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APRE 2013

Agency for the Promotion of the European Research

Elena Giglio «Innovation in SME» &



National Contact Point

Space Weather Conference Florence, Oct. 22-24 2014.

Horizon 2020 SPACE Work Programme 2015


MISSION Promoting and supporting Italian participation to the EU

Research and Innovation programmes (R&I) Improve the “Quality” of the Italian participation in

European programmes for R&I.

Italian non-profit research organisation

1989 - created as a “Task Force” of the Ministry

of Education, University and Research

25 years of


[Institutional Interlocutors]

European Commission

European Parliament

Italian Representative

Office in Belgium

Programme Committees

Ministry of University

and Research


Ministry of Economic


Ministry of Agriculture,

Food and Forestry

Ministry of Environment,Protection of Land and Sea



Direct link with international stakeholders (European Institutions, liaison offices and research bodies , others)

Advocacy activities

Participation to EU events and information days (on their behalf, if needed!)

Meeting room!




To strengthen the cooperation at local level,

to provide tailored services responding to local needs





Emilia Romagna

Friuli Venezia Giulia (Trieste)

Friuli Venezia Giulia (Udine)








Sportello dello stretto

(R.Calabria - Messina)






6FP 7FP ~ 100 projects

~ 80 projects

~ 20 projects

International projects (as coordinator or partner)

H2020 Participation rules

Horizon 2020 LEIT- Space 2014- 2015

Focus on Key novelties in Horizon 2020

Excellent Science

European Research Council

Frontier research by the best individual teams

Future and Emerging Technologies

Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation

Marie Skłodowska Curie actions

Opportunities for training and career development

Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure)

Ensuring access to world-class facilities

Industrial Technologies

Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies

ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space

Access to risk finance

Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation

Innovation in SMEs

Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

Societal Challenges

Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy

Secure, clean and efficient energy

Smart, green and integrated transport

Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials

Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

Security society

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation

Science with and for society

Joint Research Center (JRC)

[Horizon 2020]


Rules for Participation: what’s new?

Covering all research programmes and funding bodies

Aligned to the Financial Regulation, coherent with other new EU Programmes.


2. ONE PROJECT - ONE FUNDING RATE. Maximum of 100% of direct costs (except

for actions close to market, where a 70% maximum will apply)

Indirect eligible costs: a flat rate of 20% of direct eligible costs


Excellence – Impact - Implementation

New approach to work programmes and calls

Types of action / funding rates

Countries eligible to receive funding General Annex A

• Horizon 2020 associated countries Check Funding Guide for up-to-date

information whether agreements are signed:


For Switzerland the agreement has been signed but only for Excellent Science (incl.

Marie Curie actions), ITER and EURATOM

•Third countries listed in General Annex A

•International European interest organisations

• EU-Member States

• The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the

MS: Anguilla, Aruba, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands,

Curaçao, Falkland Islands, French Polynesia, Greenland, Montserrat, New

Caledonia, Pitcairn Islands, Saba, Saint Barthélémy, Saint Helena, Saint Pierre

and Miquelon, SintEustatius, SintMaarten, Turks and Caicos Islands, Wallis

and Futuna .

Legal entities established in countries not listed in

Annex A and international organisations will only be

eligible for funding:

• If explicitly mentioned in the call text • When funding for such participants is provided for under a bilateral scientific and technological agreement or any other arrangement between the Union and an international organisation or a third country • When the Commission deems participation of an entity essential for carrying out the action funded through Horizon 2020

Further information available

There is a place for SPACE everywhere

Policy Context

• European Satellite Navigation Programmes (GALILEO, EGNOS)

• Copernicus Programme

• Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) Support Framework


• 2011 Commission Communication, “Towards a space strategy for

the EU that benefits its citizens”

• 2013 Commission Communication, “Releasing the potential for

growth of the space sector”

• Council Conclusions and EP Resolutions

• 2013 Commission Communication and associated European

Council Conclusions on Defence

Horizon 2020 Specific Programme

Navigation solutions powered by Europe

Work programme 2014 - 2015

Research Executive Agency (REA) Call handling, receipt of proposals, evaluation process, grant agreement

preparation, grant agreements signature, receipt of reporting, reviews,

payments, audits

European GNSS Agency (GSA)

Executive Agency for SMEs

(EASME) ex-Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation


Space Research implementation

• Protection of European assets in and from space (PROTEC) • Competitiveness of the European Space Sector (COMPET) • Earth Observation (EO)

• European Satellite Navigation Programmes (GALILEO)

• New SME instrument

Horizon 2020 Space Work Programme 2014

WP 2014 Space Weather

Scope: Exploratory work studying new ideas for data analysis and modelling of

space weather with a view to enhancing the performance of space weather

prediction. Proposals can cover the full range of space weather phenomena from the

solar cycle, flares and coronal mass ejections to the effects of the solar wind in the

near-earth environment and the evolution in between.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of

between EUR 2 and 4 million

Expected impact: Proposals are expected to deliver new insights into the

detailed processes that generate space weather. This should contribute to new

services able to predict, with a significantly higher precision than today, space

weather events affecting the Earth and the near Earth space environment.

Type of action: Research and innovation actions

Protection of European assets in and from space • Space Weather • Access technologies and characterisation for Near Earth Objects (NEOs)

CALL Type of action Total Budget Budget

suggested for proposal

Number proposal


PROTEC-1-2014 R&I action 8 M€ 2M - 4M

18 PROTEC-2-2014 R&I action 11

Central evaluations 08 June –03 July 2015

Closure Call 8 April 2011 Before the 8th

september 2015 Remote evaluations 11 May -05 June 2015

Horizon 2020 Space Work Programme 2015

Effects on

Ground Systems

EURISGIC – geomagnetically

induced currents in power


Ionospheric effects

AFFECTS – ionosphere,

impact on communications

POPDAT – database of

ionospheric waves


MISW – effects on GNSS

Global modelling

SWIFF – couplings at solar

surface, in space and at Earth

SOTERIA – better databases of

existing data & simulation


Atmospheric effects


thermosphere, better

tracking of space

objects in LEO

Effects on Spacecraft

SPACECAST – radiation belt, solar

energetic particles

SEPServer – SEP data and events

PLASMON – plasmasphere, radiation belt

COMESEP – coronal mass ejections,

solar energetic particles, geomagnetic storms

MAARBLE – ULF/VLF database,

radiation belt dynamics

SIDER – radiation shielding of composite


SPACESTORM – radiation belt, mitigation

of effects on satellites

Data exploitation

ECLAT – magnetosphere,

data mining & visualisation

HESPE – solar high-energy

data analysis

eHeroes – DB&models for

space exploration

SHOCK – plasma, kinetic modelling

SOLID – irradiance data & modelling

F-CHROMA – solar flares

The SME Instrument in HORIZON 2020

Themes for 2014-2015

• SME Instrument Phase 1: Status update after cut-off 18/06/2014

• SME Instrument Phase 1: Status update after cut-off 24/09/2014

SME Instrument Phase 2: Status update after cut-off 09/10/2014

2.666 proposals received (success rate: 6%)

1,944 proposals received

580 proposals received

SME Instrument: 6 lessons learnt from the first

1. Too much focused on the project and not enough on the business opportunity;

2. Not convincing when describing the company (you have to explain why your

company will succeed and not your competitor);

3. Not providing enough information on competing solutions;

4. Having a too low level of innovation, planning to develop a product that already

exists on the market;

5. Proposing just an idea without any concept for its commercialisation;

6. Just trying their luck (the SME Instrument is not a lottery!).

Good Practice in proposal writing

••• 35

Electronic Submission

Electronic Submission System accessed from the call page

• ECAS password

• PICs for all partners

• Prepare proposal,

• On-line for Part A structured part

• Upload Part B - pdf file(s)

• Submit the proposal!

• Validation checks

• Complete submission, before the 17h00 deadline!!

Put yourself in the shoes of the experts!!!! 1) Understand the work programme topic and address its essential spirit

o A proposal fully out of scope is ineligible

o A proposal partially out of scope will score low

2) Respect requirements and instructions in the work programme (e.g. maximum

amount of requested EU funding, SME participation) and in Guide for Applicants (e.g. page limits).

3) Proposers need to convince the evaluation experts

o They are under time pressure during both the individual evaluation and the consensus meeting (logistical and financial constraints).

o Make it easy for them to find the answers in your proposals to the questions (see Guides for Applicants) they have to answer to assess the proposal against the evaluation criteria.

o They must justify their marks, give them evidence. Don’t let them guess.

o Avoid inconsistencies in the proposal to make a good impression

o Evaluators are instructed to look at the substance, not the presentation, but a careful presentation helps

Proposal Preparation - Part B: General

Check List: Does the planned work fit with the call for proposals?

Is the application for the right funding scheme?

Is the proposal eligible?

Does the proposed work raise ethical issues?

Does the proposal follow the required structure?

Befor Submission:

• Agreement with all members of the consortium to submit the proposal?

• Part B in pdf?

• Familiarity with SEP?

• Validated and submitted the last version?

1.1 Concept and objectives GOOD PRACTICE:

Address the key questions:

o Why? What problem are you trying to solve?

o What is the European added value?

o Is it a European priority?

o Why now?

o Why you? Best consortium?

o Is the project realistic from a scientific viewpoint? Which risks?

Start with a single high level objective that will help the evaluator to immediately relate the proposal to the topic of the call

What is the evaluator looking for? Quickly understand what the proposal is about, objective, scope and

relevance to the call (Abstract & beginning of first section)

Project Idea matches with the call – refer to the call text and expected

impacts listed in the work programme

Support/help and useful links •Participant Portal

• H2020 video: how to apply?

• International cooperation

• DG Enterprise & Industry – SPACE Research

• Focus on SPACE Weather


Elena Giglio

National Contact Point


APRE Via Cavour, 71 00184 - Roma Tel. (+39) 06-48939993 Fax. (+39) 06-48902550

Thank you!

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