agent b

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Marnix's story


By: Marnix Brenninkmeijer

Agent B 3 books in one!!!

Book 1

One day there was a small house on a small street. In the house where two parents called “Joe and Mary”. Joe and Marry had two sons called “Tom and Oscar. Tom and Oscar had a pet. They called the pet “Bob”. But his secret name was Agent B. His other different name was Bob the Beaver. Agents B had a opponent called “Dr. Evil”. Tom and Oscar always built fabulous machines. Yesterday they built one of the biggest roller coaster. Today they wanted to build the biggest ice cream machine ever built in whole of human history.

So  Oscar  went  to  get  the  plans  for  the  ice  cream  machine.  When  Oscar  had  arrived  he  saw  the  girl  that  he  loved  and  took  the  wrong  plan.  He  took  the  plan  for  evil  Dr.  Evil  and  the  girl  took  the  plan  for  the  ice  cream  machine.  When  Oscar  went  to  get  the  plans  for  the  ice  cream  machine.  When  Oscar  had  arrived  he  saw  the  girl  that  he  loved  and  took  the  wrong  plan.  He  took  the  plan  for  evil  Dr.  Evil  and  the  girl  took  the  plan  for  the  ice  cream  machine.  When  Oscar  came  home,  he  gave  Tom  the  pan  from  Dr.  Evil.  Oscar  and  Tom  went  directly  to  work.  1  hour  later  Tom  and  Oscar  were  Ainished  and  so  did  Dr.  Evil.  At  that  moment  Agent  B  had  arrived.  Directly  Dr.  Evil  took  the  button  and  pressed  it.

Oscar  and  Tom  went  directly  to  work.  1  hour  later  Tom  and  Oscar  were  Ainished  and  so  did  Dr.  Evil.  At  that  moment  Agent  B  had  arrived.  Directly  Dr.  Evil  took  the  button  and  pressed  it.  Agent  B  was  caught  in  a  trap.  Then  Dr.  Evil  took  the  button  for  the  ice  cream  machine  and  pressed  it.  The  ice  cream  machine  immediately  put  1  ton  of  ice  cream  on  him.  Agent  B  used  his  laser  watch,  broke  the  terrible  trap  he  was  caught  in  and  went  home.  At  Oscar’s  and  Tom’s  house  they  had  just  pressed  the  button.  The  whole  machine  went  up  into  space.  After  that  Tom  asked  “Why  did  you  take  the  wrong  plan,  you  should  have  taken  the  plan  for  the  ice  cream  machine.  Oscar  answered  “I  was  a  bit  sleepy”.

Book 2

One day in a little street there was a small house. In that house lived two parents. Those two parents were called Joe and Mary. Joe and Mary had two sons called Tom and Oscar. Tom and Oscar had a pet called Bob the Beaver. He was a secret agent. His name was Agent B. Agent Bʼs owners always built fantastic, gigantic machines. Last time they built an ice cream machine. Today they wanted to make a car wash to save the snake. Oscar went directly to a place to get the plans and the pieces for the car wash. Dr. Evilʼs sister went to the same place but she wanted to get the plans for a laser machine that would destroy the moon.

Dr. Evil directly started when he got the plans and the pieces for the laser machine that destroys the moon. 2 hours later Tom, Oscar and Dr. Evil where finished. Tom and Oscar directly went to open the car wash. At that moment millions of people got to the car wash. Meanwhile Agent B was sprinting to Dr. Evilʼs evil place. When Agent B got to Dr. Evilʼs evil place he immediately saw that there was a small wooden trap. Agent B used his laser watch to get out of the trap. But he didnʼt know that the inside of the wood was metal.

Back at the car wash, Tom and Oscar got lots of money and double enough to save the snake twice. Back by Dr. Evil Agent B, just escaped from the trap and hit Dr. Evil in the face. Then Agent B tripped him by the feet and Dr. Evil fell on the ground with his face first. Then he hit him in the nose with his tail. After that he accidentally fired the laser at the car wash from Tom and Oscar. By Tom and Oscar, they where sitting back under the tree. Then they saw Bob and said “There you are Bob”.

Book 3

One day there was a small street and in that small street was a small house. In that house lived two parents called Joe and Mary. Joe and Mary had two kids. Those kids were called Tom and Oscar. Tom and Oscar had a pet. They called the pet Bob. Bobʼs secret name was Agent B or Bob the Beaver. Tom and Oscar always built great things. Yesterday they built a gigantic car wash to save the snake. Today they actually wanted to play mini golf but they closed the pitch because they did not have enough money anymore to keep it running. Then Tom thought “Why not make our own mini golf pitch?”.

So Oscar went to get all of the plans needed for the mini golf pitch and Tom was getting all of the pieces for the mini golf pitch. Meanwhile by Dr. Evil Agent B had just arrived at the sea where Dr. Evil was and got caught in a cage made from the strongest wood in the world. Dr. Evil wanted to destroy the dam because he hated the looks of them and he hates to walk down them. 1 hour later by Tom and Oscar they had finished building the whole mini golf pitch and started playing a round of mini golf with his friends. Meanwhile by Dr. Evil Agent B had just broke out of the cage but it was too late.

Dr. Evil had just fired the laser at the dam and broke the whole top of the dam.It was terrible but Dr. Evil had thought of all of the water and put his laser machine in a boat with 900 PS. He went away so quickly Agent B couldnʼt see him anymore. Meanwhile by Tom and Oscar and their friends had just finished the last hole. Back by Dr. Evil, Agent B got out of the trap and was swimming so fast it was like a horse sprinting for his life. 1 minute later Agent B had arrived at the boat from Dr. Evil and very quietly went to the laser machine and turned it off. While he was doing that Dr. Evil noticed Agent B on his boat of evil. Dr. Evil ran directly up to him and Agent B got him by the noise and throw him over board. Agent B was so close to his owners house he tried to break the whole boat and surprisingly stopped the whole boat. At that moment the whole mini golf pitch was away in the water and the children were safe sitting under the tree. Then Tom and Oscar saw their parents, Joe and Mary, coming back to them.

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