facility to export the desired portion of clipping (from a

desired date/time to another desired date/time) on CD or DVD. Viewing of this re-cording shall be possible on standard PC using standard software like windows me-dia player etc.

3.12 PTZ Cameras shall have 64 or more pre-defined positions, to be selected through

suitable input alarm.

3.14 System shall have provision of WAN connectivity for remote monitoring. 4. System design:

4.1 Each camera should be connected to a Hardware Encoder, through cable, which shall support minimum dual streams. Alternatively, the camera shall be IP based, UTP ready. The encoders should be capable of producing streams @ 25 fps for each camera for viewing on LAN and on monitors and also recording into the NVR user selectable as per requirement, for each individual camera.

4.2 Encoders shall be Power Over Ethernet (POE) compliant and connected to Layer or Layer 3 switch as per system design using UTP CAT 6 Cable or fiber optic cable and the required connectors as per standards.

4.3 Central/Local Control Room will have workstations along with controllers for Cam-era operation. For monitoring purposes, Video monitors/Plasma monitors/Video wall shall be setup with suitable mounting arrangements, as per user requirements. Fa-cility for viewing and controlling all the cameras at various other locations, as re-quired, shall be provided.

4.4 Monitoring at Local control rooms may be restricted to operation of certain cameras only & system administrator should be able to configure the system, accordingly. More then one Local Control rooms may be required in the proposed system with individual configuration.

4.5 Each control room may have one or more Operators simultaneously using the installed Video monitors/Video wall. Operator control on cameras shall be on a static basis or rotary basis depending on the policies to be decided at site.

4.6 There shall be a Control System with Video Control Software to manage all the vid-eo surveillance devices.

4.7 Database Server shall keep track of all configurations & events. This will help in proper System administration & management of redundancies etc.

4.8 Video stream from individual cameras shall be recorded on respective NVR System shall have provision to automatically over-write the new information after the period of 30/31 days & necessary script/algorithm must be available in the Application.



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5.1 Colour video Dome Camera with PTZ

Image Device Interline transfer 1/4" or better format CCD sensor

Focal length 4 mm to 72 mm or better (for Artificial Intelligence Cam-eras with

better focal length i.e; 3.5 mm to 91 mm to be used)

Optical zoom (For Indoor Camera)

18 X or better

Optical zoom (For Outdoor Camera)

26 X or better

Number of Pixels 720 X 576

Scanning System PAL

Resolution 480 TVL or better

Illumination (For Indoor camera)

1.0 Lux (Color), 0.1 Lux (B/W) or better

Illumination (For Outdoor camera)

1.0 Lux (Color), 0.05 Lux (B/W) or better

Pan Travel 360º Continuous

Tilt Travel 0 - 90º

Manual Tilt Speed 0.5°/SEC to 90°/SEC

Manual pan speed 0.5°/SEC to 90°/SEC

Preset Tilt speed 0.5°/SEC to 90°/SEC

Preset Pan Speed 0.5°/SEC to 300°/SEC

Preset positions Min. 64

Iris Control Auto

Focus Auto

Back Light compensation

Required with black masking or other suitable technology

White balance Auto

Electronic shutter Auto

S/N ratio >= 48 dB

Power supply As per OEM's design, however generally AC 230 V @ 50Hz/12V or 24 V AC Rectifier and SMPS if DC supply

5.2 Fixed Colour Dome Camera Varifocal:-

Image Device 1/3” or ¼” CCD Sensor

Number of Pixels Minimum

720 x 576

Scanning System PAL Resolution 480 TV Lines or better

Min Illumination 1 Lux at F 1.2

S/N Ratio >=48 dB

Electronic Shutter AUTO


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Lens Built- in Varifocal lens. Auto Iris, lens f = 4 – 9 mm.(approx.)

Backlight compensation Required

Power supply As per OEM's design


5.3.1 The encoder shall be built on embedded processor and real time operating system. The Encoder should convert Analog Composite/S-Video input into good quality digital stream on real time basis and shall be able to transmit as Unicast /Multicast IP pack-et with low latency (less than 200 mSec.) for live viewing as well as for recording.

5.3.2 The video resolution should be configurable at either of 4 CIF, 2 CIF, CIF @ 25 fps or at lower frame rate per camera, user selectable.

5.3.3 The encoder should generate MPEG4 video stream Compliant with ISO/IEC 14496 standard. The encoder should be interchangeable with any standard encoder of any

other make, which generates MPEG4 video stream Compliant with ISO/IEC 14496 standard.

5.3.4 The Encoder should have the following specifications or should match with the requirement.

Format PAL color, B/W, composite, 25 fps, 2:1 inter-laced

Resolution (H x V pixels) 4 CIF 704 x 576, 2 CIF , CIF, QCIF

Frame Rate 25 fps (PAL) and lower

Encoding MPEG-4 Compliant with ISO/ IEC 14496 Standard

Video Parameters Brightness, contrast, hue, sharpness, and sizing selectable

Video Latency Less than 200 mSec.

Connectors BNC for Composite Video for input, suitable connectors for Power, Alarm in, and Alarm out, RJ-45 for Ethernet 10/100 Base-T output.

IP Address Static IP Address or as per System require-ment.

MPEG4 standard Compliant with ISO / IEC14496

IP Packets Unicast and Multicast

POE Compliant

Power supply As per OEM's design

5.4 Camera Housing & mount: The camera mount should be: i. Of the same make as that of camera and suitable for the model number offered as specified by the manufacturer and should be an integrated unit. ii. Should be compact and indoor / outdoor type as required. iii. Should support the weight of camera and accessories such as housing, pan & tilt head in any vertical or horizontal position etc. 5.5 Speed dome controller/PTZ controller Speed Dome Controller should have variable speed joystick, LCD display for


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programming and it should be able to control the speed dome for PAN / TILT / Zoom. 5.6 Cables:-

Sr. No. Connectivity Cable Type

1 Camera to Video Encoder Coaxial RG 6/U / CAT 6 / Fibre Optic

2 Video Encoder to Switch in control room UTP CAT 6 / Fibre Optic

3 Switch to Video Wall Switches UTP CAT 6 / Fibre Optic

4 From switches to NAS Box Fibre Optic

5 Hardware Decoder to monitor Composite signal cable

ItemNo.18 : Flash Mixer & Clariflocculator. :- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing with operation of flash mixer and clariflocculator mechanism starter, cables etc for above to be interfaced with SCADA system Including TPI & MJP inspection (one for flash mixer + one for end carriage + 2 for flocuulator)

FLASH MIXING SYSTEM: The Flash Mixing System shall comprise a tank with flash mixer at the tank. Coagulant dosed at the inlet of the treatment plant mixes with the raw water at the flash mixing tank and passes to the Clarifies for further treatment. Status (run/trip/local-off-remote) of the flash mixers shall be indicated at SCADA. G Value of Flash Mixer shall be calculated and indicated at SCADA In case the mixers is out of order SCADA will generate Alarm and send SMS. CLARIFLOCCULATOR: Clarifiers are designed for the removal of readily settle-able solids and suspended particles and therefore, reduce the suspended particles content. The purpose of the clarifiers is to remove a substantial portion of the organic solids from the raw water, with a resulting decrease in the organic and suspended materials loadings of the filter units. Clarifiers is constructed as circular concrete structures. Clariflocculator is a combination of flocculator and clarifier fabricated to attain economic and speedy construction. It shall have two concentric tanks where inner tank serves as a flocculation basin and the outer tank serves as a clarifier. Clariflocculators generally are used to perform the chemical primary treatment of effluents. The monitoring to be made in clariflocculator shall be for;

Turbidity at the common outlet channel of clarifiers

Instrumentation considered for clariflocculator shall be;

Turbidity Transmitter online at the common outlet channel of clarifiers

Motorised valve at sludge removal/drain

Loss of rotation switches for the scraper bridge.

Control system shall continuously monitor turbidity and based on turbidity or time,

motorized valve shall be operated for sludge removal process. Rotation of the

scraper bridge and the flocculation mixers should be controlled.


The operator has to put the selector switch in auto mode

The opening and closing of drain valve shall depend on the turbidity factor/Time

base as turbidity transmitter is provided at plant inlet, the time setting can be adjust-

ed from SCADA for opening and closing of valve during seasonal changes.


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Start Stop control shall be provided on SCADA in order to switch On or Off the clari-

fier Bridge Motor and also Open/close feedbacks shall be shown on SCADA.

Open/Close control shall be provided on SCADA in order to open and close the

sludge drain valves and also open close feedbacks shall be shown on SCADA.

The sludge valves operation should be interlocked with the sludge level in the

Sludge balancing tank.

Status (run/trip/local-off-remote) of all motors shall be indicated at SCADA HMI. G Value of Flocculators shall be calculated and indicated at SCADA OPERATION FROM LOCAL CONTROL PANEL:

Auto/Manual selection will be provided on HMI screen in such way manual mode is

selected all the pumps/valves/gates etc. can be operated from the HMI screen indi-

vidual. Auto mode is selected all the pumps/valves/gates etc. can be operated from


Individual Start/Stop push buttons shall be provided on local panel to operate Sludge

drain valves.

Indication lamps shall be provided on local panel which shall give Open, Close, Trip

indications for all motor actuated sludge drain valves.

Turbidity deviation or malfunction of any part of the unit should generate Alarm.

Acceptable Makes:- As approved by SE(M), Nagpur.

Third party and MJP Inspection of Flash mixer & clarifloculator operation through SCADA and automation is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.19 : Fully automatic gas chlorination system :-

This job includes, Providing, Erecting commissioning & giving test and trial including one year supervision of the system in day shift (General shift) and one year free maintenance of fully automatic gas chlorination system confirmation to all applicable NEC and Compressed Gas Associations recommendations and comprising of following * Automatic Vacuum operated Chlorinator unit of capacity as mentioned below with Actuator rotameter, injector, vacuum tubing special PVC Piping for Chlorine solution & suitable booster pumps(1W+1S) with GI piping valves, fittings etc. * Automatic Switchover type vacuum regulators(2 nos.) installed on tonners with suitable mounting & showing tonner status indication as standby, empty & in use. * Auto Control Panel of suitable capacity ,wall mounted industrial type with voltmeter, ammeter, starter MCB indicating lamps having automatic operation. * Microprocessor based Multi functional controller with digital & graphical display. * Online residual Chlorine Analyser without need of reagent utilizing unique, internally buffered sensor. * Gas leak & temperature detection two channel measuring system designed for gas and temperature monitoring in up to two rooms with necessary wiring & battery backup cum voltage stabilizer system of suitable capacity with batteries. * Preventing maintenance kit for injector, Rotameter & Vacuum regulator 10 kg /hr (500 PPD) (One set for 65 MLD WTP) with TPI and MJP inspection Acceptable Makes:- S.M.polymers, Thane or as approved by SE(M), Nagpur. Third party and MJP Inspection of fully automatic gas chlorination system is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by


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Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material. ItemNo.20: Ultrasonic flow meter for outlet of 65 MLD W.T.P. :- This job includes, Providing, installing and giving satisfactory test & trial of ultrasonic Insertion Fixed type flow meter working on conditions & specifications, calibration, inspection, testing, training, guarantee and manufacturers test certificate/ declaration copy along with accessories as mentioned in a (1) to (16) below & with inbuilt assembly to fix the insertion type transducer on the pipeline. Mandatory Accessories: 1) Integrated signal converter transmitter enclosed in die cast aluminum case / any anticorrosive material confirming to IP-68 - 1 No. 2) Pair of transducers (Sensors) confirming to IP-68 with junction boxes - 1 No. 3)Stainless steel straps for mounting clamp on type sensors - 2 Nos. 4) Grease count plant, 100 ml : Bottle - 5 Nos. 5) Signal & power cables for each transducer -50 Mtrs length/each (insertion type flow meter) & 10 mtrs length /each (portable type flow meter) 6) a) for fixed type flow meter-UPS working on 230 V AC, 50 Hz power supply suitable for 12 hrs continuous operation.-1 No. (only required for category C) b) Built in portable type battery back up for minimum 5 Hrs continuous operation with spare battery and separate battery charger working on 230 V AC, 50 Hz power supply for charging battery- 1 No. (only required for category A) c) Aluminium / anticorrosive carrying case for flow meter and all accessories (only required for category C-1) 7)Data storage capacity with built in or separate for date, time, actual flow rate, totaliser & error messages if any with storage capacity of 120 days and at 5 minutes interval data logging along with local indication and necessary cables and software to download data to laptop -1 No 8) Lazer printer of EPSON, WIPRO, WEP or Hewlett Packard make with built in or separate printer interface unit for printing of stored data with online / offline printing facility - 1 No. 9) Proper earthing shall be provided for protection against high voltage surge (only required for category B,C) 10) Suitable over voltage protection unit for protection of instrument from higher voltage (upto 275 V-300 V AC) 11) M.S. sensor protection boxes with suitable size for above ground lines where construction of chamber is not possible. (only required for category C-2) 12) Magnetic clamp for metallic pipe lines and Nylon / SS strips, chain arrangement for clamp on sensors suitable for pipe diameters 50 mm to 3000 mm (only required for category C-1) 13) Battery powered ultrasonic thickness gauge along with charger, test sample, coupling agent and carrying case suitable measuring thickness of 1 mm to 100 mm (only required for category C) 14) 5 meter steel measurement tape with level bottle. 15) Communication facility through GSM(without simcard ( for category C ) 16) Guarantee period shall be 36 months. Optional Accessories: 1) Pressure transducer, which should be connected to the pressure lead of dual cannel data loggers, compatible with the dual channel loggers of appropriate type with a pressure range of 5m to 150 m with an accuracy of not less than +/- 1% to be supplied and installed at the upstream of the flow meters 2) Fixing flow meter transmitter to internal walls of buildings in a suitably designed panel cabinet with proper locking arrangement with glass window on front door for seeing the readings of flow transmitter and data logger without opening of the panel cabinet. It should house complete ancillaries and including the provision for connection of electrical power supply from nearby apparatus. The panel cabinet shall be prewired and with suitable gland entries. 3) Wireless communication device to communicate between central computer & flow transmitter


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installed at remote site with GSM based system 4) DA Scheduler software for CSV file storage and data acquisition 5) Cables for pressure, flow & totalized details from transmitter to field gate system (10 Mtrs with each GSM / GPRS system) 6) OPC Software to be installed in central PC for SCADA interface as may be necessary 7) Commissioning charges for each locations. 8) Customized page with Java Applets XML-Data import software for online MIMIC 9) Sensor/Transmitter cable of following specification: 3 x 0.38 mm² PVC cable with common branded copper shield 7mm dia and individually shielded cores-with empty pipe detection 9 EPD 4 x 0.38 mm² PVC cable with common branded copper shield 7 mm dia and individually shielded cores. Conductor resistance :</=50 ohm/km 10) Conduit pipe (PVC / HDPE plumbing) 32 mm diameter with suitable digging, laying and concealing the duct 11) Other Civil Works: a) Flow meter chamber work with suitable man hole for entering the chamber & removal of flow meter for maintenance in future b) Construction of meter room with roof slab (100 mm) brick masonry with pile foundation of minimum 1.5 M x 1.5 M or as per instruction from Engineer-in -Charge with RCC beam/column minimum 0.15mx0.15m size with steel door & cement jali ventilator and plinth height of minimum 0.5 M above GL and roof slab shall be 2.1 M from plinth inner and outer plaster with water proof cement painting. Working Condition & Specifications:- a) Water Temp : 10º to 50º C b) Water Quality: Raw water, turbid in nature. Potable chlorinated water c) Operating pressure:10-15 Kg./cm² d) Pipeline MOC : CI, DI, MS with /without mortar lined, Nonmetallic pipes. e) Pipe diameter :> 1000 mm -4000 mm f) Flow -Up to 300 Mld g) Pipe condition: Pipe shall be running full. h) Ultrasonic flow meters shall be designed, manufactured to international standards with accuracy of +/-2% of actual flow. The supplier should have full ISO -9000 series accreditation & facility for fully traceable calibration flow rig as per international standard i) Functional details: Freely programmable. j) Measurement - Volumetric flow rate, totalized flow. k) Flow direction- Forward & Reverse. l) Display- LCD display with suitable lines, digits, segments, markers, for identification of current output. The digit shall be clear, bold & can be read from 1 Mtr distance. m) Output - for current 4 mA - 20 mA HART (active/passive) for measuring flow in pipeline. Frequency output shall be 1 Khz, Open collector, passive. n) Status output-open collector. o) Meter shall be suitable for remote facility. p) Power supply-85-260 V AC(45-65 Hz)/20-55 V AC (45-65 Hz)/16-62 V DC. q) Galvanic isolation- input & output galvanically isolated from power supply from the sensor and from each other r) Instruments must carry "CE" mark. s) Functionality verification check should be possible inline using recommended software tools t) Future upgradation to field bus foundation. Profibus should be possible with minimal changes.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

TPI and MJP Inspection:- As per schedule of “scope of inspection” attached with tender




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This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of wireless interface of clarifloculator controls with the main PLC system. The system should be seamlessly controlled with the PLC and be provided with suitable IO’s and interfaced with the SCADA system for uninturrrepted monitoring and control of the equipmnet. Provision of suitable power in form of Solar Power with battery backup to power ON the system if required. as per detailed specifications. (one for flowmeter + one for clarifloculator)

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M), Nagpur.

ItemNo.22: M.S. Pipe and specials :- This job includes, providing & fixing M.S. pipe and specials for flow meter and for any other purpose. .-:Common Specifications for Subwork No.1- Part B and Part D EXISTING PURE WATER PUMP HOUSE AT 65 MLD WTP and 25MLD WTP at Mahan included in Schedule B:- Part B and Part D :- ItemNo.1: ULTRASONIC LEVEL TRANSMITTER. :- Specifications same as in Item no.5 of Subwork 1 Part A ItemNo.2: PRESSURE TRANSMITTER. :- Specifications same as in Item no.14 of Subwork 1 Part A ItemNo.3: PH Meter/ analyser. :- Specifications same as in Item no.2 of Subwork 1 Part A ItemNo.4 : Turbidity meter /analyser :- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 scattering light method at A.F. and inferfacing with PLC panel Turbidity meter shall compreses of 3 components i.e. sensors, single distributor and transmitter with indicator, Transmitter convertts the single to 4-20 mA and gives 2 outputs one to PLC & Another to local display with mouting arrangement Including TPI & MJP inspection. (one for raw water + one for settled water) 1.1 General Requirement

The scope of this work includes sizing, design, supply, erection and commissioning of

Turbidity Transmitter/Analyzer.

Transmitter/Analyzer design: Sizing & selection of transmitter based on process data,

process requirement, general requirement and specification below.

Erection of Transmitter/Analyzer: Erection includes mounting of sensors, erection of

sensor support, mounting of Transmitter/Analyzer support and rack, Laying of electrical

cable from PLC to Transmitter/Analyzer, mounting of junction box, glanding, termination

and interfacing of Transmitter/Analyzer with control system.

Commissioning: Commissioning of Transmitter/Analyzer includes, calibration

checking, loop checking, testing of Transmitter/Analyzer from PLC and open / closed


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loop checking from sub control system & main control system.

2.0 Turbidity measurement

The turbidity Analyzer shall be a complete system consisting of sensor, analyzer, flow

chamber/ dabbler, and interconnecting cable. The analyzer shall accept input from either

one or two sensors.

The sensor shall be constructed of

e. Corrosion-resistant Delran with glass lamp and detector windows Glass OR


g. Optical fibre OR

h. Stainless steel with chromium-dioxide coating and scratch resistant sapphire lenses in a

highly polished stainless steel sensor face.

The life of the Incandescent lamp and LED life (ISO-compliant sensor) shall be at least

five years. The sensor shall include advanced diagnostics, which can continuously

measure the lamp intensity and automatically adjust the lamp output tin view of

maintaining the correct lamp intensity. The sensor shall automatically correct the lamp

drifting and aging of the sensor and allow for longer sensor operation with reduced

calibration requirements.

Normally the sensors shall be mounted on open channel OR in the reservoir, however in

case necessary the measuring chamber constructed of ABS and Delran along with

bubble removing facility shall be provided. The sensor shall accept a sample stream

below 50 Deg.C temperature and upto 6 Kg/cm^2 pressure. The analyzer shall display

fault and warning messages like lamp/LED failure, weak strength of lamp and sensor

failure. The Transmitter/Analyzers shall have 4-20 mA outputs superimposed on HART

protocol. Two number of relay outputs to be provided. The alarms shall be fully

programmable for high & low outputs. Transmitter shall be capable to program to

convert the measured turbidity into a total suspended solids (TSS) reading.




Turbidity Sensor

1 Measurement range

0 - 100 NTU The measuring shall be confirmed during

detail engineering

Glass, EPDM, Optical fibre/ Stainless

steel with chromium-dioxide coating and


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

scratch resistant sapphire lenses in a highly

polished stainless steel sensor face.

2 Material

Nephelometric measuring principle 90° NIR scattered


3 Principle

according to EN 27027, Optical nephelometer (side

scatter), Single beam scattered light

4 Max Process temperature 50°C

5 Max Process pressure 6 bar

6 Temperature sensor Integrated NTC temperature sensor

7 Connection Fixed cable connection

8 Ingress protection IP68

9 Additional Certifications Calibration certification

10 Resolution 0.01 NTU

11 Accuracy

±0.02 NTU

12 Range: 0 to 100 NTU (nominal)

13 Response time Less than1 second

14 Application 1. Pure water

The flow through assembly shall be (Polypropylene flow


15 Approvals CSA Gen. Purpose

Turbidity Transmitter

16 Type Electronic(microprocessor based) indicating type with

adjustable range facility.

17 Material Die-cast Aluminium /ABS PC Fr /Polycarbonate

18 Electromagnetic


Interference emission and interference immunity as per

EN 61326: 1997 / A1: 1998

19 Display LC display, two lines, with status indicators user settable

measuring menus ; red display for alarms

20 Protection class of field

housing IP 67/68, NEMA 4X

21 Measuring Range To suit sensor range

21 Measuring parameter

Standard transmitter which shall be capable to accept

multi parameter input ( same unit should be capable

accepting input from any of the sensor for of


23 Monitor output 4-20mA DC output on HART to PLC


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24 Current output resolution <5uA

25 Power supply 240V AC, +/- 15%, 50/60 Hz

26 Cable entry 1/2" NPT

27 No. of measuring

channels Maximum 2 channel

28 Mounting Pipe Mounted / Wall mounting/Flush panel mounting

29 Diagnostic feature Required

30 Accuracy/Repeatability Better than + 5 microgram /litre of full scale

31 Resolution Manufacturers Standard

32 Sensitivity 0.1 ppm.

33 Response time 6 seconds to reach 100 %

34 Input filter 1 to 999 Seconds

Annunciation contacts for


Number : 2 SPDT ‘Hi’ and ‘Lo’

Type : Snap action micro switch

Rating Rating : : 5 amp., 240V AC, 0.2 Amp. 220V DC


vi) Automatic temperature compensation with fast

response integral temperature sensors in the

range -10 to100 Deg. C

vii) ii) Co-axial cables as required

viii) Electrode holders & supports & mounting ar-

rangement in SS

ix) iv) Alarm settings and indications on monitor v)

RFI/EMI shielded, weather and corrosion proof


x) vi) Other accessories as per site requirement

Approved Makes Endress +Hauser / Emerson / Hach / Yokowaga / ABB /


Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of Turbidity meter/analyzer is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ItemNo.5: Residual Chlorine Analyzer :- This job includes, Design, Supply, Installation,Testing of Residual chlorine analyser / meter must have automatic sensor cleaning facility at pure water sump and Interfacing with PLC panel. Residual Chlorine meter shall comprises of 3 components i.e. sensors,flow through assembly and transmitter with indicator and gives 2 outputs one to Local display & other to PLC including Mounting arrangement. Overall Range : 0-8 mg/l (ppm) Accuracy : 2% of full scale Supply Voltage : 230 V ac

Output : 4‐20 mA Membrane free sensor of 2 gold plated electrodes for long term stability and reference electrode (ag/Agcl) must be provided to avoid maintenance. IP 65 Nema 4 housing protection class required etc. Including TPI & MJP inspection Residual chlorine measuring system shall consist of Chlorine sensor, sensor cable Transmitter/Analyzer, sensor holding arrangement. The sensor shall be rugged in construction and shall be suitable for continuous operation. Residual chlorine shall work on Amperometric Or Chlorometric principle, Bidder has to select best suited for application without compromising specifications listed. The measurement shall have an integral temperature and pH compensator. The Residual chlorine sensor shall be submerged in the reservoir from the top by making an opening/by providing nozzle in the slab. The Transmitter/Analyzer shall be mounted near the mounting nozzle. Transmitter/Analyzer shall be suitable for field mounting and shall accept the input from Residual chlorine sensor. The Transmitter/Analyzer shall provide 4-20 mA output proportional to chlorine available in the process. Transmitter output shall be suitable for transmitting over long distance. Transmitter/ Analyzer shall have LCD display to indicate instantaneous residual chlorine in water. The sensor shall be suitable for the determination of free chlorine in water without the use of sample conditioning reagents without sample pre treatment . The sensor shall be suitable to use in the samples having pH as high as 9.5. The sensor shall be a two-electrode membrane-covered sensor. pH sensor shall be an integral part of the Chlorine sensor which shall be used to compensate the effect of pH on the chlorine measurement. Sensor maintenance shall require no special tools or fixtures. The sensor shall be provided with integral cable.




Chlorine sensor

1 Measuring principle Amperometeric OR Chlorometric

2 Process temperature 0 to 45°C, non-freezing

3 Process pressure 0 to 1 Kg/sq.cm

4 Ingress Protection IP67

5 Measurement range

0 - 8 (ppm) mg/l of Cl2 , (pH between 6 to


6 pH range 4 to 9 pH

7 Measured value resolution approx. 15 μg/l Cl2


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8 Maximum measured error 2 % of measured value

9 Repeatability ± 1%

10 Response time

25 sec to 100% of final reading at Ambient


11 Sensor wetted parts Silicone, platinum, and polyethersulfone

12 Sensor signal output

Sensor shall have integral cable to be wired

to transmitter

13 Sensor memory

Required to store - calibration data, sensor

model, serial number etc

Chlorine transmitter

14 Type

Electronic (microprocessor based) indicating

type with adjustable range facility.

15 Material

Die-cast Aluminium /ABS PC Fr

/Polycarbonate Interference emission and




compatibility immunity as per EN 61326: 1997 / A1: 1998

17 Display

LC display, two lines, with status indicators

user settable measuring menus ; red display

for alarms


Protection class of field


IP 65 Nema 4 housing protection class


19 Measuring Range To suit sensor range

20 Measuring parameter

Standard transmitter which shall be capable

to accept multi parameter input ( same unit

should be capable of accepting input from

any of the sensor for pH/Chlorine/Turbidity)

21 Monitor output 4-20mA DC output on HART to PLC

22 Current output resolution <5uA

23 Power supply 240V AC, +/- 15%, 50/60 Hz

24 Cable entry 1/2" NPT

25 No. of measuring channels Maximum 2 channel

26 Mounting

Pipe Mounted / Wall mounting/Flush panel


27 Diagnostic feature Required

28 Accuracy/Repeatability Better than 2 microgram/litre of full scale

29 Resolution Manufacturers Standard


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30 Sensitivity 0.1 ppm.

31 Response time 6 seconds to reach 100 %

32 Input filter 1 to 999 Seconds


Annunciation contacts for


Number : 2 SPDT ‘Hi’ and ‘Lo’

Type: Snap action micro switch

Rating: 5 amp., 240V AC, 0.2 Amp. 220V DC

34 Accessories

i) Automatic temperature compensation with

fast response integral temperature sensors in

the range -10 to100 Deg. C

ii) Co-axial cables as required

iii) Electrode holders & supports & mounting

arrangement in SS

iv) Alarm settings and indications on monitor

v) RFI/EMI shielded, weather and corrosion

proof casing

vi) Other accessories as per site requirement

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of Residual chlorine analyzer is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.6: Power Analyzer :- Specifications same as in Item no.6 of Subwork 1 Part A. ItemNo.7: PLC Pane for pumping machineryl :- This job includes, Designing, Supplying, Installing, commissioning & testing of PLC Panel including PLC with CPU & Power supply unit, power supply cable, Interfacing cards, interfacing cables, wireless modules with 25 % extra quantity of all accessories etc complete including MJP and TPI Inspection.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of PLC Panel is compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material. ItemNo.8: PLC Based control monitoring and communication software. :- This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of PLC based


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

control monitoring and communication software as per IEC 51131 at Pure water sump suitable for monitoring and control of pure water pump pressure. Transmitters, level Transmitter, PH, Transmitter, Turbidity, Transmitter, residual chlorine analyser, for all pumps installed. PLC CONTROL SYSTEM


(a) Each pumping station control system shall be based on the use of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Remote input / output modules (I/O modules may also be used to link remote areas of a given process. Each PS control panel (CP) shall be provided with its own local PC based Operator Interface Unit (OIU).

(b) The control systems shall be designed for fully automatic operation of the pumping systems. However, in the event of failure of the automatic controls or by operator choice it shall be possible to revert to manual operation of each item of Plant inde-pendently of the PLC function.

(c) The PS control systems shall be designed to recover fully to a normal operational state on restoration of power following a power failure without manual intervention.

(d) The control system hardware at each PS shall comprise the following:


Control system power supplies;


Field cabling interfaces;

(e) The site instrumentation shall also form an integral part of the control system.

(f) The equipment detailed in the aforementioned list and some components of the in-strumentation system shall be housed within the CP. The CP shall be located in the control room.

PLC Control Panel

(a) Control panel shall be provided at each pumping station for automatic operation of pumping station.

(b) Each control panel (CP) shall provide control and human machine interface facilities for the following:

Pumping station;

Clear water reservoirs;

Instrumentation systems;

Interface to the Water Management and Control Communications System

(c) The surge suppression equipment shall be provided with its own self contained motor control, control and instrumentation system. The pumping stations control system shall monitor the operation of the surge suppression system.

(d) Control panel shall be provided at each of the MBR, ESR & GLSR Locations for monitoring of the water levels and controlling motorized valves.

(e) The control panel shall be pre-fabricated floor mounted and be environmentally protected to IP 52. It shall present a vertical front face to the operator on which shall be placed the MMI. The CP shall be designed for bottom cable entry and rear access. The external colour of panel shall be shade RAL 7032 and internal shade shall be glossy white.

(f) The CP shall provide separate areas for the PLC, internal power distribution, instrumentation, field cabling termination and for surge protection devices (SPDs). A separate instrumentation earth bar mounted on insulating supports (a ‘clean’


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earth) shall be provided within the CP. Instrumentation and control cable screens shall be connected to this earth.


(a) Cubicles for PLC shall be prefabricated out of sheet steel. Adjacent frames, divid-ers and covers shall be securely bolted to ensure earth continuity throughout.

(b) The exterior corners and edges shall be rounded to give a smooth overall appear-ance with projections kept to a minimum.

(c) Lifting lugs shall be provided for installation purposes and shall be replaced with corrosion-resistant bolts after installation.

(d) Unless otherwise specified assemblies shall be prefabricated and floor standing with lockable hinged front doors and bolted removable rear panels where access to live equipment and terminals is possible.

(e) Instrumentation shall not be positioned above 2000 mm or below 500 mm and de-vices for isolation and switching shall be accessible within the zone 500 mm to 1600 mm above floor level. Suitable warning labels and instructions for earthing and isolating shall be fitted where necessary.

(f) Unless otherwise specified cable entry shall be from the base and shall enter an accessible cabling compartment via suitable cable glands and gland plate. Access to cable terminations shall be via bolted panels either from the rear or front as specified.

(g) Cubicles for outdoor locations shall be fitted with lockable outside doors and hous-ing so designed that all controls, instruments and such like are fully enclosed with the whole assembly weatherproof and vandal proof. The doors shall be fitted with stays arranged to prevent overstraining of the hinge fixings and allow fixing of the doors in the open position.

(h) The internal cubicles shall also be weatherproof to allow operation of the controls when the outside doors are open during inclement weather.

(i) Control panels and instrument enclosures, shall give a degree of protection as fol-lows:

(i) Indoor installations

Non air-conditioned areas : IP 52

Air-conditioned areas : IP 44

(iii) Outdoor installation : IP 65

PLC Control Panel Power Supply The PLC control panel primary power supply shall be derived from the LV switch board at 240 V AC. Power for the control system shall then be derived from this source via an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The 24 V shall be derived from the UPS backed 240 V supply within the PLC control panel by providing a regulated DC power supply unit in redundant configuration and failure of each power supply unit shall be monitored and alarmed. PLC Control System Protection

(a) Short Circuit

All circuits shall be protected against short circuit by the provision of adequate numbers of fuses or miniature circuit breakers. For ease of maintenance and system security power supplies to each instrument


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loop and each PLC output shall be protected with an individual fuse (terminal type).

(a) Earthing

An instrumentation earth shall be provided in each control panel. This shall comprise a copper bar of cross section not less than 25 x 6 mm and length to suit the number of connections. It shall be mounted on at least two insulated supports and be provided with a single earth connection to the instrumentation earth. If due to the physical size of a control panel more than one instrument earth bar is required the additional bar shall be connected again with a single earth connection to the same point as before on the control panel instrument earth bar. In this fashion all instrument earths shall be connected radial from the same earth point.

Assemblies shall be provided with earthing facilities as follows: For small single compartment assemblies an earth stud shall be provided. For large single compartment or multi-compartment assemblies a clearly marked continuous copper earth bar shall run the length of the assembly and shall be provided with terminals for connections to the metal cladding or armouring of all incoming and outgoing cables. The short-term rating of the earth bus bar and connections shall be not less than that of the associated equipment, or the maximum through-fault current of the power source. The temperature rise of the bus bar and connections under fault conditions shall not cause damage to the connections of any equipment to which they may be connected. No earth terminal bolts or studs shall be less than 8 mm diameter. An earth bond of minimum size 6 mm2 shall be made to all enclosure doors. Labels

(a) The assembly as a whole and each compartment shall be clearly and unambigu-ously identified.

(b) The labels shall be engraved letters and numbers filled black on a white back-ground.

(c) Warning labels shall be engraved and filled black on a yellow background.

(d) Labels shall be affixed with non-corrodible rivets or screws.

(e) Internal labels shall be used to identify all components and terminal strips. They shall be of plastic in construction and shall be affixed adjacent to the component.

(b) Surge Protection

Surge protection devices (SPD s) shall be provided for analog signal and power supply loop of all instruments located outside the control room. One SPD shall be provided near the instrument at field end and the other SPD near the control panel end. The SPDs shall be connected to earth and shall be suitable for arresting the surge arising out of high energy static discharge / lightning strikes and protect the equipment from damage. SPDs shall provide protection through quick acting semiconductor like transorb, zener diodes, varistors and an automatic discharge and reset circuit. SPDs shall be a passive unit and shall require no power for its operation. During the lightning strike it shall clamp on the allowable voltage and pass the resultant current to the ground. The SPD shall operate without in any way affecting normal operation i.e., they should pass signal without attenuation while diverting surge currents safely to earth and clamping output voltages to specific levels. SPDs shall be of self resetting type to minimize the down time of the measurement loop. SPDs shall be weather proof casing. There should be total isolation between input, output and ground terminals. SPDs shall have a minimum surge rating of 10 kA. The SPD s shall be grouped in a specific area within the CP to ensure ‘dirty’ signal cables do not come into direct contact with ‘clean’ signal cables.

Input / Output Schedules (Sample)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Sr No

Instrument / Equipment PLC I/O

Ethernet RS 485


1 Pumping Station 1 1 1

Pump status Running, Fault, Remote, Local Maintenance, Duty, Command Start, Stop

16 8

Control Valve status Open, Close, Trip, Overload, Remote, Local, Maintenance Valve position, commands Open, Close, Stop

24 8 1

Electrical Parameter monitoring System


Temperature Scanner 1

Flow Meter 4

Pressure Transmitter 4

Ultrasonic Water Level Transmitter.


Residual Chlorine Measurement System


Turbidity Measurement System


pH Measurement System 1

Multi-function Controller 5 CH


Multi-function Controller 2 CH


Auto Manual switch 1

The I/O Schedule detailed is indicative only. The Contractor shall provide all I/O necessary in order to achieve the control and monitoring requirements for each site at various locations of the scheme. Important: 25% extra for each type I/O cards duly wired up to terminal box shall be considered while designing a system. CONTROL PHILOSOPHY


(a) The fundamental control requirements of the pump control system is to:

(i) Match the average pumping rate under steady state conditions to the steady state output from each pumping station;

(ii) Maintain the water level in the reservoirs within set limits;


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(iii) Provide automatic system start-up and shutdown routines;

(iv) Provide alarms and fail-safe tripping circuits to protect plant and equip-ment;

(v) Prevent an overflow at a downstream pumping station reservoir as the result of a local power failure at that pumping station;

(vi) Provide information on the operation of the system to enable the operator to be aware of conditions both locally and at up stream and downstream sites;

(vii) Provide facilities to permit the manual control of the system in the event of failure of the automatic controls;

(b) It is required that the transmission pumps be controlled using a start stop method in order to effect the required flow balance whilst at all times maintaining acceptable levels within the reservoirs. In addition the selection of suitable reservoir switching levels shall limit to an acceptable value the num-ber of start / stop cycles each pump motor is subjected to.

(c) The control modes proposed for the system are as follows:

(i) Automatic mode;

(ii) Semi-automatic mode;

(iii) Local manual mode.

The control algorithms associated with each mode of control are as follows:

Automatic Control Mode

(a) General

(i) The automatic control mode is manually selected independently at each pumping station by the positioning of a selector switch on the control pan-el. This mode selection shall be accepted and retained by the control sys-tem.

(ii) Pumps for operation as duty or standby shall be manually selected by the operator from the OIU. Pumps shall accept duty or standby status if they are available. i.e.

The pump motor starter ‘manual-off-automatic’ selector switch is set to ‘automatic’;

It has no faults;

Power is available at the starter;

The emergency stop device is not operated;

Any associated device such as the outlet valve is available.

(iii) There shall not be a limit on the number of pumps that may be selected as duty or standby however the default status shall be all pumps as duty.

(b) Pump Start Routine

(i) The pump automatic mode start routine shall be as follows:

Permissive conditions to start

- Suction valve is open

- Discharge isolation valve is open

- Discharge control valve is in throttled position


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- Common discharge header valve is in open position

- Pump drive available

Start sequence

- Start pump drive and open discharge valve simultaneously

- Duty pump fails to start, standby pump shall be started

- Pump starts & discharge valve opens; start sequence is


(ii) A software based pump start ‘sequence failed to complete’ alarm shall be provided. If a start sequence fails to complete within a set time (not opera-tor adjustable) an alarm shall be raised.

(c) Stop Sequence

(i) The pump automatic mode stop routine shall be as follows:

Close discharge valve command

Stop pump drive, when discharge valve is closed by 70% (70% close sig-nal shall be derived using timer)

when the pump stops, the stop sequence is complete

(ii) A software based pump stop sequence ‘failed to complete’ alarm shall be provided. If stop sequence fails to complete within a set time an alarm shall be raised.

(iii) The pump shall stop immediately without going through the aforementioned sequence in case of power failure and hardwired trip condition.

(iv) The discharge valve shall close after the pump has stopped. In case power supply is not available the valve shall close on resumption of power.

(d) Duty Rotation

(i) The automatic system shall call on duty pumps to start or stop in accord-ance with the dictates of the reservoir level control algorithm. The control system shall decide which pumps are to be start or stop using the follow-ing procedure.

If the control system requires a duty pump to start it shall select the duty pump which has been standing (not running) for the longest time and start it.

If the control system requires a duty pump to stop it shall select the duty pump which has been running for the longest time and stop it.

(ii) If a duty pump should fail (either when running or not) then the lowest numbered standby pump shall be selected and started if required to run. The pump shall now run in all respects as a duty pump until reselected manually as a standby. If a duty pump is selected as standby when it is running it shall stop.

(e) Catch Up Mode

(i) Catch up mode is a hybrid of the automatic mode and is typically used fol-lowing a prolonged power outage or some other severe disturbance to the system in order to temporarily increase the throughput of water. It can be manually selected at each of the pumping station using the OIU and is then automatically applied to all the other pumping stations (only if automatic mode is selected at that station).


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(ii) It may be deselected at any of the pumping stations at any time

(f) Level Control Mode

(i) The duty pumps at a given pumping station shall be primarily controlled by the level within the local source reservoir.

(ii) The level based controls use the signals from the local reservoir and down-stream reservoir(s).

(iii) Time gap between starts or stops of pump is 5 minutes

Auto-manual Control Mode

(i) In order to make the system responsive to changes within the system an additional ‘background’ level control algorithm is necessary. This is identified as ‘auto-manual control’ and is detailed as follows:

(ii) The purpose of this mode is to get the system up and running following a disturb-ance. In this mode the operator (whilst the system is in automatic mode) may prompt the starting of a duty pump by manual initiation. The operator may start as many pumps as required up to the maximum permitted by the algorithm.

(iii) Conversely the operator may also stop a duty pump at any time.

(iv) The above actions shall be carried out by the operator either by depressing a duty pump start or duty pump stop push button once in order to start or stop a duty pump. After a delay a further depression of either button shall cause a further duty pump to start or stop as required and so on.

Semi-Automatic Control Mode

(a) The operator may select this mode of operation at the CP at any pumping station. The control mode when selected shall only apply to that pumping station.

(b) In this mode the operator may start and stop ‘available’ pumps (i.e. pumps available for automatic control) at will by using controls on the OIU. The control commands shall be routed through the PLC. The PLC shall prevent simultaneous starts or stops and shall carry out automatically any start up or shut down routines necessary in order to start or stop a pump.

Local Manual Control Mode

(a) This mode of control will normally be used for maintenance purposes or in the event of a PLC failure.

(b) In order to start a pump in this mode the operator must go to the drive starter and set the ‘automatic -off- manual’ selector switch to ‘manual’. The drive can then be started or stopped using the local start and stop buttons or the start / stop controls local to the drive if fitted. The operator will be required to carry the operation of dis-charge valves etc. manually.

(c) In this mode only hardwired interlocks shall operate to stop the drives.

(d) Valve actuators shall be operated manually at the actuator by selecting the ‘local-off-remote’ selector switch to ‘local’ and using the local controls at the valve. Addi-tionally open and close push buttons shall also be provided for the pump discharge motorized valves on the starter panel of respective pump. These push buttons shall be active only when the automatic / off / manual selector switch is selected in man-ual mode.

(e) The valve closed contact shall be hard wired into the pump start circuit to prevent starting of the pump when the discharge valve is not closed.

Control System Modeling

In order to ensure that commissioning takes place on site in the most efficient manner


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the Contractor shall computer model the control algorithms and demonstrate the stability of the system using theoretical flows from the treatment works and from the pumping stations with different numbers of pumps running. The model shall have a graphical interface and shall be free running (i.e. it shall be possible to set the model running and be able to observe steady state and transient operation). Facilities shall be provided to simulate pump failures, power failures etc. in order to study their effects. The model shall be demonstrated to the approval of the Engineer. All modifications and improvements to the control algorithms identified during this stage of design shall be incorporated into the Works.

Protection against Pipeline Burst (a) A signal shall be derived in PLC from the pressure transmitter provided on com-

mon discharge header of each pumping station. This shall operate if the pressure in the line falls for a set time period below the static pressure expected at that point. This shall raise an alarm and prompt the operator to switch off the pumps.

(b) An Stay put type push button shall be provided on the control panel to switch off all

pumps simultaneously in such an emergency. The device shall be covered or shrouded in some way to prevent accidental operation.

(c) Before operating the pipeline control valves the system will:

Compare the flow from the master balancing reservoir flow meter with the flow in the pipeline at the control valve, if the difference is greater than 2000 l/s or a value to be decided during execution stage, a burst will be assumed and the outlet valve at the MBR shall be closed and an alarm shall be raised. It shall be possible for the operator to disable the closing of the outlet valve in response to burst detection. Level switching points shall be derived in the appropriate PLC from the MBR level analogue signal. The analogue value used shall be the controlling value as selected by the operator from the central SCADA.

(d) Interface to the Temperature scanners and Power Analysers (a) Temperature scanners for each pump shall be mounted on the front face

of control panel in the control room. These temperature scanners shall be interfaced with the PLC system through suitable communication link for monitoring the winding & bearing temperatures and alarm and trip settings on the OIU.

(b) Power Analyser shall be provided for the main incomer and individual

pumps. These Power Analysers shall be interfaced with the PLC system through suitable communication link for monitoring of all the parameters of Power Analysers like three phase voltages, currents, kW, kVA, kWh, kVAh, power factor etc., on the OIU.

ItemNo.9: Surveillance System. :-

Specifications same as in Item no.17 of Subwork 1 Part A



This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of Terminating &

interfacing software design to PLC and commissioning of SCADA Software with required hard

tags plus 25% extra & lifetime license and development version with required tags with 25%


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

unutilized spare tags etc.


1. Architecture

The SCADA architecture shall provide the following:

• Client / Server architecture based on TCP/IP networking and report-by-exception (RBE)


• Standalone single server operation.

• Symmetric main-standby & capacity for triple standby server functionality.

• Additional servers for client load sharing and remote locations.

• Server designed to be placed outside corporate firewalls providing a read-only access to

the server while ensuring corporate security.

• A scalable fully distributable architecture providing:

– Unlimited number of server systems.

– Unlimited number of display clients.

• Where multiple servers are deployed, the system shall be capable of being configurable

from a single client.

• Clients to connect to a synchronizing server as soon as the configuration and current

data in the database has synchronized. Incomplete data sets as per clients request on

event or trend provide indications that the synchronization is still in progress to ensure

that conclusions are not drawn from incomplete data sets.

• Configurable compression of data communications between client/server and serv-

er/server to allow optimisation of communications performance over WAN networks.

• Change reporting on Client/Server and Server/Server links rather than polled communi-

cation to permit operation on WAN networks.

• Capable of operating Client/Server and Server/Server links over low to medium speed

channels depending upon database size (e.g. 128K)

• Application shall be native 32-bit and 64-bit versions and supported on Windows®

Server and Workstation operating systems including Windows 2000, Windows XP, Win-

dows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit) and Windows

Server 2008 R2 and later or on latest version of Linux operating system.

2. Database

The SCADA database shall be of true relational database design and optimized for real-time

SCADA operation. The database shall be object oriented and organized in a hierarchical

structure. It shall support user-created “Templates” that allows management of common

configuration from a single point in the database. Instances of templates shall be used for

repetitive, standard configuration.

Templates of standard configuration shall support multiple object types including, but not limited


Point / Tag objects

PLC objects

Mimics or Graphic display objects

Trend objects

Logic programs


Link objects

The SCADA database shall allow users to extend the database schema to store custom data, in

either the configuration or data stream. These changes can be performed online without need


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

for server restart.

3. Operator Interfaces

• SCADA software shall provide the ability to support multiple local and remote display


• Display facilities shall be available via LAN, WAN and dial-up connection.

• Display clients shall be supported as Rich Clients without the requirement of a database

resident at the display node.

• Rich Clients shall support database management and configuration changes.

• Rich Clients shall support multiple monitors (multi-head display), allow logon for all

heads from a single location. The system should also provide navigation facilities such

that displays on each head can be controlled from any head. (yoking)

• Integrated Web Sever capability shall be available, providing all display and operational

facilities of the Rich Client without the need for additional software to be installed.

• Web Clients shall allow users to view Mimics, Trends, Database Objects, Reports as

well as perform control functions using a standard web browser.

• Changes made to the SCADA server shall require no additional steps to be performed in

order for those changes to be available to Rich Clients and Web Clients.

• Each full function Rich Client shall be configurable to connect to one, or multiple server


• Current generation Windows® look and feel shall be provided by the SCADA system

operator interfaces, including provision for “favourites lists” comprising links to any serv-

er object. This includes, but is not limited to: Mimics, Graphs, List Queries

• SCADA software shall provide the ability to support for Citrix XenApp and Windows

Terminal Services or similar application.

4. Mimics / Graphics

SCADA system Mimics shall support a wide range of graphical facilities. Scalable Vector

Graphics are required in order to permit operation of the SCADA system with different

resolution clients operating simultaneously. Fixed resolution bitmap graphics are not


Mimics shall be multi-layered, object oriented and permit mimics to be embedded in other

mimics. Other objects that must be available for embedding in a mimic include:

Button objects


Disk images (e.g. JPG, motion JPEG)

Remotely updated images

Hyperlinks with embedded queries (for generating filtered lists directly from a mimic)

Object menus

Graphical facilities within a mimic must also be object oriented including the ability to

manipulate attributes of embedded objects in real time, supporting animation including but not

limited to:

Fill factors

Fill colour



Line thickness

Text attributes


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Alpha blending

Multi-rate Flashing

*Text entry boxes shall support on screen keyboard

24-bit Colour shall be supported on mimics as standard.

A suite of Graphical Symbols shall be provided for integration with configuration templates and

embedding within other mimics.

Import of mimics shall be supported from DXF format, including integration of multi-layered DXF

drawings in to native SCADA mimics.

Adding Custom database fields dynamically to Metadata where the server does not have to be

restarted after adding or modifying.

Mimics shall support the ability to specify OPC data source information to display directly on the

mimic. This permits data from other systems to be seamlessly integrated in to the SCADA


Other facilities required to be supported by mimics includes:

Context sensitive object menus available from mimic

Accept an alarm from a mimic

Issue a control from a mimic

Operator Notes (as a native feature)


Hyperlinks to external documents (e.g. HTML, PDF, MS Office® suite documents)

Objects embedded and displayed on any mimic shall be viewable through both the full function

client and web client displays.

5. Start-up

The SCADA system shall start-up unattended, and without compromising system security.

The SCADA server process shall operate as a Windows® Service. The SCADA server shall

start without the requirement for an HMI client to start. Windows® logon shall be available

prior to display client start-up which must provide additional security.

Shutting down a display client (including on the server node) shall not affect other users or

the server. Administrative privilege shall be required to shutdown a SCADA server.

6. Configuration

The SCADA software shall provide full seamless On-line configuration of all database

parameters including but not limited to:

– Communication Channel

– PLCs

– Points / Tags

– Séquences

– Schedules

– Alarm redirection

– Mimics / Graphics

– Trends/graphs

– Reports

Configuration changes shall be capable of being made from local and remote workstations

using Rich Clients, with appropriate privilege. Configuration changes are to be applied to

the Main SCADA server and seamlessly applied to Standby server and other SCADA server


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

nodes such as user performance sharing SCADA nodes.

Further, configuration changes made to mimics and other display objects shall be

immediately available to local and remote Rich and Web display Clients without any manual

intervention. Changes should be updated automatically in local caches where appropriate.

This facility shall be a native feature of the product and not require external scripts or


All aspects of the look and feel of the SCADA system, including default field values, shall be

configurable. It is not acceptable for colour regimes, communication parameters and other

aspects of the system to be hard-coded.

It shall be possible to add user defined fields to the SCADA database. These fields should

be accessible both internally and externally to the SCADA system; being exposed via OPC,

ODBC, OLE Automation, XML/SOAP, etc.

The SCADA server shall provide detailed diagnostics concerning its internal operation. The

diagnostics shall be available through capture to a log file as well as online locally on a

server and remotely via Telnet and Web interface.

The SCADA software shall provide the ability to perform a complete audit trail of all

database changes down to the individual property level of objects to ensure complete

system integrity and safe system operation. These details shall be provided as a built-in

integrated part of the system and shall include, but not be limited to the following:

• Time of change

• Object on which change was performed

• Property of the object that was modified

• Property value before and after the change

• User that made the change

• Reason for the change

Stored configuration records should be maintained in the historic database for a

configurable time period, support SCADA server configuration and allow access from

standard database interfaces such as queries and simple mechanisms for displaying and

filtering the configuration records.

7. Alarm Management

The alarm system shall provide facilities where actions can be triggered by alarms. These

facilities shall be provided as a built-in integrated part of the system and shall include, but

not be limited to the following:

– Configuration criteria for alarm actions

– Escalate Alarm priority

– Delivery of alarm to users via SMS

– Delivery of alarm to users via E-mail

– Trigger other actions including sequences

Integrated paging facilities shall be provided without the need for additional software. The

paging facilities shall include calendar operation for roster based user lists with flexible

interface for reconfiguration of alarm management.

Tracking of alarms shall provide as a minimum:

Alarm activation including point name, state, timestamp, priority

Alarm de-activation

Alarm acceptance including time, user responsible, optional comment

Custom alarm fields for display of additional or operations specific information


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Where a full function Rich Client is connected to multiple SCADA systems, alarms from all

systems shall be combined and filtered, based on user privilege and areas of responsibility.

System administrators shall be able to configure user accounts with default filters so that

operator alarm lists can be confined for users to those areas where they assume


Full function Windows & Web clients shall provide indication of alarm condition, with the

ability to change alarm tone, colour, and other attributes based on alarm priority.

Full page and window display of the current alarm list to be shown. It shall also be possible

to modify the background colour of alarm lists.

Alarm display, acceptance, query and comment entry shall be available via an integrated

product Web interface.

Alarm limit time profiles allowing analogue set point levels to vary over the course of a day

to account for conditions at the site.

Consequential alarms to allow one (or more) alarms to be suppressed as the result of

another alarm occurring. Suppressed alarms will be received and processed by the SCADA

Server and recorded in the event journal for future auditing, however the operator shall not

be forced to take an action on an alarm where the cause is known.

8. Event Journal

The system shall provide, as a built in feature and without the requirement for custom or

external software, facilities for event logging. These facilities shall be separate from the

alarm list and include the capability to insert user comments at any place in the event list.

Event lists shall be obtainable through an SQL-like query or filtered through user entry on a

forms-based display.

Event data is to be stored in a time-series relational database. Each event record shall

comprise a timestamp, responsible user, point name, message, and reason for event log.

The event journal shall support the following:

– ODBC / SQL interface to event data

– Filter and browse via full function display client

– Filter and browse from Web client interface

9. Historical Data

The SCADA system shall provide a built in data historian with the following facilities as standard


– Time-series relational database

– ODBC / SQL interface to historical (trend) data

– Historical data to be stored with time-stamp, point quality, alarm status

– Historic storage is to be based on configurable criteria including time between

samples, alarm state change

– Compression capability

Historical files supporting fixed interval sampling only will not be accepted.

Where historic data can be retrieved through communication devices such as PLC/, the

historic data sub-system shall natively provide the capability to backfill this data in to the


No loss of data or gaps in data as a result of communication or server failure shall be

accepted. The vendor must demonstrate its ability to ensure data integrity and history data



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

An API shall be included to provide interface capability with the SCADA database. This shall

be based on OLE Automation and/or .NET

The historic data subsystem shall provide fixed and user configurable views of the historic

data tables. These views are required to provide SQL pre-processing and present historic

data in aggregate format.

The SCADA server shall provide Historian functions including the capability to validate

historic data prior to exposing it externally to the SCADA system, selectable archiving rates,

point-by-point storage compression regimes, annotation on history samples for tracking

comments on operational conditions, modification of historic data for normalization and

correction (tracks previous value and modifying user and is subject to user privilege),

auditing of modified or annotated history.

10. System Security & Access

The SCADA system shall provide a high level of inherent security. To this end the SCADA

software shall provide security access down to data point level, and support individual

Users, User Groups and a matrix of system capability and access to any level of the SCADA


Full function Rich & Web client interfaces shall require explicit administrative configuration

to valid connection to the SCADA server.

Web interface facilities shall provide the capability to operate the Web interface using SSL

and encrypted data. The Web functionality shall be provided in an integrated way with the

web server facility tightly coupled with the SCADA database. It is not acceptable for the

system to utilize IIS or similar external web interfaces, or require web pages to be

“published” from the SCADA system. Changes in configuration to the SCADA system shall

not require additional steps in order to provide modified information to the SCADA Web


The SCADA system security shall provide the ability to be integrated with Windows domains

to authenticate logon attempts against a trusted domain. Validation should occur across all

client interfaces, ensuring that users utilizing all types of clients are subject to the built in

system security policies.

11. Open Connectivity

To provide easy access for customized reports and external data manipulation the SCADA

software shall provide inherent OPC and ODBC database connectivity without the need for

additional software options or modules. Integration with desktop Microsoft products is


The following Open interfaces shall be provided as integrated components of the SCADA

system are required:

OPC Data Access (OPC-DA) to the SCADA server real-time and configuration data-


ODBC and OLE-DB to the SCADA server real-time database, historian, event / pa-

rameter journal and configuration database

OPC Historic Data Access (OPC-HDA) to historian

OPC Alarm & Event (OPC-AE) to event sub-system

OLE Automation interface to the SCADA server database

12. Reports

An integrated reporting package shall be able to generate, print and export reports:

Triggered by SCADA events


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

On user demand

On timed schedules

Report generation shall use latest technology in database access and be capable of

combining data from multiple databases via ODBC/SQL. This shall include SCADA and

non-SCADA databases.

Reports shall be able to be generated in a number of formats including:

HTML for viewing via Web interface

PDF format

CSV format

MS Office® suite format

Generated reports shall be able to be:

viewed in Rich Clients and Web Clients

printed on a local or network printer

stored on disk file, locally or remotely

e-mailed to assigned users

13. Standard Drivers

The SCADA system shall provide native support for fully integrated Wide Area SCADA

PLC protocols. This shall include the capability for supporting redundant communication


All drivers shall provide the ability to monitor communication statistics, log driver

diagnostics, and provide online access to driver and channel diagnostics remotely via

Telnet or similar mechanism. Captured diagnostics shall be able to be translated to

HTML for analysis in clear human-readable format.

Apart from PLC communication drivers, the system shall also support as standard the

following drivers:

SMS (with TAP and UCP service) to mobile phones and pagers with a GSM or CDMA

modem connected directly to the SCADA server.

A full function system is required including calendar based rosters

SNMP – monitoring of network devices such as routers, computers, UPS, etc.

NTP – time server monitoring and alarming

ODBC – query data from other databases

Server/client Performance Monitoring

OPC-DA driver

14. PLC Protocol Support

Wide area PLC protocols shall support:

Local serial port communication

terminal server serial port communication

Ethernet LAN communication via TCP and UDP ports

Time synchronisation

Presetting output configuration points where configured

Fully integrated incorporation of events from a PLC

Unsolicited exception reporting


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

All drivers shall support capability to update SCADA database point value / alarm state /

point quality / timestamp. PLC protocol drivers shall support the ability the backfill time-

stamped data into Event Logs, Historic Data to maintain data integrity in the event of

communication failure.

The driver architecture shall support user accessible interfaces to access major driver

functions. This shall include, but not be limited to:

Enable / disable PLC communications

Trigger an integrity poll

Alter communication parameters

Drivers shall maintain current state of target device information, and shall retain state

information and be able to receive solicited and unsolicited information from the PLC

immediately following a server transition. It is not acceptable for the system to indicate

communication failure or not be able to receive communication from a remote device

during the period of transition from one server to another.

Furthermore, the following protocols shall be supported as a minimum and integrated

with the product:

Modbus Master serial protocol

Modbus Slave serial protocol

Open Modbus /TCP Master protocol

Open Modbus /TCP Slave protocol

OPC-DA client driver (for connection to OPC Server driver)

The OPC-DA interface shall include as a minimum, integration with SCADA database

value / state / quality / timestamp data, support OPC-DA 1.0 and 2.0 specification

interfaces, polled and exception modes, tag browsing.


General Requirement and specifications of the Time Synchronization Equipment:

Automation of the both water treatment plant includes master PLCs with their

SCADA,micro PLCs, web server of historian station, firewall gateway, Enterprise data

network communication system.

The different PLCs are distributed in different sections of the water treatment plant for

monitoring and control of that plant section. The distributed PLC network needs to bring

in a same time zone in view of reading the real time data

from the distributed PLC network at real time stamping.

The intent of this specification is to design, supply erect, configure, communicate and

commissioning of the GPS synchronized timing system.

A GPS synchronized timing system receiver and it’s required accessories shall be

designed supplied & commissioned by the contractor. All PLC based SCADA systems

shall synchronize with the system clock to within 0.001 second of a time signal received

from a GPS synchronized timing receiver. The system may also use Network Time

Protocol (NTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), or TCP/IP. All, software,

and cables shall be provided to support a fully functional time synchronization system.

The system shall be fully configured at the site by the Contractor.

16. Compliance Tables

The bidder shall fill in the following compliance tables fully detailing the level of compliance and


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

how the level of compliance is achieved.

Description Compliance

1. SCADA Architecture

Client / Server architecture

Standalone single server operation

Symmetric main-standby & capacity for triple

standby server functionality

Additional servers for user load sharing

Fully automated data transfer between servers

A scalable fully distributable architecture

Configurable from a single client

Configurable compression of data


Change reporting on Client/Server and


Capable of operating Client/Server and

Server/Server links over low to medium speed


Latest Operating System

2. SCADA Database

True relational database design

Optimisation for real time operation

Object oriented

Hierarchical structure

User-created Template

3. Operator Interfaces

Multiple local and remote clients

Display facilities shall be available via LAN,

WAN and dial-up connection.

Display clients shall be supported as Thin


Integrated desktop Web capability

Changes made to the SCADA server shall

require no additional steps

Each full function display client shall be

configurable to connect to one, or multiple

server systems

Current generation OS look and feel

4. Mimics

Scalable Vector Graphics

different resolution clients operating


Fixed resolution bitmap graphics are not


multi-layered, object oriented

mimics to be embedded in other mimics

manipulate attributes of embedded objects in


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

real time

24-bit Colour

A suite of Graphical Symbols shall be provided

Import of mimics shall be supported from DXF


Ability to specify OPC data source information

Context sensitive object menus available from


Accept an alarm from a mimic

Operator Notes (as a native feature)


Hyperlinks to external documents

5. Start-up

Unattended start-up

Operate as a OS Service

Start without the requirement for an HMI client

to start

OS logon shall be available prior to display

client start-up

Shutting down a display client (including on

the server node) shall not affect other users or

the server

Administrative privilege shall be required to

shutdown a SCADA server

6. Configuration

Seamless On-line configuration of all database

parameters including but not limited to:

Communication channels





Alarm redirection




Configuration changes shall be capable of

being made from local and remote


Configuration changes are to be applied to the

Main SCADA server and seamlessly applied to

Standby server and other SCADA server

nodes such as user performance sharing

SCADA nodes.

Configuration changes made to mimics and

other display objects shall be immediately

available to local and remote full function and

web display clients without any manual



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Changes should be updated automatically in

local caches where appropriate

Look and feel of the SCADA system, including

default field values, shall be configurable

Add user defined fields to the SCADA


The SCADA server shall provide detailed


7. Alarm Management

Facilities where actions can be triggered by

alarms. These facilities shall be provided as a

built-in integrated part of the system

Configuration criteria for alarm actions

Escalate Alarm priority

Delivery of alarm to users via SMS

Delivery of alarm to users via E-mail

Trigger other actions including sequences

Integrated paging facilities

Tracking of alarms

alarms from all systems shall be combined

and filtered, based on user privilege and areas

of responsibility

Full function display clients shall provide

audible indication of alarm condition

ability to change alarm tone, colour, and other

attributes based on alarm priority

Full page and window display of the current

alarm list to be shown

modify the background colour of alarm lists

Alarm display, acceptance, query and

comment entry shall be available via an

integrated product Web interface

8. Event Journal

In Built feature

Separate form Alarm List

Ability to insert user comments

Event lists shall be obtainable through an

SQL-like query

Event data is to be stored in a time-series

relational database

The event journal shall support the following:

-ODBC / SQL interface to event data

-Filter and browse via full function display

client and Web Client

9. Historical Data

In built historian

Time-series relational database

ODBC / SQL interface to historical (trend) data

Historical data to be stored with time-stamp,


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

point quality, alarm status

Historic storage is to be based on configurable


Compression capability

Capability to backfill this data in to the historian

A programmable API

Fixed and user configurable views of the

historic data tables

Validate historic data prior to exposing it

externally to the SCADA system

Selectable archiving rates

Point-by-point storage compression regimes

Annotation on history samples

Modification of historic data for normalization

and correction

Auditing of modified or annotated history

10. System Security

High level of inherent security

Security access down to data point level,

support individual Users, User Groups

Full function client interfaces shall require

explicit administrative configuration to valid

connection to the SCADA server

Web interface facilities shall provide the

capability to operate the Web interface using

SSL and encrypted data

Web functionality shall be provided in an

integrated way with the web server facility

tightly coupled with the SCADA database

11. Open Connectivity

Inherent OPC and ODBC database


Integration with desktop Microsoft products

OPC Data Access


OPC Historic Data Access

OPC Alarm & Event

OLE Automation interface

ODBC / SQL to the SCADA historical database

ODBC / SQL to the SCADA event database

12. Reporting

integrated reporting package

Report generation shall use latest technology

in database access

Reports shall be able to be generated in a

number of formats including:

- HTML for viewing via Web

- PDF format


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

- CSV format

- MS Office® suite format

Generated reports shall be able to be:

- printed on a local or network printer

- stored on disk file, locally or remotely

- e-mailed to nominated users

13. Drivers

Native support for fully integrated Wide Area

SCADA PLC protocols

support redundant communication paths

Monitor communication statistics, log driver

diagnostics, and provide online access to

driver and channel diagnostics remotely

Captured diagnostics shall be able to be

translated to HTML for analysis in clear

human-readable format

14. Standard Drivers

SMS / Paging




OS Performance Monitoring

OPC-DA driver

15. PLC Protocol Support

Local serial port communication

Terminal server serial port communication

Ethernet LAN communication via TCP and

UDP ports

Time synchronization

Presetting output configuration points

Fully integrated incorporation of events from a


Unsolicited exception reporting

update SCADA database point value / alarm

state / point quality / timestamp

support the ability the backfill time-stamped

data in to Event Logs, Historic Data

Driver architecture shall support user

accessible interfaces to access major driver


- enable / disable outstation communications

- trigger an integrity poll

- alter communication parameters

maintain current state of target device


16. Other PLC/RRU Protocol Support

Modbus Master serial

Modbus Slave serial

Open Modbus/TCP Master


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Open Modbus/TCP Slave

Allen Bradley DF/1


OPC-DA client driver

17. Logic

support logic sequences with full access to all

SCADA system services at run time

Programming of sequences shall be to the

IEC61131-3 international standard

functional block librarian

Sequences shall be able to me modified and

started and stopped online

Sequence changes shall be a native part of

the database and replicated to SCADA servers

ItemNo.2: Developing / Programming Charges:-

This job includes, Developing/programming charges to install the software as per logic defined

by the department.

The SCADA system shall support logic sequences with full access to all SCADA system

services at run time. Programming of sequences shall be to the IEC61131-3 international

standard and support as a minimum the following languages:

Ladder Diagrams

Function Blocks

Structured Text

Sequential Function Charts

A functional block librarian is also required.

Sequences shall be able to me modified and started and stopped online.

Special scripting languages to perform the control strategy will not be accepted.

ItemNo.3: Centralised SCADA Server:-

Supply, Installation, Testing, Terminating & Interfacing Centralised SCADA Server with Historian

Facility. Server grade PC with Window 7 or latest operating system & software development

cost etc. complete including MJP and TPI Inspection

Data Acquisition and management system, Historian server, alarm management and

Equipment performance system

1.0 General Requirements

a. It is not intent to cover all detail engineering for equipment design, manufacture, in-

stallation, tests and commissioning in this specification, but to cover the general

and overall requirements to be applied to the Plant Historian, Data management,

and Alarm management system.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Any omissions in the specification shall not relieve the contractor from his

obligation to provide a system compatible with the intent of the specification. All

components shall be of a proven and reliable design and the highest possible

uniformity and inter changeability of all parts shall be reached. Contractor shall

accept full system responsibility for all supplied hardware and software and provide

necessary training, supervision, and spares. They are fully responsible for

Installation, startup and commissioning assistance until successful handover to


Each device/unit supplied in the system shall work independently to guarantee the

reliability of Plant Historian, Data management, and Alarm management system.

All technical services necessary to satisfy the various documentation and drawing

requirements identified in this specification is included in a master drawing list.

The equipment, materials, and services to be furnished shall include, but not

necessarily be limited to, the following major items

b. Network Cabinet for mounting Ethernet switches in Electronic Equipment room

c. Fibre optic patch panel as required

d. All cable (communication cable, prefabricated cable etc…)

e. Operator cum Engineering workstation

f. Web based Virtual server, suitable to interface on enterprise data communication

network on 4 G

g. Backup server (Fire wall, DMZ), web based

h. OPC Server

i. Interface node for buffering (Dedicated Server)

j. Network colour laser printer for Alarm

k. Network colour laser printer for Database & graphs

l. Operator control console (Desk), 40”LED monitor & work station as specified in PLC


m. Cable Termination Materials and accessories (Lugs, Glands, ferrules, Fittings, con-

nectors (Ethernet, fibre optic) etc.

n. Required software for database management, Alarm management, Historian, En-

terprise data communication network, clock synchronization, firewall and Gateway,

internal LAN, OS

o. Other accessories as required by the system

Design criteria:

As explained in the specifications of “ PLC and SCADA based control system” The

definitions of the various terminologies in this specification are as below:

Sr No. Terminology Description


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



De militarized zone, The zone in the firewall gateway

from where all the request and data transfer is verified to

avoid unauthorized access.

2 Resiliency time The time required for ring topology network to recover

3 VPN Virtual plant network

4 Enterprise data

communication network

An integral group of components developed to receive

and transmit the plant data from plant server via. Firewall

& transmit in Air by medium of Antenna. The network

operates on predefined bandwidth licensed by interna-

tionally recognized operators on minimum 3G network


OPC Server

The information from Seven master PLCs integrated at

one place and buffered to the interface node

6 Interface node Interface between OPC server and web based historian

server. Data base buffering takes place


Plant Server , web based

The tag based information collected in the OPC server

integrated at one place to further analyzer and optimize

in different form. Based on it, a different type of graphs in

the form of trends, x-y plots, bar charts, text displays,

group displays, alarm display, system display and sum-

mery graphs can be developed as a dash board and dif-

ferent schedules of Alarms can be managed


Virtual Server, web based

A processor in which data from the historian is made

available and updated periodically. The server has dif-

ferent virtual compartments like server with DMZ and

firewall, virtualized SAN and fiber network, additional

networks to manage and isolate information traffic.

9 Engineer/Operator Work


A processor has perform configuration console. Feature

functions for apart the from Engineer to the operator

2.0 System Description

The data highway integrates the total system and shall be configured with

Architecture for high reliability. The system shall be fully operational with one

data highway out of service and with no degradation in performance for

components. Only the listed manufacturers are recognized to maintaining the

level of quality of workmanship required by the specification. All the micro

PLCs & Master PLCs shall be provided with wireless modem if required. A

set of 1, 3, 4 &13 micro PLCs, shall be interfaced with each other on point to

point and Ring topology network communication & this set is further interfaced

with the respective Master PLC on wireless communication.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

A local control Cabin shall be constructed in each section to install the Master

PLCs for Pure water, Raw water and systems. The Filter house master PLCs

shall be located in the centralized main control room. All the master PLCs shall

be interfaced with each other.

An OPC (Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control) server is

envisaged to collect the data from various PLCs in the plant and further pass it

to interface node.

An interface node is a machine which interface between OPC server and web

based plant Historian server. Data buffering shall take place in the interface

node. In case the communication between interface node and historian is

disabled the data shall remain in the buffer so that it can be used for reporting

once the communication is resumed.

Web based servers are envisaged where data from plant is collected and

updated periodically through OPC and buffer node. The data storage, data

analysis and optimization shall be done in the historian server. Based on the

analyzed data various alarms can be developed managed in scheduled

manner. Mutually discussed and accepted method will be used during

commissioning and further running of the plant.

The servers shall be virtualized and have different virtual compartments like

server with DMZ and firewall, virtualized SAN and fiber network, additional

networks to manage and isolate information traffic.

Server shall be able to interface the network switches, fiber optical network,

work stations dedicated on master PLCs, printers, Enterprise data connectivity

network (MJP/ MUNICIPAL COUNCIL server and tablet phones), LED, capital

equipment, analytical instruments, smart devices and many more.

Server shall Poll real time data continuously or on-demand, measure critical

parameters from these assets, establish connection using various protocols like

OPC, Mod bus etc.

Historian and Data Acquisition systems

Data Acquisition System (DAS) software shall be loaded in the each Engineering

cum operator work station associated with Master PLCs. There are Seven

Master PLCs therefore minimum seven DAS shall be associated with the

historian. Historian license shall be suitable to operate minimum Nine devices.

The total minimum number of tags shall be 25% excess of required hard and

soft tags. The detailed quantity of tag numbers shall be discussed during

detailed engineering. Contractor shall define and declare the amount of memory

space to be acquired by the DAS in destination

DAS shall continuously process all relative important process point signals and

status signals of equipment of the unit to provide plant personnel with information

to implement the safe and effective operation of the unit. Alarm whenever any

abnormal condition of unit exists, so to increase the availability of the unit.

DAS shall poll data from its connected PLC at defined frequency. The minimum

frequency shall be 2000 Tags/Sec. DAS shall be master and PLC shall be slave.

DAS shall be able to use all standard communication protocols (e.g. Mod bus,

OPC etc.) and standard communication channel (e.g. serial, Ethernet etc.) those

can be supported by all PLCs from standard make namely Rockwell, Mitsubishi,

Siemens, GE, Emerson. DAS shall also be suitable to interface with OPC.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The DAS shall send the real-time data to OPC server. The DAS can be a part of

the individual SCADA or a separate device which can interface PLC & OPC


Main Server shall aggregate the data from all DAS through OPC and provide a

comprehensive data management system and historian. Custom dashboard,

widgets and reports shall be developed based on the database. A dedicated

License for OPC, DAS, interface node plant optimization system, energy

management system, Alarm management and report management tool shall be


Short- Term (Trend) Data Storage.

The historian shall have short-term data storage to allow data retrieval for recent

and active trend displays. The system shall be able to store and display the

variables like I/O point and calculated variables in the form of trend display,

process control display, or report.

Long-Term (Historian) Data Storage.

The system shall be complete with hardware and software and able to store the

long-term data in the form of plant data and information on permanent storage

media for later retrieval and use. The historian shall utilize relational database

technology to provide storage of plant information in a format that is accessible to

all SCADA applications as well as external databases and third-party applications.

A relational database management system (RDBMS) shall be included to allow

data access through standard Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and

Structured Query Language (SQL). The retrieved data shall be accessible from all

the normal system peripheral devices such as operator work station monitors, LED

and printers. The long-term data shall be available for use in trend displays,

process control displays, reports, and calculations. The data retrieval capability

shall be minimum of Five years.

Features: The historical data collection, data functions shall have data collection and

storage system with following features:

Able to store all system variables like I/O point, calculated variable, system mes-

sages, data in the form of files like alarm list, periodic report, etc.

Ability to execute periodic summary calculations, such as average value, minimum

value, maximum value, summation, or run time. These functions shall be user se-

lectable on a per point basis.

Storage of additional parameters such as point description, engineering units,

scaling information, and alarm limits shall be user selectable on a per point ba-


Storage of control function block parameters (set point, deviation, block output)

shall be user selectable on a per block basis.

The data collection frequency, point collection delta value, or collection change of


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

state shall be per point basis and user selectable. Minimum collection frequency

shall be at a minimum, collection frequencies of 0.5 second, 1 second, 10 sec-

onds, 1 minute, 10 minutes, and 1 hour.

The point data to be stored shall have minimum, tag name, value or status, and time


The system hardware and software shall be sized to allow collection and

permanent storage, the permanent storage medium shall be rewritable on CD,

DVD, pen drive, hard disk and their jukebox. All operator interfaces to the disk

subsystem shall be menu driven and all the special command structures shall be

transparent to the operator. Data shall be automatically written to disk provided

the storage medium is in a condition to receive data; otherwise, an alarm

message shall be generated and the data shall be buffered on the historian hard

disk drives.

The Contractor shall furnish all consumables (rewritable CDs, rewritable DVDs,

etc.) required for long-term data storage for the duration until last day of annual

maintenance contract.

Display Functions: The system shall include, operating display, group display, bar-

chart and Alarm screen. The logging shall include periodic logging, post trip review

log, trip data Log, historical data storage and retrieval and Plant performance


Generation requirement of Display:

a. The latest Window display technology shall be applied with such as multi-window

display, scroll the screen display, zoom images display menu-driven display.

b. A hierarchical display structure shall be adopted. The number of levels displayed

shall be determined in accordance with the process system and the requirement of

operation and historian for this project. It shall be completely customized to permit

the operation to conveniently alarm through the hierarchy to obtain the necessary

details as required and analysis of the specific situation.

c. The fast switch display tool Navigation keys (such as the navigation window, the

drop-down menu) shall be provided so that the officers shall achieve information

in minimum steps. At the same time the hot navigation keys shall also be provid-

ed to allow staff achieve necessary monitor or control screen in only one time


d. Each LED display shall be capable of displaying combined alphanumeric and graphic

information, through which the plant operator may be able to manipulate the pro-

cess and monitor the plant operation.

e. It is possible to display all process points (including analog inputs, analog out-

puts, digital inputs, digital outputs, intermediate variable and calculated value) in

the system. The point identification tag, description, value, quality, engineering unit,

high and low limits, etc., shall be displayed for each point to be displayed.

Plant simulated diagram display


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The bidder shall provide at least 100 customer simulated graphics. The number

of graphic display can be increased during engineer design stage of the project

without extra expenses.

Although the simulated images shall be designed as per user-supplied P & ID,

but it also shall combine with the contractor’s rich experience, not only subject to

these P & ID, for example, enough profile display, three-dimensional image etc.

Each graphic shall be capable of displaying real-time value of process parameter

and status of operating equipment. All the data shall be refreshed in 5 sec. Display

colour and figure shall vary with process. Bar-charts and trending graphics shall be

able to be displayed in any location in any graphic.

By means of keyboard, any controlled devices in graphic shall be controlled man-

ually by operators. Last status of operating equipment and step of automatic

programs shall be displayed in the simulated graphics when the equipment dis-

played in the graphic is in automatic mode. Failure of automatic program shall

be alarmed and indicated at which step the failure occurred.

In Historian station owner shall be capable of editing and modifying graphic by use

of editing program stored in station. The Contractor shall provide standard sym-

bols library of process device and instrument consisted with ISA. When customer

used symbols do not belong to ISA, new self-defined symbols shall be generated

by customers using symbol generator provided by the Contractor. Customer self-

defined new one can be stored and easily recallable.

The Contractor shall state graphic display capability; each graphic can contain

how many symbols and how many process points which are real-time type (includ-

ing analog and digital) during detailed engineering.

Operating Display

A hierarchical display structure shall be adopted as per different type such as

modulating control, sequence control monitoring.

Operating guidance shall be designed for plant and equipment, and shall be dis-

played in graphic or word on display. Operating guidance consists of three parts e.g.

start-up mode, normal working mode and trip mode.

Standard operation display panel shall be able to show at least eight control loop,

with the current process parameters, including process variables (PV), set value

(SV), output value, control mode, alarm, loop label, bias and so on. PV, SV and

output shall adopt dynamic colour bar graph and digital format. The standard panel

display screen shall include all the modulating control loop and on-off control loop.

Standard Graphic Display


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Contractor shall prepare well standard graphic in his system, such as alarm display,

trend display, group display, bar-chart display etc, or slightly modified on actual

requirement of this project.

Group Display

Analog and digital signal, which are related in technique, shall be grouped in group

display, and shall be stored in memory for operator to recall it easily. Group

display shall be combined as request of operator, and be stored in memory or

deleted as required. Colour intensified display and bar-chart display shall be

included in group display. More than 20 points shall be contained in a group

display, and system shall provide 40 group displays at least. Any point exceeding

its alarm limit shall be shown in red and flash.

Bar Chart Display

It shall display, on operator’s request, dynamic bar-chart to display profiles of

various plant variables. Bar-chart shall be configured and displayed in any

graphic, each bar-chart can be set in any proportion. At least 16 bar-charts shall

be arranged in one screen, and system shall provide 20 display screens at least

which only have bar-charts to be displayed. Any analog input in control system

shall be available as bar-charts to be displayed. Any bar which exceeds the alarm

set-point shall have that portion of its bar displayed in red.

Trend Display

System shall be able to provide 400 historical data trend and 400 real-time data

trend display. Trend shall be displayed either in whole screen or in other display in

any scale. All analog signal and calculated value shall be available as trend display.

One LED Screen shall be able to display a minimum of eight (8) analog trend

values simultaneously in same time at the time axis and adopt different colours.

Each real-time data trend curve shall consist of 600 real-time trend values, time

division shall be one, ten, thirty seconds which can be selected by the operator.

Each historical data trend curve shall consist of 600 historical trend values, time

division may be selectable from 0.5 minutes, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes , 10

minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Trend curve shall display the

variable value numerically simultaneously. Trend display shall be stored in internal

memory and shall be easily recalled by operator. By request, operator may

configure trend and keep them in external memory for future use. The value of any

time point can be observed on the trend curve.

Equipment run-time

Alarm Display

System shall be able to distinguish from normal, abnormal or change of state, by

means of contact change or by compare scanning signals with pre-stored

reference values. These signals include analog input, calculated point, average

value, varying rate and other transfer value. When one signal over the reference

limits, alarm will be displayed on LED, meanwhile audio signal shall be given out.

Alarm display shall be listed in chronological order with last alarm appearing at

the top of the list. Each alarm may have six (6) priorities and shall be distinguished

in tag using six (6) variant colours.

Alarm shall be acknowledged by a single keystroke. After acknowledge one alarm


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

in one station, it is effective for all other station at the same time. Once

acknowledge a alarm, background colour of the alarm on LED shall be changed,

and audio alarm shall disappear.

Means of flash and changing colour shall be used to distinguish acknowledged

alarm from unacknowledged alarm. When an unacknowledged alarmed variable

returns to normal, It shall be removed from the alarm list and the remaining points

shall restock to eliminate gaps in the alarm display.

Any alarm occurrence and return to normal shall be printed out on alarm printer. If

an acknowledged alarm reappears again, It shall be put on the top of alarm display

as a last alarm. The colour change will indicate the number of alarm change the

point of labelling to indicate the colour of the re- occurrence of the number of alarm

All analog and calculated variables with alarm limit shall be set “dead band”, so as

to decrease frequent nuisance alarm when parameter approach the limit. In case of

equipment start-up and shut- down, alarm block function shall be provided to pre-

vent analog and digital signal from nuisance alarming. This function shall be im-

plemented in Operator Station. On completion of start-up, alarm block function

shall be removed automatically. This function shall not influence variable scanning

and collecting.

Adjustable alarm set-point shall be considered for all input signal and calculated

variable. These alarm set-points may be the function of process parameter (such as

load, flow, temperature).

Alarm message shall indicate the corresponding search label of the graphic dis-

play that deals with the alarm. It shall be able to call more than one alarm sum-

mary in operator station by a single keystroke. The alarm summary shall be format

of table, and including the following information: tag name of the point, point iden-

tification, present value in engineering unit, alarm set-point in engineering unit,

present alarm state (high or low) and occurrence time. Each page of alarm sum-

mary shall have 20 alarm points, alarm summaries shall have 3000 alarm points

at least (including system diagnose alarm point).

All alarm points shall be stored, and may be chose by the operator to print out.

Other Display

a. Help Display

In order to assist the operator in successful manipulation of plant process during

start-up, shut-down and even emergency conditions, the system shall be provided

with an on-line help display package. Means shall be provided for the operator to

call up the help display by pressing the corresponding “Help” key.

In addition to the standard help display, this package shall allow the Owner to

incorporate customer’s help procedures into any help display to suit specific

operating conditions.

b. System Status Display

System status display shall present the status of each controller connected to the

data communication highway. The operating status of all I/O modules residing in

each drop shall be included in the system status display. Failure of any drop or

module shall be highlighted with changing colour in the corresponding status

display to call operator’s prompt attention.

c. Apart from the display functions explained above, Historian shall compliance


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

with all the features of display function explained in section “6.0 Control and

Information Display Functions as a supervisory function” in PLC section.

3.0 Information System

Information shall be provided to the operator in several formats as follows and the

contractor shall include them in his scope of work:-

X(t) plots, Bar charts, All graphic formats and dynamic information to be prepared

from the flow diagrams, All log formats and report formats, All start-up guidance

formats, System Summaries, Single Point Trend, Group Trend, Sequential Points

Print Out, Alarm Summary, Review of Alarm Limits, Dead bends Scan/Calculation

Rates, Off Scan Summary, Constants Summary, Scan Period Summary, Point

Quality Summary, Trend Log Summary, Trend Recording Assignment, Bar Graph

Assignment Summary, Group Review Summary, Reports & Logs, Shift, Daily,

Other Reports, Raw water performance Report, Pure water performance Report,

River water level record, Dosing chemical consumption, Pump Status/Repair

record, Filter efficiency, Filter back wash record, Pump

Diagnostic Log, Pure water quality Record, Hill reservoir water quality Record,

Maintenance Data Log, Special Logs, Overall Performance Log, Operator

Command Summary Log, Long Term Historical storage and Retrieval, Process

Graphic Displays Faceplate Displays, Bar Chart Displays, Trend Displays,

Permissive Displays & Step Indicator, Operator Guidance Messages, Printed

Reports and Logs.

Logging Function

Programmable headings shall be used for all logs, pre-printed forms shall not be

used. The Contractor shall format all headings for logs in accordance with

Owner’s definition.

Logging functions shall be initiated by program control and/or operator demand.

Any process point in the data-base shall be available for the logs.

Periodic logging

Periodic logging includes shift log, daily log and monthly log. Shift log and daily

log shall report 500 predetermined variables for each hour division. Monthly log

shall report 500 predetermined variables for each day division. Periodic log shall

print entire contents at the end of shift or day or month automatically or called up

by operator demand.

Operator Action Log

The system shall record all the actions performed by the unit control room

operator with accurate time of occurrence for analyzing the operational purpose of

operator and the origin of fault conditions. The system shall at least provide 5000

unable-deleted log.

Post Trip Review Log

Post Trip Review Log shall be provided for analyzing. Integrated log of 128

variables describing major equipment of unit shall be printed out immediately once

detected any major equipment of unit trip. Other variables there into shall be

printed rapidly every ten seconds before the trip ten minutes and every one

second after the trip five minutes. Post trip review log message shall be printed

out automatically or by the operator demand.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Operator log

Operator log may be implemented as required to print out immediately or in the

time interval predetermined. Operator log may consist of 20 groups, 16

parameters for each group. All the points with address can be configured to

operator log.

Equipment operation record

At the end of the day, the cumulative running hours and the number of start/stop of

pumps, fans and other major auxiliary equipments shall be print out.

Historical Data Storage and Retrieval (HSR)

The purpose of HSR is to keep detail operation information for a long

term. HSR stations should be provided with systems and network man

agement, database management, data storage and retrieval functions. Op

erator shall be able to retrieve historical data from any of the work sta

tion from the plant.

HSR station shall be able to handle at least 20,000 process point, the im

portant analog control and monitoring points related to equipment and personal

safety should be sampled at least 1 per second other non-important process

sampling points may be appropriate to increase the sample cycle. All the process

data of HSR station can be stored for 90 days, the system design shall adopt

advance technology to reduce data storage space. The bidder shall submit detail

description about scanning cycles of different important level process I / O points,

and provide the calculation method about various types of I / O points occupy

storage space and HSR station hard disk total capacity (at least 80GB (1 TB) hard

disk) in the bidding document.

The bidder shall provide readable and writeable CD-ROM drive (DVD) or tape

drive to store long- term historical data, when the data storage space of the HSR

station up to 60% of total capacity, the system shall automatically transfer data

to readable and writeable CD-ROM or tape drive, and alarm on LED to inform

operator. All document retrieval of HSR Station can be printed or displayed in

the LED as demand.

Data Management System and Historian Specifications

Following are the minimum feature of the Historian but not limited to:

Sr. Particulars D












General Re-


Web based software hosted on a server or cloud platform

Should run on Windows Server OS or Linux OS Should be

capable of interfacing with other Enterprise Systems, e.g.

SAP Long term data storage capability for 10 years


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Server Envi-

ronment Re-


OS - Windows 2012 Server / Linux latest versionDatabase

(latest version) – Oracle / SQL Server / MySQLEnterprise

Virus Protection Software Firewall

3 Functional re-


Should be capable of acquiring real time data from devices

(PLC / SCADA / Energy Meters/flow meters etc.) of various

manufacturers. Connection using various protocols like

OPC, Modbus etc. Two-way communication capability Role

based dashboards – System level and Device level

4 Visualization Custom widgets for each dashboard to be developed as per

MJP/MUNICIPAL COUNCIL requirements Drill down to in-

dividual devices from the dashboard Real time data values /


Mobile and tablet interface for online data and status


Alarm Man-


Define alarms based on parameter value limits – low low /

low / high / high high fine condition based alarms based on

values of multiple parameters Audio-visual display on

browser Alerts by SMS / email . A dedicated Licence for

Alarm management

6 Historian

Data and alarms historian Long term secure data storage

Data export to .csv (Excel) / SQL / custom format Custom

reports and charts to be developed as per MJP/MUNICIPAL

COUNCIL requirements

7 Reporting A Report Creation Tool such that users can define, save and

generate simple reports and charts at runtime Reports dis-

play and printing in HTML, Excel, PDF formats, comprehen-

sive reporting and charting module. Standard and custom-

ized reports Downtime Report, Asset utilization Report,

Maintenance due & maintenance log Report,

Automatic report scheduling and delivery thru email, printer


Minimum 25 standard reports shall be developed per sys-

tem, the reporting system shall be able to develop user de-

fined reports also. A dedicated License for Alarm manage-



Manual Data Manual data entry forms(Manual data entry engine) Map-

ping of manual data with PLC data


Data Integra-


Upward integration with Enterprise Applications like ERP,

Plant Optimization System etc. Downward integration with

different data sources like from devices, SQL data source

and other sources.

Sending data to MJP/MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Server


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Fully configurable system User friendly interface to add /

change devices, parameters, alarms, users as well as other

entities as and when needed User authentication. Extensive

administration tool to configure device, sites, parameters

and users Role based authorization and access rights for re-

ports, dashboard and other parts of system


Housekeeping Automatic backup facility Quick data recovery in case of

server crash

Minimum number of Reports and widgets to be produced by contractor shall be asbelow but

not limited to : The total no of reports are mentioned below, which may exceed during

detail engineering, bidder need to estimate accordingly & Bid the tender.

Name of the system Quantity of Reports

/Widgets to be prepared


Raw water system as per instruction of SE(M)

Intake well as per instruction of SE(M)

Chemical dosing system as per instruction of SE(M)

Clarifier as per instruction of SE(M)

Water filter as per instruction of SE(M)

Back wash water system as per instruction of SE(M)

Blower system as per instruction of SE(M)

Chlorine dosing system as per instruction of SE(M)

Recycle water system as per instruction of SE(M)

Pure water system as per instruction of SE(M)

Energy metering system as per instruction of SE(M)

Reservoir as per instruction of SE(M)

Other as per instruction of SE(M)

(Figures should be as per our system requirement)

4.0 Equipment performance calculation and monitoring System

Equipment performance and monitoring System shall be provided with all

necessary features considering that its primary function shall be to inform

operator about the performance status and health of the mechanical and

electrical equipments based on the preprogrammed equipment performance

calculations and available process data. Based on the performance status

operator shall be able to initiate the corrective actions to prevent damage. The

system shall be capable to record the history of the data so that operator shall be

able to make the maintenance schedule of the equipments. The operator

advisory should include the fault, severity of problem and corrective actions to

be taken. Further system shall allow the user to optimize corrective action as

per experience gained from operation of the plant.

A suitable equipment performance software shall have features of pump

efficiency calculation, energy management and energy auditing, filter efficiency


Equipment performance calculation and monitoring package shall include but

not be limited to following:


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

a. Equipment performance software for On-line data and data gathered by off line in-


b. Pump/Blower efficiency calculation

c. Energy management and energy auditing

d. Filter efficiency calculations and optimization of backwash cycles

e. Graphical man machine interface for real time display of data.

f. Database and plotting package for storage and trending of both condition and pro-

cess data.

g. Package to allow implanting/merging of plant and equipment maintenance his-

tory like balancing records, analysis reports, alignment records.

h. Contractor shall furnish the complete write-up and details of Historian, database

management, Alarm management and Performance monitoring and Analysis sys-

tem in his offer.

Following minimum equipments shall be covered under equipment performance

calculation and monitoring however, the exact quantity shall be finalized during

detail engineering.

a. Raw water pump and accessories

b. Pure water pump and accessories

c. Optimization of chemical dosing

d. Clarifiers

e. Filter and accessories

f. Blower and Back wash water system

g. Chlorine system

h. Recycle water system

5.0 Specifications of Data representation in Tabular/Graphical/Widgets form:

The decision support model allows users to perform below main tasks

a. To analyse historic and current data such as bed states, bed flow & head loss

and to compare works outputs.

b. To schedule filter bed skims for the next month and to forecast works output un-

der the resulting schedules, and

c. To schedule filter bed reactivations, resand and top-ups for the next two years, so

that best use is made of the sand bays and knock-on effects can be planned for.

i. Daily flow summaries

ii. Daily pressure summaries,

iii. Daily summary statistics for special periods (including nightline, morning

and evening calculations)

iv. Maximum delivery value observed in the day

v. Minimum delivery value observed in the day

vi. Average of values observed in the day

vii. Zonal Demands (Predicted), Actual delivery

viii. Calculated performance

ix. Reservoir calculations (including water age in the reservoir, inflows and out-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

d. The widgets can be made personalized or can be made private to their login or pub-

lic to all the users.

e. Users should be able to perform the following operations on graphs:

i. Compare the data from two or more signals in the same widget.

ii. Drag and drop signals on to the faceplate for viewing the signal data in that


iii. Easily navigate the data within the widget

iv. Zoom in/out

v. Export the data as excel sheets/CSV/flat files.

vi. Print the data/graphs.

vii. Playback the data between time intervals selected.

f. These Graphs shall allow the user to view the historic states of one or all beds in

the current works. The graph should display of an historic planning-board dis-

play illustrating the states of the beds over the selected years. It should also dis-

play the dates and sand levels for all activities for this bed.

g. Following are the list of Graphs, Tables and Widgets per each system. Contractor

to prepare minimum number of but not limited to the below listed Graphs, Tables

and Widgets per each system and submit for consultant/owner’s Approval. Con-

tractor shall have sufficient domain knowledge which is essential for development

of below listed Management information system.

Raw water pump Clarifier Graphical Report ,Table forms

and Widgets :

Graphical Report ,Table forms and

Widgets :



Description Sr.



1 River water level details 1 pH details before & after Clarifier

2 Pump Sump pit level details 2 Turbidity details before & after Clari-



Dam level details


Power consumption Vs Clarifier op-

eration time

4 Thrash Rack cleaning details 4 Clarifier performance calculation


‘Predicted Vs Actual ‘ water



‘Predicted Vs Actual performance‘

of clarifier

6 Water level history Details


Clarifier maintenance forecast &

history Details

7 Pump pressure details 7 Effect of Clarifier maintenance

Vs Performance


Pump Flow details


Effect of River water channel clean-

ing Vs Clarifier Performance


Pump head Vs flow curve,



Clarifier maximum & minimum op-

eration time per month


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Pump head Vs flow curve, ac-



Effect of season change Vs

Clarifier Performance


Pumping rate calculation


Preparation of Clarifier maintenance

schedule based on Raw water quali-

ty, Change in season, total operation


12 Pump efficiency calculation 12 View productivity in Tabular Reports


Pump maintenance status


Clarifier Running time Vs

Clarifier sequencing schedule


Compare Pump Efficiency Vs

Pump maintenance


Forecasting of Inventory require-

ment for next two years


Compare Pump Efficiency Vs.

River water level


Effect of natural calamity on

Clarifier operation & throughput


Compare Pump Efficiency Vs.

Water channel cleaning


Identification of the clarifier that have

been out of service during last One



Pump Maximum & Minimum vi-

bration readings


Identify the clarifier which appear to be

working but output is below threshold

values & need frequent maintenance


Pump Maximum & Minimum

bearing temperature readings


MTBF of each clarifier


Pump Maximum & Minimum

winding temperature readings

Chemical dosing System


Pump flow rate Vs Pump

power consumption

Graphical Report ,Table forms

and Widgets :


Pump maximum & minimum

power consumption per day

Sr. No.



Pump power consumption Vs

Maintenance Schedule


Chemical level measurement &

forecast of chemical refill in the

chemical tank based on the Raw

water supply & change in season


Pump power consumption Vs

River channel cleaning



Instantaneous chemical dosing



Effect of River channel cleaning

Vs. Pump power consumption at

maximum constant flow


PH & Turbidity Vs chemical dos-

ing rate curve


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Effect of Pump maintenance Vs.

Pump power consumption at

maximum flow

4 Maximum & Minimum chemical

dosing rate in a day


River channel cleaning sched-

ule Vs Season


Chemical dosing rate Vs seasonal



Preparation of Pump mainte-

nance schedule based on pump

performance, vibration, winding

temp & bearing temp status,

power consumption


Chemical inventory calculations

for next Three calculation

28 Effect of Pump maintenance

Vs. Bearing vibrations &


7 Chemical dosing rate Vs seasonal

change Vs measured PH & Tur-



Preparation of water channel

cleaning schedule based on

pump performance


View productivity in Tabular Re-


Back Wash water System :

Graphical Report ,Table forms

and Widgets :

31 Minimum flow rate by pump Sr.



32 Maximum flow rate by pump 1 Back wash water level details


Total flow rate by Raw water

pump house per day per no.

of pump in operation


Back wash water Pump discharge

pressure details


Total water utility Vs Total flow

rate by Raw water pump house

per day


Back wash water Pump Flow de-



Pump Running time Vs

Pump sequencing sched-



BW water Pump head Vs flow

curve, standard


Pump sequencing schedule Vs

Pump Maintenance Schedule


BW water Pump head Vs flow curve,



Pump maintenance Vs season


BW water Pumping rate & per-

formance calculation

38 Cooling water availabil-

ity & Consumption

7 BW water Pump maintenance



Cooling water consumption Vs

Raw water flow


Forecast of Back wash water con-

sumption based on no. of filter

availability forecast & Pure water



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Audit of cooling water


Predicted Vs Actual BW water con-



Forecasting of Inventory re-

quirement for next two years


BW water consumption Vs Filter

maintenance(Sand charging)



Effect of natural calamity on Raw

water supply


Maximum & Minimum BW

water consumption


Identification the pumps that have

been out of service for days dur-

ing the last ten days.


BW water pump Running time Vs

Pump sequencing schedule

44 Identify the pumps which appear

to be pumping but head and/or

flow values are below threshold

values & need frequent mainte-


13 BW water pump sequencing

schedule Vs Pump Maintenance



Raw water pump house pre-

dicted performance Vs Actual



Identification the BW pumps that

have been out of service during last

ten days.


Forecasting of the Raw water

supply by each pump for next

One Month


Identify the BW pumps which appear

to be pumping but head and/or flow

values are below threshold values &

need frequent maintenance

47 Forecasting of the total Raw

water supply from the Raw wa-

ter system for next One Month


Forecasting of the BW pump

down time based on the pump

Run time & pump sequencing


Forecasting of the pump down

time based on the pump Run

time & pump sequencing


MTBF of each BW water pump


Forecasting of the water delivery

limit to each consumer based on

the seasonal water availability

50 MTBF of each Raw water


Pure water pump

Graphical Report ,Table forms

and Widgets :



Description Sr.




Pure water sump level details


Forecasting of the pump down time

based on the pump Run time &

pump sequencing


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

2 Pure water pump Sump pit level


46 MTBF of each Raw water pump


Dam water availability Vs Pure

Water sump level


PH, Chlorine & Turbidity details

at Pure water & Hill Reservoir &

their history


No. of filter bed availability Vs

Pure Water sump level


PH, Chlorine & Turbidity meas-

urement trends Vs seasonal



Pure water flow Vs Pure water

sump level Vs no. filter bed avail-

able Vs Dam water availability


Analysis of Water at various loca-

tions, time based


‘Predicted Vs Actual ‘ water

level of pure water sump


Leakage Audit by comparing Total

Pure water Vs total Raw water in-

take in the plant


No. of filter bed to be operated Vs

Pure Water consumption for next

two days(Days can be changed

based on the data requirement)


Leakage Audit by comparing To-

tal Pure water utility from Hill

Reservoir Vs Pure water


Water level history Details


Total Electrical power received

from Substation Vs Power con-

sumption at Raw water System

9 Pump discharge pressure de-


10 Pump Flow details Blower Sys-

tem 11 Pump head Vs flow curve,


Graphical Report ,Table forms and

Widgets :

12 Pump head Vs flow curve, ac-





13 Pumping rate calculation 1 Blower discharge pressure de-


14 Pump efficiency calculation 2 Blower maintenance status


Pump maintenance status


Forecast of Blower consumption

based on no. of filter availability



Compare Pump Efficiency Vs

Pump maintenance


‘Predicted Vs Actual ‘ Blower utili-



Compare Pump Efficiency Vs.

Pump sump water level


Blower utilization Vs Filter

maintenance(Sand charging)



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Compare Pump Efficiency Vs.

Filter Backwash & Sand re-



Maximum & Minimum Blower utili-



Pump Maximum & Minimum vi-

bration readings


Blower Running time Vs Blower se-

quencing schedule


Pump Maximum & Minimum

bearing temperature readings


Blower sequencing schedule Vs

Blower Maintenance Schedule


Pump Maximum & Minimum

bearing temperature readings


Identification of the Blower that

have been out of service during last

ten days.


Pump flow rate Vs Pump

power consumption


Identify the Blower which ap-

pear to be blowing but head

values are below threshold

values & need frequent



Pump maximum & minimum

power consumption per day


Forecasting of the Blower down time

based on the Blower Run time &



Pump power consumption Vs

Pump Maintenance Schedule


MTBF of each Blower


Pump power consumption Vs Fil-

ter maintenance(Sand charging)



Effect of Pump maintenance Vs.

Pump power consumption at max-

imum point of operation

Chlorine System


Pump maintenance Vs

change in season

Graphical Report ,Table forms and

Widgets :

28 Preparation of Pump mainte-

nance schedule based on pump

performance, vibration, winding

temp & bearing temp status,




Effect of Pump maintenance Vs.

Bearing vibrations & temperature


Chlorine Pressure details

30 View productivity in Tabular


2 Chlorine weight details


Minimum flow rate by pump


Chlorine consumption Vs Water

Quality Vs Volume of Raw water Vs

Seasonal changes


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Maximum flow rate by pump


Forecast of Chlorine consumption

for next one month


Total flow rate by Pure water

pump house per day per no.

of pump in operation


Actual chlorine consumption Vs



Total water utility Vs Total flow

rate by Pure water pump house

per day


Pump Running time Vs Pump se-

quencing schedule

Recycle Water System


Pump sequencing schedule Vs

Pump Maintenance Schedule

Graphical Report ,Table forms and

Widgets :


Pump maintenance Vs

change in Season


Forecasting of Inventory require-

ment for next two years


Recycle water Pump Pressure de-



Effect of natural calamity on Pure

water supply


Recycle water Sump Turbidity de-



Identification the pumps that have

been out of service during last

ten days.


Recycle water Sump Level details


Identify the pumps which appear

to be pumping but head and/or

flow values are below threshold

values & need frequent mainte-



Recycle water pump flow details


Pure water pump house pre-

dicted performance Vs Actual



Recycle Water Sump level Vs Filter

maintenance Status Vs Raw water

Turbidity Vs Seasonal changes


Forecasting of the Pure water

supply by each pump for next

One Month


Forecast of Recycle water collection

for next Ten days


Forecasting of the total Pure

water supply from the Pure wa-

ter system for next One Month


"Actual Vs Predicted" Recycle wa-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


House Graphical Report ,Table forms and Widgets



Description Sr.




Bed Flow Details, Sand ,Bed

Installation, Bed States History,

Head Graphs of Bed details

34 Analyses recent trends in the NHL

value of the bed.


‘Predicted Vs Actual ‘ output,

Flow Values & value Position of

Beds, NHL Values of Beds, ‘Fil-

tration Rate’ of Beds


Assumption can be made that, NHL

will grow at the same rate over the

next four weeks as it was during the

last ten days.


Various Activity Details of Beds,

Compare Water outputs of

Beds, Compare Performance of



The Forecasting are assumed to begin

in either of the following two scenarios

The NHL of the filter bed exceeds a

trigger value; The length of the filter run

exceeds a maximum value.


View productivity in Tabular

Reports, Maximum Filtration

Rate of Bed, Minimum Filtration

Rate of Bed


The NHL value to forecast and the

maximum allowable filter run length

are set for each Bed Parameters.


Maximum Run Length of Bed,

Default Starting NHL for Bed

runs, Default NHL Growth Factor


Similarly the schedule durations,

which determine how long the fore-

cast schedule will last are also set

during bed Parameters.


Maximum Run Length of Bed,

Default Starting NHL for Bed

runs, Default NHL Growth Fac-



Using these trends and trigger values,

an initial estimate of which beds need

Scanning within the next four weeks

and when is determined.


Various other parameters to be

configured for a work are


An assumption shall be made that, a

bed which is currently being reactivat-

ed, re sanded or topped up will not re-

turn to service during the next four



Total sand on the works, Top

Water levels in DAM, Minimum

sump level, Default Bed starting



Such beds are excluded from the hy-

draulic calculation and cannot appear

in the Skim Schedule.


Pumps maximum head start-

ing value, Hydraulics algo-

rithm, Sand bay capacity, Dura-

tion of Resands


The system shall forecast output

of the water that

will be filtered by each work for the

next one year for each work in op-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


The system shall capture data

related to quantity of water flow

through the beds & other pa-

rameters etc. This will help in ar-

riving at the volume flown

through various beds and helps

in managing the bed mainte-



System shall forecast the following

for the next few years.

a. Bed states

b. Sand in Storage

c. Beds in service

d. Water filtered/cleaned

11 Various other parameters to be

configured for a work are 44

Bed Flow Details in graphical

form (Each bed state to be rep-

resented using a different colour



Total sand on the works, Top

Water levels in DAM, Minimum

sump level, Default Bed starting



Bed Number


Pumps maximum head starting

value, Hydraulics algorithm, Sand

bay capacity, Duration of Resands


Current Bed state


The system shall capture data re-

lated to quantity of water flow

through the beds & other parame-

ters etc. This will help in arriving at

the volume flown through various

beds and helps in managing the

bed maintenance.


Flow Since Last reactivation


Operational data about the beds

such as meter information of

quantity of water flow through

each bed, Head losses, Valve

position etc are to be collected for

each bed on a day to day basis.


Average flow through bed in a day


System shall collect daily averages

for head loss and valve position

and daily total for flow values.


Bed Volumes.


If averages are not available,

spot readings may be used in-



Each bed state to be represented us-

ing a different colour code.

18 Manual data entry 51 Top Sand Level


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


The system shall allow the data

to edit the live data values for

flow, head & valve position which

are captured from OMS systems

for any dates for various beds.


Minimum Sand Level


The system shall facilitate manual

feed for live data for recent days for

which no data currently exist.


No of days in Current Activity


The following business rules/logic

should be used arrive at the NHL

Growth parameters


The graph shall allow the user to

compare the forecasted works out-

put with the actual filter output for

the corresponding period. The fol-

lowing are the outputs:

22 Collect the head, flow and valve

position data for the last ten


55 Graphs of predicted and actual out-

puts in current works


Identify the beds that have been

out of service for days during the

last ten days.


Predicted and actual values shall be in-

dicated by different coloured lines on

the graphs.


Identify the beds which appear to

be filtering but head and/or flow

values are below threshold val-



Values shall show aggregated at work

for a given day.


Identify the beds which appear to

be filtering but the head and/or

flow values are above threshold


58 The shall be able to predict outputs for

the next 4 years.


Mark data points for which the

NHL value is obviously too high

and exclude them.

59 ‘Predicted Vs Actual ‘ output


Adjust NHL values to allow

for valve position.


Graphs of predicted and actual out-

puts in current works


Use linear regression to calcu-

late starting NHL and growth



Predicted and actual values shall be in-

dicated by different coloured lines on

the graphs.


The system shall calculate derived

values of Filtration Rate (The val-

ues can be calculated using the

Flow and Bed Area values)

62 Values shall indicate aggregated at

work for a given day.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


The system shall calculate derived

values of Productivity values (

Productivity is a measure of how

hard each bed has worked during

its last completed run)


Shall be able to predict the outputs

for the next one year.


The following values should be

computed as part of productivity.

a. Productivity value

b. Length of the run (For which

productivity is calculated) (days)

d. Length of the current filter run



Bed Scheduler Forecasting:

Following points to be consid-

ered for Forecasting the bed



Calculate how long each filtering

bed has been in service

Firewall & Gate

General requirement and system description:

a. The complete PLC network & Historian server shall be interfaced with MJP/ MUNIC-

IPAL COUNCIL internet network.

An enterprise network connectivity module (ENCM) on virtual private network

(VPN) to be established at plant side after fire wall on 4G network. The interface


server shall be developed on VPN network. The network system security shall

limit the access to critical information to authorized personal only. This network

shall be provided with proper firewall or Gateway to avoid the unauthorized

access. This network shall be also interfaced with Tablet devices provided to


b. The fire wall provided shall have proper De militarized zone (DMZ). The enter-

prise network connectivity module (ENCM) shall communicate with the plant side

data server through De militarized zone (DMZ) for both way communication.

Contractor shall develop the same arrangement at MJP/ MUNICIPAL COUN-

CIL server end so as to establish the safe enterprise data communication net-

work between plant and office end.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

6.0 UPS & Battery Charger

General Requirement

The scope of this work includes sizing, design, supply, erection, cabling and

commissioning of Uninterruptable power supply (UPS).

UPS design: Design of UPS shall be based on electrical consumption, mounting

arrangement, interface requirement with control system, general requirement

and specifications below.

Erection of UPS: Erection includes mounting of UPS at designated control room,

laying of cable from UPS to control system. UPS and battery charger can be

provided as a single device.

Commissioning: Commissioning of UPS includes initial charging of batteries,

starting of the UPS panel and conducting the performance trials.

System description:

Automation of water treatment plant is distributed in five major areas from control

point of view. These areas are provided with Master control system, micro control

system and centralized control system. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

System of 5 KVA each shall be provided for each control system along with

necessary cabinet & battery stand. The number of UPS to be provided per control

system shall be as below.

Historian at main control room at WTP – 5 KVA, 1 Nos.

Specifications of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System

The UPS system shall have following accessories:

1x100% chargers and inverters,

1x100% battery bank,

Bypass line transformers and voltage stabiliser,

other necessary protective devices and accessories

a. The kVA rating of UPS shall be minimum 5 KVA and include 10% spare capacity

guaranteed at 50 deg. C ambient. The UPS shall have an over load capacity of

125 % rated capacity for 10 minutes and 150 % rated capacity for 10 seconds. The

inverter shall have sufficient I2t capability to clear fault in the maximum rated

branch circuit. The sizing of UPS shall be based on the power factor of the loads

being fed subject to a maximum of 0.8.

b. Chargers shall be sized to meet the 100% UPS load plus recharge the fully dis-

charged battery within 8 hours.

c. The UPS battery shall have sufficient amp-hour capacity to supply 100% full load

current of UPS for 480 minutes. ( 8 Hours) For this, the UPS capacity to be con-

sidered as the finally selected UPS rating, irrespective of the actual load on UPS.

A drop of 4V from battery station to the inverter input shall be considered for design.

d. The UPS system design shall ensure that in case of failure of mains input power

supply to one of the chargers, the other charger whose mains input power supply is

healthy, shall feed to one or both the inverters.

Static Inverters

a. The static inverter shall be solid state type using proven pulse width modulation


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

(PWM)/quasi square wave/step wave technique. The inverter equipment shall in-

clude all necessary circuitry and devices to conform to requirements like voltage

regulation, current limiting, wave shaping, transient recovery, automatic synchroni-

zation etc.

b. The steady state voltage regulation shall be +2% and transient voltage regulation

(on application/removal of 100% load) shall be +20%. Time to recover from transi-

ent to normal voltage shall not be more than 50 m sec.

c. Frequency regulation for all conditions of input supplies, loads and temperature

occurring simultaneously or in any combination shall be better than ± 0.5% (auto-

matically controlled). The total harmonic content shall be 5% maximum and con-

tent of any single harmonic shall be 3% maximum. The inverter efficiency shall be

at least 85% on full load and 80% on 50% load.

d. The inverter shall be provided with suitable HRC fuses at the input and output

which will permit proper coordination with other protective devices and at the same

time protect the inverter against damage due to internal faults. All necessary

equipment shall be provided to protect the inverter against overload, short circuit

and 100% loss of load. The inverter shall be self protecting against damage if en-

ergized with full load connected.

e. Inverter equipment shall include all solid state circuitry and devices including sta-

ble oscillator etc. to enable inverters to operate satisfactorily in parallel sharing

mode each inverter taking 50% load during normal operation. In case of failure of

either inverter, 100% load shall automatically be transferred to healthy inverter

without any break and degradation in the quality of UPS output and disconnecting

the faulty inverter automatically.

f. The inverter failure shall be alarmed and the healthy inverter shall get synchroniz-

ing signal from the standby AC source and remain synchronized within the set lim-

its. The limits for the synchronisation between healthy inverter and standby AC

source shall be field adjustable.

Step Down Transformer and Voltage Stabilizer

The transformer shall be of low impedance type and the rating shall be such that

extremely fast fault clearance is achieved even in the largest rated branch circuit.

The overload capacity of the transformer/stabilizer shall not be less than 300% for

200 ms. The stabilizer shall employ silicon solid state circuitry and the output voltage

regulation shall be ± 2%. The efficiency of the stabiliser shall be 95% or better.


The batteries shall be heavy duty Nickel-cadmium (Ni-cd) type only and shall be

sized for 8 hour of full load operation during non-availability of AC supply. The Ni-

Cd batteries shall conform to IS:10918. For sizing calculation, an aging factor of

0.8 and a temperature correction factor of 0.935 (based on temperature

characteristics curve to be submitted by the contractor and at a temperature of 4

deg. C). Capacity factor shall be taken into consideration, if applicable and ambient

temperature shall be considered as the electrolytic temperature. The sizing of the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

battery shall be as approved by consultant/owner during detailed engineering.

However, contractor shall consider a voltage drop of 4V from battery station to

UPS, while sizing the battery.

Codes and Standards

All Nickel-Cadmium batteries shall be as per the following standards and codes:

IS : 10918 Specification for vented type Nickel

Cadmium Batteries. IS : 1069 Quality tolerances for

water for storage batteries.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of Centralised historian server is compulsory at

manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by

Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of

delivery of material.

ItemNo.4: Secondary Computer Station :-

This job includes, Designing, supplying, installing commissioning & testing, Terminating &

interfacing of Secondary Computer Station etc. complete including MJP and TPI Inspection.

a. A PC based Server cum Operator work station(OWS) cum engineering work Sta-

tions (OWS) shall have 32 inch (minimum) flat panel LED displays (dual monitor)

with TFT active matrix, a minimum resolution of 1200 by 1600 pixels, minimum

400:1 contrast ratio, minimum dot/pixel pitch of 0.255 mm, and a minimum bright-

ness of 250 cd/m2. Controls shall be provided on the front of each monitor for con-

trast, brightness, horizontal/vertical position, and horizontal size.

b. Each work station shall include, at a minimum, CD quality audio capabilities. All

work stations shall include the current state-of-the-art hardware platform (CD/DVD

rewriteable drives, ports, processor/bus, RAM, etc.) All monitors shall be designed

to minimize reflection and glare from external light sources. The key boards shall

be provided for control, monitoring and programming function. One number A3

size colour inkjet printer shall be provided along with operator work station at each

control station. The work station shall be server class machine. Contractor shall

provide all the necessary certificates/documents issued by server manufacturer.

c. The work station shall perform the functions of Server, Engineer work stations &

operator work station. The term Server/engineer work station refers to the work

stations that have typically been called Engineering Work Stations (EWS), but have

the dual functionality of an EWS and Server.

d. The work station shall be able to monitor, view, create, modify, debug, and docu-

ment any control or information display, program, database, or other function.

Server shall be able to store & operate on the required software’s for development

and modification of control and data acquisition programs.

e. The work station hardware shall meet system software requirements. System

hardware and software shall be latest. Server/ Engineering station shall be able to

call up related data stored in their associated PLC.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

f. The workstation shall be used for historical data storage and retrieval. Each work

station shall consist of monitor(s) as specified above, operator keyboard(s), pointing

device(s), and supporting electronics (operator interface processors, display gen-

erators, data highway communications network equipment, network accessories


g. Work station shall have provision for event recording, trending and report genera-

tion. The work station shall have option to reuse previous engineering work like op-

tions to import tags from PLC and screens with tag from Local HMI stations dedi-

cated for each PLC. Shall have read/write options to PLC as well as to Local HMI

workstation. Engineering work station shall include the capability to provide both

on-line and off-line development of data acquisition programs and information dis-


h. The workstation shall perform control, monitoring and operation of all instruments/

drives interacting with PLC based control system. The work station shall be possi-

ble to use as programming station of the PLC also.

The work station shall basically perform the minimum following functions:

Provide point and click actions required for the operator to interact with the

system, such as cursor positioning, display selection, menu selection, menu item

selection, Operator functions shall include local/ remote selection, A/M selection,

open/ close operation, sequence auto, start/ stop selection, ON/OFF, raise,

lower, bypassing system, Select and execute process and equipment control


Following are the major functions to be performed:

a. Supervisory functions like Select any display to any monitor, and select display

combinations of process Control displays, trend displays, alarm displays, alarm

summary, group displays, reports and bar chart displays on any monitor. Select

points and assign parameters for trend displays, group displays, and bar Chart

displays. Assign points, collection periods, and print periods for reports. The sys-

tem shall be designed to display and print the following minimum logs such as

general log, shift log, daily log, alarm log ,reports etc… on a scheduled basis, or

on operator demand. User configurable alarm messages that can be displayed on

any graphic screen.

b. Runtime HMI software required to consolidate and present all relevant information

in standard & user configurable format, through which the plant operator shall be

able to monitor and control the plant operation.

c. Each work station shall include key lock and/or password protection to restrict

access to critical functions to be performed by authorized personnel only. These

functions will be defined by the owner during the design phase of the project.

d. Programming station shall have access to the processor of the control system

for programming. Programming shall be user friendly & shall not require spe-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

cial computer skills. Programming, self- diagnostics, testing of sequence, simu-

lation and sequence modification shall be possible on the programming console.

e. Programming shall be possible in any of the following formats:

Block logic representing the instructions graphically.

ladder diagrams.

Universally accepted latest technique

f. A forcing facility shall be provided for changing the states of inputs and out-

puts, timers and flags to facilitate fault finding and other testing requirements.

It shall be possible to display the signal flow during operation of the program.

Programming shall be possible OFF line.

g. A NORMAL / TEST / PROGRAM / OFF lockable selector switch shall be pro-

grammed. In case of test mode of operation, all outputs shall be blocked.

h. Provision shall be made for erasing and duplicating the user program and

long term storage facilities shall be provided with the help of EPROM from

work station.

i. Manual intervention shall be possible at any stage of operation. Protection

commands shall have priority over manual commands and manual commands

shall prevail over auto commands.

Specifications of engineering/operating work station



Description Particulars



Latest with adequate no. of Ethernet/ LAN connectivity



Main memory

Min 10 GB or higher



Drives DVD R/W

4 Hard disk Min. 3 TB



32" TFT Graphic LED



8 MB or better

7 Communication port 2 serial plus one parallel, min 6 USB port

8 Expansion slots 5

9 Other Features 101 Keys Key board OR latest and wireless Mouse


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Industrial grade furniture (Two computer tables & Four chairs)

for work station, accessories & its printer, as approved during

detailed engineering



a. General ‐ MS Windows’ 8 and all other software re-

quired for system functionality, anti‐virus, etc. The operat-

ing software shall be latest & shall capable to operate

PLC, SCADA, Historian & Energy management software

of all standard & reputed contractors

b. Application specific to suit specific requirement

2 Printer

One number A3 size colour laser inkjet duplex printer with networking

capability per main PLC at each control room shall be provided. It shall print

out all alarm/ trip conditions and event changes in plant status along with

date and time of occurrence. The least count of time for event recording shall

not be more than 100 milliseconds. The printer shall be able to print the

trends, displays and graphs also.


a. The bidder shall provide entire set of software required by the system for meet-

ing the functional and parametric requirements of the specification like imple-

mentation of control logic, operator station displays / logs, storage & retrieval of


b. The software and programs shall include high level languages as far as possi-

ble. The bidder shall provide sufficient documentation and program listing in view

of making modifications in program at a later date.

c. Industry standard Latest operating systems like WINDOWS—8/10/Linux etc. to

ensure openness and connectivity with other system in industry standard proto-

cols (TCP-IP/ OPC etc.) shall be provided. The system shall have user oriented

programming language & graphic user interface.

d. All system related software including Real Time Operating System, File man-

agement software, screen editor, database management software. On line di-

agnostics/debug software, peripheral drivers software and latest versions of

standard PC-based software and latest WINDOWS/Linux based packages etc.

and any other standard language offered shall be furnished as a minimum.

e. All application software for PLC system functioning like input scanning, data ac-

quisition, conditioning processing, control and communication and software for

operator interface of monitors, displays, trends, curves, bar charts etc. Histori-

cal storage and retrieval utility, and alarm functions and wireless interface drivers

etc. shall be provided.

f. The software shall be password protected. The Bidder shall provide software

locks and passwords to buyer’s engineers nominated by the management authori-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ty at site for all operating & application software so that buyer’s engineers can

take backup of these software and shall be able to perform modifications at site.

Software Documentation and Software Listings

a. All technical manuals, reference manuals, user’s guide etc., written in English

those are required for modification/editing/addition/deletion of features in the

software of the PLC System shall be furnished. The Bidder shall furnish a com-

prehensive list of all system/application software documentation after system fina-

lisation for owner’s review and approval.

b. All the software listings including Source code for application software, all spe-

cial-to-project data files etc. shall be submitted by the Bidder.

c. Software Licences : The Bidder shall provide software license for all software

being used in PLC- SCADA. The software licenses shall be provided for the Mu-

nicipal Corporation site and shall not be hardware/machine-specific. That is, if

any hardware/machine is upgraded or changed, the same license shall hold

good and it shall not be necessary for owner to seek a new license/renew license

due to up gradation/change of hardware/machine in PLC-SCADA at site. All li-

censes shall be valid for the continuous service life of the plant.

d. Each master PLC shall be provided with one Runtime & One development version

software for PLC & SCADA with all license capability. License for Master PLCs

(Including Runtime & One development version) & License for SCADA (Including

Runtime & One development version)

e. Each master PLC for filter section shall be provided with dedicated License for the

associated Micro PLCs & HMI programming with all license capability.

f. License for micro PLCs (Including Runtime & One development version) & License

for HMI (Including Runtime & One development version)

g. Historian shall be provided with dedicated Runtime & development version of License

with all license capability.

h. Energy management, Vibration monitoring & Alarm management software shall be

provided with dedicated Runtime & development version of License with all license


i. Bidder to provide suitable OS for server class workstation which must be suitable to

operate the requested Licenses. All the License Required to run this project on the

server is a responsibility of the bidder.

j. Software Upgrades: As a customer support, the Bidder shall periodically in-

form the designated engineering officer of the owner about the software up-

grades/new releases that would be taking place after the system is commis-

sioned so that if required, same can be procured & implemented at site. The up

gradation software until the completion of last year of Annual Maintenance Con-

tract (AMC) shall be under scope off contractor.



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

An I/O list database will be developed to allow design information transmittal

between the owner and the Contractor. A system database shall be developed that

will allow access of the I/Os by the control system.

In the databases, a unique identifying code (tag name) shall be assigned to each

analog, digital, calculated, data linked, or manually inserted point, by which the

point may be referenced by both the operator and the system. The code shall

consist of at least 14 alphanumeric characters. The code format shall be as

determined by the Purchaser and shall not be subject to any Contractor


A historian database shall be developed as a data acquisition system

I/O list database

The owner shall provide initial information, including the tag name, functional point

description, and electrical characteristics for the process I/O, using a commercially

available database program in an agreed upon format. After the initial I/O list

database submittal by the owner, the contractor shall be responsible for

maintenance of the database until the system is shipped to the project site.

Alarm priorities, data storage requirements, and similar information will be

submitted by the owner during detailed design. The owner may, from time to time,

provide other additions or revisions to the database that the Contractor shall

incorporate into the master database. The additions or revisions may be in hard

copy or electronic format. At the time of shipment, the Contractor shall furnish an

as- shipped I/O list database to the owner. The as-shipped database shall be in

the same format as the initial I/O list database provided by the owner. The

Contractor shall use the I/O list database to generate the system database.

System database

The Contractor shall provide a system database covering all system points and

their attributes. The database organization shall be a standard database format,

so that a point shall be stored as a file record and the attributes of that point shall

be stored in the file as fields. Each point shall be supported by a set of parameters

that represent the point properties. Typical point parameters shall include, but

shall not be limited to, tag name functional point description, engineering units

(analog points), state descriptions (digital points), scan rate, alarm limits, and


Diagnostic Programs

Diagnostic programs shall be provided for the following diagnostic tests:

a. Initiation checks.

The initiation checks shall be initiated each time power is applied to a control or

operator interface processor. These checks shall monitor the start up sequences

of the processor to ensure that the processor has been successfully powered up

and in the proper working condition.

b. On-line diagnostics.

The on-line diagnostics shall be executed automatically during normal on-line

operation of the control and operator interface processor, providing continuous

monitoring of the processor functions, including, but not limited to, memory

functions, and communications functions.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Data highway communications network, I/O bus communication network, RS-485

bus network, wireless communication network, controller, card, and error status

information shall be available. The system shall present this information in English

terms. Cross-referencing of numeric values to a diagnostic manual for initial

problem determination is not acceptable.

Hardware diagnostic test software shall be provided for the following computer

equipment. These diagnostics shall include fault analysis to the circuit board level:

i. Memories.

ii. Peripheral and display devices.

iii. All communications networks, etc

iv. Peripheral devices like Mass memories (disks, etc.), Multiplexing system,


"Watchdog" diagnostics shall be provided which can periodically check the

operation of all communications network nodes and alarm detected problems.

Time synchronization between all nodes shall be periodically checked and set by

the control system network to prevent inaccurate timing of alarms

Programming Techniques

The programming format shall be IEC 61131-3 compliant ladder diagram (LD),

function block diagram (FBD), sequential function chart (SFC), and structured text

(ST) languages. The Programmable Automation Controller shall organize user

applications as Tasks, which can be specified as continuous, periodic, or event


The programming techniques shall compliance with following features:

a. Periodic tasks shall run via an interrupt at a user-defined interval in minimum in-

crements from 1 mS to 2000 S. The increment period will be decided and ap-

proved by consultant/owner during detail engineering. The interrupt mechanism of

periodic and event tasks shall adhere to the IEC 61131-3 definition of pre-emptive


b. The PLC shall be able to accommodate a maximum of 32 individual tasks, of

which one can be continuous. The periodic and event tasks shall have an associ-

ated, user-assignable priority from 1…15 (1 being the highest priority), which

specifies that task’s relative execution priority in the multitasking hierarchy.

c. Each task shall have a user-settable watchdog timeout, which is unique to that

task. Each task can include a maximum of 100 programs, which can be prioritized

for execution within the task. Each program shall be able to include routines that

could be programmed in LD ( Ladder Diagramme ), FBD ( Functional Block Pro-

gramme), SFC (sequential function charts ) , or ST(structured text) languages. One

of the routines can be specified as the main routine and one can be specified as an

optional fault routine. All routines shall be capable of being edited when online.

The number of routines that can be contained in a program is limited only by


d. Tag naming convention shall adhere to specifications in IEC 61131-3. Tags may

be created offline, online, and at the same time the routine logic is entered. The


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

system shall have the capability to store user tag names in the PLC. Tags shall be

available to all tasks in the PLC or limited in scope to the routines within a single

program as defined by the user.

e. It shall be possible to program ladder diagram (LD) rungs with the following re-


i. Series instruction count limited only by user memory

ii. Branch extensions limited only by user memory

iii. Branch nesting to six levels

It shall be possible to insert ladder diagram (LD) rungs anywhere in the program,

even between existing rungs, so far as there is sufficient memory to

accommodate these additions. A single program command or instruction shall

suffice to delete an individual ladder diagram (LD) rung from memory. A

clock/calendar feature shall be included within the CPU. Access to the time and

date shall be from the programming terminal or user program.

f. Latch functions shall be internal and programmable. The system shall have the ca-

pability to address software timers and software counters in any combination and

quantity up to the limit of available memory. All the operations of these instructions

into memory shall be handled by the CPU. Instructions shall permit programming

timers in the ON or OFF Delay modes. Timer programming shall also include the

capability to interrupt timing without resetting the timers. Counters shall be

Programmable by using up-increment and down-increment. Timer instructions shall

have a time base of 1.0 ms. The timing range of each timer shall be from

0… 2,147,483,648 increments. It shall be possible to program and display

separately the timer's preset and accumulated values.

g. The Programmable Automation Controller shall store data in the following formats:

i. Boolean values (0 or 1).

ii. Short integer numbers ranging from -128…127.

iii. Integer numbers ranging from -32,768…32,767.

iv. Double integer numbers ranging from -2,147,483,648…2,147,483,647.

v. Floating point numbers consisting of eight significant digits. For

numbers larger than eight digits, the CPU shall convert the num-

ber into exponential form with a range of ± 1.1754944 E -38 to ±

3.402823 E +38.

vi. Long integer numbers ranging from -



h. The Programmable Automation Controller shall support for integer and floating

point signed math functions consisting of addition, subtraction, multiplication, divi-

sion, square root, negation, modulus and absolute value. Trigonometric instruc-

tions supported must include Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Inverse Sine, Inverse Co-

sine, and Inverse Tangent. These instructions must fully support floating- point

math. Additional floating point instructions supported must include Log 10, Natural

Log, and Exponential.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

i. It shall be possible to complete complex, combined calculations in a single instruc-

tion, such as flow totalizing or equations of the format ((A+((B-C)*D))|E).File func-

tion instructions supported shall also include Sort, Average, and Standard Deviation.

j. The CPU shall support indexed addressing of array elements. Array element manipu-

lation instructions, such as array copy (COP), array copy with data integrity (CSP),

and array fill (FLL), array to array (MOV), element to array (FAL), array to element

(FAL), and first in- first out (FIFO) shall be supported by the system. The four function

and math instructions and instructions for performing logical OR, logical AND, ex-

clusive OR, and comparison instructions, such as less than, greater than, and equal

to shall be included within the system. All instructions shall execute on either single

words or array elements.

k. PLC shall have a jump instruction that will allow the programmer to jump over por-

tions of the user program to a portion marked by a matching label instruction.

l. PLC shall have an ability to provide a master system clock and the IEEE 1588 PTP

version 2 CIP Sync object to allow time synchronization and transport and routing of a

system clock to the control system and communication system.

m. The program format shall display all instructions on a programming panel with appro-

priate mnemonics to define all data entered by the programmer. The system shall be

capable of providing a HELP utility, which, when invoked by the programmer, will

display a list of instructions and all data and keystrokes required to enter an in-

struction into the system memory on the programming panel.

n. The system shall have the capability to enter rung comments above ladder diagram

(LD) rungs. These comments may be entered at the same time the ladder logic is en-

tered. The capability shall exist for adding, removing, or modifying logic during pro-

gram execution in routines of ladder diagram (LD), function block diagram (FBD), se-

quential function chart (SFC), and structured text (ST) languages. When changes to

logic are made or new logic is added, it shall be possible to test the edits of such log-

ic before removal of the prior logic occurs.

o. It shall be possible to manually set (force) all hardwired discrete input or output

points to either ON or OFF from the programming panel. It shall also be possible to

manually set (force) an analog input or output to a user-specified value. Removal of

these forced I/O points shall be achieved either individually or totally through selected

keystrokes. The programming terminal shall be able to display forced I/O points.

p. PLC shall have the ability to create Add-on Profiles, including generic profiles to pro-

vide open integration on third-party modules used in the Programmable Automation

Controller system. PLC files shall have the ability to be exported and edited in text or

XML format.

Standards and Certificates

a. The Programmable Automation Controller processor shall be able to

withstand conducted tests as outlined in the following:


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Environmental Test Industrial Standard


Temperature IEC







2 Humidity IEC 60068‐2‐30

3 Vibration IEC 60068‐2‐6

4 Shock IEC




5 Radiated Emissions CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A

6 Conducted Emissions CISPR 11/22: Group 1, Class A

7 Conducted Emissions ‐ Telecomm EN61000‐6‐4

8 ESD Immunity IEC 61000‐4‐2

9 Radiated RF Immunity IEC 61000‐4‐3

10 EFT/B Immunity IEC 61000‐4‐4

11 Surge Immunity IEC 61000‐4‐5

12 Conducted RF Immunity IEC 61000‐4‐6

13 Magnetic field Immunity IEC 61000‐4‐8

14 AC Voltage Variation IEC 61000‐4‐11

15 DC Voltage Variation IEC 61000‐4‐29

16 Oscillatory Waves IEC 61000‐4‐18

b. PLC controller shall be certified by:


No. Certification Descrip-

tion a c-UL-us (certified for US and Canada)

b UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations


CE (European Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive), compliant with:

• EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements

• EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity

• EN 61000-6-4; Industrial Emissions

• EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)

Ex European Union 94/9/EC ATEX Directive, compliant with:

• EN 60079-15; Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection ‘n’

• EN 60079-0; General Requirements

• II3 G Ex nA IIC T5X

3.0 Communication System

a. The PLC system shall be provided with necessary interface hardware, and

software for dual Fibre optic connectivity with other stations and Historian serv-

er. PLCs shall be provided with necessary interface hardware, wireless modem,

and software for wireless connectivity of micro PLCs with master PLCs. The

PLC system shall be provided with necessary interface hardware and software

for communication with programming devices, energy meters, printers on

Ethernet/mod bus/RS 485 communication for two - way transfer of signals for the

purpose of information sharing.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

b. The complete PLC network & Historian server shall be interfaced with MUNICIPAL

CORPORATION internet network.

An enterprise network connectivity module (ENCM) on virtual private network

(VPN) to be established at plant side after fire wall on 4G network. The same

network shall be established at MUNICIPAL CORPORATION server end. The

interface of MJP/MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Historian with MUNICIPAL

CORPORATION server shall be developed on VPN network. The network

system security shall limit the access to critical information to authorize personal

only. This network shall be provided with proper firewall or Gateway to avoid the

unauthorized access. This network shall be also interfaced with Tablet devices

provided to MJP/ MUNICIPAL CORPORATION officers.

c. Historian server shall be provided with backup server named Data server at plant

end. The data server shall be updated periodically in line with main historian serv-

er. The fire wall provided shall have proper De militarized zone (DMZ). The en-

terprise network connectivity module (ENCM) shall communicate with the plant

side data server through De militarized zone (DMZ) for both way communica-

tions. Contractor shall develop the same arrangement at MUNICIPAL CORPO-

RATION server end so as to establish the enterprise data communication network

between plant and office end.

d. The necessary software, hardware, antenna, tower shall be provided by contrac-

tor. The standard and reputed private operators like Idea, BSNL, Airtel, Vo-

daphone shall be employed for establishing the private network in terms of en-

terprise network connectivity. The per month rent and other expenses required

for running this network until last day of Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)

shall be beared by the contractor. Contractor shall also mention about the pen-

alty condition clause, for the penalty to be charged to the communication ser-

vice provider for their network down time period, in the contract with them.

e. The exact data structure shall be as decided during detailed engineering. All re-

quired plant data shall be transferred to/from through this ensuring complete


f. The exact number of points to be transferred through the above communication

link and the format of the data shall be finalised during detailed engineering. The

control system shall have open system architecture so that expansion of the sys-

tem shall be possible by adding extra stations on the data highway modularly

without disturbing operation of rest of the system.

g. The communication system shall include a redundant System Bus with hot

back-up and other applicable bus systems like cubicle bus, local bus, I/O bus etc.

4.0 The Communication System inside the plant shall have following mini mum


a. Redundant communication controllers shall be provided to handle the commu-

nication between I/O Modules and PLCs and between PLCs and operator

work station. During normal operation 50% loading and during worst case on-

ly 70% loading of the communication throughput shall be utilized.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

b. The design shall be such as to minimise interruption of signals. It shall ensure

that a single failure anywhere in the media shall cause not more than a single

message to be disrupted and that message shall automatically be retransmitted.

Any failure or physical removal of any station/module connected to the system

bus shall not result in loss of any communication function to and from any other


c. If the system bus requires a master bus controller philosophy, it shall employ re-

dundant master bus controller with automatic switchover facility.

d. Built-in diagnostics features shall be provided for easy fault detection. Communi-

cation error detection and correction facility shall be provided at all levels of

communication. Failure of one bus and changeover to the standby system bus

shall be automatic and completely bump less and the same shall be suitably

alarmed/ logged.

e. The design and installation of the system bus shall take care of the environmen-

tal conditions as applicable.

f. Data transmitting speed shall be sufficient to meet the responses of the system

in terms of displays, control etc. plus 25% spare capacity shall be available for fu-

ture expansion.

g. Single mode 8 core Fibre optic cables shall be employed necessary applications.

The bidder shall furnish details regarding the communication system like com-

munication protocol, bus utilisation calculations etc. for owner’s review and ap-


h. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary devices for establishing data commu-

nications system. These devices(rack mounted) shall be installed in system cab-

inets/Network cabinet in power block building , and may include, but not be lim-

ited to, Ethernet switches with built in fibre optic ports, fibre-optic patch panels

signal conditioners, and prefabricated cables ,with all necessary power distribu-

tion strips, power receptacles/boxes, and other supporting electrical infrastructure

i. The Contractor shall furnish line drivers or short-haul modems for both ends of

all interfaces for cable lengths of longer than 50 feet (15 meters) for all RS-232

interfaces, or longer than 3,900 feet (1,200 meters) for all RS-422 and RS-485 in-


j. All Ethernet based communication networks shall use Category 5e (or better) un-

shielded twisted pair UTP for cables run inside the control room and single-

mode, 8 core fibre optic cable for cables run outside the control room or between

buildings. Twisted pair cable networks shall conform to ISO 8802.3 100BASE-TX

or 1000BASE-T or newer requirements. Fibre-optic cable networks shall conform

to ISO 8802.3 100BASE- FX or 1000BASE-SX or newer requirements. The net-

work shall be designed for maximum speed through the use of Gigabit (or faster)

components where possible. Ethernet communications networks shall include all


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

necessary hubs, switches, connectors, patch panels, fan out kits, taps, repeat-

ers, cables, terminators and any other components required for a complete

communications system.

5.0 The communication system hardware shall meet the following requirements:

a. Industrial switcher shall be with modular design, flexible configuration and shall

support operating temperature 0 to 55 º C, for fan less design

b. Anti-electromagnetic interference performance is more than four level; sup-

port trouble-free communication, with zero packet loss technology

c. Support VLAN (Virtual LAN) sub-network, support port security (port MAC ad-

dress binding, port access control), safe isolated industrial control data

d. Ring network self-healing recovery time <5ms / switches to ensure network security

e. To ensure the equipment working stability in harsh operating environment the Pro-

tection grade shall be IP40

f. Switch shall have a five-years warranty

g. Failure of any system or component connected with the communication sys-

tem shall not fail the communication system or any other system or component.

h. The communication network shall be redundant, including redundant highway inter-

face modules & all related accessories. Both the redundant data highways shall be

active simultaneously at all times.

i. All stations interfaced on the highways shall have access to data on the highway

and may send data to the highway.

j. The data communication system shall be designed to be loaded not more than 40

percent for Ethernet and 60 percent for Token-net under worst case conditions to

allow for future expansion. The method of examination and calculation should be

submitted by the contractor.

k. The data Highway speed and access time shall be such that any operator action

must be executed in 1 second or less under upset as well as steady state condi-

tions. The Contractor shall confirm his guaranteed response time under all operat-

ing conditions.

l. The data communication system’s protocol shall include such a codes as CRC

(Cycle Redundant Check) , parity error, etc, to detect errors and take protective

action to assure a high degree of transmission reliability.

m. Information about “communication protocol” (e.g. massage structure, addressing

and direction of transmission, format of data block length, modulation and trans-

mission medium), diagnosis functions and equipment, automatic recovery for

failed stations and access time per station, etc., shall be described and submitted

in detail by the contractor in his proposal.

n. In case any error is occurred the data communication system shall be smart enough

to automatically request the data to be retransmitted or the hardware must simply

notify the software and the latter must decide what action to be taken. If there are

still errors in the data transfer after several attempts, an automatic meaningful safe

reaction shall be performed. (e.g. switching off defective components or switching

to redundancy, etc).

o. All the communication highways shall be protected from any kind of abrasion, me-

chanical vibration, moisture, corrosion cause of communication failure.

p. Data communications system shall be in accordance with international standards

and recommended requirements, such as IEC, IEEE and so on. The most im-

portant is that the anti-noise interference of all systems should meet IEC60255-4


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specification, or IEEE recommended requirements.

q. The plant control system communication interface shall monitor and report whether

the equipment is in normal working condition or not. In addition to process infor-

mation, the control system shall also access the control system fault diagnosis in-

formation through the communication interface.

r. When failure occurs in the control system, operator can get information at operation

station LED.

s. All necessary communication interface equipment includes network interface

cards, drivers, network communication cables and complete interface software.

6.0 Third party Interfaces (TPI)

a. The Contractor shall provide all hardware and drivers to communicate with owner-

furnished foreign devices, such as personal computers and programmable logic

controllers (PLC) as defined. The communications medium shall be twisted shield-

ed copper conductors for indoor locations and those areas not subjected to in-

duced signal noise. For communications networks routed outdoors or in areas

where induced signal noise is probable, fibre-optic cable shall be provided.

b. The Contractor shall furnish line drivers or short-haul modems for both ends of all in-

terfaces. The Contractor shall also furnish line drivers or short-haul modems for

both ends where the Contractor's equipment design recommends their use for iso-

lation or other requirements.

c. The interfaces shall permit the data generated in the foreign devices to be used in

any process controller, displayed on any operator work station, or used in any re-

port. The interface shall also allow the configuration of push buttons and control

stations on the control station operator work station, which can be further used to

start and stop motors, open or close valves, etc., that are controlled by the PLCs

as foreign device.

Control and Information Display Functions as a supervisory function

The display functions shall be assignable by the operator to work station within

the system. All system points including analog, digital, and calculated variables

shall be capable of being displayed on the operator work station monitors. The use

of colour on the displays shall serve to rapidly draw operator attention to important

data. The colour of each item shall be as determined by the owner during the

design phase of the system.

Trend Displays.

Trend displays shall consist of a time plot of a minimum of five points concurrently.

Each trace shall be in a unique colour. Alphanumeric information shall be overlaid

on the same screen to identify points, scales, current value, and related

information. The latest value shall be appearing at the right- hand side of the

screen. Time shall be plotted on the horizontal axis. The operator shall be able to

set the zero and full-scale values for each trended variable in any screen location.

The system shall permit the operator to set the grid roll speed and the interval

between time lines. The system shall provide standard trend displays with variable

full-scale time ordinates. All trends shall be backward and forward scrollable from

the trend start time. Selection of points to be trended shall be menu driven. The

system shall allow any system variable to be trended, and shall allow points from

short- term and long-term storage to be trended. The trend display period


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

between points on trends using data from short-term and long-term data storage

shall be the same as the storage frequency selected for those points. Trending

resolution shall not be coarser than ±1/2 percent full scale.

The system shall also provide the capability to incorporate trend displays into any

user created control or information display. Trend displays will be defined by the

owner and shall be configured at the factory by the bidder.

Bar Chart Displays.

The system shall display dynamic bar charts. The bar chart format shall consist of

a series of separate display pages, each with a minimum of 20 vertical or

horizontal bars. Each bar shall represent the value of a measurement.

Alphanumeric information shall be overlaid on the same screen to identify points,

scales, current value, and related information. Each point shall have high and low

alarm limits values that shall be shown. Any bar in the group that traverses beyond

its limits shall be identified by a change in colour. Bar chart displays will be defined

by the owner and shall be configured at the factory by the contractor.

X-Y Plot Displays.

Upon operator request, the system shall graphically display the relationship

between two analog points on X-Y plots. This display shall permit up to four points

on the Y axis to be plotted against a single point on the X-axis. The system shall

have the capability to store curves (value of Y expressed as a function of X such as

a pump curve) and impose the curves on the X-Y plots.

Alphanumeric information shall be overlaid on the same screen to identify points,

scales, current values, and related information. X-Y plot displays with static curves

will be defined by the owner and shall be factory configured by the.

Process Control Displays.

The CONTROL SYSTEM shall include process control displays designed to

provide the means for the operator to monitor and control the plant equipment.

Each process control display shall contain textual, geometric graphic, dynamic

analog trending, dynamic bar chart, and alarm information representing plant

systems, equipment, and other process information.

The process control displays shall be implemented on a high-resolution display

system that, at a minimum, includes the following capabilities:

Each display shall allow selection of at least 256 colours from a colour palette of

at least 65,536 colours. Alphanumeric characters shall be displayable in different


Dynamic numeric data linked to analog variables shall display the current numeric

value of the variable, scaled as specified in the database, with engineering units.

The latest in pictorial abilities such as automation of symbols with three-

dimensional effects applied to lines and symbols shall be available. Standard

geometric shapes shall include, as a minimum, lines, polygons, rectangles, arcs,


Standard geometric symbols (tanks, vessels, pipe, valves, etc.) and the ability to

create new symbols using standard symbols and standard geometric shapes shall

be included.

The capability to fill any closed geometric shape with any available colour shall be

included. This capability shall allow fill in proportion to the value of an analog


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

variable, and to select the fill colour in response to the analog variable or according

to the status of a discrete variable.

The display system shall also include the following user selectable capabilities:

Creation, modification, and selection of colours in the colour library.

Definition of attributes of all textual and geometric graphic elements, such as

colour, line weight, line type, blinking, and dynamic conditional linkage to system

variables and attributes.

The system shall provide, at a minimum, the capability for any process control

display to show 200 dynamic variables per screen (analog and digital) and/or

geometric symbols, control 10 data entry points, and control 100 target points.

Based on an operator clicking on or selecting a dynamic variable, the system shall

provide the functionality to jump directly to its point detail display. Through operator

entry of a value into a data entry point, the system shall provide the functionality to

store and use that value for process and equipment control, for example, sending

operation limits of the plant or other manually entered data to the dispatch system

via database points. By an operator clicking on or selecting a target point, the

system shall, at a minimum, provide the following functionality:

Activation of a "pop-up" control station as defined below, to allow process and

equipment control.

Activation of a display and/or trend

The system shall be sized to store and display the quantity of process control

displays to be specified. Process control displays shall be defined by the owner

and shall be factory configured by the bidder.

Pop-up control stations

The system shall include pop-up control stations that the operator can call up to

operate the plant equipment. Each control station shall "pop up" on the current

process control display when selected by the operator. The system shall not allow

simultaneous display Operator Interface Displays/Logs of more than one pop-up

control station on any process control display.

The system shall include a library of predefined pop-up control station templates

that shall be used to create control stations for operator control of plant equipment.

Templates provided shall include auto/manual analog control stations, bias

stations, hand stations, ratio stations, motor control stations, valve/damper control

stations, equipment tag-out stations, pulse accumulator control stations, and

multiple measurement control stations. The system shall allow the user to add to

or modify templates in the library as well as to create a unique user library.

Each control station template shall be available as many times as needed by

defining the text and database point information specific to a particular piece of plant

equipment. The system shall allow a control station for any plant device to be

selected from as many process control displays as required for proper plant


Text Displays

The control system shall include text displays to provide information to aid in the

operation of the plant and its equipment. Text displays shall include equipment

permissive displays, help displays, equipment run time displays, and sequence



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Equipment permissive displays shall be provided to dynamically indicate the

conditions that must be met for a designated piece of equipment to start or

operate. Colour differentiation shall be used to inform the operator of the current

status (allow or disallow operation) of each condition. Access to an equipment

permissive display shall be by a single operator command once the equipment has

been selected.

Help displays shall be static text displays that provide guidance messages on the

operation of the control system or plant equipment. Access to a help display shall

be by a single operator request once the operation or equipment has been


Equipment run time displays shall be provided to dynamically indicate the

accumulated running time in hours for selected plant equipment. The displays

shall include the ability for the operator to individually reset the counter for each


Sequence displays shall provide dynamic indication of the status and progress of

equipment, group, and unit level start up and shutdown sequences. The displays

shall include static text for each step of the start up, dynamic text to indicate

process values or statuses, and links to other displays for individual equipment

start up. The sequence displays shall include, for each step, an individual

indication that confirms that each step has been completed. Sequence displays

shall provide the operator with the ability to start, stop, step, hold, and set the mode

of each sequence.

The system shall be sized to store and display the text displays. Text displays shall

be defined by the Purchaser and shall be configured at the factory by the

Contractor in the quantity approved during detail engineering by consultant/owner.

The quantity of each type of text display will be selected by the Purchaser.

Group Displays

The system shall allow the user to create and store text type displays that show

the tag name and point description adjacent to the current value or status of

selected groups of points. The user shall be able to create each display from a

Contractor programmed template that allows the user to enter the point tag name

for at least 50 points in a columnar format. The system shall provide storage for 50

such groups for display by the operator.

Alarm Displays

The text type alarm displays shall display all points (analog or digital) in the alarm

state in the form of written messages with each message containing tag name,

point description (refer to the digital point description requirements in Article

17101.2.5.2), time tag, point value or status, and alarm limit.

The alarms shall be displayed on the monitor in the order of occurrence. An alarm,

when first output to the screen, shall be displayed on the top line of the screen. A

newer alarm shall push all older alarm messages on the screen down by one line.

All alarm messages pushed out of the screen shall be backlogged and organized in


The system shall be capable of displaying the backlogged alarm pages on demand

by the operator. When an alarm point has been returned to normal, the message

shall disappear from the display after it is acknowledged. The system shall

categorize all points in alarm into priority levels, and distinctions shall be made


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between high priority level and low priority level alarms when displayed on the

monitors and printers.

The system shall allow the operator to filter the alarm display on any operator work

station by priority or specific plant area (if the user has assigned plant areas). The

filter shall be applied to the alarm display on that particular operator work station


A separate alarm history display shall be provided that displays the most recent

5,000 alarm occurrences in chronological order. The alarm history shall display

alarms of all priorities, incremental alarms, and return to normal messages.

System Displays

The Contractor shall provide a hierarchy of system displays that provides status

and health information for the system and for all individual components (Switches,

server) within the system. These system status displays shall provide the user with

a detailed view of the system as designed to indicate the status of each component

along with an associated diagnostic summary for each component. Equipment

status indication shall be distinctive so as to allow determination of health, trouble,

or fault for each operator interface processor, control server, power supply, switch

and associated memory used in the system. These system displays shall be in

addition to the quantities of displays defined in Control and Information Display

Functions on the 17101 Specification Sheets.


The system shall be configured to allow the operator to display on any operator

work station monitor and print the following summaries:

Summary of all points in alarm.

Summary of all existing "bad" quality points.

Summary of all existing points with substituted (forced) values.

Summary of all existing points not being scanned or alarm limit checked.

Summary of all existing analog and digital inputs and outputs with point

specifications such as ranges, limits, etc.

Summary of all points in tag-out.

SCADA shall have following minimum features:

a. Share data and integrate seamlessly with other software and control devices. It

shall have a common services such as security, alarming and diagnostics.

SCADA shall have capability of accessing tag information in the controller, elimi-

nating the need to create HMI tags. A defining feature of View shall have an abil-

ity to “directly reference” live information from any vendors controllers

b. SCADA shall have a common address book of factory resources so that changes

at one place of the automation system shall updated automatically across the entire

control system.

c. SCADA shall have an ability to provide a centralized security authority for all

components in the system. The Diagnostics shall make it easy to record infor-

mation, warnings and errors generated by the system and users to a central loca-


d. SCADA shall be able to configure the application from anywhere on the network

and easily make changes to a running system, with no need to copy graphics from

a Server to Clients. It shall have a Multi-user configuration capability. It shall pro-

vide an audit trail of operator and alarm information in a centralized log database


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

and shall have an ability of validating the user access with private and Windows

security options.

System Data Reporting Functions

The control system shall provide data reporting functions, all reports shall be made

from stored data so that once a report is initiated, it can be completed without

interruption. The system shall include major types of reports described below.

The system shall include a library of Contractor-configured report formats as

specified in the following articles. Contractor-configured reports shall include all

required headers, footers, subheadings, column headings, and descriptive text.

The quantity of Contractor-configured reports shall be as specified on the 17101

Specification Sheets. All reports and summaries shall be configured and tested by

the Contractor prior to the factory acceptance test. The system tools shall allow

the user to assign run time properties to any report format, such as specific point

tag names, title, file name, execution time or event information, and destination.

For each report, the user shall be able to define whether that report is sent to a

printer, viewed on screen, or saved as a file with complete formatting information.

Supported file types shall include, as a minimum, comma-delimited ASCII, comma-

separated variable (CSV), XML, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and HTML file.

Periodic Reports.

Periodic reports shall contain the current and averaged values of system variables

collected during the period. The reports shall be printed out automatically at

designated times and on demand by the operator. Each report shall be designed

to collect data for a minimum of 100 points. The actual number of points contained

in each report, the points to be collected, and the print times shall be user


Trend Reports.

Trend reports shall contain current and averaged values of system variables at

predetermined intervals. The reports shall be printed out automatically at

designated times, on demand by the operator, and automatically on the

occurrence of a designated event. Each report shall be designed to collect data for

a minimum of 100 points. The actual number of points contained in each report, the

points to be collected, the print times, the length of the collection intervals, and the

designated event shall be user selectable.

Post-Trip Review Report.

The post-trip review report shall contain current values of system variables at

predetermined intervals before and after a plant or major equipment trip. The

report shall be printed out on demand by the operator. The report shall be

designed to collect data for a minimum of 100 points. The actual number of points

contained in the report, the points to be collected, the length of the collection

intervals, and the number of collections before and after the trip shall be user


Maintenance Data Report

The maintenance data report shall calculate and display the number of starts and

stops and the accumulated running time of all rotating equipment monitored by the

system. The report shall be printed out automatically at designated times and on


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

demand by the operator. The report shall be designed to collect data for a

minimum of 100 pieces of equipment. The actual quantity of equipment contained in

the report and the print times shall be user selectable.

Housekeeping Report

The housekeeping report shall contain a listing of all changes made to the system

by operating and engineering personnel. The reports shall be printed out

automatically at designated times and on demand by the operator. The print times

shall be user selectable.

User Reports.

The system shall also include a report writer package that allows the user to

create, edit, and store new reports and new report formats in addition to the

Contractor-configured reports defined above. The reporting package shall allow

reports to be built in a flexible free-format environment similar to commercial

spreadsheet software and shall provide the following features:

Real-time data and messages combined in flexible layouts to produce meaningful


Information such as headers, footers, number of columns, column format, column

headings, calculation equations, and descriptive text defined and entered by user

for each report.

Reports enhanced through the use of various formatting styles, colour to highlight

information, and insertion of charts such as bar charts and pie charts.

User created templates and macros for frequently used formats. The system

shall provide storage for the quantity of user reports

Suitable displays and reports for control operation & monitoring shall be provided.

The details shall be finalised during detailed engineering stage.


Modulating (Continuous) Control Functions

The analog control loop control stations shall simulate conventional hand/auto

stations, allowing the operator to select a mode and to provide manual interface

commands, and shall provide a display of all relevant variables associated with the

control loops including the set point, the feedback signal, the control signals, and

the status of the loop.

The required modes of operation and operator controllable parameters shall

be as follows:

Automatic Mode: This mode shall permit full automatic operation of the system

with no intervention on the part of the operator except for the functions designated

as operator adjustable, such as set point adjustment and biasing of control


Manual Mode: This mode shall permit manual "Raise" and "Lower" of system

demand signals. Operator interface for analog control loops shall also include one,

two, three, and four vertical bar indicating stations for indication of analog values.

Each vertical bar on the station shall also display a short description of that point,

and the point's process value and engineering units. The multiple measurement


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

loop control stations shall allow the operator to select the multiple measurement

mode, and shall provide a vertical bar and analog value display for each of the

analog inputs and for the multiple measurement loop output. The station shall also

display the multiple measurement mode and quality of each analog value.

The pulse accumulator loop control stations shall allow the operator to reset and

hold pulse accumulation, and shall provide an analog value display of the

accumulated total.

All operator interface command functions, except screen paging, shall be

designed for two-step operation. The operator shall be required to make one

keyboard or touch screen action to select the function to be performed and a

second keyboard or touch screen action to execute the function. For example, the

operator must select the "Auto" button for a device and then execute the auto

function to prevent accidental touch screen or keyboard activation of control


Operator interface functions shall include interface to the analog control loops,

multiple measurement loops, and pulse accumulator loops, by the operator, from

faceplates on the operator work station monitors.

Discrete (Sequential) Control Functions

Discrete Control Functions:

The sequential OR discrete control functions shall be configured for the following

applications, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

a. Start/Stop of Raw water & Pure water pump motors in sequential form

b. Open/Close/Stop of motor-operated valves

c. Filter bed sequential operation in manual /auto mode

Operator Interface Functions.

Operator interface functions shall include mode selection

and initiation of manual commands, made by the operator from control stations on

the operator work station monitors. The control stations shall provide control

functions, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:

Start, stop, open, close, auto, manual, reset, and trip commands. Maintained

push buttons.

Momentary push buttons (with adjustable pulse duration).

Status indication for motor running/stopped/tripped and valve open/closed.

Indication for equipment mode, permissive condition, failure condition, first-out

indication, and operational sequence status.

All operator interface functions, except screen paging functions, shall be designed

for two-step operation. The operator shall be required to make one keyboard or

touch screen action to select the function to be performed and a second keyboard

or touch screen action to execute the function. The system shall provide system

displays for the on-line monitoring of control logic signal flow on operator work

station. These displays shall use colour and other unique symbols or nomenclature

to indicate on-state, off-state, and signal flow path for all logic blocks, contacts,

coils, and associated connections.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Alarm Functions

Analog Alarm Functions

The system shall perform comparison of limit functions on any or all analog points,

as determined during detailed design. The system shall allow the user to

selectively activate or deactivate these alarms. Each analog input variable, or

calculation result, shall have an individual set of alarm limits. These limits shall be

either manually set, calculated as functions of other variables, or rates of change

with time. Violations of these limits shall initiate alarms and/or initiate execution of

special software programs.

The analog alarm functions shall be on a per analog point basis, and shall include,

but not be limited to, the following:

Provision to assign high and low transducer range limits for quality determination.

Provision for analog points to be deleted from and restored to alarm status by

the user or automatically from internally generated variables.

Provision to assign high and low alarm limits, and at least one level of

incremental alarm limits, either fixed or as a function of another system point.

Provision to assign an alarm dead band.

Provision to assign rate of change alarm limits and dead band.

Provision to impose alarm cut out (masking) conditions as a function of another

system point.

A copy of the comprehensive alarm list which includes all I/O generated and

internally calculated alarms shall be submitted to the Purchaser for review.

Digital Alarm Functions.

The system shall compare the status of any or all digital points against the user

selectable alarm state of these points, as determined during detailed design. The

system shall allow the user to selectively activate or deactivate these alarms.

Digital points entering the alarm state shall initiate alarms and/or initiate execution

of special software programs. The digital alarm functions shall be on a per digital

point basis, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Provision for digital points to be deleted from and restored to alarm status by the

user or automatically from internally generated variables.

Provision to alarm on a digital point status of "1" (on) or "0" (off). Provision to alarm

digital points on any change of state.

Provision to impose alarm cutout (masking) conditions as a function of another

system point.

Description for a point that is to be alarmed, the alarm message text displayed to

the operator shall be similar to the input point description, with the words "NOT",

“NO” or other negative text omitted. The bidder shall be responsible for

programming the alarm message text in a manner that does not use the words

“Not”, “No” or other negative text in the alarm message text.

7.0 System Alarms

The system shall provide alarms for system failure conditions including, but not

limited to, the following:

Loss of any server power supply.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Battery low (many hours before deterioration to the extent that it cannot

maintain the functions of the equipment it supplies).

Failure of any Server.

Server history function failure. Server synchronization failure.

Failure of Data historian data retrieval. Failure of any operator interface

processor. Failure of any Foreign Device Interface (FDI) Failure of any

communications network. Diagnostic programs shall have routines to

generate component status alarms. These alarms shall include, but not be

limited to, the following:

Operator interface processor failure. Server Hard disk failure.

Communications failure. Disk read/write error.

Printer failure.

All failures and malfunctions, when detected, shall immediately be alarmed through

the operator work stations and recorded on the alarm printer(s). A copy of the

comprehensive system alarm list shall be submitted to the owner for review.

Datasheet of Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition System (SCADA)


No. Particulars Description Status



Stand alone

SCADA Server

and Client

1 SCADA Server and

1 Client Station





Alarm/Event history

online screen change



3 System Scale


number of operator sta-


Communication protocol

suitable for all approved

manufacturers of PLC &

SCADA will be accepta-


Support to DDE con-

nection, (Serv-


Limited, to be de-

cided during detail


Support the OPC

Server and client



Screen Number of available


25% in addition to


Number of pens per

trend window

256 pens, Minimum


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Number of historical

trend data to be collect-

ed concurrently


Number of screens to be

displayed concurrently





Minimum sampling peri-


1 Second.

Communication per-

formance (number of

tags and sampling pe-


Sampling period

shall be minimum


points/S to

50,000 points/S


Alarm detection peri-

od (Detect an alarm

at a specified period)


Sampling period of

trend data

From 10 millisec-


to 24 hours

Storage period for his-

torical trend Minimum 12 Months

Storage period for re-

al- time trend

999 hours at the col-

lection cycle of 200

ms 5 Basic function

Basic func-



Real time data

historical trend

3D graph and

the charts

Alarm (summary/history) Required

Event (Operation log


Security Required

Recipe Required

Scheduling Required

Demand monitoring Required


High performance

animation including

3D operation


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Easy to create a user-

defined template symbol must be part

of software for copy

& paste.

Template parts(types)

Readymade Tem-

plate for general

purpose industry

Data manage-

ment Backup of a project



storage of historical

trend data( connection

to database, CSV file,


Required, preferred

SQL Server.


Trend graph opera-

tion(Zoom in/out, histo-

ry, multi-cursor, super-


Expansion and re-

duction, comment,

leveling Automatic window

size adjustment Required

Enlarge/Reduce win-

dow size Required

Window search Required


Extended function

Extended func-


E-mail Required

User-defined template Symbol Factory Re-


Multi-languages Required

.net support Required

Simultaneous applica-



Web function The screen can be

displayed by Web

a browser. The

setting is also pos-


(Remote monitoring)

Connectivity to

other software


Historical data acquisi-

tion package (ex. Histo-



package for collect-

ed data analysis Required

connectivity to


Connectivity to




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

7 Others


Supported Windows

or Linux OS


Supported language OS

English, German,

French, Italian,

Russian, Czech Re-

public word, and


Menu, fixed display

character English

Alarm Annunciation System

a. The system shall allow the operator/engineering work station to display the

alarms of that particular control system. All alarms shall be displayed on the

work station monitor in a dedicated alarm management window and/or distrib-

uted eight line alarm strips (as specified by the owner). The system shall also

include an audible alarm that shall have adjustable volume control. The audible

alarm shall be user configurable for different tones or patterns to distinguish be-

tween a minimum of four alarm priority levels. The system shall use global

alarm acknowledgment, allowing a single acknowledgment from the dedicated

work station.

b. The system shall record all alarm events to a storage file in chronological order

The printer designated to the control system shall automatically print out each

alarm event and alarm reset as it occurs or shall print alarm event and alarm re-

set reports on demand.

c. Bidder shall provide annunciation system as integral part of PLC system. Field

contacts shall be acquired through PLC only. The annunciation sequence logics

shall be implemented as a part of PLC controllers. OWS based alarm system

shall be provided with audio alarm facility ( beep/tone generator). Hooters are

also to be provided.

d. Window based annunciation shall be provided wherever required which can be

discussed during detail engineering. The annunciation window lamps mounted

on control panel shall be driven through contact output modules of PLC. It shall

be preferable to have each window as mosaic compatible. The lamp box shall

have removable impact polystyrene window shall be 50 mm x 50 mm or 48mm x

48mm with 5 mm size inscription in black lettering on white background.

e. Each annunciation window shall be back lighted with two long life LED lamps

The changing of lamps shall be conveniently done from the front by single

removal of window. Redundant audible devices for alarms shall be cone type

or metallic horn type and shall be driven by electronic tone generator of adjusta-

ble width and sound level. The trip alarm audible & ring back audible shall be

differentiated from other alarms.

f. The annunciator sequence shall conform to ISA sequence ISA-2A. The number

of annunciation facia windows and the provision for original input will be on as

required basis. However, the minimum number of facia windows, signal input to

the annunciation system shall be 25 nos.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender doc-

uments or as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of Secondary computer station is compulsory at

manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed

by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the

time of delivery of material.

ItemNo.5: LCD Monitor :-

This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of 46" LCD monitor

at conference Room for display of total water system (Online)

ItemNo.6: Laptop :-

This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Laptop with

programming software run time version alongwith required cables and communications devices

for PLC and SCADA programming (Web based.)

Laptop for Programming:

Screen Size 15.6 inches

Screen Resolution 1920x1080

Max Screen Resolution 1920x1080 pixels

Processor 2.3 GHz Core i5 6300HQ


Memory Speed 1600 MHz

Hard Drive 1 TB SSD

Chipset Brand Intel

Card Description dedicated

Graphics Card Ram Size 4000 MB

Wireless Type 802.11 A/C

Number of USB 3.0 Ports 3

Average Battery Life (in hours) 4.5 hours

Other Technical Details

Hardware Platform PC

Operating System Windows 10

Item Weight 6 pounds

Product Dimensions 15.1 x 15.1 x 10.4 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H 15.08 x 15.08 x 10.43 inches

Color Black

Processor Brand Intel

Processor Count 4

Computer Memory Type DDR3 SDRAM

Flash Memory Size 256

Hard Drive Interface Solid State

Optical Drive Type Not included


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Power Source AC

Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)

ItemNo.7: Split Airconditioner :-

This job includes, Designing,supplying,erecting and testing of split type room Airconditioning

unit 2.5 TR 5 star capacity 250V, 50 cycles, A.C. supply having 1 No of air handling unit hi-wall

mounting type complete at position.

Supplying, erecting, and testing Split type room air- conditioner of specified tonnage,

conforming to I.S.1391, having one/two air handling units Hi-wall / ceiling (suitable for false

ceiling) mounting type having cooling unit and the outdoor condensing unit connected with 12/9

mm copper piping up to 6 meter duly insulated and 3 core copper flexible cord of required

length etc. with stand for condensing unit, complete with testing etc. (Conforming to IS: 1391

Part-I & Part-II with all amendments & as per BEE) suitable for operation on single phase, AC

supply, 230/250 Volts 50 Hz, using best quality compressor, and fitting in position as per site

situation and as directed by site engineer, duly connected to supply, and marking of S No. and

date of erection.

The AC unit shall be capable of performing following functions:

• Cooling Dehumidifying

• Air Circulating

• Air Filtering

• Ventilation

The Split type AC should be minimum 3 Star rating as directed by B.E.E and as per latest



Compressor: The air conditioners shall be fitted with hermetically sealed type suction cooled

reciprocation or discharge cooled rotary compressor (as applicable), compressor unit operating

on Refrigerant R-22 with suitable rated capacitor start electric motor. It shall be equipped with

overload protection. These shall be mounted on resilient mountings for quiet operation. The

compressor shall conform to IS: 10617 part (1) -1983 (amendment 1 & 2) The air conditioners

shall be complete with automatic temperature control and cut-in and cut-out etc. for

temperature range 16 degrees to 35 deg. C. The differential of the thermostat for cut-in and cut-

out shall not be greater than +/- 1 degree Centigrade.

Outdoor Cabinet: The cabinet of the evaporator unit and condensing unit shall be made from

galvanized steel sheet of 1.0mm thick with stiffness for robust construction and shall have

rounded corners, steel parts/front panel etc. shall have stove-enameled finish preceded by

undercoat of anti corrosive primer paint phosphate and through cleaning of the surface.

Alternate method of corrosion protection like plastic powder coating, electrostatic paintings are

also acceptable in lieu of stove enameled finish. Galvanized sheet shall conform to IS: 277/


Indoor Unit: The indoor units made of ABS/HIPS shall be of flame retardant and impact

resistant life. ABS/HIPS indoor unit cabinet shall pass in flammability test requirement for Grade

V-O as per UL -94. For impact resistance the unit duly packed, when dropped from a height of 1

metre shall show no damage. Air Filter: The air filters provided shall be of cleanable type and

made of synthetic material.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Thermostat: Thermostat or electronic thermostat as per IS 11338: 1985.

Condenser: As per (FG-FG/AS7) specified in chapter 2.4 of PWD Electrical specifications.

Piping: Suction line -Copper pipe of min 0.70mm thickness and of suitable diameter as per

manufacturers design.

Liquid line -Copper pipe of min 0.70mm thickness and of suitable diameter as per

manufacturers design. Drain pipe -15mm dia flexible PVC pipe.

Connection Cable: Suitable capacity 3 Core PVC insulated FRLS copper wire to be electrically

connected to both the units.

Paint: Superior quality enamel paint of specified colour.

Remote Control: Remote control (Cordless) shall be provided with one On/Off timer, selecting

Fan speed(Three speeds) and setting up of temperature.

Drain Pipe: Drain pipe (15mm dia flexible PVC pipe).

Method of Construction: The installation shall comprise the following work:

• Mounting/Fitting indoor & outdoor units at the respective locations on provided MS stands

with necessary hardware’s.

• Laying refrigerant piping of 6m length and connecting both the units after drilling hole/holes in

the wall, if required. The thickness of the copper tubing shall not be less than 0.70mm and

diameter of required size by flaring, threading, etc.

• Insulating the suction pipe with expanded polyethylene of foam 5mm tubing.

• Laying 15mm drain pipe to throw out the condensate water formed in the Indoor unit.

• Leak testing of the entire system.

• Charging Refrigerant gas in the unit.

• Suitable electric wiring between indoor and outdoor units up to 6 m length & up to switch

within 3 metre of location of indoor unit.

• Testing and giving satisfactory trials.

Part F

ESR Management system:-

Item No.01. Ultrasonic Level sensor/meter

Specifications of this item is same as that of Subwork 1 part A item No.05

PLC Panel suitable for Wireless communication :-

This job includes, Designing.supplying, Installing commissioning & testing of following

equipments with satisfactory test and trial of PLC Panel control, monitoring and communication

system along with PLC Panel at Central monitoring system etc with TPI and MJP Inspection.

(one for each ESR)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Monitoring & control of ESR in distribution network:

GPRS / GSM based PLC controller Panel:

This panel will control Automatic flow control valve depending upon water level of ESR. This

system will work on backup power charged and generated from solar energy of suitable

strength. This panel will have indications for OPEN/CLOSE status of valve and level

indications for EMPTY and FULL levels.

This panel will work in both AUTO/MANUAL modes. In AUTO mode the opening and closing

of valve will be done depending on water level automatically.

In MANUAL mode operator should press pushbuttons of OPEN/CLOSE provided on front door

of panel.

Programmable Logic Controller :

Sr.No. Description of Parameters Specifications

1 Operating Voltage 12/24 VDC

2 Related Power Frequency 50 Hz

3 Digital Inputs Depending on requirement.

4 Digital Outputs Depending on requirement.

5 Communication Port RS 232/Industrial Ethernet

Programming port

6 Maximum Band rate 19200 bps

7 Enclosure Engineering Plastic

GPRS / GSM Controller:

GPRS / GSM controller will monitor GSR water levels and accordingly EMPTY OR FULL

levels will be transmitted to central SCADA station, which is located at water treatment


The GPRS / GSM controller is a small rugged computer, which provides intelligence in

the field and allows SCDM master unit to communicate with the field instrument. Its

function is to control process equipment at the remote site, acquire data from the

equipment and transfer the data from the equipment back to SCDM master unit. GPRS /

GSM controller consists of following hardware features.

I/O interfaces to DI/DO


Serial communication port.

Secure power supply with back up battery.

Solar Photovoltaic panel with battery charger.

Watchdog timer.

Electrical protection against spikes.

Bank of Contact Free Sensors to measure water level.

Suitable gain antenna.

GPRS/GSM controller has always been used in a situation where communication is

very difficult and the GPRS/GSM controller strength was its ability to handle difficult

communication. RTU will operate scanning its inputs, normally fairly at a fast rate. It may


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

do some processing such as change of state and to report to the master unit. RTU is

used for remote control and monitoring in the various applications.

Features of GPRS / GSM controller:

Wireless Communication.

Event notification.

Remote Control.

Remote cell phone support for data messaging

Simple installation

Specification of GPRS / GSM controller:

S. N. Parameters Range

1 Operating Voltage. 12/24 VDC.

2 Mode of Transmission. Supporting to GSM dual band

3 Inputs. 4 Digital inputs as “ EMPTY “

“HALF” “FULL” etc.

4 Data transmitting format. Through RS 232 with GSM/GPRS

network / Programmable Logical

Controller (PLC) with RF radio


5 Attachment of field instruments. Sensors and logic controllers.

6 Solar panel Suitable solar photovoltaic panel

to charge battery through

microcontroller based intelligent


7 Extra reporting facility to registered


Available to maximum two

different Cell numbers for any

change in water level.

8 Status reports facility through


Available with a password.

9 Water level sensing Water level sensing is done

through Contact Free Sensors

type M 301

10 Interfacing cable Suitable core, shielded cable.

11 Enclosure of PLC Suitable for outdoor installation

and has protection against

electrical spikes.

Contact free sensor: This sensor is specially developed to sense liquid level. The

sensor is made of engineering plastic material and can be used for water, acids,

viscous oils, solvents, petrochemicals etc. The switching contact is hermetically sealed

in glass, totally protecting from surroundings. The switch is isolated from external

media by magnetic coupling giving long life of operation. This sensor has wide

applications in process control systems.


1. Sensor type : Contact free potential free

2. Number of operation : More than 10 x 6

3. Accuracy or level sensing: +/- 5 mm.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Power Requirements

Voltage : 12/24V DC


Digital Inputs : 8 Nos.

Digital Outputs : 8 Nos.

Analog Inputs and Analog output : 4 Nos. (Expandable up to 8)

Ports RS-232/ RS -485/Industrial Ethernet/USB


Program Memory : 256 KB

Storage Memory : 4 MB FLASH, expandable to 16GB

Display : 256K Coloured Graphics display

Keyboard/Touch Interface : Yes, membrane keys will be provided for

local programming.

ADC Resolution : 24 Bit

u-Processor : 32 Bit

Mounting Enclosure IP-65

Data Transmission Interval : Programmable from 15 minute to 24 hours

Recording interval : Programmable

Configuration and programming software : Windows /Linux Based


Operating Temperature : -40 to 60 degree Centigrade

Relative Humidity : 0-100 % non-condensing

Housing for equipment : For housing equipment IP-65 enclosure

will be provided.


Battery Charger : Microprocessor based


: Mains ON

: Battery Charging

: Battery Low

: Battery Reverse

: Battery Full


: Short-Circuit

: Overload

: Under-Voltage

Battery : Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF)

Make : Exide/Amron/Amco

Capacity : 12 V / 200 AH ( May change as per power


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Enclosure : MS fabricated wall-mount panel enclosure

for housing DCP.


Type : GSM/GPRS Modem

Input Supply : 12/24 V DC

Input signal : RS-232 output from DASTU / PC

Transmit power : 1 Watt

Operating frequency : 900/1800/1900 MHz Tri band

Receive sensitivity of modem : -102 dBm

Dynamic range : 62 dB

Frequency Tolerance : <+ 0.1 ppm

SIM card holder : Internal

Antenna Interface : Yes

Operating Temperature : -25 to 60oC

Humidity 0-95 % Non condense


Indoor Unit :

Operating Voltage : 100-240 VAC

RF Input / Output : Two F Connectors, 75 Ohm Female

Type : VSAT Terminal

Out Band Carrier :

Standard : DVB-S

Carrier Bit Rate : 340 Kbps – 66 Mbps

Modulation : QPSK

Coding : Viterbi & Reed somolon or Turbo

FEC rate : ½, 2/3, ¾, 5/6, 7/8

Inbound Carrier

Access Scheme : Combined TDMA, FDMA

Bit Rate : 60 Kbps – 2 Mbps ( as per requirement)

Modulation : GMSK

Coating : Turbo coding FEC 3/4, 7/8

Out Door Unit :

Antenna Size : Ku Band 0.55 m to 1.2 m, C band 1.8 m

Operating Temp : -40 to + 60 C

Humidity : Up to 100 %

Transmitter ODU : 1W, 2W Ku Band

LNB : Standard TVRO type


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Data Interface : 100 Base T / RS-232 ( Optional)

Size : 300 X 233 X 50 mm

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of PLC Panel suitable for wireless communication is

compulsory at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as

directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the

time of delivery of material.

Item No.02 Pressure Transmitter for installation on upstream of ESR:-

Specifications same as that of item no. 02 of part B of Subwork 1.


This job includes, Designing supplying, installing commissioning & testing of Photovoltaic solar

panel with its charger,MS stand for mounting solar panel so as to have maximum exposure of

sunlight for desired location & maintenance free battery with 3 days battery backup with MJP

and TPI inspection (one for each ESR)

Solar technology that directly converts sunlight into electricity is called solar photovoltaic

(PV) technology. PV produces direct current electricity, which can be used on-site, stored

or converted to alternating current for long-distance transmission.

Solar modules are the key element of every solar power system as they convert sunlight

into electricity. Their quality and the optimum use of the respective technology are

therefore decisive for the yield and profit of the system.

Solar panel should be capable of charging 12 VDC Required capacity batteries through

charge controller. Solar modules are the key element of every solar power system as

they convert sunlight into electricity. Their quality and the optimum use of the respective

technology are therefore decisive for the yield and profit of automatic ESR / MBR / GSR

filling system.

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) in Volts - 21

Short Circuit Current (Isc) in Amps - 1.15

Maximum power during full exposure – Suitable to automatic ESR filling system.

Maximum System Voltage - 600 V

Back Up – Minimum Three (3) Days

Physical Parameters

Solar Cells Per Module (Units) - 36

Junction Box (Terminals) - 2

Diode in Junction Box - 1

Measurement Tolerance on Power +/- 5%.

Environment Conditions :

Operating Temperature : - 5 to + 50 oC

Storage Temperature : - 40 to + 70 oC

Relative Humidity : Up to 90 %


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

All electrical parameters Specified at STC 25˚ cell temperature, 1000W/M² irradiance,

Type of cell Multi-Crystalline Si Certifications: IEC 61215 / IEC 61730-1 / IEC 61730-2

Front Face Tempered Glass & Low Iron All modules are supplied with screw less Hollow

section frames

Encapsulate Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Warranty: Limited Extended warranty up to 10 years

Frame Anodized Aluminum

Junction Box Weather Proof Nylon 6

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of Solar panel with battery is compulsory at

manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by

Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of

delivery of material.

ItemNo.4: ESR Management Systems (RMS):-

a) Automatic Flow control Valves for inlet of each ESR

This job includes, Designing,Supplying,Installing,Commissioning and testing of

Flow Control valve for inlet with flow measuring,flow controlling,pressure

monitaring and web based isolating valve with solar panel,Antenna with cable etc

for In let Flow controls Valves As per Detailed Specification with following

component. i) An inlet flow control valve Automatically operated with Remote

SCADA CONTROL at variable flow rate as per SCADA Command. ii) GSM/ GPRS

based,Modem with DATA transmiter and PLC panel.This PLC panel shall be

common for inlet & outlet automatic flow control valves with required IO + 20%

extra IO's. iii) To read & transmit the pressure transmitter data reading &ultrasonic

level transmitter data readings & ultrasonic flowmeter data reading to central &

local PLC system & SCADA to give instantaneous and cumulative flow meter

reading,pressure transmitter reading & level transmiiter readings and flow control

from 0 to 100 % in steps of 1% from central SCADA as per set points/ as per

requirement.Also automatic valve OPEN/ CLOSE operation from remote location

must be possible through central SCADA or local station as per requirement &

Local command. An inlet flow control valve pilot solenoid operated designed for

IP72 with fixed flow rate and compatible & controlled through Central SCADA

station. At least one of each diameter Automatic Flow Control Valve with ultrasonic

flow transmitters, pressure transmitters, ultrasonic level transmitters with PLC

controller, GSM Modem, Solar Powerpack shall be got tested from CWPRS, Pune

prior supply and 10% quantity shall be tested at NABL Lab in presence of MJP

approved TPI agency and MJP Officer as decided by Superintending Engineer

(Mech), MJP, Nagpur and test certificate of the same shall be submitted.

(Existing ESR- 13 Nos. + Proposed -8 Nos. + under construction ESR by AMC - 1 No =

Total 22 Nos.)

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Third party and MJP Inspection of Automatic flow control/pressure reducing/altitude

valve is compulsory as per schedule of scope of inspection and at manufacturing work

as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

b) For Outlet of ESR

This job includes, Designing, Supplying, Installing, Commissioning & testing of Flow

Control Valve / Pressure reducing valve / Altitude Valve for outlet with ON-OFF

from central SCADA station as per design requirement with local ON-OFF facility

and monitoring on web of ESR with required cable of suitable sizes and length of all

types,required cable trays,cable enclosing pipes (Blue MDPE pipe), etc. complete

including TPI and MJP Inspection.

Note :- In first stage ACV of existing / completed ESR shall be supplied and fitted

only. Balance ACV shall be supply and install after competition of ESR.

Automatic Control Valve is a Solenoid Control unit to be installed over pipeline which

either opens or closes upon receiving an electrical signal to the solenoid pilot control.

Operation of Automatic Control Valve shall be very similar to that of valve actuator system,

in case of valve actuator opening and closing of valve is done by circular rotation of

electrically driven actuator either in a clock wise or anticlockwise direction, whereas in

case of Automatic control valve, water flow through pipeline is controlled by moving

flexible membrane in a linear axis.

The flowmeter and flow control valves are proposed to be installed on the existing

pipelines. In order to install these meters and valves, it is proposed to reduce pipe

dia to required flowmeter and automatic flow control valve dia such that atleast a

distance of 15D is available in straight length on upstream side of flowmeter and 5D

on downstream side of flowmeter. For example, if a flowmeter and automatic flow

control valve of 300mm dia is to be installed on a 500mm dia existing pipeline, then

atleast 6mtr length pipe shall be replaced with 300mm dia pipe where the flowmeter

shall be installed at 4.5 mtr and automatic flow control valve shall be installed at 1.5

mtr after flowmeter. Thereafter the 300 mm dia pipe shall be again enlarged to 500

mm dia with enlarger. All the specials and fittings required are included in

subsequent items. All works shall be executed as per directions of Engineer-in-




Parameter details Units

1 Suitability for pipelines. 250/300/350/400/450/500/550/600/700/


2 Designed for media. Potable water.

3 On line mounting arrangement. Designed to ANSI Class 150 stand-

ards. 4 Material of body and cover Body and Cover in CS ASTM A216 Gr


5 Flexible membrane arrangement Mounted on AISI 304 (S.S. 304) S. S.



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

6 Material of flexible membrane Neoprene with nylon reinforcement

7 Pressure rating. PN1.0, PN1.6 up to 20 Kg/cm2

8 Operational control. Through solenoid valves.

9 Operating voltage of solenoid vale 12/24 VDC.

10 Status of solenoid valve OPEN or CLOSE as per application.

11 Power supply From Electricity board or Solar power.

12 Suitability Gravity line or rising main of water

supply scheme.

Valve Components and Material of Construction

• Valve Body, Cover CS ASTM A216 Gr WCB/ DI

• Seat Ring – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Disc Retainer – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

Stem – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Stem Nut – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Guide Bushings – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Diaphragm – Neoprene with nylon reinforcement

• Fasteners – High tensile steel

• Pilot Tubing : Stainless steel/ Copper

• Needle Valve : Stainless steel

• Pipe connectors: Brass / SS / Zinc plated MS


The Automatic Control Valvess shall be tested at manufacturers work in presence of the

third party agency approved by MJP and Engineer-in-charge or his representative.

The scope of inspection shall be : -

• Review of raw material test certificate and quality control Procedures.

• Hydrostatic test.

• Calibration test.

PLC with Modem

The Field Data Transmitter has got a highly-sensitive circuitry of measuring

parameters like Flow/level/Pressure which will be sensor output and in the form of

analog output like current (here typically it will be 4 to 20 mA) or pulse particularly

with bulk flow sensors, that can be periodically detected corresponding to a

particular water fixture. It is also possible to monitor and control automatic control

valve from remote location or from web site. The system can also included with a

GSM/GPRS circuit which will create a set of text instructions for relaying water

data as and when required by user in the form of SMS or data packets and will


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

communicate water data after preset period to the central computer that can

collect, store, and further analyze data or to web server. It is also possible to log

water data over to website for set scan time. Field Data Transmitters will have

setting of scanning time in min or hours from 1 min. to 24 Hrs. and shall be user

friendly. Field Data Transmitter will have back up supply in the form of

rechargeable battery to provide water data readings over to central computer

even in case of power failure. FDT works over GSM / GPRS network of suitable

service provider.


1. Monitors 8 digital inputs.

2. 4 relay controlled digital outputs.

3. 6 analogue input to measure 4 to 20 mA from sensors.

4. Monitors two pulse inputs from flow meter.

5. Able to operate on GSM/GPRS network.

6. Reports on set point alarms and sends SMS as desired

7. Working voltage is 12/24 VDC.


3 days Battery backup through rechargeable battery of 12/24 VDC.

Analogue input: 4-20 mA or pulse from bulk flow meter.

Scan time is settable and in steps of 1 hour with maximum 24 hours.

Parameters are set through software provided with device.

WEB based Data Acquisition software should be suitable for data collection

from different FDT.

Mode of transmission: GSM/GPRS network.

Transmission antenna: High gain whip antenna suitable to requirement.

Data transmitting format: Through RS 232/485/ethernet compatible.

Backup supply in case of power failure: Available.

Enclosure: Antistatic and antimagnetic PVC enclosure

Mounting: Wall mounting enclosure.

Internet connectivity should be secured/connectivity should be dedicated IP’s.

Acceptable Makes:- As per schedule of “acceptable makes” attached with tender documents or

as approved by SE(M),Nagpur

Third party and MJP Inspection of Automatic flow control/pressure reducing/altitude

valve is compulsory as per schedule of scope of inspection and at manufacturing work

as per relevant IS/ISO and latest standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Necessary TPI and other reports are compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

c) Ultrasonic Flow meter with battery backup:-

This job includes, Providing,installing testing and commissioning of in line

battery operated ultrasonic bulk type water meters ISO 4064 with built in data logger and

GSM/GPRS modem for transfer of data communication to remote central computer as

per working on following conditions and specifications.The meter shall be suitable for


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

50oC and provided with IP 68 protection class with complete immersion of water.The

meter shall have battery life of min.10 years should be able to detect the reverse flow

volume and tampering.The accuracy of the meter shall be +/- 1 % of measured value

including 36 months guarantee etc complete including working conditions and

specifications, callibrations testing and inspection, manufacturer's guarentee ,certificate

& training, O & M towards flowmeter and accesories and general terms and conditions

as per mech CSR.( With Simcard and its charges,valid for 36 months) including MJP &

TPI inspection.

Accessories required with each flow meter :-

1) Integrated signal converter transmitter conforming to IP 68 - 1 No.

2) Pair of transducers (sensors) - 1 No

with junction boxes.

3) Signal and power cable for each transducer - As per actual requirement at site.

4) UPS working on 230 v/ 50Hz suitable for 12 hrs. continuous operation.

5) Built in Portable type battery backup

6) Data storage battery with built in or separate for date, time, actual flow rate, totalize and

error messages if any with storage capacity of 120 days and at 5 minutes interval data

logging alongwith local indication and necessary cable and software to download data to

laptop - 1 No.

7) Lazer printer of Epson/ Wipro/ WEP/ Hewlett Packard make - 1 No.

8) Suitable over voltage protection unit - 1 No.

9) Communication facility through GSM.

10) Pressure transducer.

11) Panel cabinet as per MJP standard.

12) Laptop with i 7 processer, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, DVD writer, web cam, 14" LCD screen

with carrying case, window 7 professional with necessary software and updated data.

13) Wireless communication device

14) DA scheduler software

15) Necessary cables for pressure, flow etc.

16) OPC software in central PC for SCADA interface

17) Necessary civil work for construction of chamber with cover having locking arrangement.

Working Condition & Specifications:

a. Water Temp: 10 Deg to 50 Deg

b. Water Quality : Raw water, turbid in nature. Potable chlorinated water.

c. Operating pressure : 1 - 15 Kg./cm2

d. Pipeline MOC : CI, DI, MS with / without mortar lined, Non-metallic Pipes.

e. Pipe diameter :> as per bill of material

f. Flow – as per bill of material

g. Pipe condition: Pipe shall be running full.

h. Pipe : to be straight with straight run of 10d

i. Functional details : freely programmable.

j. Measurement – Volumetric flow rate, totalized flow.

k. Flow direction – Forward & Reverse.

l. Display – LCD display with suitable lines , digits, segments, markers for identification of

current output. The digit shall be clear, bold & can be read from 1 Mtrs. Distance.

m. Output – for current – 4 mA – 20 mA HART(active/passive) for measuring flow in

pipeline. Frequency output shall be 1 khz, Open collector, passive.

n. Status output – Open collector.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

o. Meter shall be suitable for remote facility.

p. Power supply – 85 – 260 V AC (45 - 65 Hz )/20-55 V AC (45-65 Hz)/16-62 V DC.

q. Galvanic isolation – input & output galvanically isolated from power supply from the

sensor and from each other.

r. Instruments must carry “CE” mark and shall be designed and Manufactured to

international standards with accuracy of + 2% of actual flow.

s. Functionality verification check should be possible inline using recommended software


t) Future upgradation to field bus foundation. Profibus

should be possible with minimal changes.

Calibration, Testing & Inspection

The total supply quantity shall be inspected and tested as below. The flowmeter shall be cali-brated at manufacturers place as per international standard given above. Manufacturer having NABL lab accrediation ,the calibration testing shall be witnessed by Third party approved by MJP.The manufacturer not having NABL lab accrediation shall be tested at FCRI/CWPRS/IDEMI etc. for which third party inspection is not required.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee, Certificate & training

The flow meters shall be supplied with manufacturer’s test certificate, calibration certificate

as above. 12 months guarantee for the trouble free performance shall be given by

manufacturer. Also adequate training for handling flow meter and installation in field shall be

given so that trainees can carryout the job independently.

O & M towards flow meter & accessories

The O & M shall be decided based on " planned preventive maintenance" Program (PPM) to be finalized with suppliers with following service included (but not limited) for 36 months beyond standard warranty. However for project cases user must discuss with supplier for lumpsum O & M cost for the overall project. Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM): a) Regular visit to the flow meters (once in 2 months to check the healthyness of instruments) b) Repairs/ replacement of components/spare parts as may be necessary during the flow meter inspection. c) Free replacement of the spare parts and consumables as necessary. d) Emergency visit to site within 48 hours for attending any major trouble shooting and break downs. e) Technical training/ trouble shooting training to the user by the supplier. f) Providing complete technical details on instrument with necessary manuals

General Terms & Conditions

a) General Specifications with accessories (except required for each type of meter specified) working conditions, mandatory accessories, calibration, inspection testing manufacturers test certificates, installation and commissioning, guarantee and training shall be common for all flow meters as mentioned above. The optional accessories mentioned above to be consid-ered as per project and site requirements. b) The above prices include local inland transportation from manufacturer's godown /custom's godown upto sites anywhere in Maharashtra. c) The above prices include necessary packing & forwarding charges as applicable for each project d) Octroi / LBT charges are not included in above rates and shall be as per actuals which will be included wherever applicable in estimates for meter up to site storage e) The above prices are inclusive of Marine & inland insurance of flow meters up to site storage


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

f) Meter shall be procured with prior permission from concerned superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer. g) Planning for installation for meter shall be done during execution of pipe work. Straight pipe length of 5 D or more on up stream side and 2 D or more on down stream side of meter is nec-essary (D is diameter of flow meter) The meter shall be installed so as to have a laminar flow with pipe running full.

Additional Specifications for Automatic flow control valve ( ACV) for Inlet and

outlet of ESR:-

a) Automatic Flow Control valve for Inlet Of ESR with Inlet pressure sensor cum

transmitter to give the upstram pressuure, flow rate instantanueous and cumulative with

data logger and transmitter, ultrasonic level sensor cum transmitter to read the water

level in ESR, Automatic valve OPEN/ CLOSE operation with remote location/ Local

command, flow control from 0 to 100% in steps of 1% With TPI and MJP Inspection

including cutting of existing pipe line and fixing of new valve with all material and lebour

including required excavation etc. (Existing ESR- 13 Nos. + Proposed -8 Nos + under

construction -1 No..) (Total Inlet -22 Nos.)

b) Automatic Fixed Flow Control valve for Outlet Of ESR with fix flow rate & with facility for

remote operation through SCADA and local operation on command with TPI and MJP

inspection including cutting of pipe line and fixing of new valve with all material and

labour charges including required excavation

General Specification:-

Automatic Control Valve is a Solenoid Control unit to be installed over pipeline or inlet/

outlet of ESR which either opens or closes upon receiving an electrical signal to the

solenoid pilot control.

Operation of Automatic Control Valve shall be very similar to that of valve actuator system,

in case of valve actuator opening and closing of valve is done by circular rotation of

electrically driven actuator either in a clock wise or anticlockwise direction, whereas in

case of Automatic control valve, water flow through pipeline is controlled by moving

flexible membrane in a linear axis.



Parameter details Units

1 Suitability for pipelines. 200/250/300/350/400/450/500/

600 mm diameter

2 Designed for media. Potable water.

3 On line mounting arrangement. Designed to ANSI Class 150

standards. 4 Material of body and cover Body and Cover in DI/ CS ASTM

A216 Gr WCM

5 Flexible membrane arrangement Mounted on AISI 304 (S.S. 304) S.

S. stem. 6 Material of flexible membrane Neoprene with nylon reinforce-

ment 7 Pressure rating. PN1.0, PN1.6 up to 20 Kg/cm2

8 Operational control. Through solenoid valves.

9 Operating voltage of solenoid vale 12/24 VDC.

10 Status of solenoid valve OPEN or CLOSE as per application.

11 Power supply From Electricity board or Solar power.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

12 Suitability Inlet/Outlet of ESR/ Gravity line or

rising main of water supply


Important Note:- Each automatic flow control valve shall be provided with flow meter to

measure rate of flow at any time.

Valve Components and Material of Construction

• Valve Body, Cover DI/ CS ASTM A216 Gr WCB/DI

• Seat Ring – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Disc Retainer – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

Stem – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Stem Nut – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Guide Bushings – AISI 304 (S.S. 304)

• Diaphragm – Neoprene with nylon reinforcement

• Fasteners – High tensile steel

• Pilot Tubing : Stainless steel/copper

• Needle Valve : Stainless steel

• Pipe connectors: Brass / SS / Zinc plated MS


The Automatic Control Valvess shall be tested at manufacturers work in presence of the

third party agency approved by MJP and Engineer-in-charge or his representative.

The scope of inspection shall be : -

• Review of raw material test certificate and quality control Procedures.

• Hydrostatic test.

• Calibration test.

(Programmable Microcontroller with Modem)

The Field Data Transmitter has got a highly-sensitive circuitry of measuring

parameters like Flow/level/Pressure which will be sensor output and in the form of

analog output like current (here typically it will be 4 to 20 mA) or pulse particularly with

bulk flow sensors, that can be periodically detected corresponding to a particular water

fixture. It is also possible to monitor and control automatic control valve from remote

location or from web site. The system can also included with a GSM/GPRS circuit which

will create a set of text instructions for relaying water data as and when required by user

in the form of SMS or data packets and will communicate water data after preset period

to the central computer that can collect, store, and further analyze data or to web

server. It is also possible to log water data over to website for set scan time. Field Data

Transmitters will have setting of scanning time in min or hours from 1 min. to 24 Hrs.

and shall be user friendly. Field Data Transmitter will have back up supply in the form of

rechargeable battery to provide water data readings over to central computer even in


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

case of power failure. FDT works over GSM / GPRS network of suitable service



1. Monitors 8 digital inputs.

2. 4 relay controlled digital outputs.

3. 6 analogue input to measure 4 to 20 mA from sensors.

4. Monitors two pulse inputs from flow meter.

5. Able to operate on GSM/GPRS network.

6. Reports on set point alarms and sends SMS as desired

7. Working voltage is 12/24 VDC.


Battery backup through rechargeable battery of 12/24 VDC.

Analogue input: 4-20 mA or pulse from bulk flow meter.

Scan time is settable and in steps of 1 hour with maximum 24 hours.

Parameters are set through software provided with device.

WEB based Data Acquisition software should be suitable for data collection

from different FDT.

Mode of transmission: GSM/GPRS network.

Transmission antenna: High gain whip antenna suitable to requirement.

Data transmitting format: Through RS 232/485/ethernet compatible.

Backup supply in case of power failure: Available.

Enclosure: Antistatic and antimagnetic PVC enclosure

Mounting: Wall mounting enclosure.

Internet connectivity should be secured/connectivity should be dedicated IP’s.

Third party and MJP Inspection of ultrasonic flowmeter is compulsory as per schedule of

scope of inspection and at manufacturing work as per relevant IS/ISO and latest

standard and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Necessary TPI and other reports are

compulsory at the time of delivery of material.

Item NO. 4d Construction of Room of size 3 x3 x3 mtr

A room of size 3x3x3 mtr shall be constructed at each ESR as given below


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Total Qty.

1 Excavation CuM 15.63

Excavation for foundation by all means in earth,soils of all types including removing the excavated mate-rial upto a distance of of 50 M beyond area and lifts as specified etc.complete

2 Filling in Plinth CuM 3.75

Filling in Excavated surface with contractors murum in 15 to 20 cm layers including watering compaction complete

3 Rubble Soling of depth 15-20 cm thk cum 1.44

4 PCC CuM 2.63

Cement concrete M15 with stone aggregate 40mm nominal size in foundation and plinth.

5 RCC for Footing cum 1.45

Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-25 of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in foundations like raft, strip foundations, grillage and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork ,cover blocks, lay-ing/pumping, compaction and curing roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete, with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

6 RCC for columns CuM 1.10


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Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-25 of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as per detailed designs and drawings or as directed including steel center-ing, formwork, cover blocks compacting and rough-ening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement and struc-tural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

7 RCC for Beams and Lintel CuM 1.00

Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in M-25 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. beams and lintels as per detailed designs and drawings or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compactionand roughening the surface if special finish is to be pro-vided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding rein-forcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

8 RCC for SLAB CuM 1.49

Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-25 of trap/ granite / quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. slabs and landings as per detailed designs and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, compaction, finishing the formed sur-faces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete.(Excluding reinforcement and structural steel).with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

9 Brick Masonary CuM 5.30


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Providing second classs burnt brick masonry with conventional / I.S. type brick in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure , including striking joints,racking out joints , watering and scafolding etc complete.

10 Flooring SqM 5.15

Providing and laying in position polished Kota Stone flooring of approved quality 25mm to 30mm thick in plain/diamond pattern on a bed of cement mortar 1:6 including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning etc. complete

11 Plastering SqM 21.50

Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:3 without neeru fin-ish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all position in-cluding scaffolding and curing etc. complete.


Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand, in all posi-tions including base coat of 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 using waterproofing compound at 1 kg per cement bag curing the same for not less than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete.

SqM 25.30

13 Coloring : priming coat SqM 25.30

Providing and applying priming coat on concrete/ masonary/ Asbestos Cement plastered surfaces in-cluding scaffolding if necessary, preparing the sur-face by thoroughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter and sand papering as required etc. complete.

14 Coloring : SqM 21.50

Providing and applying pearl/ luster finish paint of approved colour and shade to the existing plaster surface including scaffolding, preparing the surface, applying the acrylic wall putti etc. complete.

15 For Reinforcement M.T. 0.35

Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis,


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copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and sup-porting as required complete.

16 Doors

Frames SqM 5.20

Providing and fixing country teak wood runner size 150 x 75 mm over partition, including rounding, fix-ing in the masonry where necessary beading on sides etc. complete.

Panels SqM 2.10

Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter in single leaf 32 mm thick decorative type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings approved face ve-neers 3 mm thick on both faces or as directed, all necessary beads, mouldings and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, chromium plated fixtures and fas-tenings, with brass mortise lock, chromium plated handles on both sides, and finishing with French Polish etc. complete.

17 Windows SqM 5.40

Providing and fixing in position powder coated alu-minium louvered windows / ventilator of various siz-es with powder coating as per detailed drawing and specifications including aluminium frames 80 x 38 mm x 1.22 mm box type, 5 mm thick sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. complete.

18 Providing cement based water proofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike) with brick bats laid in required slope to drain the water for any span after cleaning the base surface. Applying a coat of cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound and laying the brick bats on bot-tom layer in C.M.1:5 admixed with approved water proofing compound filling up to half depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3 days, applying cement slurry over this layer joints of brick bats with C.M.1:3 admixed with approved water proofing compound and finally top finishing with average 20 mm. thick layers of same mortar added with jute fiber at 1 Kg per bag including finishing the surface smooth with cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing com-pound. Marking finished surface with false squares of 300mm x 300 mm. making the junctions at the parapet rounded and tapered top for required

sqmt 14.90


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Excavation for foundation/pipe trenches in earth, soil of all types, sand gravel and soft murum, hard murum, …… etc complete

Under this item the excavation shall be carried out in earth, all types of soils, soft

and hard murum, boulders, W.B.M. and concrete road, bitumen (tar) road old cement and lime masonry foundation, soft rock and hard rock by blasting wherever possible manual chiseling by wedging by line drilling by mechanical means. The item includes cost of all materials and labour together with removing of the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the excavated boundry as directed. The excavated hard rock should be stacked in measurable heaps as directed. The item also includes cost of normal dewatering i.e. dewatering without employing pumps set i.e. dewatering done by bailing out of water manually.

The excavation shall be taken down to such depths as shown in drawings and / or as directed and shall be done in extra sections shown in drawings and stipulated in specifications else where herein. Extra excavation done over and above specified for whatever reasons shall not be paid. The bottom of the foundation shall be perfectly leveled before concrete or masonery is put in and shall be watered and thoroughly rammed. No filling will be allowed for bringing the foundation pit to proper level.

The excavation may go down deeper by 3.0 M more to reach proper foundations and arriving certain levels, etc for which necessary payment shall be made.

All section of excavation, however, may be increased correspondingly, if necessary as directed by the Executive Engineer, for such extra depths and such increased section as directed by Executive Engineer, shall be admissible for payment at respective tendered rates.

In case of excavation in town and inhabited places, it shall be strongly fenced and lighted during night by red lights in charge of watchman at contractor’s cost. Materials should not be dumped on road.

Unless otherwise specific lifts and leads are mentioned in the tendered item, the tendered rate shall be for all lifts and leads involved in the work. The contractor shall provide shoring and strutting of approved size and type for normal conditions wherever necessary for excavation in soft materials without extra cost unless otherwise provided for in separate tender item.

Excavation carried out in excess of the width specified shall be at contractor’s own risk and shall not be measured. So also the excavation carried out in excess of the required depths shall be made good to the required level by either concrete or masonry of proportion as directed by the Executive Engineer without extra cost. The tendered rate for excavation items shall include lifting and removing the excavated materials for proper

height, with drip mould at the junction of plaster and parapet and curing and covering 10 years Guaran-tee against leakproofness on Court fee stamp paper of Rs. 500/including ponding test etc. complete.

21 Electrification and painting As per site re-quirement and

as per directions of engineer-in-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

disposal in the vicinity as directed by the Engineer in charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for removal of masonry concrete structures for removal of stumps or roots or tress met with during excavation and for filling of holes hollow due to removal of roots, etc or existing originally which shall be filled up by earth and will be rammed and leveled.

The pay line allowed for excavation for channel in various strata shall be limited to the following.


In soil 11/2 1

In soft murum 2/3 1

In hard murum ½ 1

In rock 1/10 1

The excavation for channel shall be carried out with the above side slopes only.

The excavation done beyond there slopes are not admissible for payment. If the excavation is done with lesser slopes than mentioned above, the payments shall be restricted to the actually excavated slopes.

If there is no separate item of dewatering in the tender, the contractor’s tendered rate shall include manual bailing; draining of the trench and the excavation shall be kept free from, water, while the work is in progress in a manner as may be directed by the Executive Engineer. When there is a tender item of dewatering then payment shall be admissible under dewatering required for all items in the tendered from start till its completion, in either case the excavation item shall be dry as well as in wet condition, unless otherwise items exists for wet excavation.

Made of Measurement and Payment:- The Measurement and payment shall be done on cum basis. Providing and laying in situ 1:3:6 (M-100) grade of C.C. of trap/

granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including dewatering from work, compacting and curing, finishing etc. complete with initial lift of 1.50m below / above ground level.

Standard specification of Gov. of Maharashtra (Red Book) Sp.No. B6 on Page 33 to 38 Vol.1 &Bd EP No.287 to 291 of Vol to shall be applicable.

1. MATERIAL. 1. Cement: - Cement should bring by the contractor in polythene bags as received

from the supplier. Each bag will be considered to weigh 50 Kg. The quantity of

cement used shall be based on cement consumption for respective items as con-

sidered in C.S.R.

2. Sand: - This will consist of clean, hard, strong uncoated and well graded particles.

The source of sand will be from Wardha River and shall be approved by Execu-

tive Engineer, and in no case clay, silt, admixtures will exceed 3% by weight or

volume. It shall be washed and screened, if found necessary, to remove excess

admixtures and coarse and fine particles found in excess. Screening and washing

shall be done to sand to confirm specification or otherwise it is good. All sand

shall pass through a screen with 3/16’ mesh.

3. Coarse Aggregate :- All aggregates shall confirm to either I.S. 383-1963 I.S. 515-

1969 and should be as specified in I.S. 456-1978 clause 4.2 gauge of metal to be


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

used shall be decided according to the type of work, by the Engineer-in-charge.

The metal of approved qualities to be brought from quarry approved by Execu-

tive Engineer, P.W. Deptt. Local quarries are unsuitable for this aggregate

4. Storage of Materials :- Sand and coarse aggregates shall be properly and sepa-

rately stored on site on hard ground so as to kept them safe from admixtures of

foreign materials such as clay, grass etc. it shall be as per I.S. 456-1978 clause 4.7.

5. Water: - The water used shall be as per I.S. 456-1978 clause 4.0 approved

measures for water will be provided by the contractor. The amount of water to

be used will be decided by the workability and strength consideration which will

be assured by the contractor.

6. Concrete Mixing: - The concrete shall be only machine mixed as per standard


7. Placing: - The forms will be just moistened before placing concrete. The concrete

shall be placed in position within 20 minutes after adding water to the concrete.

It shall be slowly deposited in its place in uniform layers. It should generally

comply with I.S. 456-1978 clause 12.2

Mode of Measurement & payment:- The Measurement & payment shall be done on cum basis

Providing and casting in situ C.C. of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC work as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including normal dewatering, centering, from work, compaction, finishing the formed surface with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to necessary or roughening if special finish is tobe provided and curing etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use for L&T, ACC, Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree etc. cement is permitted excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement)For RCC M-200 grade slabs / Landings / Vertical Walls/ Waist Slabs / Steps for Staircase.

Standardspecification of Gov. of Maharashtra (Red Book) Sr.No.62 to 65 Vol.1

is 3370 Part I & Part II sr.no. Bdf page no.297 to 309 & is 456 1976 shall be applicable. 1. MATERIAL.

2. Cement: - Cement should bring by the contractor in polythene bags as received

from the supplier. Each bag will be considered to weigh 50 Kgs. The quantity of

cement used shall be based on cement consumption for respective items as con-

sidered in C.S.R.

3. Sand: - This will consist of clean, hard, strong uncoated and well graded particles.

The source of sand will be from Wardha River and shall be approved by Execu-

tive Engineer, and in no case clay, silt, admixtures will exceed 3% by weight or

volume. It shall be washed and screened, if found necessary, to remove excess

admixtures and coarse and fine particles found in excess. Screening and washing


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

shall be done to sand to confirm specification or otherwise it is good. All sand

shall pass through a screen with 3/16’ mesh.

4. Coarse Aggregate :- All aggregates shall confirm to either I.S. 383-1963 I.S. 515-

1969 and should be as specified in I.S. 456-1978 clause 4.2 gauge of metal to be

used shall be decided according to the type of work, by the Engineer-in-charge.

The metal of approved qualities to be brought from quarry approved by Execu-

tive Engineer, P.W. Deptt. Local quarries are unsuitable for this aggregate.

5. Storage of Materials :- Sand and coarse aggregates shall be properly and sepa-

rately stored on site on hard ground so as to kept them safe from admixtures of

foreign materials such as clay, grass etc. it shall be as per I.S. 456-1978 clause 4.7.

6. Form Work: - Steel centering shall be preferable. If wooden form work is used it

shall consist of planks not less than 40 mm thickness and of strong progs etc.

This shall be provided as per I.S. 456-1978 clause 10.8 formwork the timber used

for form work shall be best hard wood and got approved by the Engineer-in-

charge. The item is covered in the rate either for plain or R.C.C. items. For bot-

tom slab, ring beam etc. P.V.C. or plastic paper should be provided over the cen-

tering to make the same water tight.

7. Separators: - From bottom covers of beam, slabs etc. separators of pre-cast ce-

ment mortar blocks of suitable size will be used and tied to the reinforcement by

wires. Between layers or reinforcement separators consisting of pieces of M.S.

bars of suitable diameters shall be used. In each case, required cover to the bars

will be ensured beyond doubt as per I.S. 45-1964 clause 25.4 and I.S. 3370-1965

Part-II Clause 7.2

8. Water: - The water used shall be as per I.S. 456-1978 clause 4.0 approved

measures for water will be provided by the contractor. The amount of water to

be used will be decided by the workability and strength consideration which will

be assured by the contractor.

9. Concrete Mixing: - The concrete shall be only machine mixed as per standard


10. Placing: - The forms will be just moistened before placing concrete. The concrete

shall be placed in position within 20 minutes after adding water to the concrete.

It shall be slowly deposited in its place in uniform layers. It should generally

comply with I.S. 456-1978 clause 12.2

11. Tamping :- While concrete is being placed in position, it shall vigorously roded

and tamped by bars of appropriate size and other means to ensure dense and

complete filling of the forms, all round and in between the reinforcement. The


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

efficiency of tamping and consolidation will be judged by complete absence of

air pockets and honey combing after removal forms and any deficiency in this re-

spect will affected in pulling down and redoing of the affected work at the cost

of contractor. For work of any magnitude or importance, mechanical vibrators of

both immersion and surface type will be used as a rule and no work without vi-

brator will be permitted. When concrete is so vibrated the water cement ratio

will be least practicable.

12. Curing: - All R.C.C. works will be watered and kept constantly wet for at least 20

days after casting by means of wet gunny bags. This operation shall start imme-

diately after initial set of concrete.

13. Removal of Forms:-Removal of forms will be generally as below subject to the

prior approval of Engineer-in-charge in writing.

1. Columns;-24 to 48 hrs as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

2. Side of beam: - 3 days.

3. Vertical wall: - 6 days.

4. Bottom of slab: - 20 days.

5. Bottom of beam up to: - 20 days. 5 m. span.

6. Bottom of beam above: - 21 days 5 m. span.

7. Inspection :- The work at each stage of operation i.e. completion of form work,

completion of assembly and placing reinforcement, concreting, removal of forms

must be get inspected by the Engineer-in-charge or Sub Divisional Officer in

charge of the work who will record necessary certificate to the effect in the work

order book. The concreting of R.C.C. from start to finish will be done in the pres-

ence of Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative.

8. Finish:- All R.C.C. works will be finished as provided in the item concerned. Sur-

face not in contact with form work and not subjected to any further finish will be

finished smooth by a float to present a uniform appearance.

Surface to receive plaster or rendering will immediately on Removal of forms is roughened by extensive hacking by a pointed tamping tool. In all cases where it is required to mach with rest of the structure and present harmonious appearance to be decided by Engineer-in-charge, such finishing will stand included in the rate of contracts but will not be measured.

9. Testing :-

1. Cubes :- On any day when concreting of M-150 and richer mix is done for 4

hours or 5 cum and more, concrete cubes of 15 x 15 cm will be cast per day,

equally spread over the period of concrete. Every time 4 cubes will be taken


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for crushing strength one at 7 days and one at 28 days and one at 3 months.

The fourth cube will be kept as reserved to be tested immediately after 28

days in case one of the cubes tested 7 and 28 days show unsatisfactory re-

sults. The casting, curing and testing of cubes will be at the cost of the con-

tractor. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for moulds etc.

2. Testing of Materials: - The contractor shall test the materials required for

RCC work at his own cost and submit the result to the Dept. for according

necessary approval for the same.

3. The minimum strength of 15 x 15 x 15 cm concrete cube shall be as under.

Grade 7 Days 28 Days 3 Months

M 100 67 Kg / Sq cm 100 Kg / Sq cm 123 Kg / Sq cm

M 150 100 Kg / Sq cm 150 Kg / Sq cm 184 Kg / Sq cm

M 200 133 Kg / Sq cm 200 Kg / Sq cm 245 Kg / Sq cm

M 250 167 Kg / Sq cm 250 Kg / Sq cm 306 Kg / Sq cm

M 300 200 Kg / Sq Cm 300 Kg / Sq cm 367 Kg / Sq cm

Mode of Measurement & payment:- The Measurement & payment shall be done on cum basis.

Providing 1st class Burnt Brickmasonry with conventional/I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 insuper structure including bailing out water manually, striking joints on unexposed faces, pointing with cement mortar 1:3 on exposed faces and watering etc. complete.

GENERAL This specification lays down the requirements for B.B. Masonry 1st class in cement mortar of specified proportion required for various structures, including necessary scaffolding, watering etc. The specifications shall conform to IS:2212-1991 its latest revision. MATERIALS BRICKS : Bricks shall be first class and shall conform IS:1077-1992. MORTAR The quantity of mortar to be used per Cum of B.B. masonry shall be about 30 to 32% or 300 to 320 liters for conventional bricks and 32 to 33% or 320 to 330 liters for ISI bricks. The proportion of mortar shall be as specified in the item of the tender. Mode of Measurement :

The contract rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter. The B. B. Masonry shall be measured for its length, breadth and depth limiting dimensions to those specified on the plan or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

Providing 2nd Class B.B masonary with conventional bricks in CM as below in super

structure inner walls / external walls including normal dewatering, striking joints on unexposed faces, raking out joints on exposed faces and watering etc complete in Cement Mortor (1:6)



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

This specification lays down the requirements for B.B. Masonry 1st class in cement mortar of specified proportion required for various structures, including necessary scaffolding, watering etc. The specifications shall conform to IS:2212-1991 its latest revision.

MATERIALS BRICKS : Bricks shall be first class and shall conform IS:1077-1992. MORTAR The quantity of mortar to be used per Cum of B.B. masonry shall be about 30 to 32% or 300 to 320 liters for conventional bricks and 32 to 33% or 320 to 330 liters for ISI bricks. The proportion of mortar shall be as specified in the item of the tender. Mode of Measurement :

The contract rate shall be for a unit of one cubic meter. The B. B. Masonry shall be measured for its length, breadth and depth limiting dimensions to those specified on the plan or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameter for RCC

pipes, caps, foootings, foundation, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc as per detailed designs, drawing and schedules including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc. complete. ( including cost of binding wire ) Tor steel.

SPECIFICATIONS FOR MILD STEEL AND TOR STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR RCC WORKS 1 The item provides for supply of mild steel, tor steel bars, cutting, bending with G.I. wire and placing in position, welding for reinforcement in the RCC. 2 Mild steel and tor steel bars shall confirm to Specification A-10 of Standard Specification of Public Works Department, Latest Edition. 3 The binding wire shall confirm to Specification A-15 of Standard Specification of Public Works Department, Latest Edition. 4 During contractor's supply, if any, the steel bars shall be supplied directly to the site of work. 5 Bending reinforcement confirm accurately to the dimensions and shapes in the details drawings (approved) or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 6 Bars shall be bend cold only. In no way bending by heat will be allowed.

7 Bars with kinks, bends or cracks shall not be used. 8 Details of length, size, laps and bending diagram shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge. 9 As far as possible full length of bars shall be placed as per drawing details. When full lengths are not available, bars be supplies only after written permission of the Engineer-in-charge. Supplies shall be staggered and in tension zone shall be avoided strictly. Bars shall be lapped as specified in IS:456-2000 with due regards to the grade of concrete. Welding may be used for large diameter of bar only after permission of Engineer-in-charge.

10 Welding, if permitted shall conform to specification B.10.7 of Standard Specification of Public Works Department. 11 All reinforcement shall be accurately placed in position with spacing and cover shown in detailed drawing and firmly held during the placing and setting of concrete. Bars shall be ties at all intersections. Binding wire of 1.63 mm or 1.22 mm diameter (about 16 or 18 gauge) shall be used. Spacing of the bars shall be maintained by means


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of stays, blocks ties, spacers, hangers or other approved supports at sufficient close intervals so that bars will not be displaced. During placing vibrating or compacting concrete, placing bars for reinforcement on a layer of fresh concrete as the work progress will not be permitted. The use of pieces of broken stones or bricks or wooden blocks for maintaining spacing or cover shall not be permitted. Layers of bars shall be separated by precast cement blocks, spacer bars or other devices. 12 Full details of numbers, sizes, lengths, weights, laps, welds, spacing of bars placed in position in different parts of the work shall be recorded by the contractor and certified and signed by the Engineer-in-charge or his representative to show that all reinforcement has been placed correctly as per sanctioned drawing or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in writing, before placing concrete. No concrete shall be placed in position until the certified the correctness of reinforcement, recording the steel measurements and has given permission in writing to place concrete. After approval of reinforcement as above, it will be the contractor's responsibility to seal that the spacing of reinforcement and arrangements are not tampered with in any way before or during concreting.

13 Any steel is required to be procured by Contractor. He shall produce the test certificate. In addition, actual test shall be carried out according to IS:432-1982, in an Government laboratory and the cost of test shall be borne by the contractor, including all transport, etc. 14 This item includes,…. a) Cost of labour, materials, use of tools, plant and tackle and other incidental

items to complete the work satisfactorily. b) Supplying, conveying, cleaning, cutting, bending, binding with (1.63 mm or 1.22

mm diameter – 16 to 18 gauge) wire on spot, welding and placing reinforcement in position and maintaining it clean and in position till the concrete is laid.

c) Cost of sampling and testing, as required. 15 In no case, any foreign material e.g. oil, grease, etc. which prevent bonding between steel and concrete shall remain on steel on steel bars during placing of concrete. 16 MODE OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT

The tender rate shall be on weight basis for MT of MS/tor steel reinforcement. The weight of steel reinforcement used for the item of concrete will be measured in tones based on total compacted weight for the sizes and lengths of bars as shown in drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 16.1 The lengths of the bars shall be measured correct to 2 places of decimals of meters. The weights for payments shall be calculated according to standard weights mentioned in the ISI Hand Book correctup to 0.10 Kg.

Providing and fixing steel windows of various sizes asper detailed drawings wituout

hot zinc coating without/with ventilator including fabrication,glazing with non acetinic/plain/obscured glass panels of approved type and quality,all fixtures and fastening without teak wood boxing and architraves and finishing with one coat of primer complete.(Sample to be got approved from Ex.Engineer before use) With M.S.Box frame of size 40mmX40mmX2mm thickness all round

Steel windows of clear size 0.9m x 1.2m shall be provided and fixed at suitable location as directed. The windows shall be with ventilators including fabrication, glazing


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With plain /obscured glass panel of approved type and quality , fixtures and fastenings. 10 mm square bars centre to centre together with finishing with oil paint of 3coats.


Providing and fixing steel window of various sizes as per detailed drawings with hot dip zinc coating without/with ventilator including fabrication glazing with non-actinic paint/obscured glass panels of approved type and quality all fixtures and fastening without teak wood boxing and architrave and finishing with one coat of primer etc. complete (Sample to be got approved from Executive Engineer before use)

Mode of Measurement and payment :- The measurement for this item shall be measured in Sqm. up to two decimal and

shall be paid at the contract rate per Sqm basis.

Providing and fixing single leaf panelled door C.C.T.W 60 mm X 100 mm frame with ventilator , shutters 32 to 35 mm thick as per detailed drawings consisting of C.C.T.W vertical styles and top rail 100 mm X 35 mm & lock & bottom rail 200 mm X 35 mm including mat finish stainless steel fixtures & fastenings and T.W beading at junctions of panels inserted including three coats of oil painting etc.complete.

As per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. Filling in plinth and floors / trenches with contractor’s murum for

bedding in 15cm to 20cm layers including watering and compaction complete.

The specification contained in the Standard Specification Volume-II published by Public Works and Housing Department, Govt. of Maharashtra, Chapter Bd.A-10,Page 263 shall apply. In addition to above, following specifications shall govern.

Murum bedding shall be done with approved quality of hardmurum brought from outside and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.It should be brought from outside and rates payable will be as stipulated in the tender item. Thickness of murum bedding will be 15 cm.. The contractor shall be paid for one Cubic Meter of the filling laid and compacted and will be paid upto two place of decimal of Cum. Murum bedding shall be laid in exact 15 cm thickness for full width of excavation, it shall be well rammed with hand rammers so that pipe line is laid on firm bedding. Collection of murum from excavated stuff and carting upto the work site is included in the item and contractor shall make his own arrangement for procurement and carting of murum at his cost. Mode of Measurement and Payment Quantity shall be measured in Cubic Meter. The dimensions shall be measured upto two Decimal of Cubic meters and quantity shall be calculated upto two places of Decimal of Cubic meter.

Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in one coat in 1:4 cement mortar without

neeru finish to concrete brick or stone surfaces in all positions including scafolding and curing etc. complete ( Bd-L 5/368)

GENERAL This specification lays down the requirement of cement plaster to be applied to concrete or brick masonry surface. In cement mortar of specific proportion and thickness. PREPARATION For masonry all joints in the frame work that is to be plastered shall be raked out to a depth not less than the width of the joints or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The raking shall be done taking care not to allow any chipping of masonry. In new work the raking out shall be done while the mortar in the joints in still green. Smooth surface of


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concrete or plaster etc. must be suitably roughened to provide necessary bond for the

plaster all dirt, soot oil paint or any other materials that might interfere with satisfactory bond shall removed and surface wetted before plastering is started. General : The item shall comply with specification B.11.b subject to the additional clauses Bd.L 1.2, Bd.L 1.3, Bd.L 1.4 and the following Finishing : When no finish is specified the plastered surface shall be rubbed wel to an even plane with a wooden float for external surfaces and finished smooth with a steel trowel for internal surfaces. When cement finish is specified, coat of pure Portland cement slurry 1.5 mm (1/6’) thick shall be applied to the plastered surface while the second coat is still fresh. If neeru finish is specified, then the surface shall be finished as per specification for Item Bd.L-10. The thickness of the cement plaster shall be 20 mm (about ¾”) excluding cement or neeru finish. Two coats of the finishs as specified shall be included in the item. MATERIALS Cement mortar shall be prepared from cement and as specified for RCC work and mixed in the proportion specified. Sand shall be screened and washed if called upon to do so. Water proofing compound of directed make in directed quantities shall be added where it is water proof plaster, scaffolding shall be prepared from sound materials and shall be provided, where ever situation demands for facility of proper working. GAUGES Patch of plaster 15 x 15 cm shall be put on about 3 m apart as gauges to ensure even plastering in one place. FINISHING In any continuous face of wall, finishing treatment of any type shall be carried out continuously and day to day breaks made to coincide with architectural breaks in order to avoid unsightly junctions. All mouldings shall be worked true to template and drawn neat, clean and level. All exposed angles, junctions and openings shall be carefully finished. WATERING All pointing work shall be kept damp continuously for a period of 14 days. To prevent excessive evaporation of the sunny and wind ward side of the building in hot, dry weather matting or gunny bags may be hung over on the outside of the plaster in the beginning and kept moist. If the contractor fails to water the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge, the requisite labour, materials and equipment to water the work properly shall be engaged departmentally at the cost of the contractor. Cost all scaffolding is included in the tender rate. Mode of measurement This item measured and paid in sq. meter. The quantity worked out to correct two decimal.

Providing and applying three coats of water proof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour and shade to new plastered surface including scaffloding if necessary , cleaning and preparing the surface,watering for two dayas complete.(Sample and brand is to be got approved from Executive Engineer before use)

Providing and applying waterproof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surface including scaffolding if necessary and preparing the surface


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complete. cement paint --The waterproof cement paint shall be of approved manufacture and it shall be approved colour and shade. The contractor shall bring them to the site in original airtight containers with seal intact. Brushes._ The brushes to be used shall be as specified by the manufacture of the oil paint and they be got approved by the Engineer . Scaffolding._ Scaffolding if necessary shall be double and as specified in B.9.11. Preparatory Work_ The surface to be painted shall be prepared as specified the manufacture of the paint. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned free from dirt, dust etc. by brushing and washing down with clean water. Any grease, oil paint, or any other foreign material shall be removed by approved methods. Lime wash and water bound distemper, shall be thoroughly removed by washing, brushing and if necessary, the accumulated coats of old paint shall be removed by thoroughly brushing or scraping and washing and a clean even surface obtained. Rough cast and pebble dash surface shall be thoroughly brushed and washed to remove dirt and dust. Mixing the paint: - the dry cement paint shall be thoroughly mixed with clean fresh water so as to produce paint of required consistency which for normal work shall be that of ordinary paints. In mixing and application, the contractor must follow the manufacture s instruction. Paint for the application by brush shall be strained through paint strainer. The paint shall be kept stirred used within the specified time Hardened or damaged paint shall not be used. Application: - The paint shall be applied by means of brushes and in the manner specified by the manufacture. The number of coats shall be as mentioned in the wording of the item. When more than one coat is ordered, subsequent coat shall be applied after the preceding coat is properly cured and has thoroughly hardened, inspected and approved and as per manufactures specification. Absorbent surface shall be evenly damped so as to give even suction. In dry weather, freshly painted surface shall be kept damp for at least 2 days and protected from direct sun. Item to include._ The rate shall include all labour, material, and use of tools to carry out the following operations:- 1. Splaying and mixing the paint as specified=

2. Scaffolding including erection and dismantling.

3. Preparation of the surface before painting.

4. Application of paint as specified.

5. Curing and protecting the painted surface.

The work shall be carried out as per the description of the tender item and as directed by Engineer-in charge. It shall be waterproof cement paint. Shade and make shall be as directed by the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran and for decorative purpose, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. may ask for different shades to be provided for different components or different parts of the same component which the Contractor shall have to do within his tendered rate only at no extra cost. Cost of priming coat as directed, scaffolding, etc. is included in the tender item. The work shall be executed as per the specifications of P.W.D. Hand Book latest edition and specification for painting in Standard Specification Book (Red Book) published by B and C Department.


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Mode of measurement This item measured and paid in sq. meter. The quantity worked out to correct two decimal. Providing and applying oil bound distember on old / new plastered or masonry

suracincludng scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and brooming down etc complete.

. Providing and applying washable distemper of approved colour and Shade to old and new surface in 1/2/3 coats, including scaffolding preparing the surface to receive the priming and finishing coats complete. Distemper: - Washable distemper of' approved make, colour and shade shall be used. It shall conform to I.S. 427-1965. Approved quality distemper like Shalimar, Lakaki or of equivalent type shall be used. Scaffolding - This may be double or single as per Bd.P.1.3. Preparing the surface: - The surface to be distempered shall be cleaned And all cracks, holes and surface defects shall be repaired with gypsum and allowed to set hard. All irregularities shall be sand papered smooth and wiped clean. The surface so prepared must be completely dry and free from dust before distempering is commenced. In the case of walls newly plastered, special care shall be taken to see that it is completely dry before any treatment is attempted.

For the old surface which had earlier been distempered: - The surface shall be cleaned of grease, dust etc. The flaking of previous coatings if any shall be taken off. All cracks, holes and surface defects shall be repaired with gypsum and allowed to set hard and then send papered smooth and wiped clean. But in case the surface are coloured or white washed, the wash must be removed thoroughly first. Priming coat: - The priming coat shall be applied over the completely dry surface in the manner recommended by the makers in the case of patent distempers. When no priming coat is specified by the manufacturer a finely powdered chalk mixed with a thin solution of glue shall be applied to prepare a good, hard background, the coating when dry being rubbed as clean and smoothes possible. Application of distemper: - The instruction of the makers shall be followed regarding preparation of the surface and application of priming and finishing coats. Distemper shall not be mixed in a larger quantity than is actually required for a day's work. Hot water should be used to prepare the mixture. Distemper shall be applied in dry weather with a board stiff brush in long parallel strokes. The treated surface shall, be allowed to dry and harden. The next coat of distemper shall lay on in exactly the same manner as the first one but only after the earlier coat lay has thoroughly dried. The number of coats of distemper to be applied shall be as mentioned in the item. The brushes used should never be allowed to rest on the bristles and after the use they should be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. Item to include: - the rate shall include all labour, materials, equipments and tools for carrying out the following operations

1) Providing the primer and distemper and mixing the distemper. 2) Scaffolding. 3) Preparing the surface to receive the priming and finishing coats. 4) Applying the priming coat.

5) Applying the distemper as specified above in the number of coats mentioned in the item. Bd.P.4.7 Mode of measurement This item measured and paid in sq. meter. The quantity worked out to correct two decimal. Providing & laying rough Shahabad Stone flooring 20mm to 25 mm thick & of

required width in plain/diamond pattern on a bed of 1:6 C.M including cement float,strikingjoints,pointing in cement morter 1:3 curing & cleaning etc. complete (


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The Sahabad stone should be 20 to 25 mm thick. The morter use for fixing should be 1:6. The work should be carried out as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge.

Mode of measurement This item measured and paid in Sq. meter. & paid in Sq. meter. Providing and fixing locking arrangement for chamber with Steel frame, anchor

bolts, approved quality of lock, locking system etc complete.

The work should carried out as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge Providing anf fixing brackets for devices of 50x25x4 mm rectangular tube

platform and support, 50x4 mm plate fixed on platform top and wall with all material and labouretc complete.

The work should carried out as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge Providing sand faced plaster for external portion in cement mortar using

Kharsalia / Kasaba or similar type of sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 mm. Thick in C.M. 1:4 using water proofing compound at 1 kg per cement bag, curing the same for not less than 3 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in C.M. 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains, making grooves and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc. complete.

The plastering items shall be executed in thickness and cement mortar of proportions as detailed in respective tender items. Similarly, the plastering shall be either ordinary or waterproof as specified in tender item. in case of waterproof plaster, standard and approved waterproofing compounding shall be mixed in cement mortar in required percentage as directed and then the plaster is applied. Unless and until the water tightness test is given by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the M.J.P., only part rates shall be paid. The finishing shall be either smooth or rough cast as may be directed by the Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the tender item. Specification given for this item in Standard Specifications Book (Red Book) published y B and C Department shall be followed Curing and watering shall be done as directed and plaster shall be in alignment and level. Any substandard work is liable to be rejected and shall have to be redone at Contractor's cost. Sand to be used shall be of approved quality only. Cost of all scaffolding is including in the tender rate. Mode of measurement This item measured and paid in sq. meter. The quantity worked out to correct two decimal.

Item No. 4e Enclosure for PT, Solenoid valve & Flowmeter display at each ESR

Enclosure fabricated out of MS plate of 6 mm thick of size 400x300x300 mm for PT, Solenoid

valve & Flowmeter display at each ESR shall be provided, errected as per directions of

Engineer-in-charge duly painted with 2 coats of enamel paint.

Item No. 4f Nut Bolts (1.25 mtr long 25 mm dia)

Providing,installing nut bolts 1.25 mtr long, 25 mm diam for installing enclosures under item no.

3d as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

4g) Mechanical Joints

Supply of C. I. Mechanical Compression Flanged / Socket

Tailpiece (Popularly known as I TM Flanged / Socket Tailpiece) suitable for making flanged

connection with the plain barrel of C. I. Spun Pipes ( as per - IS - 1536 /2001) and D. I.


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Pipes ( as per IS: 8329 / 2000).The Tailpiec to be supplied complete with sealing rubber gasket

of S.B.R, C.I. Follower Glands and M.S. Nut Bolts.The whole assembly should be mechanically

and hydraulically tested to the provisions as laid down in IS:1538 /1993. The rates are inclusive

of cost of material, freight charges, loading, transportation and unloading at departemental

store, excluding GST levied by Gol and GoM in all respect, etc. complete as directed.

Item No.5 : MS pipes & specials :-

This job includes, Providing, lowering, laying, jointing and testing double flanged M.S. Pipes

(Barrel) and specials for fixing of above valves & for any other purpose or fabricating Hump

after flowmeter as per standard specifications and approved size & layout of flowmeter

Item No.6 : Dismentling Joints for inlet & outlet of ESR:-

This job includes, Providing, erecting , commissioning and testing of M.S. Dismantling joint at

inlet and outlet of ESR as per requirement and Department's approved drawing and

specifications, including machining and rubber rings and suitable for 16 kg/cm2 working

pressure with required flanges of suitable size with nut bolts etc complete. The joint should

have through long bolts so that during normal working pressure there should be no sliding

movement of sliding flanges. L.O.F. ( length over flange ) should not be less than 75% of dia.

Item No.7:- B.B. Masonary Chamber for inlet and outlet valves and flowmeters:-

This job includes, Providing and constructing B.B. masonry valve chamber for flowmeter

with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B. masonry in C.M. 1:5

Proportion precast RCC frame and cover etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and constructing B.B. masonry valve chambers of minimum internal size 1.5 x 1.5 x

1.5 m size ,depth (1.5 mtr) with 53 cm dia CI manhole frame and cover of 90kg fixed in RCC

slab with locking arrangement and as per approved drawing. The work is to be carried out as

per type design or drawing of the department and as per detailed description of the item in

Schedule-B of the tender. Sizes of chamber mentioned in the item are the clear internal

dimensions of the chamber after completion of plastering. Unless otherwise mentioned in the

wording of item in Schedule-B of the tender the rate for this item shall include following allied


a) The cost of extra excavation in all types of strata which is in addition to the line trench,

refilling the sides and disposing off surplus stuff will be paid separately under relevant item.

Excavation covered by pipe line trenches coming under M.H. chamber shall not be admissible

for payment.

b) Providing and casting at site 15 cm thick bed concrete in CC M-100 below external size of

complete chamber.

c) Providing B.B. masonry side walls in 225 mm thick in CM 1:5 d) Providing 20 mm thick

plaster in CM 1:3 from inside.

e) Providing cement plaster 20 mm thick in CM 1:3 from outside at least up to 30 cm below

ground level.

f) Providing top coping 15 cm thick in M-150 with smooth finishing to surface.

g) Providing and fixing in position pre-cast RCC manhole frame cover.

h) Unless otherwise directed by the department the finished top of the chamber constructed on

road surface and shall not cause hindrance to traffic. Mode of Measurement This item will be

measured and paid as per number basis.


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ItemNo.8:SIM card :-

This job includes, Designing,supplying,installing, testing SIM card in field data Transmitter

based on GSM/ GPRS system for duplex communication with central server.

(one for each remote terminal unit)

Part G

ItemNo.1: Comprehenshive operation & maitenance :-

This job includes, COMPREHENSIVE O & M - Operation and Maintenance Charges of the

whole water supply scheme on SCADA and generation of daily report of water quality

parameters and electrical parameters with specific consumption in kWh/ml . The report shall be

mailed daily to the head quarters for monitoring purpose.In this work following Staff shall be

deployed for smooth & efficient day to day operation of the entire SCADA control & monitoring

system, through out the entire contract period. Total 15 persons with one four Wheeler & 2 Nos

two Wheeler shall be available all the time during the contract period. All persons shall be

provided with mobile smart phones. All Labour, Materials, Spares required for efficient & day to

day operation & maintenence of the entire SCADA control & monitoring system for the complete

contract period i.e. one year initial & 5 years subsequently i.e. total 6 years. All the Networking,

SCADA, Licences, Communication charges, Sim card etc. required for the entire operation

period of the contract i.e. 6 years are included under the scope of this work only.

1) A team leader - 1 person during office hours at Central SCADA station.

2) The SCADA operators- 3 person (One person in each shift - 3 shifts per day)at 65MLD WTP

and Pure water pumping station for operation of pimping staion through SCADA

3) The SCADA operator - 3 person (1 persons in each shift - 3 shifts per day) at 25MLD WTP

and pure water pumping station for operation of WTP & P/W pumping station.

4) SCADA/ Instrumentation Technician- 4 persons(2 persons in each shift, 2 shifts per day with

2 motor cycles for ESR / MBR management system to weekly checkup at each ESRs, cleaning

of solar panel, checking the control system, battery, attending the faults if any, immediately.

Comprehensive operation & maintenance of the SCADA & AUTOMATION system

The entire SCADA & AUTOMATION system to be installed under this work is to be compulsory

operated & maintained by the contractor for the period of 5 years after one year initial

guarantee period.

Since this work is intended for human drinking water supply project for souls of whole Akola

city, the efficient & qualitative operation is of utmost importance.

In order to meet the day to day operation & maintenance of the entire project following persons

are to be deployed on full time basis as under

1) At 65 & 25 MLD W.T.P. pump house & sub station :- Pure water pumping sta-

tion of each W.T.P. 1 skilled and qualified SCADA technician shall have to be employed

for three shifts day. i.e. 3 persons need to be deployed for one W.T.P. They should

have in depth knowledge of the basic operation and maintenance of the SCADA & AU-

TOMATION system with basic knowledge of 11/33 kV switch yard transformer substa-

tion & operation of LT/HT motor pumps. He shall be responsible for the day to day oper-

ation and maintenance of the entire plant with the SCADA & AUTOMATION system. He

is also responsible for reporting & attending any fault / abnormal eventualities to his

team leader.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Water treatment plant (65 & 25 MLD):- This is the most important component of the entire

project which is directly related to the quality of drinking water supplied to the Akola.

Skilled SCADA Technician with thorough knowledge of the entire water treatment process

and thorough knowledge of basic SCADA & AUTOMATION system shall have to be

employed for both W.T.P.. One Technician shall work in each shift at each W.T.P.

as mentioned above. So that total 3 Technicians per W.T.P. shall be working in

the day.

The Chlorination operation is to be monitored manually as it is a very hazardous

gas & harmful. It is kept out of AUTOMATION. However, the alarm generation in the

event of lowering in acceptable doses, & SMS generation shall be done automatically.

So also, in case of leakages in the chlorination system, the presence of chorine in the

air at chlorine room premises beyond safety limits shall have to be detected and alarm

signals and SMS shall be generated and issued. Also, beyond the acceptable limits,

the system shall have auto shut off feature. The operator shall be responsible for

operation of entire plant.

2) ESR Management system : All ESR’s covered under this project are to be op-

erated, monitored and maintained through a team of 1 skilled technicians per 10 ESR

having in depth knowledge of Vsat / GSM based modems, level transmitters, pilot oper-

ated Automatic flow control valves, solar panel and inverter battery system etc. Two

teams each comprising of 1 person shall be formed & each team shall visit to each ESR

daily. Each team shall be provided with a motor cycle. The team shall be responsible for

the day to day operation of the ESR Inlet/Outlet Automatic Control valves with solar

panel system, level sensor, Pressure Transmitter,Field Data Transmitter etc. Also, this

solar panel system installed over the ESR for Power supply requirements, shall be thor-

oughly cleaned with water every week. The electrolyte in the battery shall have to be

checked and replenished every 2 months.

3) To control, monitor and maintain the above entire system a team leader

having required qualification and in depth knowledge of the entire water supply

system with SCADA and AUTOMATION system is required : This team leader shall

be stationed at central station situated at WTP and ESR site He shall be responsible for

day to day report generation and maintaining the system in the most efficient manner.

He shall be provided with 4 wheeler utility vehicle with all necessary tools, instruments and

gauges etc. required for attending any breakdown / preventive maintainance of the sys-

tem. He shall normally work during office hours and shall be responsible for the entire


The Abstract of personnel required for attending the day to day O & M of the entire SCADA &

AUTOMATION system shall be as tabulated below :

Sr. No. Name of Post


Qualification Experience No. of





No. of shift /



1 Team leader B.E. instru. / Elect. & Tel. 8 years 1 -- general Shift duty

with utility

vehicle with


2 SCADA Technician at

65 MLD

DEE / ITI / Electrical /


5 Years 1 (3) Shift duty


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

W.T.P. /


3 SCADA Technician 25



DEE / ITI Electrial / Electronics 5 Years 1 (3) Shift duty

4 ESR management


DEE / ITI Electric / Electronic 5 Years (1) (2) (1) persons with (1)

nos. of mo-

tor Cycle



Team leader :- (1) No/day.

SCADA Technician/Operator at both


:- (6) Nos./day

ESR Technicians :- (2) Nos. / day

Total :- (9) persons /day

Operation & Maintenance

Operation and maintenance of the system broadly can be divided in into following parts-

1. To facilitate remote maintenance of the Automation system components the contractor

shall provide a TEAM VIEWER facility for this project. Necessary license software shall

be provided and installed.

2. Spares, components for the system

3. Consumables during operation of the system

4. Assistance Services for operation of the system

5. Maintenance Services for the System

6. Special purpose tools and calibration equipments.

Operation and maintenance of the system generally involves following activities –

1. Operational Assistance:

This includes routine day to day operation of the system like operation of the control

instruments and pumps from the system, generating the reports based on the real-time

archived data, monitoring & acknowledging alarms and taking necessary action to

deactivate critical alarms.

2. Preventive Maintenance:

This includes preventive maintenance of the measurement equipments, calibration of the

instruments and replenishing the regents and other consumables, to ensure the smooth

working of the system components.

3. Corrective Maintenance:

As and when required it is necessary to carry out the corrective maintenance of the faulty

instruments, equipments. This includes the removing the faulty instrument from the system,

replace with the spare instrument and repair the same at site or in the manufacturers workshop

depending upon the severity of the fault.

Specifications for O&M

This section applies to the specifications for operation and maintenance of Instrumentation and

controls used in the System. The Contractor shall maintain the complete system including

instrumentation & control system for WTP and pure pumping stations with monitoring of all

existing for Water Supply Scheme.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


The specification of materials used for repairs shall be the same as have been used in the

original work. Specifications for any materials which were not used during construction shall be

approved by engineer prior to commencement of the operation and maintenance period.

Without being limited by this clause, during O&M period the Contractor shall use appropriate

material for repairs even if material required for such repairs has not been approved earlier, and

no delay in making such repairs shall be subjected to such limitation. However, subsequent to

use of such material, the Contractor shall submit proposals for the approval of specifications of

such material.

Activities during O & M Period


Within the framework of the Contractor’s responsibilities, the Contractor shall carry out the

following activities. However, these shall not limit the requirement for other activities which

otherwise are required as per terms and conditions of Contract or to fulfill the Contractor’s

responsibilities or are essential as per good industrial practices. The Contractor shall be

responsible for, but not limited to, the following:

a) Providing the maintenance services for the system as directed by the

engineer in-charge.

b) Providing the required staff during operation and maintenance period.

c) Providing all required consumables required for functioning of plant and


d) Maintenance of instrumentation (all field instruments) & control system,

software, PCs, control room, radio telemetry system UPS, A.C. etc. and all other

works constructed in this Contract.

e) Entering into AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) contracts with

system/equipment suppliers, as necessary.

f) Periodic calibration check of all supplied instrumentation and controls

during the period of operation and maintenance.

g) Reporting;

• Repair history of all mechanical, electrical and instrumentation control equipment in

raw water and pure water pumping stations, WTP & water transmission mains;

• Every day input voltage and current, frequency, power factor, kWh meter readings

and kW reading for Substations at pure water Pumping Station, WTP.

• Daily log of operations of all the important instrumentation & equipment

• Daily start–stop operation of pumps with every hour readings for operating voltage,

amperage and power factor;

• Hourly readings of pressure, flow rate and integrated quantity of water;

• Hourly levels of sumps;

• Daily list of alarms with time tag;

• Logbook format and the data to be included in the logbook shall be decided in

consultation with department;

• Last periodic maintenance done for all equipment/buildings of the system;

a) Providing required spares and maintaining adequate inventory of required

accessories or equipment itself for repair of system so that all instrumentation and

control equipments, software and communication system can work efficiently for the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

proper functioning of System. Prior approval to the changes required to be carried

out during O&M shall be obtained by the contractor from the engineer. The required

changes shall be reported well in time. Necessary drawing and literature for any

changes shall be submitted to the employers representative. The Contractor shall be

solely responsible for the safety and security of the goods in the store and will be

responsible for any loss or damages in stores for any reason. He may opt for

insurance cover against the value of the goods to be stored without any additional

costs on the Department.

i) Periodic routine maintenance of structures/control room / chambers of each location

of WTPs, pumping station, ESRs etc and others built in the Contract. Such

maintenance must ensure adequate cleanliness, ventilation, illumination and

structural safety. In addition to this, the general hygienic standards must be


j) Providing transportation facilities between various locations for the maintenance


k) Submission of Daily report (Water audit / energy Audit / Water balance).

l) Co-ordination with other contractors and/ or agencies responsible for the execution,

operation and maintenance of other works of the system.

m) Insurance: The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employer’s obligations

and responsibilities, insure;

I. The work together with material and plant for incorporation therein, to the full

replacement cost (term “cost” in this context shall include profit).

II. The Contractor’s equipment and other things brought onto site by the Contractor, for

a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the site.

III. The insurance shall be in the joint names of the Contractor and the Employer at the

Contractor’s cost and shall cover the Employer and the Contractor against all losses

or damages from whatsoever cause arising from the start of the O&M until the date

of completion of O&M in respect of the facility or any section or part thereof as the

case may be.

IV. Any amount not insured or not recovered from the insurer shall be borne by the


WTPs, Pumping Stations Reservoirs’

(i) Operation of System as required, including provision of required manpower and services

for proper operation and monitoring of remote locations of WTPs, Water pumping stations

and Reservoirs’.

(ii) Periodic site calibration of all measuring/metering equipment and instrumentation

at every 6 months minimum or as recommended by the manufacturer.

(iii) Repair or replacement, as required, of damaged instrumentation and controls for proper

functioning of system.

(iv) Maintenance of the System including central server, software’s, PCs, UPS, A.Cs,

telemetry system etc.

(v) Routine maintenance of the field instruments as per recommendation of the manufacturer.

(vi) Routine monitoring of each remote location for damage / repair of any equipment / parts


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

and taking preventive measures as required

(vii) Keeping the hourly records of:

• Status of pumps of each pumping location

• Status of all water quality parameters of WTP

• Current

• Voltage

• Frequency

• Water level at suction reservoir/Sump

• Rate of flow

• pressure

• Keeping hourly / daily records of:

Total number of hours of operation

Total quantity pumped

Total energy(kWh) consumption

(x) Providing safety accessories such as gloves, shoes, first aid box etc.

(xi) Ensuring safety of plant and equipment.

(xii) Furnishing required information to Employer as and when required.

Spare parts & stores

All spare parts used for the equipment in the maintenance of the system must be from the

manufacturer of the equipment or, if the equipment itself has been made with parts from other

manufacturers, the parts must be of the same make as used in the equipment supplied and


All spare parts shall be packed for long storage under the climatic conditions prevailing at the

Site. Each spare part shall be labelled on the outside of its packing with its description, number

and purpose and, if more than one spare is packed in a single case, a general description of the

case contents shall be shown on the outside and a packing list enclosed. The cost of O & M

shall inclusive of spare parts during O & M contract period. The store inventory, the issuing and

recording of spare parts will be the responsibility of the Contractor.

The Contractor is also be responsible for providing spare parts and instrumentation required for

the Operation and Maintenance during the operation period, and shall bear the cost of the

same, including the cost of storing and safeguarding.

The Contractor will make all necessary arrangements to ensure the continuous supply of spare

parts and instrumentation for the works, and the rate of supply of these materials shall be in

such quantities and amount as would ensure uninterrupted operations.


On the date of Contract Completion or if the Contract is terminated, all the installations, works

and equipment's placed under the Contractor's responsibility shall be handed over to the

Employer, at no cost, in good working order, barring normal wear and tear. The Employer may

perform any inspections, tests from expert appraisals he shall find necessary with a view to

checking that this property is in good working order.

At the end of O&M period, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive an Operation &

Maintenance Completion Certificate within One Month of the Completion of the Contract.

The delivery of such Completion Certificate will relieve the Contractor from his responsibility as

regard to the Operation and Maintenance and confirm that the Contractor has fulfilled all of his


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

obligations under the Contract.

Documents to be provided by the Contractor (Operation Log book)

The Contractor shall keep a permanent record of plant in Operation (logbook).

This logbook shall be kept at the site and shall be presented on request to the Employer.

On a daily basis the following information shall be recorded in the logbook –

Result of analysis and tests conducted on site to determine the quality of raw and treated water

and treatment parameters,

Machinery Operation data, its operating parameters

Maintenance records, shut down record of each machinery & equipment

Readings from the different meters, indicators and recorders (Including but not limited to

consumption of energy and chemicals, volume of water treated, operating times of the different


Computer documents and tapes produced by monitoring and surveillance equipment, shall be

attached to the logbook.

Financial Provisions

No Advance shall be paid by the Employer.

Method of Payment

Employer will pay the Contractor for the Operation & Maintenance price on a Monthly basis, in

consideration of the satisfactory services given for the System.


The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer an invoice, for month with all

documents supporting its calculations for the preceding month along with monthly reports. The

invoice shall be submitted in the first week of the month.

The Employer shall notify in writing to the Contractor, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of

such invoice, about its acceptance or the grounds of disputing such invoice. The Employer will

arrange to pay to the Contractor all amounts, within Sixty (15) days from the date of


Penalties for Failure to achieve the Functional Guarantees

In case of failure to generate the desired report, liquidated damages shall be imposed for such

failure to meet the performance criteria or satisfactory service. The Employer will be entitled to

recover any such damages from the monthly progress payments to be made to the Contractor

in the month in which the failure occurred, or at any time thereafter from the subsequent

monthly progress payments. The penalty charges will be applicable Rs. 500 per location

per day.

Mode of Payment

The O & M Contract includes lump sum price per year for services, spares, consumables,

insurance, taxes & duties, royalties, license fees and other incidental costs.

The payment for the completed month will be measured and paid on pro rata basis.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Designing, providing, erecting, testing and commissioning of SCADA & Automation

system for Existing 65 and 25 MLD WTP including pure water pumping machinery at both WTP

at Mahan Village and complete ESR Management system of distribution network for Akola City

including all required Hardware, Software, Access fee for VSAT & GSM/GPRS , six years

comprehensive operation & Maintenance including man power required for satisfactory

operation of whole water supply scheme as given below & as per methodology &

detailed technical specifications with SCADA CONTROL ROOM

A) SCADA & Automation of Existing Water Treatment Plant 65 MLD at Mahan is to be

set-up at Existing WTP, Mahan and generally with following components.



1 Open channel type ultrasonic flow meter with FIT

Including TPI & MJP inspection

As per design


2 pH analyser as per IUPAC Including TPI & MJP


3 Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 Including

TPI & MJP inspection

4 PLC based alum mixing / PAC dosing Including TPI &

MJP inspection

5 Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked at each filter

bed Including TPI & MJP inspection

6 Multifunction meter interfacing to PLC panel Including

TPI & MJP inspection

7 Energy monitoring system interfacing to PLC panel

Including TPI & MJP inspection

8 PLC based control monitoring and communication

software as per IEC 61131

9 Power cables 2cx1 Sq.mm twisted shielded copper

amoured conductor Including TPI & MJP inspection


ISO/IEC 11801 std. cable


a) 6 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

b) 4 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

c) 9 Core 0.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

12 15 Core x0.5Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

13 Cable Trays

a) perforated GI tray 200x20mm x3 mm

b) perforated GI tray 80x20mm x3 mm

14 Pressure transmitter CE marked Including TPI & MJP


15 Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked for wash water

tank Including TPI & MJP inspection

16 Surveillance system:- CCTV IR Water proof camera

suitable for upto 100 Ft. with IR Dome camera

17 Flash mixer and clariflocculator mechanism Including

TPI & MJP inspection

18 Fully automatic gas chlorination system

19 Ultrasonic Insertion fixed type flow meter Including

TPI & MJP inspection

20 Remote Terminal Unit

B) SCADA & Automation of Existing Pure Water Pump House At 65 MLD WTP (250 H.P.

V.T. pumps- 5 Nos.) (3 working + 2 standbye) (Q- 900000 LPH, Head- 53 Meter) gener-

ally with following components.

B EXISTING Pure Water Pump House

1 Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked.

Including TPI & MJP inspection

As per design


2 Pressure transmitter CE Marked Including TPI &

MJP inspection

3 PH Transmitter as per IUPAC Including TPI &

MJP inspection

4 Residual chlorine analyser / meter Including TPI

& MJP inspection

5 Multifunction meter interfacing to PLC Panel

Including TPI & MJP inspection

6 Energy monitoring system interfacing to PLC

panel Including TPI & MJP inspection

7 PLC based control monitoring and

communication software as per IEC 51131

8 Surveillance system. :- CCTV IR Water proof


C) SCADA & Automation of Existing Water Treatment Plant 25 MLD at Mahan is to be

set-up at Existing WTP, Mahan and generally with following components.



1 Open channel type ultrasonic flow meter with FIT

Including TPI & MJP inspection As per design

requirement 2 pH analyser as per IUPAC Including TPI & MJP


3 Turbidity meter /analysiser as per ISO 7027 Including


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

TPI & MJP inspection

4 PLC based alum mixing / PAC dosing Including TPI &

MJP inspection

5 Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked at each filter

bed Including TPI & MJP inspection

6 Multifunction meter interfacing to PLC panel Including

TPI & MJP inspection

7 Energy monitoring system interfacing to PLC panel

Including TPI & MJP inspection

8 PLC based control monitoring and communication

software as per IEC 61131

9 Power cables 2cx1 Sq.mm twisted shielded copper

amoured conductor Including TPI & MJP inspection


ISO/IEC 11801 std. cable


a) 6 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

b) 4 Core 1.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

c) 9 Core 0.5 Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

12 15 Core x0.5Sq.mm copper armoured conductor

Including TPI & MJP inspection

13 Cable Trays

a) perforated GI tray 200x20mm x3 mm

b) perforated GI tray 80x20mm x3 mm

14 Pressure transmitter CE marked Including TPI & MJP


15 Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked for wash water

tank Including TPI & MJP inspection

16 Priming arrangements for 215 H.P. centrifugal pumps

Including TPI & MJP inspection

17 Surveillance system:- CCTV IR Water proof camera

suitable for upto 100 Ft. with IR Dome camera

18 Flash mixer and clariflocculator mechanism Including

TPI & MJP inspection

19 Fully automatic gas chlorination system

20 Ultrasonic Insertion fixed type flow meter Including TPI

& MJP inspection

21 Remote Terminal Unit

D) SCADA & Automation of Existing Pure Water Pump House At 25 MLD WTP (215 H.P.

C.F. pumps- 3 Sets.) (1 working + 2 standbye) (Q- 760000 LPH, Head- 47 Meter) gen-

erally with following components.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

D EXISTING Pure Water Pump House

1 Ultrasonic level transmitter CE marked. Including TPI & MJP


As per design


2 Pressure transmitter CE Marked Including TPI & MJP


3 PH Transmitter as per IUPAC Including TPI & MJP


4 Residual chlorine analyser / meter Including TPI & MJP


5 Multifunction meter interfacing to PLC Panel Including TPI &

MJP inspection

6 Energy monitoring system interfacing to PLC panel Including

TPI & MJP inspection

7 PLC based control monitoring and communication software

as per IEC 51131

8 Surveillance system. :- CCTV IR Water proof camera

E) Common Work for SCADA generally with following components.


1 Terminating & interfacing software design to


As per design


2 Developing / Programing Charges to install


3 Centralised Computer Station Including TPI &

MJP inspection

4 Secondary Computer station Including TPI &

MJP inspection

5 46" LCD monitor at conference room.

6 Laptop with programming software

7 Airconditioning unit 2 TR 5 star capacity split


8 SIM card

F) SCADA & Automation of ESR Management system generally with following compo-


F ESR Management system

1 Ultrasonic level Sensor/Meter with TPI & MJP


As per design


2 PLC based control monitoring and

communication Including TPI & MJP inspection

3 Photovoltaic solar panel with its charger

Including TPI & MJP inspection

4 Automatic flow control valve

a) Automatic Flow Control valve for inlet Of ESR

Including TPI & MJP inspection


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

i. 300 mm dia

ii. 400 mm dia

ii. 450 mm dia

iv. 500 mm dia

v. 600 mm dia

b) Automatic Fixed Flow Control valve for Outlet

Of ESR Including TPI & MJP inspection

i. 250 mm dia

ii. 400 mm dia

iii. 450 mm dia

iv. 500 mm dia

5 Cables

a) Power cable 2 C x 1 sq.rnm as per IS 694

Including TPI & MJP inspection

b) Communication cable CAT 6 as per ISOIIEC-

11801 Including TPI & MJP inspection

c) Signal cable

i) 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm. as per IS 694 copper

armoured conductor Including TPI & MJP


ii) 6 core x1.5 sq.mm. as per IS 694 copper

armoured conductor Including TPI & MJP


iii) 9C x 0.5 sq.mm as per IS 694 copper

armoured conductor Including TPI & MJP


iv) 15C x 0.5 sq.mm as per IS 694 copper

armoured conductor Including TPI & MJP


d) Cable tray

i) GI tray 80 x 20 mm x3 mm

ii) GI tray 200 x 20 mm x3 mm

6 Remote Terminal Unit

7 Air Management System Including TPI & MJP


8 SIM card

Additional Technical Specifications:-

A) SCADA Master control room is to be set-up at Existing WTP, Mahan and at

ESR site, Akola generally with following components




ESR site at Akola

1 PLC Panel with 10" HMI for WTP including

clarifier, filter bed and alum dosing operations

As per design



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

2 Remote I/O Panel for Alum Dosing and Pre-


3 Remote I/O Panel for Clarifier operations

4 Remote I/O panel for Filter bed 1 to 8

5 Run-Time SCADA License

6 Engineering Work Station Computers


8 Printer Laserjet A4 B/W

9 Ultrasonic Water level sensor for backwash

tank, wash water tank, pure water sump etc.,

10 Differential Pressure sensor for filter beds

11 Turbidity Meters, 3 (for Raw water, Settled water

& filtered water )

12 PH Sensor for ( Raw water )

13 PH Sensor (filtered water)

14 Residual Chlorine Sensor

15 Power Cables (Qty. required as per L.S. site


16 Signal Cables (Qty. required as per L.S. site

condition) (minimum qty.)

17 Instrumentation Cables (Qty. required as per

L.S. site condition) (minimum qty.)

18 VSAT Terminal

19 Development of the Logic for WTP

20 Automatic Alum Dosing System

21 Automatic chlorine dosing system

22 Air Conditioner 2T, 5 star rating

23 BSNL Telephone Line with Broadband Internet

24 SCADA Developer Software

25 SCADA Logic Development

26 GSM /GPRS Modem

27 LCD Monitor 40"

28 Laptop

B) SCADA control room at Pure water Pumping Station at 65 & 25 MLD WTP is to

be set-up and generally with following components

B Pure Water Pumping Station

1 PLC Panel with 10" HMI for 2NOS at Ruibhar

Pumps and actuators

As per design


2 Run-Time SCADA License

3 Engineering Work Station Computers


5 Printer Laserjet A4 B/W

6 Printer 132 Col Dot-Matrix


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

7 Ultrasonic Water level sensor

8 Pressure Transmitter

9 Electrical Parameter Monitoring System

10 Signal Cables (minimum qty.)

11 VSAT Terminal

12 Modifications to existing pump panels for

making it SCADA ready

13 Development of the Logic for PWPS

C) Automation for Reservoirs (ESR) is to be set-up and generally with following


C ESR Locations


GSM/GPRS Modem, with required PLC,

solar power battery backup arrangements to

suit the entire system for physical operations

( maximum 10 operations per day per valve

and hourly data transmission to central

SCADA server station remotely located at a

maximum diatance of 100 km., provision of

I/O's for transmission to central SCADA :

Anolog Input : Inlet pressure, upstream flow

rate, instantanious & cumulative flow,

ultrasonic level sensor to read ESR level.,

Digital input : Status of Inlet automatic control

valves, Digital Output : Control of Inlet Valve,

10 Nos (For controlling Inlet flow control

Valves of 10 ESR's ) RTU/Field Data


As per design


-: Detailed Specification of other Works :-

ITEM: C.I. Mechanical compression Flanged/Socket Tail Pieces –

Providing, installing and giving satisfactory field testing of C.I. mechanical compression

Flanged/ Socket Tail Pieces ( Popularly known as I-TM flanged / socket tail piece) suitable for

making flanged connection with the plain barrel of C.I. spun pipes (as per IS 1536/2001) and

D.I. pipes(AS per IS 8329/2000). The tail piece to be supplied complete with sealing rubber

gasket of S.B.R. cast iron follower glands and mild steel nut bolts . The whole assembly should

be mechanically and hydraulically tested as per provisions laid down in IS 1538/1993.

ITEM: C.I. Mechanical compression collar coupling:-

Providing and installing C.I. Mechanical compression collar coupling with all jointing material for

connection of automatic inlet and outlet valve of size as below :- (APPROX. 2 for each valve)



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ITEM: CANOPY - Providing and fitting M.S. Canopy fabricated from M.S. plate for housing

Ultrasonic insertion Flow meter installed on approach bridge including cutting, welding,

fabricting etc. complete. ( For enclosing sensors of Ultrasonic insertion type flowmeters installed

on Approach Bridge)

Providing and fitting M.S. Canopy fabricated from 4 mm thick M.S. plate for housing

Electromagnetic Flow meter including cutting, welding, fabricating etc. complete

ITEM: Excavation for Foundation - Excavation for Foundation/pipe trenches in earth soil of

all types, sand,graval and soft murum including removing the excavated material up to a

distance of 50mts. And lift 1.5 mtr. Stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering

preapring the bed for foundation and as per detailed specification.

ITEM: PANEL CABINET - Providing and fitting Panel Cabinet for fixing flowmeter transmitter

with proper locking arrangement with glass window on front door for seeing the readings of flow

transmitter and data logger without opening of the panel cabinet . It should house complete

ancillaries and including the provision for connection of electrical power supply from near by

appratus. The panel Cabinet Shall be pre wired & with suitable gland entries.M.S. Canopy

fabricated from M.S. plate for housing Electromagnetic Flow meter including cutting, welding,

fabricting etc. complete. ( For Ultrasonic insertion meters )

The contractor shall have to be provided M.S. Cupboard for installation of converter /

transmitter unit of flowmeter, printer, battery and battery charger unit. The minimum size

of the cupboard shall be 1.5m height x 1m width x 0.7m depth. However the contractor

shall have to provide the required size of the cupboard in order to accommodate the

above items. No extra payment shall be made if the contractor provides the larger size


The cupboard shall be fabricated from 14 gauge M.S. sheet by cutting, bending, drilling,

welding, cleaning, and derusting. The M.S. sheet shall be supported on angle frame

made of IAS : 25 x 25 x 3 mm from all the sides. The drawings of the cupboard shall be

got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge prior to the fabrication the suitable earthing

shall be provided to each flowmeter and cupboard.

The cupboard shall be coated by applying powder coated paint of approved shade.

The locking arrangement shall be provided with Godrej “Navtal Lock”. The necessary

hinges, handles etc. to the doors shall be provided by the contractor.

The panel Cabinet Shall be pre wired & with suitable gland entries.

ITEM: M.S. PIPES ( Barrel ) - Providing, lowering, laying, jointing and testing M.S. Pipes

(Barrel) for fabricating Hump before flowmeter as per standard specifications and approved

size & layout of flowmeter

1. SCOPE :

The thickness of M.S. plate required for fabrication of specials should be 6 mm thick. The

scope of special specifications shall cover the following works under the contract.

Conveyance of M.S. plates, structural steel, etc. from market to the contractors factory and

transporting back balance plates, cut plates, scrap etc. from factory to his stores, Fab-

ricating M.S. specials for the work and testing etc at the contractors factory and testing

the pipes.

Transporting of fabricated pipes, specials etc from contractor’s factory to laying site as di-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


The M.S. specials shall be manufactured from tested mild steel plates of thickness not less

than that of M.S. pipe shell conforming to IS 226-1962 and 2062-1962

Working drawing shall have to be prepared by the contractor taking into consideration the size

and length of the M.S. plates, flats, etc. The contractor shall have no claim by whatever

reason of sizes of material brought being different from those shown in the drawings.

3. AMC, Akola shall not supply any steel or structural steel to the contractor for his use for

preparing jigs, testing arrangements, platform, etc. in the factory or in the field. The con-

tractor shall have to make his own arrangements for procuring them at his own cost im-

mediately on receipt of work order and AMC, Akola shall not entertain any requests for

extension of completion period or compensation on increase in cost etc.


The main specials and appurtenances to be fabricated under this contract are as per require-

ment. The typical drawings for these are to be prepared by the contractor during exe-

cution and shall be got approved.

If possible the Engineer in charge shall give working drawing for the specials and appurte-

nances for fabrication thereof depending on the site conditions. The M.S. specials shall

be tested by officer deputed by AMC, Akola at contractors cost.


Fabrication of the various specials and appurtenances shall be measured and paid under the

relevant item in the schedule ‘B’ on weight basis. These item shall include the cost of

supply of all labour, material (unless otherwise stated) and machinery for fabricating

these specials and appurtenances as per specifications and shall include all cost of

conveying materials from factory and handling material within the fabrication yard,

stacking them, properly including painting of fabricated specials with red oxide paint

and covering coat of gray graphite paint in the yard and all other ancillary works in-

volved. Deduction for bolt holes shall not be made while computing weight payment.

The contractor shall maintain a register of all finished materials giving dates of carrying out

important operations such as testing, transport to site etc. the Engineer in charge shall

check the register every week.


Steel material supplied by the contractor shall be stacked in the contractor’s fabrication yard

under cover.

The contractor shall provide sufficient space for stacking steel materials in is yard and shall

not charge the department (AMC, Akola) any rental or any other charges for stacking

the material in his yard. The contractor shall provide watch and ward at his cost to

avoid any loss or damage. If any loss or damage is noticed, it shall exclusively be the

responsibility of the contractor who shall reimburse to the AMC, Akola the full value of

the material lost or damaged, including supervision charges as fixed by the Engineer in

charge. The Engineer in charge may levy penalty for loss/damage and his decision in

this respect shall be final and binding on the contractor.

WELDING JOINTS: Butt Joint & Lap Joint


Before aligning, assembling and welding, the pipe faces shall be cleared by scrapping with


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

wire brushes or by any other method approved by the Engineer. The work should be

carried out as per procedures and details given in following Indian Standards.

IS 186-1969

Code of practice for use of metal are welding for general constructing in mild steel.

IS 822-1970

Code of procedure for inspection of welds.

IS 10234-1984

Recommendations for General pipe line welding

Welders shall be experienced and approved by the Engineer in charge to do the welding at

the location welding shall not be allowed to be done by helpers. Contractor shall re-

move such of the welders from the job whose work is not found to be satisfactory. The

engineer may ask them to do test welding before approving their employment on the

job. In general qualification will be as pre para 6 of IS 10234 (1984)

The contractor shall keep record of the welding for each circumferential joint. It shall contain

the name of the welder, operator and date of completion of such run of internal and ex-

ternal welding.


M.S. pipes of diameter larger than 900 mm shall be welded with number of runs from inside

and a sealing run from outside. External sealing run shall be done only after internal

welding is completed. Before starting the external welding the weld material in the joint

shall be cleaned by chipping out loose scales. Gousing shall be done before rectifica-

tion of any welding wherever necessary and as directed by the Engineer.

Gousing or chipping shall not be paid for separately and the rate for welding shall be deemed

to include the cost of gousing.


Welding electrodes to be used for welding in this contract shall conform to the Indian Standard

Specifications I 814 (Part II) latest (Specifications for covered electrodes for metal arc

welding of mild steel)

The contractor shall use standard electrodes depending on the thickness of the plates to be

welded and the type of joint. The contractor shall also use standard current and A.C.

voltage required for the machine as per manufacturer’s directions.


Types and design will be as per IS 816-89

The circumferential joints of the pipes shall be but welded with required number of runs exter-

nally and internally pipes below 900 m dia. shall be welded only externally


All parts of pipes, specials etc. having all loose scale, slag, rust, paint and any other foreign

material shall be removed with wire brush and left clean and dry. All scale and slag

shall be removed from each run of weld when that run is completed.

Opening in the form of Manholes in the laid pipe line at suitable distance are used as access

for the work of cleaning repairs etc. such manholes, as far as possible shall be provid-

ed on sides of the pipe line and cutting manholes at the crown shall be strictly avoided.

Patch plates for plugging the above manholes shall be cut from a separate pipe of the same

diameter. Edges of the patch place shall be properly shape and shall be inserted in the

opening leaving a gap of 3 to 4 mm and tacked. Welding of patch shall be done in

segments in a proper sequence conforming to Indian Standard Specifications I 623


Welded joints shall be tested in accordance with procedure laid down in different Indian

Standard Specifications


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Each and every welding work should be inspected visually and record of this should be kept. It

should be checked that i) Welding is free from blow holes ii) exposed porosity iii) un-

filled crate iv) infused weld v) surface cracks vi) profile defects, dispersions etc. In this

respect guidelines given in para Is 822 (1970) will be followed.


At least test specimen shall be taken out for testing for every fifty field joints done. The number

of specimens required to be tested for different test will be as per table 4 of IS 10234

(1982) the testing shall be got done from govt. laboratory approved by Engineer.


The procedure will be as specified in Is 10234 (1982) para 5.6.2 if IS 10234-1982

12.2.2 BEND TEST:

It will be in accordance with para 5.6.3 to IS 10234 (1982)


Defects except crack in root bead, filler beads and finishing passes may be repaired. Similarly

injurious defect shall be entirely removed to clean metal. All slag and scales should be



If the test specimen fails in either tensile or bend test or in both, then repairing work, gousing,

re-welding should be done by expert welder to the full satisfaction of the Engineer. At

this all the factors such as electrode, current, voltage etc. should be specially con-

trolled. Then two additional test specimens should be taken and retested. If the results

are satisfactory then additional sample from the joint from which original sample was

taken and had failed, should be tested. If results are satisfactory then there will be no

problems. If results are not satisfactory procedures will be repeated. Welder who has

done the welding of the joint that has failed, shall be solely held responsible for bad

workmanship and should be warned or removed. If welded joints done by him fail sec-

ond time then he shall be removed from the job.


It will be paid in linear meter of welding done including required number of runs. It will be paid

in relevant items of welding butt joints or lap joints. The rate includes all labour, materi-

al, preliminaries, visual mechanical testing of the sample, repairing, retesting etc. Pay-

ment will be made after getting satisfactory test, sample result, however 10% of the

amount under this item will be withheld till satisfactory hydraulic testing is given.


This item shall be executed for use of cut pipes in required length only when directed by Engi-

neer in charge and after obtaining the permission from him. The burn left after cutting

should be trimmed off by light grinding of by filling method. The chamfering of pipe

shall confirm to IS 12288-1987.

The chamfering shall be suitable for push on joints/mechanical joint without damaging the rub-

ber gasket. The pipe after chamfering should be so smooth that enables to pushed in

gasket for push on jointing. This item includes cost of all labour and tools required for

executing the complete item.



In course of work the contractor may be required to carry out work of gas cutting the plates,

pipes sections of various thickness. If the cutting work involved is not covered in the

fabrication items in the bill of quantities, it shall be paid separately. The cut shall be ‘V’

or square as directed by the Engineer. After cutting, the edges shall be made smooth


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

(even by use of grinders pneumatic/electrical) During cutting, it shall lbe ensured that

the shape of the material cut is not deformed.


The payment, as entitled, shall be on running matter basis as per separate item under the bill

of quantities. The items shall include aligning, holding in position the articles to be cut,

cost of oxyacetylene gas, labour for cutting, champhering for forming ‘V’ square cuts.

This item includes:

1. Cost of labour, material use of tools, plant and tackled and other essentials to complete

the work satisfactorily.

2. Supply (as per condition of agreement) conveying cleaning, cutting, bending, binding

with (1.63 mm or 1.22 mm diameter) 16 to 18 gauge wire or spot welding and placing re-

inforcement in position and maintaining it clean and position till the concrete is laid.


1. After the work of laying pipe line is completed and before it is commissioned, and pipe

line shall be tested in the field both for its strength, and leakage in the following manner

(As per I.S. 5822-86 Para 10)

2. The pipeline laid length will be divided into sections specified by Engineer in charge.

The contractor shall recheck pipe and valve for cleanliness and shall recheck operations

of the valves. The open ends of the pipe line (or section thereof) shall normally be

stopped off by the blank flanges or caps ends additionally secured where necessary by

temporary thrust and edges. All anchor and thrust blocks must have been completed

and all pipe straps and other devices intended to prevent movement of pipe must have

been securely fastened. The contractor shall clean out the whole pipe line and flush it

with water, so as to remove dust, dirt and any foreign matter laying in the pipeline. No

separate payment for the work of cleaning will be made and the rates under various

items of work include the cost thereof.

3. Each valves section of the pipe line shall be subjected to hydraulic test in section. For

this test, the pipe shall be slowly filled with clean water by opening cross connection with

the existing mains or otherwise by pumping water into the lines (water and pumping ar-

rangement is to be arranged by contractor) as directed and all air shall be expelled from

the pipe line through hydrants, air valves, and blew off fixed on the pipe line. Once the

pipe is full, the cross connection or pumping shall be closed the pipe line. Once the

pipeline should then be raised in stages and built up and maintained by means of suita-

ble approved pumps, to the specified test pressure based on the elevation of the lowest

point on the line or section under test.

4. Field test pressure has to be maximum of the following.

4.1 1 1/2 times the maximum sustained operating pressure.

4.2 Maximum sustained operating pressure plus max surge pressure.

4.3 1 ½ times the maximum pipe line static pressure/

4.4 Maximum static + surge pressure.

5. Before starting the pressure test, the expansion joint shall be tightened. The test pres-

sure shall be maintained for at least 24 hours. The above said test pressure shall not be

dropped within a period of 2 hours after the full test pressure is built up. Under this pres-

sure no leak or sweating shall be visible at the welded joints. During the test, the pipe

shall be struck sharp blows with 1.5 kg. Hammer. Water shall not spout, boze or sweat

through any part. In case of any leak observed anywhere in the filed joints whether

welded or bolted, the same shall be repaired entirely at the contractor cost which shall


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

included repairs to welding and reoutcoating etc. The repaired joint shall be subjected to

retest. No section shall be accepted unless it is perfectly water tight.

6. The entire cost of testing, retesting, including cost of water taken shall be paid under

relevant item of schedule ‘B’ The contractor shall make all the arrangements for all la-

bour, pumps, pressure gauge, equipment etc. The gauge should be got tested if insisted

by the Engineer in charge. The contractor shall arrange for labor required for operating

air valve, scour valves etc.

7. The hydraulic testing of the water main will be carried out for entire length as directed by

Engineer in charge. If any leakages are observed even during defects liability period

due to defective workmanship, the same shall be rectified immediately. Repairs on like

water mains are to be carried out immediately to avoid wastage of water and other prob-

lems such as disruption of water supply and traffic etc.

8. The payment of testing at rates quoted in schedule ‘B’ is admissible if entire pipe line is

separately tested in sections.

9. Generally the contractor shall be required to test the pipe line sections of 300 m using

necessary equipment. However, if the Engineer in charge directs to test full pipe line

length in further suitable sections in the interest of the work, the tender will have to carry

out the test in such sections as directed by Engineer in charge.

10 Quality of steel:

The pipes shall be manufactured from tested mild steel of 6.4 mm thick plate conforming

to IS 226-1962 or IS - 2062 - 1962. The manufacturers test certificate regarding

chemical analysis and physical tests for the steel plates shall be supplied by the

contractor. Steel plates shall be procured by the contractor from the reputed

manufactures only.

11 Fabrication of steel shell:

12 Cutting:The plates shall be cut to the exact dimensions required for bending. The cutting

shall be done by machine sharing or by gas, the latter type to be adopted only, if

specifically approved by the Engineer in charge.

The plates, after being cut, shall have their edges machined to confirm to the shapes,

angles etc. and to the specified welding requirements. In case of plates cut by gas, such

portion of the metal next to the cut as may be approved or directed by the Engineer shall

be removed by the machining.

All edges of plates to be welded in the shops shall be machined to take a single ‘V’ butt

joints with leveled at the roof. Welding of pieces shall conform to relevant IS and as

directed specifically by the Engineer in charge. Since the pipes and specials are to be

joined in the field by welding, the edge of the lap shall be machined at an angle of 45 on

the outside.


The plates shall be bent cold. The plates shall be bent with maximum possible width so

as to have minimum number of circumferential joints and in any case not more than

three joints in a section of 6 m length will permitted. The pipes/specials shall have only

longitudinal weld duly staggered. The tenderer shall comply with the directions that the

Engineer in charge may issue regarding the minimum or maximum length of pipe (which

shall be from 4 m to 6 meters in length) that may be welded in the shop.


All welding shall be done by submerged electric arc process. All welding work in shop

shall be done by specifically qualified welders. The work of each welder shall be tested

thoroughly by individual identification mark. Welders whose work is found defect shall


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

not be allowed to work on the job.

If the test pieces are found unsatisfactory, the welder concerned shall not be permitted

to weld any more pipes.

The defects, if any shall be set right to the satisfaction of the Engineer, all such check

tests and rectifications of defects shall be entirely at the cost of contractor.

All welding shall be done by a method which will exclude the atmosphere from the

molten metal. The surface to be welded shall be clean and free from paint, scales, rust

and other foreign matter.

Each layer of the weld metal shall be thoroughly cleaned, and if necessary shall be

peened while not before the succeeding layer is laid. Any portion or joint found defective

shall be cut out, rewelded and tested again. Only those shells whose points are found to

be perfect on testing shall be accepted.

All welding work shall be generally in accordance with the ISI The longitudinal joint in

continuous plates or pipes shall be staggered.

Welding rods shall be selected with due regard to the quality of steel plates. The

selection of theses rods shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure that

the welds satisfy all the tests prescribed in these specifications. All welds shall be

ground smooth so as to be substantially flush with the plate surface at the junction of the

weld and the plates to leave a smooth surface of the weld.

ITEM: M.S. FLANGES - Providing, fabricating, erecting, M.S. Flanges sleepon type of required

size and thickness with both side machined as per detailed specification and approved layout of

flowmeters & size mentioned by the department.



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




-: SUB WORK NO. - 2 :-


ITEM NO 1 :- Glandless sluice valves-PN-1.00 :-

This job includes, Providing, erecting, commissioning and testing of C.I.

glandless sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 10 kg/cm2 (PN 1 rating) with

non rising spindle, hand wheel, cap etc. and manufactured as per I.S. 2906/14846.

Valve shall be suitable for operation with valve actuator and suitable to operate

with SCADA and Automation system etc as below.

A) For 65 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

1 No i) 1000 mm size at inlet of WTP with MJP & TPI inspection (for

inlet of 65 MLD W.T.P.)

8 Nos ii) 450 mm dia. filter drain with TPI & MJP inspection :-

40 Nos iii) 350 mm size with TPI & MJP inspection :-

(For filter beds - 32 nos + for settle water channel inlet - 8 Nos)

2 Nos vi) 300 mm size :-

(clarifier drain)

20 Nos v) 150 mm size :-

(16 Nos for filter bed air wash and 2 Nos for air blower and 2 Nos for

W.W. pump delivery)

B) For 25 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

1 No i) 700 mm size at inlet of WTP with TPI and MJP inspection (for

inlet of 25 MLD W.T.P.)

ii) 400 mm size wit TPI and MJP inspection :-

4 Nos (for filter drain)

iii) 350 mm size with TPI and MJP inspection:-

4 Nos (for settel water channel inlet)

iv) 125/150 mm size :-

10 Nos (8 Nos for filter beds and 2 Nos for W.W. pump delivery)

v) 100 mm size :-

2 Nos (For air blower delivery)

C) Modification of existing sluice valves of both W.T.P. as below :-


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Some sluice valves of WTP are new. These valves are manually operated Jupiter

Make. As these valves are new, it is necessary to Modify these valves suitable to operate

with valve actuator. Therefore it is responsibility of contractor to modify such valves.

The work includes :-

Removing of existing sluice valve as mentioned in schedule B from site, transporting it to

workshop, modification in existing manually operated sluice valve to suit automatic operation

with valve actuator including replacement of all necessary parts such as Spindle & Yoke with

Mounting Base etc., transporting of valve from workshop to site and fitting with satisfactory test

& trial with valve actuator including TPI & MJP inspection etc complete.

The above valve and actuator shall be suitable to operate with SCADA and Automation


ITEM NO 2 :- Valve Actuator for above Glandless sluice valves :-

This job includes, Providing, erecting, comissioning & testing of electric Valve

actuators totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP-67,

protection class suitable for installation in any position without lubrication, leakage

or other operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and hand wheel for

emergency manual operation which will automatically dis-engage on restoration of

power to motor and with 10 watt single phase space heater and contineous local

mechanical position indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and

with two torque and four limit switches with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven

cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirell

cage induction motor working on 440 Volts +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC of intermittent

duty rating S-2, insulation class "F" and temp rise restricted to class "B" with IP - 67

protection class suitable for DOL starting and with three thermostat and 30 % over loAs

margin. The torque rating of reduction gear box shall be atleast 1.5 times max. torque

required for opening and closing of valve with TPI and MJP inspection etc. as below

and as per detailed specifications.

Electric Valve Actuator for above non rising spindle type sluice valve, PN 1 with

integral starter must be suitable for SCADA and Autometion operation system,

with T.P.I and MJP inspection etc. complete as below :-

i) 1000 mm dia - 1 No

ii) 700 mm dia - 1 No

iii) 350 mm dia - 48 Nos

iv) 300 mm dia - 12 Nos

v) 250 mm dia - 4 Nos

vi) 150 mm dia - 20 Nos

vii) 125 mm dia - 10 Nos

viii) 100/ 125 mm dia - 2 Nos

ITEM NO 3 :- R.D.O.L. Starter for above valve Actuators :-

This job includes,Supplying and erecting RDOL starter upto 7.5 H.P. to operate

squirrel cage induction motor with suitabke capacity isolator MCB and other required

accessories, working on 380- 440 Volt, 3 phase, 50 Hz with no volt coil and over load

element with necessary material and connected to supply, etc complete. Starter with

original sheet steel encloser for above valve actuators and suitable to operate for

SCADA & Autometion etc complete for local operation.

All starters shall be mounted on angle iron frame in decent manner. wiring from


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

suitable gauge copper wire shall be carried out in PVC conduit only. Minimum two

separate earthing shall be provided to each starter. Angle iron frame shall be grouted

on wall with all material and labour charges as directed by the engineer-in-charge

(Mech.). Power supply from M.C.C.B. installed in main panel shall be taken through

suitable size armoured cable.

ITEM NO 4 :- FASD Starter for above Actuators:-

This job includes,Supplying & erecting 10 to 12.50 H.P. FASD Starter with

suitabke capacity isolator MCB and other required accessories, for valve actuators of

1000 & 700 mm sluice valve with original enclosure and suitable to operate for SCADA

& Autometion etc complete as per detailed specifications.

All starters shall be mounted on angle iron frame in decent manner. wiring from

suitable gauge copper wire shall be carried out in PVC conduit only. Minimum two

separate earthing shall be provided to each starter. Angle iron frame shall be grouted

on wall with all material and labour charges as directed by the engineer-in-charge

(Mech.). Power supply from M.C.C.B. installed in main panel shall be taken through

suitable size armoured cable.

ITEM NO 5 :- Armoured cable :-

This job includes,providing, laying, jointing and testing 3 core and minimum

2.5 sq mm copper armoured PVC cable to give electric supply to above starters of

valve actuators from M.C.C.B's installed in main panel with proper earth wire with

lugs,gland, running earth etc including TPI and MJP Inspection.

All specifications should be as mentioned in item No.5 of Sub Work no.03

ITEM NO 6 :- Dismentling of valves :-

This job includes, Complete dismantling of existing sluice valves of 65

MLD & 25 MLD WTP for fixing of above new valves etc as below. :-

Butterfly valve 1000 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 700 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 450 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 400 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 350 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 300 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 225 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 150 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 125/150 mm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

Sluice valve 100 mmmm dia - Qty. as mentioned in schedule 'B'

ITEM NO 7 :- M.S. Specials :-

This job includes,Fabrication, providing, erecting and testing of M.S. Specials

double flanged for fixing of new valves and for any other purpose of suitable

thickness etc including all jointing material such as rubber sheet, Nutbolts, washers etc.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

including painting.

ITEM NO 8 :- Earthing :-

Earthing for WTP (Grounding System) including G.I. strip for earthing :-

General :-

This job includes,The grounding system (earthing) for complete

electrical installation in each pump house shall be carried out in accordance, with latest

I.E. Rules, as specified in IS & as per instructions of Electrical Inspector & Engineer-in-

charge. It will be the responsibility of contractor to provide complete & effective

grounding system to meet the requirement of the electrical regulations at each pumping

station of each sub work.

The combined earth resistance in the sub stations shall not exceed 2

ohms. The minimum number of earthing shall be provided in elect. Sub station & for

L.T. panel board / motors / starters in pump house as per I.E. Rules & as per instructions

of Electrical Inspector & M.S.E.D.C.Ltd, authority are as mentioned in Schedule ‘B’ of

both sub work. Separate earthing shall be connected to respective earth bus. All joints

shall be in nut bolts & in addition shall be brazed to live no loose gap. A disconnecting

link shall be provided at each earth pit for disconnection & measuring earth electrode


a) Earth Electrodes :-

Galvanized cast iron earth plate size 60 x 60 x 0.60 cm buried in specially

prepared earth pit, so as to keep top of earth plate 1.5 m below ground level with 40 Kg.

each charcoal & salt with alternate layers of charcoal & salt with 19mm dia G.I. pipe with

funnel with a wire mesh for watering & bricks masonry block, C.I. cover complete as per

para 9 of IS 3043 of 1987 with necessary length of G.I. strip of size 32 x 6mm bolted

with lugs to the plates & covered in suitable dia min. 40mm G.I. pipe 2.50m long

complete connected to the nearest switch gears with end sockets as per direction & duly

tested by earth tester & recording the result to get effective earth result black soil shall

be filled in each pit with no extra cost.

Distance of minimum 2.50 m shall be maintained between earth pits & all

earths pits shall be interconnected by G.I. strip.

ITEM NO 9 :- G.I. Strip for Earthing :-

This job includes, Providing & erecting G.I. strip of size50 x 6 mm for earthing at both WTP.All

earth wires & earth continuity conductor shall be of G.I. flats of appropriate sizes minimum 50

x 6mm for providing double earthing to all switch gears, L.T. panel, starter & motors etc in WTP

/ pump house from main earthing pit & for interconnection of all earthing pit with necessary G.I.

clamps fixed on wall / floor etc painted with bitominous paint in an approved manner & as

directed by Electrical Inspector. Interconnections of earth continuity main conductors & branch

earth wires / flats shall be brazed properly ensuring permanent & proper good electrical

connections. The earth leads run on structure shall be securely bolted. Neutral earth leads

shall be run on separate supports without toughing the body of the transformer. Earth

conductor shall be protected against mechanical damage & possible corrosion particularly at

the junction points of earth electrodes & earth wires inter connections.

The minimum size of conductor shall be 50 mm x 6mm. All ancillary electrical

equipment & instruments shall also be effectively earthed.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Each earth pit shall be constructed in brick masonary block. Required quantity

of salt, charcoal & black soil shall be provided. Each earth pit shall have funnel

arrangement for watering & C.I. frame & cover

ITEM NO 10 :- RCC/PCC work :-

This job includes, Providing RCC / PCC supports for pipes, valves and for any

other purpose in all types strata, form work, curing, plastering etc. in M-150 etc with all

material and labour charges etc. complete.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work:- Providing, erecting, commissioning & testing of W.L.V.T. pump

set & Replacement of Valves of pumps at 65 MLD WTP with allied works at Mahan.

-: SUB WORK NO. - 3 :-



A existing 65 MLD W.T.P. of Akola W.S.S. at Mahan is planned to lift pure water from

WTP sump to existing B.P.T. of Akola water supply scheme.

The existing 65 M.L.D. W.T.P. and Pump House is situated near Mahan Village. At

present 5 Nos. V.T. pumps of 250 H.P. ( 3 working + 2 standbye) are in working condition to lift

pure water from 65 MLD WTP pure water sump.

Now it is proposed to remove one old pump, necessary repairing of sump floor, cleaning

etc. as directed and to install new 250 HP V.T. pumps at 65 MLD WTP.


The pure water sump of 65 MLD WTP of Akola W.S.S. with pure water pump house

accommodating above pumps is situated near Mahan Village at a distance of approx 32 to 35

Km from Akola city on Akola to Mangrulpir road and connected with approachable road.


At present, at W.T.P. electric supply is available on site. Therefore contractor will have

to make his own temporary arrangements for power required for erection or lighting purpose at



The Contract shall include designing, manufacturing, testing at works (If applicable)

packing and transportation, providing delivery at site, unloading, storing, complete erection,

setting to work, commissioning, testing and rectification of defects during trials, of the items

mentioned in Schedule “B”.

It is the intent of the specifications that when completed, the system shall be suitable in

every respect for the service intended and the contractor shall at no extra cost supply all the

material and do all the work which may be reasonably implied as being incidental to the work.


The tenderer shall furnish the technical information. Following drawings & information

shall be furnished separately.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

i) Characteristic curve of pump for solo operation, over entire range from shut off to cut off

head, indicating variation of head, efficiency, NPSH and power requirement against dis-


ii) Also total length of complete pumpset and minimum submersible required for best per-

formance of pump shall be submitted from manufactures of pump

iii) Details of other equipments to elaborate the technical aspects of equipment offered.


Shop drawings shall be submitted by the successful tenderer to the Engineer as called

for in the specifications, including but not restricted to working drawings for mechanical

equipments, electrical work, wiring diagrams, cable arrangement and drawings for other work

for which the Engineer’s approval is required. Drawings of all components shall have to be got

approved from Engineer-in-Charge (Mech.)

Note:- All Structural steel/ Iron works required for this sub work shall be provided with

Zinc coating / Galvanization with no extra cost.



The specifications mentioned under this section cover the design, performance,

manufacture, constructional features, delivery, erection and testing etc. of Kirloskar make

vertical turbine pumps conforming to I.S. 1710-1971 to be supplied under this contract.

Note:- As existing all VT pumps are of kirloskar make.Therefore only Kirloskar

make pump will be acceptable having similar technical specifications.

The performance, construction and duty conditions of pump shall be conforming to the

specifications detailed out in data sheet below.


a) No of Pumps : 1 No

b) Type : Vertical Turbine Pump. Water


c) Make and Model : Kirloskar Make / Model - BHR42-300

/single stage.

d) Operation : Three sets in Parallel

(One new + two existing)

e) No. of stages : 1 stage.

f) Type of impeller : Enclosed Type

g) Speed of Pump : Nominal speed 1470 RPM

h) Type of Drive : Vertical Hollow shaft Electric Motor.

i) Duty Point :-

i) Discharge : Minimum 9,00,000LPH ( with one pump)

at duty point.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ii) Duty Point head : 53 M (Excluding entrance & col.pipe


iii) Head Range : 40 M to 59 M (Minimum)

iv) Shut of head : 62 M (Minimum)

v) Bowl efficiency at : 81% (minimum) & should maintained

duty point. at least for 3 years


1 Pump bowls,discharge : CI coforming to IS 210 FG-260

Case, suction case,


2 Discharge head. : Cast iron I.S.-210 as per relevant I.S.

3 Impellers : CF8M ( ASTM – A 351/ 351 M- CF8M)

4 Wearing rings/ casing : Bronze / CF8M / S.S.410 / BR BSEN –

rings 1982 – CC 480 k (BS 1400 – CT1)

(Note – Design of SE(M) will be final

regarding M.O.C.)

5 Impeller shaft /Head shaft : Stainless Steel AISI 410

6 Line shaft : Stainless Steel AISI 410

7 Line shaft sleeve and all : Stainless Steel AISI 410


8 Line shaft bearing : Cutless rubber bearings with grooves for


9 Column Pipes (Flanged) : I) Upto 8” – Steel – I.S.1978 ERW

ii) Above 8” – Steel – I.S. : 2062

10 Column Flange. : M.S.Conforming to relevant I.S.

11 Strainer : C.I.or Galvanised mild Steel.

12 All fasteners upto : Stainless steel AISI 410

discharge head

13 Sole plate : M.S.

14 P.L. Tank 200 Litr capacity “Sintex” make

k Important special Note :-

1) In order to avoid bare metal casing from getting oxidized and to reduce the

relative surface roughness of the pump casing, Hydrophobic Coating of

thickness 1 mm DFT with properties of good erosion & corrosion protection

including protection against cathodic action shall be applied on casing internal

surface coming in contact with water. The coating applied should be suitable for

potable water application and certified by Authorized National Lab.

2) With a view to address present as well as future cost of energy and in order to

reduce post installation cost (Operating /Energy cost, replacement/Wear part

cost, Maintenance & repair cost) the Pump manufacturer to follow the Gide lines

of "Hydraulic Institute" for Low life cycle Costs.

3) It is responsibility of contractor the erection should be carried out in presence

of manufactures representative only.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

4) It is responsibility of contractor to connect delivery of each pump to existing

delivery pipe line with all material and labour charges with no extra cost. The

contractor shall confirm the delivery flange size of the pump to suit the existing

delivery piping at site.


1 Column Pipe dia (Flanged) : 400mm (minimum) in 1.5 M length +

adjustable pieces of 1m/0.5 m length as

per requirement.

2 Column pipe thickness : 8.00 mm(minimum)

3 Bell mouth dia 450 (minimum)

4 Column pipe length : 6 Meter with each pump (in pieces of

(excluding bowl assembly) 1.5 m Length + 1 or 2 adjustment

column pipes of required length)

column pipes not installed shall be

returned to pradhikaran.

5 Line Shaft length : As above

6 Line shaft dia : 60 mm (minimum)

7 Sole Plate : 28mm(Minimum) Original from pump


Contractor has to design and propose the only Kirloskar Make pump on the basis of

above data. The pumps will feed the water in B.P.T.

The pump shall be capable of operating in the range of head mentioned above i.e.

40 to 59 m without being overloaded at any point of operation and keeping a margin of

atleast 15% of the power in the motor of pump at duty point and entire head range. The

pump shall be capable of starting against close valve without overloading of prime mover.

The pump characteristics shall be such that the efficiency is fairly constant for the water

level variations.

The pump characteristics should be stable in nature in the entire range of operation.

Power requirement at shut off should not exceed the power required at duty point.

The pumps speed shall not exceed 1500 rpm (synchronous)

The pumps shall be of continuous rating i.e. suitable for continuous operation for long

period without interruption.

The pump shall be suitable for solo & parallel operation.


For all purpose whatever total head or design head is mentioned, it means, static head

plus frictional losses in rising main and valves. Under this contract losses do not include

losses at exit and losses in entry in bowl assembly, In column assembly, in discharge

head etc whatsoever.


The pump shall be vertical spindle suspended and non-pull out, water lubricated type

conforming to IS 1710-1989. However the pumps shall comprise of strainer, bell mouth, bowl

assembly, line shaft. Line shaft coupling, column pipes, line shaft bearings, discharge head,


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

stuffing box, air vent with pipe and valve, pre lubrication arrangement with tank, pressure

gauge, base frame, sole plate, motor stool etc complete.

Also it is essential to provide top shaft coupling in discharge head by providing

necessary stool to fascilite removing of motor without lifting. In no case top shaft

coupling shall be provided in column pipe. Therefore it is essential to provide such

arrangement that top shaft can be dismantled easily without lifting of motor.


The pump bowls shall be flanged with machined matching faces. Each bowl shall be

flange jointed to the next one and to the discharge nozzle or suction nozzle. Bowl wearing ring

shall be of replaceable type. The casing shall be provided with water lubricated bearing. The

casting of bowl shall be free from blowholes, sand holes and other detrimental defects.


A cast iron bell mouth of minimum dia mentioned as above shall be fitted to reduce inlet

velocity to 1.5 m/sec. (maximum). The suction strainer shall be of GI or C.I. and sufficiently

strong to stand the suction pressure. Area of opening shall not be less than 2½ times bell

mouth area.


Impeller shall be of closed type, of material as mentioned above and shall be cast in

one piece and balanced both statically and dynamically and securely fixed to the stainless steel

shaft to assure accurate adjustment of each impeller. The interior surface and passage shall

be smoothly finished to obtain the highest efficiency and shall be designed to insure smooth

operation from any cavitation or vibrations. Balancing holes/devices will not be accepted for

balancing the hydraulic thrust. The pump clearance (i.e. impellers) should be adjustable from

the top at discharge head or motor. There should be a sufficient vertical clearance between the

bowl and impeller to accommodate the line shaft elongation due to water thrust while in



Wearing rings shall be renewable type. These shall be held in place by screwing against

rotation, press fit or locked with pins, flanged and screwed. The wearing rings shall be provided

on both impeller as well as casing.


The shaft shall be of stainless steel and finished to the close tolerance at the

impeller/bearing fixing sizes.

The design of the shaft shall also take in to consideration the critical speed of the shaft,

which shall be at least 20% above/below the operating speed.

The shaft shall be properly balanced so as not to cause any vibrations during operation.

The pump shaft bearings i.e. bush bearing would be bronze/water lubricated Extra long

bearings shall be provided for suction and discharge bowls.


The discharge case shall have bye pass ports to permit to escape water that leaks


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

through the seal or bushing.

The bowl assembly shall bear a name plate giving the following data :

Name of manufacture :-

Serial Number/year of manufacture :-

Type :-

Type and material of impeller :-

Head in meters :-

Discharge in LPH/LPS :-

K.W.rating :-

Speed. :-


The line shaft shall be solid circular section, prepared from stainless steel machined and

ground thoroughly coupled with screwed couplings of 1.5 m length and will be designed to take

all types of loads such as torsion, tensile and dynamic etc. The diameter of the line shaft shall

not be less than diameter mentioned above and as per IS. the shaft sections shall provided

with non-corrosive and abrasion resisting wearing surface particularly at the location of each

guide bearing.


The line shaft coupling of stainless steel conforming to IS: 1030:1982 and accurately

threaded from inside. Shaft coupling shall be designed with a minimum factor of safety of one

and half times the factor of safety and shall have left hand or right hand threads depending on

the direction of rotation of the pump to tighten during the pump operation. The out side

diameter of couplings shall be concentric with the bore and with a small transverse hole in the



These shall be designed to be lubricated by the pumped water and shall be placed in

bearing holders located in position at the joint of columns. Line shaft bearing shall be of cut

less hard rubber designed for efficient water lubrication composite design of line shaft material

and it’s diameters and bearings centers shall insures that the entire rotating assembly is

brought from standstill to full speed without any vibrations.


The column pipe shall be of M.S.ERW / fabricated having minimum thickness 8mm as

per relevant IS heavy duty with both ends flanges, machined in surface & edges & spigoted to

facilitate the alignment . The flanges shall be stress relieved after welding to the column pipe.

The length of column pipe shall be of 1.5m each. The adjustment column pipe less than

1.5m length, requirement for total suspension length will have to be supplied by original

manufacturer as per site condition. Total column assembly length should be worked out by

actual measurement at site, considering length of bowl assembly, strainer etc. Which may be

more or less than the estimated quantity. The balance column pipe not installed shall be

handed over to department.

The clearance between strainer and bottom of jack well also suction bells nearing walls

should be such that vortex free operation is obtained. Any chage in this clearance if required


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

other than the specified in the I.S. shall be clearly mentioned in the offer with reasoning there




Major rotating components of the pumps like impellers etc shall individually balance.


In addition to static balancing, impellers and pumps rotating assembly shall be

dynamically balanced for rated speed of rotation and as specified in relevant IS/ISO.

Necessary test certificates shall be furnished by the vendor for purchasers approval.


This shall be of CI full diameter flanged at all ends. It shall incorporate full diameter

elbow, mounting flange of motor (VHS motor) stuffing box with renewable gland packing and

tapping for pressure gauge air vent pipe and pre-lubrication arrangement. Flanged surfaces

and ends shall be machined. The same shall be fabricated out of MS in smooth 900 bend so

as to have minimum head loss in it. The discharge head shall be robust constructions and shall

be designed to support entire load of pump assembly, water column and motor etc and shall

withstand all static and dynamic torsion loads, hydraulic thrust imposed conditions and during

operation from shutoff to stipulated operating thrust due to change in direction of flow, without

any vibrations. The discharge head shall bear name plate with the following information.

Name of manufacture

Serial Number



Spped ………….rev./min

Dischage ………………. litr/min ………… lit/sec. Or m3/hr

Head ……………… mtr

Pump input …………… KW

Maximum input ………………KW


The steel sole plate of adequate thickness recommended by the manufacturer but not

less than 28mm dia. Shall be provided under the discharge head together with all necessary

anchor bolt nuts and washers to provide precise horizontal and vertical alignment. It shall be

independent of the base of the discharge head. The faces of sole plate shall precisely

machined. The contact surfaces of the sole plate arrangement as under shall be machined for

precise leveling and shall ensure vibration free operation of the pump. The sole plate shall

have sufficient opening for passing of pump bowl assembly with strainer etc.

The sole plate shall be of same manufacturer by whom the pump is manufactured

duly zinc coating/ Galvanization.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

All joints between machined contact surface shall be with nut bolts.

A Steel frame made from ISMB of suitable size minimum size 200 x 100mm below the

sole plate shall be provided without any extra cost. The sole plate shall have independent

arrangement for its fastening to the steel frame of ISMB beneath it and for the pumps discharge

head over it.

The steel frame shall be grouted/welded in the floor/main girder ensuring complete

rigidity by replacing existing frames. Entire structural fabrication and foundation arrangement

shall be designed and submitted for approval Necessary pockets or holes M.S.plates required

will be provided in civil structure. The grouting of channels/ plate/ base frame shall be the

responsibility of pumping machinery contractor with all related works.

Note:- All Structural steel/ Iron works required for pump installation shall be provided

with Zinc coating / Galvanization with no extra cost.


Pre- lubrication arrangement to individual pump shall be provided by using common

sintex HDPE tank of 200 litr. capacity, GI heavy duty pipe control valve, pressure reducing

valves, nipples etc as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

A pressure gauge of suitable reading range of size 150mm dia with “U” tube and cock

shall be provided and fixed at a suitable position as per direction of Engineer-in-charge before

sluice valve to each pump. Also one pressure gauge shall be provided and fitted on

common manifold pipe as directed with required piping valve “U” tube & cock etc


A suitable arrangement to take out the entrapped air in pump column shall be provided

with pipe fitted in the tapping at suitable place in the pump and valve etc fitted complete to

make the system work satisfactorily.


List of all accessories required for proper and safe operation, dismantling and erection

shall be furnished as per manufacturers recommendation and supplied with pump including

clamps for column pipe line shaft etc for all two pumps two pairs of each type of clamp for each

pumps without any extra cost.

Special Note :- It is responsibility of contractor, gainst this item to remove three existing

V.T. pumps and install three new pumps at same place which are included in this

contract. Also one old pump out of three (which proposed to remove), shall install in

same sump near these pumps at place directed by the Engineer-in-charge with no extra

cost including providing & fixing new foundation, base plate, sole plate etc. with test &



The supplier will have to give guarantee about the satisfactory performance of pump

from the date of satisfactory commissioning. The pump shall be guaranteed by the supplier

against defect in material and workmanship, under normal use & service, for a period of at

least 12 months from the date of satisfactory commissioning and satisfactory performance.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The efficiency of the pump shall be guaranteed at specified point of rating only and the

discharge shall be guaranteed for range of head between minus 25% and plus 10% of the

specific head.

The tenderer must furnished the following curves to enable the buyer to judge the

performance of pump sets.

i) Performance curve of discharge v/s head

ii) Performance curve of the pump showing total bowl assembly input power and bowl as-

sembly efficiency over the specified head range & NPSHR.


Inspection and testing at manufacturers works shall be arranged by the contractor and

shall be carried out as specified and shall be witnessed jointly by the engineer of Maharashtra

Jeevan Pradhikaran and inspector or engineer from third party agency approved by

Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. The contractor shall arrange to fix a program of inspection

and testing in consultation with the engineer-in-charge. Third party inspection charges shall be

borne by contractor. No payment on this account will be paid to contractor.

All instruments and equipment’s required for such test shall be provided by the

vender/manufacturer and the instruments shall be calibrated and certified by an approved

independent testing authority prior to the test in which they are to be used. All the tests shall be

carried out as per the relevant standards/codes.

The contractors shall arrange for following tests/inspections of third party agency in

consultation with the engineer and as per schedule and methodology approved by third party

agency and as per relevant I.S.


a) Review of raw materials test certificates and quality control procedure

b) Hydrostatic test (for both pump set)

Standard hydrostatic test shall be conducted on following components at twice the

working head or 1.5 time shut off head which ever is higher

i) Bowl assembly

ii) Column pipes (on minimum 20% quantity of column pipe of each


iii) Discharge head.

c) Performance test as per relevant IS informed by the manufacturer. Head-

discharge, pump efficiency-discharge and power discharge curves shall be drawn

after test and the curves produced shall be superimposed on design curve to

check the capability of each pump to meet the guaranteed performance at site.

d) Strip inspection

One pump, selected by the witnessing engineer shall be offered for strip

inspection and dimensional checking after completion of performance test

Minimum points as under shall be checked. The manufacturer / contractor shall

submit dimensional drawings of relevant components for checking.

i) Rubbing if any.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ii) Dynamic balancing of impellers

iii) Wearing rings clearances.


After one month period of trial and commissioning, pumps offered will be

subjected to testing at field also by the purchaser. If the field performance is found not

to meet the requirements then the equipment shall be rectified or replaced by the

contractor as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Field test shall be final test on which final acceptance will be decided. The field

test shall be witnessed by the Executive Engineer (Mech) The test shall be generally

carried out as per IS 9137 code of acceptance test pump class-C and specifically as

stated below.


Measurement shall be either on basis on depletion of level in sump Well or rise of

level in balancing storage tank or both reconciled. In addition the contractor must provide

calibrated ultrasonic flow meter.

The head shall be measured with calibrated pressure gauge of accuracy 1% or

better. The gauge shall be fitted at suitable place from the discharge nozzle. The head

shall be mean head worked out on basis of mean water level in Jack well during test of

particular pump. The field test shall be taken at 4 points i.e. at duty point ,1 above duty

point (+10%) 1 below duty point (approx. -25%) and shut off.


1. No payment after 90% for all items shall be made unless field tests are carried

out and performance recorded by the competent officers in the measurement book.

2, Complete installation shall be painted by approved shades as per direction of



The Contractor shall furnish to the engineer the following documents before

dispatch of materials

I) Test report for pump performance with design pump performance curves duly

singed by Inspector or Engineer of thirty party and Engineers representative of

Maha.Jeevan Pradhikaran.

II) Inspection report duly signed by third party agency for all tests mentioned above.

III) Certificate of Material of constructions & dimensional constraints from


IV) Final constructional drawing of pump.

V) Operation, maintenance and spare parts manual for pumps.



The specifications under this section cover the design, performance, manufacture

constructional features, delivery, erection and testing etc of electric motors of Kirloskar

Make only for pumps to be supplied under this contract.

Note:-As existing all VHS Motors are of kirloskar make.Therefore only Kirloskar make

motor will be acceptable having similar technical specifications of existing motors.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


The electric motors shall be of Kirloskar Make, squirrel cage induction, vertical

hallow shaft type, SPDP 1500 R.P.M. having continuos rating and suitable for operating

at 415 Volts + 10%,3 phase, 50 HZ + 3 % A.C. supply with “F” class insulation temp, rise

limited to class “B” insulation. The motor shall be conforming to IS 325 The torque

speed and current speed characteristics of motor shall be suitable for pump starting

characteristics with minimum R.P.M. 1460.


Rate power of motor shall be such that there shall be margin of minimum 15%

power over that required by the pump at duty point and entire head range. The motor

shall not be over loaded on entire head range of pump. H.P.of motor shall not be less

than HP mentioned in schedule “B” The starting time and locked rotor with stand time

under hot conditions shall have suitable discrimination for proper selection of

protection relays. The locked rotor withstand time under hot condition and at 85% rated

voltage shall be more by at least 3 sec. than the starting time with driven equipment

coupled and at 85% rated voltage



I) Accelerating the driven equipment from standstill to full speed within duration of

one minute or less at 85% of rated voltage.

II) Operation on load at 75% of rated voltage for 5 minutes

III) Two starts in quick succession for cold condition.

IV) One hot restart at maximum steady state temperature over ambient temperature

of 450 C

V) Three starts/hour equally spaced over the duration after attaining thermal


VI) The motor shall be of continuous duty “S-1” class. The class of insulation of the

motor shall be “F” class temperature rise limited to class “B” insulation.

VII) Indusial motor shall be suitable for solo operation.


The motors shall be flange mounted, vertical, hollow shaft. The rotor shall be

statically and dynamically balanced and critical speed shall not be in the range of 80% to

120% of the motor speed. the motors shall be of screen protected drip proof ,fan cooled

construction with degree for enclosure protection conforming to IP 23, At least two

drain holes shall be provided at the bottom end of the motor frame. Motors and shaft

mounted cooling fans shall be painted with corrosion resistant paint.


The motors shall be suitable for continuous stable operation without adverse

effect on the operating life at the rated output for each of the following conditions

i) Terminal Voltage variation + 10%

ii) Frequency variation + 3%


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Voltage and frequency variation simultaneously and absolute sum of variation of

+ 10% The 415 V rated motors shall be suitable for direct on line starting. All the motors

shall be suitable for specified conditions of starting with the pump coupled at 85% of

rated voltage for duration not exceeding one minute. The motors shall be suitable for

satisfactory operation at supply voltage of 75% of the rated voltage for 5 minutes

duration with driven equipment coupled and delivering full load.


The motors shall be provided with shaft mounted cooling fans made out of cast iron,

Cast aluminum or mild steel and shall be dynamically balanced. The critical speed of the rotor

shall not be in the range of + 20% of the rated speed. The cooling air for the motor shall be

sucked from the non-driving end of the motor. The motor shall be designed to run at 120% of

the rated speed for two minute without excessive vibration and mechanical damage.

The motor shall start smoothly and rapidly. The motor characteristics such as speed

and starting torque, acceleration time etc. shall be suitably co-ordinated with the requirements

of the pump considering various operating conditions. The starting torque developed by the

motor at 85% of the rated voltage shall be more than the torque requirement of the pump from

the rest to the rated speed with adequate margin.

The continuos maximum rating of the motor shall be at least 15 to 20% above the

maximum power absorbed by the pump under any of the operating condition of discharge in the

operating region, or not less than HP mentioned in schedule “B” Which ever is higher. The

starting current drawn by the motor for the specified starting conditions shall not exceed three

times the rated current. The tolerance for the starting current as stipulated in IS 325 shall

however, be applicable to the maximum value to the starting current.

The temperature rise of the motors when operating at extreme operating conditions of

voltage and frequency variations as measured by the thermometer resistance shall not exceed

60% / 70% over the ambient temperature 480 c at site. The starting time and locked rotor with

stand time under hot condition shall be so co-ordinated for the design of the motor, that these

shall not pose any difficulty in selection of the protection relays. The locked rotor withstand time

at 110% of rated voltage shall be at least three second more than the starting time at 85% rated


Peak amplitude of the vibration in the different directions shall not exceed the limits

specified in the relevant IS.


The motor shaft shall be of high tensile steel hollow shaft with key grove for securely

fixing drive couple. The motor shall be provided with non-reverse ratchet assembly with steel

ratchet pins to prevent rotation in reverse direction. A self aligning roller thrust bearing only oil

bath type shall be provided and housed on (NDE) top end of the motor with oil designed to

accommodate entire weight of rotating parts and hydraulic thrust. Bearing shall be designed for

minimum 30000 hours. lift. At the driving end i.e. bottom end, grease lubricated ball / roller

bearing shall be provided. The bearing shall be so deigned and constructed that the loss of

lubricating grease in practically negligible. Suitable arrangement for greasing the bearing even


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

when the motor is in running condition shall be provided.


The motor shall be provided with a suitable designed terminal box, with terminal leads of

winding brought to stand type terminals on Backlite / epoxy resin terminal plate. The terminal

box shall be of robust construction and ingress of water and dust shall be totally prevented.

The terminal box shall be suitable for terminations of 1100 volts grade aluminum conductor,

existing armored cable. The mounting of the terminal box on the motor shall ensure easy

termination of power cable.


Motors shall be painted with two coats of approved shade of paints as per direction of

Engineer-in-charge after installation.


Inspection and testing at manufacturers work shall be arranged by the contractor for the

motors of 100 HP and above and shall be carried out as specified and shall be witnessed jointly

by the Maha.Jeevan Pradhikaran Engineer and by inspector or engineer from third party

agency approved by Maha.Jeevan Pradhikaran

The contractor shall arrange to fix a programme of inspection and testing All necessary

inspection charges/fee of third party agency shall be borne by contractor. No payment on this

account shall be paid extra.

All the instruments and equipment’s required for such test shall be provided by the

vender/manufacturer and the instruments shall be calibrated and certified by an approved

independent testing authority. All the test shall be carried out as per relevant standards/IS


The Contractor shall arrange for following test/inspection of third party in consultation

with the Engineer-in-charge and as per schedule and methodology approved by third party

agency and as per IS 325

a) Review of raw, materials test certificates and quality control procedure

b) Routine test for all motor.

c) Vibration and noise level test.


The contractor shall furnished to the engineer the following documents before dispatch of


a) Test report/inspection reports for above all tests duly signed by third party agency.

b) Manufacturers general test reports for all motors.

c) General arrangement drawing

d) Instructions manuals for erecting, tooling, commissioning, operation and regular mainte-

nance of motor.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



The specifications mentioned under this item cover the design, performance,

manufacture, constructional features, delivery, erection, commissioning and testing of fully

automatic operated, assembled auto transformer motor control panel. Starter shall be of

fully automatic with auto transformer with air break contractors and built in start and stop push

button suitable for motor as mentioned in schedule “B” working at 380 – 440 V, 3 phase, 50 c/s

AC supply Fitted with accessories as below :-

The starter shall be supplied with suitable angle iron stand and with first fill of oil. The

starter cabinet shall be sheet steel clad fabricated from 14 S.W.G.M.S.sheet dust and varmin

proof powder coated floor mounted pedestal type, cubical type surface for indoor installation. It

shall have front hinged door and back removable covers having earthing arrangement to each

door. The starter shall have screened louvers on both sides at bottom & Exhaust fan on both

top side as per I.E. rule.



a) ATS Three phase Auto transformer including first fill of oil as per following description :-

Supplying System 380-415 V, 50 C/S, A/C

Cooling Oil cooled

Class insulation B

Tapping 50%, 65%, 80%

Duty Class Suitable for continuos operation

Make Approved by M.J.P.

Ambient temp. 450 c

Winding Copper (only)

Application For motor starter

Applicable standard/Testing As per IS : 8544

Indicator Oil level

NOTE : The cable entries from auto transformer shall be totally enclosed in sheet metal.


Scale Suitable to motor rating

Size 144 Sqmm

Connection 415 V

C.T.ratio As suitable

Make AE/DIP/Meco/IMP/Rishabh/Enereon/



Scale 0 to 500 V

Size 144 Sqmm


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Connection 415 V

Make As above.

d) Ammeter selector switch with 3 way and off position with indicating plate

marked as O-R-Y-B- 1 No : Make – LT/LK/Salzer only

e) Voltmeter selector switch 3 way and off position with indicating plate marked as ORY-YB-

BR- 1 No : Make as above.

f) i) Power indication lamp R.Y.B. – 1 set make – LT/LK only

ii) Motor “ON” “Off” and “TRIP” indication lamp – 1 set make LT/Lk only

g) i) Triple pole air break main contactor in open execution – 1 No


Indo Asian.

Rating : For 250 H.P.Starter :- 630 Amp.

Coil Voltage : 415 Volts, AC

Duty : AC 3

ii) Triple pole Air break start (auxiliary) contactor in open exeuction – 1 No

Make : As above

Rating : For 250 H.P.Starter :- 300 Amp.

Coil Voltage : 415 Volts, AC

Duty : AC 3

iii) Triple pole Air break run (auxiliary) contactor in open execution – 1 No

Make : As above

Rating : For 250 H.P.Starter :- 300 Amp.

Coil Voltage : 415 Volts

Duty : AC 3


i) Bimetallic over load relay 1 No – Make BCH / Minilec / L & T/Indo Asian or any make

approved by M.J.P.

ii) Motor Protection Relay,Solid state with protoction C.T’s :- 1No.

Make : ABB,English Electric soft hard spaceage switchgear Ltd., LT/LK,Ashida or

approved by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran

iii) No volt release – 1 No, make approved by M.J.P.

iv) S.P.P. – 1 set

i) Thermostat with 1 No. + 1 NC for Oil Temperature of STD. Make :-

j) Control fuses of make :- L & T/ control & switch gear/ Indo Asian /

Siemens only

k) Timer on and off delay :- Make simens / c&S/ GE / LT / LK or any make

1 No approved by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

l) Master timer - 1 No :- Make As above

m) Cubical panel size :- For 250 H.P. Starter : 1.5 m (height) x 0.9 m

i.e. cabinet size (width) x 0.5 m (deep)

n) Exhaust fans – 2 Nos of suitable size and of std. make shall be provided on top section

of starter with sufficient size air circulation arrangement at bottom.

o) Starter shall be provided with door interlock switch (1 No + 1 NC) to put off in the

event of accidental opening of front shutter during operation.

In addition to above, all components as per manufacturers design shall be provided.

All internal wiring shall be done with suitable capacity copper strip only with colour code sleeve.

Also power and control wiring shall be provided with two separate colour wire to trace both

circuits easily.

p) Internal labeling to each component shall be provided inside starter.

q) Circuit diagram of each and every component shall be pasted inside panel near

each component. Also circuit diagram of power and control wiring shall be past-

ed duly laminated on backside of front door of starter with all details of each and

every protective equipment. Also procedure of bypassing each and every protective

equipment with all required details shall be pasted duly laminated to start the starter in

case of failure of protective equipment or in case of emergency.

r) The starter shall have incoming & outgoing cable end boxes suitable for termination of

aluminum armoured cable as mentioned in schedule ‘B’

s) Complete starter cabinet and inside frame work shall be undergo chemical derusting

sand blasting and shall be effectively primered and painted by powder coating of ap-

proved shade as per relevant IS and as directed.

t) The starter shall be installed by providing M.S.channel base frame anchored with bolts

and shall be fixed on M.S. angle stand of suitable size as per site condition, 350mm

above floor by nut bolts etc complete. Front & both side opening space of starter frame

shall be sealed by suitable gauge M.S. sheet duly painted from floor level to bottom of

starter as directed.

NOTE : General arrangement drawing of starter shall be got approved from Engineer-in-

charge (Mech) before manufacture.



Inspection and testing at manufacturers work shall be arranged by the contractor for all

types of ATS starter and shall be carried out as specified and shall be witnessed jointly by the


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

engineer or his authorized representative of Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran & inspector or

Engineer from third party agency approved by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. The

contractor shall arrange to fix a program of inspection and testing in consultation with the

Engineer-in-charge. Third parties inspection / testing fee shall be borne by contractor.

All instrument and equipment’s required for such test shall be provided by the

vender/manufacturers and the instruments shall be calibrated and certified by an approved

independent testing authority. All the test shall be carried out as per the relevant standards/

I.S.codes. The contractor shall arrange for following tests/inspections of third party agency

approved by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge and

as per schedule and methodology approved by third party agency and as per relevant I.S.

Brief description of test to be carried out as follows :-

i) Review of raw material test certificates and quality control procedure

ii) High voltage test.

iii) Insulation resistance test.

iv) Full load test of auto transformer winding.

v) Di electric test of transformer oil.

vi) Fault simulation for testing protection relays except short circuit and earth fault.


The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer following documents before dispatch of starter.

i) Test report from third party agency for above all tests.

ii) Manufacturers factory test report.

iii) An operation and maintenance manual along with detailed wiring diagram and

procedure for by-passing protective equipment’s in emergency situation or in case of

failure of any protective equipment.

iv) Dimensional drawing of starter.

v) Circuit diagram of complete starter. (Power & Control)

vi) Separate test report, manual & circuit diagram of each & every component.

vii) Protective equipment fitted in starter.

Item No. 4 :- M.S. Specials :-

This job includes,Fabrication, providing, erecting and testing of M.S. Specials

double flanged of minimum 8 mm thickness for connection of delivery of pump to

common manifold with all material and labour charges including painting as directed by


Item No. 5 :- L.T. Cable Work :-

Specifications for XLPE armoured L.T. cable, Lugs, cable glands, cable

trench, Iron work for cable tray & cable pipe etc complete :-

Scope :-

The specifications under this section cover the design, performance, delivery, erection &

testing of XLPE L.T. aluminum armored cable of size and rating mentioned in Schedule ‘B’

with required Iron cable tray, trench & in RCC / G.I. cable enclosing pipe etc. complete as per

direction of Engineer-in-charge.

The cable shall be laid as mentioned in Schedule ‘B’ as per instructions of electrical

inspector, as per I.E. rule, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Necessary arrangement for

termination of parallel cable shall be provided in gland plate of transformer & main panel with no

extra cost. If it is not possible to accommodated parallel cables then gland plate of


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

transformer, isolation panel shall be replaced by suitable size gland plate with no extra


Also required size Allum cable lugs heavy duty simens type brass cable glands,

cable clamps etc shall be provided & fitted as per requirement with no extra cost to each

type cable.

Cables (L.T.) :-

The 1100 volts. & 11 KV Grade cable shall be of size mentioned in schedule ‘B’ stranded

/ solid aluminum conductor XLPE insulated armored with ISI mark & shall conform to relevant

IS. The cable shall be suitable for carrying continues rated current considering at 0.85 power

factor & also to with stand short circuits current for 0.1 second. Cables shall be laid with 6mm

thick 25mm width M.S. spares & M.S.clamps of required size with G.I. earth wire

minimum 6 Sq.mm, complete erected on Iron cable tray, in trench, RCC / G.I. enclosing pipe

as directed as per site condition.

Cables lengths & sizes :-

The cable lengths stated in the schedule B item are estimated quantity only & shall for

meter basis for comparison of the tendered offer. However for contact works, the contractor

shall be responsible for supplying and laying actual length as required at tendered rates at site

for cabling all circuits. The cable sizes specified in schedule are the minimum required sizes.

The contractor shall submit quantity of cables required for prior approval in form of cable

schedule before procurement of cables. Payment will be made for actual quantity of cable

supplied & fitted at site as per tender rates subject to other payment condition.

Cabling work :-

Cabling work shall be carried out in cable trench, fabricated Iron cable tray of suitable

size, in RCC / G.I. cable enclosing pipe as directed as per site condition having all

specifications mentioned below.

M.S. fabricated cable tray :-

M.S. fabricated cable trays shall be provided for proper installation of cables where

cabling in RCC cable duct or trench is not possible as per site condition. M.S. cable tray shall

be fabricated by suitable size M.S. angles / channels / M.S. flat as suggested and approved by

Engineer-in-charge. Fabricated M.S. cable tray shall be install on ground / bridge by suitable

iron leges made from suitable size channel approved by Engineer-in-charge by providing &

casting C.C. foundation & proper clamping arrangement for cable.

Drawing of M.S. fabricated tray etc shall be got approved from the Executive Engineer

(Mech.) before starting of fabrication work.

Additional specification for cabling on M.S. tray :-

Cable running on trays shall be properly dressed & clamped at a minimum interval of

400 mm to 500 mm for larger section & at minimum interval of 200 to 250 mm for smaller

section & as per the directives by Engineer-in-charge. Every cable shall be neatly run vertically,

horizontally or parallel to adjacent walls beams or columns.

The cable shall be provided with a metallic / plastic tag of an approved type, bearing a

cable reference at every 5 m. run or part thereof at both ends of the cable adjacent to the

terminations. Cable laying shall be done in such a way that cables are easily accessible.

Suitable cable lugs & double compression type cable glands of appropriate size shall be used

for termination of cable.

Sharp bending & linking of cables shall be avoided. The minimum bending radius for


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

XLPE insulated cable of 1100 Volts shall be as per relevant IS & as recommended by the


In each cable run loops of extra length shall be provided at suitable points.

All required structural steel supports, trays, clamps etc. shall be provided as per

requirement by the contractor. All iron work shall be primered and painted with two coats of

Black enamel colour with proper earthing arrangement.

Where cabling in trench is technically suitable other than RCC duct / cable tray then

cabling in trench shall be done as per direction of Engineer-in-charge as below.

Trenches for cables :-

Wherever necessary as directed by Engineer-in-charge the contractor shall be arranged

for laying the cable in the trenches. Job is inclusive of making trenches of suitable width & 0.9

mtr deep in all type of strata & laying L.T. cable and back filling the same with screened sand

bed of 0.2 mtr thickness to embed the cable & bricks placed on both side length wise & on top

widthwise all over the cable run & filling the excavated earth without stone or hard material &

making the surface proper with 0.15 m. crown on top. If additional cable i.e. parallel cable is

laid by the side in the same trench then it is necessary to place two additional bricks to form

another compartment as per IS & I.E. Rule.

RCC pipe for cable enclosing :-

This job includes providing & laying RCC hume pipe of suitable size with coupling coller

of std. thickness to lay cable below ground / road or trench etc. This job includes the work of

required excavation of trench in all types of strata for pipe laying & filling the trench with light

ramming to make the road / ground surface as it was.

G.I. Pipe for Submersible Cable enclosing :-

This job includes providing & laying G.I.pipe of suitable size to lay submersible cable

from pump clamp to starter & starter to panel. All required G.I. specials such as coupling, bend,

elbow, tee etc shall be provided & install by the contractor with no extra cost. Also minimum 2

to 3 unions shall be fitted to each section of cable pipe. G.I. pipe shall be of ‘A’ grade & erected

on wall / floor or as directed by the engineer-in-charge with continuous running earth wire of

minimum 8 SWG in double run.

Note :-

1) ll cabling work shall be carried out as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, as per site

condition in RCC duct / trench / on M.S. cable tray / in RCC / G.I. pipe etc only.

Payment will be made to contractor for actual quantity executed at site as per tender

rates subject to other payment condition.

Iron Work for other purpose :-

2) If iron work required for any other purpose such as for fabrication of base frame,

gantry girder etc. other than required for cabling work as directed by the Engineer-in-

charge then payment will be made as per actual quantity executed at tender rates

subject to other payment condition against this item i.e. item in schedule ‘B’.

Item No. 6 :- C.C. Foundation :-

This job includes,Providing and laying C.C. foundation in M-150 for pump / valve

supports or any other purpose. as directed with all material and labour charges etc. complete.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Item No. 7 (A) :- Removing work of existing pump :-

This job includes, removing of existing old 250 H.P. V.T. pump from sump well and

stacking all material properly as directed by the Engineer-in-charge including loading, unloading

and transportation charges etc complete.

Item No. 7 (B) :- Removing work of existing motor :-

This job includes, Removing of existing old 250 H.P. VHS Motor and stacking

properly as directed including loading, unloading and transportation charges etc. complete.

Item No. 7 (C) :- Removing work of existing Starter :-

This job includes,Removing of existing old 250 H.P. ATS Starter and stacking properly

as directed including loading, unloading and transportation charges.

Item No. 8 :- Glandless sluice valves-PN-1.00 :-

This job includes, Providing, erecting, testing and commissioning of C.I.

glandless sluice valve to above and existing VT / CF pumps suitable for working

pressure of 10 kg/cm2 (PN 1 rating) with non rising spindle, etc. and manufactured as

per I.S. 2906/14846. Valve shall be suitable for operation with valve actuator and

suitable to operate on SCADA & Automation etc. including TPI & MJP inspection etc.

complete as below.

A) For 65 MLD WTP at Mahan :-

350 mm size for above new and existing V.T. pumps with TPI & MJP inspection

(1 No. for above pump and 5 Nos for existing V.T. pumps)

B) For 25 MLD WTP at Mahan / 300 mm size :-

300 mm dia for existing C.F. pumps

Item No. 9 :- Valve Actuator for above Glandless sluice valves :-

This job includes,Providing, erecting and testing of electric Valve actuators

totally enclosed, weather-proof and dust proof construction with IP-67, protection

class suitable for installation in any position without lubrication, leakage or other

operational difficulty with special grease filled gear box and hand wheel for emergency

manual operation which will automatically dis-engage on restoration of power to motor

and with 10 watt single phase space heater and contineous local mechanical position

indicator and individually replaceable counter gear assembly and with two torque and

four limit switches with S.S. flap and operated with gear driven cams and of rating 250

Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirell cage induction motor

working on 440 Volts +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC of intermittent duty rating S-2,

insulation class "F" and temp rise restricted to class "B" with IP - 67 protection class

suitable for DOL starting and with three thermostat and 30 % over loAs margin. The

torque rating of reduction gear box shall be atleast 1.5 times max. torque required for

opening and closing of valve with TPI and MJP inspection etc. Electric Valve

Actuators sutaible to operate on SCADA and Automation for above non rising

spindle type sluice valves, PN 1 rating with T.P.I and MJP inspection etc. as below.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Each Valve actuator should have built in integral starter for ON-OFF operation of


i) 350 mm dia - 6 Nos

ii) 300 mm dia - 3 Nos

Item No. 10:- Butterfly valve 350 mm dia. with TPI & MJP inspection :-

This job includes, providing, errecting & testing of 350 mm dia. PN-1 rating Butterfly

valve with byepass arrangment double flanged short body pattern having body, disc and end

cover in graded cast iron to I.S. - 210 Gr. CF 200 confirming in to I.S. 13095-1991 with synthetic

rubber faced ring secured on disc by retaining ring with stainless steel screw stub shaft of S.S.

riding in teflon bearing etc complete including painting with TPI & MJP inspection etc (one valve

on delivery of each 250 H.P. V.T. pump outside pump house)

Item No. 11 :- D.O.L. Starter :-

This job includes, Supplying and erecting DOL starter upto 7.5 H.P. to operate

squirrel cage induction motor of above valve actuator working on 380- 440 Volt,

3 phase, 50 Hz with no volt coil and over load element with necessary material

and connected to supply, etc complete. Starter with original sheet steel encloser

for valve actuators of 25 MLD WTP starters shall be mounted on separate angle

iron frame, with all material and labour charges.

Item No. 12 :- Armoured cable :-

This job includes, providing, laying, jointing and testing 3 core 2.5 sq mm

copper armoured PVC cable for electric connection of above valve actuators etc. from

M.C.C.B. to starter and starter to valve actuators. All specifications should be as

mentioned in item No.05.

Item No. 13 :- Dismentling of valves :-

This job includes,Complete dismantling of existing sluice valves of 65 MLD

& 25 MLD WTP etc. as below and stacking properly

Sluice valve 350 mm dia of V.T. Pump - 6 Nos

Sluice valve 300 mm dia of C.F. Pump - 3 Nos

Item No. 14 :- Reflux valves :-

This job includes,Providing , erecting and testing of C.I. double flanged reflux

valve (Non return valve) PN 1 rating with bye pass arrangement etc. to V.T. / C.F.

pumps as below. :-

i) 350 mm with TPI and MJP inspection

(For 6 Nos V.T. pump at 65 MLD WTP)

ii) 300 mm

(For 3 Nos C.F. pump at 25 MLD WTP)

Item No. 15 :- LED fitting :-

This job includes, Supplying & erecting LED street light fitting suitable for

minimum 48 watt. lamp, including lamp, class IP 65 and above, housing of pressure dia.

cast aluminium alloy and heat sink extruded aluminium etc in pump house/ WTP as


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

directed by the engineer-in-charge (Mech.)

Note:- All Structural steel/ Iron works required for this sub work shall be provided with

Zinc coating / Galvanization with no extra cost.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



The System should satisfy following minimum specifications: Raw Water Pumping System:

Control system with local IO’s with possibility to add remote IO’s .

Programming software based on IEC to facilitate building of custom built function blocks

Supports required IOs of different types(Digital and Analog Inputs, Digital and Analog Outputs)

Digital output with suitable interposing relays 24 V D.C. coil rating, 2 A contact rating

Communication ports for connecting Modbus devices like energy meters, etc.

Redundant SMPS

GPRS/WAN based seamless communication between the Raw Water Pumping System PLC and the Central SCADA system located at WTP.

HMI with 10” (min) Graphical Touch screen multicolour having following minimum fea-tures

o a).02 nos. serial ports and 01 No. USB port o b). Floating Point support o c). Built in RTC o d). Bar Graph and image (bmp, jpeg files)

WaterTreatment Plant: PLC

Redundant control system (Redundant CPU) with local IO’s with possibility to add re-mote IO’s on ring network such that it takes care of single point of failure

Programming software based on IEC to facilitate building of custom built function blocks

Supports required IOsof different types (Digital and Analog Inputs, Digital and Analog Outputs)

Digital output with suitable interposing relays 24 V D.C. coil rating, 2 A contact rating

Communication ports for connecting Modbus devices like energy meters, etc.

Redundant SMPS SCADA:

Central SCADA Server shall have appropriate licenses for the Tag count and the display count to support all the signals of WTPs, Raw water Pumping sytem, Pure Water Pumping System and all the MBR’s/GSR’s/ESR’s

The SCADA server should support the drivers for integrating all the subsystems

The client license should be equal to the number of secondary PC + Central display

MS Windows’ 8 and all other software required for system functionality, anti‐virus, etc. The operating software shall be latest & shall capable to operate PLC, SCADA, Energy management software of all standard & reputed contractors

The hardware should be of reputed make like – Dell /HP/ Lenevo with Intel Core i3 processor, 8GB RAM and 2 TB HDD

Monitor - 32" TFT Graphic LED

The database should be such that long period data can be stored in system. The his-torical data could be archieved and


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

The data communication from Raw Water Pump House (RWPH), WTP, Clear Water Pumping Stations (CWPS), MBR, GSR and Elevated Service Reservoirs (ESR’S) shall be transmitted to Control room at Water Treatment Plant (WTP) via wireless GPRS com-munication for monitoring in secure way for example through VPN network.

Pure Water Pumping System:

Control system with local IO’s with possibility to add remote IO’s .

Programming software based on IEC to facilitate building of custom built function blocks

Required IO Counts (Digital and Analog Inputs, Digital and Analog Outputs)

Digital output with suitable interposing relays 24 V D.C. coil rating, 2 A contact rating

Communication ports for connecting Modbus devices like energy meters, etc.

Redundant SMPS

GPRS/WAN based seamless communication between the Raw Water Pumping System PLC and the Central SCADA system located at WTP.

HMI with 10” (min) Graphical Touch screen multicolour having following minimum fea-tures

o a).02 nos. serial ports and 01 No. USB port o b). Floating Point support o c). Built in RTC o d). Bar Graph and image (bmp, jpeg files)


PLC with 7” HMI to monitor and control the valve operation at the GSR either manual-ly, OR from central SCADA OR pre-programmed time based

GSM/GPRS Modem Provide connectivity with the local PLC and communication with the central SCADA server through secured VPN link.

The GSM/GPRS modem shall have inbuilt web-server to monitor and control the sys-tem remotely

The Modem shall also work as data-logger to store data locally in case communication with the central server is interrupted for some time


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



General Calculation of IOS

Sr. No

Application Instrument Qty location AI AO DI DO Remark

JACKWELL (Master PLC1 with CPU & wireless/ GPRS communlication & 1 HMI size 10”

1 Level Measure-ment

Level Transmit-ter

1 Jack well 1

2 Flow Measurement Flow Transmit-ter

1 Rising main


3 Pressure Meas-urement

Pressure Trans-mitter

1 Rising main


4 Flow Control Motorized Valve 3 Rising main

3 9 3

5 Energy Meter 4 Pump house


6 Pump (2+1) Pump 3 starter 6 3

7 Auto/ Manual (3+1)

All 4 4

8 Electrical Healthi-ness

All Electrical 1 starter 1

9 Level Measure-ment

Level Switch 2 Cooling tank


10 Flow Control Solenoid Valve 4 Cooling tank


Total 3 3 22 10

Add 25% 3.75 3.8 27.5 13

Actural (commercial) 4 4 32 16 56

Provide half rack (8 Slots) 1 1 2 1 5 slots


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Water Treatment Plant with Master PLC Panel for AF, FM, CLF & Filter

Aeration Fountain

1 Flow Transmitter Flow Measure-ment

1 Raw wa-ter Chan-



2 Turbidity Trans-mitter

Turbidity Meas-urement

1 Aeration Fountain


3 pH Transmitter pH Measurement 1 Aeration Fountain


Flash Mixer

1 Motor on Off Flash Mixer 1 Flash Mixer

2 1


1 Turbidity Trans-mitter

Turbidity Meas-urement

1 Aeration Fountain


2 Energy Meter 4 Clarifier MODBUS

3 Motor on off Clarifier Bridge 1 Motors 3 Nos

6 3

4 Sludge Valve Motorised Valve 1 CLF sludge

1 3 1 Modulating application

5 Wireless module for CLF

Filter House with 2 Filter beds with 7 valves each Total 14 valves

1 Motorised Valve 14 42 14

2 Filter Level Level Transmit-ter

2 2

3 Rate of flow of filter

Level Transmit-ter

2 2

4 Auto / Manual All 2 2

5 HMI 2


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

PAC Dosing Tank Control

1 Level Measure-ment

Level Transmit-ter

2 In PAC Tank


2 Dosing Pump VFD control

VFD 2 Near PAC Tank

2 2

3 Mixing Agiator for PAC Mixing

Motor on Off 2 Near PAC Tank

4 2

4 Auto / Manual All 2 2

Wash Water Pump

1 Wash Water Pump Motor on Off 2 4 2

2 Wash Water Tank Level

Level Transmit-ter

1 1

3 Auto / Manual All 2 2

Air Blower

1 Air Blower Motor on Off 2 4 2

2 Motorised Valve Level Transmit-ter

2 6 2

3 Pressure Meas-urement

Pressure Trans-mitter

1 1

4 Auto / Manual All 2 2

5 Work Station Computer 1

Total 13 3 85 31

Add 25% 16.25 3.8 106.3 39

Actural (commercial) 16 4 104 40 164

Provide half rack (8 Slots) 1 1 4 2 8 slots


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Pure Water Pump (1+1) House Micro PLC1 with CPU & Cable communication & 1 HMI size 10"

Pure water Sump

1 Pure Water pH pH Transmitter 1 1

2 Turbidity Meas-urement

Turbidity Transmitter

1 1

3 Residual Chlorine Chlorine Trans-mitter

1 1

Pure Water Pump (1+1)

1 Level Measurment Level Transmit-ter

1 Pure wa-ter sump


2 Flow Measurment Flow Transmit-ter

1 Rising main


3 Pressure Measur-ment

Pressure Trans-mitter

1 Rising main


4 Flow Control 2 Rising main

2 6 2

5 Energy Meter 3 Pump House


6 Pump (1+1) Pump 2 Starter 4 2

7 Auto/ Manual (2+1)

All 3 3

8 Electrical Health All Electrical 1 Starter 1

Recirculation Pump (2 Nos for Water & 2 Nos for Sludge removal)

1 Pump 4 8 4

2 Auto/ Manual 1 1

3 Actuators 4 12 4

4 FT 1 1

5 Level Switch 3 3

Total 7 2 38 12

Add 25% 8.75 2.5 47.5 15

Actual (commercial) 8 4 48 16 76

Provlde half rack ( 8 Slots) 1 1 3 1 6 Slots

PLC for Auto Control Valve (With Solar panel for operating Solenold Valve)

PLC shall have 1 wireless port / GPRS, Modbus Port/ Battery status for valves


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

MBR & ESR controlling with Motorised control valve at all location & with 230 volts AC power supply


1 Level Measurment Level Transmit-ter

1 MBR Tank 1

2 Flow Measurment Flow Transmit-ter

1 Gravity Main


3 Pressure Measur-ment

Pressure Trans-mitter

1 Gravity Main


4 Flow Control Motorized Valve 1 Gravity Main

1 3 1

5 Auto/ Manual All 1 1

6 PLC with Wireless / GPRS connectivi-ty

Flow/ Level Transmitter

with HART/ 4-20 mA output both

ESR with MCV (Motorised controll valve)

1 Level Measurment Level Transmit-ter

1 ESR Tank 1

2 Flow Measurment Flow Transmit-ter

1 Gravity Main


3 Pressure Measur-ment

Pressure Trans-mitter

1 Gravity Main


4 Flow Control at Inlet & Outlet

Motorized Valve 2 Gravity Main

2 6 2

5 Auto/ Manual All 1 1

6 PLC with Wireless / GPRS connectivi-ty

Flow/ Level Transmitter

with HART/ 4-20 mA output both


Add 25% 0 0 0 0

Actual (commercial) 8 4 48 16 76

Provlde half rack ( 8 Slots) 1 1 3 1 6 Slots

ESR controlling with Automatic control valve & with Solar power supply

ESR with MCV

PLC suitable for communicating with Master with Wireless/ GPRS port

1 Level Measurment Level Transmit-ter

1 ESR Tank 1


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

2 Flow Measurment Flow Transmit-ter

1 Gravity Main


3 Pressure Measur-ment

Pressure Trans-mitter

1 Gravity Main


4 Flow Control at Inlet & Outlet

Solenoid Valve 2 Gravity Main

2 2

5 Auto/ Manual All 1 1

6 PLC with Wireless / GPRS connectivi-ty

Flow/ Level Transmitter

with HART/ 4-20 mA output both

Total 3 0 3 2

Add 25% 3.75 0 3.75 2.5

Actual (commercial) 4 0 4 4 12

Provlde half rack ( 8 Slots) 1 0 1 1 3 Slots


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Details of Valves,ESR and electrical load etc of scheme


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Automation Work :- Details of sluice valves

- : Abstract :-

A) At existing 65 MLD & 25 MLD WTP :-

a Butterfly valve :- 1000 mm 1 No

b Sluice valve :- 700 mm 1 No

c Sluice valve :- 450 mm 8 Nos

d Sluice valve :- 400 mm 4 Nos

e Sluice valve :- 350 mm 66 Nos

f Sluice valve :- 300 mm 18 Nos

g Sluice valve :- 225 mm 4 Nos

h Sluice valve :- 150 mm 20 Nos

i Sluice valve :- 125 mm 10 Nos j Sluice valve :- 100 mm 2 Nos

Final Abstract of Valves for estimate of ESR Manage-ment for SCADA and Automation (Inlet and Outlet)

B) At existing ESR (Inlet & Outlet ):-

a Sluice valve :- 500 mm 12 Nos

b Sluice valve :- 400 mm 15 Nos Sr.No Size Qty c Sluice valve :- 350 mm 1 No 1 500 mm 14 d Sluice valve :- 300 mm 1 No 2 450 mm 7

3 400 mm 23

C) At proposed ESR [Under Amrut Abhiyan] (Inlet & Outlet) :- 4

350 mm 4

a Sluice valve :- 500 mm 2 Nos 5 300 mm 5

b Sluice valve :- 450 mm 7 Nos

c Sluice valve :- 400 mm 8 Nos

d Sluice valve :- 350 mm 3 Nos

e Sluice valve :- 300 mm 4 Nos


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Automation Work :- Details of sluice valves (Existing/ Proposed)

Sr. No.

Location Sluice valve size in

mm Qty Remarks

1 2 3 4 5

A 65 MLD WTP :-

1 Raw water gravity main 1000 mm P.S.C.

1000 mm (Butterfly valve)

1 No Butterfly valve at inlet of ariation fountain

(At inlet of 65 MLD WTP)

2 a) Filter bed (8 Bed) 350 mm 48 Nos 6 Nos for each bed. Total 8 beds.

150 mm 16 Nos For air wash. 2 for each bed.

b) settle water channel filter Inlet valve 350 mm 8 Nos One for each filter bed

c) Filter drain valve 450 mm 8 Nos One for each filter bed

d) clarifier drain valve 300 mm 2 Nos Two for clarifier

3 Air blower delivery 150 mm 2 Nos One for each blower

4 Wash water pump delivery 150 mm 2 Nos One for each pump

5 250 H.P. V.T. pump delivery 350 mm 6 Nos One for each pump

B 25 MLD WTP :-

1 Raw water gravity main - 700 mm C.I. (At inlet of 25 MLD WTP)

700 mm 1 No Sluice valve 700 mm dia at inlet of ariation fountain.

2 a) Filter bed (4 Bed) 300 mm 12 Nos Three for each bed. Total 4 beds.

225 mm 4 Nos One for each bed

125 mm 8 Nos Two for each bed


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

b) settle water channel filter Inlet valve 350 mm 4 Nos One for each bed

c) Filter drain valve 400 mm 4 Nos One for each bed

d) clarifier drain valve 300 mm 1 No One for clarifier

3 Air blower delivery 100 mm 2 Nos One for each blower

4 Wash water pump delivery 125 mm 2 Nos One for each pump

5 215/200 H.P. C.F. pumps 300 mm 3 Nos One for each pump


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



- : DETAILS OF E.S.R. : -

Sr. No.

Name of Reservoir Capacity in lakh Inlet (mm)

Inflow (LPS)

Velocity of inflow


Now Pro-posed AFCV

Outlet (mm)

Proposed Outlet (mm)

A) .-:Existing ESR:-

1 Keshav Nagar 17.50 400 72.85 0.58 350 500 400

2 Aadarsh Colony 17.50 400 72.69 1.16 350 500 400

3 Aadarsh Colony 17.50 400 72.69 1.16 350 500 400

4 Nehru Park 18.00 500 70.46 0.36 400 500 400

500 400

5 Toshniwal Layout 20.00 400 103.51 0.82 400 500 400

6 Mahajani Plot 17.50 400 57.545 0.59 300 500 400

7 Mahajani Plot 17.50 400 57.545 0.59 300 500 400

8 Hindi School (Railway Station)

21.00 300 86.74 1.23 300 500 400

9 Bus Stand 11.50 400 47.63 0.38 300 400 300

10 Bus Stand 11.50 400 47.63 0.38 300 400 300

11 Harihar Peth 16.00 400 79.385 0.63 300 500 400

12 Shiv Nagar 23.00 400 79.86 300 400 300

13 Shiv Nagar 16.00 400 107.19 0.85 300 500 400


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

14 Railway station ESR (Constructed by AMC, Akola)

21.00 350 350 400 300

B) .-:Proposed ESR:- --- --- ---

15 Shraddha Nagar 21.00 400 102.42 0.82 400 400 300

500 400

16 Marathi School Zone 13.00 300 59.85 0.85 300 450 350

17 Akot Faiel Zone 18.50 400 89.1 0.71 400 450 350

450 350

18 Akot Faiel Zone 18.50 400 89.1 0.71 400 450 350

500 400

19 Harihar Peth (Ganga) 15.00 400 69.13 0.55 300 350 300

350 300

20 Dabaki Road 1 Urdu 18.50 400 89.43 0.71 400 450 350

350 300

21 Dabaki Road 2 Shivna-gar

23.00 400 65.95 0.52 300 450 350

450 350

22 Lokmanya Nagar 2 18.50 400 53.6 0.43 300

300 300

300 300

300 300


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner




A) RAW WATER :- By Gravity (1000 mm)

B) 65 MLD WTP :-

Sr. No.

Type and Location Qty H.P. Working

H.P. Standby H.P.

1 2 4 5

A] 65 MLD W.T.P.

1 Flash Mixer 1 No 5 H.P. 5 H.P. ---

2 End carriage drive 1 No 5 H.P. 5 H.P. ---

3 Flocculators 2 Nos 5 H.P. 10 H.P. ---

4 Alum tank 3 Nos 3 H.P. 9 H.P. ---

5 TCL tank 2 Nos 3 H.P. 6 H.P. ---

6 Air blower 2 Nos 25 H.P. 25 H.P. 25 H.P.

7 Wash water pump 2 Nos 20 H.P. 20 H.P. 20 H.P.

8 V.T. pump (W.L.) :-

(4 New + 1 old = 5 Nos + 1 old additional standby = Total - 6 Sets)

6 Nos 250 H.P. 750 H.P. 750 H.P.

9 Valve actuators :-

i 350 mm dia 62 Nos 3 H.P. 27 H.P. 159 H.P.

(For 250 H.P. pumps 6 Nos + filter bed - 48 Nos + filter inlet- 8 Nos)

ii 450 mm dia (filter drain valve) 8 Nos 3 H.P. 3 H.P. 21 H.P.

iii 150 mm dia 20 Nos 1 H.P. 4 H.P. 16 H.P.

(For air wash -16 Nos + W.W. pump - 2 Nos + Air blower - 2 Nos)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

iv 300 mm dia (clarifier drain) 2 Nos 3 H.P. 3 H.P. 3 H.P.

v 1000 mm dia 1 No 10 H.P. 10 H.P. ---

(For WTP Inlet)

B] 25 MLD WTP :-

1 Flash Mixer 1 No 3 H.P. 3 H.P. ---

2 End carriage drive 1 No 3 H.P. 3 H.P. ---

3 Flocculators 4 Nos 2 H.P. 8 H.P. ---

4 Alum tank 4 Nos 2 H.P. 8 H.P. ---

5 TCL tank 2 Nos 2 H.P. 4 H.P. ---

6 Air blower 2 Nos 25 H.P. 25 H.P. 25 H.P.

7 Wash water pump 2 Nos 10 H.P. 10 H.P. 10 H.P.

8 C.F. coupled pumps (215 H.P. - 2 Nos + 200 H.P. - 1 No) (2 New + 1 old = 3 Nos)

3 Nos 215 H.P. 215 H.P. 415 H.P.

9 Valve actuators :-

i 700 mm dia (WTP Inlet valve) 1 No 10 H.P. 10 H.P. ---

ii 350 mm dia (filter inlet valve) 4 Nos 3 H.P. 3 H.P. 9 H.P.

iii 300 mm dia 16 Nos 3 H.P. 12 H.P. 36 H.P.

(For C.F. pump - 3 Nos + Filter beds - 12 Nos + clarifier drain - 1 No)

iv 225 mm dia 4 Nos 2 H.P. 2 H.P. 6 H.P.

(For filter bed)

v 125 mm dia 10 Nos 1 H.P. 3 H.P. 7 H.P.

(For filter bed - 8 Nos + W.W. pumps - 2 Nos)

vi 400 mm dia filter drain vlaves 4 Nos 3 H.P. 3 H.P. 9 H.P.

vii 100 mm dia 2 Nos 1 H.P. 1 H.P. 1 H.P.

(For Air blower)

C] Lighting Load 1 Job 25 H.P. 25 H.P. ---

(65 MLD WTP + 25 MLD WTP + Area Lighting)

D] Load for any other purpose 1 Job 10 H.P. 10 H.P. ---


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

- : Abstract :-

1 Maximum working H.P. 1222 H.P. = 912 kw ` = 1013 KVA

2 Standby H.P. 1512 H.P. = 1128 kw ` = 1253 KVA

3 Total Load 2734 H.P. = 2040 kw ` = 2267 KVA


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


Name of Work :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioning &

testing of SCADA and Automation Work, Replacement of Valves and V.T. Pump at WTP etc of Akola Water Supply Scheme with allied works.


Third party inspection & testing at manufactures works shall be arranged by

the contractor & shall be carried out as specified below & shall be witnessed jointly by the

engineer of M.J.P. / Corporation & inspector from third party agency approved by M.J.P. The

contractor shall arrange to fix a progamme of inspection & testing in consultation with the

engineer-in-charge (Mech.) Third party inspection charges shall be born by the contractor.

Third party inspection report duly signed by the third party agency for all test mentioned

below shall be submitted before delivery of article, without which no payment will be


Third party inspection of following items are compulsory as mentioned in

column of scope of inspection & schedule ‘B’:-

Sr.No. Equipment Limits Scope of Inspection

1 2 3 4

1 Vertical Turbine pumps Oil

/ Water Lubricated.

30 HP and


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Hydrostatic test on bowl assembly,

discharge head, hydrostatic test on 20%

quantity of shaft enclosing tubes and

column pipes.

iii) Performance test

iv) Strip inspection after Performance test

for one random pump, to check

Rubbing if any.

Wearing ring clearances.

Dynamic balancing of impeller.

2) Electric Motors. 100 HP and


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test for all.

iii) Type test for one no. random motor for

300 HP & above, including vibration and


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Sr.No. Equipment Limits Scope of Inspection

noise level.

3) Starters.

a) Auto Transformer


All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) High voltage Test.

iii) Insulation Resistance test

iv) Full load test of Auto transformer


v) Dielectric strength of oil.

vi) Fault simulation for testing protection

relays except short circuit and earth fault.

b) Soft / Gentle start


All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) High voltage Test.

iii) Insulation Resistance test

iv) Fault simulation for testing protection

relays except short circuit and earth fault.

4) L.T. Panel & L.T. Breaker Connected

load of 100

HP &


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) High voltage Test.

iii) Insulation Resistance test

iv) Routine test.

v) Checking phase and earth clearance of


iv) Checking wiring diagram & control

circuit & operation of panel.

vii) Fault simulation for testing protection

relays except short circuit and earth fault.

5) Transformers 315 KVA

and above.

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test for all.

iii) Temperature rise for one no upto and

including 3000 KVA and all transformers

above 3000 KVA

iv) Type test excluding impulse test for

random one transformer above 100 KVA

and up to 3000 KVA

v) Type test including impulse test for

transformer of 3000 KVA and above.

6) H.T. Panel / H.T. Breaker /

Vacuum co


All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test.

iii) Checking components, and wiring

diagram, control circuit and operation of


iv) Insulation Resistance test


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Sr.No. Equipment Limits Scope of Inspection

v) High voltage Test.

vi) Power frequency test.

vii) Fault simulation

viii) review of type test certificates of


7) Relay & Metering panel. All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Checking wiring diagram.

iii) Relay operation test for over current,

earth fault by D.C. injection.

iv) Reviewing test certificates of relays.

v) High voltage & Insulation test.

8) Scanner Panel All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) operation test for indication of temp. of

Bearing, windings & Oil.

iii) Hooter test with respective setting of

alarm and tripping circuit.

iv) Checking wiring diagram and control


v) H.V. and I.R. test.

9) D.C. Battery and Battery

charger and Distribution


All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Checking Components.

iii) Checking wiring diagram and control


v) H.V. and I.R. test.

10) Cables LT 300 sq.mm.

& above &

if length is

300 mtr.

and above.

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test.

iii) Over load test.

iv) High voltage Test.

v) Insulation Resistance test.

11) Cables HT 95 sq.mm.

& above &

if length is

300 mtr.

and above.

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test.

iii) Over load test.

iv) High voltage Test.

v) Insulation Resistance test.

12) E.O.T. Crane /

Monorail/chain pulley

block and trolley

3 MT &


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Operation test.

iii) Deflection test.

iv)Load Test.

13) Sluice Valves / Butterfly


350 mm dia

and above

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Sr.No. Equipment Limits Scope of Inspection

ii) Body and seat test.

iii) Test with operation of actuator and

reduction gear box fully assembled with

valve opening and closing (in case

actuators are provided) with synchronizing.

iv) Checking wear travel (for SV only)

14) Non Return Valve 350 mm dia

and above

with by

pass fitted

if specified.

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Body and seat test.

15) Flow control valve for inley

and outlet of ESR’s

All i) Review of raw materials test

Certificates and quality control


ii) Dimensional checkup

iii) Body and seat test.

iv) Operation test with PLC, controller

and with all related components fully

assembled with valve opening and

closing as per water level and to get

required flow with synchronizing.

v) All other tests necessary as per latest

IS/ISO/standard codes and


16) Air Valve 150 mm dia

and above.

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Body test.

iii) Operation test for functioning of small

orifice and large orifice.

17) Valve actuator All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) High voltage Test.

iii) Insulation Resistance test.

iv) Routine test and operation test.

v) Checking wiring diagram and circuit.

vi) Operation test with limit switches.

18) Capacitors 50 KVAR

bank or


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test.

iii) High voltage Test.

iv) Insulation Resistance test.

19) Multi programmable

automatic control unit /

All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Sr.No. Equipment Limits Scope of Inspection

Motor protection relays. ii) High voltage Test.

iii) Insulation Resistance test.

iv) Operation test

v) Fault simulation

vi) Checking wiring.

20) Voltage Stabilizer Above 25


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Routine test.

iii) High voltage Test.

iv) Insulation Resistance test.

v) Ratio test

vi) Temperature rise test.

21) Water hammer control


All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Hydrostatic test.

iii) Radiographic test for welding

(for Air vessel)

22) Water meters/ Flowmeters 150 mm dia

and above

i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Hydrostatic test.

iii) Calibration test.

23) Wireless communication


All i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Operation test for all equipments.

24) Equipments/components

of SCADA and Automation




in Schedule


i) Review of raw materials test Certificates

and quality control procedure.

ii) Calibration test.

iii) Operation test

iv) All other tests necessary as per latest

IS/ISO/standard codes and specifications.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

SCHEDULE OF “Acceptable Makes”


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner


"Schedule of Acceptable makes" (Elect./Mech/Electro-Mechanical) S.No. Name of Co. / Brand Manufactured at Valid Upto

1 Vertical Turbine Pump

Kirloskar Pumps only Kirloskar wadi As existing all VT pumps

are of kirloskar

make.Therefore only Kirlos-

kar make pump will be ac-

ceptable having similar

technical specification.

2 SPV Solar Pumping System

i) CNP Pumps (Uptq 5 HP ) China Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii)Any other make - As approved by SE(M)

3 Valves

a) Sluice Valve

i) 600 mm and above with Gland

& Gland Less

i) Durga (Upto 1500 mm) Kolkatta ,Email - mum-

bai@durgavalves.com Ph022-


Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) Calsens ( Upto 1000 mm ) Kolkatta Email-

ho@calsens.com Ph.- 033-


Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii) Sigma Flow (Upto 1000 mm ) Kolkatta Ph. -033 -2262487 1 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iv) Jupiter Engg Co.(Upto 1000

rnm ) for PN-1 &1.6

Ph. 033-2653 1 285 187 59

Emailj upiterulves@gmail.com



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

v) Infra / Trustman ( upto 600


Shree Krisna Ind.Howrah Ph

No .033-26510077

, Mo No -09163905657 Email



ii) 400 mm dia to 600 mm dia

i) All above

ii) KP Mandal Howrah Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii) McWane Services Pvt Ltd.

Including Cate Valves- Upto 600

ltl m

143/12 A, Anna Nagar

Road,Neelambur, Coinrbatore-

6 41 062. Ph -0422-

3222884185 Email -



iii) 200 mm dia to 400 mm dia

i) All above

ii) Unique Hydrotech ( Up to

400 mm )

Palus, Sangli Email - unique-


34 6-226147

Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iv) Upto 600 mm Dia CI / CS

i) Gavane Patil M/s, Gavane &Patil P.

Ltd.Pandharpur Road , Miraj Ph

No-0233-2231253 Email-

gavane_Patil@yahoo. co. in


v Upto 400 mm Dia CI / DI / CS

i) KVMC Brand M/s Kamla Valve Manufacturing

Concern 83/85,Netaji Subhash

Road, 4th floor, Room No.401

,kolkotta 700001 Ph 033-



vi) 50 to 200 mm dia

i) All above

ii) Kranti Jalandhar Ernail - pa-

ras.valves@gmail.com Ph-08 I

- 2292364

Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

4 Ball valve - As approved by SE(M)

5 Reflux Valve

i) 600 mm dia and above.

i) Durga ( Upto 1500 mrn ) Kol katta Ph 022- 40242529 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii)) Jupiter Engg Co.(Upto 1000

mm ) for PN-1 &1.6

Ph. 033-26531285 /18759




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

iii) lnfra / Trustman ( Upto


Shree Krisna Ind.Howrah Ph

No .033-26510077

, Mo No -09163905657 Email



ii) 400 rnm dia to 600 mm dia

i) All above

ii) McWane Services Pvt Ltd. 143/12 A, Anna Nagar

Road,Neelambur, Coinrbatore-

6 41 062. Ph -0422-

3222884185 Email -



iii) Upto 400 mm Dia CI / DI / CS

i) KVMC Brand M/s Kamla Valve Manufacturing

Concern 83/85,Netaji Subhash

Road, 4th floor, Room No.401

,kolkotta 700001 Ph 033-



iv) 200 mm dia to 400 mm dia

i) All Above

ii) Unique Hydrotech(upto


Palus sangli ph 02346-226147 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii) Calsens (upto 400mm) Kolkatta ph- 033-22486527 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iv) Sigma flow (upto 400mm) Kolkatta ph- 033-22624871 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

v) 50 to 200mm dia

i) All Above

ii)Kranti Jalandhar ph 081-2292364 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

6 Air Valve

i) Kinetic Air valves

Upto 200mm dia

1) Durga tamper proof (upto 200

mm )

Kolkatta ph 022-40242529 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) Unique Hydrotech(upto 200


Palus sangli ph 02346-226147 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii) Mayur (tamper proof) 200


Nashik Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iv) KP Mandal(tamper proof)


Howrah Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

v)calsens (upto 200mm) Kolkatta ph- 033-22486527 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

vi) Sigma flow (upto 200mm) Kolkatta ph- 033-22624871 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

vii) Kranti Tamperproof upto


Jalandhar ph 081-2292364 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

viii)Jupiter Engg co.(Upto


ph.033-26531285/8759 email-


Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ix) lnfra / Trustman ( Upto


Shree Krisna Ind.Howrah Ph

No .033-26510077

, Mo No -09163905657 Email



ii Double ball air valve CI/Di/CS

i) MC Wane Services Pvt ltd 143/12 A, Anna Nagar

Road,Neelambur, Coinrbatore-

6 41 062. Ph -0422-

3222884185 Email -



ii)KVMC Brand M/s Kamla Valve Manufacturing

Concern 83/85,Netaji Subhash

Road, 4th floor, Room No.401

,kolkotta 700001 Ph 033-



iii Air relief valve

i) Dorot upto 200mm M/s Synergy Engneering & En-

vironmental solutions pvt ltd

thane ph no.022-25335975





7a Butterfly valve

i) Durga (upto 1500mm) Kolkatta ph 022-40242529 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) Unique Hydrotech(upto 1000


Palus sangli ph 02346-226147 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii) Mayur (upto 600mm) Nashik Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iv) KP Mandal(upto 600mm) Howrah Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

v)Calsens(upto 1000mm) Kolkatta ph 033-22486527 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

vi)Sigma Flow(upto 1000mm) kolkatta ph 033-22624871 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

vii) lnfra / Trustman ( Upto


Shree Krisna Ind.Howrah Ph

No .033-26510077

, Mo No -09163905657 Email



viii) Kranti Jalandhar ph 081-2292364 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ix) Dynamic Valves pvt ltd (upto

1800mm & PN 1.6)

Ph 022-27692277 email-



7b Butterfly Valves CI/DI/CS

i) Upto 600 mm dia

i) McWane Services Pvt Ltd.

Including Cate Valves- Upto 600

ltl m

143/12 A, Anna Nagar

Road,Neelambur, Coinrbatore-

6 41 062. Ph -0422-

3222884185 Email -



ii)KVMC Brand M/s Kamla Valve Manufacturing

Concern 83/85,Netaji Subhash

Road, 4th floor, Room No.401

,kolkotta 700001 Ph 033-



8 Air cushion valve/zero veloci-

ty valve

Durga(upto 300mm) Kolkatta ph 022-40242529 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

9 Pressure reducing valve

i) Dorot upto 400 mm M/s Synergy Engneering & En-

vironmental solutions pvt ltd

thane ph no.022-25335975





10 Actuators

i) Auma Bangluru Email-

aumapn@pn3.vsnl.net.in Ph.-


Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) Marsh Automatio pvt ltd 98A/25A, Hadapsar, Pune- 13.

Ph No.020-26875124. Email-




11 Pipes

a G.L Pipes and Special Approved at Local Level

b C.l. Pipes and Special Approved at Local Level or As

per Civil CSR


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

12 Dismantaling Joint

i)k P Mandal upto 600 mm Howrah Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) Anant upto 1000 mm M/s, Anant Engineers & fabrica-

tors,D37, MIDC, Ahrnednagar

.Ph No-0241- 21 77 440 I

660268 I Email-

pnn@anantengg.com, en-



13 Pressure/Vacuum Gauges Approved at Local Level

14 Motors

A L.T.Motors

i) Horizontal Motors (BEE Mark)

i) CNP Pumps(upto 150 HP) china Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) Bharat bijlee(upto 300hp) Thane Ph.-02 2-243 0 6237 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii)Saga Windel Purnps Pvt. Ltd.

( upto 15HP)

Mob.- 09825015990. Emal sa-



ii) Vertical hollow shaft motors

Kirloskar(BEE Mark) Kirloskar Electric As existing all VHS Motors

are of kirloskar

make.Therefore only Kirlos-

kar make motor will be ac-

ceptable having similar

technical specification of

existing motors.

iii) VFD/Gear motors

Bharat bijlee(upto 300hp) Thane Ph.-02 2-243 0 6237 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

15 A C Generator/D.C Motor Kirloskar/Mahindra/Crompton


16 Starters

A DOL Siemens/LT/LT only

B Star delta Siemens/LT/LT only

C Auto Transformer Starter with

Air Break Contactor

Locally Fabricated as per MJP



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

D Power Contactor for ATS :- LT/LK/HPL/peco/JSL or ap-

proved by SE(M)

Upto 800 Amps LT/LK/HPL/peco/JSL or ap-

proved by SE(M)

Upto 600 Amps LT/LK/HPL/peco/JSL or ap-

proved by SE(M)

All above

Upto 400 Amps LT/LK/HPL/peco/JSL or ap-

proved by SE(M)

All above

17 Soft start starters

FCMA + Soft Starters ( Lecon

Energetics )

Lecon Energetics Pvt .Ltd. Sur-

vey No .77ll l3,Site No 2 , 15 th

Cross, I(areenl saheb Layout,

Vlanjunatha lnd. Conrplex,

Vishwaneedan Post, Bangalore

- 9l. Email :


consystem .com .Mo. No.

09845067240 / 09149041220


18 Switches and Fuses LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

i) Rotary Switch fuse LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

ii) Changeover switch on

load/off load


crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

iii) HRC Fuses LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

19 LT Circuit Breaker LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

i) Moulded case circuit breaker LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ii) MCB LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

20 Air Circuit breaker LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

a) no limit LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

b) upto 1600 Amp LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

c) Upto 630 Amp LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

21 Vacuum Circuit breaker LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

a) 22kv/33kv LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

b) 11kv LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

c) indoor VCB & Kiosk LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

22 Vacuum Contactors LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

23 ELCB LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

24 Protection relay LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

i) Motor protection relay for HT



crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

ii) Motor protection relay for LT



crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

iii) Over current and earth fault re-

lay high speed tripping relay


crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)

iv) Static relay LT/LK,Siemens,HPL/JSL,peco/

crompton grieves,minitech or

as approved by SE(M)


25 Ammeters/Voltmeters LT/LK/meco/rishabh/AE/or as

approved by SE(M)

26 Capacitors

L.T. Capacitor 25 hVAR and


Khatau,zanjar or as approved

by SE(M)

i EPCOS India Pvt. Ltd (UPto 50)

M.V. Upto 500kVAR

Ph. 022-25750819. 30.04.20

ii L.T.Capacitor upto 25 kVAR All above and as MSEDCL ap-


iii Capacitors H.T Khatau,zanjar or as approved

by SE(M)

27 Cables

i PVC Submersible ( Copper

Conductor) Cable

As approved by SE(M)

ii I .l kV PVC armoured

.unarmoured & XLPE Alum /

Copper Cable

As approved by SE(M)

Asian Galaxy Pvt. Ltd. i) Sin-

gle/Multi Core upto 400 sqrrm.

ii)Single/ Multi core upto 50

sqmn.r. iii) Aerial Bunch cable

upto 1.1 KV

Ph. 011-43025843. Email-



Vishal i) Armoured /Unarmoured

Power cable upto 1.1 kV ii)

Copper Control Cable iii) Flexi-

ble Wires and Cables

M/s Vishal cable P.

Ltd.56,Ashoka shopping Centre

,Murnbai Ph. No-022-

22695186 122641337 Email-



iii 3.3 kV/6.6 kV/11 kV/ 22kYt33 kV

XLPE cable

As per MJPs norms As approved by SE(M)

iv Control Cable All Above As approved by SE(M)

28 LT Panel


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

i) H T Switchgears Pune Ph.-020 -65295556 Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii)Technocraft Switch Gears Pvt.


Ph. 022-257 05977 I 25706865

Email- nc.shenoy@technocraft

s.net nishmitha@technocraft



29 PF Correction Panel As Approved by SE(M)

30 Water meters

a Ultrasonic water meters

i AMR Bulk meter i) itron with AMR (upto


Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

ii) ARAD with AMR(upto


Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

iii)Adapt Fluidyne Pvt.

Ltd.Pune.(all sizes) Ph. 020- 25

4645 5 1 125 43 I 47 4. Email-



iv) Electronet (Pune ) M/s Elec-

tronet Equipment P Ltd (all siz-

es),Plot No 84,85&86,Tiny

lndusstrial Estate,Kondhwa

Budruk,Pune Ph No 020-

26932093/ I 476 Email-



ii Ultrasonic flow meters i)RL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. No

2, Rangarajapuram, l st

Street.Kodamdakkam, Chen-

nai-600024. Ph. 044-24806500.

Email - chennai@rltech. in


ii)Adapt Fluidyne Pvt. Ltd.Pune.

Ph. 020- 25 4645 5 1 125 43 I

47 4. Email-



iii)Electronet (Pune ) M/s Elec-

tronet Equipment P Ltd (all siz-

es),Plot No 84,85&86,Tiny

lndusstrial Estate,Kondhwa

Budruk,Pune Ph No 020-

26932093/ I 476 Email-




Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

iii Insertion type i) Endress+Hauser ( Auranga-

bad) PhNo 022-30236100




ii)Adapt Fluidyne Pvt. Ltd.Pune.

Ph. 020- 25 4645 5 1 125 43 I

47 4. Email-



iii)Electronet (Pune ) M/s Elec-

tronet Equipment P Ltd (all siz-

es),Plot No 84,85&86,Tiny

lndusstrial Estate,Kondhwa

Budruk,Pune Ph No 020-

26932093/ I 476 Email-



iv Portable type No Limit i) Endress+Hauser ( Auranga-

bad) PhNo 022-30236100




ii)Adapt Fluidyne Pvt. Ltd.Pune.

Ph. 020- 25 4645 5 1 125 43 I

47 4. Email-



iii)Electronet (Pune ) M/s Elec-

tronet Equipment P Ltd (all siz-

es),Plot No 84,85&86,Tiny

lndusstrial Estate,Kondhwa

Budruk,Pune Ph No 020-

26932093/ I 476 Email-



b) Full Bore Electromagnetic

Flow Meters

i Categary "A" (Having its own

testing facility with NABL Labor-


i) Endress+Hauser ( Auranga-

bad) PhNo 022-30236100




(upto 1000mm) ii) Krohne Marshall Pvt

Ltd.Pune Ph No 020-21442020






Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

iii) Electronet (Pune ) M/s Elec-

tronet Equipment P Ltd ,Plot No

84,85&86,Tiny lndusstrial Es-

tate,Kondhwa Budruk,Pune Ph

No 020-26932093/ I 476 Email-



Upto 800 mm i) All Above

ii) Manas Micrsysterns Pvt Ltd

Pune Ph No 020-27127044




Upto 400 mm (Including Battery

Operated )

Adapt Fluidyne Pvt. Ltd.Pune.

Ph. 020- 25 4645 5 1 125 43 I

47 4. Email-



ii Categary "B" upto 200 mm

RL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. No 2,

Rangarajapuram, l st

Street.Kodamdakkam, Chen-

nai-600024. Ph. 044-24806500.

Email - chennai@rltech. in


iii Upto 150mm Kranti & Paras upto 150mm Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

Water Meter Calibration SYstem

(Test Bench )

ii) Kranti & Paras Upto 40 mm Validity Expired.Decision of

SE(M) will be Final.

31 Web based PLC with HMI for

automation of WTP/pumPing


All makes included in list of

approved makes for SCADA

and Automation work or as ap-

proved by SE(M)

PLC Controllers Scada. HMI ,

I/O Modules. lndu.Grade Ether-

net switches / Wireless sys-

tem.lightening protection Devic-

esValvetrab, Linetrab,Surgetrab

(20kA ),terminal block (

PolYmide i Nor.r Ferrous Metal

),Cables & C)onnectors, Indu.

Grade Din Rail SMPS, DC- UPS

,Relays, Isolators . Fiber Optics

Serial Convertot", Solid States

Contactors ( Motor Manage-


All makes included in list of

approved makes for SCADA

and Automation work or as ap-

proved by SE(M)


Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

32 Web based Intelligent Devices All makes included in list of

approved makes for SCADA

and Automation work or as ap-

proved by SE(M)

33 Level Transmitter All makes included in list of

approved makes for SCADA

and Automation work or as ap-

proved by SE(M)

34 Level Switch All makes included in list of

approved makes for SCADA

and Automation work or as ap-

proved by SE(M)

35 Pressure, Level, Temprature

Transmitter, Liquid Analysis

Sensor &transmitter,Ultrasonic

/Radar level transmitter,pH,DO

turbidity and chlorine analyzer.

i)Endress+Hauser ( Auranga-

bad) Ph No 022-



ii) RL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. No

2, Rangarajapuram, Ist

Street,Kodarrdakkam, Chennai-

600024. Ph. 044-24806500.

Ernail - chennai@rltech. in


iii)All makes included in list of

approved makes for SCADA

and Automation work or as ap-

proved by SE(M)



Sr.. Equipment / Instrument Make

1 Servers, Computers & IT Hard-


IBM, HP, Lenovo, Dell, Com-


2 Printers HP, Epson Ep-



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

3 UPS Emerson-Libert, APLAB, Ener-

con, Transtech,Microtech

4 Batteries Exide, Amron

5 Programmable Logic Controller


Allen Bradley, ABB, Schneider,

Siemens, Honeywell, Phoe-

nix,Fuji Electric,Omron, B &R

6 SCADA Software Rockwell, ABB, Schneider,

Siemens, Bentley ,Fuji Elec-


7 RTU/Field Data Transmitters Mechatronics, Siemens, , ABB,

Schneider,Graphite,Fuji Elec-


8 DATA logger Mechatronics, Siemens, , ABB,


9 Solar Power Supply Mechatronics, TATABP, Vikram

10 Electromagnetic/Ultrasonic


Siemens, E&H, Krohne Mar-



11 RADAR level sensor Siemens, E&H, Kronhe Mar-

shall, HWM,VEGA,Rosemount

12 Pressure Sensor Siemens, Rosemount, ABB,

E&H,Fuji Electric,Baumer


13 Water Quality Instruments HATCH, Forbes Marshall, Em-


14 pH, Turbidity, Residual Chlorine, E & H, SIGRIST,Rosemount

15 Instrumentation, Control & Pow-

er Cables

RPG, Finolex, Polycab, CCI,

TCL, Asian

16 Multifunction Energy Meter Schneider, Emerson,L


17 Electrical Parameter monitoring


Siemens, Schneider, Emerson,

18 Automatic Flow Control Valves

for Inlet & Outlet of ESR



19 Auto Chlorination System/plants Siemens, Penvault


20 Valves of Air Management sys-


Approved Make by S.E.(M)


21 Energy Monitoring system and


Approved Make by S.E.(M)



Contractor No. of Correction Commissioner

Note : If any make of the product is not mentioned in the above approved list, then the

same shall be got approved from Superintending Engineer (M), Nagpur.

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