agile software development training

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Agile Software Development Training Catalog, IndigoCube, South Africa. Proud partners of Mountain Goat Software, Mike Cohn. IndigoCube consultants specialise in Scrum and agile practices. Our well-respected and popular training courses, especially when brought onsite and combined with team coaching or mentoring, will help put you on the path to success. Certified ScrumMaster by Scrum Alliance


Agile Software Development

Training Catalogue

IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 2

WORKING IN A SCRUM TEAM ...................................................................................................................................... 4

AGILE ESTIMATING AND PLANNING .............................................................................................................................. 5

SCRUM PRODUCT OWNER .......................................................................................................................................... 6

EFFECTIVE USER STORIES FOR AGILE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 7

INTRODUCTION TO DISCIPLINED AGILE DELIVERY ......................................................................................................... 8


IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 3

Agile Software Development Books

Sometimes you need more in-depth discussion than a website can provide. The following agile and programming books all come from the pen of founder Mike Cohn, who brings 25 years of experience as a technology expert to his writing.

A highly sought after subject matter expert, trainer, and speaker, Mike fills his books with anecdotes, advice, tips, and techniques that speak to the reader's needs. Mike's writing can also be found in various publications, including Better Software, IEEE Computer, Cutter IT Journal, Software Test and Quality Engineering, Agile Times, and the C/C++ Users Journal. As a founding member of both the Agile Alliance and the Scrum Alliance, Mike has a long-standing commitment to the agile, Scrum, and software communities.


Succeeding with agile is hard. Let us help you make it easier. Rather than sending only a few representatives (ScrumMaster, project manager, and technical leads) to a public course, consider training your entire team, onsite. All of our public courses can be brought to your site, minimizing both scheduling challenges and also the expense and hassle of out-of-town travel.


Public and onsite training courses are a great resource for learning about specific aspects of agile software development or agile project management. The best way to make sure that learning is remembered is to augment that training with coaching or mentoring. We offer you the option to supplement your onsite training course with onsite coaching. One popular combination includes a one-day Agile Estimating and Planning class followed by a day of assisted estimating and planning with your backlog. We can also combine a one-day Effective User Stories with a one-day work session.

Another option is to follow a two-day Working in a Scrum Team course with a day or two of coach-assisted backlog generation and sprint planning. Similarly, a Scrum Product Owner course can be combined with coaching that emphasizes user stories or release planning.

Scrum teaches us to inspect and adapt. It's a good idea, therefore, sometimes to plan for periodic coaching check-ups. Combining a training class with follow-on coaching a month or two later is a wonderful way to ensure that the key concepts presented in the agile or Scrum class have become daily habits on your teams. These are only a few possible combinations. Whatever your needs, we can devise a training and coaching plan that will help you succeed.


IndigoCube consultants specialise in Scrum and agile practices. Our well-respected and popular training courses, especially when brought onsite and combined with team coaching or mentoring, will help put you on the path to success.

Let's face it. You have more confidence in someone who has performed well for another colleague or associate. We understand that. We have strong endorsements from class attendees and clients. Look through them and read a few. Find out what they thought of the training or coaching we provided. It's what we would do if we were in your place. Training and coaching is an investment of time and money. Do your research when choosing someone to guide you along your agile path. IndigoCube have the hands-on experience, public record, and recommendations you need to determine whether we are right for you.


We come highly recommended

IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 4

Course Code


Intended Audience

Whether you're a manager, programmer, tester, analyst, product manager, or someone interested in working on or with a Scrum team, this course is suitable for you. You will leave with solid knowledge of how and why Scrum works. Through practical, hands-on exercises and small-group discussion, you will be prepared to plan your first sprint immediately after this class.



PMPs: This agile training class counts for 15 Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Working in a Scrum Team


This two day course provides the fundamental principles of Scrum and it also gives participants hands-on experience using Scrum.

During the class, attendees will learn why such a seemingly simple process as Scrum can have such profound effects on an organisation. Participants gain practical experience working with Scrum tools and activities such as the product backlog, sprint backlog, daily Scrum meetings, sprint planning meeting, and burndown charts. Participants leave knowing how to apply Scrum to all sizes of projects, from a single collocated team to a large, highly distributed team.


What you will learn:

Practical, project-proven practices The essentials of getting a project off on the right foot How to write user stories for the product backlog Why there's more to leading a self-organising team than

buying pizza and getting out of the way How to help both new and experienced teams be more

successful How to successfully scale Scrum to large, multi-continent

projects with team sizes in the hundreds Tips and tricks from the instructor's experience of using

Scrum in a wide variety of environments

2 Days

IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 5

Course Code


Intended Audience

This course is equally suited for managers, programmers, testers, or anyone involved in estimating or planning a software development project. Participants will return to their jobs with specific recommendations and actions they can perform to improve their current plans and projects.



PMPs: This agile training class counts for 7.5 Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Agile Estimating and Planning


One of the most important aspects of agile development training is estimating and planning. These are important, even for agile software development. Although agile is a fluid and iterative process, it does not mean that planning doesn’t have a place in its programming and project management.

Despite the many worthless plans that we’ve all seen – which may make us want to skip planning altogether – this Agile Estimating and Planning course will demonstrate that it is possible to create accurate project plans useful for programming testing – and projecting forward from 6-9 months. It will teach you how to create practical, useful and reliable plans for your software development projects.

If your teams view planning as something to be avoided, or your organisation uses plans as something to hold against development teams, this popular course can help your company break both of those attitudes and cycles.

IndigoCube Software’s Agile Estimating and Planning training and consulting teaches individuals and teams how to use estimating and planning for effective software development.


In this important Agile Estimating, Planning and Methodology course, participants learn skills for creating useful plans that lead to reliable decision-making. Attendees will leave with a solid understanding and experience of agile release and iteration planning. This course also looks at various approaches to estimating including unit-less points and ideal time. The class will present four specific techniques for deriving reliable estimates, including how to use the popular Planning Poker® technique and other techniques that dramatically improve a project's chances of on-time completion.

Topics Covered

How to create an accurate and useful project plan The importance of estimating size and deriving duration The differences between story points and ideal time The advantages of an abstract measure of size Techniques for creating estimates When and how to re-estimate How and when to perform release and iteration planning Tips for communicating about estimates and plans

1 Day

IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 6

Course Code


Intended Audience

This course is ideal for product managers, analysts, testers, and others who represent and are expected to understand the desires of users and customers on agile projects. You will leave with solid knowledge of how and why Scrum works and of your role on the project. Through practical, hands-on exercises and small-group discussion you will leave prepared to guide a Scrum team to success.



PMPs: This agile training class counts for 15 Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Scrum Product Owner


This course teaches you, the product owner, how to use the product backlog as a tool for success. As you watch the product take shape, iteration after iteration, you can restructure the Product Backlog to incorporate your insights or respond to changes in business conditions. You can also identify and cancel unsuccessful projects early, often within the first several months. The Scrum Product Owner course equips you with what you need to achieve success with Scrum.

Intuitive and lightweight, the Scrum process delivers completed increments of the product at rapid, regular intervals, usually from every two weeks to a month. Rather than the traditional system of turning a project over to a project manager while you then wait and hope for the best, Scrum offers an effective alternative, made even more attractive when considering the statistics of traditional product approaches in which over 50% of all projects fail and those that succeed deliver products in which 64% of the functionality is rarely or never used.

Topics Covered

Practical, project-proven practices How to write user stories for the product backlog Proven techniques for prioritising the product backlog How to predict the delivery date of a project (or the features

that will be complete by a given date) using velocity Tips for managing the key variables influencing project

success Tips and tricks from the instructor's experience of using

Scrum in a wide variety of environments

2 Days

IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 7

Course Code


Intended Audience

This user story course is equally suitable for programmers, testers, managers, analysts and even customers and product owners who are interested in applying these agile story techniques to their projects.



PMPs: This agile training class counts for 7.5 Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Effective User Stories for Agile Requirements


Projects start with their requirements. How those requirements are documented or expressed has a tremendous influence on the rest of the project. A great way to build software that meets users’ real needs and gets the project off on the right foot is to begin with user stories.

User stories are simple, clear, brief descriptions of functionality told from the perspective of a user. User stories in agile and Scrum development can be useful to either a user of the software or the customer of the software. The idea is that these statements can make up the requirements of an agile or Scrum project.

The technique of expressing requirements as user stories is one of the most broadly applicable techniques introduced by the agile processes; and user stories can also be an effective approach on all time-constrained projects.


In this course, a front-to-back blueprint is provided for writing user stories and weaving them into your development of lifecycle. The user stories training teach participants how to identify and write good user stories. You’ll learn the six attributes all good stories must exhibit and 13 guidelines for writing a better user story. The class explores how user role modeling can help when gathering a project's initial stories. During this hands-on course, all participants will have the opportunity to practice identifying user roles and writing stories on a case study.

Topics Covered

A useful template for writing user stories The six attributes of a good story and how to achieve them How to write non-functional requirements as user stories How much work to do up-front and how much to do just-in-

time How to conduct a story-writing workshop Practical examples from real-world projects

1 Day

IndigoCube (Pty) Ltd. | | (011) 759 5950 | Copyright 2000 Page 8

Course Code


Intended Audience

This intermediate course is for:


Quality Professionals

Project Managers

Data Professionals



Students should have:

Understanding of the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto

Read the Agile Scaling Model (ASM): Adapting Agile Methods for Complex Environments

Introduction to Disciplined Agile Delivery


Agile is an evolutionary approach to system development that focuses on the regular delivery of high-quality software in a timely and cost efficient manner, with just enough ceremony, and which meets the changing needs of its stakeholders. Agile software development offers the potential for significant process improvement if you adopt it properly, but can cause significant disruption if you adopt it improperly. This workshop provides an overview of a disciplined, full-lifecycle approach to agile software delivery. It teaches you to successfully apply fundamental agile techniques throughout the software delivery lifecycle.


Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:

Agile practices to deliver business value

Explain the fundamentals of agile software delivery

Explain the disciplined agile delivery lifecycle

Demonstrate the difference between Scrum and Disciplined Agile Delivery

Describe common agile practices and techniques

Apply common agile techniques to a simulated project

Explore how you can become more agile on your projects

Topics Covered

Introduction to Agile

From Scrum to Disciplined Agile Delivery

Roles on Agile teams

Initiating an agile project

Eliminating risk early in a project

Agile construction

Releasing a system into production

2 Days

Office: +27 11 759 5950 Facsimile: +27 11 759 5907



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PO Box 408 | Gallo Manor | 2052

Certified Consulting, Training and Software Provider

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