african kings mansa musa and sundiata keita rulers of the mali empire

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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African Kings Mansa Musa and Sundiata Keita Rulers of the Mali Empire. What is the Mali Empire?. The Mali Empire was a West African empire of the Malinke (also called Mandinka and Madingo) which lasted from 1230 CE – 1600 CE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


African KingsMansa Musa and Sundiata Keita

Rulers of the Mali Empire

What is the Mali Empire?

● The Mali Empire was a West African empire of the Malinke (also called Mandinka and Madingo) which lasted from 1230 CE – 1600 CE

● The Mali Empire had a series of rulers, but the two most important rulers were Sundiata Keita who created the Mali Empire and Mansa Musa who helped the Mali Empire prosper in wealth.

● Who were the Malinke? The Malinke are members of a people of Madingo affiliation widespread in the western part of Africa


How The Mali Empire started

● The Mali Empire developed from a small state named Kangaba which was ruled by Sundiata Keita.

● The Mali Empire was actually established in 1235 when Sundiata Keita defeated the Susu and their king Sumanguru Kante



Who was Sundiata KeitaAlso called Sundjata Kyeta, Mari Djata I, and

Sogolon Djata

● Sundiata Keita was born in Niani, Kangaba in 1210

● Importance: Sundiata is for leaving his country of Kangaba in fear of being killed by his brother and then returned to defeat the Susu and their leader Sumanguru Kante.

● After defeating Sumanguru he established the Mali Empire and became the first emperor

● He died in 1260 at the age of 60 due to drowning while crossing Sankarani River.



The Mali Empire

● Main Religion: The prominent religion of the Mali Empire was Islam, but there were other religions such as Christianity.

● Economy: The emire was very important in the cross-Saharan since it had many valuable resources

● Resources: Gold and Salt

Why the Mali Empire prospered

● The #1 reason for Mali becoming wealthy was there well-developed agriculture.

● Another reason why the empire was wealthy was the empire's importance in the regional and trans-Saharan trade routes which allowed the empire to gain access to other materials.

● It also had control of the gold and copper trades and the possesion of the gold fields of the Niger headwaters.

● Bulliet.(2005).Earth and its people

The Major Religion of the Mali Empire

● The main and most practiced religion of the Mali Empire is Islam

● The ruler who endorsed Islam and really was a devoted Muslim was Mansa Musa who helped spread Islam throughout the whole entire empire.

● There were other small such as the belief which is animistic religion but, the main religion was Islam

Who was Mansa MusaAlso called Musa I

● Mansa Musa was the tenth mansa which means kings of kings.

● We don't know when he was born since we have not found any records of his birthdate

● Mansa Musa's main importance in the Mali Empire was making the Mali Empire wealthy and his trip to Mecca

● He died in 1337 of natural causes

Mansa Musa’s trip to Mecca

● On his way to Mecca in 1324 he brought with him his senior wife, 500 of her ladies in waiting and their slaves, 60,000 porters, a vast caravan of camels carrying supplies and provisions, 80 packages of gold each weighing 122 ounces and 500 slaves each carrying a golden staff.

● Mansa Musa brought so many gifts that when he passed through Cairo the value of gold remained low for years

The Mali Empire after Mansa Musa

● The Mali Empire was still wealthy even after Musa died.

● Before Musa died he established many Quranic schools and built new mosques which made Islam become a very widespread religion in the Mali Empire

● It was after the Mansa Suleiman died when things started to break down

The decline of the Mali Empire

● After Mansa Suleiman died the rulers after him could not handle the empire and rule it effectively.

● Since the rulers couldn’t control the empire rebellions broke out between the diverse and the conquered people began to take their lands back

● By the time it became 1500 the empire had been reduced to the Malinke heartland.


Mansa Musa 100

What is Mansa Musa's religion





The correct answer is:B) Islam

Mansa Musa 200

In what year did Mansa Musa make his pilgrimage to Mecca and how long was the pilgrimage?

A)1343-1345, 2 years

B)1320-1321, 1 year

C)1312-1313 1 year

D)1324-1325 1 year

The correct answer is: D) 1324-1325, 1year

Mansa Musa300

● When Mansa Musa start his reign of the Mali Empire





The correct answer is:D)1312

Mansa Musa400

● What was the main importance of Mansa Musa

A)He is responsible showing the world Mali's great wealth and making the empire successful

B)He was responsible for conquering many lands

C)He is known for executing many people in the empire because of their religion

D)He is not important

The answer is: A)He is responsible showing the world Mali's great

wealth and making the empire successful

Mansa Musa500

● Why was Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca so important?

A)It showed that he was following his religion and that he was a devoted muslim.

B)It showed how prosperous the Mali Empire was and helped other countries' economies thrive

C)It allowed him to show that he was an effective a good ruler

D)All of the above

The answer is:D) All of the Above

Sundiata Keita100

What was Sundiata also called

A)Sunjata Kyeta

B)Mari Djata

C)Sogolon Djata

D)All of the above

The answer is:D)All of the above

Sundiata Keita200

On what year was did Sundiata Keita establish the Mali Empire





The answer is:D) 1235

Sundiata Keita300

Where was Sundiata born

A)Niani, Kangaba

B)Timbuktu, Mali


D)Great Zimbabwe

The answer is:A) Niani, Kangaba

Sundiata Keita400

Which king did Sundiata defeat in order to take over the Ghana Empire


B)Ibn Battuta



The answer is:C)Sumanguru

Sundiata Keita500

What was the cause of death for Sundiata and when did it happen

A)Killed in war in 1236

B)Drowning in the Sankarani River in 1260

C)Assasination in Mecca in 1252

D)Hanged by the people in 1245

The answer is:B) drowning in the Sankarani River

Mali Empire100

What is the major religion of the Mali Empire





The answer is:D) Islam

Mali Empire200

What were the two main resources of the Mali Empire

A)Gold and Salt

B)Gold and Copper

C)Copper and Salt

D)Salt and Bronze

The answer is:A) Gold and Salt

Mali Empire300

Who were the people who ruled the Mali Empire




D)All the Above

The answer is:D) All of the above

Mali Empire400

What helped the Mali Empire become proseperous and wealthy

A)Control of the major trade routes and a well devloped agriculture

B)Sophisticated military and good access to raw materials

C)Large amounts of gold and control of the Niger River

D)All of the above

The answer is:A) Control of the major trade routes

and a well developed agriculture

Double Double JeopardyJeopardy

Mali Empire500

Why did the Mali Empire disintegrate and fall?

A)Rebellions broke out among the diverse people

B)Other groups from the outside attacked the Mali Empire

C)The rulers after Mansa Musa were not able to rule the empire effectively.

D)All of the above

The answer is:D) All of the above

Units 1-3100

When did the Roman Empire collapse

A)180 CE

B)476 CE

C)520 BCE


The answer is:B) 476 CE

Units 1-3200

What is a city-state

A)A ruling power in the world

B)A self-governing urban center

C)a river valley civilization

D)None of the above

The answer is:B) a self-governing urban center

Units 1-3300

Who created the cuneiform





The answer is:B) Sumerians

Units 1-3400

What was the name of a series of wars fought by the Greeks and the Persians

A)Persian Wars

B)Spartan revolt

C)Peloponnesian War

D)Hellenistic Age

The anwser is:A) Persian Wars

Units 1-3500

What was the main cause for the fall of the Han Empire

A)The continuation of the military along the frontier hurt Han’s finances and worsened the economy

B)The empire was almost burned to the ground

C)The Han Empire did not fall

D)The military left Han unprotected and they were conquered.

The anwser is:A) The continuation of the military

along the frontier hurt Han’s finances and worsened the economy


The Question

● According to the presentation I gave you answer this question

● Name the three main points that helped the Mali Empire prosper

● The answers are:● The effective rulers in the beginning of the

empire, especially Mansa Musa and Sundiata Keita

● The well developed agriculture and good control of the trade routes

● Very good access to resources such as gold and salt.

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