agile training - scrum 101

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Agile Scrum In 60 seconds

Scrum is a popular agile framework.

ScrumIt helps development teams deliver value in small increments, 30 days or less.

Scrum You could have 1, 2, 3, or even 4-week long sprints.

Scrum is not a methodology. It is a framework that means you have to tailor it to your organization needs.

Scrum comes from rugby. Think of a team who is aggressively trying to advance the ball by working together as one team.

Scrum was first published in 1995 by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber.

What is actually the Scrum goal? Why do you want to adopt Scrum and what is it going to do for you?


Scrum is not a prescriptive process. It exposes a lot of questions within your organizations about inefficiencies, team allocation and dysfunctions.

ScrumScrum has simple, very easy rules but these rules are very hard to implement because of the required changes.

So what roles exist in Scrum?

We will start with a product owner. The product owner is in charge of the backlog. He has to prioritize it such that the highest value items are sitting on top.

The product owner works with a Scrum master who facilitates the entire process.

Who's involved in the project? Stakeholders. Stakeholders could be either users of other departments. It could also be managers in other areas. They are the ones involved.

ScrumThe next Scrum role is the Scrum master.

Scrum The Scrum master ensures that the team is focused on delivering value.

One of the responsibilities of the Scrum master is to empower the team.

The next Scrum role is the team.

The team is responsible for turning the product backlog items into a potentially shippable product.

The size of a team is 7 people, plus or minus 2 members.

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