aiesec it interships for partners

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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This is the info sheet for the International Internship program of AIESEC, in the Information Technology area. AIESEC Hellas is providing you with the opportunity to recruit junior-level talents from around the world in the IT sector. The duration of the intership can be from 2 - 12 months. More than 15.000 young talents are waiting to fill your openings and bring international perspective and growth to your organization.


What is AIESEC?

AIESEC is the world's largest student‐run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today. AIESEC is the international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential so as to have a positive impact on society. AIESEC has 60 years of experience in running the Global Internship program and providing university educated international interns for companies and communities in Greece and other 109 countries.

AIESEC in Global Numbers

110 Countries

1.600 Universities

50.000 Members

10.000 International Internships

10.000 Leadership Roles

4.000 Partners/sponsors

470 Conferences annually

+ 60 years of experience


Information Technology is one of AIESEC Hellas most prestigious projects. It aims to provide companies with high educated students or recent graduates in technical fields. Capitalizing in our global network you can have access to young people with remarkable studies and skills in the demanding sector of Information Technology. Drive growth to your results capitalizing on global trends.

Why get involved?

Currently, more than 4,000 organizations, from multinationals to small and medium businesses, from non-profit sector to governmental institutes even United Nations are allies of AIESEC around the world in order to have access to the best talent.

AIESEC's unique talent offers many opportunities for organizations to cooperate with our platform and have added value. Through exchange programs, your organization agrees to AIESEC's international partners as well as the benefits of being an ally with the largest student´s organization.

You choose

- The starting and ending date of the Internship

- The profile of the Intern

- The Job Description of the Intern

- The academic and business background of the



- Research for the best solution to your needs - Support and preparation of Intern - Reception of Intern - Feedback to Intern

Proposed Countries

Turkey, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, China, Serbia, India, Brazil, Tunisia

Proposed Work Fields

Software Development and Programming , Web development and management, System analysis

and design, Network management & data transmission, Database management


Interns demonstrate a range of skills and impact by handling specific short term projects or working in a team on long term strategies.

Solution for restrictive head count, building an international management pipeline, and gaining insight on projects or strategies.

Candidates are current students and recent graduates of top bachelors, masters and MBA programs in 1,700 universities globally.

Attract candidates from 110 countries via an efficient, centralized sourcing process.

Brings global perspective to your company and current workforce

Interns have developed their competencies and are fully aware of their abilities through Global Competency Model






n1 • Administration fee

• 350 € (6 - 12 months)

• Salary of foreign specialist

• At least 750 € per month

• Without providing accomodation and meals



n2 • Administration fee

• 350 € (6 - 12 months)

• Salary of foreign specialist

• At least 700 €per month

• Providing only meals



n3 • Administration fee

• 350 € (6 - 12 months)

• Salary of foreign specialist

• At least 350€ per month

• Providing accomodation and meals

“During the duration of our collaboration, AIESEC members, showed levels of professionalism, maturity, organizational skills and motivation that are rare even between experienced professionals. Additionally, with great surprise I discovered that AIESEC develops top talented students with explicit HR tools such as the Global Competency model, talent management, soft skills management, smart objectives, project management etc. I highly recommend any kind of cooperation with these excellent professionals. The experience of working with them is

reciprocal. One can really learn a lot through their enthusiasm and motivation.”

Christina Kapeni,

HR Director | Beiersdorf Hellas ΑΕ

Goals and criteria

•The Company defines the task / project in which an intern will operate. AIESEC representative helps you todetermine knowledges, skills and abilieties necessary for solving tasks and create job descriptions; signed anagreement on mutual obligations.

•Duration: 1-5 days.


•AIESEC conducts the selection of candidates through a system of tests and interviews, choosing a specialist,ideally suited for the position. AIESEC gives the list of most suitable candidates to a company. If it will be nesessaryAIESEC can arrange interviews between you and the candidate.

•Duration: 2-4 weeks.

•The duration of the selection process is dependent on the requirements for a candidate.

Legal issues

•AIESEC prepares the necessary documents (invitations and visas for foreign specialists) and organize his/her hostin the city, as well as addressing legal issues.

• Duration: 1-4 weeks.

•The duration of this stage depends on the country from which the young specialist will arrive.


•AIESEC provides cultural and social integration of foreign specialists, helps them to overcome the culture shock andadapt quickly to new conditions. Throughout the period one of the AIESEC representatives provides support forwork and leisure of foreign specialists.

•Duration: the whole period of work.

Working process

•Throughout all the period AIESEC monitors the work of foreign specialists in the company, helps to overcome anydifficults, interacts with the foreign specialists and representatives of the company.

•Duration: the whole period of work.


•AIESEC organizes regular evaluations of the project to make sure that all the project participants are satisfied.AIESEC respects its partners and strives to create the platform for long-term relationships.

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