aimee's abc book

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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My ABC BookFamily and Friends

AA is for Alivia, Alivia is my BEST friend. We love to run in the sprinkler together. And we like to do crafts and just hang out and talk.

BB is for my aunt Becky. She likes to scrapbook and do crafts. She is very artsy. Becky also has a dog named “Dottie”.

CC is for Chip and Cocoa. They are my best, best, best friends.I love to run back and forth with them. They are my favorite dogs.Cocoa is 5 months and Chip is 5.

DD is for my Great-grandma Doris. She is 98 but she is as fast as a 20 year old.

EE is for Ethan. He is my little cousin.He was born March 4th 2013 and thanks to him I’m not the youngest any more. He loves to watch Mickey Mouse.

FF is for family because family is very important to me.

GG is for Groeneweg. Groeneweg is my last name.

HH is Hauge. It is Alivia’s last name.

II is for Izzy and Izzy. One is my grandpa’s dog and the other one is my BFF.They have never met, but I want them to. Izzy and I do everything together.

J J is for Jeff, Justin, Josh, Joe, John, Jake, Joel and Jen. They are all my cousins, but John and Joe are my uncles. Jeff is getting married in Nov. Justin loves to play to football. Josh lives in Minnesota. Joe is very funny he as the one to make me smile first. John has lots of parties. Jake is my favorite Cousin and he is my shopping buddy. And Jen is funny and kind. And Joel is my brother.

K is for Kirby and Kirk. Kirby is my Cousin’s dog. He is a tiny and he is a cute shih tzu. Kirk is my dad. My dad is pretty funny if you ask me.


LL is for Layne. Layne is my good friend. We like to talk to each other. We almost always run together in gym.

MM is for Mooney. Mooney is my friend Lauren’s last name. We sit next to each other in reading class. We also do girl scouts together.

NN is for Nick. He is my cousin. He is very close to my favorite. Nick is my shopping buddy too.He taught me how to do a handstand, tripod and a headstand.

OO is for Orville. He is my great, great uncle.I don’t really know him that well.

PP is for Pingel. Pingle is my friend Emma’s last name. Emma is really funny and she runs into me a lot (on purpose). We both like the smurf movies. And we like the minions from “Despicable me 2”.

QQ is for Qwint. Qwint is what I’d name our next dog.

RR is for Roberts. Roberts is my friend Emily’s last name. I have one sleepover with her so far. We both LOVE Cherry Berry!

SS is for Sheila. Sheila is my mom. She likes to ride her bike, walk, listen to music, play with our dogs and be with us.

TT is for Teresa. Teresa is my aunt. She is hilarious and once she starts laughing she can’t stop! She is always the one to take us shopping. She is fun to be with!

UUncle Ernie. Ernie’s real name is Ted but everyone calls him Ernie so I never call him Ted. He is goofy and sometimes says stuff that doesn’t make sense.

VV is for Van Horn. Van Horn my friend Autumn’s last name. Autumn and I both like our math class. We like to swing together at recess.

WW is for Wayne. Wayne is my grandpa. He lives in South Dakota. He has a hard time not talking when someone is trying to take his picture. It is funny. He has some goofy sayings.

XX is for my neighbor Xada. She is so hilarious! We love to just goof off and do funny stuff. She has 2 sisters and she is in 2nd grade.

YY is for Young Suk. She is my 2nd cousin’s wife. I have never met her but I’m hoping to in the near future.

ZZ is for my cousin Zach. He is really funny. He does not like to shop though. He used to play football and wrestle.

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