agency-specific content for the notice of funding opportunity … · agency-specific content for...

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Agency-specific Content for the Notice of Funding Opportunity

Community Youth Employment Program (CYEP) Connecting and Supporting

Career Education & Employment Pathways for Transition-Age Youth

A. Program Description

The Community Youth Employment Program (CYEP) is a year round grant opportunity that requires a

holistic approach to unsubsidized employment for transition-age youth (16-24). This approach will

account for the youth’s physical, emotional, social, and mental health needs while helping them to

secure and sustain employment and/or achieve higher education ensuring a greater likelihood of success

and self-sufficiency. In an effort to foster healthy, safe, well-educated, and self-sufficient transition-age

youth in Illinois, the Department of Human Services (DHS) is making this year round grant opportunity

available to provide eligible youth with educational enhancement opportunities, full and part-time job

placements, and case management services to include life skills, counseling and work readiness for both

in-school and out-of-school youth.

Creating a path forward for transition-aged youth requires a holistic approach that considers all aspects

of the youth’s realities and needs including both employment and education. For youth to successfully

connect into the employment and education world there needs to be access to support that is

comprehensive and coordinated including addressing an array of basic needs such as housing,

healthcare, childcare, transportation, legal support, and connection to the community.

Services must also be developmentally appropriate and tailored to address the unique needs of the youth.

Research on adolescent brain development finds that executive functioning and self-regulation skills are

not fully developed until youth are in their mid-twenties. These are the critical skills that enable us to

plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. The brain needs

this skill set to filter distractions, prioritize tasks, set and achieve goals, and control impulses. CYEP

program models must consider these facts when designing how youth will be served in their programs.

These youth have unique strengths and challenges that must be embraced as part of their preparation for

education and employment opportunities. A developmentally appropriate approach will help to build

the protective factors that foster resiliency and increase long-term success.

Once the right services and support are in place, it is essential that youth are placed in long-term

employment opportunities that meet their developmental skill level and put them on a path to improved

education and economic self-sufficiency.

Employment Placements

The applicant should determine the targeted population (in-school or out of school youth ages 16-24)

that will be served through this year round grant and design the program in accordance with the

information outlined below:

A. Part-Time Employment for In-School Youth (ages 16-24)

Projects targeting in-school youth will provide part-time employment opportunities. Eligible

youth will be placed in age-appropriate, ability-appropriate, and experience-appropriate

employment linked to one of the sixteen career clusters identified below. The objective for in-


school youth served is sustained, unsubsidized part-time employment. This may be

accomplished by directly placing and supporting youth in unsubsidized employment, or through

an agreement with the employer to partially subsidize the youth’s wage for a period not to

exceed 6 months. This grant will typically be used to subsidize 3 to 6 months of part-time

employment. In-School youth are those youth actively pursuing their high school diploma or


B. Full-Time Employment for Out-of-School Youth (ages 16-24)

Projects targeting in-school youth will provide full-time employment opportunities. Eligible

youth will be placed in age-appropriate, ability-appropriate, and experience-appropriate

employment linked to one of the sixteen career clusters identified below. The objective for out-

of-school youth served is sustained, unsubsidized full-time employment. This may be

accomplished by directly placing and supporting youth in unsubsidized employment, or through

an agreement with the employer to partially subsidize the youth’s wage for a period not to

exceed 6 months. This grant will typically be used to subsidize 3 to 6 months of full-time

employment. Out-of-School youth are those youth that have already acquired their high school

diploma or GED.

NOTE: Out-of-school youth that are not actively engaged in pursuing their high school diploma

or GED may still be eligible for the program. These youth must actively re-engage in the pursuit

of their Diploma or GED.

16 Targeted Industries and Careers: All educational enrichment and work readiness projects must

be aligned with the career clusters or groups of occupations and industries that have in common a set

of foundational knowledge and skills. There are 16 nationally recognized clusters including:

Agricultural, Food & Natural Resources

Architecture & Construction;


Audio/Video Technology &


Business Management & Administration;

Education & Training;


Government & Public Administration;

Health Science;

Hospitality & Tourism;

Human Services;

Information Technology;

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security;



Science, Technology, Engineering, &

Mathematics; and

Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics.

All projects funded under the CYEP program must also provide case management; supportive

services; work readiness skills training and career education that is focused on Illinois’ targeted

industries and career clusters.

Eligible Youth Participants

The target population for this yearlong grant to be served through this grant will be in-school youth ages

16-24, or out of school youth ages 16-24 who are served in or meet one or more of the following:

A. National School Lunch Program / Free & Reduced Lunch Program

B. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

C. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

D. Other risk factors:


o At risk of involvement or further involvement in the criminal or juvenile justice system,

including ex-offenders

o At risk of involvement in the child welfare system

o At risk of education failure (includes risk due to social conditions) o Education failure (Dropped Out, Expelled, etc., no GED)

o Youth with no work experience or a history of employment failure

o Homeless youth

o Youth with a disability

o Family income does not exceed 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

Participants must include documentation to support the above eligibility requirements as well as the


Illinois residency

Completion of an I9 Form:

In-School youth are those youth actively pursuing their high school diploma or GED. Out-of-School

youth are those youth that have already acquired their high school diploma or GED. NOTE: Out-of-

school youth that are not actively engaged in pursuing their high school diploma or GED may still be

eligible for the program. These youth must actively re-engage in the pursuit of their Diploma or GED.

Program Requirements

All projects funded under this program must provide case management, supportive services, work

readiness skills training; career education that is focused on Illinois’ targeted industries and career

clusters; job placement and targeted employment opportunities.

A. Project Commitments

Community Youth Employment applicants agree to meet all program requirements including

requirements to:

1. Operate a year round project to address career and educational needs of youth while providing

the necessary supports for success in these areas.

2. All youth must register in Illinois workNet or other data system as directed by the Department.

3. Provide work readiness activities/opportunities for youth.

4. In school youth will be targeted for part-time employment while out of school youth will be

targeted for full time employment or education and part-time employment.

5. Provide employment placements for enrolled youth.

6. Have administrative and fiscal capacity to administer the program according to the Department’s


7. When the youth’s wage is being temporarily subsidized by the grant, the provider may assume

the role of employer of record for the employed youth and process a payroll request every two

weeks during this subsidized period if this is formally agreed to in writing by both the employer

and provider and the job meets all of the following criteria:

o The job being subsidized is an actual full or part-time job.

o The position is at an official job site of the employer.

o The position is a formal position, with a corresponding job description, within the

employer organization.

o The youth’s wage is at least minimum wage.

o The subsidy does not exceed minimum wage.

o The youth’s immediate supervisor is employed by the employer and not the provider.


o If applicable, the written agreement between the provider and the employer will detail

the transition of “employer of record” to the employer immediately following the

subsidized period of employment.

o The written agreement further delineates the conditions and terms of successful

probationary employment, thereby ensuring that when these terms & conditions are

met, the youth’s employment will continue under the employer alone.

8. Conduct outreach to identify eligible youth participants and partner with local organizations for

referrals to the program.

9. Establish and maintain cooperative relationship with local DHS Family & Community Resource

Center (FCRC) offices in the service area to ensure eligible youth referred by FCRCs are

enrolled in the program. Non-FCRC referred youth 18 and older are encouraged to apply

through ABE to determine potential benefit eligibility.

10. Establish proper eligibility documentation for each youth participant including a signed I9 prior

to placing in employment. A file that includes the eligibility documentation must be maintained

for each youth participant.

11. Ensure that the youth targeted and served are reflective of the service area and the need

presented. In the presence of gender, ethnic and/or racial disparity, the program must work to

reduce that disparity.

12. Ensure standardized youth assessments are completed as necessary to inform case plan.

13. Develop an individualized case plan for the youth that will consider at a minimum the following:

o Current educational needs

o Short and Long term Career Educational planning

o Employment readiness and capacity

o Short & long term Career Employment planning

o Barriers to education & employment

o Housing Barriers

o Life Skills needs (age appropriate) based on an assessment – to include: Daily Living


Home Cleanliness

Home Safety

Home Repairs

Computer Basics


Self Care


Personal Benefits

Personal Hygiene

Personal Safety


Relationships & Communications

Personal Development

Developing Relationships


Cultural Competency

Domestic Violence

Legal Permanency

Housing & Money Management





Work & Study Life

Personal Development

Study Skills

Time Management



Income Tax

Permanent Connections

o Conflict resolution / anger management skills

o Decision making skills

o Mental health, substance use and trauma concerns

o Family stability and family responsibilities

o Personal safety and health


14. Document case plan activities and results.

15. All youth must complete a work readiness pre- and post-assessment through Illinois workNet or

other data system as directed by the Department.

16. Provide educational enrichment, work readiness, and career education components to all youth.

17. Recruit employers prepared to offer long-term employment opportunities.

18. Ensure employers provide an adequate level of supervision and a quality work opportunity

related to sixteen career clusters.

19. A file must be maintained for each worksite and must include among other items, the signed

worksite agreement for the worksite location.

20. Perform background checks on any individual that may have an opportunity to be alone with the

youth. This will include program staff, mentors, job coaches, etc. A file that includes the results

of the background checks and subsequent determination must be maintained for each individual.

Youth should not be placed at a jobsite if the employer does not have an adequate policy for

conducting background checks and cannot provide such assurances.

21. Provide supportive services to facilitate a positive attendance record.

22. Provide supportive services to ensure youth receive a diploma / GED.

23. Employers will document youth attendance through time sheets.

24. Provide oversight of the program through the monitoring of employment and the continuous

assessment of program activities and outcomes.

25. Provide timely reports as required or requested.

26. Track and report all required data elements on the timeline dictated by the Department.

27. Meet minimum performance measures/standards.

28. Ensure representation at mandatory program meetings and trainings convened by or on behalf of

the Department.

29. Receive consultation and technical assistance from authorized Department representatives. The

program and collaborating partners will be required to be in attendance at site visits by

Department staff.

B. Case Management: The implementation of an individualized, assessment based case plan that

incorporates learning and employment goals as well as goals to address barriers to successful and

sustained career education & employment.

C. Supportive Services: Supportive services may include transportation assistance, day care expenses,

work clothes, tools and supplies, or other items that are required for youth to participate in the

program. Applicants must submit documentation on how the youth will be assessed for supportive

services and the internal controls that will ensure the accountability and appropriate expenditure of

grant funds.

D. Work Readiness Training: All projects must provide training on the work readiness skills needed

for employment using the Illinois workNet portal or other data system as

directed by the Department. In addition; work readiness activities may also include hands-on

experience aligned with the identified Career Clusters.

E. Illinois workNet: All youth applications must be entered in Illinois workNet or other data system as

directed by the Department. Once the client has completed an application in Illinois workNet, the

case manager will verify eligibility. If eligibility is determined, print the application, have the

participant and case manager sign it and maintain it along with the eligibility documentation in the

clients file.


An on-line pre-assessment and post-assessment must be administered in Illinois workNet, or other

data system as directed by the Department, that will be used to measure the success of the work

readiness component of the program. The youth participants should show improvement between

their pre-assessment evaluation and their post-assessment evaluation, as well as have completed the

following activities:

Exploring Careers and Training

Financial Literacy, including opening a bank account

Workplace skills

Job Search skills

Resume Writing

Applying for a Job

Interviewing skills

Personal responsibility/safety, violence awareness and prevention

F. Career Education/Illinois Pathways: Career education includes training that expands the student’s

understanding and awareness of career clusters and pathways. Projects will be tied to the courses,

work-based learning activities, and credentials/assessments outlined in the Illinois pathways

initiative. The objective of these strategies is to provide youth with a structured pathway related to

their academic or career interests, as well as resources to fully engage students in their learning and

enable them to successfully transition into postsecondary education programs and the workforce.

G. Targeted Industries and Careers: All educational enrichment and work readiness activities must be

aligned with the career clusters or groups of occupations and industries that have in common a set of

foundational knowledge and skills. There are 16 nationally recognized clusters including:

Agricultural, Food & Natural Resources

Architecture & Construction;


Audio/Video Technology &


Business Management &


Education & Training;


Government & Public Administration;

Health Science;

Hospitality & Tourism;

Human Services;

Information Technology;

Law, Public Safety, Corrections &




Science, Technology, Engineering, &

Mathematics; and

Transportation, Distribution, &


H. Employer Agreements

All youth employment opportunities must have signed Employer agreements.

Each agreement must contain, at a minimum, the following items for each worksite included

in the agreement:

o Worksite contact and mailing information;

o Detailed information on the worksite such as location, working days and hours,

activities, job titles, job descriptions, and number of positions under each;

o Worksite supervisor information;

o Background check policies and assurances;


o A detailed set of mutual terms, conditions, promises, and payments that the grantee

and contractor have agreed upon;

o When the employment is fully or partially subsidized, the written agreement must

delineate the conditions and terms of successful probationary employment, thereby

ensuring that when these terms & conditions are met, the youth’s employment will

continue under the employer unsubsidized;

o A listing of participants for each worksite along with their projected start.

o Commitment on the part of the employer to provide long term employment

opportunities and not just subsidized employment;

o Commitment on the part of the employer to provide weekly documentation (including

signed timesheets) to the provider to verify hours worked etc. for each youth

employed along with other attendance information and concerns; and

o Commitment on the part of the employer to provide employment verification and

status information for program youth to the provider at 3 months, 6 months and 9

months following the youth’s completion of the program.

Grantees must ensure that worksites for youth adhere to current workplace safety guidelines.

Grantees must ensure that worksites for youth adhere to applicable federal/state wage, labor,

and workers compensation laws.

I. Background Checks The applicant must ensure background checks are completed for any staff or volunteer that may

come into contact with a minor youth AND for all staff involved in direct service provision for any

program youth. The policy should include procedures for interpreting and making employment

decisions based on the results. All supervisors of youth at worksites subsidized under this program

must pass a background check conducted prior to being allowed to supervise any youth. Background

checks are an allowable expense as a condition of employment for program staff.

J. Youth Payroll & Timesheets:

The Grantee must submit payroll documentation to the Department using Illinois workNet, or other

data system as directed by the Department, including hourly wage plus the employers FICA and

workers compensation that is attributed to the participant. Standardized employer timesheets must

be used. The Grantee must maintain the signed timesheet to support the grant expenditures for each

participant. Timesheets will be reviewed onsite by DHS and may need to be electronically

submitted to the Department as directed.

K. Reporting:

The Grantee’s financial management system shall be structured to provide for accurate, current and

complete disclosure of the financial results of the Project funded under this grant program. The

general ledger must support costs and revenue reported to the Department and must allow tracing of

funds to a level of expenditure adequate to insure funds have been expended appropriately.

Grantees are required to submit reports to DHS as prescribed by the Department. Grantees submittal

of required reports allows DHS to monitor the grantees progress toward grant defined goals and their

due diligence in grant fiscal management and recordkeeping. Further, grantees will be required to

relate financial data to performance accomplishments in their reporting (2 CFR 200.301).


L. Participant File

Each youth participant must have his or her own file and it must be kept securely. It is required to

have a minimum of the following in each participant file:

Application signed by participant and CYEP grantee agency

Proof of eligibility

Proof of Illinois residency

Completed I9 Form

Employer information

Document verification of youth wage, FICA, Workers Comp, signed timesheets, etc.

Illinois workNet pre- and post-assessment documentation.

Proof of completion of required activities

Proof of work readiness and career awareness training, supportive services received, etc.

Assessment documentation.

Case Plan and supporting documentation of service delivery

M. Records and Retention / Destruction

In accordance with the Community Services Agreement, each provider shall maintain full and

complete records of program operations in compliance with state records retention requirements.

Records are defined as those documents that capture program activity, participant information and

outcomes, and fiscal data. CYEP providers shall comply with the Local Records Act, which

regulates the destruction and preservation of public records within the State of Illinois. IDHS may

require longer retention of records and/or submission of such records to the Department if the

records cover a time period still open to audit.

N. Service Area

Grant funds will be used to address youth unemployment, poverty, and violence in Illinois’ most

needy communities. Applications are encouraged and will be considered for services anywhere in

the state; however, up to 5 priority points will be given to applications to serve youth in communities

with the largest numbers of youth age 16 to 24 receiving SNAP benefits according to DHS data.

Refer to Appendix J for a listing.

O. Allowable Costs

Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity(ies) contained in

the Scope of Work are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR

200. Allowable costs are defined below:

Youth Wages: Includes compensation for services rendered limited to youth wages and

benefits to include FICA and workers compensation. Youth must be paid at least minimum

wage and the grant may not provide a wage subsidy in excess of minimum wage. Full and

Part-time wages may be subsidized in whole or in part with grant funding up to 6 months per

enrolled youth. Programs that are able to off-set the wage subsidies with other funds or have

the capacity to provide unsubsidized opportunities or step down, or partial subsidies will be

able to stretch funding to allow for additional youth to be served in the program.

Program Services: Includes, but is not limited to, the delivery of services related to youth

employment that provides direct linkages to academic and occupational learning, employer

coordination and recruitment, and youth supportive services that may include transportation,

child care (refer to the Child Care Assistance program guidelines) work-related attire,


physicals, and background checks. Case management services, including educational

support, life skills development, reducing barriers to employment, and an array of additional

services identified through an individualized assessment.

Administrative costs: Funding allocated under this grant is intended to provide direct

services and wages to youth. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect,

will represent a small portion of the overall program budget and may NOT exceed 15% of

the total expended grant. Administrative means those activities performed by staff and costs

which are supportive of and required for project implementation for which there is no direct

client contact such as fiscal staff; audit; clerical support; office rent, utilities, insurance;

general office equipment etc. Program budgets and narratives will detail how all proposed

expenditures are directly necessary for program implementation and will distinguish between

Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Program expenses. Any budget deemed to include

inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved.

Contractual: Includes cost incurred via contract or subcontracts that are needed for the

achievement of project objectives. Sub-contracts must be pre-approved by the Department.

Planned sub-contracts may be included as part of the application so they may pre-approved.

Grantees will be held accountable to all state rules and regulations governing the use of these grant


P. Project Start

Projects will begin upon execution of the grant agreement. A start-up period of up to 6-weeks will

be allowed if needed.

Q. Pre-award Services

Pre-award cost for services in anticipation of an award are allowable where necessary for the

efficient and timely performance of the program, and are subject to 2 CFR 200.458. Applicants who

have been performing CYEP services since July 1, 2016 must provide proof of services. To be

accepted, proof of services must meet the guidelines and requirements outlined within this Notice

and must include a signed statement confirming that any Pre-Award costs submitted for

reimbursement, if paid by the Department, will not constitute supplanting of funds. Costs for

services prior to July 1, 2016 will not be approved.

Only applicants who receive an award as a result of the NOFO and merit-based review process will

be eligible for pre-award costs. Any applicant who performed CYEP services on or after July 1,

2016 that does not receive an award will not be eligible for reimbursement of costs incurred.

Performance Measures

1. Proposed vs. Actual enrolled youth

2. Proposed vs. Actual Job Placements

3. % of enrolled youth meeting eligibility criteria

4. % of eligible FCRC referrals enrolled into the program

5. % of enrolled youth completing an Illinois workNet pre & post assessment evaluation

6. % of enrolled youth completing the 8 required activities in Illinois workNet.

7. % of assessed youth demonstrating work readiness skills improvement

8. % of youth completing career education activities utilizing Illinois Pathways strategies.


9. % of youth receiving Supportive Services

10. % of enrolled youth with an individualized case plan

11. % of youth completing case plan goals

12. % of out-of-school youth re-engaged in education 13. % of youth with improved educational outcomes

14. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 3 months or more

15. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 6 months or more

16. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 9 months or more

17. # & % of enrolled youth in unsubsidized job placement at case closure

Performance Standards 1. 100% of proposed youth will be enrolled/served. Acceptable performance 90%.

2. 100% of proposed job placements will be filled with unduplicated youth. Acceptable

performance is 90%.

3. 100% of enrolled youth will meet eligibility criteria. Acceptable performance is 100%

4. 100% of eligible FCRC referrals will be enrolled into the program. Acceptable performance is


5. 100% of enrolled youth will complete an Illinois workNet pre & post assessment evaluation.

Acceptable performance is 80%.

6. 100% of enrolled youth will complete the 8 required activities in Illinois workNet. Acceptable

performance is 80%.

7. 100 % of assessed youth will demonstrate work readiness skills improvement. Acceptable

performance is 80%. Considers only those youth completing the Illinois workNet pre & post

assessment evaluation.

8. 100% of youth will complete career education activities utilizing Illinois Pathways strategies.

Considers youth participating in one or more Pathways activities that have documented

completion of one or more activity.

9. 100% of youth requiring Supportive Services will receive those services. Acceptable

performance is 90%. Considers youth assessed and determined to need one or more supportive

services compared to those actually receiving that service.

10. 100% of enrolled youth will have an individualized case plan. Acceptable performance 80%.

11. 100% of youth will complete case plan goals. Acceptable performance is 80% of youth will

complete 50% or more of case plan goals. Considers only those youth with a case plan


12. 100% of out-of-school youth will re-engaged in education. Considers only those out-of-school youth

without HS Diploma or GED and compares those who have re-engaged by case closure, does not

require attainment of Diploma or GED. Acceptable performance 60%. 13. 100% of youth will have improved educational outcomes. Acceptable performance is 80%.

Considers in-school youth and those out-of-school youth without a HS Diploma or GED.

Considers attainment of HS Diploma or GED, Grade level promotion, re-enrollment into HS,

enrollment into GED classes, enrollment in Higher Ed or Technical school etc. Considers

education status at enrollment compared to case closure.

14. 100% of youth will maintain initial job placement for 3 months or more. Acceptable

performance is 80%.

15. 100% of youth will maintain initial job placement for 6 months or more. Acceptable

performance is 75%.


16. 100% of youth will maintain initial job placement for 9 months or more. Acceptable

performance is 70%.

17. 100% of enrolled youth will be in an unsubsidized job placement at case closure. Acceptable

performance is 65%.

B. Funding Information

1. Funding for this award will come from the State’s Commitment to Human Services Fund and

does NOT have a match requirement.

2. This NOFO is considered a competitive application for funding.

3. In FY2017 the Department anticipates the availability of approximately $12,000,000 in State

funds. The Department anticipates funding approximately 45 applicants to provide programming

and services as described in this NOFO.

4. Subject to appropriation, the grant period will begin upon execution of the grant agreement and

will continue through June 30, 2017.

5. Pre-award cost for services in anticipation of an award are allowable where necessary for the

efficient and timely performance of the program, and are subject to 2 CFR 200.458. Applicants

who have been performing CYEP services since July 1, 2016 must provide proof of services. To

be accepted, proof of services must meet the guidelines and requirements outlined within this

Notice and must include a signed statement confirming that any Pre-Award costs submitted for

reimbursement, if paid by the Department, will not constitute supplanting of funds. Costs for

services prior to July 1, 2016 will not be approved. Only applicants who receive an award as a

result of the NOFO and merit-based review process will be eligible for pre-award costs. Any

applicant who performed CYEP services on or after July 1, 2016 that does not receive an award

will not be eligible for reimbursement of costs incurred.

6. Funding allocated under this grant is intended to provide direct employment and support services

to youth. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small

portion of the overall program budget and may NOT exceed 15% of the total award.

7. Proposed project budgets and narratives must be sufficiently detailed and justified to be

approved by DHS.

8. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the Department and on file

with the Department. Subcontractors are subject to all provisions of this Agreement. The

successful Applicant Agency shall retain sole responsibility for the performance of the


The release of this NOFO does not obligate the Illinois Department of Human Services to make

an award.

C. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants

This competitive funding opportunity is limited to community-based organizations and local

units of government in Illinois that:

a) are in good standing with the Secretary of State

b) complete the GATA pre-qualification process.

c) have previously received state grant funds and successfully administered a youth

employment program.


All applicants are required to provide the requested information as outlined in this NOFO to be

considered for funding in FY2017. Successful applications will serve as the applicant’s program

plan and budget for the FY2017 grant period.

Applicant agencies will not be eligible for a grant award until they have pre-qualified through

the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal, During pre-qualification, Dun and Bradstreet verifications are

performed including a check of Debarred and Suspended status and good standing with the

Secretary of State. The pre-qualification process also includes a financial and administrative

risk assessment utilizing an Internal Controls Questionnaire. If applicable, the agency will be

notified that it is ineligible for award as a result of the Dun and Bradstreet verification. The

entity will be informed of corrective action needed to become eligible for a grant award.

2. Match Requirements

Applicants are NOT required to provide match to this award.

3. Indirect Cost Rate Requirements: In order to charge indirect costs to this grant, the applicant

organization must have an annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA). There are

three types of NICRAs: a) Federally Negotiated Rate. Organizations that receive direct federal

funding, may have an indirect cost rate that was negotiated with the Federal Cognizant Agency.

Illinois will accept the federally negotiated rate. The organization must provide a copy of the

federally NICRA. b) State Negotiated Rate. The organization must negotiate an indirect cost rate

with the State of Illinois if they do not have Federally Negotiated Rate or elect to use the De

Minimis Rate. The indirect cost rate proposal must be submitted to the State of Illinois within 90

days of the notice of award. c) De Minimis Rate. An organization that has never received a

Federally Negotiated Rate may elect a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct cost

(MTDC). Once established, the de minimis rate may be used indefinitely. The State of Illinois

must verify the calculation of the MTDC annually in order to accept the de minimis rate.

Funding allocated under this grant is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is expected

that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall

program budget and may NOT exceed 15% of the total grant. Administrative means those

activities performed by staff and costs which are supportive of and required for project

implementation for which there is no direct client contact such as fiscal staff; audit; clerical

support; office rent, utilities, insurance; general office equipment etc. Program budgets and

narratives will detail how all proposed expenditures are directly necessary for program

implementation and will distinguish between Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Program

expenses. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not

be approved. At no time may the approved NICRA be exceeded under this agreement – even if

it is below the maximum allowed under the award. Documentation will be required to verify the

approved NICRA.

4. Other Eligibility / Application Requirements: Applicants must:

1. Have the capacity to assume the role of employer of record for the employed youth and

process a payroll request every two weeks of the program period if the youth’s wage is being

temporarily subsidized by the grant.


2. Have the administrative and fiscal capacity to implement the program on a reimbursement


3. Establish and maintain cooperative relationship with local DHS Family & Community

Resource Center (FCRC) offices in the service area to ensure eligible youth referred by

FCRCs are enrolled in the program. Non-FCRC referred youth 18 and older are encouraged

to apply through ABE to determine potential benefit eligibility.

4. have current systems in place to identify eligible underserved populations of youth, and

5. have strong established employer relationships and methods to recruit employers.

D. Application and Submission Information

1. Address to Request Application Package.

Application materials are provided throughout the announcement. Appendices will be made

available in user/printer friendly format and may be found on the Illinois Department of Human

Services web site at: Please click on the

corresponding link to the right. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting the contact

person listed below.

Each applicant must have access to the internet. The Department’s web site will contain

information regarding the NOFO and materials necessary for submission. Questions and answers

will also be posted on the Department’s website as described later in this announcement. It is the

responsibility of each applicant to monitor that web site and comply with any instructions or

requirements relating to the NOFO.

Contact Person

Karrie Rueter, Assistant Director

IDHS, Division of Family & Community Services

823 East Monroe

Springfield, Illinois 62704

Phone: 217-557-2943

2. Content and Form of Application Submission.

Proposal Narrative Content

Applicants must submit a proposal that contains the information outlined below. Each section must

have a heading that corresponds to the headings listed below. If the Applicant believes that the

subject has been adequately addressed in another part of the application narrative, then a cross-

reference to the appropriate part of the narrative must be provided. The narrative portion must

follow the page guidelines set for each section, and must be in the order requested. If a county

receives an award through this NOFO the proposal will become the local program plan and budget.

The application/plan will be the basis for monitoring compliance by DHS.

A. Executive Summary (2 pages maximum) – 5 points

The Executive Summary will serve multiple purposes. First, as a scored portion of this

application and secondly, for successful applicants it will serve as a stand-alone document


that may be shared with various state-level stakeholders and others requesting a brief

overview of each funded project. Therefore, applicants should be concise and direct in their

description. At a minimum, each of the following should be addressed in the Executive


Applicant’s Name

Name of the proposed project

Total amount of funds requested through this grant

Service Area and Description

Highlights of the Identified Need

Description of the target population

Estimated number of youth to be served / placed in employment (# in school; # out

of school; total youth)

Estimated cost per youth (Total grant divided by total youth served. If serving both

in-school and out-of-school youth provide separate cost estimates.)

Brief description of the overall program model and implementation design

Identification of project partners (service providers and employers) and their


Performance Goals and Objectives / Expected Outcomes

B. Need – Description of Need (3 pages maximum) 10 points

The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a clear and accurate picture of the

need for these services within your community and how the proposed project will address

these needs. It is understood that the need for these services is statewide and this NOFO

intended to identify and fund applicants to serve the most at-risk communities with the

greatest identified need in the target population. It is necessary for the applicant to

demonstrate that it has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the needs of these youth

in the specific service area targeted by this application.

Provide a description of your targeted county/community/service area. Include data to

support your description. Examples include: Youth population (16-24 if possible); poverty,

unemployment, under-employment; HS graduation rates, drop-out rates; truancy/expulsion;

educational attainment levels; violence/crime statistics; homelessness (youth); teen

pregnancy rates; substance use/abuse; gang involvement/activity etc.

Describe how the eligible youth population will be targeted for services based on the

identified need. If the data presented suggests that certain gender, racial or ethnic

populations are over-represented within these negative data elements, describe the Outreach

Plan to ensure that the youth targeted and ultimately enrolled into the program will in fact be

representative of that disparity.

Eligible Youth

The target population to be served through this grant will be in-school youth ages 16-24,

or out-of-school youth ages 16-24 who are served in or meet one or more of the


1. National School Lunch Program / Free & Reduced Lunch Program

2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)


3. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

4. At-risk youth:

At risk of involvement or further involvement in the criminal or

juvenile justice system, including ex-offenders

At risk of involvement in the child welfare system

At risk of education failure (includes risk due to social conditions)

Education failure (Dropped Out, Expelled, etc., no GED)

Youth with no work experience or a history of employment failure

Homeless youth

Youth with a disability

Family income does not exceed 185% of the Federal Poverty Level


In-School youth are those youth actively pursuing their high school diploma, GED,

technical or vocational degree/certificate or a 2 or 4-year higher education degree. Out-

of-School youth are those youth that have already acquired their high school diploma or

GED. NOTE: Out-of-school youth that are not actively engaged in pursuing their high

school diploma or GED may still be eligible for the program. These youth must re-

engage in the pursuit of their Diploma or GED.

C. Capacity - Agency Qualifications/Organizational Capacity (6 pages maximum) 40


The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present an accurate picture of the agency’s

ability to successfully implement a holistic youth employment and career education program

that will meet the requirements of this application and will lead to sustained, unsubsidized

youth employment. Information in this section should include, but not necessarily be limited

to, the following:

a) Convincing evidence that the applicant agency is capable of carrying out the

proposed program.

b) Description of the experience that your agency has in conducting employment

programs for at-risk youth. Describe relevant major accomplishments of your

organization in the area of services to this population.

c) If the program intends to offer subsidized employment opportunities, provide

information regarding your agency’s capacity and experience in managing a

participant payroll system – particularly for youth employment programs if


d) An organizational chart of the applicant organization, showing where the program

and its staff will be placed. If subcontractors will be used, include the relationship

with those organizations in the chart. Please include this as Attachment A1.

e) Identify key staff positions that will be responsible for the program. Include

evidence that your agency maintains adequate staff coverage and supervision to meet

the requirements of the grant. Present the resume of the Project

Manager/Coordinator, Agency Director, Fiscal Manager and Payroll Coordinator (if

applicable) as Attachment A2 of your proposal.


f) Job descriptions for all employee positions that will be funded in whole or in part

with this grant, and an indication of the percent of time or hours those employees

will spend in this program. Programs must recruit and hire staff that are qualified for

the positions through education, experience and/or training. Include the job

descriptions in Attachment A3.

g) A description of your agency’s current programs and activities relevant to the

services described in this NOFO. Please describe if and how these programs will

impact the youth targeted and enrolled in your CYEP program. Describe how and

provide assurances that CYEP monies will not supplant existing fund or services.

h) A description of your agency’s readiness for service provision commencing on or

within six weeks of grant execution. Include an implementation timeline as

Attachment A4. i) A description of existing employment partnerships your agency has in place to offer

work experience and job placement opportunities. Describe if and how these

existing partnerships will impact CYEP youth.

j) Describe any financial resources that have been secured to off-set the costs

associated with youth wages for the proposed employment placements. Include

copies of signed, current or expected agreements in Attachment A5 of your

application. These agreements or letters of commitment must delineate the partner’s

responsibilities and commitments to the project – letters of “support” will not be


k) A description of existing service provider partnerships your agency has to other

community resources and services essential to the positive development of youth

related to this program, including procedures to ensure provision of services to

youth. Include copies of signed, current or expected agreements in Attachment A5

of your application. These agreements or letters of commitment must delineate the

partner’s responsibilities and commitments to the project – letters of “support” will

not be considered.

l) Describe your policy and procedure for conducting background checks.

m) Any additional information that the applicant feels might be relevant to a reviewer in

determining the agency’s ability to carry out a quality program should be included.

n) Include as Attachment A6 the FY2017 Program Contact Information Forms found

in Appendix B.

o) Include Sub-Contractor Contact Information Forms as appropriate as Attachment

A7 and Attachment A7a. These forms can be found in Appendix C and Appendix

D. Also include in Attachment A7 copies of corresponding subcontractor


m) Include as Attachment A8 the Program Employment/Work Site Information Form

found in Appendix E of this NOFO.

n) Include as Attachment A9 the Service Delivery Site Information Form found in

Appendix F of this NOFO.

Note: Subcontractor budgets and narratives will be included in Attachment A13 with

the Application Budget and Narrative.


D. Quality of Program Services: (9 pages maximum) 40 points

The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a detailed, clear and accurate picture of

its intended program design.

1. Provide a detailed description of the overall program design that clearly reflects a holistic

and developmentally appropriate approach and demonstrates how youth will be provided

with a structured pathway related to their academic or career interests, as well as

resources to fully engage in their learning and enable them to successfully transition into

postsecondary education programs and the workforce.

2. Provide a detailed description of the plan to move youth into long term, unsubsidized

sustained employment. Include the projected number % percentage of youth that will

complete the program in sustained, unsubsidized employment.

3. Provide a detailed description of the plan to ensure youth achieve a basic education: 1)

in-school youth are promoting to the next grade level and/or graduating. 2) out-of-school

youth that have not received a high school diploma or GED are working toward and

achieve such.

4. Describe in detail how the program design will implement EACH of the Program

Requirements identified in Section A, Program Requirements of this NOFO.

5. Case Plan and Supportive Services:

o Describe how the services to be provided will be individualized and based upon

an individualized assessment.

o Describe the planned services that will be provided to meet the individual needs

of the youth targeted for this program.

o Describe how these planned services will be based on research or evidence of

demonstrated success.

6. Describe your strategy for recruiting worksites and ensuring proper levels and quality of


7. Describe your strategies for identifying and placing participants in appropriate

employment opportunities.

8. Describe your strategies for supporting those youth in an employment placement to

achieve sustained employment.

9. Program Outcomes

o Describe how your program design and implementation policies and strategies

will ensure the performance measures identified in Section A, Performance

Measures of this NOFO will be met for FY2017.

o List each measures identified in Section A and include a detailed plan for

achievement in FY17.

o Describe how the program will ensure the capacity to collect and report the data

elements identified in Appendix H.

10. Past Performance – provide a brief summary of the recent performance and outcomes

achieved (past 3 years) operating similar employment programs for transition-age youth.

Include supporting documentation as Attachment A10.

11. Describe your plan for monitoring worksites (site visits, phone contact, reports, etc. –

include frequency).

12. Describe your plan for monitoring subcontracted providers and assuring they are meeting

the program timelines and requirements (if applicable)?


13. Case Example:

Provide a detailed step by step example of an average case. Begin at recruitment and

include all steps through program discharge. If you propose to serve both in-school and

out-of-school youth, please provide a case example for each sub-set. This Case example

can be in a format of your choosing but should provide sufficient detail to ensure a clear

understanding of the process steps, decision points etc.

14. Complete the Project Summary Worksheet found in Appendix G and include it as

Attachment 11 of your application.

E. Budget and Budget Narrative (No page limit) 10 points

Complete the Program Budget Forms found in Appendix I of this NOFO. Provide a detailed

Budget Narrative in which you clearly describe how the specified resources and personnel

have been allocated for the tasks and activities described in your proposal. The Budget and

Budget narratives should be prepared to reflect a budget period from (November 1, 2016 –

June 30, 2017).

No more than 15% of the total award may be used for administrative costs and services.

(Administrative means those activities performed by staff and costs which are supportive of

and required for the project for which there is no direct client contact such as administrative

and fiscal staff; clerical support; office rent, utilities; general office equipment etc.) If

indirect costs are included in the budget, a copy of the approved NICRA must be included

with the Application as Attachment 12.

Subcontractor budgets, budget narratives and actual sub-contracts must be submitted with

this application plan as they need to be pre-approved. (Budget format for contractors is

optional – however, narratives must be detailed.)

Please complete the Spending Plan Form found in Appendix K and include it as

Attachment 13.

Completed budget forms and detailed budget narrative along with any subcontractor budgets

and narratives will be included as Attachment 13 of your application.

F. Attachments to Your Application (Not included in page Limits)

Attachment 1 – Organizational Chart

Attachment 2 – Resumes of the Project Manager/Coordinator, Agency Director, Fiscal

Manager and Payroll Coordinator (if applicable)

Attachment 3 – Job Descriptions of Program/Grant Staff

Attachment 4 – Implementation Timeline

Attachment 5 – Service Provider & Employer Agreements/Commitments

Attachment 6 – Program Contact Form

Attachment 7 – Subcontractor Contact Form (if applicable)

Attachment 7a – Sub-Contractor Information Form (if applicable)

Attachment 8 – Program Employment/Worksite Info

Attachment 9 – Service Delivery Site Information

Attachment 10 – Past Performance Summary

Attachment 11 – Project Summary Worksheet


Attachment 12 - Copy of Currently Approved NICRA if indirect costs are included

in the budget.

Attachment 13 – Uniform Budget and Budget Narrative and the Spending Plan Form

(including subcontractor budgets and narratives as necessary)

3. Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number and System for

Award Management (SAM). Each applicant is required to:

A. Be registered in SAM before submitting the application. The following link provides

a connection for SAM registration:


B. provide a valid DUNS number in its application; and

C. continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times in

which the applicant has an active Federal, Federal pass-through or State award or an

application or plan under consideration by a Federal or State awarding agency.

DHS may not make a Federal pass-through or State award to an applicant until the

applicant has complied with all applicable DUNS and SAM requirements and, if an

applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time DHS is ready to make

the award, DHS may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive the award

and use that determination as a basis for making the award to another applicant.

4. Submission Dates and Times.

Applications must be received at the location below no later than 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday,

October 11th

, 2016. The application container will be time-stamped upon receipt. The

Department will ONLY accept applications submitted by electronic mail as described in Section

D. 6A Other Submission Requirements below. Applications will NOT be accepted if received

by fax machine, hard copy, disk or thumb drive. Applications will be opened as they are

received. Applicants will receive an email within 48 hours of receipt notifying them that their

application was received and if it was received by the due date and time. This email will be sent

to the 2 email address provided in the application. Applications received after the due date and

time will not be considered for review or funding.

Submit the completed grant application to:

DHS.GrantApp@Illinois.Gov The subject line of the email MUST state: “17-444801444-01 Karrie

Rueter CYEP”

If you have trouble emailing the document due to the file size, please utilize the CMS File Transfer

Utility located at Please follow the instructions to

attach your application. Don’t forget the subject line above.

To be considered, proposals must be emailed by the designated date and time listed above. For

your records, please keep a copy of your email submission with the date and time the application

was submitted along with the email address to which it was sent. The deadline will be strictly

enforced. In the event of a dispute, the applicant bears the burden of proof that the application was

received on time at the email location listed above.


5. Funding Restrictions. A. Youth Wages: Includes compensation for services rendered limited to youth wages and

benefits to include FICA and workers compensation. Youth must be paid at least minimum

wage and the grant may not provide a wage subsidy in excess of minimum wage. Full and

Part-time wages may be subsidized in whole or in part with grant funding up to 6 months per

enrolled youth. Programs that are able to off-set the wage subsidies with other funds or have

the capacity to provide unsubsidized opportunities or step down, or partial subsidies will be

able to stretch funding to allow for additional youth to be served in the program.

B. Funding allocated under this grant is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is

expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of

the overall program budget and may NOT exceed 15% of the total program costs including

required match. Administrative means those activities performed by staff and costs which

are supportive of and required for project implementation for which there is no direct client

contact such as fiscal staff; audit; clerical support; office rent, utilities, insurance; general

office equipment etc. Program budgets and narratives will detail how all proposed

expenditures are directly necessary for program implementation and will distinguish between

Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Program expenses. Any budget deemed to include

inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. At no time may the

approved NICRA be exceeded under this agreement – even if it is below the maximum

allowed under the award. Documentation will be required to verify the approved NICRA.

C. Subcontractors

1. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the Department.

2. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be on file with the Department.

3. Any subcontractor shall be subject to all provisions of this Agreement.

4. The Provider shall retain sole responsibility for the performance of the subcontractor.

D. Pre-award cost for services in anticipation of an award are allowable where necessary for the

efficient and timely performance of the program, and are subject to 2 CFR

200.458. Applicants who have been performing CYEP services since July 1, 2016 must

provide proof of services. To be accepted, proof of services must meet the guidelines and

requirements outlined within this Notice and must include a signed statement confirming that

any Pre-Award costs submitted for reimbursement, if paid by the Department, will not

constitute supplanting of funds. Costs for services prior to July 1, 2016 will not be approved.

Only applicants who receive an award as a result of the NOFO and merit-based review

process will be eligible for pre-award costs. Any applicant who performed CYEP services

on or after July 1, 2016 that does not receive an award will not be eligible for reimbursement

of costs incurred.

6. Other Submission Requirements.

A. Proposal Container and Format Requirements

All applications must be typed on 8 ½ x 11-inch paper using 12-point type and at 100%

magnification. With the exception of letterhead and stationery for letter(s) of support, the

entire proposal should be typed in black ink on white paper. The program narrative must be

typed single-spaced, on one side of the page, with 1-inch margins on all sides. The program

narrative must not exceed the page totals specified in the “Content and Form of Application

Submission” section including the Executive Summary. Items included as Attachments are

NOT included in the page limitations.


The entire application, including attachments, must be sequentially page numbered and

compiled in the order specified below in Section D 6B. The complete application must be

submitted in a single PDF document to the email address identified in Section D 4 above,

Submission Dates and Times.

Applications will ONLY be accepted by email as described herein. Hard copies, faxed

copies, copies on disk or thumb drive etc. will not be accepted. The Department is under no

obligation to review applications that do not comply with the above requirements.

B. ALL Applications MUST include the following mandatory forms/attachments in the

order identified below. 1. Uniform State Grant Application

2. Proposal Narrative

Executive Summary

Capacity - Agency Qualifications/Organizational Capacity

Need - Description of Need

Quality - Description of Program/Services

Attachments to Your Application

Attachments to Your Application (Not included in page Limits)

Attachment 1 – Organizational Chart

Attachment 2 – Resumes of the Project Manager/Coordinator, Agency Director,

Fiscal Manager and Payroll Coordinator (if applicable)

Attachment 3 – Job Descriptions of Program/Grant Staff

Attachment 4 – Implementation Timeline

Attachment 5 – Service Provider & Employer Agreements/Commitments

Attachment 6 – Program Contact Form

Attachment 7 – Subcontractor Contact Form (if applicable)

Attachment 7a – Sub-Contractor Information Form (if applicable)

Attachment 8 – Program Employment/Worksite Info

Attachment 9 – Service Delivery Site Information

Attachment 10 – Past Performance Summary

Attachment 11 – Project Summary Worksheet

Attachment 12 - Copy of Currently Approved NICRA if indirect costs

are included in the budget.

Attachment 13 – Uniform Budget and Budget Narrative and Spending Plan Form

(including subcontractor budgets and narratives as necessary)

E. Application Review Information

1. Criteria. Funding is not guaranteed. All applicants must demonstrate that they meet all requirements

under this NOFO as described throughout.

Applications that fail to meet the criteria described in the “Eligible Applicants” as identified in

section C “Eligibility Information” will not be scored and considered for funding.


Review teams comprised of 3 individuals employed by DHS serving in the Division of Family and

Community Services will be assigned to review applications. These review teams, where possible will

be comprised of staff within the Bureau or Youth Intervention Services and may include individuals

working in the Bureau serving as Government Public Service Interns under contract from the

University of Illinois at Springfield, contractual staff and staff for the Division Bureau of Employment

and Training.

Applications will first be reviewed and scored individually. Then, team members will collectively

review the application, their scores and comments to ensure team members have not missed items

within the application that other team members identified. Application highlights and concerns will be

discussed. Individual team members may choose to adjust scores to appropriately capture content that

may have been missed initially. Scores will then be sent to the application Review Coordinator to be

compiled and averaged to produce the final application score. Scoring will be on a 100 point scale

with a possible 5 additional priority points awarded based on the service area targeted for

implementation. (Refer to Appendix J “Priority Service Areas”)

Proposal Scoring

Application Narratives will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Executive Summary 5 points

Need – Description of Need 10 points

Capacity - Agency Qualification/Organizational Capacity 40 points

Quality of Program/Services 40 points

Budget & Budget Narrative 5 points


Priority Points: Up to five (5) additional points will be awarded based on the service area targeted for

implementation. See Appendix J.

The application criteria to be reviewed and scored are found under each category in this

announcement in Section D2. Content and Form of Application Submission; Proposal Narrative


2. Review and Selection Process. As described in the Criteria section above, scoring will be done by committee on a 100 point

scale with a possible 5 additional priority points awarded based on the service area targeted for.

In addition to the application final score, consideration may also be given to: the geographic

distribution of programs; past performance as identified/documented in the application; and the level of

non-grant resources contributed to the program (match, in-kind, employer covered wages/benefits etc.)

as described in the application and demonstrated in the proposed budget.

Final award decisions will be made by the Director of the Division of Family and Community

Services at the recommendation of both the Associate Director for the Office of Community

and Positive Youth Development and the Associate Director of the Office of Employment and

Training. The Department reserves the right to negotiate final award amounts with applicants

recommended for funding.


3. Merit-Based Evaluation Appeal Process.

A. Competitive grant appeals are limited to the evaluation process. Evaluation scores may not be

protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal, and shall be reviewed by IDHS’

Appeal Review Officer (ARO).

B. Submission of Appeal.

a. An appeal must be submitted in writing to Karrie Rueter, who will send to the ARO

for consideration.

b. An appeal must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant

award notice has been published.

c. The written appeal shall include at a minimum the following:

i. the name and address of the appealing party;

ii. identification of the grant; and

iii. a statement of reasons for the appeal.

C. Response to Appeal.

a. The DHS will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days

from the date the appeal was received.

b. DHS will respond to the appeal within 60 days or supply a written explanation to the

appealing party as to why additional time is required.

c. The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by DHS within

the time period set in the request.

D. Resolution

a. The ARO shall make a recommendation to the Agency Head or designee as

expeditiously as possible after receiving all relevant, requested information.

b. In determining the appropriate recommendation, the ARO shall consider the integrity

of the competitive grant process and the impact of the recommendation on the State


c. The Agency will resolve the appeal by means of written determination.

d. The determination shall include, but not be limited to:

i. Review of the appeal;

ii. Appeal determination; and

iii. Rationale for the determination.

F. Award Administration Information

1. State Award Notices.

Applicants recommended for funding under this NOFO following the above review and

selection process will receive a “Notice of State Award Finalist”. This notice will identify

additional grant award requirements that must be met before a grant award can be executed.

These will include one or more of the following:

Grantee Pre-Qualification Process

Financial and Administrative Risk Assessment – Internal Control Questionnaire

Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosures

A Notice of State Award (NOSA) will be issued to the review finalists that have successfully

completed all grant award requirement. Based on the NOSA, the review finalist is positioned to


make an informed decision to accept the grant award. The NOSA shall include:

The terms and condition of the award.

Specific conditions assigned to the grantee based on the fiscal and administrative and

programmatic risk assessments.

Upon acceptance of the grant award, announcement of the grant award shall be published by the

awarding agency to

A written Notice of Denial shall be sent to the applicants not receiving awards.

The NOSA must be signed by the grants officer (or equivalent). This signature effectively

accepts the state award and all conditions set forth within the notice. This signed NOSA is the

authorizing document. The Agency signed NOSA must be remitted to the Department as

instructed in the notice.

2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements. The agency awarded funds shall provide services as set forth in the DHS grant agreement and

shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to

the provision of the services.

To review a sample of the FY2017 DHS contract/grant agreement, please visit the DHS

Website at

The agency awarded funds through this NOFO must further agree to comply with all applicable

provisions of state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual

harassment and equal employment opportunity including, but not limited to: The Illinois

Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.), The Public Works Employment Discrimination

Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.), The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC

2000a-and 2000H-6), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794), The

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq.), and The Age Discrimination

Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.). Additional terms and conditions may apply.

Indirect Cost Rate Requirements: In order to charge indirect costs to this grant, the applicant

organization must have an annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA).

Funding allocated under this grant is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is

expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of

the overall program budget and may NOT exceed 15% of the total program costs including

required match. Documentation will be required to verify the approved NICRA. Refer to

Section C. 3. This document for additional information regarding indirect cost rate


3. Reporting

A. The Provider will submit monthly expenditure documentation forms in the format

prescribed by the Department. The Expenditure Documentation forms must be submitted

no later than the 15th of each month for the preceding month by email.

B. The Provider will submit an annual program plan and a detailed program budget and

budget narrative to the Department as directed.


C. Monthly and quarterly data reports will be submitted by the 15th

of each month for the

preceding month.

D. Annual performance data will be collected as directed by the department and in a format

prescribed by the Department.

G. State Awarding Agency Contact(s)

Questions and Answers If you have questions relating to this NOFO, please send them via email to: with “CYEP NOFO - Karrie” in the subject line of the


Questions with their respective answers will be posted on the DHS website at Please click on the corresponding link to the right.

These FAQs will be posted with the other CYEP NOFO documents. The information in the FAQ

section may be updated periodically, so applicants are encouraged to check it frequently. Only

written answers posted on the website will be considered valid and official. Note: The final

deadline to submit any written questions regarding the CYEP NOFO will be October 4, 2016.


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application


Appendix A. Uniform State Grant Application

Appendix B. Program Contact Form

Appendix C. Subcontractor Contact Form

Appendix D. Subcontractor Information Form

Appendix E. Program Employment/Worksite Form

Appendix F. Service Delivery Site Form

Appendix G. Project Summary Worksheet

Appendix H. Program Data Collection & Reporting

Appendix I. Uniform Budget Template & Worksheet

Appendix J. Priority Service Areas

Appendix K. Spending Plan Form

This document as well as the Appendices and FAQs can also be found at or by emailing indicating “CYEP NOFO Forms Request”

in the subject line of the email if you experience accessibility issues.


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application




Attached/Linked file


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix B Program Contact Information- Grantee

Agency Name:







Agency Website:

Agency Director:








Project Manager/Coordinator:








Additional Program Contact:








Fiscal Contact:








Payroll Contact:








Report/Data Contact:









FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix C Program Contact Information- Subcontractor

Provide a form for each Subcontractor

Agency Name:







Agency Website:

Agency Director:








Project Manager/Coordinator:








Additional Program Contact:








Fiscal Contact:








Payroll Contact:








Report/Data Contact:









FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix D

Additional Subcontractor Information

Please include this form for EACH Subcontractor.

What is the amount of the subcontract?

Please provide a brief description (up to 500 words) of the services to be provided under the subcontract.

A copy of the Executed Subcontract Agreement is included in the Application Package (May include

current or draft if it will be a new agreement upon award execution)

A copy of Subcontract Budget and Narrative is included in the Application Package

(If more than one subcontract is utilized, please copy the form from above and paste HERE)


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix E Employer/Worksite Information

Employer Name: Is the provider a subcontractor?

□ Yes □ No

Worksite Name: If yes, provide the contract amount:






Worksite Supervisor Name: Title:




Designate CYEP Targeted Industries/Career Cluster(s) at this site:

Agricultural, Food & Natural Resources

Architecture & Construction Arts

Audio/Video Technology & Communications

Business Management & Administration Education & Training


Government & Public Administration Health Science

Hospitality & Tourism

Human Services Information Technology

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

Manufacturing Marketing

Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

Total number of Job Placements available at this site: __________

Below, please provide a breakdown of these job placements. If a job will be subsidized in whole or in part for a period of time, they should be listed

under “subsidized”. Only include jobs under “unsubsidized” if that job is totally unsubsidized. If a job is being subsidized in whole or in part with

funds other than these DHS grant dollars, please list in the “subsidized” section below and provide the specific detail in the narrative boxes below to indicate the subsidy source and to differentiate between Grant and other subsidized.


Total # of subsidized Job Placements Available: ________

Total # of Part-Time: _______ Part Time = ______ hours/week

Total # of Full-Time:_______ Full Time = ______ hours/week


Total # of unsubsidized Job Placements Available: ________

Total # of Part-Time: _______ Part-Time = ______ hours/week

Total # of Full-Time:_______ Full-Time = ______ hours/week

For each different position, please indicate the job title; brief description of duties; full-time or part-time; if the initial placement will be subsidized or unsubsidized; total wage rate; if subsidized, describe terms; and the total number of available placements for that job.

Provide a detailed description of the youth wage payment terms for this site including: wage amount, how wages will be paid and by whom, plan to

ensure subsidized jobs become unsubsidized, and how work will be tracked and reported to provider.

Describe the commitment made by this employer to providing long-term, sustained, unsubsidized employment for CYEP youth. Include numbers.

Performance Target: 100% of Job Placements will be expected as indicated above under “Total # Placements at Site”. How many of these youth are

projected to remain successfully employed from this site following program completion?

Signed Worksite Agreement included with application: Yes____ No ____

Draft or sample Worksite Agreement included with application: Yes____ No ____


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix F Service Delivery Site Information

Agency Name: Is the provider a subcontractor?

□ Yes □ No

Site Name:

If yes, provide the contract amount:






Site Supervisor/Contact Name: Title:




Designate CYEP Services Provided at this Site:

Case Management Activities

Supportive Services Illinois WorkNet Access/Internet Access

Life Skills Education

Conflict Resolution Skills Child Care Services


Transportation Career Employment Planning

Other (describe):

Trauma Services

Mental Health Services Anger Management Skills

Career Education Planning

Assessment Services World-Readiness Skills Training and Activities

Educational/GED Support Activities

Advocacy Services (Education, having disability, etc.) Individual/Family Counseling

Provide a brief description of services to be provided to CYEP enrolled youth at this site. Include the age group(s) targeted for services and if

they will be in-school or out-of-school youth, # of youth to receive each service, etc.

Estimate the number of youth to receive services through this site in FY17:


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix G

Project Worksheet Summary

Agency Name:








Projected Number of CYEP Youth enrolled:

In-School Youth: Out-of-School-Youth: Total:

Employer Name

# Part-







# Full-







# of Jobs

that will be


# of Jobs

that will



Average # of

Months Jobs will

be Subsidized






FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix H

Program Data Collection & Reporting

The following data elements must be collected on each youth, tracked and reported to the Department as

requested. The data elements below are not considered all-inclusive.

1. Total number of youth referred to the program.

2. Total number of youth referred to the program by DHS Local FCRC Office.

3. # & % of referred youth registered in Illinois workNet or other data system as directed by the


4. # & % of registered youth determined eligible for the program.

5. # & % of eligible youth accepted/enrolled into the program.

6. # & % of eligible FCRC referrals accepted/enrolled into the program

7. # of in-school youth enrolled in the program

8. # & % of in-school youth enrolled by eligibility criteria

A. National School Lunch Program / Free & Reduced Lunch Program

B. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

C. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

D. Other risk factors:

a. At risk of involvement or further involvement in the criminal or juvenile justice system,

including ex-offenders

b. At risk of involvement in the child welfare system

c. At risk of education failure (includes risk due to social conditions)

d. Youth with no work experience or a history of employment failure

e. Homeless youth

f. Youth with a disability

g. Family income does not exceed 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

9. # of out-of-school youth enrolled in the program

10. # & % of out-of-school youth enrolled by eligibility criteria

A. National School Lunch Program / Free & Reduced Lunch Program

B. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

C. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

D. Other risk factors:

a. At risk of involvement or further involvement in the criminal or juvenile justice system,

including ex-offenders

b. At risk of involvement in the child welfare system

c. Education (Dropped Out, Expelled, etc., no GED)

d. Youth with no work experience or a history of employment failure

e. Homeless youth

f. Youth with a disability

g. Family income does not exceed 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

11. # & % of enrolled youth completing an Illinois workNet pre-assessment evaluation.

12. # & % of enrolled youth completing an Illinois workNet pre & post Illinois workNet assessment


13. # & % of assessed youth demonstrating work readiness skills improvement. Considers total youth

enrolled in Illinois workNet completing a pre & post Illinois workNet assessment with those that

demonstrated improvement.

14. # & % of enrolled youth completing the 8 required activities in Illinois workNet.

15. # & % of youth successfully completing Illinois workNet requirements & demonstrating skills

improvement. Considers total youth enrolled in Illinois workNet completing a pre & post Illinois


workNet assessment that also completed all 8 required activities AND then considers those

demonstrating improvement through that assessment.

16. # & % of enrolled youth participating in career education activities utilizing Illinois Pathways strategies.

Considers total youth enrolled compared to youth participating in one or more Pathways activities.

17. # & % of youth completing career education activities utilizing Illinois Pathways strategies. Considers

youth participating in one or more Pathways activities that have documented completion of one or more


18. # & % of enrolled youth assessed for Supportive Services.

19. # & % of youth assessed for Supportive Services requiring one or more services.

20. # & % of youth requiring one or more Supportive Services actually receiving that service.

21. # & % of enrolled youth identified in # 8E & #10E above were connected to homeless services.

22. # & % of enrolled youth identified in # 8F & #10F above were connected to disability services.

23. # & % of enrolled youth with an individualized case plan developed.

24. # & % of youth with an individualized case plan completing 50% or more of case plan goals

25. # & % of youth with an individualized case plan completing 100% of case plan goals

26. # & % of enrolled youth participating in anger management and/or conflict resolution.

27. # & % of youth in #26 above demonstrating improved anger management and/or conflict resolution skills

by case closure.

28. # & % of enrolled youth participating in Life Skills Education.

29. # & % of youth in #28 above demonstrating increased Life Skills.

30. # & % of in-school (high school) enrolled youth participating in the program six months or longer.

31. # & % of youth in #30 above that were promoted to the next grade level and/or graduated.

32. # & % of in-school youth participating 6 months or longer that were considered “seniors”.

33. # & % of “seniors” in #32 above that graduated.

34. # of part-time subsidized initial job placements

35. # of part-time non-subsidized initial job placements

36. # of full-time subsidized initial job placements

37. # of full-time non-subsidized initial job placements

38. # & % of initial part-time subsidized job placements converted to non-subsidized

39. # & % of initial full-time subsidized job placements converted to non-subsidized

40. Total # of youth with a HS Diploma at enrollment.

41. Total # of youth with a GED at case enrollment.

42. # & % of out-of-school youth without a HS Diploma or GED at enrollment.

43. # & % of out-of-school youth re-engaged in education (HS or GED) at case closure; and % increase

compared to at enrollment.

44. # & % of enrolled youth with a HS Diploma at case closure; and % increase compared to at enrollment.

45. # & % of enrolled youth with a GED at case closure; and % increase compared to at enrollment.

46. Total # of youth enrolled in higher education program (includes technical/certificate) at enrollment.

47. # & % of enrolled youth enrolled in higher education program (includes technical/certificate) at case

closure; and % increase compared to at enrollment.

48. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 3 months or more

49. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 6 months or more

50. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 9 months or more

51. # & % of youth requiring a subsequent job placement

52. # & % of youth maintaining a subsequent job placement for 3 months or more

53. # & % of youth maintaining a subsequent job placement for 6 months or more

54. # & % of youth maintaining initial job placement for 9 months or more

55. # & % of enrolled youth in unsubsidized part-time job placement at case closure.

56. # & % of enrolled youth in unsubsidized full-time job placement at case closure.

57. # & % of enrolled non-DHS FCRC referred youth completing an application in ABE to determine

benefits/services eligibility.


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application




Attached/Linked file


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix J

Priority Service Areas

Grant funds will be used to address youth unemployment, poverty, and violence in Illinois’ most

needy communities. To this end, the Department has prioritized seven (7) counties with the highest

number of youth 16-24 currently receiving SNAP benefits.

Applications are encouraged and will be considered for services anywhere in the state, however, up

to 5 priority points, as identified below, will be awarded to applications that intend to serve youth in

communities within the following counties:

Priority Points = 5

Cook 34,861 active cases

Priority Points = 2

Winnebago 3,410 active cases

Will 3,206 active cases

Priority Points = 1

Lake 2,498 active cases

DuPage 2,281 active cases

St Clair 2,062 active cases

Peoria 2,038 active cases


FY 2017 CYEP NOFO Application

Appendix K

Spending Plan Form

In the table below, please project your anticipated monthly expenditures for the entire grant period.

These projections must be reasonable and justified by your implementation plan and timeline as

presented in your application. The Department understands that this is a projection and that actual

expenditures may vary. (Refer to “Program Requirements Section, O. Allowable Costs” for a

description of the categories identified below).


Projected Grant Expenditures







Contractual Total










top related