ahsge standard iii revolution, expansion, & reform

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Standard III

Revolution, Expansion, & Reform


What act of colonial protestation resulted in the Coercive (Intolerable) Act being passed by the British parliament?

Boston Tea Party


What document was sent to King George III as a final attempt at peace by the colonists in 1775?

Olive Branch Petition


What American colonist gave the famous speech stating, “give me liberty or give me death?”

Patrick Henry


Who served as the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War?

George Washington


Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty?

Samuel Adams He led the Boston Tea Party He signed the Declaration of Independence


Who made the famous ride warning colonists that the “Redcoats are coming!”?

Paul Revere Portrayed by William Wadsworth Longfellow in

the Poem “Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the 18th of April, Seventeen hundred and seventy five hardly a man is now alive that remembers that famous day and year.”


What battle was the turning point in the Revolutionary War (resulting in France becoming our ally)?

Saratoga October



Where were Washington’s troops encamped during the harsh winter of 1777-1778?

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania


What was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War (General Cornwallis surrendered to General Washington)?

Yorktown in October 1781

If buttercups buzz'd after the bee,If boats were on land, churches on sea,If ponies rode men and if grass ate the cows,And cats should be chased into holes by the mouse,If the mamas sold their babiesTo the gypsies for half a crown;If summer were spring and the other way round,Then all the world would be upside down.


What was the treaty called which gave the U.S. its independence from Great Britain?

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Early Republic

What law was passed by Jefferson that disallowed trade with other nations (including Britain) and led to the War of 1812?

Embargo Act, 1807

Early Republic

The U.S. fought the British again in what war?

War of 1812

Early Republic

What ordinance was passed in 1785 that divided territory in the old northwest into townships?

Land Ordinance

Early Republic

What ordinance passed in 1787 disallowed slavery in the old northwest?

Northwest Ordinance

Early Republic

What action allowed Jefferson to double the size of the U.S. in 1803? Louisiana Purchase

Early Republic

Who did Jefferson hire to explore the west? Lewis & Clark

War of 1812

What term was used to describe the British navy forcing Americans into service? Impressment

War of 1812

What War of 1812 battle resulted in the protection of Baltimore & Francis Scott Key’s inspiring “Star Spangled Banner”?

Ft. McHenry

The Diamond Fourca.1898


War of 1812

In what War of 1812 battle, did Jackson defeat the Creek Indians in AL?

Horseshoe Bend

War of 1812

In what War of 1812 battle, did Jackson defeat the British after a truce was called? New Orleans

War of 1812

The post-War of 1812 years were called what (because of prosperity, one political party, etc.)?

Era of Good Feelings


What year did Alabama become a state?

December 14, 1819


Which Supreme Court case (while John Marshall was the Chief Justice) insured the national government controlled interstate commerce?

Gibbons v. Ogden1824


Which Supreme Court case (under Marshall) ruled the national bank was, in fact, constitutional?

McCullough v. Maryland


What congressional agreement allowed Missouri to become a slave state and Maine to become a free state? This same agreement forbade slavery north of the 36 degree 30’ North latitude.

Missouri Compromise


What action stated that the U.S. would not allow further European colonization of the Americas?

Monroe Doctrine

Era of the Common Man

Which president gets credit for establishing the spoils system (which allowed a governmental official to appoint friends and supporters to office)?

Andrew Jackson

Jacksonian Democracy

What law by Andrew Jackson forced the five civilized tribes of the southeast to evacuate?

Removal Act of 1830

Jacksonian Democracy

What event resulted in the Cherokees marching at gunpoint from Georgia to Oklahoma?

Trail of Tears

Jacksonian Democracy

South Carolina’s attempt to void the Tariff of 1832 was called the…

Nullification Crisis


What country did Texas gain its independence from in 1836?


What was the U.S. belief that God intended America to gain control of all lands between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?



Why did the U.S. fight Mexico (the Mexican-American War) in 1846-1848?

Border Dispute Nueces or

Rio Grande

Westward Expansion

List four major trails used by settlers in the western part of the U.S….

Oregon Mormon California Santa Fe

Women’s Suffrage

What famous meeting in 1848 called for women to demand greater equality and opportunity in the U.S.?

Seneca Falls Convention

Women’s Suffrage

Who hosted this convention?


What white abolitionist from Massachusetts produced The Liberator?

William LloydGarrison


What black abolitionist from Maryland produced The North Star?



What was the purpose of the Underground Railroad?

To free slaves


What black woman used the Underground Railroad to help liberate hundreds of slaves?

Harriet Tubman

Reform Era

During the reform period of the 1830s and 1840s temperance was a popular movement. What was the temperance movement against?


Reform Era

What woman led reform in prisons in the U.S.?

Dorothea Dix

Reform Era

Who led reform in education in the 1800s?

Horace Mann

Reform Era

What religious movement in the early 1800s influenced people to help others (leading to all of these reform movements)?

SecondGreat Awakening

Reform Era

What were the communities called which tried to make a “perfect society”?

Utopian Societies

Reform Era

Who founded the Mormon faith?

Joseph Smith

Reform Era

Whitman, Emerson, and Thoreau were writers of what movement that stressed humans should look to themselves for the answers as to how best to live?


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