agenda 1. overview of contemplative practices what, why, how? 2. “cuny contemplatives” what we...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Contemplative practicesRick Repetti, Ph.D.

Department of History, Philosophy & Political Science

Kingsborough Community College

Opening Meditation


1. Overview of contemplative practices What, why, how?

2. “CUNY Contemplatives” What we do in our classesWhat is happening on our campuses

3. Practicum: Sample practice(s) and assignment(s)

4. Q&A5. Closing meditation

Why contemplative practices? “The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering

attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will... An education which should improve this faculty would be the education par excellence. But it is easier to define this ideal than to give practical directions for bringing it about.”

- William James, Principles of Psychology

Some other reasons whyMeditation is the attention-training discipline par

excellence.Alternative mode of inquiryFocus on process (reflection), not productTime to experience slow, relaxed reflection on the contentAntidote to attention deficit disorder (ADD) Inner calm and outer composure helps with exams, better

gradesCreates a special mood in class (cf. art studio)Sense of connectedness to others and the workBroadening of perspectiveMetacognitive processes help learning & self-regulation Intrinsic curiosity: Empirically proven via TMS

Toronto Mindfulness Scale (multi-variate validated survey instrument)

Ram Dass’ reflection on his own practice: “Undigested experiences”

Types of contemplative practicesGreat variety

Yoga, zen, breathing, chanting, etc.

Other practices Journaling, free

writing, process-writing, etc.

Informal: Reflective

dwelling, reverie, or free associating on a topic, image, word, idea, variations

Meditation: the paradigm case2 types: contraction &

expansionContraction: One-

pointednessBull’s eye metaphor:

The “primary object” or target

Black lines represent attention aimed at target

Purple lines represent mind wandering from the target

Mind wanders off, refocus

Anything is a possible target:Candle flame, mandala,

spot on wall, sound, breath, etc.

Expansion: Everything is the target

Visualization and guided imageryVisualization:

Sample mandalaOthers:

Deities Symbols Numbers Etc.

Guided imagery: Journeys to idyllic

places Symbolic:

armadillos & knights

Breathing exercisesYoga “pranayama”: control (yama) of life-force

(prana)Basic: slow, deep, full, conscious, diaphram

breathingComplex: counting, ratios, speed, holding,

etc.Nadi suddhi (alternate nostril breathing)

Variations: with poses, visualizations, etc. Zen: simple counting in/out breaths, 1-4,


Mindfulness (vipassana: insight)Traditional Buddhist practicesNon-judgmental observing, watching,

witnessing“Bare seeing” of whatever is, in the here and

nowBodily sensations (body scan or sweep) or breathThoughts, emotions, mental statesWalking, eating, dishwashingAny activityExpanded: Stream of consciousness

Choiceless awareness/Zen

Alternative: Noting, labelingOf categories of experience

Thinking, anger, memory, …

Other formsClose reading of a

passage: Lectio divina

Cf. 3 rings of the bell 1. Visual reading

aloud 2. Mental reading,

silently 3. Receptive

listening, creative opening


journaling, free writing, process, etc.

Geri Deluca’s BC writing classPractices used:

1. Meditation and body scan2. Lectio divina3. Close listening and saying back what you

hearWe’ll try this later

4. Reading texts with a “spiritual” orientation:

considering the connection between great literature and a deep sense of values

Helene Dunkelblau’s ESL QCC class

Practices used:1. Reflective writing

Reader response journals in conjunction with The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (spiritual content)

2. Guided imagery Stimulus for essay writing

3. Breath meditation Before high-stakes tests

Alex Tarasko’s QCC nursing classPractices used:1. Loving-kindness meditation

to develop empathy in nursing students

2. Story telling and active listening as therapeutic interventions with patients facing losses tell story about some loss, listener repeats it back

3. Focused breathing meditation to help students diminish their distractive thoughts at beginning of

lecture as stress reduction prior to an exam

My KCC philosophy classesCalming breath,

mindfulness, lectio divina Post-meditation free-writingPost-reading journalingContent meditations

Sample: Identity “What if…?” Imagine a

different childhood, career All things considered: Who am

I? What am I? Can you imagine self, without:

Arms, legs, senses? Body, brain? Consciousness?

My Vassar summer classesContemplative

Ethics Began 2-hour classes

with 20-minute meditation

Students first brought into peaceful, meditative state

Using guided body scan, deep breathing, mindfulness, etc.

Then, suggestions, questions, ideas, from readings

Followed by 10-minutes free writing

Others at KCC2 members of our Contemplative Practices

GroupSusan Ednie (Sociology) & Jay Mancini

(Physical Sciences) use 3-minute breath exercises before exams

Both are statisticians who keep detailed computerized records of grades

Both used the technique in target classes as against otherwise identical control group classes

Both had statistically significant increases in grades in the target classes

Similar results in my own classes (but no “stats” yet)

CUNY Contemplatives at BCWeekly meditations

open to faculty, staff, students

Formerly: Monthly meetings of the involved faculty

Now: 1-per-semester meetings with CUNY group

CUNY Contemplatives at QCCMonthly meetings of

the faculty from Queensborough and from Queens College

1-per-semester meetings with CUNY group

Presentations at conferences

CUNY Contemplatives at KCCWeekly meditations for faculty/staff, 1 release hourMonthly with studentsMonthly meditation-reading group1-per-semester meetings with CUNY groupPresentations at conferencesPSC-CUNY grant to research use of meditation in

my classes$10K CUNY faculty development grant & KCC

President’s Innovative Pedagogy Award for reflective learning community: “Reflective Practice: Medium & Message”Kate Garretson (ESL), Holly Krech Thomas (Speech)

& my ancient philosophy class

At CUNY School of LawContemplative class as 1-

credit electiveSkills development related to

public interest advocacyCenter for Contemplative

Mind in SocietyThey have a law program and

an academic programBecame part of the CUNY

Contemplatives last semester at our presentation at the 4th annual CUNY Gen Ed conference

Practicum: Hands-onThree techniques:

Lectio divina – followed by:Reflective free-writing – followed by:Mindful listening and verbal mirroring

Cf. 3 levels of the bell ring1. actual sound2. mental repetition of sound (cf. after-image) 3. silent, receptive, listening, opening

(creative effects)

Lectio divina Passage:

If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.

Chuang Tzu

Reflective Free-writing

5 minutes, non-stop writing. Uncensored, unedited. Stream of

consciousness. Whatever comes up. Or whatever came up.

Mindful listening & repeating

Speaker: 5 minutes, non-stop , mindful speaking. Uncensored, unedited. Stream of

consciousness. Whatever comes up. Or whatever came up.

Listener: Non-judgmental, mindful listening, noting.

Switch: Listener repeats back, 1st speaker listens

& etc.

Join the other CUNY Contemplatives?CUNY-wide network of like-minded academicsStay connected and aware of our activities:http://cunycontemplative.pbwiki.comSign email list, and you’ll get an e-vite to

the wikiNext event, big conference at CUNY

Graduate School, Friday, April 3, 2009

Closing meditation

Thank you!


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